Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 21, 1847, Image 1

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I’.Y s. BOSE & CO. T< Cll VP’I YM & S. HOSE, Editors. T E H >1 S . Th „ Georgia Journal \ Maaseagor is nulilished sv , vv-dn.'-* loy morning in the city of Mecon, at the 1 REDUC ED RATES: ffpaid strirtly ndvanre, per year 250 ff not paid In advance 3 00 If „„t paid till Olid of the year 400 ,p,„ ,|,nve trnns will he rigi'llv enforced, without re t ~ n n the nhieet of the Publishers is to do fn'-eiess ns nertrlv ns possible upon the cash principle— I -in ‘ that their subscribers should renp the profits Ltveh nsunliv go to neant* anil collectors. In no case will the paper be sent out of the State unless first paid fi,r or a satisfactory reference is given in Macon or its “aOVRRTTSRMENTS inserted itt the usual rates— I those not limited when handed in, will lie inserted till forbid ■ but a liberal discount will be allowed to persons 1 wh” advertise hv the year, and who pnv on demand. / \li marriage notices, and obituary notices of over I Ur linen, will be charged at the usual rates. \l| nnnnilW'mrents of ©andMnte* for 00100, to be paid for at the usual rates, when inserted. I.iheral arrangemutls mnde with County Officers, 1 Dnigeists, Auctioneers, and others, who may wish to make limite I contracts. |’,rsous advertising will please observe the following: s,l r , of I,an I and Negroes, by Etteontors, Adminis tnt ,-s and C.uardians, nre required by law to tv adver tised in n public gazette, sixty days previous to the day °* Tlr'se sales must be held on tho first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county ] jn which the property is situated. The sales of Personal Property must he advertised in I like manner forty days. I Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must he 1 puWished forty days. I Notice that application win Is) made to the Court of i Or! iary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must be I published weekly for four months. Citation* or letters of Administration must he puh lidted thirty dan s—for Dismission from Ad Ministration, monthly air months —for Dismission from Guardian shin. forty ilaya. flutes for foreclosure of mortgage, must be published monthly for four months— for establishing lost papers, for the full spare of three months— for compelling ti tles from Executors or Administrators where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full Sfmre of three months. Ks Letters on business to lie post-paid. Tootochklll Division No. LS.of T. n.F.DGF.. Vo Brother shall make, buy, ■*■ll, orusea'A heverare, any Spirituous or Malt Liquors, Wine or C’itler. C7* This Division ni* et* res’ll lari) |Ai Vvl KVKHY Kill BAY EVENING, at 7 L o’clock, at their Hall WM. DIBBLE, W. I\ H P. GUVARU, K. S. _Apnl i 1847. _ 4-1 FLOY D IIOrSE, Macon, Georgia. a fTft IIE subscribers have taken that well known I Hotel, the Floyd House, and are associa ted under the firm of BROWN & LANIER. It w ill be needless to make promises, as one of the firm has been well known as keeper of the Wash ington Hall, and the public are accrualnted with his man ner of doing business. The Table and Bar shall not Ik* surpassed by any one. and their Stables are airy, with firm dirt floors, and not surpassed by any in Georgia. Charges are reasonable as the times will permit. THOMAS A. BROWN, STERLING LANIER. (£/’ The subscriber solicits his old triends and natrons at the Washington Hall, to give him a call at his new stand. St. Lanier. N B —The office of the Tallahassee and Columbus line of Stages kept at this House. _April 1,1647. _ _ ltf PE TEH J. WXXiXiZAIVXS HAS taken the WASHINGTON HALL, and requests a continuance of the public patronage. Macon, April 1,1647. 1 XjNDIA-V! springs. MriA HE subscriber informs his friends that he X has completed very extensive and impor tant improvements upon his well known estab tablishment, ft lie Mclntosh House, and is prepared to accommodate those who may visit the above fashionable watering place in a superior style, j if is house is conveniently situated, both lor visiting the j Spring and lor air and comlort. His rooms are exceed ingly convenient, being arranged either lor single per- j sous or families. His bedding is ail new and of the very | best quality ; and being in the midst of a fine provision region, his table will always be abundantly tumished J with the choicest the State affords. The Baths at the j Spring have been greatly improved during the season, ! and many additional attractions have been added, which j eamiot fail to interest visitors from aboad. An elegant] line oi four hors.? Post Coaehes will run daily during the ( season between the Springs and Foreytit—a distance ot i only Ifi miles, and horses and carnages may at any time j b-- procured at the Springs by persons who are not pro- ! vided with private conveyances. He deems it unneces- t sary to add that the waters at the above Springs are un surpassed by any in the Southern States lor their medici nal qualities. BRYAN W. COLLIER. May 19, 1817. 7 ts Oy The Federal Union will publish 11 weeks, the Savannah Republican and Columbus Times 4 times. Indian Spring Hotel. TTENRY DILLON having m connection with AU IX GUSTUS CARGILrL iesumed the superintend ence for the present season of this well known Hotel, at the Indian Spring, tor many yea is kept by him here tofore, informs his friends and the public generally, that it is now open and ready tor their accommodation. Re pairs of buildings and furniture have been made to ren der all comlortahle who may favor them with their pat ronage. The united and assiduous attention of the Proprietors wdl Ik? given to ensure general satisfaction. Their rooms shall be neatly kept, well furnished, and attended by good and faithful servants: their table bountifully supplied with the best to be procured, which shall be well prepared to suit the appetite ot all. New and commodious stables have been completed on the premises tor the accommodation of horses. Terms moderate and reasonable. All who visit this celebrated watering place for health or recreation, are invited to give them u call. This Ho tel is conveniently situated, near the Mineral Spring, the waters of which are superior to any in the country ibr many diatom. Tho*e who desire the benefit of Bathing, will find the t accommodation* at this Spring equal to any in the State, and the efficacy of the water thus used, unsur passed by uny. From the Mnconaml Western Railroad at Forsyth, 16 miles Irani the Spring, tour-horse Stages will run daily to and from the Spring, alter the first ot June; und horses and carriages w ill be furnished tor the con venience of those desiring conveyance from the Springs to other places during the season. Butts co., Ga., June |. 