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Tooth Paste lc ‘
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Antiseptic and deodorant.
Cleans and whitens the teeth.
Fragrant and pleasant to use.
The perfect dentifrice.
Standard price, one tube - 28¢
This Sale, 2 tubes - 26c¢
Prohibition May 1
Become Effective
January 1, 1917
Atlanta, Georgia October 1.
Reliable information is to the
effect that an arrangement has
practically been perfected where
by whatever prohibition bill may
be passed at the extraordinary
session of the legislature will be
80 drawn as not to affect the
state’s revenue for the year 1916.
The bill will be made to become
effective January 1, 1917.
The passage of a bill eliminat
ing the traffic in near beer, there
by removing the state tax on the
beverage, will take away from
the state an annual revenue of
$225,000, which, with the present
deficit of $170,000 or more to be
met this year and next, would
put upon tke state a financial
burden it would be difficult to
Just how this condition is go
ing to be improved in 1917 is not
indicated, but many legislators
are desirous that the curtailment
of the state revenue by $250.000
be postponed for the year 1916.
In addition to this information
received Monday from one of the
members prominent in the anti
prohibition fight at the regular
session, it was stated that a new
local option bill will be introduec
ed, providing that the general
question of *‘iron clad”’ prohibi
tion shall be submitted to a vote
of the people at the next general
The bill will also state that if
the clause providing for state
wide, ‘“‘iron clad’’ prohibition
does not carry, that each county
in the state shall have the right
to vote, within its own borders,
and in cities of 2,600 population
and over, on the sale of near
beer and intoxicating liquors,
No animal that gets only edfe
enough to support life can produce
a profit.
) ‘ = oV IS TN
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One Week (ctober 4,5, 6, 7,8, 9. One Week
Violet Dulce 1 C
Talcum Powder
Made from the finest grade of im
ported Italian talc. The value of a
talcum is in the amount of perispira
tion it will absorb. Only the better
grades have this quality. Scented
with the Violet Dulce odor.
Standard price This Sale
One Two
Box 2Sc Boxes 26c
Midway Features Excell
At Valdosta Fair
The attractions at the Georgia-
Florida Fair at Valdosta October
the 19th are said to be the best
that have ever been shown ata
fair in South Georgia.
" The Jobhny J. Jones Exposition
’Shows have been engaged to furn
ish the amusements on the mid
way, ‘“Joy Avenue.” This aggre
gation consists of sixteen different
shows, all of an unusually high
class. The large trained wild ani
mal show and the living animal
wonder show are the largest of the
kind in this country. Aside from
these and the wild west and the
flea circus, the others are mainly
mechanical amusement shows,‘
such as Trip to Mars, Crystal!
Tangie, Ish Ka BBibble, etc.,l
places for tuh and entertainment
of visitors where the young,
middle aged and old may meet and'
forget troubles and worry.
Four free attractions every day
and each night have been secured
acd a wonderful display of fire
works will be given every night,
with a complete change of pro
gram each mght,
. Weare informed by Mr. J. M.
Ashley, the general manager, that
his association fully appreciates
the attendance given the Georgia-
Florida Fair the past two years
and that visitors may rest assured
that the exhibition this year will
be equal to any 1n the state.
Storm In Gulf Sends
Cotton Upward Again
New York, Sept. 80.—The
southern storm news started a
renewed buying movenent in the
cotton market early today and
more than half of yesterday’s
losses were recovered before mid
day. There was some irregular
ity at the start but overnight sel
ling orders were soon absorbed
with January contracts selling
up to 12.43 and March to 12.69
during the middle of the morn
ing, fully $1.50 per bale above
last night’s closing figures.
Denmark Drug Co.
The Jexall store
Fitzgerald, - Georgia
If doctors were as slow in com
ing to a patient as the patient
sometime is to pay the doctor,
they would be in misery a long
Miss Essie Barnes of Rocking
ham is visiting her brother Mr.
'Geo. Barnes here.
Misses Mrytie Stone and Vera
Garrison of Bowen’s Mill were in
the city shopping Saturday.
It is easy enough for you to
mortgage your house for an auto
mobile but just try to mortgage
an automobile to buy a house.
See the differenca.
Mr. E. E. Robitzsch of Mob
ley’s Bluff' was a visitor here
No man ever broke his adding
machine counting up his bless
ings. It is the other things that
most of us worry about.
Miss Jannie Bishop was in the
city Saturday enroute to her
home at Alapaha.' Miss Bishop
has been spending the summer
at Savannah and Tybee Island.
There are two parts of a day
when man should thank God
most—at dawn for a restful sleep
and at night for a successful
Mr. O. S. Middlebrooks and
family from West of town spent
Sunday here with his parents.
Prognosticating on the weather
and the out come of the war is
pretty risky business. If you
want to keep your standing in
the community, be pretty cau
tions how you express too posi
tive an opinion on any such
Miss Elizabeth Tunis spent
Monday pleasantly with Mrs.
Alva Ewing.
