Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 30, 1847, Image 1

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|-Y S. KnSK & CU. Yt * S. ItOHE, Editors. f T r, BMS. „ . Ti'irml V V'-nrr i” nnhlished rvs rn the city of Macon, a, th, < ■S O4- '" 4 n ,:r>TtrEti it vn:s: ‘r Z i„ 3 ,111 „r:d tillth"nl of , w'll ri-ji fly enforce, without ro- T i#* n *° v M a t l, , o hif*nt if th” PitM'*h'*ra i* to do ,n n ” r * ], r i v ~ noWiM® lb C*Hl principL— N a ’ v’ t ,}, ( .ir t!'wrih**rt *>ionH ****np tlw p-ofits . ) r>‘'*r r :M'? „ r< r.m nn 1 ool| *rtor*. In u e.n<e •y'T.D.V-otMtofth- Sene inl** IW paid I w ‘*' l rtfi'r**nc<* if given in Macon or its v ‘” .MiTicrM ‘•’.VT-’ nt ffv* ii**inl rnt''<*— , - 1 In. will he inserted till 1 “ V i .*.r,val I •wit wd 1 he V|..w* • m persons f" , ' v I h .',;,e tiv th • v**ar. n 1 who pay on rlemaa I. , H wV* ’ lv ” -, n * : e •. ri I ohinn-v notices of ovrr 9 I vcham’-l l th-"”H rates. 9/” ■' ’ ‘ ~,, (yvvli Intes for office, to be paid Ir ‘ c ~| rates. \Vn inserted Ilk -I Lr-m rent -nts mil- w'th bounty Officers, I ■I) tr'** \ ftinneers, an 1 others, who may wish to |nr - “” !,, ...isin rvv II please oltserve the to'lowiny I “’Vi VI I in I V ‘ero“S, hy Ea'cntno, V Ini’nis. | S ’ 1,;.,,, linns are re.,aired hy law to he adv-.T- I tSllTiVn'pi'hhc gnwtt". sixty days previous to tlr day I°’ ei,’ o-|es mast b” h’l lon the first ‘files Inv in the -'ti'ni'tw “*n the h-ntes nf ten in the forenoon and I"'”’ n f „ vvn at th-fonrt House in the county ; lin whirh the p-operty is “if tale I I 9 1 ~f Per mal Property must fie mlvert sed in I 11, y! ..tanner forty days. . „ . . I ‘■A 1 Satire *l. O-M.ara and Creditors of nil Estate must he . annhcatton will he made to the Court of lor’ : n"vforh”ivet"dll,and and Negroes, must lie j B_..u;.liad weekly for four months. 9’ V-.,,’ o’ 1,-tiers of \ l.nmistmpo must Is- pn’i |i -.ri CiV'i/'/nys—far nistpissh.n from \ I io.stntion, i •> months —for Dismission from (marlmn- j K,!- (orfv days. , ~. . . | V i..,t M f.,r foreclosure of tmruatre. must Is* published | |.,far far maaHe-for esteV,i;,hing 10-t nape™., , ■ -- f,i” r-ar- of thr?- month'—' hr compelling t ---■ . Execntnm or Administrator, where a i*n"Ahas Krt Oven hy the deceß the full spore of three j |,..-t’.t I {XT on hiisinf 1 ®? to lw* pnvt-p'iul. V|oiiit'. l<tflit li% ‘ 1.5.0 l•• pi.yiKiF.. • APS Va P a h. r .liatl .. h , tun . s. I|. . V4fC _ ..ra. ..s iv. i- if.. Spirituous j ‘’ r ’'' l ‘•'•f’ r*. n"’ ir < ld. I , CT T.‘i< *t rc^nlarh KY K •! 1 1> I VVV KXI (. at 7 JC,MK W\t -H881.F., W. I*. II I*. GUY Alt . .. S. Ari f iu7 FLOI i> HOI si:, Macon, Georgia. rTi |JR irj!scrib !iav*‘ t:k n tint w#*U known ■ I tin* FieOYn lit.’ H’' l IP* iri |:a• I'*y tr linlt r tiv firm of HROM 4 \ \ LANIRH. ] t W! || j v . 1 ,,.,. ( ||,.5n t m ik' 1 promis s. ■- one Btf the finn h*is b#*en well known :!kojn'r of th** W ash ■;i,_rton I th* public nr - a**i riint<* 1 with h-s mnn- K.r ~}• ((r,j*i r busincra. T!i ■ Tnbl#* nn.l Bnr shall not he Ruaviss'l by any one, nn.l th®ir Stables are airy, with ■ini ,i,:t ll >ors,nn l not surpnaseit by any in fjbrorgta. ■ Cliarces are reastmable ns th#* tin *s will permit. ■ b THOMAS \ BROWN, STICKLING LANIKTS. ■ T'v* 'discrih*r so’icits his ol 1 friends “ti I patrons Kt th#* W;i=hm-#ton Hall, to give him a mil at hi new j Kvii St. Lanif.r ■ \ (’ _T!i’ office of the Tallahassee and Coluiiihus J But 0 f ; . ; v cpt at this House 1 . ■ April 1, Id 17. _ ltf | .VUTEU J. WII-le2Ar/£ nil |SHINTOI ii V 1 L, and requests n ctmtiii'innce of the public patronage. I Macon, April 1, IHI7. 1 Z liJA SPKXZVaS. ■ j subscriber informs his friends that he I luir* completed vory •■xt*nsiv* and inip<r- Bii*a tnnt impioveineiils upon Ins well known estab- j V lkM lablisli neiit, • lit 1 t l , lis prepnr-1 to accoinnuKliTte tlais*-* who may visit , nlxive tnshioiiable watering place in a sup*rio. styk-. Hshouse is conveniently situated, both tor visiting the j HpringauJ for air andcoinloit. His rooms are exceed- { li y -onvenient, Iwing arranged t ler for single p*r- , l. oir fai.iii?s. His bedding is all new and of the v ry ; 11-si quality; and being in the midst of a fine provision i. ms nbl<* will always h- abundnnily tarnished , Buh th - ciioicest the State atfirrds. Tfiebntlisat the 1 B, ring have been greatly improved luring tie* season, Bill many iddiliouui attractions have bee 11 added, wmch Bianot tan to interest visitors from aboinl. An elegant | Bn of tou. horse Pit Coaeh**s wdl run daily hiring the 1 Bason •> ‘*w •*n the Springs and Forsyth —l and slam •o. . Bt'y 16 mil und horses aiul earring, nny at any time | B p ocu ed at the Springs hy persons who an* not pro ■ ■ I with pnvatt couv-y tuces He deems it unnee s- Inry to add that the wateis it the afxve Springs are un- Bi passed hy any 111 the Soutlvni Slates lor their ui- dici- IfKVAN W. COLLIHR. ■ May U, ISI7. 7 ts I h'T’ The Federal Union will publish 11 weeks, the B ,v; nn ill R publiean ami Colninous ‘Fillies -I times ludian Spring Hotel. ITT IV T> Y IJILLON liavmghioonivction with AU IL I’US l AItGILH, :* sinned til • superiuteiiil ie - 101 iu • present season of tins well known Hotel, l the Indian Spring, ioi nuny yeats kept hy him here aore, inlorms ins tneti ls and the public g u *taUy, that is now open mid ready for their accommodation. R - Btnrs oi buildings and furniture have been made to ren- B r all comfortable who may favor them witii pat- Boage. Hm uinii-d ami 89Wtlao9S attention of the Bropii- tons will be given to ensure general satislaetion. B i* .r rooms sh ill lie neatly k -pt, well furnislied, mid Bheii.b'd hy good and laithful servants: their tabu Bxmtiluliy supplied with the l st to be procuo-d, winch Ball be well prepurtd to suit the appetite oi ali. New B< i eoitiuio.hoiis stables have been eoinpleled Oil the B k*r the accotmuodution of horses. ■ Terras inode rate ami reamnaUie I Ad who visit this celebrated watering place for health Wt> creation, ar*- invited to give tiieni a call. This ilo- B 1 is eoiiV'Tiiently situated, neur the Mineral Spring. Be waters of wtuch are superior to any 111 the country Br many diseases. 1 fhoiS” who desire the lf*iir*fit of Uiithing, wiil find the hr conn 1 10. la lions at this Spring equal to uny in th** ■turn, and the efficacy of the water thus used, unsur- hy nnv. I From the VI icon arid Western Railroad at Forsyth, B qi.i *s from the Spring, four-horse Stages will iuii B.,i> touiidi from the Spring, alter the hist of Jum , B> I rotaes and carnages will lie furnished lor the eon- Biiietice of Ihoße dcsinng conveyance 110111 the Spring* B other puK9'*s dining th - season. ■ Butts co., Gu., June 1. 9 ■ : %lil.E HOT EL.—rortylh lit. I-- rpHK sulHeril)efri*s|M'etf:illy inform* she I 0 ■ travelling public that tin- aliove named tioii*** is stul open for tlie.r reception. Gtvat lor past favors, lie promts'-* every reasonable Bx -rti-.ii to please A* there is no bur kept ill this liouse, B- patron* wdl be su.e to find it a qui*t retreat Those j Billing it, wiil find a bar oi choice hquorson the op- B"U- -*i.