9 EAGLE HOTEL.—Forsyth Ga. Ms IMIE subscriber respectfully informs the L travelling public that the above mimed house is still open for their reception. Great iul lor past favors, he promises every iqjpvonnhle • xertion topleake. Aaihorc is no bar kept in tnT* house, its patrons will be sure to find it a quiet retreat. Those ! wishing it, will find a bar of choice liquors on the op posite side of the street A daily line o! stages will con vey passengers from this house to the Indian Springs, and baggage will be conveyed to and from th* Depot free of emut ge. A B E AN. Jons 9 i it \ Confectionary and Grocery. 111. D UIIIIIK i receiving liis new supply of j • Goods m his line, among which he particularly calls the intention or hitfcustomers to A choice article ol old Brandy, Madeira, Tort ami Clar et Which; Fiekles.rtplo*i fc *Fresk*rveM, Cakes, Unndies; • Also a line assortin'4 of Began* of various brands— [ warranted imported Havanna Began*. lb* will keep a constant supply of Oranges, Apple*, Duiona, Potatoes. Ch*c*e, Butter, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Almonds, and other nut*. All other article* mwalljr kept in that lina. PICKLED the lo g. M. icon, Oct. 15,1816 >35 NOTICE. IN’ iirilrr to aiiit the rntiveimniteoft-iMotiiir., I will retail Hi * snl Uvii Boru SrgaN lie do** iq **,— Siifsr, |Vs, ml lutr.T b) tin poiuui, uml *l tor* igu 1 Liquor. In ill.- gull it •t.i mi on'. At,, .mUi sa ia ua* il in tin N. York Iwtrl*, u • *U| -riur Mrtirlv, jui tv* tl nnd ‘or aali* low i*y the lisrri I. April is 4 111 >*. C. DKvfPht.Y, Cotton \tr< lie N EW MACING IJOOlft*—The M.ib*-ri , her is now receiving from New York, his usual “h'i’ly of rtpruig and HunmierGoodf.etiilwacintf almost j * v r Y deni ruble style for both Istidfo and (• “ill--men's | Wr | r. Also n great variety of Good* suitable far boy*’ | ♦ lot bin j GEO W. PIUUR. i March gl, H 47. (i I* Wit II KUV.H. \ new and beautiful Block now * selling, from 25 to 694 cents, at 1.17 I BENTON'S 111 III) *K11.).-!I in,!, Mill*!, ti ■i il Csiisrv fl.-i-il. for ■* 1F CHAI. 11. KUKKMAN. . ‘ \l‘ EW ,|ix. of old Urn h'AfrMD tl,. nolc . brnlo I Liquor Houxc id /nrob Hnidi-r, .lr. lor wile l '\. 0. A My 13 7 Jmxrnl mb Jtfe^eitgi - IVow Store and Wow Goods. Chinn, Class und Earthen M arc. 5S^) r pHB subscribers ore now receiving andCT^ \ r ■ ripening a generiil nssnrtment of thcßtl ~ . “inve at the stoic lately occupied by W Mr. A. (. Butts, comer ol Mulberry anil Second sts. and opposite the Washington Hall, which they offer at wholcwiln and retail. The stock in pan, consists of the following: Paria White Dining, Tea and Toilet Sets Light Blue do. Ho. do. do.’ Mowing “ do do. do. do. White French China Dining Sets, Do. do. do. Tea do. Gold band do. do. do. do. White do. do. Jugs. White Granite,light and flowing blue Jit?—all sizes; I fates, Dishes, Bakers, and Cover Dishes to match Di ning Wares, A general a soitm nt of common Ware, Cut, Pressed and Plain Tumblers, Cut and Pressed Goblets, Wines nnd Champagnes, Pressed nnd Plain Egg and Jelly (Hasses, Cut and Pressed Mirror Dishes and Nappies, Cut, I reused und Plain Lamp-wind Candlesticks, Do do. do. Salts, Cut Decanters, in set*and pairs, Solar Lanins—Britannia and German Silver Castor*, Looking (1 asses of various sizes and style*, Stone Baking Dishes, Pies, &c. Ac. The subscribers deem it proper to state that they have adopted the CASH SYSTEM, to which they intend strictly to adhere, and by which they will he enabled to 1 furnish every description of goods in tledr line nt fair i HYDE & JONES. . , W II take orders for fancy China Dining, Tea and 1 mlet Sets, which they will furnish at the import er’s urices, adding only the expenses from New York Macon, Sept 2, 1846. yg CO-PARTNERSHIP. rgIHF. ‘iibtcribt-i having iake* liroth.i, Reuben U. ” Wtuti r, mu* iiiAmitr-liip, ihe biotin, sa will hi r* after be ‘ continued under tli. firmol A. J. WHITE & CO Macon, July 1, 184f> a. J. WHITE, j The wibucrihers have in store, and will be receiving du rinp the summer and fail, A general sissoumcni of Goods, Adapted to the season, consisting in part of St. Croix and Loaf Sugar, I Staple Dry Goods, Kio, Laguira and Java Cofree I Saddlery, Shoes, Iron of aII kinds, j Liquors of all kinds, Hollow-ware and Nails, I l eas—some vi ry fine, German,Cast fc Blist. Steel, S gars, Tobacco, Salt, Molasses, | Paints, Oils, Glass, |fee. Bagging, Twine uml Hope. With their stock of Bagging, they offer some Kentucky 52inches wide, well adapt* and to square bales, and which was highly approved of the past sea-on by planters. Comprising most ariiclc s in the Groc* ry Line, whichthey offer at the lowest market prices, and respectfully solicit a call from their friends ami the public. A. J. WHITE & CO. 0 T After the first of October, they w ill remove to the brick corner store two doors above their present location, formerly occupii <1 by Chapman , Rvss & Cos. Macon, July 1, 1846, y 23 Late News! LmeNcwsl yot from Mcxiro, but from the Peojtles Store. Dltv l.ooih selling lower than ever before in this market. New goods received monthly, du ring the business season, of the most desirable styles.— Please notice the following, now in store, which are sel lingwith a perfect rush. Hanana Silks, Fine Bernges, selling from 25 cts. to §1 ‘ Muslins “ “ 25 to 50 cents. “ Ginghams, “ “ 18 to 37 “ Prints, “ “ 6to 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 cts. to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ 37 cts. to 500 Bonnets, Artificials, Ribbons, Carpet Bags, Satch els, Carpeting, Matting, &c. &<*. French Cassimere, Gro dc Ta. Linnen Drilling, and Goods for Gentlemen’s wear, of all descriptions. Housc-Keepiirz Goods. In this line of trade I am perfectly in towm, and would , particularly invite those just beginnmg in this branch of life, together with those who have had much experi ence. Also, Scarfs, Shawls, Cravatts, Chimaaets, French work Caps, Thread and Linen Laces, Bobinett, Mus quito Netting, Nankeens, Brown Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, Reached and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchief*, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing. See iAc. A few /. O. O. F. Grand Lodge Regalias, for sale low. Please call and examine for yourselves--we always get paid for showing. Respectfully, JOHN W. CLARK Macon, May 5, 1847. 0 Irish Linen, Brown Holland, Ac. A PIECES Irish Linen, direct importation, war fjl/ ranted “genuine.” 