Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 18, 1847, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. Nutritive Qualities nt I* reml. I propone to show, in an intelligible manner, that whole meal flotr u really more nourish ing, m well an in< wholesome, than tine whit* flour ae food lor man. The solid parts of the human body consist principally, of three several portions: the fat the muscle, and bone. These three substan ce.! are liable to constant waste in the living body, and therefore must be constantly renew ; ed from the Horn) that we eat. The vegetable food we consume contains these three s*jb stances almost ready formed. The plant is the bricltmaker. The animal voluntarily in bricks into Ida stomach, and then involuntarily—through the operation ol ! the mysterious machinery within—picks out ] these bricks, transports them to the dill'erent | parts of the body, and builds them into their appropriate places. As the miller at his mill throws into the hopper the unground grain, and forthwith by the involuntary movements of the machinery, receives in his several sacks the line flour, the second 1 - the moldings, the pollard, and the bran; so in the human body by a still more retined separation, the fat is ex tracted and deposited here, the muscular mat ter there, and the bo.iv material in a third lo cality, where it can not only he stored up. but where its presence is actually at the moment necessary. Again’ the fluid parts of the body contain the same suhstanccs in a liquid form, on their way to or from tiie several parts ol the body in which they are required. They include nlso a portion of salt or saline matter which is dissolved iit them, as we dissolve common salt in our soup, or Epsom salts in the pleasant draughts with which our doctors delight to j vex us. The saliuc matter is also obtained ; from the food. Now. it is self-evident that food must be ‘ the most nourishing which supplies all these ingredients of the body most abundantly on the whole, oi- mpcopnrt'. uumust suited to lilt actual wants of the individual animal to which it is given. How stands the questions, then, in regard to between the brown bread and the white—the tine Hour, and ihc whole meal of wheat ? The grain of wheat consists ol two parts with which the miller is familiar, —the inriei grain and the skin tiiai covers it. The inm c grain gives the pure white flour; tie skin, when separated, lbrm the bran. The niilbu cannot entirely peel otl the, i-kin trom hi- grain and thus some, of it is un it lidably grou id up with his flour. By silting he separah s it more or less completely: Ins seconds, mol dings. &c. owing their cc or to the [ loporti >:i of brown bran that has pa-sed through the sieve along with the lloui. The whole meal as it is called, of which the so-named brown haute hold bread is muds consists <>( tue en tire grain ground up together- used as il comes from the millstones unsifted and there fore containing all tin brail. The first white flour, therefore may by said to contain no bran, while the whole meal con tains all that grew naturally upon the grain. What is the composition of these two por tions of the seed ? How much do they resjx-i’ - lively contain of tin 1 several constituents ol the animal body? How much o! cachiscon taineiLiil-'O in tiie whole grain I 1. The fat. Os this ingredient a thousand pounds ol the Whole grain contain CS lbs Fine Flour, “ 20 “ Bran “ 60 “ So that the bran i.; much richer in Hit than the interior portion of the grain, and the whole grain ground together (whole meal) richer than the liner part oflhe flour in tile propor tion of nearly one half. 2. The muscular matter. I have had no opportunity as yet of ascertaining the rela tive proportions of this ingredient in the bran and fine flour of the same sample of grain. Numerous experiments, however, have been made in my laboratory, to determine these proportions in the fine flour and whole seed of several varieties of grain. The general re sult of these is that the whole grain uniformly contains a larger quantity, weigh* tor weight, tiian the fine flour extracted from it does. Tin particular result in the case of wheat and Indi an corn wore as follows. A thousand pounds oflhe wliole grain and of the fine flour con tained of muscular matter respectively,— U hole {rruin. Tine flour. Wheat. 156 lbs. ISO lbs. Indian Corn 140 110 Os the material out of which the animal muscle is to be formed, the whole meal or grain of wheat contains one fifth more than the finest flour doer. For maintaining muscu lar strength, therefore it muct be more valua ble in an equal propotion. 3. Bone material aiid Saline matter. Os these mineral constituent*, ac they may be , called, of the animal body, a thou, and pounds of bran, whole meal and line flour contain res pec lively,— Bmn, 700 lbs. Whole meal, 170 Fine Flour, 60 So that in regard to this important part of j our food, necessary to all living animals, but especially to the young who are growing and ! to the mother who is giving milk—the whole meal is three times more nourishing than the fine flour. Our ease is now made out. Weight for I weight, the w hole groin or meal is more rich i in nil thete three essential elements of a nu tritive lood. than tin; tine flour of wheat. By those whose only desire is to sustain their health and strength by the food they eat ought not the whole meal to be preferred ? To children who me rapidly growing, the browner the bread they eat. the more nhund iint the supply of the materials from which their increasing bones and muscles arc to be . produced. To the milk-giving mother, the same food, arid for a similar reason, is the j most appropriate. A glance at their mutual relations in re gard to the three substances, presented in one view, will show t-iii:; more, clearly. A thousand pounds of each contain of the three i several ingredients I he foilwing proportions:! IVhede meal. Tine Tlour. Muscular matter, 150 lbs. 120 lbs. Bone material, 170 00 Fat, 28 20 Total in each, 454 210 Taking the three ingredients, therefore, to- | gather, lhe whole me;il is one-half more val- ; uable for fulfilling all the purposes of nutrition than the fine flour—and especially is it so in regard to the feeding of the young, the pre- I gatin’, mid those who undergo much bodily fatigue. It will not be denied that it is for a wise pur pose that the Deity has so intimately associa- in tile gram, the several substances which arc necessary for the complete nutri tion of itnimul bodies. The above considera tions show how unwise we are in attempting to undo this natural collocation of materials. To please the eye and the palate, wo sift out a less generally nutritive food,—und. to, make up for what we liuve removed, experience tea cries us to have recourse to animal fixxi of va rious descriptions. It is interesting to remark, even in apparen tly trivial things, how all nature is Hill of com pensating processes. We give our servants household oread, while we live on the finest of the wheat ourselves. The mistress eats that which pleases the eye more, the nmid what sustains und nourishes the body better. But the whole inenl is more wholesome, ns well as more nutritive. It is on account of its superior wholesomcness that those who arc experienced in medicine usuully recommend it to our attention. Experience in the laws of digestion brings us back to tins simple ad mixture found in the natural seed. It is not an accidentia] thing Unit the proportions in which the ingredients of a truly sustaining food take their places in the seeds on winch we live, should lie best fitted at once to pro mote the health of the sedentary scholar and to reinvigonttc the strength of the active man when exhausted by bodily lubor. Sonic may say that the preceding observa tions are merely theoretical j und may de ruand the support of actual trial, before they will ronced’ ihm the selection of th mist nourishingnnd wholesome diet is hereafter to, be regulated by the results of chemical analv- j sis. The demand is reasonable in iiselt and j the so-called deductions of theory ure entitled t only to tiie rank of probable conjectures till they have been tested by exact and repealed trials. But such in this case have been mnde: ami our theoretical considerations come in only to confirm the results of previous expi riim n’ to explain why these results should have been ! obtained, ami to extend and enforce the I”’ “ ‘ • lie at Ice so n which the results them.