|e ol the street A daily line oi stages Will eon- 1 B-'v i-sk-tiger* from this iiouse to liie Indian Spring*, j Bu i baggage will be conveyed to and from the D pot Beeofehiige A BFAN B iutk 1 9 H 47. 6w Confectionary and Grocery. 11 Ihll 4is receiving Ins new supply of Bl • (■ Mil* in in* line, among w noli lie pm lieu.ariy B lllH be ait -mion of In* customers to mb ‘lt •” article ot old, Madeira, Tort and C.’lur- Bt VV■■!** ; ■ “kies. Spices, Preserves, Cakes, CondsMi; B AiSviu ii i,. tuHorlinet ol Segars of vinous brands— B in 1 u.-d unported Havanna Segai* B ‘’ wdl k -.-p a constant supply of Orange*. Apples, < • u Potnto*s, Cheese, Butter, Uamius, Figs, Piuues. and oilier nuts ■Hi 1 articles usually k -pt in (luifiui>> B ‘ • Kidll) OYS the keg 1 Oef Ift, mitt I WOTiCIL ■ v “ to uit thr ritiivruh u*f<Mn-r. I *iM rt- 1 :• I B M xml l.i-uii Itom s. a* l ” ‘*) <k> ila* -, r -.•* B h *♦ suj I * rtf* l) |lm I*l. Mild, k ill <..<- Inri I^ll R 1,1 ‘•• • * Aii,.inh tt- 11 mi tin N Vuib b<Ue| ( B | B 1 *wr ,*nf mJc jii*i r, |i-| ami ur • e< t*) Hu Hum I ■ A • I II H C. 11l Mi'UhV, Cutlifii ■ V M F llltl IHNMIn.—TV Mtbar-i B * , * rs s i.-w rec-iving from N-w Yrk. Ilia usual | f tVf sn l Smi n*r(*oods,eiuhruc ll44 .ilin*u l ‘■ •* *iisl*le styi*-for fsitli L-ldlca’ tilt I (ienlienieii's ( H ‘V'e*. a jii-vi variety of linmls suitable f*r l>oys , W"u GEO W PRICE ■IP i*M M.l s . t m*w tin.l iH'niitilitl mm ■ “'*• lr,l “’ ‘IS twfift cntß, Rl ■ j * ei: 4 BENTONS. ■ It *' -Kllll.-U. u.M, 1. Mil,l U.INH H.-. ... li.r ■ char. h. rn*-.*** BA f ‘" r - oful.l hntnlt.Al ISRt.frem thrßtlt’ ■ ‘ 1 llua ul lota. Sni.l.T. Jr . 1.. r n|.’ ■ C. A. Kiel*. #eor|i<i lomital mb Mm&mmx. IZvw L torc Mia o. ds. t Uitm, Glass and Earthen AVnrc. ‘nibscriher* are now r .-reiving and J I openiuo a general assort.nent of thcßff M ulrove g k.|j, at the store lately occurl ! y Mr. A ti Butt*, cor ior of Mulberry an I Second *ts. m I uppoKite the Washtpgton ({till, which they olfcr at •viiolcs 1 e and retail, l'lle stock. 111 part, cotutiMls of the mowing: Puri* White Dining, Tea and Toilet Sets, L'Sjhf Blue do. do. do. do. Flowing “ do do. do. do. White French China l) : mng Set*, Do. do. do. Tea do. I Gi-1,1 bond do. do. do. do. j White do do. .lug*. White I inutile, light and flowing blue Ju*—ill size* ; Plate*. D .sties, Bilker*, anil Cover Dishes to match Di ning Ware*, A general assortment of eon.:non Ware, Cut, Pi. ss.'d and Plain Tuintileiy, Cut and Presn and Goblets, Wines and Champagnes, , Pressed mi l P:iin Egg mid Jelly Gloss’s, (hit and Press,•(! Vlirrnr Dishes and Nappies, j Cut, Pn-s* -,| and Plain Li.npsand Candl.-stieks, D 1 do. do Saits, 1 Cut Di e inter*, in set* and pairs, 1 Soiar Lamp-—Britannia and German Silver Castors, Looking 11 sof various si/.e and styles, ; Slone B iking Dihlics, pie.*. vYe \e The suii-ei ilh-is deem it proper to state that they have adopted the CASH SYSTEM, to which they intend Htrictiv to udlu-re, ill.l f>y which tliey w.ll he enabled to bit iiisu every description of ginnl* m tie ir lin** at fair prices. HYDE vV. JONES. IP J. will tnk: l orders for fanry China Dining, Tea and ‘l’o.l -t s- 1., which th -y will furnish at th * inniort ei ° liiice.i, rnldieg uly the expen.s-s from New York. Afacmi, Sept. ‘.I, 1*46. y 29 G O-j? riNiiK <oiii.%i-ni> r having iuPe* li i onai.ei. Reuben H. | jr/ute t .11 r,j* r lnp t itie im*n - will h* r ..fu rbe co.itoooi! inuti-i llk linn til A J. Will II K < () Mat-un, .lui) 1,1840 A. J. WHITE. | The ‘.iii>4crilM*t-K liavt in atort*,niitl vull be recciviiigdii’ riur (lie 9111111111*1' Mini fail, A tfc*M i ntl of fiiomK, Adapted In the xettxun, eatiMixfinit in part of St. rroni.iini I.iml .NiiitMr, I l>i) l.oodt, , in, Mini lavu Cult< < I Nu.lnn rv, ShiNi, 1 Irnii if hII kind*, I i.i(|titiin ,i ail kind*, Koltow-;tr> old Nails, j |i—<.m. v< r> tine, <o\ rniMU.Ca*t JW Ulit. Su-tl, Si vnr*. I .!• , Sail, Mida* e*, | Paint*, Oils, (.lass, fcc. ii tisiiii* ir Ttntie “s<£ Ifopt. j With ‘ln ii stuck of !tairx | "g, (Hey tt r some Kentucky 111 -lies id , -eli w i.i|iu ti tu square Ini let, atm which | aas iii<hl\ :}i iruv*4l <u ilie |*s| hi |>luii(t rs <'oni|irisiiiK must •riii-lf* 11. tin 1 roc i) l.tin . w h-cl. tin j 1 ‘iff rmi the lowest market pries, Milt respei tl'ully *olicit a I Cat I Iruiu t heir frit l4la anil tin |Mlh;ic A 1. WHI I K h CO. I XT A tier 1 lie first of Octoln r, the) wilt r< DHive m the ( l>ri<-k corner store I*o above iliei pr<itit locmioii, frim rl) oeenpi and In Cha r etiati, Rom k Cv. tfttron, Julj 1 , 1 rjo v 1 I.Jlfc \I*WS! laSbli 1 \nOi! Not from M ziro, lui from the Peoples Store. Dl*l • 6R• *I b **• selling lower than ever before in this market. New goods received monthly, du ring the busine** se'-son, of the most desirable styles.- Pl ’• i. J #* notice th-* following, now in store, which arc sel lingwith a p'rl- ct rush. Hrinana Silk*, Fine Beoig *, selling from 25’t*. to $1 “ Musiins “ “ 25 toSJ cents. “ Ginghams,** “ 18 to 37 “ P*ints, “ “ 6to 25 “ P ti*ols, “ “ 25 et.* to 500 “ Umh ellas “ “ 37 ew to 508 Bo’mets, A r tilicials, Rih(N>n*, L'arjict Lag*, Satch el*. Carpi tmg, Matting. &,c I fee. French C.:**hnere, Gro tie T. Linnen Drilling, and j Goods for Genii- uen * wear, of all descriptions. Jioils**-Keeping Goods. In tie* line of trade lain perfectly in town, and would 1 particularly invite those just beginning in this branch of ! hi . togetn with those who have had much experi ence Ais . Scan.*, S’mwls, Crnvatts, Chimasets. French Work ( ps, Thread and Leien Laces, B*l - .nett, Mus quito Ne'tinjr. Nank'*en*. Brown L ten. Lr.ien Sheet ing, 12-1 w. i*. blencheil and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mil's. Man ikeichtefs, Hosiery, Reauy .Made Cloth ing, &c. See. A lew OF. Grand Lrdze Regalias, for sale lotc. Pie is. call and examine lor youiselves- -we always get paid for showing. Respect fully, JOHN W CLARK. Macon, May 5, 1847. 6 Irish Linen, Grow n Holland, Ac. ;r / v PIECES Irish Linen,direct importation, wnr ranted “genuine do Pieces Brown Holland, for suiiuuer w> ar.received direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the Avenue. Ai*o, IVmcipe Segars, Port and Sherry W ine, for sale low fy T. C. DEMPSEY. May 18 7 I\LH SI'UAAG iiOOiiS li K NiitonriLt 1 tun jURt op. n. il k iit-w ami i-oinpltti 9 -uri 1 went . f )u|i- aim faitvy lrr> (mi ihr opniiK iraite, whit-li will b ufli r-il ui pmo dial tuhiiul | luu ui t oin g Oi< Hi quit k *ait. I'i i9t.ii 111 v aiii i>l or) 1 1 u.hhlii Muiui ilu wt.l >ii nUiamldNiitilii du xlui k Mini pti -1 it*. ‘l’o ii*y fririMfx in Hu euuutr), 1 wtiuli j*i u.\ 4.10 I ami .< 1 in-—yon lim• 1 li*v. i;u>il tvtHMl* at ili tv *m |.ni’ *> ! A unhg di- inrK H.i 10k K.n ‘.rui •r ii li. t-iunruide til Snk xluniiiix anil • 1 gliaiu- ; liin |r.4.i< and Jut*- unt'i ; rim print'll Mii•l, ii - an! L.iwt-x; SviMik, Kigiuli mil Kre ill'll liing -ain* , l.llii n Itl A Im an I lit* l u ‘ortiin in ut 1111 ‘•iMtUi nil g •min, rulini'iii ru* linin'". 1 ui- < i.<r> Ih< iiiiMii-, tapis, t Ugn>)(k and tant-rliiiK*, Kmbiuit!