Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 25, 1847, Image 1

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e,v S. ttasic & ( <>. a- H. IMMU, EJi.ors. •‘ 11 ti:itti s . , hum'll h itfessewwhjmlilisheil eve ’. oUjr f Mcon, the 3 n(; rtITCi:.T GATES: j, lrit ,Uj in advnncr.prr year *2 SO ■j •* ‘lid 1,11 the end of the year........ ..4 IK) ” •M K>r J h oih principlr -I■. ])| -ir sii'>criber should reap the profits ‘nmMilfl an l collectors. In n<> cw ” ■Y'. Wilt (lilt of the Stilt* 1 unless first paid reference is given in Macon or ita hTHFMENTB inserted nt the usual rafop— '•ln,, and when handed in, will be inserted till • ‘""’ i,.ml discount will lie allowed to persons ut * 1... ,1,,. year, and who pay on demand. ] awhsre notices, and obituary nonce* of orer iflvchar ‘cdnt th- usual rates. ‘■ *„i,. ll i° iil- of candidate* for office, to be pnid ” ‘ I when inserted. i'airi’i r -incnls made with County Officers. ‘ \aciionpers. and other*, who may wish to ; iV;’ will please observe the following: I | v driv-i. hv Admini**- Hi'*;; I re,,aired by law to he a.lyer , - ‘ t‘> • H Iyi must Is* held on the first Tuesday in the ■r;' 1 .'., ‘,1,,. hours of ten in the forenoon and n f, ova in, at the l bmrt House in the county the property is situated. . . I Th’: sales of Personal Pro|ierty must lie advertised in “SSTSSS-- Creditors of an Estate must he be made to the Court of 18-m-forleate to sell Land and Negroes, must he. (■ Li weekly for four months. Tiimain or Letters of Administration must be pub ,t dmie —for Dismissionfrom A I .lustration, mmiths— for Dismission from t.uardian ■ of ntortaage. must be published Jih for film month" —lor establishing lost papers, lull snort of I hr. e months— for compelling tt- Executant or Administrators where a bond has given by the deceased, the full space of three , . I,ftti'rs on business to he i post-paid. f PErF.A 3. WIIUAM i TuAS taken the WASHINGTON il VI E, and ■ requests a eontiimancc ill the pubis'patronage I Jk IIvZJIA -i SPRINGS. fTlII!’ su!>?M*rif**r infomi'* hit* fiirhtlr* that h‘ I has t-mnjlet*.‘il very rxterwive and impor ■M unit ini|>i<'Y<• jiif 111Ii>< II Ins Wi-l! known *sial- ; Ihe *i<*l nfosli House, and is prepared to accommodate those who may visit fashionable* watering place in a superior style. j£ house is eoiiveniently situated, both lor visiting the S ■ and tor air and comfort. His rooms are exceed convenient, being arranged either tor single per -3i or luaiilies. His bedding is all new and ot’ the very b naality; and being in tlie midst ofa fine provision reg (ia. his table will always lx* abundantly furnished the choicest tne State affords. The Hatha at the Sp ag have been greatly improved during the season, aa Huiay additional attractions have been udded, which H;„,thil to interest visitors from aboad. An elegant H nt tour horse Post Coaehea will run daily during the between the Springs an t Forsyth—* distance ol j the Springs by persons who are not pro- j vi with private conveyances. He deems it unneces- - j su -e iby any in the Southern States tor their niedici- ; ■ i11..! ex BRYAN VV. COLLIER, ■vi.iy ty, H 47. 7 it rtie F bleral Union will nuMis'i U weeks, the ‘ Republican an l Columbus Times 4 times. Indian &prio j X^otol. ■ ] KNi’V DUjLON liavf,, £in (Nr'in Yin’ i wiii AI - HI (. , - Iri S L AitG i L: - .. ii,ll .l tuf s ip* uuioii.l lu. 1.1.- s .noil oi 11. s w -li k low . H'.tfl, die Indian Spring. t>i many i- !n-pt by inn i ‘lpore, informs UiS tV nils an : the public g*n*rutly. ihat J* , i u iw open and ready lor tlieir acYonimodatiou. Re p. ■ol tmtidings and tuiruture have been made to leu all comfortable who may fitvor th in with their pat- The united und assiduous attention ot the toi' 1 will Ih given to ensure general satisfaction. rooms shall Is* neatly k-pt, well furnished, and j by good and faithful servants: their table supplied with the brsi to be procured, which . eomnio lious stables have h< > u completed on the .ns- s lor the aecomnuxlution ol horst*s. H Twits moderate and reasonable. IB \i. w,u> visit this clebrated watering place for health 1 nci niuii, are invited togive them a call. This Ho- | H’ 1 uvemently situated, near the Mineral Spring, wai -isot which are superior to any in the country I l.nay diseases. B Ttiosv wno desire th** benefit of Bathing, will find the j lions at this Spring equal to any m the j Bt.V", und the ellicaey ot the water thus used, uusur- hv any. B from the Macon and Western Railroad at Forsvtli, H* nuies from the Spring, four-horse Stages will run to mid iroin the Spring, alter the tiist ot June; Horses and carriages will lie funushed tor the con- oI those desuuig conveyance from tlu* Springs Bo ether places during die season. I butts co., Ga., June 1. ‘J Boarding in New York. 11l I RS. VALLOTTON informs her old friends and BdM aeuiiaintancesin Georgia and the South generally, j - j * fluents at No. 11 and lit Murray Street, a tl*w doors Bfrnin the Park, where she has opened a genteel l , riynfe Bllomding llmiim* tor Ladies, (wentlenien and Fauii- &c. Having been long a resident of Savannah, j Hatters herself that she will Is* enabled to gratify , lasts ot tier old Southern tueiids, and make them { Jj June 30,1847. ly 13 j Confectionary and Grocery. • ii. i> twont is receiving his new supply ot Bl . Goods in his line,among which he particularly Bealls the attention of his customers to B A choice article of old Brandy, Madeira, Port and Ular- B ct Wines, \ Pickles, Spices, Preserves, Cakea, Candies; if Also a Hue asaorttnet of Sugars of various brands— B warranted imported Havanna Segars ■ He will keep a constant supply’ of Oranges, Apples, I ! Onions, Potatoes, Cheese, Butter, Raisins, Figs, Prunes. ; Almonds, and other nuts All other articles usually kept in that luw. _ PICKLED OYSTERS, by the keg I Macon, Oct. 15,18HV >35 vnv MMihMdMHh n 1. 1 her is now receiving from New York, Ins usual ♦ very desirable style for both Lndics* and Gentlemen's j wear Also a great variety of Goods suitable for boys’ clothing. GEO. W. PRICE. March 21, 1847. (J 1.-A ew and lieautiful Stock now IJ selling, from 25 to 621 cents, nt \pril2B, 1847 I BENTON’S \FEW do* of old Brandv, of 1820,from the cele- ‘ . hi tiled Liquor House ot Jacob Snider. Jr., for sale j by C. A ELLS Mmv IS 7 II \ ON \>l> LA 1(0. II ann LBS Choice Baron Hums. I p/U\| 2.000 llis. Sides and Shoulders, *"W H' M le*ut Lard t'<*mlhv WHEEI.ER & HARROI.D. M. I, MW. ■ NKW GOODS. j/1 IVkag.. HANDSOME GINGHAMB,(Niw “JJ Htvli.) , ( * “ Brillinma and Frrncli Juoonru h “ Bk, VI ami lot T.hli* XNaper, *lof. l.irifii Tm l. ) ‘Unit, Ml HoniM't Kil*hin*. (Nrw Stvi.k.) l.ilVllCimh'k llnn<lk''rrlii’ t. Ar. A • racriviM l, v GRAV’EH, WOOD, 4.1'0. Wm,Aw nM 11, HIT, | „ wantSd. 