35 Pieces Brown Holland, for cummer wear,received ; direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the ! Avenue. Also, Principe Segars, Port and Sherry Wine, for Rale I low by t. c. Dempsey. I May IS _ 7 I m:\y spuing goods. IftHE mibscribvi-haK judt upvm tl ant-w ami eomplctcaii- i sortment of Staple amt Fancy Dry Gouda for the spring; trade, which will he offered at priced that cannot ! fail of insuring them quick tale. Persons in uant ot Dry | j (ioodft would do well to call ami exam ine the stock and pri- j j ce*. To ray friends in the country, 1 would just *ay, call \ i and set me—you shall have good Goods at tlw lowest prices. ] Among ih* -lock are rich Embroidered Berates: rich ; I embroideied Silk Muslins and Ginghams ; fine printed Jac onel ; tin* printed Musl.n- and Lawns; Scotch, English aml French Gingham* ; Linen Ginghams. A beautiful as-I vurtment of embroidered paid *, consisting of Hobes, Col lars, Chemisetts, Capes, I- dgings and Inserting*, Embroid vred Lace llandk*rclm is, tkc. kc Jaconet Muslins; Swiss Muslins, plaid and striped; Irish Linens; Table do., 40 inch pillow- case Linen ; Scotch and Kussia Diapt r , Huckahuck Towelling ; Cotton Diaper ; Damask Tablt Cloths; Dam ask Napkins ; colored Linen Table Cover* ; Corded Skirts, Grass tlo. ; Check Linens; Mont* re) Stripe Cassimere; Kentucky J an* ; Cotton Ta*siiner-; Bleached and Brown Homespuns. Bonnets, Kibbon*, Artificial Tl-wrs; Um brella-, Para.-ol*.Sun-Shades, am! a tiiot)aml and out <*th er articles, which everyone wants. Allot winch shall be sold low for cash. JOS. MUKDOCK. April 1 7 Mb aarlNjr, Hope, Twine, f |YH E subscribers are now receiving their fall supplies 1 of GKOCEHIES, which the) offer to their old friends aiid the public generally,at unusual low prices. We have now hi store, aml receiving -300 pieces heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky uo. M 0 coils Kentucky Hope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, l.),00) lb Sweedes Iron, 1,000 lbs Band, Hoop ami Hod Iron, 20 hhda. St Croix and Porto Uico Sugars, Loaf,('rushed and Powdered do. 100 hags Bio ami Java Cofli e, 50 boxes 1 obacco, 100 kegs Nail, 1,0 0 lbs. Cast, German and niister Steel. A Iso PAINTS AND OILS of every description. E. BOND Macon, April 1,1840. 49 s)i HHLS. Ohelpa Jenck’s Gin, <OO do N. o. whiskey, 50 do Baltimore do. 30 halfpipes (Hard Brandy, 5 “ ** Champagne do, 1 ‘ pipes Holland Gin, 50 qr. casks Madeira W me, 80 “ “ Port do. 10 “ Sherry do. 100 casks London Porter, pints, 20 bhls. Cherry Brandy, In stow, and Ibr sale by April W 4 SCOTT, CAKHAST > CO. SO I ICR. OARGAINS! BARGAINS The uiidorsignad I # having tnkan the Store on thd* corner of Cotton Av*nu noil Cherry street, formerly called Rom’ Store, hut recently having been changed io that of the It in toinaiitu 11 b g*4eve to inform the citi- ! zens ol Macon, and PI inter*, that ho will constantly 1 keep on bund an excellent stock of Dry Boods A I’rovKloii*, j °f all kitid.K, which he will sell itt the lowest possible ! nites, lieing perfectly contented with quick *nie nnd “mail profit*. The public generally,.*!-! 1 n*|K*ctfully re- j ! (mealed, il they want great hargmiiH, to drop into the , ! Rio Grande Homie. Good* of all kin.ln given in ex change |or nil kind* of produce nt cnah price*. II \ PUIiSIFER, Proprietor of the Rio Grande House. | At the Rio Gramie House can h* found nt nil time* ‘Pen, Coflee,Sugar,Syrup, Molnese*, Rice, Bacon,Lnrd. I Butter, Com Meal,Grit?*. Flour, Mackerel, and Shad of i tlu* bent quality, in qunutitie* to suit putchanera, at the , lowest rate*, and sent to any |utrt of the city free ol charge. April L I 91 SIGAKS. I A ks \ tflins. New Orii-4iis. 20 do. H. Croix, ft Mr4o do Mmmmiviulu, ao bbls C rush* il and Pow dered, II iMixt-s Whit* Havsn*. 0 d*> I.M*f, Fur sub- by I April 9 4 aroTT. CAHHCWT h CO. CBTIROHBE I.IP/IE. ’ r y ’ 11 t iiii<ii i•iff i” *< f’ •i ■ ■ j “ *.n hnml mil Hit nt One thtllai nnd9 ‘pun tn p r box, ft,, cash ouhj, SCO I I , CAM II Alt I Ik CO. l, n i7. 47 /•it IIHDH.CaIi* MoUsms. 74 bbls NVw OrUaus do, D J T.r **!•* by SCO I I , CAHHAHT 111 ( O. j -Frit ."i * L*0!( Mtl.R. \ ‘Mo l milMtanlitil K >An Wxo- P ox with Uarni-wloitimr ll.rn-v Aiiiilv to C HAS CAMrBEU, St CO. i May 5. 8 I B\SU I.’TS-. c> * I'll *f” I- Hinrul >')lr Aynll 4 <ll 41 I* FH KF.MA V. <4IX. WniHKCV, MI KV7M. ■ ‘■ inn UHLS PL ‘ Cnr.l .IvtirV CiTI. •i 21M; \ii whok v. 50 do N. K Ruin, hv 1 Feb 21 2 Kt'OTT, CAR HART L fO. MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1847. C. K. WENTWORTH & CO. j qq TT AVE just received and now offer j -■ r (, t the lowest chrli pri- ; Yffc’ /aV Cl'S, n new and splendid stock of g<mil* | <Sjr —* fjt m their line—consisting of Fine Gold sJS-'JTIL an( l Silver Lever, L'-pine, Patent and ***£■ ■■*** Vertical Escap ‘inent qe ■ Gold Guard and Fob Chains, Key*, Ar c. A great vn- ! rictv of Ladies’ and Gentlenien’a Breast Pins, Finger i Ring*,of all patterns; (VOLB I’ILYS, with Gold nnd Silver Holder*. Gobi and Silver Thimbles; Bracelets nnd Bracelet Clasps; Card Cases; Fine Pen nnd Pocket Knives: Superior Scissors; Steel Beads, Rings nnd Tassels; Coral Beads ; Steel Pens, &c. W Vim ANTED RAZORS. Spectacles I Spectacle*!—Gold and Silver. Person* afflicted with defective or impaired vision, arc reaped fully ;, ;vite I • -,)! md examine aN* w nnd’ Improved artiele ol Sp <.o c tLassci*—lor which the j subeciibers are sole Agents. A!.- N.-w and Beautiful Style LAMPS; Lamp GlnmKH and Winking; Plated and Brittania Wore. Repairing.—Watches nnd Clock* of every descrip tion repaired and warranted for one year. j Ail Watches sold or repaired, will he warranted to keen good time or the Cash will be refunded Watche* *ent troin any part of the country, will re ■ ceive the same attention and bo repaired on n9 rcasona- 1 i hie terms ns though the owners wt-re present, i All kinds ot Gold nnd Silver work made to order. Jewelry of every description neatly repaired. DAGUHRRFOTYIMNG. The undersigned having fitted up a room adjoining I their Store, are prepared to take picture* in the best \ possible style. A fine assortment ot Gold Lockets. Pins, and Bracelet*, suitable for the above C. IC. WENTWORTH CO. I __ . East Side Mulberry St. Rfl mob June 1,1 ‘ 9 M W VU‘ beautiful goods. IUST received and now opening, a variety of styles of new, fancy and staple DRV GOODS. Among 1 them may Ik* found Plain wide Black Silks, Satin Stripe Silks, 40 pieces Balznrines and Borages, from 124 to 75 corns per yard, 40 pieces Ginghams, very cheap, i 1(H) pieces Calico, from 6* to 25 cents per yard, j Brown Sheetings,2o yards for sl, 1 100 Parasols, Parasolett* and Sun Shades, from 75 cents 1 to $3. j White Cotton Hosiery’, <at 12i cents p?r pair, j 30 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 124 to 50 cents. Plain White Swiss Muslins, at 25 cents per yard, Plaid nnd Striped do very low, Lace striped do at 31 cents, Jaconet, Nansook, Book and Mull Muslins, Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style, Grass Cloth Skirts, Summer Cassimere, Cottonades. Gnmbroons, White and Brown Linen Drills for Pants, Plnid Linen for Coats, Cross Bar Musquito Netting, Lace do do Table and Towell Diapers, of many qualities and prices, Muslin Collars, Chemisetts, &c.,&c. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to enumerate articles, as all who w ill give him a call, will find almost j every article usually kept in a Dry Good Store, and nt I as low’ prices FOR CASH, ns at any other store in the 1 State. Store next door to the Post Office. Ph ase come and see. E. WOODRUFF. April 14. 2 FA( Ts ARE STI BBORIY THINGS. GiEO_ M. LOGAN & CO would most respectfully I inform the good citizens of Macon and the sur rounding country, that they are not quite selling off their stock at New York cost, nor do they loudly boast ot under selling their neighbors. The design of this j advertisement is to disseminate extensively this unde- 1 niable truth, viz: that our assortment is rich and racy— 1 rare and beautiful; comprising every desirable article of! Fancy and Staple Dry Goods usually found in store on speculation. ’Tis unnecessa- j ry to enumerate the many, rcry many extravagantly i beautiful articles on hand, and to comment upon mtrin sic worth, is deemed entirely superfluous. Suffice it to I say, that all our rich Fancy Dress Goods, French Work ed Capes, Ac. were purchased of A. T. Stewart & Cos., New’ York, and diner materially in style and patterns 1 from all others in Macon. All thce who entertain the erronions impression that we hold up for high price*, can receive occular de monstration to the contrary by popping in and looking ! for themselves. Glass Ware, China Wave, ami Earthen Ware, of every and any kind, at a very small advance j on New’York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN & CO. Macon, May 26,1847. 8 Blew Grocery and Dry Goods Store. THOMAS C. DEMPSEY, having just opened! in the Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly j | occupied by W. A. Robertson, and nearly opposite I Messrs. A. J. White & Cos. and Bancroft’s stores, has 1 how on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort- j ment of Foreign Liquors and Segars, Sugar, Coffee, and a general assortment of Groceries and Dry Goods, wdiich will be sold nt New York prices for Cash only. Foreign llrandics, Wines, Ac* Otard, Dupuey Sc Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different vintages— 90m** very old in bottles. Goddard *fe Go’s. Vintage, 18*25; A. Seignette’s Brandy: Meder Sw Holland Gin; Madeira Wine, in quarter casks: Poit V • Sherry Wne These lijjuore are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Princip’ nnd other brands—warranted genuine. TEAS—lmperial. Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hy son nnd Black lYa, of a very superior quality. Old Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar, Sperm Candles, Ada mantine Candles 20 hhds St. Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar 50 Sacks Rio Coflee, first fluidity ; 30 do. second do. 500 pg. American and English Calicoes, 10 cases Bleach’ and Shirtings and Sheetings, 10 bales Brown 3-1 and 1-4 do. 50 ps. Irish Linen, direct importation, Ac. Ac. Macon, June 2, 1847. 9 VllltY CllftSAl* DRV GOODS! McKINNON Ni VO, would invite all persons in 1 V • *■’*l ‘>l DRY (rOODSf to call and examine their Sew anti Seasonable Stock, consisting ol Hrowiiaiul Hit Hill ed Shirtings and Sheeting;*, Ticking*, Checks, ‘iinghams, Print*, Lim its, Lin* n D iUinps, fine and common Cloth*, Muslins, Lawns, Silks and l)r* ss (>oud* generally,together with almost every other artiele usually kept lit the Dry (*nods line. All of a Inch Kill be sold at th v lowest prices tor Ca-h, or to punctual customer* on the usual time. Macon, April 1, 147. 4 Millinery iui<l llnklnt;. XIRS POWKLLA MUS HI) RHINE, will curry i< I on the above burinrs-, and execute nil order* m thebest manner, and moil fashionable myle when re-; I quired. lileaching nnd Rcpnirino Bonnets, will also be done at short notice. Their residence is on tlie corner of t’ollepe street, near die Feurnie Collee... Macon, Oet, 28, lHlfi | v 37 NB wV BBn&GEB •ft I k PIECES Shad* and, Satin Si rip* and S|Mtt* and •ftft r “ome very hamLmmviu-i r*c* vdai April 14 p K WOOniUTF’S. I 4 ft# ft TASKS Claret Wine, | ft_Fft.” 20 do choice do, 100 dux t'ml* rwood fit Co's. puic L mon Syrup, 100 “ Miller'* do. do. 20 *• Pick !*••— u'tortt and, 50 ‘ Er* sh Congrt - Water, io “ Sperm ( ami lea, 50 “ Hull fit K in'* luilowdo, For sale low by SCOTT, C ANN ART fc CO. 4 II. FILE J IVIAXVa Cuttin Avenue, ue.t f i/vmt n',ve the “N.*i (h umic House ,” 11'ii* just opened n good slock of Sugars, (’oHit. Teas. Flour, Baron, :ibbcl Fmicy Dry Goodn. Macon, April 1. 1817. 4 I ) VPi:r rs tttuiifttttN. ‘ i ni I large supply of Paper Hanging*. Border*, and Fin* I lloard Prints; wide Pap*rfor WindowMhadeii.a Immiu tiful article Alsu, root Mut* of several dillereiil kin*!*. March 31 1 GEO W PRICE I)OI< 'l l 11. It you wish to improve orpmrrvr your health, call on C A DLLS and get a lew hoi- , tie*.>l hi* line LONDON POR TER In*<u*t the thing to excite the spirits and invigorate the whole man—and 1 1- not bad •' t ike ‘ I 6 ritESlft GltlM i:iul * lUrfT received at Warren Freeman’*, 50 hoxe* Ra- 1 *m* ; 25 drums extra liu* Fii; 12 boxes jo Prunes; j 25 do Oranges; 2.000 West India Oranges,very * wee t. Cit roil**. Currants. iHfes, Tamarind*: Bugini,Te** nnii I Ctilfee ; Hpice* of all km l* Cracker* of all kind* ; Fine j Sumking and Chewing Tobacco i Patent Yeast Pow dan I Also, a very large and fine assortment of Stuart’* Steam Refined Candies. W FREEMAN. \pril 1,1847 MACCOUOY nsib't't arrttli-d- for*•!- by in*) A I CHAft. 11. FHKKMAN, NOTH VC. nOCTOR II K. GREEN is nutliori*cd to acta* my Agent, during my absrnre thi* summer Ju1y7,1847 2t14 WM. D. PARKER. Domestics— 20Ritessheeting*, 15d0.3-4 do. SJO do. henvy Osnidnirffs, 5 do Tickings 3 Ido. brown Drills, 3do. Mnrmo Stripes, 50 do. Cotton , Yarns, 10 cases bleat-lied poods, 3 do. fine bleached | *l°, Ido 11-4 bleached Sheeting, i! do. brown Drills. 2 do. Bleached, lOdo Kerseys, 3 do. Flannels, now in | store and for sale by I „ GRAVES, WOOD, Si CO. i Macon, May 12, 1847. fi ,| Jl i RBI BIVEO HV W. FRB£MAR, Some < hoice Groceries, For Salt Lorn BAY Water, Claret Wine, French Cordials, Chinese Catsup, something extra. Walnut do. Horseradish, in pint and half pint Jars, ( hottolatc and Cotton, Hrotnn, a superior article of Cocoa. Sitrdities, Hol sters, Fresh and Pickled. Salmon, Fresh. 2(KK) Extra Regalia Cigars, 12 I heten Congress Water. | June, lfi, 1847. jj MIXsUNEBV.