Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 15, 1847, Image 1

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IJY S. ROSE & CO. X. T. CHAPMAN A s. UOSU, Editors. T E R M S. \i'?ssßVnß'( is pit ilixheil weekly, on Ttmrnlv morning, tiUtlm**l>>rtiouuf tinivear. . t'ic-ncnta not exceeding twelve line*, will he inserted for >iiar the Hrst i inert ion, an.l Fifty Cent* lor each an.'iai'itU not limited when handed in, will oc inscrud till |^K”j’ ,f Land and Negroes hy Executors, Administrator* and are required liy law t In advtriiacd in a inblic gazette, previous ts. the .lay of sale. of Personal Property must be advertised in like manner to Debtor* and Creditor* of an estate must be published *Nl§i ice 'that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Jpbli loaell Land and Negroes, must be published weekly for four Advertisements,One Dollar per square for each insertion. tisi-ig as Candidates,Thrtt Dollars. lUV. i h i I EKS on business must be post /mid. JL .u..,.., ■ 1 i~ r . - -rrr ttii 1 — ~i M 1 r--r-ii ~ - john J. janes AT LAW, MACON, GEO. H| r[ | •<e in the counties of Bibb, Jones, Baldwin, n’wigc 3 . 1 iifUHf °rj, Crawford nnil Monroe, arid also in nitv of Bt.rkf- Any business intrusted to liis care wiil prompt artent.nn. , over J- & E. Saull>ury 8 Clothing Store. MnnVir, IH--7 _ I CEBSOiJ OZARK, ATTOXtWEV AT I.AW. Hlacon. Georgia. ■ A CARD. „ T— IVF. tlii. JIV witnesrPtl llir mlininistr-ition of M 0.,” Sp,)YS I.F.THfcoN, to a friend ol ininn.ainl under its in- H, la-ge eve Molh mi extriu toil In Dr. PUTNAM, with lennt pnin. 1 then look tile clinir mid requestsd to £&. iqe CASH Administered to myself. It a< accordingly Slid the sensations were very pleaaanl ami highly gr.iti- As fir hr 1 am nble to determine from w lint 1 have wit K.i a nd Hsperlenced, I>m induced to believe tint the Le is lierfertlv harmless in it effects on the constitution, nil efficient agent, in judi> ious'hnnds, in relieving hu- Euffcring. \V. W. Marshall, M. U. We hare had •'MORTON’S I.ETHEON” adininisler our families by l)r. PUTN XM.nnrl in no instance have unv thing objectionable to use it. p£Tr.n J’. William., Charils Corrorr, !■’ • ] finocr, Ricmakd Bmsuw, W. T. WitaoM, R H .Mouitrik, Fl.CAi.vnt, Josr.PH Adams, tj. Ruse und I. G. Seymour. Editois Messenger. ndmiidatercd the above nnliiutt for pnin in over 200 within a few week* past, and from the most flniteiing of patients and ils sure irm, dy. I am now prepared ypfconfidctico to lecommcnd its amt forth* pi large. Office directly op|>oaite(i. SI. I.ocan’a Stnr". WLenn, Mar, h Iff. 1847. ■*> U.BCO.Y, CANVASSED HARKS, At Atlanta. TH Fa subscriber i* receiving with hi* riihndid lot of Baron, n fi *w superior Nashville Canvassed Hams. Hotel keep ■nmi oilmrin wishing to teat thin article can havo small lot* iiatv, dud to unv Railroad Agent designated, who will be re to receive th pay. A lots of ox coll nit Sides and Shoulder,*, will hr reward dW s-,.ted above. J. NORCROSM, j 3 41 Commission Merchant. is i: a - cotton HPi’ . Vp. removed to \V. B. Parker’.* Rtorr, on Cotton Aven n-Hilv opposite J. Cowles’ Fireproof Ware Hnusr, . i\r in store and offer for sale on Nccornmndatiug terms: f.) Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, ** “ Dundee o 5 “ slightly datriaged “ “ Coils Kentucky and Manille I*opc, ■ cO Bags Rio Cofloe* f 120 T<na Iron, | M.v.l Krws Naiis. “) lb* Tank and roller Iron, ?. lb* Spri u i Steel, t>oxrs Tobacco, ,i (.'andlre, B., hrt* Chainjmigne W ino, ■ 5 Boxes Burgundy ** II ‘,a*ks Baron, Mo- (ii> Sept. 2. 1846. 29 g -i . DS. Cuba Mulu*c. f 35 bbla. do. tn s|Tr. and arriving, for sale by , _ rr . BgMfKvh 3 1 C. DAY H < <>. NOTICE. j K Api acc for GIS CAT Bai gninsl f|l IE undesigned having taken ilie store on the corner ol Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, foimeily called Ruas a •ten* , hut recently having been changed to that ol (ho F-IO GUARDIS HOUSE. leave to inform the citizens of'Macon, arid planter,, that •: til’- ill constantly keep on hand an EXCELLENTr-TOCK ol ■ Ory Woods, (iroteiies A Provisions, fpf |ll kinds, which he will sell at the LOW ESI* POSSIBLE RISES, being peifeeilv contented with qcick SALE and S.M LI, I’ll'M'lTS. Tbs public eetSerttllv are respectfully ret) tested, if they want GREAT BARGAINS, tu drop into GRANDE HOUSE. . ■g,n!< of an# kWJfUbnW exchange foe an kinoeol pro-, at cash prices. ■ If. N. PULSIfER, PROPRIETOR of the RIO GRANDE HOUSE. ] f AT thaP.lO GRANDE HOUSE cen he found at all times 1 LA, t ra ! FEE SUGAR. SVRUP. MOLASSES, RICE, RA tCON LARD, BUTTER, CORN MEAL, OBITS.FI.OI R, isMA ‘kr.KEL, ,t Sil \D of lire he-t quality in quantities to feuß ru chasers, AT the LOWES P 111 lES, and rent to any inar: of the city FREE of CHARGE. - ■ \ 1; u oitotr;itv am) PKOVISIOM STOKI’, Jlnibcrry Street. w. raxuiwAisr Ig bw teceivii'g a largo n*B rtment of FAMILY fRO* Ci-KIKS AND PROVISIONS, which lie will ►c-U - low for CAill, an can he furuiUed by any other est.iblHhment in the city lie will be couatuntly receiving from New \ ork, s ‘ Supplied of the beat and freshen that cun be he.J m the inor- , IhC t ■ , a Hi* supplies consist in part of the following articles : | % Hwar. Coffee, Botanies, Svrup, Tea Fish, Sperm Oil, Snip, StEcco Spices, Nuts, Raisins, Crackers, of all kmdH, lie ■u, hv the. Juror Gallon, Butler. Cheese, Apples, Ac. ■ Also a fine assortment of Smart's celebrated Steam Refi- Candies, and Smart’* Vanilla Cream Candy. wish,ns any of the abuve articles, are respect- LfyHv invited to cell ond see him. __ Milmrn i. Oct. .'d, iHjn. _____ ‘— yiaototloii Cotton Seed. m *S ma ‘*omM. CAMPWEI.I a enj Ltitnbci’ lor Ssile. BAllEeuheriiberii are prepared to saw Lmnhcr ol ar y size ■ or diinensimia, at their Steam Saw-Mill, one ami a halt He, from the civ of Macon t likewise sill, nr training tim cr Will sell at Iheir Mill or will deliver in Macon or mint lion at favorable Writ* a* it uau bo procured from any olh- j JOHN I>. ORAV 4 1 CO. Sent 9, Utlfi. ‘ PTEW SPRING GOODS. Q|y r. .ulihtilmt has |u-t op. ned anew and c,,,n I' 1 ’ ‘7,'„"t! H „f S lie sail Fancy Ilry Good, for the iprin Iradi, ht I I,, ~fy ,1,1 .1 prices 1 eaoiMil fail of imwrii g them qnuk .. r„:„a ... lint of Dry Goods wonhl do well c. I*d .... ,ml pro.. In my frinii* in lln* conniry, l annldjnsl i r * 11 si,it ... no— yon shall have valid Goods al the h'**’ - Bis.srli, sluck ar, riek Kmhrm.lrrul llerap. - : nrh t iriliraHlei MV, l, M„.tin. and G,..