Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, December 08, 1847, Image 4

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1-1 xSS F. KENDRICK, .UWitWliia'S'WtEET, PCI. ASM fcfcll'AßE. SA VA V V.l 71 IS tfeave to inform the Ladies ot Milton that she iias received an elegant mid choice assortment, caviul.y and specially seleetedv to oiler inducements w it t .iy consideration, ootMMSimg of, >..<c i iiid Black Silks Satins and Groa d’Orleans, C i*.micros aud Merinos, Lace Drones, [French M;i'i. isde Laines, j Muslin do. do. work] S k aud Woollen Plaids, | viantillas, Cloak*, & Visiles, F wti. . Gloaka, Fine French Flowers and G.i'iams, ; Feathers, A ,j iCcas, Tulle Illusion, U \ non Shawls and Scarfs, Ribbons of all descriptions, B -che o.i 1 Cashmere do. .Ladies Caj*s, made & un- F * ich Embroideries, tnife, il ickand White Laces, Fancy Nvck Tics andC'ra D) do. VeL*, , vats, Bodal Lorn? Veils, iNe vet Ribbons, C and Benhas, jCombs, Slides, Fringes anu Trimmings, button*, Fans, Long nnn Short Gloves. Purser Bogs, C olored Velvets & Plushes.; Hosiery, Florences and Marcellines, Fancy China Articles, &c., f It very Koasoimblo Prices. • l-;, October 87 1847 Ml STRONG v.V W ( K ‘ ■ . HAVE received by late arrivals from Ph.lndH phta.New York nnd Boston, n large and general as sortment ot BOOTS aud SHOES, consisting in part ; ot the following articles: Gems tine French B<*ots, ‘ Gents calf sewed and pegged Boots and Shoes of i ll qualities and prices, double und single soles ; Men’s kin I and thick Boots, Boys and Youths’ calf, kip and thick Boots ; Ladies’ thick ami thm sole Gail rs.both black aud colored; Ladies’ patent Father Buskins and slip-; \>z:< . Ladies lustring and kid Buskins, Slips and Ties: 1 i,adie-; Kid and Goat Laee Boots nnd Buskins and Walking Shoe-. Misses’ black and colored Gaiter 3jo’s ; Misses’ ki 1 ami goat Boots and snoes ofdiffer ent qualities; Children’s Gaiter hiiJ Morocco Boots of all colors. , 7300 pairs Men’s and Boys thick black nnd Russ Bro gans first quality, doable aud single soles, iron and wood tacked. With other kinds of Boots aud Shoes not mentioned above ; in conclusion we have the largest and best se- j j stock that we have ever offered in this market i ot on hand, Oik nnd Hemlock Sole Leather, i’rimming and Binding skins, Lusts. Pees, Thread, j indall articles used in manufacturing Boots and I . tu, No. U ‘ 347 31 ts HATS AND CAPS. 1 SPLENDI [) assortment ofGeiitlcipen’s. Boys and Children’s HATS and CAPS, of the latest styles. Ju-i received and lor sale by N v 3 31 STRONG WOOD. NSW TTH PHOVEMENT. H* AYTNG employed an exjKTienred pe'.son, (Mr; [ Geobge A. Smith,) I am now prepared to manu f?U’ lire Candy of every description, Cordials, Syrups, £,.■ fUe—Atl orders promptly attended to, nnd Can :|i packed in tv at boxesand in a style inferior to none of the Northern Factories. I flatter myself that in qual ity, variety nnd neatness, my candh-s cannot be excell ed A portion of patronage is solicit and CHAS. H. FRFF'MAN. Oct 27 *’ “Variety is (In* *pico l Oft'.” r t'sT received at my Store on Cotton Avenue, a ’ little of every tiling—consisting in part of, Rio, Ln and a superior artieb 1 *<■ ‘ (fvefnineiit Javn v. . St. (’rout, Porto Rico, New Oilcan , Pulve. is d. c rashed Loaf and Coffee Crushed Sugars Crn<*k .. yiy description. Prim, (Joahenselected Butter, T..oie and Dairy Salt, Candles,Cocoa, Chocolate, Pre served Ginger, Cordials. Sardine*, Anch<>vis, Capers, Pepper. Sauce, Brandy Cherries. Peaches, Apricots and Pears. Prunes, Walnut. Mushroori and Tomato Cat sups. Bl iek, Hys* :\SI Gunpowder Teus, S’ irrh. Dates. Cu-rant*.Citrons, Almonds,Filberts, Nuts, Eng lish limits an I Pecan Nuts,Pin • \pple Cheese, Du pont ri • * canister Gunpowder, Ac Si c. C H FREEMAN. Oct 27 39 I Vanilla. Lemon, Nutmeg. Rosi 1 , land Bitter Almond, for flavoring Jd.i Pastry, A.- For sale by CHS. H. FRGEM AN, Nov 3. 31 ts Cotton Avenue. J. MUKDOCK, T“*'AVTNG dcfertnlned tnrlo-e his bus; i in Mn- I ® m, offe r ? b s stock of Fancy nnd Staple DRY G • comprisi ; g ev ry article usually kept in a D y Go i is Store, at prices lower than was ever offered in this market. The stock is entirely having been pirehnsed w th great care during the past three mo nil-in New York an.l Boston Persons in want oi i. v * > >ds, will do w-H to call and examine the stock I, ire’iming ; among the r t*'ck may be found lb ii D essSilks, Broad Cloths, P.- ii t;,ack do. Cassimcres, F iibr ii.lered Cashmeres, Satinetts, S o -'ll’ ped do. Kentucky Jeans, R * iO; *Mital Merinoes, B I n.ank< t.-, Pi'iuß. ick do. Sheetings all widths, It eh P>aid Alpneea. Shirtings, fine ?--it iS* ,p**d do. Thread Fdgings, Pmi Bla< , do. Jaconet do < t>n a.*,d Gold Plaids, Evening Dreseb, i: inn do. Ijßc ■ Capes, > i ones ofever\’quality, I Piano Covers, k Bombazine ‘Linen Dumask, • ..hams, Calicoes, iShawla of every deecrip- Prints, I turn, &.e. N v 3. 1847. 31 ts !\Oll€T4* rpHK Sui**rriß*r has take thi* method to inform his I friends and the public that he has opened anew B'ackflmith’s Shop. at his old stem! on Cotton Avenue, an i flutters luinsell that he can do work lower than he procured at any other shoo in this City, and solicits a bh ire of public patronage which will be thankfully re ceived. V|ill work and Gin Geer Bolts, Plantation tools and Ploughs of ait descriptions do e to order, au.i a supply ofßotts, 61c., constantly on hand. Li/*” Horse shoeing at the usual price. PETER CROG'IAN. Nov 17. 1847 33 3m. Telegraph will ropy. FABM9IAM.L I i* Hamilton a nvmons, y n, m taker Sire t, Savannah, have on hand the most choice •tnd extensive assortment of French, English, and Belgian Cloths Csiiwtiiicre* aail Ventings | that can lie found in the Southern States. They have ‘ •en selected with the greatest rare from the r ery t t itnjHM tatum*, and will be manufactu and to erd r m the neatest manner, and upon short notice, cither •r Cash or approved credit. Persons from the up-coun - -re particularly invited to call, as they cannot fail suited both in price and quality. V HILTON Ar SYMONS have also unhand a vt*yy . irge and extensive assortment of HBADY-MADL CLOTHING, ma lfactured in the beat style, and s: .n .umriulscare fuuy selected by themselves in the Northern markets. These they are prepared to sell nearly, if not quite as low as ancles of tn- same quality can he purchased in New York. \V ishing to extend their business particularly in the up-e -.intry, they invite Planter* Country Merch ant* to call and examine for tlicmaelvea. 8 V!’lH 1,1. I 20. 1K47 gs ts PRINTS ONLY. 44 CEDAR STREET. LEE A. BIfcUNTEa E t iblisheda warehouse in the year 1*43, lor the pur- Pse ol supplym 4 the City and Interior Trade with PRINTED t AElCoKri BX( LDSIVKLY. at low prices—and exhibiting, at all sea sons of *he yen r, the F true t Assort - ment in THE WORLD. ’ ey are now opening Several Hundred Packages. * uprising every Sew Stu!e of Foreign and Dchucsim pro faction, many of which ore not to be found el*e s’ here having been Printed Exclusively lor Uieir own sales L Sl B. rep ctfully solicit the particular attention ©fD . min Dry Goods, to their ai:w Fall htylks ini?. Which are oflen -d at manufacturers package prices, as per p mej Catalogues, which arc corrected daily, for th ;.iformation of buyers PRINT WAREHOUSE, I Sew York, 1847. j Oct. 6 _ 2m27 NEW GOODS. fTNHK subscriber having just received hia Full Stock I of DRY GOODS, would respectfully invite t’ tention of the public, to examine his large and beautiful aasortunut} tin; following of which cornpri s s a part, vii: A large and be*;tiful stock of Silka. Riwnilk Plaids, (anew silicic ) Cth*4onia Plaid*. Bilkstrije Alpacca, t *li peres and IVlam**. (n large stock ) (••umtiott Plaid, Black Alpacca, C >r and Ajjmern, Bu oa Vista BtilUnnts, Piai Is for Cliddeu** clothes, Oln < allc<es, F i-tmts Prints, of new and splendid patterns, B I l icking, nil muddies, Blur* and Brown iloiiicnumm*. L n* ya, Kenjeya, Fine Bid Blankets, Broe f Clomi.Cußtnisres, Satmctta, K it ,ckv Jeans, (Sold mixed Jo. Carp-is R i Green Bails, B • ijci , fviiMsms. Art ilium la, wmathea, Ti’s, \*r . MourningColl-ir*. I/’ *e Chjk*s. Work Collars. Biuch Uoc Veds, G-*en (i oi /.r Veil*, BflM di>. Boys’ leather belts, ‘Vhite.TcJ and V’llow Flannels, Canton Flsnnsf, •interpancg, Toilet covers. 