Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 18, 1847, Image 1

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HY S. Unsi: & ci*. S. T. CHAP-WA* * 8. bosk, BtMh T r. R W N . fli Gntruh Journo’ S’ Mmoffer ;< i lviMishc ! ev p,.'Ve he* lay morning in the city of Macon, at th following iiunrrEß it \ rr:•;: If prill strictly in adcnnce, pv urn, $ 51 I jf paid in odtance. 3no I If Ml pud till the end of Ihr year 100 , nheve term 1 ’ will bn ri*i llv enf>■— •I. without re- I ori •to p-T* vt*. T* the o''-net of th ■ P iblhhere is to io I possible upon tlv* o-rah principle I J,,’..>/.,!} tbit th-ir snSreriber* shonl I repp the profits which iratally t?o to scents an 1 collectors (n no cnee 1 w ;|| til • pnp-rhe sent out of the State imlex, first pni I I s m nr ,,'satisfactory reference i* given in Macon or its ’ A[WKRTISF.M F.NTS insprpvl -,i the usual rat"S~ I those not liinhe.l whan hsn le I in. w U he inserted till I (Vi I; hat a liberal lso ‘Tit will he allowed to pi raona I w Sn Ivertise by the year, nn I who pay on demind I VII ntar'a-l'notices, ami obituary notices of or rr I in, ‘in'*, will he charged at th” usual rnt,->. ” \i| amounee nent* of candidate* for office, to be paid I for at Vvaaial rates, when inserted. , r.Vr-d irnn;’ni'"its nn le. with i ounty Ofiii‘ers, I it i “ ‘I, \ tetioneers, anil others, who may wish to I n ti n’ • I ent-neta p. . ip: atv irtistn t w'll please observe the following: off,-i I anJ Negroes, by Ex-outora, Almini- I mtorsaal Ma irlians. are rciptire Ihy low to be advor [ tis'. I Ia public gazette, sixty days previous to the day I of wlr. sales must be held on tin fi st Tuesday in the I m.i’ifh, Vtw* *n the hours of ten in tho forenoon and I thro -in th-” nft-m >on. nt the Court House in the county I in which the p-operty i* situated. The sales of P-*r* mnl Property mu.-4 1 o advertised in I like manner forty days Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must Ik* published forty dnv sl [ Notice that application will he mail-* to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell! ind and Negroes, must he publish • 1 weekly for four months. Citations or Letters of Administration must be pub- j iiihed thirty days—(or Dismission from Ad inistration, ! monthly six months —for Dismission from Guardian- I ship, forty days. litdes tor forecl osnre of mortgage. must be published monthly for four months —for 10--t papers, ‘ tor the full spore of thrr f ‘ month \*—for compelling ti tles from Executors or Administrators where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full spare of three months. Letters on hu*ineM to he post-paid. pm'Bx j. w?xuam: * U AS taken the W\¥ll si'. ION il V fl 9 and requests a continuance of the public patronage, i Macon, \pm l, 1847 ! I . DIA SI'RIKTGS. Mrp HE subscriber informs his fri-nils that lie J has completed very exten- w and impor tant improvements upon his well known esuib tablisiunent, I lie tititiiosii House, and is prepared to accoinuiodate thus - who may visit ; the above fashionable watering place in a superior style. ‘ His house is conveniently situated, both tor visiting the j Spring and for air and comfort. His rooms are exceed- | ingiy convenient, being arranged e;t:ier for single per-l sons or families. Hi* bedding i* all new and of the very I best quality ; and being m tin- midst of a fine provision region, his table will always be nbun lantly tumished ‘ with the choicest the State affords. The baths at the Spring have been greatiy improved during the season, ami many addition. attractions have be. *ti added, wtuch i cannot fail to interest visitors from aAn elegant line ol tour horse Pint Co.e h -* will nn daily during th-* s*ason between the Spring-* a:i l Forsyth— i distance ol only 16 mile*, ami horses and carriages may at any time : be procured at the Springs by. persons who are not p,o- 1 vi.ieil with private conveyances. He deems it unneees- ! sirv to add ttiat the wains at th? above Springs are un- i surpassed by any in the Southern States lor their medici BRYAN VV. COLLIER. May Ivt, IS 17. 7 ti C/* i’iie Federal Union will publish 11 weeks, the , o.ivamnh R -publican and Coiumnus l imes 4 tunes. Xndiaa Spring Hotel. .CI S TUS CARGILL, re. :i.n.*d th • s.ipermieiid- I enc • tor the present 8 uson of th:s well known Hotel, at the Indian Spring, tor ni my y *ars k *pt by him h *re tolore, I’ltorius ms iiientis<iiiii to • puhhc g mTally, that it is now *>peti and ready i*tli a acoommodutioii. R*- P*h* ‘-"s ‘ ‘ ui been to n tier alt comiortable who may iavor mem won mm j-m ----ronage. The united and assiduous alt ntion ot the Prop;jeto/s will be g von to ensure g i: .al s.itiatactiou. Their rooms shall be neatly k pt, wed larmsu -d. and [mteulei hy good and taiih.ui's-rv nits: th ir table bo.• iiujiiy sjppued th • ■> -i to D • proceed, winch s.iai u w. .i p:ep.ii\Mi to sag the upp til: >. ; 1 w and co.jiuiJJiou* s* ibi •* have been completed oil the p;e..nses nr the aecmnmo latton “t iiorse.s. Terms m.tdrrair am 1 , ret i toaa ‘le. A.i visit tins c Mebrated w.ite.ingplace for healtli or rec eiiUon, aie uiVileJ tog.% t.i ;ii a ail. This Ho tel 4 eonvemciuly satuai and, near the M.’ioral Spang, th* waters of wu ch ate superior to any ui the country te. iii.iriy .bseases. ‘Pause wno desire the benefit of Bathing, will find th ac oinniodiMions at th.s Sprmg equal to any in the State, and the eißcacy of the water mu* used, unsur passed hy any From the Macon and Western Railroad at Forsyth, 16 miles from the Spring, lbur-horse Stages will run daily to and from the Spring, alter the nisi ol June; and ;ii>rs<*3 and carnage* will be furnish * 1 for tne con venience of those desiring conveyance from the Springs to other place* during the season. Buns co., Ga., June i. Vs Boarding in KTcw OTorit. MRS V f ALLOT*rON informs her old friends and cqun.nt.niec* in Georgia and th** South generally, 1 1 i m- ha* removed to tli ■ elegant mid spacioussnait ni.* it* at No. ii and 13 ,\it kray Street, a lew doors f.o.n th-* Paik, where sh---mu* ep uI • L;f*nt'*el I‘iivaie i5 h ilouao lor Ladies, Gentlemen and Fami lies. Ate. Having b*en long a resident <>f Savannah, *h ■ tiatlers herself that she will tie enabled to gratify the tastl of her old Soul hem friends,, and make them Del quit * at home. June 30,1847. ly 13 Confectionary and Grocery. 