*ham.| floe prinlr and Jaeom t . llih priiiliil j and L-w.i. . seV.h. Kngll.h aml Fr. 10 h Gll'Khknisi Linen t hesutilnl assortment ot emlirnoh rail K j' 11 . ■till’ la as, r altar, r lietnisctta, Cepes, Kd(ingi and Ntirtiligs, ,, pi,„l and strips-d 1 Irish Lin. ns 1 1 able da . 49in.h pilh.w 1.1 Snitch and lliaper 1 Haekalnick. Issws 11 g . lari Damask ‘Fabli Clntk.; Daina.k Napkins ; colored terry Snipe C.ssnner; Keiiturlrv .1 an.. Colon < “"'ITT j ,,'S. .1 etui tlrawu Homespuns It lets. Ribbons. A 1 uncial -rs , I’ni'ar. lias. Pa 1, Sun-Shades, and a 1 him sand and one ■>• a 1 tieli s, a hich every oliewalltf. All or winch lA.Mn-Jold f r .IOH. MI'KUUI R- Ml M VtMinUH W* t or i.i.kUihl HUvk, Hlm-.hluch, liivUiblc Orvtn, Hiiiva m, hihl |\a 1•* > C lot I* b s hr f**vlh )•< ■••urUut hi. ‘ li>ii, i w.t ft., K.i ,1. It tinU iu t'h'BH W. -stHH,,rAill**, u.ut rmP) Viitltift*. H ldHr.-(c.,dt,y N. McKINNON h TO AO, J4O. 31 I \ SPXIUNTG GOODS. ’f* uhß( riher h nuw rorriving fr*m N‘W \ork, upu k • ‘M, iilv ol Spring mid Summer to#)I, embracing n- H—> tIM-irHhlt* mivln lor both Mi* ** **n* Kefiijriiien n Alto a greut finely of coo<! •ui*"bln tor bm a’ cloth* ■i;. 7 (jEO. w. rruch. Mteon.Blarih 1847. 6 jTI IV/ttc Blouse and Commission BSn sintss. SEYMOUR will continue the a hove lutsines* , “ *‘ l *^ e H'ne stand, und solicit from the planters u Hliarc of their pafronnite. .Macon, June It), |B4li. 17 FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. f 1111 E undersigned, gmtefu) for past I A fi ■ fitvore, takes this method of inl'or / v m m ’ ,IM patrons, and those who may .•v|give him their hnsinesH. that he has ( lor the hotter seeming their interests) oh btined ihe heautiful and well arrnnged Mire M 9 roof IV ‘are-House, on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by J. Cowles, for the purposi- of Storing Cotton and all kindt of Country Product. M. will, as heretofose, give his personal attention to the Ware llou-e and |)l.‘dges himself to use every exertion to promote the interest ol those who may confide business to hischarge. Mur tin, June 24, 1846. N. OUSLEV. fi /; OMG a: .a a: 11 •#; a a WILL CONTINUE THE Ware-House anti ( niiiiiiibsioii Hiisiirrs*., J _ A NO solicit* the paironagt- of lii fri.-nda ami j t m the public gent-rslly. He will occupy the L nP Hull* and neat h opposite Ro* Ik Hrutlu r*' Store, ‘JSE I ction with the above, he hai aIo rented another near t. tin one above mentioned From I'.nr experience in the above butinehi, |<e hopen to give sati*- u # tion to those who may favof him with their busu eas lie will be , assisttd in the above business by Mr. M. D. C. JOHNSON, of Cul- I 10de... Macon, august 11, IM6. ? j ’ WAHE-IIOITaE Com tit issioit IS us i ness . GRAVES, WOOD A CO. IK F. this method of informing planters and others, that in ad- \ | dition to their wholesale and retail firry Goods and Grocery Rnsim ss. they will continue to transact a gmeral U ARK-HOUSF. h COM MISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand, (long known as Orav. ■* Corner,) on the corn, rof second stin t aid Commerce How, and i would respectfully renew toe tender of theii service* to their plant ing friend*, and others, with ttie assurance, that those who may patronize us ill this line of bun-ie**, shall have our best endeavors to do them justice and promote their interest. Our Ware House is conveniently situated ; and Cotton stored with us,shall be well ta ken cure of, and protected from the weather. We will aho assist < wi ‘ll pleasurej ui friend* in selling their cotton, and without charge; and we are at all (hue* prepared to make advance* on thesaiuein Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit *pofhost Os the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD 6c CO. Enwu Graves, Thomas Wood, > J. Jl. Kibbve, j M>pnn, July JO, 18.8. U | ~f TTJTvfvs .vjßif BAGUERRIAN GALLERY. ROOMS IX APOLLO HALL. nritERR he w ill be happy to exhibit specimens of his skill in the above Art. to thus, who may favor bin. with a call Per* sons wishing Hagn. rr. ot> Pen traits or Miniatures, can L-e accom modated to their satisfaetion, or no nay wi II he r. eeiveil. Mr. F. ur one of Poightlnndcr't celebrated ijtrmsn C ameras, which is probably superior to ny instrument of the kind iu this country. Portraits copied in the b- stniHimtr, and likmessis of de eea. and prrs ns or invalids taken at short notice. The üb-ci iht r would assure the public that no psins will he want ngon Ins part tu lavrit a share of their patronage, which is .u spiel fully solicited. tj* To Parenfs Pictures of Children taken by anew process, in from one to three seconds. MaCon. March 10. FRESH O&OCERIES JiiMt rpfcivfd at W. I rcTUiun's. f**’<tf ItDXKS Kainni l , w ‘25 drums extra fine Fic*. 12 boxes do. do. Prunes, 25 tin. Orange*, 2,000 We*! India Oranges, very pweef, Oiiron, < -urrants, Date*, ‘ramurinde, Sugar*, Teufl and Coffee. Spice* of all kind*, Crackers of all kinds, Fine Smoking ami Chewing Tobacco, Patent Yeast Powders. Also h very large and fine aseormenl of Stuart’s steam re fined CANDIES. March 24 G M*M k I.Bf*. extra fine Flour at OUUU March 24 6 W. FREEMAN. Nai!