Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 23, 1847, Image 1

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I’Y S. ItOSD &- CO. I ~*7 , >| v.’MI VN a S. IIOSK, IMitors. ■ T K It Ts S . H . , , mini'll N Messenger i published cve | moniiiig in ei, - v ol ’ acon '" t I riaß reduced kites: 9 H , t H the end u) the year -I UO 9 ‘’ V mw will 111- ri ‘i lly 1-nfnreml, without re -9 i ! "' :1 ’" V hi in ill” I'iiji'Ol “I ti><* I’ublishers is to do ■ irfi “• l”' 1 * ‘Wi- n ►*ti'bi* upon tin- cash principle— UHlni'i .inr subscriber* nhouM r.-n*> tin-profits t-MmvtiTH"* nil ,-tits innl rolloftors. In no enso H which usually ff n( (i( - t || t , UllP unless first pnnl ■ witi ilf P-HT-isetorv reference in given in Macon or its H | or ( ,r a satiaißCiui y Hv- ..MTU'i.'Mi'N’l’S insorifd nt tin* usual rates 9 Al>Vl '' l Lelwh'nhaml.-.l in. will In- inserted till , , ißf;oiim wi j| | M . allowed to persons !^B|orl)i<l; bu “ - t he year, and who pay on demand. t^9 w }tu; |, lv<*n‘ • >t : rfl s,and obituary notices of over ■ AJ! I,,ri SuV charged at the usual rates. fl’ oa.mneem.Mits of candidates for, to be paid ■ All atin g w hen inserted. arranftements made with County Officers, who may wish to 1 1, ;;:::;“';\ l vi'i''.'i''.''w.ii pi<- -jr™ ,h ” 1 “ !l l ,,win: ■ V ! . t | anil Negroes, by Executors, Admmis ■ ‘ “ iVinsrili.o” arc required by law to be adver ■ m a Public gazette, sixty days previous to the day sales must hi- held on the first Tuesday in the ■ 1 I,at the horns of trn in the forenoon mid 9 1 ’ 1 ;; ‘,!"he altemoon. in the t’ourt House m the comity ■ ‘’Sv *ih’ )iTe~maT t> -perty nwt be advertised in : |)':md Creditors of nil Estate must tie ■ pU v' l ',' l ,”. l ,|,'"a| l |‘!(';cationwill he ma le to the Court of 9 ‘/niilv. f.'.-111/ -I and Nettryrs, must be HEuiMiolied wceklv for ion- months. ■ „r Is■tiers of \ liniiiisimtniii must be pub 9, —l-r lt,'in,.-."nb-'ii’ Vl si no to. from (iuartlt-i-i- V, ‘1 for foo-elosure ot niortfßlffe. must b p leiblisli.-d for four months— lor escihll-dllter lost I ‘.'l -, ■o ~ inti spare ol three month*— tor conipellm 9--’ llxi euti'is o, Adiiiini-irators where a 1.011, 9 ,vi by the deceased, thr J!l space oj three > lt>4 IK Uivwnm <. I-S.ol • pi.SDOF.. wM, m„ unit tor sloill inake, ‘b w a l- ; *l “ r * l - IS reitularly B K P g^k , .t S ’ M j II la IS J. lsKWl¥, A.’IOJjJETT XT IiAW. II McDonough, ga I I Refer to Scott, Cariurt & Cos. I | May 6, IHI7. *!y6 9. I |>aril. o-rtHTMEKSim*.- 0,.H \ [ DU M< (iOIiI)RICK having associated with hun practice of M dicine and Surgery, Dr JAM LS iff |> t 1 >| *-;Y, may be found at the otticc he formerly oc t where calls in the line of tlieir profession will ,-t with prompt attention. I ■ M's . Mtv r>. - Medical Notice. 9 I. M. COMINGS, M. D.. PHYSICIAN Aim SURGEON, offi-rs ins s, 1-vices to the citizens id Maeon. H'-is es , iv solicitous that those patients who have been , i with Chronic coniphiints of lono standing, i ■,.|| try the reme lies of tie 1 I ‘"fill readier discountenances the us*- ol all vegetable, as w-el! as ;Hnni poisons, and confines his prescriptions to those , : remedies that act in harmony with the laws ; 8 M ! Sice anil Office on the Court House Square, in old Macon Hot* 1. Juncl.HW. built FI.OYl) HOUSE, ■ Macun , Giorgia. rp HVsSubscrihcrM have Tak*-n that well known mm. A. I Hot-i. tlu- Floyd Horsi. nndare f*d und*r ih’ tirmol HKOVV N A: LAMLR. It NVll | bp needless to make promts, as one the firm has been well known as keeper ot the \\ asn- ‘.m H dl, and th * public art ac]iiaint*d with Ins man- L JB ■''■ e, any one, and tlieu Stables are^ airy, with da I doors, a id i ol surpas'd by at y in Georgia. 111 ‘vo - are reasonable as tite t'toe’ wilipemut THOMAS A BROWN, STERLING LANIER ■ The erilK'i solicits his old triemls and patrons tth iV iishington Hall, to five him a call at hia new ■ p,„| St. i.AMKR p _Thc office of the Tallahassee and Coiumiius ißi- a, ,-ttiigi s kept ut this House. PETEK J. WILLIAMS 9j.\S taken the WASHINGTON II V 1,1,, and rcijuests n continuance ot the public patronage. W.Miu-nu, April 1,1847. 1 INDIA 7 SPRINGS. In . rp H K subscriber informs bis friends that he 1 has completed very extensive and impor improvement!* lus well known es-tab lablisiuneut, Tle ncliilosli House, . , is prepared to accommodate those who may visit B p above fashionable watering place in a superior style. ■ iMhiiisi. is conveniently situated, lioth for visiting the mg and for air and comfort. His rooms a. • excved . *)OiiV'*nient, being arranged e ♦ ier tor single p< r - Timint's. His Heading .s all new and ol die ym v quality , and being in Uie midst ol a tine piovisum n. bistable will always lie abundantly tiirmsned l be choicest the State affords. The Baths at the have been greatly improved during the season, .1 in iiy additional attractions have l>eenadded, which not fail to interest visitors from nboad. An elegant ot tour horse Post Coaches will run daily during the b.'tw en tin Springs and Forsyth—a distance ot precuied hi the Springs !>y p. isons wlu* are not pro- with private eo ivyrme - lb- deems it unneees , Bu io id that the wat hat the above Spiings are un 9ii passed by any in the Boum rn States for their medici- qualities BRYAN W. COLLIFR. May W, 1d47 7 ts iyß ‘l’he Fetleral Cnion will ouhlish 11 w’**eks, the Republican and Columbus'rimes 4 times, I ~ Indian Spring Hotel. INI; 1 GUSTUS CARGILK. resumed th* superintend H die Indian Spring, tor many years k- pt by him here- nloniH Ins tnen is and the pubnc g- n* rally, that ■ i"w op n and ready foi da ir at .•omniodation, K* - - imiidmgs and lutinlui*’ hav • been made to ren * To- nil a . i au*ld'ais attention ol til* v. ■ i oeil-nn- : i** 11 -’ i ‘ll -*,lt >*i II 11 • *ll 1’ i ■ i,tm -hall tie • • ally kept, well furnished, and’ r ite \ by goo-1 and tanliial Keiv ints their table b-i auu ly sappi-d win the i st ‘> lu prcwuied, whieh k’ jccpai'.l ’o suit tii* ap|” lit- “I ; 'll N-vv kil l I-’ UHL ‘ Hull - Htabies have 1) ‘I eoir.pleteil on the pi-um * lor the accoiiunodntion of hois*s. j Term* moileratr nnd rcn*onnble. . I Aii Wiio vi>it this celebrated watering place for health | [•r ition, are invited togive them u call, l.nsllo-j i; vetnemly situated, near tii- Mineral Spring,; 111 waU'fs ot which are superior to any in the country lt many diseases. | I \'\vm- who desire the benefit of liathillg, will find the -■ efficacy oft!- w.iti'i tint:* used, uii^'ir- |,y n „y I ! \l eon and West, rn U ulroa.l at foisyth. to and from the Spring, after the ft* f J *' unf ‘* I !i ‘i.s*'s nn* l earring-swill be ftirnish'-il lor toe e-.n B"’ “"I ‘hose i|t‘simg conv van— tl"m the >pimg’ ’ l, ' r piaeen (firing til** m arMin. ■ -■o , t Ja., June |. ‘•>_ H i u.m: iioii < . i Ga. |H y , ‘IMIK hiilwhlmt rußpuctfiilly inform” tli‘* k I trovrllinv t.hni tin* nbov* | HH ■ < 0 lioiiwif* mui open t>r their recrption. i H’ ——“t'il tor jn*t hvora, hr pi minn •*'‘V ry iv.v.u.itu , i i to [I 1 - ;!