Newspaper Page Text
GULLODEN, Ga. February 18, 1347.
Dr. Marshall —Dear Sr: L feel constrained by a
sense ot duty, growing out of a grateful remembrance
of tiie sign il tienelit wine has resulted to myselt Irotn
your treainent tor a cancerous affection, under which l
sutD’ -d tor some tme, to give you, under my own hand
a statement of all the tacts involved, leaving it at your
discretion to give that statement publicity or not, as
you may ibmk proper.
in the beginning ot the summer of 1846,1 discovered
a small tumor or pimple on rather the innerside of the
lower lip, near the right corner of the mouth. This for
some time, give me no uneasiness, as 1 supposed it a
matter of no moment. It continued to increase in size
until the month ot September or October, when it be
came exceedingly paintul. I procured ttie advice oi sev
enl uit*dcal men, who stood h hi then* proiession,
and was encouraged by i.iem to let* 1 no uneasiness, as
it had none ot the characteristics of a Cancer. Caustics ■
and other remedies, usual v applied tor the removal ot i
pimples and warts, were recommended by them, and
used by me tor a length of time, but witliout benefit
On the contrary, under the irritating influence ot these ;
applications, it extended more rapidly, and finally be
came exceedingly paintul. It had grown in six months I
?□ be the sizeof a dime coin. 1 was recommended by j
my frtenJs—among whom 1 will mention Dr. A. C.
Rogers, otCrawiordcounty, a well known physician
to place myseit under your treatment. I had but little
hope of recovery, but us 1 could expect nothi ‘g less than
a horrible death, it the disease continued its ravages, l
concluded to follow the counsel ot my friends. On the
7th day of December last I placed myself under your
treatment, and continued subject to your prescriptions
for three weeks, at the end of which time I returned
home completely cured And the thing not the least
marvellous in this most miracuious cure is, that not
withsn. iding the size ol Lie c nicer, and the depth which
it nad affected the surrounding pans, theie is now
scarcely any scar perceptible.
I know it may, and no doubt will be said that mine
was not a case of cancer Oi one tning, however, lam
satisfied, that without a cure, I must have died ol the
disease, and tiiat very soon. The remedies in common
use had tailed—:t had all the appearances, and produced
all the peculiar sensations of pain, said by physicians to
mark the character of Cancer, ami hence i make no
hesitanon m saying that it was a cancer—and I speak
from a conviction produced by happy experience, when
Isay, that if taken iniitne, your tieatment will cure
in every case.
I should not have pertormed iny whole duty, il 1 were
to conclude this statement wntiout recommending to all
having cancerous affections to (dace themselves under
your treatment without delay, and the woid of a man
who has tried it, they will be healed.
Respectfully. JAMES SMITH.
My Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in contributing
the mite otmy experience and confidence in the etfici
ency of your practice and treatment of those cases of
diseases mentioned in your pamphlet. Ol the means
ot treatment, 1 atn unable to speak—these being confin
ed to your own practice and professional research ; but
fully contide in the efficacy ot those means from the ef
fects 1 have known product*J—These effects seem not
confined to the locality of the disease, but to pervade
the whole system ; imparting renewed vigor to the con
stitution and thus characterizing your treatment as both
local and constitutional. Os all the cases under your
professionalare, which I have noticed—and these are
not a tew—ihe individuals with a single exception,
have avowed to me that their general health had great
ly imp oved, and their systems seem to have been ren
ovated. In toy individual case, I was greatly reduced
from me ravages ot tuis loathsome disease, my iriends
supposed me in a rapid decline; iny professional pur
suits were almost entirely abandoned, and 1 had given
up to linger out a living death. Hearing accidentally
ot your treatment and the success which attended it, I
repelled the prejudices which an individual and undi
vutged system of practice had prompted, and placed my
selt unreservedly under your control. In a very short
tune l lound the disease yielding and my health improv
ing, and in two months l felt my constitution renewed
and ihe disease reduced to tne smallest compass. lam
now m belter health, than I have been in seven years
pr vtously —and if I should ag tin relapse into the ago
nies of the disease, i would, witn me utmost confi
dence, replace myself under your treatment.
I dee u li but proper to state that since you first came
to Macon in 18i5, that success with which you have
met and su.idued disease, has inspired an almost gener
al continence in your ~ractice; and the doubt which at
fir.-i prevailed as to your ability to cure Cancer, Fistula,
dtc., seems to nave modified into a doubt as to the rem
edies and means of your treatment. I take great plea
sure in bearing my humble testimony to your high char
acter as a gentleman, and to the kindness and cour
tesies with whicti you are universally received and
cherished here.
Yours Respectfully, S. R. BLAKE.
Dr. W. W. Marshall.
Dear Sir : 1 feel a peculiar pleasure in giving my tes
timony in favor of the method pursued by Dr. YV. YY 7 .
Maiamtll, (formerly ot Virginia, now a resident of this
place,; in treating Cancer, Fisiula, and all similar
complaints. Forourseij, theie is nothing we detest so
neartdy as quackery in any department of human knowl
eJg* or ingenuity. We can assure the public, there is
none in the pretensions of Dr. M. The cases he has
cured of iate in misplace, are numerous, myself among
the number.
The Doctor has patients from the remotest parts of
the Union, who place themselves under Ins c ue, at this
place, upon the leconnnendation of others who have
been made whole by his instrumentality. We would
advise all those afflicted with the above diseases, to ap
ply immediately to Dr. M. in whom they wiil tin ail
the traits which characterize the gentleman and the
phtlanmroptst. ST LANIER.
Mr. Lanier is favorably known as the former propri
etor of the Washington Hail, and now propietor ot the
Floyd House, at Macon. All communications address
ed to him on this subject, will meet with prompt at
tention. YV. YV. MARSHALL.
Macon, Dec 6 36
‘•A Lit 1 ill: m GKAPL.”
THE undersigned, true to his promise, again pre
sents to the Public more data on which they can
safely base their calculations relative to the respective
merits of the depleting system of the deciplcs ol Escu
laptus.andof that invigorating and phlogestic one ol
wnicn he is proud to he the advocate.
Leaving the stilts of egotism and shafts of ridicule
for the use ot th >se wno h-ve notlmig beuerto stand
on, and no other weapons tor attack or defence, tie se
lects his standing on truth, and uses such support only
as merit g.ves him ; and tor weapons, he chooses simply
to assail the ranks of the enemy occisionaliy with “ a
little more g ape,” in the form of facts, which are evi
dently the nardest kind ot arguments since they often
administer to his quiet amusement by the terrible de
struction they cause among the stilts and the ludicrous
effect tiiey produce in causing certain individuals to
laugh, as it is expressed in homely phrase, “ on t’other
side the mouth ” Th” Mexicans are not the only peo
ple,these days, whom vanity lias blinded to their own
defects; neither can they claim inuoh superioriiy in
the way of fancied eminence and blustering bravado
over many that live a great deal nearer home. A salu
tary lesson has latterly been given the former by the
Americans, and tue latter may ere long take “ another
ol the same “ ala mode de lay lor.
Alter the followingthere wni still be “ a few more
GtoßotA, Jones County, 1848.
This certifies that tor more than lour or live years
my wile was afflicted with a disease peculiar to her
sex, and notwithstanding all that we could do, she still
continued to get worse. The Phyicians in attendance
had exhausted their skill without rendering her any as
sistance till, in 1814, when she was confined to her bed
in a very low condition, I got her last attendant to go
with me to Macon and lay nercase betore Dr. M. S.
Thomson, who without having seen her, prescribed
and sent her medicine that soon relieved her, and in
the course of a short time restored her to permanent
health She has now been well about four years and
rejoices in the recovery ot her long lost health.
