Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, December 08, 1847, Image 1

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IJY S. ROSE &, CO. S. T. CMVT’M W A S. ROSK. Editor*. JOHN RITTER, Ittirltlo u<'artnrer, r v W. Ornd Street, New Harm, Connecticut. | I . I vS cwmlantly nn hand, nr made to ordrr, of I H ViO'iican and Foreign Marble, [ I grave stones and monuments, ■ ■ patterns. Table tups, ('bimiiey l’ieoes, Jainba II \! ‘ baptismal Founts—also, (Granite Monuments’ ■ nil, l P.-aia for Grave Lots I U Various patterns ot Monuments, from the above es-. I I miili-linient, ran be seen in /’nor Hitl Cnnetn j Or- I ? en i tin any description ol Marble work, will be re- H “ i i, v t|,e unfirraitmod. who is authorized to act as ■ Mr Ritter’s Agent. JOHN L. JONHS. ■ Nov 10 3m I BLAKE & SMITH, I YTTOKNIIOS AT LAW, | Macon, Ga. Hp vTTILL attend to all nrofeasional business entrusted ■\v |„ (heir care, in Bibb and surrounding counties. S is, iy'-'i M I IILIC .1. dl,i:w, ATTO2J.CIEVAT LAW. ■ McDonough, ga. ■ R. ler to Scott, Carhaut Sl Cos. M May C. IM7. *lyß R. B. L. BUCHANAN, Attorney at Law, I Spring Place, Mut • av County. f ILL attend faithfully to all profess. mnl business m \\ ui*rusted to his care, m the several Courts of Ur • Cherokee Circuit. mhurl. 1817. 22 ” pfirna j. wiiiLiAxvis % I VS taken the WASHING I ON II V and B J L requests a continuance of the public patronage. Mncon, April 1,1847. 1 United Slates i&Sail line—Daily, between 5 SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. I Tin well known splended Steaiu PaekeH | VMLR t Bpt. ./ P. J/rooke, IFire’’’ Capt I Harden. , Capt T Lyon m io tun regularly hetwe m Savannah and i ..t l iving Savannah every morning at 2 o’- ‘M .i if~t >ii < v iy inorniug at 9 o'docK pt •- I'l , 1 ’ iglit or P.s<ag mi ip yon board,at the t Sa aiirtnli in,! Charleston Steam-racket Wharf, or to A LAFITTE. Agent. 11—All Goods, intended lor Savannah, will Ik* Hw ido Ihv K Latitte Sl Cos., Agents at Charleston, if i 4ir “’**! to tli<*ir care, free of commissions. JSI7. tr 3 IVIES. F. DESSAU ’ II AS received, and is now opening, an assort- Bd ’imi j Hiucis, i riinuu.igs lor UiesM*s, -w*’ ml other fancy articles, all of the very latest to tv ti “i she would respectfully invite the call ol ■blbes i bonnets. Dresses, Visites, &c. made to order. : I: Oct 13, H 47 3m28 FAoiilO 7ABLE MILLIiVERY MRS DA MOCK has received her fall Goods i that line, consisting of Silk, Satin Velvet and Straw HON NETS, of the most desirable shapes and ility. Also her usual stock of new DR.LSS . SIL >us styles; ;i large stock ot Ribbons, Arti hci* .&c See —whic i will be sold on as reasonable term mr cash, .‘is they can be bought hi any store in Mac \ large assortment of Shawls, Hosienr, Slc the It ”k of Kid Gloves is the finest ever brought here brfoi Person* wanting t purchase W.kyt.f.v Goods, caujmy them also at cost —nothing short of that. Also a general assortment of articles usually kept in her line ness Muon, Oct 20, 1847 29 ly J ii. D\nmi receiving liis new supply of 1 * Goods in bis Une,among winch lie particularly cal&tl'e attention of Ls ■ ustoniers to re article ol okl brandy, Madeira, Port and Clar ftW .Spices, Preserves, Cakes, Gaudies; hii * assortihet of S gars of various brands— un|H>rted Hnvnnnn Segars He l keep constant supply of Oranges, Apples, Onion , Potatoes, Cheese, butter, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Aln: Is. and other nuts. Jot received a pipe BR ANDY and ircct importation, I vmw *i IHOs ; tine imported CORDIALS, such as lAnjfc- , , tine.) Noyou, Curacao, Maraschino, Ab sinthe k’ir*h<’!i Wasser, &c See. Pits les. Mushrooms, Sardines, Salmon, Oils, &c. ‘•.AH i r PK . Ma M? b L—l will fatale a [Motion ot my thne dfu* X\ the present season, to writing upbM>kH,draw ’ I ..tints. *Slc., plain and ornamental penman- i j with neatness I will nlsoattend tosliip- ‘ WW 1 cun (<• |H U ‘ buries H. Freeiuuii’sstore on Cotton Avenue, { vMi any order in the above dejiartuients will meet ■withj imention. HENRY FREEMAN. ■ 3 17 31 ts WOOD AND BRADLEY, manufacturers and dealers in AIII NE T VLtts IT I E nr 4 1 1 and I 1,1 CHAIRS. LD most respectfully inform the citizens of Eil ; and having a supply of the lest materials, |i?*fa|aioii io our present stock, such ns D nmg. Tea, , • Sideboards: Sofas and Wardrobes; Solus ; P***jß^' 1 Etonians ; Tettetetes ; Foot-stools- Secreta * an t book Cas*s ; Ladies* Work boxes and 1 Desks; Piano Stool; L<Mking Glnsm*s and s ~t all sizes , Gilt, Mahogany and Walnut aU sizes for Pictures and Portraits. Cane fc Counter Stools ; Mnhognny and Wal- Plush and Hair Cloth Seats ; a great vnrie- L* 1 C K Maple and Waluui Cue seat* and other PJJIJ * ■■•ckmg ( hairs ol patterns too numerous to Pine Hu Isteads, etieaper than ever , \v in - *^ u,l russe ot curled Hair, Cotton articles not enumerated or introduc ?Mah W , ' ta /j! c t u,er fr~F or Fumitue Varnish, ITiiW- “ ,,lllul, Vemersand U and iVista. R ; |ul hlft l | ti |l ‘ repaired neatly and with dispatch. “• “’ I < hairs reseated or covered with Hair n * Nv. 3. Itil7. sun—ts rio.i O ! TIIE PI A TO TO.iTE Wmt2 The |n<>li; -—.,r ..I Mi,.,, “ 1,1 ‘he cny ..I \. York. respe. iful i “'loimecs to the Indies ami gentlemen ol *; V! .. 1 til'll III’ lias located m this city,and •bkXi m * ,n ‘ ,- ti"ll Oil lllf I’IUIIO, ol iibgqS* “J! 1 pentleinen n. tuny honor him with their mat purpose he infendn in a tewdaya to “'i’ ‘or ladles anil another lor gcntle who may prefer it, ho will wan on at i'lwol the winter Mr W will intro,lure to ” vrul nriv pieoea from th>’ moat rrMn ’ “ipoavra, together with all ilia fashion. n„'.J U,ly , l mi,l 'ahed. Hi’ renpeelitllly so iou l, h,li | O , l>t |, , , c i , l( i nanwa can be fnmd a iul iS. “ Boardiunn mill Barnes, nt •I'oriiia Telegraph. tin- Journal and the store of Mr Amna Benton, r Mroug A Wood 1 ,. I .1 Will II) . mi'’ A. Niabat. S T. Chapman, ‘l'. j„ ‘ 1,1,1 ■ Win. K Williford uiiil Saiu'l, , new goods S 1 WIN Sill P’S. 1 . sisa2 ,l ' l ii l l i’ r l m t favota, respectfully 1 ..T's" 1 ,h ” ‘'"'immuity, to . I l.v \i ’ “ta'imil! lit lll'’ atom lor .'A;!;;*'*’ *.i>.w. 0rr.0,,h,.- ““I I. o li"rry street, couaiMmg. V 1I!"V! ‘•> ooU, rLV AI: ‘ U ' l lllN,i ’ “Vm ... 