-clvi ap pear to inculcate. Thus. Iron. the experiments of Majcndn and others, it was known that aniuuiU which in a few weeks died ilTed only upon lui* lion,’. : lived long upon whole meal bread. Th< rea-j 5 sou appears from our analytical mvc- ligations. | The whole meal contains in 1 irgc quantity tl 1 i three forms of matter by which the several parts of the body are sustained, or • , ive Iv renewed. We may teed u man loin: upon bread and water only hut u ilcss we wish to kill him a Ihm. vve must have the apparent cru city to restrict him to the eonri-or kinds ol breads. The charity which supplies him with fine white loaves instead, would i:t ellect kill him by lingering starvation. Again,’ tin park-grower, who buys bran from tile miller, wonders at the remarkable feeding and fattening ellect which this uparen tly woody and useless material has upon hi animals. The surprise is encouraged, ami extended to other creatures, when the resc or cliea of the laboratory explain ‘u him what the food list'll contains, and what his growing li ma I requires. Economy as well as comfort follow from an exact acquaintance with the wants ol o.n ho I dies in their several conditions and with the [ composition of the various articles oi diet . which arc ut our command. In the present ’ condition ol tiie country this economy has It come u vital question. It is a kind ol t lirts tainduty in every one to practise and as t ir as his means anil his knowledge emkWlc loin. Perhaps the whole amount of the cco, o tv which would follow the use ot whole meal in stead ofline Ilnur, may not strike every one I who reads the above observations. Tiie sav- I i:ig arises from two sources. First tiie amount of husk separated by the I miller from the wheat which lie grinds, n i . which is not sold for human use, varic ■ very ! much. I think we do not over-estimate it I when we consider it as forming one eighth nt ; the whole. On this suppi i’lon, eight pounds i of wheat yield seven ol flour con.-unied by j ta in arid on : of pollard and bran win It are i given to units tin—chiefly to pnultr) and pigs. 1 It’ the whole meal he used, homey r. eight : pounds of flour will be. obtained or eight j eo | pi will be fed by the snine weight ol grain , w hicli only fed >■’ . n before. Again, vve have seen that the whole men! j is more nutritious —so that the coa;ser flour ■ will go farther than an equal weight of fine. The numbers .it which we arrived from the results of analysis show that, taking all the three sustaining elements of the food into con sideration, the coarse is one-half more nutri tive than the tine. Leaving a wide margin for the influence of circumstances, let ns sup pose it only one-eighth more nutritive, and we skull have now nine people nourished equally by the same weight ol grain, which, when eaten as fine flour, would support only seven. TV w/tetU of the country, in other words, vn:Jil in this form go one-forth father than a’ prestnt. — Professor Johnson. t*rej>'irn>*oii ol Weed VI het By sieves of suitable size, the largest and best grain may bn separated. Bv washing in water, light seeds of various kinds und i the lightest grain, will swim, and may be skimmed oil'. By adding salt to the water which will increase its specific gravity old imperfect grains, and barley and oats will rise to the surface. Then it will he well to steep the seed n day or two in salt and wa ter; after which add half a peek of fresh slack ed lime to a bushel of gram, mix thorough ly. that every kernel may become coated with 10t,,.. Let it remain half a day. or night alter ‘ Inning, ami nimr.., The lime und sail are a remedy against smut as lias l„ .pmved in numerous cases. W'c have non r known it to fail, tltough unprej ar and ... ed sown at the time beside the limed, h. - I>. ■ n GmuUy. ■ The .Mute Terras the Horse. Mr. Holcomb, \ Castle Delew ire > id l tt* iv ; :i A jti iil tural Club, which nn-t at in- • 1 mean never to buy a horse again except t >r driving, nnd shall use oxen less than Ibrmerly. Four years experience mules induces me to give them d-ciJedly the preference. The Kite Nicholas Biddle once made a calculation of the expenses to the farmers of the United Stales of keeping up fences; u urn that would almost exhaust the British Exi liequcr. but the capital sunk in horses must nearly equal it —and much of this precarious and expensive instrument, I am satisfied may be saved by substituting milieu.” Ko liter l‘ulliug. Ml M W. Timurs, in the ili. t Southern ( u'titator, asks some energetic farmer to make the following cx perimenu. and communicate to him duectly, the re sult: “Select four parrels of Corn, ns nearly the , same quality nnd quantity as is possible: from No. I, strip oil the blades at the usual time of saving fodder, when perfectly cured and dry— 1 siy in 2') oi 3.1 daya —weigh the Ihddi r. From No. 2, do us above, with the additional labor o bending down the stalk before the ear of com. 1 From No. 2. strip the blades from stalk up to the ear. and weigh as above. No. I will re main undisturbed until time to gather corn. ‘ The corn from the four lots must be kept separate until gitlteied w id dried pcrlivly, when it should In shelled, men.- nan ;,„u weighed. “The object is. to test the injury done to corn by the pulling oil of the bl dis, and to know whether ti.e corn and blade i from No. 2 will not be lighter by some (oumls Ilian No. i 1, No 2or No. 4. und that the corn of No. I 1 may or may not weigh .is much as tin other wiib the blades added in. “If we can save the weight of fodder by not gathering it, there may be good policy in planting corn alone for loddtr. or in so.viim | down rent., Mdh t, Ac. or setting ou r iier.nn j da Guinea or Gumn Gram.” The experiment ol drilling corn < xpreaaly In foJJtr, hat been tried with great nuccesa by several ol our J planting friends, and we have no doubt that the ex i penmenta indicated by Mr. Philips abi vc will clearly | establish the eorrecmesa sad proSiableiicss of the sys tem. Who will try it 1 Kicking C ows. “Ifyou have an unruly milker, never abuse her. If she is young make a pen just large enough to admit the animal and the milker; put her in anil secure her by stn-l l ing a chain, or tin inch rope ucroes it. behind. ‘1 .da another chain or rope of suitable size, from twelve to fifteen feet in lentil nnd fasten one end of it to a post behind the animal m l very neurly ita lenth distant from her . cur ing the Other ciul to her leg just abort the foot drawing it back into the jhi ition in which it in naturally placed when she is milked. This done, you con seat yourself, and milk without trouble. It is not unfrequentiy the case that valuable animals arc utterly ruined by thrashing nnd beating, Whereas they should be kindly nnd gently treated, und soothed rather than cxusiieralcd.