Macon, June 22d, 1348.
Dr M. S. Thomson,
Dear Sir —Deeming it a duty I owe to yourself as
weil as to the affliced generally, I have concluded to
give you a short statement of my case, which you are
at liberty to publish it you think that the best mode ol
thereby subserving the interests of suffering humani
In may 1841, after considerable exposure to cold, I
w;is attacked witn Asthma, which prostrated me very
much, and notwithstanding alt thatcould be done to continued toretuin about every two weeks
till in 1846 I applied to you. Between these attacks 1
had a very severe cough, which led some of tin physi
cians to whom I applieJ to believe that I hail consump
tion. I applied to pays.cians of both the .Yfmeiai and
Botanic schools, of eminent general qualifications, but
all to no benefit, tor I continued to get worse, so much
so hat I had reduced, from beinga strong fleshy man
down to a meie skeleton and could hardly creep about.
When I applied to you, 1 had but little faith in being
cuted, though I had witnessed some wonderful results
following your treatment, especially the cure, of that
crazy woman you bought ol Aq-iiila Phelps, in Jasper,
yet they gave me confidence and by persevering in the
use of your remedies, and as it were hoping against
hope. lam much gra ified in being able to announce
that I havegot entirely well, for I have had but one tight
attack in twenty months,and that was eight months
ago. I have now regained about my former weight,
and feel as strong as almost any man of fifty-one, which
is my age. Without disparagement to foe character
of the other cures that have so frequently resulted from
vour practice, I do not think that any ot them can beat
this, for confirmed Asthma combined with a Consump
tite cough,especially jwhere the flesh has wasted, has
long been classed among the incureables.
Most respectfully, yours, H. LIGHTFOOT
The undersigned still continues to treat Chronic ca
ses from a distance at his office, or either of the city
boarding houses, and at a distance through the mail or
by private hand. Those who dotit require personal at
tention, are treated at five dollars per month, those w ho
do,at the usual moderate rates. Those who are able
to pay must expect to do so, without variations from
| pur terms, unless a distinct bargain is made, those who
are not, will be treated gratuously.
, w Letters must be post-paid, and addressed
i- M. S. THOMPSON, M. D.
Piano Fortes.
rip HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens ol
1 Georgia, that lie has the Agency for the sale of
FIANQS from a'manufactory in /sew Yotk—the arti
l eie offered, is 6fthe best wotkmanship and materials,
Band latest style, very- superior at low prices.—
r to purchase, can see one ol these in-
Mtuments at the subscriber's residence.
Mason. Jan. 5, 1848. v C 40 ts ‘
Professional and Business Cards, not exceed
ing six lines, will be inserted under this nead, at the
following rates, viz:
For Six lines, per annum, $lO 00
“ Eight lines, do 12 00
“ ‘Pell lilies, do 15 00
No advertisement of this class wiil be admitt and, un
less paid for in advance— nor for a less term than
twelvemonths. Advortisements >t over ten lines will
be charged pro rata. Advertisements not paid for in
advance, will be charged at the regular rates.
mark h. blandford. gassaway o. DAVIS.
Buena Vista, Marion county (Geo.)
Nov. 1, 1848. 31 ly
Lanier, Macon County, Georgia.
Jan. 31. 44-ly
Collecting Agents and Attorneys at Law,
PRACTICE Law in the Parishes of Tensas, Madi
son, Carroll. Morehouse, Union and T ranklin. in
the Supreme and Federal Courts in New Orleans; and
give punctual attention to the collection of claims,
ttirougaout the Western country, including North Lou
isiana, Arkansas and Texas.
Mr. Joseph Bond, Macon, Ga. Dr. A. M. Franklin,
do. Hon. Lott YVarren, Lee county, Ga. Col. H. YV.
Jernigan, Barbour county, Ala. Messrs. May & Stokes,
Lumpkin, Ga. Messrs. Fellows, Johnson & Cos., New
Means. April 19 3 ly
S. K. I*. HALL,
Macon, Georgia.
PRACTICE in Bibb, Crawford, Houston, Upson,
Monroe, Macon, Dooly,Twiggs, Jones atui Pike
counties ; and in the Supreme Court at Macon, Deca
tur, Talbotton and Americus.
irjr- Office over Scott, Carhart Ji Co’s Store.
Dec 6 _ 36
JAM 11* H. < Iti:RN E,
Thomaston, Ga.
August 16, 1343. 1>
pLA . i T & SjP | CEK ,
WILL practice in the counties of Macon, Dooly,
Sumter, Lee, Randolph. Early, Baker and De
catur, or the South-western, and Laurens, Pulaski,
Irwin, Thomas and Lowndes of the Southern circuit.
All business entrusted to their care, will meet with
prompt attention. Office at Albany, Ga.
E. H. PL A1 I,
June 14 11 lv T. C. SPICER.
HAVING located himseli in Bartlesville, Pike coun
ty, Georgia, will attend punctually to all business
entrusted to his professional management.
References. —Rev. Alex. Spear, Charleston, S. C.
S. S. Kendrick, Macon, Turner & Covington,
Barnesvilte, David PagEiSlCo., Boston, Col. A. W.
Hammond, Culloden.
March 1, 1348, 48 ly
John s! winn,
Will practice in Thomas and the adjoining Counties.
References —lion. E. \ . Hill, Lu nuge,
Hou.Chas. J. McDonald, Marietta.
Jan. 17. 1849. _____ ly *°
Attorney at Law,
WILL practice and transact faithfully, all business
entrusted to his charge, in the several Coutis
of the Flint Circuit.
Aug. 2 18 *>’ .
Willis, a. A William li. HawklM>
attorneys at law,
Starkville, Lee County, Ga.
November 29 35 ly
J Oil!% LVO Y,
Macon, Bibb County, Ga.
Office at residence on East corner of Mulberry and
Fourth streets, opposite Market House.
November 22 34 ly
Talbot, Randolph,
Marion, Sumter,
Stew-art, and Macon.
All business entrusted to his care, will meet prompt
Tazewell. Marion co. Ga. Nov 1 ol ly
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Baker County, Georgia.
W E. Smith L. P. D. Warren.
tfsT Office on Broad street, two doors west ot Har
rison &. Sewaru’s. Dec. 15th, 1848 40—ts
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Starkville, Lee County, Ga.
Dee. 8.1848. 40—ly
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers
AND dealers in
Mulberry Street,
Macon Georgia,
CfjF’ Opposite Washington Hall.
January 17. 42-
J. H. Hl7Z.Ii, & CO.*
Apalacfricola, Florida.
Nov.Y4. 40—I y
Music, Musical Instruments, & Fancy Goods.
Nov 1 31 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.
Ware-House and Commission Merchant,
Corner of Third Cherry Streets, opposite
Graves, Wood {5 Cos s Store.
August 16 20 ly
MTHE undersigned late of the Oglethorpe
House, Columbus, beg leave to announce that
they have leased the above Establishment for
a term of years, and wiil open it on the Ist of
October. The buildings are undergoing the most tho
rough repair. The r< ! Otns will be newly painted and
finished, and several additional parlors will be made.
All the Redding, Chamber and Table Furni
ture will be entirely new, and of superior quality.—
The ‘Table will be furnished sumptuously, and nothing
will be omitted that can contribute to tne comfort and
pleasure oi our guests.
R. L. A J. H BASS.
Macon, Sept 27 26 lv
THE undersigned takes this method of inform
ing his friends and the public generally, that
he has taken this commodious and well known House
formerly occupied by Mr. George Vigai., immediate
ly opposite the Central Railroad Depot, East Macon,
where he is prepared to accommodate boarders by the
day or month. He assures the public and his friends,
that this house shall be kept in a style not surpassed by
any House in Georgia. Ills tables will at all limes be
supplied with the best the market affords. Hehasoare
luf and attentive Ostlers, and the horses of his friends
will be well taken careof. In short he is prepared to
accommodate passengers from both Rail Roads, as
well as the public and travellers generally. Thankful
for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business
to merit a continuance of the patronage of his frienus j
and the public. M. SULLIVAN.
