Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 28, 1847, Image 1

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i*f s. iiosn & co. s. ■’ ‘’ t V■- ■ *’ v of • HB in n.lrnn’ I,! ’ -I tJI ihf":’ if 1 ■ • ,’ ~ .. ‘ !■’ ‘ 11 >• ■• > ■ ■’ ‘■ . , ’ ,'| , 1 c in .HH :■ . -I I• ■ I 1 ’ v r fg|H ‘ , | vv t, 1. ■|•l I■ I V. 1 ■ t’W “I i‘ * ■ l l • ‘ “ ■ ■ “< or.‘i w .|i ‘i ,• i it t't ■ Him l •-•***•* • !•***•• I ( ,| I■••, |\ ■ * “*<. ‘V ’ ’.’ •'*!* •'*’ \’ I ! i k '- i * ,m V o |, w mH t )„■ I. 1 I I.M lh” fi r f T'lq hv in thn . •’’’ l ’.,*•• ~-•, • .•) •') • r -•• i‘ tll m: in ill” comfy Pic ’ a s’tuat**'!. . • ••;■'! r- |I “1 fVfV • . D-V ••- Vl I '•. • ■ PI f° r,vr l !U ' a , . ~ _ -IM/ni l i'l l N -irrof-. must l<- . | w'pk’v f nr fnn r months. i \ 1 K UMI ‘..r!) •:■-*'■■ i-- V I ■• *J ft • - .’| t —'* • t I>-II!~’ ‘•> from <; tat 11 r• 1 - t s . | r -41,1 it I-. ‘••• ••’ ?, "-l p’ ••a 11 it l / ti. ‘■ “ i'/th‘ — *” e• ‘• by the deceas'd, /be In'l space of three Ty'ttPt** on hun ,, B to he *>o<t-vn u/. - •> k iw*n-*r*•.■• • lhvisot >o. I.S. >f I. mtM Pl.Knr;K. ¥ lAW, V* Ri-’ >• T **•(I Ml .U . I*IIV, n-11, V 7 “ ‘ •'•vrtir'. III) S|iruu.n|i VXVy or ‘!• I I.U|'i “ - S ‘V im. ‘ r Culrr _ • ; i > • MM V.. o’clock, H H Wvl UIHBLE w p u 3 S2TEA J. Wllii-lAiri i i.-.kf.i liif H \>ll lN* ■ iw > <1 V 1,1,. mi.l M- m ~ i, .si: i X .HI A sPKIiV^S. is i,, I ii sc* fi.ilV’ i y •■..!’ lists ‘ ,ii,i iiii|i*,i . ‘ 111 ■'. 11 v 11 1 . i K!l Ail . HL .K l usii..iem, ’ : '9 I. ||4‘ •'t Kit frifOifcM*, ’ i to may •i.fllti} V .. ‘oCoi’i ::rr.i'-r -.| . t r lii>; I ry j ii.:y . .Ui*t :..-iug ‘i lue umlst •: :\ ti \r jin Will .ii Vi.y < lx- u.iutrlum.y i4. •*. ui.’ ciisiiCcHi m* * aitoisis*. li. iiii-s ii in. 4 iiiivc js a gicntiy uii H iovvJ air *aso.., . iyia.iiuii i. :* ,inv>* **• *-*n i t lot*. ai> i. U i;U-: cdl V13.i00 111 ill iIkMI.I. All > 1: l .oa. iloltio ClMfllv's W.u IU.I •!.•,.y JUlllia 1.1.- j s xti iv.'.v i u*e Sprains ~ i,i for-yi■: —i clistarice o. ‘ onii*i‘s>, mi iwo-r > iiii caiii j* 4ii..y ai oiy t.m bey in'il at tin.- ’*h l ‘iinVj' • s tyia .1 a l l.:e ’ aUlt Ukat UVf >v ‘ ‘H .'ll till ail. Vs- ?V'.- i -o’ a:i_ , Sii iv- l uy any u iite boaili iii.Stin -tor the.: mclici n s.|s is.> bit iAN \> . CUliLioit. ! i J, iwe l**‘‘l era I Union will publisii 11 weeks, the B.* niu p.jiihc'.at aiui C-. iimi:.u> Tunes 4 tuu'-s. lutlian Spring: Hotel. IPXRY DiLLON ii.ivmgmcon.itchon with AU- ; I ciUSTUd K, AilGlLu, i -smar in >.ip. riuL-’nd -1 tor the present season ot‘ this w ti known Hotel, I • luiian lor m i>*ty ye ns k *jr by him h-n - ! , miurms uit tueuis and iiic p.i,.c gcn.ialiy, tiiut . ‘’vop-n and ready [or their accommodation. U.*- j oi buildings mid furniture hive oeen mfiil’. to ic:i- j i coitiknUUle wno may idvor lii -m vv.m their p:;- i*. The a uied and oss.duous uuution ol ilie ! I ..'tors v:ll be given to ensure general sstislucUon. i rooms shall oe neatly k-pt, w i lurushed, ami 1*;1 by good and servants: til ir table U’ally .'applied With the i>.st to he procured, w.ncb ki well prepared to su.t the appetite oi dt. New ’ain.inhions stables have b m completed on Lie **s tor the aceonmiodation ol'horses. hi* moderate and reasonaole. wiio visit this celebrated watering place for health reation, are invited tog,ve them ;• . ill. Tins tio conveniently situated, near the M moral Spring, liters oi wuich ure superior to any in the country my diseases. >*-• who desire the benefit of Bathing, will fill the lmodalious at this Spring equal to any m the find the elficacy oi tue water thus used, unsut in the .Viacon and Western Railroad at Forsyth eslrom the Spring, fbur-horsc St ages wilt run to and troui the Spring, alter the Inst o! June, rses an i carnages wnl be lurmsli • I lor the eon ice ol those desmiig conveyance Iroin the Springs t*r puces during tie- s :ason. ts co., Ga., June 1. ‘J i;UIUB OOTELr-rsnytliGa. , r subscriber respectfully informs th A 1. travelling puhbc that the above named |1 !ioose is sail open ror tiieir reception. Great —*..ll lor past favors, lie promises every reasonable mi to please. As there is no bar kept ui this hi>us. , hm w*U b? sure to find it a quiet retreat. Those 14 it, will find a bar oi dime h.morso.n the op |o ‘ >■ ■W ns ' 4, ‘ !f - r ‘ , i ’ : : 1 ,h s h ii- ... ,|, • |,, | l tll S p u• . W f - ‘J Hl7. fw Boarding in Wcw York. rI■RB v VLLOI rON mtormsbar old Hbsimls aod I I ie has removed to ni No. 11 and Id Mikrvv Street. a !•**• Joom p ths P un* PH rate i.i -t • 1 1 11 f 1 ‘ Kdaueis ii Ms- ii ta , s.ic w. l be enabled .g-ir\py MMA’ her old Sb iill <n friend*. in.l urn. I q He ut home. lu i • id. iM 47 |y iJt Coulbctioiidry a.ul Grocery. 11. I>CI .|! t is receiving his new supply ol \ I* Good* in ilh line, ninong wlii.h he particui .and v I- die ait ntion of* his custom’ is to khuiee article ol old Urundy, Madeira. Port and Clur* j ■ ■.* •-v Spiers, Pres'rvfs, (dikes,T in lies; P “i tin.’ asboriuiet oi S g’lrn ol’ v.mous brands— I r’ it- I .mpoi ted tiavauna S ’g.irn P” vviil k *• p a contain supply ol Orange*, Vpple*. : l “il“, Potatoes, Cl, s*, Uilttcj, KIIiSUIS, i .4, PIUIICH, 1 F 11 ”' 11 ■*. and otn-r nuts |Atl “ I ; | r | Htie.rM usually kept in lh*t lino. I, *vljl .;J OVS PijRA, i>y tile aeg. W “ u * > • ... .sir, ■Mies. r ,r Ir t uit |f, r t r , | tiin (l( i| I* ‘* Mill E *'■■, In.l t> ls li) tht | UUII.i, d>.u tin* lui. ilit ; fi • . 11} ill.- ,r rt || ‘ll • -a *..'• ,\L , anvli mm in u. it ill flu N York hull, a ‘"'i “'i.i'ii ,j,i 1 ci'.l it mol or • I. >iH **‘i. ooi.i. f ,r ” 1 * ‘M *S I .. I .. N \ , w NP,t|\i4 iiiMllh ! “ v .'** l, i; an lS 1 1,1 rt* 15..*,,?, .ngnhno-t ['> I iblr style (or both 1,1 I’s tin 1t i ill ‘men’s ■ \iso .1 gnat variety of Good* •i| s t hie lb-Ixiys’ 12 „ 4 , „ (dido. VV. PUICt:. l! ?J Mir r. 1} 1-It l| iIiK.N \ ■A> IJ .1 4 , k MOW 19 - 1 W 1 RENTON'fI [| ‘ - **> .Op, ‘ll “• f. Hllli • S’ .. Mil ,< % s *> *ll VH II Httti .|\\ y • v 1 ..., ,ii j.,,, 1, 11 -’ • * V ‘mu and!, jnor House ol Jacob Snider. Jr . 1 -*r nle M„ „ A KMX l \rn\ vsn t. \UIK I (lOfl Choice Bacon slams. u “ Midi'ssttd Shonldeni, *>Hbs Leot fsdl. li7 WIIKKLiIR i HAUKOI.U. •isTju/ .tore J*oU ST .v (to ..■ f .linn, (.lrs. is.*■ I flnrtlit'u Vr’nrr. ’’"V) P'li: .y -ril*T. nr., now r T.ovinu no k ’ . 0’ I opening n ffenerul usKirtment <>i’ tin • nh-ive <(.„>,lh, nt the ?•*-• ! tHy occii|,i.'.| I v —> ‘, A ti'iu. j-0n..;,. vi Mol;..ovy n-,.l B'doiJ stg. .''f; *,“*• V, 1 •*,. : " :1 *! *ll. woVh 10.