(*•• A"th’ !*• i* no lwt! k* 1’ ill ih. ’'"'ihc. |EI|I ’"HI-, will I >. utiro (O tltxl It N <J<lli t rotfOJil I 111." 1 | -m. i- .t, ,i| timlitbnr ot oli li'i'ioi'. on t'i • op- | ~ ••• •!■!•’ <>l tin- Mir ct A ibniy litu* i'lif-’ \\ i.loott j :i “r- In*m tliin liotio io tho l i hoi n- . iwill he couv*V’-.| t>* iiiul It ‘M t!”• I )-i*< t j ■ ’ ’'i.hniin A ULAN. ! H£|| •*"“ • y hit. Cw H V “ •'IMCIVi <iOOiS ‘IV mV.n- H - ii.iw tioiu N< w Voik. I. ‘ ' 4 '‘ llllip] iii” mill Sunun t 0.0 1 j.o nt n:i• • u . ..,.. -t ( ■ ‘ 1 •'I .Si yl** tor Ihi!i I *•’ lies’ tll’ l ( <Mitl< 111011 * . ‘ i proat variety o| (iooil-*'!e bt Vy*’ |H’ . GfclO. VV PRICE. 981 ‘• r, '* 9t. 1k47 6 1H ! xay.H. \ • -o'ihi-n.-.iuistooiv hiw §§■ * } r troin 90 toftil cent**, t Mm I Hi; !*t>,-11,11,1,. Miiol, Hint ftinarv Sr#*bbn ___ by c'HAi, ii HIKKMAV. S ocorcjia Hounml ttttlf Jfle^setiger. New a.tore and New o d Je Cliiiiii. Gln-s mid Earthen Wure. PH!-: sill.', ribrrs nn- imw aiiilwp>i I opetiiivr n g ticral assortment of them* 7 above goods, a, tile store lat-ly occupied by Mr. A (1 Butts, corner of Mulberry and Second sts and opposite the. Wushu -ton Hall, whu-li they offer at A lio, 1 e and retail. The stock, in part, consists of the loUowii. *: Ibi'is White Dining Tea and Toilet 8-ts, flight Blue do. di do. do. f lowing “ do. and, do. do. White French Chinn Dining Sets, Do. do. do. Tea do. Gold band do. do. do. do. W hite do. do. Jugs. Whit.- Granite, light mid Rowing bine Jtur-all sizes: I lutes, Dishes, Bilkers, nnd Cover Dishes to match Di nmg Wares, A general assortment of common Ware Cut, Pressed and Plain Tumblers, 1 nt and Pressed Goblets, Wmesand Champagnes, In ssed and Plain Fggand Jelly, Cut and Pressed Mirror Dishes and Nappies, Cut, Pressed and Piam Jznnipeand Candl sticks, Do do. do. Salta, Cut Decanters, in sets nnd pairs, Solar l/unpß—Britannia and German Silver Castors, Looking Glasses of various sizes nnd styles,. Ston ■ Buking Dishes, Pi s, &, t *. &c. 1 The subscribers deem it, op. to state that the v have j adopted the C ASH which they intend ! JH'ctly to mlln-re, nnd by which tli--> will I nai>li-d to tnmish i-vt-ry description oi in tln-ir Im, nt fair , HYDE& JONES. H. tJC .! will take ord-i>; for fancy (.'hina Dining, Tea and 1 diet Sets, which they will furnish at th- import er’s prices, adding only the expenses from New York. Macon, Sept. 2, 1846. y^‘J CO-PAETWERSHIP. subtii-ribtr having lakeh. lus brothu, Reuhtn //. S tvhite y iiiiuiMl- (Itr-lup, the busiu. 8S will beriHi'ter be continued under 11* hi mol A, J. WHITE C. Macon. lu ly 1, 1846 A. J. WHITE. ’ The subscribers havt in more, and will be rtceivinirdu ring the tuuinier and full, A gum-nil assortmm-iii ,f Goods, Adapted to the season, consisting in part oj I St Croix .nd 1 .oht Sugar, I Siaplr Hi) t -ods, I ‘io, f.aLMiint unit Java Colfri I Suilnb ry, sh.ii-a, i Ir>u ot ali Kinds, J l.iquois t| ail kiiidn, t; 11 w-wart ‘( ‘i Nall*. i pea—*om< >• i * fine • < i m..n,CaM K* UUst. Steel, | S< gum. I ohacco. Suit, Mulkh e>, I taint*. Oils, t lust*, K; C. Beigsfing, Tirtiir nut! ffnpr. With ■lk i* Ntock ol they ulti r dome Kentucky 5. in< lit u vid , -eli to -*<|umi-i Ini i-s. am. which I wa*> tn<til> -ruv. .i .’ ihe paM neaiton b> plant, rs I Cos ii }>ri-ai*f mom in tht < roc rj I in. wbichthi ) .ft rat the !>-. *\ m., rkel price*, nnd renpei .full) solicil it call tVoiii their (Vo i- am. tin pnbiii- A. i. WHITE Rr CO. ttj* After ilit firsi of Octoh< r, h. ) will r niov loth* •rick corner • >r. i*n l -r- h'diiv* thei prehi-ut locati.-n, form-rly occnpi and t>; Chujnuan , Rust Cos. Vlat on, Jill) 1, ‘ 84<> y/3 Lale Wpwi! Laie Keuh! Not from Mexico, but from the Peoples Store. DlfcV 00|>$ selling lower than ever before in this market. New goods received monthly, du ring the business season, of the most desirable styles.— Please notice the following, now in store, which are sel lingwith a perfect rush. H ana tin Silks, Fine Berages, selling from 25 cts to $1 “ Muslins “ 25 to 50 cents. “ Ginghams, “ “ 18 to 37 “ Prints, “ “ 6to 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 cts to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ 37 cts. to 500 Bonnets, Artificials, Ribbons, Carpet Bags, Satch els, Carp’ ting, Matting, &c iVc French Cassimere, Gro de Ta, Linnen Drilling, and Goods for Gentlemen's wear, ol ali descriptions. House-Keeping Goods. In this line of trade I am perfectly in town, nnd would particulaiiy invite tiiose just beginning in this branch of ole, together with those who have had much experi ence. Also, Scarfs, Shawls, C-ravatts, Chimasets, French work Gaps, Threa 1 and Linen Laces, Bohinett, Mus qoito N tin-. Nankeens, Brown Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, bleached and biown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing. &.C &.C. I few I ().(). F Grand Lodge Regalias, for sale low. Please call and examine tor yourselves--we always get paid for allowing. Respectfully, JOHN VV. CLARK. Macon, May 5, 1847. 6 Dish Linen, llrown Holland, Ac. /r A PIECES Irish Linen, direct imiiortation, w r ar- Ul; ranted “genuine.” 35 Pieces Brown Holland, tor summer wear, received direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the A • *nue Also, Principe Sugars, Port and Sherry Wine, for sale low by T. C. DEMPSEY. May 18 7 NEW SPICING GOODS. suoscnln r hufcjUe ojd in and a ik u ami complete as* 1 sortineiit < f S;..pu- mid Kaiicy Dr) GooU* lr the • ring ir.t'ti , *hi’ li ‘ul t> it* rt dat pru ts that cannot ill of* i isun gi'itm qt.ii k salt. Ptisoiisin wain ol Dry G ud* won ill i.)i *t-U io cu il am. t xamilii iht stock and pri es. l'o my friends 11 • ilit country, I vtoulti just uiy, call and set mt you shull have good (iood at the lowest prices. Among he stock art rich Emhroi red Beragt -: rich enihroule ed Silk \f oslius and Ginghams ; hue prmttd Jae ouet ; tine printed Muslins and Lawns; Scot oh, h nglith and French Ginghams ; Linen Gingham*. A beautiful as sortment of embroidered goods, consisting ol Kohea. Col lars, Chemisetts, Canes, h dgings and lusertiiigs, Embroid ered Lace Handkerchiefs, Nee. Sic Jaconet ‘.uslins; Swiss Muslins, plaid and striped; Irish Linens; Table do., 40 mch pillow case Linen ; Scotch and Russia Diaper . Hut kabutk Towelling: Cotton Diaper ; Damask Tablt (mil.*, lam ask Napkins ; colored Linen Table Cor* r ; Corned Skirts, Grass do.; Check Linens; Monterey Stripe C asm inert ; Kentucky J ans ; Cotton Cassimere ; Bleach. <1 and Brown Homespuns. Bonnets. Kibbons, A.nhcial Fl* wen; Um brellas, Parasols,Sun-Shades,and a thousand anu out oth er articles, which every one wants. Allot which shall In sold low for cash. JOS. MURDOCK. April 1 7 SBmgftng', Rope, ItcitK. ■ IHE snbscribers art now n ceivinc; their fall supplies I ji* 1 b , which th. offer’o (heir uldiViends • id ilit public generally, ai onusua ow prices. Wciiave now in store,and receiving -300 pieces heavy Gunny Hanging, JOO pieces heavy Kentucky do. 150 coils Kentucky Hope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, 1.1,00) lbs. Sw eede s Iron, 1,000 lb Hand, Hoop ami Hod Iron, 20 hhds. St Croix and Porto Uico Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. 