Newspaper Page Text
o eeeeTeelelelelTlel T Tl Tl A T T N d S 1 T TNSTSTTTN TN NN N Y
Big Clearance Sale
Prices Will Continue All This Week
Tuesday 10th
Large Huck Towels
65c doz
Bleached Table Napkins
29c doz
All Crepe Dress Goods
1-2 price
Society News Notes
“The Grand”
Afternoons and Evenings
3:00 to 10:30 p. m.
Children under 10 FREE After
noons when accompanied by parents
or Guardian
(The Crown of Death)
: (Comedy)
.. Drama, featuring
Mary Fuller
- OUT”--Csmedy
Wednesday and Saturday
~ Pathe’s Weekly
Mr. L. L. Grubbs, of Atlanta, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Ackerman in the city. Mr. Acker
man is a cany manufacturer in the
capital city and is thinking about
moving his establishment to Fitz
Mr. Carl - Williamson returned
from his vacation at Commerce,
where he has been visiting home
folks. : ;
A letter received in this city from
Mr. Chambless states that he is
spending the summer at Ashville,
N. C., and that his health is some
what more encouraging. Mrs.
Chambless and daughter will join
him to spend the summer in the
mountains of North Carolina.
Plenty Hay wire found at
Dodd Supply Co.
The Misses Bessie and Lulu Smith
leave this afternoon for Lucy Lake,
where they will spend ten days at
a house party given b, Miss Stella
Hardy of Tifton. -
We Can Fix It
| “The Bicycle Man”
213 S. Grant. Second Hand Motocycles
1-4 off---All L.ow Cut Shoes in Stock---1-4 off
$l.OO House Dresses
Dr.G. W .McLean
Rooms 512-513. PHONE 438,
Garbutt-Donovan Building
Fifth Floot
Sunday by Appointment
66 j ”»
Charlie Chaplin will be
seen in, “HIS MUSICAL
CAREER”—aIso 3 recls
of other good pictures
Featuring Elsie Janis,
the remarkable comedi
enne in § parts.
Mrs. W. J Bryant and Miss Euala
Evans leave to-morrow for Wrights
ville Beach, N. C, to spend about
three weeks. They will be accom
panied home by Mrs. G. H. Bryant
and daughters, Minola and Bessie,
who have been spending the sum
mer there.
Cotton Picking Sheets--
Dodd Supply Co.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G Pryer, Sr., re
turned from a brief visit to Florida
Oifice 403 Fourth Floor
Five Story Building
S ————— e
Wednesday 11th
Men’s Palm Beach Suits
Men’s Palm Beach Pants
All Wool Suits
1-2 price
. A g .\..‘{;—_\ ' 7 .
Aoe v -
- E \"i““'}fi %\ 2
. i LLS IT £ @
et Sl LESS
Attention, W. R. C.!
There will be a meeting of the
Woman's Relief Corps at their hall
Tuesday, Aug. 17 at 2p.m. All
members are requested to be pres
ent to make final arrangements for
the Campfire on Wednesday eve
ning. . A
Pocketbook Lost Saturday
f Lost between Pine and Sheridan
‘and the Lee-Grant Hotel or the Lu
‘laville road, my pocket book contain
ing $46. The finder will please re
'turn the same as this is all the
' money that I had.
i J. Scorr Brown,
i Confederate Veteran.
| Mrs. J. R. Brown
! Mrs. J, R. Brown, who has been a
|suffersr at her home on Winona
| Heights, passed away Saturday and
(was laid to rest Sunday aftemoon%
'in Evergreen cemetery. We are
iwithout further particulars,
| Plenty Hay wire found at
' Dodd Supply Co.
Mrs. Latham and daughters,
Misses Estelle and Julia, returned
to their home in Macon yesterday
after a delightful visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Marcus Luke.
Messrs. J. C. Cone and H. B. Scar
let, of Cordele, spent Sunday in the
Mrs. M. E. Ellers and son, Ray
mond, returned Saturday night from
St. Petersburg, where they spent
six or seven weeks very delightfully.
Mrs. Ellars comes back greatly re
freshed from her seashore trip and
is now ready to take up her duties
as teacher in the city schools.
Use Nitrate Soda for
young cotton and peas,
Dodd Supply Company,
Mr. R. J. Prentiss returned from
Jacksonville Sunday. ‘
Mr. A. D. Daniel, of the A.B. & A.,
returned to Atlanta Saturday. Mr.
Daniel will spend several days in
North Georgia this week in the in
terest of the Confederate Reunion.
A special train will leave Macon
Monday to convey the Confederate
veterans to Fitzgerald. The train
will arrive in Fitzgerald about 3:50
P. M.
Chief O, V. Meridith returned
from the Police Chief convention at
Macon Saturday night. The Chief
was delighted with the entertain
ment received in the Central city.
Plenty Hay wire found at
Dodd Supply Co.
R. V. Handley is prepairing to
open his cotton gin to the public
this week.
'Mr. McCarty off to Market
i Mr. McCarty has gone to the
iEastern markets to buy the fall
and winter stock for McCarty,
Johnstone Co. He first goes to
Cleveland where he will stay 3
or 4 days in the Wooltex factory
buying the well known line of
ladies Wooltex Suits and Coats,
then on to New York, after stop
ping one day at Buffalo and
Niagara Falls.