1 11 or runiuu. a Krai rm.’ t’o**k. W***h*r n l % I. Her. Apply to REA 4 COTTON •IH* I **!, Au u 6, Hl7. V) pDTAjm ! POTAMH | i , , i, and 1 ,, ’k'. I.y .y,I(I'I’VVEEI. A lIII.HEKT. ■'l ■A i’ 11. HIT |y ( 1 I WATKR | I v -,, T HHOTWELL &. oil II:,i! f. . ‘*"• Am.’ IJJHI7 iji I I>• I.- .I'Ll rc-'rivnl ntnl lor wile 100 libl. >•! fir.-t LI ‘•*M N'.nlirrn Lmn . y A|*nl I,lst? || N piILMirER. o‘.|t HI IDM Cul. Molmw*., * bid.. Mfor rnlc !• 1 1 j ■ DAY A CO. D i < 0M AMD LABD. 50.000 1 “ rRIME BACON ■ iu| LARD. ’ ‘VV ror al’ b| An, s , lhl , A RENTON. 4 1 . I9_. r, v ™ ■ --.1, 1 W #corjk Jijififttt anb illessettger. Noi itoru and Goods. China, (;in-N und I'.art hen Ware. >’ “H ) PHI W I op •■mug ;i u*: •■i;il usHortinent of theßlj *--■ above goods, at the .More lately occup • Iby Mr A (J Butts, co 1 m r ol Midheriv mil Second sts. and opposite tin* Washington Hall, which they offer at wholesa.e and retail. The stock, in part, coiuuata of the 1 following: Paris White Dining, Tea and Toilet Sets, Iright Blue do. do. do. do. Flowing “ do. do. do. do. White French China Dining Sets, Do. do. do. Tea do. Gold imiitl do. do. do. do. White do. do. Jugs \\ hit** Granite, light and If -wing llu • Jus—all sizes • Plates. Dish* S, Bakers, and Cover Dishes to match Di- ! ning Wares, A general assortment of common Ware, ; Cut, Pressed and Plain Turn!Hera, ! Cut and Pressed Goblets, Wines and Champagnes, Pressed and Plain Egg a id Jelly Glasses, 1 Cut and Pressed Mirror Dishes and Nappies, Cut, Pressed und Plain Lumps and Candlesticks, Do. do. do. Salts, , Cut Decanters, in sets and pairs, i Solar Lumps —Britannia and German Silver Castors, 1 Looking Glafwe-j ot various -izer. and styles, ! Stone Baking Dishes, Pies, Sir. See. The HulMcriliers deem it proper to suite that they have ‘ adopted th * ( ‘ASH SYS PLM, to which th y intend 1 strictly to ad.her.*, and by which they will lie enabled to j furnish every a- vription ot gooils m their line at fair ! , piices HYDE JONES. | II A J will take orders for sum y China Dining, Tea i and Toilet Sets, which they will turnfoh at the import ers iiriees. adding only the expenses from New York. 1 Macon, Sept. 2,1816 y2‘J l.uicKnvs! LaieNews! Not from Mexico, but from the Peoples Store. 0121 4.001** selling lower than ever before in j this market. New goods received monthly, du ring the business season, of the most desirable styles.— Please notice the following, now in store, winch arc sel- j lingwitli a perfect rush. Hanana Silks, Fine Borages, selling from 25 ets to 81 “ Muslins “ “ 25 to 50 cents. “ Ginghams, “ “ 18 to 37 “ Prints, “ “ f> to 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 cts. to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ 37ctsto5 00 Bonnets, Artilicials, Ribbons, Carpet Bags, Batch- i els, Carpi ting, Matting, &c. See. French Custiiniere, Gro de Ta, Linnen Drilling, and j (ioods for Genileinen s w'ear, of all descriptions. House* Keeping Goods. In this line of trade I am perfectly in towm.and would particularly invite those just beginning in this branch of j life, together with those who hnve had much experi ence. Also, Scarfs, Shawls, Cravatts, Chimasets, French I work Caps, Thread and Linen Laces, Bobinett, Mus-! quito Netting, Nankeens, Brown Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, bleached and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing, &.c. Slc. A few /. O O. F. Grand Lodge Regalias, for sale loir. Please call and examine for yourselves- -we always get paid for showing. Respectfully. JOHN W CLARK ! Macon, May 5, 1847. 6 Irish Linen. Ilrown Holland, Ac. fA PIECES Irish Linen, direct importation, war • )’ r ranted “genuine “ 35 Pieces Browm Holland, for summer wear, received direct from Liverpool, at tie* New Cash Store on the , Avenue. Also. Principe Sugars, Port aivl Sherry Wine, for sale low by T. C DEMPSEY, j May 18 7 j ii IV Y, AM) RIMI. .) /w i BBLS. Phelps’ and Jelies’ Gin, 4UU 45() do N <> Whiskey, 50 do N E. Rum, For sale by Feb 24 2 SCOTT, CARHART &l CO. . •♦•l. % *. Af —Just received from the “N u York Bror.Myn White Lead Company” j No f. No. 2. Extra and Pure White Lead A:so in Si —Linseed aim ‘formers Oil; Spirits Turpentine ; Vanish ; Lampblack : Putty. Paint,Brush es. .vc . Siv. PATTEN A. TAYLOR. April 1, 1847 27 | BAGOING, ROVE AND TWINE. t aa BALES Gunny Bagging, ll HI 100 pieces Kentucky Begging, 150 coils Rope, 5 bales Bagging Twine. For sale by GR AVES, WOOD St CO. August 4, 1817. ts-18 OSNABURGS, DOME3TICS, &.C. BALLS Osnaburgs. •Jv/ 50 “ Cotton Yarns, ! 50 “ 3-4 and 4-4 Brown Homespuns, i 5 Cases Janes, 10 “ Kerseys. For sale by GRAVES, WOOD St. CO. August 4. 1817. ts-18 SUGAR, COFFEE, &C. ! -*T|4 HIIDS. P R., St. Croix and N. O. Sugar, 100 sacks Rio Colfoc, 10 bhds. Molasses, 150 boxes Tobacco, various brands, 3i) “ Soap, 10 “ Starch, See. See. 10 “ Sarsaparilla and Strawberry Syrups, For sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. August 4, 1817. ts-18 NOTH E. THE subsciber finds it necessary to notify many of his customers, whose accounts and notes are of I long standing, that he lias waited until forbearance ceases to be a virtue, and that he will Is* under the ne ‘ cessity of making a clean sweep of all notes and ac counts contracted : t his old establishment, ;.t .lie head j of Cotton Avenue, unless settled before the first of August next. All (lemons interested will please take 1 due notice, and govern themselves accordingly. I Macon, May 2G, 1817. 8 AMOS BENTON. I.INNENI i: OF rol l i:i:.-A largesup _L( ply of th is delicious beverage put up in quart, pint, and half pint bottles, just received nv April f17j846 9 W FREEMAN DISSOLUTION r Copartnership heretofore existing between the ■ undersigned under the firm of Winn Seymour, was dissolved on the Ist mst ,by limitation Either ‘ party is authorized to close up all unsettled business JOHN 1) WINN, JOS. N SEYMOUR Macon, Aug. 10,1847 l'J NEW GOODS. \MOS BENTON hnsiust revived a few cases of . Dty (iiHuh, • inoiitf which will le found i A beautiful •issortment of Ginglinins, Twisted Silk Mitts, Fillet Silk do. j ‘Fliread, Buttons, Musquito Netting, R. S Handkerchiefs, Calicoes, Ste. Slc 1 Which will so-sold CHEAT j Aug 11, 1847 19 8 F DICKINSON, & CO. N AVE just received KN)bds Si. Cx and Porto Rico Sugar 400 bags Rio Coflee, 50 “ Laguira and Java 150 kegs Superior Nails. 