100 bags Bio md Java Coffee, 50 boxes I ohacco, 100 kegs Nail, 1,0 0 lb*. Cast, < iermin and Dlisit i Steel. 4IsoPAINTS AND OILS of every description. E. BOND. Macon, April 1, 1840. 49 >■ M t -£\Y\ T <OO do N O. Will'! ey, 50 do Baltimore do. 30 halfpipe* Otard Brandy, 5 “ “ Champagne do, 15 pipes Holland Gin, , 50 qr. cask* Madeira Wine, 20 “ “ Port do. Io * Sherry do 100 eak* London Purl* r, ptuis, SO bU t berry Brandy, In store, and for >sir by Apr. Law 4 SCO I TANARUS, CAM HART to CO. HO (1 l], I ) \K<; \t\ -• II UUiAINS !—The uii.l.-rriiru. ,1 1) IwivinuPtl n the Ston* on tin* pomi.t ol 4 • tton \v.*oii nd Cherry afreet, formerly railed R Store, hut recently having been changed to thui of t •• .n* ■ • SI!l V llo'tM", beg* leave to fhfnrni the eiti zeiiH of Macon, and Blunter*, that he will constantly keep on hnnd nn excellent stock of Dry isouils (irtireriffiA Provisions of all kinds, which he M ill **ll at the lowest possible rates, being perfectly contented with quick sales nnd small profits. The public generally are respectfully re quested, if they want nieat bargain*, to drop into the Kio Grande I foie***. Goods of nil kinds given in ex change lor all kinds of produce nt cash prices. II N PUI.SIFER, Proprietor of the Rio Grande House. At the Rio Grande Hou* can Ik* found at all times Ten, Cofli e,Sugar,Hyrup, ViolaP ice, Bacon, Lnrd, Butter, Corn Meal,Grits, Flour, Mntkeiel, and Shad of the best quality, in quantities to suit purchaser*, nt the lowest rates, and sent to any part of the city fiee of charge tpri 1,1847 M SKiAHS, I (Vi 4 i tIDS. V* w o mil. -Oil St rn.ia, I\"lf ii do Mu-i ovaUo, 4o bbl* Crunlud •nd Pow* • Iff* (If 1 II bM* White liavaim. ’0 if” f.u*f, i'ur*l’ •> I April 20 4 m OIT. CAnHABT ro, CUr.UOKBB UMJ. | ‘ i||r undortoifii and hi |> u lull mppl) t>l th ■• re artitlr ii hand ami *. II it ut onr thu'i.r nnin v ■ ter per !"*, Ifw ruth otil V . StOI I, C AMI AH I k O. 1 1 m /•/v |i UI)H. I'u ha Muliwi, 71 bbla N't* r Iran* do. Portal* by lit OTT, CAHHAHT fc TO. April U 4 \ tfoo I H* *a t> \Va * “N will. 11-n, CO. My 5 5 9| t sl\ ITS-N ft w It ft of a heiiutiftll *t) le |J TpnTl 4 (MAN II MtKKMAV. <;v„ WMOKI V, ItD 111 O. r%r\r\ UHLS PliHp*’ and Jrn<V(Jin, , &UU W 1,0 N. O Wincey, ’ J do N F R I’M, For Wile hv r.h ‘M ’ sruTT, CAFHART 9c CO macon, Georgia, Wednesday, ji ne23, ikit. C. K. WENTWORTH & ('(). STi II” IS just received nd now offer “ ■ b,r S! ‘le, at the lowest cash pri c< ‘ s ’ M .new and splendid stock of goods •Jr’-'* .<> their line —consisting of Fine Gold Silver Lever. Lepitic, Patent aiui -*** Vertical Escapement - 9 9 BCMS Gold Guard and Fob Chains, Keys, Ac. A great va riety of Ladies’and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger Rings, of all patterns; uoM.n pejts, with Gold and Silver Holders. Gold Pencils,Gold Sleeve amt Collar Buttons ; Stud', Gold and’ Silver Thimbles: Brae-lets and Bracelet Clasps; Card Cases: Fine Pen and Pocket Knivo*: Superior Scissors; Steel Beads, Rings and Tassels; Coral Beads; Steel Pens, &c. HAItRANTKD RAZORS. Spectacles! Spectacles!_Go!d and Silver. Poisons afflicted with defective or impnired vision, are i pectfiilly invited to call and examine a New and i Improved article of Spectacle Glasses—for winch the i >.scfibers are sole Agents. Also, New mid Beautiful Style LAMPS ; i Lamp Ginns, s nnd Wicking; j Plated and Brittani.i Ware. Hopairiii’.. —W ••tches anu Clocks of .very descrip tion . epaired and warrant*d ./<-• one year. ! All Watches sold or repaired, w .I- warranted to k- n good tune or the Cash will be rfm bd. I YV o’ lies sent from any part of tie country, will re ceive the sain- iti-nt -a and be repaired on as reasona ble terms ns though the owners were present. • All kinds of Gold nnd Silver work made toordti. ( Jewelry of every description ncatlv repaired. 1> \GI ERRKOTYIMNG. The undersigned having fitted up a room adjoining their Store, are prepared to fake pictures in th * best nosbible style. A fine assortment of (ioid Lockets, Pins, and Bracelets, suitable for the above. C K WENTWORTH A CO. 1 East Bide Mulberry St. Maeon .1 me I 1,-'IT. g BTHOAfti A fl OOD* of the Big Boot, Brick Building .opposite kd Geo. M. Logan & Co's— \r- now receiving nn 1 opening r iorge , id so!, udid assortment of Boots, ; Shoes, Hats and Caps, which they offer tor sale hi r duced prices, or as k ,v as they can be purchased in this or any other Southern market—comprising in part the j following kinds, viz —G. ot's F * neh light ( :df I Sew*d Boots; do. do. double sole do. do. ; do. do. st*ut : ‘i° do. ; do. do, pegged do. ; do. .loubic soled do. do . i .Jo. light do. do : do. Calf and K'l* Napoleon tapped j do.; do. fine Cult Half Boots and Brogans, do 10. i C.oili . Listing and Goat Brogans of venous styles; I Men 8 Kip ami thick Boots . Boy’s Calf, Kip and tmek I Boots ; \ outh’s do. do. do. ! Ii L ulu s—Fine Black Gaiter Boots, thick and thin soie fine colored <]<>. do., variety of colors , fine Aloroc | co, Kid. Polka and L <•< Boon. ; fine do doaiui Goat v\jiik g Shoes; hue do. do. Shp|.*ers, Ties and Bus kins. black and colored. 1 or M.ssi-9—Gaiter, P >lka, Kid and Goat welt Boot tees and Buskins; Kid Snupe.s, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins, black and colored. For Children—A large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, Seal, Kid, Cloth and Morocco Boottees. Men’s, Women’s, Boys’, Misses’, Youths’ and Chil dren’s leather pegged Boottees and Shoes, of all descrip tions and qualities. Anew and beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over Shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies and Misses. r l o Planters—B,7so pairs of Plantation or coarse Bro gans ; a prime article of Men’s double sole Iron and Wood taeked Russett nnd Block: do. do. single sole do. do. do.; Boys’ and Youths’ of the same qualities. Also—ls dozen prime Calf Skins; 10 dozen Linings of different colors; 10U0 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather; 700 lbs. Oak Sole Leather. Bindings. Lasts, Pegs, Thread, Awls, nnd all other articles used in manufacturing Boots mid Shoes. 114 * 4Mb CAP*, Anew and beautiful stock of nil descriptions: Men’s j and Boys’ Palo Aito Hats nnd C ps Gentlemens I fashionable Beaver and Moleskin of different qualities. Men’s White and Black Wool Hats: M it’s,Boys mm Youth’s Caps, of ail descriptions ami qualities. Oct. 14, 1844. 