Newspaper Page Text
Society News Notes
Cotton Market Sep. 1
Furnished by Farmer-Garbutt & Co.
e —————————
“The Grand”
Afternoons and Evenings
- 3:00 to 10:30 p. m.
Children under 10 FREE After
noons when accompanied by parents
or Guardian
A 4 reel Universal, fea
turing the charming Amer
ican actress Ella Hall,
MANCE” 2 part Imp feature
Drama ‘
“RISE and FALL of OF
FICER NO. 13” Comedy ‘
Coming Friday, Mutual
Masterpiece “GOD’S WIT
NESS” Four parts. {
“Daughters of The Jungles”
Two part Drama |
See the Modern Woodman
Log Rolling at Hawkinsville
Ga. in Pathe’s Weekly Sat
Capt. E. T. Jamns has returnedl
home from a visit to his sister inj
Alabama who is seriously ill.
Mrs. Newton Watkins returned
home last night trom a trip of
several weeks in Atlanta and other
places in north Georgia.
Mr. and Mrs. Lassiter of Cor
dele, came down yesterday to see
Mr. and Mrs, Jones and family
on North Lee.
Mr. J. Phil Campbell passed
through the city this morning en
route to Brunswick.
G. P. A. W. W. Croxton, spent
a short time in the city Tuesday
Mrs. Truax, who lived 1n this|
city a number of years ago, hut
who made her home in Ohio for
the past several years, resurned to
the city and will make her home
in the Holtzendorf apartment
We ailow 10c for Good
middling Cotton to our
Credit Customers-=-Dodd
Supply Co. ~
Pitcher Lariscy has obtained a
position with R. I. Maffet’s Ba
zaar. He will hold that position
until next spring when he will
take his old job on the mound
back again. Charlie Garwood
has been back in town over a
week, having given up his posi
tion in a ‘‘soap factory’’ in Pa
latka, Fla., for the more congen
ial occupation of night clerk at
the Aldine. McFarlin will be
back sometime this week and
with this pitching staff we can
start off next season with only
a catcher to support them, and
we are sure of getting Les Nor
ris for that job.
For Sate or Rent, Sept. Ist
A practically new 7-room resi
dence, all modern conveniences,
desirably located, only 2% blocks
south First National Bank.
Address, W. 0. WOOTEN,
a-13 tf Talladega, Ala.
Dr. G.W.McLean
Rooms 512-513. PHONE 438.
Garbutt Donovan Building
Fifth Floor
Sunday by Appointment
e T S
66 ’9
Mrs. Fiske in her fore
most success
Featuring Myrtle Sted
man. From the brilliant
pen of the Great Basil
Dr. C. J. Christian
General Practice
Diseases of Children a Specialty
Office at Dr. Haile’s Drug
Wanted Lady Salesman
Must have fair education and
a good worker. Prefer one who
has had some experience in Real
Estate or Insurance. Good work
er should average twenty-five
dollars per week.
Apply at room 210 Garbutt-
Donovan Bldg. 1t
Miss Minnie Colsher returned
to the city Tuesday to take up her
duties in the city schools,
Mr. R. L. Jones leit Tuesday
morning for Baltimore and New
York to purchase his fall stock.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Dunbar of
Ashton, Alabama, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. M, Lee, on N. Lee,
for a short time.
Mr. B. D. Oliver of Americus
has accepted a position with Den
mark Drug Co. :
Miss Sarah Miller, who has
been the guest of Miss Pauline
Goldenberg returned to her home
in Cordele this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Durard Jackson
returned to the city Tuesday from
Athens. Mr. Jackson has ae
cepted a position ‘with the Ben
Hill Company.
Mrs. D. B. Davis and son,
Clifford, are the guest of rela
tives and friends at Wrightsville
Beach and Wilmington, N. C.
Miss Lizzie Mae Ellington has
returned from Mansfield, where
she has been visiting relatives
for the past month.
The new fixtures for the Sur
prise Store annex arrived Tues
day and are being installed,
Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Roush ar
rived Tuesday from their extend- |
ed western trip. They report a
most delightful trip through
California, seeing the exposi
‘tions, through Washington, Ore
gon, the Yellow Stone Park ard
other points in the west and
Judge Curtis M. Wise arrived
on the early train from Atlanta
this morning accompanied by
Mrs. Wise and a trained nurse
from the sanitarium at Hender
sonville, N. C. The host of
friends of this splendid citizen
will regret to learn that his stay
in the mountains of North Caro
lina did not improve his physical
r CS
Prices Right
Fine grade Cheese -20 c
Try a GOOD HAM once.
