Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 14, 1847, Image 1

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~y S. U>SK & t-<>. a **_• *'* * * i:jltor '‘- W T V It to h* c:! - v ~f ,ao,H, ’ #t U "’ ■ • nf; i>i cep n U K'i: theyrar 1 00 ■ p* l *"'';;’ , ,^;.,i- nijun tli ■ ewh principle— *” I”' 1 "!!.", iifiscribeni should trap tin- profit* mlcoUei-nn. In .... .■*,; , ■ . imlrs* first paid TS inserted si the usual rotes- ! ■T. RTI '| l ir „!,..l .... will I.- nil ! I"” * | Jim t will I.” allow.•<! .<> |" r -■ in ■ llU1 ” ‘t?h, v,r n.l who pity on .lonian,l.'l o'tiraiitv notice, of over ; na l!pfhf chanted 1” ll "‘ “""I . H with County Officer., ■gl who may wish to j ,"-Irt™ t^ i ll a ,„, olworvi, *he following. ‘ Ii n ■■< *, by Executors, A'lmmus -of *' m ‘'? ‘ ‘ a £. required hy law to he ltdvr- 1 **** prevlow *° ,be ,i * y i By. sale, must he Md on the first Tii-Uy in the ■, I,,*,vn hour* ol toil in.tile I an-l B th ,. ,f„. m n„n, at the Court House in the county thi* property i* niton red. . ■J of Personal Property must lie advertised Creditors of an Estate must he anpfwntion will he made to llte Court of |K r v tor leave to sill.'and and Neemes, must he weekly for four months. „ loiters of Administration must he pnh closure of inorttrUf’ r ill ’hslie.l for four month* —ior . stntilishinir lost pu|>ers, lull spare of three nioulh*-~l"r ctimp--liiiiii. u- KppLn Ext*cutors or w ii* >** u non. lin* by the deceased, the jail spare oj thiee I, ttrs on business to be post pa-d In* hi OiviHion >• 1 • PJ.FDGE. ■ JRffeft. No Brother **tiall mik , buy, > 11, or .i 11*410 ‘l'"""‘Mi** /\\By or Mall l-ii r < “*-*'• P7* Flii* Division uv •t rt-£iilarl> IBMN K’ r.K\ r ilini> KVKNtMi, *1 7 W oMm U m ilicir Hall ° WM. IHBBLK, W. P. K P. Gf*AH •, rt. ■ PtiO Vl> HOI •li • §H Macon, Georgia. HEsnlwcrib ;i have when ha well known Hotel,the FloydHoi sr andnreass,s;la id under th ■ linn t I’liOW ,N A I.ANU.Iv It will be needless to mak promises as one linn has been well known as keeper ot the \V ash- Unit,and th** pubti** are acquainted vvitn Ins man ilMpk doing business. TJm* Table and bur sball not be hy any one,and their Stables are airy, with floors,and not surpasaed by any in (eorgia. are reasonable as the times will . ” If THOMAS A BROWN, j STEKLIN<i LAN UdR ‘ph'* subscriber solicits Ins old friends anil patrons ai t VVashingtou Hull, to giyc him a call at his new St Lanier. —The office of the Tallahassee and Coitmdnis line i Stages kept at this House. I PEIEa S. WIELIAIVia the V. VMIIV-lO> II MX, and a continuance of the public patronage. j April 1,1?H7. . _A_ 4ZAIBZA 4 BFRIKCtS. rpHB subscriber informs Ins tfiondn that he I has completed v ry extensive and impor tant iupovementß upon his well known estab utiiLslim-nt, I lie ♦lrliHONli llotist*, sjhß prepared to accommodate those who may visit lasiuonabic watering place in a superior style. u> - in eonveniently situated, lotii tor visiting the | and ti>r air andcomtort. 11 is rooms are exceed- . being arranged either tor single per- | tajiulies. His bedding is ail new and ot die very | ; and being in the midst ol a tine provision ■ his table will always be abmalanily tumistietl I choicest the State affords. The Baths at the have been greuiiy improved during the season, additional aitiuctiow have b’en add<-.1, wliieii Hi fail to uitereal visitors from üboad An elegant tour horse Post Coaehcs will run daily during the miles, and horses and carriag. w may at any time the Springs by p ■l'sous who are not pro with private conveyances. He deems it unncces- Bu add mat the w&tett at th above Sprin B any m tire Soath ii Sun - tbi their meuici- BRYAN W. COLL IKK. Pf* i'nc l’.:ti*ral Union will publish 11 week**, the Indian Spring Hotel. Hr.Xk'V DIIJiON havingin connection with Al - (,l si’U.S t'AlUilldl.resumed rmvnd ■ Hi- present •eason ~t this well known Hotel. B- kidian Spring, lor many yearn k*-pt by him h*M *- nn.M-ma pis then*!* ami th<* l*bhe g -net n by, tint - “3 buildings and (urn it up* lutv** l> m made to reu c.iiutorialtle wliu may lav or li :n w ih ilm.i pat Tlk* united tuul aasiduu is attention ol the -Mrs will h * given m neon.- general s übtle lion rooms shall in’ neatly kept, w*ll !•:uMi al. and Mjß *1 by good and faithful servant- Hi r table supplied With til * best to piorm I. which well prepared to sail the apjs tite of all. New stables have been coinj.l led on th tor Uk* accommodation ol horaei. moderate atid reuwnable. who visit tins celebrated watering place for health nre invited to give th- tn a call. This Ho- BBcoiivcoieutly mtuateil, near the Mineral Spring, tnejpa *rs of wmeli are superior to any m the country tor Biny diseases. who desire the benefit of U (thing, a 11 fin i the nt this Spring equal to any in the 818, and ttw ellicacy of the water thus used, uiisur yam- and by any. the .Muon and West rn Railroad nt Forsyth, p ■Biiestioiii the Spring, tout !i".se Si ig< s will run to and from the Hpniu. nit r th* li--t of June; s and carriages will be furnished lor the eon of thou * desiring eonveyance hum the Springs plnees during the season. On .June 1. ® norM..-iorsjthf.;.. - rniii; aubsenlur respectiuMy inform* th** fc I travelling public, mat th • above ii .. 1 ‘Miie open lor th'-u iee puon <■ ? i lor fivors, h• p: ii .i to picas--. A* there is no bur kept m this house, will b * sure to hud it a quiet retreat. Tin Me it, will find a bar ol choice hquoraon the op- * side ol the street. A daily line ot stages will mn- r- from this Ii >us• to the India.i Springs. bug r;i,r,. Will b*’ COtlVey ii the I r pot BnincuV A HI-:AN. y IHI7 fw j Confectionary and Grocery. JB IJ. OtMdl it is I e i;ii! li:*-’ new supply “I • 1 '•••■.Is in in line.among win Ii lie partiem.i: ly die utt-ntion of his eustonvn* to i ••• an.ele ol old Ik.uiily. ‘I id-*ua I', it and f’irir* 1 t Preserve*. (‘akea.r in lies ; ’ ‘ M'l • .I-.- .Mill, tOl S ‘gun l V.11.•> K ieand-* B mipoite j llavannu Segam B< w.ll k p a eorwiunt supply of () tin: Appl*.’ ‘ ■ l‘"t'|to s. I ‘!> M*S *. Ihlttej-. R'lisu. •. I *. I’iOti.-S, Ln, *nds, and other nuts. A ‘ “in. i article* usually k"pt in tint lifta. KbKD O VHTGIIrf, by thr keg. |WM >‘ii.Oet. 15.18 W. ytt W OTICXJ. HB ‘ “'r o not the mof . r \ t ii i r ml ‘ “ ll ’ < *•"'* soil 1.1-Otl l)OIM V If.lK l>> ‘ll 1./..qSi. j S '’ • sol 1 “Hi * l) I'e |i'.MMl,Hlul ll.e U “ ‘*> ‘he “■'* in tli r N V•i U It •U, r'"’-.otulf, ,un 01. tv 1.1 rfi.,l or 4 -1. i. \ :'o I IB ■ ‘ * I H IS. t 111 vies KM , I ..I ton A Vfllll. I BVf'V *.•!>* OOIOM Tli “tm now i.c iv, ng from NwYmk, his muni BB’ •'• g and Summer *. ■ and *,> ‘u'*i i• ng lime: ‘V I • ‘i'!#|.