Mr. McCarty states that their
new store being so much better
arranged and so much more space
devoted to ladies goods, he is go
ing to feature ladies ready-to
wear stronger than ever and the
buying public can now depend on
them having the correct things
at the right price as usual butl
will have a much larger assort-{
Use Nitrate Soda for
young cotton and peas.
Dedd Supply Company.
Mr. Tike Pope left yesterday
for Gadsten, Ala., for a few days
visit to his brother, Alex Pope.
Mr. Nick Pope returned home
Friday from a business trip to
Mr and Mrs.C.E Brower leave
Tuesday for Cnicago , Denver,
Yellow Stone Park, Colorado
Springs, Los Angles and San
Francisco. They will be away
about one month.
Mrs. J. H.Barnes and children
returned to their home in Bruns
wick Suuday after spending
some time here visiting her
mother Mrs. J. H. Shaffer.
Capt. John W, Price of Brox
ton is in the city to-day in the
interest of the Confederate Vet
eran’s Re-union. Capt. Price is
commander of a cavalry division
and will have his comrades
mounted for the parade.
We request all of our country
friends,who are fortunate enough
toown a horse or gentle mule
‘and a saddle, to bring them to
town August 17th for the use of
the calvary division of the Con
federate Veterans during the
parade. Mr.J. G. Williams,of the
committee will glady have them
cared for at his stables on- that
day. So bring them in by 8 A. M,
- We want to see every business
‘house and residence properly
‘decorated during the reunion. A
!few flags and a little bunting
iwill make the city look more
I attractive.
~ Mrs. Annie Hendrix left for a
|few weeks visit with relatives at
Any Straw Hat in Stock
Any Ladies Hat
$5.00 Dresses
Georgia Tech is educating young men for positions of
usefulness, responsibility, and powerin industrial and business life.
Its graduates are trained to do as well as to know. Their success
is the school’s greatest asset. Thorough courses in Mechanical,
Electrical, Civil, Textile and Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Architecture
and Commerce. New equipment, including a $200,000 Power Station
and Engineering Laboratory for experimental and research work.
For catalog address 5 :
(RN R g
Miss King Entertains
A very delightful evening was
spent at the home of Miss Sarah
King last Friday evening in honor
of her attractive guest, Miss Jewel
Gednings, of Nashville.
Delicious fruit punch was served
as the guests entered.
The lawn was beautifully decora
ted with Japanese lanterns. |
Progressive conversation was in
indulged in throughout the evening,
At a late hour a delicious cream
and cake was served by the hostess
assisted by Miss Clara Britt,
Those invited were Misses Jewel
Geddings, of Nashville; Willie Roy
als; of Shellman; Ora Restess, of
Nichols; Mary Eve \Martin, Ida
Handley, Pauline Bowles, Clara
White, Ola May Martin; Ada Hand
ley, Bessie Harper, Emmie V. Patte
sol, Mertie McDonald, Hattie Wiedes
man, Elsie Tisdel, Nancy Lott, Bes
sie Huff, Clara Britt, Dora Mat
thews, Emmie and Mayme Mash
burn, and Messrs. Ned Royal, Ever
ette Martin, Edgar Patterson, Duglas
Frazer, Elmer Martin, Dewey
Achord, Frank Holder, Ossie James,
Robert Fretwell, Ralph Vaughn and
‘Tom Wiedman.
The ginneries of the Fitzgerald
Cotton Oil Mill are being opened to
the public this week. The company
has made considerable addition to
their plant and are in prime shape
to handle the business of their cus
tomers, i
The Union ginnery has been kept
busy the past week ginning cotton,
as their plant was the only one
ready for operation with the opening
of the season.
Moultrie’s colored population came
to town this noon on a special traip,
filling East Pine Avenue to over
Mrs. M. T. Redman, of Savannah,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W, E.
Adams of South Giant street.
Dr. George Fussell of Rebecca
spent yesterday with his parents
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Fussell.
50c Underwear
All persons riding bicycles in
the city of Fitzgerald must con
form to the regular rules of traffic
by going to right, stoping to right
and in every way following the
regular rules governing Automo
biles and other vehicles. I would
insist on the Mothers and Fathers
of the City to instruct their chil
dren when sent out on Bicyecles to
keep close to the right sidewalk
line, by so doing they will never
come in contact with any moving
auto or other vehickles, )
I would nke to advise further
for the protection of the public
generally and especially the peo-~
ple who walk the streets, not to
cross any street only at regular
crossings, No person driving an
Automobile or other vehicle
expects ‘a‘man to step out in the
regular line of traffic other than
at regular side walk crossings,
The traffic governing automo
biles and other vehicles are as
nearly perfect as it is possible to
make it, and I am proud to sa:v
Fitzgerald can boast of the best
governed city along this line in
the state of (ieorgia, Out of town
people coming in to Fitz, dont
have to be told. they can see it on
every hand and can taste it in the
Air, .
b I Strickland,
Traflic Officer.
Mr. Carl Fellers of the First
National leaves Wednesday for
his home at Prosperity, S. C.,
for a two weeks visit with his
Mrs. C. M. Wise leaves Wed
nesday for Hendersonville, N.
C., to look after the comfort of
Judge C, M. Wise, who is still
confined at a sanitarium in that
Majorie and Francis Denmark
left this morning for a weeks
visit with their grandmother,
Mrs, Denmark at Valdosta,