Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, May 26, 1847, Image 2

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u ß nal^ ,ESSENGIK ’ _.AN &. 3. ROSE, Editors. __ S. T. Cjßic--- ---= 6 ~~ ~~ iM A. C O )€wi • ~ UrtWXESOAY, MAY *, I >47. First and Fourth Pn?r*. The trader is referred to the fimt and fourth for fixe rrkmin of interesting Agricultural and Miscclane ous matter. The Whim of Bibb Are requeued to meet at the Court House in Macon, on the first Tuesday in June next, to nominate dele gates to the Gubernatorial Convention, and to transact other business of importance. A genoral attendance is requested. The Whigs of Putnam Are requested to meet in Eatonton on Tuesday, the Bth of June, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Convention, to be held in Milledgeville, for the nomina tion ot a candidate for Governor. Also, to select Delegates to a Convention, to be held at tire Half Acre, for the nomination of a candidate for the Senate, for the counties ot Putnam end Jones. The Whigs of Houston Will meet in Perry on the first Tuesday in June, for th purpose of nominating two candidates to represent said county in the Representative branch of the next Legisla ture, and also to appoint four delegates to represent the county in the Whig 3tatc Convention, to be held in Mi - ledgeville, to nominate a candidate for Governor. The W tiigs of Pike Are requested to meet in Zebulon on the first Tues day in June next, to appoint Delegates to represent them in the Convention to be held in Milledgeville on the third Wednesday in July, to nominal-- a candidate for Governor; and to take such other steps ss may fa thought expedient and proper iu reference to the fall elections. The Whig* of Henry’ Comity Are requested to meet in McDonough on the fn*t Tuesdny in June next, to appoint delegat-s to the Con vention to be held in Milledgeville on the third Wednes day in July to nominate a candidate for Governor, and to make such arrangements in reference to the October elections as may be thought necessary and propier. A fuH attendance is desired. The Baptist convention. The Baptist Convention of the State of Gorggia. re cently assembled in Savannah, has adjoared to meet next May in the City of Griffin. The Savannah Rrpvbliran says, “Me are plcesol to learn from the Report of the Trustees of Mercer M niversitv. that that Institution is upon n aolidbasis, hav ing an endowment of ?!3S.‘iOO, in addition to a fund of $28,000 appropriated to the education ofmdigent young men. candidates for the sacred profession of the Christ ian Ministry. Os this denomination therenrc fifty as sociations n tins Slate, more than one thousand churchcaenmuining sixty thousand membere, and there are one hundred and seventy four licentiates This denomination of Christiana, in this Stale, has contribut ed during the pa st year more than eleven thousand dol lars to support Maaionarits a t home andin foreign lands.” The Convention for that purpose agreed to establish a Southern publication office and to locate the same in Charleston Mr. Webster and his Visit. We lcam from the Augusta Chronicle 5( .Sentinel, i that in consequence of the .lelicate state of his health. Mr Wcbater has been advised by his Physicians, Drp. Ford A. Eve, to abandon the idea of prosecuting his journey further South at present. Mr. Webster there fore, proceeded to Savanaah ye-xerday, and after re maining there for a few days, will r.-tnm to Charleston, and take the Southerner henre to New York. The Chronicle N Sentinel says: “In authorizing us to make this statement, Mr. W lb stir desires us to express his very deep disappointment at not being able at this time to visit more of the South cmeountry. Jlis regret is heighten Ibythcrisiscious nei that his determination obliges him to forego the kindnesses and hospitable s which have been so liberal ly proffered to him by indivkhmla and con.munitiea on j both sides of the Mountains, and he vfenurtt us la say, that nothing hut a just regard to his Itcsiih iota die ad- i vice of eminent professional men, could have induced him to interrupt his course at its present stage.” Visit to the Mmmlniris. We arc informed that the Alacun Volunteert and Floyd hlijtce have made all tile neei reary preparations 1 for an agreeable jaunt to the upper counties of the j State. They will leave on the 7th of June, by the i Macon A.Western Railroad, and,spending a day each j in Grufin and Atlanta, will proceed to Marietta, and ; perhaps to the head of tlte .Stale Rotid, where they will : spend a lew days in performing camp duty. We are ! pleased to learnthat the officers of the Macon A West- j em Rafiroad Company Irave very liberally agreed to j furnish the tram of cats at a price almost nominal, anr therefore take the liberty of suggesting lo oui military ! friend# in Savannah, Augueut, ar.d other places upon i the line of the Railroads, that the present is a most fit- , tmg opportunity for them to visit one of the tore;; intpor tant and delightlul t.e?ions of die State Wt- know the Volunttcry and Rifleo would be happy to greet them, and feel assured tltst til-’ Central and Georgia Railroad-, would agree to convey them to and from the place 1 rendezvouz on the most liberal term* Cotton in Griffin. The amount of cotton forwarded from Grifi'm to Mae on by the Maeon &l Western Railroad, from the i commencement of the season to the first ot th present month, wo* bales. There waa on hand, at that date, about 500 bales, to which, it* we add 6’J bales con sumed in the late fire, we have the total receipt* at that place. equal ot 22,‘Jil bales. \Ye arc pleased lo learu from uur triend of the Whin Ami Griffin is highly proa- ( peroa*, and tlu.t the good people there a rr nboui to re plaoc the burnt district with large, substantial, brick ! building* Judging from th** above receipt* ol cotton and from other evidence* of the business prosperity ol Griffin, we are inclinad to think that our triend of the i* more than half right, when he declare* that Griffin has advantages equal to Milledgeville. vn place for publishing a newspaper That iu a controversy, however, in which we can take no part, preferring u> leave it*aettleincnt entirely to the Editor* of the GrilVin and Metropolitan papers. It will doubtless be a very mtcicaung discumion. The sick bolunU'cr*. Disease seem* to be making sad havoc with Nome oi the volunteersiu Mexico. Tbe South Carolina Kcgt mrnt alone numbers 145 on the sick lust at the high ami healthy location of Jalaps, and the mortality is nuid to , be very great. The Hdiler of the Washington l/mon expressed the hope reoently, titat Hen. Scott might tc taut the twelve month's volunteers unlit the nrrivsl ot the recruits under tlte Ten Kegiuivnt law. llud he door so, they would have been compelled to pats thru’ the tierru calunte and Vera Crai, in the very season • hen the deadly vonulo is slaymg it* thousands, and not one hall of them would ever have reached their homes Human lifr. however, ecciua to bo nothing m the eye# of Mr . provided he can shield the Government from the cotise<|u nces of its blunderiiig inefficiency. Horticultural tMauties olJulapa. One of the correspondent* oi tbe New Orleuns Delta, venting from Jalaps. seems to be enraptured with the •hartnu of aenorilaa and the gardens. He become* quite aentimental on the ocuasion, and alter complain ing of the indolence of a soldier's life, adds: “With a view to white away a portion of my time, 1 daily steal ink’ a beautiful orange grove, on the out akirt* of tie town, belonging, I am told, to the Ihigiish Consul It is a sweet, cliarnnng plac< —juat the spot for meditation. The tree*, sons- 31) in number, an tiled with gnu n fruit—and such a fragrance’ oh, it is too delicious for a volunteer to mention ( In the arnirr of the orchard, under a line tree, With a bunch of roars by trry side, 1 ant now— kilim * Jlra* !! liaving dnp- j pej the pen to commence the work 01 death “ The Hospital at Jalapn. TV building occupied tie ‘the Hospital, by our sick ’ and wounded at Jalapn, according to a