Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 21, 1847, Image 2

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l,lT! ' ; ' ! ' l ‘ ln " n caw- ’ V (nmW\yt. rudder unshipped. - Here che young officer dropped his head desponding ly on his breafct ; and ihe old Commodore continued, sharply— Come, sir, what would you do with your ship) Tattnall. —(raising his head) —Id let her go to the d — l, where she ought to go Com —Right, sir, right! Mr. Clerk,enroll Mr Tatt nall as Past Midshipman.” Liberty ol tlie Press. ” The liberty of the Press consists m the right to pub lish, with impunity, the truth, with good motives and for justtliable ends; whether it respects government, magistracy or individuals."— Alexander Hamilton. “ Error of opinion may he always tolerated whe reason is left free to combat it The basis of our gov ernment being the opinion of the people, the very fiiai object should be to keep that right; and were it left u me to decide, whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspnpeis without a govern ment I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the U,t t ate—Thomas Jefferson Important Temperance Facts. In Swe en there were, in 1831, no less than If, 1,000 Distilleries—,n 1844 these were reduced to 72.600 That country has 322 temperance societies, with oo,ooo tie inhere. Norway has 128 temperance societies, and 14,812 members. In Prussia, there arc 699 tem]jcrance associations, and 702,713 members. In Austria, 60 societies and 150,000 members. In the kingdom if Hanover, there are 456 societies, and 69.116 members. In the duchy of Oldenburg, there are 75 societies, and 28,128 members. In tile rest ol Germany, there are 126 societies, and 25,824 members. So that there are now in all Germany, including Aus tria, 1126 temperance societies, ami no lew than 1,019,- 193 members. —Ohio Organ. The Wife. It needs not guilt to break a huslamd's heart; the ab sence of content, the mutterings of spleen, the untidy dreaa and cheerless home, the forbidding scowl and de serted hearth ; these and other nameless neglects, with out a crime among them, have harrowed to the quick live lieart of many a mail, and planted there, beyond the reach ol cure, the genu ol dark despair. Oh! may wo man bflbre that sad sight arrives, dwell on the recollec tions of youth, and cherish the dear idea of that tuneful time, awake and keepalive the promise she then kindly gave ; and though alie may be the injured, not the in junng one—the forgotten, not the forgetlul wile—u nappy allusion to the houroi love— a kindly welcome to n happy home—a smile of love to banish hostile words —a kiss of peace to pardon all the past, and the hat lest iiearl that ever locked itself within the breast of selfish man will solten to her charms, and bid her live, as she had hoped, her years in matchless bliss—loved, loving, and content—the soother of the sorrowing heart—die source of comfort, ami the spring of joy.— Ex. Paper. Not n Had Itule. Dr. Baird, in his lecture on Thursday evening, men tioned a singular fact concerning the Greek Church, viz : that the priests ate required to be mnrried men, and whenever a wife dies the priestly office ceases until lie is married again. They claim authority for this in the Scripture, whicli reads “ A bishop must he blnniless, the hustHiml of one wife.” In the Armenian Church this tide * extended to as to require that a priest shall also be the lather of tine child.— Springfield Gazette jy An improved Power Loom has been invented and patented by Richard Collins, of Cabotsville, Muss. The whole construction of the loom is sr.itl to be vastly simplified. Much of the gearing and rigging of the old looms is entirely dispensed with. Frcsertntion ofl’cuch Trees. The following article, from the American Agrirul - j tuj ist, is from the pen of B K Warli Esq of Bints County, Georgia, an intelligent and worthy planter .Should Mr, Wa HD feci disposed to give his friends here abouts, the benefit ol lus observations and experience, we would be imust happy to hear from him. BUTTS COUNTY. May Bth, 1847 CiMTLWM— As the Iso* method of preventing the lestruetion of |iench trees by borers is a matter of public interest, in dillerent sections ol the country, I will give my plan ol preventing their ravagesin young trees, and •spelling them from old ones. 1 saarriuiued several years ago, that sulphur is more ifli-nsivs u> most kinds of insects than any other sub- I taner with which I wueacquainted. When applied to fait tree*, it lasts longer ami is more permanent in its operation than anything 1 have tried. Pearh tieos are 1 iten attacked by tne worm in the nursery, which may easily he known by a blackish appearance, with exuded gum on il.e stem nest the ground and on the roots When tbs young trees are taken from the nursery, for i !_■*l diodower part of their stems with a mixture ol any com non oil or grease and the flour of sulphur, well incorpo rated by stirring. Hpriukle a table spoonful ol clear enl nur m the bottom of the holes, and then plant the trees in the usual way . In order to expel the hnrer from old trees, I take gitn iat, or brace and bit. and bore three or fmn small holes in eorh tree near the ground, and fill tliem with lira.’ of sulphur, with the aid of a quill.* I also remove th emlli from about the snots of the trees, ns tar ns tie ore attacked by the worms, then apply the mixture e oil and sulphur as directed for young trees, replace tie earth, tnd the proc> •* is complete. Both ol these modes are cheap, easy in their applies lion, and as fisr as I haw tried them, have proved efft Jl tisl B F WARD MjU- W * ° • ?-a FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR. For Governor* 6Biy DI7MC uv i,. CUKCB* W hig Senatorial Nominations. Districts, Counties. Candidates. 31 Mclntosh nnd Glynn, Chas. II Hopkins. I B, h Scriven nnd Efiiingham, Martin Marsh. ML 9th Burke nnd Emanuel, Neill McLeod. lOth Laurens and Wilkinson, C. ft Guyton Decatur nnd Thomas, Martin. Stewart & Randolph, W. Boynton. T,cu and Sunit-r, Mnxircll Muscogee nn.l Harris, ft T Marks Mneon, E \V McGehee. : n:id Maiioi- | ( \,tf <'■ 1 / .lE'/, > ‘• T / ; . ’ n ‘ ! - !l!l iI • **. > 1 V, r " l,! 1 • ‘ ‘ 1 i! ‘-at ‘’ 1 1 1 ‘ * 1 “'’ “" lin -V X 1!;|! G* hi.!. !’ I> / r i BHHHh .i ■ ii ir < ima at I? I'omCi oi i* J enough them to our SrvS’ V I l||g W ■ • acknowledged their dejM-nduncc • • 1 •’ : 1 I> • • I .!*.