111. I) 1.714 ft U i isreceiva.g Ins new supply ol • Goods in his line,among which In* particularly culls the attention of’ hi* *• us!um.*rs to A choice article of old Brandy. Madeira,Port anil Clar et Wines; Pickles, ftpices, Pres uves, Cake*. (’an.lies ; Also a line assort met <>i Sgnr* of various brands— warranted imported Hava urn S n irs H< will k • p a constant supply f Oning - Apples. Onions. Potatoes, t h<*ese, Butter, Kuisuirv J'igs, prunes. Almonds, and other nuts. All other articles usually kept in that Uuo. PlCKld*ll) the k- • Macon, Oct. 15,1816. y 35 Ns; W KPlinil GOOD* —The HU boon her is now receivin'* from New York, bis usual supply of Spring and Summer G >od*, embracing almost | every desirable style t-r b tli Li: ii s’ an l (leiiUeiucnV i w ar. Also a great variety ol floods suitable for boys’ clothing. OliO. W. PRICE. I iB4 1847. # | >t; •€it \ new and beautiful Slock now 13 wiling, from ‘25 to Oil cents, at 28 1847 I B IN rON S \FEW do/, of old Brandy,of 1820, from the cell - . brnted Liquor House ol Jacob Binder, Jr . lor sale 1 by C A ELLS May 18 7 It VCOIS AND LAUI*. 1/w wv LRS Choice Bte l listiiH, ,1/1 Ml ‘2,IK 10 His Sides and Shoulders, 500 Ills Leaf Lard. For sale by WIIEELER A HARROLD. June ‘2. HI7. y NT, W GOODS. A A Packages HANDSOME G INI HI AMS, Ni w o Si \ ‘ r ) 20 “ f'.ridiums nn I Fo tm'li Juconetf. 5 “ HI, VI and 10, ‘ Table Iftiapcr, 8 do*. Linen Table Cloths. M Packages Bonnet Ribbons, ‘Nrw Styt.e ) Linen Camh’k Man Ik i* ,ii Is, Ate Ac. Just received by (iUAVES, WOOD, A CO. kuguat 11,1841 R COTTON SCALES. ) PATTENT Cotton Unllttncc*. for **tl • bv £ AMOS BENTON. • “, I(M7 . ri . n ls . WANTED. r |' , | litre or pu r c!insr a first rut • •• k. \\ uniter an Ii I l rone r. Apply to L:A A .COTTON. I Mcii, Au.( i), |,H 17. O IVM \N|| t |>OTAN||| ! .1,1,1 tw,. I mt.! lot 1 w,li.,by SHO'I’W 1,1.1. ft (ill.HiatT “cn, All 4 11,1X17 iy r i-:sk w \ ri:n i Jum <■ - ;u,<i i..r ,r ' l ’ i>y Hiiorw ::i.l. .v iiii.iv it r. ” Auk n. |XJ7 1 1 I l 11. lu.t p'>’ .v lmt I i"i ,il<’ IUO bljl’- • I liifM * i “ t • N .tli|,.|a J.iiii,, liy ■V>l l. HI7 II N pi ‘I Hll'Klt. 2.101?,'f, ; 1 m In j.trp nu | nnivlrv., f„r aide ! V auch 3, liU7 3 v I>AY & CO fmxrni IVow fatoro and I^ cw Goods!"**"* *-'.r*Hv-u V.urr. ’ V I ™ wnlvr. arc now rcceivip... , m IjTSA T„L ‘"“ n V ® osoortuieni “f t. . nr', J ‘” ‘i'g” ‘"My w.- i, v St¥ IMi-is w 7, ic Diniiw, Tvn and T.jilot R,.ts L;s*Utßl" do. do. do. do.’ i •l.wmjz •• do. do. do do j White French China Dining Sen I r 9?: -J 0 Tea do. : it”, hnll ' 1 Jo. Ho- do. do. ! “hue do. do, J„ L „ r',u.'. “ ’ W ”- H'H-all aizee ; | mil!; \V<ir'J!" k ’ L ° VCr ,) “ !ws Iu “ w,ch 1 A r- ;. id aja.tnjent of common Wore, , 111, Preyd nn I Plain Tnra-drm, ’ pl'LTl P Tp” ‘ ‘ ,s ’ Win.*an I Champagnv., . ” ‘I."' 11 1 -mu mid .lolly 1 h ‘ <"t .mil I r. R.-.'d .Mirror Divhrs nn.l Nii|,ni,.n, , 1 and I Inin I/imps and Candkick *. * do. do. Snlts, Cut Dccanti-m, in wtstind |.nirs, •Soini L inms--Briunmia and Cinrmnn Silver Castors I Looking ( diis-ses ot various sizes a ,„l ’ | Stone Bakina Dishes, Pies, io dec ’ ‘ *,"*7 t\ ,h 7 h - I fur'afisli U,lh , r ‘’- “."H ‘'f they Will be'ermllfi dlo ! “ everydescr “’ uon l( PI ~ , . 11 * biz &• JUt\h> , , W'lltakeord refer fo/wuCliiaa Diuina.Ten , nml I odet Sots, wlnoh they will furnish at ila- nuiHirt -Von. New Jork. | LMrNm| l,wnaiit,| ! Not from Mexico, hut from the I’ea/des Store. I V s ’ soiling lower than ever la-fore in M 1 lliistnaroot. N. vv goods rooeivod monthly, do- ! I ‘he I.usme* season, of the most desirable style*- 1 lease noiiee the following, now in store, which arc sel ; lmgwitli a perfect nnh. | Hanana Silks, | Fine R rag .s, selling from 25 cts. to $1 .. . ohns •’ “ 25 to 59 cents, t.inghams, “ “ IHt<,:t7 P rims . “ “ 6to 25 lamsols, •• ■< 25 ms to 500 Uinbredas “ <• 37 cts to st Bonnets. Artihmls, Ri!,bons. Carpet Bags, Satch- : els Cans tmg. Matting,&,• Sir l.renel, ('i.ssunero, tiro a- Tn. Linnet, Drilling, and I woods for (.. nrtemen s wear, ot all deseriptiotis. 11 ousosKcepi ng (foods. In tins line of trade I am perfectly in town, and would particular y invite tliosi.just beginning in tins branch of Ide, together with those who have had much expert- ’ A , ls .'.* S ™r!r- S h'iwls. Crnvatts, Chimnsets, Ficnclt work! ips. rhrea, and l,i;v„ Isiees, Jk.hinett, Mu .|i"to y. ttuie, Nankeens, Brown Linen, nSlaet h -nrhcil and brown IXimestics, Gloves I i . M "’- Ilandkerchiets, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth- , .1 inr / (tO F. Grand Lodge Regalias, for sale low 1 an l cxninui-'for yiuirnclvcs--wc alw.av* ‘ g t paid for showing. Respectfully, * : x,r. „ J()HN W. CLARK. - Macon, May 5, 1847. g Irisli Linen. Rron n Holland, &c. /T H Irish Lin-:i, direct importation, wnr tJ ’ * rantc I “genuin-* ” •?. Piec ** Brown Holland, for summer wear, received direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on th- ’ Avenue. A I*. •, Print:ijie Segare, Port .am! Sherrv Wine for c a |r T. C. bLMPFLY. j Il>. •)C\( \ Phelp'nnd .Tencs’Gin, v/lJ 45 i ,lo N. () Whiskey, , :>u jJ° N. E Rum, Forsale by l eb. 21 2 SCOTT, CARHART & CO. | J k ‘ \ r A .-—Just rcc ived from I th Nw\ oik Brooklyn Company’ 1. No Extra and Fare White Lead. Smr -Linseed and Tinners Oil; Spirits ru T""":"‘; ‘aniisfi ; Lnmjddaek : Putty.Pai'.t.B ash .Ae Ac PATTEN & TAYLOR. April J, 1817 27 BAGGI fG, HOPS ATVD TWINE. I 00 Gunny Bagging, 1 rrrrcnnWdrV^* 34 R- --nu-kv Ibiirorinff 5 bales Bagging Twine. For sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. August 4. IS 17. ts-18 03VABURGS, DOMESTICS, &C. - / \ BAL ES < tenn bu r t)U 5 ) “ Cotton Va-'tifl, 5 > 3-4 an l 4-1 Brown Homespuns, I 5 Cases Janes, 10 “ Keis.vs. For sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. Am m -t 4. HI? ts-18 SUGAR, COFFEE, &C. \(\ HHI) \ P. R., Si. Croix and N. 0. Sugar, tJU RD sack* R o Coffee, 10 hhds. Moin' -••*9, 15 ) boxes Tobacco, various brands, i 3.) “ Soap, 10 “, &c. kte 10 “ S irsaparilla mid Stmwberty Synips, For sale hy GRAVES, WOOD & CO. tt-lS SALT, SALT. ; 1000 I '’ Augu-t 4. ts-18 ’ GRAVES, WOOD &.CO. V > i ICE. r TAIIE subs/ her finds it to notify many id 1 X hts custoineis, whose accounts and notes are of j | long standing, that he has waite I until forbearance ceases to he a virtue, and that he will be under the ne cessity of unking a clean sweep of nil notes and ac ! counts contracted at his old establishment, nt the head , of Cotton Avenue, unless settled before the first of August next. Ail persons intereste l w ill please take du ■ notice, and govern themselves accordingly Macon, May 28, ‘si: H AM(>S BENTf>N I or t ni l I I-:. —A lnrgesup- I J ply.of this delicious hev*rnge nut up in quart, pint, and half pint Hetties, just received nv April*2l, 1816 3 W FREEMAN. DISSOLUTION. I'HC Copartnership heretofore existing between the j underline i unde’ the firm of Winn &, Seymoii'. I was dissolved on the Ist inst., by limitation. Either party is authorized to close up all unsettled business. JOHN l> WINN. JOS N. BEY Ml HR. ! Macon, Aug. 10,1817 It) NEW GOODS. 