Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 18, 1847, Image 2

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JOURNAL & MESSENGER. 8. T. CHAPMAN & S. ROSE. Editors. The Island of Naulncket. Corfietpowknee of the New York Mirror. Nantucket, July 31, 1847. Taken altogether, in it origin, progress prosperity, sterility wealth, sand-bare ;tnd surf, this is quite the most remarkable place : i the (world. Tadnior was a wonder, and flaaibee a puzzle, but Nantucket is a miracle. The more i look at it and think about it. the more singular it appears to me. 1 here is no place on |he globe taut oilers such a curi .u- 1 study to tlie politico-moralist as this. About j t hundred and eighty years ago in those pro-; cious goo.l old ti nes that conservatives are . alvruYJ whining about. when every town was; embellished with a public whipping-post and men were “had up’ be lore ecclesiastical tri bunals for kis. iu„. 1 fir wives on the Sabbath, | there came to i..e town ol Salisbury, on toe | Merrmtac river, thre • strangert who begged the privihge ol’ sheltering themselves from a pelting rain rtorni beneath the shed ol Thom as Macy, a quiet farmer in those parts. The privilego was granted and when the storm subsided the strangers departed and went o:i their way. It was utervvardsdiscovered that these three men v ere Ciuakem who were llee ing from the persecution ol the public author ities. who, to show their love to God. thought it necessary to hang even body that constru ed biblical’ texts ditl'crentU from tin niseivi . Thomas Macy w.i- immediately seized and thrown into prison, his goods and chattels distrained upon, and his family left to shill lor themselves. He :nt a petition to the General Court begging to be released from prison, a. itiag forth in very simple but touch ing 1 align ige that he had igr.o.antly oflended ■ , nirnitisr vU- CVs.Uv wavlarera n shelter beneath las roof and that in so doing he httd only done towards n follow man whot he ■ou’ld not have denied to a dog. After being ‘ kept in prison a year he was released; but finding himself u’kind of outcast in the pious neighborhood of Salisbury, lie resolved torc-i more to some lar country where the people had less religion hut more humanity. Ho he out his family and all their worldly gear into i small boat,'and set himself afloat upon the desert waters in search of anew home. As he kept no log of his voyage, we know not what perils he encountered, nor what i ca-ser pents he saw : but there can be no doubt that his dangers were many and his hardship great. After being driven about on the wide waters for many days, he tit last discen c I the sandy cl ills of this island, nnd thinking from its desolate look that no Christian per secutor would ever billow him thitfo’r la lan ded with his family, and being hospitably en tertained by the native Indians who had ne ver before seen the foci of a white man and liked to cultivate a curiosity ofthe kind uino.ig them, he. remained a year. There was a charm for the honest-hearted Thomas Mart in the sublime desolation of the isUml. Ihi waters abounded with a great variety of hm fish, which tiic Indians without tilth culty; on the shores were clams, qua lings nerriwinklcs, oysters, and many other cru. ta ceous delicacies; the Indians cultivated corn and tobacco, and tradition says that there were trees enough on the i -land tq I .j^ r them with firewood. _|3ui-ttblhere were .still ntitil * <nv “ r *~'“ °f friendly neighbors: -u the persecuted pilgrim returned to Salis bury and gave so bright a picture ofthe de •ffhts of 1 its new home tlmt some half a dozen families were tempted to return with him. They were men of simple habits, of strong virtues, and benevolent hearts. One of their number, shortly niter they landed, went to the top of a hill to look upon their Canaan ltd seeing the parched and desert aspect of the land, turned to the sea. where lie saw •vhalcs spouting and gambolling among thi crested waves; stretching out bis arm In minted to the ocean and said to hi- compan ions yonder are the green fields which will be cultivated by our chrildrrn. The predic tion has been remarkably verified. From that Wand hv,,>.v,g. ‘innage employed in the whale fishery than ly other place in tie- world. At the present tune they have but eighty ships while New Bedford has nearly double the number. The people have sufli red severely, at differ ent periods from the i Meets of war famine and fire; but the enerp and indomitable spirit ol their an sor .... -vists among them ami they present quite the most remarkable in- i stance ofthe pm uit of property underdifKcul ties that the wo-ld can oiler. The cheap fa-1 cility of intercourse with the main land by! means ot steam has caused some modification j in the piimitivc habits ul the people but thev remain unique and thoroughly old Elurlish ij. their speech and customs and will prob.ilv re-1 nain so forever in spite of the flocks of visiter- 1 who resort to the Island during the hot months ; ‘° vnjoy the bracing a air and the fine ocean ‘ scenery. The town itself is compos ■ ( main iy ot oid weather heali ri frame houses cover • and with pine shingles, and entirely destitute o’ I *ll architectural graces or the embellishment I ot paint; the streets are crooked and strair-1 glmg and so sandy that you iiave to w.ule i tnrough ti-e-n ratli r than walk. That part! ol the town which was destroyed by fire last 1 year has been rebuilt with substantial brick] oun.lings the street straightened and the] general appealance of things greatly ini- j proved. 1 hey have a plenty of good school nouses, able teachers and a really handsomi ‘ Atheeaiuai. with the nucleus of a library and I n rauceum of natural curiosities. But the ] charm of the Island to a visiter lies in its des- i rt lulls and sublime ocean prospect. The imple grandeur of the scene as you stand i.i! middle of the Island, with the ocean gleam- ] mg in a bright belt around you, can only be conceived of by those who have stood in the 1 middle of a Western prairie. But here the 1 brown poverty of the boil, the of all ! appearances of vegetable fertility, and tin ue sea m the distance, are elements of des l iU* grandeur that the prairies lack. Vou t ■ light imagine yourselt standing upon the first pot of primal earth which emerged from old 1 hoot before the garniture of trees and flowers, ol rocks and running water, were added to the i irlacc of our globe. There is a tradition among the inhabitants Mat wind their forelatliers landed here from ■Salisbury they found the island well covered with trc-CH. but there are now no vestiges of them remaining. There ure u few 0.-na j i atal trees planted in the town, which np ,-eiir to thrive well hut the land out ofthe t iwri. winch is still held in common and undi vided, bt ing used chiefly for the pasturage of cep, is entirely destitute of a tret or u shrub, 1 lie Herbage is very scant und poor, but tiie sheep thrive upon it und make the finest mutton I have ever tasted. I would advise ill who come here for recreation to cut nothing it mutton and fish, eschew ing the sword-fish, waver. Apart from a moral duty which Me lies to every body to avoid every tiling ‘nit wears a word, even though it be a fish. :ie sword-fish is to be avoided lor its coarseness id indigestible qualities. But the people iere and in New Bedford uppeur to have a mission for it; I meet men in the street carry-, ag home sword-fish steaks on the end of wood n skewers. I wonder what Izuuk Walton could huve done with oleos these sett war-i .ors, who live by the sword and perish by the mrpoon. and whether he would have succcdcd .1 making one of the monster* us palatable i*. chub. Let the *word-fl*h be cooked us he.may,l think with the American editor of >M Iviink, in his notes on the chub, tlmt the ->sb will be improved by leaving out its prin cipal ingredient. Netting posts. The Boston P'wt says; ‘‘that in Ashfield. Mass., a