Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 16, 1847, Image 1

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|*,Y S. HUS!-: CO. s r. rtfvi'H vv & s. rosk, Kiitor*. T liRMS, Th , n.r.rzio Journil \ is publish'’ 1 ev’- .VtC&dSy morning in th* city “t Macon, at the | ,u;i)t r CFi> bath.: “paid strictly in ailmnrc, per year *2 4!) If net paid advance,. . Ano If not paid till the end of the year I 00 „„ i terms will be liaiJly enforced. without ro. Si” oSVcf Os th . IVAMwr.. Dr-lo p P'T* lO P. , I( , nr v ns pcMsibU* upon ifo* pw!i principle— ,u,TTnJ .’ Vt fcrßu!,scribcr ß s!rm! I renp t!v profit* >" t:• iv oto ng-nts an t collectors In no .as, “'!? u nin-rhe sent out ol th”;’ iril’M first pul reference i ghron in Man ... or its %i c inity pwgjjTjg iiv-x-rt.’ la. ih moil rat , Al: Mu, it jwh'-n han ln I in. wH he in-rt-.l till thos g islcouW will bn allowed to persona who advertise by the year, and who pay on demand. W AII marriage notices and obituary notices oj over tf \ : j of r*\iffi ln“4 for office, to tic paid fo L">'mlTrEnrem'T-s'mn’Tw.lii County Officers, D-uggi™. Auctioneers, and others, wno may wash to ‘"pew.aaudver't’iLing will plena• observe the following: SV,. S of Laid and Negroes, hy hwcutors, Adm uris. tratoraani Guardian?, nre re.,nr I ...flaw to be adver bs’ lTn a public gazette. xty days previous to the day “* These sales must la- held on th- first Tuesday in the month between the hours ol ten in the Ipivnooii and ihree in the afternoon, at the ( part House in tie county in which the property is sitnated. Tbr sake of Prreonal Property most be advertised o. like manner forty days. , Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an R late must he nuMishcd forty days. , . „ A r P Notice that application will be made to the ( ourt *f Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must Is bublished weekly for four months. K (Station* or Letters of Ndininistrntion must lie pul.- Eshed thirty days —for Dismission tronr ‘ 1 niislration. mat Up aii mntht —for Dismission from ‘.imnlian ihip. forty days. ... . , Rule* for foreclosure of imiM bo pu-lis!i<‘d nonthly for four months —tor establishing lou papers, br the full space of three month*— for compelling ti jos JVom Executors or Administrator* \a here .1 Inuhl has k 11 given by the deceased, the lull space oj three booth*. . . , i Letters on business to be post-paid. ,'oinocliiclii Division Ao. LS.itl * • PLEDGE. jttfNL No Brother •hall make, buy,**tl, Wa\ML <>r o'**’ s* 4 •. vrac-s *••> Spiritmuim or Milt Liquors, Wim*or Cider. wT r-7* iroUrl) V/W m KvK KVKI 1 1 \ v Y.\ KM \ tat fj/* — M o’clock, thfiv Halt \in t .a,7 ____ __ -1L- j Ist B’ 19lb 1C J. -H"’ AIXORJJB7 AT IiAW. MeDONOUGH, GA Refer to Scott, Cabhart & Cos. May, lb 17. *B G 11 |)>!IL ( C.l'tKT\r’s|Hl*.- i I Did McGOI.DRICK having nssocwP'd with hull 1 the practice of Medicine and Sundry, lb. JAMbh RIDLEY, may be found at the office lie formerly oc ipied, where calls in the line ot their profession will ieet with prompt attention. Macon, May 5.1H47 FLOY t> i* or si:, Macoi, Georgia. trp HE subscribers have tak- n that well known J Hotel, the Floyd Horse, and arc ana ted under th* firm of BROWN & LAMER It will lie needless to make promises, as one , f the firm has been well known as keeper of the Wash igton Hall, and the public are acquainted with Ids man- , er of doing business. The Tabl** and Bar shall not be irpassed by any one, and their Stables are airy, with rm dirt floors, and not surpass? Iby any in Getirgia. j C harges are reasonable ns the times will permit. THOMAS A DROWN, STERLING LAMER ! The subscriber solicits hi old ti iendssand patrons t the Washington Hull, to give him call at ms n\i hnd rfT Lanier \ P _’Vhr office of the T'llt-.ili’t” -o n.i.l < I m of Stou-s kepi at this House. April 1, lb 17 “L PETE*. J. WXEX.ZA.m3 ‘T AS taken the tt AsIIIMGTO.V H ALL, and .equeats a continuance ol the public patronage. Macon, April I, 1347. * WAUM SPi*. was, Meriwether County, Geo. r AKR pieiiure in inturiuiuf m> fn ml* sml tle |mbin -. u ittiit, ihul ihr aDovc lanlinjiiaUn ami c librait cl j uicriiif Plate, ilt Ik unilt r iu> entire man#i!- *ml i ntrul h* n*hm>i. 1 *iiall fpi it ibt Htt*H uii th* ,h>'st i/aj , , ir ilie reception f Vmiut , ai*l hup* tnuu “i> | 11 l ifiic* in hU'int •*, to lie sl>D to *ua-mio 11.* well known j putauoii of ih*- place. I heve thought proper to reader e price of Bunt'd Ae. toar-l, L Hiding, Bath, Ike. per month, ------ Children and Servants, * 4 “ hall price. tiour.l of Huirfe, “ * •* IOHN C. HAM.HaM. I Warm Springy May ft 1R47. . A(l 1 X DIA SPRCWCSS. a - rpHE subscriber informs bis friends that he 1 has completed very extensive and iinpw taut improvements upon his well known r.-tab -1 abUshi 1 lent, 1C he tldiitosh House, is prepared to accommodate those w'ho may visit ib*>ve fashionable watering place in a superior style. ln>u-*e is conveniently *1 mated, both tor visiting the ng and tor air nnd comfort. Hi* 4 rooms are exceed* p convenient, being arranged e’t ier for single jw*r or inmiliea. liis bedding is all new ana ot the very quality ; and I* ng in tin* midst of a fine provision >ll, bistable wul always be abundantly tarnished the choicest the State affords The Batiisat the tig have been greatly unproved daring the season, many additional attractiona have been added, which lot tail to interest visitors from aboad. An elegant of four horse Post Coaehes will run daily luring the m between the Springs and Forsyth—a distance of 16 miles, and horses and carriages may at any tune rocured at the Springs by persons who ure not pro i with private conveyances. He de-ana it nnneccs to mill that tlie waters at the above Springs are im nsr*d bv any in the Southern States for their inediei lUttlities. BRYAN W. COLLIER ay 19, 1817. 7 ti f The Federal Union will publish II weeks, the innah Republican and Columbus Tunes 4 linies. MUliarry and Drctwi nklMff. THS POWELL Sl MRS BURDINE, willcwry [on the almve business, aial execute all orders in best manner, and moat fiufoionablc style wlien re leaching ami Repairing Roquets. will also be done mrt notie v Their residence is on the comer ot ege street, near the Female College. I aeon, Oct , WWfi. l) *L_ AT HllM'ON^ 1,7 V.W nu! \ l) , ,|o. Berrng toSficts ’lute Muslin Robes, new style, visa nnd Jaconet Mu*lm,2. to 75 ets. !k and Barrage Scarfs, very l*w I Skirts, l zj to 5 00 mss Cloth, $1 25 m. : Marina, ill colors, 37i eta mnets, Sorts to $5; Artificials, \\ realhs, lb>mvt Rib bon*. Ac _ . . 1 —n 11 to 11 .1- 11 l bl’ -ieb ‘ ‘■ ‘ •'• ‘* r mtjruanea, a ary tkeetpi TuiUt C*et t O |lulin C; iiun,Hs to 37i ets. r>’ i■ ii large stock of other art cl ■> which wil w Bold at verv low price*. ('ttU ft ml *c< I Vlny |g, 1817. 