75 packages Staple Dry Goods, which will be mM low Macon, 1 lilt August, 1817 19 8. F DICKINSON, & CO, TOBACCONISTS, \RE now receiving 250 packages Tobacco, the moot complete as- j 1 smnnent ever oflered in this market. Macon, 11th August, 1817. 10 8. F. DICKINSON, & CO. NIfVE mst received 5 Casks Baltimore sup< rior sugar cured Can- I vnssed Ham 5 Tierces Cider Vinegar Mm og Ikk Ini, MN tf fi HIGH AND KART. BOXES new prime Goslieii Cheese, \/5 K* fine new Butter, I jrulton Market Heef, , Ijarg'* No 1 Mackerel, 8 C*< w ks London Porter—great true. I Fresh liobsters and Salmon, Sardine**, an-1 R l**rna S4iusngrs, I Notts of all kinds, Stews it's (’ai-dv—meorjeJ, Wines, an I 2 years old Mr ndy, | Exq'nsitfly sue Reg ‘lias.PM'icqs i!k Penntilla Cigars, i Ju**t r< ceiv lan I for sale hv (’ A ELI,S !Ht H P.* FOR SALE. s * THE lions •and L"t ♦• the (LSI, that I now | 1 W occupy The Lot contains one acre,and is. ‘•►s B very i* rod active—the Wnte is excellent ■ (.GO W. PRICE. August 11, H 47. 19 FOR RENT. \N < IFFICE, ami a Bleeping Room ever the St**re occupied h>’ tin* aubscribcis Poesmsioii given 1 til October next. C. DAY,VUO TO iti;nT. rnWi'Stn’ oid several OfTiees. In the Floyd I ■ I ll*>H"e Hang ‘I Buildings Apply to July 7. II < PA Y A CO MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1847. C. K. WENTWORTH CO. Ob IT AYE just received and now offer “5 for a the lowest cash pri- WSk x , ' / j\ ces. ‘i new on I splendid *Uoek of goods m their hn<’—consisting of Fine Gold t n i*'l Lev r, Lepinc, Patent and V'ettical Escapement me Gold Guard :r,d l'oh Chains, Keys, Jkc. A great va riety of I lies’ and Gentlemen’s Breast Pina, Finger Rings, of ail patterns; UOLU M 9 E.YS 9 1 with Gold and Silver Holders. (!• Id Pencils, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons ; Studs ; Gold and Silver Thimbles* Bracelets and Bracelet 1 Clasps; turd Canes; Fine Pen and Pocket Knives; i Superior Bcissors; Steel Beads, Rings and Tassels; I Coral Bends ; Steel Pens, &.<*. WAIIItANTED RAZORS. Spectacles f Spectacles f—Gobi and Silver. Persons afflicted with defective or impaired vision, are j respectfully invited to call and examine a New and ’ Improved article of Spectacle Glasses—for w'liicli the | Bubecriliers are sole Agents. Also. New and Beautiful Stvle LAMPS; Lamp (Basses and Wirking ; Plated and Brittania Ware. Repnirinrr —\\ at dies mul Clocks of every descrip i tion repaired and warranted for one year. All Watches sold or repaired, will be warranted to | kero good time or the Cash will be refunded. Watches sent from any part of the country, will re i ceive the same attention and be repaired on as reaaona- \ hie terms as though the owners were present. t All kindM of 00l 1 aji'l Silver work mndo V. ■ Jewelry of every dencription neatly repaired. i)\(7i i:itKi:o rv i*i.\g. The undemift ted having fitted up tt rorun ah.o.ntnp 1 their Store, tire prepnred to take pictiiri-H in the best ! Possible style. A line amortment of Gold Ixickets, ■ “ins, and BniceletH, suitnhlc tortile .hove C. K WENTWORTH .t CO. , Hast Side Mulberry St. I Maeon June I, itff. 9 MOV iVI) BEAirriFVI. GOODS. JUST received and now opening, a variety of styles j of new, fimey and staple DRY GOODS. Among i j them may Ik* found 1 Plain wide Black Silks, I Satin Stripe Silks, j 40 pieces Balzarincs and Borages, from 121 to 75 cents per yard. 40 pieces Ginghams, very cheap, I 100 pieces Calico, from 6f to 25 cents per yard, j Brown Sheetings, 20 yards for SI, j 100 Parasols, Parasoletts and Sun Shades,from 75 cents to S3 White ( otton Hosiery, at 121 cents p*T pair, 30 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from’ 121 to 50 I cents, Plain \V hite Swiss Muslins, at 25 cents per yard, | Plaid and Striped do very low, Lace striped do at 3l cents. Jaconet, Nansook, Book and Mull Muslins, Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style, Grass Cloth Skirts, Summer Cassimers, Cottonades. Gamhroona, \V bite and Brown Linen Drills for Pants, . Plaid Linen for Coats, j Cross Bar Musquito Netting, j Lace do do Ii! e an( * Towel I Diapers, of many qualities and prices, ! Muslin Collars, Chernisotts, Slc., Sit'. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to enumerate articles, as all who w ill give him n call, will find almost every article usually kept in a Dry Good Store, and at as low prices lOR (. ASH, as at any other store in the State Store next door to the Post Office. Phase come and see. E WOODRUFF. ■ April 14. 2 j l’A< Ts \ri; STUBBORN THINGS* ( iLO M LOGAN St CO. would most respectfully I inform the good citizens of Macon and the sur rounding country, that they are not quite aell : ng off , their stock at New A r ork cost, nor do they loudly boast ot under selling their neighbors The design of this advertisement is to disseminate extensively this unde niable truth, viz: that our assortment is rich and racy— . rare and beautiful; comprising every desirable article of Taney and Staple Dry Goods usually found in store on speculation. ’Tis unnecossa ry to enumerate the many, rery many extravagantly beautiful articles on hand, and to comment upon intrin sic worth, is deemed entirely superfluous. Suffice dto say, that allour rich Fancy bressGoods, French Work ed Capes, &c were purchased of A. T. Stewart &, Cos., ; i New York, and differ materially in style and patterns i from all others in Macon. j All those who entertain the erronious impression ! that we hold up tor high prices, can receive occular de monstration to the contrary by /nipping in and looking for themselves. • Ware < h*nn Ma e. and Earthen ” are, of every and any kind, at a very small advance on New York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN Sl CO. Macon, May 26, 1847. 8 New Grocery and Dry Goods Store. rp I ION AS DEIIPSEY, having just opened in the Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by W. A ILfoertaon. and nearly opposite .Messrs. A. J. \\ hite & Cos. and Bancroft's stores, lias now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort ment of Foreign Liquors and Segars, Sugar, Coffee, and a general nssorrinent of Groceries and Dry Goods, which w.ll be sold at New York prices for Cash only. Foreign llntndies. Wines, .Vo. Otard, bupuey Sl Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different t vintages—sonic very old in bottles. Goddard & Co’s. Vintage, 1825; A Seignette’s Brandy: Mcder Swan Holland Gin ; Madeira Wine, in quarter disks; Port Wine:Sherrv Wne These liquors are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Principe and other brands—warranted genuine. TEAS.—lmperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hy son and Black Pea. of h very superior quality. Old Java.Cotlee, Ixaf Sugar, Sperm Candles, Ada mantine Candles. 20 hhds. St. Croix, Porto Rico and N. Orleans Sugar 50 Sacks Rio Coffee, first quality ; 30 do. second do. 500 ps. American and English Calicoes, 10 cases Bleached Shirtings und Sin-dings, 10 hales Brown 3 I and I I do. f*) ps. Irish Linen, direct importation, Ac. Ac. Macon, June 2, 1847. 9 Mlillinery and Die** flaking. AIRS POWELL A MRS. BUR DINE, will carry if I Oil the above business, and execute all orders 111 the liest manner, and most fashionable style when re quired Bleaching and Repairing Bonnets, will also be done at short notice. Their residence is on the comer of College street, near the Female College. 1 Macon, Oct 28, 1846 ly 37 CHARLES XX. FRX3EIVIATI. Cvfftn Avenue, ne t f thor a'wr the **/f. firai.f/e Hvutr tins just opened n good stock of Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Flour, Bacon, Sl;i|l* ;• lal l-'iancy Dry Gootls. Macon, April I, 1847. 4 |)\Pi:i{ II % Alii Mis.— Just received a j I large supply of Paper Hangings, Borders, and Fire Board Prints, wide Paper for Window Shades, a beau- , j tiful article Also, Foot Malaof several different kinds March 31 7 GEO. W PRICE. | I)OH'| |lt * —l! you wish to improve or preserve your health, call on C A ELLS and get a few lot- ! th sos liis fine LONDON P<)RTER It is nun the thing | to excite the spirits and invigorate the whole man—and is notjMid to take 6 k 1111 nll rotor-1 iiiiim I UHT rer eived at Warren Freeman’s, 50 boxes Rai • I sum; 25 drums extra fine Figs; 12 boxes do Prune#; | 25 do Oranges; 2.0H0 West In ha Oranges, very sweet: | i Citrons, Currants, Datt h. Tamarinds; Sugsi-,Teas and j Coffee ; Spices of all kiiuL Crackers of nil kinds ; Fine , . Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Patent Yeast Pow- I ders 1 Also, a very Inrg * mid fine aisoninent of Stuart’s Steam Refined Candies. W FREEMAN April I, MM7 r, NOTICE. Ul’ HYDE is my authorized sent during my ~ absence from the State lor tlie summer August i 1847 ts II .1 t (\\ LB STRAYED. J.4ROM iny plantation, in Pulaski county, about the F middle of July tost, two bay MULES (one mare 1 1 and one horw ,) tlr**e yeainold Inst spring They have 1 never Isftm broken, ands they were l;ut heard of about eight miles from iH(i"hnf)|e they were making | their way hark to Kentucky, * hence they were brought Inst fall. A reasonable reward will be given tor their 1 recovery, or for imy information sildremied lu the under* i signed ut Tarversville, Twiggy <•Nintv | Aug 11,1847 ts 19 BUR WELL JORDAN. RAW AWAY. I A NKfirn M\N beh igino to me by the Jk name of .Inns, about 35 yrat# of age , about five ,/V k*’ t s’ Im* . **h it tdi v -ighing ibout 170 or I*4o l_r ; juiimh. Ins nglu foie sing.-r ih off nearly to the | joint. If- may have a ptes*. and willprobaldy make his I conns* in the direction of SavatnMi 1 Any information respecting sskl negro will be thank- j fully received, and if taken up I will pay a liberal re- | IAMB < iX Drayton I’ ’vc.* A*q 10, lsi7 3t19 JUST RECEIVED IIY . FREEMAN, Some Choice Groceries, For Sale Law. BAY Water, Clnret Wine, French Cordials, Chinese ( *tsup, something extra. Walnut do. Horseradish, in pint and half pint Jars, Chocolate and Cocoa, Broma, n superior article of Cocoa. Sardines, Lobsters, Freahand Pickled. Salmon, Fresh. 2000 Extra Kognlin ('.gars, 12 Dozen Congress Water. June, 16, 1817. jj jf u*l*l vti ill 11,1.1 \i: IC Y.— Mr. DAMOUR j ia receiving her new supply of the above gooda, and would respect fit 11 y request her old customers and the public generally to give her a call and look at her stock befon they purchase elsewhere She is determined to sell goods as low as any one in the city, and of a supe rior am c:r. Her stock of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Einhro.ifopcH, Dress Silk Goods and Shawls, cannot be equalled in this part ot the country. Al.-.con, April 21, 1847. GILXIICIIS. 1 9 ro **.P° rto Rico and N. O. Sugar, 1 fj 12 boxes and barrels cruahed.pulv. A loaf Su.* r 25 hhda Molasses, b , * Stewort> refined Sugar House Molasses Hx) bags Rio Coffee, 20 “ Pepper, Spire and Ginger, 2;> boxes Sperm Can.lles, 20 “ Tallow “ 50 “ Soap, ‘‘ Starch, i l * choice Imperial and Hyson Tea, 10 Quarter chests Imperial and Ilyson Tea gaierataa, Indigo, Madder. Spanish Brown, Blue y itriol,Copperas, Alum, Borax, Sal.Nlire Powder, Slim, Lead, 25 bills. N. E Rum, 25 bbls. Northern Gin, 50 bbls Whiskey, Cognac and American Brandy, Holland Gin. Cordials, Maderia, Port, and Malaga Wine, Lemon Syrup, Raisins, 100 Ifoxes Tobacco, a great variety, 30,000 Segars; Maca boy and Scotch Snuff, With a great variety us other Groceries, which will ! be sold at ’ Bargains.” AMOS BENTON, j April 1. j I. vllOs.— rhe aubecrib to X Keep a general assortment of Groceries ami Staple | Ury (oo(tg, at their old stand, comer of Second and Wul l>err> streets,opposite the Wasliington Hall: they have ! just received with other articles the following. 24 hhds. St Croix and P R. Sugats 129 hags (irecu Rio ( oflee, Did Gov. Java Coflfec, 200t> \ ards Negro Kerseys, 1000 Duffle Blankets. 8 and 9 quarter, 1000 Yards Cotton Osnaburgs, Totis Sweedes Iron, j 700 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1500 Pair Ruasett Brogans, j with a genr-ral aaortmenl in their line, all of which ia ! at l l'axli pncea They romectfiiily in | vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— 1 , tk'lieving they cannot fail to be suited in price and qual lty: CHAS CAMPBELL Sl CO. Apnl I Hfl NOTH i:. II Fj subsenbera respectfully invite the attention ol I Merchants and Planters, to their stock of Staple anti I ancy Dry Goods now in store We shall also be in weekly receipt of seasonable goods through out the season, as it is our determination to render our stock worthy the attention of purchasers at all times, and at prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, —among which nre the following: 10 cases English Sl American prints, 2do Mourning do. o l ■ ini ' , i l, w *l°- Gingham and Lawns, , .°- * Muslins, 20 pieces embroidered Dress do. 20 pieces ( hal eys embroidered. 