farmer t"t u couple of gate post*. lioth ot wliieti were taken from the butt of n ehaanat tree, which was perfectly sound. One of them was set with the top end down. At the expiration of 12 years, both were taken up, when he found, that of the one inverted only the sappy par; was decayed, while tin other had nearly rotted off.” Philosophy ot Drowning. Msn is the only animal that drowns nntnraily. He does so because he is endow ed with reason; that is to say, with a largo spherical brain with a skull on it, which rises above his nose. If he fails into dcc-p water, in spile ofhis great brain, ho has not presence ol mind enough to stick his nose out and keep it mu, as he easi ly might do. but lets hi* heavy head like a ‘tone press his nose under water. In this position he inhales, and j fills his chest with water, so that he become* on the , whole so much heavier than water as to sink While j the lungs are filled with air, the body it lighter than its bulk in water, and of course swims, just ns an iron ves sel does. All therefore which is necessary to keep a person from drowning in deep water, is to keep the wa ter out of the lungs. Bo you nsk how tbit is to bi done) Suppose yourself a liottlc. our nose is the nozzle ofthe bottle, and must be kept out ol the water If it goes under, don't breathe at all till it comes out. Then, to prevent its going down again, keep every olh cr part under—head, legs, anus, nil under wnt'r but your nose. Do thst, and you can't sink many depth | of water. All you need to do to secure this, is to clnep your hand* behind your hock,and point ynm nose at tlie top of the heavens, and keep perfectly still. Your nose will never go under watei to the end of time, un less you raise your brain, hand, knee, or toot, higher than it. Keep still With votir nose turned up in perfect Impudence, and you are sale This will do in tolerable still water; in boisterous wa ter you will need n little ofthe art of swimming, which if you don't get you deserve to be drowned —Chrom ftipe 11 A t O \ , WEDNESDAY, U Cl ‘ST I*. 1847. FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR. For Governor. |l f Dt \r v\ L. CLIttCH. Whig Senatorial Nominations. District*, Counties Candidates 3.1. Mclntosh and Glynn, Chas. H Hopkins. 6th. Montgomery Sc Appling. John McArthur Bth. So riven and Fflunghnm, Martin Marsh 9th. Burke nnd KuUinu'l. ye ill Method 10th. Lauren* and Wilkinson, (’ D Guyton 12th. Decatur and Thomas, Dr. M H. Martin. 14th. Stewart & Randolph, H . Boynton. 15th. Lee and Sumter, Win. A. Marvell. 16ih. Muscogee and Harris, R 7 Mcjl's * 17th. Houston and Macon, P. J McGe.hee. j 18th. Talbot aid Marion, Col. A. C. Scott. { 21st Washington & Ji-flerson, Georgs Stapleton ! 22d. Richmond & Columbia, A J Miller. 23d. WaireuAi Taliaforro, Alner Darden. 24th. Hancock and Baldwin, Dr Wm Terrell. 25th. Putnam and Jones, S. A Wales. 26th. Monroe and Pike, Capt // J. Sargent. 27th. Crawford and (Jpaon, Hicd Holloway. 28th. Coweta & Merriwcthcr, Dr. C D. Parks, 29th.. Troup and Heard, Derry D Johnson. jiat. nouy auu ra*'iA, -- 34th. Morgan and Green, Aug S. Leese.. 37th. Oglethorpe & Madieon, Dr IV Willingham 33.1. Newton & Walton, J. If. William™ 31th. Clark nnd Jackson, Y .Y'AiA""’ ‘ 3-dih. DeKalb & (Swum— J - , r I .ihU” **°K ec Hen D II find Ivfi* und Chattooga, JM. Montgomery The Elections* During the week past we have received returns from elections in the States of Alabama, Tennessee, K- n tnck. Norlh Carolina, anil Indiana,which ure now com plete with a lew exc ptiona. As might have been an ticipated by honc?t and discerning politicians, tiic gen eral results are decidedly in favor of tin* Whig party.— Every State heard from has given a large gain in its fa vor, both in the popular vote, and members of Congress. Lei tSie Wh gs of Georgia look to it. Will they be the tirst to retregode, or remain op they arc, lieu old North Carolina in awake and Alabama is breaking a way the shackles ot Democracy—Kentucky extermina ting the noxious weed ot Locot<coisin from her fertile ! region, and Tennessee refusing to do honor to her de- ! generate son who misrepresents and degrades her in j the Executive Chair of the Union ? Whigs Hilliard, Gayle, ffem.- Harris, ‘lloifu u. Bow don, Ingle, Cobb. Ti n.vessel I be \\ big candidate for Governor Neill. S. Brown, rs ch eted by about 2,000 majority, over A j V. Brown, Democrat. In the Legislature, it is believed there is u majority ot one m the .Senate nnd seven in the Hou^c—last year it was democratic. The members of Congress elected, as far as heard from, are, Crosier, Gentry, G>ke, Brown, llaskill. Dem.— Johnson, 11*11. It will probably stand y Whig** 2 Democrats. Klntick\ —'Pile returns show* that there is but one Democrat elected, w Inch ih a Whig gain of two. In the election o* 1845, tiieie were 0 Whigs Buckner, Duncan, Morehead.Cox, Gaines. Thompson, Todd, Adams. Ileuiy. Dem —Linn Boyd North Carolina.—Whigs and three Democrat are elected. In 18-15 there were three Whigs and six Democrats—being a gain of three. Whigs. Outlaw, Douncli, Boyden, Sheppard,Cling man und Barrenger. Dem —Daniel, McKay, Venable Indiana —'J'tx ie ih n gam of one Whig in Congress H higs —Smith, Thompson, Brier. Dem —Wick, Cathcart, Henley. Rob union. Dobson I he \V higs, also, have a majority in both branches ot the Legislature. ’ irginia—Mead is elected to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the death ol Mr Dromgoole The Democrat ic majority in the district ia reduced from the previous election 447 votes. “The limn Policy” Seems to be a tavorite caption in the Democratic im personate. Can they explain to their readers, why they practice it so admirably with regard to the result ofthe recent elections 1 Yellow Fever in \ew Orleans. This fearful scourge baa commenced its merges in that City It IS tins noticed in the lJrlla of the llthinst.—ln the reports of intrnnrnts in our city, for the twenty-four hours preceding 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, the alarming tact appears that thirty per sons died in our city of yi flow lever within that space of time. The number of interments repotted to the Board of Health i generally slant of the number of deaths,as,in the hurry nnd multitude of funerals, the number and rrnioteutss of out, Uinying is difficult lo collect accurate returns in twenty-four forii s Mots liw, too, arrboine to the laige and commodious grave-) aid in 1-aluyetle The re port of the Bosrd of Health doe* not include the r.ty of Lafayette, where, we aie infoimed by good authori ty, the epidemic rages with more ferocity than in New Orleans. These taels give painful proof that tins al most only curse of our climate is on the inerrnse ft lias come upon ua like a pestilence, when we least ex pected it, and our c.ty is now sutlenng under itseflicts New Cotton. The first new Cotton we have heard of being brought to market, is noticed itithe New Ol leans Her. Two hales were brought to New Orleans on tile 9th inst. This is sufficient evidence of the gem nil luf in *s ot tin err., - when in New Orleans they get the first l,tie on tin 9th Aiiguat, and have here had it in our market on the PJth July. Thiswasthe ease in ItHtf—in Ihit> on the ifoth, ami in Isilfi ta wet season) on the 19th August. We have not even heard of any open holt* in this vicinity. We were, however, (from appeaiincr* ot Cotton in thi* vicinity) very much surprised nt receiving tli"/rt to leaf new Colton on Monday last (Ifitli mat.; from the usual source. Mr. Isaac Wnr, ot Houaton county it 1 was purchased by Mr Hamui I Dawson, at 14 cell la, and stored at the Ware house ol pa id & Adams. Mr. | Weat certainly must liave a hot honor in which tins bale ol cotton w as g own, as very little is opeued else where. TTif ('niton Worm* We have • letter before us from Co., Mir* , which sjteaka of the appearance there of the army worm. Tlie writer ut confident it ieof the aamc family that laid