The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, August 20, 1915, Friday Edition, Image 1

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Official Organ Ben Hill County,
You will find our bank efficient
in all particulars to handle your
banking business.
Our vaults are Burglar and Fireproof.
Our officers are reliable.
Our bank has a good record. ‘
It is the Bank for all classes--the home
of accounts. :
You cannot afford ta overlook these
points of service.
Let us prove our MERIT by having YOUR
° ®
The First National Bank
: Of Fitzgerald, Ga.
Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits, - $215,000.00
Shareholders’ liability, £ - 3 - 125,000.00
Total Capital Stock Strength - - $340,000.00
Mules and Horses
J. L. Perry has just returned from
the market with a shipment of
choice Mules and Horses. I have
in this load some very nice, breod
mares in fold. The public is cor
dially invited to come and inspect
my stock before buying. Any one
hayving good, sound young mules
for sale will do well to see me be
fore selling, as I am always in the
matket to buy this class of stock.
J. L. PErrY.
~ To the Public
~ We, the United Daughters of the
‘Confederacy, wish to extend many
.thanks to the people of Fitzgerald
**who so- gladly helped to entertain
the Veterans while in our city, and
- also we deeply appreciated the many
contributions that helpod to make
our basket dinner a success.
Mgs. J. E. TurNer,
President Ben Hill Chapter.
5 ————
_Preaching at thelCentral Meth
odist Church Sunday—morning
at 11 o’clock. Evening at 8
~ o’clock. |
Best Furnishi
Arrow Collars 2 for 25¢
- B. &M. Neckwear 2§ and 80c¢
- Cash’ English Ties 75 and $l.OO
Wilson Bros. Underwear
Boyden Shoes
W. L, Douglas Shoes
Endicott Work Shoes. ;
Stetson Hats.
Free tickets to Grand! Every?B?worth cash of purchases entitles you to free admission to the Grand.
Savannah Veterans Pleased
W. N. Arnold, commander of
McLaws Camp 596 U. C. V., who
attended the exercises at Fitzger
ald with H. F,. Douglas, H. C.
Rogers, A. B. Laßoche and J. 1
Wilkins of the same camp, said
that the boys had rarely ever had
a better time. Both the members
of the McClaws camp, as well as
the two members from the Con
foderate Veterans’ Association. T.
E. Henderson and James Williams
were unanimous in their praise of
the hospitality and kindhearted
ness of the residents of Fitzgerald.
—Savannah News.
$lOO,OOO to Loan
On Ben Hill County Improv
ed Farm Lands. 'lnterest ¢
per cent. For 5 years or
longer. For prompt service
apply to
Luke & Rogers
Ocilla, Ga.
e‘ Y .
19 PR f)
, Don’t Rip Van Winkleize
This Town, Mr. Citizen
Make it talk loud enough to wake the town up.
This town will not go to sleep if you spend your
money here.
Read the bargains in your home paper.
* |
Most Succssful Re-Union
0 f G g. D. o ® ‘
Come To a Close--Veterans and Sponsors Leave for Homel
Wednesday evening saw the closing exercises of the greatest Re
union ever held of Georgia veterans. At the court house, where the
afternoon session was held, Gen. Preston, perhaps the best loved veteran
in Georgia, presided, assisted by Adjutant-General Bridges Smith, of Ma
con. Numerous resolutions, the most important of them referring to bills
in Congress, to extend ‘' the privileges 'of the soldlers home at Johnson
City to confederate veterans and to extend the federal pension system to
veterans of the confederacy were adopted, and southern congressmen
urged to give the pending bills in congress their support.
| The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted in the election of
Gen. T. Davenport, of Albany, as Commander-in-Chief, and on motion
Mayor Bridges Smith, of Macon, was elected permanent Adjutant-General
of the Division, with headquarters at Macon. :
A committee appointed to nominate brigade commanders for the
four brigades in Georgia, recommended the election of Gen. J. S. Prather,
of Atlanta, for the Northern Brigade; Gen. W. J. Horsely for the Second;
Gen. J. A. Thomas, of Dublin, for the Third, and Gen. L. M. Mobley, of ‘
Vienna, for the Western Brigade. The recommendations of the commit;‘
tee were made the acts of the convention by acclamation. The several
gentlemen thus honored by their comrades gave expressions of apprecia
tion of the honors in well delivered addresses. 1
The selection for a place to meet in 1916 was deferred for action by;
Commander Davenport on account of the absence of definite invitations
from other cities.