35 L. IH I TAVE removed from their original stand ad 11 joining the Mesb iger Office, where they ! have for the last three years been constantly employed i in making BOOTS and SHOES for then customers, ■ to their shop, next door to Mr. F. F. Lewis’ Bakery, j and immediately opposite the Floyd House, wh-re j they will be ready to receive all orders for work in their line, and execute them in the same satisfactory and | superior mode as formerly. April 1, 1847. 6m7 II ITS! II 4TS ! HATS ! DAY received a complete assortment of 1 Gentle men’s, Youths and Boy’s Hats and ‘ dZ** 2 Cap.-. aniougHi w hich are— Black and Drab Beaver, fashionable and broad brim. I Black and Drab Nutria, “ “ I Black nnd Drab Common “ “ *‘ Youth’s and Boy’s Hats and Caps—a great variety. Panama, L‘ghom and Palm Leaf Hats. • M onterev” Glazed Hats. Wool Hats of all qualities, with many other styles, • making my stock complete—all of which will lie sold at . wholesale or retail, at very low prices. April 1, 1847 . 3 F. K. WRIGHT. Just Received by Strong A Mood, r —| 4 SPLENDID assortment of Spring Sl Sum -14 il. mer HATS, of ihe latest styles, viz: 30 doz. Gentlemen's Panama liais, assorted, 15 doz. Gentlemen’s Pedal Hats, 19 do. do. Double Brim Leghorn Hats, 10 do. do. Single Brim do. do. 15 do. do. Swiss Leghorn Hats, 50 do. Men’s Palm Leaf do. 50 do. Boy’s do Jo. do. 5 do. do. do. do. Pedal. ALBO, 2 Ca-es Gent's Fme Dmi* Beaver Hats, 4 do do. “ Black do. do. 4 do. do ■* M.*l-skiu *i ■ • VN nh p general n- ,r of other style of Hats, j as men’s Broad B; tn. Black, White and Dmh, and Fash.o .aitie Fu. at . of various qualities i ul prices. Aisoa tine lot ot (ientletnen sand Boy’s CAPS. l ot all styles, qualities and prices. All of which arc t ; teretl at very low prices. April I, 1*47. Cotton Varus and Osnaburgs. rp HE unde rsi; rued, are Agents tor the sale of the I MILLKDGEVILLK STEA M F \CTORY YARNS Also, tor YARNS AND OSN \BURGS from the jCI KTRIGIIT MAM KACTUKING I O (Jn-.-ns i boro’, tor sale by the bale, usual time, at Manu- I tacturer’s prices Me, 18 7 st QTT, CARHART 4 CO. XwlQ BORAGES I IlA'Kt and, S.fn. snip* ~.<| S pott tit Be rages, r very h;ml'.tm, iust rt-c*-ivel mi April 14 K. WOODIIUKI'S | a k | CASES Clrc( Mi nt, | * V\f W do choir, do, 100 doz t uth rwood 8* Co’. pure L. tnonSyrup, too ** MnUr's do. do. S(J tMixes Brandy Chime*. 20 ** Pickles—MSßort* 0 . ’*■ 50 * Freih t **i,grs Water, 80 *• Sjm rm (Hallo, .’>o ** HuliN Soil's ‘Milo'S do. For sale low by SCO I I, CA It IIART Ik CO 4 |ll 4 , OHT/\ . 11. FAB i IMt AW. J Cvtton A\'rnur t nert iher a’-gve the -‘Rio fl/antle Hutt , M H im open. *1 a good -lock of Sugars. I’oHVc, Teas, Flour. Ilarou, Slnplo • rii,l l iiiu'j Ory Ooudt. Macon. April 1.1847 4 Nslllnil! TltltliiiK ! ! | 4 Will I K MMttiiig; I*4 du do ; ‘••4 colon and do. i ‘-#••*-1: Lxtra Stuii Cwpetiug, io rents pet aunt w. u. JtANcltOk I , t pril 10 4 ottou A** nu< / V ’ |]4’l -2,nc<) lhs Georgia \ f Hams, 25 bl)’- 4‘itler, 10 bales Cotton Ottnaburgs. 2Ubuies Yams. Forsnle by CIIAS. CAMPBELL A CO * 5 II Al* lilt II I *%<■*,—Juti rwTivtd n lnruf* mipply |'Pttpt*r Hanuin lionlerM, ami Firr lionrd Print*; wnh Pajwr fi>r Window Slimlea,# heau ! tilol article Alio,Foot Matiol t” vend tliflei.Mit kinda March SI 7 GKO W l'l:IFF i It. -ll* you with to imjirove oruroaerve your hcaltli, ellon t’ X KI.LS nnd tfet n lew la>t* ! tU*aofhia fine M)N DON PORTKR Itiaiuat lh* tlhuu 1 to excite tilt* Hpiiiuiiul invigorate the whole man— aiul 1 \1 v ‘• 6 riti mi tinot i nn m IUBT p.*ceived ut Wartrn Fr**rrnnn** # SO bo tea Rai sitiM; ‘lb druttta extra fine pup*; ISboxca le Prune*; iVIn Ornn-'e**, t2,(ywWe*t luTin Or uigea, v* y awoet. ! Citron*,Otrrnm*. I Vit**.Tnniarinda; Sue <r*. ren* nnd Colli’e ; Spicn* oi all kinti*’ C-ratrkem of all kin<h Fine Smoking und Ch wing Touacco ; Futeut Yeuat Puw* der*. AW>, n very Inro • nnd fine tnmorttnent of Ktunrt'* St’ nni K’ lint and Cundu a W FRERMAN April 1, !HI7 rt its xcroiiox NNI ’ 4 vl me 4 4 HAS II KHK.K.vtAN VFEW dor of old Rmndv.of IPSf). from the cele htated L uuu llotwc ul JACob Snider, Jr , loraale | by Q A ELLS pv 7 DOMESTICS. —20Bales 4-4 Sleetingß, 15 do. 3-4 do. 20 do heavy Oho <burgs, 5 do. Tickings, 3 | do brown Drills, 3 do. Marino Striives, 50 do. Cotton V arns, 10 cases bleached ginxls. a do. fine bleached do. Ido. 11-4 bleached Sheeting, 2 do. brown Drills, 2 do. Bleached, 10do. Kerseys, 3 do. Flannels, now in store and for sale by GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. Macon, May 12, 1817. 6 ts GOODS AT COST ! Hargains in Dry Good* mi ! Clothing! \.S. V l>. YV. ORR having detemv i.-J • uliange in theii btuiness,ofibrtneir entire si * •*. of floods at Cost for Cash The stock comprises one of t ie largest nnd most desirable stocks in the city of Macon, viz : Staple and Fancy Dry Goods of all kinds ; Carpetting, Rugs. Mats. Paper Ilnngiugs; Panama, Beaver, anti Silk Hats .Bonnets, f*lo\ sand Hosiery, ineluding a large stN*k of Ready-ma.l- Clothing, com prising Coats. Pants, V-Kts, Shirts, Drawers. Gloves, Suspenders, flail-Hose, Cravats, &.e. Country merch ants, and citizens generally, are requested to give us a call, as bargains will be given. Also one pair of Fairbank’s Patent Scales weighing from one to two thousand pounds, and one pair small Scnles. Mac i, May 11 6tf A.I D 9 ORR JPIH Mill i ul\ I. S v Ti Y ’ ■*• reu ivino h-r new supply of the above food* l , ams w >;ild repjiecifidly r qu-si her old oust* iners nnd the public -eii-raily, ,o give b.*ra call and look at her stock i.doi • iii-y purchase elsewhere She is deiermined to ‘ -il goo.s ns low’ ns anyone in the citv and of n supe rior article Her stock of Bonnets, iut.ooiL*’. Flow* rs, ihnbroi'leiies. Dr. -< Silk C ni ls a*ui hliawls, cannot h< equalled in this part ofihe cumtry. M m . \| i 21. 1847 CIHOI I Hk Is. | pr lIHDS St. Croix,Porto Rue and N O. Sugar, I *_) 12 boxes ami fmrrel* c.a.-h. and,; : xS. ioafSu r 25 bhds Moiass *s, 1 do. Stewart’s refined Sugar House Molasses I<M> bags Rio Coflee, 20 “ Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 25 frixes Sperm Candles, 20 “ Tallow 50 “ Soap, 20 “ Starch, 4 Chests choice Imperial nnd Hyson Tea, 10 Quarter chests Imperial and Hyson Tea, Sfilemtas, Indigo, Madder. Spanish Brown. Blue Vitriol,Ctmpcrns, Alum, Borax,Sal.Nitre Powlie; . SilOl, IjCJld, 25 IV, s. N !T Rum. 25 bbls. Nortliem Gin, 50 i.bis Whisk y, Cognac and American Brandy, If Hand < tin. Corin'--. Madenn. Port, and Malaga Wine. lac non Syrup, Raisins, 100 Boxes To acco, n great variety, | 30,hu S-gars , ‘vlaca.lMiy atvl Se.,teb Snuff, Witli a g * at variety of othei (iro *ries, which will bes. Id at “Bargains. AM(>S BENTON. April I, ? £ 1 4M’I IBS,—The subserde rs continue to \ I keep a general assortment, of (inx*erics nn t’ ; • Diy Goods, at their old stand, comer of Second and Mul : berry streets, opposite the M’ashingtcrn Hall: they have just received with other articles the following: 24 hhds. St. Croix and i* R. Sugars, 120 hags Green Rio Coffee, 25 “ Old Gov. Java Coffee, 2000 Yards Negro Kerseys, 1000 Duffl- Blankets. 