Newspaper Page Text
e e N B e e Tt
Fulghum Jats Appler Oats Georgia Seed Rye
Rust Proof Oats Dwarf Essex Rape
Hairy Vetch Seed
Good Seed at Low Prices
White Bermuda, Silver Skin and Red
Danver Onion Sets
Turnips, Cabbage and All Kinds of Garden Seed
e 9
Buist’s Garden Seed
School Books and Supplies For
Country Schools
118 Pine Street - s " Phone 99
Train up your boy in the way
he should go.
Rev. Jas. Bishop returned
home Friday after conducting
several days protracted meeting
at the Satilla church.
Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Troupe are
all smiles over the arrival of a
fine baby.
For Sale, a fine Tamworth
brood sow. See or write T. N.
Middlebrooks, Fitzgerald, Ga.
route 2,
Miss Mollie Minix and Mr.
Charlie Webb were very quietly
married Sunday at the home of
the brides mother Mrs. Susie
Immediately after the cere
mony the young couple left for
Alabama where they will make
their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ewings
©of the city were visitors here
Our school opened here Mon
-day with Prof. G. Holt as princi
pal and Misses Esther Tucker
and Fannie Lee Dickson as assis
tants. Several patrons of the
school were present to hear the
address delivered by Prof. Holt
which was eloquently made.
About ninety pupils were en
rolled with a sure promise ij
more when King Cotton has been
harvested. Too bad that cotton
i s more valuable than your childs’
vducation. Right now within
I.alf mile of the writers’ home
can be counted twenty-five pupils
cut of school on occount of—
what? Such cases not only
around here but through out the
state. Itisafter Christmas be
fore half of the children are put
in school, by that time the others
are in advance so that they have
to go back a grade in order to
keep up or either put the teacher
to all kinds of trouble.
Usually the child becomes dis
eouraged and remains at home
altogether. The country schools
here at the longest are just from
five to-seven months. Surely
you can afford to send the length
of time. Inthe North the states
compel parents to send their
children up to a certain age.
‘The North is more enlightened
too. Why are their -children
more brainy? No! A thousand
times no; but how about the
parents? The north is giving
their children a chance. Why
not you? . I
Take an interest in your com
munity and especially in your
own children. If you don’t con
sider their welfare, who do you
suppose will? Prohibition is
spreading in this country like
wild fire, and nation-wide sobrie
ty that seemed a few years agol
but an iridescent dream, is now
well within sight. The south
was long maligned as being a
land of convival habits, yet to
day prohibition has a much
stronger hold in the south than
in the north, why? Because the
north realizes the value of edu
cation. The spread of education,
and the demonstration of the
fact that the drinkers lose, in
efficiency, are havinga tremend
ous influence for temperance,
but the most potent influence at
work is the aroused ‘parenthood
of the country determined to save
the boys.
When the South takes the ad-
|Asks for 13 Jurors
In Dynamiting Case
Los Angeles, Oct. 4—When the
trial of M. A. Schmidt, charged
with complicity in the dynamiting
of The Los Angeles Times Buila
ing, began today in J udge Frank
Willis’ court, District Attorney
Thomas Lee Woolwine asked that
thirteen jurors instead of twelve
be chosen to hear the case, It is |
believed that it will require at least
two moaths to hear the evidence
presented by the prosecution and
the defense,
David Coplan, who is also held
in the county jail on a charge of
complicity in the dynamiting of
‘the newspaper building will pro
?bably be called asa witness for the
Do you want a portable power
baling machine; one that you can
carry around with your mules,
and that is equipped with one of
the best gasoline engines that is
on the market? You can get it
only from Martin-Dorminey Mfg.
Co. Fitzgerald, Ga. 113-tf
Hastings 100 Bushel Oats
~ I'have 500 Bushels of ‘‘Hast.
ings 100 Bushels QOats” Specially
selected and guaranteed free of
weeds and other pests. 3351.00
=per bushels if taken at once.
i L. G. Whitley,
; R. F. D. Ny, 4, |
| Fitzgerrld, Ga.
vice from the North and compel
the parents to send their children
to school there will be no need of
the prohibition bawler,
Sheriff’s Sale.
Will be sold, first Tuesday in
November nineteen fifteen, be
fore courthouse door said county
at public outery, within legal
hours of sale, to highest bidder
for cash.