East Macon. Nov. 1 31 6111
Mabou A Dibble’s Niew Stable.
. THE undersigned have just completed their I
W SPLENDID NEW STABLE on the corner )
of Mulberry and Third Streets, nearly oppo- *
site the Floyd House, w here they keep on hand safe j
and well broke uorses and every variety of Convey- 1
ance for the accommodation of tiieir Iriends and the I
public. Single Horse 6 and Drovers will lie attended i
to with the utmost care at j on accommodating terms. I
As the Proprietors have but ONE STABLE, and can
therefore give their personal attention to their business, i
they feel confident of being able to give universal satis- 1
faction. Board of Horse 50 cents per day.
and Livery.
r subscribers have leased for a term of years,
1 the large and commodious STABLES attached
to the Floyd House, and the Large and New Stable, at
tached to the Washington Hall, and will give their un
divided attention to the same. Saddle Horses, Bug
gies und Carriages to hire. Apply at either of the Ho
tels, or at the Stables.
Macon, Sept 27 26 ly
Slew Tall and Winter Goods.
rpHE subscribers have just received a stock of Fall
1 and YY'inter Goods, Cloths, Cassimeresond Vest
ing, of every variety of color and quality, and now of
rer lor sale at the lowest cash prices. All ofoyvhich
they are prepared to make to order, in the moat lash
ionable style, at the shortest notice.
Seet. 27 ’ .26
HAS now on hand, the fo’lovring articles and
An great many others, too numerous to mention,
Dr. Woodruff's Dysentary Cordial and his YY orm
Dr. Benjamin Smith’s Sugar Coated Pills of the day.
Dr. Champion’s Fever <fe Ague .St Anti-biiinus Pills,
Dr. Spencers Anti-bilious Pills, _ i
Messrs. Coster & Goxe’s Southern Tonic lor I'ever I
and Ague,
McAllister’s All healing Ointment,
Harrison’s Specific Ointment, Crosau tan's Specific
YY’istar’s Balsam ofWiid Cherry, Lucina Cordial,
Osborn’s Philotoken, Crain’s Latent Abdominal
Jones’ iiahan Chemical Soap, nil the go for Ladits
Husband’s Patent Isinglass Adhesive Plaster —anew
Thompson’s Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood
Naptha lor Consumption,
Taylor’s Crystallise YVash-balls, McMunn’s Elixer
liiksoi all kinds.
Macon, August 16,1343. 20 ly
Perfumery ! Perfumery!
fD HE subscribers would respectfully call the atten-
I tionofthe public, but mere especially of the La
dies of Macon, to their extensive stock of Perfumery,
Cosmetics, &c. all of which they warrant to be genu
ine. They are constantly receiving fresh supplies, and j
have ju-U opened the fol owing a ticies :
Bouquet du Gen. Taylor, Bouquet du Gen. Scott,
“ “ Jenny Lind, “ “ Jocky Club, I
Alabaster Tablets, Chinese Powder, a superior article, I
Eau Lustral, for softening and strengthening the Hair, 1
Pomade de la Re ne, Philocome, Beel Marrow, L on 1
Pomade, Bear’s Oil, genuine; a superior article of \
Flesh Balls Fancy and (Shaving Soaps of every de- ;
serfotion—all of the above offered at the lowest prices I
for Cash. They have also n genuine article of MA- j
CASSAR OIL, price $1 per bottle.
Macon, Dec 27 3‘J
Stoves-, 8 SSouseiioltl Arti
clesuml Hnrdtviire.
~fT7"M. 11. BRAY & CO. having removed to
VV the store formerly occupied by Dibble-V Bray,
would invite tlie attention of tiieir customers and the
public generally, to their new and extensive stock,
consisting of Cooking Stoves of the most approved pat
terns, also Air-Tight Parlor and Box Stoves of every
description, Hollow Ware, Brass Kettles. Japanned
Ware, Lamps, Britannia and Planished YVare, Tin
ned and Enamelled Sauce Pans and Preserve Kettles,
a general assortment of Hardware, Carpenter’s Tools,
Building Materials, Table and Pocket ( utiery. Brass
Andirons, Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs. YVafer,
Waffle, and Smoothing Irons, Wire Fenders. Tea
Trays and Waiters, Bell Trimmings, Grd-Irons,
Feather and Hair Dusters, all. kinds YVooden Ware,
Bird Cages. House keepers are particularly invited to
give us a call.
The subset ibers are also extensively engaged in me
manufactory of Tin YV’are, which they are prepared to
sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any other es
tablishment in the State. YVe are also prepared to do
all kinds of Copper work, Brasilia and Factory work
of every description, also particular attention paid to
Roofing and putting Gutters and Conductors to build
ings, w nether in the City or Country. Mr. McElroy
will give his whole attention to the manufacturing part
of the business, and will see that all work that comes
under his care is executed with neatness and at the
shortest notice. Wholesale dealeis in Tin Ware will
do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere,
as we have determined to suit the prices of our goods
to the present low- prices of Cotton.
Cotton Avenue, opposite Mix Kirtlund s
Shoe Store Dec 20 33 Cm
Macoa tundy fflanulactory.
I AM now prepared to fill orders for Candies, com
prising the following varieties.
| Miut, Sarsatras, Clove, Cocoanut, Lemon, Cinn
mon, Lemon Drops,Ground Pea,Orange, Hoarhound,
Mint Drops, Almond, Birch, Cream, Fancy Hearts,
Fancy Kisses, Wintergreen, Rose, Plain Hearts, Braid
ed Candy. Sugar Plumbs, Sugar Almonds,Corrianders,
i Carraways, White, Red and Yellow Rock Candy,
j Candy Toys—packed in neat boxes and delivered at
i any point in the City. Terms Cash or city accept
j ance. HENRY C. FREEMAN, Agent.
Nov 8 32 Cotton Avenue.
Taylor’s Celebrated CoKon Gins
i ffIHE undersigned inform the public, that they have
j A been appointed Agents for the sale of those celebra
tedCOTTON (JINS, manufactured by E. T. Twlo
! &. Cos. formerly oi Girard, Ala. but now of Columbus,
i Ga., where is established one ot the most exten
j sive and complete manufactories in the South. The
| materials used are of the liest quality. The machinery
1 is all new, and constructed on the most approved plans
1 for ttie manufacture of Cotton Gins.
The machinists and workmen employed in the estab
! bailment are skillful and experienced in the business ;
and they have’made such improvements in the mechan
| ism &. construction of the Gins that they leel certain, in
! every case, to furnish a Gilt which will perform admi
| rably well,and give the purchaser entire satisfaction.
ORDERS can be sent to E. T. Taylor & Cos.
!by mail,or contracts made with their Agents who are
j travelling through the country.
GINS will be sent to any part of the country, and in
j all cases warranted to perforin well.
Persons addressing the Proprietors by mail, will di
\ reel their let., rs to Columbus, Ga.
I March 22 51
MRS MASON has just returned from Europe, and
is occupying the dwelling over Graves, YVood
A, Cos. store, corner ot Third and Cherry Streets,
where she is prepared to Blench, Alter and Trim all
kinds of Fancy, plain and S’rnw Leghorn and Mohair
Bonnets, in the first style ot Fashion.
