Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 15, 1847, Image 3

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I’ii.tfort or A noth. i. I* lour.*- Bv on arrival from the Bra. yu i, with dates to the 2d insl. the Picayune of the 10tl iust. .’nr.ia thftf Uctr Taylor with t portion of his command hud overtaken the roar-guard of Urreu'a Cavalry. Hia force consist rj ofUmgg’s Buttery, May’s Dragoons, and the Kentucky Cavalry, iu all 7UO strong] The statement is, that the action had lasted several hours and that when the Courier left “ Old Rough And Heady” was making terrible havoc among the enen.y. ft'J’Tlie cool impudence of Haute Anna is rather (untiring. It appears that lie has written out a very particular and de tiiih and uccount of the buttles of Buena Vista, in which, he at tempts to prove that he gained u decided victory over General Tuvlor, and that his running away was purely sir at eg die at,!! FboM Gfn. TaYl.or.— I The Picayune learns by private let ters from the Brasos, that Gen. Tuvlor has returned to Saltillo after in vain pursuing Urrea. Ile could not reach him, though he was once close upon him nour Marin. (Jen. Taylor's force consisted of about 1000 mett, of w hom only 150 were cuvulry. ‘l'll impression at the mouth of the Rio Gmnde was that (ten. Tavlor would push on to San l.uis. This is inferred from his ordering so much transporlian to be hi nt forward. Col. Iluui tramuck, oi the Virginia Regiment, was at Camnrgo ut last accounts. Every thing >v.ts quiet there, on the river and at the Brazos. THE CIRCUS.—Those of our cittv.ens who nre fond of fun and folic, will ol ciiHite be conalani in their utundnuce during the in imiiable entertainments that will be givtnhy Stine fc. McCvltutn's Western Circus Company. iti* pronounced by our eottinpo jiuraricunf the New Orleans press, to h** one of the v ry best compn s tn the cou ni r\ —to combine a gri aft r variety of rare talent tli.wi „ny other, and to afthrd more univeisal satiiif.irlion to the visitors. Ihe public are referred to the udvertistimlit, wlnch will bi found in aiiolln r column. Th* Ma.cjik.tic Telegraph—We have seen a letter from Mi-Llovii, the Agent for site Washington and New Orleans j | ;.a,ih Company, in which lie states that the Citizens of .New Orleans and Mobile have subscribed over $120,000, Mont* •omerv $5,600. und Columbus In tween $5,000 and $3,000, for construction of the line. The object of Mr. L. is to inter est the people of Macon in the extension of the line through this city, and to induce them to tike some $7,000 to SB,OOO of Hie The shares are S3O each, and In? assure* those in clined to embark in the enterprise, that they will he joint own ers in iho whole line, and that the investment will be profitable boyond all question. We will endeavor to present the subject more fully to the citizens in our next, us Mr. 1.. contemplates visiting the place about the 25th inst. From the Washington Union, CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH MEXICAN PORTS. To the Secretary of the Nary : Hiu—Being charged by the constitution wiili the prosecu tion of the existing war with Mexico, I deem it proper, in the exercise of an undoubted belligerent light, to order that mili tary cpnlribultons he levied upon the enemy, in such of their ports or other places as now are, or may be hereafter, in the possession of our land and naval forces by conquest; any that the rime be collected and applied towards deb vying thd expenses of the war. As one means of effecting this object the blockade at such conquered ports will he raised, and ihe. will he opened to out own commerce and that of all neutral nations, in articles not contraband of war, during our milita ry occupation of them ; and duties on tonnage and imports will be levied and collected through the agency of our inilita ly and naval officers in command at such ports, ecling under orders from the War anJ Navy Departments. I tianamit to you, herewith for your information and guid ance, u copy of a communication addressed by me to the Sec let ary of the Treasury on the 23d instant, instructing him to examine the existing Mexican larifl*, and to report to ine, for my consideration, a scale of duties which he world recom mend to be levied on tonnage at;d imports in such conqured polls, together with such regulations cs he would propose as necessary and proper, in order to carry this policy into effect; and abo n copy of the report of the Secretary of the Treasu ry, made on the 30lh instant, in answer to my * omnunica lion to him. The scale of duties, and the regulations for their collection as military contributions exacted from the enemy, recommended by the Secretary of the Treasury in this report, hive been approved by me. You wiil, after consulting with the Secietary of War, so as to secure concert ot action between the War and Navy Department?, iue the necessary orders to carry the measure proposed into immediate, effect. JAMES K. BULK. Washington, March, 31, 18*17. Navy Dbfartmixt, April 3, 1817. Sin—l have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 31st March ultimo, with the pipers which accompanied it. and respectfully inform you that, utter consultation with the Hecictary of War, I have addressed to the officeis commanding the naval forces the United States in the Pacific Ocean and in the Gulf ot Mexico,, respectively, letters of instruction conforming to your directions, of which 1 herewith enclose a copy. -* 1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient •eivsint, J. \. MASON. To the President. NaVT D.-.PtRTXRIT. April 3, 184'/. * Pm—On the receipt of intelligence of the unlit rv con- J quest ami occupation ol California by lha forces of the United , JSiat s, Corn. Stockton, in command on that ration, was in structed, by orders from this Department under date of the ftih of November last, to admit the commerce of our own cit- ( izen* utid of neutrals, excluding; contraband, into such ports ] and pi ices as were in actual military occupation, on the pay- < ir.ent of mod'rate duties, within the limits p.resq,i i!> and by the j tariff laws of the United States. After the occupation ol Mstamoros, and subsequently of Tpmpicn, instructiot:s were ( , given in regard to the import and export trade of those places. < x)y those instructions, the import trade was confined to car- ‘ ip <s ol American bojUuir.*, which had paid duties in a custom , non e of t e Unite*! States, and which, without drawback, j < wpru ties red or transhipped to one of the ports so occupied t by our forres. Mexico >*till obstinately refuses to negotiate ‘ or the restoration of peace. The President has determined ] q place the nade of all such ports and places of the enemy, n the Pacific Ocean and the Ciilf of Mexico, as are or may he in our actud unlitny occupation, on a Sooting more fsvoi- j able to neutral commerce and better calculated to secure a contribution to bo u-ed in carrying on the war, anJ in relief < of our own Treasury. The considerations which havs in d ,<vd the Pr* - dent to direct this order, in the exercise of a ; bt I.cerent ri<lit are fully stated in the papers, copies ol ( vv * i t herewith enclosed. lie has availed himself of the t - ore rial know ed-ze and practical acquaintance with the s.i>ject “f trifle <. f <h** Secretary of the Treasury, aml the of- i lice's attached to the Treasury Department, for the details of I his ord* r# through the War nd Navy Departments fur mill- ] tary duty, under an acknowledged right of war. As the i comm an !er-ii-chief of the army and navy, he haa approved t t e sch'dvHe. and mij;es it obligatory on you in ctrrying his i I order.