20 do. Rich Beniges, j ‘ /’l nc k Satin stqje Silks. 5 do. black dress do. 2o do. Rich dress silks. 40 do. Jnconetts.SOdo. Cambrics, Tv j l®cestripe Muslins, 10do. dress Muslins, ;; ‘J 0 A “’fp™ & Bishop Lawn, 25 do. Col’d Jacones, 4(| do. Col and Cambrics, 20 do. black fancy Cassimers, 20 do. Faney col’dCloths,3odo. silk. satin & Marsedfos vestings, 150 do Summer stuff's, (all prices. 20 do bl k and col and Alpaccas,2odo. Table Diaper, 50do. Irish Lin- 1 ens 3 cases Florence Bonnets, tdo Laid work, do. j * ° Devon straw B<mm ts 10do. Lawinfc fancy do j :>0 boxes Ribbons, (ol all kinds. 30 do. Flowers Ladu& Grntlcinen’. kid & mlk gloves, do do’, cotton do M*'S ancy neck ties, 3ca9c-p Hn tsols. sdo Um brcllne. -2.i down linen Cambric Hdk'ls. head and fi.-ii; do. P piece. Silk and Pongee Hdk tk, 150 down ou-, penders, Cords, ‘PajH-H, Huttons, Trunmings, I.accs,! Fringes,(.imps,Tassels, &r &r \t sr ~ .GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. Macon, May 12, 18J7 g tl 1 J EA & COTTON Have removed to W. B Par- I 1 kt-r's on t otton Avenue, nearly opisisite J. i Cowles r ire Proo! \\ arehouso. They have instore and j oner for sale on accommoiUting terms: 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 “ “ Dundee * “ 50 Lulls Kentucky tnd Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 l’uns iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 lbs I ank and Boiler Iron, 800 His Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 r ‘! Hendenon Candles, 10 Baskets Chamfeaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgutiuv “ 8 Casks Bacon. Sept. 2, 1846. 29 Iron ;uatl llollou Uriirc. /rnn kegs cut Nails, riUU 15 uns Iron,assorted Ito 10 inches. 2,000 bs Sheet Iron, 10.000 dm. Hollow Ware, 2,0001b8 Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs German and Blister Steel, 2,000 lbs Hoop and Band Iron, 5< doz. Hoes, •401’ pairs Trace Chains, Received nd for sale by so. R WELD April L_UM7 44 NO I 14 i: BAR(A NS ‘ BARGAINS’— TTie unilcrsigned having taken the Store on the corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, formerly (Ross’ Store,) begs leave to inform the citizens of Macon, and Planter**, that be will constantly keep on hand an excellent stoi'k ‘ ol Dry Goods, Groceries A Provisions’ of all l kinds, whieli be will sell at the lowest possible rates, he- l ing perfectly contented with quick sales and sinuil profits, j I he public generally are respectfully requested, if they 1 want great bargains, to rail upon him. Goods of all | ; kinds given in exchange for all kinds of produce at I cosh prices H. N. PULBIFER, , At PLJLSIFFR’g can be found nt all times Ten, | toffee Sugar, Hyruu, Molasses, Rice, Bacon. Lard. Butter,Corn Meal,Grits. Flour, Maeketel,and Shad of the Is'st quality, in quantities to suit purchasers, at the , lowest rates. April 1, 1847. 31 ll NV INS. I 1L( E 8 Ml HLINfI, new and hmutiful pat I o‘* ni ?’ ~UH<,a > received, and for sale cheap , B.—-Also ti few piece# slightly damaged, which 1 I will be sold at bargains, by Mm y 25 h iMO6 BENTON Iron Sl Steel Wails, Slc. •)( 1 / !(}|! LBS assorted Sweedes lr**i, y\Ll/l/U Cast Steel, (orman and Blistered J Steel, 2do Keg# Nails, KkJ Boxes 8 by 10 Window Glass, 150 do 10 by 12 do 50 do 12 by I t do 50 do 12 by 18 do For sale by Apnl 1 2 SCOTT, CARHART Sl CO / 10N4.KENN WATER. 30 Doz genuine, for ( A ELLS. Muy IN j 111 TTKK. BEAUTIFUE firrf, Mny BETTER, from Onrng.- ! county. N, w York.juM iccc vr,l .ml tor ml.- by Mny 26, la-17 W 0. A. El-M lllicit. Ullfl BOTTLES of CIIAMPAONE CIDER, OyUF'ir “l*by i A. ELLS. | 1 H r /."II or Cimk, lor nulc by C. A ELLS April 2k, HM7. 4 .Hi lit 111 • Vl'l{ % Itrg.U. Cig.r., 2U,UUU *)JWO PrinciiPic do For wile by C A. ELLS. AprilW, Im. t NOTICE I N onlor to .uit the convertionee of euMomcrn, I will 1 retail the Riyralin ami I ."on Dorr) Hcgttra liy th” I twn. A,r —the Sugar, To. ami ( otf cby tl.r |..uini| j anil tin* liiroign Lh)>mra by lit” gallon KohhtannV Ale, melt na i* ||% || in the Now York lintel", a aup"rior article, ju-t n-c-ivctl and lor rrlr low by the barrel. THOB. C DEMPSEY, April 2S, IW7. i Cotton Ave nir. DISSOLUTION. THE oofiartnrahi|i hrMotnr. c*iitig under the | I mum- of DlwiU. 4 Blt*v, ia thia day diaaolved by I mutual coni” ut- Win II Bray having (imposed of hit | “ittire inb ret to Wm D bltlc, who wll ettle tlie luiai j j new ol tlu late firm VV M DIIIBI.E. Aug I, Hill ItH WM II BRAY AT HI.NTON’B NEW und beautiful Muslins, 121 to 371 cents. Do. “ do. Berragca, 25 to 50 cts. White Muslin Rob* *!, new style, Swiss and Jaconet Muslin, 25 to 7.5 cts. Silk and B?i rage .Scurfs, very low*; Corded Skirts, 1 25 ! to 5 00 Grass Cloth, ftl 25 as . Merino, all colors, 371 cts Bonnets, 50ct. to $0 ; Artificials, Wreaths, Bonnet Rib bons. &r Home.-'pun, 6) to 14 cts; 11-4 Bleached Sheeting, 50 eta. Counterpanes, r cry cheap; Toilet Covers, 50 cts. Muslin Ginghams, 25 to 371 cls. Beaidea a large stock of other article#, which will be ! sold at very low prices. Call and see. May 12, |iM7 % Premium Butter. A SMALL Lot (obtained as a favor) from one of J. V. the b*‘st private dairies in New Jersey For sale by C. H FREEMAN June 23, 1817. j*> FRI3BH ARRIVAL. QIUGAR—-Lonf, I‘ 1 verised and Crushed. Boston. Ahr.ond#, Walnuta, and Pecan Ch :olnte, Garn i J -.lies, Mustanf, Catsup, Sex’ June 23. 12 C If. FREEMAN. 1 DlftSOLl TION. THE partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigrn and. under the ti.lll name of Gloroe M Lo oan & Cos . has this day l*en dissolved. J.J. Bennett having disposed if his ntire interest in the concern to 1\ A L Atkinson Th** name of tlie concern to be us*d by eitlier of the partner# in arranging the unset tled bu mess. GEO M LOGAN _ J J- BENNETT. * Mncon, June 22,1817. PARTNFRSHIP NOTICE. RA L. ATKINSON having purchased tlie in . t-*r*st ot J J Bennett, . the late firm of (i M Logan Sl Cos., the business will hereafter be transacted by the undersigned, under the firm name of Logan A* Atkinson. GEO M LOGAN, „ _ R A L. ATKINSON. Macon, June 22,1847. jn ly 7 14 8* F. Oicliiiisoii At co. Have just received. 1,000 sacks salt, 100 K**gs Lead No. 1 extra and pure, 500 Gallons Linseed oil, 50 Kegs Nails. 50 set 24 to 54 inch Wagon Boxes. June 16 1847. li O:, CONiioi M ENT —2,000 iba (ririria limns, 25 bbls. Cider. 10 bales Colton Osnsborns, 20 bales Y ami. For sale by „ . CHAS. CAMPBELL 4. CO. Mny 5. 