cot ra*pi*k lent cf the New Orleans Hella, is known as the National Colie It* and a said to have been erected m 155d by the * fani'-us Coin* It M large, auy, and fonts,ns many ptrvaie apainnenla. It has a steepla, containing four belie, which arc rung at Inepu-nt interval* during riv day and night A nuinbet ol priest - have tli- ir guar ter* in the building lu UHS an addition was mad* to the College. winch much enhanced .is heamv Dr. Boynton’s Lecture*. We cannot too urgently recommend every citizen of Macon, to attend the Lectures of Dr. Boynton on the Magnetic Telegraph and Electro Magnetism. In ad dition to the warm commendations of Proie&scijni Morse ami Shepherd, and the Medical Faculty of Charleston, all of which will be found in another column, we have l< 1 * s trongest assurances from Professors McCay and LkConte, of Athens, and of other acientilic gentlemen, that as a Lecturer Dr. Boynton is unsurpassed. Professor McCay, speaking of Dr. 8., says: **lL* ac curate knowledge of liin subject, and his perfect undv r standing of his npporatus enable Dr. B. to explain th* phenomena of Magnetism and Electricity most satis factorily, whilt* his general scientific attainments, and his skill as u Lecturer, strongly commend him to the patronage of your citizens.” Professor LcConte also remarks:—•“As a popular Lecturer Dr. Boynton has, in my opinion, flaw equals. From a i- w principles, established by a series of beauti ful and original experiments, lie develops his subject so clearly as to bring if down to the comprehension of a child. You wili find him well deserving his scientific reputation.” Dr. B. will give his first Lecture this evening, at Apollo Hall, which will doubtless be crowded with the beauty, lashitm, and intelligence of the plac. The Georgia Regiment. A report was iu circulation a day or two since, that the Georg n Regiment -had arrived at New Orleans. Wc have searched diligently for some news in regard to them, hut the only reliable item which has met our eye, is the foil', wing from the Columbus Enquirer : “The volunteers from this State, whose term of ser vice would expire about the middle of next month, have been ordered bock, from Julapa. We understand that they left Vera Ciuz on the 13th inwt., on their way to New Oilcan*, where they wili be finally discharged and paid off They will from there seek such conveyance home a© best comforts with their inclinations. We shall look out ovary day, for some of their familiar and weath er bent n faces.” The Whig Convention. Thj Savannah Republican , Milledgeville Recorder, Griffin Whin, and Albany Courier, all respond favora bly to the proposition, that the Whig Gubematona Convention shall ba held on the Ist day of July. From ilie other papers in the State we hope to hear be fore our next issue The proposition was only made by us after tlu* repeated and urgent solicitations of influen tial Whig* and planters throughout the middle and up per comities. We hope that the first of July may be generally agreed upon, nnd that the Whigs of every county may bo fully represented. The boys in this re gion arc wide awake end anxious to sne a Whig candi date on the track that can keep company with “Old Rough and Ready” The lmericns Convention* The Southwestern Railroad Convention which met at Ainericus. on the 18th inst., was one of the largest and most respectable meetings of the kind ever held in Georgia. The bone and sinew of the Southwestern counties were emphatically there. The meeting con vened first in the Methodist Church, and then adjourn ed for want of room to the Baptist Church, where it is estimated that between 800 and 1000 delegates and cit izens assembled in the afternoon. The proceedings which will be found in another column, were judicious and proper. ‘Hie first thing to be determined is wheth er the planters themselves are disposed to subscribe to the stock, ar.d to enable them to determine that point it is necessary to ascertain the extent and value of the productions of the counties interested. This can be done by the *everal Committees before the time speci fied, while the survey now in progress will enable the adjourned Convention to arrive at definite conclusions. In the mean time no one will be bound by his answers to the Comniittees in regard to the amount of stock which he will probably subscribe. All that is desired is to come something near an estimate of what will prob ably be done by the laud owners. We would respect fully suggest to the Committees, that they adopt the plan which lias been so successfully pursued by the peo ple of the upper districts of Carolina. There, no man was expected to go very largely into the enterprise, but every man subscribed something. The subscriptions to the Greenville Railroad, which are so very unexpected ly large, wi re raised in this way. They ly'gan with the SIOO men first, and proceeded, getting every man to subficrilie. payable in either money or work. As the list extended, the subscriptions were so liberal that when the great monied men were approached, they were .ashamed to refuse or to give sparingly. The South western counties con in this way raise half a million of dollars without feeling it, and it they will do that Savannah and Macon, nnd the Central Railroad Com pany will, we hesitate not to say, furnish the iron and equip the Road. We are happy to leam that the ut most good feeling prevailed among the persons present, and that the resolutions were passed almost unani mously. The Ocean Steamers. We arc happy to we it stated that the Washington, the first of the projected line of American Ocean Steam ers is complete, and will sail from New York for Eu rope on the Ist of June. This will le more gratifying to the people of the South, because of the recent conduct of Capt. Judkins of the Cunard-Linl in regard to the runaway slave, Douglass. Douglass, it appears, made hts escape to Lngiand, where he indulged in excessive abuse of this country and our institutions. From Eng lish fanatics he obtained money enough to purchase his freedom. He then resolved to return to this country to attend the anniversary of the Anti-Slavery Society, and for that purpose took passage in the Cambria. Before t ailing he was given a complimentary breakfast in Lon which were preaent some of the grandees of the nation. The passenger* in the Camloia, however, not regarding his presence as quite equal to gales, borne “Fiom Araby the Moss’d,” unceremoniously ejected Douglas* from the cabin ; when Capt. Judkins, as the story goes “with the true spirit of 11 free born Briton, at once promoted th** runaway to hia own state room, the most magnificently furnished one on board the vessel, and which had never been previ ously occupied by any passenger except the Ixrd Lieut, of Canada. Che British papers are filled with articles denouncing the conduct of the passenger* and sympathi sing with the negro, who, upon his return to New Y'ork made several speeches full of treasonable language, and of strong denunciations of both the Churches nnd the Government of the United State*. Wc will not pol lute our columns with his vile phrr.