Mrs. Mason takes this opportunity of acknowledg
ing with thanks the liberal patronage she formerly re
ceived, and feels lhat she is so well known 10 tne Ladies
ol Macon and the surrounding country, that she need
not make any puff’in reference to her work.
N. B. Dresses, Visites, Mnntalets made from the
latest and most approved models. Also Pinking done
by the yard at Cf cents.
Nov. 7. _ 32-ly
This liny Keceiviug.
SOME of the handsomest Cloths, Cassimeies and
Vestings, to w hich we respectiuliy cad the atten
tion of purchasers.
Sept 27 26
Hardware, Cutlery, dtc.
Boxes Axes, Coffee Mills, Traces, Curry Combs,
Cart and Wagon Boxes, Shovels and Spades, Sillers,
Knives and Porks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors,
Razor Straps, Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Rim Locks,
Butts and Screws, Hand Saws, Sad Irons, Augeis,
Chissels. Hammers, white and black Horn Shirt and
Pant. Buttons, Pearl Buttons, Ivory Combs, ’Tuck
Combs, Side Combs, Dressing and Pocket Combs, and
a variety ol Fancy Articles, for sale at YVhoiesale and
Retail, very cheap lor cash, by
Jan. 24. 43 KIBBEE &, DICKINSON.
signed beg leave to inform the Citizens of Ma
con and its vicinity, and the surrounding country gen
erally, that they are now prepared to complete any kind i
of Painting left to their charge—such as, Ornamental j
Painti g, Gilding. Bronzing, Graining, Glazing, YY'all i
Painting, &.c. House and Sign Painting, Repairing of 1
Furniture, &c. neatly executed,and at siiott notice.
They can be found at the Sand formerly occu
pied by Dibbfo& Bray, Up Stairs, at the Fork of the
Feb. 21. 47-3 m URIAH L. YVILLIA.MS.
Tiue Cabinet Fitrniiiirc.
dPeaSStea WILLIAM TAYLOR, at bis Mann
-1 iT/fif Tincturing and Cabinet YVare Rooms, low’-
II ? I Her end of Colton Avenue, offers tor sale
a great variety of articles in his line, consisting of
Sofas, Divans. Bureaus, Chairs, Tuples, Secretaries,
Bookcases, Bedsteads, YVorkstands, Mattresses Look- j
ing Glasses, &c. &c.
Ills articles are warranted of a quality equal to any 1
in the market, and will be sold on terms exceedingly
N. B.—Old Furniture Repaired in the best manner.
Macon, Jan. 24. 43-ly
; JUST received per Steamer Cherokee, n lot i
,£/Xof tine Gold limiting mid i). ill. Lever)
B’twalfe iVatchcN, entirely new,and the only article of ,
| the kind, and the finest, ever before offered in this
j market.
The subscriber is sole Agent for ibis place, appointed j
1 by Mr. Samuel Baldwin, of New York, the only impor- ,
! ter of them in the United States.
Feb. 21. 46 Colton Avanue, near Clnnry St.
NOTICE All persons having demands against the j
estate ot Jeremiah Brant'y, late of Laurens coun- !
| ty, deceased,are hereby notified to present them, prop- )
erly attested, within the time prescribed by law; und
i all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required
! to make immediate payment.
, Feb. 28. 48 6w
I TAOUR MONTHS after date, application will be
I JU made to the Interior Court ol Pulaski county, when I
! sitting tor ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell the Real ,
Estate of Reuben Fitzgerald, deceased, late of Ala- I
Feb 28 48-4nt I
lin pun: 1111 to 11 oiiM-Rtee9ein.
THE Southern Gardener und Receipt Book, a com
plete manuel for the Kitchen Garden, together
with a valuable collection ol useful receipts in the vari
ous departments ol H mse-keeping—designed expressly
lor the South —by P. A. ‘Thornton, of Camden, S. C.
No House-keeper should be without n copy. For sale
by J, J A. S. P. RICHARDS,
Feb. 38. 13 Cotton. Avenue.
PERSONS having business with the Marshal’s or
intelligence to communicate to tlieth. can by calk
ing or leaving thSir uess.iu"..tft the .Marshall’s Room,
adjoining tlfe Clerk’s Office, City Half, have.prompi
Macon, Jan 17. 12-ly
To Pianfers and Merc ha is.
DEALERS in Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window-
Glass, Window-Sash and Painters’a rticle3 ; also
(Junpower, Shot, Bar Lead, YVmpping, Writing and
Printing Paper, Writing and Printing Ink, with an
extensive assortment of
Machines and Tools adapted to the Southern Country,
amongst which will be j uutd the following Arti
cles, with many not mentioned.
Yankee Plows, No’s 10,11, 12 and 20, Seed and Corn
lor 1, 2 and 4 horses.
Improved Plows, 6 in., 7 in., No’s A 1, 14 and 15, for \
1 horse. A3, 2 Band Eagle Plows, for 2 and 4 \
Self-Sharpening Flows, No’s 1, 2 and 3 for land’d i
horses. Ij
Sub Soil Plows, No’s 0, 1 and Eagle for 1, 2 and 4
Side Hill Plows, No.o, atui A 1, for one and 2 horses.
Double Mould Board Plows, No. 0 and 2, lor l and 2
Rice and Cotton Trenching Plows, lor 1 horse.
Improved Cultivators.
Cultivator and Scantier, (new patent.)
Blade’s Patent Hoes, No’sO, I, 2,3 and 4.
Brade’s Carolina Hoes, No’s 00. O, 1, 2 and 3.
Lyndon’s “ “ Nos 00, 0, 1,2 and 3.
Anchor “ No’s 00, 0 and 1.
Grubbing “ 3 sizes.
Trenching “ 2 “
New Ground “ 2 “
Cane “ 2 “
Cut and Wrought Nails, Carpenter's Edge Tools, Ax
es, (various kinds,) Truce, Ox, L"g and Filth
Chains, Boxing Axes, Hackersand Round Shaves
fur Turpentine Manufacturers, Hand, Pannel,
Compass and X Cut Saws, Files, Augeis, Squares,
Braces and Bits, Hand ami Bench Vices.
Common and Folding Harrows, 6 sizes.
Corn and Cob Crushers, 3 sizes.
Cylinder Straw Cutters, with 6, 8 and 10 knives.
Bolts’ Patent Straw and Corn Stalk Cutters, 2 sizes.
Common Straw Culling Boxes, Corn Planters, Seed
Sower. x
Kendall’s Patent Butter Churns, 4 sizes.
Single Corn Shellers, with 1 and 2 Balance Wheels,
Double “ for horse or hand power.
Double “ with separator and cleaner at
Patent Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles,
Grass and Bramble Scythes, Briar liooks.
Scythe Snaiths, Scythes Stones and Rifles.
Ground Augers and Post Spoons.
Ames’ Long Handled Shovels and Spades.
Antes’ Short “ “ “ Socket do.
Grain and Coal Shovels.
Hay and Manure Forks, 10 kids.
Garden and Manure Rakes, 8 “
Garden and Toy Hoes, Garden Reels and Lines.
Transplanting Trowels, YY’eeding Porks, Pruning
Hooks, Pruning Saws and Chisels, and Pruning
Shears, Twig Cutters, Flower Gatherers and
Holders, Grafting Chisels, Budding and Pruning
Knives, various kinds, Ox Yokes, Ox Bows, Cat
tle Tiles, Horse Rackets.
Grain Threshers with Straw Carriers and Separators
attached, Common Thrashers and Beaters. Portable
Horse Powers, tor one and two Horses, Cast Segments
with Pinions ana wing gudgeons, for 8,9, 10 and 12
feet wh< el; J. T. Giant’s Patent Fan Mill, (superior
to any now in use lor cleaning Grain of all kinds,) 4
sizes; Common Fan Y’ills, Grain Sifters, Vegetable
Cutters, Corn Mil for .land or horse power, Grind
Stones. Mill Stones, jack Screws, Store and Cotton
Trucks, Dirt and Coal Barrows, with an assortment of
<;ool Garden Seed*.
