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Our Washington Letter
Washington, D. C.,
July 26, 1915.
The Lader-Enterprise,
Fitzeerald, Ga.,
Dear Editor:
ll attempt to write you a letter
on the political situation at the
present time. I now look for three
oreat political parties, the Demo
©rats, and the Republicars and the
Prohibition. Moral party as I call
tt. The two old parties, the Re
publicans and the Democrats have
been the great dominating piwers
iz United States politics for the
{ast fifty years, The several oth
er parties have beeu a draw back
to one of the other parties. Now
the prohibition party. with one
balf of our natiooal territory
dry. The prohibitionist heretofore
has pever stood to the party, from
the fact that they thought there
wouldn’t be any chance for the
‘party to win out, but the time has
come, that the prohibition party
are again in confidence in their
party winning out. With the great
campaign matters that has been
sent out by Congressman Hobson
of Alabama all over the United
States, it has opened the eyes of
millions of people and shown then:
what prohibition will mean to the
American people 1n an economical
way and to the morals of our
A merican people, Every man and
woman that has studied the great
guestion of prohibition knows
what it means to the American
people, and if the prohibition par
&y puts such a man out as Wilson
or W. J. Bryan, with all the Anti
siloon leagues behind them, they
will make the two other parties
suand up and take notice. Now
there is one way in my judgment
that the two great parties can eli
minate the prohibition party.
That is for ore or both of these
parties to put in the prohibiton
plank in their platform. Then the
main issue will be made on the
Cariff and prohibition plank in
their platform. ‘Then the main
issue will be made on the tanff
and prohibition question. Tne
great difference now in the Re
publican party and the Demoratic
party is the tariff, The Republi
<an party wants a high tariff, the
Democratic party want a low tariff.
The Democrats claim that it pro
tects agricultural indussries and
the consumers, the Republican
party claims that the high tariff
Pprotects our American industries
aod high wages, In these two con
teations I have never been able to
analyze the difi'e}ence, but I have
always thought that everything
that was taken fiom the earth that
God c‘eated for man should be free
“o man, woman, and child, be
cause it is created for man’s glory
and usefulness and man was creat
-ed for God’s glory and His spirit
+ual welfare, Now the prohibition
Jparty sees a fighting chance in the
d 9.6 campaign. If a chance to
«¢lect a prohibition President the
srohibition Democrats and the
@rohibition Republicans will leave
ghe two old parties, and join the
prohibition party. Take the Chris-i
&ian church going people they are
opposed to the liquor traffic from‘
whe facts they want to better the
«conditions of the American peoplel‘
doth financially and morally and
make this the banner government
«f the world, and want to be rec
wyguzed by all pations as an ex
ample of the highest standard of
citizenship, being the geratest na
~ion of the universe,
Now in the warring conditions
what hangs over our American peo
ple there is a great deal of excite
ment at the present time. I find
that there are a great many of
our American citizens who are
afraid that the United States will
be eventually brought into the war
I don’t believe that we will. lam
standing on the powers and wis
dom of our President. Although
his last note was very firm and to
the point in regard to the situation
between Germuny and Americs,
We are having delightful weu
ther in Washington.
Very truly yours,
Capt. D. B. Mull.
——that is not Vainglorious
RIDE in perfecting the
' PProduct.
Pride in Achievement
won, step by steP, through frank
and fair means only.
Pride in the maintenance of a
high standard of Quality—in a repu
tation for Rehability——DEPEl\FD-
AßlLlTY—and “the Square Deal”
at all times. :
The B. F. Goodrich Co. has
been making history in the Rubber
Industry, for more than 45 years.
It has always been the Leader!
It has almost never had a
“Boom,” or the reaction that fol
lows Boom.
It has been Conservative in all
its moves—never Experimenting at
its Customers’ Expense, yet never
lagging behind first place ia the
It has been the Pioneer in
nearly all great Improvements made
in the Working of Rubber.
And, it has grown sfeadily,
surely, as well as stupendously, until
the largest Rubber Factory in the
World today, is that of The B. F.
‘Goodnch Co. at Akron, O.
The Operations of this Factory
require, and utilize, more than 75
Acres of Floor Space, and The B.F.
Goodrich Co. frequently employs
more than 15,000 people. ;
e ©
O other Rubber Factory
in the World buys so
much Crude Rubber,
manufacturing as it does more than
90,000,000 Ibs. of Rubber Goods
It pays one-sixth of all the Taxes
in the City of Akron, which City has
15 other Rubber Concerns, and more
than 100,000 Population.
Some of its “White Anchor”
Fire Hose, made 'way back in 1884
(30 years ago), is still doing good
service, becaise of the Precision Prin.
ciple and Quality Ambition that lie
behind all Goodrich Co. products.
Every day in the year, on aver
age, the operations of The B. F.
Goodrich Co. result in its receiving
more than 30,000 pieces of Mail,
and more than 350 Telegrams.
It manufactures 284 Classes of
Rubber Goods.
. ..Some of these Classes sub
divide into large businesses.
Thus it makes 100 kinds of
Rubber Hose, 11 kinds of Rubber
Tubing, 8 kinds of Insulated and
other wire, etc.
Every day, on avera%f‘a, The
B. F. Goodrich Company Factory
manufactures :
—6O Miles of Insulated Wire.
—l4 Miles of Rubber Hose.