\ on occasions, are ho apt to 1>- alu s*d, that it ih|m-iluij s t to dispense with them even among those who are in the habit ol using them on other occasions. The Southern H Ink. This paper has been greatly enlarged and improved, and is as elegant m its exterior as it is sound in politics. Wc could not say more if we would. May its patron age be commensurate with its merits. The leiegraph. Our enterprising neighbor oi the Telegraph appears this week in anew and elegant diess, and Ins paper is now not only one oi the best, but the neatest in the State. \\v aie pleased to see too that the Telegraph has, w hat it so richly deserves, a vety lull share oi pub lic patronage. Most cordially do we commend it to all out mends as an able and digmiied organ w ell calculated to represent their principles and their inter* sts. To those V\ bigs who may wish to patronize u Democratic oi gun in Cential Georgia, w- would say, ny all means give your invois to the Telegraph os it is conducted on ta.r, lu noralile and dignified principles. The prosperity of Macon. In nothing is the prospcnty oi Macon more apparent than in the tact that it is almost impossible to tind, with in its nuiits a coinloitable dwelling-house to rent, which is not saughi alter by scores ol applicants. The he althy state oi trade, nnd the laigily increased business ol the ] t season, have hither many citizens and no 1 itle capital from abroad. Recent purchacesof real es t te have been made by heavy capitalists, whose influ ence will doubtless, be felt in ibe community. Within the last three mouths a block ol commodious stores have been erected in Cherry street, and other evidences oi prosperity are not w anting. The city has entirely re covered from past embarrassments, and our merchants are not only solvent, but have abundant means to extend iheir business relations. Our planting friends eveiy where are reapectfaiiy recommended to examine the odvertiHiLgcclumns of the city papers, and when they visit Macon to patronize those who have energy enough to seek their trade, and who are ready and willing to let the public lua w whin goods they have lor sale. While’s Statistics of Georgia* We t'ke pleasure in calling attention to the Prospec tus of White’s Statistics of Georgia, in out advertising columns. The people of die Suite have long needed a w ork of the kind, and we are informed that Mr. White has been very industrious nnd eminently successful in his efforts to procure materials. He is now canvassing the State for subscribers and informs us that be has procured a list of six hundred in the city of Savannah alone. He proposes to call upon the citizens of Macon in a lew days, and we trust may receive that encourage ment w hicli he deserves. Itnilroad Competition. The success of the Southerner has caused a general reduction of fare upon all the lilies of travel from Charles ton, North The fare from Charleston to Weldon, u distance of 350 miles, has been reduced to SB, from Weldon to Baltimore, eating induced, $6 This is by the Bay Route, and by the mail iine $7,50. Where this competition will end we know not, but hope to be able to apprise our readers in due time, through the proper medium. (‘oi. Jackson. This gallant and meritorious officer lias declined a public dinner, tendered to him and his command by a committee in behalf of the citizens of Savannah. He says: “ The lateness of the season, connected with the fact that the greater proportion of tiiose corps are entirely disorganized, rendering it highly improbable that many of my fellow-soldiers could attend, induces me most re spectfully to decline the invitation, so fur ns it concerns myself” __ Another Fall* We understand that the President has authorized C’ap tsinsCalhoun &. Nelson,ofthe fate Georgia Regiment, to raise a battalion of 500 mounted Riflemen for the ! Mexican war. The Muscogee Democrat states that j Lieut. Edwabd R Gouldinq will take immediate stejis I to raise one of the companies. The company under i Gen. Cii an II Nelson, intended lor the. Infantry bat talion, it is intimated, may join the Cavalry force, as they have not yet been mustered into service. Too good to be Lost* A highly intelligent gentleman while reading the ac count of the unceasing assaults of the Guerrillas upon Gen Pillow’s command, very pertinently remarked tlistthe Mexicans had at last found out one American Officer that they could fight with some prospect of whipping him, and that consequently they were improv ing their opportunities! Th** Chicago ton vent ion. Tfie official proceeding* of this body reached us at too late nn hour lor insertion in this weeks p-ipcr. It was an immense assemblage and its deliberations must have a great influence upon public opinion in the Uuion. (cutrul IlnilioHd Ntntistir*. We are indebted to the President of the Central Rail road, for the following statement ol prx!uce, manufac tures, &.c , brought down to Hnvannah from the Ist. of October lust to the middle of tin* last mouth. The re sults are exceedingly gratifying, and these receipts will be very much increased the coining business season I The items are as follows £46 bales of domestics. 1,596 packages of merchan dise, 194 pounds af bacon. 1,487 bushels of meal, t**-* ——i* t j >„'t*wax. JUfl bushels of wheat, 5.7N0 H.lliO pounds of feathers, 900 bushel* potatoes, ‘icfftejs, of poultry, 1,925 dozen eggs, 100 bushels cotton seed, Ift steei* and 64 sheep, 417 bushels of rice, 57ft bushela of pens, 100,399 bushels of com, 3,024 barrel* of Hour, nnd 277.493 fiouuds of flour in sacks— Republican, 12 th tost I be l(o 1 1 111 lire. We beg most respectfully to be excused from entering into s discussion with our correspondent Medicos, in regard to the relative merits of Dr B inuiug s Body Brace, and the **lmport—l Improvement*’ of Mr Hodg kins. If in our anxiety to serve • worthy and ingen lous mechanic, we have invaded the rights of Dr. Ban ning, we are sorry for it Mr H wU! doubtless take csre of hie own interest I he \>e*U*jan fViuule GoHegc. During tho past w.;*?k our goodly city was densely crowded With strangers, attracted hither by the Kxami nntiou and Commenceuient Exercises at the Wesleyan > peirne lc College. To say that they we re delighted vis itors would be conveying but a meagre idea of the uni versal expression of gratification which \\c be nl. !Ma •iy of those present, w'ere persons of acknowledged cul tivation, of refined taste and matuied judgment; and yet we heard but one opinion in regard to the faithful iicKH nnd ability of the professors, or the deportment an<l proficiency of the students. ‘ 1 lie Examination winch was thorough and protract ed, proved beyond all question, that th** fleeting hours bad been industriously employed, nnd that the acquire- ‘ rnents of the young ladies, were entirely equal to the moat sanguine expectations of the friends of the Institution. Our own engagements having prevented a constant atom lance nt the CtmjW tlte tlmt 1 dn> * test ol scholarship, we only give utterance to the universally expressed opinion of those who were present’ when we eny that the t.-st whs severe, and that the ac quirements of the young ladies were quite equal to its most scrupulous exactions. The institution, in oar opin- , ion, is especially blessed with a faculty who seem to care mote fur substantial acquirements than for the mere show anil tinsel of education. It has been said, we know, thut tin y pay too little attention to the courtesies and refinements which so much sdorn the female char acter, und too much to mere collegiate education.