< Iron stud Hollow Hare. kega Cut Nuil*, * * F 1 > tons Iron, HusortcJ 1 to 10 Inches, 2.000 lbs. Sfi***t Iron, JO,OOO lbs. Hollow Wn:e, 2.000 lbs. Cast ] ,00(1 (irrinon anil Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop and Band Iron, bodo 4. Ht)ee, dOO pairs Trace Chains, ‘ Received and for sale by E. B. W ECI). Deo 17 44 .llillinery. DI KS. A- DAMOI B n A.S just received anew snd splrndi.l aaoortnient cf Goods . ni the Millinery line,tilth asj Pattern. V'elvet, Satin and I*lusl Hnta of the latest stvles; ,<tr tw. Leghorn, Pnrn la Bear! ft Dunstable Bonnetr ; A full assortment of Ribbons, Flowers, FCHlhers,and all kinds of Bonnet materials; Silk, Cashmere, and whife and colored Moslin Rohrs ; A fine assortment of Silk, Cashmere and Brocha Shaw la , New styles o?Capa end Head I>resses ; Tapes, Collars,Cnemisettes, Hosiery ; I,aces of all descriptions; Bombar.ines, Alpnceas, Mousliu ile I.aine, Silks, Mennos and Cashmere, for diess goods. Maeon, Ort 15, IH4d. v ** ,r> jmUinir* out! itress Mmki *-. Airs. CoWcll A Dlts. Bnifliiio, rairv on (he above business,and execute all orders ▼ ▼ in the best munner, and most lash ion a hie stvle were ‘TIkACTHNG add REPAIRING BONNETS, will al. so he done at short notice. I heir residence is on the corner of College street, near the Female College. Macon, Oct 23, IPtfi. .▼ 37 j eitOCKRIKS. lAHE nnbscrih.r* continuf to k,-.|> * rcnrrnl n* nf GROCERIES AND STAPLE DRV GOODS, ut tl.-.r i old stamLcorimr of Second and Mulberry street*, opposite t lie Wn.limpton Hull: they have jttl received with oilier nrtn lr-* the luliowiiig : „ S4 hliil*. St. Croix and P. R. Sugars, IM9 Imgs Green Rio Coffee, 25 do. old Gov. Java do. , 2000 varil* Negro Kersey*, 1000 1 turtle. Blanketsß and9 quarter, lOon yards Cotton Ostiahurgs, 15 tons Sweeties Iron, | 700 sacks Liverpool Salt, TSUO pair Rurct Brogans, will, a geuriul assortment in Iheir line, all which i ottered at * the lowest C inli price*. They respectfully invite all wtshti.r tu purchnse, to examine tiieir stock—believing they cannot fail lo be suited in price . U . CAM P B EU i CO. n.iv i. nitv uzarlbs n. raußiviArr, Cotton Accnue, next door above the “ Kio Grande Home, ‘ , Haa junl uponed a good tock of Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Flour, Bacon, Mtnulf n*<l Funcy Dry Hood*. an, March 10, 1817 __________.. | ■ %lf*tri k'VY II AMS.* m P iin.y <U 11 CHAW. lI.iIIKEMAN. . I >(irfli 1 i - !i “ Sri \ March 10. IM7. _ I * i ,fins’ t tins C'LV.Mu I Immssun t n ‘f'' '2' g'y,N pHKK.” UttU'. * 4 March 1,4 T ! I March 17, * 47. ■— i>*fi!VaaJdr!^sass;ssr7 ■ aalr b) 4 M>rch l 11 ~~ ■ ktl>( It IIAViUU*. isl.ignsoi- V |.*."rVillr’.!'.,,-sod Fire-hoird PnnD wide Psp.-r for Window Bbadcs. alo an.,tut .rtu le Al, Foot IfatM of wvrral dilcrtnt k nd- PR.IC?,. , March 31 f MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL li, 1817. ‘£\b idiom it at tty concern, DU. \V. VV. MARSHALL, formerly of Ricltuiond, Va. respectfully informs all persons aiHicted with Cancer, [■i.sttila. Wens, ttml nil similur disease*, orlginntiur from whaievar cattse, that he is now at Macon, Ga., where he will remain until J uly, 1847, during which timej|e will be pleased to make hi* PtofeHsionnl .services available to ihe nfllic^ed. • >r. M’s. treattnent of these disease* is peculiar to himself. The process ol cure is without the use of knife or cauotic. The treatment is both local and constitutional. Dr. aM. deems it only necessary to add that hi* former and continued syccesa in the management ol these diseases is con clusive evidence of the siipeiiority of hi* practice over hII kdown in tin -or is) other coentry* For further parti* j culsrn, he refers to hi* PatnplilrtonCancer. Fistula, £c., whit It may he obtained, gratis, on application to him at the Floyd House, by letter or otherwise. Letters, post paid, on husineH*. tr requesting copies ol the Pamphlet, will he punctually attend ! ed to and itnnietlialely forwuided to address by Mail. lltfeieneci —Rev. Air. Bragg, Rev. Mr. t’lomlv, Rev. Mr. Ellison; Rev. J. \V. Glenn, Jefferson, (in.; Major Jninc* .Smith, Col. Samuel R. Blake, Sterling Lanier, Thomas A. Brown nod J. H. R. Washington, Esttrs. Oct 14, 1544 £ o otilts, €HI9% Sr. JUST received front the “ N*w Y'ork and Brooklyn White Lead Compaitv,” Ae. I, No. 2, Extra and Pure \\ bile Lead. ALSO IN STOHE, Linseed end Tanner’*Oil. Spirits Turpentine, Varnish, Lampblack, Putty, Paint, Brushes, Arc. A. An Iff 2? PATTEN & TAYLOR, j PUBLIC INVITATION. JOfSEFMt .ocnnocK n\ \ IMG taken file store formerly occupied by G. 1. Shep ard. next door to Whiting 6c Mix’s Hlioe Store, reaped. \ fully invite* the public to examine WiafuU stock of STAPLE AMI) PANG Y DRY GOODS, being one of the richest and most desirable assortments of Pashionnble Drr/ (rood a ever offered in thiscity, nnd which shall be sold for CASH, at ttn precederßed low prices. A few of the many article* he bus jttHt opened ii ire- Kicii l>res* hi!ks, Black Mantilla nnd Apron and. Rich Cashmeres, Ombre stiiped do., Oregon Plaids, Gala Plaid forChildtcn, Plaid Alpaecas, IVUck Silk Warp Alpaecas, very fine. Super Bombazines, Beautiful Cashmere Shawls, Scotch Plaid, Wool ,\et, und splendid Silk Shaw ls, Jaconet, Mull nnd Svvis-j .Muslins, Splendid Embroi lered Muslin Rohes, French worked Capes, Collars and Shemizeites, Thread, Lisle, .Swiss,and Cntnlnic Edgings and lusertings, Clianlilla Veil*, Green Berugo, Kid (Hove*, ‘l* wisted .Milts, .Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Gimps, Fringes. Silk Buttonr, Zephyr Worsteds, Also, a beautiful lot of Straw, Tuscan, Leghorn, Adelaide, Victoria and China Pearl Braid Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Nec k Ties, &c. Together with a good stock of Broadcloths, Coasinters,! Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Plaid Linse* *, Red and 1 White Flannel*. Printed Salisbury do., Calicoes, bleached nnd brown Sheeting* and .Shirtings, with every article usually kept in the Dry Goods line. A* h is determined to give orkat will he for the interest f buyers to examine hi* stock before purchasing. Oct 14. 1815 85 | MOBS KEW GOODS. C'IEORGF. M, I.OOAN Ar CO have ju.