* into •ct They derive no authority from the ‘Proas* t ury.l/ef) !?:merit, which has no control over the subject, hut i deter mV; ted to cause them to he carried intiWllect by the olfr- i cert of the army and u#vy, in the occupation of such portions of the enemy's territory. Thu* adopted and made public, our own cit'*ens and neutrals hire full notice of the term-on which their trade will he admitted, and our officer# fuMiishcd ! with a safe guide to prefect them against the consequences of a want of practical knowledge and tho confusion incident 1 t* a want of uniformity and system. In conformity to hit directions, I now instruct you to cause 1 the system to bo carried into effect, with a due objervonra of t(ie schedule of articles to be admitted, of the rates of dpty i prescribed, atid of rhe regulations prepared at the Treasury j Departin’ nt. which have received the President’* approval. l !q regard to die regulations, I deem it necessary only to add ta this general reference, that you will give to the thirteenth * liberal interpretation. Tim policy ol the whole spslctn ta to ob'ain contribution fr*H the people of Mexico, by the impo wtion of an indirect exaction from them ; an*l it is desired that our own brave officers, soldiers, sailors, and marine*, •hall bear no part of ibis burden, ’Phe siticlehss been ca e fully prepared to protect those meritorious men from any in- , etcol price by reason ol the duly ; and you will, in its ex- \ •cution, so construe it ss to accomplish this result, without j giving to llio sutlers the actual benefit of draw back on ani ethanol sold to our own officers and men for their use. , Where a port qr place is in our possession, and is gams- j otic'i by land loicc, tbs eommamling officer of wh'ch is not hfluvMhe rank of colonei, the duty iff collecting st.d account* . mg fut lbs dunes will be perform'd under his authority s"d direction, the nival f tree present affording sll the aid in its power to enforce the colh'ctbtn of tho duties. A nil other j |oits where >j nasi! force i* pre*cn*. the duty wtll he perform ed by the ►enior nival officer present, uddff yotir direction; hut if, in your operations against the enemy, or by stiess of w*athr *;r other accident, the naval lorce is withdrawn, ilt |>srfurmiui* of this duty will devolve on the highest army officer on dqty, whatever miyhe h s rank. AA hen you have tsason \q believe that the public service will he best subserved by sue!; course at any particular port where, under these •Mtfuctjon*. the nival officer present would ho authorized to •df, you will, by orders to such naval officers, direct that be rhall havs the performance of the duty in the bands of lit* °ff ,,r ei *n commend of such port or pis* a. “u wilt use the most diligent csis to sen that the m met* C tlkct'd 'V officers mulct your uunmaAti are accounted for 8 l i jaiJ out nt short it.taiVila, accoiding to the regulations. j or public use, to the pnrsora or a disbursing officer of the ar my, where (l may be*t prom >te the public interest by paying over to one or the other. You will require that the teceipls ° ,tU! u, l >cer lu whom such payment shall he made are prop erly as vouchers. You will cause seperate weekly accounts, in detail, to he returned to you, showing the re ceipts, from whom, and for what, and the payments of money by the officers under your command respectively charged with ihe collection ol duties, and transmit to this Department, af ter your approval, such accounts, with a general statement, at least once a month. J lie disbursing officers to whom the moneys collected may j ,e W, II I*° required to settle seperate accounts, and be he.d to a strict accountability for the same. Th© money so collected and paui over will be subject to disbursement on pub lic account for the army or navy, in the prosecution of the wur, under the direction of theolficei of the army or navy un der whose orders the d.'shuising officer may he acting. It is possible that, in the practical execution of these orders, no withstanding the care with which they have been prepar ed, you may find that modifications may he judicious in at taining the great objects in view ; if so, you will suggest them i for consideration by me Department. i ho Piesideiil directs me to impress on you, and the offi | cers under your command, his earnest desire that the duties now imposed shall he pnfoirned by the officers of the army I and navy m a spirit of cordial co-operation and good will, thai j ll collision may be avoided, and that the utmost care be ob i served to prevent confusion in the accounts. It is obviously a necessary means of giving full eff'Cl to this system, that the ports of the enemy through which supplies may enter for their conception, must, as far as piacticable, he seized and held by us. Afier the anticipated success of the j >int attack on Vera Cruz, it is expected that you will employ the forces under your command in accomplishing these üb j CtH. Yon will rigorously blockade such ports us you may not deem it he*t to capture and hold; that, excluded fmin them, lawful foreign commerce seeking ingress into Mexico may readily find admission through those ports held by us on the moderate ant! reasonable conditions imposed. Thus by holding those which can be most advantageously occupied, and blockading the other ports on the Mexican coast, the whole commerce for the supply of Mexico must pass through our jines anti pay to us the contributions which it is the purpose of the President lo exact from the enemy, who become the purchasers (ot consumption; and with the comparatively moderate duties now proposed to be collected, while we hold possession no neutral, with a lawful cargo, will probably hesitate between vuiuulary paying them and incur ring the risk attendant on an attempt to break the blockade. It i.s confidently hoped that the execution of the-e orders, promising beneficent results to commerce, and exacting from the enemy a portion of the means necessity to maintain the war. wdl not be without ils influence in impressing on them that ihe true interests of Mexico will be promoted by a speepy and honorable peace. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. Y. MAHON. To the Officer commanding the U. H. naval forces in the Gulf of Mexico. The Philadelphia “ North American,” speaking of the death of Col. Hkxiit Cur on the battle field of Buena Vis ta, alludes in the following beautiful terms to his bereaved and stricken parent at Ashland : •• Amid all the clustering honors of his elevated career, Hkmit Clay has been a man of sorrows. The affections of his home have been great as his own heart, and have yearn* and over his children with an intensity of love which only noble natures know. But ‘ Affliction seemed enamored of his parts;’ death has been busy about his hearth-stone; and one by one he hug seen many of those who so proudly claimed him a* father or grandsire taken from him. Their heritage cf love devolved upon the su vivors; and his son, who bore his name and shared his virtues, was the pride and the.glory of his hon ored oIJ age. But his country demanded that son. The struggle of the fa tier's heart must have been a mighty one; but he devoted him—as he had devoted his own lustrous hie —to his country. The heroism of Col. Chy rendered it cer tain that his career would be brilliant. out probably that it would also lx? brief. ‘ Mr. Clat seemed to frl a parental presentiment that such would he the fact. He recently left New Orleans on his return lo A Ashland, and is represented as laboring under an overshadowing despondency in r latiori to the fate of the ar my and his son. We rejoice that the unhappy tidings found him ut home and Among his kindred, all the land i* his home and every heart his kindred.) where his tears can mingle with those of the stricken partner of hia afflictions. “We dare not, even in imagination, intrude upon the scene made sficred by sorrow, yet we know enough of the hero statesman to believe that even in his hour of desolation, the pride of the patriot a|)d the parent may afford some solace, and that the sentiment cf Cato over his sacrifice w ill rise from lus heart : “• I’m satisfied ! Thanks tc the gods! my son has done his dutv. How beautiful is death when earned by virtue ! V\ ho would not he that youth 1 What a pity is it Th *t we die but once to set ve our country.’ ” The Gkaix Crop. —The newspapers in the neighboring counties of this State, (says the Philadelphia Ledger,) speak of the promising appearance cf the winter grain crops, which remove all fears that were entertained'that thowheut hud been killed by the wet weather and the h ost. Rf.i iff for Ireland— The amount received bv the New York Comniiilee is $110,284,71. The donations in breadstuff*, $7,247,19. About $107,000 have been sent forward, including a bill of exchange for £3OOO. The ninth vessel is now in pro cess of leading. It wns rumored at Vera CVu'z on the 28th ult,flint the small er vessel* of ihe ficet would he despatched nt once to A Ulira do, and lhar Quitman* Brigade, including the Georgia Regi ment, w ould depart on the 30th for the name place by land, the Object being, if any resistance should he offered, to attack the town simultaneously bv land and water, ft was also said that Gen. La Vegn was nt Ja/apa , with a Ihi ie cavalry force, for the pin pose of disputing thr- advance of the Americans in the direction of the Capital. It was rumored that Gen. Twiggs was to be despatched with the dragoons to asc-ituin the strength and wbererboQ'a of hi* position. Moiiiii Packet Lines. The Washington Correspondent of the New York Herald under date of April 2. says : “Wo understand that Mr. E. K. Collins, the cnn|rnrtor for the .Liverpool line of mail steamers, and Mr. A. (. Moo, the contractor for the New Orleans, Havana and Chagres lire, are both still in this city.. The Naval Board continue their sitting from day to day. Offers have been made for build ing the .Hunihern steamer* at Pitulihrg and Cincinnati, and fi* thone of the Llve’pffol line at Boston. and Norfolk, as well ac at New York. Probably one or more of the Southern line wiM be Iniilt on the western waters, while the proposals horn I’hiadeiphia and Boston for the Liverpool •teame's arc very inviting. The Liverpool ship* will be of some 2500 loos burthen, and those of the Southern for run ning the FlAiida Keys and lire slmals of the Gulf, will b© of the medium of IGOO tons, .It is Ihe determination of the con tractor* to have their steamer* the very best that ever floated.” IVX A.RB.IXJD. On iht* Btli Ant it, in this city, by thr Iter. W, H. Cramlfy, AL TUBUS C. COLVARO, K.*q. of Appling, Colombia Cos. (is., to , Mbs ANN LAMAR,of ihis place. O i the ath i-wt by \ J William*, F.*q , Mr. HENRY F. BURKE toMio.MARY A. IC. DOZIKR**sM of vunrtcr county. — ffjT To those indebted to the “Gr.onoii Jodrnal,*’ for Sub- i sertption and Advertin'"*, up to the Ist of April, 1347. Pciriij to cloak up toy ojd hiMiitets na early s* possible, I hope all whoar. indebted tor *'|t>*eriptioN and AdVr* ti*ing in thr ttuv -1 gia Journal, previous t 6 the lit of April, 1847, will remit to roe dir amount >f their imlobtrtlnrs*, without delay. From iHose who have not |on| w* Tot some lime, we tre entitled to Four Hollar* per year—but il'they will remit to Us forthwith, by | mill or otherwise, three Do liars per year will hi taken. If they’ I il to t ike the lienrfll *f our proposition, when we have to employ a collector to call them, they must not complain if we exact the full amount of a hat is duetts. Money sent to ii by mail, insy come at our risk, provided a cvf'.ifl* rare that the money is sent, is taken from the where the i letter is mailed. Until otherwise adv isi and, address April 14 PE T Kit SON I’HWX ATT, MilledgeviUe, Gt. Wißtfir’s Biilffluv of Wild Cherry. Hordeutown, !¥. J., dut. 25, 1845. . 1. Mr. Seth W. Fowl* t **. Dear Sir—Dr. Wixiar’s Balaam of Wild Cbyrry.has been in the marketsome six or seven year*. The nniveranl strlehrity which lltij medicine ha* gamed overall other* throughout the 1 whole rountfy, i* enough to convince the inoat incredulous ftl the great vain* of it. and encourage those who are nick to try it. I have long fell it my duty,and wished for an opportunity 1 to express to you my gratitude lor rha benefit 1 have derive*l from it. I lav# been raaouad from the grove, and saved Irom ! licit most terrible disease, consumption* liv using it. Last j winter aller 1 look n bad cold, 1 waa troubled with a eevero oough fur several weeks, so tlint rny appetite ecu strength fair , ed me. 1 was obliged to give up my bu*ineas,leave my bench j ‘ mid shop. 1 hud all the alarming symptom* of Consumption, such a* pains in the side, sweating night*, Ike. I tried laanjr kinds of medicine, but nil in vnin, until 1 piee.iired a bwt ,| e tl ; hit WMTAk'.S OF WILD CHLIIH\, which, by faith snd perseverance, finally saved mv life, and I enied me entirely. I hove notenjuved h* good health for Iwelva , v„.r.|..i. I.)•<.*. Tll<t.VS HtNNKI I. IVa are poraonallvacquainted with Air. lUnnett. lhe pub- I lie may rely upon fje truth of his } ATO KRS, . i ukorok Vakkkk.’ None genuine miles* signed I. |tl?TT!*,n the w rapper. Vor slc by HHUXO Ox VIUOtMI, f * *** 1 ,u,iaiOROK PAYNK, r\“ r [JT* Tried One Dollar per boUlo.or aix botllci for ’t 1 C OIJAI iL ( IICHU ff,/ April J, 18 17. J nhollar meeting. Present— Jo hnJ. (J resit not, Mayor. Aldermen— Ayres, liond, dark, Coules, Mix, Stubbs, Watts anti Washington. Hie minutes of the lust meeting - were read and confirmed. The Bridge-Keeper reported lolls lor the week ending this day, slOl 76. J’ 11. Oldorshaw’s hill for rent, was referred to the Commit tee on the Eire Department. A petition frbin sundry citizens, asking for SIOO to aid in erecting a fountain near Washington Hall, the w ater to be used in lime ot fire, wms read and referred lo the Commifee of the Eire Department. I lie following named gentlemen wore appointed Commis sioners of Hen lih for 1847 : 8. Lanier, J. L. Jones. It. 11. Randolph, Amos Benton,Julius Peter, James Denton, l)r. McGouldrick, Henry G. Ross.C. A . Ells, M. E. Kylnnder Janie* A. Nishet, Dr. otrohecker, Win. B. Parker, Win. T. Lightfoot, J. L. Hjevene, Joseph Murdock. Council then adjourned, to meet on Friday's et 5 o’clock, P. M. Attear, tEEMAN, C. C. Grsmtl Jury Presentments—. Huron t o, riIHE Grand furors, chosen, selected, and sworn, for the I county t Macon, ut April Toiui, 1847, make the follow ing Presentments • In attending to the duties that devolve upon us during the present term, we are pleased to find that comparatively speak ing, but lew crimes has been commuted since the last term of the court, and consequently we congratulate the good citizen* of our community in the apparent improvement in the morul* and religious intelligence of our people. In looking into the affuirs of our county, we have examined the Book* ot Record in the Clerk* office of the Superior and Court of Ordinary, and find them neatly kept and in good order. We have also examined the Records kept by the Oleik of llie