- style for both l/ldies* nil! (i Milkmen's B great variety ot t husl.s suit ihle tbr ln>ys a i UKO. W PH U K. BH Min-li ‘l4 HIT 0 §■ ; ■ . ..! * -—A new and beautiful Stock now j v IB ANHJUI7 i BKNTON H - t...i>. i. h.i., Mill. I, -uiit < HtLrj Sort f..r CH*. H. PRtKMAM. H A f'AV iloi nfcrtil Ilrnn 1y,.'l ISJO.trow the frlf ■>’ ’ -I l‘i>r lluiwcul hath PmTi. Jr . . r ■ *, is ‘’ A K H* ® ‘ Hump ifioar -lore sad o^ds. China, Gla mid Enrllteit Ware. r^Y V m: sulmeri:.. ismc now receiving , M I opening a general nsmrtrn nt of th< v above goods, at the store lately occupied h\ Mr A. th Butts, corner ol .Mulberry and *S coiid sle. and opposite the Washington Hall, wliieii they offer at j e and retail. The stock., in part, consists of the i tol lowing: Bails White Dining Tea and Toilet Set.*, Light Blue do. do. do. do. Plowing “ do. do. do. do. White French China Dining Set*, Do. do. do. Tea do. Hold band do. do do. do. White do. do. Jugs. W bite Granite,light and flowing bin .Tus—all sizer-: Plates, Dishes, Bakers, and Cover Dishes to mutch Di- ‘ ning Wares, A general assortment of common Ware, i ut. Pressed and Plain Tumblers, Cut mid Pressed Goblets, Winesnnd Champagnes, Prossed and Plain Egg and Jelly Glass, s, t lit and Pn*ssrut Mirror Dishes and Nappies. < ut, Pressed and Plain I/i tope and Cantlii sticks. Lk <lo. do Saits, Cut Decanters, in wLs and pnirs, Solar I/mnw—Britannia and German Silver Castors, Looking Glasses of various sixes and styles, Slone Baking Dishes, Pu s, &,c &c. The subscribers deem it proper to state that they have adopted the CASH SYSTEM, to which they intend strictly to adhere, an t by which they will be enabled to furnish every description ot goods m tlieir line at fair prim. HYDE & JONES H. At J will take order* for fancy China Dining, Tea mi I Toilet Sets, which they will furnish nt the itiniort er's prievs. adding only the expenses from New York Maco i . 8 ;pt ‘Z. l ■ 16 yfg CO-PA.ij.T IV I!K fill 12.*. oilj*critH*r having lip* imiilui, Reuben //. | IV/iite, into pan lit r-# p, tin* t>u*in. ‘.n will lit r< afu iho otiMiiiiued undri th* firm ot A. .1. W HIT K ( O Macon, July 1, 1840. A. J. WHITE. Tin* Mihfcribem have in store, and v ilt be rvei iving du* rmp thetummci and fall, A general of Loads, Adapted to the season , consistmg in part of Si. Croix ami I.oal Mnj-.n, I Staplt Hi) (>ooo*, Go, I.Mifiura and Ja\a CottW Saddler), Shots, Iron tit all kinds. | Liquors ot ml knuls, Hollovk - ar< .net Nails, IT i as— oiu v* r> fine, ••< rinan,Caf K Hast. Sleet, St pars. T ohacco, Sait, Molas'ts, j Paints, Oils, l^c. Basisittfs, Twine and H<n>v. Willi ilicit -nock ot (lugging, the) oiler st.u.t K. ntucKy 52 1 111*110 4 wide, aell u.lupttd to square bnlo, am nhuTi was highly approved of Hie past season by plaint in. <*oinpriiii£ most articles in the <. roc i > l.iiu . which the) •if r at the lowest market prices, and respectfully solicit a rail troni their friends and th* public. A. .. Will I E fc CO. CT7* After the first of Octobi r, th y will remove to the ‘irieh corner<tre two door* above iheii present location, former I) oceupi and by Chapman, Ross & Cos. Macon, July I, *B4O yJ3 l.aic Vt'Hi! I,me V ha! Not from Mexico, but from the Peufrle* Store. Dky i.ooiu selling lower than ever lx-fore in this market. New goods received monthly, du ring the business season. of the nmst desirable styles.— Please notice the following, now in store, which are sel liagwith a perfect rush. Hanaua Silks, Fine Bern fifths, selling from 25 to $1 “ Muslins “ “ 25 to 50 cents. “ Ginghams, “ “ 18 to 37 “ Prints, “ “ fto 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 cts. to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ 37 cts. to 500 Bonnets, Artificials, Ribbons, Carpet IlAigs, Satch el*, (‘arueting. Matting, &c *!tc. French Cassimere, GrodeTn, Linnen Drilling, and Goods for Gentlemen’s wear, ol oil descriptions. Hoiim*-Keeping In this line of trade I am perfectly in town, and would fiartieularly invite those ju*t beginning in this branch of ite, together with those who h ive had much experi ence Also, Scarf*, .Shawls, Cmvntts. Chimasets, French work Caps, Thread and Linen Laces, Bobinett, Mus quito Netting. Nankeens. Brown Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, bleached and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing, &.e. See. A few /. O (). F. Grand Lodge Regalias, for sale law. Please call and examine for yon-selves- -we always get paid tor showing. Respectfully, JOHN W. CLARK. Macon, May 5, 1847. C Irish Litton, Crown Holland, Ac# /r/v PIECES Iri h Linen, direct importation, war- Ol” ranted “genuine.” 35 Pieces Br*wn Holland, for “Otnmer wear,received ; direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the I Avenue. Also, Principe S gars, Port ami Sherry Wine, for sale j low by , T. C. DEMPSEY. | _ May 18 _ 7 NGI M*ltft!W (MHIOE CB IMF. mb'Critx i hasjust .’j. n- and a m \ ami complete as s sort me-ut .t Staple hiiU Kancy Dry Good* for the -.pniiß iradi, which will l>. offernt at pmw that eannet tail ot i.isiuii.g tin in quick uh . t’eisons in a awl >t I>i y tonal* would tin well to call uiitlexan.uu tin stock and pri ce*. To rii) friend* in ihecouutry, 1 wvulti juat ia), call and st. in< —you nhall liav. tioods at the luurst price*. AmoHi{ tin- utock are l ick Eu.hroi.!* red ti rage■- : rich emliroidcied Silk Muslins and Ciiiigtiams ; fine punt* tl Jac onet ; fine print, and anil l..iwim; Scotch, Kngli'h Hid Freiicii liinghaniK ; Lnu n Gingham'. A beaut iful a.s- Nortm. ni of emnroidt red goods, consisting of (tubes. Col lars. ( fieuii<etl, ( apes, f and Ivu-i'liup. Embroid ert-d I.ace ll mlk> rclmls, ttc kc Jacomt auslii* ; Swims I Muslins, pl.<i.t and trip. and; Irish l.inens; Table do ,40 inch I pillow cute n ; Scotch and Itussia lliujn i , IfuckalxK k rowi-iiinyr: Cotton Diaper; Dama-k T uI.U ( 1011-#, Dam ask Napkins; color. Linen table Covirs ; Cortltt! Skills, <irass do.; Check limits; M.ntre) Stripe Cwsm.ere ; Kentucky J ana ; Colton Cmsiinrr ; |U< aclu <1 and Brown Honn-spuns. Bonntt*, Bibhons. Ainhcial fl- aVr; I’m hrellas. Parasol*, Suie&hadc s, and a thousand an.* out oth er article*, w Inch every one w ants. Allot which shall Ik* sold low-fi.r cash. JOS. MURDOCK. April l * 7 ttitZKiHg, Rope. Taint . r '■ NI E subscribe rs are now receiving th* ir fall supplies 1 t GKOC Eltl E^, w hich the) otfi rto iheir sl<l friends and the public generally, ut unusual low prit-t*. \V< have now ii> store, ami rest i\ u.^— .300 pieces heavy Gunny Racing, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky do. 150 .-oils K. utnck) Rope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. I’wine, 2,000 sick* Salt, 1 t,00) lbs Sweeties Iron, 1,000 lbs Band, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 lilids. St Crmx ami Porto Rico Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Pow dered do. 100 bags Hioand Java Coffee, 50 boxes I nhacco, 100 keg* Nail, 1,0 0 lbs. Cast, German and Blister Steel. 