*eolopy much less that uttered by Garrison and Wendle Phillips, on the same occasion. Our simple purpose now i*. to congrat ulate the people of the South, that owing to the efforts of one of their own Representatives—the Hon. Thomas Butler —they are no longer under the necessity of patronizing the British Strainers or their proprietors. Men who would be guilty of harboring our runaways,of furnishing them fends, of giving them opportunities to ahuM- cur institution*, ar.d preach treason and insurrec tion u our people, nnd finally, who would afford them luxuries not granted to our most respectable citizens, certainly cannot expect to be patronized by the true frienu*, either of th*- American Church or the American Union. Lot those of our citizen*, therefore, who pro pose to crom the Atlantic see to it, that they patronize our own vessels, where they will be free from such dis gusting scene* a* were enacted on board the Cambria Our w hole system of Legislation is diametrically opposed to the true interest* ol tlis South. By low duties, we feed British manufecturers in preference to our own. We cotwqtn.'iitly increase British power and British in solence, us well a* the tendency of their people to inter fere with our institutions. I*t us then have our own Ocean Steamer*, and our own Manufactories, let u* build up a home market and prepare to live free from British arrogance or British intermeddling with our do mestic attaint. ftcorglu Marble. Mr J It Arran. *n enterprising mechanic of tills j city, we are pleased to learn, has purchased one of tlte [ most valuable and-incahausttliie marble quarries tn ths Htste, and is rnw erectingegtrmve machinery liir saw - ing and preparing ihe marble for market. TV Quarry iaaiinntcd on Talkmah Creek, in Hilraer oonnty, about thirty-live miles from Cartersvillc, on the Weateni and Atlantic Railroad. It is in fact a mountain of marble, presenting to Ur itn-ek a perpendicular aurlace of near it hundred fret in height. The water power is abundant and most admirably situated for the btmnm. We hear with pleasure, that the Mill will I* in Operation about tlie Ist of July. TV only draw Iwek to the bu sitirsa thus far, has lorn the heavy charges made by tin citizens linuling th< inarblo in its naigli slat- to the Railroad . This, however, will herraiter be remedied as Mr Artope coutpntphttaa employing his own teams for the purpose, and is lirnily *1 the opinion that he can furtusii a Is-tter ami cheaper article io onr citteen*. than ean be procured froju any of tint Northern Quarries We p*> * at ranetulf, when a specimen of lus msi -bieauki otio Iroiu M t swoUnetw wen tested by the ap plication of acids. It was apparent Unit the Georgia Marble contained less lime and more silex. The crys tallite particle* were larger and more firm. The block is harder, rakes a finer polish, and will therefore better rasVt exposure to the weather. For all monumental purposes, it must take preference over the- Northern ar ticle. Mr Amopfc ha* already erected from it several monument* in this place and Milledgeville, which will compare with the befit specimen* of Northern work Mr. A. informs us that the blocks thus far obtained, ate scarcely fair Apccimens of the quality of the article, as he has thus far been compelled to wotk mainly on the iurface of the \\ in, and with indifferent preparations We take especial pleasure in calling the nttention if the citizens, not only of Macon but of the State at large, to this undertaking of Mr. Avrora. He deserve* to Is? substantially sustained, because of hi*industry and on in attempting lo develop the resourcessof the State, and because home product* nnd home labor should have a decided preference. Why should w* suppoit the laborers of Now England or of Old England in pref erence to th< so who have come among us, and who aid us in sustaining our own institutions, nnd in bearing the burthens of our own Government ? Why send to either Italy or Massachusetts for Maiblc or manufactures when we can procure just ns serviceable articles for less money at home ? Mr. Artope is giving us a practical xample of home industry, and we vhould sustain him even if itcost u* something to do so In Geor gia wo have hitherto l>een too negligent of our own true interests. We have grumbled too much about Tariff* nnd abstractions, and made too little effort to profit by their operation* If was recently very truthfully remark ed. that “so varied nnd abundant arc the resources and productions of Georgia, that if a wall of brass were thrown around the State, we might almost live like the Chinee#.', separated from the balance of the world, and yet enjoy all the luxuries and necessaries known to the most favored nation* of the earth.” With our staples, our minerals, end provisions, our Railroad improve ments, and our water power, there is no reason at least why our prosperity should be, limited, or our progress checked for yen is nnd centuries to conic. We have <: cry thing the heart could desire within our limits, and we arc happy to find thuj there is a spirit awakening among our people that must result in the proper devel opment of our resource*. The Fire in the Mountains. Last week we noticed the nomination of Gen. Tay lor for the Presidency, ly a large meeting of the citi zens of N - divide, among whom were John Bfll and other personal friend* ot Mr. Cloy. On Saturd; y last* the friends oi Old Rough and Ready, in East Tennes see, assembled at Knoxville, without respect !o party* for the purpose of responding to the nomination. Gen* Taylor and the Presidency* Our cotenipomry of the Chronicle Sentinel per sists in assuming that majority of the Whig party are still in favor of Mr. Clay for the Presidency. It is sur prising how he could be so grossly deceived. Whether the pressor the people be taken as the criterion.we venture that nine-tenths of the Whigs and seven-tenths of the whole people, are in favor of Gen. Taylor—-not that they think one particle the less of Mr. Clay, but Ix'cause they believe that a change of circumstances justifies a change of leaders, and because they are mere wedded to their principles than to any man, even though he be as great, and good, and glorious as Henry Clay himself. This opinion in regard to the popular feeling toward* (Jen. Taylor, is not ours alone. The Editor of the U. S. Gazette, one of the oldest nnd most de voted friends of Henry (’lay, and whose means of ob taining correct information upon this subject, are equal to those of any man in the nation while suggesting 1 John Saroent for the Vice Presidency, remarks: “ In general, it may lie observed, the nomination ol : General Taylor is admitted by the Whigs, and the at- < tent ion of the people is excited to tjie subject of nomi- j nntinga Vice President, whose character, and oQcir- : cunistances, shall go to make addionally acceptable the Whig ticket. In Ohio, we have Taylor and Corwin.— We have from Kentucky, Taylor and Crittenden. We have seen in New York, Taylor and Filinorc. In Maine, mention has been made of Taylor and Evans. 1 In Massachusetts, men have suggested Taylor and Da vis. In Pennsylvania, a meeting in Pottsville suggested Taylor and Cooper. Delaware Whig papers bear the 1 names of Taylor ami J. M. Clayton. New Jersey, jealous ot her broad seal, announces Taylor and Wright. We have not enumerated all the combination* that come to us. nor is it necessary.” Does our friend of the Chronicle 65 Sentinel require, furtlrer evidence of the correctness of our statement l He 1 ho* only to leave his sanctum and mingle, with the peo ple of Georgia, and he will find them “almost with one ; accord,” doing honor to Gen. Taylor—anxious to car ry him triumphantly into the Presidency. It is strictly and purely a popular movement—it originated with no clique, no caucus—it is a spontaneous outburst of feeling from the hearts of ai least fifteen of the twenty millions of American people. It has no sectional home or abid ing place—it is shaking alike the granite hilly of New ! Hampshire, and the Iron Mountain of Missouri. Wit- ; ness the following extract of a letter, penned in the very heart of Lieutenant General Benton’s dominions. The j writer, a correspondent of the Philadelphia Enquirer. 1 writing from Missouri, wys: “There is no political news of interest, except that j the Rough and Ready fever is raging to such 141 extent, , as to alarm the friends of the embryo Lieutenant Gen eral, who ore beginning to think his youthful studies of Humboldt will prove of little advantage to their prairie ! boy. You may judge of the state of public feeling by ; the following vote, that was on board the steamboat Saluda, on her upward 1 rip, two days ago. There were 27 Democrats and 29 Whigs, who voted as follows: For Rough and Ready— Democrats, 21 for and 3 against. Whigs, 27 “ “ 2 The above voie included the deck passengers. The “Softs” go for him to a man, and a number of the “Hards” have already expressed a like preference.