— This maybe, and possibly is to some extent, correct There were douhtlen defects in both the scholarship and the etiquctticalities,” of some of the graduating class. Strange if such were not the case. These differ ences in culture and refinement result front differences in temperament, constitution and intellect. As well might we expect that a block of granite should take the polish of the best Italian marble ns that all minds should be susceptible of the same high degree of refinement.— W e venture to say, that the discrepancy in this particu lar, was not greater than is perceptible in the best grad uating classes of our best Institutions—such ns Yule, Harvard, Princeton or franklin; while the general at taintnenfe *>f tk were highly creditable both to the Professors and Students. In several instances the schol arship was remarkable, and the young ladies richly de served the high distinction which was uwarded to them, both for acholaiship and deportment. Upon the whole we question whether any Institution in the South pre sents greater facilities for those who may desire a sub- 1 stuntial education for their daughters, than does the • Wesleyan Female College, under its present manage- * ment. Commencement Day, We regret exceedingly that the excessive heat of the day nnd the crowded state of the hull prevented us from hearing the exercises of the young Ladies ot the gradu ting class on r l hursday last. Either the Faculty or Trustees were careless of their duties, and the House i w as crowded with noisy half fledged boysaud “children of a larger growth” to the exclusion of many who desi red to hear and who would have been glad to appreci ate the performances. The opinion seemed to be uni versal that these exercises ought to take place in some Hall or Church large enough to accommodate all who may desire to hear nnd w here reasonable order might have been preserved. The confusion wu to groat, that it was in 1 possible for 1 th*c outride to hear, while an hour spent inside the 1 Chopel was equal to the best imaginable Turkish vapor ‘ both. Under such circumstances it is not to fe expect- 1 ed that we should give a very accurate idea of the char- ‘ acter of the exetcises. r I lie young Lndies seemed anx ious to be heard, nnd those* portions of their essays which < we could bear were tastefully aru carefully written; but many of the compositions were entirely lost, ex- cept to the se immediately rr und the render?. A young . ami talented friend who was present during the whole ) of the day has kindly favored us with a graceful sketch of the proceedings accompanied by some most ‘mportant suggestions in regard to the lutur pmsperity of the Institution, which we regret to say was receiv ed at so late an hour, that we were compelled to omit it or lose several of our most important mails. It will appear ill our next. Gen. Clinch’s Acceptance* We take great pleasure in laying before our readers f the following letters copied from the last number of the ! Recorder. We fully agree with our friends of the Re | publican, that the acceptance of Gen. Clinch acteristic, modest, manly and patriotic ’’ MILLEDGEVILLE, July 1, 1847. j llon. D L Clinch. Dear Sir, —As a Committee appointed by the Con vention of the Whig party of this State, assembled at this place this day, we take pleasure in announcing to you, that you have been nominated by acclamation as? their Candidate for Governor at the ensuing election. W * trust that this action will meet your approval, j ami feel sure that the people will respond to your nomi nation, if accepted, with overwhelming enthusiasm. We are your friends and ob’t serv’ts. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, JOSEPH S. FAY, AUGUSTUS ALDEN, B H OVERBY, JOHN J HAMPTON, I\ B CONNELLY, HENRY SANFORD. La MONT, near Clarkesvilli, / Habersham County, July 5, 1847 \ Gentlemen:—l had the honor last evening to re ceive your letter of the Ist 111*1., communicating the information that the Convention of the Whig party of j this State, at Milledgeville, to nominate a candidate | for the office of Governor, had conferred on me that i distinguished compliment. Having spent nearly thirty years in the service of my country. 1 had hoped to have passed the remnant of my life 111 the tranquility of my present pursuits ; und, had it been the pleasure of the Convention, would have been gratified to have seen the name of one of Georgia’s most | gifted and distinguished sons in the place of my own.— : But honored ns I have been, by the great Whig party of the State, in being selected from amongst so many able ’ men to be their nominee for the office of Governor, I j led thut no personal sacrifice they could ask of me I would lx* too great to make in compliance* with their j wishes. I therefore accept with profound respect the J nomination of the Convention, and if elected by iny I fellow citizens to preside over the destinies of this great 1 j and growing State, will exert all my energies in ad- j I ministering its law’s, and iu managing its affairs, fear* ‘ j lessly nnd without favor. Be pleased gentlemen, to accept the high resjiect nnd esteem of one who has the honor to be your friend and i moot obedient servant, D. L. CLINCH Robert V Hardeman, Joseph S. Fay, Augustus Alden, ft 11. Overly , John J Hampton, J*. B. Con nelly, Henry Sanford, Committee, Ac. The Proposition for Peace* A correspondence between Mr. Buchanan and the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, is copied by the New Orleans Delta of the 13th instant, from the “ Sun of Annahuae,” a paper published in Vera Crus The American Secretary of State repents the declaration | that our government are anxious for an early termina tion of the pending war. He combats the idea insisted | upon by Mexico, that the American forces must be Iw ithdrawn, as a preliminary condition,and very proper ty informs them that such can never he the caae He holds that the above condition, insisted upon by Mexico, is not in accordance with the usages of notions, nnd insists that the United States, ns the invading pow er, woald, by seceding to it, lose all she has gained, I in case the negotiation should fail. Mr. Buchanan dis- j metly states, that while the. President will not renew his proposition to open negotiations, unless satisfied that bis terms will hi- accepted ; still, ti nt til* wnr may not Ibe minfcrsaarily prolonged, he hns concluded to send 1 ’ Mr Taw to the Head-quarters of the Army of Occu pation, clothed with full {Movers to conclude a definite treaty of pedes with the United Mexican Staten. To ibis the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Don D>- *in<m> Iharri. responds, that Mr Bn iianan's commu nication baa, by older of the President, ad interim, bc*n referred to llie Sovrreign Congr*-w, that they From Itoa ruoadrd frmu hi* (Kwti.m, aammed in the cim- o Mr Hliio ul. The Mexican* wore willing to receive that gi nil'man a* a eonnniaafoner, to adjoin eximin* dwputc*, hill Mr. P.n.x inoid lino he *!i<>uld he rec i K nize.l * a nnm.ler |ilenipoii ntnry It c|u„ t„ dial if line It wit* to he yielded in all, it ought tohuv. bMPM > leUloU without blonde!