—Mn DAMOUR 4_r is t, reiving her tew supjily of the above gmeis, mid w.aild respectfully request her old oustnme sand the mimic generally, to give hern call anil look nt her stock before liiey pim lmse elsewhere. She it determined to sell goods as low us anyone in the city, und of a sune j nor article. If.u-stocV of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Lmbroidern s, Dress Silk Goods nnd Shawls, cannot be equalled m this pnrt of ffic country. , Macon, April 21, 1817. GBfiCRRIEfo I fr MUDS. St Croix,Porto Rico nnd N. <). Sugar, 1 12 boxes mulbarrels crushed, pulv. A loaf Sugar - 25 hhds. Molasses, I do. Stewirt’s refined Sugar House Molasses [ l'H* bags Rio Coffee, 20 “ Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 25 boxes Sijenn Candles, 20 “ Tallow 50 “ Soap, 2i) “ Starch, 4 Chests choice Imperial and Hyson Ten, 10 Quarter chests Imperial and Hyson Tea, Snleratas, Indigo, Madder, Spanish Brown, Blue Vitriol,Copperas, Aluin,Borax,Sal.Nitre Powder, Shot, Lend, 25 bhls. N. E Rum. i 25 bbls. Northern Gin, i si) bbls. Whiskey, Cognne and American Brandy, Holland f*in, Cordials, Maderia. Port, and Malaga Wine, i Lemon Syrup, Raisins, 100 Boxes Tobacco, a great variety, 30,000 Segars; Macaboy nnd Scotch Snuff, i W ith a great variety ot other Groceries, which will be sold at ‘ Bargains.” AMOS BENTON. April 1 7 G 1 ICOftJK lift ION.—T he subscribers continue to I kecji a general assortment of Groceries and Staple ! Dry Goods, at their old stand,comer of Second nnd Mul lierry streets, opposite the Washington Hull. they have just received with other articles the following: 24 hhds. St. Croix nnd P. R. Sugars, 129 bags Green Rio Coflee, 25 “ Old Gov. Java Coflee, 2000 Yards Negro Kerseys, 1000 Duffle Blankets, 8 ana 9 quarter, 1000 Yards Cotton Osnaburgs, 15 Tons Sweedes Iron, j 700 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1500 Pair Russott Brogans, ! with a general asortment in their line, all of which is ! offered at the lowest cash prices. Th-*y respectfrilly in : vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— j believing they cannot fail to be suited in price and qual ity. CHAS. CAMPBELL Si CO. I _April L 1847. 38 NOTICE. 1 r HHE subscribers respectfully invite the attention of X Merchants and Planters,* to their stock of Staple and Fancy l>ry Goods now in store. We shall j also be in weekly receipt of seasonable goods through j out the Bea son, as it is our determination to render our I stock worthy the attention of purchaser* at all times, ! nnd nt prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, ! —among which are the following: 10 cases English Sl American prints, 2 do. Mourning do. I 3 do Furniture do. 3 do. Gingham nnd Lawns, I 2 do. Printed Muslins, 20 pieces embroidered Dress do. 20 pieces Cha 1 leys embroidered, 20 do. Rich Berages, 3 do. Black Satin stijK* Silks, 5 do. black dress do. 25 do. Rich dress silks, 10 do. Jaconetts, 30 do. Cambrics, 25 do. Ch*ck <&. lacestripe Muslins, 10do. dress MusLins, 1 20 do. Victoria A fftshop Lawn, 25 do. Col’d .Tacbnes, I 40 do. Col and Cambrics, 20 do. black *Sc fancy Cassimers, 20 do. Fancy col’d Cloths,3o do. silk, satin &. Marseilles vestings, 150 do. Summer stuffs, (nil prices, 20 do hl’k. ! and col’d Alpaccas,2odo. Table Diaper, 50 do. Irish Lin- j ens, 3 cases Florence Bonnets, 1 do. Laid work, do. | 2 do. Devon straw Bonnets, lOdo. Lawn A fancy do. | 50 boxes Ribbons, (of all kinds.) 30 do. Flowers, i Ladies dt Gentlemen’s kid & silk gloves, do do. cotton • do. Misses fancy neck ties, 3 cases Parasols, 5 do. Um brellas, 25 dozen Linen Cambric Hdk’ts, head and flag j do. 25 pieces Silk and Pongee Hdk’fs, 150 dozen sus- i penders, Cords, Tapes, Buttons, Trimmings, Laces, I Fringes, Gimps,Tassels, &c. &c. GRAVES, WOOD, A CO. ; _Macon, May 12, 1847 6 ts KEA & COTTON have removed to W. B. Par- j ker’s Store, on Cotton Avenue, nearly opiHisite J. j Cowles’ Fire Proof Warehouse. ‘They have instore nnd ofler for sale on accommodating’ terms: 2(H) Pioees heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 “ “ Dundee 85 “ Siightlv damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky nnd Manilla Rope, fiO Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 K rs Nails, 1000 il l ank and Boiler Iron, B<H> lb*4 Spring Steel, 800 Sacks .Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 19 •; Henderson Candles, 10 Basket* Chamnaigne Wine, 5 Boxes BuruunUy “ 8 ('asks Bacon, Sept. 2, 1816 2Q ViK. Iron ami Hollow VI arc. II I EGS Cut Nails, t/l/u 15 tons Iron,assorted 1 to 10 inches 2,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 10,000 lbs Hollow Ware, 2,000 dis Cast Steel, 1.000 line German and Blister Steel, 2,o'k) Hi* Hoop and Band Iron, 50 do/. Hoes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. April 1, 1847 44 . ids: ich:: ics::: npilE*ubaerib ris ready to supply all in want of the I above article in any quantity, but tlie CASH must be aent in every case, as he ts determined not to charge j i one pound ot it to any person—having to pay easli tor it j himself before delivery Also, Blue Lake and Congress Water to be found at the Washington Hall. J H DAMOUR. ! May 19. 1817 7 3m >fl HLINS. **T/T PIECES MUSLINS, new nnd beautiful pat- j * J \ ) tern*, this day received, and for sa!** cheap. N B.—Also a few pieces slightly damaged, which I will be >ld at bargains, by May 25 h AMOS BENMON. Iron A Steel Nailsi Ac. 000 LBS assorted .Sweede* Iron, ‘wU.UUI/ Ca*t Steel, German and Blistered 1 Steel, . | 200 Keg* Nails, 100 Box™ 8 Fy 10 Window Gluss, 150 do 10 Hy li do 50 do li t.y II do 50 do Ii by 18 do For mle by Xprtt 1 HCOTT, i \RH ART St CO (Vmiißesn M ATE*. 30 Dox l<.| J aale by C. A. EJ-.LH. i May W _ ‘ 111 Ii I 11. HKAUTIFUL fierii Mi.y lIFTTF.II, from Oraegr rounlv. Now York,ju-( nnd for snlo by Msv ifi.'lßl7 8 ( A hi 1,144 IIIER. on/1 BOTTLES of GHAMPAGNE CIDER. Otrtl Fi'i nlr by A. F1.1.S 4 . ‘U, HIT | J MAI. I,o*llo 5 roill l 11, bytlir Do- I vn or Cnsk, for saJnby C. A DLLS I April iB. 1817 4 20.000 *\7V Fsrsnlrby C. A. ELLS April *, 1847. 4 (-1 lim'Eßir.S—lo Hhds St Croix SturannlP J I,ld#* d<* do ‘A bhds Mnwovado SO l ’ ri**w ‘o ; term* do 20 hhds sHlnrar*; :*Hhh N Orleima Sy rup ; 10 boxes Loaf Agar, 10 bW* Ciunhed do <*nck* Rio ( offer ; 25 X Java do 50 thl* Mackerel; 2.5 halt do. do 15 tirn4 Vnvgnr; 150 boxea Tolmic- l *o, (vnritrti* brand*;) HlO racks Salt; 15000 ft* Iron, 1 (oil kind*;) loon Hr F.rwltA, Amrrimnnd CostHtorl Now in stori* ami for unison irnns, by • RAVES, W(M ID. A CO. M iron, Mny li, IBIA * * PV SZT a |u 111 ; _ 4 "M wv-r iMsxr , j #>!