1 Unnnrlt, fp\ which ho k i “* any other house in die city ro.l i’' 1 '”: 1 ' 1 Midi 111 I SHOES. I ml.t v Jit* 111 rWayiV Monroe county. ” ‘ <"• rrt hi* 0 "* Wl “ !ll "d purchase, w ill i ’ ~wi I , r , hy m "ihiin Ilia atoclt, before ” „U -teT ** ynt * |H7 IHAAC WlN'Hllir, J It3ES! SHOES!! *1) h'y'i'.,’ 1. ; “jjli-lo homo umnuhetur ‘ h,i ßO AIIOES. for sate by , J A l> YV ,J.? A WINMUIP, jm*’ ‘ rt H Lotion A v*mir (feorgtti Journal anfi illesseitgct. HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES. IOftAN Sc ATKINSON have just received ni ’ _J ofli-r tor sale. ( arreting f>. Rugs; Blankets, fticl mgs, 10-4 and l*i-4 Linen Sheeting and pillow cn* Lncna; ld-4 and 12-4 Cotton Sheeting and pillow c.‘ otton; Irish Tzinens; American and English Lot Cloths; table Linen and table Cloths and Napkin Russia, Scotch nnd Hucuhiick ‘Powellings; furnitu ( alico nnd furniture Dimity; Table Covering of vnr nil. kill.; 10-1. 11 -4 nnt I 12 1 Blank.-t,ofb>t nmke Woolen and Cotton Flannels, all qualities; Strip*'’ I'lai.l an I Embroidered (airtnin Muslins; colored nn white .Marseilles Quilts; together with tlcir usual I large variety of black and colored Dress Silks, Casl meres. Plaid Goods, Sl,awls. Worked Collars, Amen can and British Prints, Silk and Cotton Ilosi- ry,Gloved Hdkts,, &c., Sec ,to which they invite tb” attention r ‘ their friends and the public getierallv.—Cloths. Cass men**. Sattinets, Kentucky .leans Kerseys, Linseytr English, French nnd American Tweeds, Vestings, pi received; which we will sell nt the very lowest prices LOG A N <fc ATKINTON. gStf RICH SILKS AND CASHMERES r pilE undersigned have received anew and henut’ I ful stock of Ricli F ill Press Silks and Cashmere**, consisting ill part of plain changeable, striped and plait Gro de Rhine, Grode Royale.Gro tie Algier, (Jro and Pekin. Satin d* Chine, Ottoman and other Press Si!k i black TafK-ts. Poult tie Soule, Satiti Russe, (iro Grair plain, strqied mid watered Silks, for Scarfs. &c.; no style rich printed Cashmeres, striped and plaid Mon* selinc de Laine, in various patterns; super plaid fas) meres-. Lupin’s best qualities French jTermoes of a shades; Gale. Clarence anti (>regon Plaids; Work* Collars and Capes, embroidetl. revere, henwtitche and corded Lawn and Linen Cambric Hdk’fs.; Sil| and ('otton Hosiery, Gloves, Sc c., All of which wi be sob! by the piece or otherwine. at usually low price * LOGAN fc ATKINSON sept 29 26tf. NO i€R BARGAINS! BARGAINS'—The underaignej having taken the Store on the comer if Cotto * Avenue and Cherry street, formerly (Ross’ Store,) bepi leave to inform the citizens of Macon, and Planteni that he will constantly keep on hand an excellent stoc i t IJry Goods, Gfoe>ri< s A Prorisions’ of a kinds, which he will sell at the lowest possible rates, Is * ing perfectly contented with quick sales and email profits The public generally are respectfully requested, if the j want great bargains, to call upon him. Goods of a, kinds given in exchange for all kinds of produce ci cash prices. Ii N. PULSIFER, At PULSIFER'S can be found at all times Tea Coffee, Sugar, Syrut'. Molasses, Rice, Bacon, Lard Butter, Corn Meal, Grits, Flour, Mnckeiel.and Shad (| the best quality, in quantities to suit purchasers, at th| lowest rates. April I, 1847. 31 LI l IL—Just received aud for sale 100 hbls. of fin-1 rate Northern Lime by Sup, 22, hit -j-, H N PULBIFER Mticou < asit hkOie. M ii .Ii %A Si OF T . COTTON A VENUE. .)/ || | PACKAGES Fancy and Staple Dry Good j UU now op -.inig, which will be sold cheaper that any otner house Soutli of New York. Rich Siiks Cashmeres nnd de I/iines Rich embroidered Cashmeres English aii<i French dennoes English nnd Scotch Ginghams Rich <ie Lai lies at 25c Fine Linen Handkerchiefs at 124 c Check Cambric at 124 c Irish Linens &k- Heavy 7-8 Shirtings at 64c Red and White Flannels nt 20 a 25c Heavy K rseysat 124 a 16c Heavy Ticking at 124 c Fine Bleached Shirting at 121 c Fine Eng.ish do at 64c- Fine hemVl sun-hed Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Kid Glows, Silk and Coito.i iLc<i Gala Plauis. Rich Plaid Alpnccns, Rich Embroidered Muslins, Dew style Embroidered Robes, Fine Bombazines, Fine Alpaccas. at 374 c. ; 10-4 and 12-4 bleached Sheeting, Fine Bed Blankets, Ac. Oct .6. 1847 . 27tf SILKS! SILKS!! NOW OPENING AT BANCROFT’S, “cotton avexub.” FTAHE richest and largest stock of Silks, ever before X offered in this market, Rich Plaid Brocade Silks, 44 Satin Striped mid Plaid, Satin. Plaid Poult DeLoie, Plain Gro De Swiss, 75 (a) 874 cents. 5 4 Black (iro De Rhine, Black and Blue Black Satin. Macon, Oct 20, 1847 29 ts “ broMerod taslimeres.” ,)d ki i DR ESS Pat unis ol the latest stylus ot Em /w\/W Cashmeres—small figure. Do. Rich .viousliii De Lames, just received at BANCROFT’S, Oct 20. 29 ts Cotton Avenue. REA Sl COTTON have removed to W. B. Par kers Store, on Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite J Cowles’ Eire Proof Warehouse. They have instore and offer for sale on accommodating terms: 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 44 “ Dundee 44 85 44 Slightly damaged 44 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tuns Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 lbs rank and Boiler Iron, 800 tbs Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Chaiuuaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 ('asks Boron, Su,,t $, 1041 29 Thoniftstoii Manufacturing Company's OSNABURGS AND YARNS, of superior quality just received and for stile nt lowest market prices by REA Sl COTTON. Agents, Thomaston Manufacturing Company. June, 30. 13 ts COC’I! Hi*.—The But*HTiberH continue to T keep a general assortment of Groceries and Staple L>.y Good*, At their old stand, comer ot Second and Mul berry atreets. opposite the Washington Hall: they have luut received with other articles the following: 24 hhdn St. Crone and Y R. Sugars, 12D hags Green Rio Coflee, 25 “ Old Gov. .lava Coflee, 2000 Yards Negro Kerseys, lUOO Outlie Blankets. H and 9 quarter, 10<K) Yanis Cotton Osuaburgs, 15 Tons Sweedes Iron. 7( 0 Sn ks Liverpool Salt, 1500 Pmr KuM**tt Bivgitis, with a general in their lme, all of which is 1 offered at the lowest cash prices They resis'cthniy in- , vite nil wi*hin to purchase, to examine their stock— | Mieviiig th.-y cannot tail to he suited in price and qual ity ( II VS CAMPBKM. Si CO April 1, 1H47. :w m.inhcis mill K.vr%vf%. r BALKS H 1 and 9-4 Green and Blue Blankets, o 2 “ Saddle Blankets, 2 “ Ante can 9-1 do 1 *• Lngii- i Twilled 9-1 do. 50 Pieces 10 I and 11 1 Bed do 15 “ Super Tr illed Down do 10 Cass Negro Kerset's, assorted styles. Now hi store, and tor sale cheap hy GKAVLrf, WOOD, St, CO. j Nov 1H ltd | Bomentlfs. } rt BALLS 3-4 Brown Shirting*, lh “ 4*4 “ Sheeting*, 15 *• O/nahurgs H oa. to yard, 25 “ Yarns, nssorted iiuiiilmms, 10 “ Ticking'-, 3 “ Cliei ks, 5 “ Lme Biown 7-*( LngJisii Shirtings, Now ill Store, mid for sale hy GKAVLS, WOOD, Sl CO. i Nov 17 33 l olnmi, 4 itfin* ;inl ,)|\a BOXLS Tohnceo, all guides, ‘#*'U to,ooo Cigars, various qualities, 1 bid Vfaeenbojr SnnfT, 1 “ Scotch “ 2 JJ “ in bladders, >!tHcr's liiK’ cut Chewing Tobacco, Lor*ntet,y GRA\ LS. W()(.