4 Iso PAINTS AND OILS of ever) description. K. BOND Macon, April 1. I4A. 40 U I ‘’help* K j. n.k s Gin, UU <OO do N.•. Whlnke) , 50 do It iltimore do. 30 half pipe* Ota rd Brandy, 5 •* “ tT..-i nips gut do, 15 pipes Holland < dn, 50 qr. casks Madeira Wine, 20 *• “ Port do. lo * • sherry do 100 casks London Porter, pints, 20 bbl*. Cherry Brandy, In store, and tor sale by L “I 5 4 RCO I 1 . ( \TM IHT Ik CO. nrR. , T3ARG VI NS ‘ B NRG M.VS ’ —Tlie UTi Jeraigncil I f having tii... n the Stm.- on the comer of Cotton 1 Avenue atul ( 4 lh*iiy Wreet, formerly called Ross’ Store, 1C lo *’ * oh House, •/eiw o| Macon, atul TlmterH, that he will constantly I keep on huuJ nn oxcellem Mock of i>ry coo4lh LrotTrics & Wovifelon*. j of all kind*, wliieii be will n<*ll nt the lowest potwible I rate*. lieing perfectly contenL'd with quirk t*nl**n anti *mnll urofltn l*hc public g :;icmlfy are re*q>eotfully re quexte.l, if they want g. at burg hum, to drop into the KlO Gr:mtl-’ Ifoaw. Go.kU of all kmdt> given in ex elvmgc l**r all kitul* of tr* lue at e*b price* H N iTLSIFKit, Pronrietor of tip- Rio Grande Houw*. At the Rio (irimd'* ll ‘use can be bxtnd nt nil timer Ten, Coffi't*,Sugar,Syrup, Moltiswu.Riec, Bacon. Lmd. Butter, Com Meal,Grit*, Flour, Murkorl, mid Shad of ! the bent qnlity,in qu iniitiea tomtit purcliuarrn, nt (lie ; lowmt rulea, and ■'■lit to any part of tie* city free of ’ chnrge i]N I. UMT 31 Mi’ll A IIS. I f, W k Hit IIS. New O. . in*. W d>. St. Crnil, Is7s “* *U. H jsenvati*', 50 bbl* Crush* and and P.<w (lt 11 and, 1 II Ihixcs \\ hue Havana, 20 d<- I.- if, Kovsiib !% j April 0 4 S''<) 11. C A Hit AIIT fc CO, cnßaoitrr Limn. T’tlF uni. riiinollm p.i full n.-ph nf |h< aimer article * on baud anil aril it at O/ir Dutlm andayrarttr id r box, \ for lash’Hity. 1(0 11, l AKIUIII U < t). April I, 11 tT 47 /l/k II )| •) >. Cuba Mu! .. s, 75 Utils N. w than* do, DH I .1 sale b) S’ (> I I , C'Alttmt r h <>. April 2V I’O < K % 11. V ‘•v’d 'b<*Uinf! and Rm\!) Wf If nt with Ifararw f r foot Horn Antdv to CHAS. CAMPBELL A C O. May 5. _ Bl fe‘ P“rs*a Aw kft mt ab autilul iy U (prill 4 CM AH It Ml REMAN. 1 <lO. WHiaiO X. mi 1(1 M. 1 r Art lIRI.-t Ph i:*’nnrf Jmm's’Gih, 21 MJ O ) Ho N 0 W'h.4.. v. ) Ho N K 11 no.. Pur !o h# F-b -1 v we-i i carhart * MACON, GEOUGIA, WEDNESDAY, Jl LY 14, 1817. C. U. WENTWORTH Ik CO. cjr> | I VVE jut received and now often ■ * kr aale, at the lowest cash prl- J c* s. anew and sp'.cnd and .!o kol go id*-- in t!u‘ii line—consiHting ol'Fine Gold i.yjjA. n ft*l Silver lover, Ijepinc, Patent and VYutical EwaptTucnt wa.’ w *'Bi'' - Bi m , G°l *1 Guard and Fob Chain**, Key-. Ac. A grent vn i r *';ty of leu lien’ anl Gentlemen's Breast Pins, Finger I Kings, of till patterns; GOLD #*#:.vs, | with Gold and Silver Holders Gold Pencils,Gold Sleeve and Collar Button.” • Studs; I Gold and Silver Thimbb's; Bracelets and Bracelet Clasps; Card Cases; Fin* P'*n and Pockft Koives: ! Superior Scissors : Steel Rings atul Taswls, • Coral Beads; Steel Tens, \ r. W ARK ANTED RAZORS. Spcclnclei 1 SjH'ctnclcxl—-Gold and Silver, j Persons afflicted with defective or impaired vision, an • 1 respectfully invited to call mid ext.mine a New and I Improved article f Spectacle Glasr-cs—for which th** ! ; subscribers nrc sole Agents Also. N.-w and Beautiful Style LAMPS j 1 Lamp (ilass sand Winking'; j Tinted and Brittania Wore IxcpMiritig.—lVatches and Clocks of every ■ tion rc.pti red and warranted for one year. [ All Watches sold or repaired, will be warranted to j keen good time or th - Cash will be. refunded. j W atches sent from any part of the country, will re eeivc the som* attention and be repaired on as icasona -1 bl<* terms as thou rh the owners were present. ; All kinds of Geld and Silver work made to order. . Jewelry ol every description neatly repaired. RACIEiUiEOTYPING. ; The undersign-* I having fitted up n room adjoining j their Store, are prepared to t ike pictures in the best * nossihlc style. A fine nssoj tnient of Gold Lockets, | Pina, and Bracelets, suitable tor the above. C K. WENTWORTH & CO. ! East Side Mulberry’ St. 1 9 NEW AND lIE.II TUT L GOODS. (UST received and now opening, n variety of styles | of new, fancy and staple DRY GOODS Among i | them may be found 1 Plain wide Black Silks, ; Satin Stripe Silks, ; 40 pieces Bnh.annesand B< rages, from 121 to 75 cents , per yard, 40 pieces Ginghams, very cheap, ; 100 pieces Calico, from fii to 25 cents per yard, j Brown Sheetings, 20 yards for *l. ; 100 Parasols, Parasoictts and Sun Shades,from 75cents : f t 3 i White Cotton Hosiery, at 121 cents per pair. 30 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 121 to 5) cents. Plain White Swiss Muslins, at 25 cents per yard, Plaid and Striped do very low, Lace striped do nt 31 cents, Jaconet, Nansook, Book and Mull Muslins, Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style, (trassCloth Skirts. Summer Cnssimers. Cottonadrs, Gambroons, White and Brown Linen Drills for Tams, Plaid Linen for Coats, Cross Bar MusqnitoNetting, Lace do do ‘Table and Towdl Diapers,of many qualities and prices. Muslin Collara, Cliemisetts, &c.,A,c. The subHeriht*r deems it unnecessary to enumerate articles, ns all who will give him a call, will find almost every article usually kept in a Dry Good Store, and nt as low priees FOR CASH, as at any oth- r tore in the State. Store next door to the Post Office. Pleas* l come and sec. E WOODRUFF. April 14. 2 FACTS MtE STt IIKH!N THINGS. | EO. M LOGAN &CO would most l'-spectfully \ I inform th goo I citi’/'-ns of Macon and the sur rounding country, that they are not quite sWI ng off their stock nt New York cost, nor do they laudly boast : ot under selling their neighbors. The design of this I advertisement is to disseminate extensively this unde- { niable truth, viz : that our assortment is rich and racy— ! rare and beautiful; comprising every desirable article of j Fancy and Staple J>ry Goods usually found in store on speculation. Tis unnecessa- j ry to enumerate the many, very many extravagantly i beautiful articles on hand, and to comment upon uuriti- j sic worth, is deemed entirely superfluous. Suffice it to say. that all our rich Fancy Dr-ss Goods. French Work- \ eaCnpes.&c. were purchns*-.! of A T Stewart Si Cos , ! New York, and differ materially in style and patterns j from all others in Macon. . All those who entertain the e iron ions impression flint we hold up for high priees, can receive oecular de- | ! inonstration to the contrary by popping in and looking j | for themst'lvt s. Glhsn Whit. Chira Ware, and Earthen Ware, of every and any kind, at a very small advance on New York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN Sc CO. I 1 Macon, May 26,1847. 