—Oermau toim TH. I*l* TroiiKh. Take two pieces of board or plank of the length that you wish your trough; put two of their edges together ut right angles, thus V. and them strong. Then lake two other pieces something longer than the trough is wide, nnd nail u(ion the ends. Then take some clay mortar and fill up the chinks to pre vent its leaking, and it is done. The food set tles down in the angle of the trough, und the pig will fay his shut p under jaw into it com pletely, while the long cuds prevent iis helm upwet so easily us the old kind. Any body who can sawn hoard off or drive a nail, can make one. If you have no trough lor you pig, just try your hand at making one on tin plan —Qenetee Tarmrr FOR SAT.r---T.VO V. 7 U.a.r PLA STA TIONS I.CJ 8188 COUNT/. rTNHE sucjcribcr oilers for enlc the Ural Property K J b acilli’ to ihc estate of Elbert Calhoun, dec ns -2 i (1.,e of trie places siunit<-<! six mir l * wsi ol Macon, on TnVo f ker creek, Conan.ling seven limah-e.l acres ol lan.l, three humireil of winch are chared and hi line cond.l mu for fanning—on - hundred nnd fifty ol the open land hour: some of the best Tobcsolkee boit. in kinds The other plnee loe-tted four tittles north * f tb,- eity of Miron, near the F- r vth K -n!- four inttulr I arret, of open Innil, the wood land well limbered. Oil the plaeesnrc good Uwefling Ifoits. . t*in Hoit-et and t ot ton Screws, w iib other necessttry and convenient out- I.nilJino- The above itlnersw 1! be sold on reasonable terms, and time liven, if desired Tlu- wishitts to examine the lands, will be showti llirtu t,y uen.iemrn livinu on tla* niacaa. A T. t. VbHOU.N Lx r. July id, 1317. >Jv 17^ STarmers take Woticc. UT L have the liohi of a number ol for j 11 a vioKifs Txiknt Srit.uv-t ; t its. Tliisina clime ts the prcaiest ol lhe day, and no Ituml ruts eorn, oats. Itav. sltoeks, straw, or sttdks with ar-'-tii rapidity, and so easily that a boy of twelve years old e.i.t woik il. It can be attached to a gut wheel without any r mu expense ns lhe fly-wheel answers lor a pulley - The great advantage ol ili.s nutelutie ov r all others, in the shape of tlte lutide—.t ftetttg cone.iv ■ und convex, purtiuc the straw in the middle and cutting both ways, which no oilier blade can do. So sittipo-is tins ma chine, than uny person that ran writ"l an axe ean pill die Untie iu order Any black smith can make tit blatie. \\ shall keep on on hand mr our (Wends to examine before purchasing. ( II VS, T LEVY A CO Ocnmlg-e p'ourtdiy, C'.iioit Avenue. Macon, July 11, id-17. Hit! ’XT- Tt legtapil and Little Georgian will e- py one mouth. TOM. SALfI. V riai.fulion ami Mi'le it. Houston County, ON LONG l KLIMT. i I AV’ING ltiade.arren,’ ntenlH to t ve my fi tte i I interest farther West, I now offer for sale lay PLAN’I ATION and MILLS in this enmity, al.i: th ee nules uiirtii-w.'St from Terry . r. risi-ti ; • t /..j, tern Hundred and Fi’tv ncretol Tine Id. live lum ! dredot which are cleared ami in line condition lot fin tiling. The great lardy of th- Land is I wel. nu.l will Itrotiuee as much com anti cotton, its pine I ut-ts g -uer ; ally ill litis county. There is on tla- pi -e.* a trained House, cotitui frig five roottts. I -t tlte net tseer, to ‘*iher. with framed negro houses,framed gut house, e-i- - \ e all well arranged for e.invt-nience Tie Mills eonsis? j ol two Saws, one of wltieh is propellet! by “ Atkaist ts ; Spiral Water Wheel ” ami will -s !y fifteen huri j dred'leet of l.tiinber |ter tiny Tla- supply >l saw tim t her is good and convenient— tie Corn Mill w-ith all da necessary machinery lor cleaning the com, and Flour M ill in complete merchant order,and will make ns good Flout as any Mill in Georgia. The ettetom is sufficient | to keep nil running, and ready sale in the county for Lumber, Com nnd Flour. Connected with the above, an,l about one and a hall miles from T ’ry is my resi with a framed Dwelling <• nfmniu ‘ fivr !*oni. Kifchni, ii *-,* and .Stub! - ail n m* 1. all other neceHßftr)’ am:convenient'ii *nl h b jiiae.* if well improved, o’nani nt *l with a variety el siridc trecF. shm'ibery. flower yard. V’ - ami u- r jfnrd c-d as one of the handsomest, and most iieft.thj'Sxtua tnns in the eonnty I wi; : tak-‘ fur * nd Plantation. M il and Raider,ce. ■ six do!’an* perre e, in Uutr annua: paym mn, w ilumt - ana il deflired to jei Dd jenc can given by the purchaser payir.g i. terc?f, and amply wcurmg . ih’ pure!)ape iiit:r > . Ff>r lirtlier iniorm.ition, inquire cf Dr. A F lloit,r, JntneH L) an, of Macon, or mv* If on the plae*. TANARUS! M FFRLiAV. | rmi (i.-.t 1 i Griswold's Improved Cottor Grins r IMIF sifljscriher will eontinue t i** man “ietu e o; t (jins on his usual extensive scale, and this opportunity to thnnk his numerous custom-MP tin their fiberti! patronage heretofore. The estiontioii in ! which )is Gins are u hi, may be known from t!ie fact ! of his having sold more than two thousand during th* last three years—probably ten t** one over nm . th r i Factory in the .*•. ‘I ms evidence of th* -nip rit'iov of his (iins, is aceounted for by his b* ig the fl’st to v\ i trolu**e the late improvements, ami l.e. pi:i ; ; th in. : ;by yearly addiiur r.i-w ones His fl t and second im- ! , provementa made the quality ol cotton \ <* !• <■!, though ’ Mme n rati 11 : 1 • • ■ ci'-ntiy fast. It tiitn Jy r- . ;.i *i :■ -nake thorn m**r* ! i durable and c*Hiveni*m. W(omi i< *s ‘** **n ‘ ; iieves elfectually, by several new improvements the pre | sent year: besides, he has the exeiusiv.* right for the i St it-, With the privilege of other wt tions. to furnish Reid’s Patent water Boxes, which are believed to he ten times more durable t ian any other, by those who have made a fair trial of them : and are infallibly se cure against tire by friction. Ii s fine (iins will uin , Mastodon Cotton as well as any S \v (Jin can. llis agents whl visit planters generally, an I exhibit speci mens of his into improvements, nnd point out their ad vantages in time tor all to engage and lie supplied be- : fore the next ginning season, or engigements cm be i made by letter, directed to him, Clinton, Jones county, (Jeorgia. Gins will he delivered at the put chaser's res idence, in any part of th-* State except th- Cherokee counties, where they will be left at th** lVpoi on th** Railroad most convenient to the puichas r. All war ranted to perform well, if used according to the direc tion* sent with each. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. _ Marrl 21, H-17 | iOraJUUA UUTTOSV GZXfS. r l''ilri stfljscnber would infi-nn the planters of Geor- I gin, that he has removed his C< tt<*u Gin Factory to Bitib county, 34 miles trom Macon.on the road le;:tf mg from Macon to Gordon, where he intends to manu facture Cotton G.ns of a quality superior t> any he ii.-.s ever before made, it possible. In the construction <*f lus Gins, he will particularly guard against the possibil ity of taking fire From the (Jin. And here he would re mark, that it is impossible lor a (Jin to t ike fire from the boxes wdhuut the grossest u*'g’.**er on the part ot those who have the management o them. Gins that get burnt, in nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of a thousand tike fire from a different enuse than the box, . which th** subscriber will completely agains-t in tin- Gins lu* makes in Juture. llis Gins will h * made of the best mateiials, and w.