Inferior Court, and find that in the discharge of some of his du ties he ha* not been a* prompt as we expected am! hoped he would have been, therefore, we advise him in future to he more energetic and punctual in placing tfic commission* of road Commissioners in their hands, and thereby facilitate the work ing on our public roads and keeping the same in good order. \Ve find also that ihe return* of the respective Justice* of the Bence, of the number of poor children of our county have been neglected to be sent to the Executive Office, according | to law, so that we are thereby deprived of the benefit of that fund. Wo recommend the Inferior Court to lew an extra lax not to exceed 25 per cent, pursuant to nn art of the Legislature of 1813, for the education of the poor children of our rountv, and we further recommend said Court to avail themselves of the ; benefit of said act, and procure the funds appropriated by the .State for the same purpose. We also recommend said Court to lease thd Ferrv, near the town of Lanier, belonging to the county, to John for a term of yen so that he may be induced to put the same in good order, and thereby facilitate the crossing of tire river at said Ferry. We request that Mir Senator ond Repreaentatire in the next Legislature, use their exertions to procure an amendment or alteration in the present lew,organizing a Court for the Cor rection ol Errors, so * to have said Court located at the city of Macon, as we believe it would give greater facilities to the ef ficiency of said Court. We also refrnest them to make an ef fort by special act, to obtain our poor school fund for the yours 1845 and 184<>. We recommend his Honor, Jud:r© Warren, to hold nn ad journed term of this Court, say on the first Monday in July next, or some other convenient time, so that the old business wliich have been so long upon our docket may be gotten thro’ with. We congratulate our country on the reerptmn of the good’ and glorious news of the continual victories of our gallant ar my in Mexico, while ut the same time, we sympathise w ith the friends of those of our brethren that have fallen in tha battle 1 fields; we. however, indulge a hope that the recent victories of our army will hi'ing about a speedy peace. In takiuz leave of his Honor, Judge Warren, we tender him I our grateful acknowledgments for his prompt attention to the j duties that involve upon him us presiding officer of this Court, ns well an his urbanity towards us ns a body—also we tender j . i our thanks to Win. J. Rittersou, Solicitor, for his prompt at- i tention to us a a Jury during the present term. We request that *o much of the above as are of a public na- Iu: be published in the Georgia Messenger. ICHABOI) DAVIS, Foreman. Hugh N. Greene, John J. Chetvnin, Robert Greene, Joseph Tewks, Bui well Greene. Joseph. Johnson, James 8. liollirigshead, Thomas Wommac, Alexander W. Collin*, Ezekiel Adams, John Sturdivenf, Win. An*!ev, John Underwood, Win. T. Dennis, Henry P. Lewi*, James N. Taylor, Wiikerson Frazier, Wm. TANARUS, Tilrnan, Enoch 11. Wilson. f r motion of Daniel W Miller, SolicitorGenernl, pro. tern., the foregoing presentments are ordered to be published in the Georgia Messenger. A true extract from the Minutes of Macon Superior Court, 9th’of April, 1347. April 14. WM. W. CORBITT. C. S. C. M <\ STOKE A McC OLLUJI'S MAMMOTH Gin.lT i •/; * /’/; .v a hits. The Acknowledged Finest Company in the Union. j Third Street —below Hawkins At Harris’ Livery Stable. - a DM BERING, among the fl troupe the mot talented performer* in the world, with; a very aupericr STUD OF YOUNG AND NEWLY BROKE HORSES, md de ridedly the finest BRASS BA ND that ever travelled. Thi© Mammoth Company ! Ri ye four representation*, e °’- ms ncing on Wednesday, i j 1! A, iff'l ‘There will alr.o be a DAY l l ‘ l l • ,\y . lKI(KOK MAM-K on Siu t . • - ~~~~day the JTth, commencing tt t .-a <■’ i o < k. i*. m 1” announcing the exhibi tion of thuTlruTy jit!*• pled Company, the proprietors annex the following, to !io’ ‘ the genuine worth of the performances and the respectability of the member* composing the troupe: Wo, the nulereigned, tuembersof ihe respective Municipal Cou**h of the < ity of New Orleans testify to the general wort cf t,he ami resoeetahffhv of the mein be-., attached to the CllEA'l WESTERN CIRCUS of Mes *r*. Stone & Me Colum, who have !*een plnvingin t hit city the part winter, nnd we c heerfully recommend the Company | to tlm municipal authorities and the public generally, of the different citie* and towns in which they may appear duriug the coming tnvelling *eason of 16*17. A. D CROSSMAN, Mayor. First Municipality. Joseph Gcnoh, Recorder; J. L. Eahre, Cyprcan Dufour, E. Gignel, Jackson Duplessis. Enail Witt/., Alex. Dei be*. /. La tour, Rit hard tlugan,J. E. Fuure*, J. Slingerlund, I*. Shields Aldermen. Second Municipality . Jophilt Baldwin, Recorder; SamueCj. Peter*, John Dug gan D. St. A shout lie, M. M. Rev nolds, Samuel Jumiaoii, John W. Smith, James Dnvcne, John Goodw in, IL Edward*, James P. Ereret, Joseph Landis, J. N, Hawthorn, Aldermen. Third Mi. m. ipa/ify. P. SewzerseatJ, Rrrtrdr; <i. S. L. Nicotnetle, F. B. Bernard, Francis Serwersaen. John B. Hale, L. M. Don villier, Aldermen. Tbr Ccrrparry coii.*i-*r* in pat of YOl'Mi MrCOLLI M, deci'drilly the best 7V Home Rider tn the World. I/I O.N STONK. acknowledged the only succebsor to the far-fumed French | ktcht. DUN.NISON S I ONK, the MJo-l)rai"atic Hpr?r*nan and Equestrian of all work. •AIK. IL JUNNLNtiS, l ;e Classic PositiamsL with his ex traordinarv son. Muster lIKNKIK JF.NNIINfiS. JOHN J A(.‘KBON, the moat,celebrated Corde Volants F former in the Union. MR. -E. KINCAID, and A. I.RVI, two very celebrated Horsemen, TurnbFrs, Acroltats, Tlie#e gentlemen are nt the very zenith of their profession and ere aided in their Inlronoun dot e* hv T. 11. U( M.KM AN, F. KOSS, T. CRAVEN; J, HICKS, \V. WILSON, H. LONfJ, W. SULLIV AN, I), VAN ZANDT, J. BARRETT, M. HKMINfiUK, W. VoUNCJ, T. SHARPE, Making s Conpanv in point of talent erd geittlernanly bearing that cannot be eqti:tlh-l intlm Union, with the mirth-provoking Jester and is root Southern Grotesque, GREEN JOHNSON. ‘l’llE BRASS BAND is Another gre*| feat ora in this “Far apart of Circus Companies,” and numbers fourteen perform ers, who, in point of talent ns musicians, cannot be excelled, they having been selected with care and precision from tip Or rheeirns of lha St. Charles, American and French Theutres, (Mew Orleans, and is uuder the guidance and fimei v mion to Mr. 11. K. GAUL. This splendid Band will note the Company’s arrival in the ditferenl cities aud fo'vrte en route, by playing a varied uml beautiful selection from the luteal Opera * of (he day. The Proprietors as*uie thrir pairon* that no word or action 1 that would lend to caiusea fiat on the most modest die. k will he allowed within the ring of the Great Western; hot in the , representations, the audience will have their-n ind*. n* well a* eye*, satisfied, nnd it will tend as a resuscitation from the more luhiHTon* duties. U_j* Doors will open nt GJ o’clock, and Terformance com mence precisely at o’elock. il AdmlmtiPT 1 (loaci 50 ccnfm—Flf H. Q. STORES, . MANAtJKH. CL L. EATON. . AGENT. March 4, 1847. 4w ♦> QT:* Tit# Mammoth Gieai Western Circu* will be erflubiied at I'bnlon, Aprii 19—-Milletlfuville, April 20— Eatonton, 21 Madison iWlrssttshoro W. <N| t Mill \ >1 S.