— The name* of Abbott Lawrence, John Sergeant, Ftl more of New York, and Evans, of Maine, are spoken of ns candidates for the Vice Presidency. The song out here is— “ Get oui of the way. you’re all unsteady, Clear the track for Rough and Ready.” Ilncnu Vista. Corro Uordn. and Monterey. The render is specially referred to nu able and just criticism u(s*u the battles of Crrro CorJj and Buena Vikta . copied into tins paper from the N. Y. Courier \ Enquirer. Col. Webb is an educated soldier, and a | good judge in such matter*, and we are therefore the more astonished that he did not institute the comparison between Crrro (iorilo and Monterey, especially as at the latter place T.ivloh with one half the comparative \ force, and without the advantage ot a heavy siege train, accomplished nearly all titat Gen. Scott did at Cerro Ovnln. There is another reason for comparing these action *, because in Ijoth instances, the Americana acted on tlte offensive, whereas at liuenn Virtu, the Mexicans were tlte awaiiling party. In either case,and without nb- j straining rate feather from tlte cap of Hen. Scott, we be -1 lieve it might sal. ly be said in the language of the Cour ier ft F.uyvirrr, that no man living except “Old Rough ami Ready'’ could have carried tlte day. By the way. we may as well notice in this connection ‘■ the efforts which some of the administration prints are now making to glorify Hen. Scott at tlie expense of Hen. TaYLob. Only a lew month* since, these very pnpets were tilled with ridiculous fabrications ill regard to litis gallant officer. Then in commemoration ot his , “hasty plate of soup,” they dubbed him “Marshal Tu reen.'’ Now, forsooth, it liaving become necessary to depreciate the achievement* of Hen. Tayi-or, the won derful discovery t* made that Scott is very ackeutific even in taking a “hasty plate of soup” trout Mr l’olk's par ticular tfi ml. Suita Anna We have learned disaerta ’ lions u|tott hts capacity to Improve victories rather than to destroy lit . if we ooukl for a moment suppose titat | these geitllemun were serious In their military criticism*, I we might, perhaps, he Induced to reply in a like serious strain ; but really the thing is so ridiculous that ” can scarcely believe they hit not still indulging their irony at the expewie of an old and dreaded opponent The i conduct of lien. Scour in taking from Gen. Tavloh the whole ofhis regular force, and intimating to hit*, in almost as many words, that he had won so much n-pu taliott in the war that lie could now aflonl to remain inactive until tlie commaudcr-iii-cluef had finished the work so nobly begun, would almost jnstily a resort to a little sarcasm, and we would suspect onr op ponents tlte more n-adily of this, were it not for tile tact iltnt they inuni h* nwarc that t'.te whole conduct ot the eommander-m-ehi* t was the result of ottli-rs avail I front ills departs’ nt at Washington A-idc from nil tlu'se nonsiderations. however, it is apparent ihai (,en I \y u*a is the h* ro id jh< preseni war. 11*. struck the Inst, isisfell a* the most decisive blow Me. first made till M'nerii an arms th’ terror of the Mexu-su |s*ople, and il he diil not auciteed In following up his victims, and slaughtering tis flcclhg 6s ,as did Scott, and Ilsmey. Old Twiggs, at ferra Har tin, it was not his tiuili.bui hul ot tlie Hovcmmeni hi every insiamv la* kaiglit an cm-i-ty frum thru In Jut times hi* own lore- At llcsacu he had no pontoon train—at Monterey no heavy a uiicrv, and at Rucna Vista neither regular* nor fresh cavalry; yet in every instance we find him not only ready to light but certain of victory, whatever the num ber of the enemy. Under such circu nstanccs. we ques tion whether our opponents wM gain much reputation, either by magnifying (Jen. Hcott’s achievements or censuring Gen. Taylor indirectly Fortunately the military character and reputation of the old hero are not in the keeping o|ni wspnper writers. The peo ple at large know how t> appreciate his services, and hove resolved to reward lint with the highest evidet ce of their gratitude—the Chief Magistrac y of the Nation. Th * Rafl’ea*Term Gordo. The E-l tor of th'’ N. Y. Courier Enquirer , in his paper of the ]s.h inst., says:—“We were made acci dentally to ray ycßtrrday.thnt this to be the mart brilliant affair of th>’ War. Not so. Gen. Scott ac complished oil that Napoleon or Wellington could have accomplished undr similar circumstances; and so at Vera Cruz. Bit thou- affairs cannot he compar ed to Buena Vista . was altogether a very differ ent concern, and offered an opportunity for distinction which very rarely occur =* in whole centuries of war.— Monterey, Vera Cruz, nM Ctd Gordo, nre ol the same clnaw of battle*—whye th** victors did all that men could accomplish—all \hm circumstance* would permit. But Buena Vista iy another Marathon; it in sui generis — : t stands nlone Rnong the mnnv wonder ful de-tences which history records; and in all human probability centuries may an opportunity off ring far such another signal .tuumph. YVe look in vain for any thing c*f the kind in \!r* battles of tin* Rev olution or the war of 1812; nnd cy m European history offers nothing superior, if there he *ny tiling equal to it. “ But, rays one, Gen. Sc TT.ha'lV’ been there, would have accomplished the same great w\rk. Not so in our judgment. Gen. Scott would nobly Have done his duty ; but neither he nor Gen. Taylor, could have made that defence without the prestige of tho gallant achieve ment* of Palo Alto, Resncn de la Palma and Monterey. There lay the secret of Gen. Taylors success. He possesses the extraordinary power, so seldom bestowed upon man, of inspiring his army with the conviction, that where he is. defeat is impossible. The French were invincible when Napoleon was in the field, until after his Russian campaign It was only necessary to : know that the “ Little Corporal” was in the fight, to set the men to calculating at t that hour the victory would lie won! And so it was ot Buena Vista. The vete ran and gallant Wool, did all that Scott or any man could have done in the earh part of the day ; and yet when Taylor came on the lid, his troops were actual ly giving way to the overwlr ruing number of the foe. The mere presence of Gen. Taylor, however, turned the current of events, and gave ns victory instead of de feat. The “ Little Corporas was on the ground, and his soldiers thought no more f retreat. “Such is the history of Buena Vista; and all who rend it understanding!)', must concede that even Tay lor would not have won that glorious field but for his previous victories. No other General could have saved our army on that occasion : nd iie raved it and crown ed the country with glory, by reason of what he had ! previously accomplished. “ \V r c repeat, therefore, tha: his success at Buena Vis ta, is mainly attributable to die fact of bis possessing the extraordinary quality of impressing his men with a con fidence of success whim admits of no defeat, nnd which has so rarely been possessed by man ; and we in tend no disrespect to offices when we say, that he i* the only man living that could have won that battle, —which iscerta nly without any parallel in modem history, and j which, in all human probability, w'ill stand Isolated and alone on the page of history for centuries to com . I Next to it, in the history of the present war, stand the f glorious battles o f Sacramento nnd Resaca de la Palma. | As w’e have said before, Vera Cruz, Sierra Gordo, and j Monterey, were noble victories, in which those in coin- I mand won all the glory it was possible to achieve; and j that they did not win more, was no fault of theirs, but i simply lack of opportunity. “Opportunity” was the j watch word of Decatur, and every soldier well knows I how’ rarely it occurs. To Tayiair and to Doniphan it ] ha* been awarded ; but even Col. Doniphan’s glorious affair sinks into comparative insignificance when com- , pared with Buena \ r ista.” * For ourselves, w*> hope jCT-n. Taylor will never con sent to run os a Whig candidate for the Presidency, or as a Democratic candidate, but simply and solely as Zachary Taylor.