8 and 9 quarter, 1000 Yards Cotton Osnaburgs, 15 Tons Sweedes Iron, 700 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 15(H Pair Russett Brogans, with a general asortment in their line, nil of which is offered at the lowest cash prices. They respectfully in vite all wishing to purchase*, to examine their stock— believing they cannot tail to be suited in price and qual ity i HAS CAMPBELL & CO. j April 1, 1847 38 lOTH B. r |IHE subscribers i-espectfully invite the attention of I M i chants and Planters, to their stock of , f* Fancy Dry Goods now in store. We shall ! also be m weekly receipt of seasonable goods through out the season, as it is our determiration to render our stock worthy the attention of purchasers nt all times, and at prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, —among which are the following 10 c-st*s English & American prints, 2do Mourning do. 3 Uo Furniture do. 3do Gingham and Lawns, 2 do. Pn t< 1 Muslins,2o pieces embroidered Dress do 20 pieces Challeys embroidered. 20 do Rich Borages, 3 do. Black Satin !-iipe Silk® 5 do. black dress do. 25 do. Rich dresssilks.4odo. Jnconetts,3odo.Cambrics, 25 do. Check & lace stripe Muslin*, lo do. dress Muslins, 20 Jo. Victoria 6l Bishop Lawn, 25 do. Col and Jacones, 10 do. Cos I’d Cambrics. 20 do. black & fancy Cassimere, 20 do. Fancy col and Cloths. 30 do. silk, satin & Marseilles vestings. 150 do. Summer stuffs, tall prices. 20 do. bl’k. and coi'd Alpaccas.2o Jo. Table Diaper, 50 Jo. Irish Lin ens, 3 cases Florence Bonnets, 1 do. Laid work, do. 1 2 do. Devon straw Bonnets. lOdo. Lawn A fancy do. 50 boxes Ribbons, (of all kinds.) 30 do. Flowers, Indies & Gentlemen's kid & silk gloves, do. do cotton do. Misses fancy neck ties, 3 cases Parasol*, 5 do. Um brellas, 25 dozen Linen Cambric HJk'fs. he J and flag do. 25 pieces tSilk and Pongee lidk'fs. 150 dozen sus penders, Cords, TnjH’S, Buttons, Trimmings. Laces, Fringes,Gimps,Tassels, &c. &c. GRAVES, WOOD. A CO. i Macon, May 12, 1847. 6tf UEA A COTTON kwe removed i<> W B Pai ker's Store, on Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite J. i Cowles’ Fire Proof Warehouse. Th y have instore and offer for sale on accommodating • rm* 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 “ “ Dundee 85 “ Slightly damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio ( ottee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 lbs Tank nnd Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ H-nJ-rson Candles, 10 Baskets Chunpaigtie VY ine, 5B s Burgundy “ M Casks Bacon, - 2 1846 2” \ lit**. Iron mill Hollow Wuc. KEGS Cut Nads, l)Uu 15 tu is Ii m, !"* rted 1 to lOindv s, 2,000 Hw Sheet lr i, 10.000 lbs Hollow Ware. 2.000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 ll>s German i ! Blister Steel. 2,000 lbs. Hoop atwi Band Iron, 50 do/. II(*s, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by K. B WEED. April i. 1847 44 zczs: icb:: ice::: fTIHE suliseriber i- ready to sujiphr all in want of the I above article in any quantity, but the CASH must be sent in every case, as he is determined not to charge one pound of it to any person —having to pay cash font ’ linn*Jf before deliv-ry Abo, Bhie Lake nnd CoogreSH Water to be tound at the Washington Half J II DAMOI’R May 19, 1817 7 3m • t|l <1 IN.l.’* VmCVA MCSLINS. new %imJ beautifiil pnt •)l t t-rns. this day ieeeiv-d. nnd lor’sni • ch aj N. B.—Also a lew pieces slightiy .lam-.ged, which will be s<qd at tuirg.mui, by May 25 8 AMOS BEN MON. Iron dd. Steel ZYlaiis, <kc. ) / I /uwi LBS assorted Sweedes Iron. S£U,UUU Cast Steel, German und Blist-r-d ! Steel, *!00 Kegs Nnils, i * 100 Boxes M by 10 Wiiuk.w Gl&ss, 150 do 10 by 12 do 50 do 12 by 14 do 50 do 12 by IM do For sale by April I 2 SCOTT. CARHART ACO (10\GII| ss ITKfI. h) IX /. genuine, for j wile by C A KLI/S. My IM 7 HrTTKIt. |"S RATTTIH T li fre*h May RF ITER, I m Orange I / tilltV, N'-w York.jiwt rece ved ntul for anie by May M. \H4I H ( A KblA CIO * jaa IIOTILKS of CHAMPAGNE Cl HER, o” M f For wde by ( A. KLIH. M. v J* -. I•* r. S 1/ Mi IdMIMIA hy the Oo- I’ yen or Cn*ik, !*u attle by C- A DLIJi. April 28, 1H47. l_ )A AAfl \'l’ ‘% RegHlia Cigani, If U.UUU SO.tglO Primune do For asle hy C. A ELLS. I 17 I HOMIRIKI*,—M) lllid* Rt Croix Suoar*; SV \ I hhl* do do ?T> hhda Muamvndo find New Or leans do lihd Mojaaae* . Sll MU N Orl *nfwSy rup; 10 lM>xe* Ijonf Sugar, 10 M>l* Crttalied do 900 •Tu ka Rio Coffee , 95 do Java do flOMd* Mackerel; 95half do. do IIS tierce* Vinegar; ISOhoxea Tohnc ro. (vnricNia hraiMh.i KWI Wir-lw 8H; 15*100 IU Iror, (til km,la.) Hot Ih- Knelixh. Amnicmi nrol CanKul. Sow m mill tir wilr H'ctriniiii'ilMtMii brnw, l*y CRAVES, wool), A ro Mm M,tv IS, 1*47 6 ts |l|: Kl ‘I) II (MS.* Mliel.. ■! | >, .W.ltrMlrlj CHA. 11. Kill r.MAS. kpri i . PRSKRVK l 4JISOCII n.riur Fur !, by I-HaY M. ■ 1-1 ‘• AN. April I 4 FAC TS 4 Hi: STITIinOHN THINGS. / i EO. M LOGAN & CO. would most respectfully \ In i I citia hos M icon nd the sur rounding country, that they are not quite s-ll ng off their stock nt New York cost, nor do they loudly boast of under wiling their neighbors. The design of this is to disseminate extensively this unde- | liable truth, viz that our assortment is rich nnd raey— | rare and lK*autiful; comprising every desirable article of j Taney anil Staple 3>ry Goods usually found in store on peculation. ’Tis unnecessn- ; ry to -numerate tin* ninny, rrry many extravagantly beautiful articles on hnnd, nnd to comment upon intrin sic worth, is deemed entirely superfluous. Suffice it to say .jlmt all our rich Fancy Dress Goods, French Work ed Cnpen.&c. were purchased l A T. Stkw.vrt 6l Cos., New York, and differ materially in style und patterns from ill others in Macon. All those who entertain the erronious impression that we hold up tir high prices, can receive oceular de monstration to the contrary by popping in and looking (or themselves. G!h*k Ware, Chinn Ware, and F.arfhen | Wure, of every nnd any kind, at n very small advance i on New York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN & CO. Mncon, May 26, 1817. 8 Sicw Gvocery and Bry Goods Stor^. rpiU’llAs C. DEMPNEY, having just openei 1 Ii i th- Btiek .Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by \ v A Roliertson, and nearly opposite M -rs A. J W’hite A* Cos and Bancroft’s stores, has now on hand, an and will continue to receive, an assort in-*. I Foreign Liquors and Segars, Sugar. Coffee, an.l . geu-ral assi rrm-nt of Groceries and Dry Goods, which will be sold nt N *w York prices for Cash only r'e- n Bmiiilir*-, W ines, Arc* Otar I, vintage*—’ ini'* very .dd in bottles. God la i iSr ( • Vintage, 1825; A. SeignetteV Brandy; M-der Holland Gin; Madeira Wine, in quarter casks; Port Wine* Sherry W’ne. Thes** liquors are wnrrnnted received direct from the New Y <rk (’ustoni House. S.nt. -i Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Prinri) u: 1 other brands—warranted genuine. TEAS Imperial, Hyson. Young Hy son and Black Ten, of n very superior quality. Old Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar. Sperm Candles, Ada mantine Candles. 