The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, August 11, 1915, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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fficial Organ Ben Hill County,
Total vote cast 805.
For Mayor—
j Drew W. Paulk.... .. .. .. 598
L 0 hedel . 104
For Treasurer—
#.John W. 8ea11......... ... 291
" "G. P. Mingledorf_ ... 498
W., L. and B. Commission—
O F Rioker-.. ... . 805
For Alderman at Large—
Roamwn . . . 460
w R ane
Raymond Davis. ... . 243
< J.H Dorminey... .. 501
LLGEe. ... .- 4
oM dee. .o A
el Jones. ;... . 98
S LPitemen. ... . . . 465
Durp Stoles, ... 284
A I Thurmond.. ... . 354
"Board of Education—
g ETaer o .
Natod Beall.. ... -
3T Lisle } 805
Lo uUthomme. ... oo .
Five Hurt When
‘ Auto Hits Wagon
Waycross, Ga., Aug. 9.—Five
persons were painfully injured
and five others badly jarred when
an automobile and a wagon col
lided early tonight on the Wares
boro road, three miles from Way
cyoss. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Taylor and child were bruised,
‘Dr. W. R. Thomas was cut by
glass from the windshield, and
Orlando Blaloch, who was in the
automobile with him, was thrown
twenty feet by the force of the
collision and bruised about the
face and body. Mrs. Taylor suf
fered more from the accident
than any of the others and is the
only one who required medical
attention. The automobile’ was
pearly driven into a ditch in an
effort to avoid the collision with
the wagon which was occupying
the center of the road.
Lost or Stolen
My watch at the swimming pool.
One open face Howard watch, size
16, case number 103887; number of
movement 309545. Suitable reward
will be paid for its return or infor
mation leading to recovery.
V Tep Myers,
tf Empire Store.
Mrs. Sallie Lott and daughter,
Miss Eunice, motored down from
Douglas yesterday and spent the
day with Mr. and Mrs, Marcus Luke.
Visit the Shoe Dept.--Ladies White, Tan and Fancy Oxfords 1-3 bff:Black Oxfoflra;f’rlmps 10% off-Mens Low Cuts 10 %»
sece - Lveryday at the Empire!
nd l’lo(;r. 1-g2 off Mlllme;;',l)resses,Sllk eSuitgs! ;
White Skirts I-4 off. Special Dresses at 98¢ and $1.98
: Every $3 worth of cash purchases at the Empire and fifte;n other stores, entitle you to free admission
Free! TleetS to the Grand‘ F r ee! to zhe Grand. Coupons from every other store can be combined in getting admission tickets!
The People Should Learn
To Discriminate
Editor, Fitzgerald Enterprise,
Fitzgerald, Georgia,
My Dear Sir:
I have read with much interest
your editorial entitied ‘‘Tamper
ing with Human Lite.” You are
perfectly right in your criticisms
of public urderstanding of health
topics. In the last sentence of
your editorial, you say, ‘lt would
seem to us that the medical socie
ties would see to it that a bunch of
crooks couldn’t prey on the ignor
ance and credulity of the public.”
Have you stopped to consider what
would happen to the medical
societies 1f they attempted to en
fr%rce the medical practice acts in
the different states fof the protec
tion of the people? They would
immediately be attacked as trying
to create or maintain a ““medical
trust” or ‘*medical monopoly” and
would be accused of selfish motives
in trying to put out of business
ignorant fakirs'and charlatans who
are preying on the public health
and prosperity.
This isn’t any imaginary state
ment. It has happened hundreds
of times all over the country un
til the medical organizations have
gotten tired of being suspected
and accused of such motives when
they were trying to protect the
people from the worst kind of
swindlers and harpies, In fact,
the organized medical profession
has about come to the conclusion
that it is impossible to attempt the
punishment of these fakirs until
the people have come to have
enough knowledge of modern
scientific medicine and enough con
fidence in educated medical men
to treat these imipostors the same
way that fakirs and crooks in all
other lines are treated, but this
movement must come from the
public rather than from physicians,
Yery truly yours,
Frederick R. Green,
Secretary Council on Health and
Publie Instruction.
Casper Hide Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in
Hides, Skins, Pelts, Wool,
Beeswax, Tallow, Furs,
Metal, etc. We pay the
market price.
Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
&A A %
g TOma 4 o 2
ettt et i e BTt S
When a Dollar Leaves You
| It Says
= “GOODBY"” =
B T TS »
UNLESS you spend it at homé stores. Keep it hé;é
and let it grow. ; '
Your home merchant, like this home paper, is work
ing to benefit your interests. ‘
“Cabiria” 12 Reels
“An overwkelming com
bination of startling sur
prises”’--N. Y. American.
Unquestionably the worlds
biggest picture--The Green
Book. .
Moere than the last word-
Channing Pollock.
A revelation---surpasses
human belief--Amy Leslie
Chicago Daily News,
Amusu Monday 16th, ad
mission-25 Cents.
Ice Cream Social
The Ladies of the Catholic
church will give a Social at the
Blue and Grav Park Monday even
ing August 16th-, 1915. Ice cream
and eake will be s>rved, admission
ten cents, everybody invited and
bring your friends.
