Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 21, 1847, Image 4

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~~ used lor soffit iiiiulT. With this plow the sub soil may be loosenft and still remain where na ture placed it, beneath the top mould, gradu ally incorporating itself with the other, until, by the action of the atmosphere and the de composition of such vegetable matter as may he left or thrown upon the land, the amount of soil is increased and its quality improved.— We must not be. however, understood as dis carding the twin plow entirely. We admit that it is a valuable implement, judiciously I used, and where the depth of soil will warrant its use. But stili we say. that on the worn, thin, red-lands of our country, great care should he taken lest in turning the subsoP to the surface and exposing it to the rays of a summer's sun. you defeat the very end aimed at in ali plowing, viz: loosening and mellow ing the soil for the reception of’ air and moist ure. Hence the strong recommendations we see in favor of the subsoil plow—an instru ment intended, as all know, to bn ak the sub soil, and leave, it where it found it. The scoot er acts upon the same principle, nnd we there fore recommend it. Your Committee are of opinion, that the nearer we can track nature, the more successful we shall be in all pursuits; and that science, agricultural, as well as all others, may aid the great mother in bringing to light her wonderful productions; but when you run foal of her laws, you are in danger of being estopped. Clay, as all know, retains moisture longer, and absorbs it more readily than vegetable mould; hence the wisdom of placing it beneath the soil, where it can supply to the roots of vegetables this all important nourishment. Any process by which you can tiid the young fibrous roots to penetrate deep er, and at the same time increase the amount of the nutritious ingredients, will of course benefit the plant. Deep plowing, in ouropin >n, with the scooter, will bring about both of these beneficial results. It might not be considered, perhaps, beyond our duty, upon this occasion, to say something of manures, and their application, in the pro lotion of Indian Corn, hut as we premised in he ouhset, we can speak only from experience, naving but little knowledge of chemical sci : ce, and of the wonders that nature is daily ’ <:oretly performing all around us. We can ‘mire, but have not the means of penetrating . r mysteries. Tiiis, however, we do know. >th from observation and experience, that all decomposed animal and vegetable substances „ e of the greatest importance upm every : itu, and we know also from experience, that ‘ne amount ol such manure, by a little forc iglit and industry, may be increased to an as . mishing extent. The importance of ntanur ig. and of making manure, lias been so often tad pertinaciously enforced upon our brethren of the plow, that we need not repeat it. In our opinion, when manures of whatever kind are applied to the corn crop in the hill, it should be placed above and not below the seed us is frequently done. Wc pretend to give no rea sons for this opinion, not being satisfied with those frequently advanced by others, nor any suggested to our own minds, vet we arc confi dent this is the best mode. VVe take occasion, just here, to observe, whilst on the subject ot manures, (valuable as all manures certainly arc.) that our profession (and we regret to say so) is not without a light admixture of that well kown compound of the present age, fa miliarly yclept humbuggery. We have noticed going the rounds of the newspapers lately, an article headed ‘ Important Discov ery’’ vis. : soot and salt has been discovered to be a most valuable manure. It may be so, we shall not deny it. From a little experience | we have lately find with one partoi the com position, wc should say it was a very valuable manure; and if the scarcity ot an article is any criterion whereby to estimate its value, we would say that the shavings from mites’ horns would be about as valuable us the other portion. 2nd. As regards the planting and cultiva tion of the corn crop. We recommend in every instance in planting the crop, the. drill mod. 1 in preference to the hill. The rows (on lands of medium quality) to be six feet nj art, the stalks two and a hall feet in the drill. W e are decidedly of opinion that a greater yield will be obtained from this mode ot planting (the quantity and quality of. the laud being the smne,) than any other. An acre of land thus planted, when thinned to a stand (or one stalk tn a place) will contain just 2910 stalks; the area between the stalks formingthc parallelo gram, will he just fifteen squure feet. The old method of planting in hill lour feet each way, gives nn area of sixteen square feet and 2727 hills. Thus it will be seen that the acre by : drilling will comma nearly 220 stalks more than the same ground in hills. IV e tire oi < opinion that each stulk in the drill will produce as much as the stalks of the hill. Ii wc are right in this belief, then we have the ndvan- ] tage over the hill planting ol 220 stalks, or a- j bout three bushels of corn per acre, supposing every stalk to produce its ear. We necount lor the superior production in drills, by sup posing that the action ol the sun’s rays and the circulation of the air is more beneficially ex erted when the rows have a distance of six feet one way, particularly where the rows are laid out north and south, and they should al ways be so run if the nnture of the land will admit of it. We recommend ihe seed to be covered with a smalt scooter made of tyre iron, the furrows to he run ut such a distance as when the list is finished, to he just level with Wo have unilbrmly ...g than any other, vvl’ W'lrtrrrmf... mode, however, under the supposition that the land hns been properly prepared otherwise the hoe is better,.and should be used where the land is rough. The drill possesses other ad -I'itages over the hill thnt might be enumer rd. The pea crop, which wc regard ns a i i y important one, may be planted and rulti ■-•ntad more advantageously by thus giving it re space, and we contend iurther. that the c m may be more effectually plowed than ■ .en the rows are narrower. .So coon at the plants are up and the second ’ . de formed, we run it next with a scooter. broad-pointed-ooujter, breaking out the balk G p and dose with the scooter-plow, follow - id by tiic hoes, tvho are to thin to one stalk in •dace, levelling the earth around the plants ,and removing all grass and weeds; in u word making the find perfectly clear of everything uodjj 01p , a shovel _ -ji'jj suoulu Imewise be close, deep an 1 ; the, last to be with a sweep or other . iflow plow, merely skimming the surface lid destroying the young grass, weeds. &c. i We have thus given you an imperfect sketch < Vour own mode of cultivating this important :* Wiin—the most important, we hesitate not to ‘’’ay, of all the farinaceous species, that a be nevolent Creator has bestowed upon his crea- I “ T : L 1 ,'V 1 ■ \ i Wk Hgß. <1 A wL ■ Mr little m benefit ■ t which Hi i W prepa- tures; its praises should be sung in sublime verse ; but as we are not remarkable lor bril- j liancy of imagination, wc must content our-; selves with dull prose as the vehicle, of its vir tues. In the first