>D, Sl CO. Nov 17 ‘ ‘ ‘ | BACOINO, ROPE AND “TWINE. 1 pieces Kentucky Bn .gmg, I *)Ul) av ( U,l- do Hope 20<K) lbs Hugging Twine, 1 la store and lor sale Lv SCOTT, CARHAKT Sl CO. Pept. in BAOCiINO, ROPE, TWINE, 40. I*s“ 31 •* •• !I5 • Cull* K"iitucky Hop#. 1000 ll lliriT ply UiiKipiiu Twiim*. 50 rtu, k, .Snli For *l'’ by l 11ARLKS rAMPBFU,, A CO. AlljJ IM, l|? MACON, GEOKC.IA, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 8, 1847. Vil/knisTcß H. Fjau* 3VIA3V, Cotton .iwiiir, next door above the “Rio Grande House,” Has just opened a good Stock ot Sugars, Coffee. Teas, Flour. Bacon, Mini I'uiM'y Da y Roods. | Macoa, April J, 1847. i I%'siils., Irani mail BloElou Ware. /T/W | KEGS Cut .Nails, < 1/1/ 15 tons Iron, assorted Ito 10 inches, 2,000 |S>s. Sheet iron, 10,000 lbs Hollow Ware, 2,000 His. Cast Steel, 1.000 llis German and Blister Steel, 2,000 lbs. Hoop and Band Iron, 50 doz. Hoes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received ami for sale by E. B. WEED. April 1, 1847 .j| HYDRAULIC CEMENT. /7/| CASKS Rosumialu Hydraulic (Vment, OYJ foratde by SCOTT, CARHART & CO. Septeiulier 15,1847 24 Colton \ iirns itnl OsnrJmr;:*. rpHE undersigned, are Agents for the sale of the STEAM FACTORY Also, for YARNS AND OSNABURGS from the CUKTRIGHT MANUFACTIJRING CO. Giwns boro , for sale fry the bale, on the usual time, at Manu facturer's juices. H 7 SCOTT. CARHART & CO. S. P. DICKINSON, & CO. H AV'E just received lot) hds. St. ('x and Porto Rico Sugar. 4(H) bags Rio Coffee, 50 “ Lagoira and Java 150 kegs Superior Nails 75 packages Staple Dry Goods, which will Ih* sold low*. Macon, 11th August, 1847. 19 8. F. DICKINSON, & CO, TOBACCONISTS, \RE now receiving . 250 packages Tobacco, the most complete as sortment ever offered in this market. Macon, 11th August, 1847. 10 S. F. DICKINSON, & CO. HHVR just received 5 Casks Baltimore superior sugar cured Can vassed Hrgfii 5 Tierces Cider Vinegar. Macon, 11th August, 1847 jq REMOVAL. TAMES SEA 1 MOUR lias removed to the Store- 1 • I house occupied for several years past by D. and W ! Gu.ny, where he would be pleased to have his cus- I tomers call on him. Sept 1. 22 ts .1 IlltS HAS just received, a lergi nnd well selected stock of Groceries. Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware and Crockery, which will be sold for moderate profits, oct 6 27 — - “ Bfieon :anl f.nrd. ,iBS sif,Pß> 250() Choice Hams. 500 lbs GUUU Lard For sale by J. SEYMOUR oct6 27 j I’f* 11 In-1 • 1 OH A Feathers. For sale hv I J. SEYMOUR. oct 6 27 i sale by j. SEYMOUR, r oct 6 27 II urjitiiG U >|M* imi l ui e, \LWAYS on hand and for sale by J. SEYMOUR oct 6 27 liOnfainfl ml leu*, OF superior quality. For sale by J SEYMOUR ! oct 6 27 N:iiu. fr*D*(* 4"i iill” SIII4I Iks •y ~ KEGS Nails. 100 pair Trace Chains, and 6 doz # t) en Axes. For sale by J. SEYMOUR oct 6 27 NiiSGir ii(l Coffee. Q r\ HHDS Porto Rico ami Muscovado Sugars, 100 /WU bags Rio and Laguyra Coffee For sale on very reasonable terms, by J SEYMOUR oct 6 27 LADIES’ HALF GAITERS. TUST received. Ladies’ Colored and Black Half | Gaiters, and for sale by Sept. 8. 1847 23 MIX Sl KIRTLAND. LADIES’ GAITER BOOTEES. lUST Received, Ladies’ colored and black Gaiter Bootees, and for sale by MIX Sl KIRTLAND. Aug. 18, 1847 20 LADIES’ KID SLIPPERS. TUST received Ladies’ Fine Kid Slit *ix*ra—for sale J Hy MIX & KIRTLAND Sept. 8, 1847. 23 GENTLEMENS’ GAITERS. JUST Received, Gentlemen’s colored and black Cusmmere Goters.and tor sale by MIX Sl KIRTLAND Aug. 18,1847. 20 BACON AND LARI). I/wiA LBS Choice Bneon Hams, .UUU 2JLHW lls. Sides and Stmuldere, 500 lbs. Lard. For stile by WHEELER Sl HARROLD. June ‘2, 1847 9 I AMII.\ PUN Rt A AAA LBS. of very nperior quality, warranted f equal to the best Canal brands, For sale by WHEELER Sl 11ARROLD. June 2,184 T 9 “ A WORD TO THE WISE.” 3 GILSONS purchasing DRY GOODS, will find a choice assortment at MI RIHM K’S, ten per ct. cheaper than nt any other store in Macon. Nov 3, 1847 31 ts rri k PIECES Rich Muslin DeLumes, tor sale nt 25 cents per yard, by J. MURDOCK Nov 3, 1847. 31 ts IlhmU.'ts. Iw.'is.'Vw, Ac. Ac I UST rrceived, 0 large lot ol heavy Hniiil9 1-4 Ne gro Hlnnk'-U of lieai qualuy, ulao, heavy cable twi.i Negro Keraeya, which will be sold low, by Nov 3. si it j Murdock. I IIIMU YY lllSKllV.—Ageimineantrle'oldoihli,” 1 |UM received by T. C. DfcOiPShY. Oei *7 3o I)oimt:i(. —ls doxen superior, lor sale by Oct ‘.’7 B T C DUMKEY , IN 114.—30 box.a Cllarrt, Sl Julien, Media', t W4I, by T. C Ui.MI'SKY. Oct 37 30 (x,,.l i’Ultl. -3 quarter eic.ka “Loudon l)"'k p ” / u aup ‘iior uria < , juatlroin die New Y n.k I'.i-hao lloiiae, hy T. 0. DfcMl’HhY. Uc't 37 30 lIItYYID’, -15 bhla American Brandy, 30 do ,\ 1) tl .glaiwlßum, offered by T C Dl'-MPSIiY. Oei V 3” .A lllalxliY', ail l,l)L N II Ileclili -d, a wnieri- U urarticle,ioraaie by ‘l’ ( DeIMPriKY Oct 87 30 \I,WOM>N. 5 bbla Marwillea, al . 1 let 37 30 T f DFMPSF.Y‘B. (1 Y N lll,li 4. 15 Ihixch Mary . hiipei.or, by J OetST 30 TANARUS, C DIIMPSKY'H. ni,HJOIIYs.-l, 3 and 5 gallon IVniiiohna, lor wile at T L. DKMCHKY ri, Oct 37 30 Cultvn Acniue, (Il<i VKi4—Regain, Principe and Hpnnieh l ig'ira. j (Vi 37 30 C. II FKHUMAN U '*(! \t ARK. i Paint Water Bucket* Keelcra, Brooina.and Meawi'e* Jute mnl rtnaw Mala. L’ H FREF.MAN. Oct 37 30 At,BANY ALE BBl.t*. XDPKRIOR QIIAUTY. yuat received I 2 v lld 4” -adeliy Nov 81 31 riCyTT, CARHART, A Cl) HALT. I (YiYiY l4\('Kd Livcrptail |4ah,'PdV gafng jn'atore 1 ,IJUU For nk liv Nov 34 31 SCOTT, CARHART. A CO OH HOW GOOD! YYIIO DOEB NOT LOVE THEM 7 UUCKYY'II RAT CAK KH, Stuart'a Ryrap, and Rich (in'h. nll iticr—A lull Bupply for wile by I O l 37. la 17 30 C. A. ELLA. C OI N I V OFFICERS. CJP*’ E. L. SHELTON, is a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, and John Springer for Deputy Sheriff of the county Oi Bibb, at the ensuing election, Z HENRA r G ROSS is a can lid•• t** for re-elec tion as Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb county. z *r IIEY.I \ Ml\ KFSSDLL is a candidate j for Receiver of Tax Returns of Bibb county, at the ensuing election Nov. 17. 33 1 hr J A MES W. IIROU N is a cnnd.dat# for J Receiver of Tax Returns, for Houston county, ut the election on tli- first Monday in January next. ‘ Nov 10, 1847. 31 tde 2 hr are authorized to announce .IO!lA 11. 