8 1 New Grocery and Dry Goods Store. iqxno*\N C. Ili.MJ*si;V, hmiuu-jiw opened j I in the Brick Store on Cotton Avenrn*, formerly ; I oecupietl hy W A Robertson, mid nearly opposite j Messrs. A. J. White Sc Cos. and Bancroft’s stores, has | now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort ment of Foreign Liquors and Segars, Su*ar, Cffbe, j and a general assomnent of Groc-ritrs anti Dry Gottis, which will be sold at New York prices for Cash only Foreign fliandies, Wines, Ac. Otard, Dujmey & Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different vinUiges—stun*- very old in bottles. Goddard Sc Co’s. Vintage, 1825; A. Scig.ietli-’s Brandy; M’ der Bwan Holland (in; Madeira Wine, in quarter casks; Port Wine • Sherry W ne. Tin s, liquors are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Principe and other brands—warranted genuine. TEAS—lmperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Ily- I son and Black Tea, of n very superior quality. Old Java Coffee, Lvil Sugar, Spemi Candles, Ada- j man tine Candles 20 lihds. Si Croix, Porto Rico nnd N. Orleans Sugar. I 50 Sacks Rio Coffee, first quality ;30 do. second do. ; •500 p American and English Calicoes, 10 cases Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, 10 bales Brown 3-4 and 4-4 do. 50 ns. Irish Linen, direct importation, Ac Sic. M icon, June 2,1817 y VI RY 4 lll4l* DRI (iOODh! \’ McKINNON *(1 CO. unulcl in*itt* all prrsonx in ■ • want of DRY t .OODS, to call an-l t-aamint* tl*-ir ; New and St asonublc Stink, consisting ol Itrnwn atul fllcat ii- J etl Sliirtiiig* amt Sheetings, Checks, . .nn*lans # ! Print*, Liu it*, I.itu-u D-iUinfr*, Aiu-ait4 common clotlt*, ! Mnstiii'*, Lawn*, Silk* and Drvss tiiMot* r i with almost tv* ry otlu-r artit-lt- uuall) k< pt in tin* Dry ! Goods lin. All of-chirli will In- .old at tho In-.vest prices tor Ca-h. or to punctual custoinm on tin usual tituc. Macon, April I, 1847 . 4 TOillitit’i’y 2bil lhrxx Mnlilng. VIRS ROWELL & MRS BUK DINE, will carry ill on the above biwiin **s and rx<*eute all orders in the best nia tiuer, and imou toshionabie style when re quired. Bleaching and Repairing Bonnets, will nlt*o be done nt short notice. ‘Their residence is on the comer of j College strict, near the Female Coll* ge. Macon, Oct. 28, 18-Mi. iy 37 straw DBRAOEB *l/4 I'IFJ’KiS N'iad <1 Hiitiu Strip* and Spottid Beragcs, ‘ •BA W “oiut* very It and so no, just un iy-d •< I April 14 {1 K.. WOOD 14 L'KK*B. J |IRD ASKS Clar. i U mr, lln/ ‘< eluiitt- do, 100 dui l'mil ru and Co’. pure l.rtnon ttyrun, i ICO •* Miin r's do. do. 50 boar* i<mod)- Cht-rrits. 2f) ** pH-klc—a*ort<o, 50 * Fresh Cultures* Water, 50 *• Sjo rm Cxitdlts, BO “ Hull fe Son's IMo t do, For suit low by hCOT F, C AItHAHT & CO Aprils'* 4 OBAkUBS B. rABcaiAlT Cuttvn Avenue, ne t t door a'.trve the “//, o Hrati'le Him sc,” Hua]u-t open ‘d a gw-d etoek of Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Flour, Bacon, SlapN- iiikl t'am ) lit > *.o<ils. M ii-hii, \prtl I. 1 ‘i; I |)(i*i;k invuvi.. i.iw receive*! a j I lari!** supply of Paper Ilnri'Mii ;*,Borden*, and File I Board Prints ; wide Pupor for Wiii luwßb.'uh a.a U au* tiful article. Als . I’i ot Mata of several different kinds. , March 31 7 GEO. W PRU E ; IPHMJ It.- t you wifli to improve ornrew rye i lienlili, e-'dl *’i C A.ELLM and get a few Ut ---1 ties of be* fine LONDON PORTER It in just the thing j i tnexeif th- spirits ntui invigorate the whole man—and lis not had to take May 5. 6 I KCUI 01104 11(11. lI’ST received hi Warren Fre**mnn’s,so boxca Rfff- I sins; 25 drums *\t a fine Fig. l9hnxedo Primes;! j 25 do. Oranges; 2.(XK) West India Oranges.very sweet, i t Citrorm, Currants, !> h s, I'ninnrinds , Sugars, Tens and i , Uolleo ; Spices of till ki ids Uim k* r* of oil kinds . Fine ‘ Smoking sitd Chewing Taoaaco; Patent Yeast Pow- J tiers. ! Also, a very lsrg” and fine nsaprtnu nt of Stuart s I rifam Refin* and UauJi -*. W FREEMAN. \ -1, 1817 IV \f rmiov N\m\ wrr-t.*d-f.r *•! .♦ .fl ms)3 4 <I4AH H. KHFKdAN I H !’. nOCTOR II K GREEN is authorised to set ns 1 my Agsnt. during tuv s’jssnoe tliis summer JuR 7, 1847 204 WM B PARKER Domestics.— 30Bak 4-4 sheet do. 20 do. heavy Osnnburgs. 5 do. Tickings, 3 do. brown Di libs, 3 do. Marin*.* Striiii s, 50 do. Cotton \ am. 10 cube's bl-fueled goods, 3d * fine blenebed do 1 do. 11-4 blent!led Sheeting. 2 Vb• brown Drills, 2 do. Blenched, 10do. Kersey*, 3 do. Flannels, now in store and lor sale by GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. Macon. May 12, 1847. 0 ts .11 VT BEGEM ED SV~\IT I IC lTvTvTv A , Sane Choice Groceries, For Sale Low. DAY Water. I > Floret Wine, French Cordials, Clcw-hc Cntsup, something extra. Walnut do. Horseradish, in pint and half pint Jars, Chocolate and Cocoa, Brotnn, a superior article of Cocoa Sardines, Lobsters, Fresh nnd Pickled Salmon, Fresh. 2000 Extra Regalia Cigars, 12 Dozen Congress Water. 1 June, 16, 1847. 11 ts cjpbixo niLunr.Hr. m™ damquk , , J IS r. <-fivmc ii.-r now supply ~f ih<- nt.nvo H. nnd I would respect fully request her old customers and the j public generally to give her a call and look nt her stork ne,ore tli-y purchase el hi* where. She is determined to j sun g*.Kly as low ns anyone in the city, and of n mipe- I nor article Her of Bonnets, Ribbons, Fiowv rs, Euibroi* -ri:*s, Silk Goods and Shawla, cannot L'-equalled in the part of the country. Macon, April 21, 1847 <4it4j< Kuril**. f ,*T HMDS. St. C’roix, Porto Rico and N. O. Sugar, Y*J 12 boxes ami barrels crushed, pulv 6, loaf 25 lihds Molasses, 1 do. Stewart’s refined Sugar House Motors I<H) bags Rio Coffee, 20 “ Pepper, Spice ami Ginger, 25 boxes Sjierm Candles. 20 “ ‘j allow 50 ‘ Soap, 20 “ Starch, 4 Chests choice Imperial and ILnon T< n. 10 Quarter chests Imperial and lly.-son Tea, S.'ileiatris, Indigo, alh bier, Spfinish Brown, H■ ie Vitri* l ('opperas. Alum. Bjrax, Sal. Nitre Powder, Shot, Lead, 25 lib’s. N. E Rum. 25 bbk Northern Cin, 50 l.J,!s. Whiskey, ( ognne and American Brandy, Holland Gin. Cordials. Madenn, Port, and Malaga Wine, Syrup, Raisins, ■ 100 Boxes Tobacco, a great variety, j 304 XX) Segars; Macabnyand Scotch Snuff 1 , : With a great variety of other Groe Ties, which will [be sold at “Bargains/ AMOS BENTON. ! April 1 7 IBH I nlO. —The suhseriiieni continue to T ke.-p a g nerni assortment of (iroceries and Staple ! Dry Goods, at their old stand, corner of Secon.l anJ Mul ( berry streets, opposite the Washington Hall: they have jiiat receiv'd with other articles tle following: 21 lihds. St. Croix nnd P R. Sugars, 12‘J Kags (ireen Rio Cofli-e, 25 “ Old Gov. Java Coffee, j 2<KK) Yards Negro Kerseys, RDd Duffle 8 and 9 quarter, ICK Yards Cotton Osnnburga, 15 ‘Pons Sweedes Iron, 7<H) Sacks Liverpool Salt, 15 ! J0 Pairßnssett Brogans, with n general aaortment in tln ir line, all of which is offered nt the lowest cash prices. They in vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— believing they caiuiot tail to be suited in price and qual ity CTIAS CAMPBELL & (’(>. April 1. 