5 ! I)IMMF liV.MI* OIL, which gives a beautiful ligiit without smell, and as clear as pure water, for -tefcy C. A. ELLS. ! May 18 7 l C. A. ELLS HAS for sale 10 Bbls. and 10 Half Bbls. of No. Mackerel, ihnt the world can't bent May 18. 7 j £)ft BASKET. CM MIFAIGNE, ■ttperinr.foi C\l Stile by C. A. ELLS. 1 J.lay 18 7 | 1 rv DOZ. SARDINES, ID m do Essence of Coffee, 10 Bbls of Crushed and Powdered Suiznrs, 20,000 Regalia Cigars, 20,000 Principe do 10 Boxes of Tobacco, all of the right sort/or sale •>)'„ C. A. ELLS. I May 18 7 j CoePartnenhip Notin'. THE undewigned hevc Uii dy, (April 13th, 1817) entered into mutual co-partnemhip lor the transac tion ol the \\ inch end Jewelry, under the name and style off K VVENTVVOIM’H 4 CO at 1 their old stand, Mullerrv street, Macon. C K Wentworth. B. L Burnett. May 19, 1847 7 NOTICE. 7%/TR - L KIRTLAND is our duly authorized Agent, if I ilunng our absence from the Suite May 23, 1847. 8 WHITING A MIX June Ist, IN|T. OPENINC; THIS DAY, AT BANCROFT'S. RICH Silk Shawls; Rich do. Scarfs; / Berege Scarfs; Mori* of those Muslin Ginghams at 25 cents ; Small Check Ginghams; Muslins and Bereges. June 2. 9 Batler, Butter. IARRSH May Butter, just received from New York e by W. FREEMAN. Juimjt. |o OtFurriiEuaip notkb. \I.BLR r MIX having meooiated with him in iht city, MR. LRASTI'S KIRTLAND, will con- I tmue the businetw at his old stand, under the firm and style ol MIX A KIItTI, YNI> They will at all time” keep on hand, a full supply of the beat and most lashionable style ol goods in their line Th” for- ‘ nier pn irons ol the line firm ol Whiting A Mix, togeth er with purchaser, and the public generally, are respect fully invited to call and examine their stock Our : SHO and 800 1,8 arc fri-rih.of the best materials nn.l w irkmansliip, and wc pledge ourselves that nothing shal. lie wanting 0:1 oui part to please all those who may favor us wiui their patronage MIX Sl KIRTLAND Nlqcimi. nisi m N B— MR. £ KIRTLAND is only authorised to , receive and receipt for atl monies due the late firm ot • Whiting Sl Mix, during my absence from the State June 3, 9 ALBERT MIX S. F. Dll KIN SON At C O. H AVE just received 20 b >x*k and barrrls Woolsey &. Woolsey‘B 1* f, Crushed.and Powdered Sugar 3l> hh is. Molasses: 100 sacks F:alh**rs; 125 bbls and half bbls. No 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel; 50 boxes Tobacco; 150 bags Coffee ; 2t> hhds. Sugar ; 100 coils Rone ; 25 boxes Sperm Candles ; 50 kegs Powder. M act m, Jane 2, 1847 9 I \ HU I 1.01 R. i ( Will EBS. of very superior quriity, warranted ’ equal to the h*st ( mal hr n*h, ’ For sale by WHEELER St HARROLD. Jim f Mil t OAAH LBS extra fine Flour at OUUU March 24 6 W FREEMAN’S — Tobacco <k Cigars. BOXES Tohan-o, various Brands, 4V/U 40.000 Principe Cigam, do 50jUU0 Regalia do do 20,<X10 Panatellas do d<> For sale by SCOTT, C ARHART Si CO. \|n! I. VM7 xcs: ice : rA ELLS willl furnish Ice during the season, in i . any quantity, to his friends and patron** Maeon. June 2. 1847. 9 CPI EW %RT REI IN EL) M() LASSES -7h • O tor sale hv A. BENTON. July 28, 1817. 17 ! WOOD AND BHADLCY. H IIVE juitrroeivfd another large sot of window sihmn. tome elegant patterns, and of dimension* to sun any windows Also some Black Walnut Wind- I lass Ucilstcuds, of patterns and finish which cannot fail to phase. Dec. Commercial hank notes purchased by SCOTT, CARHART Sl CO. 1 July 14,1817 15 1 r\ A CASES Claret Wine, 1 UvJ 20 do choice do 100 doz. Underload Sl C'o's. pure L uion Syrup, 1(M) “ Miller’s do. do. 50 boxes Brandy Cltarries, 20 “ Pickles —assorted, 50 “ Frvah Cfongress Water, 80 “ Sis’nii Cnndfos, 50 “ Hull A Son’s Tallow do. ! For sale low by IJCOTT, CARHART k CO. April 29, 1847 # 4 I)M h I.FD II DIM, an perior, fir sale by CIIAB II FREEMAN. April I. 1847. 4 I IJKFMEIIVFD GINGER i I nor. for sale by (HAS H FREEMAN. April 1, 1847. 4 /'ll HMDS Cuba Molluscs 75 bbl** N. Otfoana do. Uw For sal** by SCOTT. CARHART 4k CO. \ ; ril 29 DC | fffifi 881 i, 300 do N. (). Whisk* > , 50 bbls. Baltimore do 30 Half pipes t hard Brandy, 5 “ “ Champagne do. 15 pipe* Holland Gin, 59 qr casks M ideira Wim , 20 ** ** Port do 10 “ “ bherry do. 100 casks Ixrndou Porter, unite. 20 bbls Cherry Brandy, 111 store, and for sale by ’ April 2? 1 SCOT lri CARHART St. CO I ! MISCELLANY. Prescott, the Itlnitl Historian. The last work of this distinguished writer, his History of the Conquest of Peru, is repre sented to be ns creditable to his reputation ns ‘either his ‘'Ferdinand und Isabella” or his j “Conquest of Mexico.” We. observe that it is very highly ro amended in the July num ber ol Blackwood’s. The United States may well he proud of a citizen who has thus ue quired ft cosmopolitan fame.—And when we I consider the remarkable disadvantage under j which he has laboured in all his researches, ; jof being nearly blind it is impossible to with- ; hold the warmest admiration of his noble per- I J severance. In his Preface to the Conquest of ! Peru, he thus touchingly describes the diffi- j ; culties he has had to encounter from the im- ! perfection ofhis vision.— Rich<nonil Tim**. ‘‘Before closing these remarks I may be per- ‘ mitted to add a few lines of a personal nature. ! |ln several foreign notices of iny waitings the J author has been said to he blind; and more j , than once I have had the credit of having lost i my sight in the composition of my first history. ! When I have met with such erroneous ac- j counts I hnve hastened to correct them. But the present occasion affords me the best means of doing so; and I am the more desirous of this as l fear some of my own remarks, in tlie pre face to my former history have led to tlie mis take. \\ bile nt the University I received an iniu ry in one of my eyes which deprived me of the sight of it. The other, soon after was attack ed by inflammation so severely that for some time I lost sight of that also; and. though it was subsequently restored the organ was so j much disordered as to remain perm mently ; debilitated while twice in my li r e since I have been deprived of the use of it for all purpose* of und writing for several ’ years together. It was during one of these periods thru I received from Madrid (he mate rials for the ‘IJi.-tory of Ferdinand and Isabel la.’and in my disabled condition, with my transatlantic treasures lying around me I was j like one pining from hunger in the midst of abundance. In this state. I resolved to make : the ear. if possible, do the work of the eye.