- 4* piece* (inghaiint whirl) will tn-s.ld rti* ap wVrta;ll,al *-• WOODRLFUS “prim {I NEW BORAGUI \ PIECES Sliatlt and. Satin Stupe aud spnttrd Reragea— *otur • >| J n\ ry kaudsume, juat received at E. WOtMXR UKF April 14 r t 4 _ BRI NO A \ IIU-INN. \ GENTS for Sherwood’s unrivalled liftsry end Vd.rating Magnetic. Machine, hlh thsM I lumen Plaster,aif! MagnetireM flold Pil*. We awto keep full supply of the Homeopathic Medicine#, wittt tn* bonk* on/f>rnctic*. Macon and Columbus, Oct 29,1845 ATOITM M A “’W v ” VVJ iiSlsfithe **thVay .fat;at the Sablewse us Mr*. f.uru4n ttiirkr, in tiir Suunty of I wtfgt. *ll tli parsenat |r pt*ny belonging tu the ratstf* of ‘i Iminaa • Howalsk, 4cc* aset, ronsisting Corn, Cow aal <*slft two II !•*•, snd vanuua other arm-lev Torn** en the dt# of tale, JOHN O LOVER, A4;n r. KnsAtv H ANTS aud Cl | HON, a fr ah lot Juat rcrHved hy yTfu. S 7 if CMAS H. VREfiMAIf. M A BIN 1-4 A TIRE IAMIUIVCE U\Xii. State of the Marine Fire Insurance Honk of the State of Georgia, including the Agency at Macon, on Or. Monday, April sth, J 847. |; r , Dko#HoMd Note* ruimlnf to maturity, >,131 91 Capital Stock, . . j $400,000 00 Exchange running to maturity, - - - -’ ; 021,716 71 (Circulation, 819,143 00 Nott s und Bills under protest--Good, $17,453 45, j ‘.Deposits, 255,812 13 Doubtful,j 7,800 00j jjl/nclNimed Dividends, 5,000 00 Bad, -- *; 5,925 26l ‘ Due to other Bank* and Agents, .... 18,432 33 j ! 31.178 71 Profits and Reserved Fund, - ----- 105,21005 Bills receivable, -- - * - -j 2,712 II Resulting Balance with Agency, - - - 11,200 fd City of Savannah Bonds, 7 percent.! j 21,000 00 / Central Railroad Certificates on Inter- !l / eat, , j 20,2f5 00 j / Real Estate, I 17,70.3 27 / Stock* of other Institutions, j 50,950 00 j Duo from otlrer Bank* and Agents, - -j 20032 111 ! Suspense Account, • ‘ f75 00 ! Expenses, 1 j C,t>B4 64 ! / Protest*, * ! ! 7‘JOOi / Specie, ----- * *215,458 10? | / Cash Balance* due from City Banks,j 61,225 921 ■’ / C.i*li Balances due from Northern I i Ranks, ‘ 134,552 51 Noie* and Checks of other Banks, - •! 40,078 37: I / Note* of the City of Suvanimli, -- - - 261 00J j ■■■ “ - 457,575 63 • ■ j 1,615,404 39 f1,C15,404 3U STA TE OF GEORGIA. J Personally appeared Edward Padkiujiid, President, and Jonathan Olmstiao, Cashier of ‘Chatham County. S th “ Marina und Eire Insurance Bank of ilic State of Georgia,” and made oath that the fore going Return is just ami true to the best of their know ledge and belief. Sworn to before me, this J EDWARD PA DEI.FORD, President. Uth duv of April, 1817. S JOtNA THAN OLMSTEAI), Cashier. A. PORTER, J. I. U. C. C. litcruiting Rendezvous l-tt/i U. S. Infantry, ? MACOM. 14th Apri.‘l47. ’ S ■ JItOI’OS A I.S in writing w it I !>*• rccci v* and at iny office for fnriiisli ■ inr the IteCruit* at the rcndeivou* with ilic necvs<tMry Aubniit | cnee: tke ration to conaUtofone ami a vtartcr Iba. I'r*h Het f,or (hree-q a alter* Ih. aalt Pork or Bacon, eighteen ounces Bread, or one ami a quarter ll>. Corn Meal, ami at the rate of l ight quart* Bean or ten Ihi. Bice, iix Ihi. ot Coffee, twelve Ihi. Sugar, tour quart* I Vinegar, one ami a half Ihi. of Tallow or on** Ih of Sperm Candles, lour lh. Soap, auil t >vo quart* Salt to every one hundred rations ; or the contractor shall furuinh tin- men with good and whoknomc B ard and Lodging, at the option of the recruiting officer. JOSKPIi A W IIITK, l*t. l.ieut. 13th Infantry. April 1 [ l'eleg. uph eojv In ue J sl*2 A > At; r to alter anti amend the third Section oi the aeeond and m. Article ofthe Constitution of ibis State; VVherea* the third Section of the aecond Article ofthe Comtitution of tliii State reads in lh following wnrdn, to wit : So person shall be eligible to the office of Governor who shall not have been a citi zen of ihe United State* twelve year*, anil an inhabitant of this State Six year.*, and who hath not attained to the age of thirty year* anti who dint not pn*ie* five hundred acre* of land in hi* own right within th : * Stale,and other property to the amount of four thousand dollavi, and whose rsta’e shall not, on a r asonahle eitimation, lit competent to the discharge of hi* ju*t dt ht* over and al>ove this nm —anti whetVa* *aid property qualifieation i* incontinent with tin genius ttf onr iuititution* and the pttpu lar ipirit of th i- age— Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Mepreaenta tives ofthe S ‘ate of Georgia, in general assembly im t, and it i* hereby enacted bj tlie authority of theaame, ‘1 hut so soon at this Act shall have passed agreeably t. the rt quirt ment* of the Constitu- • tion, the following ilia'll be adopted in lieu of the section above re cited,(to wit ;)-No person shall be eligible to the office of Goveruoi who shall not have been a citizen ofthe United States twelve years, •md an inhabitant of thia State *ix jt un, and who hath not attained the age of thirty year*. A pproved D* comber 2rtih, 1845. April 14, 1847. $Am2 sntrvcj .v UNiui:tc ci.o i iiixsa. HORACE FITCH Ac CO., Cotton Avenue, \JT.AKI.Y opposite # thr Post Office, are now rect ivinga gootl 11 supply of Clothing for the Spring and Summer trade, manu fa c* urea at their estahli-hment, of good* bought for Cash, and which willhec(J at the lowest Cash prices. T heir assortment consists in part of lirap d'Ete Dress and Frock Coats, and Tantalootis ; Sum liner Cloth Dress, Frock amt Sack Coats, and Pantaloon*; Croton { Cloth Dress, Frock and Sack Coat*; Linen, Linenet, Merrimack, , Kremlin Dies*, Frock and Coat* ; a great variety <jf Summer Pantaloon* and Vests: also Frock Coat*, Pantaloons, Vests and Round Coat* ; 20 doz. I.inen-Bosom Shirts; Youths’ Linen-ltosom j Shirt* ; I.imn Drawers, Linen Suspenders; Gloves, Socks, Stock*. Cravats, Bosoms, Collars, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Purses, Money and Russian Belts, Umbrellas, Travelling Trunks, Barpet Bags. Satchel Is, Valises. Also a good supply of Cloth Dress and Frock Coat*, and Pantaloon*. We are thankful for the Patronage we have received for more than twenty year*, and solicit a continuance. Macon, April 14 (*4u? HORACE FITCH fc CO. Hiov anil Beautiful t.ooik, JUST received and now opt lung, a variety of styles of new, fancy and staple DK Y GOODS. Am *ng thtm ma) be found plain wide Black Silks, Satin Stripe Silk*, 40 pieces Balzarine* and Rerage* from 12J to 75 cts. pr yard, 40 pieces Gingham*, very cheap, ICO pieees Calico, from to 2i cents per yard, Brown Sheeting*, 20 yards for sl. 100 Parasols, Para so let ts und bun Shades, from 75 cts. it) sl. White Cotton Hosiery, at 12J et*. per pair, 30 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchief* from to 50 cent*, Plain white Sw is* Muslins at 25 et*. per )urd, Plaid and striped do. very low. Lace striped do. at 3! ceiiis. Jaconet, N’ansook. Book and Mult Muslin*, Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew st) le. Grass Cloth Skirt*, Summer Cassimers, Cottonapi s, Gaiiihroons, White and Brown Linen Drills for Paul*, t Plaid Linen Tor Coats, | Cross liar Mu-quito Netting, Lace do. do. T able and Lowell Diaper* of mrny qualities and price*, Muslin Collars, Cheinisett*, fce. &c. ‘ The subscriber deem* it unnecessary to enumerate article*, a* all who will give him a call, w ill find almost every article usually h pt in a Dry (Jowl Stotr, anil at a* low prices FOB CASH, as a’ any otherstorein the State. Store uext door to the Post Office. Wrue come and see. E. WOODRUFF. April 14 (fl scAicrs. \FINR lot of Bernge and Silk Searf—a beautiful lot just re ceived at F.. WOODRUFF’S. - FOR SALS. f ■ AHE subscriber offer* fur sale on accommodating terms, the Ih*hi ---! I tiful residence he now occupies, situate in the centre of Vine -I>ille, ijniQediate tn the fork* of the two roads, onr