-.nonted to p**rliirm as weii ,as nny Gins made in t!i’-** 11. i. *. an excelk*nt ! i water-power to turn his m.ictriueiy, and a g**.il saw- , i mill right at hand, which will enable b.iu . • s 11 Gins j on as good terms ns any other F. eiory m th** State. li. HIT O ‘. ;•. -. V ( ottou Vid us and tiHttaiitiu •. rrMIE undersigned, are Agents Or the s ‘ tin ( MILLgDGEVII.LL SIFAM I V TORY YARNS . Ai M o,fr Y ARNS AND C)SN \RI'R(S from the (l RTRKiII f M\NIF At Id RIN .CO o *e | h**ro', formic hy the oulr, on the usual time, at Mi• i tacturer’s prices May 18 7 SCOTT, CAR H ART & CO. JUST lti: LIV t.II \FKW pieces of new and Itcautiful Gingliauis. . Also a few* pieces Swiss Muslin, Fine lii.ih L:n *n, 5-4 undfi-t Bleached H(mepn:i, Sdk Mitts and Thread Buttons, and a variety of other articles, which will be sold low, at July fi 14 A PI NTON S. cjoi < < iv>i:k vitMaih iA ity. formic by A i.I.LS. April SS, i Choice old broM ti Cherry, rpllf, a*>ove Slierry irne impo in! iron t'te L >od m I dork* in the year IXO. for pm itr u <• n \iron ti4iA; subsequently purchased at an str.t di At< w Juffll n stoie, ntio tor sm-1 y May ‘IS H Si'OTT, ( ARHART & CO. iiMhlVO*: or t ii v , 1 a vr to tin* original (-'if , <n 1 v *rv •*.■>.\ : nt for use h only requires on * t**a-spoonful lit m hot water, to milk” a cup of ft t • e For s,i!” hy April 27. 1817 4 C A ELfvS MILL-BTO.VE3. ,’ | ’ HK snb-enber being agent for **n cxt** r is ve Mdl- I to order. rcnch k fsopas, avd < vijnc miu.- s*l owks, of any ai*r, and wnirnntnl of the very lM t quality ROBFR'I FINDLAY Mu con, Nor. 13.1846. 40 rII.M'KIiRK —Soja, Butter, and Lemon Crack* eis, fresh from the bakery . Ap'd 1 5 cli \ H FREEMAN rNf A‘P! ) ( if} i- I \ - received by CU AS. II FREEMAN. March 17, 1847 f K \ N(JKV- A t* w Iwiriels vrv •iiperior Havana Orange*. 11l Art I! I Rid! MAN | Alov 5, IHI7 PRIME GOSHEN BUTTER. 1 O{ \ FIRKINS, .Nr; • rted, ti,si i. v \•• 1 i.e I for srd** l \ ‘v * I - lllll) 1 iNt. Kegs,is ( tgiini, liUjUUU 20.0(M Fill .- do Just n*ceived an.l tm s.dc by April 29 4 SCOTT. 1 Af* I! ART ACO JUST COME TO HAND, VVER Y superior article of |*r* wuv< .1 Ginger, . Mmvarom, Salad Oil; Walnut, slnshn>oi an*l Tomato ( atsup; Fiunc*, Firs, Promt Nuts ; ( andies, Toys and Jujubr Paste. Mays 6 iil \. |f FRI MAN CLOTHS, CAHbIMEHH, VESTINGS, &C. OFFER Meat *d England Bin k. Bit e Mark. Illu Invisible ( tiecn. Brown, *iiml l nev Cloth-*, an ex i celleiit us**rtin4*ni. ptodtin Twar.lra, Fratu-haml Am.lirau Camunu-i* V. Ki'l.riaiin. Mat wilkanil F try V. .tin Jtwt trrrivrfl by N McKINNON A- < 0 \| nl I IHIT D (1 .N:i II A *IS. lopi,. t;. , rb will ba I anl.l rfoap fur rash, t K \VCM)UKI FFH I Apt I 14, IM7 NIKS (i 11 MII.I.KK S< HEWING TOUAC'O) i A ? 1 ISO do/en rec \• and le-! \> .i * i,> i 1!l F.. W 47 5 • HAS II I IEEM AN /?A HMDS New Or eaiw Sugar. 5 do ( lanii* and do. In atora and for aalely C. BAY A. CO. March 3,1547 3 l)!!UIJ< \N'i> .Mi.DKTNHs. aa'.'.-tibrr nail"file nttentiunof Pity- emit!., .„.4 I Tlmu-tr mil otli i“. t” bia full - It ..I C*Olild<iS MLDIC'NF.S. PLKFI I M LIULS, DYE STL FI S. .V'. till of ,\ hicli are pine, It .eh ami iHia.dulii.|tu..(l—“bt aU' 1 w know wiirii sut-lt is the 1 use havin';htt l atu xprriincr of fifl’ tm yroi* m flu (Jrtio busitirte. ami 0 rmve.i Ltceitae ly tin* .Mr.heal t lion 1 I 0! Phvainaoi'Oi this Stut'-. ttsan Apot'i.-rni v. Li.OKi;:: v w Ni-:', M ,3, 1817* 3 nurter I’ ■ 11 1 ms TAKS XfOTXCXS. CJAHA'T the keep constantly on hau l n J, large stock of Eitijs, IVledlcines,, PAINTS, OI(.>, PATENT MMUII INKS, Fancy \htui.f..-i, I’iufi hiiy, Hiatts. IlniYsista’ Ilia --xxtin . j and a hast of articles too numerous lopartica'a, hr. Tlii-ir mo h • n* nre till fresh, anil pure, rut I rlit-.-ip. The public arc respectfully invited In call ands r. ’ SHOTWLI.I, & (HLHLIIT. June 23, 1847 12 rpt) TIIE HE VI II El Efts OE i'll E 1 >)7f- I PI.EXIoN SI KTIi ISi Mi Kl 1 < V 7 M. L\l DIVINE I'L VK.'.rS AND NY Mi’ll Sti\T, e-'titposetl ol till 11/,.-tentI 1 /,.-tent Hottuti. do.-, vuyoi nitprs 1:10 . Ilieti'-y li.r tftidt-iing 111*- S]< lN St H'"l nod F\ 1H , ss well ns uu| ti tiny a Id:: I. [I \lti HOSE VTI. 11 li'i to the complexion. A- a creator and conaervatot of tiint on st dk 1 ngniah int; cliami ut letuale loveliti ss. n transparent i:ot sk, , Jl'l.liS IIM'I.L S NY Mi'll SOAT.ot LAI DE VINE DE VEM S, m y h#? said ti **xcrt on nlim *t liuigienl jmiw r Compos. l for th* most part of Orn-m ----nl Balsamic plants, to i!i** utter exeliu=ion <*l Hi! mineral admixture, it is distinguish <1 niedw iiiaily f*r its cx | tr*";;"ly bland, | I’ifying and soothing Jicium on the I skin ; nmi, by nciing on the pores and minute s'crc*tory vessels, expels all impurities Irom tin surface, allays ev ery tendency to inff inimiition, nnd, by this method a-j lone, 4 il'-ctinliy dissipates nil redness, tan. pimples,; In c-x s, sunburn, and other unsightly cutaneous visita- ! tioii-. s. I’iimcil to female loveliness. Its u* wjil el.nng. tip i.” -*t bilious ceiuplpxion into one ofrmlient 1 \ Sot iu --s ; while on the stock, him ;a nnd arms ii lie- j stow? n ii. iu r.ey nnd thirnesrx which as continued use j wii; h .ppii) pun it, ami every r ppear; uce ol y tithlhl j clmrii*. to in” most advanced p-••• i.hJs o! iu- 1 r sale, ’ wholcsuie and r tail,by Jl'iaEß HAl'Kb Fruttie.'il (’b.'iuiSt mi l fVitumer, aNo. lUO Cliesnut strer t, •j 4th dooi below Fenrih, S.-uth aide. For sale bv ( ■’ J >RGE FA \ Ni i. nnd SHOTWi.LL *v GILBERT, Mncon. (rV* A Premnun awurded at the Fiuukun Institute j Aug 4, 1317 2mlß BslablisUnient. K NTON HASERIF K begs leave to inform the citi i\. zena of MACON, nnd the up country generally. ! that ii* has made preparations for L>Y ING and 1 ( iiE \NSi NG 1/sil >:'.k nnd w>* •mi Dr*ss*'s.Sli:ivvls i vY-iv &.c. His colors, particularly Black, Mareon and Blown, will be v\ irranti tl equal to any that cm lie p:.- i! I in Rv jJ j ii;. I Suites Gentlemen's (Jarnuiits R"ii< vnt".l. Dy d.antl warranted not to soil either the mn.ii or tin wu.n-Ht .mm. ] > ric*‘s movleiate. Aitieles 1 it at the Store ot Mr. C A. JJls, next door to the W aslniigtou ifall. .Mae*>n. wal be piomptly loiwarded, and re turned with despatch. Ap* , il Jl. 1847. L3 HOUSE AM) SIGN PAINTLNG: (•raining. Gildinu r ,(Caziug, *V I’npov-hanKinu OLD CHAIRS i jk*at<*d with cane, painted and gilded ; Furniture repaire*!. vrmrshed, and polished ; Window S.ish nnd Blinds for sale A F. SHERWOOD. Corner ol Second and O k Streets. Macon, May 10th. i.'47. yf> Cheap Tailoring Establishment, NO. 17. W.iirrAKlß STREET, SAVANNAH, (Ojfpoute IV. 11. May S Cos Saddlery Store J nAMILTON A SYAIMONS would inform their frieiKis and the public, tfmt in ald tion to their present laig” supply oi Ready Aldde Clothing, they i have pit: chased, and arc now opx, a arge r.nd <.-i**- , g:*ut assortment oi piiii-T iiiita r--iimm-’ <.ood>. tons:-ting of the very b t quulitiy oi . nalis'i end J'r “t ( ‘t)ths, C issi/nera, l eating*. and l aitry ar ticles, suitable to goni . whi .t ... . are p “p ‘i**u lu make ejoiub i la the most eieguiil aiui tiish•.(•uable siylc.and at the shortest notice. Th-ir*t'*ck i':itirelv new*, and being con m cted with 1 the firm of ./ ('. Booth Cos., H 7 Broadw*ay. Nc w York, they will ix* ftunished with the most lushiouabte artieles, as t!u*y arrivi in the inmket. Mr. S A OLDS, late foreman for Priced Vea -1 der. and wll known as a sup ri< r Cutt r, will have charge of this department of business, so that ourcustom i er may rely upon getting the very lK*st fitn. ()rders from the c*untry filled promptly, and no devi ation m price, as wv are resolved to appjoach us near us ; p< s-1: !*• 11 * N* e-thern rates. April 21, 1817. ts 3 United States Rlail Line—Saiiy, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON Tu ‘ well known HplendtMl Steam-i v .eke • Ja'l'K.r Copt. J P stU'ouks, G EN* L, „C LI NC II • - Co* I Jim,( m \\ m. Seahrok... (apt. I Ly.w Continue t i run r ilnvlv b -nv.