* 1 trtil (.Met 1 14i. tlk rtliit M,ki- Nf Jacfim l ulii; Swim* Mm-liiim, pi.mi ami -dipt; Iridt Ili t ie>; I ablt ilt. ,40 tin h pillow c.iv |.in* ii , *>t o 1-. Mini It uiKik map’ r , Mui'kai-u* k I umi Ihiik . Vuiton Diupt 1 ; llMi.,M*k I mi r , Iran - 4k Napkin*; . tiittr- laih-•o •r* ; l ir.d Skirt*, lira-* tin ; x tm-k 11* ; M>.ni. rey Siripi 1 aaaiu.ert ; kt illnvk% .1 an* ; • uiii.ii < u*iim rt ; Itleacfn 1. I.lm hn-wi, ilmii' Bont*. uilxiniiM, A Min im 1 Ft wt r* ; I’m >ir-IIM, t'.iia-ae-, Suii-Sltun-N,aiiil a ltiiiiialiii am mu ol.i ----• r arh it- •, w tury out- want*. Alim v-ioch t/mll In wihl luw fr ia*h. JOS. MlHIiOl K April l 7 Bugging* Hope, f 'urine* ‘TIHK iiilnmlii r* in nw r i-t.iving iht-ir fall ii|iplit* Jh tI'KM Kli 1 k ,-v lurk tli y uffi rtn tin iruldiViend* amt th public-g. in rally, at unuaual.uw prut-x. Wt luw MOW llt *l->n , Mini it 11 IVII'IJ—- ■iOo pii.ii nmv) (tiniii) HM^^iiijf, .00 pi*ci*s heavy Kentucky ilo. ISO I'tills Kentucky lit'pi , M> tu. Manilla do. 100 lb I w me, 2 ,'*>o aarwn Salt, 1.i,00 1 ibs. Sw*cß* Iron, 1,000 Hi* itanit, Htitip and Mud Iron, iO Ii ini 9 Sr Croiv and !*nrto ttico Su^'ir, Loaf, •'runht ti amt Pi wdi rid do. 100 tiMK* Bin Mini Java Colli 1 , SO ‘mini k I llllMll'O, 100 ki't;* Nail, 1,0 o lli> Ca9l, *it rm m and RliMer Su el. K Im PA I X |'S A NO OILS us every tit tin lit ion. F. BOND. Macon, \|t it |. |s<a. 40 1. ii | II ULS. Si Ipa k Jem k*9 ti 111, w o. Whukiy, SO do 11 ilnmort do. Jo half pijm 9 Otard itriuidy, S “ •* <*lia mpa gut- do, II pipe* Holland rm, 50 qr. i’ 119 k 9 Madeira Wiiu*. 20 •* •* |ur do. lo 41 * Sherry do too i a-k* 1.0 otnii Porter, pints, f0 iibU. Ch. rry Brandy, In afore, and lor *ule hy ’ l' r, l 4 S< I) I | , C4UAII A ( n VM|t I . V)AR<I \INS ! BARBAINH ‘—The tnulers'qned I M having taken tin* Store uii the conn r of Cotton Avenue and ('berry stieet, foniii'tly called Rohm* Store, but recently having been cbangi'd to tlmt of tlie .(iu iai llii It 1 81 41 M* f fu*gs 1.-ave 111 inform the citi wns of M iem, mid Planters, that he will constantly keep on h ind mi excellent stock of ■My iiiomirvA Piuvnluiis ol all kind*, which he will s. 11 nt the low *t possible rites, fs-iiig |M-rk *ly Contented with quick salen nnd small prolii* Tin* public g nerally nre res|M*etfully re qie d'*d. if they want great btrg’iins, to drop into the ■ Rio 11 oil.***. Good* of nil kinds given in ex change for all kinds of pro luce at cash p* ices II N Pi’LSIFER, Pniprii-tor of th** Rio (inn b* House. At the Rio Grande House cmii f> found nl all times ofb'e.Su oir.ißyrnp. Mo|uss**s. Rice, lineoti, Lard, Butler, Corn \b-n|,(iru*. Flour. Market**!, ntiil Shad of t.b* it quality, mi qii.iutiticw to suit purelmserp, nt the loweg , ‘ites, and sent to any part of the city free of charge , April 1,1817 M SEE tits. I JIA Hit !S Vt wr Ol .t HIIV 4b li t. Ml Crt.iv, I* J S we> do Mui*uimilo, SO libli Crukli.d antll'nw n r If Wukta Willie Hsvsti* 20 (I*- Leaf, Fur I*l* h) April ‘0 4 V OTT. r AHUBT * CO. cjxjmoirou im. ’ t *IIK uqti. ris* and kt - p * *n 11 • pl • ‘ ih* '*vr rt*cl mi hi .it Mini ti It it ut One DtHni anti af * arter pi r but ’ for cash •*</;/. SCO I I , i .% It HA U I II O. K prit I do l V l||tS (II 1)4 Mull'll a. TV hhU v. V* rl. "• d#., IMF*sl* by scot I, f AKHAH I A (O . v prll M < |a/|*r hi V.l',- \ T'*od sttUtanieil R>ah Wot I P ** with Harnessf.*r l*Mtr H*me Apply h* ! CIIAH CAMPBELL A CO. My t \K li FT®—■ (>• hft of* Isssttfbl MV h* V i * M’ 2! 4JIV Wlll-Ul V. ini Itt *l. \i\t\ BBLH IVhs 1 f n (l Jenn’ (lift, SUU 45< *lo N O y. 50 do N E Rum. For sale hy V iv u UTOTT. CAR HART Is CO WACILN, (ii:oU(il \, WEIJi\I3SI)AY, JUNE 30, 1847. C. k. WENTWORTH & CO. I I i ,|B 4 received and now offer * ■- l° r s de. at the lowest ct*h pri- Tnf* r< - new nndsplend and stock oCgotul* .7r their lim-—consisting of Fine Gold nnd Silver I a v** r , Lepine, Patent and • Vertical Es<;npein**nt Gold Gu 1 r.I -Mi l Fob (’bains. K y*, Ac. A great va n*'ty of Dailies and (lentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger Rings,oi all patterns; uni.n m*m;.ys* a ith G .1 I an I Siiv r ll.ldt-r* , ( l ’■’ ( I I Sleeve n I (’ollnr Buttons : Studs ; (• •’d and Silver Tl.iinhl<*s; Bracelets nnd llrnc-let (i--ts|s; Caul Cast *. Fine P-n and Pocket Knives: j Superior Sf.sM.irs; Steel Be.ids, Rings and Tassels, Coral Beads; Steel Pens. \ ,* n VltK AN IIP 1? I/O Its. Spectaidev! S|N>rtn< % 4<*** f — Gobi nnd Silver. Person® nObctr.l w ith defective *r impaired vision, are respectfully invito*l to call and examine a New and Improved article of Spectacle Gias'e*—for which the subset'alters err* sole Agents Also, New an.l Beautiful Style LAMPS; Lamp Gl i-> 1 and NVicking , Plated and Brittania Ware. Hcpiiit ii*'’’ Watches and Clocks >f every descrip tion repaired and warranted lor true year. All VVntele s sold or repaired, will In* warranted to keep good time or th** Cash will he refumied. \* (itches *ent from any part of the country. will r**- eoivc tie* same attention find l>e repaired on ns reasona ll* term* us though the own-rswere tires-nt. All kiiulr* of (*t.|il ii in I Silver wiitk made to order. 1 Jewelry <<f every description neatly -"paired. 14 \GUI.KK I'M I A pint;. I The undersigned having fitte.l up n room adjoining th*-r Store, arc prepared to take pirtur* sin tlu* hest 10.-sihle -tyle V line aKvirtment of (odd Lockets, . Pius, and Bracelet*, suitable inr the ahtiv (’ K WENTWORTH CO East Side Mulberry St. Macon June 1, 1-817. ‘ y HRI \M> DR%( TIFI L goods. lUST received nnd now op**nng. a variety of styles of new. fancy an I staple DR V GOODS. Among them may be found Plain wide Bhek Silks, Satin Strine S-lk*. 40pieces B.dznrinesand Bt*rages, from 124 to 75 cents ‘ pep yr((. 10 piece* (iinghams, very che^p, 100 pieces t Viiro. from ff t. 25 *ents per yard, B'own Sheetings, 20 yards forfl. 100 Parasols, Parasoletts and Sun Shades, from 75 cents to S3. NVhite Cotton Hosiery, at 12* cent* per pair, 30 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 124 to 50 cents. Plain White Sw i*s Muslins, nt 25 cents per yard, j Plaid and Strijied do very low, Lace striped do nt 31 cents. .Taroti t. Nanook. Book nnd Mull Mullins, ! Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style, (irn* Cloth Skirt*, Summer C*ssim*rs. Cottona ‘es. Gamhroons, NVlvte and Brown Linen Drills for Pants, Plaid Linen for Coats. Cros* Bar Musquito Netting, Lace do do j Table and T< well Diapers, of mmvqualities and prices, j Muslin Collars. Ch A iuif *tts. ft* Are. | Th'* siif***''jfter deems it unnecessary to enumerate j art rles. as all who will vt* hint a call, w.ll find almost every article usually kept Dry Gotd Store, and at j a* low prir*e* hOR CASH, as at any other store m the J State Store next door to the Po-r 1 fffin* Please 1 ; come and see. E WOODRUFF. | April 14 2 lit IN IRE 9TVRBORV TIIIV n. DO M LOCiAN ft. CO would most respectfully , T inform the good cit zens of Macon and the sur rounding country, that they are not quite srll ng off t their stock at N< w* York cost, nor do th.