h ading the city ar Mulberry street, and the other into Cotton Avenue, only a quarter of a mile from tfir line of the city, in full view and only half >1 mile from the F> male College t only one mile from the bu-iness oart of the city. There is about wo acres attached to the lot. The location is high, beautiful aqd Inaltli) —good, pure water and plenty ofit. The fio u*• s air If.rgeand airy: well adapted.for gmertain mFnt and h irding, and it would hen gotd stale’ for any person dc- ( sirotis of going into such binin -as, being near the II ail re ad Depot and Workshop, andal- • eonvenient to the College, rossession would would be given immediately if sale were made and p >**>sioir r* quir- I <*d. SPENCER RILEY. I April 14 ‘ sßwr2 No i is :'. * \I.I. person* indebtt and tO the estate of Thomas S. Rostwick,lec’d. late of I w iggs county, are requestsd to make pavmt nt ; and those having demands against said estate are r-qu<*tetl to present ■ th* iji iu terms of the la ,to JOHN GLOVER, Adin'r. April 13 1 I Bjsotrb MONtH N after date application will lie made lo | ‘ the Inf ror Court of Twiggs county, when sitting for ordinary 1 purpose*, fr lease to sell the Negroes hHunging to the estate of T homas S. Bostw ick, di teastd, by April 11 Owsi JOHN GT.OVFR, Adm*r. I NOTICE. rIAHE lollowiuc penilemen were nppoinlcd ComaiUsionerb I of llealtii, lor ihe present year, viz: a?. Lanier, Juiiich Demon, Dorl HeGolilrirk, j, C, A. Ells, Jns. A- Niebel, R. 11. Randolph, J. [..Jones, Amos Renton, Wm. R. I'atkr, , M.E Rt lander, Doct. Strohecker, N. L. Stephen*, , Julius l'eier, Jo*. Murdock, Win. T. Light 100 L Henry <i. Rof.^. Il pdftie.ule. r?y requeHted that the Board meet nn Tluira- , day, (thin day) ui 4 o’clock, B> M in the Council ('hamber to | organize. A. K. FREEMAN, r. r. ! April 15, 1847 $I w 2 | m ‘• Mpniy isollais Reward /*/ j lw paid fur the apprt-hriiaioi) and dcliv J T ery i< iim ,tn thr city of Mveun, tic** <if my , nrrtyi man A t.I.F. \, wh tuuaway on tlt* tl him. 1 / Allrii li ala it 3.- >•;* iofa,;i-, m 3 Gel 0 mil... £/ tug., writ framed, copp**r eomplrxion, good l'a* converaation, ka ir and heard a little grey. He took with him a dart grey roundabout jacket, light pantaloon* a nliial oitk coil luted: witn red plan!, and black velvet collar, and a blqe cloth cap. j Te iuay be lurking aUtut the cit}*, or lim e aturted for ‘I alhotton, I ‘ Columbu*, Geo., Alabama, or even Miavisvippi, where hia former i owner lives. THOMAS TAYLOR. Macon, April 14, 1847 s4f j RUNAWAY IT OK the tubveriber on Saturday or Sunday lavt, a Negri Mac 1/ named THOItS rO\, aged about .18 year*, almulft* feet ten or eleven inch*** high, bald headed amt gr* y,d*rk coinplev t -I, a good set of, and a countenance. Hr wore i.ft front here a dark fur ht, • bla*k frtßi frock coat, and panta of th< aaine cloth or of kervty, and heavy aols sewed slioea. He i *tippoa<d to have left for Richmond, A’a ■) or to have (nen earn* and • ft” by **>inc one. A lib. rat reward will lx givmtor l.iic* iidio tn* nt in jail,uir anv information in reg ird to him. JAM KS A. RALSTON Macon, April 14, 1847. \2 Notice* PERSONS interested in the distrubitj H of the Tund” of the Monroe Knilio’id and Bunkiuc Uumpaiiv, bic notified [ that tlie Directors will meet on Thursday the 2-d in* tun ,nt Messrs. Win. IL Jtdtnston & Brt#’* Counting Room, In the | City of Macon, to Ivcur und determine such objections r ex ceptions to the claim* which hnve been tiled, it* insi he uted hv the ptirlie*. All obisctiodgor exceptions must be exhibit ed in writing. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, lIE.NKV G ROSS, A R. K. MINES, Macon, April 7* Au..t.*• - Allvrrlift<*thr ills from flit JotirtiiiV. (H.OIHH 4, Arv lot* t'Oßtliy, \S Af.ES Kit ’ll A KUSON, ol iim fitmli Dietti • Al. tolls I lyctiirr m*, l Eul.J. 1 mv, I Jnstice tff the >v*ce in ams i for raid County, one eslray hsv boras, *tij>,iaed to bs I I tt j 14 years eld, 6find tn the Ighj eye, both of hi* bind feet wltiW, AppraUed by Gcnrt;# W. I’ally and Jmnra F Gians to f.flncn dollars, ‘i liUS. J. GiC.iA, J. V. March *,M, IHI7. A 11 ur_cxtruct Irurn lie astray hook. W. D. LUCK IK, c. i r. Morch • ‘Ri Jt IAORH iAffk'*’ IT'S after date, application w ii b “ ip 4(io to me kimtorabla the tufermr Court of Pot nun* r.iiitifv. *lml* Hitittit for nidinaiy purposes, for Issve tu *rll (lie irul estate us Joim W von, <iccra*ed. JOHN SMITH, Adm’r. M .n1.9, 13(7. _ _ (mpTinl j VOtlM aONTNX l*>* < 1 I’, Hiell.Huu.l.l* tli. Inf-rior Cu.m us I’.ulJo.i, I.r4ii.fy pon-.w-* fur lr.r :•> . Il (h. rrrf.!lt ol Juiiic. 11. Jhi.mi, itr M ~'d CiUHtv, i* rr.-ril. ISAAC UOKI NO . A.liniiilJ l.lul. frt.t, IXT. L ll . 4 !!. | .|)i it MoSri'le ■■ ■” . 1 w >” ••** r ttntj. in ill.. Htti.urnlil* lofiiiur Cnurl “I ’ r ninty. whilr.iltini for nrilinMy purpu.r* fur I"*** * pnriton ol tli. rnnl il,ii..‘llr*r*i I"'* “f ll.'iiry -1 r.'Uriy. \U.,drCMn.J, lid. i ...... I’ IilI'i” "ia run my of , IlnlJwin. UAliniET R. UKAV. AJinr*. ?, 16( 7 . it 4 J VA I„ I) AItL i: li AAI> N FOK SiAI.K. MTIIE Subae.rihei having deterniinotl to move tn the West, now offers the follow ing lauds for sale,to ttOIM acres in the eniinfv of Jones, whereon ihe Subscri ber lives. The improvement* are a good dwelling-house,and out-housen, all fruined ; cotton acrew.gin-liouse, uegio liouh ea and cribs, all good. I*ll acres in Twigge county, near ‘l’arversville. This pi at lin 1 ion is not inferior lo mi v io He county . In my ahaence, Mr. JOHN KKI I.Y will show iheplania ion in Jones ; Mr THOM AS HOG AN the one in Twiggs i uuve priced the places low, in order to make quirk sale* Vn v person who may wish In pnrelutse Itvnd.V in this section ifGeorgi.i, w ill do >v ell to cull und examine Ihe lunda inline- 1 Jiately. JOHN W.GORDON. Sept. 1,1846. 55 it Cl AIM UK St El. Lift li IOY, A TTOUXBYS AT LAW', tlfflcci ill I'orl Siniiir* ami Ciillilmtl, On. r IIHK having nn.uri.le<l th>iii 4 vlvf i in I lip I prarticn ol Luw, will Mltoutl lo oil i uo.oeoo ootruvl fiti lo theui io tlov couotiea of Ucui MjiK, I Baker, Early, | and Uteicart, of Georg in. and Henry and Harbour, of \ lahama. iLT” Let tors adiEessedtotho firm at either of the above pla- ! cos. will meet prompt attention. B\MUEI. gaINKII. EDGAR C. ELLINGTON. April 25,1816 38 If A<lmini*truior’** 4 GREEABLY to an order tit the Honorable Inferior (’ouri j /V. of I'nIIiUI eouniv, while siHitv; as a Dourt of Ordinarv , . will be sold 011 the first Tuesday 10 MW next, within the usual hours of aale.before the Court boose door ut Blakely, K \ KLV cotiniy, Lot of Lund No. 214, iu thu sth District ol . Eurlv county. ALSO Will he sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, before the ( Court-house door at Cuthberi, RANDOLBH county, the west half of Lot No. 110, and 150 acres taken from the east j part of Lot No. 109, ill the Dili District ot originally Lee, now Randolph connrty —ihe whole in a body containing 25H acres, with about 60 acres cVttred laud—known us the plucu where Win. i>. Jones formerly lived. —ALSO-- Will he sold on the fir*t Tuesday iu JULY next, before tho Court house door at Marietta, COMB county, No. 244, m the j TJill Dial. 2d Sect, now C'obh countv. —ALSO— Will be sold nn the first Tuesday in JULY next .before the Court house and uir at Van Wirt, I* \ ULDING county. Lot No. 218, in the 20tli District, 3d Section, now Pauld-ng county. All ofthe above lauds sold as the property ol Archibald Grav, late of Talbot county .deceased, and for the benefit o! i theheiiß. Terms uiudo known on the dnvofsale. WM. M. UROVI N, Adm’r. 1 March 2. 1847. 