4’mnu cover*. Table do. T on l L*le E Ltmgs, Ladies’ Cravat*, h G ndnivn’i Cravats, ouk Hoot, Worsted do. Cotton f(ow> k. Ki't it, I UMlen Glnvwi, r.imp .nd Frinfr.. A HnndK.rphK'ti, do l.' l .Ik 11 ■■ - , I i *! m T „ AMOB BENTON. Ottcbtt 1J ,1817 * .11 icon Howling stloo i, Mulberrj street. MAC’ >N, GA. above well known and popular establishment, |_ iiaviug recently undergone a thorough repair, i& now unsurpassed ty nny thing of the kind in the South ern country, nrul is op*n tor tn * reception of visitots du ring the duv and evenings. To business men. Planters, Merchants and others, it fiords a pleasant and agree able place of innocent and healthy relaxation and a inusement. I’he above establishment is in the most convenient part of the city, being on Mulberry street, nearly midway between the Hotels, nnd in the imme diate vicinity of business, The proprietor Hatters him self that he has hitherto had the good fortune to give sat isfaction in the orderly management of the cstalih&h ment, and assures* the public that he will strictly en force the Observance of the same good order lor the future The Proprietor hopes that with these recommenda tions and a strict attention to business, to merit the pat ronage of the public. E E BROWN. Macon, Sept 1, 134jT 82 BE LOACHL’ & XVXLCOXSON, m y Mu mi flic Hirers nnd f>ealeis in CARRIAGES AND HARNESS C y ‘\2j’ Ot I VtKV HI fRIPTIn.N, ? Tulle try Street, Macon, Georgia. De fj Sl W. havecoiLstnniiy for sale,on the best terms, ELIPTIC SPIUXUS, AXELS, STEPS, BANDS, LAMPS, COACH LAC L —^PATK.VT AND T<iP LEATHER, Plated uiul Japanned llnvnees Mountings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, b>c. March 10, 1847. * kDDfil'ift 1 tDDL< 9s l r MORRIS WKSTCOTT have on hand kjissmftx a first rate, nwortini nt of SADDLES. HAR- V Ni :ss H nc! CAR RI AG E ‘Hi IM MINGS ,f nil kinds, which they will sell at prices to suit the time*. Their fhciliti ‘3 nr<* tnteh thut they can sell lower than any other estnldishnient of the kind in the city. Give us n call before you buy, is nil we ask fora re commendation REPAIRING done at reduced prices, in a workman-like manner. Cotton Avenue,next dor to A. J. & D. W. Orr. D r 3 i E Sale mid Llvti'y stable. rpHE undersigned r< •pecifully inform -C-'U I- theit friendsaml the public, tluit they a -JH-lmve opened a Stable in .Mac on, lor the purpose of doing a SALE AND LlV rfvNAtU*./.ER Y BFSINLSS. and resneetfully so licit a share of public patronage Their Stanlcsnreeon neeted with tin* FLOYD HOUSE, and every attention will be paid to customers in order to give general satis fnction. r Phejr Stables are large, new and commodious, with fine Lots and very convenient. Persons would do well to give us a call. N. HAWKINS, J. W HARRIS. Macon, April 1, 1847. lltf FOR SALE. Plantation in M neon county, known s there- L stdence of the late Mu. Stapler, lying on Flint ri ver, eight miles above Travellers Rest, containing n fiout fourteen hundred acres, on the East side of the ri ver. w ith about six hundred acres cleared, most ot it level nnd in good repair : and six hundred on the West side •f the river. Tin* cultivated lands having been wed , kept up are in a good state for producing n large crop the msuing year. It is useless to say nny thing of us production, locnlity, &.C , ns persons wishing to purch ase, will of course wish to look and judge for ♦heinsolves ‘1 lie place will be shewn by the oversen 4 on the premi ses THE LEG \TEKS Nov 3, 1813 31 ts FOB SAT.F. THE Building on Second Street, formerly oc ;T cupied as the Georgia Messenger Office —Apply fe**to S. ROSE. Macon, Sept, 22, 1847. 85 It AtTER LANDS FOR SALE. JAMES BOND oflers for sale three of the best settlements of Land in t)e county of Baker, viz: one comprising Tw° Thousand acres, f>n the Ki okee creek, in the second district of said county, on which there is anew w-ell finished Frame Dwelling house, and appropriate out-houses, Ac., constituting the best improved plantation in Baker county; said plantation h tying seven hundred and lilty acres of clear ed land in the best orde* for cultivation Also, Seven Hundred and Fifty acres, lying on the prising some of the choicest Cotton Lands, and contain ing three hundred acres of open land, with nil nacessa ry plantatK n buildings. Also, a Woodland settlement of Fifteen Hundred acres, in the second district of Ba ker, on the Colawahce creek, one of the very richest unimproved places in the county —Apply to JAM'S BOND. Baker county, Ga. or JOSEPH BOND, Macon, Ga. 1841 26 14t V A LI'A 111 i: FLINT RB DR PIiAITTATION FOR SALE, CONTAINING Six Hundred acres of Pine and Hammock Land —two hundred and fifty or three hundred cleared; situated on the main road from Ma con to Tallahassee, fifteen miles above Albany, Baker county —well improved, and one <>| the best watered places in this country, and noted for its good health and tine w ater. Come soon, or you will loose a bargain. let -• .i• 17 -m R A *lc< (* M B VALUABLE PLANTATION 1 bi COU li FOR SALE. U’’ ILL be sold on favorable terms, n body of Land consisting of eight tractions, vim four Lois ot 850 acres each, comprising 1740 acre's, lying on the west bank of the Flint River, from lour to eight miles Mow Albany. About 3UO or 356scresnn* cleared,aim 253 now m cultivation by Michael Lott. .Most ot the Land valuable, and is a very desirable location tor an extensive cotton pluntei, and ii aco l.i s got ? ’ ’•* t'tnce na range torstrcK i ; telyltlow 1 ersons wish ing t purchase, w lit i | ) to Ihe mbs hii lls office SIMM ROSE. Macon, Sept. 1, 1817. 82 I.umlM ill Halter, Dooly. Lee an I Early lor Sale. No 339 7th District Early, now Baker, n valuable lot No 67-JfiihDs Early N- KW.HthDia Dooly; No ‘.'s, Sih L/is Dooly ; N. <l3, 13iii District ol Lro. or apply to the Subscriber at llatcyondale I’ O (SO mile elation Central Railroad) Scriven Cos., lia One of the above lota near I lawkmaville ; one near Traveller, IC-st. one near Staikville. Sept B l>"*-3 WILLIS YOUNG. JOHN JUNES Ac SON, (LATE JONLS AND HOLT) n'.Miti■: not hv. AND CO M MISSION Mi; IK II A NTS, MACON, Geo. June 23, 1847. ts 12 HAXUjEjIKAN A HAMILTON, Warc-llouM* ami CommUsion Merchants, MACON, HAMILTON A HARDEMAN, Factors utiil mm;* ion Merchants, SAVANNAH, WILL give prompt micntion to the sale of Cotton nnd Country produce, as well as to .■ v fjjtiiig of orders for Bagging, Rope, and family supplies. Bcpt 29. M ts WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION 111 SINF.SS. undersigned having become sole Pro ■ piietor ol ihe Fire Proof Warehouse oceu* p t season by /)ymm fit Hie hard turn. lieei (t'-ve to iidonn the public that he has urmiH'iMte.i with linn in ImetneHß, Mr. Josarti (hxipFß.an I Mr Win. M RoleTts. whom 1 ability and experience entitle them to the confidence of the people He therelon ho|>es to share n hU nil patronage. a*> well na maintain the confi dence reposed All onlere will receive piotnpt attention, umi liberal advam os wdl Ih* made on Cotton in store THOM VS DYSON Mncon, July 14. 18-17. itnlS WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS jtp. f |SHK subscriber will continue to curry on I the above businem at the Hire Proof hflm ll 'urehvuee on Cotton Avenue, wh* le he will affotd all the usual facilities to planters ami others in the storage of Cotton and any other kinds of country pro duce, Goods, Ac. The Warehouse ins safe from dan ger by tire an any other in the Stute, and convenient to the business part of (he city. All orders tor his custom ers will mec* .vnh prompt attention. June lb. 1847 binll N OCBLEY WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. IdlE subHcnher, having removed from the Wakkiiocve ocoupird by him last year, and ; ii that long known u*U raws’ VV r a reuov'k, opposite to ivi.n, Wood A Co's. Store. respectfully tender* his thank* to Ins former patron* and friends, nnd solicits n co i tin tinner of their patronage, w;ththe nmir tnee that h will divot* hi* a hole time and spare no ef> ort* to promote th ‘ir interest Lihinal advak* ks will Im’ ntatio to Uiom* wtm reonire them . nnd orders fbr BAGGING, R( )PE and TWIN K. and other Merchan dise, promptly tilled on the neat reasonable term* GEO JLWLTT May lHth. 1847. 