place, it is the most beuuti t ful crop that ever grew. Luxuriant and | waving, who can resist the temptation, when , the summer cloud has passed oil, and the rain drops are glistening in the evening’s sun, oi visiting bis fields? and who. 11s lie passes the dark plants waving, and apparently smiling with joy, and listens to the whisperings ot benevolence in the rustling of every blade— i who, we say, can pass such a scene without being tilled with devotion and his heart nvintr with gratitude ? If there be mli them not. It is less liable to and, ■ue 1, IHlst growing t!,a i an; other grain. YY • ; of no such lliintr a mint, or blast, or Indian corn. It is less liable to tin it - to January. and ■ L ! ‘I instinct oi 11. ■ m.iure o’ atom-... Hiiip, to search out every spot ot eartli that j f contains tin 1 de'ieiou grain, and when once | they have found their way in and have tasted 1 the luxury, there is no sort of logic, save that j which is coupled with physical ibree can per i suade them that the outside of the enclosure suits them best. They have plenty ot instinct to lead them in, but none to lead them out. — f hey come in horizontally but go out. if they go out at all. perpendicularly. It is remarkable also for the simplicity and facility with which it can be prepared for food. It requ res no artificial aids no foreign condi ments, o extra skill ol'the cook. The simplest mol is sufficient to reduce it to meal, and with the adili'ion of a little of nature’s cordial you have a cake or a pone that Prince Albert him self might and perhaps does covet. The lark as lie carols amid the balmy, fra l grant air of a May morning, has been used, time out of mind, as an emblem ol happiness. It might be questioned whether true happi ness or misery can exist independent of reason. We leave this question however, for meta physician- to settle. But if we desire to direct your minds to a living, rational, visible repre sentation of the invisible thing we would point to the Negro as be emerges from bis log hut on the same May morning, with his im plement of labor in the one hand, and reek ing smoking ash-cake in the other, and ever and anon, as he wends his way to his place of toil, depositing a segment of his nutri ment between his capacious jaws, every mo tion of his body, the twitching of every muscle denoting a perfect freedom from all eare. Listen! give him a little time —you’ll hear his morning reveille presently. It seems to us there could be no better antidote for the sickly, morbid sensibility of a rabid, brainless Northern fanatic than just such a sight. YY’e ask forgiveness for this digression, for there is such an afinity, not to sav consanguinty, be tween a Negro and an ash-cake, that you can’t speak of the one, without having your thoughts directed to the other. And lastly, there is no other grain that ran be used as food for man. before its maturity. The luscious roasting ear, whose savory flavor is sufficient to gratify the most exquisite taste of the most fastidious epicure. Let the barn and cribs of the farmer be uniformly well filled with this ‘ gold of the vegetable kingdom,” anil we take it as an unerring index of success and prosperity. Os Wheat we have but little to say. The small grain crop has of late received especial attention from some of the ablest agricultural writers of our State. We have not the vani ty tosuppose that we could add a word that woul I either interest or profit even the novice in farming. It is universally admitted, we believe, that the thorough plowing and pre paring the soil for the seed is the most impor tant item in the culture ol this as well as all other grain. We are, however, in favor ol shallow’ covering for this grain, and would rec ommend. after the land is properly plowed, the I use of the iron-tooth harrow —differing, how ) ever, in this, with most writers we have no-, i ticed. we would run the harrow in the same j direction as the plow furrow. We know from experience, that blue-stone is a sovereign remedy for blast in wheat. YY e j have used, generally about one pound to five bushels of seed, soaking it in the solution from twelve to fifteen hours In our opinion, half a bushel of dry seed is the proper quantity to sow per acre. YVhat we have said in relation to wheat, will apply as well to the other small grains, except as to the quantity to be sowed per acre. About three pecks of oats ball a bushel of rye, and from one to two bushels (de pendent on the quality of the soil.) ot barley tn the acre, is what we would recommend. All of which is respectfully submitted. VY’. r 5. Norman. 1 John McKinney, > Committee. F. 11. Reaves. ) drapes. There are various causes for mildew, blight, and imperfect ripening of fruit in grapes. The grapes which are cultivated most xtensively’ are in this climate far from their native region, and they are atlected by unfavorable seasons, changes of weather, location, soil, manure, &c., so that they arc rather uncertain, yet as they generally succeed and should be uni versally cultivated, until we can get superi * or kinds from seeds or otherwise. The most prominent cause of mildew, is a I location where the air is confined and t’ is is ’ mire likely to happen in cities and large towns than in open situ itious where the atmosphere circulates freely. Another cause of mildew and blight, and ’ which is connected with the one we huvejusl named, is training o it the brunches so near the root that the ground is shaded and kept | damp, if the vines were allowed to ruu up i about two feet before branches were trained off from the main vine, there would be a circu lation of air at the root, and after a storm the ground would dry soon and there would be a ’ convenient chance to cultivate the soil, which ■night relieve it from a superabundance of mois ’ lure. One cause of grapes not ripening, in some cua.B, is close summer or early fall pruning. I If the vine und foliage are not left u considera- I ble distance übove the fruit—if this laborato -1 ry of nature, in which the sap and nutriment ! pre taken up by the leaves, and digested and elaborated into juices for the support of the vine and fruit, he cut away, the vine will cease to grow, and the suit will become sta tionary. not even ripen when fully grown. Another cause ol blight is the want ol suit able soil or condiments. The soil may be as “rich ns mud ;” it may be a dark mould, ex tremely rich, and yet something may bo want ing. The removal of the mould und the sub stitution of some yellow loan), sand and gruv el, would in many cases make a great improve .....iii VVe have known vines to fail from too want of the ngin or rather lor the evil from such wills is thut they not only retain too much moisture at the surface, but they do nut allow the water to run down und dram oil from the roots. Grape vines require much : potash, ami with a lew condiments for man ure, particularly cinders from a blacksmith's forge, they will flourish on lean gravelly or sandy soils. A change of soil may save tin ; application of condiments; but if it lie not , cfiurigcd. bones, smith's cinders, brick dust, j lime, u little salt soapsuds, Ac. Ac. will be useful j mid they limy do good even in midi- ‘ tion to a change of soil. Common culture, in open situations, with I such soil, manure, and attention ns will pro duce good com, will produce good grapes, and they will seldom he affected with mildew I or blight.