*y loudly hiwst !ot under selling their neighbors. The design of this - advertisement is to disseminate extensively th* unde { n able tnith, viz : that our assortment is rich and racy— rare and beautiful; comprising every desirable article of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ! usually found in store on speculation. ’Tis unnecessa ry to enumerate th- many, rery many extravngnntly f**nutfitl articles on hand, nnl to comment UfK>n intrin -1 mic worth. i deemed entirely superfluous. Suffice jt r< *ay ; that all our rich Fancy Dr *• Go.d*. French Work ! P J Capes, ftc were purclinsed of A T Stf.w art ft Cos . ; New York, and differ iiriterially in style and patterns j from al! other* in Mncon. All those who ent- rtnin the erronious impression j that we hoi 1 up tor high prices, can receive occuiar ite numstration to the contrary by impping in and looking for themselves. G : as* Wurp, rha W.T'P. anl Ca'dirn Ware, of every and any kind, at a very small advance j on New York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN ft CO. Macon, May 26,1847. 8 ATcw Grocery and Dry Goods Store. ‘piRHI NS ( . DL.lf |*Sl’ V, having just opened Ii i th.* Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly j occupte*! hy NY A Robertson, and nearly opnosite 1 VtessiS. \ J. VN hue \ Cos. and Bancroft’s stores, has , .low on h inti, and will continue to receive, an assort- j inent of loucign Li ,uors and Scgars, Sug:ir, Coffee, : an*l *( g *neraDi*N rrm -tit of Groc- les and Dry Gisjda, which wdl b* sold ;ti N*-w York prices for Cash only I *ii**i ‘n IliHiufies, Minos, ftr, Otard. Dupu* a y ft Co’*. Cognse Brandy, .*f different vintage* one- very old m isutles. (*<hl lard ft Go's. V iiitng-, 1M25; A. Se:gTV*tte*s Metier Swan Holland Gin: Madeira Wine. | in quarter cask*: Port Wine; Sherry W’ne These liquors are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Principe and other brands—warranted genuine TEAS *on and Black Tea, of a vrty sujrerior quality 01*1 Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar, Sperm Candles, Ada mantine Candles 20 hlids St Croix, P.rto Rieo nnd N Orleans Sugar. 50 S.cks Rio Coffee, first quality; 30 do. second do. 5Ht p* Xineru in and Eng’ *h C.dico**s, 10 cases Bleach and Shirtings and Sheetings, 10 hales Brown 3-4 and 4 I do. 50 im- Irirfti importation, ftc. ftc. Macon, June 2, 1817. 9 v:lv i IICAI’ Dill GOOD 9! \ r MrKIVNUV N <> would illiite all persons in 0 Mint nl l)ll\ GOODS, (• ini. m'••! 4 vain iu- iht-ir V--t nnd Senionn'rle Stin k vo'i4i*tin; of ‘tniwnmil Rleiul I et| Stnmntfs a„. -iiieiutigo, I Cheeks, •.nihiii9, j I'riiua, 1 01 n, I mu. I iUn.<*, lim Mini rummiiii Cloilia, S| *l'll 11*. Ii w ii*, S • 11. * mill t Ireaa ( Omml* if-n riily , !.**•(ln r with siiuoai%• ry other sr'iele iiaumly k. pi m the liry rooiit liim- Allot’ \lm*h will be atEit it th rluvett prices to* (' h. or to puiiei • ii euaioniei * 011 the u-uai time. Ms. uii, A prll 1, 147. 4 Millinery iin<l Dress ’Hiking. AIRS PONVELLft MRS BUR DINE, will carry ill on the above Imsinew*.and ex'-cute all orders in j the Im*si manner, and most fashionable style when re -1 qtiired. Bleaehir.g nnd Repairing Bonn t*. will also he done at short notice. Th**ir resi-lenee im on the corner of College str***t, n*nr the Female College. Macon, Oct 28, 1846 l y 37 JNDv BnKaGod ••i h t’lFlt'F'.s il. Satin Strip* Riot Spoilt and Berates, • f •• tnir rery ha ml-'.me, juat ai x prll K |J w OODN tiis I 4 hi I < XSFS ( lar t Will*, I A r * f (0 tin choir* *l**, 100 ‘it/. Iml rwot'd \ Cs’s. pure l.t mon Syrup, 100 44 Si n-r’i do. do. so iHtini Hr mot y t’h* rriis, 20 * 4 I'iekt. * Morit and. 30 4 Fr ah (’-111*1-. a* Water, *0 44 Hl't’im t'llidhs, 50 44 Hull N S'.o’a I allow do, f<r mi* b.w by tCO 11. CMIIIAHi h CO S tin I 40 4 I OSAMI :i r rXSCMAII. Cotton Avenut , <!oo, n'.tve the “R aOr nude House,'* Hhs ji4| .-petH'.l it good aloek ol Sugars, Colt'ci*. Teas, Flour, Bacon, *ti.|*l• it.nt t'liui) Dry *>Mtl, M irim, \jilll I. I 4 niiiiM.v : Muni..a!i 4 4 WHI I h Ma Mill* ; 3*4 dtt tin . ••* e- I r* t do. Lite* Stun t' petnyi, 10 ct nttprr •</ w, u. n t \ t Hor r, •M u 4 * stum AV. “It 11%11.1t. II t %tl Ms, large supply ol Paper Hangings, Borders, and Fire Board Prints, wide |*np* a r tur Window Shades, a iwan tilut srtM'U Also.Ftsu Mittsol several difiemit kinds. .Match 31 7 GEO W PRICE. 1)014 I’l ii* —-Il you w sli to nnprtrve or preserve your iwaitlt. cull on C A Fd.I.S .mil get a lew hot- U)NDt)N PORTER It is itist the thing to exnte the j.mtssii(J invigorate th** whole man— and ts in#t had to take May 5 6 PlillMl (•IBM I Itll h IUHT received at Warren Fievman's.SO boxes Rai sins ; ’25 ilruttis extra fine Figs ; 12 boxes do Prunes, 25 do t Granges ; ‘i.tfX) West India (Irnnges,very sweet, ; (it oats. Currants. Dates, Tunis rinds , Sugars, T**as atnl Coff**e , Spices us sli kin.l* ; Crackers of all . Fine Smoking and Cls'Wiiig Toliaceo , Patent Yeast pow -1 tiers. Also, a very lnrg’ and fine assortment of Htusn’s Steam Refined Candies. W FREEMAN April 1 1817 MACt OiIUV usrra(S*l—|*r Ml* by ms) b CI4AS M. VMIUkMAM i—m——in—ms—a nOMETITCS —M i,rt •.*4 - I Shi i-tings, lsuo 3-4 do. 20 do heavy Osnaburgs, 5 do. Tickings. 3 do brown Drills, 3 do. Marino Ftritw* .Ad *lo. Cotton \ arris, 10 cases blanched goode, do tine taienchcd do. Ido. 11-4 blenched Sheeting. 2 do brown’Drills, 2 do. Bleached, 10 do. Kerseys. 3 do. Flannels, now in store and lor sale by GRAVES, WOOD, ft CO. Macon, May 12, 1847. 6 ts GOODS \ i COST ! liar gains in Dry G*ods un.l Clothing! \J* A lh AV• ORR having determined a . change in their business, offer their entire stock ol Good* at Cost t-r (.'hmli. ‘l'he stock comprises one of the largest nnd most desirable stocks in the city of Macon, vis : Staple nnd Fancy Dry (<*ods of a'l ; j Carpetting, Rug.*, Mats. Pap*r Hangings; Panama, Beaver, and Silk Hats .Bonnets. (Roves and Hosiery, , mclu li a irgi’ stock of Rendy-made Clothing, com prismg ( oat-:. Pa is. Vests, Shirts, Drawer*. (Roves, Suspenders, Uii 11-11->se. Cravats, ftc. Country merch ants, and citizens generally, nre requested to giv. us a call, a* hnrg lias wnllx’ given. Also on. pair ol’ Fairbanks Patent Scales weighing from one to two thousand pound.*, ami one |Mir small ( Scales. M b May 11 6ti AJft D W ORR CPItl yS niLLIAI A . Mrs DAMOI R n is receiving her new supply of the nlsiv** go*sls, nnd would respectfully request her oil customers and tiie public generally, to give hern call and look at her stock fwiorc they purchase elsewhere She ; s determined to .*♦•11 goods as low as any one in tlie city, nnd of a supe rior article. Iler stoc k ot Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Embroideries. Dress Silk Goods and Shawls, cannot U* eqiinlh-d in th.* part of the country. I Mr •on, April 21. 1847. GR(H I ICt *• | /r HMDS St. ( roix, Porto Rico sml N. O. Sugar, 1 1/ •'! box -* and barrels crushed, pulv. ft loaf Sugar 25 hhd.v Mo!ns.*o?, 1 do. Me watt's refined Suj*ir House Molasses ldd bags Rio Coffee, 2t) “ Pepper, Spice nnd Ginger, 25 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 “ ‘I allow “ 50 “ S >ap, 20 “ Starch, 4 Chests choice Imperial nnd Hyson Tea, 10 Quarter chists 1-nperial and Hys*)n Tea, Saleratns, Indigo. Madder, Spanish Brown, Blue Vitriol,Copperas, Alum,Borax,Sal.Nitre i Powder, Shot, Lead, 25 Mils. N. E Rum. 25 hols Northern Gin, 5d hbls. Whiskey, Cognac anil American Brandy, Holland Gin, Cordials. Madena, Port, and Malaga Wine, Lemon Syrup, Raisins, 100 Box-s Tobacco, a great variety, 30.000 Scgars; Macnhoy anti Scotch Snuff, NN th a great variety of other Groceries, which will be sold at “Bargains.” AMOS BENTON. Aptil 1. 