*-,and j„ ,hr rs umnttional Murteay. The war having begun, the I ,r of die American nation would linvc been q, htr well maintained by puramn, our advantages and re lienting our blows in quick suci-emion, until ihe seem called lor quarter. It would have been much helter so the country, and for the etiuae ol humanity, if Mr Polk had fumirhcd Gens. Taylo* and Stott with the neccHsaty men and munition* nt war to enable them to negotiate n peace nt the mouth ol the cannon. It to now apparent to Mexico tlwt the President ts weary ot I the war. and she will therefore, mall probability, de cline to negotiate, under ihe hope dint an endurance ot n few years may give to her liet'cr terms “ a d Gen Scott been at the head of nn army ol 30,000 men. a letter from Mr. Buchanan, authorizing him to negoti ate, might have been euccen.iul. M e cutinot, however, regard the oending of Mr Tatar M Head-quarter*, in any other light than us a grave n.istuku-alike deroga , tory to the honor nnd dignity of di • American nation. It looks ns if we had mistaken our foe, and had finally resolved to sue for u pence, which we commenced to . conquer. Sympathy “ ;| d Sawdust. The excessive sympathy of the Federal Union for Col Daws,,,v, has ■ • • ■ to'.lt in both the Whig and Democratic cirel-s; more especially as it came from a quarter whence compliments of a very different character have whilom emulated. The arti cle to of a very equivocal character, and Ukc the Irish mans present, it is somewhat difficult to tell whether it is intended for sympathy or sawdust. It reminds us of a story which we recently noticed in the New York Sunday Mercury: “ A blunt, old fashioned Irishman, accompanied by his family, having arrived fresh from the “ Green Isle,” settled in the city of Brooklyn, hard by n good Presby terian Deacon, who was very sanctimonious in church, hut very slippery and unscrupulous in politics. The Deacon wishing to get Patrick s vote nnd influence at the approaching election, sent him a present of a barrel of corn meal, accompanied by n note expressing his sympathy for the starving Irish, and spiced with reflec tions upon the British Government for its unjust nnd harsh treatment of thnt people. Pat opened the barrel, and pawed over the contents with wonder and astonish ment. Not having seen any such “ provender” as thnt ■ before, he knew not what to make of it for the soul of J him. After blowing n about, drozzling it between his fingers, and rubbing it in hvs bands tor a long time, he came to the conclusion that a “ dirthy thrick” had been played upon him ; so he sat down and penned the fol lowing laconic and touching reply : I rooklyn, June 9th. To Mr. , Sir: With gratitude I accept your sympathy, but d—u your aawduA! Truly, your humid* sorv’t, PATRICK DOLAN.” | Should our good friend, Col Dawson, conclude to * make a formal tender of thanks to the editor of the Union, we have no doubt he will take as his epistolary model, the sententious production us Patrick Dolan. He I may thank the Deacon for his sympathy, but bid him digest his own “ sawdust,” or turn it over in mercy to bis particular friend, the disconsolate “ Coon Killer.” Good Testimony* The National Intelligencer, n* all our readers are aware, is extremely cautious how it endorses the char acter of any gentleman, either for intellect or morals. When it does speak, therefore, ns testimony, like thnt of a man of high toned honor & ( ('needed conscientious ness, must have weight upon th* public mind. We con sequently take pleasure in copying the following para graph from that paper, accompanied by an extract from | the Journal Messenger. An acquaintance of years | with Gen. Clinch, lias enabled us* to appreciate both his , * character and his int* Heel, and we feel assured that our | ’ judgment will be sustained, not only by the Intelligen- i 1 cer, but by the people of Georgia. From the National Intelligencer. “ We have seldom seen any commendation of a pub , lie man which we could more cordially endorse, than what is said in the annexed paragraph in regard to Gen. Duncan L Clinch, of Georgia. Wc have known * this true-heaitcd citizen, man and boy, for, we will not say how many years, and we have never known a kind | er, braver, or more honorable gentleman. His intellect ual qualities are correctly described by the Journal, and his private life is ns virtuous ns his public character is un- j blemished. Being al le, by a long and intimate ac- ] quaintance with him, to bear this conscientious testi- | monv to the personal and public merits of General | Clinch, and seeing him now before his fellow-citizens j as a candidate for a high though unsought office, we should be doing injustice to ourselves as well as to him, were we to copy the following tribute to his worth, from a respectable Georgia journal, without adding this brie* expression of our own feelings ” From the Journal ft; Messenger “ General Clinch. —Asa man, as a soldier, and ns a statesman, the people of Georgia have reason to be proud of Gen. Clinch, and would only honor tliem aelves by proclaiming him their Chief Magistrate. As a man, he is kind, benevolent, and courteous, but firm ; ns a soldier, brave and skilful. Washington and Tayi.or. he knows when to command, and when to hear the complaints oi his men. i hough u General j true and stem when necessity requires it, he has never i been known to lose sight of the charity, the courtesy,’ and kindness ol the true gentleman, even amid the tri als of the camp or the strife of the battle. Asa states man, he is modest and unobtrusive, but well informed. He is no orator, and exhibits his no*xl sense by never attempting to obtrude himself as such upon the people. His information upon political subjects is varied and minute. Few among even profess* <i politicians are bet ter informed upon State or national topics than he is, or write with greater ease, point, or perspicuity In the management of money matters he is not a whit inferior to the present able incumbent of ihe Executive chair.” A Fair Kehtikc. The Muscogee Democrat, alluding to the probable requisition übout to be made on Georgia for a battalion of mounted men, very pointedly says: “ While on this subject, we would respectfully inquire why cannot the battalion of Infantry lx* made up from the middle and eastern counties? The late Democrat ic Convention “resolved” in favor ot the war, and why pot resolve to till up the battalion, forthwith, and send it on its way to the “ aid and comfort”of Gens Scott and Taylor 1 We don’t understand the reason of the cul pable apathy on this subject among the friends of the Administration, but believing that it is incurable, we invoke the aid of the “ Mexican Whigs'’ to come to the rescue lor the honor of the good old Common wealth !” As the Whigs furnished a decided majority of the regiment under Col. Jackson, we think it is but fair that Mr. Polk should now call upon the members of the late Democratic convention for “ aid and comfort.” It is hardly fair that the Mexican Whigs should do all the fighting. Democratic Economy* The New York Journal •/ Commerce says:— “The United States Loan off 18,000,000 was taken 10th April, 1847, at about l percent, premium. This premium