-t received the T fines’ and best assorted stock of Fititry Dry Goods. that they have everofletsd for sale in this market. They are determined to -ell every utticlc on as fertus a* any house in the city,* an! will not he undersold hv nnv. Their motto in future r.lutll be. “Quick Sulcs nnd Small Prof its,*' — ‘Cheup Goodi-, 1 the watch-word. Greal Inditi < np’itts offered for Cash. The following arc n few of the nvtnv article* on hand. Paris eirihrnidered Cashmere Rohes—very fine, French embroidered Cashmeres, Suppr plaid, and shaded Cashmeres, Plain Motts de Lnines—nil colors, New style Polka Rohes—lor Evening Dresses, Extra fine embroidered Muslin Rohes, Fancy Dress Milks, rich nnd splendid. French Worked Capes, Collar* and Chemizettes, Kid Gloves, Twisted Mitt*. Silk Hosiery, Ac., Flannels, Al- Figured Dimity, Bl ickßombazine*, Alpocea L ’sires, liish Linens, ‘Fable l)amak, (Miad Ginghams, etc. etc. Cloths, C;iKsimcrrs, and VcMings. Fine Caslinterc Shawls, Rich Brocade, “ Black embroideied Thibet Shawl* nnd ITundk’s. Fine embroidered Linen Cambric llandk’s, Purse, Twist and S'eel Beads, .Silk. Buttons, and Trimmings—of every quality. ALSO. A splendid assortment of CARPETING and RUGS Tow for CASH. Also, a very large and handsome selection of Cliina. Gist*9. :nl froekcry-Waro, which will be sold much, lowet than usual— l§ we are anxiotta to sellout and discontinue the hnsincH*. Conte and examine these Good- before purchasing, and you can obtain GLEAT BARGAINS. Get. 7 ‘1846. 34 GROCERIES, IIHDS. St. Croix. Porto Rico and N. O. Sueur, * J 12 boxes u ut buripls crushed, pulv. and loaf .Sugar, 25 lihdft. MohiHses, I do. Stcwnit'i* re£ned Sugar Ilouao Molassca, 100 hags llio Ctrftce, 20 •• Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 25 toxrs Camllre, 20 “ Tu How 50 “ boap, 20 “ btarch, 4 chests choice lmpeiiil nnd Hyson Tea, 10 quarter cheats Imperial and Hyson Te.i, Shleratus, Indigo. Madder, Spanish Brown, Blue Vitriol, Copperas, Alum, Furax.tfal Nitre, Powder, Shot Lead, 25 bbls. N. F Run. 25 bhta. Northern Gill, 50 bills. NVbiskey, Cognac and American Brandy, Holland Gin, ('ordiala. .Madeira, Port nnd M a Inga Wine, Lemon Syrup, KaiHins, 100 boxes Tobacco, a great variety, HO,OOO Segars: Mncoboy and Scotch Snuff, With a great variety of other Groceries, w hi< h will he mid at u Baigaiiis.” AMOS IJKNTUN, I ■ I I 7 i* / O IV, ’ .S’ ST a On Mulberry Street, opftoei/c the \\'nhinf[trn Half. r|IHK undert ; Ked uke* pleasure i announcing to Ins in -1 numerable friend? nnd cuPloiurrs iliroiighoul the State, that lie has commenced liis business operations for 1847, and that be is now (Tiling bis sirue with a most extensive and mag nificent stock of new BPRING DRY GOODS. I It is my determination tiro coining year, by the beautv of mv good*, and the uniform cheapness ol the prices, to make this estahii^bment Tin* most rcpitlnr filore ftbi llio Si:ilo. I therefore cheerfuMv and cordially invite purcluisers ot Dry Good* young and old. trout all parts cf the State, to vi*it mv store, hoping that I shall be able to mako Iheir visits both a* greeable and profitable to them, by netting tote tar ('agh. Respectfully, JOHN \V. CLARK. |*. The undersigned, one of the late firm nf Kendr” k A Clnrk, would also retu>eet?ul!v solicit a rail from hit* friends nod acquaintances, at (Tie Pennle's Store, where lie w ill ever be found readv to uil them to their interest in the pure-base of goods ‘ JAMES M. CLARK. 1 March m, 1817. _ 7 CO-PARTNERSIIIP. fEinr. Wribcrhaving takrs brothn, Ncubett 11. irfi te. info I uariorhip,tliet*Miiu s> will h* rcafitr lie continut-d tiui'ri tl.r fii n nf A . J. will I K tsi CO. A. J. WMI I Y. Matou, July 1,114 A•— t he niiMi-i*b r have mature,aud sill be receiving dunnr the auianieranU fall, A (general itMorlinonl of Gontl*, .UUi/.hil hi the trillion, (nitifixy in part of bt.Crobi and l.usf Sugsr, I BH|ilfOry Ouud, Ml, Laxntra and Java Callbr, I Ss.ldl.fy, Shot-,, Iron of sit kind,, 1 Manor, of ull kinds, Hollow-Wnrr nod Nails, I *1 rlt-lDlw vrry flm-, Gt-rm.n.Cn.t 8s DU.urrd btcl, Hi-ttnr,, l ob.r. o, 1. Suit, Mots,-r, I Tni1,,011,,01n„, Ik*. it us dins, Tirlnr amt Mlo/ir. Wlthth.ii'Monkof Hnxxtbr.tlu , ~llt r ~m,r Kmliirk, ;.i m h. , onilv, ortl sdniitrd to.qnsro bstm.nftd ki,h oo.luglil) a|.(-ru,id of tlir ii„t b> ulantin. . , . , Coini>r..uiX mdst kftlclfatn Hi. G r*v. ry wturh lb, y off. r ,t. Ike t00,,t market pner,, skd mywtlull) ralKilli.nll from ibt-ir friend, ,tid the putni.. A. J. wMI I F a* * *>■ • s after the ttrtt of Ortober.they w ill remove lo the knek eurui r .tore ~o door, shove Iheir pruriu Wnlioli, Srinrrl, or.k|u and try omn, Null kC- M.eim, toly I, ‘ld, f VIIIIV CIIF.AP lltv HOODSS ~ McKinnon *, <O. w*ld iit,ile all I>er,oii, In want of >• DRY G OODjS ~ or.U.nd cumin, their NV.r sod Vi-i.m >,k .w*, cu , ..i,11"K of Iti-ii* u n<t Hleaihe*! Hliirtiufa Mini sheeting*, I h klna*, * ‘ Mii.lin-, l.swn,,* nnd lire,, (iwol. x> •„ rl'y, lo.eih” will ni most evert other nrtinte ■■•ianll> kepi in the Ur, (,ood, line- Allot ohitk wilt he ~.ld ,1 the Ittrttl prim lor Ct.b.or to |>untlunl u. 1 turner* *v ■! , \| Ill'll la, IM7. , 15QOO FOr* 'll J'l ( 'A |l ' > . I" 1 **,.*, {, y h * n fHitt MN. j p> CH . E,K ~ A fc "(TMAVyIIiW^L. I A ftrSßkl'r,. UUIH fHKI Ulf. 1 >UrthU HtCII STOIK or TJEW SPRING GOODS AT HEDIKED PKICCS. rflll K iiib-iribn-, on Dy.on'. Ilrii k Corner, i. now r. rrmnr from Jl New Turk h large ami uplcmlut a*urtmcm of spring aiid J>um tn r (iuoda of tu** laut style* ami pain rua, coututing iu pan us the tollowmg articles : 1 Etigltih ami American Prims, Farcy Silk I.awn Shawls Kim raid do. Rich Rrriigr Scarfs, * Kurin loro do. Hlm-k (V \fliile l.air Not Sh.wln, Mlack and hste do. . Ladies rich l-.mhroid. Pdkt. rink. Check f* Stup'd i.acts and Edgings, I'laid KarUtou do. i Gloves and Hosit ry, 1 laid Law ii Muslins, I Bonnets and Hihhoiis, Black do. do White i'anihries anil Mnslida. Mourning Lappett Muslins, (iimpsaud Fringes, fancy Print* and und Plaid Lawns, Black and Cohm and Alpaecas ['*•* Printi and Jaconets, I Bleat tied und Vnhleaclied Sheet- Knbioidered & Graduated Swiss mgs an.i Shirtings, Robes, j 10-4 l.inen Shu tings, Marquesas and California Hohc s, Mi per hik Fmu li lti oadclntha, I’mucd Ilalzuriue do. Klegant b!k Ik fancy Ctos.n.tii, Bicli Pans bilk do. iCottnii and Linen Drills, Black Satin l ies and Shawls, Domestic Goods of all kinds. Black bilk Lawn do. | Afao receiving a tnrge alack of CLOTHING. HATS. SHOES. Crocker)’ VVitr.