-en Sayanntdi nnd Chaih*ston. leaving S.,,:uinah every at K o'- ; clock, nnd Charleston • . iy morning at “ o'clock pic . cirtely. For Freight or l*u*N-Mge ni-ply on boaid.m the Savannah and Chnrlesioti Steniis-i'ackct h.t:f, *-r to A LAFITTE. Ag m N B Ail Goods, ii.tcmicd lor Snvannnh, wiil be forwarded by E. Lati*: ,v Cos., Agents atCh ::!esi.n. il , direct**. |to their care, free of commissions. April Jl, 1817. ts 3 Mile ;in 1 bivciy rpilE and rsigned resp.ctfuliv inf**m 1 ‘h--* 1 !•..•:> Um. Hh-uu!' l .. ■ ! lit; > bji ‘ iti have op a &TABJ.K m M \><.\. f.-r frnß •’** n SALE AND 1..x ----•tvS.w.tvr L.R \ 111 INiaiS. a,id t >. licit a share ofpuolie patio.iag • Their Statd**sare e<,u net ted with tli * FLOY D HOFSL, andeveiy au. nt:**n will he paid to customers in order to give genertd satis | faction. Tle ir Stables are lar- **w and commodious, with fine Lots rmd very conv. n -nt. would do well * to give us a call. N. HAWKINS, J. W HARRIS Mncon. April 1, 1847. lltf Os 11 KR:; IKON I'OSABRI. I ‘! Yl HINL SH(JF, Alneon. Ga. ‘I he subsci;!*- t ei“ i *vi!*.g 4T<'neda new t hi.sliment. now ( fier t*-. j lilt-,'UUbc, iiidiifeiiDNCS’ that they have nevi ha.i !i fore ii rant hue of I tisuase- M and Wr:gilts, ( n M.-kers, ! <t.c ‘V l! fi hi It to tlle.r UuV. !t!:h; ‘to give US II e.,1: : \V • will :: ian- if” • all cur work to K* ‘. <d, ami at tlk*- low , est prit*. —a •h-v • a g.0.l stoek oYFatteis on hand. A good Hois** Pow r lor sale. CHAS P. LEVY \ CO. I Cotton A\ in?, rear Macon & Western R. K D pot \I. I ; ‘ |\[.U'(lN tlf*X .V BIiASN H I V. ! ill lIU4, MACHINE Slid!’ —ih r, senh -r Ivving recently made large and important i*Mi l tions to Ii s for. Hi-r list of pattern* for Ov.ishot, Bum: t and Tub Mill G•• ring, is mw prepar* and t execute *r ---b - Flour VI i, Cotton I 1 *4 II w i xMids for plant.'tion grinding, &<* : ais** Cottm Prec is, (Jiti (i ard'iat *s and Balls, and Mill Irons o| cv.-ry deiicript on; alt ol wlneli will be mud*- *! th-* very b s material ami woikmanship, on reason*We and aeeom 1 modating terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. Mncon. June 17, 184(5. ylB NEW BERAGES. w\ PIECES S'ruled, Suin Stripe and Sp*'.ttcdßcr *B ‘ age-:, no,ii. \:y hands*urn*,just rcceiv* .1 nt April I t *J L NVOODRI IT'S. WAASUOU3H xxu < O.MMIHSIOY IU’SINKSS. L-i r ii’ul t rsigne.l buying h • : r* *v! * P *™ l 7 I ‘r ot lii<* Wim ‘hi i oecu jut'd the past season by Dyson Richordwn, b**gs leave to inform the public tint he hes as-ocint*’ 1 v, td turn in Mr Jmtri! Coorra.and Mr Win. M. Robert*, whnac ability an I experience entitle thnti to the r*nn leticc of tlv* people. He hep"-- to share n liberal patronage, n** w*cll ns maim *tn the r nfi. i dence repoaed. Ailordets will receive prompt attention, an ! liberal ADV A* r.s wll be mad-* on Colt ° in so ■*. THOMAS DYS tS Mncon, July 14, IHI7 WAREHOUSE AND COM rlZitlOuT BUM M EMtf. ! r* b*\ wit'seriher wiii cwnti.cio t . c,.:y n ;\a ukM I (he above luram m til the I'n> Pip'd ,♦ *0 I Carhaut* m C*umn A vern • wV ■ h \\ and ; alibi'd all the uru il fcu*:liti( <t< j l nt**rs an l t!. ..? iu id. I storage of Couoii mid win oi'ici km -* *i on iiry pro dne*’, (toods, 4kc. Ihe VV ofeliotise is n * **.;!*• (mio tlnn j g*r hy tire na any other in the St.itc, and coiiveni*tit to , the bir in* ; par? of the ciiy. All ordi rs lor lim cu t m I ers will nn*ei with pronmt nttentiou. June 10,1847 6mll N OFSLEY. WAREHOUSE Abb COMMI.3ION BUSINESS. rm\ *1 HE subscriber, having leinoved from lhe WarkiiocsZ o*.*upicd hy him hc f year, nnd ® ’ iken that U*:i*f knownm* (in t\f W'aii ...t o , opposite to GsAvr . Wood k CVa St *r*, re*-p**ciliilly i ii l**ts his thnnks to le**Uirnrar p .irons nnd • imds, mid *** *!li’ils a c- iitmuimcv of lh'ir patronage, w ith the n***ttr ance that he will dev .te his whole tillii*an lejinr no es. orts tu urotitote their interest Limkhu. a>v*a.a’ • > will K miv.ic i*i those who raquiie tlicni; and *■ ler** f>r I BA(J(.INIC HOPE nnd,(other M “h.m ----i diA. , promptly filled ..n the most i .i *.*:n!*l • t : .. , , (HJO. JEWETT. I May 18th, 7 VERY CHEAP DRY GOODS ! |VT McKINNgN ACO would invite till |H-rs4VH I # 1:1 v*.mi* .t| hy ~( m |.s, to eill un.l exinmnc flic-<r ir and Senmutails Stock OoiiSM'tmg oi Brown nnd ID'.eh and Shinn Gmgbuuis, Printi*. Lni**is, Lm* 11 Dulling . li *• and I common Ch-ihs, Muslins, Liwiie. Hi k* mid (*to !h g tic rally, t.geth*T with almost * v ry other arti cle usually kept hi me Dry Goods Inn* 4\,i ..j w.n* will b>* at th** Uac**t prices l*n cash, ■ t topim .>; customers on the usiml time. Macon, Apul I, 1847 • VAtrvitiOi M-hm-aI *u*orauce Company. 0* W!l Street, Neiv York. \FTER mature deliberation, the ’Pnitee> hnv become convinced, imtl the exi>ericrice ot o i taboshed companies fully warrant the coneluso.i, that ’ ih‘ advantages of Life Insurance on tfe* Mutual plmi, i nny bt .-At. nl*d and diffused with greater convenmne ! iou Ia class .f contributors, and with ‘-quid neenrit) to n 1 tin’ assured. by requiring no great amount ot th premium to be paid in cash than the company will re ii,lire to meet its engagements with promptitude and llddity. , , It hrj accordingly leen determined that in all r -via re the annual premium shall amount to £SO, and 60 , ‘i c m there*i shall hav ban paid m cash,pno| piov ! ii t may be given lor the remaining 40 percent., payable twelve months alter date, bearing six per cent, inter, st. The interest to be paid annually, but the prin cipal not to be called in unless the exigences ot tlu* ; eumpany require it, giving sixty days not c *. ami then , • >iil\ v ns.-.->ments pro rata to th** extent tout may be j required to meet the engagements ot the company. It is confidently anticipated that a system, the opera- | ion “I c Inch is so lair and equitable, so well calculated | to place tin* benefits and hieusiiigs ot Lde xvitlim the reach *4 all, and at the same time enable each contributor to share equally ami Lully not only in its b<* in lit ‘mu : ecurity, but also in its profits ol accumu lation. will i ic t, j ■” it is believed to deserve, the lever i mi I < onlidence of the public. particular advantages offered by this company | are: 1. A guarantee c .pital. 2 An annual pin.** l pillion in the profits. 3 ‘ mdividu.d It* youd the amount of I>p lmtim. 4 I l ose who insure f>r a less period than life, par tinnate equally in the annual profits of the company. I Tin* A autiius company confines its business exclu sively to Insurance on Liv*s, and all Insuiance upper- ( laming to Life. The Rates of Insurance on One Hundred Dollars One S’ i.n ror I “nr wn, (or Aft I yen, i >-.. | Mr 11 Agr.’ year i.yrari I life. i5 77 ■‘i 156 i69i 83 3 -.0 at hii yr i r 45 1 hill %3 73 25 11 |l 12 :Ol 5 1% 2 o**l4 60 : . |i 3 I 36)2 36 I sft 2 3d 3 213 78 85 188 53 iib 80 ,35 I fll]7 (HI ;VA I.UN M MhRUHANT, Prcs.dent. ROBERT 11 COLIvMAN, V.ce President. Trustees. A M Meiicuant, Robert B Coleman, (h Hu.shxfll, John M. Nixon, Uu hard E Purdy, Henry A Nelson, U. A. Ream no, Samuel C. Faxon, James Harper, Jonathan K. Herrick, lioßiNo Am rews, William N. Seymour, M. O. Ror.rnrs, Richard Irv n, C. F. Lindsey, John S. Bussing, Henry K. Booert, Morris Franklin, Spencer S. Benedict. Actuary. Pliny Freeman. fcf The company will also insure the lives of Slaves. HYDE it JONES, Agents, Macon. II 1841 jf tvi” \ f <iMP4Ni, j. l j or IIARTFORD, CONN—The undersigned Aiieust will take risks against Fire in this city, Griffin, Forsyth and other towns in the State, on as favorable ierms us any responsible Company. They will also in- I sure again.-t the risks of River Navigation ; tlieirpresent rat- s are, 3-1 p.-r cent, to Savannah.and 7-H to Charles ton REA & COTTON. Macon, April 1,1847. 