has since advanced, according to the daily re ports in the papers, to 71 per e nt . so that, at this rate, the patriotic Exchange Brokers will gain $1.260,000 by tins o|oration! If the United otatea had pomemed as much sagacity as those financiers, by only offering $6,000,000 at one tune, it might have saved 7 per cent, on $12.000 000, to wit: $840,000. However, it was gratifying to know that the profit was made by such eminent philanthropists!” The Journal of Commerce did more than any other paper to place the administration in power and there fore has a right to complain, that Mr. polk should per mit Messrs. Corcoran Sl Riggs, the especial friends of Mr Walker to pocket a million or two of the public money. After a while when the loans coutraced hy Mr Polk are to be paid, the Democracy as in 1811, will swear that it was a burthen inflicted by the Whigt! Mr. Uftthoun and the Whig C mi volition* Wc notice that in seven! papers Mm Whig Convoi* tioool this State, is represented us approving th** courts of Mr. Calhoun, in the laui Bent te. The r**eo!ution ap proved th* course of Mr CaH*h n in regard to out for eign relations, nnd though we frankly confess that t ie Convention might have gone further, and sanction'd certain developments of the diMitignished Senator tomb ing Poikery and its Corruptions, atijl we deem ft but I proper thnt the action of that body \mM !*■ fairly rep resented. Curious lh inoeriilfi- Con4lu*ioti*. Is* It is no “aid and comfort U* Jt* enemy” for Mr Poik’a Lieutenant General to yonotuic* the present wnr *'unconstitutional anu vuust" —but it is “aid and eonifont to the enemy” for a W hig to roiiiphun that Mr Polk did not consult (ingress, before getting us into il- war 2.1 It I* no “aid and comfort to the enemy*’ forCnw. \llen, Douginas, Henley, Wck, Owen, Aaron V iirown und others, who pitin - | thut in the event ol the war “they would do all fi,- fighting” to stay at home- but it is “aid nnd cmnhrt to the enemy,” for Clay, Hardin, McClting, Ringgold, Lincoln, and oth ers. m pour cut their 1 : • , so >,... . . t their country 3 ! !♦ is no “aid and comfort to the enemy” to vote “three millions” of dollars to b* taken from the pock ets of the people, “to pay Santa Anna’s soldiers”— but it is “aid & comfort to the enemy” for the Whigs to condemn the party in power for proposing such a meas ure ! 4th. It is no “aid and comfort to the enemy to “pass Santa Anna into Mexico,” and to send the Mexicans along with him, a score or so of their best generals— but it is‘‘aid and comfort to the enemy” for the Whigs to condemn the Administration for such acts!—Nash ville Republican. Judge Charlton’s Oration The address of the lion. Robert M. Charlton to the audience and to the graduating class at the Wesley an Female College, on Thursday last, was, in our opin ion, a model performance The speaker showed his good taste by avoiding an error winch is very commonly committed on such occasions. The oration was not elaborate, metaphysical or argumentative, hut brief, practical and appropriate. The style was decidedly or nate, and the moral tone of the production iti exquisite taste. It is not our purpose to give an analysis of the j paper. It treated of the subject of Education in gener | nl ami particularly, of the increased influence and charm I 1 which it imparts to the female. The power of woman j to control and subdue the wildest and fiercest passions of men. was happily illustrated by the following beauti- 1 I lul original Ballad, drawn ft out an incident in the French Revolution, recited in Allison’s History of Eu rope : Tin* Draught of Hlood. At mid-hour of a gloomy night, In France’s fair domain, The eye beheld a wilder sight It e’er may see again : A vision of that troubled time, When men, fierce demons were, And each heart was the throne of crime. Or horrible despair. Ton prison’s walls, a savage crowd, With a wild outcry came, And threats of vengeance, deep and loud, Their voices did proclaim, Againt the noble of that land—- By cruelty placed there,— The remnent of the fated band Os France’s brave and fair. And one by one, each hapless heart Was dragg’d from dungeon cell, And quickly pierced by sword and dart, Mid shout and frantic yell; And ns streamed forth the purple flood, As fast as Autumn’s rain, They quaff’d deep draughts of reeking blood From every mangled vein. And in his turn, an aged man Was led the portal thro’— When from the crowd a maiden ran, Anl to his bosom flew*: “ Strike ! if you will,” she wildly cried— “ Wieak. if you must, your ire ; Your swords must drink my own heart’s tide, Ere they shall touch my sire!” i Those fierce men paused : that noble maid Had won their savage heart; But yet they stay’d, with lifted blade, Unwilling to depart. Anil while they thus uncertain stood, One seized a cup of gore. Filled to the brim with noble blood, Which to the maid he bore: “ Drink !” he exclaimed—“ this purple stream Hath flow’d from pamper’d vein— A fitting goblet, it would seem, For one so fair to drain. Drink ! and the deed thy sire shall save, Ills footsteps shall go free ; But pause not, or a bloody grave Shall hold both him and thee !” The maiden took the proffer’d cup, That she dare not deny, While thousand torch-lights lifted up, Flash’d full upon her eye: Oh, twas a wild and thrilling scene, To see that bright one stand, Like guaidian angel plac’d between Her father and that band ! And loudly rang a demon cry, When she the bowl had ta’en, And with a sad, averted eye, To latest drop did dram ; Down tell each red, uplifted blade, That draught hath quench’d their ire: All honor to the peerless maid, That saved her aged sire ! A story like this needed no application All seemed to recognize the deduction, that it such were the influence ot sex in the w ild and bloody drama of the French Rev olution, that influence could be rendered infinitely more potent for good when chastened and refined by Christian Education. Without following the distinguished speaker through the whole of this part ot his oration, or copying hisap propiate remarks addressed to the sterner portion of his auditory, we must conclude by submitting the following extract, which, lor beauty ot conception, gracefulness of diction, and correctness of sentiment, may be regarded as a fair specimen of the whole performance. “And you, my gentle hearers! you, who have been sent by an unerring wisdom, to be at once the ruler and the governed—whose duty it is to obey and to yield, and ! whose privilege it is to command and to sway, even by obeying, and in yielding, keep well the charge committed to you. Oh, mother! tram well the infant heart that Providence hath placed w ithin your care. Stamp upon it, whilst the soil is yet soft, the moral image of its Cre ator ; whisper to it the kind lessons of humanity and seif-sacrifice ; tell it of the temptations of the world ; and let your own life be the guide to its steps, the lantern to its path to lead it unto Heaven ! Oil, sister ! love well the playmate, the brother of your youth ! One form hath given you life, one bosom hath nourished you ; let one heart and one affection be yours forever ! so shall you be beautiful in life ; so shall not death divide you ! And oh Wile! w hat shall I say to you, you who can ex ercise so potent un influence upon the manly form that hath promised to be thine forever, in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty, in glory and in shame Tia thus too, that your own oath has been registered.