7 bMFL It. •. —The subscribers continue to J kt- p a g -neral assortment of Groceries and Staple ! D:y trootls, at their old stantl.coiin-r of Second and Mul ’ berry ?ti *.*ts, op|>ostte the Washington Hull: they have ! just re-- iv"tl wild other articles the following: 24 hhds St. Croix and P R. Sugars, 12'J h : *g! tr eii Rio Coffee, 25 •* Old Gov. Java C’ llee, 2Otfd Yards Negro Kerseys, !(()•> Duffl* 81-mk'ts, 8 and 9 quarter, 1(XK) Yards (’otton Osnaburgs, Tons Sweedes Iron, 7( 0 Sacks Liverpool Sait, 15 X) Pair Kussett Brogans, with a general nsortment in their line, all of which is i offered at the lowest casli prices. They respectfully in vito all wisiiiiig t* purchase, to examine their st.K'k— Indieving they cannot laii to be suited in price and qual ity CHAS. CAMPBELL ft CO. April 1, 1847. 38 NOTH E. , f subscribers respectfully invite the attention of I Merchants and Planters, to their stock of Mup*e :ttil Fancy Dry Good* now in store. NNV shall also U* in weekly receipt of seasonable goods through nut the season, as it is our determination to render our *toek worthy the attention of purchasers nt all times, 1 and at prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, —among which are the following lo cases English ft American prints, 2do Moumingdo. 3 do. Furniture do. 3 do. Gingham nnd Lawns. 2 do Printed Muslins. 2o pieces'-nihioid ‘re*l l>**ssdo. 20 pieces Cledleys embroidered. 20 do Rici Be rages, 3 do. Black Satin stipe Silks. 5 do. black dress do. 25 do. Rich dress silks.4odo Jucunetts,3odo. Cambrics, 25 do. (Msck ft lace still*r Al*ia! • r^M-9*4llir t ’4t do. Vtcioun cl tn*n'p Lawn. 25 do Coi'd .Incones, 40 do. Coi'd Cambrics, 20 do. black ft fancy C tssiniers, 20 do. Faney coi'd Cloths. 30 do silk, satin ft Marseilles 1 vestings, 15’,) do. Summer stuff.'-, (all prices, 20 i*. bl’k. and coi’d Al|iaccas.2odo. Table Diaper, 50do Irish Lin ens, 3 cases Florence Bonnets, 1 and. Laid work, do. 2 do. D'vou straw Bonnets, 10 do. Lawn ft fancy do. j 50 boxes Rihb*ns. (of all kinds,) 30 do. Flowed, I Ladies ft (ientlcmeii's kid ft s, do. do. cotton do. Misses fancy neck ties. 3*•?**. Pirasols, 5 do. Um brellas. 25 loz- ’.i Li.ten Carnbnc H-tkY*. he nl nnd flag Ido. 25 pieces Silk and Pongee Hike. 15'.) dozen sus penders. Coids, Tapes, Buttons, Trimmings, Laces, Fringes, Gimps, Tassels, ft c ftc GRAVES, WOOD, ft CO. M ic in, May 12, MM? 6 ts UEA ft COTTON have removetl to NV. B Par , k r's Store, on Cotton Avenue, m arly opposite J I Cowles Fire PrKt Warefiouse. They have in stoic uud offer lor ail.* t n ac. ominoduung terms: 2W Pieces heavy Kentu. ky Bagging, 175 “ “ Dundee H 5 “ Slightly damaged “ 5-J Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons lion, 5-1 Kegs Nails, 1000 ll>s Tank and Boiler Iron, HOO lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Heutl**rson Candles, 10 Baskets Chamnaigtte Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 Cn*ks Bacon, Sept 2, 1* |8 W Iron stud Imillou IV.ire, *Ti Iff KF,GS Cut Nails, 15 tons Iron sorted Ito 10 indies, 2,000 i!s Sheet Iron, 10,000 lbs Hollow NN'are, 2.00*) lts Cast Steel, 1.000 iis (e nnan arid Blister Steel, 2,000 |l>s HH>patiil Baud Iron, 50 dot. Hoes, 400 pairs Trare Chains, Received nml for tale hy K B WEED. April l. M 47 it zcs: iob:: ice::: 18 HE snhacribrr is ready to supplvali in want of the . above article in any quantity, fun the CASH must la? sent in every case, as In* is determined not to charge one pound of it to any person—having t< pay eash for it , himself before delivery Also, Bine Lake and Congress Water to be found at the Washington llali J II DAMOUR My If i M it 7 3m >!i NUNM, RILFES MUSLINS new and beautiful pat )U terte . this dev received, and lor *nie cherp N B \!*o a l*w piece* slightly damig .l, wiiich will lie sold at hnrg tins, by May 25 9 AMOS BENM()N Iron ft. Steel IVails, ftc, nn/i LBS iiNsorfed Sweed* Iron, ■4'LvUU Cast Steel, <; -niiMii an 1 Blistered I Steel, 200 Keg* Nails. 100 Boxes 8 :,y 10 Window Glass, 150 do 10 by 12 do 50 do 12 by 11 do 50 do 12 by 18 do For sale hy Apr l I 2 S< OT P CARIIART ft CO. (lON.'|{i:ss WATi:ll.-30 Dot genuine. f*r sale by C- A ELLS. May 18 Ilf II lit. IfEAUTIFUL fr***li May BUTTER, from Orange I) unity, N w Y oik, just reoe'vnl atwl for sab by M’ty_2ft I8 I C. A- EI-I-- IIM It. Lina BOTTMW of ( UAMI’A'iNK CIDI.K, OWW l or niio liy C. A. ELI.B. j M'iy 96, ll? 3 E*i 9: 1.0 IM*9 I*oll I li*(. by ill- 1)0- E wii or (” ik, for ml-- by C. A KLLH. April 9S, 1H47 4 t w r / kftn ’ Vr ‘ * K, u-lia 1 I 20 .n0n rrm* que *1” For sale by C. A ELLB. iprfitt mu 4 £ 1 RfM'llUlfN.—lo Hlvls St Croix Wugara; 29 \ I bfls. do do 75 Mi l* Mtraeovn-lo mi l New Or j leans do 20 hhd* Mnlanaf; 30 fb4s N t Hewns Sy rup ; It) !me\** Gml Sugar; 10 lM” Gmi4h"l do 200 ***k* RioCoffe*-. 25 <lm Java (hi 50 hbls Mackeral; 25 half do do 15 tie fees Vm Tfur 150 holes I iNm , co. (vsn*sis brnii'ls .) **'ks Salt; IftlN) Mm Iron, kinds 10(10 fhs I-- inai rieai nd( - Now ill store and t*>r wile XI aeeoinmoduling terms, hy GRAVES. WOOD, ft co M *cm. Msy 12, 1817 sits I til KM-II fit MS,* ntw •rtiele, sud very I I*4 r H.rVtWr •• I* by CHAU. H K K KI. MA N Ipnl 4 PINK Itt Ki) GINGFKrr,... sad *.ry u p rior, Ivt •••Tsy I’MW H yKUKMAM, | April I 4 i Dili i,l. Ilnppy Mother 9 * Mong* I ROM THE GERMAN. Look nt me, niy pretty boy, Willi thy golden ringlets flowing. Bright bine eys, and cheeks all glowing; Was theie ever such none i No, I’in sure there can be none. Look nt me, my sweetest boy, Rosy us the summer morning, Sweet im tlu; dew leaves nnoming; Was there ever suc.ii a one ? No, I’m sure there can be none. Look nt me, my kindly hoy, Nor too iorwiitii, nor too fearful, Ever kin I and ever cheerful, NN as there ever such a one ? No, I’m sure there can be none. Look nt trie, my darling boy. No sad naughty child could ever Be so loved and lovely—never ; You may wi-h l*>r one as fine. But, good folks, you can’t have mine. Should a merchant come to buy. Let him ope his golden ( offers, Would 1 take li.k richest ot'ersl Never—buy where'er he can, lie should not get my pretty man, Mist -, i. i, i \ i , Slurmins ol Stony I'oint. “But tin; moitt hrilliiint artion of Wayne's life and tlie most illiuttrutive ol'lim t-lmracter wastin’ Storming of Stony Point. Washing ton at Wayne’s request had u r,or|->, ot'lisjht inl'.uitry, and put him over it with di recsiaas to take tliis slronghohl. Thislortress was apparently tinpreo ‘able to nnv storming party; t'or. situated on a hill it wished t*y tlie Hudson on two sides while on tlie oth- I er lay a marsh which every tide overflowed. 