1 MOB R'INTO.N has just received a few cases of j / \ Dry Hoods, among wlveh will be found I A beautiful I'ssortment of t iinglmm-, 1 Twist-- I Silk Mil!’ 4 . Fillet Siik do. 1 Thread, Bun <>!•*, Musquito Netting, R S Handkerchief*. Calicoes, &q?&c. , Which will he sold cheap ii 1847 H S. r. DICKINSON, & CO. IfAVE ;n t received X 100 lids St Cx mi l Porto Rico Sugar. ■PK) bags RioCidß'e, 50 “ Lnguim and Java. irOkegSu erio- Nails. 75 pac k'g s Staple Dry Goods, 1 which will lx* sold low. ■ M icon, Uth August, 1H47. 19 S F. DICKINSON, & CO, TOBACCONISTS, \RK now r<r.*ivimj *25) pH.'kng-s ‘Pobaceo, the most complete op I poitment ever of!; fd in this market. I Macon, llth Au.tu w t. 1H47. 10 S. r. DICKINSON, Hl CO. I jiivf .m, 1..-mv• 1 || bi k* Baltms r* superior sutpir cured Cun* v i- *d Ham** 5 Tu rem Eider Vinegar. llth August. 19 BACON AND LARD. .in Ann R-h PRIME BACON and LARD. JU.UUU I tt.ll ! A BENTON Am. 9. IS 17 19-- Iw RI JR ATSTB PAB E. /Hk BOXIdB ti W prime Goaii< II Cheese, £,{ / : Ke - fine new H itter, 1 Fulton Market rt*ef, [ Large No 1 Mack, rel, h Dusks london4V*rtcr—rr-sf true. Fresh Lobfiets and Btlinon, j Sardines,and Bologna Bnu-:ig.P, Nutts of nil kind-, Stewart’s Oidy 1 sorted, V\ m-p an 1 V tis old Itrnmly, Exquisitely fi e Reg dins. Pritieipes Sc IVnotillw Cigars. Just 111 v and and lor sale by C. A ELLS ro BALB I x 1 THE lloi.h- nnd (jot on the HUI, that I now I ift'lSi OC ‘W Tl:c Lot contains one fieri*, amt is I ‘>'% n Dvery pro luctiv —the Wat. ta eitellenf ’ GEO W. PRICE Augurt 11, 1417 I*2 M.VCn.y GliOlttil \, WEDNESDAY, AUltl ST I* 1847 Altir'A 23 - ; c. k. w i:\ r\voitTii co. I | * • just received and now oiler * ■ * or nt the Unrest cash pri , j Pl ‘* new and splend J stock of good* 5L in V l( ;T of Fine Gold I V 1 •"' ,l r'; r , I'W le-ptue. Patent and Vertical Kscnpement j -W, r*'Bt - 818 -ml.I (.Ilaid and Fob Chains, Keys, Sir. A va i | nety l/'i!,.'s’ and Gentlemen’a Breast Pina, Finver! I Rings, of all patterns; aoxn pe.vs, , with Cold and Silver Holders. ; ~ 17 1 ' 1 Bi'neils.ColdSleeveßnd Collar Buttons; Studs; -•oi l and Silver llnmhles Brae, lets and Bracelet -ias|.s; ( ard I,*,- Fine Pen and Poeket Kniv. s criß^'^ei^i:" ds ' R ‘*•“-*- WARRANTED f{ A ZORN. SneefaOs! N,,eetae-oi T Jofil nml Silver. r , ‘ .7*.’,';"n 1 , w ” ■* defective nr impaired vision, are IL, t "’ V;l! ‘ examine a New and te' I, ' , ' elr ■pP" , -tncle Glasses—fer winch the feuuMi rinera are sole Agents. A’se, N u mid Beautiful Style LAMPS- Lmip tilawes and Wicking; i lated and Briitania Ware RepnMi,-.Watches sml Clocks of every dmcrip tmn repaired and warm, ted tor on <• y ar’ All U nmlies sold or repaired, will l,e warranted to keep good time or tl„ Co*), will he refunded. Wat, lies s,-m from any part of the country, will re- I eewe the same attention and fie repaired on as reasons xfi r r T wnere were present. ; All kinds of Gold „n.l Silver work msdr . 1.. , Jewelry oi every description neatly repaired. • > RIITiItiiHorYRING, The undersigned having fitted up a room a , * I 0 I ,ic ". ,r -- S 111 beet \ liossiht, style. A line assortment ~| t;„|,| Lockets 1 ms, and Bracelets, suitsble ii,r the above C. K. WENTW ORTH St CO. Macon June 1, lAI7. SMe Mulbcrry 9 St ’ | NEW AND 111; WITII LL GOODS. 1 US! received and now opening, n variety of style* , v “ “""■ •’ I 0|: DRY GOODS A :ng them may be found I Plain wide Black Silks, Satin Stripe Silk*. 40 pieces B llzorines and Borage?, from 12i to 75 cents per yard, 40 nieces Ginghams, very cheap, J. 00 ‘ fmm 6; to 25 cents per yard, Hrown Sheetings, 20 yards for $1 100 rerasob, Parasoletts and Sun’ Shades, from 75 cent- White Cotton Hosiery, at 12; e ms per pair •s doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 121 to 50 cent*, ) Plain White Swiss Muslins, at 25 cents per varj Plaid and Striped do v,-i v low ‘ Lace striped do at 31 cents I Jaconet, Nansook. Book and Mull Muslins, i Cambric nnd Furniture Dimity, anew style t *rass (-loth Skirts, Summer Cnssitners. Cottona les. Gamfiroons ’ le ll [’ , T nn '’ ~roK I > Linen Drills for Punts, I laid Izinen tor Coats. Cross Bar Musquito Netting, I-aee dn ,j 0 Tai le and Tmve! 1 Dispers.of many qualities and prices Minim Collars,Chemis- tts. Sir .Sic Th- subsets-r deems it unit ees-ery to emmieralv articles, as all who w ill give him a call, will find almost every article usually kept in a Dry Good Store and at as low prices FOR C ASH, as at any other store m the I St te. Store next door to the Poet < iffiee p|,..|„. come and see E. WOODRUFF April H j ’ —— I FACTS ARE STt HKOKN THINGS. / ‘ I O \1 LOGAN A CO. would in,,strespectfully VI mferin the good citizens of Macon and .fie s,n : - roiuitlmg country, that tltey are not quite sell ng off tlieu stiK-k at N.*W A ork cot. nor do tfi -v loudly hmmt ol under selling their neighbors. The design of this advertisement is to disseminate extensively tin- un.le mafile ttuth, viz; that our ns.-s,rtm,-nt isrielt and nicy rare and beautiful: comprising every desirable article of Taney and Staple Dry Goods as,nlly found in store on speculation. “Pis unncceren rv m eniim-riite the many, eery many extr.-ivamintly beautihtl articles on hand, nnd to comment iqs.n intrin sic- worth, is deemed entirely superfluous Suffice it to say. that alloar rich Fancy Dr ssGw ds, French Work, cl Capes.lke. were purchased of A T Stkwvrt* Cos , i>’ k. Rliu 111 tl■ r materially in r*ylc nnd Mio>m AllAnnsf vviu?v r,- . * that we hoi I up for hufii ptio *?, can receive ooi-ulnr de nionstratioit to the contrary by po]jping in and looking for themselves. (I’asN Ware, <‘h*:a Ware, ami Earthen Ware, of every and any kind, at a very small advance on Ncw t York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN A. CO Macon, May 26. 