— N. Y. Jour, of Cam. ‘Every party,’ remarks the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, “desires Zadharv Taylor lo be its candidate. The Whigs nominate him, because he is a Whig; the Locos try him, because he is available ; and the betwixt and be tweeriitee call upon him to run in the middle like the cowboys of the Revolution. “If any body desires the election of Gen. Taylor, it must he because he thinks Old Rough and Ready com petent to the place. Would he be less competent if he j were elected by the Whigs? “Ah! but,” say these J leaning backward neutrals, “if elected as the candidate , of one of the existing national parties, his administration w ill be liable to fall into their hands.” So, also, if elect- j ed by no party, but by those who seek, by condemning each party, to curry favor with the other, will he not be j liable to partake of the vacillating influence of those middle iirty men, and become so selfish, ns to refuse to sacrifice any personal advantage to the promotion and establishment of principles, and thus make himself ri- ! diculous and useless by hi* trimming course ? “The truth is, Gen. Taylor, if run at all, will be run j dimply and solely ns Zachary Taylor, but he will be , thus run, because that include* the principles of the Whig party, and the honesty of purpose that will not falter in the use of tho-*’ principles.'’ Senator Cameron** Letter* Senator Cameron, ol Pennsylvania, has written a long letter to the editor of the Norristown Register, in order to prove that Gen. Taylor is a Democrat of” the Jeffer sonian, Simon Snyder, Gen. Jackson School. His ar guments are rather far fetched but may be summed up as follows: 1. Gen T ylor’* father was one of the Electors who voted tor Mr Jefferson. 2. Gen. Taylor himself voted for Simon Snyder for Governor of Pennsylvania, and subsequently for Old Hickory for President . The distinguished Senator, himself a Tariff’ Demo crat, forgetting that Taylor hu raid that had he been in in a position to vote at the last Presidential election, he would have voted for Henry Clay and not for Young Hickory, add* tin* following : “He (Gen. Taylor) entered the army in early life, and lias never been a politician—nor ha* he ever had any connection with the machinery ot party or with wire working politicians—but he has always kept up an ac quaintance with the leading measure* of the day, and In* enquiring mind is stored with a thorough know ledge of the whole system of our government. No man ha* a greater reverence for the will of tic* people, and none have shown a greater desire to elevate and sustain hum ble men of intellect and merit.” Tin* certainly prove* Gen. Taylor to be a great, ami good man, but not exactly 11 Democrat of the stripe to suit the Polk and Ritrhi* men of the present day. But Mi? worthy Senator, a* if not aatiefied with the forego i ig proofs of Taylor’s Democracy, add*: “1 have before me a letter from a friend at Monterey* who fought by hi* side in more than one field, dated March 11, UM7, wltoapeak*of iuni in then* word*.— “Gen. Tuylot has arrived since the above was written. He is simple ami unostentatious hh n cluld—plain s* a pike stall—homely and unpretending—brave a* Caspar, and us determined and firm n* adamant. He has strong j good sense—he wanornamenutl, hot useful. Ht*t* u*e I is of die cast iron kind, not shining, but solid, and alto ! gfthT practical. He is th* least shiwy, unartifu ia! ; general or subaltern that is or ever wn in tie* American army. 11c has a power and iui iiffhi'-no** over men, ■ whether individuals or inline*, that w irresistible. All ’ around him have a comi\ou*;*.•** of curity and safety, wink he i with them, ft is tlu* moral power, this mag ! Vof the mind, winch made h s tvur thousand nwu su perior to twenty ihousaud well disciplined troops.” If theae up* all the proofs which th> Democracy cun bring tosustmu their allegation that Taylor i*a Detno ’ crat, they arc certainly deficient in the testimony. For their nil comfort, we will merely mention, that a g ntfomau w.i know n iu Georgia, when recently trav elling in company with Mr. Grittcndcn, one of Tuylot’s lids at Buena Vista, was assured by that gentleman, “flint lie had known “Old Rough and Ready** long and intimately, thnt lu had tlv highest opinion of his abilities', and that he (Taylor) rut one of the most thmough go ing Whigs hr ever knew / ‘ if tin* Democracy ol Geor gia, or of the nation, should see prosier to bind theird***- tinfes to Gen. Tayfor, w * bid them God speed. The) may save the Whig* all trouble m electing hiin.aiut then w’e shall hm< n rood old fesMoued Washington!- an. Mndiso mn, Wh.g Administration If the Demo crats wish to come over to the Whigs and a.d them one more in placing a great and good man in the Presidcu end ( ‘hair, nii w< have to > is—*li- platform is bront enottph, come one, <nmc all, and let l<oc<ifocoi*m b h ue fonli and fop n r extinct. Tio < rojjs in Georgia. We have during the week heard from almost every part of the State. One gentleman, who has made an extensive tour in the upper counties, informs us that the wheat crop will not yield much more than hall as much us that of last year. The Cotton is short but the stand generally good and it is his opinion that it the months of June and July are seasonable, the crop w ill be av<ry g. *od one. Every tiling depends upon warm suns and occasional showers. * He is decidedly ol the opinion that th** quantity of land planted in cotton, is less than is generally supposed.—very many having planted large ly of com in consequence ol the unpromising npi>ear ance of the Wheat fields. The same remarks are es pecially true of the Wcittern and South-Western coun ties. River and Harbor Convention. *• The St. Louis Chamber of Commerce has acquies ced in the proposition to hold a Harbor and River Con vention at Chicago on the sth of July next, and passed a resolution calling upon the citizens of St. Louis and and other cities interested in the matter, to appoint del egates to said convention/’ Would it not he well f<*r the citizens of Georgia t’ send at lea-a one or two delegates to the above conven tion ? Time and agi n hav** we suffered, either from Executive or Legislative indifference to our wants. In consequence of the obstructioiis placed in th'* Savannah river by order of tin 1 G vomment,during the Revolu tion. our commerce has been carried forward to great disadvantage, and our trade has been diverted to the commercial emporium of n neighboring Stale. Like the people of the We J t, we have suffered seriously from the cons -qui nc. s 01 the vet<>B of Mr Polk. Our brethren of the West and North-west have stood by us, voted lor our appropriations, and in every way aided Mr. King in his efforts to give tk only seaport of Geor gia a harbor worthy of our increasing importance, and our admirable system of Internal Improvements.