23 4< 11 1 id 1 :i 11* ■"UNDER an order ofthe Honorable tlie Inferior Court of 1 U Ihe countv Ol Euiaairt, when sitting forordtoarv porpo- j *i*s, will bo sold at the Court-house iA ihe town of F.atonton, 1 between the usual bout’s irtaule’ oil tile first Tuesday in MAY next, TWO NffyiTM’S, a woman named Peggy, und h j hov named Henry, being the joint propmtv of my miuur children, and tube sold lor the purpose of division. Terms Caafi. A. C. MADDOX. Guardian. | February 19 1817. 22 ids • U7ILI. be s6ld tot the first Tuesday u .May next, before i the Court house door iu CutTiberl, Rand’ lph County,Lot [ of LAND known bv 11 umber oue hundred and twenty nine,in the fiithdistVicf of said conutv. s ild agreeably to tlir fast wiil and testament of James Gtiuter. sr., derea-ted, ot Wal ton county, for the benefit id* the In ire und creditors of aaid dccoaesd. Teima uu ihe dev. J AMES GUTTER. > u , I*ll UI UL'Jt I tlli.) Kl- rs - March. 8. ’847. It AdainMruai'S W r 1 LI. he sold at .Sparta, on Tuesday, the 4ih'day of May next, the personal properly of James M. Hulsey, late <f lltrncock countv, deceased,’ consisting of one Tedler’i Sulkey, one Riffs Gun, one Book Case and lot ot Books, and sundry other anioiea. Ternu on (be Jay ol anle. Man h 1 t, 1847. 23--(MK) Aidin’ to debtors ;md 4 minors. \LL person- indebted lo the estate of Jinnee K- Maun,late of Cliimler county, decetiseJ, will make iiiiiiieiiints pat ment to Rm undersigned. ni)d all those having demands ( ii<:inst the said deceased will prest*til their accounts duly at tested Within the ii...e prescribed by law. WASHINGTON I . AIANN, Adm’r de bonis non. j March I. 1847. 23 Mi Id lili Hi tall ;i or’ >:ilr. VGREEABI.Y loan omlc.i ofthe hifarinr Court of Shinier j county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, wifi he sold J before the Couri-bonsf Josh iu the town of Americus. iu said I conutv, w'tlliii the usual hours of sale, fin the Tuesday I iu JUNE next Lot ut I in I, No. 68, io tlm 23th District of | oigiitnlly Lee, now .Sumter conutv. adjoining McCreu hiiil i others; r.lso. lul \o 95, in the s-iid Distu t and county, be- fo (he estate of James K. Mann, lata of as id county, tleceas**l. Bold for the purpose of a division among ihe Le g.iiees. WASHINGTON L. MANN. Adwi’r Mareb 4* IM7. 23 ila bunfa non. 1 i xrcatcr'i Mi l*. \(SREEABLY to mi onfcrul in It* nor Court'of flnrke comity ,wln ; f sitting lor ordinary purp**a, will be sold at tlift (Nmrt house in the town n Marino, Twigps counts, on ’ ilia fir ft Tuesdav in >Uv of l.:tit<l !\o. ; in Che *ißlh Distwit of* originally Wilkinson, now Twig** citunry, containing 2d2f acre*, In ore o less. Mold *w ill** property #f Stephen I’rove, lute of Clarke (.utitily, deceased, lor the benefit of (be* heiia, j Term* cash. \VM. STROUD, Executor. ! i ir. ___ J‘J iit • UGOIUiIA) Bald wlt| < <hui(>. ! iIJ 11 &KEAS A 11 keuau applies to me for ‘eilers of \V Administration on that poll ion ol the real lataia ol ] AlnMtii Borland, laic of* Alabama, deceased, which iaaituate 1 ! iu ilia < ‘utility a ml Stale foul aim* an id : | die** mi,l herelorh .1 o c lira nr! admonish al I and a inf ulai I the kind red a ltd creditor* of said deceased ,tw he andappearal j my office, within th* lime prescribed b v law ,to allow CMUseJf 1 aiiv they have, why ani l Utter*should n'tit l.r giauted. Given under my hand, at office,this *l)ili W*u h, 1847. ci 5t JOHN \Y. W. SNEAD, C. C. O. | UEbHiilAi; ( <mnn. Ctnk' l Ojjic fi, Court / 'Ordinary. \Y7HERKAB Alfred I*. Ilartoo, Wilkin* J. Harton.Tahi \ V ilia Marion, and Prealloy Harper applv to him for lei* i*rs of AdimuUtr iiion on tlie estate of Loll llai two, late of aid countv, deceased : Tin a- are, rite nn.l admonish aflantfslngiilar tlie kindred mid creditor* of a aid detested, to he and .appear • I my olttce. wilhifi file* time prescribed hv show cause, if uuy they can, why auid lottera aliould not be granted. (iivco under tnt hand at office,ibis 19th of Mmch., 1347. liKN'II y ID Gh w S r r. o. laudk ntt* rns after date apfHiralipn wifi he ’ made to the MonofMlle Inferior 4'out tof Twiggs tuuu , I v ,‘w h*'# sitting for ouimarv purpose*, for luno lu mil all , ilia l.indo au J neyr<” • belonging to I lie estate .of Thomas , J'ulloii, la'.o ufaitid count v , deceased. • ’ ROBERT fGf TON, Adtn’r. f da hotna noil,with lb* will annexed, lUnrli 14,117 * >Ol li AIO \ I IIN a I. will he 1 ui ide to the I lorn• raid e l ie I nlei nil f’dUtlol Miilil|'agßr\ county, white sitting for Ordinary ptfrnoWe, for lrgv* toaeil all the lend bdohgmg to Altiu> det Me Arthur* tniaor, lying in 1 uifuall county, lot the b< mfi fan id uiiAot. “jt Ml N .Me \II l II LU. Ni ora I Guardian* Mount Vernon, Montgomery ,Uu. Marrh 8, 1b47 . ( 4 MU It wiIATIIh nti* iit t ’ ii Hile to the Honorable liar Infeiior 4 omi ol Wilkinson • oiitiiv, when sitting lor Otdinaiy ptitporee. lor laol© u> sell J rie real estate of M I'dfani J. Seaia, lute of said county, de oeeaed. WVAII MEREDITH,**. . ULI tU-Alfe, pom... March It,U4T. ■ , 4m PUIHt inl>'l 111) of'.r .1)1 tr, ,|)|)lic,llt>n will li* I. made lothe M>’o*reble the Interior Cmiil of Appling enui.ty, while *iltin,( foi uidinuiy purporCa, lot leave lo ae|| liir (bi lot* mg lata of land, to wit: No. Mb in Mie lihh lJ.aicl of li e county .No .'.'J hi the Uiii Tiairici of iimd.v.aeunif , end No. 118 in (lie Ist llitri‘l of 4’aolU‘onntJ. 10 ill sold lor : in benefit of the licit * aed erelUiAra ot •il drcciaed. Admiuiatratbr. December 81 t r o* li i|u A. rkocjLAiniiioiv. I By GKOKGE H. Oft A WFORD, Governor of said Sfmte , Uli ERE AS, information bus been received chat a muriln wan committed in the citv of Savannah on the ISML int., by IREDELL A. ALEX \NDKK on the body of A. nc.v Gill: 1 have thought proper to issue this, toy Proclnm i hereby offering a reward of ONE HU NT) not LA /{S to any person or persons who may apprehend *• ALEXANDER, and deliver him to the Sheiin or Jailor •< ! Chatham co'.tniy. And I do, moreover, charge and require nil officer*, civil I and military, in this State, to be vigilant in endeavoring to n t j prebend the said lugi'.ive, in order that he nmvbe brought i.. trial lor tire crime wiib which he stands charged. Given Hinler my hand and the Great Heal of the State, at the Capitol, in AlilJedgeville, thin 24th day of Mani A. I). Id 17. GEO. \V. CRAWFORD. JJy the Governor: W.C. lUrn lit, Secretary of Stale. Description. KIKHELL A. AI.EXCNDEII is about 28 or 30 year* of M ft®* ‘> 3 inches high, thin visage, red complex ion, and lih4 light blue eyes, sundy huir, and ins occupation that of a mm*’.- mem butcher. 203 t HEAD <tVAItTCIt 9 ( Mi1.1.KDGliviLLK, February 18, 1847. $ To the Colonels or Commandants of lltffiments comjxir i mg the Tint Itrigade of the Eighth Division , Ceoign. I Militia. nf 11 KKEAS n vacancy has occurred in the First Brigad* . Eighth Division, Georgia Militia, by the death ol the late llHi'iAmr.K General \\ ii.liam G. Smith: Now, i order the raid vacancy may be filled, and in pursuant > ot Imw,| have thought proper to issue this,mv Proclnotafioi hereby ordeiiog von, (lift said Colonels nr CommanduM* < ! Regiments, to causa ati election to he held, on TCKHDA > the 4th day of May next, at the several places of holding elei I lions in your Regiments ns arc now Btahlitdied by law b. holding elections tin Members of the General Assembly,pi\ • ntt .lus notice thereof, for the election of a RKIGADIKI GENERAL to (ill the vacancy aforesaid. And I dofurtln | order, that the returns of aaid election be made to Hiac : Udaiitkl.h in the time prescribed by law. I*v oider of the Commander-in-chief. 