waste to the crops iunt year; but it does not contim* itself to the cotton plant, but eats the crab grass com blades, Ate ,as tyell as cotton. They are exceed inflly voracious, and the writer of the letter say* that you can go into the fields where they may b* and dis tinctly hear them at work eating, the sound being not unlike that of a multitude ofwurknn u engaged upon a building. He first observed them about the 20th of Ju ly. He uugurs most unfavorably from present appear anccs for the coming crop JV. O. l\cayune. Square Hales ot 4 otton* We would direct the attention of Planters to the ad vertisement of Mr. R. Tinplay, in <mr columns t > day Tii • Pre-H winch he oflhw i*r th purp. r*e of i packing Square Bales, has been ih< roughly tested, and j ns efficiency nnd su|s-*riority adimtted by all who have* I used it. For simplicity, durability, speed in packing* cheapncw, it w,ll compete with avy other Po offered A slight error occurred in the advert-senient lart week, which >* now corrected Fire* in Dooly. The Albany Courier < ! the 7th inst. says “The store-liouscof Mr. Slade, in Dooly county, took fire last week and wan consumed, with the goods, pnpeia and j money belonging to the store, together with all the pa- | j hers belonging to a large estate he loss is estimated ; ] at tf20,000.” EDITORIAL ( ORRESIM>NDENUI: Stone Mountain, August 11, 1817. Gentlemen: —The State Agricultural Fair, which j took place at the Mountain to-dfiy, was;: comparative j failure. Cwirg to some nrgligi nee, tl’ n was not a I proper understanding m regard to the teinis up* n whieli stuck was to be carried upon the Railuad.nnd hence persons at a distance ft m tlie I tie did t.ol vcnttue,a*ar ing that the charge* might I < high- I I<elicve, however, that a'l the stock which ( f< red w as carried free of cost There were some fine animals exhibited, but not as many as I have seen, on similar occasion*, in the com paratively small, hut spirited county ot Herrick. It in not my purpose to give a list ot the p*< n un.s grant ed, as it would only extend n y !• tter ird do 1 ut little good. The report® of the rev ml c< mmitti es will all appear in dttc time in the Cultivator. Dr Means, the regular orator of the dry, was not present, and there was no special oddres? delivered Mnj. Mark A. Cooffr, however, efirrd som very pertinent and oppiopriate remaikrin upnidto Ikti.c industry and home pr< duetit n. I \ i! < wt y. it i; ;'Bt be said of this gentleman, that he illmt.; te* li h “ ti<ith I y his works,” for he is unquestit ni.bly *.'*-ii g i to hanull | the politicians in Georgia to develop h i n*scuirces. It ia well known that he was the first capitalist who ven tured upon the manufacture of iron upon a large scale. The people will he pleased to b urn that his entt rpiise hoe been t ntirely sslul.and that he is low engaged in tlu construct ion ol an < \t< usiv • Mill, which he expr ets to have in full operation beam* the fit si ot Novemher. lie .s also cunstiuctmg a set of Merchant Miils capable of producing from 40,000t0 50,000 barrels ot Hour per year. To day he dw It paitieulariy upon the folly and shame of our tv*gi, cting to prodite;* the “ thousand and one small amces” aie now im ported from Yankee land For Inins* li. he was resolv ed to contribute his mite toward* mb * nig tie* State from such thraldom, and had guu* n* s< me xtent into the business. He had brought t< tin- Fair a specimen <t Georgia made Inmans, manufactured fi**rn coin giuwn in the fertile and bcautilul valby ofthe Etowah. ‘i h< specimens alluded to were universally pronounced .-Ujuriiw IV lliclitrsi Nuiihuiiuukk. ‘l’ficr * mode by machinery at the rate of one |er minute. As I in tend to visit this valley before my ictuin, l shall (terhups he enabled to speak more accurately upon this subject, i 1 here were also presented at the foir, from Caar coun ty, speeimen® of Willow Baskets, manufbciurrd the native willow by a young lady of “sweet bixtecn.” The specimen was timely, and proved ti’./* utter lolly of 1 our relying upon the celebrated 44 Basket nm/i.” or any one else, for articles of this kind. They cau hr pro duced at home cheaper and of n better quality. I can- | not now refer even by name to variMiH .*}•? •w ol domestic production which were exhibit.?! on the occasion. It is to be regretted that the preparations had not been more extensive, and that the agricultural in dustry of the State hud not been more generally am! fully represented. Georgia isn gieat and growing Starr * nnd her future power and influence can only be pre vented by a neglect of a proper association or combina tion between her agricultural, manufacturing and me | chanical interests. Hitherto the planter has too fe ; quently only injured himself Ly waning upon what he ; supposed to be an antagonist interest. Hereafter, it is to be hoped, he may puisue a different and wiser course. These great agricultural fairs should not always'jr I held at the same place ; but l*e changed from point to - —— •* uicm i tu travel. On this account 1 dty ler-rn that the Society to-dryieeolvtd that the Fair el® aid again j he held at ti cMi Marietta would Lave E tna | much mote suitable place, lor various m.foi.s. Th* accommodations are more extensive, it is in the midst of a dense pcpulutioti ct Tin triers, as c uitiguous to the great stock region of the .State. Aniut g a peo ple like those of Cherokee, too, in provt iuen sos tlus kind ure much more cared lot than w ith us if ,h<- mid land counties. The necommodations at the Mountains, I must say, in justice to the enterprising landlord, Mr. Coal3‘o*k, were the very best which c< uld have been antic p; ted. He did every thirg which ”11101101 mm” coni J have !• r.e. lie ret nu and aitr.cpt to pcss es liiiincnlc ii*; |(>w <*rs, for he continued to picducc j h \ t ji Iswl i imjU sup. posed liis Ftores must have 1e 11 exhausted. lieiippcar ed to he every wheie at the same tin e. nnd was olwayx kind and ollig ng amid his u nit p’.ieil nnnoynnees lbs table wflH provided with the lest, and the : applies were not only good, l ut they were well prepared, there was an ev'dent attention to chunlir. is which gave 44 grand corf deuce” to his guests .\- :i • t .• m quiet resort for a limited company. I qu* si < n wi , ther there i* n better house in uj pr-i Gen gin than Mr. i C o> Ltixit’s ; but what c< uld 1 iy one pi is* :i d< eniiJ such n multitude as hr* been congn gated I. ic- !sy ? Hence the propriety of changing the place of holdii g this annual festival. Y’ours, tkc. C. Cassville. At r;-r 12, 1M 7. Gentlemen: —ln the hurry of wining \ : rdrty, I wholly omitted to make any political r!;u* ony. ()f tin* 1 “sovereignty” who were present at the j would be note to say, that a vast majonty were decided ly of the Taylor and Withlacoorhec “snipe.” Tins was especially the case after the appearance of the two candidates for the Gubernatorial chair—both of whom, I I am happy to say, were pres* nt. Cos I. Towns, y*<u know, is a gentleman below the, j medium hiz< —easy and affable, though rather studied ’ lin bis monm rs On tins occasion he was not as happy jos usual. He looked like one in search of something l j which lie scarcely expected to find. There was an easy j and graceful resignation, u commendable . nlnnincsa I depicted in his countenance, which were regarded as ; lather ominous < f his fate, both by friend and !