— Would it not be well, under the circumstances, for Sa vannah and Macon to unite and send a delegation to the Chicago Convention ? Insulting Gen. Taylor. Mr Ritchie of the Washington Union, proposes the sacking of thp Catholic Churches to indemnify Mr. Polk tor the expenses of the War and his son of the Richmond Enquirer, attempts to ridicule Gen. Tay lor by a parody on certain resolutions nominatinir him for the Presidency. He names Gen. Tom Thumb, “ Young Free and Frisky,*’and indulges in the following would Ik* witty strain, at the expense of the Old Hero : “ Resolved, That we deem that the eminent virtues, distinguished abilities, and memorable services of Gen. ’Pom Thumb give him a peculiar fitness for, anil a par amount claim to, the highest office in the gift of a free and enlightened people. “ Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet ing be signed by the chairman and secretary, and published in the newspapers generally; and that one copy be printed on white satin, in letters of gold, and forwarded to “ Free and Frisky,” by the chairman.” “ Like father like son”—robbing churches and insult ing war worn veterans, tuny .suit the Ritchie and Polk families, but the people of this country will sanction neither the one nor the other ; ami they will treat with indignant scorn the men who will venture to propose either. Letter from General Taylor. We find in the New Orleans Bulletin the subjoined extract of a letter from (fen. Taylor, addressed to a dis tinguished gentleman of Louisiana. “In regard to the Presidency, I will not say that I would not serve, if the good people of the country were to require me to do so, however much it is opposed to my wishes, tor l am free to say. that I have no aspira tions for the situation. My greatest, perhaps only wish, I has been to bring, or aid in bringing, tins war to a spee- j dy &, honorable close. It has ever l*ren, ami still is. my anxious wish,that someone of the most experiencee, taf- | ented, and virtuous statesmen of the country, should he chosen to that high place at the next election. lam sat isfied that, if our friends w ill do their duty, such a citi zen may be elected. I must however, be allowed to say, that I have not the vanity to consider myself qualified for so high and i responsible a station, and whilst we have far more emi-1 nent and deserving names before the country, I should I prefer to stand aside, if one of them could tie raised to 1 the first office in the gift of a free people. Igo for the country—the whole country, and it is my ardent and sincere wish, to see the individual placed at the head of the nation, who, by a strict observance of ti le Constitution (be he whom he may) can make us n tost prosperous at home, as well as most respected abroad.” Military—The sea Regiments. Capt. Seott’s Company attached to the 13th Regi mt nt of Infantry, are now in camp near this city, and wi 11 leave for the scat of war on Friday or Saturday next. On the way, they will be joined by Capt. Ector’s co.npany of the same Regiment. Lieut. Mclntosh’s coi npany of Voltigeurs are also ready, awaiting trans poi tsat Savannah to join their Regiment, five coinpa nic sos which under Col Andrews sailed from.New Or leans on the 21st for the Bi ases. The illesMiig of Debt. The Democracy of this country seem to act upon the high monarchial principle, recognized in England, tha the greater tie indebtedness of a people the happier they must necessarily he—at least they have a peculiar knack of involving every Government which they ad minister in confusion and bankruptcy. This seems uni ! versa.Uy true, w hether they have charge of Municipalt State, or National affaire. There is scarcely a town m the U nion where they have had control that has not been overwhelmed with debt, and not a State where they have reigned that has not been shingled with shin piasn re. It has been so in Georgia, in Alabama, in Mississippi, in Illinois, in Missouri, in Michigan, in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and perhaps every oth er State, except South Carolina. It has been so in the nation. Mr. Van Burcn found the country free from 1 debt, and with a surplus of millions. He doubled the expenditures and left us thirteen millions in debt. Mr. Tyler's administration, bad as it was, had reduced that indebtedness nearly one half, when Mr. Polk undertook to restore the economical reign of Old Hickory! He is in a lair way to leave us in debt the sweet little sum of an hundred millions of dollars ! perhaps it may be double that sum !! We sec the jieopfe of the city of New York, who have fir years been living under Democratic sway, last year were taxed to the tune of two and a half mil lions, and yet the expenditures exceeded the income $31,737. Bo much for Democratic management ol mo ney matters. If the people wish to pay tuxes they can only perpetuate Democratic sway, and they will be gratified to their hearts’ content. In favor of the New Tariff, Some of the Northern Locofoco papeis boam that the Commercial news by the Pn tannin from England speaks volumes in favor of the wißkiotn of Mr. Polk’s new Tariff law. It would be rather a serious underta king lor these men to attempt to convince the Southern planter that a decline of a rent per pound on cotton can beany evidence of the wisdom of the administration in legislating to the advantage of Britiah labor and to tin* injury of that of our own country. It may please a few of the heavy importing merchants, but the tnasa of the American people will in due time open their eyes to the folly of such legislation. Something Decidedly New. Mr. Wm W. Willis, of Orange, Massachusetts, has invented a machine for pulling stumps out of New Ground It is said to have great |M>wer, and may lie worked at comparatively small expense. Mr W says that with a single pair of oxen he ran pull one hundred atuui|>H amor tvd sizes, p*r day, at a cost of ten cents each! We give the story on the authority of the Mas sachusetts Ploughman, simply remaiking, that there seems to be nothing which Yankee inventive genius is not equal to. We have seen some stumps “down South,” however, which we would be glad to have Mr Willis try Ins springs upon. If he will only skate some of the venerable light-wood roots of Georgia without admin istering u dose of Morton's Letlicon to old Mother Garth, we will acknowledge that he is “aome puukiiuT —and no mistake. Uler from Mttlmnoro*. The schooner llmhlander, amvej at N*w Orleans on the ‘ilstinsi with dutes from Mstimioroa to the Pith. Gen. Cu hmg. whose leg had been broken by an unfur tuiuite tiill into a ditch, whs rapidly recovering, and ex pected nm>ii to be able to resume his duties. It was re ported ihst the leading Mexicans ui the Department of ‘1 uiuaulipas, were in tiivor of declaring themselves m dependent of the C entral Government, and that they would be sustained by tn American forces on the Ilio Grande. No news of importance from Gen. Tsyloi’s Division. The ( or | * of Miiicyors. We loam that tin coipsofriuiveyors, engaged in lo eating the rout* Ironi Mncon to Columbus, direct, have approximately fix* and the line of tlie Rond for about nilcs. They find the emu.try rougher and mop* im practicable than they anticipated It is thought how ever, that n vary good line may be found for 3l) miles— perhaps to the Flint River, wh en would serve in com man for the Columbus and South'western Road. Th recoimoiaaiice has extended some 50 miles, and it i hoped that the worst ground has been passed over. Midway Female Seminary* The reader is particularly referred to the adVerti? merit of Mr. Mallard, in regard to the above* instin lion. Mr. M. was for several years Principal of th Walthourville SVii:.nary, nnd earned a most deserve reputation as one of the best disc plinarians and mo successful teachc rs in the low country. In no count in the State is more attention paid to education than good old Liberty, and to !i> gentleman were the peop there in the habit of looking with nior* confidence tha to Mr. Mallard. Central IDcilrod Stock* The Savannah Kejmblican announces that the whol amount of the 8 per cent Central Railroad Stock, $5 K 000, was filled on Saturday last,. It was mostly t: kei by citizens of Savannah. THE FOREIGN NEWS. Arrival of the Britannia —ls day later from Europe — Unity decline iu Cotton—Advance in < rn am Provisions. The Britannia arrived at Boston th : 15th nt mid night with Liverpool dates to the Ith inst. The gener al and political intelligence is not of great interest. A moat villainous plot to murder the new Pope had been discovered and defeated. The Rnbyles, a port on o the mountaineer* in Algeria had submitted to the Fiench power. The disturbances continued in Portugal. Tlr * I Parisian Journal are in extneies of admiration at the news of General Taylor’s victories. Asa lender, they j place him second only to Napoleon himself. They arc : however indignant at Mr. Polk’s tariff for the Mexican ports, and pronounce the conquest of California a rob bery. Ireland is more tranquil and the suffering was dimin’ ishing. The accounts of the wheat aml oat crops are highly encouraging; and even in regard to potatoes very favorable accounts are