Encourage your boys and girls
to talk over all kinds of impor
tant subjects with you. Give
them books, papers and maga
zines of the better class, and
then all by yourselves have a lit
tle debate on some live topic. It
will be worth everything to you
all, now and here after.
Men Getting Fastidious
Atlanta, October 2.—Silk un
derwear, for men as well as for
‘women, is increasing for some
istrange reason in this section,
‘despite supposed hard times.
A few years ago the man in
Georgia who would wear silk un
derclothes, and admit it, was re
garded either as mollycoddle or
a freak. He was put about in
the same class as the wearer of
the wrist watch (that is, the
male wearer.)
But it is a commmon practice,
and nobody thinks anything of
; It hasn’t been so many years
since silk stockings were regard
ed as a luxury if not an extrava
gance for the average girl, hut
today not only the daughters of
the rich, but nearly all girls who
work for their own living wear
silk hosiery, it is said.
Florida Now Must Buy
Its Booze In Packages
Tampa, Fla., September 30.
At midnight tonight the Davis
package law went into effect
throughout the state. Under its
provisions saloons will not be al
lnwed to serve patrons at the bar,
the law prohibiting any drinking
on the premises. Only sealed
packages will be sold, of not less
than half pint quantity. A num
ber of barrooms in this city closed
tonight, not to reopen unless the
test case being brought before
the supreme court to test the
constitutionality of the act should
set aside the law. This test case
is brought on the claim that an
act designed to be regulartory is
in effect prohibitory; also that it
is unconstitutional owing to the
fact that all of the ground cov
ered in the act is not specified in
the title of the bill which was
passed at the 1915 'session of the
Hotel bars are affected just
‘the same as saloons. There is
some question as to whether
Extra Specials
Frozen Mints, - - sc, 2 for 6¢
Liggett’s "hewing Gur >Se, 2 for 6¢
Liggett’s jrange Ade oc, 2 for B¢
Liggett’'s Tea, 10c pa. 2 pas. for 11c
Cydonine Lotion 25c, 2 for - 26¢
clubs, which sell only to mem
bers, will be allowed to operate.
The law provides that saloons
must close at 6 p. m. to 7 a. m.
Over 5,000 Belgian rcsidents in
Canada have enlisted as recruits
for their country’s forces at the
front. : -
A ‘QM Hy_ plants are well hardened, strong and healthy. I guarantee prompt,
e quick, safe delivery, and ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION.
~ P\ Early Jersey Wakefield (the earliest cabbage grown), Charleston Large Type Wakefield
}‘o /" (the next earliest), Succession (the earliest flat head varicty), Short Stemmed Flat
/) ////' Dutch, (the largest and latest known). By mail (post paid) 500 for $1.10;5 1000, $2.
J N ? P ; By express (not paid) 500 for 78¢5 1000 for $1.25; 5000 to 9000 at $4 per 1000;
d \ 2 10000 or over at 90¢ per 1000. Special prices on larger quantities.
7 f Cultural directions sent with each Order.
S 5
G IS4 ) P.D.FULWOOD, 80x137.) . TIFTON, GA.
= 0 - 4
P e | )\ ) en PTR STt R ot pa st A, S 5 o J
a 5 R, R IR 22 R s
Ry RR T T T I TR PN 22
% B s Y ..::}1%1“.#5*:-'.."."", )
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B 2 ’ R ‘G 2 o ey b ] DR
R B eke e i /0 LN 4 XD R
oy s D e iB NN A eramera B KRR
And see our iacilities for turning out unexcell
ed laundry work. This is the ideal Laundry— ;
the Laundry where work is turned out in a
satisfactory manner every day in the week
and every week in the year.
Satisfaction to our customers is the rule
with us—not the exception.
Let us serve you if you want first class work
at moderate prices.
White Swan La
t undry
Let UsFill Your Coal Bin N
Don’t wait until winter overtakes you before having. your
coal bin filled. Let us do it now, before the rush begins. (
It costs no more now than later, and may save you consid- * »
erable worry or annoyance. We sell coal known every
where as a clean burner and withoAt waste.
Full stock of Lumber, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, ete. y
Full stock of Cooking and Heating Stove wood. Bottom
$5.50 Per Ton Cash With Order. Phone 190.
Violet Dulce
Complexion ; C
Powder -
Y Bt N
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': f’:"iv; Y .': R
COM - It
. 'IAR;OWWDER /4 .‘"..",.:":
OFBOsro,, ,’
‘:-“.‘~. 5
T ‘ e
One of the famous Violet Dulce
Complexion requisites. The name
stands for highest auality. One of
the best qualites of this complex
ion powder is that it does not sh'w
when used moderately. Delightfully
scented with the Violet Dulce odor
Brunette, white ana flesh tints.
Standard price, one box -80 e
This sale, 2 boxes - - - Sle
If you have any hay at all t¢
pack, better see the four different
styles of hay presses built by the
Martin-Dorminey Mfg. Co., Fitz
gerald, Ga. 113-tf
New corn meal at Dod..Supply
Co. 115 t£.