1847. 8 Slew Grocery and Dry Goods Store. rpiIOM Vs ('. DIAIDSI'Y, having jum opened X in the Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by W. A Robertson, and nearly opposite Messrs. A. .1 White & Cos. and Bancroft’s stores, has now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort ment of Foreign Liquors and Scgnr*. Sugar, Coffee, nnd a general assortment of Gri*ceries and Dry Gix>ds, winch will be sold at New York prices for Cash only Forei'ii ({randies. W ines, Arc. Otar i. Dupncy & Co's. Cognac Brandy, of different . vintage*-—M..HI • veiy old ill bottles. Godmid Si Cv.'s. Vintage. 1825; A. SeignetteV B;andy, M ler Swan Holland Gin , Madeira Wine, in qua.ter Port Wine; Sherry Wno liqu rs .are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spaniali Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El So!, Marino, Priiwip’ and other—warranted genuine. TEAS Hyson, Young Hy son mi 1 Black ’Pea, ot a very superior quality. Old Java Cofii-e, L>af, .Sperm Candles, Ada mantine Candies. *2O hh !* St. Croix. Porto Rico nnd N Orleans Sugar 50 Sacks HlO Coffee, first quality ; 30 do. second do 500 ps. American tin I English Caiicoea, 10 cases Blni- li *.l Siii; tings and Sheetings, 10 bal-s Brown 3-4 and 1-4 do. 51) jh Irish Linen, direct importation, Sic kc Macon, Jane g, 1847. 0 7lilli2i*ry si ml !>.<*>* j\ J RS. POWELL A MRS BUR DINE, will carry L lon th l * above busin and exorute all orders m (lie ti st manner, and most fiishionabla style when re quired. Bleaching nnd Repniring Bonnets, will also be done at shott notice. Their residence ;s oil the corner of College street, near the Female College. Macon, Oct. tid, 1846. ly 37 CHARLES H. FRXFMAW, Cotton Air nu* , iir.i f <tuor a’>ovc t.'.r “ftu G ramie Haute,** Has just opened a Rood flock of Sugars. Colin'. Teas, Flour, Bacon, *l;t|lt* anil ft'siii€> Urjr taoodt*. Macon. April 1, 1817 4_ t ) t | f |{ f | 4 NIG I >44*. -Juat received a X large HHp|dy of Pap-r llmigiugs, Burdertt, and File Board Prints; wile Paper for Window Shades.ll beau tiful article. Also, Foot Mutaof several different kinds M I GEO W PRICE I)xlG It U. If you weh to improve or preserve your health, call cm C A ELLS nnd get n few ImU tk-Hof hs HieL< N 1 >N Pi >RTER It is nistthe thing to excite the spirits and invigorate the whole num—anil ia not had to f 1 ’ ; Kltl NH i.’IBM I ItITM I I’ST received at Warren Freeman' hovs Rui sims ; *25 drums \t a li’i Fig*; IS boxes do Prunes; *25 du. Oranges, *2.iKK) V\ • st India Orange*, very sweet; Citr-Mis,Currants, D. -.l’amariu-ls Bug m, Teas nuj Eoll , Spices of ail kii; i Crack’ is of all kinds ; Fine Smoking nnd Chewing Tobacco; Patent Yeaat Pow ders. \ iso, a very large and fine assortment of Stuart’s St- am Ruined Cu.idi . W. FREEM \\ April 1,1817 6 NOTICE Hr HYDD is my autlioriacd agent during my . Aug.iA 4, 1447 tl H J COWLES. BTIIAYXHI. tuy plantation, in Pulaski county, aliout the r middle of July last, two bay MI LES (one mare and one hr ,) t'. yaraold last spring Thef bav* n ver been broken, an I as they were last h *ard of eltoui j eight miles from M icon, it is probable they wen* making their way back to lv mucky, whence they were brought , last fall. A reasonable |ewn:d will Im* given for llieu recovery, or for any information adoreovcj to the under aign# | at Taevesarille, Twipps cmifttv An,* 11.1847 ts-19 BUR WELL JORDAN RANAWAY. 4 A NEGRO dAN Wlongiug to me ly tin* name of Jon*;, about 35 yen'* of age, nlmut live | feet eight nv*l <* high ; weighing about 170 or 180 it lo*e fi ■ irly to the joint lb* may have a pass,and will piobahly make lus course in the dtrectum of Savannah Any mlurniation rpst**ctingasid iKuro will hr thank fu'iy received,and If taken up I will pay a re ward JAMES COX- Drayton, Di*oly co , Aug 10,1847, 3t19 JUST RECEIVED |JY W. FREEMAN, B.i* Choice Groctriet, lor Sale Low. AY Water, Claret Wine, i French Cordial*, Chinese Catsup, something extra. Walnut do. j Horaeradislt, in pint n„d half pint Jars i lic< date and Cocoa, Broma, a superior article of Cocoa Sardines, j Lobsters, Fresh and Pickled. Salmon, rresit. 2000 Extra Regalia Cigars, 12 Dozen ( ongress Water June, 16, 1847. jj NtLLINRKV.- Mm DAMOUR w^idj r °res'‘effi !t T “ ,,w au PP , Y l ’s the above go,ds, and i I Jenerallv’ tn 7 qu 7 t h " r W <™*tome™ and he ’ is°del , e r mi r neH OC o mlrarricfe'” tbc oi '>'- H,ul ol “ >|H , i * I r st,K,,t Ronnets, Rihhone, I lowers L.iibioidertes, Dress Silk G, K) ds and Shaw-s cannot he equ-tlled in tins part of the country. ’ ‘ M icon, April 21, 1847. ’ blioiCßiis. I .1 s ‘ --roix. P„no Rico nnd N O Sugar 1 hTKfc Uc s 100 tag, Rre Coirccq fi " ed Sutfar HOU “ Mola— -20 “ Pepper. Spil-e and Ginger, -•> boxes aSji -rm Canrllcs “ Tallow “ “ Soap, 20 “ Starch, in el'oiee Itnperiol and Hyson Tea, 10 Quarter chests Imperial and Hyson Tea, I Sw bladder, Spumsl, Brown, . B.ur \ itnol.t oiiperas, Alum,Borax,Sal.Nme rowder, Shot, Lead, , 25 bbl* N E Ruin, 25 bbl* Northern Gin, •>-> bbls. Whiskey, Cognac nnd American Brandy, Holland Gin, Cordial*. Madertn, Port, and Malaga Wine Iwmon Syrup, Ra,sins, y, ‘ I! Tobacco, a gre; t variety, Segura; Macaboy and Se..teh Snuff n tin a great variety of other Grocer,es wha-h w-m *ApriN Harf ’’ n " lß -’ A.AIOS BEN'TOfL . - __ i GJitOCi: ll>—The anbacribere i mtirare to lay Good*.at their old stntlil.eoiner ot S.-,.,t, land viltl h-rty streets, opposite the Washington Hall they |. av „ I just rewived With Other articles the fillowmg ‘ ‘ ‘ i-m ‘l l ' l *- fc-Cnix and PR. Sugars, 12'J bags Greru Rio Coffee, v Jlva Coffee, \ a run Negro K-tscv**, urt ! e Blankets Ban I 9 q.inrter, iu()<) Y ard* Cotton (J*nabur^*, 15 Tons Sweedcs lion. 7ro Sacks Liverpool Salt 1590 Pair Russ -tt Brogans', | with a general asortmem hi tla-ir line, all of which i. I “'fere, lit the lowest cash prices They n-s|'ethtf/v in vile all w/dnng to purchase, to examine their “lock— believing they cannot (nil to W si,bed in price and n„nl- ‘ ,ty 'i CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO. i April I, 1847. 3,q NOTH l:. i r< ‘iatits and Planters, to their stock of Nlhd!