1847. NOTH E. snhscriberp resrreetfully invito the attention of I Mcrchnntsand Planters, to their stock of Staple ‘ttul I Utley Dry fiords now in store. We shall j : dso be in weekly receipt of seasonable goods through j “lit the B*;,<=on, as it is our determination to render our i stock worthy the attention ot purchasers nt ail times. ! und n: prie< s that wnl lx- satisfactory to the purchasers, ‘ —among which are the following: ; 10 cases English A American print®. 2 do. Mourning do. 3 do. Furniture do. 3do Gingham and Lawns, 2 do. Printed Muslins, SOpiecesrnibroidered Dress do. 20 pieces Chaileys embroidered. 20 do. Rich Borages, 3 do. Black Satin slip** Silks. 5 do blfek dress do. 25 do. Rich dress silks, 40 do Jne.on*‘Us,3o!o. Cambrics, 25 do. ( hf-ek & Inc* l stripr Mus ins lOdo.dress Muslins. 20 do. Viet-.via & Pushop Lawn, 25 do Col ,1 Jncones, 10 do. Col’d Cambrics, 20 do. black A fancy C aasimers, l 20 do. Fancy cold Cloths. 30 do siik, sat mA’ Maraeilh-s vestings. 150 do. Summer stuffs, (all prices. 20 do bl’k. I and cord Alpaeeas,2odo. ‘Table Diaper. 50do. Irish Lm | ens, 3 cas>s Florence Bonnets, 1 do. Ist id work. do. . 2 do. Do\ ■:i straw Bonnets. 10do Ln\vn& fi.iev do. 150 boxes R bbons. (ofall kinds.) 3<>do. Rowers, j Ladies rit Gentlemen’s kid Si s !k gloves do. do cotton [do. 5E ser fancy neck ues, 3 vises P.irasols, 5 do. Cm ! hr* l 1 f, 25 doz n Linen Cambric H.ik ts. be u! and flag j do. 25 pi* eeg Silk find Pongee Hdk’fs, 150 dozen sus | penders, Coras, Tapes, Buttons, Trimmings, Laces, Fringes, Gimps,Tassels, Sir Ac GRAVES, WOOD, A CO. Macon, May 12, HIT § ts UEA Si ( OTTON have rein-A- : \ i. la / key’s Store, on Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite J. Cowl<*h’ Fire Proof Warehouse. They have instore and oiler for sal*’ on accommodating terms: 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bugging, 175 “ Dundee 85 “ Slightly damaged “ st) Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, lOW U Tank and Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Btcpj f 800 Sucks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Champaigue Wine, 5 Box**s Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon, I Sept. 2, 1846. C 9 * tills, li nn nnd Hollow M art*. ; /TAt | KEGS Cut NaiN, 1 * ) V/l / 15 tons Iron,assorted Ito 10 inches, 2,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, lO,UOO lbs. Hollow Wate, 2/IX) lbs. Cast Steel, I tioo Ihs German and Blister Steel, 2,000 lbs Hoop and Band Iron, 5’J doz. Hoes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, j Received nnd for sale by E. B WEED. April I. 1847 n zce : zen:: ice ::: r TMIE ul>seril*er is ready to supply all in want of the i I above article in any quantity, bnt the CASH must be sent in every ease, as be is determined not to charge one pouml of it to any person—having to pay cash for it hi 1 , use if be for*‘delivery. Also Blue Lake and Congreaa Water to Is* found at the Washington Hall. J II DAMOCR May 19. 1817. 7 3m >ll >1 l>>. PIECES MCSLINS. new and lieautiful pat * f terns this day received, and for hale cheap j N B—Alts* a few pieces slightly damaged, which will be sold at bargains, hy . M \25 8 AMOS BEN MON Iron 6t Steel Nails, <kc. ,)/ \ 1 w k LBS. nssorted Sw* t-d* - Iron. ‘4\/(UUU Cua( Burl, (o-rinan and Biwtered i Steel, 890 Kegs Naila, lt lioxea 8 by 10 Window Gl.uaa, 150 *lo 10 by 12 d.* 50 do 12 by 14 do >b do 12 by 18 do For an !r by \ ril 1 2 scorr, ( \RH MM’ \ CO U A’Tl.d. -30 J). / g>*mime, tor oJ aaJ** by ( A. ELI*S. May 18 7 111 TTI It. KE AUTIFUL fresh May BETTER, from Orange eutify, Now York,just rec* v***.l nnd tor aal** by M*v 26 1817 m C \ EELS I DI 11. WIIII BOTTLES of champagne cider. Owl* Fur sale by A. EELS M> 26,1847 8 POHiCK, bytb- Do. |- or ('iak. for Mile by ( \ ELLH. April 28. 1847 4 ,)A lliijj * \T*C % Regain f -ura, (iUfffUII 20jlltx Principle do For v ile by C. A. ELLS. April 18, 1817 1 (1 RMCfllllliX, in lihds St r roil Stufara*. 29 I bbla. do do 75 kb* Is Muscovado anl New Or j lean* do 90hhda. Molawsc*; 3n hbls. N OrlciusSy ! nip ; 10 boxen |,*nt Stignr; 10 bbl* Crushed a- *2<Xt Kicks Rio Coffee ; 25 do Java do. 50 bids Mackerel; 25 half do do. 15 tierces Vinegar; 150 boxes ‘T*bar c* van-tii** 1 1 10 . 1 (dl kinds;) 1000 Ilia. Engliali, Atpericaii and Cast St'cl Now in store nnd for sale on aoQptfnnnd&finff terms, by GRAVES, WOOD, A Cos ■ M y 12, IH|7 6 M |||( U I M) II \ >|s. • • I fH-ri..r,fbruir|) CtfAt. H KHKI MAN. 1 ;*r*t I 4 Mexbii yt. i(j i NOK. i —fr* h ami vcr am* _ i- rior,l -f mli It tH HI. 11. KLKK'IAN, ”1; it I 4 ()OIMTII. ! Claret Wtnaa, frr sale bv C A ELLS. ’ May H 7 New Spring nnd Summer Millinery. |\;l RS. E DESSAU ia now open ng at h- r ( * I eatablir'hment on Mulbcry etre-’t, over Messrs. J. I. Jones A, Co’s Store, up stairs, an invoice of tin* newest nnd most ffifhionnble spring and Sc,, jj. • r Milhnery t •- odfl.coi’s.Htnig in part oT all Kind* oi La*lies’ Bonnets. Caps, Ribbons, Flowers, Embroid ••rics. Dress- -, S -y.s P.*rfunieries. and other fancy ar ticles; and a full aasortment of Trimmings farLadiea Dress* s. Bomiets. Caps. Dresses, and Riding Habits made to order; also Wait cut nnd fitted. Mac \ ; i 111 N roll’s Nf'W and beautiful Muslins. 124 to 374 rents. Do. “ do. Berrngcs, 25 to 5'J cts. j V, bile Mmlin Robes, new Ftvle, [ Bwiss and Jaconet Muslin, 25 to 75 cts Silk an-1 BTr igi’ Scarf-*, very low ; Corded Skirts, l 25 i to 5 00 | Grass Cloth, $1 25 pq ; Merino, all colors, 374 cts Bonnets, sA*ts to $5 ; Artificials, Wreaths, Bonnet Rib bons. Ac. j ! Horn* spun, 6f to 14 eta; 11-4 Bleached Sheeting, 50 cts ( oiinL-rtnnes, very cheap : Toil *t Covers, 50 ct-s. Muslin Ginghams, 25 to 374 cts. B sid *s a large stock of oilier articles, which will be sold at v.*rv low prices. Call and sec. May 12. 1817. G Prcm nra Butter. V SMALL Lot (obtained nun favor) from one of the best private dairies in New Jersey. 1 hy C. 11. FREEMAN. Jure- 23, 1,847 12 I ERRS|| \RKi\ 11. Ql’li \R—L>nf. Pulverise*! and Crushed. kj ( HACKERS—Ward's Butter, Soda, Lemon, and 80-ten. NUTS—Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts, and Pecan. S5 RI BS—Lemon nnd RaKpherir, warranted pure. I Chocolate, Guava Jellies. Mustard, Catsup, Slc. ! • 12 t H. I REEMAN rZOTZCB, riAIIA I’ tin- subscribers keep constantly on hand o I large stock of Bings, Medicines, Chemicals, PAINTS, oji.s, p\ti:\t ni:i>i( iDiEx, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, l>rttggi !h* Gla‘-s-ware, and a host of articles too numerous to particularize. | Their medicines are nil fresh, and pure, and cheap, i The public arc respectfully invite*! to call and ree ! SHOTWELL A GILBERT Jim* 23,18f3 12 | 4 GLORIOI S Till I MPli ! Trut n . 