*) I , t *. I )ORT> If. ■ 1 M , I. OU M I CUrrt Win lorsnl-by ( A “U"’ May 18 7 New Sprinq anil Siimmrr Millinery. P>M RS K DESSAU is now opening nt her ( LT L eatablishmem on Mulberry street, over Messrs. J. L. Jones Si, Cos s Store, up stairs, an invoice of the newest nnd most fashionable spring and Summer Millinery Goods, consisting in pnrt of all Kinds °i Ladies’ Bonnets, Caps, Ribbons, Flowers, Embroid* cries, Dresses, Scarfs, Perfimieries, nnd other fancy ar ticles ; nnd a full assortment of Trimmings for'Ladies 1 JresMs. Bonnets, Caps, Dresses, and Riding Habits made to order; also Waists cat and fitted. Mneon, April 22, I -1‘ 3n 3 AT BENTON’S NEW and beautiful Muslins, 124 to 374 cents. V.* do. Bcrragas, 25 to 50 cts. White Muslin Robs, new style, Swiss nnd Jnroncl Muslin, ‘25 to 75 ots. Silk und Birraai’ Scarfe, very low j Corded Skirl-, 1 83 to 5 (X) Grass Cloth, *1 35 ns.; Merino, 11 colors, 37J rtu Bonnots, 50cis. toss; Artificials, Wrontlis, Bonnet Rib bons, &,(• Homespun, Ci to Mcts; 11-4 Bleached Sheeting, 50 cts Countertmnos. very cheap; Toilet Covers, 50 cts Muslin Ginghams, 25 to 374 cts. Besides a large stock of other articles, which will be sold at very low prices. Call und set. Way 18, 1817. p, Premium Butter. \ SMALL Lot (obtained ns a favor) front one of the best privntw dniries in New Ji-rsey f' r c 11 freeman. June 23, 1817. 12 FRESH ARRIVAL. SUGAR —Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed. ( RAC KERB—Ward’s Butter, Soda, Lemon, and j Boston. NUTS—Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts, and Pecan. SYRUPS—Lemon ami Raspberry, warranted pure Chocolate, Guava Jellies, Mustard, Catsup, &c 1 W C, Il FREEMAN TASS SrOTZCZS, THAT the sultscnbcra keep constantly on hand n large stock of Brugrs, Trlodicincs, Chemicals, PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Glass, DrtitiKisls’ Glass.ware, and a host of nrtirles too numerous to particularise. I Their medicines nre nil fresh, and pure, and cheap The public nre respectfully invited to call and see ! SHOT WELL &. GILBERT J June 83,1817 ]8 A GLORIOUS TRIUMPH I -Truth „ctd,\ j A- an boasting. —Citi/ensoi the United States, with pleasure I inform you of the great success of'Humphreys’ ‘ Fever and Atme Fills thrutisrlmul Georgia, South Caro linn, Florida, Tennessee, &c. Up to the Hth of the present month. I have had lour hundred and eighty- j three cases of this distressing complaint, und out *? this ; large number I have failed only in four oasrs, find I can saiely soy file kiilure is on their own sole, ami not mine. 1 This medicine is now found in all parts of this and the 1 adjoining States, where it is recommended hy the most respectable families, and theiiest recommendation is. it is proving itself to be an infallible remedy tor Fever and Ague. It is my own discovery, nnd is one of the best I medicines ever invented for this dreadful disease—cur- i ing in twelve hours. Prepared nnd sold only in Savan nah, by W HUMPHREYS,Jr. i Splendid commissions given to Agents who will sell j this infallible remedy in the Southern Stales, where something of the kind is wanted which will prove es- \ h'Ctual Address the Proprietor, corner Bnv and Dray ton streets. Savannah. Ga. t X** Agents now appointed—Shotwell & Gilbert, j Moron ; Dorsey St Knott, Griffin: P. A Motes. I,a Grange; Weister St Epping,Columbus; W K. Kitch en. Augusta. June 83 4wJ2 j s. P. DICKINSON & CO. H AVE on hand 6(X) sacks Salt; . 20,0001b5. Iron, Round, Square. Band, Hoop and ! Sheet; Cast,German, English nnd American Blister Steel; Window Glass; Linseed Oil. Macon. June 2,1847. 9 N. F. Dickinson A co. Have just received. 1,000 sacks salt, 100 Kegs Lend No. 1 extra and pure, 500 Gallons Linseed oil, 50 Kegs Nails, 50 set 24 to 54 inch Wagon Boxes. June 16 1847. Tl OA CONSIGN Mi:vi . lbs Georg Hams, 25 bbls. Cider, 10 bales Cotton Osnaburgs, 1 20 bales Yams. For sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO. May 5. 5 BACON AND LARD. At Atlanta. Ga. riMIE suhserilHT is now receiving on consignment. I and will continue to receive and sell the above I named articles in large or small qunntitioi throughout; the season. All orders will receive prompt attention. J. NORCROSS Atlanta May 18,1847 7 f| I3RI *IE LAMP OIL. which gives a beantifril light without smell, nnd as clear as pure water, for sale hy C A. ELLB. May 18 7 C. A. ELIA HAS for sale 10 Bhls nnd 10 Half Bbls. of No. Mackerel, that the world can’t beat. May 18. 7 O A II \SKETS <ll AM PA IG\ I sure-rior, for /CD sale by C. A. ELLS. May 18 _7 1 HO/. SARDINES, I \ * 10 do L --net o| t'oflee, 10 Bhls ofCrushi'd and Powdered Sugars, 20.(XX) Regalia Cigars, 20,000 Principe do 10 Boxes of Tobacco, all of tlie right sort Jor sale hy C A. ELLS. May 111 7 Co-Partnership Notice. rTAHE undersigned have this day, (April 13th, 1817) I entered into mutual co-partite robin tor the transac tion of the Watch and Jeweliy busitie**, under the name and style of C K WENTWORTH Sl CO. at their old stand, Mull**rry street, Macon. C K. Wentworth. B. L. Burkett. May 19, 18-17. 7 NOTICE. AIR L KIRTLAND is our duly authorized Agent, 1? I during <iir uhsence from the State V\ HITIN *. MIX lOITt \ SHORT time since, between Macon and Mont pela-r, A GUITAR and l'.>l HR ELLA in a green ami white woolen hag, on which was sewed a card, marked C. orC. C. STILES, Montpelier. The Umbrella which was also in the bag, directed probably to Mims Champion- Should the Guitar nnd Umbrella be footld, uleaße deliver to St. Lanier, Floyd House, Macon, who will pay a suitable reword lor the same. Macon, June 30, 1847. ♦ .lime 1-t, IN|7, OPENING THIS DAY, AT BAIfOROFf'B * Ift ICH Silk Shawls; Rich do. Scarfs; J 1 Berege Scarf*; More of those Muslin Ginghams nt 25 cents; Small Check Gingham*; Mu*linaand Berege* June 2 9 Batter, Batter. LMIKBH May Butter, just received from New York, • r by W. FREEMAN. ! June 8. • |o NFGRO n\\ for Milc. A likely young Ne gro Fellow. For temiM apply to May 25 7 SCOT V ( AKH\R V \ cn CO*PARTN FHSIIIP NOTH i:. \LBERT MIX having naMN’inted with him in this city, MR ER ASTI'S KIR TLAND, will con tinue the ho*ine*H at hia*ld at nnd, under the firm nnd atyle of MIX At KIKTLANIft. ’l’hey will nt nil time* keep on hand, a full Hiipnly ol the hi**t nnd miHt tualuonsble *tyl- of goo<N in their line. The for mer patron* of the late firm pf Whiting St Mix, togeth er with ptirelinaer* nnd the puMie generally, are re*|H>et fullv invited to mil and eatainine their stock Our SHOES and BOOTS nre freeh.of the be*t lunteruiki an I workmanship, and we pledge our*elv> - that iiotliing eliall be wanting on our pnrt to please nit those w’lo may favor us with their patronage. MIX & KIUTLA \iv thl.Hr.TtWl'LAaO i* only snlhorisedto riM-.