received, though the rot has again appeared in the vicinity of Belfast. O’Connell is rapidly sinking and cannot long survive. The English papers say that the battle of Buena Vista is a small af fair ! and that the taking of \Vro Cruz will not do any tiling towards rinsing the war. We notice the death of Lord Cowles, the youngest brother of die Duke of Wellington, in his 74th year, and of Lieut. Col. Sir Walter Scott, Bart., of Abbotsford, eldest son and last surviving child of the author of W<r verity. Sir Walter was born in 1801, and was a lieut colonel in the 15th Hussars. The bare netcy is extinct but the Abbots!ord property passes to Walter Sect* Lockhart, a cornet in the 16th Lancers, the only son of the editor of the Quarterly Review, and the only grandson of the author of Waver ley. Sir Walter was married in 18*25 to a Miss Johnson, of Lochorc, Fife, who still survives. The money market was very tight, and it was evident that the Bank of England had resolved to influence the price of cotton. The consequence was that from the I6tli to the 23d ult. cotton had declined from i to I penny per pound, and at the close of the week ending the 30th, a still further decline of } to i penny was sub mitted to. The tiny folio wi ug, there was an advance oj. i of a penny which was maintained until the sailing o the steamer. The quotations are ns follows: fair to fair bowed Georgia. 61 to 6s ; Mobile. 6# to 7; New Orleans 6v to 71. This gives a decline upon Georgia cottons of I of a penny equal to I of a cent. On the 31 May, foreign Wheat obtained an advance of fully 4s. per quarter. The Fionr trade was vry ac tive and a rise of 2s. p'*r barrel was establish? I. whilst Indian Com was sold at 56s to 5 Is. f>r y *llow, atri skt. to 60s. for white. The market on th * Continent had been very materially influenced by th • depressed state of trade and the condition of the money market in Eng land. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. MILLEDGEVILLE, May 24,1847. Gentlemen : There being nothing of local importance i to write about, I beg leave to make a few crude re marks on a subject of general interest. Many and various are the suggestions in relation to; the effects, objects and future consequences of the ex isting war with Mexico. Most of these have a mere party complexion; others are dignified by a speculative philosophy, and not a few of them are ridiculous, and ab surd. As among th'* latter class, it lias been suggested that the progressive invasion of Mexico is to he under stood as a ju-t retaliation of Heaven on the sauquinary race which slaughtered the aboriginal Mexican, and dispossessed him of his birthright and hen*—that tlr present invasion is hut n visitation of Divine wrath up on the descendants of the heroic Cortez—that mail of ! thrice tempered steel—who made a “bridir** of corpses'’ ; over a torrent of blood in ins terrible passage to the Halls of the Montezumas. To those who have sought to indulge a selfish justification in such an idea. I would j take the liberty of hinting that perhaps the Pilgrim Fathers and their descendants have not acquired a titl* I to their wide domain by the fair tenure of purchase un- I stained with blood! But who is familiar with the mysterious ag'*neie ß | w hich God employs to work out the destinies of nations and men? If presumptuous man could grasp such knowledge, it might lie asserted that the devoted Cor tez was commissioned by Omnipotence. Ills courage, his endurance, his achievements, all approach what men are apt to admire as superhuman. On the altars wheri* smoked the still throbbing human heart in heathen sac rifice, the Spaniard and his body guard raised on high the fiery standard of the Cross—itself in part, the em blem of blood and agony-encircled by the bright halo of Eternal promise. Through the smoke of battle, over the storm of human strife, the “true sign” shed its help ful beams lik* a rainfccw of liberty and joy to man— The heathen beheld it and bowed to his doom. Tha* little band of steel clad warriors were but the pioneer 8 of civilization! Out of the huge marble columns ol he a then palaces they laid the deep and strong foundations of a future temple to human liberty—and peihajw it haa been but reserved for our race and generation to perfect the structure which they began. He who attempts to check the wheel* of legitimate progress by bellowing alarms for the safety and perpetu ity of ancient land marks, has overlooked some of the most important principles developed in the history ot hi* race—would bind the living to the dead, and imprison the energies of his race and generation within the “pent up Utica” of his own vision. The effort until is vain ns that of Xerxes to enchain the sea. The tides of ci vilization and enlightened government, commingling* must still flow on. “Westward” they take their way. The “descendant* ofJnphtt are dwellers in the tents of Shem”—-they hove made “Ham the servant of servants’ and would fain continue him in puas-ssion ol lue herit age—labor without care—which his peculiar character istics so singularly qualify hun to enjoy and adorn : and now the last act in their great drama of “progress” is als *ut to be consummated'They will either peacefully and lovingly reunite with their wayward couzens on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, or dwell in their tent** also. Yours, &lc. A. Bouthwonteri Railroad Convention. The South-western Railroad Convention assemble I at the Methodist Church in Aincriciis, Siimu r county, on the 18th day of May, according to previous notice, the Hon. I*tt Warren in the Chair, and Col Thos. C. Sullivan Secretary. The Chairman briefly explained the object of the Convention, when the following delegates reported themselves, Vi*: From the ( nitrify of Sumter —Win. II Crawford, James K. Daniel,Daniel Frawer,Thomas Buisden.H. I* Stucky, W J Ronald*-*n James P. Guerry, Thomas Murphy, A M Little, and D. J. Tomlinson From the (mmhi ot Ihbh Scott, J. Cowles, L Guilin, and 8. Rom . From the Count ft of Dmdy —Messrs G Butts, Scar borough, Dawson, Both well, nn*l Bice From the County of Baker.— Measra. J Jack- u, A B Lawton, J. B. Bilbo, N. Till. R L inday, V M Nightingale. J 1 Bartlett. A Y Hampton, II F Lyon, R H. Clark, D A.Vason.T I’ H.nitli. Judge Worran From the. County of Lee —. M•■■ J II Jordan. 7, Jackson, S. Sullivan, G. Batts, K W Wain a, J ii Pope, T Butler, B G Smith, G .n*l From the County of Marion M* - B llarton. R C Black, E. W. Allen, T. I W \ Black, J. B. Hunter. Remired, That Mr. Cuyier, Pr h*l t* , th<* C ntrul Railroad, be invited to participnt * ui the delmeratio:!* of this Convention. AN>, that Gen. G. Warren, J. S. Dentinrd. an I J 11 Powen, of Houston, In* r *eetvad and accredited ns delegates from Houston comity. It wns then moved by J Cowles, of Bibb, that nil the citizens ol Georgia present, be invited to assist and par ticipalc n t!i* deliberations of this Convention, which j, was unanimously adopted. Judge King of the county of Sumter, and Judge An drews, of Baker. Wt re, by i dilution of tli a Convention, added to the delegatee of tlieir respective c •unties. A ter son,- preliminary remarks front (;,// i'lker, and other*, YV. U. Crawford mov.-l f . pomtment of a Committee of two from die *,L. *► rich county represented, to prepare buaness,'f ‘onvmtion. ,ur k The following gentlemen were appointed Will 11, Crawford; A. M. D. Kii ■ :• ■> *' : - ‘owles, T. P Smith. N. Tin, E Butts, C. H J i. Gord-n, G Smith, T Bivins. A. W. Biaek j n. J. S. Dennard, and K. Id, Cuyler. ‘ N The Convention then aifjonmed to meet at p st Churc-h at half past one o'clock 11 J) 'P- The Convention met ng.tin in the afternoon 8 ton I'oumment. Wm. A Maxwell, n t ,,l’•!/ ‘"'*• ’"itlcr, original delegates from Lee, apn’irej four ent, amt Cot. Wm. Robin*,,,i of M-tco-i , md F. Wheaton of Thomas county, were j./. T artlcipate ns delegates in die procei dins, “ 1 u in?. * “"-ft- The Committee appoint! !, were then oniled through the Chairman, Mr. Crawford, made thefii^ report: The Committee appointed by th- Railroad C lion, report, that from an exten led acquaint-,ne,?