1 \ no boasting. —Citizens of the United Slates, with ‘ Hire 1 iufoi ni you of tl f 1 lumphreys* Fever nnd Ague Pills throughout Georgia, South Caro- i linn, Florida, ‘Tennessee. Ac. Up to the Bth of the j present month. 1 have had four hundred and eighty three cns ‘s of ibis distressing complaint, and out of this large number I have failed only in four eases, and I can • safely say lii** failure is on llieir own side, nnd not nunc, i Tliis nicdicine is now found m ail parts ol this and the adjoining States, where it is recommended by the most ! respectable.families, and the het recommendation is, it 1 is proving itself to b * an inf dlible remedy tot Fever and j It i my own discovery, and is one of the best i ■ ni -d:c ines *‘\vr invented for this dreadful disease—cur- j ing in twelve 1 urs. Prepare*! nnd sold only in Snvnn- , uah, by W. HUMPHREYS, Jr. Splendid commissions given to Agents who will sell thin infallible remedy* in the Southern States, where something of the kind is wanted, which will prove ef fectual. Address the Proprietor, comer Bay and Dray ton streets. Savannah, Ga. Agents now appointed—Shotwell Si. Gilbert. Macon; Dot sc y Si Knott, (stiliivi; P. A stoie.s, La Grang ; Weister A Epping, Columbus; W. K Kitch en. Augusta. June 23 4w12 B. I . DI4 KINSON A CO. M’AVE on hand 600 wicks Salt; . 20,000 lbs. Iron, Round, Square, Band, lloop and Sh;et; Cast. Gennan, English and American Blister Steel; Window Glass ; Lins* ed f hi. Macon, June 2, 1847. 9 S. F. Dickinson A co. Have jiHt received, 1,000 sacks salt, ■OO Lead No I extra and pure, 50) fiailona Enus-ed oil, 50 Kegs Nails, 5 > si i 24 to 54 inch Wagon Boxes. | Jun •16 1847. 11 OA ( Vi:\'l —2.000 lbs. Georgia Ilnms, 25 bbls Cider, 10 bales Cotton Osnaburga, i2O bales Yarns. For sale by CHAS CAMPBELL A CO May 5. 5 BACOfST AIM’D LAUD. At iffaifla, f<a. rpilE suV-seriber is now receiving on consignment, • |_ nnd will continue to rec* we and srfl the above named article** in larg? or s nail quantities throughout die season. All orders will receive prompt att- i‘tion. J. NO la’ROSS | Atlanta May 18,1847. 7 9t I) RIME LAMP OIL. which ligltt without smell, nnd as clear a-” pure wnt r, lo? j sale by C. A. ELLS. I May 18_ 7_ f% A. I LLN H‘ \S fnraale 19BWs an! 10 BMs. of No Mackerel, that the world can’t beat. May 18 7 >* . B %*KKTB < HAMP %IGNE, superior, for ! j Zl ) sale by C, A ELLS, j May IS ‘ 7 | A DOZ. SARDIMN, 11/ 10 (1.. Essence of Coffee, It) Bbl of Crushed an*l Powdered Sugars, 20,000 Regalia Cigars, . 20,000 Principe 10 B.*xes of Tobacco, all of the right sort/or sale bv C. A. ELT.S. j m:r __ % Co*Partnership Notice. rpilF. tinderaign* and haver this day, (April 13th. 1847; I ent red into mutual co-partiu'rnliip for the transac tion of the Watch and Jewelry businew. under the name him! style off K. WENTWORTH Si CO. :.t j their old stand. Mulberry street, Macon. (’ K Wentworth. B L. BruriTT. May 19, 1847 7 NOTICE. I V-TR E KIR TLA N D is oyr duly authorized Agent, j i I during our absence from the State. Miy 25.1847 m WHH IN - & MIX. LOs I f \ SHORT time j*inec, l*etween Macon and Mnt p li. r \ RI IT\ if iiol Os lift ELLA in ! a green an* 1 white woolen bag, on which was sewed n I card, marked C. orC C. S’l lI.ES, Mout|elier Tin* ; Uinbit-Ka which v.k j.lso in the bag, dir**cted probably to Miss (’himhiTN Stumld the Giiitarnn l Umbrella j Is* feund, please deliver to St. Lanier, Floyd House, ! Macon, who will pay n suitable reward Ibr the same. Muron, June 3*), 1817. • June Dt, IBf7. OPENING THIS DAY, AT BAarcaorT'g, KITH Silk Shawls; Rich do. 8.-arfr; B**r *g** Searfs; Mot-* of th*n-‘ Muslin Ginghams at 25 cents ; Small Cli**ck Ginghams; i Munlm < iifid Beregea, June 2. 9 Hiifter. Kiitter. T7RESH May Butter, jut received from New York. I T by W FREEMAN June 8. It) N’ EG HO >1 \N Tor sale.- \ likely young Ne , g*o Fellow. For tenna apply to I May 25 . . COTT, C \KH MEP &CO u.i-vin vi itsiui- nones. VLBERT MIX having aasoclnfr'd with him in this i city, MR EUASTUS KIR TLAND.willcon i tinue th* bueiness -it liih old stand, un* nndtyi*of MIX *V liIIITLV.ND ‘l’iiey wii; * j j nil tirn *” keep on hand, a full supply of the best n tui j most tnshitm-ible style of goods in Ilnur Inn* ‘The for i i 1 i St Mix, togcffl t with imrchaseis mid th” public generally, are reflect- ■ , fully invite f to .• -*ll **nl examine their stock. Our i IM \ materials | an l workinMnslup, nnd we pledge nuns-lvts that mulling j ale II be wanting on our pnt mpl as* all those who muy tavoi us w *th theit p’ltronnge MIX Sc KIRTLAND Macon, 31st May 1817 N. B—MR- E. KIRTLAND is only authorise*! to receive and receipt fur all monies (lu<* the late firm of Wh ting A Mix. during iny absence ftmit th** ritste June 3. 9 ALBERT MIX. N. J . >!( KINSON A EO. H AVE ju-t received 20 boxes and barrels Woolacy Sl Woolscy’s Lsif, t'rufhsd.sml powdered Sugar j 3>) hbds Molnases ; I(K) Macks Fentlreis; 125 Wds and half bids No. I,2nnd 3 Mackerel; ■ 5 > box* s Tobacco; 15t) bngs Coffee ; / bl*le f*Hi?sr ; 100 coils Hone ; | 25 ho.v s Sperm rundlcs; 59k* gs Powder. i, Jims 8, 1847 9 riMii.t i-Loiit. f nntk I-W Os 'ry ■■ r irrraii*rrf ‘t.'M/W > ii'ml Id th- 1 1 .t < nml BriiM I, 1 Km wI- by WHKkiLEK 4c HAKROI.D. ’ J.H-, t, tl7. 9 M'.MIXI.AA i . Suit Clmof Fortune. “ Do you give l nut work here ?” soiil n voice, > soil :-o low. so lady-like ilia* I involuntari ly started and looked up. ” Do you give out work here?” ‘•Not to strangers ” was the rude reply.— The stranger turned ami walked away. 1 left the shop and followed the stranger lad)-. Passing Thompson’s she paused —went in— hesitated—then turned ami came out. I now saw her face—it was very pale—her hair black ns night was parted on her forehead—her eyes too were very black and there was n wildness in them that made me shudder. She passed on up Broadway to Grand net wluae * she entered u miscrnlrle looking dwelling. I paused—should I follow further ? Site was ! evidently suffering mu h—l was happy — blessed with wealth,and 0, how blessed in husband children friends! I knocked the door was opened hy n cross looking woman. “ Is there n person here who does plain sew ing?” I inquired. “ 1 guess not ’ was the reply. ‘ There is n ; woman up-stairs who used to work, hut she 1 can’t get no more to do—and 1 shall turn her j out to-morrow.’’ Let me go up.'’ sai.i I. as passing the wo man with u thunder. 