Sextette From Lucia
And Attorney Hooper
Atlanta, Aug. 11.—They are tell
ing an amusing story at the Federal
building on United States Attorney
Hooper Alexander, who is a great
lover of music. Nobody could un
derstand this year why he decided
not to take his usual annual vaca
tion until it was discovered that a
real, old-styled hurdy-gurdy which
plays the Sextette from Lucia and
the Trovatore tunes has been in
stalled in a shooting gallery in a
neighborhood beneath the District
Attorney’s window so that the lyric
tunes of the Italian opera float up
ward all day long. They say he
sits there and listens to them for
hours’at a time with a rapt smile
on his face.
Good Middling Cotton 10¢
The Dodd Supply Company,
know as the ‘‘poor man’s friend”
are making an attractive propo
sition to their supply customers
for meeting their indebtedness
promptly. They are offering 10
cents per pound for good mid
dling cotton, and 1 cent per
pound higher than the market
price for lower grades providing
treir customers turn them over
enough cotton to pay their in
debtedness in full on or before
Scpt. 15th.
This hustling firm were in the
lead last year making a similar
offer, and obtained enough ad
vertising since then and enjoyed
sufficient amount of more trade
to make up this loss to themsel
ves. We congratulate them in
their every effort to help out our
farmer friends. i
Campfire For
The Veterans
g . CV. 3. D Ui
their friends are cordially invited
to attend a campfire given by the
G. ‘A. R. posts and W. R. C. at
their hall on S. Main street Wed.
at 7:30 p. m, Aug. 18th.
By order of Com,
$lOO,OOO to Loan
On Ben Hill County Improv
ed Farm Lands. Interest 6
per cent. For 5 years or
longer. For prompt service
apply to ;
Luke & Rogers
Ocilla, Ga.
, THLk
Next Tuesday and Wednesday are going to be two of the big
gest days Fitzgerald has ever seen in many ways, The grand old
men who followed the colors frem ‘6l to ‘65 are going to be with
us and I know there isn’t a man, weman or child in our proud lit
tle City who will net feel like taking off their hats and giving a
lusty yell for the followers of the *Lost Cause”.
Its ¥p to our yourg bleod te make them have the time of their
lives, and I, as Chairman of your Entertainment Committee, am
calling on ycu to rally like Fitzgerald always does and make them
have it.
¢ l?l‘l_use old heroes are ceming from all over the State, five hun
drqdfi!;rong. They are going to bring their Sponsors and Maids of
Honor. ’
They will be the fairest in the land and you know how badly
we would feel should this conventicn of Georgia’s best blood leave
without saying “Ycu are the Greatest People on Esrth”. Decorate
your stores and residences next Monday and let us show them who
we are.
_ Yours always for Fitzgerald,
Chairman Entertaining Committee.
TT e R
Tomorrow afterncon all Committees for Confederste Re-Union
are requested to meet at City Hall in Council Chember at 4:30 o’-
clock for the purpose of perfecting plans. U.D. C’s. are also re
quested to be present and make reports. Do not fail to be on hand.
Chairman Entertainment Committse.
Defeated But
Hot Discouraged
i The Woman suffrage Bill argued
ibefore the House committee on
Constitutional Amendments in the
lCapitol in Atlanta on Thursday July,
29. Three women spoke Tor thHE“hith
while two who opposed. The
committee had declined to hear
speeches on the subject from any
man. Over a hundred women. most
of them keenly interested in the
passage of the bill sat in the house}
listening debate, and many of the
legislators stayed and listened,‘
largely out of curiosity. Some of
them seemed quite convinced,
however,and Mrs. W.R. Felton an
enthusiatic suffragist of over 80
years was heartily applauded by
both suffragists and the antis.
The other speakers were Miss
F. S. Whiteside and Mrs. Elliott
'Cheatam, in its favor.
Suffragein Georgia seems to be
making headway every day. The
papers in Atlanta that formerly
refused even the press notices
offered them, are now sending
regular reporters for the news.
Editorially also, they are beginn-
Special Lots!
On center tables--Dry Goods Dept.
10c Dress Ginghams for 8c yard
35c Dress Linens, 38 inch, for 35¢ yard
28c¢ Dress Linens, solid shades, 19¢ yard
25c Fcy. Dress Linens, small lot 12V2c yd
85¢c to $l.OO Sheets, slightly soiled 90x90, 69c¢
25c and 38c Curtain Material for 19¢ yard__
15¢ Figured Mulls and Voiles for 10c¢ yard
25c Figured Voiles, Ratines, 36 inch for 16¢ yd,
VOL. XX, NO. 95
|ing to recognize the movement.
| While the suffragists expect little
| raaterial gain this year,conditions
for them seem more hopeful
every day. The Bill was reported
adversely by the committee,
o . 3
ity Exccutive Committee
At a meeting held at the city
hall the following gentlemen were
elected as the city Executive Com
mittee for the coming two years:
Isidor Gelders, Chairman,
Doc Johnson, Ist Ward.
Marcus Luke, 2nd Ward.
Dr. G. W. McLean, 3rd Ward.
Clayton Jay, 4th Waid.
Money on Farm
: “Yerms: 5 to 1u rears
and conditions to sut
- borrower,
Improved farm lands
The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head
Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA
TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary
Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor
ringing in head. Remember the full name and
look for the signature of B, W, GROVE, 25¢,