-v offer m y ;01,,.., o iin.l rela.l. ‘1 ill uOlir following: ] Pul i’- ‘Vint.--* Dining, T*m ami Toilet Sets, I Ulue ill/. iln. and). do. I tJo 1 "?/’ <*° <? “ Ho. Jo. 1 U .ii!'’ •• iv it'll Cliina i>iuinnr Sets, 1 U>. do. do. r J’'H do. (*old band do. do. do. do. W hite do do. Jugs. White (Sennit**,light and flowing bln l .T, t a ill nfaon ; I P‘ !|l, • U ll'.kers, and Cover Ihsh -to mutch *1 >i ‘ nuis* Wares, \ g nei and a soitnunt of rr>iunion W are, < nt. Press’ and and Plain ’l’uodilers, * nt and Pr- sp.'d (iobletn, Wines and Chnmpnsneß, iVcHse.l and Plain lvj aiwl .felly (ilasse, (hit and Pressed Mirror l>ish"s and Nappies, Cut, Pressed and Plain I. impr and Candlesticks, Do. do. do Holt**, Cut Decanter**, in sets and pairs. Solar I/ inipe —Untnmiin and (icrinnn Silver Castors, I iookini* Classes of various si/es and styles, Stone Baking Dishes, pics, &.c Till’ Kiibwrih(>r<i i(ppih it primer to stole tlint Iheyhave ill • < A.SH whirli they intern! strictly to anhere, ami by which they w.ll he eriahleH to tnrm-h every .leseription ol S h, l, , their line \pru-ro IIYDK sV .IONKS II sv, .1. will takeorde/a for ffinei/China Oining.Tea an,l l'oilet Sets, which they will luniish at the import er’s juices, adJiiij! only the expenses from New York M tco ~ Sept 1310 \-- j CO-Pa.vXn ’1 1 H K kiiUscnbi I a.* hi- ir*.n.ti. Kint/en H. I H'!utc y oho ,ir. ii. r hi,, iii- Ini-in •* will h. p. afn ror • uoiitiiiiii il niulei'lht ti mi ol A J. VUil | 1 fc o ; Macon, July 1,1840 A.J. U lil l K l Tin* -iiUßci'ilirrv havt- in Ktore, amt vill be r t-< ivintilu j rinp ilie summer Hi.d fall, A tfeurnil assortm<>ui of Goods, Ada pied to the *ea*on, consisting in port of St. Croix mil 1.0. it .Migar, | Siaj.i. i M j i<, l.a<inra ami lavaCort'n I Sa.Ull. i), Slmh ’ I f •*(ii of mII kind*. I ‘.iqiiorftol uli knxln, Hollow-nap, and Vftilft, I ‘I • xi>m.||i. v. p\ fi,M ----i ‘•* rm in. Cam Nt Dlist. Slei I, S. I oliaceo, I Salt, Vlolui o, J Paiiitf,Oii, t.ia**, l^c. IS.xtSKiiig, ‘l’irtin uini lit, in\ H i'b iln ji tock tit tl,e\ oft; r aonit K< muck) C niche* wide, well Mil i|(tid lo •‘((uart liali-x. aim uhitti I * ii *|{tilv | >rov. .|-.i (hi- |iji 4enson b iiluiitera iiioki <riii lt> Hi ilie * .nc r> i iin Hliich(bt ) ‘.f! r :it tin iuwi-ftt market |iric, at.*l npt(tfull) xoliti u i fail from (heirf'rituna aiiu Hi | A. i. Win I K CO. B r Mi.i'lm tir - .f Ofioln r Hi. \ ui: p n,xi Hi Mi • i>rit*K r.*riM r*top> two l.wirx abtive ibei |iret-ut location, ’ ■ ■wsAl.v ,■••.*.■ r.**i; *♦ Aa. I,ille\etv! I.toe Sot from Mi but Irtmi the Projilrs Stirre. Dl< V ..Oiills selling lower than ever before in this market. New gj*ods received monthly, du ring the busin*HH season, of the most desirable styles.— Pi ‘as** notice the following, now in store, which ure sel hngwith n perfi-ct rush, f Innann Silks, Fine Bersges, s**lling from‘2s ets. to f?l Musi,us “ “ 25 to sf) cents. “ (iinghams, “ “ IS to 37 “ Piints, “ “ f, to 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 ct- to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ :t7 ets to 500 Bonnets, Aitifieials, K ; hhon, Carpet Bags, Satch cli, ‘ ‘arm i ng, Matting c A c Frauen Cissiiiiett . Cm d*’ ‘la. Linnen Drilling, and Goods for G'*nt!ein- is w ... o. ai,s.-: lotions. Hdlh ‘a Goods. In thislhv* of fa !•* I am i.ercvdy in town, an 1 would particularly invite tlioe.* .ust h *g'naaj r m t.; s i>r< neh of in-*, tog l -her With liiose who have had much e.xjieri enc * A s >. SeTi--. Shawl*. Crnvatts, Cliiiu..s.‘ts, French i work C|s. Th' : *n ! ail Linen Laces, Bohin-tl. Mus | tpiit-i N -ttiug. Nankeens. Brow; Lni**n. Linen Sh<. t •a*r. 12-1 wi I. 1 , bc ad’e I and biown Donj—ncs. (iiuv s. Mitts. M•” Ikcrchiefs, Hosiery, Ready .Made Cloth ing. &.C. Are A int i. O it F Grand Ijnl<zt> Rrsalias. for mile !otr. p. II and exuunue for yo.i.e.ves--we always g t pnul for showing. licsoecilut v, JOHN w . ll.\iu\ i Macon, May 5, 1547. 0 Irish Liih'ii. tirown Holland, lc. ■ v{| PIECLS Irish Linen,direct itnportution, war *) * “ ant” I “g- ’mine ” 35 Pieces Brown Holland, for summer wear,received di.eci i.oiii Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the I Av me. Also, Principe S gars, Putt and Sherry Wine, for sale low by l’. C. DC.MPSiaY. May 18 *i \ I \l M*<4 laMOIIh. **ibi.fri(,t i biiKjii • • up* id his■” a* , (oiupleo a -2 -wruutwi ..f ‘s *|f. Mini i anvy L/r- bwi.< imp Hi> , ’l ,lll *h ilNxt tl i■li vt! I ‘• l.flrl'vil Ml j'l'lU* llisil fUlili.i. . ‘'* ul i.i-uri j Hi. tii quit k ai. IVrsui*’ ii. \ mmi i.f npv ! . i.oo di. mi-.| (u (.all and XMiiuiM It*, bloi k mi.H pn- | .* *. 1 u'■()'l'. i in tin i uiiltip., I Mi nt.. jui >), pall j .ml >(• in -)uii alt.ol hav ;• hI ln*jd* mi .lx ...mi xi pr.*•-. Hi* |.ick mi* iivk fcitiliptii..* ltd In imk. : i ( liiititiiilr td Sii k Vti.Hliii* Mild (o pliant’ ,h. | uutiu be- j ua*t : lint I VtU'l.n- and 1.,.mi ; hn ui.. 1 • ..l KiMirb 4tiu)(i.HiM. ; Lot* i. uinKhan*'. v itcMHlifnl a-- ! •ordm in .if tut .rtiiilt r* *1 p M.ilh of Nulh *, l ol io-; In ini'fi, Cap*■*, rliliK* Knibioiti- . in and l.acr ll iinlk riliulft, ke X c Jaroitt I tl**• -; si>. i vfii-liii* plant and-trip* <t; I rn*li linns lablr !<•.. 40 initi .-iIIOM c*. limn; ***•* . hii*l Himm* I*im|m i . Hurkabu. k ■ 1 •>*tliiiiK ; Colton Di.i pi r ; J>wina-k lam. c oil- , ■*'K Napkin*; color.. Linen laid, iim r ; CorUid Sk.rt, ! lira-* do. ; Clirck Liiutia; M-.iil.rt ) Sirip. Canum.i r ; | Kcniuck) J Min.; Coll, ii ( ax-iim rt-; hleut h* o and Hr*>nl Horn, kpiiii* It mill. t-. It ibiM/na. A.uncial Kl \ur; I'm •ir. Ila>, ParaxolM, Siin-Stiadcx, and a thon-aiMi am- one oth er artirl.N, mliicli tvtr) om anta. Allot mlmcli stall i*. •01l low f r 1-aali. JOS. Ml’ Ii IKK K. A ■•'•* i 7 Staff*Mf, iiopr, itt ini. f ’lK *nbcnln rs art now n ccivinu ,hir f..11 aupplii-x 1 ‘• ‘ill'lC KHIK ,Mlii cli tin > est. riniln ir old • ricndo ••(ki ili< public < nci*ally,at imutUM'low prim. We have now in (..n ,and r( *-• ivu jr -300 picc. a Heavy (viiniiy lliiKfing, •00 picech ht-av y Kentucky do. Ho coils Kentucky Kop. 50 do. Manilla do. 100 Iba. I wine, 2,000 ack Salt, I >,OO > ilia Swt-idiklron, 1,000 Hi. Hand. Hoop and Undlrnn, 20 Ii ini a si Croix and Corio U ico Sufnra, Loaf. Crushed and Powdered do, 100 hai(fl Km and Javu Cotti e, 50 boxi a • nliutco, 100 Vail, 1,0 0 ib> Cast, < .ermHn and HUat* r Steel. A l**o PAIN IS A \ I > OILS oftter . descripliuti. R lIONP Macon, Ap>il l |R4A. 40 •8’ |l | KM.S. “Ik lp fc I. ik k‘a Gin, v Whi.k.y, 60 do H illiHior, do. 30 half pipes Otard Hpandy, * •* *’ * do, 15 pipes Holland i.n. 50 qr. casks Madeira ‘Vine, 20 •* “ Port do. 10 ** * sherry do • 100 . ak* Umdon P*rif r, pints, 2o uiilk i lu-rry brandy, I* l ‘twee, and far >at by 4yr.ll* si'.rri, C.KH, x r ,, ( . „ n| u*s. I tlf I ‘IHkN. V w ‘lr„ a„. s, C.f.i, * ... r 1 . .1. * Mg...iad.., .to bbla Cru.b.o •ml Pu. <ier and, 15 (Mxi • While Havana, 20 and.., K'lr sib h) * “ 1 • * Hnm CAIHVAIIT % I*o cheroiceb um;:, || V HP und* raifWed ke p a liillsiippl* of tin h >ae article .ii ha .id and •• Hit at Onr Hollai and a Quarter pi r box, lr rush only. SCO I I , CAlt|| AH I K . O April I, HIT. 47 /*/ k HMDS. Cuba Molass* s, 75 hhla New * plea ns do, IMF by Mill I, lAllimil h Hi 4 pnl *0 4 PH k M .