7 s:>o REWARD. STOLEN from the subscriber in ThnniHston. n Double llnck o'd l,evei natch, l -As ill jewelled, M J Tobias, tnnk- r, No I.'IIOI F.ngraved on the rap in a circular “mode riprrmly lor Win B Johnston, Macon, (ieo ’ Also, a GOLD KEY, with Masonic emblems engraved on it, andmv name, J W W Drake I will give the above re ward for the recovery *f the Watch J W W DRAKE Nov 3, 1847 32 lin llonwi* 1111*1 Lot I'nr THB plac now occupied by Janie* Rich* ff w ardsrm, situated oti Second street, near Ju !, JlfAll Holt's residence, computing uON. STORY DWELLING • and out bmlTings in g.<od re pair. and ot • fourth ol an acre nf found Apply t< Nov 94 84 It J * RICHARDSON UOUI.KT A. \ U.I.S. Factor ami I’limmissioii Mi fcliaul, No. 112, Hay Street, Na\:nu:uh ? (•#. II r ILL attend strictly to the sl<rage asd wile o. \ \ tat ton. Lorn, 1 lour, and oft n*r pi • ‘diice. und w i make liberal cash advauces on goods causigii and to h. House References. —Mr. James A. N dictA E. B. Weed, ( u , J H. R Washington, { ‘ Graves, Wood (Jo.J Dye &/ Robertson, An n in. Hmaoii A. Young, Als> u tin. Dr. George F. Pierce, Sp<o to. jtl U H JOHN F* OAT AN A < (’. Auction and Commission Merchants and Torwadingr Agents, MAt.'ON, (iA Msc< i, July 81.1847 HOLT ft ROBERSON^ FACTORS AND (iKNI'K VI. COMMISSION XIlfR II WTs, Savannah Beontia, HEBPECTFI LLY tender their services to t!ieir ( friends nnd flu* public. Having let n actively en- gaged in this branch of business for several year- past,! their actunl experience anil obsmvation has a Honied I them every opportunity of becoming perfectly taniiilinr : with the duties and n sponsihilirits attending itsopern j lions. Their personal nitcntion will be given to sales 1 of COTTON AM) AM. OTIII.K 1*1101)1 i K ! signed to their care, also to executing orders tor BAG GING, BALE ROPE. FAMILY \ND PLANT ATION SUPPLIES, al the lowest Prices. Their charges will !>• as few aud reasonable ns th actual cost can be made, by strict i con my, with facil ities for Storing. Weighing. Ac., which are not sm;>u.-.s- j ‘cd in the city. They hope by continued application and personal attention, to iMoinoie the interest. ml give sat- i isfaction to those coiindjig business to tlndrcore. ASA HOLT, Sep W B ROB LATEST IMPROVEMENT IN COTTON GINS. Us E respectfully inform our friends and the planters 1 generally, of Alabama and (Jeorgia.that the (.1- : RARD COTTON GIN MANUFACTORY is in , full operation. L is amply supplied with the very best materials j which coulu be selected. The maehineiy is all new. and constru< tod on the most approved plans for the ; manufacture of Cotton Gins. The machinists and workmen employed in the estab lishment are skillful nnd experienced in the business ; and we have made such imia’ow*ments in the mechan ism and construction of our G,ns th ; 't we feel certain, m every case, to furnish a Gm which will perform admi rably well, and give the purchaser entire satisfaction. In the way of rrcoinmendaiioii, we ne*d only say. 1 that we furnished several hundred of our late improved Gins to planters m various parts of the country during the season, nnd not one of that nuinlierhns tailed to give general satisfaction, both in speed nnd the sample ofj Cotton. ir#* ORDERS can be sent to us by mail, or contracts made with our Agents who are travelling through the l country. • GINS will be sent to nny part >f the country', and in i all cases warranted to perform well. Persons addressing the Proprietors by mail, will di rect their letters to Columbus, Ga. N. Guslvy, Macon, is our Agent for Central Georgia. i;. t. Taylor ,y co ” i S i*t22 25tf (ii G i wolu’s Improved Coiton Gins. rpHE subscriber will continue the manufacture of J. (Jins on his usual extensive scale, and embraces this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for , their lifiernl patronage heretofore. The estimation in which his Gins are n-dd, may be known from the fact of Ins having sold more than two thousand during the j last three years—probably ten to one over any other Factory in the State. This evidence of the superiority of his Gins, is accounted for by his being die q t lo in- 1 troduce the late improvements, and kiJpii.g th * lend by yearly adding new ones. His li st and s*eorul im provements made tin* quality of rottoii perfect, though | some were rather slow His third made them snlFi ; cientlv fast It then only remained tomak them more durable and convenient, which has been done ho be lieves effectually, by several new improvements the pre sent year. besides, he has the exclusive right for the 1 1 State, with the privilege of other sections, to furnish Reid's Patent Water Boxes, which are believed to l*e ten times more durable than any other, by tlmse who have made a fair trial of them ; and are infallibly se cure against fire by friction. His fine Gins will ::in 1 Mastodon Cotton as well as any Sow (Jin can. His agents will visit planters generally, nnd exhibit speci mens of his late improvement?, and point out their ad- : vantages in tune tor all to engage and tie supplied be fore the next ginning season. or engagements can Ih* made by’letter, directed to him, Clinton, Jones county, Georgia. Gins will he delivered at the purchas* i's ■ s ideiiGc, m any part of the State except th*- Cherokee counties, where they will be left at the Depot on the Railroad most convenient to the purchaser. Ail war ranted to perform well, if used according to the direc tions sent with each. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. Mupk 84, 1847 r. SUPERIOR COTTON 01X83. rpHE subscriber would inform the planters of Geor- | _L gift, that he has removed his C<>u<>u Gin Factoiy to Bibb county, 3f miles from Macon,on the mad lead- k ing from Macon to Gordon, where he i..n-u Lto manu facture Cotton Gins of a quality superior to any he has ! ever before made, if possible. In ti.e con.-1 ruction off his (Jms, he will naitjcularly guard against the possibil ity of taking fire from the Gitf. And here he wonld re- , nmik, that it is impossible for a Gin to take lire from the boxes without the grossest neglect on the part of* those who have the management o them. Gins that get burnt, in nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of, a thousand take fire from a different cause thau the box To this objection tut (tins manufactured!) y the suhse.i- 1 br. are not, and never have been liable. His Gins 1 will be mu le oi the best materials, and warranted to ; perform as weff is ally Gins made in the State. He has an excellent water-power to turn his machinery, and a good saw-tniil right at hand, which will enable him to s il Gins on as good terms ns nny other Factory in j the State. O. W. MASSEY. April 1. 1847 3tf_ Farmers take Notice. TY TF- have the right of a number ot Coumi- for \\ Gaylord’s Patent STRAW-CrriEß This urn clime n* the gieatest t the day. and no humbug, it cuts corn, oats. hay. shucks, straw, or stulks with great rapidity, and so easily that a hoy of twelve y< firs old cun Woik it. it can be attached to agm wheel without any extra expense, U;i tin* fly-wheel answers fur n pul! y The gieat advantage of this machine over all orhoQi, is in the snap.