<••. On | account of personal sympathy 1 will iu i inumnie that i the Colonel is an “ugly” man, but when “ exhibited” aide by side with Gen. Clinch, 1 must ronfl fs that he suffered some from the contrast. The commanding, j portly figure of the old hero, showed that lie was no hot- j house plant—that he had not been raised in the shade j of polit cni favoiitism, nor nourished, like his opponent, • upon Government pap lie apjteared, for all the world, i like the very’ man who could bring up such a hero as ‘ Zachary Taylor, and when it was made known to the : multitude, that Clinch had f*een for years the Colonel ! | of the Regiment of which Taylor was Lieutenant- ! ! Colonel, the enthusiasm was unbounded The people | 1 seemed to regard him ns the man of nil others most 1 worthy of their votes. The Whigs are nil firm and de cided in hit support, and many of the most worthy and patriotic of the Democracy are resolved to sustain him, because ol the rcandalous nbua which lias U < n hcapod , upon huu by tli- op|K*iiioii press. With otic or two i honorable exceptions, the Democratic jii.jicri of the State nre equally abusive, diffi ting only in ih.* degree of groosness Even the Augusta < tm*tHuH<niali*t condo sc lids to the miserable trick of publishing vacant col umun as tlie most appropriate exhibition of the old hero's opinions upon various subject* The asvuult up | on him as an aristocrat, is m palpably falsified by the very presence of bath candidates, that i veil the Demin racy are prone tote fak nt, lest the charge Humid be shined to their own shoulders. At the Mountain it wan most tppnrrnt that Clinch was altogether the favorite, and ao it w ill lie generally wherever the two candidates go in company. It is too evident from Ins manner, that Mr. Towns i* “ ekiii for vote*. Every act, every look, tvciy thought areuie !to be guarded accordingly. He *s an md campaigner M the VAN lit Ut.N school— : polll.C.aii by prof’ sn:on, and a partisan by nature. On the roiitiaiy, the manly frtknk, independent bearing I (J.. Clin* ii, md.cnteau crmiQioMOaiM that personally he . annul be atlccu and by tlie result; that Ins purpose is to arrve the Btat** ratlier than himac'lf—to promote the publ.c good rather than that of a party. This is so apparent ns to elicit remark ♦v* n fiom stingers, and the result will fie, that wdien- ever tha two candidfttea appear together, the inoderatt men—the non-pnrtizans, will rally arm.i and Gem i H A most reliable gentleman informed me that he hod heard of more than on*- l>’ nmoral at the Mountain who had resolved, from pcisonal observation alone, to lote g • party and voty for the man who ha* proved himself n patriot. To-day Gen. CT inch stopped at Marietta—to-im r rw lie will go to RowlandV Springs. ( 01. I owns came on to this place, where lie met his ” nursit u motherthe Editor of ih Federal Union, who had lor some days Den bu.* 1 } heralding his approach. Strange to say, that while die Colon* Pa organ i.i Cess vilie has been denouncing Gen. Clinch n* 1 ti “sw llci head,” &0 &: c , the Colon* lhiiiiPelf slu yld hav pa'*** <• by a resp*ctable Deineermrc h ‘t* l, aigj taken up h • quarters ut the roinfortable Whig honsc of Mr T>ati mer. I must say, that while hi* taste i* to be com mended, hi* devotion to his party must he rntli'T w eak when it prompts him to pass so evident a slur upon th* humbler portion of his own friends in Cass, lli.- U>v for some ofthe “creature comforts” r not unknown hut vve presumed it was < < Tifincd to the region of th** National Metropolis. The truth D, that he ih a gentle iiinii in hi* instieis, nnd though prepared by education ( to “stoop to conquer,” he Honiftimes appears rather; ridiculous m the attempt. It has been raining nil day. and though there an- many persons nt Court, Ip; nine | the lender* will m t attempt to show him off b lop* t**- I morrow . It in not known whether he wiil he called upon for n public spec* h, but it is probable that tli<* un , terrified Democracy may feel anxious to hear him Dr. Miller, Got Aiken, Gen. Hanhell. nnd otht 1 -toiling Whig*, an: present, and anxious to g *t an • p|ortumiy 1 t rcsjHjnd. If a discussion should tak’- place-, you shail j hear from it. Yours, &lc. U. From the Savannah-Republican To flic Editoraofthe Maeou Jourtml A Mes senger. In your paper of the llth innt , after announcing that the new Schedule at Atlanta, by which the Macon & Western Road connects with the Western &. Atlantic and Georgia Ronds both way* you say; 44 It now re main* forth--Central Rond to make the connection com plot*- You mean, I presum that the Central Rond cars should leave Macon for .Savin.null on ihr ariivn of th- Macon &. Western car*, and leave Savannah so M to arrive in Macon in time lor the Macon & W. stern err* going up It may seem to n causal and server, a very easy nntt -r for the Central Rail-Road Company U puform th op eration which you desire, and fw bcsid-s to* .Hi.’ who*! business it is 10 direct the operations ofthe Road, cutset* | what wuJd be theconseq cnee of adopting that plan. Permit me to shew to y a that the ( e-ural Rail-Road ; cannot connect at Macon ‘A'iili the Macon & Western Company on the new Srh dale of the inter Company The Central Road runs in connection with the line of steameis carrying the Mail, between Savannah and Charleston, nnd must of necessity so continue to run The steamers leave Charleston at 9 A, M . u ing W est, nnd by their contract with the Government, they have eighteen hours to make thei run. T hey arc due in Sa vannah nt 3 A M. Going East, they leave Sava* unh at BP. M., and nr; due in Charleston at 21‘ M. The Central Road is bound to d*uver the Mails at Savannah nnd at Macon at or before BP. M Henoq.the cars h-ave thes.’ places at 7A. M With the new.schedule ofthe Macon Sc Western Road, and l\\c existing schedule of the Central Road, it iobvious that connection cannot fce formed at Macon. But you may say wiiy does not the Central Road change its hours, and tun at night as formerly ?—and why do not the steamers run, as formerly, a fast line be tween Charleston and Savannah? And you may sup pose that such a caang * would bring with it that com plete connection which v< u ilepire. The change would not produce that result. With the 44 fix ’d facts” before you, that the steamers must leave Charleston at 9 A. M .and arrive in Charles, ton nt 2 A. M . you will set- that the Central Road can not make a continuous uninterrupted line between Sa vannah and Atlanta without destroying the connect ion between Savannah and ail points North of it,so long as the car* of the Macon Western Company leave Macon at 6 A M. and arrive in Macon nt 7 P M.— You can easily test this—Start with the steam rs (for a fast lira-) from Charleston at 9 A M —arrive in twelve hours ot Savannah—allow one hour for the Post < )flfic* —leave Savannah a* 10 P. M., and run to Macon in eleven hours. You arrive, then in Macon at 9A. M . three hours alter the depot tore of the Macon A \V < stern * ft*- 11 rrm Trmve in Ttneon ?IT7 P. M . sfnrt the (T*n tral caw from Macon at 8 I*. M.—run to Savannah ini cloven hour.—arrive there at 71* M—allow an hour for the Post Office—start the steamers nt 8 A. M . im.l you will arrive in Charleston atSP, M., nearly five! hours tifrer the departure ol the Wilmington steamers with tin* Mrtils. Thus, you pereeive, whilst the new rrhrdv'r gives to the Macon & Western Company the means of conticr tirg w ilh the Slate peutl. an.; with the Crown Komi. it j rccludeo the Central liwtd from connecting with the Macon A Western Komi it Macon, unless ii he at the sacrific” ofthe connection- North of Savannah. \in did not. therefore, sift the matter tothe bottom— you did not comprehend the the whole subject when you ventured the assertion that it remained for the Central Company to make the connection complete U I am wrong in what 1 have stated, show me how the Central Company can, with the new Schedule of the ! Macon A- Western Company, make the connection j complete, w ithout tunning tw o trains per day. or crcat- 1 ing a break in Savannah, and I will see that ii is ma le I You may. possibly, infer that I do not like the new j Schedule. I beg you to understand that 1 h ghly ap-! prove it, ns the hest arrangement, under grusei't eir- ‘ eumstawees, which can he marie. Indeed, f inddrrsscil the Post Master General, the Cavern a; anil the chief Engeneer of the State, asking all of them, ns the Presi dent of the Macon A Western Rond had previously \ nUc I them, to establish it. Hereafter, the road of tie State will connect,.