— I'xchange paper. Guano, as used in Pern. YY’e extract from Y r on Tschudl, some re in irks on the subject of Guano, which may be of interest to our agricultural and horticultu ral readers. “Guano is found on all the islands nnd on most of the uninhabited promontories ot the west coast of South America, especially on those parts within the tropics. Opposite to Pisco an i Chino.a there is a group ol small islands, of which the largest, Sangallan, is six English miles distant, from I’iseo. These islands have of late years become celebrated 1 on account of the great quantity of guano tlmt i lias been exported from them. Guano is found i in islands in enormous layers of from thirty-five to forty feet thick. The upper strata arc of a grayish-brown color, which lower down becomes darker. In the lower strata the color is a rusty red. ns if tinged by oxide of iron.” During the first year of the deposit the strata arc white, and the guano is then called Guano lllancu. In the opinion of the Peruvian cultivators, this is the most effi cacious kind. It is found in the Punta de Hor miHoc, oil the islands of Isley, Jesus Marga rita,” Ac. “Much has recently been written on theem i ployment and utility of guano; but the man i ner in which it is applied as manure in Peru ! seems to be but little known. The Peruvians use it chiefly in the cultivation o {’ maize and potatoes. A few weeks after the seeds begin to shoot a little hollow is dug round each root and is filled up with guano which is af terwards covered with a layer of earth. Af ter the lapse of twelve or fifteen hours, the ■ whole field is I rid under water, and is left in j that state liir some hours. Os the tin ami ! Blanco a less quantity suffices, and the field ‘ nist be more speedily and abundantly water ed. otherwise the roots would be destroyed.— The elf,-c.t of this manure is incredibly rapid. In a few days the growth of a plant is doubled. If the manure be repeated a second time, but in smaller quantity, a rich harvest is certain. At least, the produce will be three-fold that which would have been obtained from the un manured soil.” YY’e may add. that outlie arid coast of Pe ru the irrigation of the fields is essential to the procuring of crops. The irrigation neces sary as it would seem to prevent the plants froi i burning, can only cfll ct that purpose by ,1: solving out of the guano the saline matters, n nl especially the ammoniaoal salts, which ::e the most valuable of its fertilizing princi ples. For irrigation, which of course, in the field culture of the United Slates, is neither necessary nor practicable. American farmers must substitute guano diluted with earth, or applied as a manure after the plants are up, not before-hand, at the preparations of the soil; and other travellers who preceded Yfon T;rhudi. inform us that the approved practi ces of Peruvian gardeners is to dress the growing plants with guano two or three dif lerent times. —North American. FOB. SALE. V Plantation anil Mills in Houston County, ON LONG CREDIT. H AVING made arrangements to move my fanning interest farther West, I now oiler for sale my PLANTATION and MILLS in this county, about three miles north-west from Perry ; consisting of Eigh teen Hundred and Fifty acres of Pine Land, five hun dred ol which are cleared and in fine condition lor far ming. The great body of the Land is level, nnd will produce as much com and cotton, os pine lands gener ally in this county. There is on the place a trained House, containing five rooms, for the overseer, together with framed negro houses,framed gin house, cribs, Ac. all well arranged for convenience The Mills consist : of two Saws, one of which is propelled by “Atkinson’s Spiral Water Wheel,” and will easily saw fifteen hun ! dred leet of Lumber per day. The supply of saw tim ber is good and convenient—one Com Mill with all the I necessary machinery for cleaning the com, and Flour Mill in complete merchant order, and will make as good Flour as any Mill in Georgia. The custom is sufficient to keep all running, and ready sale in the county for Limtlier, Com and Flour. Connected with the above, and about one and a halt miles from Perry, is my resi dence, with a framed Dwelling containing five rooms, Kitchen, Carriage House and Stables, all framed, with all other necessary and convenient out-buildings. This place is well improved, ornamented with n variety ot shade trees, shrubbery, flower yard, Ac., nnd is regard ed as one of the handsomest, and most healthy situa tions in the county. I will take lor said Plantation, Mill and Residence, nix did turn per acre, in four annual payments, without interest, and if desired, longer indulgence can Is* given, by the purchaser paying interest, und amply securing the purchase money. For further information, inquire of Dr. A. F. Holt, or James Dean, Esur. of Macon, or myself on the place. T. M. FIT LOW. Houston eo. Geo., Jans I. $ Griswold's Improved Cotton Gins. rplIE subscriber will continue the manufacture of X Gins on his nstitil extensive scale, and embrares tins opportunity to thank his numerous customers for • their lilieral patronage heretofore. The estimation in which his Gina nre held, may be known from the fact of his having sold more than two thousand during the last three years—probably ten to one over any other Factory in the State, ‘lids evidence of the superiority of his Gins, is accounted for by his t*cmg the first to in troduce the late improvements, nnd keeping the lead by yearly adding new ones His first and second im -1 provements made the quality of cotton perfect, though some were rather slow His third made them suffi ciently first. It then only remained to make them more durable and convenient, which has been done he be lieves effectually, by several new improvements the pre sent year: besides, he has the exclusive right for the , State, with the privilege of other sections, to furnish Reid’s Patent Water Boxes, which are ueli.-ved to he ten times more durahk titan any other, by till -ir who; have made a fair trial of them ; and are ms ‘ll: V s--- cure eguinat fire by friction. His fine Gins wtl. on t Mastodon Cotton as well us any Saw Gin can. 1 : 1 ageuts will visit planters generally, nod exhibit spec.