* -h- view*, interest*, and feelings of rVi-by,,,,-L** * v ’ ** , * r Georgia, they feel satisfied th, re'C, p: eon or one feeling ns to rhe importance and ‘’ * ‘he necessity of a Ritilrood mint,mnirnt',, important a.- -lion of country and the emir* * Georgia, and also the principal sen-p,, it ,f State. Yoor Committee feel assured, that t|„ ."*• of Southwestern Georgia. are wi ll dirt ma* | 8"* helping hand in forwarding an impo-tant tmbl<- prim-, in which every e l / n must have n ci'nim tercst, and while tin- v.vtk of improvement j, „ „ ; moat of the other portions of our favored rountrv j l rti °n of the citiieqp of Georgia are not (ii*p„ s J' t ’* j main stationary. Believing as do your Committed t | <he best interest* of tile region of the Slat - repr, f this Convention will he promoted hy a virnrn, ‘ j eution and completion of a Railroad from ti,, Macon to some point on the Ch-ttahonehe rive * lielow Ft. Gaines, they submit the following nw ,]* ||(; * ffee-dred, That the projected Road is one whvh*. interest of this section of Georgia imperiously d< f ,. and which, if completed, will add incalculably / ue of the properly, and to die convenience nnd c inj, of the citizens of Southwestern (leorgin. Retohord, That for the purpose ofsisce-rtniiiin,, a i,u probahilities of the success of this important * m it in histdy important that means should he tnk-n ‘ mediately to ascertain tlte amount of w idth. ~: i ’ for production, and consumption, and the pmhahfr ” crease of both in tin- rcaion of country throueli the Road will pass, and which will be tril.iitarv t, and also the amount of Stock which will he tut,, J the rrizens of those counties. Rrmlrrd, Tltat a Committee of five be appoints litis Convention from each county, whicli is to t, fitted by the projected Rond, who shall he requeadi take immediate steps to ascertain what amount ofStd enn he disposed ofinßteir resjieetive cotin tie*, anil* port loan adjourned meeting of this Convention, t, | lu-ld at Amorims on the Tuesday nfter the fourth V, day in July next.—-said ■uhscriptiom to b* upo*M , il-tion that the wliole amount suhseribed slnll ho { five hundred thousand dollars. Rrmh-rd. That said Committee he alsorr w ,.. ascertain ns nearly ns jmssihlo. the amount of,™ made during the past year, 4. tlte probable amount of* dure which will pass over the Road from tlieir irq** ive couttfies. Krmlved, That these Committees be onnuMs;, follows: For Bibln'nitnly —Messrs. R Collin-,. E. Ain* der, A. IT. Chappell, I Seolt nnd J. Cowles. Fur lloii't'in ( nunhi —M--ssrs C West. A Bui ham. A D. Kendrick. D Gimn, and H R Oennsnl Fir Mnrwn Cniirihi _M-ssts. .1 P Hunt’-r. M I ; McMullen, J A. Clenv-ns, B. W. Dowd.C. Wnmt<A Fur Doo'y County. —Messre. II J. fdcthweil, J g , Beall. .1 Watson. D. B. Jones, J. R I, wi* For Sinntrr C n utity —Messis. J. K Daniel. .1 T a i linson, N. Mcßain. G R Harper, G. D. IVignse For Jinkrr Cfinnhi —Messrs. G. YY r . Collin*, AT Hampton, N Titt. B S Bell. W D-nnard For /-- e Cmnou - Messrs. G. Pmitli. A. Hariif W James. D. Lawiion. It nhen S YYdlliams. llroolvrd, That a Committee of seven he to draft nil address to the pnopie of Snutbw stem fr* gin, upon the subject of the projected Road—the fob. inr? Committee appointed— Mi-ssis. T P Smith. Ft. Warren. \\'. H. Craw: -d J H. Pope. A. M. D. King. J CowJcs It w a Remhrd, on motion of T. P. Smith. TWtfc proceedings of this meeting be signed by tlte Chiwi ttnd Secretary, and published in tlte various public ** zCttes of the States. On motion, the Convention adloiimed until the T n day after the fourth Monday in July next. LOTT WARREN, i Thomas C. Svllitam, Sec y. Whisr rtin .’ in Marion, The Whigs of Marion county assembled inTwrwd j on the 17th ult. to attend to business rs Importest*. ft I the good of the party. Whereupon. Mnor J B Hm. I t**r. wns called to the Chair, and Benwinfo F. Hrfa requested to act nsSecretaiy, (assisted by Mno*W A. j Black ) On motion, it was a creed that Mr (Vwh I explain the object of the meeting, which he dßmi ve’-y sow nnd pertinent remarks, and then submitted lit j following resolutions. Resolved, That this meeting now appoint three W* ! 2at'* to represent this County in a State Convert I **. I ; be holden in MiUedgeville cn some future day, far ( purpose of nominating a candidate for Governor st 1 | ensuing election, and that a Committee oftweris : ponied by the Chairman, t*> report the names of m J deMgatee. 1 Resolved also. That the meeting appoint lwhWV ; gate® from each military district in the courtv, to ran ( the Whigs ot Talbot county in Convention, ai mi : time nnd place ns the latter (Whigs of Talbot) rr.y t point, to nominate a candidate to represert tlv Jl ! Senatorial District, in the ensuing session ot’ th* l/f* I Lfure, and that the Chair now appoint a CoouniWH | tive to nominate said Delegates. In obedience to the first resolution, the Chair appll e*l Col Thotnns Bivins, Mai A C. Cleveland, W Wells. John Minter, and William Butts. Hum M , Committee, who retired, and after a relajise ot i* j minutes, reported the names of Messrs. Crawford, b J hurt Bm ton. and Morgan Kemp, as Delegates to Up I sent u in the ensuing Gubernatorial Convention, i Under the second resolution, the Chair nflG# •Kinehen McKinney. Geq. Cols. T. Bivins. A I | Scott. Jeremiah Wilehare nl Elbert Melton. a Committee to nominate two Delegates from edii j trict to represent the county in the ensuing Sen** Convention, who reported the following namesitfW eg* tea: From Kinchafoona —George A. Brown, VirvtKl Revere. From Trick />n—George W. McDufivJ I len Daniel. From Rrdhonc —R. W LocketJj min Story. From Fort Pent. —Jordan Wiwl V\ ilbnm Wells. From Tazewell —Daniel Hi*rhi**J B W. Drwd. From White Water —Willi* j Abner Watson. From Poindexter —A.C.Cfod* ! From Pan-handle. —R. C Black, Benjamin b • hert. Esqrs The Committee we re empowered to fill nil vac*** i that rnny occur under the above resolution- AW wh'di Mai A C. Cleveland offered the fdllowiitf** lotion, which wna agreed to. Remitted. That th** Whigs in this meeting. Ij themselves to support the candidate for Senate v:w* anv regard to local questions. Mr. Crawford offered the following: . Reeofred, That the Whigs in each military this county, appo int three Delegates to meet in well *iti th* first Tn*sdry in August next, to a eandidste to repn*sent the county in the rjipnacllj Hf*asion of the legislature in the repress Platin’ b* of the same. Nothfhg further of n political nn ,ur i.*g ofleied, the Convention was Uien rcwlviin* Railroad meeting, and n general invitation tfiv|*|* j cittxensto fmttieipnte in tlie deliberations l th** Mr. Crawford then begged leave to submit th**l" iJi I Reunited, That ihi* meeting now appoint j'v'jr *• gates to represent us m the propose I HuilroMfl Con tnn to be holden in Aim rieus, mi tlie 18th that tli** Chair appoint sni*l Delegates. The Mg*” tterauns were then appointed. Col. Thome* b* Mai \\ A Black 1 I*l'’ G W. Alien. Snimal Gtkms, Beniamin r- lv On motion, it wits ngieed, that tho Chairman Irj*^ ;to tlie list of Delegates. On motion. gi**ed I proceedings of th** meeting be signed by the i M , ! niid H *cietary, nnd c*'pies of the sum** le j tin* Columbus Enquirer, and Journal and lot publication. _ Siy; -rs .1 B. HI'NTER, Chmn<“ Hi shwik r Hmur, HitTetrr. Khiincii Hoi.i.h. —One qnrrt of , mil!, oiii* ten-| (> i full of Knit o lurgi’ *' ll Ili ‘I of tiomc-lii'ewed yiM.t or Ito'i *'* !uo tilli'ry yrust, Hour enough to ,n: *T 1 liu'ti'i - : eet it to riM 1 mill wlien very h u' l ir. one und two *| ooni, full ol luittni** ; ’ in Hour nil Ktifl enouj'l, to roll. The r.iiim apenk'. i:i t, rum ot ,U M j of the eomlurt of huth olli x'ii ind 1111 CerroOordo. It a.iy:— .....a, “livery frealt uecount mmi.< t e*hi 1 skill of Otm. Peott nnd hi* ofliirr, uiMlaunted vulur of il,e tiuojw. K>' ,l ir vohmteera lire equally ili-tiuj-'O 1 "! e.l l" r ‘ (|f ueliieveincnta —lur their divution to ountry —Sbr their willinffneaa to jour ou blood tor her honor and rijjhta.