1 Os FI TT a Candidate for Receiver of Tar Rtturns . nt the election the first Monday in January next. i October 13, 1847 28 .rfja B. GRAt'Eisa candidate for Tax Collector ‘ of Bibb County at the Election to be held in January next. * Z ts F. Gove, Esq. is a candilnte for Tax Collector of Bibb County, nt the coming election. I Sept. 1,1847. 22 6 y/’VVm. BONE offers himself ns a candidate for ! Tax Receiver of Bibb County, nt the enaung ejection. Sept 29 26 t*r J. W. fJROf’K, announces himself as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Bibbcounty, nt the ensuing election. Oct. 27. 30 tde *ll!fHl‘, Cofft c, At*. | a HHDS. St. Croix Sugars, 111 “ Porto Rico “ 20 “ Cuba Mucovndo do. 15 “ Prime New Orleans do. 25 Bids. Crusiied nnd Pulverized do -20 Boxes Loaf (W. and W.) do. 20 Hilda Sweet Cuba Molasses, Just received and for sale by | GRAVES, WOOD, & CO Nfov 17 at !MM| I lataiii Iv A< 3 BALES Red Flannels, assorted qunliths, 2 cases White do do do 5 “ Jean®—Blue, Black and Browm, 1 “ All Wool Plaids, 1 “ Canton Flannels, Just received and for sale low GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. _Nov 18 33 lh>k r uiiik r , I4o|m’ tiiid Twite. /r BALES Gunny Cloth, 150 Coils P ile Rope, 2 Bales Twine, Just received from New- O mis nll offred at low est market price by GRAVES, WOOD, A CO. Nov 17 33 CnrpHingtt. 1 f? PIECES English Ingrain Carpetings, If/ 2 “ Thin Ply do 4 “ Brussels do. Green Baize dk Printed Druggctt Carpet Binding®, For sale at low prices bv GRAVES, WOOD, Sc CO Nov 17 33 h l* < ln*l Goods Liiiuiis, At- O GASES 3-4 Bleached Homespuns, O 2 “ 7-8 5 “ 4-4 1 “ 5-4 1 lO-4 4 “ Irish Linens, assorted, 1 “ Extra fine do. 5 Pieces Pillow Case Linens, 5 “ Linen Sheetings, 2 Cases Bleached Jeans, 2 “ Colored Cambrics, 2 “ Black, Brown, and Blenched Hollands, 15 Pieces 8-4, 10-4 Brown At Blenched Table Diaper, Russia Diajs-r—Biids-eye Diaper, 100 Pieces Jaconets, assorted, 100 “ Plaid and Cheeked Muslin®, do. 50 “ Swiss Muslins and Victorh Lawns, 4 Cases (’oats’ Thread, 4 “ ls*e’s “ 1(> “ Clark’s 44 200 “ Flax Thread, assorted numbers, 200 4 ‘ Turkey Red, Slc Slc. Now in store, and for sale hv GR WES, WOOD, Sl CO. Nov 17 33 TO GARDENERS AND PLANTERS. Laudreth's Knral lle*:i*er and Almanac, FOR 1348. CONTAINING month y<li n-ctmus f..r Fanninc and J Gardening—the composition ol various tnannres valituble to Flamers—a description of the varieties of fruits and the soil and cultivation—illustrated by heau titnl plates—Directions tor Flower Gardens. Green Houses, Fences. & : —A description of [lie diseases of Live .Slock and the cure Also, coutuminz a correct Almanac for all the States Rvery family should have a copy—Price 15cents. For sale by J. H Sl \V S ELLIS, „ QppocUe IV a* hi rig ton Hall. Macon, Dec 1 3i LOST OR MISLAID fl’ WO Twenty Dollar notes, otic of *7l 2.V dated last 1 of December, or the first ot January IH-lfi, made payable to Isa ic Jessup, Guardian of Alaiiha Jane Smith, sgned by .1 E laKke. ISAAC JESSI’P. Nov 83,1847. 3w—3l J k BELDEN &. CO. ft II AVE now on hnnd, direct from Manufactory, 181 Water street, N York, r CASE£sexua Black Bet vers, • J 5 “ •* White “ 20 4 Sfiks, 2> f‘ “ Nutrias, 20 *• Wrl Hats, 20 Doz. fine'l'aiuptcoand Kmcker. Jo “ “ Boy's Silk and Nutrias, 10 “ Glazed Hats, 12 “ Fm* Otter and Beaver Cans. 10 “ “ Muskrats, 50 44 Men’s and Boy’s Navy Palvatter, Are 10 - Oil Silk of aII kinds Tli'-se goods are all fresh from our manufactory, nnd will be sold very low for cash or approved credit. Macon, Dec 1, 1847 35 2w Frpih (iardcu Septln, I'rom I, luilrrih'i *iarl<>n. A I, Y lit. I. lot ol ‘lie aboveaeeda piat receiveil.hc * ‘ n S more costly and better than any other ai’cda sold—Merchants and Families should give them the prel rence, as the prior will lie as low as ol the ordina ry aeeds sold and frequently worthless JJf Land reth’a Seedssupplied, wholesale and retail, by J. li. AMS ELI.IS, Druggist., itppimlr H r *hmgton Hall. Macon, Dec 1 3j ‘■ niloi'iiiH I'stalilisliriK-nt, V)l.l i',B At JAUtJSTATPER lei.e um received 1 and now otl tor wile, at the lowest caab prices, a new ntid si ‘end I stuck “I gods in then line, ('oiwisi- Ig nt FINE ENOLISH ami FHi-.M II CLOTHS, i ASslMl'.Rfl, VESTINGS, dtc.,auitablr for geile inens wear Al*of winch thry are prepared in make to order, in the moat laaniuhablr style, and at Uiesliort cst notice. Macon, Sept. 33, 1H47 y *5 Gcmyin Honaton ( omit. UIIEREAS, John S YY'illimns, Adniiuiatrator on •he eat” Jeremiah Williams, late nl am,l county, deceased, applies to me lor letters ol disiiiwsem Having tally administered on the same Those are thcrelore to cite and adim.tushall and sm -niliii the kindred and creditors of said deceased to tile ■ heir ohjectiona. if any they have, nt my .din e willnn die time lirescnbed by law, gr said letleis if nismiwion will Ih* gruntcit Givt-n muit'i mjr huntl 9th of Auguut 1H47 . hi.,. BYRANT HATTON, c. r. o Aug I lih IHI7 ml',in 13 l.coigin—Mon roc . ounty. Inferior ( null tilling lor Ordinan/ inirrmtet, Inly Trim, 1547 YVilUam YV Hardy and James J Hanks,executors of the lari will and testmnent <>t Charles Hnnly dee having lully ndminiatered the .stain ol said iti in ased. pray letters ol dlsiiltssioii therclrom It is ordered by the Court that this rule he published “lice a iniintli.Kir six months, at the expiration of winch time, said letters will be granted, unless emiar u. the contrary lie shown. A liue extract hum the minutes of said Court, July (I >0 L li CABAN IKS, C. C. li. July 14, l<M7. nifmilJ •leor hx-YVan Comity • IIERE Yf Miles J Gucwt it ini Smiin fvc**, ml ’ * UiiillKtiUtori M 1 ihe t-*! •■ u( Henry Joyt-f, |nt<> ol sa .1 county, deceased, spply to me lor leitera | Dia | mission from said eslate. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors o! said deceased, tube and appear at my ollice within the tune prescribed by law, to allow cause if any they have, why said letters slaiuld not Is* granted ; i Given under my band nt oflicc, this Bth day of Sen. Irmibw. 1817. GEO. 11. WII.LIAMSON,e co, j Sept TJ, M .Ilf. ‘, NOTICE. \T the EehfUaS” MHII af the Superine Court to Iw held in anil tup Ornwf iftH, .miiiy, applic iiiun * made, lor leave to dKB4 w “Male A Jolm King. deceas.d JOHN T. BARNES. "pt 15 1817 mint ‘ miscellany. Mr. and M *. Iln )’r; or Mice vs. Rats. Mr. and Mrs. Battle were a fond and lov- I couple, in the town ol \—- ■■, who lor u- I hove a tvvel v’emonth had dwelt one Ht-sh’ n I the law mairimonal. and whose union thus liir I if a shade l-ss blissfu! than that ol the turtle do yes, hud offere.d an exumple of conjugil lc , huifyas edifying, to say tile least, as the gtsn | erality ol inatchcs. It h tpp<>ned one winter evening that hnv ’ mg exhausted their usual themes of chitc-liar •hey had been sitiiug in silence some tcnniin utes, luxuri.iting in ‘the uricommuniciuii inuteiios of fishes ’ when suddenly with a piercing shriek Mrs. B. sprang from her 1 hair and jumped on the side table, crying at i ilie top oi lier lungs. Lord nt mercy! The horrid being! Kill : him Air Battle, kill him !” 