0 k ,w IHIOBB ‘lll lb n l\ i • v “I S;ilief and Siim ui ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ■rery and atyle for both I*adic* i 1 ■ I \. . ,i imvu! van* \ . t ;•••> ! F I March 24, 1817. H 3 1 : It |( \m H ~ \ nev. 11.1 I lie;, Stock HOW I’ 1 Ii I Bi \ TANARUS IN . ‘ Vl-UV 3 13 1 %I * 1)1(1 I.OOIrM pi’ KIVWriN • I • M ttdti til !•••' B . n| uni (,' mi v . . a oil vjiiMi** ‘heir W r ‘"i f v trek , ••.*. • i 18 HaiVR mm 4 IJj •*• O' l *k IMP tml ei. ,on I ii’hot * !>• ‘•.’ ■•” o, ■ u, Uii* ‘i, 11Men i • ‘ ii, .n > !•. ■ im>, UwM| lilki in( )*’ < 1,1 * B ‘i •if trtWt irilfti ~ii i* > t AIImI W'” ‘ • rin its ill t:m unit • • <iu * • ■ April | t H|T, _* * I €\ A I LLM lM 1 i • • I “ I Mu bn !. tint t'.ie w.'d l eui I ! 4 I iovics. ■u s ( ‘ r J* r to ui lit*- coitveuii net oft-ur. 1 sill retail ■ h ,, i?hs # tint U.,* |),im S> |in by ih tl't/* p. v,.- I.’ ‘ • ♦,*! (VfT.,-by i! iuiml,aul iiir t ■ 1 1 Ah ,HH It ft i* nit itt t!i V Y. rk ln'trl, a ■ 1 ’! > 1 ‘ M t*t g’ “ ■ • i H ’ 1 I IN. ■ 1 ; ” ‘ ‘ I BKK4>m-i4vm|, Mi •*. a*‘H l at Sertl.fot I • ( H W It KHK.I MAS ■ lit t I Georgia jfotintal atilt Mtßßtmtx. •ummer Giro !. n- CfutEcmfii'i. Hear. C-.V;: ?’ 9 I** >• )"ti .... 1 t 01 „i„ r , teevmi pvVrarri I'fW’ * C V HP. ADY MADE ‘ ■ . r ‘w.a*. rt-nnirr k.i.iv i8 , V,. ,1 uh.l lUj (~„s | ~n, < fi v 9 ‘ 11 ‘’ n ’ O'. *''"<ll ami l)ri-. C. ut. a. Sam II i- < rivuta Sluvli., n.l. r., H.nil, motlv Sim I, Smuni.r f c tv. HAM l<i n tpnl t-47 r, 4 t'..rt„i, Avt-miv. %eT and n-autil'ul .ooilh FCST r-ceivtii ami now op lunp, nv ri ty uf*t |f* ,t may he W f t ou,'a y *' Ml #l " |,U ’ DuV Am mg’ tin in l ,| "i side ni; ck Silk*, Sunn >tripe silt.*, *■> piece* lils triiu** i.d Persgi Tr m 121 f075 Hs. r yard 40 piece* (.niKhuma, vtr> t heap. 100 Pr. Calico, from i | t.. -A c. nth r yard, Hf.iw it Shea 2( ) a i ll* f> r Q i 100 PuUM.I>., Pur **<jU*it and i,i, Sliml. s. from 73cii. t SI \\ loti t ottiin Hi *.< t,at fin. pi r pair, 30 do/.. ii ( aoihrit H.imlkt u l.iH* fl,m IS* to 30 cent*, * w hite S i*. Mti**liim ai 25 <isp, t laid, Plaid and siriped do. very low, I.ace striped and. at 3! t*< m. Jaconet, Nan-tH'k. Hook nod Vull Moslin*, Camhrif and Furniture Hindi}, a mw t> le, Ora** Cloth .Skirt", Siioimer ( hmmih ii, Cottounres, (jninhroou*, Whir*• nod ‘lrown u Drills for I’aot- Plaid n lor (’*, <>,** I’.ar Mu-t|iiilo Neliinp, Dace do do. 1 1,1,1 a, 'd l.owell Diapt rof many qualitit sand prices, Miulin V- Hat. Cheiiii. it*. Jke. \ . Th< mK-i-tb, rle *n it oiiincr** try to ntun rate arti *l *, ■ all who will i^iv* call, will find aln.o.f every artiwte'isoally k pt hi n Dry flnml Sf re, nod at u* low pi*, e.-s PUH CASH, as nt .> uth. r ston--in h. Suite. Store next door to thi l‘ot Cifflci*. PI use 11 an mil im. April 14 |.. WOOD it IFF. CO-P AB.VM BXiBSt. Mibii-ritHi- having In. hri.iln. llcnben n 3 rfii’h’, Ititu ( r the Im. in will In r. ~l'n r n<- contiiiiied under thi frniol A J. MHi I } < n Mai on, July 1, 184f A. J. WIIITK The *uhcriberN havein store, and v ill be ricrivii g du ring the Slimmer and fall, A KCiiPitil tissuiftpptii of <sO7<!<*, Adapted to the season, consisting in part of St. Croix *od l.oat Siitf-ar, | Slapli I>i > (voids, in, t.-ai'iura ami lava Coffee Smloler}, Shoes, Iron of all kinds, | l.iqum* ol nil kinds, Hollow-nun and Nails, IT* as— m.iik vi rj tin*-, • .. rm. hi,Cast ItiiHt. Ste. I, I Si pars. I ohaeeo, Salt, Molas **/, j Paint*, Oils, (• lii-s, K. c. If'itsisints. Tin nr nil (I llt>i>r. Will* iheii stock of they off* r som* Kenlnrky 32 im-lies wide, ell adapo il to -qiiare ouies, aim whieli was Infill} ap rov and of tin past season h\ plunti r* must rtiele* n. the < roc rj which tin) “IT r at the ion* *t market prices, a oil respectfully soiuiia call from their fro no* ant. the pub ie A. I. WH| IT, fc CO CT7* tf'er tin first of Oetoln r. tiny a ill r. move totht brick cornerstor. two dmirs alniv* ihei present location, formerly men pi and by Chapman, Rest & Cu. Macon, July 1, ‘B4ft. ys3 l.nicNens! I,nie l\<>vv*! Not from Mexico, but from the Peoples Store. DUV i.OOIIS selling lower tlinn ever before in this market. New goods received monthly, du ring th** business wnson, of the moat desirable siyles.- Dlease notice the following, now in store, which are ael lingwith a perfect rush. Hannna Silks, Fine Benges, selling from 25 cts. to ftl Muslins “ “ 25 to 50 cents. “ Ginghams, “ “ 18 to 37 Prints, u “ 6to 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 cts. to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ 37 cts to 500 Bonnets. Artificial*, Ribbons, Carpet Bails. Satch els, Carp-ting. Matting, &.c. Slc ’ French Cassimere, Gro de Ta, Linnen Drilling, and f xoous for (senile-men s wear, ol aii descriptions. Honsotiecpiirz Goods. In tins line of trade I am perfectly in town, and would particularly invite those just beginning in this branch of Id*. together with those who have had much experi ence. Also. Scarfs, Shawls, Cravatts. Chimasets, French work Caps, Thread and Linen Laces, Bobinett, Mus qaito Netting. Nankeens, Brow n Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, bleached and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts. Han lkerchtels, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing, &c. Slc. A tew l. O O. F Grand Lodge Regalia*, for sale lon Please call and examine for you:selves- -we alw.n s get paid lor showing. Respect fully. JOHN W. CLARK Macon. May 5, 1347. 6 Irlsfi Linen* ltroivu Holland, &c. r A PIECES Irish Linen, direct importation, war eJ \ f rantiM “genuine.” 35 Pieces Brown Holland, for summer wear, received direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the Avenue. Also, Principe Segars, Port and Sherry Wine, for sale low by T. C. DEMPSEY May 1 7 NEH NPRIMr GMIHiN. fIIHK *Mb*crilM r hus jui up n* U s H-w ami complete a -1 “oriment <>f Si .p.. anti Fancy Dry Good* tor tin sprina iradt-, whitliMilt b offcrttlai price* that cannot tailor iitsuri. g tht-Bt qtiitk talt. Ft isoo* ii. unt ot Dry Uuutln wmilii dti well to call ami a xainiin tin zlm k and pri ces. To tnjr friend* in tlit- country, I wmth just ray, call aii<| in< —.you shail Iravt good t.• *ai‘ at th mwt*t pi .cts. Among tht stock are rick Kit ••-mi rd lnrag : rich cmbroidt* cd Silk Muslin* and tzii-gham* ; fine print'd Jac ouet ; fine print'd Mudiie and L<>si>i; Scotch, K.i>gu*h md French Gingoam* ;* it (viiurham*. \ biaiittlula-- sortmcirt of cm iroid*red g-d*. coriM*iii g o’ Hones. ( ol- Ur*. ( h-mi*ett. Cam s. f dgiog* and I *-st rung*. Kmbroui intl l.acc llamik’ rchn t, N.c Ike .lucom t 11*110*; Swi*s Mu-lius, plaid and strip'd; Irish tie; I abb do., 40 itn-h pillow Lime; Scotch and Hussiu luapluap r , Huckai ti k I owelnng : Cotton i>ia|>r; Dan.a k ‘fahli ( on Lao.