Agents for the sale of Fitzgerald’s Patent Portable
French Burr Stone Mills ; Good’ ear’s Patent Metalic
Rubber Belting, (an article much superior to Leather
for Machinery ; Fairbanks Patent Platform Scales,
warranted superior to any now in use.
Planters may rest assured that lor any Implement or
Machine sold bv us, extra pieces for rejmrs cun be
furnished at short notice, winch will be lound an un
po'tant consideration in purchasing.
Planters anti Merchants visiting Savannah, are invi
ted to call and examine our stock. They can rest as
sured no pains will be spared to merit a continuance ot
the liberal patronage heretofore extended us.
Savannah, August 30. 22 tl
The following scedsjust received by George Payne.
Asparagus, Giant Melon, Nutmeg.
Bean*, Early Mohawk Melon, Nettled Rontana
Beans, Early White Okra, Large White
Beans, Large YVhite Kid- Onion, Sitvei Skin
ney Onion,Large Red
Beans, Refugee or 1,000 Parsley, Double curled
to 1 Parsley, Large Cap
Beans, Large YY’hite Lime Peas, Early May
l.oim UiooU ivas, Eur'y six weeks
Beet, Early Blood Turnip Peas, Early Washington
Beer, White Sugar Peas, Early Charlton
Cabbage, Early Yoik Peas, Early dwarf Narrow
Cabbage, Early Drumhead tut
Cabbage, Ox-hart Peas, Early dwarf Sugar
Cabbage,Large York Peas, Latge Narrow fat
Cabbage Large late Drum- Pepper, Tomatto shaped
head Pepper, Sweet Spanish
Cabbage, Large late Ber- Radish, Long Scarlet short
gen top
Cabbage,Early Battersce Radish, Early Scarlet
Cahbage.Early Sugar Loaf Radish, Early Scarlet Tur-
Cabbage, Drumhead Savoy) nip
Cabbage, Large German j Radish, Olive Shaped
Cabbage, Green Glazed R dish, White Turnip
Cabbage, Turnip rooted.Salstfi, or Vegetable Oys
above ground I ter,
Carrot, Long Orange Spinach, Round
Carrot, Blood Red Squash, Early bush
Celery, White Solid jSqutish, Cocoa nut
Cucumber, Long Green)Tomatto, Large Red
Turkey Tomatto, Pear Shaped
Cucumber, Early Cluster |Cow Millet,
Egg-Plant. Large Purple ‘Lucerne, or French Cio-
Lettuce, Early Cabbage-) ver,
head J Flower Seeds,
Lettuce, Early Ice Coss .Turnip, Hanover
Lettuce,Green Ice-head Thyme,
Turnip, Early Hat Dutch Cauliflower, Early
Buwnp, Red Top
’Turnip, Rutn Baga |
D c. 27th, 1348. 12t—39
Fruit Trees* Stirublieiy, Ac.
“\& ,THE subscriber has on hand, for sale, a tew va
■T- rieties ot choice Pears, Plumbs, Peaches. Apri
'2o*3* cots, Nectarines, Siberian Crab Apple, Dwarf
Apple, Dwait Pear on Quince stocks, Weeping Cher
ry, ktc.
Evergreen Trees and Shrubs —Swedish Juniper,
Arbor Y’utie, Red Cedar, YY'iiJ Olive, European Laurel,
‘Tree Boxwood, Japan Quince, Italian fragrant Lau
rel, Laurustinus, Myrtle, Pittosporum, Chinese Yew,
Cane Jessamine, Pyrus Jttponica, &c.
Roses —About thirty ot the most choice kinds of ever
blooming China, Bourbon, ‘Tea-scented, and Noisette
Roses, with many other kinds.
Double-flowering Apple,Cherry, Peach and Almond.
Y’armsh-tree, Japan Jtnko, Cork-tree, Mimosa Lubttr
num Pomgranates, several kinds, Venitian fringe Tree,
Chinese purple Magnolia, Bush honey suckle, Belgian
and Chinese do. Also a good assortment of Green
liou e Plants.
All the above have been raised in this City.
Macon, Nov. 32 S. ROSE.
O s AGE ORANGE,—A supply of this most use
ful and ornamental tree, ol suitable size, for shade
trees, lor sale. Alsou large number of smaller sizes.
Also —cuttings in any quantity for persons who may
desire them, to plant hedges. S. ROSE.
Macon, Nov 22 34
ORIENTAL CYPRESS*——A supply of du*
most beautiful tree, for sale by S. ROSE.
Nov 22 34
Massey’s Improved Cotlon Gins.
TIN HE subscriber is now prepared to manufacture a su
_L pertor article of Cu 1 iON GINS, having procu
red materials of the best quality and being supplied with
the best of workmen. Besides he is now making con
siderable addition to his machinery, which will enable
him to furnish as good gins, and on as reasonable
terms, as any factory in the State.
The subscriber hus the exclusive right of Simpson’s
Patent, (for applying metalic rubber to drums, pullies,
&.c.) for some fifty ot the best cotton growing counties
in the State ; which he intends applying to his g.ns
when required. And it is certainty of great advant
age to the cotton gin, for it not only requires one third
less power to propel it, where the inetalie rubber is ap
plied, but the gin, running geer, and every thing con
nected with it, will last ns much longer in ptoportion.
I believe there is no one of common sense but will ad
mit, that the lighter machinery of any kind can run,
the longer it will last.
It appears that a great manv persons prefer what is ,
called a water box, to all such 1 would say, that ills not
worth one cent for the purpose recommended—that is ;
to prevent the gin from taking lire, for this simple rea
son, a gin never takes fire rout the box, hut invariably
from the brush inside the gin, (when it takes fire at all.) |
But as every man has his own notions, I wiil furnish a
box of my own invention (to all who may require it,)
equal to the patent water box.
N. B.—Gins sent to any part of the country, and in
every case-warranted to perform well.
Letters addressed to the subscriber at Macon, Ga., :
w ill receive prompt attention.
March 22 51 ly
iron ami Iti ass Foundry ,
•iml ltiucliine .Mio|.
rpilE Ocmulgee Foundry has been enlarged and fur
-1 nislied with anew and superior stock of tools,
which w ill enable the sub cribei to furnish work at the
shortest uotice, in his line, of a superior character, and
at prices as low us can be furnished elsewhere. ‘The
attention of Millwrights and Machinists is earnestly
requested to examine this establishment. lam prepar
ed to turnish STEAM ENGINES, trom 1 to 60horse
power, for saw mills or other purposes; Screw Cuttings
from 1 inch diainetrto2 feet, 10 feet long; Gear Cut
ting ; ‘Turning in all its branches; Finishing ol all kinds
ot Machinery.
we tire prepared to furnish all kinds of Castings of Iron
or Brass ; .Ylili Gear of all kinds,of the most approved
patterns; Bevel, Face and Spur Gear; Cast-Iron
Water YVheels ; Gin Gear of all patterns, and sizes to
suit; Cotton Gin work ; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings,
Fire-proof Doors and Windows, Cemetery Railing,
Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles—in tact, work of any
description that is done in an establishment ol the kind. ;
.Persons interested in the business ate requested to ‘
examine this concent. CHAS. P. LEVY. )
Ocmulgee Foundry, lsf St. below Macott if West- !
ern Railroad. May I<U 1848. 6
Sum ter Mortgage Sales.