* ; mens of his late improvements, and point ‘Ut their ad vantages in time ‘or all to engage and be supplied be ; fore the next ginning season, or engagements can he j made by letter, directed to him, Clinton, Jones county, t Georgia. Gms will be delivered at the purchaser’s ns- I idence, in any part of the State except the Chetokec counties, where they will be left at tile Depot on the Railroad moat convenient to the purchaser All war ranted to perform well, if used according to the direc tions sent with each SAMUEL GRISWOLD. March 24, IM7 _6 SUPERIOR COTTOIf GINS. rpiiE subscriber would inform the planters of Geor |_ gia, that he has removed his Cotton Gin Factory to Bmh county, 3i miles trom Macon, on the road lead ing from Macon to Gordon, where he intends to mnnu fadure Cotton Gins of a quality superior to any he has ever before mad ,tl possible, in lUe construction of his Gins, he will partteulafly guard against the possibil ity ol takn g li.e nom the Gm. And here he would re mark, that tt is mqstssihle lor a Gin to take fire from the boxes without the grossest neglect oil the part of those who have the management o them. Gins thnt get burnt, ill tune hundred and ninety-nine times out of a thousand take fire front a different cause than the box, which the subscriber will completely guard against in tlie (Jins he makes in future . His Gins will be made of the best materials, and warranted to perform ns well ns any Gins made in the Suae He has an excellent water power to turn his machinery, and a good saw mill right at hand, which will enable him to sell Gills on as good terms as any other Factory fit the State. April I. IHI7 Hit tl W MASSEY. Latest Improvement in Cotton Gins. \\T E rcaprctiully inform our frit-iulu and th** planter* \ r penorHllv, of Alabwnn nnd (ieomia, thnt tlv(I ----KARD COTTON OIN MANUFACTORY i in full operation. It it* amply supplied with the very be*t mntrrUl* which could he wlrop'd. The machinery in all n*w, and coiwtrnoted on tin* moat approved plans for the runiniiactun* of Colton Gins. The machinist and workmen employed in the eetnb- j lishment. are skilful nnd * the business;, and we have mado such improvements in the mechan ism and construction ot <ur (Jins thut we ti*elcertain, in every cane, to funmh u Gm which will perform admi- i rabiy well, mid give the purchaser entire Mtinlhction. lii the way ol recommendation, we need only any. thut we bmiiMlied several hundred of our late unproved (• him to pluntare in various parts of the country during the season, and not one ol'the number has failed to give fetrend sot infliction, Imi ill in sjwed and the sample of ‘ottoii. j KJT ORDERS can Ik* sent to us by mail, or contracts made with our Agents who nre travelling through the country. lii NS w ill be sent to any j>ait id the country, nnd in all cases wtornnled to perforin well. lVi*oiia addressing the Proprietors by mail, will di • I*o.l their letter* to Columbus, (in. | April t lm , T TAYLOR ACO - - - ‘"••A Am mill-stones. EIMIS. isb-rtilH I 11, ins Axmi lor ancinitlrr Mill. Sum, 1 l-iialili“in N. fork, 111/„,„i,i srnfi’i 1 ! I,HM KSOt’Ak, AMI IIII.UUNV Mli.l ! Is l (IM S, 1,1 oarraincilof xH. vrr,bratoual. PS MM UffM, •**** HMK AV rO.N Yl % If l\ KT HEM’. 5„,„|.,,| IJ,, 1 .ml OuJi.H 11u.t.,, l.|).au li.iV.nrt g.rraslr,! i‘"'(prill tA. 11. rNKKMAN. ("ViA* f :i!S Il'i'iir, and Urnsn Craik -7 1 r, |tr *li hum the haktry. 1 • (HAS II HICKMAN. I® 1 \, V1.'.',.,..,,.,,.,.,,.. IT * (HAS. II I lIEXMAV OKA %<*K V- 4i liarn Im; .o,, f MM llaiaiu Oran *>•. M) CHAV II IHI.LMO. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. -.'.i-jUIP f-uhsi-ribur calif the attention of Physicians, Tigjf I Planters, ami others, to his lull stuck of drugs, Medicines, perfumeries, DYE STUFFS, ,Yc., all of which arc pare, fresh ami unailulterated—’ le ing able to know when each is the case.” having had n experience of fifteen years in the drug business, and received License bv the Medical Board oi Physicians of this Stole, as an Apothecary. GEORGE PAYNE, March 3, 1817. 3 under Floyd House. WA It E-HOUSE AND coiaii3sioxtr business. THE subscriber, having removed from the Wars- Hot i: occupied by him Inst year, anil taken that long known n Graves’ Ware-House, opposite to Graves, Wood ft Co’s. Store, r.-speethilly tenders his thanks to his former patrons and friends, and solicits a continuance ol their patronage, with the insurance that he will devote his whole time and spare no efforts to promote their interest Liberai. advances will he made to those who require them ; and orders for If AGGING. ROPE and TWINE, nnd other Merchandixe, prompt ly filled on the most reasonable terms. 3 GEO. JEWETT. May IMt, l-’.7 7 U A REHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. . .rpHP, subscriber will continue to carry on v 7 | (foe above business nt the hire. Proof pHM.?. Warphount on Cotton Avenue, where he will , afford all the usual facilities to planters and others m the storage of Cotton and any other kinds of country pro duce, Goods, ir The Warehouse is as sale from dan ger by fire as any other in the State, and convenient to ffie liusitvas part of the city All orders for Ins custom ers will meet with prompt attention. June 16,1847 fcnll N. OUSLBY. Cheap Tailoring Establishment, j NO 17, WHITTAKER STREET, SAVANNAH, (Oji)Xistle I V. 11. May k Co's Saddlery Store J 1 I AMU,TON & SYMMONS would inform their f 1 friends and the public, that in addition lothur pp’scnt large ‘mjiply ol Jxrmly Mtide Clothing, t' l **'’ have purchased, nnd ore noYV opening, n urge find eh ■■ant nssortni.-nt of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of the very liest oualitiy oi Enelmh and French Hot tin. fnnsimr rn Ventings, and fancy ar ticlrs, suitable to gentleman's wear. All ol which they nre prepared to make to order in the most elegant and fashionable stvle.sni! at the shortest notice. Their stock is entirely new', and being connected with the firm of J. C. F'><th Cos., 187 Brondwuy, New York, they will b< i imished with the most fashionable articles, as they arriv* n the market. Mr. S. A. (>LDB. late Joreman for I rice I ca ller, and well knoYvn as n superior ( utter, w ill have charge of this departin’ nt ol business, so that our custom ers may rely upon getting the very best fits. Orders from the country tilled promptly, and no devi ation in price, as we nre resolved to approach as near as possible to Northern rates. April 21, 1817. MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. Tim*’ ,11 ter fit. ON nnd after Thursuav, July Ist, the Passenger Train will leave Macon at Hi o’clock, A. M., in stead of 9 i, ns heretofore. EMERSON FOOTE. Sup. Macon, June 30,1847. 4t13 United States Mail lIRI Blfiyi BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. The well known i-plcnded Steam-Packers Jasper Cspt. P. ,Brooks, Gen’e. Clinch Capt. J. Barden, VV m. Seahrok Capt. T. Lyon Continue to run regularly between Savannah and Charleston, leaving Savannah every morning at 2 o’- clock, anil Charleston every morning at 9 o’clock pre cisely. For Freight or Passage apply on hoard,at the Savannah and Charleston Steam-racket Wharf, or to A.LAFITTE, Agent. N. B—All Goods, intended for Savannah, will tie forwarded by E I-a true &Cos . Agents at Charleston, if directed tu their care, free of commutiont. April 21, 1817. ts 3 Savannah Dying Establishment. \NTON HASERICK begs leave to inform the citi zens of M ACON, and the up country generally, that lie has made extensive prepa rations for DYING anil CLEANSING Ladies’ Silk and woolen Dresses, Shawls &C. fee ilis colors, particularly Black. Maroon and Brown, will he warranted equal to any that can tie pro duced m the United States. Gentlemen's Garments Renovated, Dyed, and warranted not to soil either the skin or the whitest linen. Prices moderate. Articles left nt the Store of Mr. C. A. Ella, next door to tile Washington Hall. Macon, will be promptly forwarded, and returned with despatch. April 21, 18-17. Iy3 IKM SK AM) SIGN PAINTING: (■raining, Gild ing,Glazing, A Paper-hanging OLD CHAIRS re-seated with cane, painted and gilded ; Furniture repaired, varnished-, and polished ; Window Sash an>l blinds for saie. A. F SHERWOOD, Comer of Second and Oak Street3. Maoon May 10 imt y 6 DELOACIIE & WILCOXSON, Manufacturers and Dealers in AR4, C.4RRHGES harness OF JEt'EIIV MtESCniFTIOJr, JUI’LBI'KUY