>* it ought to do,with both the road which terminate at Atlanta, and if from circumstances heyond control passenger* and mails starting fi m Sa vannah control reach Atlanta without stopping a night ai Macon, ii is a inislnitune—lot th- fault of a iv rcie li is a misfortune which c innot he shdtine I w i'ront disruption of ih.-maif f'le'lirics anrl travel between Sr. vannah and the North, or submission to th ■ heavy ex penditure atteuJam on running two daily trains each way on the Central Road. We should he rontent with the new arrangement. As your paper w ill not again appear before the 18th ‘ inst., 1 ask the publication of this leiiw in Savannah, where your notices tnnv tnnk” an erroneous impression —otherwise l would send it directly to you. Please reerve this as an explanation of it* appearing liir-t in print. Very resjreetfully, your ob't. serv’t., R. R. CUV HER, President. [CORRESrONPENCK or TIIF. JttTONAL AVT> MILLEDGEVftXF,. At r9.Hi 7. Gentlemen: —Di vcan L Cuv’ ii bss been wbvtr I by the Whig party of Georgia as its candidate for Gov ernor. Gkorok W. Towns hasbe-en selected by the Democratic party as its candidate fi*r tin* an me office Each party lias made a selection rhataotei ‘*tic ol itself Each candidate is the proper representnrive of the pecu liar characteristics of his party. 1 any peculiar, heoai**’ the general chanicteriatioa of the parties are the sum* Both, in the main, an* patriotic, honest and sincere ; e>* ther party contains large nun dvrs of individual* who hnve heroine attached to it by accident or circumstances not of their own formation; both part it s nre liable to fie I misguided by selfish, eutmlng and ambitioua leaders;’ faith are liable, from tin* instinctive oppugnation 1 partiet, to drive a tsvonn- i,i h aim to an exticm iiijuri- ! ous to the country, which was ounceiv* din patriotism 1 for the In'iirfit of the country. It is the operation of this principle < f Instinctive np pugtiation between tin two gr t forties of this coon • try which demands lioui nu. rnui.v;*vt* run! vigilance” ! as ‘ the price of liberty,” eternal vigilance, In they ] should be led beyond the reason abU hounds of emulatif ! opposition -beyond tie* objects and aug ,< stums of p:u riotiani—into that gull of partftimm which *• hm over t* 1 lM*ekon the fni* of republics If Aver this union <>/ cm pirm should cease to exist .and th attraction l ucom j inon interest oiioitlj lon* its power, tin* historian who j reeordaua fate wifi proclaim fa All posterity th it tli i toci.K were the tnad destroyer*ol’ their own *• e;a ol freedom,” the stupid or reckless par nr l*s of their I own country ; for (•‘adcra arc nothing without the sup port of th**ir party, persuasive, or eloquent, or dating n. they may be. ‘I lw peculisr and d.tiu .pushing charset* r.stie-, of tin i I ire I their opposition to or advocacy of aTnnff n Nnt<uiui I Hank or internal improvement; nor ut it to be louud in 1 the question, who shall fx f ( uuiioat to do buttle ngui;i*t | a nation with which we are ut tear, nor i*t Wffniot Pro j visna ii;D citon l> ;• renew ii I all, or moat of this.- subjects, with the coUateml issue* winch grow out of them, arc more apparent than real The rea I distinctiv e characters of the parties m the B<>uth, ami throughout the whole Union, are to be found in a spirit of conservatism which pervades the one, and a spirit ~f reckless experiment and adventure which has • pie* -o'd” the other. Never was there a uior*palpa ble misnomer than lor “ progressive democrats' 1 to call themselves” strict constructionists.” Never was cant ing hypoeriry more pregnant w ith evil than that which with one hand holds mu to the people art undefined and undi linnbli future good, whilst with the other it is sap ping away die nmans to secure and the capacity to enjoy su'-stanlial blessing”—which lures the people from the I with* ol peace anil virtue, and the certain acquisitions wliich t’l’ v 1 ring, to the devious and dubious ways oj crime and robbery and war. Vet these are the inevit able tend* iiei h of the policy and the temper of modern democracy ! Writable “ strict constrictionists'’ are they indeed! who v!i“ ha-* he n said by nnoth<?r) refuse a few thous ands ol tl’.e wealth of the country when the people pe tition t r them to render nnvngable our lakes and rivers, hut would appropriate millions to constiuet a canal in Mexico, or build a Railroad from the Atlantic Ocean to the Oregon riv. r ; who would annex foreign territory ad infinitum, and reject a national currrency for the benefit of the whole people, because, forsooth, there is no xpress authority” in the Constitution tortne estab lishment of a United States Bank ; who supported their President in a flagrant abuse of the war making power, whilst Congress was in session,and from the most del icate conscientious scruples, spurned the iden of a na tional donation to the starving Irish ! Whose President v to. Ia hill passe Iby Congress to improve our lakes, harbors an 1 rivers—also a hill to pay the just debts of the country —yet a democratic President was sustained bv democrat* in these abuses of a roytil prerogative, and hailed ns a genuine Young Hickory! He knew their duty better than the representatives of the people—ex alt dbe his name ! The king can do no wrong ! Truly the Democratic party is the “largest liberty party f and in claiming to be so acknowledged they claim noth ing more than their due. They enjoy a perfect freedom from all scruples which stand in the way of their party ‘ These are the tendencies of things in tiie Democratic party, and which enhance the value of the conservative party of this Union beyond all computation. These arc the t ‘mb*tides which the Whig party have so manfully, frmly .hut not always successfully struggled against To :h • i*. ’ns ivative influence of the Whig party, aided by tb an t moral weight of Mr. Calhoun, ami the ac e-on <*l p< strength which he tendered to the ! country at a critical moment, the people of the Union arc indebted for our peaceful relations with Great Brit ; gin. But for this conservative power over the destiny o* the country, the Democratic party, or its lenders at Washington, w ould have involved us in a w ar, the end and results of which would have defied conjecture.— The same conservative influence was exerted to prevent the war with Mexico, but the conquest of Mexico being nothing hut “ a breakfast spell" —umbrtunately, not with success. 8.-lifving as the Whigs do, that the war with M* xico was unnecessary, and therefore impliedly unjust, they oppc.s • I it at its ii ception ; but, being hi, they have free ly offered and sncniiced their blood and treasure to save tii. honor of ou- common country. Believing as they do that the existing war had its origin in the vilest and most detestable party purposes-—that Mr. Polk, ex-ojfi cio, as the head of a wicked and scheming President making cabal at Washington was induced to arouse the warlike passions of a warlike race, that he and his com peers might reap a harvest of political capital and revel in the “spoils.of officefor a term of years—believing thus, they denounced the act and manner of the act of war ; hut, being in, they have proved no laggards in the fight ll the war were closed to-day, perhaps, an hundred millions of dollars would not defray its cost. An hundred millions of dollars and thousands of valued friends! for what? the people will inquire. Those friends can never be restored ! Those millions must be draw w, nolens vole ns, l rom the pockets of die people. Every man, every woman, every child in the Union must bear a part of it. What tariff l , what systems of taxation must be resorted to, to extinguish such a debt ? What improvements, what railroads, what schoolhouses, rivers, lakes and haibors these millions would have made ! But the wheels of legitimate ** progress” must wait upon the extitiguisluiu nt of such a debt. What candid and reflecting Democrat, whose partisan feelings and interests have not been permitted to carry bis juUijmem and patriotism beyond tfcWw .RWffVflVfi tit it whig counsels had prevailed in regard to this war ? The elections in every State where they have taken I place, including “ old republican Virginia,” indicate the awakening *>l the people to the dangers with which a reckless patty has surrounded them. I cannot doubt that (Georgia will mingle her voice in unison with theirs. Ulim h is the representative of the Whig or conserva tive party. Towns is the representative of the reckless party calling itself Democratic. They each represent ! th ir paries in their individual as well as political char acters. Choose ye between them. Yours, &r. A. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE JOURNAL * MESSENGER. NEW YORK, August 11, 1847. The election returns which have been reaching us for the last few days, have been of an encouraging complex ion to the Whigs, and it is considered already settled that the next House of Representatives will be in their hands. What has turned the scales so completely and melted away the large majority of the administration ? I*or one, 1 agree with the Washington Correspondent oi the Herald. It is not the Sub-Treasury, for the op- | eration of that has scarcely been felt in the immense in flux of specie from abroad. It is not the Tariff of *46, tor that in our peculiar circumstances has not borne ou rously upon us. But it is the Mexican War, and particularly the manner of carrying it on, that ha- ‘ wrecked Mr. Polk’s prospects totally and forever. It ■‘wins us if a wise Providence meant to make this grand measure of the administration, the means of itsover throw in jut retribution. Tire very step which was ex p e* il to make Mr. Poik glorious, sinks him beneath contempt. Tin- ten regiment bill, which gave him the right ol I i tin iii* officers out of the hands of the volunteers; j t . I. iii •.unit General colchet; ami his whole treat i int. fGen. Taylor, have been among die things that | ir.* d’ -■ .ii*d to crush Mr Folk. Ills warmest friends, I n such a term can bo applied to any of his adherents, | admit that hi* policy of making military np|H>intincnts j ;in r<*|y ns political rewards, hns been hit destruction. ! \V. have had another slave ease, attended with con- * siderableexcitement,since 1 wrote you. The abolition- i his laid hands upon a couple of black* belonging to n Brazilian ve-s and arrived here, and endeavoured to effect 1 their release through the agency ol the courts Th • decision of the coart was against them, but th*y con trived to slip them olffrom the praon where they were l‘d.i • I awaiting the final action of the law, and the I M"k-me by tins time in or ivar Canada, Like most ot the proc ’edings ol the abolitionist <. their course in the ad or has on.y ten lei t t stir up had blood, which i ill- more to Is* regretted at a tins when our relations With lhazil are in a disturbed condition. Tin* imports here are prodigious, 1.330,000 dollars were paid in last week at the New York Custom-house. Never, within my recollection, lias there been so large an amount of busmen* doing at this season as now. Th- fall business will Ik* great beyond all precedent. The arrivals of immigrants at this port during the spring and summer have been over 100,000 Notwith standing these people have conn* in the greater part of 1 the time at the rate of OHM a day, there seems to lie a l uge urtsiippl ♦ and demand for laborers throughout the country, and yen in this vicinity, Railroad contractors uud hum.'!*, are advertising lor th ai by thu bundled real thousand, and offer Irorn 73 rt*. to 100 q day, und sail an* Uiistipplieil Where all the new comers go to :n myst -iy tome, for New York does not seem to Is- ! ev *rc, owd**d with them. l ie* ik*w KietM*h steamer Fhiladclphje, the ‘idol the j ( b rboutg packets is still in port, and her officers urc on , joying th hospitalities of the city. Sin- mo fin** vessel, j I hi dJ ol the hue, tin Missouri, is expected this week II) tin* hu a LiViagtstmi and Wells have chi ihhshed un ciprcs* to Funs and the French |*nts, which promises I to he a great eunveiuenc * to p.splc on tlus ei*|c. Notwithstanding it t*so early in the season,our city m ihrmige I with busiuri** men front all sections of tie country, wiie arc laying in their winter supplies. Mer ‘‘ban b’ “I every and ’nation is moving about the streets in Immense quantities. All i of dealer* are ob taiidng pretty high prices for their wares nnd mrrehan* •lue 1 cannot discover, however, any very positive in dication* ot milntwn r tendency to overtrade. Tie merchants speak of the Southern traders a* being th* IttMivina tracers at the pres* tit tint ?. There u hut little .■ ‘i i that the pr *■ *m cn* ttied coiidit o.i ol our uMinr> i i M xc * opernt •us a saljiuiy restraint ui the dispo *ti<-n b* speculate. Truly, yours, PYM COMMUNICATED. It inn bugs—A Late edition. It will be recollected by many of us, that, sometime last spring, our citizens, who had u passion for fancy shrubbery, fruits, Ac., were blessed with tin of n Frenchman, nil the way from P uis, or thereabouts. with a locomotive nursery, which he displayed by open ing sundry ponderous boxes and bundles. The articles he oflerred were magnificent, if one were to guess from the pictures he exhibited of them, and hi prices equal ly S'.—being irotri one to twenty-five dollars each.— Many of the p/cf/m •* ol his flowers and fruits wet • most arnpie in their dim msions, and unique a:t 1 original in their colors There were Cherrie* portrayed, that would put u Peach in the shade,—but this h * admitted when questioned, was only “ a leetle mistake of the Printer and Painter,” who ma le them. And there were Roses and other flowers as checkered ns n Hroteh ginghams, with stripes of blue, crimson, white Ac. There were amateurs, both from city and country. who were never very liberal before, who disgorged their purses to buy these beautilul articles—■“ all the troy from France.” “ The Frenchman and h - plants’ was J the general theme for several days. Only a few were j not overtaken I y the mania nn I seemed to doubt wheth 1 er the pictures and realities would correspond, and als there was a very striking resemblanee of his most rare shrubs ami plants to certain specimens in that exten sive nursery that extends all along the Central Rail road, from Savannah to Macon. Well, the investment was sold out, but some of it at a little less than Paris prices, and the gratified merchant travelled, and the equally gratified purchasers waited impatiently for Na ture to devclopc their choice treasures. Faithful to her trust, dame Nature brought forth from the Frenchman’s plants of the “Four Nations,” sold at the great sacrifice of four dollars, a substantial root ol llorse lladish! ! A costly investment of trees and shrubs produced the gall-berry, whortleberry, spar klcberry, white maple, poplar, bay-tree, &.c. The “Emperor of Russia,” also sold at the same great sacri- fice of four dollars, —nature metamorphosed into that very unrare plant of our pine woods, the Spider IVort ! I will pas* over a long list, and designate bit one more —the most tare and valuable of all—“ The Emperor of Chinn,” represented of the most delightful fragrance, and the painting showed it to be a fit representation of the head of the Celestial Empire This plant was worth twenty-five dollars, hut to confer a favor on the country, despite of our connoiseurs who did not seem fully t<> appreciate its value, it was sacrificed for fifteen ‘ after several oil'setts had been taken from it and sold from one to five dollars each. But nature has done her wo.k upon it. and only exhibits an ordinary specimen of Skunk Callage'. —the fragrance of which could only be tolerated by a certain class of aerial sevaengers Such was the result of