— Oh, be mindful of the solemn pledge. Be not too hasty to reprove or to condemn. “ Be to his faults, a little blind, Be to his virtues, ever kind !” Remember the fierce strife which his spirit must en dure to win sustenance for you and for your loved ones. Remember the fretting of the mind, the weariness of t!ie body, which tie primeval curse has emailed upon him! and remember how that curse came B* it thine to caltn life's troubled waves ; be it thine, by thy gentle 1 words, thy cheering smile to make the drooping heart rejoKMi i iul •** the dove, wlien it found !o spot to rest upon, came back with joy and speed to the Ark, where it knew it would have a kind welcome, and a generous protection ; when thy companion has found in this troublous, stormy life, no spot upon which his saddened heart, his weary form ran stay, and flies back to thee, | the ark of his joy and of hm hope, drive not the bird with the broken wing from thy bosom by coldness or by reproach, but be in thy turn,the protector and sustainer of him, that lias protected and sustained thee ; and so shall he take new comfort and new strength to buckle | on his armour again for life's conflicts, secure in the re flection, thut tho’ the whole earth forsake him, one heart ’ dings to his with undying affection ; one form watches over him with unceasing sympathy ; one life is linked j with Ins life, one joy with liim joy, one sorrow with his j sorrow ; and that if borne down in the fierce encounter he shall sleep the sleep ol death, one memory shall cherish his memory, one soul shull watch his spirit’s flight, and long for the time, when in a brighter land, anti a happier home, the hearts that had Ix-en linked together m tune will be (round together in eternity!” COMMUNICATED. Nrlirf Meeting in l'|>*on At a meeting of the citizens of I T j*son ooonty, conven ed on the full inst for the purpose ot taking into consul • erction the suffering condition of the people of Ireland, I uud raising contributions lor their relief, (hi motion ol Davenport Evans, Esq, T A. D Weaver, Esq , was culled to the chair and M fl. Sand wich appointed Heeretary On motion of l\ W. Alexander, Esq , the Chair ap pointed a committee of three from each district in the county, to solicit coiitiibuiiotis, and a cential committee of five to receive and forward the *uiik—that the Sec retary notify tlie gentlemen named in the coiiimiteeN of tbsif appointment, and request them to leave what ever grain may be contributed -put up in sacks VI bushels each, and delivered to the central committee in twenty days On motion John J. Gary, Esq , Resolved, that these proceedings be published in the Journal Messenger, and Telegraph, of Macon. T A. D WEAVER, Chairman. M. H. Sandwich, Secretary. tVhi*? I9Vecting~in Montgomery. Agreeably to previous notice, a respectable portion of the Whig party of Montgomery county met at the Court-house, on the sth instant, for the purpose of se lecting delegates to represent said county in the District convention of Mongomery and Appling counties, to he ‘held at Tillman’s Store on the 10th of July inst., to nominate a candidate for Senator. On motion of Jesse R. Browning, Ilenry Wootten, Esq., was called to the Chair, and Farq’r Mcßae and John Mcßae requested to uct os Secretaries. The object of the mtetiug being explained, the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted : He solved, That a committee of three from each militia district be appointed to report the names of two suitable persons from each district, to be afterwards elected by the majority ol the meeting, as delegates. On motion, the foliowing named persons were ap pointed those committees; John McAithur, F. Mcßae and D. McMillan, tioin the 51>i disiiict; John B. Ky j als, J no. Peterson and A. McGregor, 393d district; E. i Tillman, Abner Bi owning and J. C. Cieiuants, from the i 3D4th district, —who, oitei n short absence, reported the names of F. Mcßea, VV. A. McLeod, T. B. Calhoun, A Peterson, D. McArthur, Stephen Matlock, John Mcßea, and 11. Sears, Sr., &a Delegate*—which was unanimously adopted by the mcvtuig, giving mem full power to fill any vac mey that might occur. The following preamble and resolutions were also offered by the Committee,and unanimously adopted: Whereas, it is thought expedient and highly benefi cial, for the Whigs of Montgomery county to appoint delegates to meet in convention with a delegation from Appling county, for the purpose of deliberating and consulting together upon the selection and nomination of a candidate for Senator— Resolved, That the present delegation extend the invitation to, and request the Appling delegation to meet them in convention at the time and place specified Resolved, That we heartily acquiesce in, and pledge ourselves to support the nomination, by the recent VV big Convention, of Duncan L. Clinch for Governor of this State. Resolved, That the nomination, by the National Convention, of Zachary Taylor, the hero of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista, for the Presidency, will meet the entire approbation and cordial support of every patriotic citizen of Montgome ry county. On motion, it w as Resolved, That these proceedings lie forwarded to the Savannah Weekly Republican and the Georgia Journal Messenger for publication. The meeting then adjourned. HENRY WOOTTEN, Chairman. J m’ kla, | Secretaries. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. NEW YORK, July 14, 1847. Gentlemen :—ln the absence of local topics of inter est and during the drag of business consequent upon the hot weather, public attention here is attracted to the proceedings of the Internal improvement Conven tion at Chicago, of which you will find extended re ports in our papers. The friends of the cause here are exceedingly giatified at the li ely interest which these proceedings are awakening all over the country. The delegates in attendance exceed in number ten thousand, and among them are some of the best minds in the na tion. Your Hon. Thomas Butler King, on the sec ond day of the Convention make a whole souled speech which was received with distinguished favor. What ever may have been the design of the originators of this great gathering, it is destined to exert an important in fluence upon the next Presidential election, unless the public feeling in favor of Gen. Taylor should rise to a height sufficient to sweep him in irrespective of the ques tions mooted concerning Internal Improvement. Avery serious and heavy charge of false pretences has just been brought against a Mr. John H. Klengden, a commission merchant down town, who, it is alleged obtained upwards of $14,000 of one banker, and $7,000 of another, on