The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, August 25, 1915, Wednesday Edition, Image 1
Wednesday Edition Official Organ Ben Hill County, Ben Hill Nationa! Bank mm e e S ——— You Want and Need us Because The right kind of banking service pleases and sat isfies the right kind of people. If you you open a bank account here and it fails to help you it certainly will not help us, for we are in partnership in this thing once you start an account. We must be. Sir Henry Bessemer, the father of the steel age, had to prove the value of steel rails over iron. He did it by building two tracks, one with steel, tho other with iron rails. Testing these he proved that one steel rail out lasted twenty-three iron rails. We want to prove that our banking service is what you need, The test of steel, over iron rails proved the value of steel; the test of our bank will prove its value, It is our desire to have you realize the help this bank will be to you, and to learn how to secure the greatest service from your.banking connection. We want to acquaint you with our superior equipment, with our strength and with the ability of cur of ficers and employees. We want you to know that we co-operate with deposit_ors for mutual advance ment. Ben Hill National Bank E. N. DAVIS, Pres. T. F. HEMMINGER, Cashier. Dixie Short Route Meeting Postponed Waycross to Entertain Thursday Sept. 2nd. Waycross, Aug. 25—The com mittee of arrangements in charge of the ‘‘Short” route neeting of the Dixie Highway association has posipoued the meeting set for Saturday Aug. 28th to the follow ing Thursday. The time was con sidered too short to make the pro per arrangements and to secure the cooperation of the Board of Trade from Jacksonville, A large attendance is promised from the Land of Flowers for Thursday of business men who could not have attended the meeting on Saturday. Hon. Clark Howell and W. T. Anderson and two Georgia com missioners are expected to be pre sent at the meeting, as this will be the last gathering of the advocates for the short route, before the final action of the commissioners. Waycross is making arrangements to entertain a large crowd of visi tors, who will be the guests of the city for that day. We will go anv where in the city and do your view work and home portrait work. Godfreys Studio, T. H. O, artist, 101-tf, Ladies Slippers--In Black 109% off--In White, Tan and Fancy 33 1-3% off--10% off all Infants and Childrens Slippers New Serges, Broadcloths, Gaberdines 50c to $2 yard The new Fall materials in choicest new shades and colorings---All Wool Serge at 50¢, 75¢, $l.OO Broadcloth (50 and 54 inches wide) at $l.OO, $1.50 and $1.98--Gaberdines and Ottomans at 85¢, $lOO and $1.50--Covert Suitings and new Plaids at 59¢--A great line of new things indeed to help you plan for your Fall Saving. “Dandy new Cotton and Silk Materials also for 25¢ yard.” Free ! Every $3 worth of cash purchases entitles you to free admission to the Grand Theatre--Coupons with every Sale! THE LEADER ENTERPRISE ADVERTISERS! Merchants, if you want to rzach ALL the buyers of merchandise in the county with your offerings, you can do so ONLY through the LEADER-ENTERPRISE. We have the circulation and the confidence of our readers. Our rates are right and ful ly consistent with the large circulation that we guaran tee to our advertisers. If you advertise, place it where the most people will see it, it's a waste of money other wise. Circulation is what you buy. _ Mules and Horses J. L. Perry has just returned from the market with a shipment of choice Mules and Horses. I have in this load some very nice, breod mares in fold. The public is cor dially "invited to come and inspect my stock before buying. Any one having good, sound young mules for sale will do well to see me be fore selling, as I am always in the matket to buy this class of stock. J. L. Perry. Blue and Gray Park Friday from 800 till 11. Music and skating. Everyone invited. Itp FITZGERALD, BEN HILI, COUNTY, GECGRGIA, AUG. 25, 1915. 9 ; g '\ 4 7} | Be a Home Town Trader! l A L S T S 0 ST Wt JOIN THE HOME TOWN PROCESSION. This is your home town Your inierest is here. The town's prosperity is your prosperity Keep the money in town by spending it in town. In order to spend it wisely Read the Home Paper APPRECIATE FITZ. HOSPITALITY ATLANTA, GA., August 24, 1915. MR. Isior GELDERS, EpiTor LEADER-ENTERPRISE, FrrzceravLp, Ga. Dear Sik:—The inmates of the Confederate Soldiers’ Home kindly ask the use of your columns to express their heart-felt thanks to every one who so generously assisted in their entertainment while the guests of your lovely city. To the Chamber of Commerce, who met them with their autos; 1o the G. A. R’s for the sumptuous spread at the Blue aud Gray Park; to ‘those loyal women, the U. D. C.’s, in whose hearts the love of the Lost Cause will never die, and the W. R. C’s Campfire was indicative of the flame which will never be extinguished, and to any and all who helped | to make this Reunion one long to be remembered. | ‘ It is impossible to tell the real and lasting good resulting to those old battle-scarred heroes from a trip like this; in their