the mission of this foreign nursery man among us, who also, equally blessed some other places by the results of his visits about the same time. But for the cruelty of the reminiscence to some 1 might alqo give the details of the visit of a German to this and other places in our State a year previous, hav ing with h'm nil the treasures of the Gardens of the Leyden. Bioges. Potzdam and Rotterdam, which were also disposed cf to amateurs at n> st interesting prices; and fiyu* dollars frequently gratified the stlle/s pocket fora bulbous r*;t*t. l-ss beautilul and fragrant than the leeks and onions of Egypt. I merely mention this that those who have not bought wisdom by experience in th e matters, may have the benefit of it, without the rest, to some of TIIE HUMBUGGED. [communicated.] The Howland Springs. Messrs. Editors :■ —A few weeks residence at tat health giving habitation of Hygeia, induces me to con vey rnv impressions of its singular merit to you. that some afflicted one of your numerous rentiers may he up- j prised of the inestimable boon so immediately within | their reach. At Clarkesville, the “ Indian, ’ and Madi- | son Springs, as well as at the “ Rowland Springs,” there is ever much of bustle, mirth and meriment; but the potent influence of appropriate medical waters ndsipted , to the prevailing class of Southern maladies, is not alike i their inheritance. Here in the deep forest of native ; magnificent growth, nt the base of the picturesque | “ Mount Ida,” issue two streams of very cold water,the one a chalybeate in a state of proto-carbonate, and the other mainly of sulphudric gas in combination with lime and magnesia. The atmosphere, too, is ol the most salubrious nature, enjoying ns we do the balmy, invigorating influence of contiguous mountains These are positive advantages to invalids, and must establish a Springs, more enviable than that of any place of re sort in the South. The proprietor is a man of wealth* and spares no expense in building up his establishment and is determined that it shall not be surpassed in ele gance, convenience and comfort place of fash ion in the State, which even now is all that the most fastidious could desire. His promenades, when com pleted will be delightful, passing as they do from Spring to Spring, and canopied by the original growth, under which, hut of kite, the red prince of the forest was wont to slake his thirst and repose himself when the chase was ended. Tradition informs us that to this source they were accustomed to congregate in great numbers pitch their temporary wigwams, and secure for tin- in firm ami (lecrej)id of their untutored race, the healing ; properties of these fountains of health, prepared for them as for us, by a bcnificent God. On first nearing the Reception House with its spa cious Halls and dining room, a beautilul, “j-t de/m ‘ claims th** attention It is neatly surmounted with a statue of the Goddess Hygeia, holding in her left hand a 1m *wl into which the abundant stream is ever pouring : opt emblem of the sufficiency of the natural agencies concentered here for the relief of suffering thousands. Feeling desirous that u numerous class of individuals residing upon the seaboard and needing such a refuge, instead of a Northern and more expensive tour, may In induced to a participation of these benefits so peculiarly their own, 1 append the established rates of charges : #1 p* r dav for less time than two weeks ; 75 cents per day for one month ; sl6 per month for two or more months A VISITOR. Rowland Springs, July 19. 1847 [communicated.] Harmony Aciuftein) —l'utuam County* Under the charge of Mr J M Robert linker The exercises of th** Examination an i Exhibition o* the above Aim.! my took place th *2 l l and *231 ultimo, before a num rouu and intelligent collection of citizens, from this and rdjoiuing counties. The Trustees feel it to be their duty, both to them selves and the teacher, to express the pleasure and gmt ilication which they with others experienced in witnem ing the exercises. We can safely say that never before have we attended a similar exhibition of th * kind where tlv* scholars, from the smallest to the largest, did them s'lvon *n much Ijouor. On the‘22l the lower daises were examined ; tint n partial examination, but a thor ough search.n ; investigation of their knowledge and undent in ding of th • studies p i ran and. At u. glit there was an examination of h da-sin Ch*m-tt.-y wtb ex periments, and the roll mule oi **nch giv n by the class On the 23 l the hgh*r class v. ■■■.• examin'd ui Fnd- I osopliy, Latin, Greek, Algdra and G-oapny, The I clans**a were not only examine I, I y th. t je'u-r. I m n!s were Submitted to otlieis present ul'y jiial li-d, who after thoroughly sounding th^m. <-x,*r • I them A * a* much gratified by the intimate acquaintance mani fested by the different classes w.tli their stJr* A:t *i partaking of a plentilul uud well prepared barb cu , th-* 1 andicnec were delighted by the efforts of the youth.ul orators nnd tic* sham battles of mimic In to h W* IiBVC never ‘tithe exercises of on Exhibit! II M) w ,.d performed, though wc have attended many. By tli * request of the Trusts***, our honored an I high- I ly cNte-me.l inflow citizen, A. II Mrti'iiK.v, was a!*, in attendance und delivered to n m attentive and do- J lighted audience, an nddr* sn upon the subject exclusive ly of uducition. His ad Ire.M was and ‘liver *I in hi* mu id eloquent and impressive inat;m*r; his comparison* were a** apt, his contrasts so fore ble, and his deduction-; so natural, tint each conclusion carried on u- i .c. * th • imp** 1 * of truth Wc know of some, and wc believe th *i were many present, who will remember and at I tempt to profit by hi pertinent remarks ujtou thisullj important subject. On*- word in r Delusion: we have a cowtiiod .. iand c-omlbltable horn*-,a hcnutilul, u /nod water us can be found in this section of country, a good oppn ratus, a moral mid religious neighborhood , board f.mi tive to seven dollars per mouth in gmd Inm.lies; w.m u teacher raised and educated in the goo I moral and religiiais deportment, w**ll qualified to t- *r’i and govern a school in this or any otfu-i country A th** higtv*t evtd<*ttoe of what we •#* -rt, w • have etigag ed fnsservir • lor the ensuing Lug the third ■wee his location nt this place. Tru*teet J John A. Couatnur, John pAsntat, f W.a. H Fascual, Albist Winumbl, I W 8. Scott. I L . si i.Oiii Mexico. T!v3 United States steanur Fashion, Capt. I VP . rived at New Orleans ou the 7th mat., bringin'* ,? ’ ’ from our army nt I’.t *Ma, to the doth July, Graz to the 2 1 inst. We give complete details t dligciicc received,most of which will be5,,,,,.. f |n ’ letters n f Mr. K-n.lail of the New Orleans Pi c ’ thp So ‘tappears that all the rumors by previous arr’v?!*” Gen. Feorr being in Mexico, afW a battl,. ,. 0 ’ lie lost 303 iu?n—of immediate prosp -cu of p ,..J are nil groun !!-•*. This hnelligence is thirtyd'i •ip’ ‘ inn our pi v.rus authentic intelligent:;* from Sc ,tt. l &-'rn| (i :i. s.->TT was a I l’u-bluas late as the 30th„f , AH hope of |>-ace hud vanished, and an advance cnitemplaied on lli capital in af w days after- I |, ** rival of G n Pierce's command. Th” . a *’ completed liieir fortifications, and a terrible hen] . 1 tieipated under the wal's of the capital. The n rivals will probably bring important accounts “ ‘ The courier o) th - British legation arrived at v j Cm* on the :i!st nit., with correspondence from M ‘•'* i to the ojth of July mid from Puebla to the noth ’ P>;ic,) In Me.viuo every thing was sixes nnd seven,. r , Ureas has referred Mr. Buchanan's letter back to the p” i eeHive, an I thrown upon him all the responsibly J ’ • ‘•> war. Aboutifli.OOOmen arecollectedforthcdef I of the city, but the pence party in town is yet 9 t rot]l , j inorensitm. and they linve no faith in t| lc i r generaf/ 1 Uen. Pierce, witii his train nnd convoy, hsd srr . r ; in'ly nt Perole. (1.