20 lihd- St Crmx. Porto Rico and N. Orleans Sugar. 50 Sacks Rio Coffee, first nun lit y ; 30 do. second do. 500 ps. American nnd English Cali “oes, 10 cast s Bleached Shirtings mid She “tings, 10 hales Brown 3-4 and 4-4 do. 50 ns Irish Linen, direci importation, iAc. Sic Maeon, V 1847 ‘J S. F. DICKINSON A ( O. IT'■ VE ji!-t r- • iv <1 2) boxes and bar.'els Woolsey I 3 ‘Voolsey’s f,oat. Cnisl -,J.and Pow Jered Sugar. YV 1 ■ thi i ■ 125 b'ii an I half bbls No. I.2au 1 3 MncUerel; 50 box* - Tobacco 150 bags Coffee ; 20 hhds. Sugar : 100 coils Rone ; 2- hox-s Sperm Candles; 50 kegs Powder. Macon, June 2. 1817 9 PA H h\ FLOUR. I Ann of very superior quality, warranted | I**V/i / equal to the best Canal brands, For sale by WHEELER A HAKKOLD. June 2,1847. 9 Glass,: Glass 11 Glass!:: IUST received nnd for sale, a large lot of Glast , of all sizes from Bby 10 to 21 by 30 Also a lot of White Lead. Persons wishing to purchase, will ao well to call. SHOT WELL & GILBERT. Maeon, June 1, 1847. 9 Just Come to Hand. \v : Y siiperiursrtic •of Hre. rv-d niijrer, U Cianon, -aial n ; Walnut, MiiKhruun, and l oiuat • C atsup ; Proms, I-igs, Pecan Nut*; Canities, Toys, und Jujube Paote ; Mit ) 6 iHtS II FHEFMAN. 4 Lulls. 4 liNSaiupm, Vt‘6lllft|iS At . TKK West ol .Oack, Htue-black, Blue. In . itbli Greeu, Brown, and lane) t lotlis,an excellent anno mu* nt. Lo.iJ-n, I'weede*, Piench and ineriean Cussinu-rs. Velvet, lain.,Marseilles, and Fane) Vrstii.g* Ju*t received by N. McKINNON h CO. April 1,1847. 33 nOßTßß*—Cider, old Maderia, Old Port and JT Claret Wines, for sale by C. A ELLS. May 18 7 / \ BASKETS CHAMPAIGNE. superiot t sale by C. A. KLLS May 18 7 _ i DOZ. SARDINES, I 1/ 10 do nce of Coffee, 10 Bbls of Crushed and Powdered Sugars, 20.000 Regalia Cigars, 20.000 Principe do 10 Boxes of Tobacco, all of the right sort,for sale by C. A ELLS May 18 7 QHHH LBS extra tin • Flour ai OUUU Ma hjM 6 VN FREEMANS obacco dk Cigars. F) l\ ( 4 IR )X KS Tohacco, various Brands, 40.000 Principe Cigars, do 50.1X10 Regalia do do 20,000 Panatellas do do For sale by SO)TT, CARHART Sl CO. April i. 1847 -j I 3 *. ■’ —Just received and tor sale 100 bbls. of firs* I j r te Northern Lime at the April 1, 1847 “ RIO (4RANDE HOUSE.” PRIME GOSHEN BUTTER AND OLD ENG jL LISH CHEESE, tor sale by April 28, 1847 4 C. A. ELLS. ! PINK. A PPLE CHESF—A few boxen ju*t rs-cviv* uhy j March 17 5 CH AS. H. FltEf.M AN. ! Oil tSOES-Afr* barrel* verv sit,it*ri’ . iavniut t)ran g*. Mxy 5 ( HAS II •*• MAN m/| US Ci. 11. MILLER’S CHEWING TOIIACCO-100 _Y 1 d"X received uiiu fur*al b> Mttnli >7, 1847. 5 CHAS. H. FREEMAN. n- 174 EOF 4 OFFI - V large sup Tj ’lv ot this delicious beverage nut up in quart, pint, and Ir If pint bottles, jus! received ly April 21, 1846 3 VY FREEMAN 1)114 ■ 4i, A*r.—Just received from the “New York BrKklyn White Lead Company” . No 1. \ ‘ i Extra ami Pure White Lead. \l— * i Sit-—Linseed and Taunefn Oil; Spirits Tiirp mine ; Yarnudi, LamiiMaek ; Putty, Paint. Brush es. A ■ A. PATTEN Sl TAYLOR. \ ‘ 1,1847 . 27 k HHDS. N w OrU-au*>ugar, .ft” sdo Cliiritird du. lu >r 41** tor Mile by C. DAY Ik CO. Marelt t 3 FXIMB aoSHBIV B’TTTHU. | FI It kl Nt>, Selected,! list received and fur*U by f Aqpiilts 4 scoti nhiMHi Kt ro B VOOINO AND OPE, SI X 4 k PISCES Kenttick) lUggntg, 300 coils do. Rope W For-alt by SCOTT, CARHART & CO. Aprils* 4 S/ 4 AfkA PINI r.l fv f2O Pou Principe tin, lu-if t tjivtd Hjul ft.r sale by Apr,l 4* SCOT I, CARHART h CO. II AT*! I I * * I! lust Rte.-ivtd 4? “ MANCU'K'I *s“—t dor Panama ( \TSt * diia Fne a< , 10 east * Cshmert Hat*, Si 1 stl * F4slti'*uable bitk Hat*, |1 50; I'alrn Leaf Hat*, Caps, ipril ‘V t 4 CA\ U \V|B —4O piece* Gingham* whirl, will be W • -I .•-heap fur ash. at R. WODDHITI H f|Wil H _ t Z3ACCrr AZJT3 XiAZ*,X>. \< Vi'nntM. it. -■pilK piiV'i'h* i row wiving “i conflignmxnt, I :*;*.! wili contiiui** to iv* >-iv** **ni *vll i)t. uliovi* nmii'-<l nrtii’l*-* in l*irn** or wimtl qinnoilif* thr**ii|,hoiit lb* aeiuun. All onl*m will receive prompt ntumtlon. ! J NORCKOBB , Aihntn May IS, IM7 7 9, 13” MK MHS I,ll*. w!r*-li biv<* h Ivnutilul Iffit wiilmut mell, and a* cltar wure. wiipt. for :*• be C. A. ELLS. My IS 7 I.’TI.TOS MARKUP HKKK, hlid vltiMieii Ituiter, at**)* hmui ‘iid wMrrmui and 4 4 I{| \CKPItS —Aeta % Outt* mid l.emon Crack* R / iri, tr. n rroin ih> bn hi ry April I I CII 4 A H FM PPM AW. IMIXTN, OIL*, lllsAHNf Ac. A r On Hon* Linaced Oil; 100 <lo Bleached do. I )t * l.iOdo Sjerm do. Mhl Train do ISO k* , g* No. I rind pun* White Lend ; MW boxes Halt), 10*19, 19* Id, nnd 19x18 Gina* 9 bbbe Putty , 9 ca*ka P<itnah; 1 Chrome t ir*“**n ; 9 cnk* Sul Frntun , Chrome Yellow ; 1 rn*k Snl F.jtc'mi; Red I hhl Alum; Venetian R and . Ltiherage ; Whitbig. Ac For *nle by (iRAVEH, WOOU, A CO. * , Macon, May i‘J, 1817 6 tl soTirr. rpHK KiiK,'ili,T flu,l* It nir—M irv to notify mny or J | h - r>! ■ whflM >lln,„ nn.t not'-* nr- <4 ’ limit ntHtiiling, (tint hr hit* wniti.U until fnrlwnninr | to Ik- n virtue, nn<l that hr will lie unih-r tl|,’ nr | criiy of making rlrnn wep of nil notrn nml nc roun,* rontmrtrd nt hi* old e*tftMi*hn,ent, nt the hr*,l , of Cotton A Venn*, utile** **t'lt',l h*#,rr the lir*t of ,\u ru*l next All |H’r*onn intereftej will iitrn*,’ take i tin* noiiiv, nintoovem thrmnelvr* mmordinirly I y 0.-i. Mv <6, WR M AMO.S UENTON VERY 4 HEAP I>HY 4-OODM \ McKINNON K* CO would invite all peraona in s warn of DRY GOODS, to call and examine ilieir Nerv and Seasonable Stuck, consisting ot Bmwn and 81. ac h ed Shirtintc Mild Sheetings, l ickings, Checks, ciinghama. Prints, Lin* ns, l.inen Drillinga, fine and common Cloths, Muslin-, Lawns, Silks and Dress tiorxls generally, together with almost i very other article usually kept in the Dry Goods line. All of vhich will he sold at the/aww/ pricet fur Cii-h. or to punctual customer.! on the usual time. Maeon, April I, 1847. _4 illilliuery ami Bitss flaking. MRS POWELL &. MRS. BUR DINK, will carry on the above business, and execute nil orders in the best manner, and moat fashionable style when re quired. Blenching and Repairing Bonnets, will also be done at short m**L-e. Their renidenee is on the corner of College ‘utvet, near the Female College. Maeon, )et 28, 18-16 ly 37 A 4’ 25 UNTO VS N* * ’AV anJ beautiful Muslitui, 124 to 374 cents. Do “ rlo. Berrnges, 25 to 50 cts. Whit.* Muslin Rob a. new style, Sw’ihh nnd Jaconet Muslin, 25 to 75 cts. Silk nnd Berrage Scarfs, very low ; Corded Skirt-?. 1 25 to 5 00 Grass Cloth. SI 25 p* ; Merino, nil colors. 374 cts. Bonnet*. 