1 lie husband, quick as thought, seized the : poker, and though halt Irighit n*d out of his j senses, raided it firmly over his head and pla jeed hitnsell holt upright in attitude of de '••iice. hor some moments he stood speech less, with mingled wonder and awe. then casting a glance at his wife, who stood lean ing against the wall. pule, shivering and hnl. frantic with terror, he at length recovered liis wits and the use ol Iris tongue, so far as to < ask in a voice somewhat faint nnd husky — “ V\ ho—where—what is he !” “ There, there ! husband don’t you see— ! there! It isn’t no man—it is a horrible groat itotise ! Oh dear. 1 shall faint away, certain! 1 There he comes again, this way. Merciful heavens ! Oh. oh !” Mr. 13. breathed a little more freely after (bis last piece ol i(fibrillation, for to say the t ruth, he was by no means a Hercules in strength or statue, (being only four feet elev en in hoots and weighing but jst one hun dred and five pounds even alter dinner ) and .is lie supposed it was some house robber or ut-throat who had hid den himself in the I room and caused his wife’s fright, his knees j iid begun to knock togetlieraTittle, ala Bel •diazar, notwithstanding Ins great show of I bravery. Bui uw regaining with marvelous quiek .e s the use oi .ill his limbs and faculties, he i Jvanced bold ia the direction indicated by drs. 13 s finger, with a courage and presence jf mind worthy of Alexander, succeeded by •he u.s * oi his poker in stretching a must fero ious looking rat lifeless on the floor. After .i U w’ minutes peace and order were (gam restored and Mrs. 13. havingsucceedi and u asto iwiring degree of sell-control, in quiet ing her nerves, was again seated at her work j. table plying her needle when a loud tinkling i ot the door bell was ibllow’ed by the announce- 1 incut of .vlr. Pry. Pry had popped in as he said, -to see how ill did. and have a little social chat.;” but as it lurried out (unfortunately for the peace of our excellent couple ) he was just in season to hear from Mrs. Battle’s lips a relation of what she called. Aly frightful adventure with u ” .\u my dear, - ’ interrupted Mr. Battle, -a rut.” •• Excuse me love : hut ’turns a mouse,” ” I assure you Madam it was a rat.” I bejr your pardon, sir; notwithstanding you assure tne, 1 am quite sure it was hut a mouse.” “ Don’t tell me, Mrs Battle ; do you think I’m a tool, not to know a rat from a mouse, and in my own house too !” Keep cool Mr Battle don’t get huffy just, because 1 spoke a word. ISonie how or other lately I can never open my lips Indore you but you must Hy into u pet. And then you must twit—twit—twitting me always abou; your house as it you were lord of everything here; and I only your humble servant. I de clare Battle. you are as rross ns a bear. Bat tle. and as unreasonable as you can live.” “Mrs Battle you are enough to provoke a saint. Three times you iiave contradicted me and—” ” All because I said a mouse wasn’t a rat. — A mou-v ain't a rat, and you know it.” ‘ Mrs Battle there -hj tins. Wi nor I wont st ukJ it any longer. 1 v\i!l lmve divorce it there is one to h* had ii the ooiin try. I wont live with Mi di h term rj oit. V 1 wont Mrs Battle and that's the loni* and short of it.” Here Mrs B. tell back in her ‘ hair, and burst into a flood tears. Pry finding nuttier* getting ;t little too hot, crept sidy out of the the room and running lor home a* from a hor net.*- s nest. Mr. B.iitle pared the room hur riedly to and fro, tor the space of five minutes or more, with blanched cheek and lip quiver ing with r.ige. and finally ab ated b> a window and with an air affected unconcern began to whistle Yankee Doodle. He had been seated but three or lour minutct vvheu his wife suddenly rising up, caiue ucros.* tlte room, threw her arms affectionately about his neck and buried her head in his bosom. “ My dear husband.” 4i My dear wife.” 44 I have offended, deeply offended you, can you Ibi give me.” “Yes sweet, a thousand times.” ** How foolish I was to dispute with you, dear one about such a trifle.” Yes it was cenj foolish in both of us. But never mind, thank heaven we’ve come to our senses again. Kiss me darling; all’s made up. Aint we happy now.” “Aes my love. Clouds will come some times, but thank Providence, they are all gone now. We could’nt expect sunshine always. Oh. wont we have precious times hereafter together, loving each oilier so tenderly? There, it does seem tome as if 1 were at this itonieut perfectly happy.” “file -ill. blessed wife. Kfs me again darling. There we have had our last quar rels haven’t we my own angel one ?” “ ies dearest. And if we were going to qu irrel again which never can be. it would he something of more importance, would it lot love? The more I think of it the more ibolish it appears quarrelling about so trifling a thing as a mouse.” “ Y on forget, iny dear, n rat you mean.” 44 No my dear, 1 inomi a mouse.” 44 How can you, Mrs Hattie nay a mouse when I have lohi you over and over again ’twas .i raf \ D’ye think I’ve no eyes ?” “ I sly what I mean Mr Battle, and l mean ust what Isay. To say that was a rat is •** the most absurd tiling 1 ever heard. A •at indeed! * “Aben and not Mrs Buttle I tell you you ire ;i simpleton. A ou don’t know beaus from u roonustjck.’, i licit it is heentiKc I’ve lived so long with ou B.title, | don’t believe \oii ever sawn at Buttle Kvery body kimws they have fails like a file. But T ‘ill ail aliiiw'il wo* aan ami wont put up with *urli tmitrui’ il ‘UiiK''i-. I'll “i fiooii’ to my I'alliprV We'll •'•■ till'll lIOW 0Om? liilkn will ({el uloag. AihJ I n'ill tell you Battle it wua a moUM!. * Ami 111 tell yan Mr B iUlo U varn'l a mourn-, 1 ‘ ’ 1’ w i* n rut.’ * I’w iM a mmue.’ ‘Hat.’ 1 Mouxe.’ - II it.’ • Mouho.’ • Hat.’ - Mouw.’ J nxt at flux inotnonf, m etajjr-roach ilrrw up Wclbro tlie dixir, ami the ii|ijwaniiiee of a ml mitl Ion l- expo teil I'rieni! who tiller a lou.f alweiiee harxt mulileiily into the room, put mi • ini to Iwmli! ii-* niul threw the hifti purtieu into tempuraty good humor. To thm day aowever the euuxe of Mr. Battle’. I'right ha, never ceio'-l to Iks h prolific tource ol'eouien tion. Mr. Brittle insisted most sfreiiuunusly th tt 4 * it was a rat,” and Mrs Battle protect ing with equal pertinacity that • ’twas a mouse.’