— I procured the the sendees of a secretary, who : read to nte the various authorities; and in time I became so (hr familiar with the sound of tlie ditlerent foreign languages, (to some of which, ! indeed I had been previously accustomed by a residence abroad.) that I could comprehend his reading without much difficulty. Ar the reader proceeded I dictated copious notes : and when these had swelled to a considerable a mount. they were read to me repeatedly, till I ’ had mastered their contents sufficiently (or the purpose of composition. Tlie same notes fur nished an easy means of reference to sustain ! tlie text. •Still another difficulty occurred in the me chanical labor of writing, which I found a se vere trial to the eye. This was remedied by means ofa writing case, such ns is used by the blind, which enabled me to commit my thougts to paper without the aid of sight ser -1 ving me equally well in the light.—The ehar j aeters thus formed made a near approach to hieroglyphics ; but my secretary became ex pert in the arl of deciphering, and a fair copy— , with a liberal allowance tor unavoidable blun ders —was transcribed for the use of the priti- I ter. I have described the prongs with more i minuteness, as some curiosity has been repeat edly expressed in reference to my modu* oper avrli under my privations, and the knowledge of it nitty be oi’ some assistance to others in similar sirrumstances. •Though 1 was encouraged by the sensible i progress oi iny work it was necessarily slow. | nut in time the tendency to inflammation dim i ashed, and the strength of the eye was confir med more and more. It was at length so far j restored that 1 could read for several hours of ’ the day, though my labots , u tins way an sitrily terminated with daylight. Nor could 1 ever dispense with the services of a secretary or with the writing case; for contrary to the | usual experience, I have found ivri'ing a se verer trial to the eye than reading— a remark, however, which docs not apply to tlie reading of manuscript; and to enable myself, there fore to revise my composition more carefully, [caused a copy of the ‘History of Ferdinand and Isabella, to he printed for my own inspec tion. before it was sent to press lor publication. .Such ns I have described was the improved . state of my health during the preparation of the ‘Conquest of Mexico,’ and. satisfied with ’ being raised so nearly ton level with the rest ol mv species. I searely envied the superior good fortune ofthose who could prolong their studies into the evening and the later hours or ue utgitk. • But a change has again taken place during the last two years. Tlie sight of my eye has i become gradually dimmed, while (he seusi tulity of the nerve has been so far increased 1 that for several weeks of the last year I I uve not opened a volume; ami through the whole i time I have not had the use of it. of an aver- I age. for more than an hour a day. Nor can 1 cheer myself with the delusive expectation that impaired as the organ has become Irani , having been tasked probably beyond its strength, it can ever renew its youth, or he ol ‘much service to me hereafter in my literary , researches. Whether I shall have the heart to enter as I had proposed on anew and more extensive field of historical labor, with these impediments. I cannot say. Perhaps long hab it, and a natural desire to follow up tlie career whirhl have so long pursued, may make this in a manner necessary, as my past experience lias already proved that it is practicable. “From this statement —too long, I fear, lor his patience —the reader, who finds any ruri | osity about the matter, will understand the i real extent of my embarrassments in my his ’ toricul pursuits. That they have not been I very light will be readily admitted, when it is considered that I have had but a limited use | of my eye, in its best state, and that much of I the time 1 have been debarred from the use •altogether. Yet the difficulties I have to Con tend with are very far inferior to those which , fill to the lot ofa blind mini. I know of no historian, now ulive, who can claim tlie glory of having overcome such obstacles but the , author ot “La Coquette de I’ Angleterre pur | les Nommndsj” who, to use his own touching I and beautiful language, “has made himself ’ the friend of darkness;” and who. to n profound philosophy that requires no light hut that 1 from within, unites u ciipncity lor extensive i and vurioUM research that might well demand | the severest application of the student.” Tlie Si lence of Dilitniuii. ‘I sny, Jacques, this dunning is easily re duced to a science und art. A hoot maker dc-irto me to collect u hill of twenty dollars against a clergyman, tile llcv. Mr. Trues d. ll; you know him, Jncquesl A limn of | talent—great talent, great virtue—particu lar friend aflame! Went to see him— -1 couldn't pay. Called the next day on Ins i pretty wife—line woman, finest eye in New- York—got on tlie tender side of her—she pro mised to make her husband pay; culled the next day; wouldn't see me. Well, went to church early—like going to churcli; Trues- I dell was to preach; got a scat in the first pew, right strait in front of the piilnit. Hut quiet through prayers, till Tru'esdell got up In tlie j pulpit to preach, then didn’t I lean forward I anu re .t my elbows on the front of the pew, and hold hiy chin up with both hands, and didn’t I fix mv eyes u|s>n him ! Never stirred j them once loosed right straight into the vc j y middle of his Ibrehead like the inngneti s do. No preaching that dny. No prrn j diing at nil; tried to do it but I kept my eye I • ci hail, and he did not know what be win ! driving at. Every body said it was the short ■ t m noon th< y’d ever hesrd People wcut VOL. XXV.—No. 21. away—l went, arid thanked hint for Hitch a pod sermon. Didn’t he look pale and red? hut he answered, quiet na a lamb; then i naked him. in a whisper, what time lie would nee me to-morrow. ‘Nine o’clock,’ says he. and away I went. C'ttllcd this morning, just uh the clock was striking nine; came to the door liunsclfj looked doleful as though he was going to read the burial service. I put th. bill into his hand, he put the money into mine put his other hand on my shoulder, ‘God bless you. my son!’ says he. ■Amen!’ cried 1. Great country this; fine preachers—line prea- I chers 1’ Taking in a Native. A ludicrous scene occurred the other day in Anthony street, near where the new theatre is in course of construction, which if a brief description may convey an adequate impres sion ot it, is well worth telling. One of the laborers growing thirsty under the influence of a hot sun, went hastily over to the nearest hydrant for a drink, and clap ping his capacious mouth to the spout. imbib ed the Croton just as it came in the most lorciblc and plenteous manner imaginable.