5 -ta. toss; Artificials, Wreaths,Bonnetßib- Ihjls. See. ffoni-’spun, 64 to I t eta; 11-4 BlenchedShe-ting,s9cts. ountertmnes. very cheap; Toilet Covers, 50 rt Muslin Ginghams, 25 to 374 eta. B Fan large stock of other articles, which will be sold at v ryJow prices. Call and see. A 12, MN7 6 NOTH F. VI R E KIRTLAND is our duly authorized Agent, J I during our absence from the State. i M HITING A MIX 4 4 EliLI If VS forsnle 10 Bbls. amt It Half Bbl§.*.*f No. I I Mackerel, that the world can’t beat. Mav 18. 7 • AGRICI LTURAL, Hula or Tiiniip. This root, now bo universally cultivated, can he raised in as great perfection in the two Carolina.-) and Georgia as in any part ol'the globe. The following, on the cultivation of this invaluable turnip, is taken from the • L Snuthmi Cabinet.” “■The ground should be put in good tirrier by the plough and burrow, and furrows run from two to three feet apart —some have recom mended greater distances, and Mit. Cobhett has even allowed four feet between the rows, hut this distance docs not appear to us to he necessary, and those recommended above will hr found sufficient. Into these furrows the maim , s tould be spread very thick, and th*’ earth ibrim and into ridges over it, on which ilie seeds should he sown. •■We have cultivated them on level surfa ces and at 1* s distances, but we have never bund them as luxuriant or succeed ns well. “>n after the ground has been prepared, the seeds should be sown. If it is intended to use the plain which are thinned out. to fill up other compartments they may be drilled along the whole length of the’ridges. hut if they be not wanted for this purpose, it will be it great saving of seed to sow only a few every seven or n.'ne inches to be afterwards thinned out. ••Soon after they make their appearance it will be necessary to go over the ground, hoe the tops of the ridges, and loosen the earth around them. A short time after let the plough be used, running as near to the plants on each side as possible, throwing the earth from them, this will leave small beds or ridg es of six or eight inches diameter. The hoe may now be used again, to destroy all weeds winch may have sprung up and also to stir the soil around the plants. The earth should then he returned by the plough, which will generally have i-lie efl'ect of destroying all weeds anil grass which may have grown on the sides of the rid *fes. • A* mean, as the p Ittnls are large, enough to handle they must be thinned out. unless want id lor the purpose of filling up vacancies or setting out in other places; in this case they may De left until they are from four to five mi lies high. It must bi- borne in mind how ever. that the sooner thvv are thinned out the better, for all plants are in jured by being crowd ed with their own species as well as b_v weeds. “It ia not a iisuul practice among ue to trans plant the rutabaga lor a crop, yet it has ma ny considerations to recommend it to a favora ble notice and adoption. In the first place, there is a great saving of seed; (as almost every plant may be used;) in the se*o:id place, there is a greater certainty aw to the time \hen a crop can be got ; nnd thirdly, there is lesc lab**, in the attendance. These \v<- know to he facts, and will we think, be mode appar ent t i all in ihe course of the observations we I shall have occasion to make on this part ofour ] suhj, et. “The usual ami perhaps thr best time for sowing this crop, is from the last week in Ju ly to tin* beginning of September, during this we have frequent showers, hut the* • are sel dom of long duration, anil the succeeding lays are generally clear, nceompn ii* and witli great heat and a burning sun ; it ,-.ten hap pen* that the seeds have to Im? sown several times before a regular crop can be obtained, the germinating qualities of the seeds being either destroyed, or the young plants killed w:i after the? are up. There is then at this j period a great lo s os both timt?. labor and seed. • It is true that sometimes there occurs a s|m"U of rainy cooi weather, and if sown nt this time, there is every chance of succeed ing. This occurs hut seldom, and we are ns seldom prepared lor it when it does. • Hut should we pursue the plan of either sowing oil a seed bed. and treating them like cabbage paints, or preparing only a small piece of ground intended lor the crop und on this sowing the seeds tolerably thick wo can at a very short notice, prepare the ground and put in the seed, ami should there follow a sue -1 cession of any hot day*, we can from the small place occupied protect the plants, and if ne cessity he even supply them with water, which however will raitly be necessary. “Again, il sometimes happen* that tlic sea son is tmpmpilious for the sowing of this crop. The prevalence of a drought nt this time may wholly prevent it, or occasion il to he delayed so long that only a meagre -crop can he ex pected. In this ease the seed bed can be re resorted to, and at the time others are only sowing their scud, ami with but little pros pect of sure* is we can 1* transplanting out ouremp in good season and in time to arrive at full maturity, and of course yield a large product. “To many, this plat, may appear tedious, and requiring more htbor than the sowing of the seed at unco, on those spots where they are to remain, but this we are convinced is not so. “VV benevor the ground in tu lie octupied, whether it be, with wvj or plmitK the prt-jMi rutioti must lie the sttme ; the labor therefore ill thi* reH|nctu equul. “If tbe need is mwn fit ohee where the plmita ure to remain, tlie wltole rarfitce must be worked over nliout .vi-ry ton or fifteen duyo, ! until the plnnts shade the- ground. In the ced bed they will not rejpfire tliis attendance, and even if they’ did, the ground to he gone over i* insignificant fftttipnred with the other. “They will seldom be lit to be transplant -1 ed out und, r six weeks, so that two working* at least will he saved, und the Inlior of trans planting un arre i* Its* than hoeing it. in the i manner required tor turnips. “Many may suppose that the product of an an re of transplanted ruta tmgu is not equal to that from an ncre on wliielt the seeds have Is en sown—the manuring tuid alter culture being the same. Hut our own experience, .tad tin- experience of juany of our friends with i whom we nave eon versed, do not warrant us in coming to this conrlasion; on tho contrary, we have always found them equal, as fur us we could judge from merely inspecting them j and tliis is also tbe opinion of others. VOL. XXV.—No 12. | “In pursuing this course, the ground must j he prepared la the same manner as r jeom- I ‘leaded lor sowing the seed and no more ’ mould be prepared than can be finished in one >r two days. It is best that all should be planted out the same day that it is prepared, *s the plants will take much more readily on icwly prepared ground.” A hand can plant out a half acre a day with the setting sties. ll'the seeds arc sown in August the plants will he re uly to he transplanted in September md October. It is seldom that we are troub led with much grass after those periods, and the plants themselves will shadow the ground. • Although there should not be weeds enough to m ike it necessary to work among the plants, yet the stirring of the soil ought not to be ne glected ; every operation of the kind is of im mense value to the plants as it not only pre pare.