— * Ahu idred times they have squabbled till al most ready to broomstick each other, and a hundred limes they have just made a l l up I ’g tj)’ and u*ked each othe ’* ibrgtve u-ss, I w ien a:i uiitoi timat.e allusion by one of he j f>nrti‘K to the cause ofrheir qunrr I hn ■ uu sed nil the smothered fires ol rage and i . I g i itio.i to bn ak Ibrlh afresh.— Yu >kt Biadt. I (Thu Rdlowfaif fam runm map oM IHend -M i Dewing,” li.>s 1-ecu or. brnfi °uvcml werks—!>ut v%'* trust flint any n< ws faun ili- Major, will always U.* wclcom- J by our readers.] Of qatches from Uajor Downing* Ujt vor Mutuo, IJ.N.TKD ATI - ) S • .1 ** ,i > *r. 27, H 47 \ Mr. GalcsA. Seatox: My desr U in * and ,i m ah* yet, lb.tag u I’ve been through showers *i h ~w i ..Cii as ;i.ulsii*nes. i got youi ii qer cotii umiir my 1.. tier that I wiote on the road to the war. The h*ltu,s i wrote utterwards, tile aueirilliisaii’l robbers hippo thick I think it's ten cb uic -s to u ynu nut ’em. JBom* oKL-ne ral Sco.i s e-ttcis aie misHiuujust io the s.nnu way. Now we’ve got the city oi Mexico annexed, 1 think ihe post master General ought to have a iuoro regular line siagi - running here, so tliat our letters may go sate I hmh you would touch the President and Mi Johnson u a dale about this mail-stage basin- -as, so ‘hey niny I K **P “1 fi *uoachaiaktrs at work, and fne far , nieis raise homes us fust as they can, lor 1 don’t think fn*-y have any idea how long the roads is this way, nor how lasi we are gaining south, hwe k-*ep on snnexin i a-t last as we have done a year or two past, it woiffda’t I takf uiore than a hull a dozen years to get clear down to i other end o| South America,clear to Cape Horn, i wnic i would l>e a very good stopping piiice, lor then,if on; Government got uuy bad sledJing in North Ameri ca, aud limn I themselves in dilemma that hadn't nolu>H) i° sun ‘em, they would have a horn in Bonth America that they liiiglu iioid oil to. 1 hope file re aint no truih in tlie story that wa® buzz'd about here in ihe army, a day or two ago, t but Air. Polk lino an ulea. wnen he got through annexin down ibis way,ol trying lus haiufat it over in Luio|m> and A nca and round there. And, to prevent any qnarrelltng be forehand about ii on fins side of the water, lie’s going to agree to run ihe Missouri compromise line over there, and cui EurojH* up into4ree Stales,and Africa into slave ■Stales Now, 1 think,he had better k<-ep still about that till we g**t this South America business all done, and well tied up li isn’t well lor a body to have too much ousiiieasoii his haudsaionee. There’s no know ing what lufie flurries we may get into yet, and there’s always danger it you have too much sail spread in a ■quail. lioW’ Ver, i haven’t tune to talk about this now. kou wUi get the account* ot tnc battles in (vineial Scott't> letters, so l needn’t say a great deal about them, but it’s been a bard up Inti work ail tb-- way from Vera v.-ruz here, and i don’t tluuk my ol i iriend Gineral Jack ■*on ui.uarli would have worked through all ilie ditfieul iie- and done the business up betiei than Giaeml Scott lias, Bm the killed and th - woumied.the dead tnd the,scattered ail along the way lor three hundred, it’s a heari-achmg 1 don’t love to think J at>o..i it. it is too fMid dial we din’t have more men, so as to inarch straight through wntioui, instead of having .usi enough io encourage the enemy to bring out their larg. st armies and light their hardest batch** ot tiu hard, si brusnus we had, niter I got here was the attack on Chapultep c. 1 had been into the cuy trying to bung Sumu Anna to terms . but, when 1 iouiid u was no use, icome out and told Gineral cott there was no way but to tight it out, and, a Though 1 was only th- President's uuvale eiiilwssmlor 1 didn't Ilk** to stuiui uud look on when lie so weak-handed, and iJ he would tell me wnere to lake bold f would give him a lilt. 1 Ih* Gim ral said he expected there would Is* a hard pull to take Chapini< puc. and as Ginerui Pihow was placed where he would be likely to have the heaviest bru .fol it, 1 might b* doing the e<Mintry a great set vice if I would jim* in wnh Gineral Pillow, as my experience under Ginui&i Joc-krou and naught into military affairs would no doubt be very iiseinl to tliat valiant officer Sol took hold for that day asoueol Gineral Pillow’s aids. Wiicu we come to match and see Iv-w strong theenJ euiy's wouts was.says 4, (*meml Pillow it is as much as our lives is woith to go right straight up and stoim that place in the lace and eyes of all their guns ; l think we ! ought to lorlify a little. Suppose we u<g a ditch round here ui Ironioi the enemy’s works. At thn th • (ni - rals eyes hashed, and he sw ae ftgiii out. Say- h**. ■‘No u—-n the ilarnes, ive no ophlion oi ein ; in y ? > • nothing but a hiothci, and never (Might to be used 1W best way ia to go right into tlie enemy p**fi nHI.” So, on we went,and Pillow lii like a tgertill h -gotwMu . ded, and tiien the rest ol us that wasn't sh i u wu had to finish the woik up b* st way we c,*d I he long ami the short ot it is, we lit our way into t'e city oi .vlexco and amn xe lit Sa -i ( A in:* clear ed out the n. gill aloiu with wnat tioo sup ha . .{.and is ac.iuuug uuoul the country m g.*i . , p tV . i.a iy loi u- t< annex. When h• g s a noth i .I.c - all ,e ufV *or the ceremony, nun aen*u wan to. mi -i. ..i I his an army ofiwenty oi ili iy itioo-. nu me i >. bt-.imd hr; brc.isiwuiKh, w t t m ..c dv*.. • ,j. ‘<‘Bl Wittl liv'i* IftoUßUll.J llic*ll Hlltl ;r* Th Ml *\ t'u y. Aiu r litey lutve ftuol down jn. u , i.j * ut > .s’ cumli hi, i.v<*r lat* mourn •! ut ;r e i loir-.uni ...i . . lilui place; aiui *> on, one uilei aitotiici ii is pretty u-im wotk * , .ih way: b*ir thM . m ...ii) sv i) .! ra i.l a.i it*. \v*i, :>.* n em -. yi. ill. Pic.-nutn i > keep i<i. ;yng on Ins him tun \v y n keep our uiuuluii, •>. w - ..i oi ;Mi’hi 1 logo over yet. VVtiatw.v . . 11 x.*• lin Mxcus.m., la in but a ui i * to w rat ,ve v>* gut to <j Nnne ttli.ik ill • uusiii* !13 ill profit.itrir ; bill nso ity U-ciuih 1 iiu*y luv'm ci|ili red into it ftn e,tough to it i •wi.tand u. Llpm: an *verg.\ we get at i*a t lento one lor our out ..y, u:iy way you cin tig.ire it u.— 1 mean ill tile mm lei ol people. 