5 I IFE INSiriIANCE —The New York I J L'.l insurance nnd Trust Company having estab listieci an Agency in tiie e;ty of Macon, persons may of fer: insurance w.tu th.s Company on their own Lives or the Lives of others, and either for the whole dura tion of life or fora limited period,by the payment of a . small annual premium. STEPHEN ALLEN, President. CHARLES C. PALMER, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Aqril 1. 1817. ysl Mutual Life ItiMirmice ( oinpmn cfN York. MORRIS ROBINSON, President , Samuel Hannay, Secretary. \ ( UMI FATED nett profits amount to 8400,000. ‘, \ A;plu nion* received by C DAY A Cos. July 7. 11447. 11 j STIiON*- A H >!, kJ LN ‘ •!* th*’ Big Boot, Brick Building, opposite kJ 0 • M. Logan & Co’s—Are now receiving i an.l opening a large and splendid assortment of Boots, i Siloes, Hats and Caps, which they offer lor sole at re j duceil prices, or as low as they can he purchased in tins i or any other Southern market—comprising in part the following kinds, viz —Gent’s fine Fiench light Calf Sewed boots, do. do. double Bole do. do. ; do. do. stout ] do do. ; do. uo, pegged do. ; do. double soled do. do. ; ; do. light do. do - uo. Call and Kip Napol. on tapped ■ do.; do. tine Calf Half Boots and Biogans; do. do. j Cloth; Lasting and Goat Brogans ot various styles; l M'*n’s k;p and ti.ick Boots; Boy's Cali, Kip and thick Boots; \ outii's do. do. do. For Ladi p—Fine Black Gaiter Boots, thickand thin •-oli ; tii 1 colored do. do., variety oCcoloim ; fine Moroc co, Kid, Polka and Lure Boottees; fine do. do and Goat j A alk mu Shoes ; fine do. do. Slippers, Tie* and Bus kin-, biaek and coloied. i oi Misses—Gaiter. Polka, Kid and Goat w<dt Boot- 1 •es an.i Bukins; Kid Flippers, Ties and Cloth fixed i ! buskins, black and colored. j For Children—A large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, 1 ! S'Uil, Kul, *th and .\forocc<> Boottees, M ns. Women's. Boys', Misses’, Youths’ and Chil >{re:-’ !> ;i ther pegged Boottees and Siiix-s, of all descrip- j i tm::-* and qualities. \n- \v 111-1 b. autiful article of Metallic Rubber Over ; I -I*’ ■ Gentlemen, Ladies and Misses. i‘ I’ . t* r—4,73j pairs of Plantation or coarse Bro- 1 I us, a piune article ol Men's double sole Iron and j ! •*1 t-iuke-1 Kusi-. . and Black; do. do. single sole 1 i h 10. ib’ ; Boys’and Youths'the same qualities, j Als —:3 ii■/. it prime Call Bkins; lu dozen Linings i i ti; cm coiois; IOUO lbs Hemlock Sole Leather; i AM) ihs. Oak Sole Father. It: :: . i :. J - . Huvad. Awls, and all other ai't'Ci* - us< •• u muiiulacturing Boots ami Siioes. IIA A\S> CAPS Anew and lieautiful stock of all descriptions; Men's • and Boys’ Palo Alto Hats and Caps. Gentlemen’s fashionable Beaver and Moleskin of different qualities • I Men’* U hite and Black Wool fiats: Men's,Boya’ and ! \ oath’s Caps, ot ail descriptions and qualities. Oct 14, 18-14. 35 C. MEAfeCH CO. t I J \V!'! reii'cv *1 from their original stand ad- Ni “II joii ig th** Messenger Office, where they u<. so tue las* i‘i r• years b*-. ;i constantly employed in lu king I t K) !’s an I SIB for their customers, to in. ,r :;p. ii xt *b.*r ti Mr. F. F Bakery, and m.iiK .ium-ly eppos.t** tlv L'toyd House, where I they \s; i be ready to re*'**ive ull orders tbrwoikin th*-ir ; iim*.nnl execut** them in the same satisfactory and sup*-! > rmo leas formerly. April 1, IS 17. 6m7 II ITS! HATS! II 4TSI ry rpillS DA Y received a complete assortment of • 9 t “.•ntienien’H, Youth’s and Boy's flats and /s**Cap-. among q which are— Black and Drab l .v. r, fashionable ami broad brim. ! Black and Drab Nutria, “ “ •• Black and Drab Common “ “ •* * 3 outh’s and Boy’s Hats ami Caps—a great variety. Panama, Leghorn ami Palm Leaf Hats. •• M'*nter* V” Ida/, and Hat**. Wool flats ot all qualities, with many other styles, | i.nk im my stock complete-—nil of which Will be sold at , whoi* s.tie *r r tail, at very low prices. 3 ___ f K \\ RIGHT dll'., fiaoaivfld by M4mi§ a Wood, i 4 SPLEN DID assortment of Spring &,t?unj i , V u r HATS, ol tlu* latest styles, viz; d*'/. G itlcmeu’s Panama Hat-, ussoited, 13 I.*/. Gciitie.iieu Pedal Hats, Id 1 * do. Double Brim Leghorn Hots, 10 do. do. Single Brim do do. •* do. do. Swish Leghorn lints, 50 do. Mr,i s Palm do. 51 do. |Fy s do. do. do. 5 *to do. do. do. Pedal. ALSO, 2 C m • Gcnt’a Fue Drab Beaver Hats, 4 do. do “ Black do. do. •1 do Uo. ‘* Moicskin do. Wall a general assortment of other etyle of Hats, s I-h ; - niu.i s Broad Brim, Black, White and Drab’ nr . .nhuumhl. I *, ami Silk of various quAlitiep and l Ii * tot G* im* n>and Ikiy’aCAPH, *? all -*vl**u i 1 1! i * mid prices. All of which are of* j t 1 1” \*U) i*wpru‘e.l April I, 1847. IIA I M MUM! j| tS t t iIVI JH( 4 llANiadlr I *!’ —.l tltl/. I* 111*4 til M vs It ‘I N U'./. h.l *'. .; .. --,.5 (’ *<*ftr. i; t 1 - “** 1 -•*’ ‘*• >4i fuim i • lu.t , LmL , Ai'iiiM 4 | •1M 1 Ola,,.;;: (kwilll 1* I’ r's i” Imi l lor ili-,a kit t4’ (.law of ml ln ih b> In to VI Lv :ki AIo hlm of Wliit*- 1 ..'i.l tVrwiiw w hl.i'ii’ t., piin-hnw. willilo Wll to ‘■"!! i-'Hi i'| Wi.1.1. & liII.HKII I’ J. Minim, June 1, 1-4 47. 9 * I JKiM . littsiiKN IMiTTKH ANUni.DKM; I I.ISII I Ih.KSK, lor Milo liy April VI. 14(7. I c. A ELIJS. (1 t|t| iSII JUrt III’ i\r ( | ;ini| for wl'* \TV loA ,1 J. \V. FKekMAN'H I J 1,1 v 14. IHt* |-, r t:i:< m-:si i.eeriniMU i.i.Kt ncst i ill* I 1 KIXII I.KECIIHM jii-i itv'i v i|. mnl f„ *JUt I !>• (fi.niftii; PAYNE, .1 .in - “V. 1-117 9 Prugi'iH uml l|Mftrr,r , ‘I liiii'ui-ioii 91 io ii 1,,,. loin.niiVN OSN Mil l'( 11* YNI* YAWNS .*f mi;.-*, ut qunlit jMI n ri ivrd nil I tor ml ■ nt Inweat linirfcol imo *7 KEA ti COT'IYtN, .ifrtrt,, j Tliomint'iii Mnintjai-luiinii tomi. n y. i J’ n l , no 13 1,- I > VnM i:i> -;i i.-vv 101 10l n U-rmiiltil •tylo • ‘* ( HAS II FREEMAN H’ -** SI.K. .Mo up. M I let and CutMiy H r< / nl- l y UIAS. 11. FHKEM.AN. Mvs 5 t.ECAL Xt .'t it: 4 IJ.MtNISTIS ATOies S f.T. \ a . :! !,■ t- | T\ nn*t* b*r *d’the Inferior Cunt cm 1... ..- entity. vN” ‘ ‘ ; ir-t Oi ‘inary px'j r*- • . will te noi l F i !e j tii*; L >•. i tin - (i *,r ol su id county, on the tit st Tues- 1 day in October tv xt, three Factions ot Land lying and j being on tit * cJ*-t sided the Ocmulgtv liver, and be- ! twacii the lauds * f Lundy and lx we, containing one i hundred and eighty acres more or levs. Sold for th** ! benefit of the 1. .t sandcrrdito sol Aiul’vv. McDou gnld, fete of said county, deccuis and. T**i u.s cash. JAMES HARRIS, Adir.r. Aug. F 5347. 13 n< : . N I’ON h HLKfI F HA a,. -V\ I . sold in the town of IVrry, If* r.ston e**UT:ty, * ti , the fi st Tin s i; y h* Septernl **t next, v thin the lawful litii!s ;< stile, the lb'lmvmg pn peity, to w t : One (o t, levied *>n as tin* p:o|***ity ot .1 \l **s L f'"**ti ler to S It s y one fi fa from Ihu slou Su;r; 'f t 7 tilt. J Huiaiio Miller vs. James F. !• r. F. W. JOBSON, Dep. S IT Lot ol Fall4l No 41,in tlu* 12th di-*tr et’ i Ibu. t*'ii county, i* vied on as tlv pn p.-iiy oi Fn**y II B ddwm. i as gunrdum for Jana s P. tin win. t • sitr-iy live* small i ti las i;>in vl .‘mu:i a Justices’ ('<ui:t,7l‘J'.!i di.-tnct G. M . IF-iiul* lj Ii comity, in favor ol Jan ;• Ft .b ; l —;>rq. ity pointed out by the plaintiff, and levy returned t” me I y a constatble. E. K HODGES, Dep Slfff'. One House and Lot in tlu* town of Wiltio, in said county, the lot containing three acres, more or less, levied on vs th** piopnty of Thomas Kimsey, to satisfy n moitgnge fi ta issued (tom Houston Hup riorComt, in fiivor >l Meshvck I low* 11. now trans:* ru l to Daniel Smith. Property pointed out in said fi m. William L. Hum's interest in Forty ’1 bourn ml Feet of Lumber, more or lew, levied on to satisfy a fi lh issu ed from Houston Inferior Court in favor of Danie l Gunn vs. said Hum. CALVIN LEAKY, Hh’fr August 4,1817. 