IT7ILL behold on tin* first Tuesday in April nex
Vy before tilt- Court House door, in the town o
Americus Sumter county, within the legal hours *>f stm
the foliowing property, to-wtt: Three-fount.
Fan side otdot of Land No. 231, it being -
more or less, lying in the 27th district of ftutruer coun
ty. levied on as'he property ot Cornelius osat
isfy a Mortgage fi fa Irom Sumter Superior ( onrt, in
lavor of John Scott, vs. said Smith, property pointed
out in said Mortgage fi la. .
Also, a Lot in Americas, containing one and three
quarters of nn acre, by estimation; said lot is bounded
South and West by ThomasC. ftu.van, on which he
lesides. Nordi by a public rood Iron. An.encus to
Lmnpki", East by what is called the Busey Lot owned
by Edmund N unn,levied on ns the property o Alexan
der B Greene, to satisfy n Mortgage h la irom Sumter
Superior Court, in favor ot Edwin R. Brown, vs. said
Gleene, property pointed out in said Mortgage h la
Also. su lots of Land, 326 m the 15,T, district;
No. 6, i„ ihe If,.h district; Nos. 136—15!—192—and
12,in 2Glli district, all of Sumter county levied on as
tlie property ot John Girard Coster.Chas. A. Heckj-C.ier
Edward Ileckscher, James L. Fetugrue and James
Hamilton, to suttsly a Mortgage fi la Irom Sumter Su
perior Court in favor ot Vanderhoop, Samuel i Ha
bouchere, J.B. Stoop, Henry Mntthew Labouchere
and Ernest Sdlern, mctchants and co-partners, under
the firm of Hop A Go., property pointed out in said
Mortgage fi fa. G. M. WHEELER 1). Shff.
(’t iiwius and pf I Sa’es.
ATT ILL be sold on the ii si Tues Jay in April next,
V V before the Court-house door in the town ot Knox
ville, Crawford county, within the usual hours ot sale, .
the following property, to wit: . . „
Lot ol Land No. 191 in the 6th district, originally j
Houston, now Crawford county, as the property ot Jo- i
soph Birdsong, to satisly sundry fi. fas. issued troni j
Upson Superior Court in favor ot Travis A. D. Weaver, |
commissioner, vs. Joseph Bitdsong, principal, and Da- ,
vis Dawson, lYlaliichi Dawson, David liuil and John !
VV Evans,securities. Sold at the risk of the former |
purchaser, Benjamin Lightfoot, who retused to comply I
with the terms of sale. Propeity pointed out by Hen- j
ry G. Smith. „
Also, Lot of Land No. 123 m the 2d district, origin- ]
ally Houston now Crawford county, as the property of
Lewis Da vis, to satisfy sundry fi. fas issued from Craw
ford Superior Court, in favor of Nathan Jones vs. Lewis
Da vis,and two other fi. fas. in favor ot Francis H. Mur
dock vs Lewis Davis. Property pointed ou by defen’t.
Also, Lots of Land Nos. 93 and 102 in the 7th district
originally Houston now Crawford county, levied on as
the property ot John Walpole, to satisfy one fi. fit. issued
from Crawford Superior Court in favor of Central Bank,
vs. John Walpole, and one in favor f Central Bank vs.
Jesse Harper, Walpole and Daniel Goodman.—
Levy made by former Sheriff, Janies Beeland.
Also, ion pounds of Bacon, more or less ; 4 bushels
rough Rice, more or less ; 5 stands Bee-hives, 1 Road
Wagon,2 Mattresses, 1 lot ol Bed-clothing, 1 Shot-gun
and 12 head of Sheep—all levied on as the property of
! Elbert M. Davis, lute of Crawford county , deceased, to
i satisfy sundry fi las. issued from Crawford Superior
! Court in favor of James Moore, vs. Elbert M. Davis,
principal, Samuel Rutherford and William M. Brown,
securities. Property pointed out by Samuel Rutherford.
Feb 23 JOEL B. MORGAN, D. Sbir.
Will be sold, at the same time and place —
Lots of Land Nos. 3 atm 4 in the Old Agency reserve,
1 on the East side of Flint River, containing 405* acres,
i more or less—levied on as the property ol Andrew J.
j Preston to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in lavor of Benjamin
! 11. Gray and others, vs. Andrew J. Presto i. Property
! pointed out by Benjamin H. Gray.
| Feb 23 48 EWELL WEBB, Shff.
Postponed Sale.—Also, at the same lime
and place will be sold. Lots of Land No 143. 182, 133
and 184, containing 640 acres more or les-, all lying in
the Ist district originally Houston now Crawford coun
ty—levied on as the propeity of Bartly McCreary tosat
isfy one fi. la. issued trom Crawford Superior Court in
favor of Richard Harvey, vs. Bartly McCreary. Prop
erty pointed out by defendant.
leb 28 43 EWELL WEBB, Shff.
Crawford i|oitka; r c Sale.
\\ 7 ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next,
\ V before the Court-house door in the town ot Knox
ville, Crawford county, within the usual hours ot sale,
the following property to wit:
One House and Lot in the town of Knoxville, known
as the lot wheron Lemuel D. Siatter died, adjoining the
store of E W. A J. Dennis—levied on as the property
of John Dennis, to satisly one mortgage fi. fa issued
from Crawford Superior Court in favor of Isaac Dennis
vs. John. Dennis. Property pointed out in said niort
b. 28. 48-9 t. JOEL B. MORGAN, D. ghff
ITS aeon April Male.
WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Aprii next,
before the Court House door, in the town of La
mer, Macon County, within the legal hours of sale, the
following property, to wit;
One negro woman named Maria, as the property of
Allen R Gray—levied on by sundry Justices h. fas.—
Miles Gret-n and others vs. said Gray. Levy made
and returned by a Constable.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold —
One lot of Land, No. 53, in the Ist District of once
Muscogee, now Macon County—levied on as the pro
perly of Thomas V. Youngblood, by a fi. fa. from the
Baldwin Sup’r Couit—John E. L< wis vs. said Young
One lot of Laad, No. 35, in the 29th District of once
Lee, now Macon County—levied on by sundry Jus
tie fs’ fi. fas—Garrett Hum vs. Henry Swinney and
Basil Graves.
One negro woman, named Palsy, about 32yearsoId,
and a negro girl named Milly, about 8 or 10 years old—
levied on as the property of Richard Morris, by an. fit.
trom Crawford Superior Coutt—James M. Marshall
vs. said Morris. THOMAS DIXON, D. Shff
Feb 28 48
l.*e April Males.
TTTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next
VV within the usual hours of sale, before the Court
house door in Starkville, Lee county, the following
property, to wit:
Lot of Land No. not known, hut known as the place
whereon John Jernigan now lives, in the 3d district ot
Lee county—levied on as the property of said Jernigan
to satisly a h. fa. from the Superior Court ot Lee coun
ty, in lavor of Samuel Gainer vs. said Jernigan. Pro
perty pointed out by plaintiff's attorney.
Also, (motional lots ot Land Nos. not known, but
known as the place whereon William M. Bryan resided
at the time of his death, in the 3d district ot Lee coun
ty-levied on as the properly of said Bryan, to satisly
two fi. las. from the Superior Court ot Lee county, one
in tavor of James A. Wiggins and the other in favor ot
Lemuel G R. Wiggins, vs. Win. M. Biyan. Property
pointed out by plamutf’s attorney.