- M'k Napkin* ; t-olortai I.nten I able ( ov r* ; Corned Skirts, <ra*s do.; Cheek Limn*; M..ntr-y Sm,.i Cassimer* ; K'litueky J an*; Cotton (a**incrt ; It lea tiled and In Homespuns. Bourn t*. Kibbons, Artificial Fi wrt>; L in br lla*. Parabola, Sini-Shadts, and a thousand am one oth er artich s, which every one wants. Allot which shall be sold low f.r cash. JOS. MUKDOCK. April I 7 tt/tggniff. Slope, Ttritte. ‘ JIKK *uU'CribT9 art how chtu I'all suppUes 1 .*1 UK'Jt KHIK w hich thi ) t>H riihrirolgfritnda a nil ih public generally, si uuuaua)iiw prtcca. Wtbave now in Ktiir*, aiiti rrct-ivittf— .loo pirns heavy i,unlit -00 pircrs hravy Kt r.(uck) to. 150 etti It Kent nek) Ho|r v 50 tin. Mu it iha do. 100 lb*. I wine, 2 ( t>oo *ack* ball, 1 i,OO t ib Swt-eth ► Iron, 1,000 lb* Hand. Hoop and Hod Iron, io bud*. Si l.'roia and Porto Uicu Suptir*, Loaf, t'ru*h ti and Powdered do. 100 hugs Hio and Java Coflt e, 50 tox< • I obitcco, 100 k. u* Nail, 1,0 o lb*. Cast, Herman and Blister Steel. Also PAIN TS AND OILS ofrverj description. K. BOND Macon, V|< il t I-i i 40 u> .|| b HHLS be Ipa Gil f 100 do N. <>. Whiskey, 50 do ililtimore do. .10 ball'pipes Oiard llrundy, 5 •* *• ( do, 15 pipes Holland ( it, 50 qr. cask* v|de|ra Wine, 20 “ • Port do. Io “ “ Blii-rry do 100 r.k London Port* r, pints, 10 Hhl* < In rry brand), In tcre, and fur *ll* by April 19 4 SCO I TANARUS, CAKH AHT K CO. lt n\R<IAINS’ BARGAINS'—The undersigned having taken tip; Store on the corner ol Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, formerly culled Rotas’ Store, but recently having b*'en changed to of the ttf<> l*i sin n* lls n<* 4 hega leave to inform the citi /• tiH o| .Via* ui. and I*l intern, that he will constantly keep on liund an excellent stock of Dry bgoils GroecriiHi A Provision*, of all kinds, which ha will sell at the lowest iK*rible rnb *. being |R*ri.*etly eontrnted with quick sales an<l Hinail profit ! Tlr* public a *ivrally are renjieetfully re uiiesteil, if they want gieat bargains, to drop into the Kit* Grande Ifou-- lbind-* of aii kinds uiven in ex eJiaiig’- kr nil kinds of produce at pii en II N Pt'LSIFLR, Froorietor of the Rio Omnde House. At tlie RioGrsn-k- Hour* can b** found mail times ‘IVa, Cofiee,Sugar,Syrup. Mtlm*H.*, Rice, Bacon, Larl, Butter, Corn M and ii rloui vi k fl.and Bhs 1 ■! the beat quality, in quant t.ea to suit pu vliawrs, at the lowest rnu, and sent to any part if the city liee ol i diarge \ju .1 1847 U SI f.’AliS. I iMk *lll IIS. V. w i* .i tis. 40 and ■ Si t iv, I“M F . >dvi duxtuvaifo, 50 UU * Crasbtd am! Poor* orrrd, 15 ‘mix* * N\ lull llavsim, 20 it*- L*sf Turn I. b% | April .'t 4 8* o| T. rABM AHTJW CO. cxsmvbKZiz] ti Me. ‘ * HP nnd* rslsoii* Un pa Hd l u: pi *dllt s’ *re ari <rtr ~*• )..*,| nl *- II it mi Ot.r IK ,ti tvtiu v••■* rp* r • i/v r#*.A only. ICO!’ I, \HtIAH I K ‘ | A. i. *. i 4 * ski kII l| ,H M*M Mts**s. T 5 lihfs V*M rbni * (IIP Wm I>) SKM TANARUS, CAHHAM I 8 J l pr|l * 1 IMI S v \ ‘'*l Huhsiantid R *AT W'• 5 „* with Ifn i CH \ri. CAMI lifcLL A- i.O. MtfS ? ‘’ . OU. ‘X O-K* V, \>* IW. Ann 81'1.4 I'l li nH JcnfVton, I IM do N n Whi.-k.jr. i M *o N K R on, ! ka ii ’ t*roTT tarhaht *rn MU GBOKGI.t, WEDNESDAY, JI M] |(}, 18|7. C. K. VV ~v i'vVOlt i ll vV CO. B) I T iVE jtTO rvccivrd tmd now offer I I lor “ .ie, at the lowest oish pri-., Vjfp s\ C.'V. n new and splend .1 Mock of good* I Sr— ’ 3/ m their li-1. —eons'-titu of Line Gold ■ e _v'*'s and Silver Lever. Lepine, Patent and V'erticol Ezcapement AA. ‘'la-CL - IX ■ M, -G Gold Guard a.i I Fob (’linin', Key*, die A (r-eat vn fo ;v of f.'idie*’ and Gentlemens Hieaat Pin*, Fineer Rmge,of nil p-itt ilia; a mat i-i: 1 s, •vitli Gold anti Silver Holder*. (iol 1 P.-ne *.( ;,.1,1 Sl.Tveand Collar Butt- -w ; Studs - Goldoni Silver ThiniMes: Bracelet, and 1L “C.1.-t ! ll"a|w;Cnrd Case*. Fine Pen and Poek-t Kniva* rfuperior S*-i**.ir*; Steel Ik-ads, Kin .;* mid Tu---l*; Coral tteuda ; So-.-l Pen*, &.e. W MIRANTIiD R.VXORS. Npcctac'e* ! ipcctßCles J—Gold and Silver. Pei*omi nfßicle 1 with d-. fective or impaired vision, are rtspectlully invited to call and examine a New and Improved article of Spectacle Olas-t-—for whirh the ; Hutacribeta are sole A pent* Also, New mid Ife mtilhl Style LAMPrf ; Lamp Glasses and Wicking; Lifted and Briltunia Ware, lie, litimr — sand Clocks of every and, “rip tion repaired et-.d irurritiited fur one iiritr All Watches sold or repain and. will ta warranted to keep good time or the Cosh will lie refunded Watches, sent ii. rn any part of the cotmtiy, will rt ceive ih* saiim attention niiil be repaired on ns reasona ble terms ns though the owners were present. ! All kinds ol Gobi and Silver work made to order l Jewelry of every and seiiption n. atly repaired. nAGir.RKEDTYIMNG. : The undersigned having fitted up a room adjoining Ibeir Store, arc prepnrrd to take picture*; i n the best ‘possible style. A hi - ot (iold Lockets Pins, and Bracelets, suitable for the above C. K. WENTWORTH & CO. East Side Mulberry St. Macon .Tunc 1, Ifi!7. ‘ i 8 l A Vi <Mi I>, O f ffi' l Big Boot, Brick building, opposite LJ ( <‘o. vl Logan cV. (’o's—Are now receiving and openmg a large and aplendi i w rtnient of Boots, j Shoes, Hals and Caps, which they ofler for sale at re duced prices, or ns low ns they can lie purchased in this or any other Southern market—coni prising in part the following kinds, vi/ —Gents tine Fiencn light Calf N wed Boots; do. do. double sole do do. ; do. do. stout , V° . ; lX‘Ktl'*d do. ; do. double soled do do ; o. light do. do. • do. Calf and Kip Nnpoleon tapped J do. ; do hue Calf Hall Boots and Brogans; do. do. j Cloth; Lasting and Goat Brogans ol various styles; Mens Kijt and thick Bools; Bov s Call. Kip and thick JhMS ; V otith’s do. do do i'or L idie—Fine Black Gniter !’ >ots, tlii’ K and thin pole ; fine colored do. do . vanety ot colors . tine Moroc (v n ®Bd Bootle •; line do doai; I Goal VV a Iking if hoes; fine do! do. Slippers, Ties and Bus kins, black and colored. i'or Misses—Gniter. Polka. Kid and Goat welt Boot tees and Buskitis; Kid Slippers, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins, black and colored. For, Children—A large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, Seal, Kid, Cloth and Morocco Boot lees. Men’s, VV omen’s. Boys’, Misses’, Youths’ and Chil- 1 dren's leather pegged Boottees -and Shoes, of all descrip tions and qualities. Anew arid beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over; Mioes, tor Gentlemen, Ladies and Misses. I o Planters—3,7sd pairs of Plantation or coarse Bro- > gaps; a prime article ot Men’s double sole Iron and: VVool t icked Russett and Black ; do. do. single sole do. no. do., Boys’ and Youth**’ of the same qualities. A—ls do/ ii prime Oil .Skins ; 10 dozen Linings of d-flerent colo>•*, l('tX) !bs. Hemlock Sole Leather; i <OO Ids. Oak Sole Leather. Binding-. Ln I -gs, Threa 1, Awls, and all other j urticies used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. HA * iM) CAPS Anew and beautiful stock of all descriptions : Men’s and Boys’ Palo Alto Hats and Caps. Gentlemen’s: i ashionaole Ifoavcr and Moleskin of different qualities: .vlenß White and B ack VV T oo! Hats; Men's,Boys'and \ outh’s Caps, of all descriptions and quaiities. Oct 14, HU 35 ■ L. fH %.