-ivr on.! n i rijil (<ir nil ni"Mi !n ily Utr firm ol , WhimiK Mix, .hiring my blsvimv firm, iho Hiiiii- I;t. y ALBEKI MIX I'. DIITONHON A <). II AVE J'l-t rvorivrd TOlkix ■ nn.l Isirrol* Woobry “I A Wonlvr's Laf.Crash"it.snfi l*ow,lcirfiKiigur. isi lift.l* Mol.tsws ; 100 u-ks Fealhrrs; 185 til,ls nn.l hnlf bbl*. No. I,Bsml 3 Maokcrrl i 50 box. s Tohsoco; IWhsgsC.rfl •••; 30 hhds Bugnr ; 100 rnil* Hoik. ; 35 hojc Aprrtn Candle*; 5) K-gs I owder. Ms i.Jut*. UMT. • PAMILI FLO I R. It \r\(\ 1.8-8 of very s.qvrior qonhiv y n ranted i.UtIU eqial to the lwt Canal brands. Faisnl. l.y WHEELER A llARRol.l) J one 8.1847 DACON AND LARD. 1 an A I.BS Choice Bacon Hama, l ,UUU 3,000 llSides and Shoulders, 500 lhs. Leaf Lard For sale by WHEELER Sc IIAR June 3, 1847. Tl**BM€*ii OF COFFEE Fi ply of thi* delicious beverage nut Vvty r( . H j and half pint bottles, jirot received hy . rH n * xjiml'ji. ms i w Sam PAINTS, OILS, Ac J, I the “New York Brooklyn Whit t ell _ No. 1, No. 2. Extra nnd Pure Whit^ ea Q f Also in Store—Linseed and Tam 1 Turpentine ; Varnish; Lampblack; Pr cs,4c.,&r. PATTEN s. I April 1, 1817 NOTICE. ■ FTHIE milisclber find* it necexaarv t B his customers, whose nccoi*'^ I long standing, that he ha* wait i cense* to be a virtue, anil that he cessity of making a clean hwcp> , counts contractedat his old eeta of Cotton Avenue, unless s**t August next All persons in ten due notice, nnd govern themselves n*> Macon, May 26, 1847. 8 4 cry. A HITE ICE! 3 *2.16 F A A. ELLS willl furnish“ I \Js any aunntity, to his friers Macon, June 2,1847. , ! OAfin LBS. extra fine Fl**®"®®M OUUU March 21 . h, Tobacco A C" 1 200 h 1,(100 ‘'" J ‘° *“* j 50,(MX) Regalia do 20 .(XX) Ponatellas do For sale hy SCOTT, CARD April 1, 1847 \| US B. MILLER’S CHEW IN’ J if 1 <••*. r c* ive4 and fur al< by , March 17, 1847. 5 CHAS. H. Ml HHDS. New Orl< aii* Sugar, S do. Clanliud do. >— ( la .tore and for sale by C. DAY fii CO.U j March .1 3 PRIME OOSHEH BJTTEK. • fti ft FIRKINS, Selected, jiuu received and for sal* by , J 4pril H 1 SCOTT, CARIfART fc CO BAGC-XNG AND OPE. II k I’IKCES Kentucky lit,loo roil. do. Pope n( rs r Kor.alc by SCO 1 I , CAIUIAKI Si CO. April 29 4 I hi Ml 1 1M ■r^itoctrsrs, “ft.Fft F 20,000 Principe do, Just received and fr wh- by April 29 4 SCOT I’, CARHART Rt CO. I A’ ii f| A .ftl S —4O pieces Gingham*, wlm hwillbe H th. ap for c*h, at E. WOODRUFF’S April 14 * Just Come to ZZand. \VERY auperior article of Preserved Ginger, Maccarom, Salad Oil; Walnut, Mmhroon, anil Tomato Cat*up ; Prunes, Fig*, Pecan Nuts ; Candies, Toys, and Jujube Paste ; CHAS. H FREEMAN. Clutlis, ( iissitiicis, Vcsliucs Ac. SUPER West of England lilack, Dlne-blacK, Blue, In visible Green, Brown, and fancy Cloth*, an excellent assortment. London, Tweedes, Kiench and \im rican Cassimers. Velvet, Satin,Marseilles, and Fancy Vesting* Jusi received by N. McKINNON fc CO. April 1, 1847. 33 POETRY. LAUGH, LADY LAUGH ! Laugh, lady, laugh ! There’s no avail iu weeping ; Grief was never made To be in beauty’s keeping. Tears are of a stream, Where pleasure lies decaying; Smiles, like rays of light. O’er sunny waters ploying, Laugh, lady, laugh. Sing, lady, sing; There is a charm in singing When melody its spell Upon the air is flinging; Sweet sounds have often won More than the fairest faces, And harps have always been The plaything of tlie graces. Sing, lady, sing. Love, lady, love; There’s always joy in loving; But sigh not when you find Thnt man is fond of roving; For when the summer lee Takes wing through beauty’s bowers, He knows not which to choose Among so many flowers. Love, Indy, love. MISCELLANY. “Take Care of Yourself.” “ Tttkc care of yourself” is a principle, which, in some respects, is not neglected by mankind in general, though, however strictly they may act upon it as u rule of conduct, to the extent of their intelligence, they, of course deride the maxim as an extreme of selfishness. ’ when it is broadly and distinctly put into ■ words. Hot yet. take care of yourself-—for, | lie assured, from the very outset, that if you do not take care—good care—of yourself, there are none to be found who will perform this necessary otfire for you. Take car* of yoitr- I self, then —of your health, your reputation, ! your interests, your happiness, and whatever else combines with them, to make up the in dividual recognized its yourself. A contrary course, iu some instances may secure to you ; a temporary but insubstantial popularity— people may call you a “ clever fellow,” and all that —hut heed them not —for the day may come, unless there he a prudent change in your tactics, when Ihe very same people will pass you with a smile of contemptuous pity, as tlie man who did not know how to take care of himself, which you will find but a poor reward for sacrifices to the good of others. “ Take care of yourself ”It is not thus set down in the school books, with other maxims of conduct; but all other maxim- of conduct, if carefully analyzed, resolve themselves into this—“ Take care of yourselfTif the phrase be received in its broadest as well as its nar row sense. In every action, ponder well its bearings on yoursell; for this is a sitcred trust imparted to your hands; and us the trust is discharged, so will be your happiness here, as j well as nereufter; and happiness is the great | object of life. Take care ot'yourself. It is a capital error lo neglect your own ad j vanccment in life—see to it always, hy every means of a lair und honorable character. It is a liilly, if not worse, to stand aside while others pant and struggle lorn prize which might as well be yours as theirs. Assert your own claims—your own dignity;and heed not the sneers that- mny greet your coining for ward. It is ever so—if you nre successful, those sneers wdl be chungod at lust to plaud its. Take care of yourself. VVliutare great men. sucres fill men. sell- j made men—all men whom the world mi ni ires 1 What but men who took care of themselves / Il is not perhaps that they are always peculiary endowed with lofty quahtes —at least this is ml - t®. [care of thcmnelvea,with seldom any other object in view. Those nearest to them have I doubtless often thought that they were cold, ! selfish wanting in generous sympathies—per tiaps mere inonomnniiics ; but let us say to you friend, young friend, in particular, il you would take good care ol yourself, it is essen tial that you devote yourself to a purpose — fixing your cyc und your energies ovor upoii the cad you have in view. Olid luboring steud- IhMly until that end is happily attained. All else must la l secondary and insignificant. If vou I nose to chase the butterflies and play u | moug the roses, more tliun necessary lonoiir idi strength, someone else who latter undt-r ----lands how to take care ofhim-elf, steps fleetly beyond your pluce of enervating repose, and VOL. XXV.—No 17. I ■■■!