Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 09, 1847, Image 4

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YGIIICI I. ITK \1„ Dcstrndion of the Collua Caterpillar. 57i’ were fuvored with the subjoined letter’ sum.- time ago, from .< gentleman formerly re sident in Kloriita, and made an extract from it. iV’e i-otice since liiat otuers have a ivaneeii similar views, a id the subject is certainly de serving of attention: “The caterpillar is the origin of tlie army Worm, a id as plouglii iur cotmn lields is no. performed until near the time of planting, they re.min undisturbed until they have so far gain e l maturity, that they ur. not destroyed by the plough, n i l tit that vas >:i they are not apt to be injured by frosts: - ion after they begiti to feed nu tender \ egetati v.i, lay millions ot eggs winch mature •> a- to need food and thus they increase until they deserve the limn-- ol army worm. Their in. t is o ily too well kno ,vn. “Rainy, cloudy weather. proJue them fastest; hot dry weather is not so favorable J but if the heat is too great, they can soon get, beyond the heat in t lie earth, even if they should feed at night. They will find places to spend thp winter, not only in the ground, bir underwood, in the. ere ieesol the rough h.irk cf: >r tn . If no remedy is t.- ; exterminate them they will increase until the cotton country will linre the late ol Kgy pi j -‘Now lor the icin’ dv. So so-m ns a held , or part of afield is relieved of its crop cut’ down all the stalks, set fire to them sonic clear, dry day; and cause the fire to run over tile field. It'the stocks do not furnish n snlii ien- i cy of material to produce a good fire pine or | ctk leaves should be added. The s.unipH and standing trees will take tire, and the dt posit I of the eggs will be reached by- the devouring liame9, and the origin of tlie caterpillar arid fiy will thus be destroyed. Adjoining woods and if possible, fences should be removed and be subjected to the cleansing cii'ect of the lire. This is an easy and will be an ellectu tl pro-, ceaß which will again cause cotton fields to repay the planter by a good profit. • 1 say to the inJu’strious cotton planter, run fire over your cotton fields, and you will secure your usual product, noon as the cotton is no far advanced as no; to be subject to injury if hogs arc turned into the field they will hum the caterpillars, eat and get fat on them ; wili in fact, take them in preference to coni, flic planter will thus turn this de.-tractive insect to profit by Intoning hog Ih H, ,-u-w. j Rotation of Crops. There is living in Northampton county. Penn sylvania, on the banks us the Lehigh, a very aged man. whose success in falling upon a sys tem of rotation, by which lie could obtain the greatest possible y'icld of wheat, in a given term of yea-- lias caused it to be generally adopted in that fertile region. It is c died Siieiiners system, alder the discoverer. .I.icoh j Sh-.-im-.-r. whom 1 had the curio ity to visit at his most stih. “imial homestead some years, ago, and from whom 1 obtained the following - account: When a young man v..ii. a large .’ oily of cltildrua growinj “-* ‘'110! him.and depen dent on him lor support lie plainly perceived I that under the rude practice then existing, he I would not he able to maintain them. He often thought over his di.Health s while following the ‘ plow, and at length di termin and upon his plan ; which, followed up without faltering, has con ducted him i:i the decline of life to tic and affluence. When I saw him he had resigned the active G ite-s of his t'arm to a son who was following : in his footsteps; niter having himself pructis-, cd iiis system of rotation for-thirty-five years, with a constant improvement 111 tin- q lalityol’i Ins land ; which indeed lia 1 tlie uumititakable stamp of fertility oppn ii The farm contiunel one hundred acres.; which was divided as n-ariy as possible into \ eight fields of twelve a .1 half acres ; each ol which was carried through an eight vc-ar.-’ ro-’ tatfon. Commencing with a fallow field. hr Ist year. Manured and lime i; plowed thri e tnm i1 M luneu rowed and seeded one hn- h- l and three pecksj per acre of whe it which w.i ploughed m.ler. 2d. Clover seed sown on wheat in the spraig; six quarts 1 1 the acre, which was pas-1 tured after hnrv- si. ltd Plastered clover in the spring; one I bushel per acre; cut in June, and plowed under - second crop, and seeded again with wheal. •Ith. Wheat—same as number two. fir.ii. Pastured early in tlie season plowed under second crop i 1 August and lowed U liCut. 6th. Wheat again and ry- rowed on stub ble 7th. Sowed clover seed in spring on rye. ¥th. Plowed under clover sol and planted corn : and next season recommenced. It will be observed that mere were every 1 year three fields in win at, one with rye, one with corn two with clover, and one fallow.— j The product had one aon reached .- high as 1.400 bushels of wheat 0)0 bushels of corn j •nd 300 bushels- ryv—/**.• -.'Vit-tV p/rfiv.t- ■ * 1 ...... A Foreign writer says: “ A paint has Icon , used on the Continent vvi'U success made from milk and lime, that dries quicker than oil paint, and has no s ue'.!. It is made in ta , following manner: Take fresh curds and j bruise tlie lumps on a grinding-stone or in an J earthen pan, or mortar, with a spatula or strong spoon. Then put them into a pot with an 1 1 qual quantity of lime w 11 slacked with wa- j t r, to make it just thick enough to be knead- 1 cd. Stir llii; mixture without adding more ‘ wat r, nnd a white colored Hurt will soon be ! obtained, which will serve as paint. It may be laid on with n brush with ns much ease m varnish, and it dries very speedily. It must however, be used the -one day it is m ide. loi if kept till next day it will be too thick: con sequently no more must ha mixed up at one lime than can he laid 0:1 in one day. It’ any color be required, any of the ochres as yt How ochre, or red ochre or number, m iy be mix’ and with it iri proportion. Prussian blue would be changed by the lirne. Two coats of this paint j will be sumcient, and when quite dry it m:y be polished with a piece of woollen cloth or simitar substance, nnd it will become as hriglu as varnish. It will only do for inside work ; but it will last longer if varnished over with white of egv after it lias been polished.” Rest of IMitnts. Plants of all sorts require during some part of the year a season of reel. This tuny be .longer or shorter, according to the nature of the plant, and the climate where it is kept.— *T;.,j*e from tlie tropics require less rest than -tboso from northern regions, provided the tem perature in which Pu-y ire kept is made even. The natural sea: .m for this suspension of ac tivity is the winter, and unless it is changed by artificial nu-ans pi nt: will t il., them. Keepers of house plants are often ignorant j o! these I’acU, anJ persist in pushing forward | a- far uh jumble ull the oecupanu of their stands or window* without any Kgaitl to thin law in vegetable physiology. When a plant i’ at rebt it should he k> pt in cooler air. away from u bright and stimulating light, ami be given very* little il’ any water. — A cuelus, for me tun requires no w iter from December ku March. They limy better be put uw ay into the cellar, or into u room m which no lire is kept and where there i* a very Jim light, where they may be ullowed to stand for u fungi r or shorter time, as circumstances require. Those of perpetual blossoms which have been all summer in bloom, will need a longer term than those which have only blos somed for a month or two. as they are further exhausted, and demand n further recruit. Hut of what use are opr pldnta 7 auks some lady friend. •• if we are to hide them all up, as aoon as winter sett, in and keep them till spring cyans, when there will be plenty of bloom out of doors V . In the first place, the greater siumber of them do not need an entire winter’s rest; mid are content with n eoitple of months.