5 Miles of Rubber Belting.
Christian Endeavor
Prayer Meeting
Central Christian Church
Aug. 1 Tpm
Leader—Miss Annie Mannooch.
Topic—Little Every Day Kind
Duet—Mrs. J, M. Davis and
Mrs. Green.
Comparison between Candle
Lights and Kindness—Miss Ida
Bible Talks on Kindness, Ist
Mrs. Maldoon, 2nd Miss Dorothy
Church, 3rd Miss Helen Patterson,
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ARG h\\\ Made as always, \
N R ;-_\\f —the same reli- N\
NE iNR \t\m% able Construction, N\
"?E\'\\}‘%\“\' X \\\ “\\4{ the same depend. RN\
SFU NN NN able Service— N
R B W N\ without anything N
PR A A AT AN \ whatever tzken N
*\§ RR ‘ N out of Quality, no \
EE NIB N NP\ matter what re- \
.\'\\;\\i\\%\:‘- N § ductions in List- \
? g,“-jg z N Price are ever \
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':f:“\\ By \\:\“ jf\_,\; Sy X §::\
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SRR Yt /
Only 5% Plus for this Best
Non-Skid Tire
Note following comparative prices. “A” “B,” “C”
and “D” represent four Widely-Sold Non-Skid Tires:
Size Safety ] o st m——————
V Tl‘eld IIA” JIB” .lc’. “Dl’
30x3 $9.45 |510.55 | $10.95 | $16.35 | $lB.lO
30x3% | 12.20 1335] 1420 21.70 | 23.60
32x3% | 14.00 1540 1630} 2285 25.30
34x4 20.35 2230} 23.80| 31.15} 3355
36x43% | 28.70 32.15] 33.60| 41.85| 4140
37x5 33.90 3980 | 41.80| 4985 | 52.08
Scripture Lesson—Miss Ruby
How can we Show Kindness in
the Home?—Miss Cora Babb.
Roll call answering with a verse
of scripture from Proverbs.
Recitation—Miss Mary Cren
Sentence Prayers: For Self-con
trol—Miss Annie Mannooch; for
the Spirit of Service Miss Jese
phine Kircher; for Sympathy Mus.
L. A. Turper; for Gentleness Mrs,
Parrot followed by others.
Song by the ladies.
Give some example where the
motto (Overcome Evil With Gcod)
—12,000 Battery Jars for Elec
tric Cars, etc.
—Conveyor Belts that measure
as much as five feet wide and weigh
more than 3674 pounds each.
—A Hard Rubber Dept. that
alone employs more than 500 men.
All this in addition to its other
Departments and the 21 kinds of
Ruxlj)ber Tires it makes exclusive of
the “Goodrich Safety > Tread Auto
e 8
HIS Volume of Rubber
Buying, Manufacturing
and Selling, with the
corresponding reduction of Over
head Expense when divided over
so many classes, is what gives to
the Goodrich Factory the lowest
Cost for Tire Manufacturing of the
highést Grade.
Thz Responsitility to so many
lines of Daalers and Consumers, in
soo many lines of Trade, is what
makes it so zealous in guarding the
Quality and Value of each Preduct
that bears the Goodrich name—so
slow to launch new things wuntil
thoroughly tested—<co keen to make
Success sure and continuous, rather
than dramatic and transient.
And of all these Goodrich
Products, that which best expresses
the measure of our capacity, our
Experience and Good-faith is the
Goodrich Safety-Tread Tire.
It does this through giving the]
greatest Mileage and Resilience in!
the field, at the feirest Cost, per;
Mile, to Users.
‘ ] 2
HEN you Test these
Goodrich Safety-Tread
Tires, and compare
with others of considerably higher‘
price, you will then understand our|
Pride in Goodrich Standards and
Ideals. :
. . —A pride which results inGood
rich Tires being made better each
year than they have ever been, and
improved with each month’s output.
The Goodrich Safety-Tread
Tire today gives more Mileage than
our own (or any other) plain-Tread
Tire, with only about 5% more Cost
to us and about 5% more price to
you than that of our Plain Tread.
. This, in line with Goodrich Co.
Policy—which is to base its charges
only on its low Manufacturing Cost,
no matter how much more price could
be obtained for the greater efficiency
it develops from same materials.
Pride which results in this,
concerns YOUR Pocketbook.
Akron, Ohio
bas worked—Mrs. A. L, Bryant,
Mrs, W. L. Andrews, Miss Nan
nie Peavy, Miss Nora Johnson,
Miss Bulah Gricer, Miss Rosalie
Patterson, Mrs, J. M. Griner.
Announcement. Mizpah.
Note—All Ecdeavorers who are
unable to attend please serd a
verse of scripture if possible, to
be read in response to your name
at roll call.
I'o Drive Out Malaria
And Build Up The System
Take the Old Standard GROVE'’S
TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know
what you are taking, as the formula is
printed on every label, showing it is
Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form.
The Quinine drives out malaria, the
Iron builds up the system. 50 cents
St, Matthew’s Epis.
copal Church,
Ninth Sunday after Trinity.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Holy comuunion and sermon 11
Subject: “‘Different Phases of
God’s Love.”
Evening Prayer and sermon 8
o’clock. “The Dynamics of Chris
Everybody welcome.
J. W, Bleker, Vicar,
The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head
Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA
TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary
Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor
ringing in‘head., Remember the full name and
look for the signature of E. W, GROVE, 25¢,