—A goo*! sulmtumml Road War- 1 on with Harness I * *<• ir Horn.- \imly • CHAS UAMPBi.LL A CO. M. I 8 J* 8 TM—n rwl*ft ol . ini -• tov Ii I > s |>ras l 4 IMIS II fIfMHUV. I CIIH. WYB• •K ’ v. |\DKI MU d)/*A BIU.B rh-l|>’ I ,|. •h'C.ii, i:>> No W , k y, 50 do N. f'! Rnn| (<V*r .'.I . |jy U b 11 t - • n r C IRH KHT 2, cm I) % I *Ms *•.**■ .* .1- lib* “New York lb •• klvit Whh fi-s l Cmupniiy” No 1, No. 2. Extra and Farr Wlntc L a i ! Also iu Hlor —Lit 1 -**.*• I ntnl I’n un n* Oil; Spiril** ! 1 Turiieniinc ; VnrnWi, Lmi Muck Putty. Psint Ilrtish ; CS. .<-c . See PATTEN vN TA YIOR April I. in 17 27 NOTH 1:. f p 11U mibseilicr find** it neccwwry to notify ninny of, I hn *'itstomem, whone nenvmts nmi notea sre of long pfan*liri?. that f** lmi waited until for I >earn nre 1 roam’s to he n virtue, and thM he will be iifidei the tie j cessity of imikiu:* a clenu sweep of all note# snd sc •"il* co iu - ’** te I 1!I ‘is I establishment, at the h ‘Sil of (hittoil Avenue. |||i!"* a. tiled brf*re ||p’ first of I \u rust next All persons uif**r 'ed wd! nleasc tsii” dm M cum. M y W, I** 17 H AMOS ni’VTON I’ nv I Ol If IL- \ larreau.- I a plv of this (H cions fir V* mgr nut up in quart, pint, mi I half iiint bottlee, just rmscived V*v April*l. HP* 3 W FREEMAN Uvro.N, Gi:oil(il \, \VKI).\ICSI).Y .11 LY t*S, 1847. ( . K. NV EN rWORTH 6c CO. Qa E 1 WE ,'i-t received and now offer **- ,or s ''l p * tl the lowest cishpri- WifC’ ikV <’“■*, i new .'ti i spk 11) 1 Mtra’k rood > jr 111 tiicir line—-eoiHi**tir)g of Fi.i” (void -MM * gt nnd S Iver Lev■ r. Lepiue, Patent and , ’ ** V'"it:c;d Faciipi’incnt Gold G . and Mid Fob (dniiH, Keys, Si.c. \ grant va r:*'fy ill,’ 1 i * ‘ and (J* ntlenien's Breast Pius, Finger ! Rings, of rill patterns; GOLD If:.VA, with Gold m. I E hi r Holders. (lolil Pencil?*, (lold Sleeve and ('ollnr Buttons : Stu*ls : Gold nl Silver Thimbles; Bracelet* nnd Bracelet Ul'isps; Curd Cps* s; Fine P* n nnd Pocket Knives Superior Seis-sus; St* ‘ I Beailw, Rings and Tans*'ls; ('oral Beads; Steel Pens, &.e w virvc \> n:i> 11 \zors. Stmetnefc-! SfN*cliU’les !-— # Sold and Silver. Persons afflicted with defective or impaired vision, are respectfully invited to call ami examine a New and Improved article oi Spectacle Glasses—for which the subscribers are sole Agent*. Also. N*'W and Bountiful Style LAMPS ; Lamp Gla-S’ ** nnd VVicking ; Plated and Briluniu Ware. Ite(Kliriiig.—Watches and docks of every descrip tion repaired and warrant’ and far one year All Watches sold or repaired. v\ if I** warranted to ko ni rood time or th* Cash will he refunded WuU'.lm*s sent from any part of the country, will re ceive tie’ same attemion nul lie repnired *>n as reasona ble term* ns th<*u jii the owners were present. All kin Is of Gold and Silver work made to order. Jewelry of every description neatly repaired. i>mu i:mn:oTYPfMJ. The undersigned having fitted up a room adjoining their Store, are prepared to take pictures in tie* bent possible style A ii.’** assortment of Gold Lockets, Pins,anJ Brucelei**,suituM** forth** ahov** C K. WENTWORTH A CO East Side Mulberry St. Macon June 1, 1817. ’ ‘j M W \M> lIEAUTIFI GOODS. I’UST received nn*l now opening, n variety of styles of new. funey and staple I)R\ GOODS. Among them may Is- found Plain wide Black Silks, Satin Stnne Silks*. 40 pieces B Izarines and Bern get, from 121 to 75 cent s per yard, 40 pi* ees Ginghams, yen’ cheap, 1(H) pieces Calico, from sis to 25 cents per yard, Brown Sheetings. 20 yards for , 100 P 1 rasols. Parasoletts and Sun Shades,from 75 cents to $(3. White Cotton Hosiery, nt 121 c**nts jv’rjinir, 30 (107 Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 12i to 50 cents, n* •*•*'•■ - muslins, at 2.. cents per yard, Plaid nnd Striped 1 do very low Lie rinrH \,|„ n , 31 wilts, Jacon* t. Nnneook. Bnnlf M-1J ,\i„ 4.v.~, Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style, Grass Cloth Skirts, Summer Cussimers, Cottonndes. Gsmbroons, White and Brown Linen Drills for Pants, Pin id Linen tor Coats, Cross Bor Musquito Netting, Lace do do Table nnd Towell Diapers, of many qualities and prices, Mulin (’ollars. Chemisetts, <Slc.,Alc. Th** subs*'ii!i<t deems it unnrc**ssary to ennmerat articles, as all who w I! g ve him n call, will find nlmot every article so-pt 1:1 n Dry Goo I Store, and nt as low prices F()R CASH, ns at any oth**r store in tlie Suite. St re next door to the Post Office. Please come and see. E. WOODRUFF. April 14. 2 FG ’n MM Ml IBfiHG riflX.N. C I LO M LOGAN CO would most respectfully I 1 ifomi the good cit zens of Macon and the sur rounding country, that they are not quite sell ng off their stock at N w York cost, nor do they loudly boa* t of under selling their neighbors. The design of this advertisement is to disseminate extensively this unde niable truth, viz: that our assortment is rich nnd racy— rare and b: aiitifii . comprising evrydesirable article of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods usually found in store on speculation. ’Tis unnecessa ry to enumerate the many, rery many extravagantly beautiful articles on hand, and tocopim**nt ui>on i.-irrin se* woi tii. is deemed e"tirely superfluous Suffice ito say. ail oar rich t iinyl Jr- ‘-.r err. w *>rk e*rcapv Ac were ;nimhas* •! *'i A T F I'LWART &(*•.•., ! N- w Y’- k, and di;’i r m tcri dly in style aiul patu nw from all *>tliers in Macon. All those who entertain the erroniou t impression that we hoi l up for high prices, can receive oceular !