* of tlic blade—it boing concave nnd convex, parting the straw in the middle and cutting both ways, w hich no other blade can do. So simple is this ma chine, than any person that can grind an axe can put the blade in order. Any black smith can make the blade. We shall keep one on hand (or our friends to examine before purchasing. ( HAS P. LEVY A CO. Oemulgee Foundry, Cotton Avenue. Macon, July 14, 1817 15if OCMULGEE FOUNDRY. MOLTS .V LEVY nre prepnreit at the shortest notice to tumish all kinds ot tioished Machinery. Steam Engine*, Canting* in Inin nr Hi II SA Mill Gem . mg of till kinds, Bevd and S|.ur t.enhno, (Jin | ('■ear ot all osltetiis and sizes. Fan (icurmir, t otton ; Oin work, Tress Pulleys, Hand Knilino, | , r( . Proof IXmiis and Window*. Cemetery Rnilmos, (imlgeous, Inks, &c. YVe invite our friends nd all who nre m want ol any of the above articles, to give us n call on Cotton Avenue, A r HOLT. WM S IIOI.T CHAiS. C LIIVY. Macon, Oct 13. IHI7. *t l y Cotton .tresses for Sale. rpiiEf *oin>n I'lctvso* < Hulloek'* Patent,) heretofore X um*d in the l’ack ng rstahlisluuerß in tin* city,will hr sold il nuiiiediNtc application m made, at rerff re duced price.*, including frame work, w indla*. and ever> thing complete lor each pres*, nnd sold in ennsetpieiice of the piopnetors having dwcoiitimied the re-parking bu*mr*M Apply to KOHLUT FINDIzAY. Macon, July 14. 1847. ts SQUARE BALES. Bl’l.l.fX K> i OViroi ND LEVER (OTTON FKEBBEB, In mg reccutly annphficd and linpiov ed, are now ofl’cicd to those Wi*hlllg to pul up Square Hale* a* a superior article to any in u*e. An examiiiaiioii ol their cotiHiruttmn and priori ole. by tbnt-c who Kody tru** ecoiitHiiy. nttd wish a g<*>d nml | ■ . an- ; article, i* Mihcilctl that they may ee tnd iu'ige lor themselves. Price*. Eighfy-iive Uullar*. delivered m Macon, which inrludc* trie whole id the outfit of Irons, Rope, Patent Right. Ac Annexed i bill of Timber for Same. 4. .. .piece*. .. ,22 feel long, 10 by 10. 1 “ 16 ** “ 10 by 10. 1 M 21 “ “ 10 hv 10 4 M 15 “ “ 6by 6 2 “ 16” “ 12 by 16 1 “ 12 *’ “ 12 by 20. 1 M M “ M 9by 24. 2 “ 13 “ “ 3by K 2 •• 15 •• *• sby 5. I “ U) “ *’ 12 bv 19. I “ 7 - “ 12 by If. I M 9 “ ,4 4 l-y 12 10 gtN>d p.Hitk IS M ‘* If by 12. 1 * 95 ** • 41> 12. 3 scantling* 20 ‘* ‘* 3by 4. Al*o, Gin Geering of nil size*. k* nt constantly on , hand ; geering for Merchant Mul*.Cotton Fnctoig** and Mill Btoue*of every ilfK riniuai fittmsfted to older 1 at Foutulary of U FINDLAY.Mooon, Geo. V. r I! |SI7 I J Straw Cutters. I) FIND!. \Yi* in w minmliieituii. j a l**t -f Gui lt • tmg Mwehillev, which, lrpr ictirai use, *t’* 11 ut II anil durability, are probably uiiHurpii**.-d. ‘|Vy are, t> , tin* by. tio patent rrubt ntliiir, but a plain nnd *ul*tan tial ninehme nr cutting straw, eorn-tatk(odder, •buck*. Ac with perfect ease und d“patch Planter* and other* are D-kvetfitlly Invited to call *t I'mdlsy's Foundry, corner of Walnut nnd fourth street*. Mneon i • S.\. IH>7. n N m ii I' HE wb*criber being agent for an x‘* n-.\e Mill* Htone Eat abl i*l*i lent m New Yotk, will uruuk to order, french bi hr EaorA*. and rmetxi will* i .• f an) * Ac, u;ij n r very best quahty. ROBERT FINDLAY Miron. Nov 13. 1846 40 \ 1 *<?i t ‘U*V A IfT?.4^G ifnl’V. J\l 0 (, :d \i.V iil.vE SHOP.—The rt,h •aiber inving .eu ul*y >argv aud uiipoiihni addi lions to li s f>! ..i r i ->l of patterns lor Ovei.diot, Breusl and Tub VTii! (J‘tiring, i- now prepared to execute,or ieie for Flour Mills* (Jotusi Piutovh -*. flor-i- power Mil -wr pliuitat oii grm.liug, *A.c.: also Cutmti Press 's, Gin Getoi .1* I />aii-. and Mill Lons of every description; all < t which will be made of the very best inawial and workmanship, on r< usonable and accom modating terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. 1 I CARVERS GENTS. r I’ > D E Su!.- ; * s are Agents for the sale of I ’ CAR I V III* A ( <>ri.. Patent Improved CO'I’TON (JIN. Tins gin has proved it.-ls to lieu Very superior aitU-ie\Cl'it hap hern used, and no lieitei jec ommendatiui can he given it than the opinions of those who have tested it. They are both elegant ami dura ble in their make, and are warranted to give satisfac tion in ail cv-u s, or they may is? returned. The former prireshav been considerably reduced. Apply at the. Ware-House of tile Bubkeribers. JOHN JONES Sc SON. .Macon Sept. 15 lowß4 China, ('! .>* .iiul LarlliuHare< rxisj/t) THE subscriber* are now receiving (irtv ■ 1 addition to the.i loinier Slock.) a general a.-- C..Y tuient ol the ...test and ui"-t lushiuuablc styles nnd patterns, among which are Gold band French Chinn Dining .Sets. White “ . Gold hand and While China Flat ‘s, Dishes, (’over Dish. Fruit Basket:-, r icher*.—Lofleeaud Tea Cups, Dy the piece or dozen. White and Flow ing Id tie Granin* Dining, Ton and | Toilet Sets , Plates, Dishes, Cover Dishes, Bakers, Spun and Sauce Tureens, Piu-luts, Ewers and Bnsins, 1 (’ ‘frees nnrl ‘Boas, TANARUS a Lots Sugars, (.reams,and Bowls to match Dining and Tea Sers *dglit]iluc 1 filling,T<*aand Toilet Sets; Plates, Dish es,''over Dishes, uc. Si c. to match. -Also, a lirg * and complete assortment of C( fM MON WaRE. winch they offer t > Country Denleis, as low ‘ as cun he hontrht in nny other mnrkoi in the State. OirSTOt K OF GLAS6 W ARE, embraces every kind and variety winch Irlungp to our branch of trade. ‘ llYLfii cY JONES. Corner of anil S cond Street nnd opposite tire Washington Hull. Macon S< pt. 2U, C'rockcrx and Glass V*’nre. UINING ami Tea Sets, superfine Stone and China Ware, Liverpool and riain Ditto, Plain, and Fluilcd Glass W are ol every description, Tumblers. Decanters, Win---:, U :.t Pitf.-hcis, Sic., a very large and general stick jiw rec<-i\ and by UMJAN & ATKINSON, sept 2‘J 26tf. (’ IFE fl\Sa’ U'.Cl. -The. York J !iif-insurance .• I Tmst (‘ onipany having estab lished an Agency in the *‘ify of Vlneon. jicrsons rtiny ef fect In urance with - 11 mj aoyi en th- 1 own !. ■ or the Lives of otlx i-. and either for tlv whole dnm tion of life or fora li’. ‘ and perio I, by the payment of a small annual premium Si EPHEN ALLEN. President. CHARLES C. I'ALAIER, Secretary. E BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Aqrtl 1. PUT. ysl 7T%9 A IA I*> - IIPAN^, juFtf of hat n au * >nn —Tii• im-ier -d Agenst will take riks n ’■linst Fire in this city. Gi llin, Forsyth and other towns in the State, on favorable terms as any resj>oiisil)j< 4 Company. They will also in sure against the risks ol River Navigation ; their present rates are. 3-1 percent ’o Stivatmah.und *■-*< to Cuarios ton REA Sl COTTON. Macon, April 1.1847 5 Mutual Lit ■ liisn :.;nc“ (Join; any of\. York. MORRiS ROB*NSON, President, Samuel Haw ay. S.rretny. \( Cl Ml ’BATED nett profits amount to ?! 100,000. ApplK-ationa received by (.. DAN’ & Cos. July 1817. 11 HOUSE AND SI(E\ PAUXTiM- : (draining, ;,I ‘.ius,Lin. iug. A l*n|ii r.lmiii'inc OLD CHAIRS re-s. with canr. l iintednnd gtlileii ; Furniture repniivd, vamiybed, ami polislted; Window Sash and Minds for sole A F Comer ot Second and Oak Streets. Macon, May loth, i>l7 yG Savannah X>yin~ Bs’ il lis*iineot, VN'TON HASLiilL'Klu-es leave lo inform the citi zens of M ACON. nnd trie up country gene rally, that he has made extensive preparations tor DYING arid ( LEAN SIN (f Ladie.-- Silk and woolen Di esses. Shawls Ac. >Ac His colors, parficdlarly Black, Maroon ami Brown, will be warranted equal to nny that can be pro duced in the United States. Gentlemen's Garments Renovated, Dyed, and warranted not to end eititer the “kin or the whitest linen. Trices moderate. Articles left at the Store of Mr C A fills, next door to the Washington Hall. .Macon, will le promptly forwarded, and returned with despatch. April 21. 1817 Jy3 LIFE INSURANCE. The Navtlilio Mutual Life Insurance t'orap’y. 58 w all STRr.r.r, new yor v, (TONFINES its huiTi* exclusively to Inournnce J upon Lives* and all insurance thereto. Il is organized upon the mutual principle which has been fully tested and proved tq b • superior to any oilier. The particular advantages obered by tins company art* 1 A g iarantee capital. 2. Au annual participation iu the profits. 3 No individual respons.bility beyond the amount oi premium. 