%CH A CO. TTAVE removed from their original stand ad v ■ L joining the Messenger Office, where they i v. for tit Inst th v yea is been con-tantly employed j ;r umkt'ig 800 I S an i JSHOjj.3 foi ti. ir customers, , t ;l, . shop, next door to Mi. F. F. Lewis’ Bakery, an ‘ umne.tii.teiy pp ~'.te the t lay ! House, where they will be ready to receive ail ordeis for work in their line, and execute them in the same satisfactory and superior mo e ns forme, iy. April 1, 1847 ‘ 6m7 HATS! IIATS! II ATS! r- f nHIS DAY received n comulete assortment of 1 1 X Gentlemen's. Youth's and Boy’s Hats and amongst which are— Black and Drab Beaver, fashionable and broad brim Black and Drab Nutria, “ “ “ Black and Drab Common “ “ •* Youth’s and Boy’s flats and Cajjv—n great variety. i Panama, Leghorn and Palm Lpaf Hats. “ Monterey” Glazed Hats Wool Hats of all qualities, with many other styles, making my stock complete—ill of which will be sold at wholesale or r< tail, ft very low prices April 1, 1847 F K WRIGHT Just Received hy Strong *V Wood, \ 4 SPLENDID assortment of Spring & Sum-’ 1 1 Ji\. nier HATS, of the latest styles, viz: doz. s Panama Hats, assorted, 15doz. (ientlemen’s P -dal Hats, 10 do. do. Double Brim Leghorn Hats, 10 do. do. Single Brim do. do. 5 do. do. Swiss Leghorn Hats, 50 do Men’s Palm Leaf do. 50 do. Boy's do. do do. 5 do. do. do. do. Pedal. ALSO, 2 Cases Gent's Fine Drnb Beaver Hats. 4 do. do. “ Black do. do. 4 do. do. “ Moleskin do. With a general assortment of oilier style of Ilats. such ns men’s Broad Brim, Black. White and Drab. , and Fashionable Fur and Si:k of various qualities and prices. Alsoa fine lot ol Gentlemen’s and Boy's CAPS, of all styles, qualities and prices. All of wlnrh are ol ffered at very low prices April 1,1847. < otfon \ arns mid Osanhurg** THE undersigned, are Agents for the sale of th<- MILLE DG EVII.LE STE A M FACTOR Y YARNS Also,for YARNS AND OSNABURGB from the CURTRIGHT .MANUFACTURING CO. G-e-ns boro’, for sale by the bale, on the usual time, at Manu- , fact urer’s prices. May 18 7 SCO !’ I'. C\RH ART & CO. 2N123 e< BbRAGLS V riECKs Sliwd'd, Satoi Strip* and a|xttted •X* “ “ .me vt ry hau<l*uimr t just r-. iced ApnlU K WOOD H IT ‘S I 4 | • | ( 4SKS claret Wmc. Id cI.OK. do, 100 tioz L'od ruood fit Cu’i. pure I.cioon Syrup, 100 “ Mi.lir's do. do. #0 hox * Hrmidy Cherries, 20 *• Hirlifes— assort'd. SO * FT'*h Coitgrrs* Wat'-v, 80 *• Sjm i-in Ind Ii s, fiO M Hull fir Son'* t’a'lo” do, W For sak low hy bCO I I , C MIH.IHT Ht CO April trO 4 02XA.nX.LS H. TSLEt-MAVt. CvttOH Jvrnyr, mi t shtor a%ove the “Rio Grande Hsnse,” j Sl'. jn*l opened n good sten'k of Sugars, Coffee. Teas, Flour, C.icou, Ni|ile iiiitl I’ujk ) Dry (>ool. Macon, April 1,1347. 4 l “Tliiltinu!! J i WMI I►. M;< ill, J 4 ; s-4 do do i'-4 c l.>r and lift. ‘X* r Litra Mair Qwpetlng, 10 cents per i,u> and w. g. it**cior, | ‘pri* u 4 Lotioo A*• mi . 0< OXM.X “EXT —S/nu lh* Gtorgi, Cider, ID Cotton i bttlea V ttilis. i'or dale bv chats, campblll a CO. . ’ 1 [ ) VI'I.R II v tMNBs. *Jag r*<d • I large mip; • *.f p, j, r Hangiuga,Borders, and Fire i lT*ar I rrini-; v, pfr p qierfor Window Sim-U*s,a U*au i.ft.r artirlc. Ale* ,F* Mats of ssvrrsl difi*rent kinds i dinh 31 1 i O ‘• PR ‘ E i)(Mf I # It.—ls you v. ahtoimpiov orpreaerre your Itealth. call on C A ELI.S and get a r*w hot- j i tissot h fine LONHON PORTER It is iom the thine jto axeite the its uni inv.;;uruUj tiie wtuae uem—and ‘1 ('. i- iti mi <.ico< i nu * il .'T received a Wmiaa Fiaauisn *,s> boxe* Hni- j **. -5 ’ unscvtiH fine Fig** xesdo Prunes. |A Ore 1 ’ s ; il v lfWe India 0- r 4 *,v* ry sw* et. j < r-.< lurrmp*. !> fi -.afinds S ien*,T**nsand ! 1 oil •• .Sp *- I k i-l* Cio<*ken *f nit kinds : Fine S..i.*k 1 • uni Che whig Tutaioo; Patent k east P**w ders. \iio,n very h;- * rind fine irtment of Stuart’s .*1 in U-li"’ J C,n i W. FRREMAN, \ ■ I HIT ■ \j| , HA, I* KWHKMAN \FEW f INO from the <• bruted Liquor House ot Jsc. f Snider. Sr , for sale I by C. A- FLI*B. 1 ry 18 f JLf do. 20 do. heavy Ormburr*, 5 do. Tickftigs. 3 do brown Drills. 3 do. M kino Strioes, 50 do. Cotton Yams, 10 cases bleached ppods, 3 do. fine bier>chc(i do. Ido. 11-4 blenched Sheeting. 2 do brown Diills, 2 <lo Bleached, 10 do. Kejst-ya, 3 do. Flannels, pow in store and for sale by GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. Macon, May 12, 1847. f, ts GOODS AT CUNT ! Tlargains in l>ry Goods mid Clothing! \J. \ I). VV. OUR having determined a • Hnnge in their busiiics.l,offer rneir entire slock o t Toods at (otM for Cush. Tke st- k comprkMii one i “I the largest and most drsirabl* stocks in the city of Macon, viz : Staple mid Fnncypry Goods of aM kinds; ( .irpelting, Rug*; Mats, Pijmt Hangings, Panama, Beaver,and Silk lints ;Bonncta Gloves mid Hosiery, , including a large stock of Ready-made Clothing, coin -1 pnsmg Pants, V sts. Huirts, Drawers, Gloves, ‘ I,S P’ i'fors.Hiilt-flose, Cravnj, &,o. Country merch ants, and citizens g merttlly, art requested to give us a call, ns bargainswiilfx* given. Also one pair ol F aii bank's latent Seales weighing from one to two thousand poun b, and one pair small Scales. H 6ti A.l AD w ORK. DPRIKGMILUIVEIif! M DA MOT R F 7 is receiving her new supply if the above goods, and would resp* c!tully request her ol 1 customers and the i public generally, in give her a eat and look at her stock before they purchase elsewhere She is determined to II gnols as low as any one in tip city, and of a supe rior article. Her stock ol Bonnns, Ribbons, Flowers, Embroideries, Dress Silk Got and and Shawls, cannot lc equalled in this part of the country. M u m, April 11, 1847 cik<m 9 iTiwil 1 /T HDDS. St. Croix,Porto Rico and N. O. Sugar, I tJ 12 boxes and barrels crushed, pulv. <fe loaf Sugar 25 hhds. Molasses, 1 do. Stewart’s refined Sugar House Molasses 100 bags Rio Coffee, 20 “ Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 25 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 “ ’J allow “ 50 “ Soap, 20 “ Starch, 4 Chests choice Imperial anil Hyson Tea, 10 Quarter rhests Imperial and Hyson Tea, Salerat'is, Indigo. Madder. Spanish Brown, Blue Vitriol,CcAperns Alum, Borax,Sal.N lire Powder, Shot, Lead, 25 bhls. Nil Rum. 25 bhls. Northern Gin, si) bhls. Whisk *y. Cognac and Anvrieun Brandy, Holland Out, Cordials, Maderia, Port, and Malaga Wine, beioon Syrup, Raisins, 100 Boxes To'acco, a great variety, 30.000 Segars; Macaboyand Scotch Snuff, V\ ith a great v iri. ty of other Groceries, which will be sold at “Bargains.’ AMOS BENTON April I 7 li; . —Tlie sub erilvrs *. :t im* to J keep a general assortment of Groceries and Step:** Dry Goods,at their old stand.corner of'Second an.i Mul i berry streets, opposite the Washington Hall: th’ y have just received with other articles th<* tbilow ng -24 hhds. St. Croix and P R. Sugars, 120 bags Green Rio Coflee, 25 “ Old Gov. Java Coffee, I 2000 Yards Negro Kerseys, 1000 DalHe Blankets, 8 and 9 quarter, 1000 Yards Cotton Osnoburgs, 15 Tons Sweeties Iron, 7tH) Sacks Liverpwl Salt, 1500 Pair Russett Brogans, with a general asorunent in their line, nil of which is offered at the lowest cash prices. They respectfully in vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— believing they cannot fail to be suited in pi ice and qual ity. ( HAS. CAMPBELL & CO. April 1, 1847. 38 NOTICE. rpHE subscribers respeetiully invite the attention of J Merchants and Planters, to their stock of Staple Fancy Dry Goods now in store. We snail i also lie in weekly receipt of seasonable goods through octi lit*- Mason, as h i> oar a- termination i<- render oar stock worthy the attention of purchasers at ail times, i and ut prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, —among which are the following: 10 cases English & Amer ican prints, 2Jo Mourning do. 3 do Furniture do. 3 do. Ginghain and Lawns. 2 do Printed Muslins,2J>picces*‘inb!o.dered Djrssdo. 20 pieces Clialleys embroidered, 20 do Rich Bernges, 3 do. Blak Satin slip Silk*. & dc* Ki*-k dress do 25 do. Rich dress silks, 40 do. Jaeonetts.JOdo. Cambrics, 25 do. Check &i lace stripe Musiins. 10 do. dress Muulms, 20 do. Victoria & Bishop Lawn, 25 do. Col and Jacones, 40 do. Col’d Cambrics, 20 do. black & fancy Cnssimers, 20 do. Fancy col’d Cloths. 30 do. silk, satin &, Marseilles vestings. 150 do. Summer stuffs, (all prices. 20 do bl’k. and eol’d Alpaccas,2odo. Table Diaper,sodo. Irish Lin ens, 3 cases Florence Bonnets. 1 do. Laid work, do. 2 do. Devon straw Bonnet-, 10do Lawn& fancy do. 50 boxes Ribbons, (<>f all kinds.) 30 do. Flowera. Ladies A Gentlemen s kid & silk fffoves. do. do cotton [do. Misses fancy neck ties, 3 cases pi rasols, 5 do. Um brellas. 25 dozen Linen Cambric lldk’fe. head and flag ! do. 25 pieces Silk and Pongee Hdk’fs, 150 dozen sus penders, Cords, Tapes. Buttons, Trimmings, Laces, Fringes, Gimps, Tassels, &cc &.c. GRAVES, WOOD. & CO. Macon, May 12. 1847 _ 6 ts HEA ‘V COTTON have removed to W. B _Par ker’s Stre. on Cotton Avem e n< nrly opj site J ; Cowles’ Fire Proof Warehouse Tb y have ins; re nnd j offer for sale on aecouimodaung terms: *2oo Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 “ “ Dundee “ 85 44 BlightKr damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 10U0 lbs Tank and Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sack?* Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Champaignc Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy *‘ 8 Casks Bacon, R pt t, 184* M Nails. Iron ami Hollow Ware. ,MiA KE(JS Cut Nails, t/UU 15 tons Iron.assorted 1 to 10 inches, 2.000 Ibo. Sheet Iron. 10,000 lh Hollow Ware, 2,000 lb. Cast Steel, 1.000 lbs German nnd Blister Steel, 2;000 lbs I loop nnd Band Iron, 50 dot. 1 foes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by K. B WEED. kjM 1 IMF u 20SI irrni: xcr*::: riIHE oubseriber in ready to supplv nil in w>mt of the JL above article in any juantity, but the CASH must in every cam’. ash* Is determined not to charge one |M)iiud ot it tunny |M*ns>n —having to pay caeli tor il himeelf before delivery. Also, Blu* l/ik* 1 and Congress Water to be found at lb • \V I bill J H DAMOUR. M . 19 H? ; 3.-II 51 t sl INS. £r/A PIRCGfi MUSLINS, new ooxl twmntifol terns, tliia day received, a nd’for sale cheap N B—Alao u f**w pieces slightly damaged, which will be sold at Imre:; ins, by May 25 8 AMOS BEN W()N- Xrou 6l Steel XVails, OLc. ,)A / k/t A LBS aiMorted Sweedes tnn, /iU.UUU Cast Steel, German and Blist red Steel. 200 Kegs Nails, I>o Boxes 8 )*y 10 Window Glass, 15') do 10 by 12 do 50 do 12 by 14 do 5 do 12 by H d u F > sslel’V April l 2 S( OTT, CAR HART A CO VV sale by C A ELLS May 18 7 111 Ti l H. Beautiful fresh May butter, from orange county, New York, just rere ved and for sale by May 96. 1847 _ C A EIJ.S * nnn BOTTI.RB of CHAMPAGNE CIDER, nIMI K.r ml, hjr ( A K1.1.s Niny 2fi 1847 8 rm; LotBON ioit ai:it, by the iv- F sen or Cask, for oole by C A ELLR. A pul 98, 1847 4 .u\ nun XT ‘1: iU.VM Ml W),iKJO Princi|ii’ .Io Kur nlf by C. A. EI.LS April W, 017. 1 (1 BO* EUK*i—lo Uhl, .'.t Cmis fiiimr,; W I bb|, ildbo 15 hhil* Abu,-n-. Io rnl Jli-w Or- I Ini!), ilo mi hinln Molsi-m: I* l bill, N (>rlr-trwi,-y mp, |o Im)Km i/i.l Hii^nr} ) hhl, Crwh** ! m>o ■ni k, Rio Ciifl<||’ *5 do J,v do .M bK Mu ki-rrl; I ‘ii Haiti ilo ill) 15 Ui'rrm ViHkiir; l.Vlho*i' Tob'ic (vihUm* hnin4, .) HKX) ***M A-It; iflaWO lh. Inn, nil lunik;) H> lh Enlih4B':)ic,n,nd('nwHiio-l i Now io .tore oiiU tiir ,n|r on wroiwnorfotm, torn),, by (111 WIX. WOOD, A CO m r m 1; hi: J eif I 1|( Kl.Clt II X >IM. “ ♦' Df'li'h", ml pi ”r f HAS. H fUKI.MA*. I |OI 1 < It E*KUVK KINrtSH-^h |nriW|fur ..11 Oy 7)la!*. H. y*lt*.)*AN. I April I t | F ACTS ARE STUMBOHN THINGS. li JJ.KO. M LOGAN jk CO. vvouid most respectfully V J inform the good citizens of Macon and the suf- I romvhng country, that they are not quite sell ng off ; their stock t New York cost, nor do they loudly boast of under selling tlieir neighhora. The design of this advertisement is to disseminate extensively this unde n able t . uth, viz that our assortment is rich and racy— rat*’ and h antifii!; comprising every desirable articl-- of jFancy and Staple Dry Ooods u Hilly found in store on speculation. ’Tis nnneceasn- j ry t” enumerate the mnny, very many extravagantly : wTuintul articles on hand, nnd to comment iqion mtrin h■ worth, is ileemed entirely superfluous Suffice it to say, tlmr nil our rich Fut icy Dress Goods. French Work el( were purchased ot A. T. Stkw art Si. Cos , New’ York, and differ iiiulcnaliy in style and patterns from all other** in Macon. All tins- who ent rtain the errotiion* impression that w Imld up for high prices, can receive occulnrde nionstmtion to the contrary by popping in and looking for thems-dves. (i a*s HVt;, Chinn Wrtre, nnd Earthen >\ ore, of every and any kind, at a very small advance on New York coat. GEO. M. LOGAN &. CO | Macon, May 1847. 8 Wew Grocery and Dry Goods Store. rpiIOM AS C, DRUI’SEV, having just opened j in the Buck Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly I occupied by W A Rol>ertaon. and nearly oppes-te > Messrs. A. .1 Whit*’ & Cos. and Bancroft's stores, has | now <>n hand, and will continue to receive, an assort- i iiient f Foreign Liquors and Segars, Sugar, Coffee, i nnd a general assortment of Groceries and Dry Goods, which w.ll be sold nt New York prices for CiuAi only. Foreign Hrnndlcs, Wines, Arc. ! fhnrd, Dupuey & Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different vintnges—some very old in bottles. (od lard *Y Co’s. Vantage. 