*, Glnss Wore, Ar. All of u Inch w ill he sold an low as can be purchased hi any other houe in the city. The public are respectfully inviud to cull and examine my stock, which has been selected with much tar with ref er* nee to the w ants of both city and country. Macon, March 17, 1847 5 S S. KF.NHRICK. Vnlii.-iblc l.iinnls lor f JG?E following valnshlo tracts of Land, eligibly situated,in o ths most lavoruhln cotton region, atulsunm of them em bracing the richest cotton lattdtin the State, ute offered for sale on uccoinmoduling term*. County. Lot l)ist. Acres. L win now ) 292 13 490 Early now J 200 10 250 Thomas S 317 8 490 Bukar \ 151 JO 250 “ 352 18 409 “ 274 8 250 | M 511 K 490 82 9 250 It win now ? I 11 490 “ 126 11 250 Lowndes. \ 490 “ 44 7 2.0 “ 372 It) 490 “ 31 7 250 “ 371 10 490 “ 221 7 250 *• 359 10 490 “ 232 7 250 , “ 331 10 490 “ 013 7 230 “ 230 10 490 44 319 7 250 “ 203 12 490 ‘* 320 7 250 “ 277 12 490 “ 127 11 230 j “ 325 12 490 365 9 250 “ 320 12 490 | “ 90 II 250 “ 361 12 49) “ 116 II 250 “ - 426 ]2 490 “ 63 12 250 “ 127 9 490 “ 112 7 250 - 138 II 490 ” 905 8 230 j “ 51l 11 490 “ 393 8 250 “ 368 10 490 “ 23 4 7 250 “ 426 10 490 “ 283 7 250 Irwin 373 7 490 14 206 7 250 “ 127 7 490 38 II 250 ! Appling. 267 4 490 2,a II ‘Jill: A|ijilin- ? n 4 „ u 1 14 II ff iff llnw WhitS 44 :m II ‘J..O I F.nrly now j 570 IS 2SO 44 .tti 11 2SU , Decatur. ) ‘JSH IS 1150 j 44 2IH II 2S(I i 44 SSfi IS 2.. 44 IMi 7 95(1 44 IDS IS 950 Enrly. 975 13 940 1 44 IBS 15 95(1 1 253 13 250 44 18l 15 950 i 44 251 13 250 44 172 IS 250 , “ 255 13 2.50 : 44 llff 15 250 44 231 13 250 i 44 51 15 25(1 44 220 13 250 “ 41 15 250 : 44 2'3 13 250 j “ •) IS 950 I 44 21 l3 250 44 173 It 250 44 101 13 250 44 175 14 250 44 1211 13 250 “ 3n() |1 250 j 44 -43 13 250 44 31 1 I I 250 I 44 207 13 250 44 . 315 II 250 j 44 235 23 250 44 3IG 14 250 44 131 28 250 100 It 250 44 5f- 23 250 44 81 If. 250 44 23 28 250 “ 05 10 250 | 44 20 28 25(1 “ 203 21 250 44 3UO 13 250 44 233 21 250 44 121 13 250 “ IffO 21 250 •’ 287 6 250 44 I 21 250 44 122 13 250 “ 147 21 250 ] 44 131 13 250 44 101 16 250 ‘ 132 13 250 14 110 21 250 J .. r,j ail 250 14 115 21 250 44 lill 20 250 44 I*3 27 250 , .* 63 26 250 “ 153 16 250 j 44 202 26 250 “ I''4 16 250 4 * sff 20 250 Ila'i-lisin 153 13 250 44 58 26 2.50 44 05 13 250 44 228 13 250 44 16 13 250 44 237 23 250 Rnliun. 55 1 4ffo j 44 223 28 250 ; 44 47 1 4!H) 44 215 28 250 44 54 1 490 lno 13 350 ! “ 46 1 400 44 180 13 250 i “ 113 5 160 44 48 13 250 44 75 3 881 44 40 13 250 “ 106 3 364 44 188 13 250 | Rhilv now ? I 16 4911 44 153 13 250 I .owrule.. $ 520 11 4*lo 44 50 13 250 44 176 10 400 >< 281 13 250 I 44 221 10 400 361 13 2.50 4< 267 10 490 44 200 26 250 Fnrlv now > 515 8 490 44 56 26 250 Tliuinns ) 378 8 490 F.nrlv now > 316 17 250 44 375 8 400 Thnina. > 317 17 250 “ 107 17 490 44 31 1 17 25(1 Early now > 7! 21 250 44 290 17 250 lleciilur S >32 21 250 44 269 17 250 “ 152 21 250 *i 268 17 250 44 281 14 250 44 65 13 250 F.urlr. .57 26 250 •• 143 13 250 44 65 26 250 44 253 13 250 Appling. 81 3 4ffo 44 20 18 250 44 Fl 6 3 490 44 109 17 2.50 44 137 3 490 44 154 17 2.50 44 138 ‘4 400 44 175 17 250 * 178 3 490 “ 179 17 250 I 44 209 3 490 44 237 17 2781 44 230 3 490 Irwin now) 157 13 490 4 ‘ 235 3 490 Th.ii.rair 319 8 490 44 244 3 49 ~ 293 13 490 “ 423 3 490 44 392 13 490 44 424 3 490 .. J 59 J3 490 44 431 3 400 •• 2.8 13 490 - 44 is |3 490 Ha’rdltnin 15 13 2..0 Any npi.nn widltin- lo for nny ‘irnllnflltPiilrovn Lund.,will.pptv to TIUI.MAS V. STEVENS, Agrm Mor on, l elr. 10, 1047. SVlilrlr-STO-nES. XHF tvh-crilrrr br-tojr An* nt for at. dstfti.iv. Mill S'ortrru.h- Itrhmrnt in N. w-Vorl., ,Ufurlti*h I. ur/i. . 111 i.NC|I Ilf II H, KAS, .ml 1 01.01. XK M 11.1.-3 10SKS. l .n^'• 4 ' 4 .. ‘ J *'- ranli'l of tin very bi 1 nuallty. 110111*311 IIMiI.AI. Vtsenv. NV I'. DS*. 2IA.IZaX:V <St BEKWETI’S fnmily Oron;i a F I*roviion Store. fTMHK umi* r.-)icnv<l limb r the sVveiasmT,ri <-•!> wcciving, and I now u er Car male ihc fullov* iug ariiclib, “u Crashed, said Brown Sugars, 11 lot* n, Aliuhi, still I slue Salt, K*o ami Java Cuffe* - , Mu!a**: a, l(uiity,t'ii|(iiii( and P*acli Bratiu) , Jainaieu and Northern Bum, Itollund and Nurthivn tim, U h .k. v, A W and Cider, \V liiii- \\ mv sjh! Cider N m* g°r, Pori, Clar* i a)d M*!*g* Wine*, Curdiaia, inaudy, Kiuii* und Lemon Syrsp, Fulton Msrkt i PiekU-d Bf, Pickled and S'moktd Heel lot gue, Famil) Pickled Pork, PicUU and and Su*ok tl Salmon, Pit kh and Slmd snd Halibut 4 m. Siiiultidaiid Driid B**f Codrtdh, l onfu * and Hoands, Scotch It* rrinic, Surdim *, Homo I*’ hngat cured lts;umorc llama, Ha 11 more Middling*, Marktrel ‘•.IMnU • kita, H\ and Caak Ch..*c, Hive, Swtetutid lush Pulht • *, Oui.rn*, licit*,Tamil)*, sod Pea*, (*oalu*iiand Country lluit* r, No) llit -U und <ieorpit 1 id, Canai and 1 ouutry Flswr, Buck wheat Flour |, I and buxt*, Flint Corn tirit*, M*al and Itoti.aiun), White Northern P* an*. Sperm, Adsiinuuun and Tallow Candß*, Ha* * Ha- ami litavlnp ioaj, Hoaton, Hutu r. Sugar and L* mon Cracker*, )tyon. Ifyann SHvti and Hnuehung Tea*, Chocoiate and pis par* if Coco. plug. Dot. ( he ting and Smoking Tobavo,* anil Mat*hl*v) inulf, # Hat titi* in |. land whole hoxet, Prcier-ved current* Cuion, Preserved and grruint (binger, prune* • •• jar* and bo** a, Prepared Pepper AlSpiee, Mact ai .ni, Olive*, AM liu* it *, Clov *, Cinnaunin, Nulntrg*, Mace, Prppt r Han-r, C|u •*, l oinuto Catchup, <?avenue Pepper, Mu*fard, Sweet Oil, Fig Sultana Nitaina. Da**S Dried 4 ruita. Cut rent and oth> r It lliea, a *ort and, Pu kh *. a *o*l and *ie and mixed, Pick h tl l.obater* and O) •**)•, Candle*, Patent Vea*t, Hturt h, Indigo, Ctpprra*, Sal Airatt*. Dingla**, P*(a*h, Urn/tit an, American and p.nelian waiimw, Al.ooini*, FillH*rt*. Pieawu*, Ink, Apple*, Oranrec, l.eiuoiia, Co**o Not*, Match-*, Blacking, t urn Hnwlß*,llruMirt, Tinware ,Jug, I art. Corn, Fodder, ‘‘auUrV, K.gga, . - . „ - The und. r>irued will, whi n the wc other pertnila, keep fri ah 8.. f, p. rk and Sanaa re*, awl aadi other *at* and (Vail* a* the tnarkrt will warrant, and that can In gffwcared. Audio all thu*c who in) ;,‘. s.:. 