NTREET, IVTACON, irPiOBGIA. I)c L. W. have constantly for ale, on tin best terms, Kli|>iic 9|iriug, Axles. Mops, Ittnuls. Lumps, Uoacli Luce. Patent and Top Leather, Plated and Japanned Harness Mountings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, 6fc. March, 10,1H47 C Ali It lA(ilt S, (.1/ the old stoml of the late F. Wrigley ) \ LARGE nS'rt!uent of tine COACHES, BAR* ROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS, and REGGIES. } (wit!) and without tops.) direct from J. M. Quinby's celebrated manufactory, Newtifk, N. J lVrsons wishing end Carriages, will find it to their interest to examine these articles liefore purchasing else w here, ns n large assortment will In* kept constantly on hand and offered on the most favorable terms Orders received for Carriages built to any pattern, 1 and warranted to do good service and give satishu tion, ’ both in article and price. T. 11 PLANT, Macon l> •’ 1846 M Ifenl HADULfii : N : MORRIS &, WESTCOTT have on hand a first rate assortment of B ADDLES. HARNESS and CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, “t all kinds, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Their facilities nre such that they can sell lower than any other estab lishment of the kind in the city. Give us a call before you buy, is all we ask fora re commendation REPAIRING done at reduced prices, in a workman like manner Cotton Av*'ime,uext door to A. J. A. D W. Orr. Dec 3. 1846 42 WOOD <fc BRADLEY nAYF. | no reeeiveil another Imi-ru lot of WINDOW SH ADK.S, ftoinerlefuiit patterns, rihl of iNmeiMione to svit Riy windows. Also some Hluck Walnut Windlass lit (lattrttU, of |t iitt fus mail ftnish huh vsnusilail to pleas*’. 1> c 17 4Q| Sale itiifl Lively Miiblt*. r undersigned respectfully inform I their triemls and the publu-. tlrut tliry &A A lm\e opened a Stable in Macon, for the - imriH- of loing a SALE AND LIV- Y BUSINESS, and respectfully k>- fieit a share oTpublie patronage Their Stables are con nected with the FL<)Y D HOUSE, and every attention will he paid to customers in order to give general sat is faction Tlieir Stahlra are large, new and commodious, with i fine IK>ts and very convenient, Penvsj® would do well to give ua a call. N, HAWKINS, J. W HARRIS. M Mb Aprfi i. 1547 i in ikon rdrnmiY md \ f MACHINE SHOP, Macon. (.’ IV •iihsenh ers having erected u new Eatahlishticnt, now offer to j the public, inducements that they buve never hud tsdiire in that line of businetiii.—.Mill NViifhts, Gin Makers, Ac will find it to their advantage to give us a call we will guarantee all our work to fo* got TANARUS, nnd at the low est price—w**linve a good stock of Pttters on hand A good Horl’ Power for sale. ( HAS P LEVY At CO. , Cotton Avenue, near Macon \ YVottem R. R D pot \ [Gil I, UMI 12tl I\ I A4'o\ IUO\ A IIIiAKS HU V I}l 0141, uni MA( MINE SHOP-The H ub si-rdier having recently made laic • and important addi tions to h;s former 114 of ptiturnft for Overshot. Breast and ‘Pub Mill Gen ring, is no* prepared to execute or- | tiers tor Flour Mills, Col tail factories, Iforse power * Mills for pliuitaiion f!dmlir.g. &e.! also (ktton rress (oil Gear.Plafcvind and Mill Irons of every ! dcHcription ; nil •( which will lw ninde of the very beet mai'Tial and workmanship, on rensonnble and accom modating term# . ROBERT FINDLAY. M 1 17, IH |6 v \h i \K i NOTH K. !’" I*3l"'''Tl* 1 *3 l "'''Tl* <t t th*’ lute firm iff WHITING A- MIX cither by note nr arenimt,arv p fiir | tunwkr until".tit* payimnt ol Ifio romo , ALBERT MIX. J"’”’ •>'. I*7. 13 3 W Woticr. Mihwi'i'ier so ing nfoait to l"ntv tlw rity lor th” 1 niit- r, all |wr-o.n- having mix acatnat him arr requ. Sir,l l,, pt. xrnl tin- amm to L., II K \V*mi iv.TON, I. u , lor arlffrunuii IJ JAMESON Mion, Tune an. |iM7. *|,|3 NAtTSItUS XVXntnal Life Insurance Company, 58 Wall Street, New \ oik. 1 FTER mature deliberation, the Trusti es have - A become convinced, ami the experience ol old ea labth-d companies fully warrant the conemoon,that the mlvantaces ol Lite Insurance on the Mutual plan, v l!’ exuded and diffused with greater convenience to n large class of contributor*, mid with equal purity to nil the assured, I>V requiring no great amount of the premium tnTep'u.lin cash than tte company will re quire to meet its engagements with promptitude and “lit* accordingly been detennined tltat ta. ft where the annual premium shnll amount to tf.*b and oil percent thereof shall have been paid in c„h, an approv ed note may he given for the remaining ‘ll) percent., payable twelve months after date, bearing s.x pm < cut interest. The interest to he paid annual!)’, but the pnn- S not to be called in unless the exigences of the eilinnanv require it, giving sixty days notice, and then only bv assessments pro rata to the extent thotmny be required to meet the engagements ol the company. /t is confidently anticipated that a system, the opern tion ol which is ho fair and equitable, so well calculated to place the benefits and blessings of Life Insurance within the reach of all, and at the same time enable each contributor to share equally and fully not only in, its lienitieent security, but also in ns profits of scenmu lation, will meet, ns it is l-lieved to deserve, the lavor and confidence of the public. ’i'he particular advantages oflered by this company ! HFe : i 1. A guarantee capital. I 2. All annual participation in the prohtP. ) 3 No individual responsibility beyond the amount ot premium. „ , ... ir .. 4 Those who insure for n less period than life, par ticipate qnollv in the annual pr Ins of the company. , Tin- Aautilus eoinpnny coo flues its business exclu sively to Insurance on Lives, and all Insurance opper | taining to Life. I 77/e Fates of Insurance on One Hundred Dollars. On* • ■ o Um Stvml I* r A_e 1 vnr lyear*. | lit. i| \tf'*. 1 >rar b*iu I ■<*. 15 77 88 156 10 169i83 320 20 ill 95 177 45 lUI 1963 73 25 100 1 12 201 50,1 96 i2OO 460 30 1 31 1 36 2 36 i 55 2 32 3 21 5 78 35 1 36 1 53 2 75 1 60 4 35 4 VM 7 00 AARON M M ER< HANT, Pn dd IC ROBERT B COLEMAN, Vice President. Trustees. AM. Merchant, Robert B. Coleman, O Busiinkli., John M. Nixon, Richard E. Curdy, Hknry A. Nelson, R A. Reading, Samuel C. Faxon, James Harper, Jonathan K Herrick, Loring Andrews, William N. Seymour, M. O. Roberts, Richard Irvin, C. F. Lindsey, John S. Bussing, Henry K Bogert, Morris Franklin, Spencer S. Benedict. Actuary. Pliny Freeman. The company will also insure the live? of Slaves. HYDE & JONES, Agents, Macon. April 1,1847. >’29 LTIAA HAM U COMPANY, llj OF IIARTFORD, CON N. —The undersigned Agenst will take risks ngainst Fire in this city, Griffin, Forsyth and other towns in the State, on as favorable terms as any responsible Company. They will also in sure against the risks of River Navigation ; theirnre.sent rates are, 3-4 per cent, to Savannah,and 7-8 to Charles ton REA & COTTON Macon, April 1,1847 . 