Also, lots of Land Nos. 47 and 43 in the 13tli district
of Lee county, levied on as the property of Redick
Daniel to satisfy sundry Justice’s Court fi. fas. in favor
of Davis A liooien vs. said Daniel, and translerred to
H. G. Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a
Feb 23 JOHN J. SIMPSON, Shff
Also, at te same time and place, will be sold —
Lois Nos. 6 and 7 (and improvements thereon) in
Starkville, each containing one halt acre more or less,
also a lot ol blank books and one port-folio—levied on
as the property of James A. H. Macon to satisfy a fi. fa.
from Bibb Superior Court, Samuel Lindsey vs. James
A. H. Macon and Win. G. Macon. Property pointed
out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Also, two one acre Lots in the town of Starkville,
Nos. not known, well improved, the place whereon
Zadok Jackson now lives—levied on as the the proper
iy ot James A. H. Macon to satisfy a fi. fa. from Lee
Superior Court in favor of John i\l. Strozier, vs. said
Macon. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Also, lots of Land Nos. 79, 237 255 and 253, each
containing 2024 acres, Lot No. 256, containing 177
acres, and No. 257, containing 180 acres, all in the 2d
district ol Lee county ; also, Nos. 198, 209, 213 and 219
in the 31 district of Lee county, each containing 2024
acres—all levied on as the property of John Girard
Coster, Charles A. Hccksher, Edward Hecksher, Jas.
L Pettgru and James Hamilton, to satisfy a mortgage
fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Lee county in tavor
ot A. Vanderhoot, Samuel P. Labouchin, J. B. Stoop,
Henry Mathen Labouc.nn and Ernest Sillen, merchants
and copartners in business under the firm ot Hope A
Co.,against said Coster, Hamilton, and others above
mentioned. Property pointed out in said fi ta.
Feb 23 43 W. W. GILMORE, D. Shff
Sale of Itivcrlfil Lamls in Craw
for*. comity.
UN DER the provisions ot an act of the Legislature,
approved Dec. 30th, 1847, entitled “An act to
authorize the Governor to appoint tit and proper persons
S to sell and dispose ot undrawn lots m the land lotteries
i heretofore had in the Slate, and to limit the time lor
i fractional purchasers lo pay for and take out “mills tor
tractions,” 1, Ewell Webb, Sheriff ot Crawford county,
will expose tor sale at public outcry, on the first Tues
day in April next, before the Court-house in the town
of Knoxville, during the legal hours of sale, the follow
: mg Lunds, viz;
No. District. Original County. Acres. Roods. Roles.
22 Ist Houston 24
Hoi 7th “ 21 3 2
290 Ist Muscogee 108
, 291 .. .. 7
208 “ “ 100
315 “ “ 16*
321 “ 2024
207 “ “ 2024
305 “ 2024
320 “ “ 2024
The terms ol sale, for llie above described Lands, are
as follows: Oue-tliird of the purchase money is required
lo be paid to the anent ol the Slate ut the time ol sale—
the remaining two-thirds in two equal instalments ot
one and two years, payable at the State Treasury, with
the express conditions that tin* purehaser forleits nil Ins
rights by the purchase, as well as the purchase money
he may have paid, and the lands revert to the State, it
he or his assi_nees shall Inil to pay the principal and
interest due the State for thirty days alter the last instal
ment becomes due, or shall negiect for the same space
of time, (sixty days,) after the last instalment is due, to
pay into ihe Treasury the further sum of five dollars for
square lots and the sum ol three dollars for fractioirs, as
grant tees. A certificate ol purchase shall be given to
the purchaser, signed by the Sheriff, and a receipt for
die first instalment endorsed thereon by the agent ot
the State.
Feb 28 48 BWEL WEBB, Shff.
sheriff sales.
Mortgage sheriff sale.—Win be sold
on the first Tuesday in April next, before the
t-rnirt House door, in the town oi Knoxville, Crawford
county, within the usual hourss ol sale, the following
urooeriv to-wit; Martin Van Buren, a negro boy, 14
years old, levied on as the properly ot John i . Barns,
,o satisfy a Mortgage fi ta issued trout 1 afoot lute
rior Court, in lavor ot Richard I>. R icker. I loporiy
warn shir.
OCOUGIA, Coiinly.
Inferior Court, Sitting as a Court of Ordinary,
January 15 ih, 1849.
ON the application ot Durant Hartsfield, Adminis
trator on the estate of William A ;
ceased, for Loiters of Dismission from the admtmstra- j
tion of said estate.
On the application of Daniel Mclnis, Administra- j
tor on tiie estate ol John Mclnis, deceasee, tor Letters
of Dismission from tin- administra lion of said estate. ;
On the application of Richard V> ilson, Administra
tor on tlie estate of James Wilson, deceased, tor Let- .
ters of Dismission from the administration ol said es
tate . c j
It is therefore, ordered by the Court, that in each of the !
a 1 ove cases, that theCleikdo issue citation, calling on
all persons concerned to be and appear at the next 1
September Term of th • Inferior Court, when sitting for j
ordinal v purposes, and show cause, (it any they have,) ;
why said applications for Dismission should not be
granted. LAM*, c. c. o.
Jan. 24. 43-m6m
G 1 :<IC*’IA, JiIICOII 4 O lll>—Whereas, |
T John T. Brown, surviving Administrator of Ro
bert Brown, l-tte of said county, deceased, lias duly
applied for Letters of Dismission as such Administra- |
tor, and obtained an order for Citati< n. I heiefote,all
persons concerned, are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the Comt of Ordinary, to be held for said coun
ty, on the first Monday in September next, and then
and there show cause, (if any they have) why said Ad
ministra tor should not be discharged trom said admin
Given under my hind, at fiice, ttiis 22nd <ay ot
January, 1349. W. W’ CORBII TANARUS, c. c. o.
Jan. 31. 44-ni6m
G 1 l OlUilA, Ware Comity.—'Whereas, |
f David J. Miller, Administrator, and Elizabeth
Yarbrough, Administratrix, of the estate of William
Yarbrough, uv of said county, deceased, applies to me i
for Letters of Dismission from said administration.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and i
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed
by law, to shew cause (it any they have) why said let
ters should not be granted.
Given under my hand,at office, this B>h day of Janu
ary, 1849 GEORGE B. WILLIAMSON,c c. o.
Jail. 31. 44-m6rn j
Cn EOKGI.4, Sumter Couaty.—VVhere-
JT as, Seth Rogers and Abel Rogeis, applies to me
for Letters of Dismission from further liability from the
Estate of Morgan Rogers,deceased.
These are, iheretbre, to cite, summons and admon
ish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law, to show cause, (it any they have,)
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my band, at office, this2oth Jan. 1843
Jan. 24. 43-m6m E. NUNN, c. c. o.
C3 EOItGI A, Decatur County.—By vir-
VJT tue of an order trom the Court of Ordinary of said
county, will be sold before the Court H use door, in the
town of Bainbridge, between the usual hours oI sale,
on the first Tuesdayin May next.’he following proper
ty belonging to the estate oi James Freeman, deceased,
to-wit; Lot oi Land No 253, in the 2l=t District of
Decatur county,containing 1651 aries, Tom a negro
Man, aged fifty years, and Polly a Woman, aged sixty
years. HANNAH FREEMAN, Adm’x.
Feb 14. 40
GIOIU.I \ , Minuter County.—Where
as VYtlhain N. Dupree applies for leuers of ad
ministration t*n the estate ot John Dupree late ot said
county deceased. These are therefore to Cite and ad
monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased to tie and appear at my office within the
time proscribed by law to show cause if any they have
why said letters should not be granted.^
Given under my hand at office this 7th day of Feb
ruary 1849. 46-5 t LOUIS BRUNER,c. c. o.
JL By virtue ot an order of the Court ol Ordinary ot
DwaturciMinly. Georgia, will be sold before the Court
House door, in the town ot Bainbridge-. (K-Iwrm t he
usual hours of sate, on the first Tuesday in April next,
the following Lots of Land, belonging to the estate of
Martin Ha men, deceased, to-w it: Nos. 334—353—354
and fractional pans ot No. 355, containg 424 acres.