5.„,:„ .„h ar.ll. it ..II IH-U.t mo. ..D.l.v 1t,.,, i.bmlt Ik. artial. .ml px..r. *?** Allkimt, of CttMtllFf JtfOiiu.. aantrll, for tin-it.ttk. l^.nr. . will le |ad, 44 | Dec 17.1040. Sill. CltS.—‘-’9 tihil” Muscovado Suxar. ‘.’ll Bfix*s l-f •*” , 111 Bills Crush e<l anil Pow tlfrrd do Lit'iV'a’ “ 1- r _ MISCELLANY. practical Jokes and had liquor. IIT TitK T.X FRRKCB EDITOR. | It in .1 well known f;ct that oftentimes both those joltra which nre called ••practical”—and that liquor which is icrm ’ rd “had,” have? been productive of exceedingly evil couaequen } con; hut whether the liquor or the joke has done the most I mischief, ive arc* not called upon juat now to determine. We propone to make mention of an yffuir wheir had liquor and ; a (Tactical joke were productive of the very boat consequenc es imaginable. Many years ago, while the State of Georgia was still in its infancy, an eccentric creature, named Brown, waa one of its Circuit Judges. He was a man of consideroblo ability, of in flexible integrity and much beloved and respected by all the legal profession, hut he had one common fault. His social qualities would h ad him. despite his judgement, into frequent excesses In travelling the Circuit it was his almost invaria ble habit the niulit before opening the to get “com fortably corned,', by means of dpplninces common upon such occasions, If he couid’nt succeed while operating upon hia own ho ik, the members of the bar would generally turn in and help him. It was in the Spring id the year; taking his wife—a mod el of a woman in her way —in the old fashioned, but strong ••carry all,” that he journeyed some forty miles, and reached a village where ••C-urt” was to he opened the next day. It was along in the evening of Sunday that he arrived at the place and look up quarters with relation of his “better half,” by whom the presence of an official dignitary was con sidered a singular honor. After supper ludge Drown stroll* rd over to the only tavern in the town, where he found many old friends, railed to the pla- e, like himself on important pro fessional business, ami who were properly glad to meet him. “Gentlemen, **id the Judge, *• ‘ti-* quite a long time since we have enjoyed a glass together—let us take a drink all round. Os course fi> emit, (addressing the landlori) you have lietter liquor than you had the last time we weie here, the stulf you had then v. a- not fit lo give fl dog.” Sterriit. who had chaise of i!e house, pretended that eve rything wis tight, and so they went lo wotk. It is unneces sary to enlarge upon a diinking l out in a country tavern —it will quite answer our purpose to stats that somewhere in the region of midnight the Judge wended hia devious way to wards his temporary h .me. About the time he was leaving, however, some younger barristers, fond of a “practical,” and not much ah aid of the bench, transferred all the silver spoons of Sterriit to the Judge's coat pocket. It was eight o'clock of Mouday morning that the Judge ro?e. Having indulg’ din the process of ablution and abster sion, and partaken ol a refreshing breakfast, he Went to bis room to prepare himself for the duties of the day. “ Well, Polly,” said he to his wife, •• I feel much belter than I expected to feel after that frolic of Isvt night.” “Ah, Judge,” suid she, reproachfully, **you are getting too old —you ought to leave oil'that business.” “Ah, Polly—what’s the use of talking V* It was at this precise instant of time, that the Judge, hav ing put on his over coal, was proceeding, according to his Usual cuß'om. to give his wife a parting kiss, that he happen ed in thrusting Ins hand into his pocket, (n lay hold *>f fitter lilt's spoon*. He jerked them out. With in rijiitMiun of horror almost indrac lihabie he exclaimed “My God ! Polly !” “What on earth's ihe nutter, Judge 1” “Just look at these spoons.” “Dear me, where d'ye get them V ••Gt t them 1 Don’t \ou see the initials on them ‘ extend ing them toward* her—•• l stoic them.” “Stole them Judge V “Yey, stole them.” “My dear huffianJ, it can't be possible! from whom*” “From Slerritt, over there, h s name is on I hem. ’ “Good Heaven-1 how couM it heppen l ” • I know very well Polly —I was very drunk when 1 came home, wasn’t l V* ••Why. Judge, you know your old habit when you are a rtiong those lawyer*.” “But was 1 very drunk 1” • Yes. if “U tent .” “Was I remarkably drunk when T got home, Vtrs. Brown!” “Yes. Judge, i)ilink us a fool, and forty tunes as stupid.” “I thought ao,” said the Judge, dropping into a chair in extreme despondency—‘l knew it would come to this at l ist. I have always thought that something bad wouIJ hap p n to rn—that I should do something very wrong—kill somebody in a moment of passion, pet Imps hut I never im agined that I could be mean enough to l*e guilty of deliber ate larceny.” ••Hut, there rnav he some mistake, JuJafl! * • N. mistake, Polly. I kr ow ve-y w. II how it all ram* about. Tiiat fellow, Sterriit, keeps the meanest so iol liquor, and always did —I quor meai| enough t 1 make a man steal, and rmw I have i piactnal illu-lrslion of the tael —and the poor old man burst into tear*. “Don lbe a child,” eaitf his wife, wiping away the tears, “go like a man, over to fiferiiit, tell b in it was a little hit of a frolic—pass it - 11 as a joke —go and open Couil, and no body will t vvr thick • f it again.” A hlile of ihe soothing system oppra’rd upon the Judge ns suk h things usually do , Ui< ntrsow inoiLflcaltOQ was fi nally subdued, and over to fiSiern-t’s he went wnb a tolerable face! Os course he had but little difficulty in Milling with him—lor aside from the fact that the Judge’s integrity was unquestionably hr had an inkling of the joke that had been pl The Ju’ge took his seat in Couit.bulit waa observ ed that he was sad and melancholy