5 LIFE INSURANCE-The New Fork J Life insurance and Trust Company having estab lish'd an Agency in the city of Macon, persons may ef fect Insurance with this Company on their own Lives or the Lives of others, and either for the whole dura tion of life or for a limited period, by the payment of a small annual premium. STEPHEN ALLEN, President. CHARLES C. PALMER, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Aqrill, 1847. ysl STRONG A U OOD, if of the Big Boot. Brick Building,opposite )t\ ► } Geo. M. Logan &Co's. —Are now receiving nnd opening a large and splendid assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, which they oiler for sale at re-* duced prices, or as low as they can he purchased in this or any other Southern market—comprising in part the following kinds, viz:—Gent’s fine French light Calf Sewed Boots; do. do. double sole do. do.; do. do. stout do. do.; do. do, pegged do. ; do. double soled do. do. : do. light do. do.; do. Calf and Kin Napoleon tapped do.; do. fine Calf Half Boots anu Brogans; do. do. Cloth; Lasting and Goat Brogans of various styles; Men’s Kip and thick Boots; Boy’s Call, Kip and thick Boots; A outh’s do. do. do. For Ladies—Fine Black Gaiter Boots, thick and thin sole ; fine colored do. do., variety of colors; fine Moroc co, Kid, Polka and Lace Boottees; fine do. do and Goat Walking Shoes; fine do. do. Slippers, Ties and Bus kins, black and colored. For Misses—Gaiter, Polka, Kid and Goat welt Boot tees anti Buskins; Kid Slippers, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins, black ami colorecf. For Children—A large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, Seal. Kid, Cloth and Morocco Boottees Men’s, Women’s, Boys’, Misses’, Youths’ and Chil dren’s leather pegged Boottees and Shoes, of ail descrip tions and qualities. Anew and beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over Shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies and Misses. To Planters—B,7so pairs of Plantation or coarse Bro gans; a prime article of Men’s double sole Iron and Wood tacked Russett and Black ; do. do. single sole do. do. do. ; Boys’ and Youths’ of the same qualities. Also—ls dozen prime Calf Skins; 10 dozen Linings of different colors; 1000 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather; 700 |ls. Oak Sole Leather. Bindings, Lasts, Pegs, Thread, Awls, and all other articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. HA i S AND CAPS Anew and beautiful stock of all descriptions; Men’s and Boys’ Palo Alto Hats and Cops. Gentlemen’s fashionable Beaver nnd Moleskin of different qualities- Men’s White and Black Wool Hats; Men’s,Boys’ and Youth’s Caps, of all descriptions and qualities. Get 14. 1844 35 L. ffIUNSCH A CO. TT \VE removed from their original stand ad- I I joining the Jlessr tiger Office, where they have for the last thr*e yarn be tt constantly employed in making BOOTS and SHOES for their customers, to their shop, next door to Mr. F. F. Lewis’ Bakery, and immediately opposite the Floyd House, w’here they will be ready to receive all orders for work in their line, and execute them in the Ranie satisfactory and superior mode ns formerly. April 1,1847. 6m7 HATS! HATS! HATS! arplllS DAY received a complete assortment of L Gentlemen’s, Youth’s and Boy's Hats and Caps, amongst which are— ! Black and Drab Beaver, fashionable and broad brim. I Black and Drab Nutria, “ “ “ Black and Drab Common “ “ •* i Youth’s and Boy’s Hats and Caps—a great variety. Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats. “ Monterey” Glazed Hats. Wool flats of all qualities, with many other styles, making my stock complete—all of which will be sold at wholesale or retail, at very low prices. April 1, 1847. 3 F K WRIGHT Just Received by Strong A Mood, a A SPLENDID assortment of Spring &. Sum- XjL mer HATS, of the latest styles, viz: 30 doz. Gentlemen’s Panama lints, assorted, 15 doz. Gentlemen’s Pedal Hats, 10 do. do. Double Brim Leghorn Hats, 10 do. do. .Single Brim do. do. 5 do. do. Sw'ihh Leghorn Hats, j 50 do. Men’s Palm Leaf do. 50 do. Boy a do. do. do. 5 do. do. do. do. Pedal. ALSO, 2 Cases Gem's Fine Drab Beaver Hats, 4 do. do. “ Black do. do. j 4 do. do. “ Moleskin do. With a general assortment of other style of llafs, I | *u®h mbmui'i Broad Brim, Black, Whin* ami Drab. I ami fashionable Fur and Silk of various qualities and I prices. A Isos fine lot of Gentlemen's and Boy’s CAPS, I j"* styles, qualities and prices. All of which are of-! fared at very low prices. April 1, 1847 —— IIATS! HATS!! f I’ST Received at “HANCHorTT-1 doz. Panama’ Mils; I doz Kiurdui locates Ucihrucn llao |i; I >do h MG.iui.Mblt Siik llaia, Si 30; Pa lin Leal Han., Cap*. b#* AfMl -1 4 lliiiicPs Celebrated I Vivian or Chinese Powder, UfTIICH in unequalled for the nursery, for restoring, beautifying, preserving the complexion, rendering the skin delicately white, smooth and soft, preventing cutaneous eruptions, chapping, and obviating too cop” I oum p'*ispu n t ion. Travellers and residents in warm cli ! tit'*s will highly appreciate this giuteiul appendage to | the toilet * Previous to the discovery of diis important p|>eiidage to the toilet, Indie* were compelled to resort to use lew*,! ami in some ouses dangerous preparations for whitening ! the *Jun, which faded in thousands of cases to produce! j Bp* desired effect. 1 his valuable cosmetic, siur.- its in troduction to the public, bus met with imlsnm/fed SUC | cess. each new trial serves only to expound it* high 1 reputation. flow much the beauty of a Sylph like form iseiilinnc | erf by a clear and brilliant complexion, is only know n to i those who arc suffering from freckles, pimples, blotches, I nmrphew, and other disfigurements of the skm, oces -loiie.f by tlie use of nowdeis, decorated with sweet names, such as Ldy White, pearl Powder, Ac , too of ten made of a deleterious su!*tance. ‘Potliosewe would s iy make u trial of this Gosmetio, and your complexion will fie reudt red beautifully dear, fair ami blooming For sale, whole Nile ami retail, by tin* sole proprietor, j JDLEH IIACEL, Perfumer mid (lieu ust, I2o( r hesnut M . ttn door below 4th,south side, without whose signa ture ou the label none are g-mum 1 or sale by GEORGE PAYNE, and SHOT WELL A GILBERT, Macon , May 2.) H 2m QOUH CIDER VI A EOAH, . O ty. C. A ELLS. Apnl 28. 1847. 4 k 11 " 11 •m'Jf f 35 bbli. do, Insiwrc nd nrriring, sot •!. by Marth 1 j f BAY h. fO. | LEGAL NOTICES. Postponed /%imiiiistwtor*B Agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Pulas ki county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the Court house door in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in October next, 197 Shares of’Capital Stock iit the Her* chants Hunk of Macon• Sold ns the property of the / state of John Rawles, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of said estate. Terms will he liberal. •CHARLES E TAYLOR, Adrn’r. CAROLINE M.RAWLS,Adm’x April 19, 1847. 51 PI BI ii SAM:. ATT ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next \ V before the Court House door in Macon, between the usual hours of sale, n Negro Boy, by the name oj P< t< r, of blac k comph xion, nl ut <v< n v are old Titles unquestionable-—hut no warranty as to health, and sold as he is, sound or unsound. DANIEL A. BCRLESON. By STCBBS T.ESTER. B E BOWMAN. N. B -—I have directed Peter sold on account of his I ill lu alth, as the contention ahout him interferes with his taking medicine, nnd the pulling of tin- Sheriff ba boon already enough to bring on his old complaints. June 39, 1817. It 13 S. h. BOWMAN. A HATOirs SALK.