■- mo’istratMn to the coiiUary by pupping in and looking for themselves. b’aw Ware, r hiiia Umr. him! I.anhen AV ;ir rt s of every and any k nd, at a very small advance on New A’olk cost. GEO. M LOGAN Sl CO. n M Kl, Alt v *2f>. Rif. 8 JVTow droccry and Dry Goods Store. r CUOa VS < . i:|*si:v, having .iw (>i ne.l I i’i thi Bi k Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied ’ y \V r A Rolertson, and nearly opposite Messrs. A .1 Wlutc A. Cos. nnd Bancroft’s stores, has now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort ment of Foreign Liquors an I Segars, Sugar, Cos flee, and it g'*;ier:d assornnent of Groceries and D v Gocxls. which wJI he sold at New York prices for Cash only. Foretell Miami e*, Winrs, 4e* Otard, Dtipuey Sc Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different , vintage-.— loine veiy old in bottles. Goddard Sc Cos. Vuitag*, 1825; A. Seignette’s 1 Brandy; Medcr Swan Holland Gin, Muleira Wine, i 111 quarter casks; Port Wine - Sherry Wm* Th'*s liquors are warranted received direct from the New \ ork Custom House. Spanish i’ignrs, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, PrincijM and oilier brands—warranted genuine. ‘I LAS —knoerial, Gunpowder, Hyson. Young Ify sonan ! Black Tea, of a very superior quality. Old Java Cofi**e, Loaf Sugar, Sperm Candle, Ada mantine Caudles. *2*) lihds. S. Croix, P<>rto R *0 nn*l N Orlenns Sugar 50 Sacks Rio Coli*e. firat no.ihty ; 30 do. second do 500 ps American and English Calicoes, 10 cases Blenched Slurtmgs nnd Sheetings, 10 bales Brown 3-4 and 1-4 do. 50 iis Irish Linen,direct importation, &c dtc. Macon, June 2, 1817. 9 VI.KI 4 111 41* BIliYGOODV! McKINNUs v *' hon id 111% itc alt m t **'” <) HI(Y < iOOUn, n* i'jill ami t xaiiiiii* ilmr New atnJ Seassuable Hack, coM-iMing l Crown and HI mli ei ami nlk iki<n, 1 n kii.c, l'ht-k*. *.iii<han>s Prim*, I*l, I inm D tint-and rommou < Lmwi*, Slk* and Or* at*.o. *1 irem rally,r wilt) aituuat * VI1*) Ulltt r arncU- tt*u.i l> k> pi in ili* l)r) Gimhldliik All uP-* Inch a ill i> Mild al hr Is ires t Junes to 1 Ca-li. nr to pu.iriM.n ciiaiMHicr.i uu the iiMial Him . Mam*i, A pnl i, 1847 4 him! Prm ‘lnking. A 1 RB POWELL A MRS BI RDINI if I on the alxive business, and c.vente all orders m the best manner, und moat fashionable style when re quired Bleaching and Repairing Bonnets, will n!e. he done at short ti nice. Th< if residence in on th** comer of College street, near the l emuie College. Macon, Oct tW, WIG Jy 37 BB.H AOBri PTKf'K.S el. Strip* and Sputnd IL nipt, •JI f *•• arj h.iml-nm, jnti i.* April 14 A * WOOD'U’FI’S 1 I I ‘ \iV.H f'Urei H me. I If IF *0 .in il.*..*. <lo, •)(•/. t’mt i wiHMISt Co*. pure Lesion Syrup, 100 ** Molir’* do. and. 50 ti txi- llrandy Ch* rri* 8. SO * I’k**4!<-—Mtortru, 50 * in ah (*oNfr*s Water. HO “ Him rat (’ iiullta, . r 0 •* Mull N Hnii'i I allow do, KorvaUlnwhy SCO II , C Mill till h ID 4 pn 1 _ 4 cß4tti.s i< ma Csll9H Avenue, next dssr m'tave the •*/?... tiiaudr Haute,” iI“| ■ itix.ii .lin k nt’ Sugars, ( oH'cc. Tens. Flour, Bacon, Mtnplo sml I'll*,*'} Dr) (,ondi*. Mi- -i, \j>ril !. 1117 4 nii-i { mv.niiv 1,., i-oiiv.-d „ I l-'■ - >>l FnjH-r Kltni>llni.h-r*, mitl Ku-f M ‘ ir.l I’rinl- . in If l’ ij• t Inr Witi-luw Slin.l.-, n U-tin til'il rti<-1.. Alo, Ki>i Mswiol vcra! hintl* I -vl 3! 7 (SKI) W FKII'K I I)*)M'I • It.—ls .. .. w shto imprave or pn*serve I yowi health, call on (', A F.LLSnnd g*t a few fait- I tlesof bis ii le LoN iKJN PoRTLR It i mat lit** tiling lo exeit** ill • -*pniniuid itivigorute tfi** wlmle nmn— and i* not tMid i” take M| 5 FIHMI ii 11411*1 Kit S IUST received at Warren Freeman'*.so hot< <t Rni stn* . 25 fruins*\t •• fi*i’ rig* ; l2ht*X’ Sdo Priin*a, 25 I * Oi'in/in. 2.1 hhl N\ fn,bn O* ui f"*, v v sweet. Citrons.4’mrant* D t-s. I’-1 itnrind* , Smrira.T*’ * t|*j Cofi ••’ Sp e•* . ||bill kinds I ‘racki'rs of alt k l ’ ids |Anr Hinokitig snd Ctirwiiig Tobacco; Patent Yenst pow ders Also, n very large and fine onaortnient of Htunrt’# Btesm Refined Csiulit's W FREEMAN \ 1 I HI7 $ \1 UrotMfl HNilfF, **i* r • 111 •il—f- r* a 1 U* .▼ | mat I 5 • HA 1 11 mu 1 m v n NOTI4 nOCTC >R II K GREEN is authorised to net as mv A'* nt.daring nty absence thisanmni'T 7, wn 214 WM B PARKER n( ).V! E ‘TICS —JO Bales 4-1 Sheetings. 15 do 3- * do. 20 do heavy Osnnburgm, 5 <l** Tickings, in brown Drills, 3 do. M trnm Stripes, 50 do. Cottoi Yarns, 10 nasca blenched goods. 3do fine bleached lo Ido 11-4 bleached She. ting. 2 do brown Drills 2do Bleached, 10 do. Kerseys, 3do Flannels, now in 1 stole and lor sale by GRAVES, WOOD, CO. ; M icon, May 12, 1817. * f ts fIST RBCFIV KI) UY W. F EE.HA Saif Choice Groceries , For Sule Low. p AY Wet. I, I f <la let Wine, 1 I ‘ licit Cotdtnls, ( hinese t itsnp, something extra. Walnut do. Horseradish, in pint nnd Imlf pint Jars, Chocolate and Cocoa, Broun, a superior article of Cocoa. Sardines, Lolisters, Fresh and Pickl’ and. Salmon, Fresh. 2(HK) Extra Regalia Cairn is, 12 Dozen Congress Water. June, 16, 1847. 11 t s CIPBI\G ’lll.llMin . . Mrs DAM OUR l ?i rtl * ,lvin r9,l ,f, r new supply tliv aliove gotxls, and would r speetfully request her olj custonwtn nnd the jiuhhe gpnerahy. to give her a call nnd look at her stock ’ , * lt y purobns*’ elsewhere. She is determined to ‘• !l goods us low as any one iu the city, and of a supe r.l.l article. Her stock ol Boniwte, R bbons, Flowers, lauhrouleries, Dress Silk Goods nnd Shawls, cannot lie equalled in thi* pnr T of flic country. Macon, April 21, 1847. 42km run s. I HHDS St. Croix,Porto Rico nnd NO. Sugar, *■ J? boxes nnd barrels crushed, pulv & loaf Sugar 25 hhds. Molasses, ( I , °- f< ’ w “ I s idined Sugar House Molasses 1(H) bag® Rio (’ofli'c, “ Pepper, Spite nnd Ginger, 2. boxes hiKTin Caudles. 20 “ I .allow “ 50 “ Soap, 20 “ Stnich, 4 Chests choice Imperial and Hyson Tea, lo Quarter chests Imperial and liyson Tea, Snl**rajtas, Indigo,Madder. Spanish Brown, Blue V’itriol,Conp*T!.. Alum,Borax,Sai.Nitre Powder, Shot, Lead, 25 bbls N. E Rum, 25 bbls. Northern Gin, 50 bbls. Whiskey, C ognac and American Brandy, Holland (in. Cordials, Madcnn, Port, and Malaga Wine, Ijenion Syrup, Raisitis, 100 Boxes Tobacco, a great variety, 3'.<hh) Segars ; Macnboy and Seoteh Snuff, With a grant variety of other G-ocerfos. which will ! “Bargains/ AMOS BEN Ik >N. April 1. 7 ( ll.'H.—The sub “ribers continue to \ I keep a general ns8o; tment of Groceries and Sl'-nle | ~ ,r> T ANARUS **- “!’ nl.u-nu . ur.c w ATu’ - b Try streets, opposite the Washinrton Hall: they have just received with other articles the following: 24 lihds St. Croix and P R. Sugais, 1 120 bags Green Rio Coflee, j 25 “ Old Gov. Java Cofll-e, 2<HH) \ ards Negro Kersi’ys, 1(KH) Dull! • Blanket'*. 8 and 9 quarter, 1000 Yards Cottou O-m.iburgs, Tons Swcedes Iron, 7< ’0 Sack** Liv-rpool S’ t, 1 J 0 Pair Russ* tt Brogans, wjb a general nsortment m their line, nil of which is , ofl -red at the lowest cash prices. They respectfully in vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— I believmg they Cannot fail to Ik* suited in p see and qual i !,y v , ia ,- CIIAS CAMPBELL Sl CO Ap-.ii 1, 1847. NOTICE. ;'T' HE subscribers respectfully invite the attention of M rchants .iid Planters, to their stock of n:d I Htu*/ Orv ficocfs now in store VVe sinll al>o Ik* in weekly receipt of seasonable goods thnuigh out the season, as it is our determination to render our stK'k worthy th** attention of purchasers at all times, and t prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, i —among which are the following : 10 cases English Sc American prints. 2do Mourning do 3 do. Furniture do. 3 do. uinglrun nnd l*awns, 2 do Printed Muslins.2opicc*'S( !iibroid red Dtessdo. 20 pieces Challeys embroidered. 20 do Rich Beinges, ;• 4°- JLM'ck Satin stipe Silks. 5 and. 1.l .-k draw do y r * 10 R ich draw silks. 40 do .Teeonetts,3odo Camhiies. ’ ‘ 0 Ch-ck &l lace stripe Mnsiins. 10 do. dress Muslins, k! 1 ‘ ‘V t ; ,r ' M Uwn. 25-1., Co/d Jacoues.; io clo. ( old Cambrics, 20 do. blnekA fancy C -ssimers, 20 lo rancycol'dCloths,3odo. silk, satin & Marseilles vestings, 150 do. Summer stuff*, (all prices. 20 do hi k and col and Ah.accaF.2odo Tahir Dmiier,sodo. Irish Llll - entu's Florame Bonnets, 1 do L id work, do. 2 do D* von straw B* tin ts. lodo Lawn Sc fancy do. 50 boxes Ribbons, (of all kinds.) 3* !o. Rowers, ’ I. iw & (i s m * e “w > o' ! *kid& F. vs. do and cotton do Misses fancyn*;ck ties, 3c s-“ p.rj*H?lß, 5 do. I'm- It Ii •*-. 25 dozen Linen Cambric ft Ik’ts, f e and and ting ; do 25 pieces Silk and Pongee Hdk'N. 150 dozen sus penders, ( ords, I apes. Buttons, Trimmings, Laces,’ rr.ngeg, Gimps,Tassels, See See. „ ~ graves, wood, a CO. I Macon, May 12. 1847 f, ts I I \ / DTTON have removed to W. B. Par- I I k*'r-> Store, on t ■ o n Avenue, nearly opjiosite J (aiwles l ire Proof Worehoa***. Tin y have instore and i oner for sale on aceoimiKKiniing te*nns’ 2tH) Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, “ *; Dundee •’ * 85 “ Slightly damaged “ :>) ( oils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 6*) Bags Rio Coflee, 20 Tons Iron, 5 ) Kegs Nails. ICHH) lbs I arik and Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Champalgne Wine, 5 lloxes Burgundy “ 8 (/asks Baciiii, Sept. 2. 1846 99 trails. Iron iind itulhtu Wure. 1 k/|A KEGS Cut Nails, •-JUI” 15 tons Iren,aborted Ito 10 inches, 2,000 ls. She**t Iron, 10,000 lbs Hollow Ware, 2,000 lfs Cast Steel, 1.000 lbs. (i. nn.iu and Blister Steel, 2.tHH) Pin. Iloopuud Band Iron, 50 doz. Him s, 4(H) pairs Trace Chaim, Received and for sale by E B WEED I April I, 18(7 4| XCti! ice:: ice::: r p. 1 1. sub* 1 ibei is nJ] o wnt of th“ ; I above article in any quantity, Gut the CASH iiium 1 lie sent in every case, ns he is deienmned not to charge j on** pound *d it to any pn*on—living to pay ermli for it ‘ I'imsi-lf In-fore delivery. Also. Blue L*'k*’ and Congrecv t Water to be found ut the Washington Hull. J H DAMOFR. May 19, 117 _ 7 3m I ‘lt sf 1 . “Ii \ PIECES MUSLINS, new and beautiful pat- 1 rJ\ f terns, tins day received, nnd t r wile cheap I N B—Also a few pleura slightly damag ‘d, which I 1 will Im* sold nt bargains, bv ; _n AMOS BENTON^ Iron 6l Stool Td nils, Ac. ( Ii te I LBS HMMorted Sa ed* h Iron. Cast Steel, German and Blistered ‘ j Steel, 200 Kegs Nails, I Boxes 8 by 10 Window (Bass, 150 do 10 by 12 do 50 do 12 by 14 do 50 do 12 by 18 do For sale by Apr 1 2 SCOTT, t \KIf ART A CO f (ONMHISS \| Vri:il. 30 D*z genuine, foi V” C A ELLS. May 14 : 111 11 5 n, |> r.AI IIH’L Irefdi May |R TTER, from Orange J 9 ■ ouuty, ,\. w York, r*' \* l nu l for aak* by May 2fl. I*Bl7 8 U A I;LI •* • VIII ir Os If | BOTTLES of CHAMPAGNE CIDER, u'n/ ror sale by c. A. ELLS May 26. IB|7 m |;kh i.''i'(K com 11:11. ix>- 1 | ietmr( auk, for sale hy C. A ELLS I April 28, 1817, 4 •20,000 SOjUW Principle 1 For • l* by C. A. ELLS. I April 28, |B|7. 4 / 1 IBM EftltM.—lo Ilh'E Hi Su k. m 2 ” I lMs. do do. 75 hh*U Mu<*<‘o%iido i tis N*w Or 'HtW do 20 hhds Molass-*s : .'f) bbls N Orb'ansSy- | up; 10 b*X" Ixmf Sugar; 10 bills (’nib Ido 2(H) • cks Rio Colle** 25 do Java do 50 HWs MoekrH ; 1 shalf do. do. 15 flares* Vinegar: 150 Nixes ’J\ ba< - O. fvariiHlM brands ;) 1000 sacks 8sl|; 150(10 lbs Iron, I ■dl kinds ) |(I00 Isis English, A*neiicnnand Cast Bferl liw it store and for salr on ac**atnm***leting teems by GRAVEN, WOOD, A (’(). M c**n, May 19, 1817. 6 ts |*l< l\l.l 11 II •r BSieli', and vrry j I |t*- MT.fiir aali bjr CHAB. H MiKKMAN. (|ni I 4 Pi'seii ve.i) eisiUKii —(Vi'.li and very “u- , p ritir. I .r rai'b) ( Mil. 11. KHKKMAH, A ;*r#I I 4 | 4 , |'(r|\>|B —so piecr* Oinghams. * hi# h sill ha IJT • • r.. HOODliff J.'H. April It 4 ‘ ♦ <mv Suriir. mul Mimmi'v 1 1! Hurry. i \I I 1 ’ DESSAU is now opening at her ( * siabfiih!ii**m on Mulberry hii*. t. overt ‘*• 4i ’’s. J. L. JonoH iV Cob St<>i\ up stair*, nn • invoice of ill - new'st nnd most fnabionnhie mm mg and j Sum ii-T Millinery (mods, roiisnating in p u t of nil kinds °*. La'li*** Botm-'ls, Caps, Ribltorw, Flovvr*. Embroil- 1 eri* s, l )i vs*es, Sen ns, Perfumeries .mul other tarcy nr- | *■ • ,l lull aasortmeiit of Trimmings for Ladies . I Jl COSOS. Hornier*, C'.pß. I) ’ r nri-l Hi hug Htihits inmlc to 1 order; nine Wiiisiscut and fitted. Macon, April 88, I*l7. 3ml! VT Id TfTOIt’S NR'V and benutiSd Muslins, Ml to 371 cents. •J' 1 “ do. lien-ages, 35 to SO eta. White Mislm Robes, new at vie, Swiss and Jaconet Muslin, 25 to 75 eta. Silk and I! -rrage Scarfs, very low ; Corded Skirt", 1 23 tos 00 Grass Cloth, $1 25 ps ; M'tino, all color*, 371 cts. Htatnets, 50cts. to $5 ; Artificials, \\ retiths. Bonnet Rib- i lions. Sir. 11.a.i. spun, ti> to I I eta ; 11-1 Bleached Sheeting,s0 cts. i ( oiritenrmes, very ehen/i; Toilet Covers. 