— Hardly had ooor Paddy, however, tasted the gushing flood that distended his cheeks when lit strati and bolt upright and. with a look of agonized horror commenced a series of pun • tomitnie contortions which were absolutely painful to witness. “Ow—ow—ugh !”he groaned convulsively, at the same time clawing at hia throat in a frenzied manner, while be spirted the water forth again with the energy of n wounded W’liale ; then suddenly recovering the use of his speech he shouted— Och, inurthrr! but he’s i/one ; it’s all over wid me now 1” hat’s gone !” exclaimed ti: ■ crowd that hud gathered around him. “What's gone 1” “I’ve swallowed him !Oh howly St. Pat rick !—l’ve swallowed him !’’ “And what the deuce is’t ye’ve ■wallowed?” ‘•A snake!” A murthering snake! oh. how ly St. Patrick protect me !” “Sure, then, ye’ve made a savin’o’ yer din ner!” said a fellow laborer, more alive to fun than sympathy; while n shout of mingled laughter and incredulity followed, in which even the poor sufferer could hardly refrain from joining. “But was it alive man?’’ inquired a sym pathetic individual when the confusion subs, ded. “Alive, did ye say ! By the blessed powers ye don’t think that I’d he alter ating him dead Alive, as it is! and did’t he jump down nn throat in spite o’ me teeth?” Then clappin his hands to his stomach, he exclaimed “Och. hone, he’s squirming now! Oh how'. St. Patrick! O why did’t ye do yer woi intircly, and kill the snakes m this murthering country, too ? —Help ! he’ll bite the inside me ! Oh, howly Moses ! Help! murthe. i tire! and poor l’at, distracted by fear, c t more capers than a Camanche at a war dance. “Tut,tut! Be quiet, man!” returned ano | ther. “how do you know it was a snake ?” “How does I know, it is? Didn’t I lb: him wiggling his tale ? oh, howly St. Pntri. j deliver me!” A benevolent looking gentleman heressf;u f ; I gested that it might possibly be a fish or per haps an eel; and remarked that there ought to be a filter attached to every hydrant in the. city ns tiie water is full of all sorts of animal cule, etc. “It’s an ail!” shouted a hodmnn. catching at the idea. “Mike, it’s an ail! Run for a phnlter. and ye’ll catch the rascal prisintly.” “A filter! a filter!” was the general cry. “Run, Mike, for a filter!” Without pausing to inquire into the feasibility of using tiie arti cle in question for the purpose desired, the poor distracted son of Erin strated with the speed of a race horse for tiie office in Broad : way where the figure of Hebe standing in ! tfie window ‘pours her never ceasing fount.” A what d’ye call’em!” crid he, rushing tVixntu ally into the establishment. j “A snake catcher, for the love of ! A I snakecatcher! Oh howly Saint Patrick!” he continued, snatching up one and applying jit energetically to his lips. “Come out wid ! ye, ye thief o’ the world!” “My pood fellow,” said the .astonished knight of Diaphragms, “what’s the matter with you ?” “Matther, is it! Isn’t every thing the mnt | ther7—a snake is the matter f I’ve got an ail | in my belly!—och. hulliboo! hulliboo !” “An eel! How came an eel in your stom | ach ?” And didn’t the varmint jump into my mouth 1 without saying -by ycr leave ?’ said the be wildered sufferer."endeavoring to screw the , imn to I.l u ..j— 1 9 ... Hut my man. that won’t do any good now. It ehoud have been attached to the hydrant, and then you might have drank with perfect safety.’ And won’t it catch him now?’ asked Mike, in a piteous tone, turning aghast as he drop ped the instrument in despair. ‘Of course not —how should it 7* Och. murther! what will become of me!’ exclaimed Mike, with un agony truly pamful to behold. Get a sockdolager tish-hook ?’ shouthed a wag from the crowd. Kun for the doctor,’ said another, ‘and get a stomach pump.’ This suggestion was instantly followed, and he started fora drug storet ar by.. The apothecary however, applied an emetic, in stead of the. pump, a nil the poor fellow, after violent retching, ejected a lively black eel, about six inches long. •Oh. howly Bt. Patrick!’ he exclaimed, ex periencing immediate relief. ‘Why didn't you make chine work ov it. and kill the nils us well!—sliure. and they art first cousin to the wicked sarpinta. Diviludrop of water will I ivrr drink again in this blessed country, with out u snake-catcher in my mouth. And. with sundry other resolutions which would huve shocked the ears of a temporal’ man. poor Mike, pule mid trembling with ex haustion, returned to his work. Noble t onduct and Hard Pate. Wo heard a day or two since the story of a hard-working, Irish servant girl, who having u nmssed the sum of SlUOlrom her scanty earn ings, sent the whole of it to her lather, rootii.. mid sister in Ireland, with a message desire’ them to come into this city, where she would provide for then) a more comfortable boim than their straitened circumstance* would 1 permit them to enjoy in their .native island.— : Word came over to her that they would cm bark immediately. The noble hearted ern ture rented n small but comfortable teuouici and turnUlied it, to the extent of her limits means, with necessary furniture, food and h. el. In due time the parents and sister arrived, and joined herself and brother here; and the meeting, under such circumstances, ol the re | united family was one inexpressibly joyful. The most siuiguinc hopes and the brightest wishes of the nflectionatc. ; self-sacnficing (laughter and sister were fully acconpMshed. Those she loved were through her singh ef | torts, rescued from the combined misera x of ! pinching poverty and guunt famine, and were ! all gathered about her at last in an humble ‘ but comfortable home, in u laud of peace and plenty. Hut their happiness was short-lived indeed. The parents hud brought with them the seeds of the pestilence thai rages ta many portionsof Ireland, consequent upon hunger, bad food and i xpnsure. and soon alter their ar rival here, one niter tile other fell victims toils virulence, and the poor heart broken girl, in a few #eeks, has followed father, motlirr. and brother and sister, to their graves, and once more is nlono in the land of her adoption, with out a relative to condole with Iter in brnnv*- meiit.— Mxnift litaletman.