—WiII be sMd . V on th/* fust Tuesday in September next, before i the Court House door at Lanier, Macon county, Frac tion No. 191, in the Ist district of Muscogee' county I originally, now Macon county, containing 671 acres, | more or less, adjoining Innds ol Hiram B. Troutman j and others, on Flint River Sold as the property of Archibald Gray, late of Talbot county, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of sale ~ „ WILLIAM M. BKOYVN, Adm’r. ‘■ IH-IT 2inl4 \N ACT fonltrr nnd nniend ilie tliird Seri ion of tlie second Article of the Constitution of this Stnte. Whereas, the third Section of the second Article of the C onstant if , „f this State rends in tlu* following words, to wit: No pz non shall be eligible to the oilier of Governor who shall not have been a citizen of th • U States twelve years,nnd an mhalntniu of this Stale ix years, nnd who hath not attained to the age of thirty years, and who does not possess five hundred acres of land in his own right within this State and other prop erly to the aim unt of tour thousand dollars, and whose estate shall not, on a reasonable estimation, be compe tent to the discharge of his just debts over and above this sum—and whereas, said property qualification is inconsistent with the genius of our institutions and the popular spirit of this age— Section I Be it enacted by the Senate nnd House of Representatives of the State -f Geoigm in general as serfibly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That so soon as this Act shall have passed agreeably to the reauirements of the Constitution, the following shall be adopted in lieu of the section above recited, (to wit:) —No person shall be eligible to tlie of fice of Governor who shall not have been n citizen of the United States twelve years, and an inhabitant of this State six years, and who hath not attained the age of thirty years. Approved December 26th, 1845. April 14, 18-17. 2 Cm 50 Dozen Wistar’s Balsam of WILD CHERRY. At/! BOTTLES of th.- genuine article just re t‘U ceived and tin stile by BRl’Nt) &, VIRGINS, N. I!—Country merehants lulling to purchase to sell tight, enn be supplied on reasonable terms, by applying at our Music and Jewelry Store on Cotton Avenue, Ma con, Ga. BRUNO & VIRGINS, or Sept. 9 30 J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. C BKI.YKJEUHOFFS HEALTH RESTORATIVE : Alt F.flectnnl Remedy for Coughs and Colds, Liver Complaint, Raising of ISlood—Pain in the Side and Chest—also for Purifying •he Ulood—Eradicating Eruptions on'the Skin—and all other complaints arising from the want of tone in the Stomach. rHE efficacy of tlie Health Restorative is so well known to the public, that the proprietor considers ‘ie publishing of certificates as useless, hut those desi ous of examining them can do so by culling on the A ent Pamphlets may also be laid of tlie Agent, gratis The following certificate is from lJr. Chilton, the well known New York chemist: “I have analyzed a botlieof medicine called‘C. lirink rhoft s Health Restorative,’ and find thai it does not ’ on tain Mercury, or any other metalic preparation, nor piuni ill any of its lorms. It is composed of vegetable latter entirely.” James R Chilton, M. D. C. RRINKI'iRHOFF, Proprietor, N Y Principal office in the store of Messrs Haydock, Cor ies & Cos., importers and dealers in Drugs, Oils’ &c 18 Pearl street. For sale by SHOTWELL & GILBERT, Agents •laeon, also, by Druggists generally throughout the U tates. May 12, 1847, B ts BAIUUF’S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY— for eoughs/jolds, asthma, influenza .whooping cougli, pittinn of blood, and all nulnionary dis/'ascs. BAILEY is SARSArARI LA—For nil diseases prising front an impure state of the blood: salt rheum, ■erotula. king's evil, chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia, dis eases of the skin and bones. < id ulcers, etc BAILEY'S FEVER AND AG I REMEDY— rriie most valuable remedy—entirely vegetable prepare iiou—and sure cur *. BAILEY’S AMERICAN VERMIFUGE—A sure xterminator of worms from the system, m general use hrougliout the United States. BAILEY S UNRIVALLED MILITARY BHAV ING UREA M—Tb.s article has stood the t.-st of eight years, and gained tor itseil a high reputation throughout the United States, Canada, and most parts of the world BAILEY'S SUPERIOR INDELILLE INK—with nnd without the preparation; warranted the best article ■I the kind ill use. for sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, and at wholewiie and retail by \VM BAILEY, Proprietor, Attolhecaries’ Hall, corner of Pulton and Sands streets Also for sale by GRAVES, WOOD &CO , Macon Dec. 3, 1846. 42 dim ao a viieuLVi, \ GENTS for Sherwood’s unrivalled Rotary and Vibrating Magnetic Machine ; also the Magnetic r Compound Bitumen Plaster, and Magnetized Gold *ills. We aim keep a good mpply of the Homeopathic Med •mes, with the books on practice. Macon and Columbus, Oct. 29, 1845. 37 VAVIIII, nOUBLE and Single I i-u.s*Abdominal Suppurterii, made lo order b) the nubH-rilu r. I>. C. HODGKINS, Opposite Floyd House, Macon. N. B Also SURGICAL and OKN TALI SIKIMKNI’S tnade to ortli r. April 1,4 A FEW MORE LEFT of those Extra Georgia J E\. Hams , at C. A. ELLS. April 98, 1847. 4 I3B9CMCE OF COFFEKf equal in fh vor to the original Cotlee, and very convenient lor •i*e. It only requires on- tea-spoonful of it in hot water, to make a cup ot fine Coflee. For sale by Iprif 27 Hl7 1 / \ Choice old ISrowii Sherry. rpilF above Sherry was imported from the London X docks ill the year 1835, for private use in Sunn, nah; subsequently purchased at an estate sale A few dozen in store, uud for sale Ly May 85 8 SCOTT, CARHART &. CO PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Ac. I Gallons Linseed Oil; 100 do Bleached do I UVJ 150 do Sue nil do. sbbls. Train do 150 k gs • Wo. I and pure Win?#* I^eu/I; 100 boxes Bxlo 10x12 I 12x16, and 12x18 $ bbK -Pjitty ; 2 easks Potash j ‘viirorne Green; Bcasks Hal Eratus; Chrom** Yellow I / ask Sal Epsom 1 Re/I Lead ; 1 bbl Alum , V f on/*tiai! Red; Ltihemge; Whiting. 61c., For sofa by GRAVES, WOOD, & CO Macon, May 12, 1847. n Cotton Vnriihttnd Osimburgs. i HE underMigned, are Agents for the sale of the 1 v-A D MILLKDGEVILLE STEAM FACTORY YARNS. AUmfor YARNS AND OSNABURfJS from thv I CURTRIGHT MAN UFA/ TURIN,! (< * fi° r ° !" r wfe l*y the bale, on the uaual time, at Manu 1 facturer'H uric/ m. My M 7 SCOTT, CARHART ACO TlinniitMton Mnnulntfurinx Company’. / \SNABI ItGS AND YARNS, ofau|KMn>r qunlity just received and for hi|i* at lowest market iiimth 1 l, y , r , REA A COTTON, Agentt, rhomaston Manufacturing ( omimnu June, 30. 13 t j Ten Dollars ICcword UT IkL Jm* given lir the detection of 11 thief, that en- 1 tried my house on Thursday night liiHt.snd Htl/* a plain silver quarters Watch, No. 8.1 7i, nr 8,333, hav ing block hands—alao, s‘29 m money. , WM M. CRUMLEY. June 22, 18-17. 3(ig % > 1 M u 111 IT \\ \n i i;il 5,000 to 10, (Hit) bushels want'd o! the nho\r n r JT tide, fir which a lair market price will Im* paid by .. , 1 H DA Mol R. Alncon, Juii/ 23, 1847. 12 5w Straw Cutters. I 1 FINDLAY h now mamilacturing a lot ofCut ll. and dumbnity, are pr//hnbly inisurpass* <| They are, by / //rof 1 r.'.ht , but ;i | tinl nnu lime for cutting straw, /Mini-sinlks, fodder, shucks, See with perfect ease aii/l d'/spntc i. Plnnt/*i> and others an* rr*-|Rvihilly invited to cull at Findlay's Foundry, comer of Walnut and tburth streets. Macon June 23, 1817. n \i Glass I Class!! Class’:! I ÜBT received nn/l for sale, n lure- | ( >t >f Glsks. of nil eiz s from 8 I,y 10 to 24 by 30 Also a jot • ♦ ‘V lute licuil. Persons wisliieg t purchuHr, will and// weUtocall. RIIGTWELL k GILBERT | Macon. June 1,111? 