and that his mind fre quently wand< td ( oui the business Irefure bun. There waa a lack of the sense and intelligence that usually characterized hia proceedings. Several iluya passed sway, end the business nf the Court was drawing towards a close, when on* in Tiling a rouyh looking -ort of a cu-turner waa arraigned on charge ol steal mg. After the Clerk had iexd the indiclmt-ni tu hun, he put the question : ••Guilty, or not Gnihy V ••Guilty— but drunk” onawered the pi Loner. “V\ hat * that plea ?” exclaimed the Judge, who waa half dozing on the touch. ••Ho pleads guilty, hut **>• he wss drunk,” replied the clerk. ••What’s the charge against the man V* “He is indicted l r g and larceny.” “What’s iho case !” ••May i* pleas* your honor,” said the prosecuting attorney, • the man is roguUrly tudiclej (or eualuig a la>go sum from the Columbus Hotel.” “Ha is. hey 1 and pleads’*— “lie plead# guilty, but drunk** The Judge whs now lully aroused. , • Guilty, but diunk * that is a most eitran-d nary flirt. — Young fnan you are cailain you wire drunk'” ••Y/r*v •i^r! f “Where uid you get your I qur !” ••At Blerritl's.” • D'ye get none no where else • Not * drop, nr- * ••You gol d*unk on hia hqior, and afterward# xtole his moil y V ’ -Yes. sir.” 4, Mr. Prosecutor,” aaid the Judge, “do m* the fs*or to en ter a nolle protrffui in that man’s case. That liquor nfSur nil's is mean rnoujb to make s man do any ttnng dirty.— I Kotdru rk nit IkenVer da'J my*elf and itule ail of Stir rift’s npount rrlesao ttta py*Mier, Mr. HbeulT. 1 adjourn the C’uq'f". • ‘ Tran tided far ike Bnkion lire. . A YOUNG AND RICH WIDOW. The iacy editor of the Courier dea K*au Um* M shading tu the vsrioua charities nr fav * of the auffu*e/a by thip Loire mun lalion, in franc*, relate* the Ibfluwing snacdota of a cer tain nc' widow at the nine ol alas inundation of the liver Rhone i There waa in a city near Lyon a, a widow, remaining o ihe verv lew of that class sin a the man sevin to prefer second hand wives—a widow of 25. handsome enough to dieptiisa with a f.itune, aril iich enough lo do witheut beauty. Her fir%i husband was just such a one tea second one would wnb; on* of thoso husbands that M ia not made to intimidate thiir aticcasaora. and who are advw.Ugeoudy replaced iu second marriage, when there is the least value in the pew apuuse. lie hid lighted Ihe toich of hymen si 50 yra. aittn gu.ahed .1 at GO. Hi# whole merit cunviatedin having lesud hut a little while and dying in aeusoii, leaving to Ins wife, as a compensation, UO.OOO franc* income. At this phe. bi* wrung* were eaidy par dated, with hia sour temper, jealousy, and other defect* of age and character! I y MI *° a,me, if s widow thus endowed, was sunound*d whh sigb i i- fl All that the i *f V>m| ‘*uvdcl uiiTuVu’ h. y oung VOL. XXV.—No. 2. I men wore macribeil in lier huok., lo olitin luo e.ute of Ih ! Jefonrt *fK>ur. Each one displaycii to Ihe beat, hia K raci-, wit, an.l fortune—in fin*, all that could give him a value in tho of the widow. For (Jlacrelion'a .ke, we shall j name her Mdme. Danville—and hre we may state, that, be firs tile end ol her mourning, she had announced her nosiliv intention of re-marrying. Her fir.t marriage had been in obedience to the choice of her tumily j now that she was free and mislress of her hand, she was determined to have a brii liant revenge. She at first conceived Ihe idea of marrying at Paris, wheie she could choose front a larger field ; hot in. purism interests connectrd with her properly, decided her on . remaining in the provinces. The defunct was a tich i faclurer, and Ilia widow e fortune was in rnetcandisa an I : commercial paper, site product of which was certain, but time wa< necessary to roaliif it. Mm,. Danville therefore resign ed herself to await t lie prudent settlement of her husband's all nra. which woul I require two years, liut the widow’* sagacity. exhausted by rhf accomplish meut of this resolution, succumbed io the idea of waiting tw . yrara before renewing the bonds of hymen. Already ht.l her spring blossomed unfavorably ; must she still p JS < in is • lation ot the best years of youth ? When u<*h reflection* seize A woman’s thoughts, the course she will take is no: doubtful. Consequently,the aspirants to hei hand and for tune, for n moment disdained, were anew admitted to present their titles. The beautiful widow had her court; she beheld herself besieged with ardent vows, tender prayers, hmnsg*- and flattery “f eve.y degree, all of which left her indifferent, until, one dav. when a serpent crept among the ff,we*s. The serpent—thus allegorically named—was a certain r> dn'iint young man. in a good state of preservation, but still, no longer young. No one knew precisely his age, but ho had oi*se.i forty, a fatal epoch for fascinating charmers.— Uut, by a happy exception, our hero remained in active *or vice, thanks to his skill at the game Gallants of this aon are very dangeioos. being treated as of little consequence , and thus they make headway in their captivating art, till i, in too late to arrest them. This wqb the case of Mr. Leon ard; hia rival* neglected to abstract his path, tho widow a< lWt lent but little attention to h s address* g, and so he forti fied himself in hi* tutelary position. Endowed with a pa lienee to endure evey tent, and possessing the resources fur nisheil by long pmctice, he knew how to profit bv all the ed vafit iges of the case ; armed with a caustic wit, skilful in rid icule. he had the art of stigmatizing and ruining prospects of all his competitors. In fine, he remained alone on the baltL field, until the lair widow could not dispense with noticing him. The fir-t success, skilfully managed, was soon to conduct to a complete victory. The ci-devant young man knew, bv force ot borrowing from art, the means of indefinitely pro hi* youth. Appearances militated in his favor. A widow ought not to have been taken in thereby, but Mmo Danville was perfectly artless, and was not sufficiently exp* rienced to distinguish truth from fiction. She listened to th vow* of her superannuated lover, and granted him her hand Thus, tot a second time, the beautiful widow was obnut t< become the dope and victim of a badly assorted marriage, and her fatal destiny was on the point of being completed, when the inundation came to her aid. It must be said, that M. Leonard lodged in Mm*. Dsn ville’s house. This house, situated at the extremity of lb. fiubourg, was distributed ns follows;—on the ground floor were wnrehof*es **f merchandise, which represented in pan the widow’* fortune the floor above wa* occupied by the In dy anl ona of h.