50 cts. Musi ■> Ginghams, 25 to 371 cts. I! ‘SI I ‘s a hrip* stock of other article*, which will be sold at v ry low prices. Call and are. \luyJ2. IHI7. f, Premium Butter. \ SMALL 1.0, (obtained as a iavor) from one of! the lu st pnvati dairies in New Jersey c 11 ER .Min FRRWH VHlCi\ Ui Q* UG \ R—T/nf, PulviTisf* I nn<l C m oV,r *fl k; CRA( KERri—Ward’s Butter, ►< >cia. Lemon, and ’ Boston. NUTS—Filberts, Aim on !.->, Walnuts, and Pecan. i SYRUPS—L rt mou uni R-tapherry, warranted pure. Clioeol ‘to, Gunv Jollies, Mustartf. Untmin, &c. j June 23 12 C. Ji. FULL.MAN. 1 ‘TAKE rJCTXCIS, mil AT th< sn* -cribers keep constantly on hand a 1 large stock of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, P.V: NTS. OILS, I'.V I’KIVT iIIBDICINGS, Fancy Articles Perfc.mery, (linn', ])rn “dsis’R'n h-tvnrp, and a host of articles too numerous to particularize. Their medicines are all fresh, and pure, nnd cheap, i Tiie public are respectfully invited to and set*. SHOT WELL & GILBERT 1 June 23,1347 12 _ N. F, Dickinson & co. n ave jii<*t reoeiv and. 1 ,<KK> Ricks salt. . 100 Iv us Lend No. 1 extra and pure, 5)0 Gallon* Linseed oil, 50 Kejjfs Nails, 5* s-t 2k to 5i inch Wagon Boxes. Jyn 16 I >’■ i! (w PO * Hams, 25 hhls Cider, 10 hales Cotton Osnnburgs. 20 bales Yarns. ForacD* by CHAS CAMPBELL & CO. ! May 5. 5 BACON AND UA>. At Atfaufa.Ga* f TMIE suWribor is now receiving on consignment. J I and wJI continue to rec-ive und sell the above] named articles in larg * or small quantities throughout the season. All orders will receive prompt attention, i J NORCROSS Atlanta May 13,1347. 7 ‘it {) ‘ | ( hA.HI* OIL whit i I light without smell, and as clear ns pure w-t*r. loi , sale by C. A. LLLS. j May 13 7 C. A. I IJ> for sale 10 Bbls. an l 10 Half Bold. of No. . Mackerel, that the world can't beat. _May H. 7 ‘ OA •• ISTCJLT.S t IIAMIMJGN M. ‘superior. for 1 Zl / sale by C. A. ELLS May 13 _____ 7 i a im)7. s uii>tm:s, 11/ 10 do i>- iiee ofCoff*e, 10 B tls ot Crushed and Powdered Sugtiis, 2*V*i> Regnlin Cigars. 2OJOOO Piincip** do 10 Boxes of Tobacco, all of the right sort.for sale 1 by C. A. ELLS. ; May 18 _7 Co-Partnership Notice. npHE undersigned have this day, (April 13th, 1317) * ent *’ed into mutual co-partnership for the trannac tion of the Watch and Jewelry business, un-ler tli* nsiue mul styV oft’ K WENTWORTH &, CO. at their old stand. Mulberry street, Macon. C K Wentworth. B L. Burnett May 10, 1317 7 xiii’ii i:. ]\ I R. E. KIRTLAND is our duly authorized Agent. It ( during our absence from tin St- k\ May2s, 1317. 8 WHITING & MIX J'ltie Ist, lw|7. OPENING THIS DAY, AT BANCROFT’S, KICH Silk Shawls; Rich do. Scarfs; , Berege Scnrft, ; More of those Muslin Gingham 9 at 25 cents; Small Check Ginghams; M u®litis and Bereg *s June 2 9 Hdtier, Hotter. j THRESH May Butter, just received from New York, r by W FREEMAN June 8. 10 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. . \ LBERT MIX having ass<K‘.’ t I wi-h him in tine J\ city, MR ERASTUS KIRTLAND,WiII con ! tinue the business at his old stand, under the firm an i style of MIX .V KIRI’LVNM They wUI at ail tn i * keep on hand, a full supply of the best and m<*st lashionable style of goods in their line. The lir wr patrons of the hit*- firm of Whiting Sc Mix. togeth er with purchasers and the public generally, ate respect fully invited to edl and examine then stock. <) ir SHOES and BOOTS am f r esh. of the best materials and w .rk'iianship. nnd we pledge fsirselves that nothing j shall Is* wanting on our pattiopicuML ail those who may J fhvoi us with their patmnage. MIX Sl KIRTLAND Macon, 31st May 1817 N. B—MR V. KIRTLAND is only authorised to j I receive nad receipt for all monies due the lau* firm oil Wh I n ‘kt Mix. during niy absence from th** State. Ju; e3, y ALBERT MIX F. DM KINHON A t O. I T AVF. iust received 20 boxen and barrels Woolitey ■ I & WH.!sey’B Loaf. Crushed,j powdered Sugur. hh Is MolasMes . 100 sacks Feathers; 125 luds nnd hall bids No. I.2j’id 3 .Vlcckcrei; 5 I hox -s Tobacco; I5 1 ) hags Com e ; <’) hluls. Sag-ir ; lot) coils Rone ; 25 hoxe Sperm Candles, 5l Regs Powder Maco litne 2 1H47 *.) FA||ILI FLCIt H. It wtA LBS of v-ry superior qudity, warranted 4 ,\ / \/ • qual to the )*eM Ciual brands, For s •!■• by WHEELER A HARROLD .1 1 M 2. 1617 • y O LBS extra fin Flot nt oUI/U ‘ | w Tobacco Cigars. # )/W\ BOXIiS ‘l’oljaee.*,various Brimda, , Z\J\.F 4o,uiK) Principe Cigar*, do 5 - .),tKK) R gihn do do ‘JUIkJO Paint’ lias do do * For wile by SCOTT, CARHART & CO. I April 1.1H17 _ 2 \|H t. H. >1|1.1.1-l<b tHKWI.N,, IOH ACCO—IOO 7 I• / r> tt if. U null fur ■!*’ b Msri’li <T, IM7. n CMAS. II FHKKMAN. i fHI M IIXH v • Or! bimlmiivi ts \ f I *to i luriit U do. In •iun 4 mi for mu t> C. DAY hTO j W.r. ii Ii rniMfi aosiiim I >!*• V<ert< M*.l r . B,d ■int lui -i by i mm* 1 ‘ 1 Bl 01 1■ t ‘HIUHI f •l) xi looima ARti ot¥. S* M | PIBCM Kamark) ace •U |, t< ntt¥ | * *“ 1 KurssU by Si'll i, ,Uiia I k Cos _______ 4 ♦ J * M f "i” . Ill’’ r- l' uul Hlnl ti.r Iflr lJf Apr*! *0 __ -* m <>'l I, i ililf irr k CO. i IXOJ3 : ! (1 A ELLS will! I'u ■ nisi i lee during th- sen son. in 1 J 9 any u laiituy. t* h.s laenda and pui.ous Macon. June 2, 1347. 9 Just Como to Hand. \VKMY ‘M|S-nur iron. f Prr4 re. l . .titgrr, M waruHi, >.al Oi Whii.ui, >lu.lnv#i t mltd I ommi riu|i; I’riim a, hi;., I'm hh Nii( j earnin', Iu) Hint Jujube Pmir | m*) has h rw rr mav. ! I'loiliti. ( sissltiina. V*Mluiki Ac, SOHRH Wot oflkiii(liiiit lilhli, lion-iMarfc , Hu*.. In. .fiM Orel-it, lirwsii, and lau> lu"... .n . | M ]| m j aMortiu.-ai. I. mI’H, I'weedea, F. em-h and • nn-rii au rt. Velvet, Msr idea, asti tuuy \.aiii>c* Jimi rxi-iveH hjr N. MvklN stiN’ k CO. 1 April I, IM7 *f --ipftKTltV. Sn’nn’s \ I’ l;-” to ‘I i < -rnfp Drlnkor*. Drink—hut drink in Mo’ ration! P ‘ss it to vonr neighor’a lip ; i Pr os it on y nr near relation, Demons smile at every sip D- 1 k—but drink in M ‘deration! W’hnt ire dmnken men to thee? Fudge ! it’s common desolation— Drink—and r:y, ** What’s that to me 1” Drink—hut drink in Moderation! Close y,nr ears to chi! hen’s woe ; Drink—what though a tv tion Passes to eternal woe ? Drink-—hut brink in M > Abstinence arose from hell” Drink v onr regular potation. Though by it your brother fell. Drink—hut drink in Moderation! I 14 your porirn mins a ails : Yon can safely keep you*-station. Though you drink the wine from bowls Dri-k—hm drink i Moderation ’ Though your liquor i obtained At ih* rh-k of man’s gs'vnrion. Who can doubt vour love unfeigned? Drink—oh. drink T.^ 0 . t r ?V ( ITJ DaMv with intoxication, Else no fruit I e>r can glean. M'S- T.l.i. *’ \ V. S suin'.’ *lif P pci -c. I Governor Bniuos, oi Mnnsnchuwtt*, nt a recent Tern- Iterance Conventional Lowell, in the course ot'a few rc j marks, said; ! I recollect one Member of Congres. who was I always rallying me about our Congressional ! Temperance Society. “ Briggs ” he used to | say ■ I am going to jine your temperance so ciety as soon as my demijohn is empty ” but ; just bet'ore it became empty he always filled it I again. At one time towards the c os> <■’ the s ssion h; said to me, •• F am going to eig i the ; pledge when I get home. - ’ • Well, you have said so a grea’ many ! ;im-‘s.” ; •• But ”he replied. •• lam in earnest my demi | tohn is nearly empty, and I mi not g ring to i fill it again !” lie spoke with such a,i air of , seriousness us i had not betbre observed in | him and ns impressed m- ; nnd I asked hint what it meant ? what had changed ltis f el j “'rs ? ■\\by ” said be I bad ts short time sinee, , i visit I'rotn siiy brother, who stated to me a I act ti nt more deeply impressed and affected i ate, than anything I reccollect to have, heard I upon tin- subject in any temperance speech, !or even read. ” In my neighborhood, is a gentleman ofmy i acquaintance wi II educated who once had ome property but now reduced —| oor ! He lias a b’ autilul and lovo ly wife, a lady of ettl ! trvation nml refinement and a most charming j •imighter. •• Titis gentleman Find become decidedly in j temperate in his habits and bad fully alarm led I .is friend in regard to him. At one time, when a number of his former associates were together, they counselled as to what could be done for him. Finally one of them said to him. ( ivhy don't you send your dnntrht’ r niynv to a ; ri.rt'UM distinguished school wl ich he named? 1 ‘O. 1 can :••! ’ said he -it is tut of tile ques | ;i in. I am not able to bear the expense. Boor i :rrl! I wifi I could.’ * Well.’ said his friend. I if yon will sign the temperance pledge I will i he to all the expe -e oi lier attending school j lor one year.’ ■ What do: s this mean ’ said |be do you thin- me in danger of becoming j a drunkard V No matter ’ said Ins friend *n bout that now but. I will do as I said.’ And I ’ i said another will pay the rent of vour farm a | year il you will sin the pledge.’ Well these j offers are certainly lib; r I but what do they mean? —Do you think me in danger of be coming a dm ‘hard ? But. geatlein m i-* view o you. liber l y I will make you an offer, — : I will sig iit if you will I’ This was a prop osition they Flail not considered and wi re not ; well prepared to meet, but lor I is sale- they i sai l we will and did sign it and lie with them. And now i’>r the first lira ■ the truth pour i <‘d into his miml and he saw his condition, and I lie sat down bathed in tea-s. ■ Now ’ said lie gentlemen, you must go and commit licate these facts lonty wife ; poor woman I know she will be glad to Fiear it but I cannot tell her.’ • Two of them started for the purpose. — The lailv hu t them at the door pale and trem bling with e notion. “What’ she inquired ‘is the matter?— whet lias happened to my husband ?’ u They bade her dismiss her lirnrs assuring her they bail come to h i ig good tidings of her husband—good tidings such ns she would be glad to bear. ” Your husband > as signed the temperance pledge—ves signed in goo 1 faith.’ The joyous news nearly overcame her —she trembled with excitement — wept freely, and clasping her hands devotionnlly she looked up to In nveti and thanked Ood for the happy change. • Now’ said she I have a husband. ■ ns be once was in the days of our early love ?’ *’ But this was not what moved rue. said , the gentleman. There was in the same viein | itv another gentleman — a generous noble soul—married young —married well —into a charming family, and the flower of it. — 1 His wine-drinking habits bad grout* <1 the j lenr* of his friends, and one day when si veral !of them were together, one said to onothe.-, Let us sign the pledge.’ I will if y< u will ’ sni | one to another, till all hud agreed and the thing was done. This gentleman thought it rather small business and felt a little sensntive nF*out re vealing to his wite whnt he lt'n& done. But on returning home he said-to her. 1 Mary tny dear. I have done what I fear will displease von.’ ‘Well w'nt Is it ?’ Why 1 have stgrind the temperance pledge.. ITaveyouT’* Ye* I have eirtni-ily.’ Watching Fits manner ns he rop'ied and reading it in his *i’ eerily she en twined her arm* around his nek, laid her bead upnii bis bn-iom mid burst into a flood of tears. Her husband Was a If-e ted deeply by tin* eoudii't ofbi* wife nnd said ‘Mary, dont weep 1 iti 1 nm know it won'd utFTiet you so. or I would not I nve done it; I will go nnd take mv name oil immediately.* ‘Take your name off!’ said site. 1 no no I—let it F>e there, ff shall now have no mop- solicitude in reference to Vour lieoomi'ig a drunkard. I shall spend no more wakeful midnight hour*. I shall no more steep my pillow in tears.'* ’ Now for ll e first time truth shone upon hi i mind au-1 lie fofih'd to bis bosom bis young mid beautiful wife nnd wept with her. ’ Now I can’t stand the -e facts, and I am i going to sign the pledge.” Wmkn** Ryes* I. aye eyes are admired in Orrece. where t'uy still pr vail. They up the (Inert of till e’ ! t. v have tm int id !o ik wl i*?i is mil eo Hulun The flag or a tclope eye of the i Oriental is b auti ’ul nnd lumping but is ae ! eiis< dos looking skittish nml indifferent. 1 The ! pi: bet of stag eyed'’ says I,inly Wortley Mon i (ague, speakingofa Tu"ki b love song plens e* me extremely and I think it n very likely ‘im ‘g* of the fire nnd indifference in bis mis tress’s eyes.” We lo*” i:i depth of*expression when w go to inferior mum iln tier emn| sri* ko’is of Ituin',it beniity. Hom -r rail# Juno : ox-eyed nnd the epithet suits well with the I eyes of that goddess, been use she may lie | supposed with all her beauty t-iwnula cer hum ini'y. Her large eye* luok at you with a royal indifference. Shokspenro Im* kissed them and made them human. Speaking of I violets, be describes them ns being— “ Bwc*ter tlum the lids of Junu's eyes'” This is shutting up their pride nml subjecting VOL. XXV.