Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill County,
COTTON 12c IN FITZGERALD Cttonseeds36.oo per Ton
oS, 1 b, U &
SEND the following Telegram, subject to the terns : : . i
on back hereof, which are agreed to ; _
14S KS 40 N : : : , : y
o HM NEW YORK, Oct. 12th, 1915
GUY G. JOHNSTONE FahG ' ' ik 4
: Fitzgerald, Ga. LG : ’ Lok
- Have Bought a lot of Pretty Suits and at the Right Price. Ship~
ping them by today's Express. Will be home Friday.morning. e
At 11 p, m. the alarm of fire turned in from the 3rd. Ward
aroused the citizens of the neighborhood who soon found the entire
structure of the 3rd Ward school in full blaze, the fire having full po
session of the inside of the building. The alarm was turned in by Mrs.
Mayo who first discovered the flame which had already spread through
the interior. On arrival of the department, which responded prompt
ly to the call, two streams failed to save the building from destruction
but the department was enabled to confine the flames to the city’s pro
perty’and fully protected neighboring buildings, - The fire w:gs' no.
doubt the work of incendiarisme as no fire had “been in the school
rooms during the day and the janitor had left the building about
five o’clock. The Board of Education and Dr, Ford met early this
morning to provide means to continue the work of the mure than
four hundred children enrolled in the Third Ward. On recommenda
tion of Sup. A.S. Ford, the board adopted the one session plan for
the first and third ward schools, giving the children of the First Ward
the mornings from 8 to-12-and.the children of the _'l_‘bird Wai-d_ from
12:30 to 4:30 in the First Ward building. Mrs. Burke’s grade of
the third ward will be taken care of at the Pine street building from“
12:30 to 4:30. The Board of Education is to be complimented on their
prompt action in providing uninterrcpted means to continue the
school work, A reward of $250,00 has been offered by the Board of
education for evidence to convict the incendaries. The city earried
$2,700 insurance on the building and contents total loss aboutslo,ooo.
.. For Sale
One new $223.00 grist mill
30 inch rock, allow 15cts for
good middling cotton. Mill
in first class condition.
Dodd Supply Compnny.
New Sweaters for Boys, Girls, Infants, Men and Women—Splendid Line just opened, 50c'to $7.50 ~
Men, Women and Children are all Dressing-Up
and our ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY way---saves you in everY purchalse. : : ) s i i . 4 .
| More New Suits' for Women & Girls *ll to‘26; Fine Coats for Women & Children ‘4 to 20
\ Visit the -ShOC Dep_tg 33?2’5?#6‘3«3“&‘g%?i:fn%‘;";"’f‘;f‘é&?&?’:& Girle! T heviole aniy i'the
Wm.R. BOWEN, President -~ ™ 5 ' a k - R
' : J..A. MURPHY, Mana@r E MPIRE oflzEpgcCEééNE:’rElnl:EDgOo DEE——SBGSflHM:E?%;B:E; i ?
Mr. Jesse Davis of Albany is
spending a few days with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. James
Davis and looking after Some
business matters. Mr. Davis re
ports business in Albany as good
and still getting better.
semendria, In Serbia
emendria, In Serbia
~ Captured By Germans
__-_2:"—,' 4
Berlin, Oct. 12—German troops uflefi- Field Marshal von Maek
ensen have firmly established themselves upon the south bank ®f the
Danube by capturing the town and fortress of Semendris, éggfiles
southeast of Belgrade. The German general staff reported today that
Semendria was taken by the Teuton troops on Monday. :fi« W
By capturing Semendria the Germans have opened the wt y for
an advance throngh the valley of the Moravia Riyer. j
- The “fortress there was built in medieval times, but been
strengthened since the present war began.