false and tiauduleiit pretences. The large sums obtained, and the standing of the parties, cause the affair to make some noise. The accused has given hail, and is at large. Since the last steamer the speculations in bread stufis have been brought to a stand still. Buyers have every thing their own way. The quantity arriving from the interior is still very considerable ; yesterday we receiv ed by way of the Hudson river 20,07*2 bbls. flour, 2,690 bb!s. com meal, &c. &c. Considerable shipmentsaie j making by large receivers here, who prefer to trust the foreign market rather than accept the low rates current here. This causes an increased activity in the freights The prices ol Genneseee flour may be put down at $6 a $6 06. The Cotton market continues dull and the small sales noted submitted to a decline of i cent. A report Irani the Medical Society of New York to the Mayor, states that from the 2d January up to th* end ot June, the deaths irom ship lever in all the hospit als as well as at large in the city, were 470. Consider ing that about 80,000 emigrants have arrivedin the same I time, file mortality is c *>tain 1 y very moderate. Ihe ri bas been much unnecessary alarm on tile subject. This morning the Chmeae Junk came up from the] quarantine, dressed out in the flags of her nation and ! saluting file lorts and city. She is ail odd looking craft, 150 feet long and of good proportions, built of leak wood and stowed with all sorts ot curious Chinese productions. She will probably prove a handsome speculation for fier owner. All Gotham is on tiptoe to see her. She will be our aquatic museum, and will rival Bamum’s on terra Jirma in taking the quarters. Forty Chinese and twenty Englishmen compose her crew. As soon as the hot weather is over, I expect we shall begin to stir on the Presidential question, and the moss es will begin to shout the name of Talor. The w eather is glorious. Thermometer from 82 to 90f hut fine rams every lew days keep the atmosphere elastic and fresh. Truly yotu*, PYM. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. ATLANTA, July 19, 1847. Messrs. Editors: I have returned this far on my i w-uy from a trip through the counties of North-western | Georgia, and no where do 1 find the People more pleas- j cd with the nomination of Gen. Clinch, than m those i counties. It is hailed every where with the utmost en- j tliumasin, and the old Hero will receive a warm and , heuity support from the yeomanry of this part of the State. True, the little bar-room politicians, and stump ing lawyers, the “small fry” babblers of the Democra cy, say that he is no orator, that he can’t spenk. But the people do not care lor ail that; they are tired of men who woik their way into power, without any oth er qualification than that of being able to speak, to fa vor ami flatter. They want a man of good hurd sense, possessing immnss talents and industry, uud honesty to discharge his duties. Such a man they believe Gen. Clinch to be; and as such, they will vote for him lor Governor. Independent of his military renown and undoubted pntnotoyn, the people are in favor of our candidate be cause lie is a planter Being identified with the great mass ol our people in the cultivation of the soil, they feel sate in unsung the reins of government in his hands He knows how* to sympathize with them, and to legis late tor them. That Mr. Towns can tell a better talc than the old General, is altogether probable ; but in n sound and practical judgment—plain, strnigbt forward honesty, nnd habits of industry anJ economy, he is the ! i old Hero's interior—and “nothing else.” In conclusion, let messy to the Whigs of Middle und ( j Southern Georgia, that their brethren of the mountains, are active in preparing for the struggle With hk • nc- , tivity and harmony throughout our ranks, and such a Hero ns old “ Withlaeoochee” for our leader, we will give the Democracy such a defeat as thru of ih* Mexi- , cans at Cerro Gordo ; mid when the strife in over, noth ing will be left of lh r gallant orator but hit cork leg. , Here tlien is for “a long pull, a strong jml I, and n pull | altogether. KTOYVAU. 4 coßnKsmNnrNer, ot ti e journal and mrssenuer. i ( AMDEN COUNTY, July Ufit, 1817 Gentlemen lum truly happy to find that you have 1 so promptly def ruled our old friend ( •kni;hal Clinch J against the aspeistolis which some of the more un.cru lons of his opponents are disposed to cast upon his good name. In your estimate man und a c tijt,*ii ’ you are right. I!e has n clear disci iminating judguu m ami tli n is so well known by Ins tu ightmis, tliui tie j. Appealed hy men of nil portira win never wise counsel’ are necessary or desirable. As n man he is kind, affn ble, neighboily and obliging to the |*;or find to tie- rici alike Wo great! > **ece our ■ • irnpr* •* ‘! wf*h • Urn fact, U.RtinWU,,, rM . „ , ronD for Congress, that Camden curnv ctaito majority of Uo vou .„ , , & mo.. majority of 8 ! What .strong,, for than that of a mat,’a neighbor,! A ,” l *■**( Cmkch resided the year muud in Camden ""* ° Es he bas purchased and improved a in ‘ l! 8t county, and lam informed, is jusi ns m, r ’ b '“ mountains as lie was upon the senbonrd {J' r ln roRD one of the mom popular, tnlem. and an,l of hm party could not resist the unparalleled ” >,f old Withlaeoochee, what are we to eirectV “ “ ri ’ y ■'facile gentleman” of Talbot I mrn ‘he Yours. _ D CORRESPONDENCE OP THE JOURNAL AND YE rVr , VIKNNA, Dooly r„,mt T ANARUS, Gentlemen ; The “Gi,hpmatori*l Ball - hnv’t day opened t this place, Col. Genr.„. W nm* 0 - being both fiddler nd dancer on the” occasion am told, intends to canvass the State, and , I * dressed the peopl- here in a speech of some houn.7 .**’ or more, in which he took occasion to discuaa 7?* else hut what every one would consider to he ,i . “** rests of the State, nnd State politic*. The TaV""’’ Mexican war—and n eulogy upon Mr P„is ‘ ‘ ll ” ted the tdiief topics of hie speech —He n f eonr!”''’"'” , banned the Tariff of 18-12, and commended ,I, lMfi, although he knows that while two ** nrtie'e. of Southern nor-salt and cotton baggi,,! 0 !!!" 1 risen in price since the repeal nfthe first, and the * mein of the Inst mentioned tariff acts; while T? same time the government has raised a tram the tat iff on those nrtirlea than it did before .1 by hen,.fitting no one nn l injuring the government lint what has this tariff to do with the qu, s tio , H . volved in the election of Gnvemnrnf the State \ 7” erCol Towns nor (Jen. Clinch if elected can t nnv thing to do with the passing or refusing * tariff law—that is n matter that devolves on th,- (■ * grass of the United States—and whv therefore Col Towns resort to a discussion of that onesti™ Ihe answer is n plain one. It is not onlv in,-ml t~ humbug the people, hut i, is intended minds from an investigation of the miserable ous State policy presented by the Democratic n T whenever the government of the Stnte ha- he.-,, * hands. I hup harp the Jinanrr, nf th, St„t. ‘7 rrmtenttnrv h,rn manned ty th,m ? ‘‘Keen r from these question*.