1825; A. Reignette's Brandy; Meder Swan Holland Gin; Madeira Wine, in quarter casks. Port Wine: Sherry W'ne. These lii]unrs arc warranted rocciv 1 direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Prineip and oth'*r brands—warranted genuine. TEAS—lmperial,Gunpowder, Hyson. Young Hy son nnd Black Tea, of a very superior quality Did Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar, Sperm Candles, Ala- j mantine Candles. 20 h!i Is St. Croix, Porto Rico nnd N. Orleans Sugar. 50 Sicks Rio Coff e, first Quality :30 do. second do 503 |s. American and English Calicoes, 10 cases Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, 10 hales Brown 3-4 and 4-4 do. W|w Irirh Linen, direct importation, Ac. Ac. Macon, June 2,1847. 9 S. F. DICKINSON A CO. I- T AVI: just received 20 boxes and barrels Woolaey 1 A Woo I spy’s Loaf. (.’rushed, and Powdered Sugar. 30 hhds. Molasses ; 190 sack.-* Fe ‘thers; 125 bhls and half bhls. No. 1.2 nnd 3 Mackerel; 5 boxes Tobacco; 159 bags Coffee ; 20 hhds. Sugar: KK) coils Rone; 25 box-.* Sperm C i ‘idles ;53k gs Powd. r. Macon, June 2. 1317. 9 * vBK I. * FI RJH. lAAA LBS of very superior quality, warranted MM / equal to th** best Canal brands, Forsdeby WHEELER A HARROLD. June 2, 1817. 9 Glass! Glass!! Glass!!! J UST received nnd for sale, a large lot of Ginas, of all sizes from Bby 10 to 24 by 30 Also a lot of White Lead. Peraons wishing to purchase, will do well to call SHOT WELL A GILBERT. Macon. June 1, 1817 9 Just Come to ZSand. • Y ‘U|>nmr .ruc* of Prvst*rr* and tainger, ! M.tccarum, an:ad Oil; Walnut, ‘lu*hr<H,i, and 1 oiuutu (* mi .* u |>; Prnn* n, f ig*, Pruts Natl; | Candies, Toys, am! Jujube J*ne ; < H \s. H. FRF.F.MAW. Cl Mills ClMtelHi VtHljl At. SUPKK West of Kiifland itlack, lllue-black, Blue. In vi.ible Green, Hrovui, and fancy ('loins, un • xcclleiit assortin’ nt. id'.n, I'ureedes, Fiench and >merican Cassitm-rs. Velvet, yatin, Mars'illei, and Fancy Vestiiig* Just received by N. McKI.WON fit CO. April 1, 1847. 33 pO’JTKß.—Cider, old Maderia, Old Port nnd !JT Claret Wines, for sale by C A ELLS. ! , May IH 7 ,) Alf ANfi-LirS 1 UAMFAIGNE, superior. for sale by t. A B IES. \ May 18 7 | i\ DOZ. SARDINIAN, 1 U 10 do Essence of Coffee, 10 Bhls of Crushed and Powdered Sugars, 29.000 Regalia Cigars, 20,000 pnneipe do | 10 Boxes of Tobacco, all of the right sort Jor sale by C. A. ELLS. May H 1 •> t \i k 4 i LBS i xtra fine Floui at 01/V/U Match 24 0 W FREEMAN’S obacco dL Cigars. BOXES Tobacco, various Brands, 10,000 Principe Cigars, do 53,000 Regalia do do 20,000 Panatellas do do For sale by SCOTT, CARHART A CO. April L 1847 2 lit lv —Just received nnd lor sale 100 bbls. of first \_J rate Northern Lime at the April 1, 1847 “ RIO GR ANDE HOUSE.’* DRIME GOSHEN BUTTER ANDOLDENG- I LISH C HEESE, for sule by April 28, 1847 I C. A ELLS. PINK. APPI.F. CHK.SK—A f w boxes jasi rtctivu’ by March 17 i CHAS H. FKHMAN. Ott \XGES-A few barrels very su,icnr Havana Oran fM Ml) *it vs H IH * MAN 11HH (i . It. MI LI. K. it’S ('HKVfINi. TOBACCO—IOO _y 1 a- z r erivtd and for sal* ’ Match If, IM7. # CMAS. H KHF.KMAN. i: of i omi:. \ 1a ply of this delicious beverage put up in quart, pint, j and half pint bottles, just received by \ i foi*’. 3 W FRKEM \\ I> 11 ‘ 8. • a.h. At luat i I the “New York Brooklyn White Lead Company” No I, No 2. Extta and Pure White Lead. Also in Store—Linreed nnd Tanners Oil; Spirits Turpeutine ; Varnish ; Lampblack ; Putty, Paintbrush es. Ac . Ae PATTEN A TAYLOR \ r,l I. fo|7 27 ■? A | HHDS. New OrUans i|l “ Sdu Cluiiti'd do. In'tore and for sal* by C. DAY fii CO March I 3 oisauar B rxxe . kli k M'!KI VH, VfrfVrf, |IIM r-rt’iwH for !>• 9 \.. |I 2 4 SCOTT ( NHA H i CO B OOX< O AND OF* . Qfiik I'tKfFJ KtnlorM *0 <• r*<*lF For-*lt-by HCOIT, CAHHAH I k CO I X iri* i‘ _ 4 “If I 4 W 111 ‘ 1 v ’ Ml J 4 “ F 20.000 PrnM ip. tin, ♦ • Ju r>trti4 ■! HiMnlc h April 99 4 SC O i l , CM4IIAUT fc CO II kTni II H'l! fi AT at •♦HOlCll'in ’rv. 4nt I'amni p f |\TM; H Ki i-d ■ ; in Clmn r Hut-. #4, Ado K**!.hn*Ul* Si.k Mam, 81 *O, ( i!m II .!, Cp. • I * W • *!rhrapf!.rcaal.,ii TANARUS., WO*>DH I'F K I April 14 _____________ f__ 1 BAOO3T ATTTJ BABB. At It’nn*a. rplIE wiWriher is now mowing on conaiimmiayt. I I aivt w'l continue to roor w *,M „,’l| ill 1 ’ nhove 114100:1 tirttcl- 1 * >n large or small quantities llirtMt plow! tli>- aeaaon All ofilrm will receive pmmni attention. J NORCROStt. Adnata May IS. 1547 7 *.*t |>**l*tl'! v.\t|P OH,. wlnoh give* a lie,, * bit light without ausll, anti a* cl-W a* pure water, lor \ sale by C A. EI.LA. j May IS 7 _ | ITS! ’l,TON MtHKKT MKKF,’ *•••’ sou iuK. n Mute/, alwaj ■ ~t> tonic.-nil wivraMriU P ..„t CH4t. H rHKKMSN i i 1... i l 1 (til .Hoita, lint, r, **4 I.enton trs.k J m, lr- •! uuim ilr- bakt ry. \ ■ PAINTS, Off*, l,At, Ac. I fiitllow l.inw I Oil: 100 Ho, IllniclW Ho 1 l-Ms IV) ilo S'HTiii lio Sbblc Trnin do. I> It o cr“ No I and (Hire White ; 100 bourn *|o 10*la. 17x10. nml ltxlStiln tl Sbl* Pe’ty; * cn-k* I’nt h ; Chrome f!r-cn; SrtakaNnl Kratna; Chroma Yellow; I <—*k Mil Kimmi: Rad I .''•ill j I hbl Alum i Venetian R, .1. (.fiber* •■. Whiting, hr . For wil” Mr OR AVER, WOOD, A TO Macon. May IS, 1*47 t. if NOTICE. STSffR suhaclher IlnJ* it neeravuy ta notify mnnynf | ii h ru-toni’ •*. wliow arr-m ts an I nntea arr of |oti4 Minding, that hr lin wettnl nntll Irrhearttioe ~,.,wn to bra virtue, end that ha will b! under lha ne r.—ity of linking a cl’an aweeo of all notes an l ac rou na contract- ( at hla old ratnclishmetit, at tlw iiead ~i Cotton h venue, nnh •, moil,><l 1,-t>.r.* i|,r firm of Amriet nt Ml pettona intctMMd will planw taka lilt, tiouoa, aril amrarn thnnaelvra accoMlhtn* | M.trnn, M? M. IM7. AMOd BENTON. \i S’ ELL \N Y . Th Orphan Hoy. “ ll’ yet an calm and iflerk, rfo y ‘inly Wan. M sweetly weak.’’ Tin’ Imstlc ol'the wiik over; the priaon ers had heeti secured, nnd the decks washed down the watch piped and the schooner had once tiiure relapsed into midnhrht quiet and re pose. I Houjrht inv hammock and soon fell asleep. But my slutnher. were disturbed hy wild dreams which like the visions of a (ever, agitated and unnerved me; the late strilii the hardship, of my early life, and u thousand other tliino* mingled together as figures in a phantasmagoria. Suddenly a hand was laid on my shoulder, nnd starting up 1 beheld the surgeon’s mate. Little Kick, sir. is dying ” he said. At once I sprung from my hammock. Little Dick was a sort of protege of mine, rte was a pale, delicate child, said to be an orphan, and used to gentle nature ; nnd from tile first hour I joined the senooner. tny heart yearned towards him I’or 1 100 had once been friendless and alone in the world. He hud often talked to me in confidence of his mother, whose mem ory hr regarded with holy reverence, wlulc to the other hoys of the ship he had little to saw for they were rude and coarse, lie delicate an l •onw'ivc. Often when lUey jeered him tiir his melancholy, lie would go apart by himself and weep. He never complained of Ins lot, though hi companions imposed on him con tinually. Boor lad ! his heart was in the grave with his lost parents. 