4. Those who insure for a period that!life, par ticipate equally m the annual profit* of the company. 5. In all cases where the annual premium alia, a mourn to 850, nml 60 percent, thereol shad have bet u paid in cash, an Hppmvedm may be given for the reuiammg 40 per cent., payable twelve months alter date, bearing six j*‘r cent, .merest. ’I he interest to be paid annually, but the principal not to be called in unless the exigences ot the company require it.giv-, mg sixty days not .ee, and then only by .assessments pro r*t<t to tiie extent that maybe retjuired to meet the engagement* ot the compauy. The Hate* of insurance on One Hundred Dollar*. I One •> vni | <>r , On# -fvn For A “|\pr |>’*ra.) ln<- | Agi >.-ur l>eur* I lilt. i'*l 77: 84.1 a*') 10 t'6‘o 1 3 *3O 201 9!i ‘OS 1 1 77 15 Iyi 1963 73 25 I 0011 12 204 *196•09 t6O 3“ t 3111 2 , j.i t 33321 57K n;> I 36 i 53 i 73 j 6v 4 33 1 91 7 00 AARON M MERCHANT. President. ROBERT B. COLEMAN, Vice President. T rustles —A M Meiehant, Rolwrt L>. Coleman, O, Bushnell. John M. Nixon, Richard E Purdy, Hen ry Nelson, R. A neoding, Samuel C. Paxon, Jas. liiirper, Jonathan k iL rrick. Luring Andrew*. Wm. N Seymour. M O. K • i ts, Richard Tr\ uj,C F Lind sey, John S Buying, ffenvy K Bogert, Morris Frank lin, Spence 1 S Benedict. Pliny Freeman. Actuary oCjf~ The company w ill aisc- insure the live* ot Slaves. HYDE A JONHS, Agents, Macon. October 27, 1847. 30 52 AXUttV.Xfc. 101 fill DROPS, g \N F.W fli rerery nnd certain cure tor roughs, < _ cold*, croup, Congomptu* disease*, and ad im- , tat oils ot the lung- Th sis a p.< a.-ant medicine to ! take, producing m moet r so* nnniediate reliei, and in in lie cases out often a |rHl>pt cure. It ex ic‘i*es die inot-tcoi indiuig mtluenc • over cough* trntutioim of tile lung, ol any n ine iy know 1 . olien *1 pgingtiit most Violent lit n tew hums, and ut modi in a du) or two, by producnitf a tree and easy expectoration. Price, 40c ntsp-. (wide. ftiiuii%%oiiii anti 1 elt4M a arintiiient. A eei mm and punitive cure tor Ringwoiui*, etiem. Scald head, and tor all xaigh atnl nenrvy ntiecilon* up on the skill. Many c is‘s of tin-* ela*H ot cttiaiivuu* alkcUotiM are extremely difficult to cure with the ordinaly rvONedl**, but here is one tb.O w ill raielwfiyl • 414 Hie ino*l nh *tmaiecne No tliflHadijf t t*Xp’ hH* 4%l 111 oppiyilig it, one (ott ft* i- qmie Nuflicieitl 111 most cages, and 11 it more than two wdi be required to elh cl u care in ai most any enflp. Price, *Wf*nt*. I*iU‘ oiiKliiHHit mill l*ills Tin* all- elinn i*a source f nine 1 annoyance, atid the low of health frequently with many individual* Few 111 either luttn ot thedwcuik’ hut could escape by timely ineaa* and attention. ( •iistiputiotnieariy al ways pr (*leaaii niiaek, nud aa n rnditer of counte, must lie obi filled iu it* tieatment. To till* end, here I*a remedy, booed pou the wr.ei.iihc principle* that can lie fully relied on The mo-t tlaite .ng sucecHM wdi attend the use ot a single packn to ol tire nie.heiciite Price, 91 |M*r psekag” I tmii lliffp.a •11 al Vcgplnlrlp l*ilK. For th* cure of Dyrptim* and luvi,*etion in all it* compl.cjted loims, w* nknes.\ and lost ot appetite, pal pitotnmot the Ueart f uettuu* dueum *, rheumatism, V >N< The**’ medi- Mi •* ire used lugcihet t*r enrittgthedi*- ca*e* rt ihi* cla**, l*t ing uot indy itruiigthemng und invigorating in tiietr t*fle l*. hut g. sing healthy lone and action b> the Ntpmach hud Thera are tnnnjrperson* in evry community afflict et| with a variety ol aytnptotn*. aivtng from no 06*7 iMUs*- thanati unpaired or enervated stale of the dige*- tiveoigan* Asttit evidence *1 this, lei a -ingle pack age oi the medicine he used, mid * great imp ovrnt will follow, will u*ult, most generally, m ueure by iteisistiiq* wnh lire iciuedn *. Price fn large bottle*, gl. Pill* 25 ct* pet box. Y< k riiialii|c*- A sure remedy to cue chtfdieu et worrns t re<|iming no other me icindtoti,. w itsuoe. Ilfs thought tblk more tlmn halt the children that die, arc lost from the *lf ets •( worma. nn*l wtiy siioidd jiu teftt* ami tithem nvglect a reuimly that c innoi do lianu in any **••, or Rid to <-e •,1 Price, 23 cent* fu huge vial*. To tw had o| Df w v(. tj Ll’l TLK. at s!il|(|ge vilD n id Tilbotun, - . I o’s. , by \VM G *,V S. Ltl’ LLS, Macon. Nov 21 34 i'O BXNT. / and. \ T.ARGEanJ oirun*’Jioua room nt inched : - i|i , C ! W liU h ii'i b?<‘i) umml m* hii ICVI’I'NG uml li<ih nearly all the lmmture uml fixture# for such an **- r ‘!h-ilimeui, with every coiivtaueiitv for ooQking, &* c A||'y to A. i . ANDERSON. | iJee I 33 nOi VSII : POTASH ! ! Just received andfm | sale, l>y SIIO'i'WEI.L .V GILBERT. I Mitcori, Aug. 11, 1817. 19 CIHNGIUXS \> HID* l Just reo ivetl and lor / -tile, by Sf IOTWELL &, GILBERT. Macon, Aug. 11,1817. iy Glass! Glass!! Glass!!! I l ST r c -ived anti for sale, a large lot of Glass, o all sizes lrum Bby 10 to 21by 30 Aho a lot of White Le id. Person# wishing to purchiise, will do well to mil SIIOTWELL II GILBERT. Macon, Juris 1,!547. y TAKE ZffOTZCD, rpHAT the subscribers keep constantly on band a 1 l large stock of Brujjs, Medicines. Chemicals. PAINTS, OILS, PATH N'T HEUJi IN ES, Fancy Auticix*, I’iiifi mkiiy, Glass, Druggists’ (ilass-u are, and a hast of articles too numerous to particularize. ! ‘Their medicines are all fresh, nud pure, and cheap. The public are respectfully invited to call nud see. SHOTW ELL & GILBERT. June 23,1847 C MiIIt>YKEHiiOVM"S HEALTH An IBfcctun! I;emeil , for <’ou‘4li” and ( olds, Liw r t oni.dnint, lhii<iiii;’ of lllood—Pain ill tio- Side aiul t lied—ho lor Purifyinn the* d!oi I—Eradicating Eruptions on the Sf. n—tiiul :i 11 other complaints arising from the wont of tone in the Stomach. rpHL effiem-y of the Health Restorative is so well I known to the public, that the proprietor considers the publishing of cerulicate.s as useless, hut those desi rous us < \nmining them can Jo so by calling oji the A- ; gent Pamphlets may also be had of tin* Agent, gratis. ‘l'he following cert ideate is from Dr. Chilton, the well known New York chemist: “1 have analyzed a bottle ot medicine called *C. Brink erhoft’s H< altli Restorative,’ and find that a does uot contain Mercury, or any other lmtalrc preparation, nor opium in any ot its forms, it is composed of vegetable j inatier entirely.” Jam s R. Chilton, M. D. C BTITNICERIIOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Principal ottic m the amre of Alexis Havdock, ('or- ! Li! .s*A Cos., inipoiteis and deal; rain Drugs, Oils, &,<*., J 218 Pearl street. For sale by SHOTWEI.L Si GILBERT, Agents,! .Macon, also, by Urugirists generally throughout the U. I Stales. .May 12, 1847. f, ts QUaNINE! QUININE!! 8 I'ST received and for stile, a large lot ot the above j • I niiiiifd article SrIOTWKLL Sc GILBERT. i Uetob . .b, .0 47 28 MiotwHl A Gilbert, Sy\ rece”t Arrivalsfmiti New \ ork, have received a J .all complete ssorliueiit •( D. ugs, .Me ...cities, Lo.m.eaiH, l anus. Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Ac. Are., nil of which are now oileiedto the puidic very low. tor cash. I in y also keep and extensive assortment of PATENT Alr.Dh INFS, among which are Dr Boon’s justly cel i eluated Ague and Fever Pills, which rarely, if ever fail lto effect a cure. A sm), his Compound Cathartic Pills, an invaluable Family Medicine. Macon, October 13, 1847 28 B k| l • ‘ SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY— lor coughs, colds, nsChiiin, hiHueiizu.wliuoping cough, ; spat tun of hh od.nrsi nil pulmonary diseases. B viLl.i jBALs>AI‘AKI LA—For nil diseases ( ai.singhom an impure state oi the blood: salt rheum, scrotum, king's evil,chronic rheumatism,dyspepsia, dis i eases ot the -kin nndbones.old ulcers,etc LAlLi.i .i lr.Vc.K ANU A(;i : K REMEDY— I ne most valuable remedy-—eutaely vegetable nrepara -1 tion—arid sure cure. RAIMA S AMERIC AN VERMIFUGE—Asure exterminator <4 worms irom th” system, in general use throughout the Uuitcil States. 