City lots fifteen, sixteen, seven
teen, eighteen, nineteen, square
seven, block eleven, in the city
of Fitzgerald, said county.
Said property levied on as
property of Mrs. A. L. Moore,!
satisfy execution issued from
City Court of Fitzgerald, favor
of Jesse Moye, and transferred
to D. W. M. Whitley, said prop
erty being in possession of Mrs.
A. L. Moore.
This October 8, 1915.
4tp W. H. Fountain, Sheriff.
WANTED—Two live Agents to
sell Accident Policies giving Acci
dental Benefit of $5000.00 Weekly
benefit of $25.00 for Annual premi
um of $12.00 Liberal eommissions
Apply 210 Garbuty Donavon Bldg
gerald, Ga, 113-tf
New corn meal at Dodd Supply
Co. 116 tf.
If you have any hay at all to
pack, better see the four different
styles of hay presses built by the
Martin-Dorminey Mfg. Co., Fitz-
Fulghum Oats
WHY? :
-Ist. They are earlier by 3 weeks
‘than the Texas Red Rust Proof, and
are thereforeg athered before the
other oats are ready.
2nd. They are drought proof.
3rd. They are adapted to all
kinds of soil and conditions.
~ 4th. ‘They are rust proof.
- -sth. They are beardless.
~ 6th. A bushel will seed one
fourth more than other oats.
« Tth. They are a Georgia pro
$l.OO per Bushel.
Davwvis Bros.
tf |
.\\ N ¥ L Y T
A\ Y £ = s B = Wit
AN RN A \ IYINS —— Y ==
2L NRN \ ¢ T SR \Q\‘h . < YR S AR =¥
‘ wé\\ “‘ : ks ,‘\,\.‘\:\?\‘Y p = fli{'k\“ 3AT
= Qe e S ~§»\\ £
( 5 ' l{‘ ; \/,h A ‘:s;l‘:,_! o\, SA //
e X Two VW =T
T Yy . Sl /51\6‘\\
Ly Favorite SN LA
é’ , f U faz . |'h\{\ \\"‘\‘}\‘:\\§ \\
&V 4 ” Shotguns and the GyF
b A r I, Steel €6 9 N\ 4
G Lined Speed Shells g c
= ‘“Dope’’ on shooting is plentiful. And L#"é‘\*\\\\‘\\\\ o
: . A § NN .
shooters know where the right dope comes § VB ~
from—and that it leads straight to Remington- UMC.\, B
_ THE Remington-UMC Pump Gun and Autoloeding Gun these are the
shotguns of today. Adopted everywhere, for use in the field and over the
traps—shot by more of the men who are setting the pace in the _ csammemsN
sport than any other make of guns in the world. \ g};‘;?‘} |
In the matter of Shells—where is the sportsman who dves' ’f;\ S |
not know the Remington-UMC “Speed Shells,” Steel Linod— |3t | [, 759 ||
all the drive of the powder kept back of the shot, and showing (i q\*“"/" |
B results that flatter any make of gun? \ f«\x 26 Pk 063 ‘
For the right dope—see the Remington-UMC Deelkr. He Y :
displays the Red Ball Mark of Remington-UMC—the sign .:,;3—%
that his store is Sportsmen’s Headquarters of the town. @fl S\
» Sold by your komve dealer and 2800 ’4 29‘*’9 H,‘
other leading merchants in Geoegia Qs, & Sf|
| S SRR T |
Remtogton Arms-Usion Metallte Castridpe Co., Woolworth Bolling (233 Broadwrey) Row Yurk City l?;; i U
.' ! e
Fred A. Harnish & Son,, £
l ++ SHOEREPAIRING :: \\ &
With skilled workmen we are prepared to serve you promptly.
All Work Fully Guaranteed. i
Giae il L e L e e e
We Can Fix It
“The Bicycle Man”
213 S. Grant. Second Hand Motocycles
Coal! Coal! Coal!
Extra fine quality Coal for domestic use. -
Delivered anywhere in the City $5.50 per ton cash. |
Phone 145 nr 407-L.
Coal Yard corner Céntf pive. and Thomas St.
Your Appetite
Needs No Whetting
when you eat our meats. For
freshness and genuine all
round deliciousness they have
no equal. :
You; buy {the real article’
when you come to us, and
your money goes a long way.
Central Market
Phone 97. 112 E. Pine