—No 17. I ‘ it tu to the lips of Love ! Large eyt i may i come more touching under this circumstance th in miy other, because of the field which the “ft ß lids give for the veins to wander in and lie trembling amplitude of the hall beneath. Little eyes must bo good tempered, or they ire ruined. I hey have no other resource; mi this will beautify them enough—they’ are m ide fin- laughing and should do their duty. I t the time ol Charles II it was the fashion to have sleepy half-shut eyes sly arid meretri cmis. They took an expression beautiful and warrantable on occasion, and made a common place ol il and a viee—so little do men of pleas ure understand the business from which they take their title. J A good warm-hearted poet shall shed more light upo i voluptuousness and beauty in one vene train his pen than a thousand rakes can arrive at swimming in claret and hound on many voyages of discovery.— Leigh Hunt. The Ventriloquist. A few years ago towards the dusk of the evening, a stranger in a travelling sulkey, was l-isurely pursuing bis way towards a li de tavern situated at the foot of a moun m advance of him. a negro returning from the plough, was singing the favorite Ethiopian melody, Gwiue clown to Shinbone Alley, Long time ogo. The stranger hailed him—Hallo! uncle, you snowball.’ ‘Sail!’ said the blackey, holding up his horses. ■ls that the half-way house nhead yonder?’ ‘.\o ; sail; that massa Billy Lcmond’s ho el.’ Hotel, till ?—Billy Lemonds V ‘Yea. sah ; you know massa Billy ? he used to live at the mouf nv Cedar Creek ; he done move now tho ign—be keeps mansous nice house novv I tell you.’ ‘lndeed!’ ‘Yes. sah ; you stop dab die cbening, I speok; all spec table gemmen putupdah.-- You eiiaw baccah. massa ?’ ‘Y- - Sambo; here is some real Cavendish for you.’ ‘Yankee, massa, tnnkce. .sir; Quash my name.’ •Quash, eh V Yes soli. at. your service. *Oh !* grunted out the delighted African, alia nice; he better dan de (ireeri Uiver—tankee sail, tatikee.’ W ell Quasli. what kind of a gentleman is Mr. Leinond V ‘Oh lie nice man. monsous nice man; eni pertain gemmen in de fust style, and 1 take care uv de homes. I b’long to him. und tho’ I say it. massa Billy mighty clrber. He fun ny too. tell a heap uv stories ’bout ghosts and spirits, notwithslandin’ he fraid on ’em heeself too. my ’pinion.’ ‘Afraid of ghosts, eh ?’ said the traveller mu ing. Well, go ahead Quash —as it’s retting late, I will step with Mr. Lemond to night.’ ’Y es. sail—gee up here. Dobbin ! go along lively ; and setting out at a brisk trot, follow ed by the traveller, the musical Quash again broke out in Gwiac down to Shinbone Alley, | The burden of ‘Lc.-.g time ago,’ was a; pi- I rently taken up by one in an adjoining coru i field which occasioned Quash to prick up his 1 ears with some surprise; he continued, how | ever, with Long time ago. And the same voice responded from the field. ‘Who dat T exclaimed the astonished ne gro suddenly checking his horses and look ing around oa every bide for the cause of his surprise. Oh. never mind drive ahead snowball; it’s some of your master’s spirits. I suppose.’ Quash in a thoughtful mood led the way to the tavern without uttering another word. II dting before the iloor. the stranger was wait and upon by the obliging Mr. Lemond. a bustling talkative gentleman, who greeted Ins customer with Light, sir, light. Here. John —Quash —never mind your umbrella, sir —here Quash take off that trunk —walk in. sir—John take out that chair box—come sir ; i id carry this horse to the stable—do you pre fer I im to stand on a dirt floor sir? If you please sir. He is rather particular about Ids lodging.’ Carry lain to the lower stable. Quash, and attend him well ; I always like to see a horse well attended to. and this is a noble crit t r too’ continued the lundlord, clapping him on the back. Take rnre, will youT ‘What the dure!’ exclaimed the landlord, starting back. None of 3'our familiarity’ paid tie horse, ookiag spitefully around at the astonished landlord. ‘Silence, B Izebub.’ said the traveller, ca ressing the animal; and turning to tte land lord ohsi rved : you must excuse him; he is rather an aristocratic horse —the eflfcct of edu cation. sir.’ lie’s a witch, sir.’ ‘Who him. llelzehuh—loor the traces Quash. What arc you staring at ? He’ll got eat vou.’ Come landlord,’ said Belzebub, ‘I want my oats.’ Quash scattered—the landlord barked into u.e porch—and the traveller Was tell to jump aito the vehicle, und drive around in search of the stable himself. Having succeeded to his satisfaction iu dir posing Ilf his horse, he re turned to the te veru. Anon sup; er came on. The eggs had ap parently chickens in them ; the landlord con tused at such a mortifying circumstance, prom ited the traveller amends tram a cold pig an.i ft. iw to* the miying kldlu into it uttered a piercing squeal, which was re sponded to by a louder one from the landlady. Down went the knife and fork, and the per spiration began to stand in large drops upon the l irelieud of the host, tut he looked fearfully ut the gruuter; his attention was taken, howev er, by a voice from without, calling out: ‘Hilio! house! landlord!’ ‘Aye coming gentlemen—more travellers —do help yourself sir.’ ‘Coining, gentlemen 1 here. John a light, bring a light to the door—Sally, wait on the gentleman’—and out the lundlord bounced followed by John with lights, hut soon return ed with a look of disappointment—he declar ed there was no living being without. The voices called ugnin—the lundlord. utter going i out returned a second time, declaring his be lief that the whole plantation was haunted that night by evil spirits. That night, rumor snyeth. Mr. Billy Lem ond slept wjth his Bible under his head, and kept wenflrtlc burning iu his room till morn ing ; und thaw who puss there to this day, m iy, upon close examination, see the heels of horse shoes peeping over the door easement, as a bulwark against witches, hobgoblins, and other evil spirits.— Kjx/uinyt paper. A would-be Gentleman. The following is Dr. Lieber’s analysis ol” the “character of a would-be gentleman.” The life of a gentlrnu i/i —one of the most useless animals in (.foil’s creation, because he violates all the laws of (tod—consists in get ting up at midday, breakfasting when other people dine, reading the newspapers of morn ing in the evening, dressed iu the height ol’ the fashion eating a tart with all the gravity of a Newton talking nonsense, pining at ev ery-one of (tod's blessings, abusing everybo dy in the world exrept hunm If, dritiking to ex cess and going to bed stupifisd at (lie dawn of day.