— the affair is easily managed, r t them ;h .. n in w:.t. • IMBmo have tiese winch enjoy the stimulants aflight, warmth uni water in the fill’ -t and most thrifty vigor. We have be lore said that house plant should have an even temperature. Pin- al the stove is about as bad as tin: chills of 11 cold night, and they should he protect -.1 from 1 both as far as possible. —Prairie Farm r, The Turnip Fly. The Turnip Fly lays its egg in autumn I but insect is not developed till the fillow -1 iug spring, ivhe 1 it is animated by the warmth ‘ of the noil, and usually comes tbrtli to com-I men e its depredations contemporaneously | with the plant on wtii'li it i- to feed. ft! r ; ring tiie soil Ibr a fort nigh: or so previously to [ sowing, and ulloi-ding a good tin-, i.igu’ . ul phur, house ashes and soil, equal parts : ► soon ns the plants appear, is often an 1 ts-du al remedy. Indeed w- h iv.- in-v-cr It imvn 11 to fail. w. Alp II CCS Sheep. I At a meeting ot the Farm -r's Clol> i t the I I city of N, iv York on tin- lOtii inst. A com,nil licatio 1 from Mr. .Skemci-. R.litor j of th-- Farmers’ Library, iv is read by the Sec- I retuy. Mr. 8. treated very fully of tlie claim:, j of Vgri-Tihure to till- support n id eiicourag: meat of Government.-. In reg.ird to tin I.'- j pacea Sheep. ,vl ■ iSkiii:ii-i- reports, a one of i tin: committee of the Club to whom Was rc , ferred that subject, that we nr. in a fair way ’ to have that u t fid animal h. e i ght to the Lf | lifted Suites 1,1 sufficient numbers to in ike a fair trial of tlu-ir adaptatiou t-> our climate, iin 1 to test their value as nil a 1.1id0. 1 to our ovr 1 slock of wool-bearing animals. Mr. J. I). Williamso-i ban obtained free use oftiie li ic ship Oliio for his passage to South America, and also permi :.-ion to m ike use. there ol'ut.y •tore-ship or national vessel that may be in the ports tfoin which he may wish to ship pvd mons of animaln. cic. for this country. Mr. W. will sail as soon as file Onio returns from her present cruisr. Thought* on Various subjects. We have just religion entugh to tna'ce ns 1 ha'e but not. enough to make us lore one ai.- - other. When we desire or solicit anything, our minds run wholly 0.1 the good side or circum stuiices of it; when it is obtained our minds run only 0.1 the bad ones. When a true g. nius appeareth in the w o ld you may know him by this infallible sign that ] the dunces arc all in confederacy against him. 1 1 n::i apt to think that in the day of'julg- J meat there will be small allowance given to 1 tlie wise for their want of morals, or to the ig i norniil lor their want of faith, because both arc without excuse. This renders the advan -1 tages equal of ignorance and knowledge. Hut some scruples in the wise, and sonic vices in 1 the ignorant, will perhaps he forgiven ujm>i. the strength of the temptation to each. It is in disputes as ia armies, where the > | weaker side scttcdi up false lights'und maketh a great uois:. that the enemy may believe , > them to be more num rous nnd strong than i they really are. 1 hove known sonic men possessed of good | qualities which were very serviceable to 1 1 others, but useless to themselves; like a sua- j i dial on the front of a house, t. inform the j I neighbors and passengers, but not the owner I within. If a in in would register all his opinions up- j ori love, polities religion learning, etc. begin- : iii-ig from his youth and so go on to old age. - what a bundle ol inconsistencies ;tnd contra- [ dictions would appear at last! The stoical scheme of supply ing our wants ! 1 by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off! ! our feet when we want shoes. The reason vViiy so few marriages are hap py is, because young ladies spend their time in making nets not in making cages. The power of fortune is confessed only by the miserable, Ibr the happy impute all their success to arid rn -rit. Ainbitio 1 often puts men upon lining the m-anest offices: climbing is performed in the same (Kislnre with Creeping. Censure i: the tax a man pay eth to the pub lic for being eminent. No wise man ever wished to b'e younger. Au idle reason lessens the weight of the good ones you gave before. Complaint is the largest tribute heaven re ceives, and the sim-erest part of our devotion. Tile coin nri fluency of spi-i !. ia many men nnd most women is owinu to is areity of matter and scare ity ot'words: tor whoever i.; a master of langit ige. and hath a mmil full of ideas, will be apt in speaking, to hesitate upon the choice of both; whereas common speakers have only one set of ideas undone set of words to clothe them i.i aid tie-scare always ready at the mouth. So people come faster out of a church when it is almost emp ty, than whert a crowd is at the door. To be vain is rather a mark of humility th in pride. \ nio men delight in telling what honors have been done them and wlmt great company they have kept and the like, by which they plainly conic.. that these honors were more than tlu-ir due, such as their friendii would not believe if they had not been Mid: whereas a man truly proud thinks the greatest honors below hi - merit and conse quently scorns to boast. I therefore deliver it I as a maxim that whoever desires the charac ter of a proud man ought to conceal his vanity.—Ukan Swift. Interesting Statistics. From an addressoiTnr Ho t. F.lisha Whit tcis.y and, livered before the Mahoning County (Ohio) Agriculture Society v.-etake the fol lowing interesting ttatisties —from which it will be Been that those engaged ia Agricul ture outnumber the learned professions, in ternal and ocean navigation, manufactures and commerce more than tnree to one while tin a laud vilii -of agricultural products is more than tVVi millions ol dollars : .No. ol’ person.. 1.1 the learned poll--cions 1)5 255 No ofperso m internal navigution :!:tu;-> No. of perso is navigating the ocean 56021 No. of persons in manufactures 761.749 No. ot’persons in commerce 117 t>H7 No ofperso is in agriculture 3 719,951 The annual value of agricul ture ia iJfiM 387,ft7ft Tlie value of importations for the fiscal year, ending on ihcHOth June last was 111 091,767 The value of exportations, domes tic and nr****M for .lire name period, was IK!-IsS.-ilfi Amount of import* and export* 1 189 li 1 :t Keep at Work. bv a maos w. lioiit. IXms a mounnni on you frown? K cp at Work You msy 11. i.1. riu,nr it yrt; il yon stand and tlmino Us baw. Sorry biuife* you may pet, Keep at work. lt ‘.’B Mia* Fortune** tsc look sour ? Keep al work . Bh’ may amilr again wan. day ; If you pull your hair ami fi t 1, Hr a a-suied ahr'll have h*r way. . Kcrp st work. Arr you censured by youi IVimd*? • Kta-pal work : Win loci they are wrong or right, May be you must ‘bid* your Uni-, If lor victory you fight. Keep at work. If the devil growls at you, Keep at work : Thai's ‘in 1 heat way laK'Mat; If you hold an argument, Yon may feel Ins iron tint. Keep at Wotk. ‘ Are your talents vilified 1 Keep at work : . Greater men than you are hatr,!; If you're right, then is- ah’ ad— Gril will be appreciated. Keep at work. Everything i” done by Labor: Keep i work: If 1011 would prove your station ; They hav-help from Providence Who work out thyir own salvation. Keep at work. — ■ - 8 ., h. r. uu NihKotf a vo. HAVE on hand #lO nark* Halt; •JO,OUO lha. Iron, Round, ttqimre. Band,Hoop ami Kheel. Gnat,German. Euglrah ami American Hl,liter Steel Window I Ilitse ; 1 naeed Oil Macon Jnn ?, 1*47 * M AUli-iIOLSI-; VJiUt'O.VUIISSION lit vltKSk. GICAVF.S. ROOD A 40. ‘I! VK lit 1 s iiicilitiu *i| 1 titofiii lii | - 1 .. 111 *is ttntl itlii rn. ‘ I lli-ti I>l Mtltliliuii lu ilit-ir vt1...1< suit hiul fi ln 11 l'J<\ j t 40 S \V 1) (~ UO.KKY Jit SI.M-SS I r if, v 1 11 •u. i-i tn- 0 triiiiMt■. .t, m-ist I’V\ H!• -HOUSF ! ANDCOMMISvIha lit Nl x K..*-B,hi llu, (lon* i kiio a- . 1 i-ti'ii vt •’Coriu-r t ) tin thr I'oritt r .1 >. coim iiiti utttl ‘'mu-in rc ‘< jm , unu * tut iu ri Mit-tifiii ‘ tluien ilt-r of in> ir 4'-rvm • to ih ii piumi iiv fn* .•, .• ml oilirr> ; Willi t if ItMUI AliCr, tliill (lIOKC who liiM) *Hti< in/., iin 111 tin nu- f'Hiitt **, tliull lihvx oiirlMrsi i-imi avm - to lo ihili 1 luaticv jikl proiuoii tiuir mtitO Out Vi wrt lli iim i cuii Ivt nit in i) sii unit-(I, itiitl Cut toil Atorr mi !