- I presume Col. Town, wit hnrdly tell those who may henr him spenk that it ‘ the desire of Mr Polk and his friends, to lay „ tnnff * ten nnd coffee with „|| their pretended opposition th, forifT. This would destroy every tiling. The nriw ehnrge of such n thing agninst Judge Dawson when h! rnn for Governor in 1811, defented him-but since ,! the lenders of the Demoerney have found it either right or necessary ‘‘to put the tariff” on tea nnd coffee Tins tho‘ most he kept in the dark-I an , willing o should Is-, font has nothings do with State policy'„ Stnte polities. ‘ But. Mr. Towns in his remarks on the Mexican m, was happy— or rather, nnd candidly speaking, more -happy is drift seemed to he to attach to Gene* Taylor he blame of bringing on the war, by advising Mr Polk to order the march of onr army to the R, Grande, and yet to give to Mr Polk the honor „f , the victories gained by Gen Taylor after the war Ui commenced. And in this he certainly betrayed am™ criminal ignorance of the facts in the ease, or a wilt„| desire ,o misrepresent them. I prefer to attribute to htm ignorance of the facts- than a desire to mi „Z resent This though requires the exercise of pest charity towards him-for he ought to have known th,, Gen. Taylor never recommended ,he marehine of troops tothe Rio Grande, except npon the condition that Mr. Polk intended that river to be the ‘‘uhimatnm” of our boundary line with Mexico; nnd Mr Poikhitn self deciding it to he the line, ordered the march ofo,„ troops there, which caused the war To that river though, if Mr Renton & Mr. Ohns. J IngereoMnre tabe believed, our boundary line never did extend-but un fortunately for the country, Mr Polk nor his friends to place any confidence in the veracity of those met! When they speak the truth It is only when they utter falsehood, that they con gain credit with Mr Folk anil his friends. Col. Towns said the Whigs had no principles and that they were against the government, and opposed to the war, although he knows thntsotne. and not a little, ot the best blood that has moistened Mexican soil, has been the blood of Whigs—and some of them too. sons ot some of the most dist nguished Whigs in the Union, who thought the war could nnd ought to have been avoided, nnd our rights and our honor fully maintained. It any ot the Polks have bled in that war—that ,o lb-un, jut, necessary, and honorable war, I never have heard of it. Who are the best patriots, they who will fight lor their country in an unnecessary war, or they who refuse to fight for their country in a war deemed by them necessary, to preserve the honor and secure the rights of their country ? All this is unseneroup. unkind, nn.l nn> thing but magnanimous on the part of Col. Towns, and certainly a small business—a very small business for a man who aspires to be Governor of this State. But Col. Towns has not to-day done the cause of Democracy any good, nor the cause of the Whigs ary harm. Hisreal position among the people has mistaken by himself and his friends. The people have looked upon him where he is known ns a lawyer of some plausibility—creating some amusement in the courts when he attends them—of but very little legal capacity, ] i!'k*pdof decided common ability, & they still look up ;°n him in the same light; and lom sure they do not es- I teem him as possessing those rare qualifications and ] that commanding character and dignity of deportment that would, if he were elected Governor, either secure i tarings or honor to the State. They like to see him at the Courts—love to hear him talk, arid se-* him wink his eyes, and turn his nose to one side, and are willing that he should “slap them on the shoulders”—hut they luive not, I imagine, heretofore, nor do they now th vi lie is the man for Governor—that is another and quite a different thing. HiasUunp speaking will certainly make the matter no better for him. The truth is, he is by no means a happy or fortunate stump speaker ; there is no point, “your know” in his arguments,—he will not —he cannot for want of capacity, come up to the pub lic expectation for a candidate for Governor—the peo ple will expect more from him than he can do. Wrn. H. Crawford, Stephens, Toombs nnd many others, could make him appear in a very unfavorable [mint of view on the stump. I am willing he should makes speech in every county in the .Suite ; 1 hope he will do so without a reply from any one. We have nothing to fear from it. Gen. Clinch in staying at home and at tending to his farm, leaving the matter to the unbiassed nnd uninvited judgment of the people, will do more for himself than to engage in the liu siuess of stump speaking,—the propriety of which is at i least questionable incaiididatcs for Governor—or eiae I why did not Troup nnd Claik, and Talbott, For syth nnd his opponent, Joel Crawford and Gilmer Lumpkin. Schley, McDonald and Dawson. Gorge W Crawford and Cooper, and Gov. Crawford nnd McAl lister do it f It hat been reserved to Col. Towns to in troduce the practice of stump speaking in Georgia hv her candidates for Governor. lam sorry the example has lieen set, —the end of it may not redound to the honor and interest of the Btate : that it is well calculated to produce and promote excited and angry feelings, no one will doubt, nnd this as much ns possible should be avoided. It will nlso have a bad moral tendency—giv ing rise to drunkenness, rioting* and excesses which all good moralists should wish to avoid. And moreover, men will soon Is* selected for that high office, with ref erence only to their s|s-aking powers, nnd not in refer ence to their mental powers, moral worth, or business capacity. For instance. Col. Towns has the gift of the gab to some extent, and that is nbout all to recommend j him ; while Gen. Clinch is not n public debs tor, but a man of great moral worth, of fine talents, of busniw* qua lifietitit m—-ami the mere rpeukei is to be < Utudox | er the man, whose duties will not i< (pure him to speak at nil, and who is oi great moral worth—of fine talents, nud of busmens habits! G neral Jtckson was a member of the United State**’ ; . lime tor several yearn,—l believe lie ncv r liiudc a speech in that body, He whs iio speaker. Thorn** J( Demon w us no s|>euker —neither of them were public debaters, and the world has had many such men. Id th* y were patriots—men of sense and of bieiie qualifications, and if their speaking powers had been looked to alone, their great and valuable services would have been lost to the country. 1 wr tliut the Federal Union of Milledgsvilb*, objects to the election (and Gun, Clinch, b* cause he is not n law yei—liecansc he cannot understand the cocstituLoa iiui will not know when to Veto hiili passed ty tl<‘ l* jieliiture, &c I haw tli* pleasure of eu acquaintance with both Col. Towns and Gen. Clinch, and 1 v utute lie assertion, that by his good Sound sense and e*L n ive infoiination, (Jeii Clinch could give a letter and more sens.hle and satisfactory exposition of i ny article ‘i the constitution, and in ii way more easily y the people, in five nimut **. than Col. Town**’ 11*1*0 me ny hour