- A railroad tans through this Mefavia Valley to Plins, “whers it
joins the Belgrade-Nish Railway. The Germans, -holding Belgrade
and Semendria, northern railway terminals of Serbia, probably will
move forward along those lizes. From Plana to Nish the railway al
so runs through the Moravia Valley. ;
That section of the official report dealing with the western opera
tion states that French attacks at Loosand Tahure . were repulsad, bus
on the Souchez front the enemy succeeded in reaching the German’s
first line at two points,
- In the eastern theater, Field. Marshal von Hindenburg has cap
tured three officers, 267 men and a-machine gun at Illuxt,
Football Player Killed ‘
Halfback Davis Chamber of
Decatur, Meets Death ‘
Decatur, October, 12.—Davis
Chambers. 17 years old, halfback
of the local high szhool team,
was killed "here late today in a
game with Marist college of At
lanta. :
- Chambers, who was running
. Mrs. Minerva Bill
} The aged mother of Mrs. W.
S. Bill died at the home of her
daughter Tuesday morning after
a lingering illness; Mrs. Bill
'was 86 years old. The remains
were shipped to Plainfield Il
her former home for interment.
;A number of the friends of the
‘Lfamily gccompanied the remains
to the A. B. & A. depot last
’night. :
- Mrs. Graves, who has been
[visiting her daughter Mrs, W, G.
Broadhurst, returned to her
home at Sarasota Fla.- |
" Niek Cabero of Hawkinsville
is visiting friends in the city to- ‘
day_o,. .
with the ball, was knocked un
conscious when tackled and piled
on by several of the Marist
players. He died in a few min
utes from what physicians said
was a fracture of the skull at the
base of the brain. - h
The accident occurred in the
latter part of the game when the
score stood 24 to 0 in favor o%
Marist. Decatur authorities, it
was said, declared that the acci
dent was unavoidable. ' §
Have you bought vour - -new
Suit. ;'i'
Judge Fite Reversed
Special to The Leader-Enterprise. - .
| Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 13, 1:30 p, m.~Judge Fite has lost aguin.
The State Supreme Court today ruled that the Cherokee Jurst erved
when he sent members of the Murray county board and thesr A%~
'torneys to jail at Chatsworth for alleged contempt of court. !
;Special to The Leader-Enterprise, ) {
Copenhagen, Oct. 13, I:3C p, m.—=Another German steamship bas:
been destroyed in British submarine campaign in the Baltic vodertak
en to prevent Germany from receiving supplies from Scandimavia_
The German steamer Wal}.er Leonbardt sixteen-hundred and twessy
one tons gross was blown up and sunk in the Baltic yesterday by
a British submarine after her crew had been permitted to take 3o
boats. . & / i :
Special to The Leader-Enterprise. ! o ‘ H
Paris, Oct. 13, 1:30 p. m.—An Anglo-French fleet is blocksding
all Bulgarian ports on the Agean sea. Itis believed that Dedeagstb
will be bombarded. ‘
By the generous tend@ of this paper:
the young men belonging fo the ypung' peoples societies:
of the several ‘éfifi% this¢ p-abeto hure enmnlete
charge of the Leader-Enterprise Wednesday October
20th. We shall do our very best to give the public
attractive issue, . ‘
: Our purpose in publishing the paper that day is ta
create an interest and enthusiasm in ‘“Go l'o-Chln#
Sunday” October 24th.
Editors Special Edition: D. B. Nicholson, jr, Ist Bap~—
tist; T. F. Hemminger, Christian; Herman Martin, Cen
tral M, E.; A. G. Brown, First M. E.; R. L. King, Pres
bytérian; Raymond Davis. )
.+ Rome, Get. 12—An Albanian special to La Nacione says:
.+ “Prince William of Wied, former King of Albama, is serving’
‘with the German army now engaged against Serbia. His plans are 1o
return to Albania when Serbia is crushed. dispérse the Monhmmiuii
‘and then make for Durazzo with the object of reconstructingthe Ak
lbsniap kingdom under Austrian protection,” :
- Monday
- Friday
VOL.XX. NG 222