*r relatives, who was to return from the coun try on the morrow, to be present at the marriage; above w,t M. Leonard’s apartment, and in tbe attic a young artist, who*, the widow had hardly noticed—a painter, tootimiJ, reserved, and poor, to dare betray the secret thoughts that devoured him. It was the day b> fire the marriage filed upon. On that dav the Khone overflowed ami filled the city—but the water was its yet hardly * foot deep, and divers signs indicating it sub-iding. disquietude was allayed. The future couple pass ed the evening in a tete-a-tete* Mme. Danville working a; I cr embroidery, and M. Leonard reading aloud a novel— neither suspecting that during these peaceful hours the scourg* . instead of retiring, was making rapid progress. The tcie o ie'e terminated carli r than usual, for the rolemnity of tlu Dior row lequired some thought and preparation. Having ga ntl his chamber, the conqueror gave vpnt in his solitude to etc* as of j.*y at his triumph. He complimented himaeli before the glass, all the while arranging his night toilet which in a great measure, destroyed the fragile edifice of his decep ive charms. Hi* skilful lies were about to receive their rtr ompense in a charming w ife and elegant foitune. Gently lulled by this ha, pines* almost in hand, the quadragena > icducteur had put on his night gown, when suddenly I, beam a knocking at hisi'./or. ••W|o is there !” he s.ked with surprise. “1, ’ uii*w trd Mute. Danville, “open quickly, I entrem you.” lie opened. The handsome widow rushed in, in a Jieor dered state and exhibiting every sign cf allright. •*U bai tlu-ii i* it * ” uskt-d M. Leonard, completely stupe fied. ••!!** the hou*e taken fiie 1 0 •It is not lire hut w„te:’’ replied Mme. Danville; “lb* inundiiion is increasing ; a while * nee the water whs t ib door; now it is already up to the first story. The water h i invalid my apa.tmeut, and compelled me to ak for an as, lumi w itn you.” Over win lined, and almost beside himself, M. Leonard p Ced the chaiubtr. Mine. Dauvdle seat* and heist It in an am chair, to the arm ot wurii whs banging: a corset. A mumei>i ul er, earning m do pal. It s t birched hand* to his htad.d* placed his night-cap, and exposed his sculp almost denude* ol hair. Asnmisbed at tl> * spectacle, the young widow, who, de* pile hi i iruu-de nsd rciusiscd the corset, now perceiving u on the tn anile p ec, a in-g.-diecnl black wig suspended i the b sucqes ol a candeDbrs. At tins mo.iiciit, tue wsief reached tbia apartment and et lertd t*y ihe window. M. Leoua*d cried f.*r help in a pill., bte A bust, conducted by an intrepid pll*l, ami cot- • #tivc*al peisuua s.ivstcd iioin dealo, bulled betareu. WlilUOW* • luiposvil lc to take yon both,” said the pilot. “All I ca, do # l j iX one ol you.” “i uke uic ! ’ exclaimed Leonard ; and be leaped into tl. Urn. ••He saves bin** If sud abandons me? * said Mme. Dui vil e. “And that I* the mm 1 would (spouse!** ihe wa ei tuned the io.*u si a rush. Mme. Danvi:% took U ghl, tnotmUrd the staircase, aud knocked at the att. •lory. Ihe young mac that occupied this modest apartment rc ceiiru her wuti u emotion ot terror and ot joy. • I iiiooglil you out o 4 thia tiou.e, and sheltered from dan ger,’ tie *ui.i, “OiUt-i wise, 1 should have done every thing ‘ save you ; i f -nr uis now 100 Isle/* ‘ •• tV tiai do 1 u hold l” exclaimed Mine. Danville, forge;ii> ’ tor 9 inoAMttl ins peril, an J regcrding with marked surpris* j her portrsit in tub length, and of a perlccl resemblance. •i tut | lore >our pardon foi my hold nets, MaJame,” sau> I the > *u.ig planter. •• i Itis po uait is my work. I execute him pan hour ismt robrame, and sia part ugardmg you, t | iroui my wmdow I could at tunes see you, Vou never ra > 1 <-d >uut glsnct. low .ids me, bul mine waa always htnt upc t you. Allow me lo open my soul enthe at this leirible um i merit. .>eor to death us we aie, the heart has no srcreia - Kuh, happy, adored as you are, I should never have hsJ the courage to avow a love which cou.d hope for no return, t./ gr> si a happiness was not intended for me, and now I am to * will paid lor wbal l have suffered, since 1 sen sbuut lo d.c witu you. ’ i he young m m who thus spoke, was eloquent with grr pass on, end melancholy re.igrraiion. In iistenu.g to 1m and r*j lug. .Mine. Diuviilo lets spring up in her bosom . sentiment which none other had LuUeiio inspired. The dw djAUt-d, end a shout of joy spread through the city *, the w tsr was iceding, tho river iiad exhausted its strength and i l red si.oust ua rspicily as a had oveidoweJ. Mr. l.tfotuid then returned, and listl the front to >g n a|es2 ot hu uiaifisge with the fair widow. • It a to come oil m-day as arranged 1” he sked. •.\ said ehet • ! •“•d not uia.ry ulis fortnight Lraci “Ami wtiy this dylay ?” “fit* ease anew contruct is to be made and the banns an*’ I pubnsm J. dcoocgt>a aiwsvs lead to ufiecUofi. The Him ksiMrU i *s ld me to esiioivte you, and die husband who v. 1 tnuau my lotuio huppmesa.” j I* un* u -snv to add that Mme. Danville espoused t. j young ill-ill ol tqy attic Chamber ?, i Uus ate see, how the uu*S4 tertoui disasters may produ i good results, aud how luutrdaltniia oisy fur*.Ub ultke WKi. # able diuiuas and 1 gut aud smihug comedies. - Dr Franklin recommends tu tho choice of # w ifa so or’ her Iroiu a bunc&. A down east editor stye ihe ogauu£, j practice now ta to fliigyt her ivtyk a tvneb* “* fa