enthusiasm the ‘crutches and walking canes were laid aside and even the rheumatics for the time being had to “take a back seat.” We are forced to admit that our day of yssfulness is past, but what a sweet thought it is that we are rot forgotton. Now, we extend to all a cordial invitation to call and see us ino.T own Home, and we guarantee you a hearty welcome and you will go home feeling proud of your State, when you see for yourself how we are cared for while the beads on life's rosary are being counted. ‘ GeorGe A. KeitH, B. M. LAnNEAUv, } Com. H. B. MarTiv, Buyer for the Surpise Store Goes To Market Mr. Harry Garber, proprietor of the }Surprise left for Boston and New York to purchase his Fall and Win ter stock. The Surprise has just com pleted a profitable year and with ‘the Fall season this firm secured ‘additional quarters, next door to their present store, where they will maintain a first class Ready-To- Wear establishment for both Men and Women wear. Mr. Garber promises his growing trade a large share in the bargains that he expects to buy and will continue the liberal policy of the store that has made it 80 popular. PIANO FOR SALE.—My new $350 Piano, won at the contest, for sale. Apply to Miss MAGURETTE SPILLER. tf Carl Feller, of the First National returned from his vacation to rela tives in Prosperity, N. C. THRICE-A-WEEK DR. FORD SUCCEEDS ‘ . PROF. RITCHIE The Board of education at its special meeting Monday evening elected Dr. A. S. Ford of Troy, ’Ala., to succeed Sup. Ritchie as ‘head of the City schools. Dr. Ford isa graduate of Harvard, has served as principle in the College of Agriculture of Alla, as Superintendent at Wetumpka, as Superintendent of Schools at Troy and has filled several other positions of responsibility in edu cational institutions of Alabama. At present he is connected with the U. S. Department of Educa tion. Dr, Ford spent Monday and Tuesday in the city getting ac quainted with the members of tie Board of Education and will re turn here Fridav to take active charge of the affairs of his office. Germans Claim 5,000 Prisoners at Biala-Wysoka. Berlin, August 24.—1 t was officially announced by the Admir alty that a German submarine torpedoed and sunk a Russian auxiliary warship at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland. The German forces have reached the Biala- Wysocka forts, where they captured 5,000 prisoners. The Germans captured 3,600 prisoners to the east of Kovno, and are advancing through the marshes of the Bug river, driving the Russian troops from the mouth of the Pulva river. Germany Loses Two More London, August 24 —The latestireports of the naval battle be tween German and Russian vessels in the Gulf of Riga adds an auxiliary cruiser and submarine to the German losses. Berlin declares that the Russian reports of the batgle greatly exaggerate the German losses. : \ ‘ > ; More Gains In Vosges ' Paris, August 24.—1 t was announced by the War Office here this morning that the French forces have gained more ground in the Vosges mountains after desperate fighting. i The German forces are launching numerous counter-attacks ‘here and artillery engagements are reported elsewhere. ‘ Turks Claim Success Constantinople, August 24.—1 t is announced by the War Offce here today that the Allies’ attacks on the town of Anafarta Gailie poli Peninsula, have been repulsed with heavy losses. The Allies’ reports of successes in the region of Krithia are declared to be unfounded. ‘ * » dpeed Limit The special Grand Jury, which has beem in actual running just about 10 hours has returned some fifty true bills, covering every possi ble offence against the laws of the State, from selling softdrinks on Sunday to murder. This Grand Jury may go down into history as having returned more bills than any similar body in Georgia if they don't run out of fuel, Apples These are fine North Geo gia Apples. Per peck 45c. Only a few boxes. - Davis Bros. Mr. L. O. Tisdel is at] Chalybeate Springs this week recuperating frcm a recent sick spell. Casper Hide Co. " Wholesale and Retail | Dealers in ~ Hides, Skins, Pelts, Wool, Beeswax, Tallow, Furs, Metal, etc. We pay the market price. J. CASPER, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. EMPIRE MERCANTILE CO. *‘ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY”’ Wm. R. BOWEN, President J. A. MURPHY, Manager Mondavy Wednesday Friday VOL. XX. NO. 10, SRR " Hon. Marion Dickson presented this office with a sack of flour milled at his mill and grown in Ben Hill county. Mr. Dickson’s mill has been kept busy the en tire season and is still at it, grind-- ing wheat for the foresighted farm-- ers of this and nearby counties,, who planted wheat last Fall. The fact that the average production per acre of wheat in Ben Hill this season was about 24 bushels, 8 bushels more than the reported average in the States, speaks well for the wheat raising possibilities of this section, The convenience of having their wheat milled at home will encourage a great many more farmers in planting wheat this Fall. Money on Farm Lands Terms: 5 to 10 years and conditions to sut borrower, Improved farm lands only. CLAYTON JAY