Editor Gelders, in behalf of the City of Fitzgerald, was granted the
privilege of the floor of the convention, assuring the veterans of the pleas
ure it give our citizens to have had the honor to entertain this splendid
body of citizens of Georgia, asked for the privilege of again entertaining
them in 1916 and every future year that may be spared them.
- For the Camp Fire at the W. R. C.. Hall at the appointed hour a
large audiance assembled at the Hall to enjoy the exercises pre
pared under the auspices of the Woman’s Relief Corps, Mrs. M.
J. Green, President of the Relief Corps and Comrade R. Mathews
presided. The meeting was honored by the presence of a large
number of the ladies of the Daughters of the Confederacy and
members of the United Confederate Veterans. Response to the
Tomorrow L M h Sh !D : 7
August 31s¢ LASC Manhattan dhirt Day
~ “Best Known, Known as the Best” If you haven’t bought yet come in tomorrow
Regular price $1.50 shirts $1.25. Regular price $2.00 Shirts for $1.65
Regular price $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts for $1.95 s
And a Sale of our $1 Nofade Shirts tomorrow 85¢
Summer Underwear deness.o's.ooc Seherats cheak Muskin and Knit Shirts and Drawers 35c
Straw Hats ¥ 98¢
Ben Hill National Bank
Let’s Reciprocate
Laying aside the many conveniences and
savings advantages of a bank account, did
you ever stop to consider the prestige it
would give you should you ever want to
borrow some money? Don’t you sup
pose the bank would feel more like
making you a loan if you w:re in the
habit of keeping a deposit in the bank?
Yceu,will agree this is reasonable and
although you may be in ‘no need of a
loan now you may need a little financial
assistance some time. You will find
this bank always willing to stand by you
if you will stand by the bank. That's a
simple proposition in reciprocity, that’s
Ben Hill National Bank
address of welcome was made by General H. T. Davenport of Al
bany, Commander elect of thethe United Confederate Veterans
delivered a most eloquent and appropriate address. Other com
rades of the Grays made fine speeches. The songs by the Quar
tette were well selected and nicely rendered. The solo by Miss:
Marjorie Owens was beautful and greatly appreciated by the
audience. The reading by Mrs. Beauchamp was excellent. Speeches
by Rev. Wanless and Rev. Mann were eloquent, appropriate and
After the literary exercises the Ladies of the Relief Corps
served refreshments.
. The Camp Fire was pronounced a grand success by all, and
the ladies of the W. R. C are deserving and receive great praize
for their efforts.
The military ball at the Lee Grant Hotel, in honor of the
visiting ladies, sponsors, maids of honor and matrons of the
veterans was the social event of the week. The
spacious dining room of the Hotel was graced by the Beauty and
Chivalry of Georgia. Veterans and sons and daughters of
the men that wore the Blue and the Gray. Most of the visitors
from North ,Georgia left on the 11 o’clock train on the A. B. & A.
for their homes, filled with appreciation and enthusiasm for the
hospitable entertainment givep them by the citizens of Fitzgerald
Casper Hide Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in
Hides, Skins, Pelts, Wool,
Beeswax, Tallow, Furs,
Metal, etc. We pay the
market price.
Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
Wm. R. BOWEN, President J. A. MURPHY, Manager
VOL. XX. NO. 99
Money on Farm
Terms: sto 10 years
and conditions to sut
Imprqved farm: lands
only. = ‘