13 a iPimsnmoirss\fi w i he i 1\ *'ii tlu Ii st Tu sdny m Oetobu next, be foie the c**urt hons,’ .loor nt Knoxville, Crawl*-r*l, Lot of Land >* 192, m the fi t district ot o"ig;mdly Houston, now Crawford county, com hi ng 2>2i acme, known aa da* place wb *reon Thonit it Costai im w 1 i Hold as the propci tv of Archibald Gra;. • oi TdSiot county, *l* cees *d, and for the hen- lit of’ti. lieirs of said deems* (I.—l’eimsmadekmiwn on tb.* and \ of sale. WILLIAM \F BROWN, Adm’r. ! August 4,1847. tdlS \1)4I IN ISTH VTOII’S S \|,lo Will be sold . on the first Tuesday in October next, beldre the Court House door nt Talbotton. Talbot county, a negro man, named Will, about fifty-five years >id. Sold as the property of Archibald Gray, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sal** WILLIAM M. BROWN, Adm’r. August 4,1347. tdlS \l>.M I>ISTRATOM’S SM I:. Will !.. sol.l . on the first Tuesday in October next, at the Court House m Americas, the Lands in Sumter county lately owne iM. D. Kin d< \ admeasniement by the comity surveyor, this body *>t land contains eleven hundred nnd ninety acres, princi- j pally level and fertile oak and hickory, ami what isc m inonly called h itnmock land. The pine land attached to the settlement is of lively quality and finely timbei ed. There are one hundred and iiftv acres cleared, in i cultivation, and in good repair: the buildings consist *>l a good framed dwelling house, gin house and all neces- J saiy out-buddings. Tins possession, according to tin* j quantity of land, is consideied by |K*reoUß acquaint***! j with it. ns being on** among the most desirable in the country ; but it is taken lor granted that those wishing • to purchase will examine foi themselves. Terms—Good notes, at one and two years. Sold for the benefit of the distributees, and by older of Court.— Titles perfect. ANGUS M. D. KING, Adm’r. August 4, 1347. tdlS ITHM’H MONTHS after date application will be . made to the honorable the Int**rior t.’*jurt of Talbot county, when sitting for ordinary purptises. for leave to sell n negro man, named Wi.l, belonging to the estate of Archibald Gray, late *4 Talbot county, deceased.— Sold lor the bem-fit of toe h**its *>l said *l**ceasel WILLIAM vl BROWN, Adm’r. April 23,1347. 4m4 FM )l R MON TIIH of rnale to the honorabl** the Inferior Court of Sum ter county, wlv n sitting tor oidtiuny purposes, for leave j to sell lit** laims belonging to die * suite o. James M. D. King, late Ol *-H ”1 COUill v . *i . il May 5,1847 ANGUS U l KING, \ Imr Genuine Li<iuit! Hi vcr. replating Military apparatus, Carriages, Can diestu’ks, CuFtois, Ate. 6lc Tii.s mticie is in bottles ot vaiiou - i/es The cost ol a few o uts wnl u , .v valuable ticks, and make them equal to then i first valm its : pliesit >n .s ea.-y, any one can apply ii ; with a Cictli. 1 r sun* by J. H & W. 8. ELLIS. Macon, July 7, 1847 Ql iMv l 1 ‘ v *l LM ii'.! I UST iec. iv* *! and i*rsai*-, :* i ug - \ t <•! the a’><.ve • I nan.**d a ie SiiOTVv ELL iiv GILFLRT July 6, 1847 it 5 3Dozcn Wis tar's Bals.imof WALDCKDEhV. DO/. BOTTIiESof t 1 <r<‘nin!!i* article iust re- JU 1 i nmt toi - d** by FRF NO A V Hit il NS I N B.—Count'y nu tchaius wishing : purelr se tos*n. j •gin. can be supplied on reustnabie t rui-. by uppsuig at our Musi** ana Jew**lry Stor** >n C’*tt*'ii Av* !**i* ’via 1 con,Ga. BRUNO A VilßilNs.or Sept • J. A a. 8 S VIRGIN UCAUTH RliS‘£tH-A,IVE: Aii Effect util Remedy for Cont*hs and ( oils Liver i onipfaiut, Raising of Htood—''ain in tin* Side ami Chest—*iSo for I'ujifjii*: the tSWuxf—Gradientin: r Isnapti*ms on ih* Skit:—and ail other com* taint*- arising from the want of ‘one *n the Stomach. rpilE efficacy of the H> Ith Restorative is so well I known to th** public, that the proprietor cotisi iis the publishing of c- rtiticates ua useless, but those desi rous ofexainiiung tliemcun do so by culling on the A gent. Pampiilt ts may also b** huvl ol the Agent, gratis The following certificate is from Dr. ( liilton, the well known New York chemist: “I have analyzed a bottle of medicine called’C. Brink erlioft's Health Restorative,’ ana nnd Uiat it doc s not contain Men u.y. or any ohier n. tube p:e^aration, .or opium in any of its forma, it ;su< in;*s ii o. vvgfiabi: matter ent.n iy.” James R. Ci;u.t*'N, M. 1). C BRlNivi.iitlOtT , I'iop.i:i..i, A Y. Principal office in the sb. aM< ssis. Hah-", k, lur lies A. < *., importers and d< eisin t .(, <. A<* , 2H Pi iirlsbei t. For fi.*- by .3110 rw ELL GILBEkT, Agents, M aeon, also, by Drugg.sts geucruhy tiuoughout the U. State*. May 12, 1317. G if E> 11 1.1. 1 f 81 RI P f y 1 spittinli of bl< od.and all pulm**nary diseases BAILEY fc SAKS \PARI LA For i 1 arising ti* >ni mi impure state of the blood: salt rheum, acrohtlu, king's evil, chronic th**mnaism, dy.-pepsia, dis cos* sos the skin nnd bones, old ulcers, etc. BAILEY’S FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY— The most valuable remedy—entirely vegetable prepaia tiß—a:uf sin*- cure. BAILEY S AMERICAN VERMIFI’fiE—A sure exterminator *>l worms tr*m die sys>t*-iu, m general us.- throughout the United States. BAILEY S l NRIVALLED MILITARY SHAV ING UREAM—This article has looil the test of eight years, ami gained tor itself a high reputation throughout the United .Suites, Canada, andinost parts of tin* w*.rl*l BAILEY'S SI PEKIOR INDELIBLE INK —wall nnd without the preparation; warranted the b-at article of the kind in us4*. For Mile by the Druggists generally throughout die country, an*l at wholesale and retail by \S M. BAILEY. Proprietor, Anotli*varies’ Hall, corner of Fulton and Sand* streets Also fur sale by GRAVES, WOOD 4. CO . Macon Dec. 3, 1316 ft lIItUNO A VI” 4-INN, \GKNTH for Sherwood's unrivalled Rotary nn*l Vibrating Magnetic Machine ; nfeothe M ignetje or Compound Bitumen Piaster, and Magnetized Gold Pills. We also keep a good supply of the Horn* oputluo Med icines, with tin* bo*.ks on piactfec. Macon an*l Columbus, (k*r. 29, 1.315. 37 N. I’. DICKINSON 8 < **. H’AV’E on hand 600 sacks Salt; 20,000 IU. iron, Round, Square. Band, Hoop nnd ! HI lee t; Cast, Gt-rriftii, English and American Blister Hn*| ! Wii Lav (i ... Liri. t*'*d <M. Mactui. Jini- 2. 1315, y NOTH I R V\ D BENTON, w*l| net vs my n .nt in itl the tmiKict • of'my lm . •s*!'i> <vt mp - rary ah*ciicc from the StuU*. F LAN DON. MnoonJutu* V. 10 iVUI il M- Sugar, “seX’ * *, |, , ,|* unes, 6 Brt-• *h Uhiiinpaig • ju-t >vr#* ; vr* Int July 14. 1317 Ift \V FREEMANS. LMIIMI NOIM III.’KN if TTl7lt,just r.c -iv* ed, *n!y 25 ets p*r pound, at July 14, 13i7 15 W FREEMAN’S. Straw Cutters. IV FINDLAY is now lannul-ic iin*', aI >t of'Cut* I\ - ling Machines, **h.**h. for |’r.-*cticid ns.*, st *.*!: and lu ibdtty, r* prolnhiy uusmj.!, ‘l li.ynr -.l v tb* by, i ut patent t\u'il nfwir. but n plain mi l -*Jm-vnvi I tinl machine tor cutting rt’uW, corn-fotluer, I shucks. Ac wu!i p**.feet ease nid di spntc’ . I’l'u .iw ; , • it - I I*on:idry, corn* r ot VValmit • tid fourth streets. Vi -n -i UAOGIYG AND R )pnT u|in PlE< •.3 Kuiituckv lie cgi* g, 30d Ron** 0111 l | rs by SfOTl.t \!{|l\ln\\ tW Jp jYI 15 Jovnph V. Hr , my vuth* n :.eflT- J7I g**nt dining rnv abemc I in tin* State, Miron. July 14. 1h47 JAMES SEYMOUR r 1 dm.nistkvvor^Th ;.V it: Ci u*t ,1 of* I .rtatrici of 1.-* *, h* h.ngmg to t, iC .. ,•‘u tJ in-*. Ft* *>t .Vlruiroo c ur.ty, dec, | b*-n*-iit of ih* legate* s ei v tu! !.J w'( ,lc R<*a : : Jarc 30,117. 6M13 il',-, u'u I)’ Tl*<>N. !> ,<jiit4(.is|i-, l | ( . , 5 A,:. M , ..t,J •• I-Rio, (AH X: ! t.', Xv ihi-'cuu t ‘ n .1. >i.-i T.,0*;.,y U. Ock.Um tu* ‘I. : ; in , ■ . in “ ‘kr i • v " 11 ”* !