Smoked Virginia Country
style, about 10 Ib. size 18c¢
4 cans Tomatoes - 25¢
White House Coffe - 35c¢
3 can for $l.OO
25 Ibs. Sugar - $1.65
14 Ibs. Sugar - $l.OO
Dont forget we sell
7 bars Clean Easy
Soap, for - - 25¢
Meat, per pound - 9c¢
Rolled Oats, per box - 10¢
7 cans Milk - = 28¢
12 cans Milk -40 c
Gallon, pure Georgia
cane Syrup - = BB¢
1-2 gallon 30c¢
Karo Syrup
1-2 gallon - 20 & 30c¢
Gallon 50 & §sBs¢
. o
Davis Bros.
“The Store That Lowered
The Price”
G. H. Preston of Miarai, Fla.,
who is visiting friends in Broxton
spent a few days in Fitzgerald
this week.
Clever Chas, Tyler of Broxton,
attended to business in the city
Tuesday. -
Rev. 8. L. C. Adams, of Ocilla,
returned from a trip to N. Georgia
Tuesday. While in Atlanta Rev.
Adams filled the pulpit at the
Gordon street Baptist church last
Nice Peaches, per basket, |
35¢. Phoenix Grocery.
Miss Louise Smith, librarian,
who has been visiting relatives at
Indian Springs during August, re
turned to the city Tuesday morn
ing. |
Mr. James Dunham resigned
bis position with the Denmark
Drug Co. to accept a similar one
with the National.
Reason Paulk resigned his posi
tion with the National Drug Co.
to enter the college of Pbharmacy
at Philadelphia, Penn,
Mrs. Daisy Brabhan McLain, of
Dawson, is visiting Dr. and Mrs.
D. B. Ware on S. Main street.
Nice Peaches, per basket,
35¢. Phoenix Grocery.
Mrs. Clara Bryan and daughter,
Miss Marguerite, arrived yesterday
from Arkansas, where they spent
the past year or more with relatives
They both say they are glad to get
back to “Fitz.” and friends. Mrs
Bryan says her son-in-law, Dr.
Adams, together with his wife, left
for some point in Alaska, where the
Doctor has secured a lucrative Gov
‘ernment position,
Mrs. C. G. Reeves, of Ft. Pierce,
Fla, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Shearer, and taking care of the
new granddaughter which arrived
last week.
For Investors
~ Something of interest to
every man and woman in
the city can be learned by
calling at room 210, 5 story
Bldg. Mr, Barger will be
pleased to go into details
of the proposition with any
one interested. This may
mean an income to you for
the rest of your life. 103-tf.
$350 Piano, won at the contest, for
sale. Apply to Miss Macurerre
SeiLLER. tf
Be it resolved by the Mt.
Olive Baptist Church, that
we extend to every one that
contributed funds for re
pairing our Church, our sin
cere thanks.
We especially desire to
thank Mr. Isidor Gelders
for his liberal donation of
paint, and having the same
applied. We lift our heart
in gratitude to the Giver of
all good and ask that each
one be remembered by him.
Done by order of Church
in Conference.
This 29th of Aug., 1915.
REv. C. A. CozART, Mod.
Act. Clerk.
A Delightful Treat
Pinkie Koplin entertained the
faculty of the Fitzgerald schools
after the teachers meeting Tuesday
afternoon with ice cream and con
fections at The National. Among
the guests were Miss Jeffiie Per
sons, Miss Reynolds, Miss Geddes
Miss Powell, Miss Washburn, Miss
Merritt, Miss Vaughn, Miss Colsher,
Miss McLarin, Miss Adams, Miss
Averitt, Mrs. Wombly, Mr. and Mrs.
Beauchamp and Prof. Mathews.
Nice Peaches, per basket,
35¢. Phoenix Grocery.
Mrs. Bert Dickerson, who has hbeen
north for some time visiting friends,
arrived yesterday, and was an over
night guest of Mrs. Wm. McCor
mick. After visiting her son, Mr.
Loren Dickerson, and a number of
friends, she departed this afternoon
for her home at Kissimmee, Fla
Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson will be _kind-‘
ly remembered by friends as former
residents of this city,
Mrs. Fred Hoffman and son are
visiting home-folks. 1
Miss Katie Booker and father have
returned from a trip to the coast.
Extra fine Apples, per
peck, 40c. Phoenix Grocery.