- more lood for them, but also loosens the earth, and enables them to push their roots in ever) direction in search of it, whicn with out thi would he out of tl ir reach, and from which they would be as eilectually cut off as if it had not been placed there. ‘.l small quantity of manure with frequent tiling- will produce a greater crop than a much larger supply witli little or uo tillage.” Hiu-ol Population in China. Tlic ;arms arc small, each consisting of from one toni\v acres; indeed, every cottage has bis own little ten garden, the produce of which supplies the wants of his family, and the sur plu bring.- him a few dollars, which are spent on the other necessaries of file. The same -> tern is practised in everything relating to Chine e agriculture. The cotton, silk, and rice I arms are generally all small, and manag ed upon the same plan. There are lew sights more pleasing than a Chinese family of the interior when engaged in gathering the tea leaves. or indeed in any of their agricultural pursuits. There is the old man; it may he grandfather, nr even the great-grandliither; ilirecling his descendants, many of whom are in their youth and prime, while others are in their childhood, in the labors of the field. He stands in the midst of them, bowed down with age ; hut to the honor of the Chinese as a na tion, he is always looked up to by all with pride ami utlcctiou. and his old age and grey hairs ore honored, revered and loved. When, after the labors of the day are over, they return to their humble and happy homes, their fare con sists chiefly of rice, fish, and vegetables, w hich they enjoy with great seat, and are Inippy and contented. I really believe that there is no country in the world where the agricultural population are better oft than they are in the north ol China. Labor with them is pleasure, fiir its fruits are eaten by themselves, and the rod of the oppressor is unfelt and unknown.—- Fortune's ‘Three Year's Wanderings in Chi na. Aztec Ktrins. Mr. Stanley, the artist, who accompanied Gen. Kearny to Calitbrnia. writes as lollowk : There has been much speculation m re- P llr ‘l to the Aztec, remains in the valley of Gila. That it has once supported a vast |>op ulotion, we could not doubt, tor the rums of .heir towns and cities are plainly visible for hundreds of miles. Stone foundations are fre quently seen covering many acres; but, with one exception, we did not find any building in any degree of preservation. This was about four miles from our trail, and two hundred and fbrtv miles above the mouth of the river. The building is 60 feet by 45 three stories high, and is constructed of the adobe similar to that used in the hou cs of New V* xico. Whether rui is hav*. any connexion with those of South America is not known. The plains in their vicinity arc covered for miles with broken pottery of burnt clay, beautifully painted and ornamented; and this was the only clue which w e had to the advancement of the builders in the mechanic arts. The Peinos Indians have but very imperfect truditionsof these remains.” ulandcr. It is a poor soul tliut cannot bear Hander. No decent man can get along without it—at least none that i actively engaged in the strug gle ol business life. Have you a bad fellow in your emplovm nt, and discharge him. he. goes round aisi slanders you—refuse another some very modest boon which he asks, he goes round and slanders you—let yourconduct be such as to create the envy of’ another, he goes round and slanders you. In fine, as we raid w would not give a cent fur a person who i -not dandered. No, no. earn a bad name by a had fellow, (and you can easily do so by correct conduct,) it is the only way to prove that you are entitled to a good one.— TWller. A Glimpse at the Halite Field. ‘1 he Baltimore American thus sums up the whole matter in regard to the next House of Representatives. l’w nty States have now elected all, or near ly all, the members of the next House of Rep resentatives to which they are entitled, and the result so tar is 87 Whigs. 05 Locos, 4 Independents* !l vacancies—Whigmaj.lß. The Locoloco majority in these States last year was 4n. The Union is composod of 29 Stall’.- and the House of Representatives of 228 members, of whom 115 constitute a ma jority. Representatives arc still to be chosen in .Maine (4) New Hampshire (2), Rhode Island (I) Maryland (6), Virginia (1), Ohio (I), North Carolina (tt), Alabama (7). Mis sissippi (4). Louisiana (4) Tennessee (1). Kentucky (tO). Indiana (10). lowa (2), total 72; of whom the Whigs need only 28 to se cure a majority. The estimate most unfavor able to the Whigs gives the tbliowiug os the result in tls sc States: Whigs 29, Locos 43, which, udded to these already elected, would exhibit the lijllywui>f*eKult:—Whigs 116, Lo cos 112— Whig uutjority 4: Air. Polk's Particular Friend. Some of the Democratic papers having pla ced nt the head of their columns the name of Santa Anna lor the Presidency. The Uni ted States Gazelle makes the following appro priate response: “With referenee to the nomination of Gen eral Santa Anna by the Locolbco press, of course, we have nothing to say. The head of the Federal Government has sent him to •Mexico, as it tuiw appears, with te view of ma king Mexico a part of the United States. If, then, the friends of the Federal Government chose tu nominate Santa Amm us tiie Fede ral Me’cican candidate, we have no complaints to make ; he is their man, made so by tbe Federal officers, und either gratitude, or a com pensation. niuy require such a reward —that is tiir them to Imik to. W'e ehall oppose the election of Santa Anna upon higli grounds.— i We do not think the tuition bound lo pay such a price lor his miliinry services at Uumu t la and tVoro Gordo. IJoldly ns these Locotij eo papers have citildaaoned the name of that mmmtain with his name; we do not think, in deed, tliut ouch a reward is due to him, even should he be treueherous enough to Mexico. • to give up her soil to us. The Federal Gov- ‘ eminent, may desire the act and Loeofoco pay of the Federal Government may urge the mea sure: but the people of the U. States will go lor he statesman lliui foresaw & foretold (fie evils to result from the purchase of Texas, or they will rally lor the hero that struck nobly agonist, uad deleted, tlie candidate of the Federal Government at Huena Vista. Mr. Polk an 1 his friends will not succeed in placing Bantu Annn at the bead of the govertlliu ntof tile U. Stales, even thongh they placed him nt the head of the Mexican army. The people of this country, taught by the last act, will pre vent tile otiier.”