** V ,< i ;|,U T Dry Goods now in *tore. We shall also be m weekly receipt of seasonable goods through out the season, as it i* our determination to render our siock worthy th-* attention of purchasers at all times, ’ al prices in i wul be satisfiictory to the puicbasei* j —among which are the following: !0 coses English &. American prints, 2 do. Mourning do o j° Y 1 dure do. 3do Gingham nnd Lawns. - do. I rintei Muslins, 20 pieces embroidered Drcssdo 20 pieces Challeys embroidered, 20 do. Rich Bernecs, J Black Satin stipe Silks. sdo black dress do. -a do R ich dress silks, 40do. Jaconetts, 30do Cambrics, mi • ,- hnck & nee stripe Muslins. 10 do. dross Muslins.! ‘J 0 Victoriß -Jt Bishop Lawn, 25 do. Col’d Jacones | > i ’ V.° 1 fnmbrics. iS) do. black A fancy Cnssimers, < U) do r ancy col’d Cloths. 3U do. silk, satin & Marseilles’ vestings. Ist) do. Summer stuffs, (all prices. 20 do bl'k 1 anl col and Alpaccns,2odo. Table Diaper. 50do. Irish Lin- ! ens J rases Florence Bonnets. I do Laid work, do sok straw Bonnets. lOdo Lawn Sc fancy do J 53 boxes Ribbons, (of all kinds.) 30 do Flowers Ladies & (lentlenien's kid Ac sdk arloves. do. do cotton i rtrnnrH! ( ord*. Tapes, Buttons, Trimmings, Laces, \ Fringes, Gimps. Tassels, Ac &.c. GRAVES, WOOD, A CO. Macon, May 12. 1847. 6 ts UEA & COTTON have removed to W. B. Par- ’ kri's Store, on Cotton A vein c. nearly opjosite J. j Cow les’ Fire Proof VVarehotMe. They have in store and : offer for sale on accommodating terms: *2t)o Pu ces heavy Kentm Ity Bagging, 175 ‘* “ Dundee 85 “ Slightly damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, *2O Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 lbs Tank and Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sicks Salt, *2O Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Chuupaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon, Sept. 2, 1846. 29 A tills. Iron it ml Hollow W.m*. /T AA K E(;s Cut Nails, l/UU 15 tons Iron,assorted Ito 10 inches, *2,IKK) ihs. Sheet Iron, 10,000 ll*. Hollow Ware, 2.000 lbs Cast Steel. 14**0 Hs German an 1 Blister Steel, 2,000 ll>s Hoop ami Band Iron, 50 doz Hoes, 4tK) pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B WEED. \,.i : 1. 1847 |4 \o t It 1.. I > AR(i AINS ! BAR (i A!NS ‘ —The undersigned having taken the Store on the comer of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, formerly (Ron* Store,) begs leave to inform the citizens of Macon, ami Planters. it he w ill ooiPtiDil) k< pon hit) lan excellent clock •it Dry Goods, Groceries V Piovisiou.s* of all kinds, which he will sell at th- lowest possible rates, be ing per!- etly eontent*fl with quick aal**and smail profits lW public generally an* respectfully requested, if t h<‘y 1 wum gicat bargains, to call uponhifn Gk.lh of nil 1 km in given 111 exchange lor nil kinds of nrmluce at crash price*. 11. N. PULSIFER, At PI'LSIFER S can Ire found at all times Tea. ‘ Coffee, Sugar. Syrup Rice, Bacon. Lard. Butt* - t aril Meal,Grit*. Flour", Mai k I*. ami 8 tad t the liesi quality, in quantities to uit purchuM>rs, at the lowest rules. April 1,1847. 31 xce: xcs:: xeja::: riAHE uh*ribfr isl ready tOKilpplyall in want of the I above urticle in any quantity, nut the CASH must beaent in every ctae, a* Ik* ia determined not to charge one pound of it to any person—having to pay cash for it himsHiliefore delivery. Alm>. Blue Lake and Congrcm 1 1 Water to Is* found at the Washington liali. J H DAMODR May 1 lsi7 MtIMLINM. /T/r PIECES MUSLINS, new and beautiful pat 9J\F t**ms, thia day receive*!, uml lor wile cheap N B —Also a tew pieces aiightly damaged, which 1 will be sold at burgaina, by 8 AMOS BENTON lion 4k Steel Wails, Ac. m ) 1 k t It it i LBS. UHMrted Swe>-d-s Iron, /CUwUU Cast Steel, German and BlEt red Steel, *2OO Keg* Nads, 100 Boxes 8 by 10 Window Glass, 15J do 10 by I*2 do fs) do 12 by 14 do 50 do 12 by 18 do For sale by April I 2 SCOTT. CAKHART &l CO \ (lONGHEMS WATFH.—3O Dot ffi iiuinr, for | J *!.• by C. A. i;i,l,S. M y tl HI ITKII. 11KACTII lOj fr<*h M.y HI"ITHR, from Orange |) cininiy. N>*w York,jum roo vrJ uid lur wk'by _NIn y Jfi. KIT b O A KU.S ioi:it. nj.a IIOTTI.M nf< lIAMPACNK CIDKR. nUI) KrMicky C. A K 1.1.5, | { May UM7. H I MM. l-Olt I OH. by Ihr |)n f xoii or C'.a.U,for Ir by C. A CUJ 5 A|)nl <W, lA<7. 4 .m i'ii.i ■ vi’% 1. ■ SU.UIIU Kor Mir by C. A ELLS. 1 April 24, MMf 4 j DISSOLUTION. ‘•'HE r.ipnrtnenhip heroiofore .iw)ini- uralor tbo I imnir of IbnßLl A B*iy, i. thi. day by imitual ooiwiit—Wm II llrny hnvinu J of hi. l inin’ inloroM to Win Dibble, who will artile tlie bui- ( ii'-w ol tbe late Snn WM DIKHI.K, I Auk. 4. ISI7 4ii4 WM. H. BRAY, i n eu s i r u and Summer .Millinery. K DESxSAU is now opening at her 4 C* yi wHsblwhinem on Mulberry street, over Messr* .f, L .lone* A. Co’s Store, up stairs, on mvoice oi tli-* newest an,l most fashionable spring and bummer Mil mery floods, consisting in part of all kinds ol Lai li-'s Bonnets, Laps. Ribbons. Flowers. Embroid erl-**. Diesses, Scarf*, Perfumeries, and other fimev ar- Dreies^ 11 U nfWo,tment ‘Trimmings for Ladies C,w ps - Dl w '’- “ , " 1 Bi lmg Habit* made to Cl let, also AVaista cat and fitted. Macon, April 22, 1847. 3 m 3 AT IIENTONfS Ar F.AV and benutifiil Muslins, 121 to 37* cents. ui.Jvi i r> Bcrrages, 25 to 50 eta. ‘A hue Muslin Robes, new stiMe, Swi-s and Jaconet Muslin, 2.A to 75 et. Sllk “||J Scaiik, very low ; Corded Skirts, 1 25 Grass Cloth. 81 25 ps ; Marino, all eolora, 37* cts ’ hl'me ‘ *° 95 ’ Artlliclal *’ vv reams, Bonnet Rib- Hom-s,* to lies; 11-4 Blenched Sheeting, 50 eta xi’” ,” vrn J cheap: Toilet Covers, 511 ets Minim (Jmirlnms, 25 m 37i cts sold *‘ H ‘ k °f°?r r r 'felcs, which will be sol,| at v ry low prices. Cos,” and see May 12. 1817 Vi'cnT.u n Sutter. t SMALL l>t (obtained as a favor) ft,.m one of -* 3 l *"‘. f, V wt l ,,lva G dairies in New Jciwy XJZKrr c “ WMAI I'll I-. 