1 A i y ; V>„ T NRIV VI.I.EDMILITARYSHAV- i At. I Re.A Vl [ InsnTiicie hn.-. stood the test oi eight year s, and gained lor itself a high reputation throughout 1 n ulul tt parte ot the world I AiLEV SSITLIUOH INDELIBLE INK-with and Without the preparation ; warranted lire best artiele ot tile kind m use for sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, and at wholesale aud retail by V\ M BAi LE\ . Proprietor, Apothecaries’ Hall, . , corner of !• niton aiiu Sands streets Also (or sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO , Macon Dec. J, 1846. 12 V’ v —Jast received from llie New i ork BnM>kiyn W hit** L n ad Company” j A L 30. 2, Lxtra and rare Vv lute Lead _ A,SO ,n Linseed and Tanners Oil; Spirits l urpentme ; Varnish; Lflmpblnck Putty, Pain t. Brush - ea, <Slc.,&lc. PATTEN Sc TAYLOR. April 1. 1847 27 A VALUABLE COTTON PLANTATION FOR SALE. IN Pulaski county, within five miles of Haw '*lT kinsyill. . containing J .‘4 K) acres good oak and hickory’ Land, about one hall ol winch is cleared and under tone** : oti the place are proper buildings, such as overseer’s house, barns, cotton mid gin houses, negro houses, Mr. J Snail is residing on the prem ises and will shew the property to any person wishing to examine it.—For prices and terms apply to G. W ANDERSON Sc BROTHER, N ‘v 10 ,ij 8t Snrnnnnh, Ca. STRAYED the subscriber, a young, dark, cream-colored MARE, rather small She probably made down the West side of the Oemulge - Suitable compensa tion will be made to any one who may deliver her to me at this place, or at my plantation in Houston. ~ K A.NLSBIT Macon, Geo. Nov 24th 1847. 2w—34 S2O REWARD. STR \\ iiDorstulen on the 26th of October, yj.—from rlie subscriber in Hast Macon, a bright /—kZ2 sorrel horse, with me lnnd h>ot-l>ek white, Hinail'hlbze in the face,and a sear t>r soars upon his hip. proha ly of branding. The above reward will tie paid lor the delivery of said home to my son John Carter in East Macon, or to myself in Lee County. _ ROBERT CARTER Nov 21th 1847. 4t I.EttAI, NOTICES. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. \LL persons indebted to the ♦•state of Robert Ful . ton, deceased, lute ot Twiggs county, are here -1 by requested to make Immediate payment, and all I persons having demands against said deceased, will ; render them in agreeable to law. to roglr i. h i, ton,* , . JAMES AV I.KL.TT, I ndmrs Nov 3, 1H47 31 6t OEURuu, ♦ col itro oimiMiiv. ’ Mmroe County $ Si.i i lmblk Txbm, 1847. A 1 < Kl,i:ili:H!n HLItKII r # Guardian of i It I of John 1, Tyus, having settled m lull with ins hiii I ward, prays letteis ot D.-simssion from Ins said . Guardianship. It is ordered by the Court, that this Rule b * published forty days in terms of the law, alter tiu* expiration of which time, said letters will be graiitc 1, unless cuuse to the c nirary he shewn. A true ext ml from the VI mutes of said Court L. G. CAb.xwMIHH. c e o. i Nov 8, 1817 81 tod NO* s TON SIIEHIIT'S s \ I.K—Will | M . . sold before the court house door in the town of ■ Retry, in said county, on the tirst Tu -sdny in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the lolloping pro perty, to wit ‘I iin-e hundred pounds sued Cotton, more or less, n quantity ol cotton in the held, also live bushels corn,) more or l-aa, and two Cotton bankets, all levied onus the pro|M*rty ot .lames Jordan, to satisfy a li la tor costa, from 11 oust ton Superior Court, in lavor of Matthew’ Dorsey, iiguiust sud Junes Jordan. A reitatn tmet or parcel ot Land, containing two 1 bundled and eighty acres, comprising the w hole of lot inimhei sixty-live, (65) and a pan of lot No. ninety six, (-*’• all ill tile ‘Jt i district, ot said county of Houston; all levied oil. the pioperty Ot Mniiuasah Norwood, to sandy u mortgage ti in from Houston Superior Court, uiluvorol Ljienxo D Norwood, against xml Manas suh Norwood. Tlieemt half of Lot No 15, in the tilth (sth) district ol Houston eounty, containing onettun Ired, om- and ;■ fourth acre-, mow or less; levied on as the property of John G Clark, tosutudy a mortgage ti fa from Houston Superior ( ourt, in htvot of liiysut Hatton, administra tor de Ivuiis non with the Will annexed ot Joshua Tat tistiuil, (hems'll, against sm.l John G Clark CALVIN LfSAUY. Sheriff Dtp I, l&Ml. 95 nrv nakniiw/n *ali:s. \1 ‘ ILL he sold. on the first Tu**sdny ill January f ? im xt, I• lore tie Court House door in the city ot Mncon, the following pioperty, via: Lot No I, 111 squnie HO, in the city ot Macon—levied oil ue the pioperty ot .Mini D’ldnck, to autisty an cm cuthmi tor Ins nty tax loi 1847 Tux $lB .3 Also the South West half tit Lois No 5 and 6, in | I smiure L’- levied on ns the profierty ot Gowiiry \ ! Wei ,i > filial)'a Tax ti li, And co"!*, lor 1817. Ain't : HI tij. A MeGKKGOK, City .Marshal. December 1.1*47 3*, Georvin Mon roc Comity* If MfKRDAH f)vi.. Tinn.di and William B Hill ap|ilv to me f.r letters of aifiiiinietiation on the •* °l Htllory l'rritt. lute of said county,deceased 1 In **e an- tilerrlor* io cite and admonish nU and *m gular the kindled and creditors ot mini deceased, to tie and appeal ot my office within the time prescribe I hy law, lo show eiuae, il uny they Igivc, wliy said letters should not Is* grunted. G ven under my hand at. Ilice, is !Md day ot No?. ‘*'! ~ I’ <i IM.xNISM.i c o. N..VH 31 s, LEGAIi .NOTICKS. / 1 I VKUI k.N n NA Li..—Agreeable |o an orJei \ I of the Hotioruhle the In.< rior Court of ISumtei county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, h-fore the court house door in JStuiki svdle in Lee county, Lot ot Land No. (16) sixteen, in the (2<lj second disn utof L< e coun ty. ns the nrop. ity of William F. Smith, deceived, sold tor the benefit of the heirs. ‘Perms cash. JOHN T McCRARY, Guardian. Nov 3, IS 17 ;n ms I .MM t MON PUS after date applicatit q will be 1 made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Epson county, when sitting lor orifinury purposes, for leave to s<*U the NEGROES belonging to the estate of Nancy Bandy, deceased. JOHN FRANKLIN,adm’r. Nov 3, 1817 30 mini Pbl K MON HIS after date application will he JC made to the Honorable the Interior Court of Jasper county, for leave toselln Negro Child belonging to Lu cien Newton (minor ) () H. P. NEWTON . Guar. September 8, 1817. 4iii23 T?oi R MONTHS Y made to the honorable the Inferior Court oi Twig: county, when sitffhg for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the Lands and N; groeleionging to the estate of Thomas l’ulton, late of said county, deceased. R L FULTON, J A VIES AVERETT, Adm*rß De bonis non, with the Will annexed. Oj 96 in 1.(1 J.MMIK MONTHS after date, application will be F m “le to the hotioiahle the Inferior Court ofTwiggs county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell nil the lands and Negroes belonging to the estate of William P. Brooks, late of said county, deceased. LAV IN IA N BROOKS, ndm’x. SIMON N. BECKMAN, adin’r. October 20, 184*. 2‘J mini I.MM It .MONTHS nfler date, application w:II be* made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fi*i leave to sell the real estate ot Simon Howard, late of said coun ty, deceased. HARRIET HOWARD, ndm x j MOSES HOWARD, admY. ()ctober 20, 1 -17 ft) mkm . made to the Honorable the Interior Court of Bibb county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to 1 sell the real property belonging to the estate of Charles T. England, deceased, situat’ and in die city of Macon, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JOHN MYERS, Adm’r. October 20, 1847. 4m20 ¥jMM It MONTHS after date, application will he | F made to the HoriorwhE Interior Court of Upson I county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to] sell Lot ofLuiid, numh< r 75. m the 10th district of for- 1 nieriy Monroe now Cpsou county, ns the real estate of j Richard N. Smith, late oi said couuty, deceased. fori the !x nefit 61 tf'.e li-*irs hriu creditors ofsaid dec am and JOHN VVETHERBY. Adm’r. Sept. 13, 1847. 