• i*. kii iln trl I Jki'n die nl, Mini |irult-c(< tl tVoiu llu Meatht r. Wv Mil lUo 1 -i’ M*t ull It |ilt-Hiin , tin 1 friritti* 111 <Hi ti*; lln 11 i- ol 100 I mil *vi tliuut i*tiuri;i ; Mini \\ r art .it ill uu pr purnll i'U iK .tilvMm t. mii tin h 4 nu ii Cmmli ur Moi't-liumliir.*-. Wr Pt6Jfftfnll) lultritn |><irtintii I In j..jt miui;.i i.l lli n*4ii liH.WKs, \v odd n ro. I W I N IUVF.S, ) I’d•)am* Wtion, > J. M. Kihhu., ) Mm (Mill, April 1, 134 ft. A4 \\ vcc-koim; ooaffiAizzsaioxff r P<MM fiiibwtrribr-r, havin : i- us a ! irotn thr Waiu I M ‘ -'V. occiipiu I liy It it hm nr.iiiitl ink n ilm I l“IU'; kriMAVti (iftAVJ/s’ WaRF.-IIuI -K, Gj-IM.Milr f i f Wood A ‘ i. Htori rt pactfu * ; ihi i ibankn to h s lorm w pntrons and IriiMnlH, nn.l H.iiic.M ; 1 nmiii nfirict* of fheir |>ntronagf, with the nwiiirn;.<♦* ilm wil* Ifvote li : : wliul.-’ anti #*pnr<- nt. *|ly*rtn tt pif* n t-* th ii- mt r- 1 Lnw;i;.vT. \nvAN< •- will hi immili to tlto-- wii • rfmii'v thi'iu ;an 1 orh-'M tin HA<.’(ii Nl i !i and ‘I’W J.N K. nnd otlvr \! -.(• i.i /-•. p:ompt iy filled on the niopt r t'Tiuw (ii:o ji;\vi; , n’ May IRth, 1847 7 ridi: rno i v* \ui: iaoi r j A i IK ind- rHiprnf.l, prat* tul tor ; -t. f v -. ink • tbi: I may piv- ii.m their bii.-<in<-.Mt, thai n- n fertile bet t* r tiioir intcrcws: nbjiiiiHMl th* . autiful ant weiiftiraup* i I in* |i t nrr-llousc, oi, Cotton Awmiiip, formerly ornipb'd by J. ( Dwl'-s.for the purposi ol Storm# Cotton a/nt nl! kiwis of (mnilry Produce, f f<* will, mh herotol'T’ * vi- h;. jRM-s'*inl hi tention to tli#* Ware Hoii*n*, and pb-iivies innisell 1;• twt* tv- ry exertion topiomote the in tore fi .>1 tliov who may confi !e btuiiiif*m to hiti chaiye. 24, 1816 i. OUsI E\ t, V L'T I.L II % i\ it.v.M K ; ‘ J.'l I’ \X Y, 5d ‘V A 1.1 Ml ;K V l ,\fti r iiimili ui*l|lnration tin* l rut if* ii.ivc b< cotiu rouvmc* <l. ami tin • xpi.-fit iict- iif old < •(■biiKlicd com|n in* 4 fully m raiditn’ •’"'it ‘t-violi, thal tlie ailvaii'Mfft •ot l.if* I iimm aim i mi llu Mutual pi n, itviy Ik* rati-tulnl niid tliffunul with Rf. atci (MiiVt iiiciici to a lai*;i- clm i,| coiitribuii r, mdv • tlt * qua i ci ity to ail (lit Manured, h) r'-quiriiig no ijrt at r Miniuit” ol ihe prt* mm twin paid m cihli than tin compini) Mill j r. quire to meet it* out;i^i'iurnt n with pri'mptiHii:* Mini Ii , iltiiy it ha* arcuidingty hqrii! that in all cate* where ih* annual fut-ininm shall amoniit to 3‘o, ami 6( ! per cent. thi.Ti*uf shall have Ih* ii paid in ca.(h, mi approved may Ih f>ivnit‘ r llu run: inii.p 40 |u r* i.i pajnlih j iwelve iniiutlia Mher date, lu mriu*; <i\ p i iu ut int Tit Il.e niter. 4t t he pud iiiiiunllv, hut llu piiiu-i|>al not to h callrd in utile** ihe exikC'iici< *of ihe com pan > re- Mhirs it, giving *ixty days iiuiie* ,and tin u only h> iiun, ; meiit* ;ir*i rata it the - vtynt tlmt may he r<|ui.d to mee Ihe cii^m(r’ lnent* ot the rompati). Ii i i-Miidilenily :intii*ipat< <1 that a *yt m, the operaiion -of v Inch s*. t.ur .itul ipiit ihl**, *o w* II c-alculali il to place ■he hem til* mil li|t<iiij' of Life I lunr-i ort wit Inn the rent'll of .ill, and ii In snn tint* * liable iuch e*nti iniitoi I Ki diare * qtiall a uml fully ni onl\ in it* hem fn-ent *ecnrj. hut alo in ns potiiMti'.iciumu lation. eillimii mu i* hi In veil to h-terve, the la vur ami I'unfidi nei ol'i lie public. I Hi particului*advßiiiagcn ulferid by thisL'otnpaii) are. I I A ifii iruotee capital. j 2. An awmal pariiupatiMti in thi profit*. j N'u individual responsibility beyond the aim.uut us pre ; miii'ii. 4. I'hnscwho insure for a It • period than life, partici pares,tiutlh in the annual pr. fils of tin tom pan) I be Wiutifns c .rnpany confutes its busiiieS’ r.vclufivrlii Insurance tut Lives, and all liuiiraiite app rtniiiiiifi t< T't ■ ftn's of fnsuraiuc on One Hun dvr if ftclinrs. y j One j Seven-FOr ji J One iSevnJ For A I Year j Ye-ars I Life, jj j Year ’Years', 1 if< . ; 15 ‘ 77 ‘ 88 jI . j 40 1 ftU ’IH3I 320 * 20 l j 95 177 | 45 lo| l (Ji 371 25 I 4 111 204 ij Idi 2091 4eo ! 30 l 1 I 36 2 3*i J ‘5 21* 32| 57 . 34 | I tr| 131 2Of jj 60 I4AI [ 4 tfl Tin inisi • F s lames I) I*.Ogden, Richard ... Purdy, Thus Y\ Ludlow fames llrown, <). Muslim 11, C K Linds ■>, H.W.rttck*, Richard I rviu, A M M reliant, A. Norris, D A onistoek, .L.lni Crt and. r, I*. M. *V -tinore, James Harper, R 11. Mortis. Rob. rr H Coleman, It !•. V:> rni.-tn, S. S Hii!;ct ‘ Yf. ti. Hu'.*eri>, “'ni. H Apin wall, Lirinc Audin * . Henry K Itn^art J. 1. P. O'iDK.N, Pivsttli m A. ‘I MKRCH IN I , Vice-I'r iidelit. ; I.F.VA IS HKN rON, Secretarv r HI.IN YFU KI-.M.-W, Aetuary OJ* I lie company will also in- tin- thi lives o’ S ‘to- . HYDF. Kc lONi'S, Atrent. Macon, April 1. 18-17. y,o ; i; * i 9 % nn'i< 1 i ipm, jl 1 J lb II \RTFORD. Cos W -Th** u?i b*’i \p'iist will fk-MiFkH again- -t Firkin this city. Orillin,; For?yth and other town? in th** State, on ns fivorablc 1 terms a niv Conmnny. They will n!o in sure a *i-i inst the risks of Riv*r Sfavisfition : their •• r c‘tcnt j riit s air, o-1 per cent, to Savannah.nnd 7-8 1- ■ Oirtrlcs- j tn. REA & COTTON. Vpril 1,1847 ■ iFE i %#! r jiwci-: ri - v^w 3 4 Lif-* insurance nnd Trust ( ompany living ostnb lisho.l an Aifency in the city >i Mncnn, jiereouH may i fnct Insurance with this Co.npnny on their own E\es or tlv I.ivs of others, nnd eith r tor the who!* dura tion of life or tor a limited period, by the payment ol a j small annual premium i STEPHEN M.LEN. President. CII VRLES V PAI.MER, Stvr,*tary E BOND, Macon. Mac -. Aqr 11 1847 >il ilanm siiml Wtilfin ICsiil-lio:il, f ’ om . Huron to .illnntn. ON and after Thursday ,Sept*mher 10th, th .- tiaitisof this Road v ill b< run a tolluAvs : Leave VlMt ull daily :it s . A M. Leave A tin it rt* dm!) hi ‘4. A. M. ronueciiuj; at Mtcoit w 1 11 the t nuns of the Hail R 0.4 and, iiml <t Aila ut a with lltote cl tin- (ieorgia uat 1-RoJU ! each wmv. 1 Staip s for Montgomery connect daily aclivn\ vihthe trim* at RanKAVille.iMMixini'M . • tinnoti-iim tY n. sh: i • sioii, S t . *,*i Sit v iin mt u, Mncnn. nm! Cos Inm bus, (* - rgi. j fi.r tin Indiait S|>riiiVK rmiiati mli In iu-mi , For-jth daily, *-:i. h wi) ; and for Me ni tit*-,- Springs and j West Point, nt Griffin. Fare bet we* it Huron and Atlanta, $i do Do. •* do. Orittin, 2 50 Do “ do. Harnmillr, 1 7S Do. “ do. Forsyth, I ro KMFHSON FOO I K, Sup 11 tit• ndetit. Mteon. Sept 8, IH4f> ’0 1 t/uited States lvia.l Line—Daily, > ItTVtt N SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. 1 The well known pplcnded St am l\ickeja Jastt.r Cnpt. J P .luonks, i (Jex’l. Cm son Cnpt. J lirdm Wm. Sk.abrok Cnpt. T Lyon i Contium* to run r-‘ijulrly between Sivannah nnd 1 Chnrleston. leavinff Savannah **v i ry morn in •; nt 2 o’- - clock, nnd C’hnrlcstoii every moniiiujui y o’clin'k pro- * l ciscly For Frcijrht or Powai?r ppitly on beard, m th**’ Savannah and Chirl- ston Stemn Pack* t Wharf, or to ‘ A LAFPITK. \MR f N !<—All Gi'ods, intended for Savannah wII be 1 I forwnrd *d by E. Lntitle dr Cos. \ -‘nt- nt Clmrlcstoii, if \ I tlircete 1 to th**i r *'nre. free of co mmi union f. | 1 April 21 1817 __ ts > riOTVXQ OOSHHM IQtfBK. kI |i K|\S. ‘rA t*rrl t |isr r• 1• md jiul ♦ *• I* h\ ? Auml 20 4 SUM I HkMAII’ t d>, B.iQOXINiG AND . OP1!. k- > 4 || 4 I'fKCKS Kt iiliukv Hii(rß-i|.e. V’O t oil* tlo Hnj t *1 P Kor"Hit by SCO I I , I'AHHAH I & CO j April 39 • Kffk niwi rim a. •jt P,| ft Pt 9 20 f*t rr.itH|.k 4". }<( rT‘iv tl til Tor ttH’ n\ April t 9 4 snrri, (Muinu ■ in II II %T!: I'l’HT H* cilYifl t *RAM UOHVH--1 Jo* I'annmi IIATIi 1 do/ Kiueilo; 1b Cnlimrr Nt*. $2 ;! ! S !• ku'ltioliabW Niik Hats, (It *0 ; Putin !.**■( M Hi, Cap*, | Ac. A it tl . > 4 gl|'(; ll\ >| s.~ 40 plot < I. tnirtmi Wl..< Il writ bf 4 M l • lip lor ••!, at F. H H I’FK S ! A I” BACON AND LAKD. \ \t>RHta, • rpHK i i* now rr .vin > o i v .