1 ikr.lor lii-. MCe. toe my oi .Vlex co. It eoal u* o.ny iwuor m. luoiiiiaiij Mi* , uto annex l. alter we got into tut* n *,gu njiii mkl oi ii , and we gt at leant a hundred a.el liny lUoitna ui peop •• m litftt cay,anl houi put it down as n gfi as two hundred Some Qini tauil w ith Uie qu imy ot tu*p**o pie we get in line country ,j#*.*i us ii mat hn.i anytuing to do w all the minis ol the ra**— 1 hey ought to re member that in a government like uuia, w here tlie peo ple 13 Uf*e.< lor voting, anti where every none count* one, U 13 tin* minuter thai we are to stand about in nmiexin, and noi quality by no na ans, f* i tiuu in the nuttier oi peope we are doing a grand bunaes*. Ami ii* to the money u a no matter wliat it u*t. us, ioi iirotny grows lu tit - gioiiud in Mexico, and cau always be bad tor dig i here’* tn >i-niiil thiugH in this country that I should like to tell you about il l uaJ uu *; bu Utngsare < a sem iu t • y *i,io4i i a ive r aner a ronm-ed cmiice to write. So l must break otf hem and writ.* a tew hi tea to the President , but remain you. oiuuieud in all lalitudcM down lu Cape Horn. MAJOR JACK DOWNING. To Jamei K. Polk, Pr&stdoiU oft Ate l nurd Quotes, ami all Annrjcnt Counti ten Dlaß Sir,—i’ve done my best, according to your di rections, (O get round Santa Anna, Imjl ii ih ull no use He’a as al.ppery as r n eel, mid lias as many lives ns a cat. Turn and 1 logrlhrr cau't tionl him, mid Scott and Taylor can't kill huu oti‘. We get hold ot him with our diplomatics, but he a.ipa through our tiuge:s; and Scott and Taylor cut# ma liead off in every town where they can oaten him. but he always comes to Ine m Uk* ext town, and shows as many in-ads as it lie had never l*st oue. 1 liad a mug talk with lum lu.lho city, A pin ned ium light down to Uie bargain lie muih* with you when you let huu into Vera Cru*. and ask *d imn why hi 1 didn't suck lu it He said he did atick lo uas tar ns ciiruwiHUiuoeH rendered u p udru “am,” say- 1, “Uiuer.ii Santa Anna, that aint the thing , u lungaiusa Imigam, and U a man hits any hon or he will stick lo it. “Now,” nays 1, “did'nt you >gree It tin* President would give orders to our Commodore to jet you into Vera Gnu, did'nt yisi agree to put your shoulder to the wheel 6i iielp on (Ins annex in hiuauess, ao as to tunke easy woik ot n i And now, i ask you. as a man o| honor, have you dime it l” “I'ircuiiistaiHs imiter ousca, Major,” sty* Simla An* na “ Wlit'ii Mr Plk mid i had that uuileistanding, he thought he needed a lew more votes thuu in* could mus ter in in** country to hriug mm into tin* Presidency ano* titer term. So we ii it would turn over the votesoi Mexico to imn to bring huu in anotiier term, he would aitcrw.irda turn over his part oi the vote* in N. Ante rail, ao ns lo hung me in next tun*. Dm l wmjii to ii iid it woiibl Is* liirowoig our latHii away, lor Mr. Polk's putt ol the VOtas in lu* country was geiUng (o lie s* sman that they would'nt *lo much gisid to eiuier ol us 8o 1 concluded to hold on to wua 1 had got, utid sin k to the Presidency ol Mexico.” “Then,” says I, ‘ youamt a going tostick to your bnrgam are y**u I” ‘ No,’ suy * tie, ‘cdcumstaiie sailers esses.” Then 1 hied to scare Imn out ol'it. 1 told him our loiks would winu the Me vein* ull into eh •tungs m a little wild*'. .\iu| it mad** uo odd* w| Uiei la nt tor aim* xin or agmiiNt it, we should go on jest tin same and la-lore nnoth* i year whs out Mi P4k woiud be Pmu* dent ol every loot o| M- Rico; m w* siiouid g *t ihrough aunexin ti.c wnoU* ot it. “Very well,” Mjns he, go on. the Mexicans like the laismeas- they rail stand it longer than Mr. Polk can; lor Mr Polk will have ah the work to do over again every yeai ns long as he lives, tor liiere is'm u place in .Mexi* that will stay nn i.-x-d any Unger than just while you are Isa hug on to it.” 8o you see there no doing any thing w*th Sutn An na What r* >uree it is best to take now s ems ratiiei a pu/xh-r 1 imven't tirn to give you my views about it in this despatch. Inn will tiy t son Gv** my lovv to iMr Kitelii ‘ 1 mean to wuts Ui him too, out 1 siuid : nave to wait till next tune Yotn laith.ul irieml and pHyate embaasmlor, MAJOR JACK DOWNING. l-auv lltimmiity* i Nathan 1/nnpmnn, oi CbXvnckn , N'W V’ok. who is I now l 6 years ul age, and seven :et i oim inch m heigtit, j I ids Isu to become n *nsn o| /lighn *tnn / . # *n the world than any now living, having gr>.vu nine inches dutmg the past year, and *n th ‘ usum rules *f growth, will protwhly reach at l*st om- luoi mote.— H- weighs I flat |*r>nnds - H’orretfrr ‘lY*n*+ VOL. XXV.—JVo 3T,. variety. Swept ii vny by a Tornado of Buffaloes. I he II .nihil Gazette says that young Houston, one i the Marion volunteers, was lost on the way from i,m Feinasingular manner Wearetold that when i h l iter rides into a herd of buxlo, it is often the case 11 ‘t t i- y lecpmv* Lightened, and the whole furious sic I tor the moan tains, and there isao way io get oim. hut to k • p the same speed, an I work your *ny gradually Pom among them; to halt wouid b cer “do demfi, iii hi mass would pass over and crush you; •ind hu.u .M m* oh-it carried soven and in les be foi * they could disentangle themselves from the head long h ad. la this wuy Mr. Houston disappeared.— VViun ,usi seen he was flying over the plain, endeavor ing t* make Ins way out of a drove of several thousand, and has not been heard of since.— St. LmisNeic Ex tra. I death in the Pulpit. Inst evening, ns the Rev. Mr. Tuppen, the excellent chaplain oi the Alum House, was concluding his op *n , mg prayer in the ei-ip**! of the institution, during Jhvine i service, his voice Ihltwod, onJ ho tuft Lutfe*- pul- I pit, in on apoplectic fit. Dr. Reese, tins resident physician, with several of his ossistmita, being present in the congnq : on,iimnedlate ly rendered every assistance, bui . .ou.ih portial consci ousneas returned by the use t restoratives, fh* venera ble man sank during the night under universal paraly sis. ‘The deceased has been ior twenty years successively the chaplain oi the Alms House, officiating alternately at Bellevue and at Blackwell's Island. His loss will lx; deeply felt ; for, his fervent piety, amiable manners, and truly catholic spirit have always tide a red him to the in mates oi the establishment, in whose services he has spent his lubors and his life.— &. Y. Com. Adt. , I*f mat. Cool.