THS Sce'& }
COHI-Q;r'lS .
many Erown roP
rhql' have l’hal‘ |'qn
ra“zh-ls oJ.or; fluf- |
fy Fasl'lrl%es li'.hq.[[
surpass fRe arf o '
I’He Frer]el-\ ehef;
cakeg rlfiflr rne||'
GWQJ in SluFren-Le
goodness in one’s
moul'l-\. For l‘his is
a-sack of
|1 Q /
Rlsma %
Self risins, Qr]c] is e
sround Ey fl'\e fa-
Mmoug Rec! Mi”,
Nqsfivi”e, Tenn.
Remember the Sack.
Ask for Rising J'un.
Myr. Merchant--
If you want to reach the
people of
Coffee County
Quickly and economically,
The way to do it is by adverising in the
Coffee County Progress
It is read by more people in Coffee
County than any paper published.
Rush your copy to J. DANNA JONES, Editor
210 Garbutt-Donovan Building
General Real Estate Business
ol Bl f
" )t‘ ? .fi to supply your home
o 4 .
B market durmf De-
S L L cember and January
4 WHEN PRICES ARE HIGH. We have growing in the mountairs
1 of North Carolina the finest lot of CABBAGE PLANTS that has ever been grown r
shipment during Septeraber and October, and being grown in that climate, they are to' /h
and hardy and can stand the effects of the hot sun better than any other plants you can get.
We haveonly mne variety, viz., THE FLORIDA HEADER. The only cabbage that has
k] given us satisfaction, set during September and October. Prices, by express, £. 0. b, iTorse
B Shoe, N. C., 1000 to 4000 (@ $1.50 per 1000; 5000 to 8000 () $1.25 per 1600; 10000 and over, $1 per
pj 1000. Buyer pays express charges, Prices by Parcel Post, 85¢ per 100, Address orders to
i MEGGETY PRODUCE CB., (The7oo Acre Truck Farm) VYONGES ISLAND, 3. C.
We alse grow Cabbago Plants for shipment from November to April
i and will be glad to supply you. Writo for prices.
A., B. & A. Ticket Office
Robbed Last Night
Unknown parties broke into the
A, B. & A. ticket office between 1:30
and 4 a.m. last night. Baggagemaster
C. H. Gill was in the office at
work until after one o'clock, and
Mr. Mathis, assistant ticket agent,
went to work at five o'clock this
morning. The money in the drawer
consisting of small change, about
$5 in all, the burglar secured for his
trouble, the safe showing no signs of
having been tampered with. No
clue to the parties has as yet been
L. P. Green, T. P. A, of Thomas
ville, spent a day in the city this
Extra fine Apples, per
peck, 40c. Phoenix Grocery.
Manhattan Barber Shop
Moved to Aldine Hotel
The above named popular tonso
rial resort is now located in the
Aldine Hotel in a room especially
fitted up for them, where they would
be pleased to see their many old
customers as well as new ones
Our new quarters are up to date and
sanitary. Take aneat and up-to-date
shave and bath and you will have no
other. Our shop is second to none in
Fitzgerald for expert barbers. Drop
in and see the neatest shop in Fitz
gerald. Yours to serve,
Proprietors Manhattan Barber Shop.
Extra fine Apples, per
peck, 40c, Phoenix Grocory,
g o
s in Wi
TAN | 10?
e 1% e & F;
The High School
, Will Bave Team
We had a first class foot-ball
team last year, altho it was the
lightest in its class and most of
the players were new at the
game, This year the team will
still be licht but all the boys
have had at least one seasons
‘practice and have played togeth
er some. Last year we outplayed
the *‘Ruffs”, or *‘Volunteers’’,
which is the town team in every
game and won all but two of
them. Americus was only able
to beat us at that place by soma
very questionable “‘strategy’’ and
in the game played here was un
able to cross the goals'at all, al
tho they held us scoreless also.
We lost by close scores, to two
or three other teams only because
of greatly inferior weight. This
year, as we said before, the team
will be light, but it will have the
same Fitzgerald spirit which has
won 80 many games and contests
of all kinds before, and also they
will as well coached as any col
lege team we play.
Those who will form the back
bone of the team are B. T.
Strickland, Gordon Forbes, Frank
IPryor, Lenoy Powell, Dean Hop
kins, Edward . Griffin, Robert
Innis, Elbert Murray and Dugas
Frazer. There are many other
younger boys who will qualify as
ends and tackles and subs but
these are the ‘‘veterans’’.