841 AIIHIVAI,, aUGAR c7 -L" :, l, Pulverised and Crushed. Best,,,/ AC Ward's Butter, Soda, turnon, nnd J^7r. F I ',"’ r '''- Almonda, Walnuts, and Pecan K I L-m Allland Raspberry, warranted pure. < ho:-, ht -, t.uav-r Jellies, Mustard, Catsup, Sic * Ju! “’ 1- 2 C 11 FREEMAN. DISSOLUTION. npilE partnership heretofore existing hetw-en the un- I ilersigned. under tin-firm name of Gt tin, M (x,. ass A I o . Ik - this day been dissolved, .1 J (ieimett v."', •’ *£*><■■ „1 the concert, to ~s li, if “/"[ lh, ‘ l,ai " e ° -he concern to be Herl ° * , " , “* en VeoTY OC AN* *” Macon, June 22,18*7 J- BENNETT. ’ PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I> A 1, ATKINSON having purchased the i„- Il . ter, -SI of I I Heuie-tt, of the late firm of G \| he m"’ A , ••• ihe htismesn will hereafter he transaeie,i ny til u i unsigned, under the him name of Ickjan i ATKINSOJi GEO M LOGAN ~ , . B A. L. ATKINSON IMaeon, June 22, 1947. Ju l y 1 |. ( l\ Dickinson a co. I I Twv “£ l ‘'' m Mr,cks **lt. 1* JV'S” I '■ “ and No 1 xtra and pure, •>.M (• .illoris Linked oil. &U k~. UnilP, ‘> > s t 2i to ji inch Wagon Boxes. Jane 16 1817. 11 /\ <r |;\| IflOO g Hams, 2.) bhis C iJ*r. 10 bait s Cotton onaburr* ! 20bales Yams. Koranic by CHAS CAMPBELL A CO ‘ ! 1 f {) It!VI1] L V.tfl* OIL, which giving U*nutiful light without smell, and us clear as pure water, loi C. A. ELLS. May IS 7_ v. i 1,1,* n” AS for sale 10 BMs and 10 Half Bbb. of No Mackerel, that the world can’t beat. May 18. 7 ,) / \ BVMi El s CHAMPAI6NE) npnn r,lbr &Vs **)eby C. A. ELLS May IS 7 i /k noz. rardivksT” J < / 10 do Essence of Coffce, 10 Hhls ofCrnsheti and Powdered Sugars, 20,000 Regalia Cigars, 20,000 Principe do 10 Boxes of Tobacco, all ol the right sort Jor sale by., ■ aA. ELLS. M;iy IS 7 Co-l*nrtiii*rshin Notice. t>on ol the Watch and Jewelry business, under the name and style ofC. K W ENT WORTH Si CO. at their cl i st*n-.1. Mulberry street, Macon. C. K. Wentworth. B L Burnett. May 19. 1847 7 ! Norm:. M R E KIRTLAND is our duly authorized Agent, during our absence from the State hyiMcHT. _s _ WHITING A MIX June Ist, 1817. OPENING THIS DAY, AT SANC&OFT’S, 1 ) ICH Silk Shawls; Rich do. Scarfs; XI B rcgc Scarfs; More of those Muslin Ginghams at 25 cents ; Small Check Ginghams; Muslins and Bercges. June 2. 9 llcitter, flutter. THRESH M .y Butter, just received from New York. Jr by W. FREEMAN. | J otic 8. 10 i %R t NEKAHIP NOTH !:. \LBERT MIX hav ng asso int’ 1 with him in this . city. MR ERASTCS KIRTLAND. will con tinue the business at his old man !, under the firm mi 1 stylos >ft i \ r\lM'LV\l>. They wiil at all tiui skeepon han.l. a full supply ol the best and j most tnahiotifible atyle of goods in tneir line. Th for mer patrons of the late firm of Whiling A Mix, togeth- J er with purrhaaers and the public arc reapect fullv invite I to call an! exnmin* their ntock Our SIfOES and 800 TS arc fresh, ul* mat rials nu 1 w >rktnansh p. and we pledge ourselves that nothing shall he wanting on our part to please all who may favor us with th>*ir patronage MIX A KIRTLAND. Mac >i’, 31st May HI7. N B- \l 1 \) KIRTLAND is only authorised to ree- iv* an ! receipt i.r all monies due the late firm ol Wlntm A .Mix. during my absence f.oin tli* State. J„-,e3, it ALBERT MIX. s. . UII * I N>ON A < >. 11 AVE :*-e 20 h\ -a mi. llm riels YVoolsey I t .t Who's v s O, l.f riUi.- I.nntl PowtieradSugar. li.i l M . - , 100 Feathers; 1*25 h‘'H no I l>lJ* No. I, Zmii'l 3 Mackerel; ■S I bux-K Ti.lwreo; ‘ 1 ling* Toffee; ‘2O bo.I- Siijf-ir; 100 coil, Rope; ■2.11.. x- SiuTiii Candies; sok'-ga Powder. Moeup. June a. UM7 9 PAIIU FIXHJK. t/Wlll LBS ol very superior ijtrtlily. warranted .UUU ~i iml to the b“I ('mil lir.iri !s. F, H iel.y WHEELCK A IIARROLD June i, 18-17 ii/iiiii LIIS ejttrn fine Flour nt OUUU Mmeli *2l 0 \V FREEMAN'S. Tobacco dt Ciffars. rjnA BOXES Tobnci i, vnrions Breads, M I StlJMil Principe Cigttrs, do *>o,lloo Keguliu do do ‘2OOIOO Puii.'ileliuH do do For fudr by SCOTT, CAR HART A. CO. \ I Hl7 _ xcb : xca: ("1 A ELLS wdll fumih lee during the season, ill _) . any qiwntity. to hi* friend* and patron*. Macon, June 2, IRI7. 9 CjTI.WART'S REFINED O for-ale by A BENTON Julv*B, lr4T. 17 WOOD AND BKADbUY. 11 HVE juatreeeived another tot ol’ wivnow | 1 sham .*i'i,i’ i leoimt [lAtl'm. and ol ilintenaiona \ to Mti T anv window* Alan mime Black Walnut Wind. I In** ‘ill. ol’ patteriuiuud timeh which cannot lail ! 1 >i r. 17; tin | (~IOSMKHCIAI. HANK NOTES Piirehn.ed j t.v SCOTT, CARUART & Cl). July 14, 1H47. 1A 1 i W \ CASKS Claret Wine, 1 Uv) ‘JO ili dunce do. IHOdi z thiderwuod it Co's. pure Lemon Syrup, 100 “ Miller 1 ” do. do. SO lioxcs Brandy Cherries, ‘JO “ INcklea —attiorled, 5) “ Fa-nil Cans leva Water, HO “ Sperm I'nn.ll ii SO “ Hall Ac Son's Tallow do. For Wile lowly SCO IT, CARIIART k CO. Apnl *S, IHI7. 4 I - yICK f,l'll) II \7IS, anew article and very au- I: perinr, I r auk by CIIAH. H FRIiKMAN. j April I, 1847 4 I 111 IIN | 111 l KOlilMI I ill—Fresh and very supe rior. for ante by (.‘HAS H FRKL.MAN. | April I, 1017. 4 /•■r HMDS Cuba Molasses,7s!>bls N Orleans do. I OU For nlr l.y SCOTT, CARIIART it CO. I April IW, 1847. 4 POETRY. Hflaren in the Ileni-t. “So we efirist.-n the following eatrny, which we clip from one of our exchange pipers It oometh we know not whither, but goetli, we feel assured by its touching beauty, to every heart.” Oh, I long to lie, dear mother, Un the cool anil fragrant grass, With nought but the sky above my head. And the shadowing clouds that pass. And I want the bright, bright sunshine All around about my be.); I will close my eyes, nnd God will think Your little boy is dead ! Then Chri*t will send on Angel To take me up to Him ; II ■•will bear me slow nnd steadily. Par through the ether diin He will gently, gntly lay me Close to the Saviour’s side, And when ['in sure tint we re in Heaven, .My eyes 111 wide. And l!! look among the Angels rhat stand about the Throne, Till I find my sister Maty, For I know that she is one. And when I find her. mother, He will go away alone, And 1 will fell her how we’ve mourned AH the while she has been gone Oh ! I shall Ik* delighted To hear her speak again I hough I know she'll ne’er return to U3 I o ask her would be vain! Ho Ml pm mv arms around her, And look into her eves. And remember all 1 said to her. And all her sweet replies. And then I’ll ask the Angel To take me back to you— He’ll bear me slow and -tendjly Down through the ether blue. * And you’ll Bnly think dear mother, I have been out at play. And hnve gone m sleep beneath a tree I nisaulfty summer day. MIX FI I \ N . Preaeotfa < ••qaeai ot p^rn. The followmg extracts from Mr. Prescott's New ‘ ,,rk ’ tHustrating the condition of Peru Ix-fore the Con qu*.-st, will be found interesting: PKHI'VUN A Cut A RIA N ISM. ” 1 lie iiseul ri flfiilutions ofthe Inerts, and the ; laws IV-, n property, an- the most remarlt ; S the BuTK,.X y rev;S | o support the tempi,, , lml i 1 !'