—Very. The Boston Bee is responsible for the following—as rich an instance of verdancy us we have met with lately. A gentleman from the country, says that paper, now stopping at otic ol our hotels, entered into com - rsntion wiih one of the boarders,asking qaeations about tbs fai r nt Quincy Hall, & alter some few minutes’ converse, tun, the bonnier drew out his cigar cnse.ntid asked the countryman— “ Will you tike a cigar, sir ?” W-a-1, I flou t mmd if I dew,” wns the reply. The cigar waspasned to him, and also,one which the hoarder wns smoking, for the the purpose oi “giving h'm a light.” He carefully placed the cigar first handed to him m Ins pocket, took his knife and eat off that end of the lighted one wlnch had been in th* mouth ol his gener ous friend, and commenced smoking the remainder, re marking— “lt arn’t often that a man from the country, runs afoul ofso clever a feller in the city, as you am ” Novel hinploynirnf for a Wife. Fanny Forrester, the third wife of Dr. Judson, has been engaged, since her marriage, wntmg the memoir of her immediate predecessor. She says. “It has be en exceedingly pleasant employment, for I think her char acter the most symmetrical and lovely that I liave ever known.” An Actual Occurrence. In the Court of General Sessions, one day last week before Judge Parsons, the following circumstances ac tual ly occurred: An Irishman was arraigned for some petty crime, wh*n he was asked the usual question, upon tne read ing of tli-* indictment, whether he was guilty or not guilty m ! ‘ A.Ml* how can T toil yer honor until I hear the wit- I ueBBl * s * l ,e promptly replied, and with tue innocence >f u child. —Germantown Tel. Ethe*. I*r -t G.hsnn, in the pr-s ‘ ice of the class and several g uilcm n, performed .an amputation of the ‘flgiit it tb* M tiic u College on ‘Thursday nv-ming the pui-nt b *intr on I*r the inflii-ncc of ether. This adds m uhe to th • I • t dog i■ of ias'.aucef, in which, by • • ’ t ! ‘v i:.n bfe ofessiug to humanity, fain ! , 4| ■ 4 nr • v*r-d I ring one of the most severe iu.i :* y*:i4 o;> ii: It was interesting to notice, tint w’ nit- ti i ! i th • i ifluence of the ether, during the •i v*l o, i* . j , ili • patient remained perfectly ptiet, m iI- -tj( not the least symptom of ; m • our ng i • dr- alter the influence of th*- etber .I p* - A o.i th- m r- introduction of a suture caused .v: < .t g.t* -t s M' t !uiuy. —Richmond Enquirer. The Last. A capital t was given at the Concord Cattle < M-W, ud tolkiWM ; incie Hum 4 harm, ihe only farm where drain in# scurried ouail the yeurround.’* Auimuiau l enient* Tlic j** wellers of Turk* y, wlio arc mostly Armetuam* have u singular method ol ornamenting watch*eases, Ac , with diamonds and oibei precious stones, by sim ply glueing or cementing them on. The stone is set in saver or gold, mid the lower pari oi the metal ma'e list m tocmrespo :d with the pari to which it is to be fixed it then warmed gently, and has lit applied which is s.j v *ry strong Uat the pait* thus cemented m ver s. pniule ‘This glue, winch will stro.igty unite •’ of gt'iw mud even ponslied su-ei,aufl may oi course i>e applied to a vast variety ol useful pu’ puses, is thua made: Dissolve fiv •. orsut bus oi guu-maatich, each th< *ar oi u luig pea,in as ui *oli spi.its of wine as wtlf sudice io render it LquiJ ; and, in auother vessel, dis us nm:h ismgiuss, previously a lutfe solt**nei in water, (although none of the water must be used,) in r .each brandy or good rum. as will make a two isinos phial ot very strong glue, adding tw small bits of gum gnmatium oi atn.iioiuucuiii wfucfi tiiust be rubbed or Jjroun i till they a> • dissolved llieu mix the whole w itli a fivat. K- ep the glue m a close *; slop ped, and, when it is to he used,set flu; ptual m (wiling water Mr Bloii, uuthoi of u Purvey of flie Tuikisn Empire, observes that some pers*ms have sold a c* mpo stioti4 under th*- name of Armeiuan cement, iu* Kng land i bat this conquisttion is iwdly made: it is much too ihtn, and tlie quantity of uiastioh is much too small.— Gleaner. A secret Wortli Knowing. It is the wonder of the ignorant that men with small, capital all around them are successful in business, and mu.l tapidly acquiring wealth, while they with enlarged means and<|tHHtiimtiesarr scare. ly insking a l.vmg— Example* multiply on all sides, as we look around u mong those with whom we started in life, ot the value ot hrmm* In the push and enterprise which distin guish- Yankee laud. ’ the dnme with tuotv y is soot) IMiwd 111 flu race by the industrious and etietgetic, with a w .11 to do and a head to plan . Yet how many with equal abilities slumber, while a nmre opeu-eyed and active neighbor gnflully steals away theii busimss, and wh**n it is gone shake off their diownneas, wouuer at flu- decree ol rate and tad. Suali we tefl you, a simple secret, which, next to in dustry and Vigiltitio**,has innde more fortunes than ull the etudes of th** stars f It is not enough that you lmve s wslt"Cfe*ett store and a well selected aasoi tuiem oi‘ goo U; that y*u oprii your store early In the morn ing and remain in ii until late ot night; (these are good tlini??s an I htdispoiisiblc;) tlie few who {miih by you. place ot basifs a* may ae and your perseverauee, but the public flu* great mmflier who buy what know they, in th** whirl ami excitement ot a large city, of the do ing* of u singfe emmet upon the hill You must iq>* ak {•number* ly the accredited organ of communication. thr nmh the murnnl* that reach the mutt eyt $ and eject the moat mind*. Do not squander your money without an inquiry, but m tlie exeimsr of your reason. Circulate the kin>wl**<lgi*of your busniese Uuough tboso joannl* which reach the whole public. The news* paper* will enahi** you to accouiplisli this Vniia delphia ISwth Amtttcan. shameful Ivnoraiice of Nature. At preseut many a man w!k io varied in (fra* k ms* tre, and slterwunfalull of law septula, is ciiutliahly ig t n>ra nt ol tun are I’m him wun an mieliigem thud to. u morning, mil m clmd will aek him a hundred questions ntsMit the sun. moon, and stuia. plants Urtis, building, tunning, and the like, to wiucti he can give very **rry ituw. n*. u any. Or, a! the best, he Ims bat . a second hand ncuu.untaiiec with uaiuie, Mhm s con* ceils ur fu* urn ui knowledge. Whereas, if he had any pursuit rotmeeted with nature, all nature in harmo ny with it, is brought into his presence by it, sno it *|- fcinis si once culm stwu and r* creation—/VkumU fir llo* pretty and tasemating Mary B—— * who* tace .*, uutoit<itmn.!v, ail tlx foituu* she lias, ihe other day ssked her l*ver, M Hitp(K>aing lliat u rM’h much ahdhld pr sent itssli to you, who are so mis hdi •••■edpC miprnveiu*m m v*utr sircumfttsbeet, would you HU give lue UU Irn ill Would you lie guided ey I* v oi ioncy “By both,',” •uui.'Shc/i Wouklohoose the love and the I’uU-iwe, at tfo asms tiros *