-viiiivm., 1 mvl will Continue to rH**iv** nml wll th<* r.hov* j nainPtl firticlfH in Inrifc or 4nnll quautiti** throughout th* nrnnoti All ord**ni will r<vi*iv*; pro Mint nrt-*ntion. I .r NOIU’KOSM Atlanta May I*. IW7 7 Vt OIL wht'i jrivtn t Hc*nut t'ol I liifhl without tkiirll, Ukl mt plwtr n** purr wM*r, lr mb hi C. A KIJsH. Miy II 7 ■jMTI/TOJ* MVHKKT IU KK, r Mini t*.kh-i Jfep'Dr, 41 w•% • • •*• l|4 ml. -ii.t •itriitli i Sim*. CHAS It fHIIAIAN I April ii (ajf \|’ |\ I*!! Csi -•Au iu, flutur, ti. 4 Iratk J crs. r* h (VtMM tin ImiK* i y A toil l • cm AH II ri'PKM A V PkHTH, OII.H, i;I.ash, At. I F* (\ uH >tim il do lil • < 1 I lo ! I)i P lroFl|>i*rm <h>. Mi! * Train <1 IVi k< i*4 I So I aiui |urc VI nits I'*h I ; HW hx m Hull*, 12x16, mvt Chrome <ir‘*n 6 mako 8l Koiluh . ("linnnr ViT.w • 1 ewik Sil hpoin ; L ml; lIJ>I Alum , Wiv linn Red; Ltihrraac . Whitini*. A•• . Kr ir|c hy tJR AVWOOI. A rn \i Mi n mi TO iMtINTI’.KS. For will*, a very gmni aeeotl I haint Hmo iiN I’rixn, itnivnal aix**, in B unkr, Atul wjirrnnti.] to w’rk **• quit to nrw Aliao a miMibrr of C*iia’ r*, of vrtn , iiiv* mi**— with m varu tv t l*riitflia*r itfnfp riitl*. **u<*h na ('ontpo*ung Sin-k*. (’!'%•*, Iniivwiiii* Stonn, n font of xhH Mittk>nTyp**.and ivvlctyufJor i . of a I liavinar*'*viv*l a rompl*’!** pupplv of ivwr nmtcrinl lor th* Journal N M-a*rniter. ‘v* Imv r* *o v<*tl to di - po* of tli** alurem* ntion > I mate tin h VKRY LOW rop r ahh. pr<-*vid**d inviv lint*’ nmiliontiMi niailf. R<>*F A r'O bava:inaa aj ymg XN’l’ON il ASEUIt K *ve toiuli rin theciti /. tis ot MACON, and il.e up country L**vmral!y, | t nut li * has in ole c.u •n.-tv’ p;eparaUonsfor I>Y ING nmi ; ( LE ANSING Eadi) s'Silk tin i vmioU'u Drs-cs. Suawl.t Sue. &.C.. li s cidors. parttcalarlv Black, Maroon and Brown. wi:l b* w irrautcd • juai i- any mat c. 411 he pro* tit. •-d in th-• Cnu-nl Sir:* * Gentlemen's Garment. |{< novated, D) cd, au l m .fiiaiitcd not i> soil either th* skdi or the v\aitcet limn. Piic. s moderate. Articl* * left nt the Store of Mr. ( A. LIU, next door to th VV linli, M.'icon, will be piomptly forwarded, and returned with despatch April 21, IS 17. _ Iv3 HOI m: \ND SIGN PAINTING: C;iaininf, G ;, a. I’tiiHT-haiiuiii OLD CHAIRS re-sent*d with cane, painted an gilded ; Furniture repaired, varnish* and. nnd polished ; Window S e h and Blind*- tor sale. A F. SHERWOOD. Corner of Second and O ik Streets. Macon, May lOtlt, yfi Uli LOACHK &. \\ ILCOXSON, Mmiufucturvn and Dealt-rs in WBKIAIJKS - “I IIAUAINN or jsecar orsciiimojr, ,ut i.iciiiiiiv sTicia. i , rvzAcor-4. -ueosgxa. lie f.. W. have coiutuntly lor km!*, on the bst tt rue, Liip'ir springs, Axles. Slips ILiii'U. L imps, 4 o,irii l/ice, J'ulent and Top leather. Tinted and Jnpam.’ and ll'inirst Mountings, Paints, <> !s. Varnish. March, 10. HI7 c a \{ h i a i; i: s, (.1/ the old stand oj thr lute /•’. H'rigiry.) \Tj.\RGE ass rtin*m ts CDAt’HES BAR ROC< HES, Rot KA \\ \VS. and Bl (RiIES. ‘with and without tup ß , dim- from J M. Quiubys celebrated lnui.u/hcton N wiirk, N. J Pei’soiis wishing good Lnrriagcs, Will find it to their interest to examine these articles before pu.chasing else where. as a large nasortir.cM will lr kept constantly on hand and oflered on tie* no * T favorable terms Orl-Tfl received for lam ii’ built to any pattern, and warranted to do good service mid give **aiisl;:ction. both in article and puce. T. II PLANT. \lacorv. Dee If). IMG. Ifi \^.*nt. % A IHILI! ISA B>lk!.l> I A I ORRIS WES'l'< ■ *TT have on hand first .11 trie assortment •>l-S \DI I.ES. 11 MIN 11SS and C ARRIAGI PRIMMING of ■ they w iil s*il ;it prices to suit the times. Their facilities are such that they can sell |.-\vcr than any other cstab l Mniient of the kind in theei-y. Give usa cull be Hire you huv. isoll we nsk f‘ra re ronunendalion REP AIRING done at reduced prices, m a W'likiiii'in-Uk* mnnnei Cotton Avcim.*. next door to A. J. &. 1). W. Orr. Dec 3, 1846 12 WOCD Al BEADU Y nAYK |u>i revtveil miottor large lot ol WINDOW Sll A!)!•.*>, •mhiic el |;iitt n.. uml of dimeli*iom *l Xllll Hll)’ HllitlllMt. AliO St .IU llluvk WtilllUl W llltllt'Sh H< it-, tends, of j .tt ri; Mini hitish m hie Ii van mu fail to plea.-s l) i ‘ 441f % :ii*‘ and Livery Millie* respectfully inform I their tnends.'<nd the pit!>hc. ilmt th* y jn purpose of doing a SALE AND LlV jb, ii R i HI St NESS, and ic spectiuily so- | licit n share of public patronage. ‘Their Staldea are Con ner: and with th*‘ FLO VI) HOUSE, and every attention ‘ n iii be paid to cnstomeis .n order to give general satis lac t ion Tlicir Stables arc large, new and commodious, with line Lots and vry convenient. Persons would do well to give us a call. N. H AWKINS. J W. HARRIS Macon, April 1. 1847 liif 04 MiPLRE ’l ti*\ INll sl>|tl and MAi liiN K SHOP. Macon, Ga. Tuc subscrib ers having ci c, da new Establishment, now oiler to the public, indu : i nu* that they have nev r had b iire ! m that line < f business—Mill Wrights, Gut Makers ! A c will find nto th. ir aUvautag- to give usa call: w< will g.ianmtc all our work to oe good, and at the low •st prie- w-• have a good stock *t Patters on hand. A g od H0..-* P -w r for sab* CHAfc. P. LEVY & CO. Cotton Av .nr or Macon Western RR D pot. I April 1, 1847. 12ti \J vct)s IKON A Itltt-o. I ■ | \ dl it l, n-1.1 MAI HIM; Sll. IP—TI. ■ -.,h ----**ci.i r hav.tig recently made large and important addi ti* is to hs burner Ls: of patterns lor Overshot, Brea si and ‘Pub Mill Gcaimg, i- now prepared to execute or deisior Flour Mills. Cot to i factories. Hors.* nowei Ai’.ls r*ii pbintritioii grindina, (Vc • tilso Cottou Pr**ss tt*. (!..t 4 ar.Piates and Bads, and Mill Irons ot ever) des:•-.ptiori; all of which wilt be made of the very best mat -rial ami workmanship, on reasonable and accom modating terms. ROBERT FINDLAY Macon, June 17, IH4G. ylB j XyXXX.Xi stores. f J \li K i.ub-cril r bt iug Agent tor hi. -\o Mill-Stoiu J I*.-oMidiliNi iii iii N\v-Yoik, will Jurnith to wder. | MU NCH 111 till I.SOFAS, \M) (Ol.lH.Ni MIL - j SI ON K.S, of mi) *i/i, 4 ml ** I•( th> vr) l> *l ijual liy. KUHhHI HNDLAL ‘!< )'. Nov 13. Ri k • 5 do. Clarified 00. i.'loit and for nan b> C. DAY & CO. Mardi 3 Just Come to Hand. \V F. Y siijit nor artivu of Prem rv* ti (linger, M c.a i'i.iii, aaiutl On ; Walnut, Mu sll roc u, und oiuaio Cutsup ; I'ruhtfl, I'rt-a. Niitu; Ctt.idn-x, I >•)*, and Ju|i.b( P.:stv ; ’ _ C'H AH. H. Kit KEMAX. { < lolliH, 4 iissiiiifi's Vcstiiiiis At . Si ‘Vi-i of Falkland tUm L, Bitie-blutk, Him, In- I vi*i 4* (irven, llruwit, uml laury Clot Its, an excellent auiinni. nt. f. i-tdoii, I'wmlc, Fifiith and ‘merican Cauimm, Velvet, -ratio, MareilU*, and Fancy V stilus r Just received Sy N. McKINNON Its *. I Kp * __ 33 I ITK.- l ider, old Maderia, ()ld Pon and fl ('1.30*1 Win<s, lor sale by (.. A. ELIB. Mix 18 7 )i t if ASK i! VS i'll A'll* AHN *•:, :: *i*r,f* *r wilt’by C A ELLS 3b) II I # | I)HZ. s YIU)lNi:s, S y; 10 do fVienc* otCniT-*e, 10 Bldg of Crushed and Powdered Sugars, 20.000 Regalia Cigars, 20,000 Prthcipe do 10 Boxca nt Tobacco, all of the right sort .for sale by C. A. ELLS. M ■ 18 : •)/ w u t LBS extra inn-Flour nt • SUUU March vM 6 W FREEM\N*S Aobacco c*: Cigars. )i II | BOXES ‘lob .various Brands, 10,000 Pu'.w’ijie Cigar*, do N’fOOO Regalia do do 20,000 I‘uiMit'llas do do For s !<• hv St i TT, CARD ART L CO. Apt il m 7 9 II *l l i Just received nnd li>rswle 100 Mils, of first j rate Northern Lime ut th** Sj.nll. IM7 “ Kit) GRANDE HOCSn “ |)UI.MK (K)SHIiN til'TT FIR AND 01,1) ENG- I I.ISII (11 l.i iMfi, jo. <al<- hy April 24, 1847. I C A. ELLS. PINK 4 PPI.F. C H F.S f— Aft w bo\t-n junt i*i ct*m and hy March 17 C HAS M. KUKf.MAN. OK %NOKH - A f* w barrel* mrj .11,111-1 Hat na Oran gv* MX)'# C IUS II FHffMAN A | HS tt. MII.LKH’X CHKITtIKi iOIUfCO-00 J J ocm.ilaiKl fbrtalr lu MarvH 7.1*4?. 5 C M A Si. H FHF.F.MAN. I. OF Hll l l Ik* \ larr-mip- I 4 i*lv I'fthiMleltciou'* b:\vni. • put up unjmtit, pint, uii-l halt putt Imulcn, (list received by \pril *, DM*. U W FREEM AN OILN. Av .1 1 isi 11 - iv.-.l Ii om j th* “New Yoik Brooklyn Whit'* L*ud Company'’ No 1. No 2, Extra and Pure Who • I, .ol AUkj in Store—4i oia*ed nnd Tanner* (Id; Spirit a Turp *lllOl . Varnish . LnmpM ick Putty, Phiiil, cs.Ac Ac 1’ \ T'T IN Sl TAYLOR. April I. 1817 27 NOTH IN FIAIIE PuhHci’*-*r li*uD it nee* ‘iry to iwtify many of | fi • cusioin- I*. wlios accounts and not *4 tn** •! long stall ling, that he has waited until ldrb**nrauce ecus, m to l*e a Virtue, and that he will be under the pe. i*.—itv ol making k Wchii tw*ep of all notes an 1 nc cuu is rontrtete I at inn old ewnblmlmiMit, lit th** head of Cot 1 oil An lue, unless settled before the fiisl of A* * is? n*Xt All person* III! reste | will ii|e,H.