1 Beside these natural dtdeucts a double row o(attaUis surrounded the entire lull and on tlie top were hi_jli ramparts bri duigwith (Mil lion. Six hundred veteran truopt garrisoaed . tais rock ; sullieieiit one would think, to de fend it against live limes the number. But it was no common obstacle that could Jeter Wayne when his mind was once inn le up and he determined I'oimida'oie as it \v: 1■- to execute i the task assigned linn or perish m the attempt, j It is said that while conversing with Wash ington on tiie proposed expedition he remark ed : ‘ General, ii'you will only plan it 1 will i storm //—/.” ” lie “areluily reconnoitered the ground ‘ and having asrertnined the exact posiiion ol’ things ibnned his plan of attack. On the 15th j o:'July. 17"’J lie started from Sandy Beach, fourteen milts distant, and at eight in the evenimr arrived witliin a nuie un i a half of . tin fortress, it was now twilight : and the nul l summer -'Veiling witii its cooling breeze stole over the water —tile stars came out one by oae on the sky. a id the tranquil river flow ed hy m m ijestie silence and all was sweet and peaceful. While nature was thus repos ing m beauty around him Wayne with ins , strong soul wrought up to the task before him stood ill tlie gathering shades of tlie evening, and gazed long and anxiously in the direction of the fort. *■ Over hills, across morasses and along the broken shores of the Hudson lie had led liis little army noiselessly in Indian file, and now waited for the deepening night to lock his en- ‘• : emies in slumber. Htill undiscovered by the garrison lie began to reconnoitre the works more closely and nt Imlf-pnst < leven put ins columns in motion. He divided his army into two portions one of which was to enter the | fortress on the right, and tlie other on the left, ill advance ol each went a forlorn-hope of twenty men. to remove the pile of rubbish ill it were stretched in double rows around the rocs and placed just win re tiie hatterii s 1 could mow down the assailants fastest. Be ! hind these iinlorn-liopi s marched two compa nies ol a hundred and li It y men each. Wayne knew that everything must rest on the liayo | net and so he ordered the load of every mus ket of those two companies lo be drawn while tlie first in.m who should take his trout lus j shoulder or utter a word without orders o. at tempt to retreat was to be put lo death by the officer nearest him. Silently these devoted i hands submitted to the desjicrate measures and fixing a pace of white paper in their caps to distinguish them from the enemy gillantiy moved lurward at the low word of command. At midnight the two columns h- nd-'d by their I forlorn-hopes, came in sight of the lo tress, n iong whose dark ramparts tiie sentinel was ln ; zily treading his accustomed round while tin deep • Ali's! well’ fell faintly on the listening < ear. Gi nil and still the huge black rock l-join i ed up against the sky soon to shake with its own thunder and stand a blazing vol ano in tlie inid-uight Heavens. N nsle. sand swift the fearless patriots kept on their way. when j lo! as they came to the marsh they saw only a smooth sheet of water —the tide was up lluisi ing the whole ground ; the brave fellows paus ed a moment as tins new arid unexpected ob i stiude crossed their path, but nt the stern forward’ ol their leaders they boldly plunged jin, und without a drum or bugle note to cheer i their steady courage, moved in dead silence i i straight im the palisades. Tlie noise had now ■ alarmed the sentinels and the rapid discharge ; lof their muskets through the gloom, ivas fol lowed by lights, moving swiftly along tlie i | ramparts and hurried shouts of 7% urnut !to ‘ arm* e and the fierce roll of drums, muring up the garrison from its dream of security. — i'he next moment that -lark rock was one mass of liaine as the artillery and musketry opened along its side- shed-ling a lurid li-rlit on the j eountenancosof the men hi low. mu A'lrn r / I tulrance !’ rung in startling accents along the i ranks. ‘ The ramparts were alive with soldiers and amid shouts and hurried wonts of com in uni the I! ry torrent from the summit kept; rolling on those and voted men. The water u round them was driven into spray by the grape shot and halls that ti ll In an incessant show er, while the hissing bursting slu iis, travers ing the air in every direction nddi and inconeeiv- 1 able terror to the scene. Yet those lurloru hopes toiled vigorously on. and heaved away ‘ at tiie übatti* to ojien a gap tortile column, thui without returning a shut stood and erum : bled under tin- fire waiting with fix’ and hayo- j 1 nets to rush to the assault. At the head ol one of tin s, was Wayne, chafing like a lion ! i in the tuils at the obsi ides that arrested his progress. The forlorn-hope in front ol’ him , worked steadily on in the very hi.. :c of the batteries and the rapid blows ol their axes were heard in the intervals of the thunder of artillery that shook the midnight air. while one after another dropped dead ill his lit itsteps, till out ol the twenty that started only three stood up unharmed. Yet stilj their axes fell I steady mid strong until an opening was made through which the columns could pass a id then the shunt of Wayne was heard above the din and tumult, suium-ming his followers on. ‘ With fixed bayonets they marched sternly through the pirtals made at such a noble sac rifice and pressed furuatsly forward—through the morass—over every olist irle -up to the very mouths of the cannon, and up the rocky acclivity they stormed on, enisling every thing in their passage. Towe mg at the head of hi* shattered column, pointing still ouwnrd and upward with his glittering blade, and sending Ins thrilling shout back over Ills fol lowers Wayne stissle steadily up tlie height till at length struck in the h ad hy a musket hill, he nil backward mni-l tlie ranks. In stantly rising on one knee, lie cried out—— “March on! Carry me into the tort lor l will die at the head of my column I’ And those heroes put their brave anils around him and bore iliai onward. Not a shot was fired, hut taking the rapid volleys on their unshrinking breasts, their bayonets glittering in the Hash of llis Simmy's guns, tiisy kept on over ihs 1... ...... 1,1. .a a.l n,.iin: g ouwii tlie Vi iCfan ranks that threw theun-idve in vain valor be i fore them, till they reach, and the centre of the | fort where tliey met the other cot until which, lover the same obstacles, had achieved the i same triumph. At the sight of each other, one loud shout shook the heights and rotted down i the Weeding line—was again sent Ir *S> til! I the Heavens rung vt ith the wild huzza* and then the Hag of freedom went up and Haunted proubly away on the mid.light air. Tie thick volumes of smoke that lay luoitaii that rock, slowly lifted and rolled up the Hudson the stars appeared once more in the sky. and all was ovr.'