•"” fKiate ot j ullo p. , 1 1 , I*’ h<- K-irsand ,, w i Ylltis will I I’ Hi*'ll) .'iiaiu.i.s k Taylor . ( Alt. ‘l.iNr, M.k uviv ’ * April 19, IH7. \ * In ATOM'S S-.T.1 v i \ on tin-Ii M ill S : ‘ ! 'l tl ('‘.ii Uni/> dnoi nt Lnnior, “‘ SI -ta iion \ i 191. in the Im ,lin';ct if ori'fn illy. lic.w Mneon c.jitutv, nun iiiniL*?- .'.ore “r lew. mlioinmg Lm.:.- ol Hinm oih. r. on Hint River. S,,U ,w . A• . lnlir,l.l limy, Ime ol TnlLot c. umy J.,. 1 *I* 1 ! for the fuMielii of the heir,. 1 ’ Ternid mmle known uo lh- Joy „f s .i July 7, 1H47. WiLUAMM I!R OWN *!H *;.'orsin~*>-on ( onuty. \\7 IIKRK AS Looixo To:l,| no.l SnninH u * 1 111 |-!v loi'-la of I,l'Oli .too , . 11 ol .To ~h 11. Todd, latent i id cum ’I 111 e are therefore to cite and ndn ‘.n a, ~ ‘ ro r the kindled no I el. ditoraof e ,| ,j e . I joH appear at my office wnh o the lime n-oSj h.w i0.|,..w , auee. and any ill > h sh* uld not be granted. * Given under my hand, at office, tliis ,i 18 juiy ... - _ His (.'(Kirsltt— Wnre Comty. \\TIIERK.\B Idrri. t Howard mid n ** ealnle ol fvioon Howard, laic id >id mu o- V * There are therefore to cite and adinoniih ,H I color the kindred and creditor* ot said ileceiLol mil app •oral my oHie ■. within the time Drcswlll law, to shew cause, il any they have whv sn I**! should not be granted. ’ 7 ‘ Given under my hand nt office, this h\ davV J 18 jL 2, G[:U B-WILLIAMSoM 6wl( I 1 ieorgia— Ware i oauty. \\ r HER FAS Joseph L Crews applies t() > 4 L**it**rs ot Administration on the Ht* p!f*n (’lews, late of said county, decewd ‘Fin s.- ary tlierrlore to eite and ‘ gular th** kindred n*i<l creditors of said nnd a op. ar at my office w’ithin the time law. tli'-n and th re. to file their ohjectiotw, if jjFJH , hav**. why s :i I letters should not he granted t ivi*n under my han*l at office this 19th l*ivrfll 1317. GEO. B. WILLIAMSONcIB June 30. 4MI r 7IOMIIS after date npplicati,* _ I ! F mndf to the honorable th** Inferior Court ! county, wii. 11 .sitting tor ordinary purposes, tor s**!l all th** Negroes and Land WTonging to ot David Young, of said county. <leceased ) fof*J pop *of paying tin* debts of said deceased , ’V June 2,1947 y JOHN S. GOODWIN,4^I I ‘Ol I* llriX'l after date applicnt!.!’ • I I made to the Hon. the Inferior Comr county, wlien sitting ns a court of ordinary.for sell two N<*g’oes, P*l!nrd. a man. nn*l hebmgirg to the **state of Malcolm T. GillenriU said county, deceased. H EDMUND GILBERT. A-k J July 7, 1417. I irot i* iosthh I r maJe to the Honorable the Inferior Conit -f-J 1 t r county, wh-n sitting tor Ordinary purpows.fifiU ■ coir'tv tfe* nrenrrtv of Wm F. Smith, deceit J the b* liefit of tin* In iis.&e. f JOHN F McCRARY, GounlJ June 1. 9 ■ .MOVTfI after *fem ngpUnu^ nu J** f the 11. ror 1 ••r* ** I-f, >•< rC< •••• • ■ te r e uutv. w’-en s'*t e. r f' n w p T( |i T ,.,- puranw-p. 1 to sell Let** of 1/o<! No. 219 -*'d No district f<” i i'n!'y l,*e. r* w Fiuter r* -.y,f J j N.*g'o*s lelomr no |. the*■* u*t < f ’ N ‘-P FcldFir vj June 1. IRI7 9 FASON SMITH.AY 11 {54 ri n NOVI ll* rs, . 1 mad** to tb* bonorrbfe Inferi* - C< irtofTrJ ! ecu*’ty. when sitt’ >j a f* u <f Pn]jnr*y.f 'rM j 50 S'*!! the ej] petrte of John Worthington. (.'**■■ late of said conruv. 1 FDMI’ND 51 ROBERSON, .u j j Twiggs so .‘June Ift. I'H-t?. H • 1 •'"i; HfifOß 4 <uii v, \ % I “ n field 1 t** *>l .•• 1 eounty. *leee-se*l, | T’hese or** ther**fbre to cit** and a ln’onidi j 4 -ingu!-'r th-* kb: feed and cteditors of sa'.d iW.I be and rq.jv a*- at ?• y ffc * within the finw* pfci'H I 1 y i- v- to **t.o\v cause, ii • ny they have, wliyaki ters should not lie granted. Aug L 1317. 13 VV. W. COR BITT, c JJ 1 /Os : r , t . r ( j JItP t:pp! ert n s'M 1 i:in.’ t th* Honom! I * Infer'’or Court **( ,** I 1 eo*tnty. wb**t sitting for otdinery ptirpos**®, fijrlweß ! s**ll tin* i/*nds nnd Negroes !.*•]*tiigmg te tlieefnkfl Thoiuas M Mann, late *,f ni*l county, demwi.lfl the 1 uiu fit of tie* heirs nnd creditors. FAR AH T MANN, Adn'n I July 14.1347. I Pffl H .4ION I f|S niter *!:;(--* np, J luad** to th<- Honorable tlu* Inferior Crnrt othß ( son e< unty. while sitt mg for ordinary purpose. fotVsß I to sell one Lot of Lnnd.iying in Baker I ing to the estate ol William Rob* its. n. rifceiwd. ■ JOHN W ROBER'i SON.': I July 21,1947. ;C I \N 44 T to a ti-r nnd nui*nl th* thirl Sr r l tiie secf.nd Article of the C -luua 0 I \Vlier**nr the third Section of the • coal An*!'® the < -n of this Ht> to * m x\ - fciMß i words, to Wit No peiaonthn Ik* eligible I ol t foveruor who shall nt hav** I- .I.a <m . t* m I ! Stales tv., lv years.and an inhabitant it • y** us, nnd who hath not attained to the * l tufl j yon is, and wl:o docs not possens five humi.J wru*® . land m his own tight w 1 inn th s State. ;ni*l *therput 1 [ city t* th*- amount of four thousand dollats. nndvrii J estate shall mt, on a re sonable estimation, br cup I t**nt to tlm discharge <d h:s just debt** over r. nrix I this sun—and whereas, said property qunlificauf l l incoiiHstent w nh the genius of our in^titutiousa: popular spirit of this ng* Section 1 L*il ’uicled by the nntcnmlH ‘ * 1 R -p.**M**htetiv**s *t the Fiat, of Georgia, in grur* i f’enddy met, mid it is h**rel y enacted by the ol the sau.jj, That h* scmui ns this Act fwallhave ps* 4 ! 1 agreeably to th reauirt-m* nts of tli<* Uon?t nii- 1 ’ -I j following shall be u*lopt**d in !i*u of the st-eti-fi’ reeit* *|, (to wit:) —No person shall l>e eligible toll : liu** ol G* v**rn*r wlio shall not have been a e .*.'"'* the I ‘mi • States twelve years, and an this State six years, and who hath not attained th** 41 of thirty years. I Appr*ve*l December 2Gth, 1345. April 14, 1347. 2 4ia I POSTPONED \IMn .HTSTKATOH’S H ALE.-Will 1* “* .at th'* Court House in Newu>n, Baker ctniniv .* the First Tuesday in October next, within li* l " r limns. | sale', Lot No. 7*J, in the seconddiftrifl*' 1 county; sold by order ol tie* inferior Courtfif” county, when mi ting for rtrdinnry putpflieMrtltfp^,’ I) of Manner Culpepper, late of Mid county, dec*'** haul Lot to valuable, and persons wishing to pu:cJ* would do wi ft to exalt tine the mute. * J T. JACK HI >N. Adm’r JANE l. Cl LPLITLR.A*® 1 Augu t 3,1847. M XIX I TOIt’H H \ LE.—Will hesold * Fi >*lll’ nee o| Joseph Robinson. ol’ Miteon w i arc tie ‘ll, iii tin* (h'COtid il.iy ol |j**pl |iii*r Os* 1 j Mule, oue W agon, < : ltlo, Sheep, llog*, Rl>‘‘ :U I oilier iiiticlcN, too tedious lo mention. | agreeably to the last will and testa men! <1 smd dee I cil ‘i’eims made k<>wu oil the day ui sale. JACOII KLM KLLV.hy- JfcHMM TAKVLK, 1 , Au- rt 11, 1847. 5 . NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CIEPK® 5 * \LL persons indebted to the < state ol J* I ■ .. in* m, Inte of Mit eon county. and fens**. < qui r-ted to nuk • immediate payin’ til.sod tl** I ' '’ at counts r g i.itst tit** same, wnl picsent then l l,s “ ol law. ‘ .1 At oil KLM L-A j, v Ji.S .L i AttV ... t , Aagu It. IHI7 IVH H MONTHS nft#r dst* m i ‘ inn L* t t't ■ 1 h>n UN I • ihe | if th'M “ill inso i eomiiv. wlti! *itl n*| is n coin i ‘* , Mi ’ n ’ li \ t..iH It hi: tit. I ‘ :'i*.r •'it l” it.’ i*i ( ruruiil y, sr.. m •ts in e< uwiy, the MU *‘ I b'‘lll'll tOi the h* .IS Ml 1 fil'd It* . JOHN ( Ui: (iM.EY.Jf j Wi,; t: SSl'j ( l:l Ml 1.1. Y 1 August 11, l<il7 NOTWtt „ \, r .1 , . Infi.riar G‘°d 11 1 t!r : i ittUr Imi “I i> *•"'*;• ij- ;*v “ V-t&hr** p .*#**, aijM.eNU’ n v, il. heninifePT m •* y ■ u ,. Htltl* K 14, d— I* wluch **l‘ l’ U “ t crested r- by not.tied „ . llM r.a JOHM T. B.vBNES* Auiru t It. HI7 3i I*J . 01 t•• s 1 _ i.v unv i tuunr ui i:*'. r nn I Cosh.* 1 butter, always on hjindi ‘* l '• dH “i 1 Has 11 ilit.wuy n, nl I. 1 H 7