1 took n strange interest in him, and hud lightened his tusk us much as possible. Du ring the lute light I had owt and my life liaiiint, lor he rushed in just us a sabre was levelled at me. and hy interposing his leehle cutlass hod averted the deadly blow. In the burry and confusion since I had quite forgotten to in quir i. he was hurt, though, at th*- time. I in wardly resolved to exert all my little influence to procure him a midshipman’s warrant in re quitul for his service. It was with a pnngof reproachful agony, therefore, that I leaped to my feet. “My God I” I exclaimed, “you don’t mean it ? He is not dying ! “I fear sir,” said the messenger, shaking his bead sadly, “ that he cannot live till niorn ing.” ■ And I have been lying idle here!” I ex claimed with remorse. “Lead me to him I” “ He is delirious, but in the intervals of lu nacy be asks lor you. sir” and as the man spoke we stood beside the bedside of the dying bov. The sufferer did not lie in his usual ham hock, tbr it was hung in the very midst, of the crew, and the close uir around it was too stifling; but he had been carried under the open hatchway nnd laid there in a little open space of about lour leet square. From the sound ot tlie ripples I judged the schooner was in motion, while the clear calm blue sky seen through the opening overhead, and dotted with myriads of stars, betokened that the log j had broken away. How calm it smiled down lon the wan face of the dying boy. Occasion ally a high current of wind —oil! flow deli ciously cool in that pent up hold—eddied | down the hatchway and lifted the dark clies | nut locks of tlie sufferer, as with his head re posing in the lap ol’ an old veteran lie lay in un unquiet slumber. His shirt collar wna un buttoned and his childish bosom, us white os that of a girl, was open and exposed. He breathed quick and heavily. The wound of which he was dying bad been intensely pain ful, but within the lust half hour had sonie ! what lollrft. thougli even now ills ritln iiogers I tightly grasje I the bedclothes, as if he suller- I ed the greatest agony. A battle stained and grey haired seaman I stood beside him. lidding a dull lunthern in .his hand, and gazing sorrowfully down upon I the sufferer. The surgeon knelt with his ftn j ger on the boy’s pulse. As I approached they all looked up. The ; veteran who held him shook his head and ! would have sjioken; hut the teurs gathered | too chokingly in liis eyes. The surgeon said— ‘‘He is going fast —poor little fellow—do I you see tins ?” As he spoke he lifted up a rich gold locket which had lain upon the boy’s | brest. • He has seen better days.” I could not answer for my lic.irt was full — jlu n was the being to whom but a lew hours j before. I had owed my life —a poor, slight, un i protected child—lying before me with death already written on lus brow—and yet 1 hud | never known his danger and never sought him out alter the conflict. How bitterly my heart teprooched me in that hour. They noticed my agitation, and his old friend —the seaman j that ln-ld his head snid sadly, *• Boor little Dick—you’ll never see the shorr you have wished for so long. But there’ll he I more than one—when your log’s out” he spoke with emotion —“ to mourn ovtr you.” Suddenly the little ti-llow opened his eyes I and looked vacantly around. “Has lie come vet 7” he asked in a low voice. “ Why won’t he come?” “ I am lien- ” said I taking the little fellow’s hand “dont you know me Dick ?” H. smiled fiintly ill my face. He then said “ You have been kind to me. sir—kinder than most people are to a poor orphan boy. I have no way to shew my gratitude—unless you will take the Bible you will fold in my trunk. It’s a small ottering. 1 know, but it's all I have.” I burst into tears: lie resumed— ■ Doctor I am dying ain’t 1 ?” said the little follow “lor my sight grows dim. God bless I sou Vlr. Daiilorth.” ’ Can Ido nothing fi>r ynti Dirk T’ attid I; ••you aavccj my lilt). I would coin my life to buy yonru.” “ I have nothing; to nak—l tlon’t want to live —only, it- it'a ptmaildw. fetnrtc dy Rwrird Hy mollntr —you'll littd ibe imum at the place and nil uliout it in my trunk.” “ Anytlungr -everything, nty poor lad,” 1 nnawcrctl cliokmgly. The little fellow amiled faintly—it wn like mi tiiigel’a smile—hut lie did not answer. Ilia eyea were fixed OB the ataru lln kerinif in llmt patch of Mile sky overhead. His titirul tvati dered. “ It's n loan —long ways up there —hut there are bright angel* among them. Mother used to any that l would meet her there. How near they ctnio and I see sweet luces smiling on me from among them. Hark I is that inn ate ?”tuid lilting hia linger hr seemed liaten ing lor o moment. Ho fell bark and the old veteran hurst into tears. The child was death I >nl lie indeed hear angel'* voices? tied grunt it.—— .\titioiuU htttllil’ttnrr. Irish Heart*. At this moment when the slid! ring :of the Irish people engross no large a share of pub fir sympathy, the lollowiag sketch front tin | Irish eh iraeler, may rmt be ibuud uniat, rest ; iny. To ua it aeema touching gnd truthfhl.— The atory teller prelaeea the ineidetit by atnt mg that he tburvt an Iriah famfiy of a husband, wife and aevernl children, on one of our I.ako steanicia. They were in grout destitution i an I tltc beauty of the ehildren wna the theme ,o the admiralitm of all their fellow traveller*. At the retiueat ofn lady passenger, why hav ing no children of her own, wits desirous ol'tu lung one til’ the little I miter* nml adopting it, the narrator addressed himself to the bead of tile funity. We do not know the author of the ski I’ 11, utul give it u* we find it. ‘ Although, any * the atory teller, I Imd con ■ idembl, doubt* a* to the reaillta, I olli red myserxieea na a negotiator, and proceeded immediately upon my delicate diplomacy.— Finding mv Irish friend on deck, 1 thus open ed the aft'iir: VOL. XXV.—No 11. “Yon arc very poor 7” Ilis answer was characteristic.— “Poor sir?” said he; “ay. if there’s a poorer man than me troublin’ the world, frod pity both ov uz. (or we’d be about aiqual.” “Then how do you manage to support your children.” “Is it support them sir,?’’ Why I don’t sup port them any way; they get support some way or another, it’ll be time enough for me to complain when they do.” “Would it be a relief to vou to part with one of them. It was too sudden; he turned sharply round. “A wh*t sir ?” he cried: “u relief to part from me child ? Would it be a relief to have the hands chopped from the body, or the heart torn out of my b.cast? And relief indeed ? —God be good to us, what do you mane ?” Yon dont understand me,” I replied; “if now. it were in one’s power to provide com fortably lor one of you children, would you stand in the way ofits interests. “No sir,” said he ; “the heavens knows that I would willingly cut the sunshine away from myself, that they might gi t all the warm of il; but do tell uz what you’re driving at?” I then told him that a lady had taken a fan cy to one of his children; and, if he would* consent to it it should be. educated and finally selth l comfortably in life. This threw him into a fit of gralulation.— lie scratched his head and looked the very picture of bewilderment. The struggle be tween a father* love and a child’s interest was evident and touching, at length he said: “O. murther wouldn’t it boa great thing for the baby ? But I must go and have a talk with Mary—that’s the mother of them an’ it wou'd.i l he l ight to he giving away her child ren afore her lace, and she to know nothing nt all about it” “Away with you then,” said I. “and brio iiie an answer back as soon as possible.” In about half an hour he returned leading two of his children. His eyes were red and swollen, and his face pale from excitement and agitirtion. “Well.” I enquired, “what success?” “Bedad. it was a hard struggle, sir,” said he. “But I’ve been talking to Alary; an’ slic says as its lor the child’s good, may be the heavens above will give us strength to bear it.” “Very well, and which of them is it to be?” Kaix an’ I don’t know sir,” and he runs his eye dubiously over both. Here’s little N o rah—she’s the oldest an’ won’t want her mo ther so much—but then— O! tear an’ aigers —it’s myself that can’t tel! which I’d rather part with least; so take the first that comas wid a blessin.” There sir —and he handed over little Norah—turning back he snatched I I ‘*r up in his arms, and gave her one long hearty father’s kiss, saying through his tears : “Atay God be good to him that's good to you ; an’ them that offers you hurt or harm, may their mills never see St. Pether.” Then taking his other child by the other hand, he walked away, leaving Norah With me. I took herdown in the cabin and we thought the matter settled. It must be confessed, to my great indignation, however, in about au hour s time I saw my friend Pat at the win dow. As soon as he caught my eye he com menced making signs for me to come out. I did so, and found that he had the other child in his arms. What’s the matter now?” said I. ’ W ell sir,” said he. “I ax your pardon for troubling you about so foolish a thing as a child or two, but we were thinkin’ that mav l>c r.U matt m, OiflVr —ftm aoo, *ir. JV< been talkie to Alary, an’she says she can’t part with Norah; because—the creature has a look ov me—but here s little Biliby, she’s purtyer far. av you please sir. will you swap ?” Certainly,” said I. “whenever you like.” So he snapped up little Norah, as tho’ it were some rerovered treasure, and darted away with her, leaving little Bihby, who re mained with us all night; hut lo 1 the moment when wu entered the cabin in the morning, there was Put making his mysterious sigh,! again at the window, and by this time he had the youngest a baby, in bis amis. •• What s wruiqf now ?” 1 inquired. “Be the hokey By, sir. an’ it’s myself that’s almost ashamed to tell you. You see I've been talkin’ to Mary, and she dnl’nt like to part with Norah. because she. had a look ov tne. and be my soul, I can’t ufiord to part with Biliby. because she’s the model of her mother •Hit ti.ere’s little Paudieen, sir. There’s a lump of Christian for you. two years old. and •ot a day more—ht'll never be any trouble to any one tor av he takes after his mother, he’ll have the brightest eye, and av he takes after Ine father he’ll have a fine pair of shoul ders to push his way through the world. Will you swap, sir?” “With nil my heart.” said 1, it’s all the same to me”—and so little Paudieen wan lett with us. “Ah ah,” said I to myself, ns 1 looked into ‘ big laughing eyes, “the utliiir is settled at last ” but it was’rit. for ten minutes had scarce ly elapsed when Pat rushed into the cabin without siiru or ceremony, and snatched up the babj in his arms cried out: ’ It’s nouse, I’ve been talkin’ to Mary, an’ we can’t do it. Look at him. sir—lie’s the youngest and best of the hatch. You would’t have the heart to keep him from us? You see Mr Norah has a look ov me, and Bihby lias a hsikov Mary ; but be my soul, little Pau dieen las the mother’s eye, an’ my nose, an’ little hits ov both ov uz all over. No sir, no; we can bear hard fortune, starvation, and mis ery but we can't bear to part from our child ru unless it be the will of Ileuvcn to take them fro it u*. -U. 8. Gazette. Chronicles of Jonathan. Now. there was among, all the counselors of the land of Jonathan, one Thomas, surna tiled “the humbug.” And the same was a mighty man by reuson of fulness—for he men ured round about five oubits, and bis countu uanee was like unto brass, and his voice as the roaring of the bulls of Baslmn. And the same went unto the King, saying,—- Long live tiie King, and may his enemies be scattered—may ZacTiuriah be ns a ‘scarecrow in a garden of encumbers’ and may the soup if Winfield the chief eaptnin be as poison unto him. Hath my Lord, the King considered the feebleness ot tin e men and they will not prevail against ihe enemy by reason thereof? Then the King answered and puke saying. “Whence contest thou 1” And he said From walking up and down aiming the counselors of the land —from Wi. k the son of Wicked, from Jacob, the son jof Thompson and Bnnker. the son of I loti, i and Brock, the son of Brocken, and Sawyer, ’ surnuiued the Sausage. Hath my Lord con sidered the counsel of these Ins servants! If held I even I will command the urmies of the laud of Jonathan, and I will smite tie’ Mexicans and give their carcasses to the beast* of the field, and the fowls of the air. Yea, 1 will pull down their strong towers, leaving not *i much ns one stone upon imother. I ul *i will destroy their cities and put the people thereof to the sword. Behold 1 have read Humboldt mid what I know, I will do, and what I will do have 1 not written it down I” And when Thomas, surnamed the Humbug, had spoken these things, he showed unto the King the plan thereof, as he had written it down—and he stamped upon the ground, and his thee shone with exceeding fierceness. And when the King had rend the writing, am) saw the countenance ot Tlmmas. the hum bug that it wus exceeding fierce, and heard his voice, like unto the roaring of the bulla of Unslmn, and saw that he was a mighty man, by reason of Aitness—behold the King was mu via! unto admiration, mid he lifted upliii voice