* take 1 due nnd : *v *1 tliemwlves aee'rdiiigiy Mm 11, May -t- 1847 8 XMOS BEN TON j A still Ii lr l*|. lllllf 101 l lor Mill#*, iiear I |uoii 4 01a any. ?IYI in u n-iti r .it . t‘>. .. . tim |i m . it t i;y m mill an-l fa quiiSit ‘n't i I'lii inaaniii, mhi duii f aix huiitlr*U an-1 v 11 .ivrva nl kuhl 'ih uiul hivKm) l a -d. us wliivh Hum t Ur. rhuir. U air* s ar* 01, mil s.i.ili of IV* th | hen 11 a k°* dtw u sim y llw. lli • g r.iiitu iiii.k t< u ru-Dht, marly ms, m lit* prrmi*-a, 1 g* ti ei tuli a *• lii-iii -. and **ry i. eroiri i>ui iiti-li.i -f, ill in re|iaii*, *nh * irclltiit t r—ami 1* am<>t d* orahl pi. i-i- |. ra fam ily r*li* ••*•. \ta* n CFrist Mill of ‘He nv*t iiii|ir--vri! raiiorui iinii f..r m inufa -iuriiiK Kiti*. alHou 24 mih-a North ut I homaaioti, •in “olataCre* h—aitn u Sat Mill, and aln pie pmd* g*a f r limb* 1 . Alt” Ins plaii'allnn us . itM Inimtn-d ai l *xt> icrri.lyin* n- ar the iioirii.iH nf the FUi-t Herr ami Putaine < oek. ‘lu t nf this mini is wry rsluiSl*- atwnut -ori.iunilH) ui in th e -untrv ft-rtbe laoo-rot .ni-un ai.d run- Alm.i.i ‘SO acr eul 11 uri in i'*>lt vatiuu, a hit h has n*• r fail in pro* d'l’ i ‘r.d<i , p Ihr i- ac inf -riabk frame Dwelling, (fill Mnus- an! rtl!*• 1 li!i it^-* un tie shii ; aim 11 ( o-tnn Xcrrar Mt ba*h PlaiitaHnns FtlMl'Nl) A I'KAMtK. fp.tte it ny, \pril V*. t?4T. tf4 li/ 1 I iti W \ MiL*!/. //intr soy h*fore pjii one of the great •atun i mu*t i/ w < . ful Med:cinea ever invented: leu tint thrtestnno try of m tny reapcclaUe citizenit oj Savannah, where I resiil I WARRANT THAT THE INK. CONTAINS NO MeRI'CHY. j | OR ANY OT'!l--R PRUIi INJI RIOI STO Till. MOST 1)11.1- ( ati: constitution ft i* Nature's own rcITK!- dy —Vegktapi.k.. Itisoneof the lcst Family We lirinos now in i ami I w rr.irit it to cure all cases of ri:vi: i? \\ f> \<; i k, In th< a hurt tynce of Twenty-Four horns.’ Mr W. Humphreys: JfoarSir- Having seen so much rdwmt vour Fever and At?!!** Piiif*, 1 was induced to try thcTii upon n ninn I had in my employment. They had the desired effect, und 1 con safely recommend them to tlx* public. VoiiiS, respectfully. Savannah, April 7th, 1847. JOHN N. LEWIS. Mr W Humphreys: l>*:ir Sir—Permit mo to con gmtulnte von upon tin* very important discovery which hy your pers* vein nee and study, you have discovered for I the cm of hVverand Ague. I cmi v< n*h forth'* <pudi [ tie- of it, f was compelled to use Maid medicine for j my son, and from the use of it he is oomp'etoly cured, and has had no attack of the same ‘is ■ I nin your obed’t rv't. JAMES F. BLOIS. Savannah, Apfil 8,1817. This is to certify, that I. John F. Cardell, of the citv \ *-f Savannah, was subject to the Fever and Atm -, each , I attack now i * worse than the ffnM. imtil I -’ Tit for Mr. ! Uim*phrey - Fevcrand Ague \f.* )?*••* • and t ’ 1 • •- I cor-'fog to his directions, and it cured ;... ii< il.;*;i . twelve hours I cheerfully recommend this valuable ! ’ medicine to the public, as a sate and certain cure for the j above disease•. Yours, respectfully, JOHN F CARDELL , Savannah. April Bth, 1847. M r Mutupho vs Dear Sir—With pleasure I give my certificate reconunendinir vour Rills to the public as the j on'v certain cure for the Fever and Ague, which I was i afflicted with for near twelve months. During that I lime I tried medical advice and other remedies usually j ;st i)d for tl.e complaint, hut all were useless. After every i ! miner. 1 tried your medicine, and can safely recommend . nto the public. I enjoy good health, having been j om-ed-in ‘ess then 21 hours. I remain yours. Sic. Savannah, March 15 1847. C. CLARK. MORE PROOF’—READ! READ!! ! The following additional certificate •• n r esented to ! r. <hl e. ‘bowin'* the eflieev of HUMPHREYS’ ! FEVER AND AGUE MEDICINE. I h- has had 1 ! t'OTinl certificates to the same effect, which will fw presented from time to time: “ Thi** is to eert’fy. that I was subject tothe Fevcrand \'ou*. fi - which T tried medical advice, and Rowland's Tonic Mixture, and other remedies, hut none had the ‘c*>st effect. I was then recommended to Mr. W. Humphreys. Jr . who cured me in less than twelve I , nrp—to whom I return my thanks, and advise all ntl'ided as above, to try his medicine Respectfully. JOHN N. SPEARING. Savannah, Feb. ‘2O, 1847. Mr. Humphreys—As you desired me to inform von what success 1 had in using vour F v*r and Ague Med feme, in the rase of myself and buhand. 1 do with ph—epro recommend it to the public ns one of the best medicines for the disease, and wish you success in this discovery. Yours, respectfully. MARY METZGER, January 10th. 1847. JOHN METZGER A re we not individually called upon, when we become fnrivd*ed with ny knowledge which, by moT extend- i ed diftitsion. will promote the happiness and welfare of j tli* -e nw.iT.d in. t. make known without hesitation stieh means of relief and comfort ? I*V ding this to be ! inv hoy. f W( uld direct the attention of those distressed ; w ; b Fever and Ague, to the greet utility of Mr Wm. ; Humphivv- 4 ’ Fevcrand Ague \l-> 1 fonc in that troub'e- i some complaint Resides having been restored to uni- ! versa] health * nd vigor myself, f have had an opportuni- j tv of w itnessing another remarkable instance of recove ry from tlie use of it. in on*’ of the worst eam-s J have fried n great many different remedies, but all in vain I was r e hired from a strong, healty man. to almost a mere skeleton 1 bad almost given up that 1 would get ‘•id of the complaint, but at last J saw M- William J Humphreys’ advertisement, and fried his Fever and I A<nie Mcdicme. and T am now enjoying good health. ( and T jm gaming my strength very f®t. and I recom mend if to tbA public a a orood and simple remedy for | the Fever and Amie Mv chief chert in tiffs commit- J n ; enfin • to ecouain? every individual who has sutler- i ed under the above obstinsje and too often serious dis- I .■•>, with the virtues of the abov” valuable medicine. ‘ ; \ ’so to render thank o to the proprietor for Iffs henevo- j I ‘“nt exertions to spread still (briber its uaefii’ness, despite ! the selfish charges n*’ eenrtw and presumption. VTntYRT M (dTOVNELL ! CATHAP T \E REILLY 1 that the above cert iff -•’**t* M nre eorreet—ote ; n r tis pv Vfitherand the others relation, and with j the ernfitect ploocn-e T recommend this med'eine to the i pm'l,* The tw’oeass are truly astonishingeasep We fried a rrro~t manv remedies and medicines, but found nnrp'iof until the above named gentleman w”*° reeom •no'? so -is Roth of the named persons used thi •• I'n dile mmrtdv. and am now en'oylng good health, being cured ; n f hc short t : pv* twenty-four hours R *spectfilUy venrs S-n Feb , 1847. PATRICK O’CONNELL. M\eov. Jnntiarv 1.1817 Mr. Wm IT'imnhrevs: Dear Sir—l am otie of those who aro wifflntT to acknowledge and award merit to •rho*pover it is dim l think that vour Fever and on|t Pill is a safe and speedy eure f<>r that trofjhlesOTpe d'.v*a. ns mv mother and son were both afflicted with * fiir orr*e time, and bad taken various remedies stlg- 1 “'>sfed bv f rie'd.:. without effect, when J requested a i fr : on<l v'sit>rg Savannah to procure a *o.x of your Pills, “•ho. when hn r*tnmed. handed me one as a present j finn von The Pills were taken by mv mother and son. and cured them in less than twenty-four hours I | therefor*, recommend to those afflicted w'th this trouble some di°.-°e to epnlv to Wm Humphrey*. Jr.for a I box ‘ t hs Pi"s. and f>llow his direction, and if they are not eu*-e lin a very short time. I wi'l “iv : t “n Respectfully, J JOSEPH HODGES, Late of Savannah. MTF AND IMPORTANT* FROAf FLORIDA Mr Humnhrevs Sir—T consider it mv ilutv torpcom me>d \ our Fever and Ague Pills to the pnhlie, ns the : on 1 v q**fp npd eertfiu euro f,*r the Fever and Ague. wh : eh T was afflicted with for near fourteen months, and trjp | every had the least effort. Finally. T was advised hy a friend to tr\- vour Pills. Whop 1 made up my mind to do so, I placed hut little confidence in them or any thing else : hut your k ; nd offer was so fair, that 1 did so to oblige you—fit- wh <h allow me to ret uni my thanks : and I recommend all who ar> f-onh|ed with the above to try Hieouhrevs’ never ffifing Pliie. Res|teetfilllv. Ac. February 15, 1817. J. G. GARNETT. : C.T.OP’OPS NEWS’ HFALTH RESTORED'! Mr Humnhrevs Si>-—As l pruniised to let you know what * ‘fleet your medicine had upon me in the Fever : and A rue. I -..w willingly give my name to you. to use ; •- von t• ‘ay thick proper. Before 1 tried vour Pills. I 1 had tr 1 I various remedies and medical advice, hut all was useless V,,ur medicine is f-om one well known in th : city, and Ido not believe you would warrant nnv thing unless you wm confident of its euring I have ofie-t rend vour eertificafes. and know most of the gen tl'iu who lnve given them to you. and was afraid to 1 trv t’ em. until I w's advised hy one flint had done so, and is now in good health. 