24 4m rMHJ R MON I H •** after date application wall he ‘ F mu ie to the Honorable the Inferior Court and \\ ilk inson county, when sitting us a court of ordinary, lr leave to sell all the land belonging to the estate ot John Crnmbley, sr., fate of said county, deceased, lor the * benefit of the heirs and credrior*. JOHN CitU JIBLEY, Jr.) , , . JESSE CKL MbLLY S Adl ” rH ’ August 11. 1847 19 f?Bl R MONTHS after date, application will be I made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Bibb County, when setting as a ( ourt of Ordinary, for leave to sell one lot land No. 248 in 10 District. 4th lection of originally Walker, now Dude, belonging to the minors of B Goddaril, deceased. SARAH A USHER,Guard. Macon, Nov. Bih 1847. 32 n.\ECFPORs ‘ v, i;. court lumse door ot IMririon, Tw’igg- county, on the first Tuesday in January next, witnin the usual hours of sale, a certain negro man slave, by the name of Watt, about fifty yea s old sold as a pait of the es tare of Benjamin Biyan.ben. late oi Bui ke county, de ceased, and sold for tho purpose ot a division of said estate among the lieira. Teimsotsale made known on the day AR’i HI R BRY AN. E.\'i. Nov 3, 1847* 31 ijg i ldu! s HALB—CrawiotxH Jinary, Novembei i’erni, 1847. Agreeable to an order of said Court, will be soul at the late residence of James M Harris, deceased, late of said county on the fourteenth day of December next, the personal protierty ot said deceased, consisting of mules, ostile.lmgs.slieep, corn, fodder, household and kitchen furniture, &c.— Bale to continue from day today until ail is sold. ‘J erms made known on th* day of safe. JOSEPH BRADFORD, Ex’r. Nov 3,1847 M ft Inxi; iTßirv n\ Le. w-,;i be sold < ‘j first Tuemlay in January next, at the court house in vlarion, Twiggp county, the following |*o ertyla - longmg’to tn*.* estate oi Joan Everett, <letn as**l, or so much theieof as willhe necssary to pay me debts of sard estate, to wit: negroes -George a man, about 21 years of age, Jim a boy, about 17 \ Miles a boy. about I o ; Hannan a woman, about 31; Crccy a girl, alxot 10, . Rose a frirl, about 8; also, Lots of Land Nos. Cl, 84, ! and 70 acre**, on the cast of .No. 85, all in the 28th dis- i trict oi originally Wilkinson now Twiggs county, it i being the place whereon the said John Everett former- j ly lived, and adjoining Jonathan Dow Jen, Fulton’ses tate and others To be sold for the benefit of the cred- j itois—'l’erme on the day. IRA PEiCK. Executor. Nov 3, 1817 31 ids niW i roirv \ i,:. w m the i J% fi st Tuesday m Decemher next at the Court House iu the county Ot Pulaski, the following land to i wit: the west half ol lots No, 316 and 301. ui the 21th , Dist.of originally Wilkinson now Pulaski County, ml- ’ joining James Bryan tmd Burrell Jordan belonging to I the estate of Daniel Massy late rs Twiggs County decesed, rfold lot the benefit ol tlie heirs and creditors. Terms of sale on the day. WM. BRYAN, Ex’r. Oct. 4th, 1847. 27ids TAXE I TOR’S HALF.—WiII le* sold nn th. Ya first Tue day in Januaiy m-M, at the court house ol Crawford couuty. by order of the Court 1 Ordi ary ot aaid oottiny,—a negro man named J *Bse, about 3s years old, • s the property ol Milky W. Reeves, late of Fayette county, deceaaeiir for the purpose of a distribu tion among tin* heirs us said estate. W C. CLEVELAND. Executor of IFm. Cl- veland, dec'd. and Guardian of two of the c/ul>ire/i ol mu! AJdtif IF Reeres, der’d. i 0 cX7, 1941 ft) Ids lIXW I TORN SALES—Agree ‘able to an or- ! der of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Macon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold , on the first Tuesday m December next, at the Court Hous** door in Marion, Pwiggs county, fractional Lot * No 218,in the 28th district ot formerly Wilkinson now • Twiggs county Also, on the first Tuesday n January next, will he sold before the Court House door in luthury, Run- ! dolpli county, Lot No. 239, in the lUth distnet, and l#i | No. 65, in the 11th district of formerly Lee now Ran- ; dolpli county. Also, on the first Tuesday iti February next; before I the Court House door m Ailtßim s, Bmtiier county, Lot No. 242, in the 16th district, and Lot No. 91, in th** 17th district ot said county. Also, on the lust Tuesday m March next, before the Court House door m ‘Pai.hotton, Lot No. 132, in the Ist district of to’uicrly Troup uow ‘l’alhol comity. Also, on th- Hint ‘i’uesday in April next, heloru the Court Housr dour m K raw art county, Lot No 132. in the 18th district ol foriueily Lee now Stewart county I All the alaive projH ity mild lor the belli lit ol the lieirs of John Rushin, Inn* of Macon county, deem cd ~ Tertns made known nn the days of sab* W tLLiAM RUSHIN. i S U FeLI UN, > Ex’rs JOHN C UoiX.EILS,) Sept 1,1817. 60J22 o\ i:i . roies s v m;._Will b. sold on ‘Cues. I l i day the fourth day cl January next, m the town ol Perry. Ilousnuicounty. to the highest lad er, the Ne groes ihulbeioiiU’ and to Allen li ( bn-tain, deceased, con sisting ol some thirty or tolly likely Negrutm—ol men. women and children,—and also ut the same time und place, tb* Valuable Plant ltion on which lie died, leing situuled one mile troiil Periy, and on the road lending from there to Tallulunsee, and is known as the |>en card’s place Tins isu liealtiiy und hi many lespect* a most desirable w \ i uii the inter,m., day I K'eemls-r next, will he Si. tat the In • residence ol Mod Allen li. Cliusuim.d* (vu 4 l.ns *ih ive described-—to tin highest bidder, I lie p'lislmnle property ot said decehs. eC eoiisistmg ol u luige quantity oi coru,(odder, cotton, Imrscs, mules, stock and meat hogs, tunning uieumis, household iitul kitchen tuimtuie, und mnny older arti cles too lediou* to mention The said sale to continue from day to day till all is sold—and ail sold underamfmr ity in t ie la-i w ill end t> nine nt m s id • ( Terms, twelve moml- , dit with approved m cunty. JOHN VI <II \ST AIN . ) , • Willi \ vi ni \stain.4 ,<xrH N >v 3 1817 I V-,. 4AI I a iesideiiee.l Wiliiaui Kiteis'iis. 8 n’r d> c m et, injoid s ♦ unty, on Tlimsduy, the day ot D • -in her next, a fit he pe ishahlep openy belonging to the es tate of said deceased, not dls)iose(f ol by Will, consist ing oi cotton, cows, tmidrr. hogs, sheep, 40 saw gin and miiiimg geer. buggy ami liaineMS, two lioise wag on y a” lacksiiiith tools mill irons # n<l Uoum - hold mi I kitchen birmture, with other articles too t< di our to nielli mo made knowr. on tie day. W .iJdA vl hi ll 11r,,N8. > v . OK BLN W IvlidlLNo i November 17, 1 h 47. 83 <i* tiliOlthl V Houston County. .IV J. COOK, of the IHMfh dis T tnct. M toils |s/|oie me, a llnght Sorrel litIRHH, ti mg a t h iding, lomit en yeais o and , ahuuldt r* a good deal marked with the collar, baying a largo scar on Ui right hip. with a small white sirenk in th • loielica I Ap|H-ai.s dhy Isuae L Hill ami Tur ner Smith, I'Ve, lloldeis of S lid COUItV, St Tllltl)’ t 'iVl* Dollars, (flfV .) Given underhand und official Mg nature, tins 4th Novemh* r, |B!7. I’IIOS. J MOOKH. J P A trur Ej tract from tk ‘ JMniu Unk. .1 \V MANN, C lerk. Nnv 84 31 i \u \ DUIMs'I |( \ I OK’S s.AI I ■ %on iiit* first l u<*Hclny m |,. n . ‘ *•—-Y’ I house Marion, Twiggs 7j*. <; fl I idsatt In years old, and , ‘” vu , ■ IdO years Old-sold as the property i'h ‘ ■ | iv;iHf‘', by order of co rt of I \ j Ihe Ileus ttlltl creditors. Tcriii* ,U '’ *’ r ’ ’ it for good paper. ’ u 1 Octobe* - 27, 1847, \ H \ IDL.MnTKATOIPn s\| i< I i x at the court house in Mari'n t’ the first I uesday in Jammiy next’ lj rf - ‘fl •‘""‘f ,|J yearso( - ■ her , Melviua t3 or 14,and MnnneT ,< ‘ Ull I an oruc •ot Court, as the prime,t y ” 5... ■ | and ,y of std,..’ ‘ “ I [ Oct. 27, 18-17. JOUN G LOVEH, AiI J V D*i>M l: v roirs S y, ,r , I SSIJSS- “■SSttS.yl Also, on the same day, before th,. r I at vlount Vm,on. Mo„Uroiiien,T’ ° un M aw. in the sixth di3,Xid'e' U - ‘-.ri*! 