9 a P-rry* hours of rale, IheLlwl" 8 " 1 “Gs 1 wo Lots ol Land, -f ml county, k'Vied , Ualhoun in sntisfyn sis, t ‘ ,l’ r l-it v S',?fra m favor f I’ltnlenucH A. the Court lb I tiesilay m Bepteniher next “•'b'. thm vnlunhle 1.. t 7,t\’ Oe'H l.'to ot Monrot- “7"’tfl-j,?* betu iit of the iegateee of sn'i j vjfl ft”.v of sale, “y.j.fwswd sSH June 30,1847. 60,113 RIyH A ”• stwrn a iin . \ nn order 0f,1,. 11,., ‘ 1 oonnly, while sitting , t 8 eoi.l on the hist TANARUS,„ -silty h, U M 1 ” ,y. two Ilk. ly Negro *’ Matinj (•igiit yrttrs of age, nnd |j,|l’ Bob a 4 ® Will also l„- sold ~, Z ’l'”" 111 dred and forty acres of Lnnd, tS p ' m< W i'emg tn tin- tw.-nty-eighth dlstricV’ m, but now m the known, but known ns the pV” ‘, wi -’¥ l a* 1 recently Itvcd and died - J'.T* proved, m high state ofc-uldvnii™ “ Tlie rthov .- I,'md and r rty b.-inngtng to the nl! 111 y. dcc.-jiscd, and sold ItsI ’tf “ mis th- legatees, ,„„|, T t | u , 11.-t.nnso| S a,cwiilbc,J May 10. V lIIN IS TI*\TOII’ss w ■"G ’ n order of the Inferior Coon when fitting tor Ordinary pttrpl?"2 lb.-(our, House door olsuid ;!">■ tit August next, three fracti, J'"Alfrß G ingotithe ens, side ot tl, r 0,-,,T,| Ij® tween the hinds ..f Lundy and I/J? ® hundred and eighty nen s nine. “•Hit® benefit of the 1 ..-gnt.-.-s „, l(| e l lfw gold, lute of said county, IW.fl lA A! lv.’ ~ * ent rJV June 1, 18-17. HAKRir® \ 1)01 IN'IST K A TOR'S b., I . V nn order „f the hon„ r i „. ‘.--Ait® Monro.’ county, when sini,,,, i “ e '"Wic® will be sold, ‘the Court H.ntV'll, 7 fer ''l tin- first i ueaday it, August nerr ■ “rr a® ol sale, all that tract or pifSrf&'V*® oounty, helonging to the f censed, late of Monroe county fjl ‘' N ? n "*TEjH I May 26,1847 8 w BIVINg Ji® \I > MINI II I R AT( (Rs's 1 . \ sold, on the firs, Til, the Court House door a, Lot No 150, tn tin- Mth district J3* M gee now Talbot county, comainiT.S?')® small improvement 248 ~, the 15th District of Talbot county, m nil 125 aeiw, *l*sl® and known as the place where W U s* 4 UJIIMsTRATOR s s\lf ~h® . \ pursuant to nn order of ,be Coma,: ® Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in the Court House d., r in UfaSro mljT® tract ol Land on Walnut Creek, ‘*® the plantation of the late John Mset ,**■ joining John H. Lowe, Kilpatrick Also, on the same day. „t tlwCmmu ■ Murray county in said State. .-, 14th district and third section, offoZriraS® Murray county, containing ICO acrat,-,’- 7m tracts sold to perfect titles “>„!,*■ . . eijza j Map, J June l Adm Xof John Mstia. \ I’B'NISI HATOR’N SALiZia , \ on the first Tuesday in August n i-S usual uours ol sale, Is-son- the Court Howi® !>.■, 1 * ! ’ r . : ' cl , < r F irn '' l of L-ind lvirn sO2, acres, the 32d district, f.irmerlv'uj cogee county, on which Edward O'VmiJil longing to the estate of Murdock L UaX3 ceased—ranns cash. Sold by order'd*® G°ui t of bibb county, when sitting forOrdn** A ~B lNTs'| RATOH’S SALE.-\7ra 2TV on the loth day of July next, nr th^ .Iftin . Goodwin, in Twiggs county, pronerty belonging to the /-state of David said c/>unty. dccensed, consisting of ow \N < (ini, Fo/i/l. r, nnd one Bed and various other articb-s. too t.‘dios to ui salt* will he made known in th/* /Ibv SB! June 2, 1847. 9 JOHN S UOfibWff.jH \l> >!1 > iNTRATttR’ttSVfJI^J, -n obder of tlu* Inferior Court v\ In-ii fitting for or Jinn rv purposes, will the -oiil.t-house /!/mt in Marion, Twiggicoatr.Bg 5 tirst Tues/lay in August next, the pin / hundred and eleven acres Land, county, known ns Sanders’ place jra| .A:mo. on tlie first Tuesday in l:/*f/ir* the court -bou. t* door in ucirs ol Land, lying adjoining hundred and -i\ty five acres Land ndjouuoittH hun All sold as the property oi l> •unis D Sanders, deed., for on the dnv of sale. ELIAS av Z*’ de bonis non with tiie vni! Geonria—'Ware Covuff. I IVT HERE AS Joseph L. Crews applies i v letters of Administration on tbr Stephen Crews, late of said county, deceastfl: These are therefore to cite and gulrir tin* kindred and creditors of said and a|fp/*ar at my office within the time law. then nnd there, to file their objection, ii hnv*, why said letters should not begmntal H Given under niv hand nt office this I9th 1817 GEO. B WILLIAMSOJU* June 30. FMM U MONTHS after /Into npplioitkgj made to the honorable the Inferior Court county, when sitting lor ordinary i ;ip/w*.fbriM sell all the Negroes and Land 1,/iiT.fliJgto of David Young, of said county. pos* of paying tin* debts of said dec/toi fl June 2, iK47 L 9 JOHN S. GOODffiAM POI K 710 NIB< S after date ap( I Ih‘ made to the Honorable Inferior county, when sitting for ordinary purpow pell Jill tin* lands and negroes belonging Tiioii las Fulum, late of said county, deceiia K ROBERT fI’LTU.U* de boms non, with the will *i^B March 16, 1847 ■ FMH H MONTHS after date awrlwnjN made to the lion, the Inferior Court county, when sitting as n court of ordinary. sell two Negroes, Bollard, a man,find Jw belonging to the estate of Malcolm T sai/l county, deceased. _ H EDMUND GILBEST.J® July 7, 1847. HMM If MONTHS nft.-r .late appbrs:.-" 11 mad/* to the Honorable the Inferior C<*’ * t r county, when sitting for Ordinary poT***® to sell Lot of Land No. 16, in the county, ns the property of Win. F Smith.dacaas the beTiefit of the heirs, &c. _ JOHN S. McCRARY. Wf JuTI t. FMHT< MONTHS after date appMjJ made to the Honorable the Inferior ter county, when sitting for ordinary to Hi-11 Ijots of Land No. 219 and u district of originally Lee, now Sumter em* Negroes belonging to the estate of June 1, 1817 9 EASON SMITfM” l/OI'R MONTHS nl'tor date F made to the honorable Inferior CiHirt . county, when sitting as a Court oft Ordinary. t/> s/ ll the real estnte of John \% orthing lo * l ’ late <*ounty, , A *r ii EDMUND M ROBERT’ m Twiggs Cos , June 15, 1847._ liMiejß MONTHS •; 1 iiiHilt’ io ilio h/morahle ibelsarnor county, when •iitimr f/r onliaarr „ i|h f ■ell i negro man, limn/ and Will, bebotg*off s Are 111 bn Itl Orny, lute of I llmi coniU).’" 1 ih/ liciii Hi of tlu’ heir* of *! /fecijjet’ u oWV, J 9I tpHI M, 147. 4 WILLIAM M. i^tPra®CTfiSs; ,i • nut , n hen ■i*tinr for ordinary pun H ' M * n K)*f j tin* Im ii<l to lon ft i iff to the eztateof ’ of ni| coiiiity di'vesaed. _ eivG,^ May 1 47 4mf AXOI'S M. 9. B.TM • MOVTIIS alVr l , I’ inmlc to flu* fioiwrabl* ihr l"' ,r r ( , r Iff** 1 <.. nit v*ln ii •ittinir for ordinary I' 4 '*'*’ (i<|ll il.. N'rrrm a lielonKin* t •* i-,<)*, A<l din aaed. JOHN W. HOMKHI” Marh 11, 1847 MOV* ; made to the f ufi nor C*fl ® tr ll tin a a a court of ordinary, for ha**' l * ni l. !> Nan.lrn. lair .if i I I If’ HI Ml. * Man). IT, 1*47 5 llh ‘*! IJlOttll MOWTIIX m utt* to the honorable hr* < rt fr t* oaf’ 1 ’ •on comity, fm leave to • •fc*” * I* li/.*li ili Ann Puke, u ltt* ,,,r .. ~,•/ r.n* 1 * A|.nl l, IW {I IftnrrHj I^o i 11 mo> Tlix •>■ i> : ;! * inurf. totfie ft-# rior (otirt of ‘ ~.!! d'*’ n’itig for ordinary |mr|M**ra t f ,r , l *irli. ,! '^o [• ‘ Mfilif to the eatate ft v ( ,j nVK* A ’, t | a prii n_ — — N.. >i< i \M i. i tli<’ rat* Ia of David Y''i' r lO “ r■ ” ‘ ilvecnaiHl. nr tiK-l to re dvr it” mA-W” lh** tlm * prr*c: ihr.J by law, n r, > f;* ~ x-iid entnt. , will make immeJiat 1, PjXa.ytV A ! | Jane ?. 11T