1 usoended the staira. ” You can keep on up to the garret.” site screamed aider me ; nnd so 1 did ; nnd there i I saw a sight of wliirhl, the child of affluence, had never dreamed ! The lady had thrown I all her hat nnd v. ;u kneeling by the side of n poor low bed. Her Utir had fallen over her ! shoulders—she sobbec not breathed not—but seemed motionless her face buried in the cov ering of the wretched, miserable bed. whereon lay tier husband. He tvos sleeping. I look ed upon Ins high, pale forehead, around which ■'lung musses of damp, brown lmir —it was I knit, and the pale hand clenched the bed j clothes— words br<4ii) from his lips- I cannot | pay you now,” I hettrd him say. Poor fellow ! J even in his dreams, hi.- poverty haunted lnm! \ I could bear it no longer, and knocked gently ,on tin dour. Tile lady raised her i rod bre w | hack her long hind, hair, and gazed wildly on line. It was no time fur ceremony—sickness, : sorr uv, want perhaps starvation were before ; me. 1 came to liiik for n perso ito do plain , work.” was all I cohld say. “O give it lo tie.” she sobbed. “Two j lays we have not tasted loud 1 and to-morrow 1 ” She gasped, and tried to finish the sentence, but could not. She knew that to -1 morrow they woild be both homeless and starving 1 Be eomibrtcd—jou shall want no more ! 1 kept rny word. In a few day she told me ; till—of days of happiness in a sunny West In dia Isle, her cliihltood’shorue. OlTlic death of her father and mother —of a cruel sister and j brother-in-law—hw she left that home hop j ing to iind a brother in America —how she sought in vain, but liund instead a husband, he too, an Englishman, a gentleman a scholar, had been thrown upon the world. Sympathy deepened into love—alone in a crowd, all the world lo each other, they married—he procured employment in a school she plain needlework. Too eltse attention to the duties of his school long walks, and scanty fare, brought ill health aud confined him at length | lo his bed. I The shop from winch his poor wife olitnin jed work failed and their resource was cut off. 1 She had looked long weary days fir emp'.oy ’ ment —many had none to give—others “ gave ‘no work to strangers.” Thus I found them, to comfort them tor a little time, then I trust, ! they found indeed a comforter in Heaven*. The husband died first—died jlwi.ig the I hand of his poor wife in mine! 1 needed not jtlie mute and appealing look he gave me. I I took her to my own happy home —it was too jlate 1 It is a very little yin- ago I went one mom img to Iter room; she had passed a restless night; had (fr amed, she said, of her dear Goorire —she call, and me tier kind and only friend—hi gged me to sit a little while beside her and looked up so sadly in iny fare that ;ny own heart se- iued well-nigh breokn.g. I ; left iier not again. In the still deep night I heard her murmur! Sc-tcr Anne do not speak so harshly to me 1 O mam—m t why do you leave me ? h Then again, rhe said: • Give me an orange my sis ter lam very faint.” Her soul was again in iier own sunny home. ” Lay me by iny George and God will bless you ” were lier last words to me. I led my bushed cliilJren to look upon her sweet pale lace, as she lay in her coffin. They had never seen sorrow or death, and I then gave them the first knowledge of both ; then I told them of the sin th” cruel!) of those who wound the ” stranger's heart.—A". Y. Pafcr. I'inhret t mportiMi* ‘t’chion. “Judge Rodger., of the Boston Police Court, has decided tiiat umbrelftui are property nf trhich a t>er*on can be laicfuJly tttzed atul pnxsetied, mi l nf which it is unlawful to tic j price him ! John Mnhony was fined and costs ter stealing one of these articles which have heretefbre Dcen considered common prop erty. W'c rejoice at this decision says the B (.non Journi U it is a wise and proper one and we trust that*the public will govern them e! .'i i accordingly nnd that nn old friend in the shape of an umbrella can no longer be n poHtrophisrd in the words of Oihello; ” ‘Twas mine, ‘tis hi*, and lets he *n skive to thousands. M Maj. Jack lluw niiv ‘s l.etters. I'com the Xutiimal Ltlelliptuetr, 3#/ iagt. We were thrown quite into a flutter yester day by receiving in our bug from the Post Ol lier the following Letter from the Publir ‘* nhi friend Major Jack Oncainf, who seems to have written it to us for the purpose of com municating to the Public in his pi.iiu way. oinc views of President Pout— Yount? Hick ory, as he delight* to cull hint— which that distinguished functionary had not thuught ne eessary to confide to his most confidential friends before he met with the Major. j itn b<u t the S‘< a ati ,/t o/t 1.0.iy Inland Sound, b"iin,l to ("uutctic it, an l Down J flint Jun JH 1847. I \le rs. Gsi.cs A Seaton: My It arulJ I'rieiult: I ninl Mr. Buehnn nu and the rent of u* overtook the Prt tident j.ot night “t Ymk where we found him pret ty well tucket-ad out, having got through witli I ill his birds-r-ggingin that everlnitin gient city ! and ready t > pu di on this morning down Bast, i I was going to write ii line to Irieml Richie, ! a. lie’s tiie Government Editor as soon as I < otfld ketcli up with the President, and let him j know how the old gentleman stoo 1 the journey. : Hut I happened to look into your paper, und : I see hrotlier Ingensill of Pluladelpliy. sends his letters to you. This puzzled me a little 1 at first, because I knew he was on Mr. Rich ie’ t side. Hut I looked along, und I see lie called vmir |Kits>r a ‘ powerful journal;’’ und then the thought struck mu that i hud rend ■omewhere that “there’, a jsiwcr behind the throng greater than the throne itself” Well, i ’limits I. that lugersoll is a running feller, but Ihe ain’t a going to get ahead of me. If he writes to the power behind the throne, I will I too. Ho, if Mr. Richie complains und says I I ought to wrote to him, l wish you would i just mjoth it over to him, uud tell him the reason of it. and tell him when the old ship , nets on ’tndier truck and his paper gels on j behind I’ll write to him. Ah I hud come right on from Mexico the shortest rut, nnd h .and brought u letter from Gineral Scott to tli- President, as soon us he got to York I run rigid upto the tavern where VOL. XXV.—No 15. he stuppeit to give imn the k tier. Folks told ine he was at the Aetor House—that irreat tavern ma le out of hewed stone. So 1 went up and went in, and asked one of the waiters if Colonel Polk put up tliore? “Is it Jemmy Polk ye .untie ; Young Hick ory, tne President l” says lie. ’ Surtain?” says I. Yes.’ says he, -he's here; up stairs in hi room. S tys I. “Show me his chamber as quick as you can; I must see him.” “You can’t see him to night ” says he; ••lounjr Hickory in tired out, and can’t see nobody at all at all. Why was’nt ye on hand in the Governor’s room if ye wanted to see liirn ? All the boys had a chance there.” Says I ‘that’s nothing to the pint; I was on the road from Washington then and I’m going to see the President to-night if I have to go through the stone walls of this house for it. Then along eome Mr. K tutsan: and says lie •■Patrick, what’s the row here ?” “Here’s a teller getting wratiiy,” says Put* rick, “because I won’t, let him go up to the l rcfiident fi room.” At that Mr. Stutnon turned round to me, and soon n lih m me. he ketclied hold of n\ nan I and says he, £ *Mijor Downing, I am very happy to see you. Mshow you right up to the I'lvsiderit’s mom myself. I’m sorry you was’nt here before. We’ve had gome ve ry pleasant tea-parties since the President’s been here.” W hen we rot to the ProsideiitV chamber be vs as laying down on the bed to rest, arul look ing as tired as a rat that had been drawn through forty knot-holes. But. as soon as he see me. he jumped up. looking rather wild, and says he. “Major Downing, how arc ye? i did .it think oi 84 emg you back from Mexico so soon as this. How does tilings goon there now ?” Savs I. ‘ Colonel, they don’t go on hardly at a! . They are waiting for more help.