1 k'nao” now Montgomery c„,ii a 1 “'wij O the Interior Control Twiggs comm,’ , 8 "“ l L ’ m| >f James Coombs, late of uTil *•. v•• th> i ( j,.j® eold 10, me benefit of the heirs anJ"Lt'A'l ,9 V,i l n COO ' 1 C“l 1 Dec 1,1847 JAS. R. C00ljj 8; ( V okiNISTRATOR’g baleZ* I 1 order ol the Interior Coin't of sitting lor Oiuuiaiv purposes, wifi he “ 1 I lon-,. ~1 Walker comity, on the fi,s, ‘V IL ‘ 1 ‘""'V I- Land number two , I I ly-iom 4 l.)in till t|, disutet aiTnh m" 1 " ,!! n| originally ( herokee now Walk, . , I,J : 1 benefit ol the heira and eimhtu,* l s " 1,1 :■ 1 deceased.—Terms on the day ofwge.^^ l ’ Dee I. ISI7 PECK, A„„,. I VUJIINISTHATOM’N sll i ‘he first Tuesday in Fehn,r,„ *~ U ‘i 1 h I ouil house door in Stewart Cuiintr V | !. K ' XI ’ i* l al hours ol sale the ~ Wwl ‘ ,1 land lying and being ,n the e U .m, y y 0 f 0| ”- ■ now Mewart, eontot’ ino two him.l™ i r Lr. ( res.kttowttnyNo U 8 mt ‘ saai county. SuU lor the Iwnefit ,i„. ! Jl “ 0> 'net ,| ceased. Dec. Ist 1847. ~jSSEL St MMEIUtL, Adat. v IMII MM |t \ roil s S \ LL. . V agreahly to an older of the Honorable , . , ‘ : fouitot Lpson county botnie the Court II ‘ ‘”l >: ker county ,|„ first Tries,toy ofßehhu,, , ‘ K lotot land No. ltki.eighleemh district uißul™ J * mg to the Estate ol Wtlltaiu Rolicitaou 1 erms on sale day. “•* teit.- I'. i M 1847 JN ” ■ n<>Ri;in.s,,.\ , A i imiinTstkatok n sail-a i\ an oij.-rol the liuenor conn ,| u * ‘ 1 ty when sitting lor ortlmaiy |nm„,s s „ *'"■* ■'—n> ... conn . ousc d,H,r in sa,,t C, 1 y,, Ith i • ‘" M 1 February Next.iluiutg the .rssaul houia'w ‘ tract or parcel ol land s mate, lymg mi j feecond urstnocot saai county, belujiirniiv i.. ’"* ‘* o’ • loll ".. ( 1 uutbley Sr lately dee, \v\ ‘ county Georgia Sold lor the b. ,1, fit •, V" k ‘ : crednotsol said estate 1 1 tlu i ** - ‘’ CRUMBI.EY.Si > i, . , JMr. CKl’Mi.i.i-iy, f t'Ji.-..- D. c Ist ]H47. *’ > VU.MIMSTKATUR'S vrUvr ot lUp liitruur D.uit w r Wm-n silting lor ordinary purpiiM.*, will • i ; 1 . ir. house door in siiid county, on r(). (j ./’-r ‘ m ridtruaiy uexi, Ijeiwivu the iimn| h.,m-. (ollowmg i.ropcrly, va : .Muiy u iio K „ w ,„ mil ",, “* ):<*(, Ulld IHUM-.JI tovahtatl,;, , mrh-lSt Inlfot Ui ot L.,„d, N,/. ily ~„j lot .\u. 14.1. .mho 15th district 61 •eg,.wily 1,, ‘ buutu r tjouiity ; said tuiuis w. •,.), unprw, high state ol cuitivauon— idso, so.::ti, ~, ‘ r J c '.;’ tlur |iro|icity .4 U ot I homos M Mann, late ol „and coimiv. |hj l ‘* e benefit us the heirs and errdhflis oi sa Ki ~ ‘ i e 1111s made known on tlie day ol wil* IV,. 1 to t? SARAU T. MANN,'rt lv ’ ‘ 35 uk A ‘OllNivnc vioK o, s4l,B.— .Yerorttl i.X .in otdet ol tlie ilouotahie Ititerior Cto 111 of H ton County, will hr sold 011 tlie lirst I’ucaday oi Jaiiim ry neat, at thocourt house door in (hr town oi Pritv Houston county, betw.rn the usual hours ot wile t6N. crocs Woiigtug to the estate ol M a Icon,l. I DHkri late orstttd county, deceased,--sold to, 11,0 heuetn , he heirs and creditors ot said dt ceand. ‘i’eri. s amd, known 011 the day <8 Kile .. , EDMOND GILBERT, Ad,'r A 1 OMS I K ATOirs S A l,K._ f!y Vl .in order ot the Honorable ike Interior Coir J I [.son county, when sitting lor ordinary iwpuns. iy sold at the court house door tn said countv on ■> hrsi 1 aesday m January next, between the usua. ho'iils ol stile, the slaves belonging to the estate of WHI. m hobertson deceased, consisting o| ue a, women and children, hoys See Sold lor tlie uuruoae ol a mtiauit lemts made known cut the day ol sale v a . J°‘ iN W HtiBERTSOjr. AdmY. Nov 3; IL. K td, A DMININTH A TOR’S 8A I.K. v . V ait order ol liouotole iilh-rior Court ot Tw . s eo,mt>-, when sitting luroidinaiy (iurposes, will hee’d at the court liooat-door ie, the towttol .Manou i'vim wanly, on the first Tuesday in January next, wttlau the usual hours ol sale. Lot ol Land No tifiv-ti iir.tM in the twenty-eight distnet oi ungtually \VWkluan, but flow m tli-- said county ol Twiggs, and couiauij, g twolumdied twoand an half acres, more or less. Also, the hallowing Negroes; to wit Morns a mn, Isuac a loan, Jews* a man. Richard a man. Phdft a woman, Fanny and Iter five children, tVtrey a girl, Jofin a hoy, Neptune a t>y, Cteasey a u,rl, ano Naurv a chitdl t'uixdine and her two children (Manila anil lieorgut Ann,, is :d us the land and negroes heiorgititr to the estate ut Catch itpiaou, itaerased, and tor the benefit ot the heirs nud creditors. Trims made known on the day of sale. ELAM HINSON, AdmY. Not 3, 1547. SI Ids \l> HI NINTH ATOM'S. N.A LE.—Agreeably tu . an order ot the lloitoraltle the Interior Court of f tawlord county, when s.ttmu lor orduiarv purptan, wall fs 1 Mild on tlie litst Tuesday in Januaiy next, tk lore rh. court house door in the town ol Knoxville, is tween the usual hours ol sale, all the Lands belonging to the estate ol John Bray, deceased, the same Is'inv seventy act es mote or less ol lot No. one hundirii and thirty-one, (131.) at described in the deed to the same, lying and being m the 7th district, originally Houston, now ( tawlord copuly. Sold tor tlie benefit eltheMis and creditors. Terms made known on the day u sit GEORGE W BRAY. Adtui. Nov 3, 1N47. 3| ~|s \DUIN IMTK \IHIVS s \ |,|, —VN il||r>ui<l on Monday the 18th day rtf IVc-i'uT.i next, it tlie ilouse oi the late Koneit V eu4 ot Twiggs county, de ceased, all t lie* perishable prop* ,tv brh ngmg m-nid estate, town, Cm n, Loddei. Y\ lieut Cut ton, one Horse, one yoke ol Oxen, stock Idutlc, uiat and stock flogs, Piantirtion Tnola, liens, liold and kiteb cn f unuuiie. and oilier articles too ledums to m ntion. Terms on the day of sale. M ARTHA M VLAL. Admi x. Nov 3. 1847 31 ids \ IMI, \|s'| K \ VOH’H s \l.| . | ly vu a an order of the Honorable the loliq tor Court yt Buiigeroatitv when sitting for Ordinary fiutioss, will Im* sold hi die Court I louse door oi said countv on the first Tuesday in Junnar / next. I tween the usual h? ot sale, the following negroes, viz. Luke u t’:V vars old . Hen a man. sixty years old . J< e a umih ‘it yeuisold . Judy a woman, years olu ; aiid a bey child one year old PtirehaNers will Is* required to give note? in sums ivrt exceeding thirty dollars, wnh uppioved security, duf the ii.Mli (lav ol l>e(X'mter, IH|H Sold ns the piop :1 1 ty. ot die late Noah Golding, deceased, tor the treiicfiT ‘*l the heir* ot said deeeased. KAs'ON SMITH. Adm’r. Not 8 imf \I>MINIKTH Vioit’s svi I, \Vi at the plantnfidn of the Inte Samuel limns, iU> , ceased, in Sumter county, on Thmsdny (fie \TJ.I ol D‘- cembci nexi, all the peßKlifcble pro|H*ily of wiki deevn** ed, eoiisitmg : large stock of Corn and totUrr, ffoiws. Mules, Cows, a large quantity of Pork and stock llog*. 1 aiming un-nsils, one good (’otion l"t>’ two sii|h not Rond \N ugous, and two eaovilei t v 1 ke of oxen, and a variety ot other nrtU Ul 100 numerous to mention. ROLAND HIVINS. (.i.URGI, W litVINS, Ailniininhntorf. i nth i/u WiU umntu. Orrt W 30 % iJJg s INIHTHATOICN N \l,i;. Will he mU* \ si die court hoi,*e in Irwin eounty. on and” l,p ‘ l Tuesday n Jatmsry next, Ist No 311, In Hu* Bth dis trict ol said eounty, sold hy order of ( uii of I w'ljnr* county, ns the pi perty ot David \ tm*t. deceased, Inte of said county. JOHN GOODWIN. Ad to r. Ocobor97, 1847. 30 ids _ t DMINIHIKAPORH SALK Willis -e I on l \ ihe first T(♦ sduy In fetMlinry next, heloie J.iC court house door in ’1 iiouiasville, ‘rhoimis couufy* kr* tweet) tin- usual hours ol sale, Lm ol Land No. • in the Hih district ot Karly county, originally. t jW Tfsunss nMinty* containing two hundred and tidy cresj sold at the properly ot AttHufiald Gray. I**/’ ‘I nllsit county, d'-eeus. and. tor the benefit of tb** wwT*™ •nd deee un*J, Term* made known on the day el shs* WILLIAM M IIKOW.Y 4 nnmsTim'oM'* nai.i:. ‘’ ‘• A \ ♦•♦■ sold,mi the fimt Tue** lay in fYbriuny **** vl 6>ie the ( "ui Home hi Lanier, Macon county. * ‘i* toy li'wnig lots of Laud ;—ls*t* No 41,ff7.71.and -I • qi Distuct,and Isa No i37,m ths Di Ih-trjch* formerly Muscogee, imw Macon county. Hold by ® >ir<l i wl the is uni ot Ordinary of Hihh county.^’ dn >ck L Math fs n. d**c< ns* and *’ ‘'* U>”l| WAI. U CALUOUS, A.ine