>wo slop and Ihe ;n.e Inc, went T‘*on.rved lor well as tile numerous n„ . ‘* etatc, as - hold ami his kindred, ami supple “L,V'\'anmm exurenries or’ government. J'l.e remainder of tile lands were divided, per capita in equal | shares among the people. It was provided j hy law. as we shall see hereafter 11. it every IV. iivi m should many at a certain age.— V\ lien this ev’ent took place, the community or district in which he lived furnished him with a dwelling which as it was constructed of hum blc materials, was don,- at little l ost. A lot o 1 ’ I tnd was th, n assigned to him sufficient lor his own maintenance and that of Ins wile. An additional portion was granted lorevryehild the amount allowed Ibr a son Being double of that for a daughter. The division'of the mil was renewed every year and the possessions ol’ the tenant were increased or diminished ac cording to the numbers in his family. The same arrangement was observed with refer Uify wposH.ftxc'vnbct&bk? l "-* - A —( ■ A more thorough and ctJecluul agrarian j law than this cannot be imagined. In other j countries where such a law has been introdu ! ced its operation after a time ha* given away ’ to the natural order of events and under the j superior intelligence and thrift of some and the prodigality of others the usual vicissitude* of Ibrtune have been allowed to take their course, and restore things to their natural inequality.— Even the iron law of Lycurgus censed to op |,irate after a time, ami melted away before the i spirit ofluxurv and avarice. The ncarest np j proach to the Peruvian constitution was proo ! ably in Judea, where on the recurrence of the | great national jubilee, at theclose of every holt century, estate* reverted to their original pro ; prietors. There was this important difference in Peru ; that not only did the lease if we may so call it. terminate with the year, but during that period the tenant had no’ power to alien ate or to add to his possesions.” GREAT ROADB. “ One of these roads passed over the grand plateau and the other on the lowlands on the borders of the ocean. The former was much the more difficult achievement from the char acter ol” the country. It was conducted over pathless sierras buried in snow; galleries were cut for leagues through the living rock; rivers were crossed by mean- of bridges that swung suspended ia the air ; precipices were sealed by stairways hewn out the native bod ; ravines oi hideous depth were filled up with solid ma sonry; in short all the difficulties that Inset a wild ami mou itauious region and which might appall tin* most courageous engineer of modern limes were encountered and successfully over come. The length ol tile road of which scat tered fragment*only remain, is variously esti mated (rout fifteen hundred In two thousand miles ; mid stone pillars, in the manner of the European milestones, were erected at stated in tervals of somewhat more than a league, utl a long the route.” ARMS AND ARMOR OF THE PERUVIANS. “ Their arms consisted of the usual weapons employed by nation, whether civilized or un civilized. haii>re the invention of powder,— bows and arrows lances and darts a short kind of sword, it battle-nxe or partisan, und slings, with which they were very expert. — Their spears untl arrows were tipped with cop per, or more commonly with bone, ami the weapons of the Inca lords were frequently mounted with gold or silver. Their heads were protected by casques made cither of wood or of tho skins ol tin wild animals anti some times richly decorated with metal und precious stones, surmounted by the brilliant plumage of the tropical birds. These, of course were the ornaments only ofthe higher orders. The great, mass of the soldiery were dressed in the peculiar costume of their provinces, and their heads were wreathed with n sort of turban or rail ol different colored cloths that produced a gay and nriimtiting est et. Their defensive armor consisted ol a -lucid or buckler, and a , close tunic of quilted cotlon, in the same man ner as with the Mexicans. Each company Imd its particular banner and the imperial tundara. high above nil. displayed tlie glitter* ■ i tg device of the rainbow—the armorial en sign of the Incas, intimating their claims us children ofthe skies.” Veiilillntion and Health, “ The broiith of man is in his nostrils,” and according to the purity or impurity of the nir we inhale no may we expect health or sick lean. The Almighty hna windy designed that labor should be one grand mean* of health 4o man and in harmony with ln great plan* mo tion in the principle of all creation’ll health.— ‘l'lie earth spins upon ilor axis the oen rolls in mountainous wuvna and the utmoaphere mum n the whirlwind. It’ the sua he not continual ly in motion, it will stagnate, and the utmos phere without motion would soon become of fensive and hurtful, inaction is one Cause of atmospheric impurity, and motion is one means of puriticatiou. There are also other causes which deteriorate the utmosphere and render it iiyurtous to those who breathe it. The act VOL. XXV.—No 20. ol breathing tarows much impurities into the atmosphere, as the air is exposed when taken into the lungs to a suiface thirty times that of the human body, or 170,000 000 of minute cell* m which it is decomposed and deprived ofiu oxygen, and carbonic acid gas. a deadly poi zon. is the produce of this wonderful labori- In2',h ‘ “ t,l ’ ri ' f ’ re apparent to all, that un less there is a continual supply 0 f fresh air to wonfiT 11 *’ a ,P cr ™ nßl >ytup in a confined roo,. would soon be poisond with his own breath.