1 tried them, and 1 thank von for curing me of one of the most injurious com pi- : nts that nn is sublet to ‘Fo the puhl c 1 say, try , Humphrevs’ Pills, and they will cure ill the short space ‘ o‘‘ •itne that 1 wasAwhich wdl Is* doubted, but mvname , is here for it .'* in less than 10 hours Rep*etfiilly. Ac. Savannah. March 31. MICHAEL BAYLAN {V.e- l'h : s Medicine is prepared and sold only by me, corner of Bav and Drayton streets, Savannah,4teorgin. Ml orders addr'ss*d to pie w II meet with prompt ut tention D's” .\one Pennine te'tbnnt n>v written aigna ture WM HUMPHREYS. Jr For sale hv SHOTWELL A (iILHERT. ’ I ■ x I ‘O A \ \ (HINTS for Sherwoods unrivalled Rotary and Vibrating Magnetic Machine ; alaothe Magnetic or Comiumnd Bitumen Plaster, nnd Magnetized (iold Pills We also keep a good supply of the Homeopathic Med icines. with the h. oka on practice. Macon and Columbus Oct t 9, 1845 37 TRUSSES. nOUn I.K. mid Single Truss* ■, alitfumiioil Supporter*, iuad> to oriit r t> > thi *ubiTilu r l>. C. ftonr.KINS, Orp<ii*- K|.,xt Mou-i . Mai-mi. N. n I St Hf.lCAl. and DKA’I Alps l ltl MI N | S mad' 4 to ont* r. April v o i \4 FOR 3A103. VMKK.Iv NKUHO WOMAN,b*. and m year*, aml tier ft Ctnl t en— two S*i * and three girl*; ai<e* from four ‘month* *o I- cn ye*!*, rhe woman is c<h.| plum rook, hdlht.i iid i oner—nnd mH health* and ti k • •*■ the* sii| he old low tor rah, nr on rn ilita until tin tir-t ffuy of he cent her neat A|i|il) to Marnn, April l 7 STOTT. TAMH Alt T Ik TO. Twenty Dollars Rcwara. |3 “V A V tV ii rtie rcti'lvnir of t'ol, Mur** ill lordan, ii I’ulatki t* mull. on the lid l inaar) lat. my negro ifirl AMANOV, alv ui i **• lit* •*• 11 *• hi* .f i jr#, r.ithi r u deep tnul utn . In r hair near It Mrii'lo, til'd tong, ti neralli ttorn plaited; her ey lffaek. Sin i* rather below the j medium •*/* Sin Ii * * 1(011 tall* a *tnil on In r • u<nti nam hen *|Mk n to. nnd *iauon*r a liftk in In r *pi u-h. par ie u'arl) when m an id humor, and i very amart and iiitclli f* 4 ’ • llie a Hove reward will he given if roiiHm ! m jail *o I gi t her, or a I r a-ooahle egpetvu> paid if d* liver* and in Ma con t.i Mr ItOMK.K I HI ASI KY, Ir. Aim di h* varintt* ;o (|uaintanr> *• in Macon, Alin ton, Mon tic* II". At 1111*1111 and I'ulnlti r. h IT, 1*47 ttf MldS’ A WHY AN. j 0 /* I'h lt> pulffiean will pilhli*h the uho* I Iwir* and firs aril ‘I rip ii eoiint. piFTI DOLLARS HI W4l'l> Oi P the 18th inal. n mnn hv the intuit* of J HIILSE I’L XW, hired n Horse of me, to go li'in(e* n itiller ini'• Twvga eonuty. sine* which time neither mnn nut liorse Ins ’ieen sen The mail is nhott* fi /e for't eight inches high, dark hsir and eyes, dress enat nnd impp ol iiest houn **|>iiii, Mtntlnr to dmh sntmet ‘Fhe Imts isadarklmy. shout seven years old, u little stun on h nose, one hind linit. perhaps the left, white n little nbov* tin* hiNif, ntnl works finely. The shove reward will h givm mid horse delivered in Mucnn. w ith urocl to conviet tin man, or s‘2s lor the horse, Huddle and bri tile. The smldle was rather worn, withs quilted seat runs j hiiinhmlseu Macon, March 84th. 1817. ff ( Yf * The S- titi'iel. (Tallahssaee, Fla ‘ vvi'l publish *> fiti’e xnd f Tw-ard th* secunnt td me T ) 8 I. liliA li J\ ( f I IA. i'.iTl. NO! STUN SIIEHII F S SYLi: —Whl 1> ; . sold in the town of Petty, Houston county, on I the first Tuesduy in July next, within the lawful n ‘ins of sale, tie- followitu r I>i< petty to w.t: O:• Lot ol Lund No 1 1 ti tin* 18th dh-itict o ‘Horn to . levied oil tin tie pi (petty Ol LutV H. Fu.dvi'ill. ti° j Gunrdian for .Irtntey P. Bahlw n.tos.iic'y five Mii;.i| tt : tss, issued i.oin u .!• s ce’s Court, 7L'tli District. G M . Randolph county, in liivnr of Janies II Join propeity | point* *1 out bv plaintilf. and r* turned to me hy a e nstu hi* E. K. HODGES, D* p. Sli rs. Jutv l 9 1 ri'HON “il ERIFF’B SALE Will be old i on the litvt Tuesday in July next,before the Court 11 u • door iti Thomaston, within the legal h< lira of Mitle, the following property: A ti- gro hoy I y the tiiiine of C harles, lev ed on ns the jrepe;ty of Joint W M ttllew s. to s tislV II jll>l ices r ml fi i t from the ‘.ruth district ol Mnrioit CMinty.ob tnuu and in favor of John W Seny, and now controlled hv Stniuel McDaniel vs. John V\ Matthews nnd John W Ptilmoie. Levy made and t< turned to me hy a constable, and property pointed out hv pinintifi'. June I, 1847. ALEXANDER PAC E, Sh’ff. i t D.MINISTH.VI OH'S SALE—WiII he -old i \ pursuatit to an orderi'f the Court < f Ordinary of Bbh county, on the first Tuesday in August next’ at the Couit House door in Macon, in snid county ; the tract ol Land (-it WnhuttCreek, 180 acres more or less, the plantation ol the lute John Martin, deeenwcl, ad joining John H Lowe. Kilpiitriek and others. Also, on the same day. fit the Court House door in V ■ .'v cnr tv. in said State, n Lot of L nd, No. 1, lit.. ... .U l told fhiiO M CI.I li. ol loj, t ,e. I) lierokce now* .Muiray county, containing 100 acies more or less, both tiucts sold to pci feet titles ELIZA J. MARTIN, Adtn’x o| John Maitiii, deceased. .h i 9 VDMININ I RATOK’H H\ LE V\ ill sold _ on the first Tuesday in August next,between the ti'iiid hours of sale, htdore the Court House in Colum bus, that Tract or parrel ol Land lying (consisting ol ‘20*21 acres) in the 32d district, fonneily Lee now Mus- ‘ cogee county, oil which Edward O'Neal now lives, be longing to the chi all* of Murdock L .VlattheWß ceased terms ensli. Sold hy order of the Inferior Court ol Bibb county, when sitting hu Ordinary nurpo* ses. ‘ WM H. CALHOUN, Adni’r. June 1 y \DMI NINTHATOK’N N \ LE . on the 15th day of July next, at the residence off John S. Goodwin, in Twiggs county, all the per.-oruil property belonging to the estate ol David Young, of, said county, deceased, consisting of one Horse and Wagon, Com, Fodder, and one Bed and Furniture,and various other articles, too tedious to mention. Terms, of aril* 4 will he made known on the day. June 8 1847. 9 JOHN 8. GOODWIN \ \DM I NINTH ITOR’N s \ LE. \ Ito an obder of the Inferior Court of Bibb county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, will lie sold before the (cuht-house door in Marion. Twiggs county, on the fust Tuesday in August next, the plantation containing eight hundred and eleven acres Land, lying in Twiggs county, known as Sanders’ place. Also, on the first Tuesday in September next, will he sold before the court-house door in Bihfi county,a House and 3<) acres of mg adjoining Vmeville. and one hundred and sixty-five acres Land adjoining .Mis Cal houn. All sold as the property belonging to the estate ol 1 tennis D Sanders, dee'd., tor disim ution. Terms on the day of sale. ELIAS BEALL, Adm'r. May *2<> de honis non with the will annexed. IJOSTPONED %<1 iiiiiii'l• i|oi% *;lc. Agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Pulas- I ki county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold before the Court house door in the city of Macon, i on the tii °t Tuesday in (Ictober next, li)7 slon* oft apitrtl stock in the Mer chants Dnnk of Macon. j Sold a? the property of the rstnte of John R'lwlcs, de ; ’ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms will he liberal. CHARLES E T \ V LOR, Adm’r. CAROLINE M. RAWLS, Adm’x April 19, 1847. ftl mi. II IIR A NOR ETH’S Vi’gffltihlc (Jiiivc*isal Fills. fpHIS meiliciiK i* Hi-knou i f valuable evt r iliacuvt rrd a* a purilter ol th blood xml i fluid*. It i* supi iior to'>*ro j hri* ; v* t• 1 1 *a* nxudonflc or al*t rail**-, aod'>taiu!