2t 1t JOHN M. BROWN Aid-de-eamp COJ.I IVUN HAlili, LUMPKIN, Ca. r |AHF. undersigned have taken charg • of this large aid 1 commodious establishment, (rereirtl v oci upid by Doc n*r Ukui.ngkiki.ii,) and takes pleasure in announcing lothet I friends and tin* public generally, that they are now prepaie * j f o nccoinmodate, in the mosr comfortable manner, icguin | BOA KOKHS and TRAVELERS. Their table will be plentifully stipplh and with the best tb mniketcnii afford, and no pains will be spared to nffoid con • ibrt and ease to all whotYiuv favor them with a visit. I he\ have connected with their establishment, good BTA - ULES, which w ill he provided w ith a plenty ol provemici i and attentive Ostlers I no establishment will be tinder the immediate charge * Mr FrtKUKHirK Ream. who will use every exertion to ro - 1 der it agteeulde and pleasant to those who may favor tin i. with tlieii patronage. If j'Cliurges shall be moderate to suit the times. FREDERICK REAL!., V% II.LIAM CARTER. Lumpkin, July 7, tBIB. 47 ts U I JULIA HI U. iIeUKAFIEIUIIEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rl:ikely, County ,€eo. lut-l, 14 if lAJi uvs n. v. liimAi:, AI KMLM Y AT I.AW, Drr. i 9 ts Covington. f*n. vf:i>io<lon 4 ot t obi Seed. *IMI E undersigned has two or three hundred hush el a n* I MASTODON Cos l 1 I ON SEED, which tic will sell low for cash. The. seed wa* raised upon t*v plan iu .in Craw - I riirtnaied ol M i Abbey’s agent, lust winter, in New >i leans. This Cotton pn* duces HiiHv,and \ietda os much other Cotton, and coin mauds a far be ter p ice thun oth.’r Upland Colton. Person-* desiiotis ol purchasin’ the seed cun obtain it hy application t K. J. WHITE Sc CO., Macon* Ga, where it can be found m sucks. ts. p. CORBIN. Crawford count v. Jan. 25, |847. 17 ts sci nofot k May s* fieri fl’s \ ILL be sold before the Court-house door iu the village f V of S| • aria, Hancock county, on the first Tuesday iff M V V next, within the legal hours of eu!e, the following pro perty, vir.: One negro woman by the name of Hannah,about 40 yearn old, levied on as th 4 property of Singleton Franklin to soli* fy u fa from Hancock inferior Court in favor of James Tho mas vs *uid Singleton Franklin. Properly pointed out by plaintiff. L. S. STEWART, Sheriff. March-28,1847. 26 tda 1* ii iitsi in MmiTJls Mule. \ % ILL be sold before the Court bouse door in Eat onion * v Putonoi count v, w itliin the legal hours of sale, oq li.< first Tuesday iu MAY next, the following property, to wit^ Three negroes, Prince, Fanny and A Ren. sometimes called Peter, uold under h <U tho Huper’or Cuurt of Putnam county,as a part of the estate of VViTliara Rogers, deceaacd, lor the purpose ol division nmoaz the legatees. W. 11. McFADDIN, D. Sheriff March 2G. 1847. 9t> Ida Telfair Tlay hlieritt’g sale. \T7 I* * ~,* b-Mou in iCo ut iiouK doer in Jtckaon > > vill-, IVlluircounty,*ou'the first Tuesday in MA\ next, wiiluu ilie legal boura of following pioreily to wjr: One. negro man named Cor';, about 25 yeftrs. of ef.e very likely , l*trielon an the pro*) rtvofJnMeph Williams, to nufi* f’y ali fa from a Justice*a Court ot ilie di!Blh District, G. M in I’m >r of Duncan If. Graham vs Josr-ph Williams. Levy . mtu'jand r'tnrncd to Die by u coastnHe. •*’ joii.N ricuit n. sir ir. M.icb 18, 1847. CG id, ilioiilifoiaierf Hny filirrill and Sal#*. 8% ILL be sold before the Court-house door in Mount f v V ernon, Montgomery county, on the first Tuesday io MAY next, within (he legal hours ol sale, ihe follow it.„ I properly,(, wit! Twelve hundred si res ofrfne Land, more or less,inckidirfi i the nnproveiiient whereon Daniel Peterson lormerly liven | Iso, two young lioraeis, three or four vents old, and fnnrteei* head ol stork soeep j I-vied on to suliefy a Juxtire's Court 1. In. in lavor of 4‘ ,V. K. McKue vs. Daniel Peteisou uml on.* bom ihe superior <'o.ut of Montgomery cminty vs. Daniel I'eteroon. Lew mill •.uni returned to me be ronstable. ALEX V.NDEII McG KEG4>|{, Sheriff. M 5i4 ids IHoutgoiurry May Nate. V \ T * L be sil l before tpe t’oiirl-liune door in Mount V'-Mi.m, lmi go.eery county , on tiia li*t Tuesday i . May next vriihin the legal hours of sale, the fotlowiug prop er • V , t O Wi I * Two lots of land. No*. 221 and 196 in the sixth Dial << oriyioaMv V\ ilktnsoii uuw Montgomery county , levied on en the property of Janies W . t'haney to satisfy one fi li issued front th- .Superior 4.onrt of JHoittgiwnery count y, II em v AMi - iouii vs Jit ties W. Cbaoev* Proparlv (minted out b> th delomUnt. ALEX VISDC It McU KEG OR. rib’ff. March 10,1847. . %iliiiiiiitrnt#r v N \GRRRABL\ to su older wi the I ulerior Court ol Wilkin e<n ertuoiy, when sitting for ordinary purposes, w ill b * sold, e loih tlio Lour l Hou-e door in said colt lily, on the lit s I tn siiav in May next, all lands belonging lo tho eetniH of Jo el lluover, lute ofx*id county, dev eared, I) mg in said county - Also, on the li -! I't.estlay hi J tme next, will he s.dd betui* llie Court-House door in Lowndes oouniv, one fifth part of Lot, No 17 to the ISt It di#i. i f'otiginnll v Irwin, now Low i.d couutv , belonging to the eat a ft* of Joel Hoover, deceased., JOHN noOVKIf, j . , lIENKY lIUGVLR, J * tilur% ’ r<h.t, 1 817, 18 Idi INOI BC Nl#>Nf'lll 34 after dale,applicatMiQ will I mad#) tot be Hotioiable the Inferior l'i ti r t of ‘lwlfsh county , bile sitting for ordinary piuposes . for leave tose. the Land aitl Neemes belonging to ilia csinte of Duucsn (iruhaiu, lata of muiU cottni v, deceased. D. IL GRAHAM, Administrator. Jsnuarv 11.1K47. |? 4m INVALUABLE FAMILY COMPANION. LE( M RCB on tin US S (>1 I IIE I l MiS, C an ties, l*r veutiou, smJ 4Jnre ts Conaumpiiou, Asilhum, am Diseases of tbs Heart On the Law a wfLongevity, and mode of ptesemitg malean l female health, syminetry end t ea'ily exposing esusea and cure of tliosM that produc l Don*urnptton, Ol eliurten life, as A fled ions of the Skio, f#pin* Stoonub. Luwels, Kidneys, Liver, Scrofula, |'i|ea, (imve. and iTcniale 4'ofpplsiats. Itx rules, t-asv. practical, si.d poie form a t*UH.le to perfect health and latifi hie. Vb Ertffiav irps J*J4 pages :o --nts, Ruttage cents. U| MAMUMXII ! D4N h II4JII, A. 11., M. I>., at 7b7 Bansu*wai. Nrv Y nin- Any person reuii)lmg fifn rents, bee, will irceivs one t, nml. to sny purl. The tr* Je supiilird. V eh. 14, 1847. . Crt eon^Ot Twenty Uoliari BewSltl. DI'XAW A V liuni 4 oh tubus. Georf in, on nr about flu* L\ first nfJsnusi v iwet. I WO NE<i LOES, vir : Jl >f< I) 4 ,\, s likely milleito boy, n I ; it|e freckled, shunt ‘.it vests of *3 r . somcwbii bald, t jeA( eight nr h-n indie* high, und weirhs IM* or 1 fhf IS*. He is n roi glt carpenter. POJ.OIHJKK. Mor Coyfur old.datk compMxutj, frsai rather large, hot Aetll mM weigh mote than 150, Mots rone It garpeuier and hewer. I lie *la* co a no and Negires hate I sen hire J sbe n 4 C'rdumfo. . for past, an*! ate well known there, Joidao wn< hired sevctul tear* on hut Chettahoadtre river, and n,y I** si rt.ewhere |>el*w*. iu 24 cw *i>, Uandulph. ch lowm down, working fnr hintlslf.nnd inav possihly have snaps ft some w lute im*ii, i> i plenty of trhi fu arc tueau eiiu#h to gu* n rniiNWsyH p.-i>s ) T>bdors look < Q bis carpentei's to4> anti may,also, under like hi i mi of to-’ ctiuntie-* below l. oliinibas/tf aoflu 5* uacneaw* “*** o'kaill give sjtt Hrsirtl.lut the arreM of jbcee tw* vines, oi slb for Miiliur of ilins, ut j sty all • i 5.., r nuns* *, lor their ddlveiy l i .1 A IME4 M U4J|l b| Maesbrtl of lia l-ify of r 15 ’A'. Il .* li*j 4\ At Is Rttsst'il u a my, AJ*. p, rnv. iSMjr. Tor Ur,. V.iixabalii 1 dl Hkdgr'. villa, A| 1 U47| *’