■ mi || —J— ————— uru to tiie lips of Love! Large eyi* may i t' ( fine more touching under this circumstance . I til in any other, because of tin: field which the ... i u-ge It,ls give for the veins to wander in and •e trembling amplitude of the hall beneath. Bof tie eyes must be good tempered, or they hp mine I. They have no other resource ; 1 KSI‘ ,t . th ? ,hem enough—they’ are JKJM® fo . r Imurhing and should do their duty. He el ! ,r, “’ II it was the fashion to nave sleepy hall-shut eyes sly and meretri ei >us. I hey took an expression beautiful and warrantable on occasion, and made a common place ol it and a vice—so little do men of pleas ure understand the business from which they take their title. 1 A good warm-hearted poet shall shed more light upo i voluptuousness and beauty in one verse from Ins pen than a thousand rakes can arrive at swimming in claret and hound on many voyages of discovery.— Leigh Hunt. The Ventriloquist. A few years ago towards the dusk of the evening, a stranger in a travelling sulkey, as leisurely pursuing his way towards a lit WtS.wS® 1 S “ Uat ™-!“ t,le L b,,t of a moun Ax ; K ‘iigiug the favorite Ethiopian tmmediatel . 1 * y J- J Hampton, i h J. Met h.- nr, Trustees. Miasm, Jsi y T,W7. T ,omoN ’ > WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BI r ‘:i\Esg. T" K “ n< k, n W n r<| lmvinji become sole p ro . pnrtorot the f Ire Prod Warehouse occu her'. n % lm V 81 Richardm, beet. turehns h e C wilfc 10 h " s 2 s 2 ci,le ‘ i “ rith lure tins eifCnpi, arifl .V- Wm M sale investment for lus varmnjitti io wantonly throws them back fro tee to course, deserves either to see them hieaK ou— on his own person, or appear in that of another; But independent of the plain law of instinct, there is one for the promotion of dress among ladies which may be plainer still to some— and this is the law of self interest. It is all very well for bachelors to be restricted to a costume which expresses nothing beyond a general sense of their own unfitness to be seen --since they can be safely trusted for publish ing their characters to the world with that forwardness which is their chief element; but heaven forbid that the spinsters should ever take to the same outward neutrality. With their habitual delicacy of mind, and reserve of manner, dress becomes a symbolical lan guage—a kind of personal glossary,—a spe cies of body phrenology,—the study of which it would be madness to neglect. Will Hon eycomb says that he ran tell the humor a wo man is in by the color of her hood. We go further, and maintain that to a proficient in the science, every woman walks about with a pla card on which her leading qualites are adver tised.— Quarterly Review. Marriage Customs in .Sweden. Hr. Baird, in n late lecture delivered in Springfield upon foreign governments, and the social customs of different nations, allud ed particularly to Sweden, a land made re cently quite familiar to us through the graph ic writings of Frederika Bremer. The man ners and customs of the Swedes he describes as being remarkably interesting and some of them very peculiar. He instances most espe cially the ceremony of marriage, of which for mality he gives the annexed sigular account: W hen a young girl is to be married she dresses hersell in all her bridal garments, and places herself in the middle of the parlor, landing. A circle of bright lights are placed about her, and the groomsmen also come in to the room bearing each a brilliantly lighted chandelier. The doors and wiudows are then thrown open, and every one who chooses can come and see and criticise the bride as they please. Impudent fellows will walk about her, and besides criticising her appearance, which they do within her hearing, they all use some such expressions as, ‘-Well, so and so is to la: married at last; she has been long enough about it. I pity the man who marries her.” &c. Females, too, will appear hbout her in masks, and make still more cutting and insulting remarks. Aller standing thus lor an hour and a half the ordeal is ended, the throng is dispersed, and the wedding takes place in the presence of the immediate friends of the parties. After a dinner party, the guests ap proach the hostess, who stands in the middle oi the room, and each returns thanks. This beautiful custom prevails even among the sim ple peasant families. After the meal is over the children approach their mother, and, tak ing her by the hand, say. “Thank you, mam ma.” The guest, if one there be, merely says “thanks.” Agriculture. It was the earnest recommendation ol'Wash- I ington, that among the several departments of I government, there should be one devoted to agriculture. This advice and recommenda tion have hitherto been strangely neglected. It would have been the duty of those, to whom this department was to have been entrusted, to continually watch over the interests of the farmer—to suggest and encourage improve ments —to collect and disseminate information among the agriculturists of the Union—to open communications with individuals and so cieties, both at home and abroad, in order to obtain seeds, stock, machinery. &c.—and in short by the strong arm of government, to uid in every honorable wuy tin-progress of the science and the art of good husbandry. We can hardly calculate what would have been the amount of gain to the community, had the suggestions o! the prudent and far-seeing VV ashington been attended to and put in prac tice. Strange that it never had been ! All the other departments have received the ut most attention, but this most essential branch of human industry has received signal neglect. Commerce has always had treaties and laws to promote its welfare—light houses to guide and navies to protect its ships. The army has Imd its appropriations and its school of cadets, where, at the cost of $6,000 par head, favored individuals are taught the sciences and art of war. The mechanics have their i patent office, where n sort of bonus is given to the ingenious, by granting them a ihonopoly lor a certain space of time. But Agriculture, homely, laborious, dusty old Agriculture, may dig without help, and plough her way along us she best can without any substantial aid or uny encouragement save what is uttered by political aspirants and stump orators during L , "H"!iL c !Wbk l UWty Kilts *>fr unituer But is n surely destined to be forgotten when tbe contest is over. * It is true, that Congress did vote, thnt a small sum from the avuilsof the Patent Office might be expended in collecting ahd distrib uting seeds, tfcc., by the Commissioner of Pa tents. It (lid much good, and would have done much more, had not Congress again, more flckle than the winds, repemed the law, and thus Stopped the operation just ns it began to be useful to the community. We hope that the day is not distant when Congress will have a “ lucid interval,” and establish a home department of Agriculture. The benefit” of it wiil be immense, not only to ourselves but to unborn generations.-* Maine Farmer.