* iuflmti I) befort all tin prepara ! lions oid combination*of Uercory. Its porgaiivt propei*- i tit a are al"iit* ol ineaicntable vuim ,for tliesi pills m<y be j taken daiP fir any period,and insft ail of weakening bv the i ratliartic • fleet, t liev adc sir* iif* ll* liv tal. iop a v :>* tin eau-e of w.*akn n*. Th> y have in'iie of the ini*e abb efli-rts ol j that deadly specific, Mri iir> lli te*l ar not injun d— | the hone* and !i mb* ar* not pan* tv zed—no: but in*t>ado|’ these di * tress i njr sympton* ii< lib and const qui n i animu j tion is evideol in ev* ry mov* no nt (” ihe Immlv . I’hesiJ'i'b, for cold*, i-ioighfi, tirhtio of the chest, rhf n { matisin in the head *r limb*, will In found superior i<> an* thing i niagiiied ol the power* of nvdiciio ; and >ii Iti ti us ass rtion*. dispep*ia. *■ nd ii aPdisiasi pecn iai l wi nn n. j ’ they should b* ri sort* it to at oi r> For ht’** at J. Hantps* Rook Store, On Cut ton Avenue, opfwsttr Hnihirgtin halt, j .Tune ?.4. IX4 < 0\ l 50 Dozen Wistai ‘s Balsam of ,r T D CT7E H s’ -S'. Kl\ OOZ B( )TTI.F,rt ol r! .I’nivru. Tirl : u’ rp t)’ ‘ reived and for sale by I>R 1 \( > ft VTR( i INS N. B —Country merchants wishing to pu*rh*B* to sell agin, eon lie supidfed on reasonable terms,hy applying at our Music and Jeweler Store on Cotton A venue, \la- I con, Ga. BRUNO & VIRGINS, or Sept. 9 30 .1 A *V S S VIRGIN 4 BH iYKEKBOFM** HF.ALTII •RESTOBA’tXVE: An Effort lift 1 Remedv For ronHi- nnd (old*. Liver t'ompliiint, RaiHim’ of IFotid tain in Hit* Side and flics*—ttko for Pmifyiiur the IDood—Eradicating Eruptions on the Nkin—}nd a'l other comtinfH nrising from the want ol tom* in the Stomach* rpHE efficacy of the Health Restorative is so well I known lo the public, that the proprietor considers the publishing of certificates as useless, but those desi rous of examining them can do so by calling on the A gent. Pamphlets may also lx- had ol the Agent, gratis. The following certificate is from Dr Chilton, the well known New York chemist: “I have analyzed a bottle of medicine called *C Brink erhofi s H -ntth Restorative,’ and find tiiai it does not I contain Mercury, or any other metalic preparation, nor j opium in any of its forms. It is composed of vegetable matter entirely .” James R Chilton, M. I) C BRINKERIIOFF, Proprietor, N Y. Principal office in the store of Messrs 11 avihk k, ( Cr- LIKs &l Cos., importers and dealers in Drugs, Oils, Ac , 818 Pearl street Fr sale by SHOTWELL &l GILBERT, Agents, Macon, also, by Druggists generally throughout the l States. • May 18, 5847 8 •’ •rKINO JMCOM INE. HCYS 6l CC S Convent ruled < um pound Fluid F.xtract of’ S\Kn \| \ k ||.i A —For tin cure **l ail ei- m*> urixiuß iium sli iiupur* mat* of the b.,dv, * icnsivi 4 *>r improp. I-u<e of dr ciiry, imp.udeiicea oi living,* xpoaori •*. in rul debility from donate. &c., renovating and rotor in*; the v*li,.l *\nt( m l'hi no diciue may lie had v* hob sale or rt tail of ibt Agents, April i it J m h N s iii is, Mar n I/O K WOlOlstl'H I'.KOW MEI S M.HMI-I KLi.K. ihe i, oM pbasuui and >an \l*im (e*tro)ii>*, j Medici in known.— Amount bildrei* and* tin r* n* n . disease so low and destro* mi; us W i,r*iiH—,t run* into n*. cause* count Usa number* ul ( (inipliint**, ruh. * fiver*, bowei co upbnt>,chronic and m rvoii*diaeasc*, <Vc. t>r* Brownlee** \\ ru-ilii** n* pn pa ... aimer which renders l ill', pie sain mid efle. tiutl, giuen to the intmt , tendi r infant, .r used by udults of.* II mo * - Sold whob aab and retail b> the Amenta, (i It. IIAMMOM) Ik t'o -7k Broad way, coru* ref • h amber at m< t, N’ Y—M A ( on, April I, iM7 3mf J (I. XW. H EI.LIS. D*. I B \ l\ ft'’ FLUID KX ritACi Os HKHIM/komi Crrnatu.)— An agu * - ab.*, *af and * xluabb nni.dylor d**ae-*.f the bladder, olmmruction, of t h. urin*, chronicgononlara mil |i. *u nt lonif atandiuf; The medical faculty j.i it lift*-- cuius and speedy b.r ail ct Niplaint* of ih uru ar* nrjr is, ffrav l, t hroniv *eucor. licra, nmi bid irritaat nn * f tl.c nr* n a, di *nt the protrati fland, * t ntinn and incontinuic of urin*, chronic rlit K c. NOI4 ION, L \ DI) Ik to. W hob *a b Drui'gi'.t*, I .0 M id* an Lunc, N> > York.(to whom nrd* r will In uddrisMd) April I lin7 J. M. Kt W. S. F.t.t.lS, Ag*-nta Mmoii. | nAILi:i SYRUP OF WILD (HURRY— for cotiglis .colds,nst lima, intliunza.wins ipuig cough, apittinfi of iilood.aiiil all pulmoiiniy diseases BAILEYS SARSAPAKI LA —For Itll diseases orising from n impure stab 4 of the blmaf: salt ihcuin, scrofula, king's evil,chronic rheumatism, dysp. ps t a, dm- j cases *t tin <km and botiss, old uh*'*r. etc. BAILEY S FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY The most valuable remedy—entirely vegetable prepara tion- -and sure nir* HAILEY S AMERICAN VERMIFUGE—A wire exterminator ot worms from the system, in general use throughou* the Dtntod States BA IEE \ S UNRIVALLED MILITARY SIIAV ING CREAM -This article httsstood the test of eight vems, and gained for itself • high reputation throughout the Uuile I States. Carindn. am* most parts of tin 4 w orld BAILEY SSI PERIOR INDELIBLE INK -with and without the preparation ; warranted the best mticle of the kubl in us*. For sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, and at wholesale and retail by \V M BAILEY. Proprietor, Aisitheeiirfe*’ Hall, comer of Fulton and Sands sto * i- Aiw) tor sale by liRAVEH, WOOD ACB Macon Dei!. 3, is tH 12 j 4 FEW MORE LEFT of the*-* I'rtra Cenrgia /\ llama, nt C. A. ELLS . i nixlAf I PI 4’ *t ITt I .qua! in ti • vor to the or* ‘Mini I'ofl , and v**iy eonveitp m t*r nsi- It only reqniiesoti • t a-*>p"onfu! -iit in hot water, t* make n cup ol tine Coffee For sale hy April *27, Hi. 4 (‘ A ELLS Ltni u rim;it vii ia- \ t , on* m . .„i ----.ty, for st| • tiy C A ELLS \}if > 181* j H in Cuba Mi i4*(a. 4()U Ii bill. .1” lii'i'ir’ Hud irriviug, fbrisl* by vtrtrcli 1 1 C. DAY Hr I*o, i 'ol*itrtiif , rship Notice* rpifE undesigned have th'sdny. * April 13th, 1847) I entered into mutual n piirtii- i ship for the tic.nhf (he Watch and J w iry l.usinrs". under the nanit* and style of U K WENd'M i tRTII AUO ut liieir nl-J stand. Mulberry street Mnm.i (’ K. Wk.NTVV )RTU. B L UußNrrr Mnv 19 MI7 f.fAiAl. i\if | m | v \ tDIIMSTRAiOU’s S^l -fo I . \ mu Ii II nniil,|'( rt,’I 1 ] iiunty, wliijv’ nuinff u • ('. .t H <),,)„ , “ ! >H I .(.I l! li"’ i , h.m m Al’(!l'fs’l ‘■•nit U* t 1..W11 ~| ! two lik. iV lNeg.o Men. t*. wit: R,,i, I ye.n“ ... iy.'. *ll.l li.;;, 111..ut tlnriv'-fm- v’ “ U ... ; i Ik JO.i I! llu- “mu.’ time nnd j, 11101 . i ‘lll'll ■I I nnly m'l.-” id’ I.mid. ii’.'i.’ n r |, w •"•mu ii. ill. iw. ri, -ijjMli i!isn,.'i ~| ..|i K i n# ’ h [) , ? ! H<"l. 1 111 mm Ml ill.. ci.U'MV (and Tttiir, j,!’ , ‘ kinmri. I mi ki .'wn ns tin- yilnc- v.l ..-i, n ’ Kuln.,l iv. i'imlv iiv.-d nnd dit'.l, Hiiid land is “ |v v'.l, mi 1 j.11 slid.’ ..1 . tiliivini.iri and y..,,’ ‘I I.” ida w Inn,l nnd ii. mii.i's will Im'sol.i’ .k C ly l.vl.i.nn,a In 111.- I'stnti*. I Tininn. l''ultur” iln- Ila n v.“. uml. i ilia will m said d’ Ti” * rii.“ “I “iilv w ill In- nni'ii luiuwi. nn ih.. .. , ROBIaRT FUITon 5 ■ U., hi l £l m ““* llr " ,ar u '" h the I VtU„ nnrili U 7 tjg i D.II I A IFI’H \TO IDS S\U*:._v i j \ an order of tin lut rior Court of Joih-I P ” wlieii -itimg for Ordinary puiposes, will Le p h r, UC! th’ ('..tut 11. *i-e door ofsiiid county, on the hist day in August next. three frnctioi.s of |..,„.i , 1 h .111; on the e? H side | ||,e Orumlgee river fi tween the lauds off .unify and l.ovve, coiiUiini,' 1 ' 1 hundi. <1 and eighty a:res more **r less ( j ‘•8 hem lit ol :!'(■ Legatees and eredito.s of -ini ‘ g*ld. late .-I aid idiimv, deeeaseil. r l’ci„| S t .-, ! JAMES HARRIS Ti ■ June ] Ht 7. Admr H * D tIIMSTH \TDK’S S \ l,}] -■ u\ nn order of the honorable th. Im, , Monroe county, when silting for ordim.rc will l*e sold, nI the Court House in Sumte>- ■’ P ur l,M m Autfiini n**i.,i,i,„, K 4, “7^g d.-, nil lltat irm-t or pnrr.'l ot Inn,l ,**■ ciumtv. belonging to the estate ol Samuel c ased, late *f Monroe county, Georgia ROI.AM) |!iVl\s } 9 OKI) W IHVINS (Aim™ H Mnv-dd. 017 S with 11..-w,11, ■ 4 B I NM’B ATOILSn a LF.