- A terrible instance of this kind occurred hen the ,Nabob ol Bengal thrust one hundred ail, forty-six prisoners into the Black Hole of Calcutta, which was scarcely large enough to contain three persons; und when out of the number stated one hundred and twenty-three ■ Perished before morning, ami,l the most drend -IKbrat importance to health—the health ot our lamilies and citizei . —Hut every attention should be paid to th vi ntillatiori ql our houses, our streets and on public buildings, and to have a knowledge o hose tilings which injure the atmosphere, i, venfilLn’T" 1 for j ud * in erectly of wha, ml ,1 W * “ K to ‘hat without I ‘hh'thag the ntmospnero nt all, life would soon 1 < iworand| Crand s y -‘ 11 is calculated that iwo candles injure the air nearly as much as a human being absorbing the oxygen, which ‘* UUI-irler cl nn.l expetllnw r;; 1 mrnv n ourttien gas lights will ,1, stroyasimich as five men. and from thepor, ol tlit skin three gallons ol noxious fluid nr, iriim'tfi ° r ° m ■ f¥ ‘ rß ° nh in orle I l °ur. while iroin tin decomposition of animal and vegeta ble matter, there is a continual stream of no t ious vapor ascending und spreading. Dirty streets, pent up setters, stagnant and imptirc waler and confined apartments, mnr , i mart men and women than war with n'l tis aucnnanieu.s, lor it is culcilatefi that in I- tglan.l alone, more than one hundred und tweuty f lio u "d die yearly th, ir deaths attr.l, utod nearly direct to these causes. The ,h reel causes ol all fevers i, atmospheric imj,,i ritj, and consumption and a greet number ■ i •Hfier diseases can bt traced mdirecilv to th, same source. Twenty-nine died in this city of typhus lever m one week, contracted a yprn s lever ... one week, contracted some wh rc in an impure atmosphere and from the same cause indirectly thirty died in the same talt'fi “'TT" 1 ”;'’"’ Tliere r “ be no doubt but that the least excess ol carbonic acid g:t ----,s llurtlul to tlie lungs, and wl. , we take into wfiofiuvv'to? k , K ” a * reat ~U!li ber of male , r ‘ ‘“bor m narrow confined rooms and > c ll.ti lit up with air consuming gas it is nothing hut what we expect to hfufweeklv ” l tT he a, ,' d ,he n,olillit > increasing even lunrerfor dh“ °i ° Ur P o f ; ' latio ” becomes larger, lor although our wharves are lined with tn, ~ 111 ‘b” most „nseiab,e condition and Sild so scene* ol desperate fever yet it is consumption over levin, -mi.averse of deaths hv ual dt si rue lion ol lift upon a most giat>..o scale is going on. and by a disease traceable in most cases to a want of free exercise in the open air. The great mother of disease, is a want ot cleanliness and proper ventillation. 4 for as cleanliness is concerned, a speedy and a cheap remedy can easily lie hail while there is a pit n ty of water, hut as for ventillation, it will be difficult to affect a suitable reform. Landed prop,Tty is so valuable in our city, that every inch is turned to (he most money making ad vantage, and our public promenade ground ; are more stinted in all our cities und villages than such places are in the older countries, prob tb y b jeause Americaissiiohasrnallcou'i try. There is one thing to which we would <■ a- ,Jjujj. . *'2 oi having pfec c c °i>lruction ofour hoffA° mnion thir S * size of a decent box nno can * cause it measures six by seven feet. Sleeping rooms should at least contain one hundred and forty superficial l'ectaiid never be loss than sev en and a half leet high, and have a Rtimferd ventillator in the window and an Arnott valve in the chimney or an open fire place. Ali rooms should have u free access to the light of the sun at any rate to the atmonphere, so that the impure air thrown off by the lungs or can dles can pass away and pure air he admitted. Wherever gas is used there ought to be some method of allowing the carbonic to escape through tubes in the eaves of the buildings, tis invented by Ransom Cook. In the city of Hamburg where ?o many peo ple live iu cellars, it has been remarked by travellers that blindness and all manner o. physical imperfections prevail among the low er classes to a most alarming ext nt. While the whole world therefore, is busy inventing and producing for the benefit of man, we must not neglect to provide for the greatest of all earthly blessings, health. Without health there is no enjoyment, and wc believe that with proper ventillation and an abundance of good water, no place need to be unhealthy. — Anti with proper places Ibr manly exercises such as large free parks for our joung men to spend an active evening hour, instead of run ning to b ill alleys and billiard rooms, our Anglo Saxon robustness of constitution would be as fully preserved in our cities at m our vil lages, unit that deterioration of muscular fibre and health be preserved iu our people anti which now appears in sud contrast with the ap parent stalwart frames which the men of*erc n ty-tix possessed.— Ocitnlijii’ Am. Too Many Siocking". Widow Quggles looked over her fence into Mrs. Struggles’s yard and discovered five pair of stockings hanging on the line. “ Uti toll,” cays she where on airth di-’ that other pair of sux-Miigs cum front t —an,. 1 vow thur jest like the rest on'em. Than ain’t hut four in the family, no hcow, anti where that itlier odd tew cure from ee’n a most puzzles me. I didn’t see no one go in. a* I It town on—heow on airth could they git in ’tliout me seeiu’ on ’em l They coodn’t hev bought it. ’cause the hull lot on ’em is poor as pison. Got ’em gm tew cm, uabbe, but that aint possible, nither, for tlicy aiat got no rich relations. Well. Idu wish one of the guls’ud cum rout, Td ask her. Ah! there is Sally.— Sully, dear, I see you hev been increasin’ your wardrobe.” “ How so 7 Mrs. Quigglt-s,” inquired Sally. “ Why, you hev got a addition of stockins on your line, dear.” answered Mrs. (tuiggles. ■ Oh. yes,” sny s Sully,“ I have been knitting u pair for the ransom, ma’am.” ” /mired /’’ said Mrs. Huiggles. turning awav in a high dudgeon ;*• the pesketf nasty, gooci llir-.iuthin’ chit thinks tu begin at the parson’ feet mid knit upards tu his title,'tarns but I reck on I’ll spile that; I’ll gin him a whole suit of woolen tu kiverhis reverence. I kuow’d them •toekins hed no good purpose—l know’d it— St. I etuis JtereiTlc. Parliament allows the Queen of England ; for her support 1,750,000 dollars; for her hu i hand 13d HOO dollar*, and for her horses and hounds 310,000 dollars —making in all 2,190,- 000 dollur*- Uread iu a Barrel of Flaar. . To rouble all to know how much bread can be made in a barrel of flour, the following ex tract from a New York puper will show— “ 100 lbs. of flour, 11 gallons or 90 lbs. ol'wa ter gallons or 18 pints ol'yeast and-3 lbs. of salt make 305 lbs. o l ' dough, which evaporates in kneading baking. Ac., leaving about 2t>s lbs. net of bread.” Theodore Hook save of railroads anti stesm boats : “ They annihilate space and time, not to mention a multitude of passengers.”