. The lordly river went sweeping by as it had dune during the deadly si rile'hat cast an il n baleful light oa its bosom and dark less and deathlike silence shrouded the shores. Mournfully nnd slow tho..e lorlon hopes and tneir brave cor.ipn ions who had fallen ii the assault were brought lip foul their gory bids and conveyed to the grave. Waym ‘s wound prov. and not to he severe, the h-ililiavi igo.ily grazt and the t hull l!.r two iin lies and lie lived to wear the l;;ur< Is a grate ful nation placed on his brow. The country i rung with his name and Congress prescnlid him with a gold medal. The whole plan of the assault was most skilfully laid and the hearing of Way-H- throughout was gallant in I the extreme. He chose the head of his column and I ic men \%Jiere even the bravi st might shrink tu follow nnd | whin struck ami apparently dying in roically demanded to he carried forward that he might die iii the arms of victory, or he left where the last stand was made, llis troops were worthy of such a leader a id more gallant oHi . cers never led men into battle.”—Headley. The Itoliber Tribes of the Desert. The robber tribes of Touoreg— those pirates of that great or i.i of sand the Deeert who, as guardians of the gates of the Soudan as wed as the Sahara levy a treble tax upon earn Vann, for the right of entry, the right of par ige, and the right of issue; nnd if any ; evasion of this tax lie attei.q ‘■ .1 pillage them without mercy —ere dispersed throughout tl e who!, extent of the waste. It vv.-uld In dilfi i i ult to arrive at any corn ct ulen of the origin of this singular peoph which although scat tered in so many distinct hordes, still displays a universal community of rare in language, mariners and physiognomy. According to the | accounts of the Arnos who have had dealings with them, they pretend to he of'l urkisli de scent. and ell'eet to treat the Arabs w ith dis dain. Whatever their origin, however, they are tall, strong of slender mak and of fair , complexion even those who have their ramps in the neighborhood of Timbe-ton with the . xccpiionofa It wof mixed blood. Their eyes and their teeth are. genet.illy speaking, of great beauty. They wear long mustaches, in Turkish iashion and upon the summit of their shaven heads a tuft of hair, which they never crop, and fashion into a braid when it becomes too long: the use of ear-rings is uni versal. In case ol net and, they tin be extreme ly sober; and they will frequently wait two or three days without meat or drink, rather than lose a rhunce of prey; but after the Kazzia they make themselves amends lor , their abstemiousness hy extreme gluttony.— I’lieir habitual lood consists ol milk dues, l mutton, and camel’s Hesh. nud ujioii rare oc ! ensions. rakes oi'meal—their wealth of herds of camel* und docks of a peculiar short-liair- I ed and long-tailed species of sheep. Their women are fair and handsome —- fair I as Christian women.” we are told—and leave their fares uncovered. Many of them have blue eyes a beauty much admired among t. cm. The costume of the females consists 1 .I'aat nmplt I'/bl wl‘ IjT. h PltllT llUli Ut/Vt.'ClO of the same material. The richer covi r thr.a clvis with jewels; the poorer auorn them selves with bracelets, or other ornaments of horn. The Touoreg trih sos the south, who are ol” more mixed blood, pursue upon the frontier* of the Niger country the same trade as those of the north. Their country however, affords them corn and grain ; ll.eir Hocks give them milk butter and cheese, i and their trees produce them more abundant j fruit. In a material sense, more fortunate than the northern tribes they are said to be less sa vage. less plu i.h ring, and more hospitable. No caravan, however, enters the Boudan without paying them the usual tribute, or ex posing it*, if to being pillaged; and tliey at tack their enemy with poisoned ; rows the wound* us which can only becu . i! hy cutting away the injured part. The southern tribes keep the towns of the Soudan, anil partieulaily that of Timhectou. i'i a constant slate of blockade. They en i camp themselves beneath their hats of hides i-i great numbers, at some little distance from tlie towns, a terror to the country —hunt down 1 the negroes upon the hanks of the Niger, iu the plains, iu the fi< Ids the gardens, and even at the very gates of the towns carry them off and sell them to tlie caravans.— I These occupations however do not prevent tie ir keeping up a regular trade with the I markets ol* the Soudan and there they ex change them tor an infinity of articles which they afterwards resell to tie caravans. So rich are these markets” said a negro, carried ; off* hy them, and now employed in the central direction of Ar.ih nHniis at Algiers, from whom lltcse details have in part hci n gather ed -thatyou may buy everything there ex cept your own Ihther and mother !”—7'Ae Al . tan Sahara hj t'ltlonrt /himas. I'anialoon Strap-. An nniahg in id-'.it is pleasantly recorded i-l toe following passage I lorn a letter from a Down Hast eorrespoiiueat: • Sanrho l’aiizti say-* 1 luesseil is the man who first invented slecj,.’ Ido :,ot sny 1 citron/ \ is tiie man who first invented ttrafi* oil panta loon*;* out I itu say- • ill. seed is tiro mall who fiist abolished their use.’ In liow many awk ward piedieii.n ut* have they not been the cause oi pluiiug us! How much mure free now mm Ii more comfortable now much more natural to dispraise with these j uilmg knee irritating monstrosities! 1* it not enough that ; we have ‘ susjieiiders ’or • gallowses.’ us our | juvenile nomenclature useu lotiuve it—und a Mutable name it was hy tlie way—to bind us down to the earth witii the piewsure ol the | nightmare, but we must also have the upward pr. SSIIIC ol tlie toot-straps, both drawing iu to gether with the power of a twenty-home hy -1 ilraulle press f I rebel. For one, I have dis persed with both straps and suspend, rs; uud 1 address you Mr. Kjin kei bockcr, as a man of plain common sense, discretion, and ago, to do likewise. But all tlusi ; not tin theriiig the ob ject oi writing to you on ine present oecusion. ’ *’ 1 wish lo tell you ol an incident Unit occur red to in** sometime since, when coming from liulilax to Idosto.i on hoard the packet brig ! A . It was all owing to those unhappy straps. One of my li llo.v-pnssengers was a fat old lady, who suffered very much from seu ; sickness. More titan Iwcltiy tone* 1.1 the day j luo old lady would put the good nature of tlie j steward who was ujolly Irishman, to the test, hy wisiimg to l* lugged upon deck, uud then below again ; insomuch that they used to ( ill her alls. I'clotum. Sometimes site longed to recline on the deck) but (hell it was cold, and she had nothing to wrap herself up with. 1 made myself a great luvorits with her hy spreading out my hullalu robe uni ‘tucking her up’ with my clonk. You no doubt ivtvc been at sell, and are acquainted with the excenlmg ly easy toilets that gentlemen und ladies make (a id unmake) mi snip-board, hollowing the : general practice, I usually in putting oil my ; ‘fie-liir-shuroes ’ tiu ig tin iii up to the reiling ol the slut, room tiie disjr. xvilh ray i [ hauls dangling in tlism. Tits old huly’s rssiii VOL. XXV.—No. 13. wik immediately opposite mine) and one morning slie awoke much eirlitr than usual, ‘laving been prevented from’ sleeping by cer i .iin serious qualms.’ The doors of'both onr state-rooms happened to be wide open, and .Irs, Tefotum, casting her eyes over to ward mine, raw a sight which would have ...’ le each particular hair stand on end ’ if he had had any of her own. She shriek ed out at the top of her voice, • Oh, torch ‘l'nn'nin—steward —mate! Mr. W hits | !mug himself! He’s dead! he’s dead P Out , rosht and the passengers from every berth, and i down’ tumbled the whole ship’s crew; and an -1 other s eh peal of laughter tne broad Atlantic ; never (''fore echoed. And all this was caused by my Issits dangling in fh> <c pantnloons by I their unfortmiate sthip*!”— Knickerbocker. A!c,under Damn*. The annexed aneciioSe is from the May No, of Blackwood. It is well known that the celebrated romancer has n slight tinge of black i > his blood:—A person more remarkable for inquisitiveness than forrorrect breeding—one of those who. devoid of delicacy mid recklesß of rebuff j ry into everything-~took the lib erty to question M. Dumas rather closely con cerninghis genealogical tree. “ Vou arc a quadroon, M. Dumas?” he bc g m. I *• lam sir.” quietly replied Dumas, who has i sense enough not to be ashamed of a descent he, : cannot conceal. J • And your father ?” | “Was a mulatto.” “A nl your grandfather ?” “A negro ” hastily answered the dramatist, whose patience was waning. And may 1 inquire what your great grand father vvr.B 7” “An ape sir.” thumbed Duma*, with a fierce ness that made his impertinent interrogator shrink into the smallest possible compass. •An ape. sir —my pedigree commences wl ere yours terminate*. | The father of Alexander Dumas, the repub [ lican general of the same name, was a mulatto, , burn in St Domingo the son of a negress and of the white Marquis de la Pail Icteric. By | what legitimaring process the bend sinister was ei ised and tile nmrqu.-rte preserved, we | have hitherto been unable to ascertain. Itroken Down Dainties. It i- curious on a visit to the Queen’s Bench l’ri on to contrast the external appearance of ;'ie higher classes of the pri- .now, after they have been a short time in the place with what lit was before their admission. Tl l ■ • rnitainor pliosis they undergo in the course of a few months is almost incredible. It is sometimes so complete, that their own friends one would iliiuk would have some difficulty in identify iigi la in. Were they to meet them accident ally in the street. 1 am sure they would pass tiicm by without recognising them. It is quit a common thing to see noblemen and gentlemen w r ho, but a few months before were dressed or, as a tavlor would say, “ dei orated” ii the extreme of fashion, nothing bettor than ihe mere wrecks of dandyism. In many eases, parti‘s who oil their introduction were dandies |oi the first water, have not the nu ansof keep ing up the steam of Beau brunimellisro | they have, no cash, and what is werse. with them, no credit. In other eases they have no ; inducement to sustain their reputation as dan -1 dies, they see nobody, and are seen by r.obody, l as they themselves phrase it. Hcmce they g-t careless in the article of apparel; and that carelessness eventually degenerates into slov e dines* 1 no brush comes in contact with their , i lollies- mt tun aflor Hutton < Irons ntf u’itKw* Uonijur replaced, until ttiev are pretty nearly huttonlese. Tliore is a hole here ai.d a rent ■ here. “The shine” is taken out of their shoes, and it is not put into them again. Then the re are the hats of these broken down demi .liinjies; they are indeed “ shocking hud” ones lif they are worthy of the name. The pde is igo e the color is defaced: they are broken ] and bruised all over. As regards their boards. | i, they lit si it the least troublesome course ’ to let them have their own way ofit; hence l the chin, which on their entrance was scraped | by some tonsor as bare as if no crop had ever | grown ou it is embellished by a most abund ant harvest of hair, which is dignified by the name ol imistacluos,— Hketchet in London. Singular Anecdote. Several years ago a charity sermon was ; preached in a dissenting chapel in the west of England. When the preacher ascended ill ■ pulpit, h thus addressed the hearers—“My brethren lie ore proceeding to the dutesofthis evening allow lue to relate a short anecdote. Many years have elpscd since I was last with in the wallsof this house. Upon that evening, among the hearers came three men with the internum of not only scoffing at the minister, Inn with tlieir pockets filled with stones for the purpose of assaulting him. Alterhe had spok en a few sentences, one said, ‘D—n him, let us be ut himnowf but the second replied. No stop till we hear what lie makes of this point.’— The minister went on. when the second said. ■ We’ve heard enough now, throw 1” but the tlin'd inti fi red, saying. Tie’s not so foolish as I exjii cteil — let ns hear himout.’ The preach er concluded without being interrupted. Now, mark me, my bretiiern—-of these three men, one was executed three months ago at New gate. lor forgery, the second, this moment, lies under the sentence of death, in the goal of this city, lbr murder—the other (continued the minister with great emotion) —me third, thro’ the infinite goodness of god. is even now about to address you—listen to him!” Lori Speeches. Bradbury, of the Cincinnati AVtrs, tells a capital story about a man, wlio. some years | uo, was i.aiictcd in the Grand Circuit Court, Suite ol Kentucky, lor the crime of petit Utrcc j uy. Determined not to surrender at dise.-c ---! tioii: tiie prisoner appeared an the day of trial, “by lumseif and counsel.” us the law of tiiut State permits. The evidence was hoard, up on which it clearly appeared that the defend ant had been guilty of stealing “one bag of corn worth two dollars and twenty cents. Nothing daunted by the array of foots against his client, the biwyer lose, and poured out an argument Iwo hour* in length. VVTieii lie con cluded, the jury retired, anil after a brief con sultation. returned a verdict of “jxtit larceny.” The attorney moved lor anew triul. which ’ was granted by the Court, a .and the case again brought before the jury. This time the luw )er ipmko three home and n half, the result of | which was a verdict by the jury of “guilty of grand larceny.” Again the ut:omey rose to | move anew trial. He squared luniself, and | ooiunn need in u style ol gnmdiloquense wor | thy of an itinerant tragedian. He lmd spukeii but a lew words when the prisoner rushed for ward. seized him violently by tlm arm and exclaimed: • Hunh. husk, fur ‘ Ilraeen’i take j \ iot/i / Another *pti c! i will hang me at tuix ; ns fin a tiring man.” , No Time to Head the I'npeni. We all find time to do whatever is really a gratificaton to us, und hence tiie complaint of no tune is. in fact, no taste for n tiding. Let the same thing, or the same duty, be done punctually lit the aim” hour, every day. no matter lioiv irksome at first, and it will soon be come pleasant. Every man has time to read a lew paragraphs in a newspaper, during a re iny day or n long winter evening or wune ttm< * when waiting for his meals. The most , iviustrious pc . ms always hud time io rend. | and it is only the idle tuiil Inflict; wlio can find j os nuts is naprevs Ummmclvm by rvaduig.