-n. Scott, it will be se,. n . , ‘''l U-n. Smith's brigade to meet him. It will be J,” that Mr Kendall believes (ien. Scott would (,c v ‘ the lits| wei-k ill August upon Mexico, nnd that and !,’ would be the Everest h tttle of the war. The U. cans are fully prepared to receive him. The Sun of Annhuac gives the follrwing aceoum nt an eneopnter between Gen. Pierce's train nnd the ™. nllns. It must be regarded ns a rumor, soys our c ,.! respondent, and so says the Sun. A respectable person of the city has informed us tl, n letter had been received yesterday morning hy „ citi ‘ z ‘” of *>" plat ‘, from a guerrilla chief, stating that a, gurrrilleros, about GOO in number, attacked the commanded by Gen Pierce, near tiie National BritGe The letter says the Americans approached under th e fire of the M exicans until they arrived within a hundred yards of them, when the American infantry opened, il ‘ndly fire on them, forcing them to retreat. While Mexicans were retreating the American cavalry rushej o:i them,sword in hand, and killed about one Inn ly Mex cans The position of the Mexicans the strongest that can he found in the country, ‘pi,, Am’ricans passed the bridge after this successful en . gagement. A gentleman who conversed with Santa Anna,™, the middle of July—we are told this on the best au ,t, „ . ty in V-Ta Cruz—found him in favor of negotiate ■ ‘ dreniling to assume the responsiliility Guv Vihf had arrived at th ■ capital with oiOJineti from Sin 1,.. Pomei—all full of fight. This embarrassed Santa Art tta He felt himself too strong to give up withogn fight, < lur letters mention the death of Lieut. Tipton, ofthe Kdl ‘s.and Lieut. Sturgeon,of one of th ■ Peaasyvoi regiments. The form r was th ■ sou of ex-rforato, . I'ipton.of Indiana—the latter of Senator Sturgeon of Pensylvania. The lorees liave been withdrawn from the city ofT>- baeo, in consequence of the s -vere sickness w i eh p. vadeii among them, till the s.ekness s!idl havr t0,..] Ia ety was t,k ionho n I, >u I the en t t.„ was elf ete i W ithout molestation from th ‘ e tettv. wip wts incus I rahlelee. outsl I'. Til* il.ue tees v.-'g all lestruyed wliut the place was fist ocejirls.-, Weeks si tee. Tit health of t!i city of Vera Cruz is iinp.-nvie.r. <■ t th* pap rs. We will give thoflie .1 st at ‘.nent in oar j next, hilt the average daily mortality is ahoul nine. The ! votnito is decreasing. j Gen Almonte has been sent to Tulanc'ugo, Tie nature of tiie charges ag i inst him we have not yet been able to ascertain. More ot him m our next r.dlUmal Curretpondeitee of the Picayune Puebla, Mexico. July 25,1M7. Last evening, on the strength of a letter sai I pi hut been ree ived from the Spanish Minister in Mexico, is ne-stock went up. It was rumored that the con tents of luscommunication madepeace inevitable—that the Congress and Santa Anna were disposed to agree to any tiling In order to insure it; now, while lam writing intelligence lias come m from winch il would app-ar that there is no earthly chance for an arnicaAle adjust .imiioriiui uimcuiUes From all accounts, itwouU npp.-ar that Santa Anna nnd Congress are at sw.adi I that the former has nil the advantage ore, ] the constituent wisdom of the great and magnammoni •*l‘ *"' an na,lo It may Is- recollect.* I that some two I months since Congress passed an act declaring anyont a traitor who would even entertain the idea of a puce With the North Americans. So far so good. When Santa Anna received Mr. Buchanan's last proposition! j a t -w weeks since he at otic - submitted them to Con. i K r '' r ' s /or that body to act iqton the matter in the pretta* -s-s , but what dill Congress do bat send thepapeisisck wii-i tin answer that the initiatory steps belongedu t c!llsl ’ lu *1” Executive. At this Santa Anna be came enranged-said that he did not send the papea b -tore Congress to ascertain what his prerogatives were -!i ■ knew their full extent well—but lie had laid the mutter before that bo ly in order that the m inhere might resuul “ !lli ‘ r former deciwe declaring any one a irmtar, A--., il they saw fit. T’hat he thought they would do til s, and thus give him all an I every power, is highly pi idm hie ; but Congress took u stubborn tit, and here the whole affair rests for the present. Ido not even *t who is to deign to offer an answer to Mr. Budiantn’i propositions, which seem to have been transf-m-J imo a species oi toot-bsU to be ki.-kej backwards and for winds by S.iiitn Anna and the Congress—neither patty, in the present distracted state ot the country, daring to tay blinds u|a.u the unfortunate document. Bold and unscrupulous as even the tyrant is in all matters olftur i l! ■ Is 1 dure nut take a responsibility so heavy upon lus shoulders, as to come out alone andadvuciit - u peacr Till impression now is, that he has determined to liu ar.l the defence ot the c.ipit-ij, and this impression gains strength when it is known that he Ims Congress to hr a -blame upon in ease he sutlers another deiest. .\fl- •iii r battle, in my humble opinion, will be ui Hasten* .1 lvantnge to tlie United States , tor if Gen. Scottnr v.s upon the eapital th * Mexicans will certamiy be detcat •d, end it h- remains here, und there is no more fight ing, tin* enemy will contrive to come out of die stir conqu -rors. Fhey w ill endeavor to make it ap(ieit that th -V unkces, fearful of risking a battle ol tlvr principal city, sued for peace, and in the eyes ol t e world they will be able to rnnke a tolerahl • near . art Santa Anna lias recently levied a contribute*..—J forced loon it may be called—upon th** inhabitant and die capital, in which ho culls lor s2fo,f?s to carry oO tlv war. 1 Ik* churches and convents,as well m privitc individuals, are assessed,and it is hinted that the tyrant has left the names ot some of fusfew frlends oil *t ilw tax list. ‘l’h** forcigiM'is, who linve called upon wirhout stint, have maJe regular prt t* sts, it is said, against tb Ut\jtHt taxation, but Santa Anna does not stand up ti I 1 1 iff -n in hi** money transactions, j i'lom v\< :y indication, it would appear that Gcu S< intcmls an immediate moVv'inent upon foe ctyw y ■ —it 1 ti.- t w.tltin a week or ten days. Haid biead is heirtgbeked foi the inaich. the qiin.tettn t* ,|S h ive heenrirdeted to hoi l tlvnmclv* ** ir ic*idiiH*'. tt^ I in every department all is hustle and i.etivity. 1; h-*Si*g I imp ‘s.-*ib!e to receive olothi.ig fro.n the Un t.*J hundreds of M -x - ’risnre nt work putting ear tn tt tn uniform Some* . n think that th*- army will n,v I* lor*- (aein-ritl Fi* n C'>ii:i *up , but it is Imrilly l” : able that Gen Sett will march lie lore that oflieer g* ,H within ntic or two dayV tniuch At least INW of ck will be left Lhiml.hit a majority of them would be ill Ii U.tU ‘tlUll 10 tuke llflll!: ill i ‘•< ill ;,M attacked. S|*-kiug of sickness, the South Carshnn reglmeat has suff -reJ more dian any other In the Bcrvlee. Ihta whs not exp* rted. It wus thought that die N* *tl *n* p-gnuents would sutler iimst hcienv. iiy ui tl < ! hut th*- N**w Y ork, rs and South Can linnp hav* Let l # ihn it w**ie # sUL- by side,and the former have had I n | t w raw's on the sck list cun pnrntively. Tlta fi ‘ |; ’* t ‘ttiolmiims, out ot ‘.XiU strut wh< n titt: u W r* and, i’ r w f |,,n out ah* lit 4HI Os the other fV.K), tu trie 110 htiv ‘f’ l -IW have b**en left s,< k in tin* r**ar, end the test tre now in lt*H* her** The health of th • r giiTK-nt is •nH irtJV * ing, however, and ninny ore convalescing. Yours,Ae. G. W K. Fucm.x, (M xioiij July 30,1“* • In relation to the niov ni’ I’.tn of tlv nrtny, I * you no utli -r than th*- impi* **n that G<*n Se> it wii mairli luuusdiately on tlv arrival <l G*n. fierce-j -JJf nien composing th*’ divisions of Geu. Mutlli *<• world. In tin- lir-t place, the iiu*i**i*bl c- -■’ 1 not sup rk>rt nny ; they are equally wellAflM ; ■ ,#lv '* th** L'st officers to lead them i and, what w effo®-