— , Scott and Ta\lor arc* both growing rather red ind angry to think you should chuck s eni away into the middle o| Alexieo there, and then not send Vni heptofigl.t the wav out again. Aid it semn- to me Colonel, you do hoid back m tins business a little too much. It'you don’t send ’em help pretty soon, them guerrillas will eat our little armies ail up. ‘‘Why, Co lonel. says I, “if this war had corns on in the time of tin* old (iinerai, my old friend Hickory, hr would a had them Mexicans half wlm pH to death by this time. But here’s si lettrr 1 cm Scott to teh ye what he thinks the business. I come on post-haste to bring it. He sny* he won't stir from Puebla ti.l y.m send on more men to take the place ol nil tin m that’s coining home.” ><• President took the letter ami read a lew lines and threw it down upon the table; and says he. -It’s no use; Scott may grum ble and growl as much ns lie’s a mind” to. but It’s no use. This war is u concern of my own P’ tUII P “I 1 ‘or my own use, and I shall raan agf it jest us J ple.acp.” fit n ys he, “Major Downing, there'h reanon in all things. I don't vyiiut them Mexicans whipped likj fist, cape* rially when them upstart Generals get all the glor\ ol it. W hen 1 touiid Taylor was swel li” up ,o<> large. I meant to a stopped him at Monterey atiu draw off a part ol his glory on to Scott. Hut that Taylor is a headstrong chap, a dangerous man. He overslept his duly and blundered on that victory of Buena \ ista. that sot every thing all in a blaze. I shan’t overlook it in him very soon. If the sel fish creature had only let Santa Anna given 1 him a handsome li -kiiig there, we might a had j Pea*m in a little while, for 1 . ad things all ar | ranged with Santa Anna to wind !lie easiness I right up in such a way that we miglil each of as have made a handsome plum of it. But that unpardonable Taylor must cut and slash aiotind with his liandlulot men, untutored vo lunteers that I thought were harmless us a flock of sheep and contrive, hv that awful blunder at Buena Vista, to pour ail the fat into the fire. •Well then. Scott has’nt behaved no let ter. lie’s licked the Mexicans too fast by a sight and i. swellin himself up in the eves of the people shamefully. I thm ght if 1 could a s ;t < ‘olonel Benton on there, lie would a squeez'd the glory out of both of’em in a lit tle while and settled ’em down .so they woulu’nt a been dangerous. But that vagabond Sen ate would’nt let me do it. That was too bad. Major, wjien them two Generals wrre attract ing all the glory thut belonged to mo, that tile Senate would'm Jet me do any thing to offset them. But I’ll let them know tiiat Young Hickory is’nt to be beat any n o e than Old Hickory was. I’ve cent Mr. Trim on to look alter matters, mid to see that the armies don’t go too last; for I'm determined Scott mid Tay lor shan t whip the Mexicans any faster than is prudent. All the glory that’s to eome out of this war fairly belongs tome, and I’ll have it.” “Bui ray* I. “Colonel, your a going to send on more men, ain’t you ? Or what aro you going to do? How are yon goingfo w ind the bueincss up T’ Snys lie ‘ | m too tired to talk over my plans to-.light. But there s no need of your going right hark to Mexico yet. Mr. Trist is there, and I can trust him to look nffer matters, and you better jump info the bout with us in the morning and take a trip down Hast, and we can talk the subject over at our leisure.” About live o’clock in the morning the Presi dent rattled away at my door mid waked me out ol a sound sleep; and when lie loniid ( r.t up say s Fie, “Major, you must he sprv or you II lie too late, for we’re oflf at six.” I was liji mid dressed about the quickest, .cui went out. nnd fiict. tliere was a quarter ol a mile ol soldier-, all ready to escort us to tie-boat. And down v. c went, through whole sti c, Is lull of men and women, and boy's nnd T’ls. ol all sorts nnd some running and crowding, ami some hollering and hurrahing, and in a few minutes we were nbonrd the steamboat, and :!ie bell rung, and the steam er pulled, and oir we went on the Bound to war Is Connecticut. The President had a little room all to him self and he made me git right into it with him, nnd he :ot down in an enay chair, and put his feet upon another, mid say* lie. “Ma jor I m glad to get out of the crowd again ; wt 11 take a few hours ot'rest and comlort on ’lib’ voyage. This being President. Major, is mighty hard work ; but. offer all. I like it. I’ve had a glorious time of it in New York.— ; h.vcry body was running nffor me, nnd it ] seems as though I had seen every thing. I I leel as thongli I hud lived through a whole j Vear in three days, and I don't believe any i body tee. received more honors itl so short a | spuce ul tube i.i this country.” | “Well,'’ nays I, “Colonel If sertnK to me tt I ity you told the folks at Baltimore the other day that you Hhould retire when this term was up. You might go two terms, us old Hicko ry did, jest as well as not, you ure so popu lar. 1 ’ At that he gave me a tuck in the ribs and a sly wink and. says he, “Major don’t you ; understand that 7 Telling of ’em I should'nt 1 stand another term is jeNt the right way to make ’em the more fierce to have me. Don’t you know Anthony said Cu-mr refused the crown three times jest so as to be more sure ol haring it placed onhi head ? And jest see how ."damn Anns is working it now in Mexico. When hr gets pretty near ran down, and shivering in the wind sad nothing to stand upon, lie sends in his resignation, with a lung patriotic speech about shedding the Isst drop of but Mood for his country, and ill that, nnd the people refuse to receive his resignstion, snd they cry out ‘long live Simla Anns “ and awsv he goes again mill drams up nnodiei smiy ot soldiers.” “Bui lo tell the truth, Mejor.” says he, “when I made dial remark at Baltimore 1 had some little notion of re tiring Our party wt* so cut up. things looked rather