~w ,u , * 1 “ I IMOMIM). tin 0(1* (l.vot Jut,, o, \t 14.I 4 . ideiKM 4 (if Ml'S Ssi'sh Fit tun, Inti of 4 | ‘ l,< * t< H*C(I, Mil llu p. I'Miiml ri > (. mpi in erm•)hl'l"’ r "H i to ilic cnimic ot I Immus Fit ltd), of *aifl ‘ j uml oi which th* st,ii Stirxli |>hi> ii lit isiao t , i O'. f bur“i, luu beds ai.d *iiin• tur< , one clock other article-ofln.iisr bold and kill to n fun i„I, / to be spit*.all) luiTltioind- I • mis of *ab i hH( | r° ,Ml thi day. It OH hK I FU.IO.N A(tV* , °' ~< Ai’T. l 21, J ...., ■ ; t *>l >l\Tr A I’OK ss • i.s . | I i W ; o* order ot tin Inti rim 4 Court ot \V arc (-(,,„ 1 , simiig f,r oritin ,r> pur|'.si s. will lu sod, be fori tV h ois, (lour, m !< * il-vifft , I i>mi,nil cnut v. ,|, I n-silav it* Jul) t.i xt. iw,, Lot* of Laud on ’Haul, wi ll km vin as Lainold .Mill, cciitaiuii ( ), , sell res, mure *r less. Sold for the hem Ht of tin |, i ert di tors of Bryai.t L.m , late ot said eountv and, ~' r ‘ t erms cash. 3 F.DWARD F. \ NK, ) ■ A ,*ril .1, J-t-17. til 4 H M Me DON A I D. 5 IVMINTSTM ATOirs SAIJJ Will be / V the tiis! Tuesday in June next.before ifo'CnlM ho i-'i* door ai Cuthhert. R \ND()LPH county iheiwH hall ol Lot No. 110, and 150 acres taken fixmi the part ol Lot No. 109, in the 9th District of originally uH now R ‘iidolph eountv—the whole in n body cotitfeH mg Ii acres, with about fit) acres cleared, and as t!ie place when* Wm B Jones formerly lncd/W U'lM Ik. 5..1.1 on thr first iwiny i,r.H'I.Y nn, .1 ,l: ’ 1 •""* h."i“.- .lor in Mnriettn. ('(,ll|l n U WH .No. ‘.MI. m Ihr I'.hh l)is 2.1 S.-rt. n..w 0c.1.t, .-.Minn VR ’ U .11 I- s-.i1.l nn tin- first Tit.-s.lny in .11 ‘(.Y ‘• -r- III* I .-iirt h,, ns.-,ln,n .-it Witt. | | UB “tv. I-.. 1N„ 2IH. i„ th.- Still. Oi^tti-I, 3J S evl^B I now r'lulding county All ol the above lands sold as the prope-iv ij V', I h"!l Gr-v. fell ofT 4 !” i.t c-t-'ity, decease,:, -.j.J ; Mf H ! beuelif o| the heirs. Terms made known iin tV'ilnn^M sal :' I , VV.M. M..BROWN. Ada.* March 2. 1817. 23 \ DißMmivmirs sxm> wriß \ sold, on the first Tuesday in August next btfnrrl the Uou-t House door ar ‘Pall'fit ton, Talbot count! Lot No. 150, in th.- 14th district of originally W H g-e mm I rtl*K*i county, containing2oßl acres WithtH small improvement. Also. 75 Acres in tj„. north-west corner ot I/.tNo H 233, and .'(> acres taken from the onst side of Lot y 0 Bffj ‘2H. in die 15th District of originally Mu court*. n* w | ‘I alhot county, in all 125 acres, very well improved H end known as the place where Wiley Buckner nm’■ lives. WILLIAM M BROWN, Am r 11 June 2.1847. y IH L'*Ol MONTHS afterdate application v\ ‘I r mad* tothe honor? hie the Infeiior ('mi t ..f Twirr-; ■ county, when suing for ordinary purposes, for leave to B sell nil the Neg'o -s and Land belonging to thr* estate of Dnvid Young, of said eoimfv. deeeas<*d. for ihi-pur-B ! pose of paving rhe debts of said deceased m Juui 2. iH47 9 JOHN S GOODWIN. A Imr B L ,O l v N ® after date pp|.!icr>fi*n r. I F l*o made tothe Honorable InferiorC*Hirt of Twigjj I county, when s tting lor ordinary purposes, tor foav to B * I all the forufs Vid n< ‘.moos be], nging to th** estate o; B 1 honias b niton, late **f sai l eoun'y *|i*f(* fl s > (i ROBERT FULTON. Athn’t. B __ de honis non, with the will annexed H __ March Iff, 1847 26 tdt L'Bi R JMD ‘I afi-i date appl-e,-- : I F be made to the Honorable the Inferior Coum ( I Montgomery county, while sitting for (Ordinary pam*. B f° r leave to sell all the land belorgirg to Alexandfr B Me A rtlitir. minor,lying in Tattnall county, for the ben- H efit of said minor. B JOHN McARTHUR, Natural Guardian. M Mount Vernon, Montgomery co. Ga. March 3.1847. B IS 9 • H -'I r date application ! I F lie made to the Honorable the Inferior Conrtof ■ I YV ilkinson countj when sitting for Ordinary no] n B I for leave to sell the real estate of William J. Hear?, late fl of said county, deceased vm WY ATT MEREDETIL J A . . I FT.I SEARS, ( I March 1, 1847. 23 4m fl b'ffl itIONTHH date, application vrifi I I l>e made to the Honorable tip 4 Infer r Court ts Pm- I nam couvty. when sitting for Ordinary pnrjwiw. fit ■ j leave to self the real estate of J* \n M ynn. deceas'd fl JOHN SMITH A-feir M March 9, 1847. 23 4m wuc] m I H MONTHS after dan* application whe | F made to th*- Honorable the Inferior Court ( I;ni- I ter county, when sitting Ibr t Ordinary porpt forktu I to sell U t 1 I Land No 16 in the second district efl/i fl county, as the projierty of Win F Smith, deceas'd,for I the benefit of the heirs. 6c c 1 JOHNS McCRARY, Guardian ! .1 1. 9 [| IjMM K MONT tiff aft on u I r made tothe llonorahl*’ the Inferior Court of Sum i,-r county, wlien sittii foi ordinary purpost ■, far Imn t<* •** II Lots of l.iuid No 819 nnd N. 248, in the .Yttli j itrict of y Int ‘.v Si nter county ami the j i Negroes belonging to the estate of Noah Golding.deed. Ju i 1847 9 E AS( \ SMH ll \ I .Non; >1 > Tils • till 4 (1.(1* M|lpll('Uli(*ll Will fl madt o ‘he h'lnonihlf thr Ii f r**r C‘"irt f TalM i L'odiity, vlk ii *itunir tur onliiiur* |i*rponm, |*,r leiiMi ■ *dl • iMgro HMD, named Will, hrloi.ging lo the fi< | Archibald limy, lute of l iilbot ruutitv. X (-(••( and. SoWhr I th* l* in f*i *.| t'if h, h a ol - iid •'* i, :*•■• it ‘toil ‘ . I J 7 4 WILLIAM M lUiOWV, A'l r iti-tdt 4 oj’tbe Hoii'Kahti the lufi riuV ('t,iii t ,f j I coti'it , **hen i>tiog fororiliiiari |ur|MMn. for I* * isiy j Ibe til mix h* ht* to the rMuti ot Jmiik •M. D. ki**,Bl j of nkl I'UUKIy dee* M(d. * Miv *. 1-4? 4111 5 Wtil’S M, D. Admr. j ff Nlll T >1 IVTIIS •(>■ r •late ab|licaii<’ *'ltr ( iii.ufe to t e It- i*r-<bi( the llih rii r 4 • urt of l| -* count y whi a xtititiir f*r orliiiar) 4 pur|o*, fi r I* av* t* the N'etf|*(*e* b* luMgiiiK 4 to the (iml* of Wi|l|niii If >tv rt*x*a, dereuxfd. JOHN VV. UOHF.H I SON, AVm’r. Marh 11, 1547. 7 m — Ik'XOI’II MOV II- aO* ilxtr x||li (- m I ion I in adc titn liifi rhoF Coort ol RiMt mu >. 114 11 iik ax a con ri of ordinary, for bavetuaill tin nat" l *" 4 oft) !) Hand* r, late ot I wiaga ri'Uiitt 4 . di ci-aaed. fct 4** tnbiition KI.IAS UK.ALL, AdmV. .1-- bnnianun, March 17, 1*47 3 with th* Willatw2- MONTHS • Her dale a optical feu in ol* to ito hiinurable ihr Court of Ordinal),"t lP* xuii ctint* t. lex *e to veil (he rial* b(-*iKi | l w t-.naatutli Auk Duke, a tin our Apr I*, r*47 Jl JOHF.PH Itl'KF, OatHia” • s*n it MnNTII- .|.|.i,fK,, M •ii'*’ R tti*d( tn th- If nor Court ol To ipri' coMlil). •tttiitg for ordinal 4 * pttrpi •• •, f-r !i ntr th* ’ ‘t ~H : ln*l> lUg tKg to the ixiat* of 1 hoto cH. H'(-t + h I-. c a;” by JOHN lil OVF.h, A(h* /■ I A grit I v j Woticc to Debtors nnd Creditor*. \LL pcfsiii* ‘tidel led t • tli of John *'*• * detteitaed, late nt Rockinghnin county, No'th 1 * r * olina, will ulease mnk* iitiim ilinte pnymeot to the under signed, ami those hiiving claims against said • stir'*. * nf*o present them properly authenffeat* if w thout tutther delay Roll I’ \ . LYTLE. Adinr M v 17 Nidi i HKI i mon ill I plica tit-ii will I” mad* to the i- ntm! Rn 4 ! Bank ng Company of Georp.a. for renewal t*l Sur “*’ su 4 (l hy the Cotumisstonets, No. 50, dated 11 tit b> 4 (i ||fl ’ ry. iMife. for one share of Htoek, siittidittg in th* linin'''J Sanderson on the books of said t'• inpall) !l 1 original Scrip having Istm lost or mislaid JA VIES KB HARDSON. Adm r. March 17,1847. 3m5 of / Sand* 4 t ,, oii,lei •- N 7 OTM I L \!I persons having demands ngniuxt _ ill 4 eslHte ol D.lVld Young, of Twigg- e-Ml"). il . * used, lire tiotifi 4 1 to tender iff 111 iti to me WitHlH the time pt escribed by law, nnd nl! prisons iti dr bled W said estitla, will make imiti**ditite tin y met it JOHN S GOODWIN. AdflH* Jtm 2.1817 fi** MU K I * rp \KKN up tn Saturday the Bth instant. - srU ! ” ! * | I nig Main.i e. ut ty. <la ;• N .-m W< i i"t j 3** y ars old, of middling has lost some ot her fo’ and has tie* np4etiinnei 4 1 f scstioti hei hack, mail 1 O vvl**| - seyssh’- lsd*'ii' to nt gro trsilets by lh< raui’'’ ('la ik 6 HueMoti, and was hroiight front t"'’ i * !•,/. R; \• r - -The owtn ior owners are i< tjtt. 4 * <1 f ♦ l “ r ward pro\( proi *rty, py charges an 1 ti ke her s ‘ 1 ; BENJAMIN II ARK I** lint ihnrg. Mse*>n re (in ) j|„7 May Iff. 1847. S \KKW ,1"? >f -’ • Brrm.ljr.H W** ('"’” . lint -1 1. ,-.,ir>r H.mi—- nl Jnwli Jr 44 Mnv 1“