No. 356, containing 24 acres; No. 357,containing97
acres; No. 358, containing 104 acres, all lying in tlie
14th District, originally Early, now Decatur county.
Terms—Small advance of cash, balance on twelve
months time, with tlie very best personal security.
J. LAW, Administrator, de bonis non.
Feb. 14. 46
4 DMINISTRA TOR’S SALE —Agreeably to an
j\ order of the Honorable Interior Court of DeKalb
county, when sitting as a Court ol Ordinary, will be
sold at the Court House door at Lanier, Macon county,
on the first Tuesday in May next, lot of Land, No. 154,
in the 15th district, originally Houston, now Macon
county. Said lot sold as the property ot John Adams,
deceased. DANIEL STONE, Adm’r.
Feb 21 47
/ the first Tuesday in April next, before tlie Court
House door in the county ol Bibb, all the Lanas be
longing to the Estate ot Joseph Morgan, deceased, ly
ing on the waters of Stone Creek, in said county of
Bibb, and consisting of ab* ut 400 acres. Terms of sale
made known on the day.
‘THOMAS A. BROWN, Administrator,
Jan. 24. 43-tds. de bonis non.
A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE -Will be sold, at
I Y. the Court House in La Fayette, Walker county,
on the first Tuesday in April next, Lot No 239, in the
9th District ol 4th Section, now Walker county. Sold
by order of Court, as the properly ot John Rawls, de
ceased. CHARLES E. TAYLOR, Adm’r.
Jan. 31, 1849. 60-d
order ot tlie Honorable Inferior Court of L-e I
county, while sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold j
on the first Tuesday in May next, within the usual
hours of sale, before the Court House door, in Starks
ville, Lee county, Sarah, a Negro Woman, between
45 and 50 years old, and Bob, a boy about 7 years old,
as the properly of Andrew Kelly, late of Lee county,
deceased; to be sold for the benefit of the hens and
creditors of said deceased Terms made known oil
the day of sale. JAMES KNIGHT, Adrn’r.
Feb 28 48-9 t
the Court House, in Macon, Bibb county, on the
first Tuesday in May, next, tlie South half of Lot ol
Land in 3rd District, originally Houston, now Bibb
county, number not known, adjoining the lands ot
Win R. Mosely, on the West, Slocuinb on the East,
and Tharp on tlie South—containing 1014 acres, more
or less; sold as ibe property of Thomas Gates, deceas
ed, to perfect titles.
Feb 28 48-9 t JAMES GATES, Adna’r.
months alter date application will be made
to tile Honorable Inferior Court ot Decatur Coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell
the real Estate of Thomas H. Dickinson late ot said
county deceased.
January Ist 1849. 41
order from the Hon. Interior Court of Tigge
! county, when sitiing for ordinary purposes, will be sold,
betore the court-house door in Starksville, Lee county,
on the first Xuesday in May next. Lot of Land No. 57
in the 12th district of said county. Sold ns the properly
of Sainuei Pate, late of Twiggs county, dec’d, for tlie
benefit ot heirs and creditors. Terms on the day.
I Feb. 21. :47 tds
EXECUTOR’S SALE.—On the fiist Tuesday in
April next, will be sold to the highest bidder, at
the Court House door in Macon, bibb county, Georgia,
j a Tract of 2021 acres of Land, No. 52 in the 4ih Dis
| trict, originally Houston, now Bibb county, belonging
I to the estate of Felicity M. Reid, decea-ed, tor the
| benefit of the heirs. JOHN GUIMARIN, Ex’r.
Jan. 31. 44-tds
ijIXECUTOR’B SALE.—WiII t- Mild at the Ina
‘J residence of Joshua Hightower, deceased, on the
Bth of March next, a portion of tlie personal property
of said deceased. consisting of Horses, Corn, Fodder,
and Cotton ; also oilier articles. Terms of sale: Pur
chasers will be required to give small notes, due on the
first day of January next, with good personal security.
Sale to continue from day to day. until all is sold.
F. C. & J E. HIGHTOWER, Ex’rs.
Laurens Coumv. Jan. IC. ran. 2 4 43
7.EXECUTOR’S SALE—WiII be sold, in Dublin
JTj Laurens county,on the first Tuesday in May next
two Negroes, Clarissa and her infant child, Emily, be
longing to the estate of Joshua Hightower, late ol said
county, dec’d. Sold under the last will and testament
of said deceased, lor the benefit of heirs and creditors.
Feb. 7. 45 tds
IT XECUTORS’ SALE.—On the 7th du k of April
li next w ill be sold, at the late residence ot Jeremiah
Brandy, deceased, in Laurens county, a portion of the
personal property ot said deceased, consisting ol one
sorrel mare, ten iieud ol stock cattle, one steel mill, and
about six thousand pounds ol seed cotton. Terms ot
sale made known on the day.
Feb. 28. 48 tds _
-rxoUR MONTHS after date, application will b
_r made to the Honorable Interior Court of Upson
county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, lor leave to
sell the Real Estate of Andrew W. Barker, deceased,
{except the Widow’s Dowery.) for the benefit ot the
creditors and legatees ot said deceased.
WM. H HICKS, ? Adm - r3
an 24.
F made to lire lion. Inferior CoffSlu 0 * w,!l b*
when ratting for ordinary paipoacs f.. r JU:| ’ cutimv
Land Ireionging u, Cyieua Brown,’unJot\’ 1
ly, deceased. , lt 01 Butt* coc a
‘ -- CF. NEWTON.
rrtOUR MONTHS aft r date
T niaue to tire Honorable Inferior
county, sitting tor Ordinaiv purpose* , 01 Bt*rk
all .Ire Real Estate of R ,!? Vt *s
county, deceased,in terms of the | uw ’ i,ile ot B*a
Jan ~ 4 43 B. lIAYCOOD.Ex,
TT^OUR MON i IIS alter date, anniicat ■ n
J 4 made -u the Honorable inlenor Cum ,TV **
county, wnen s.umg for ordinary p UIDOM ., T f ui >
to sell the Land and Negroes leiLgTfoS -
len. an marine woman 6 il * r 7
,No.-a 31 W 101,1 AM Nouai
1 4* OUR MONTHS alter date.
1 made to ihe Honorable Interior c . ,-T :;
county,when sitting for ordinary pui IKl , yl | ; i >ia °”
sell one undivided half of E-.t No 37 an i, ‘ u ,iJ
ot Lot No 2-N both it. the 2nd District
Muscogee, now Macon county. Also L< u \ iT : v
fetter K. Lot No 3, letter D and Lot N? Vt
in the town ol Lanier ; all sold t,s T n A -
Estate of J. J Hauga ,00k.late of iKnil
ed. for the benefit of the heirs 1! > > di-ceas-
J.„, 31. HARRIET
r niade to the Honorable Interior tout!
, county when anting for ordinary puiposes r , \
\ to sell the real and personal property pf r „ itave
i Sbeplrerd, minor <■! George Shepherd. dece^vH^ 1 ' 11
JT’ 15 33 . WILE ' r T. fvu.ksS m
iIT OUR MONTHS alter and te, aDDiie*tii >
1 F made to the interior Court ot’f J U ; - K e" 1
; while smmg for ordinaiy purposes, for F.veto ’ l,y ’
- tlie Land and a part of the Negroes beiongm,, u, 1 .?, 1
i estate ol rhotnas D. Walker, deceased o
county GEORGE vt ALKER
1 Jan 6 40 ‘
rtOUR MONTHS after date, applicatfoiTm-iU fe
J- made to trie Honorable Interior Court ot Mr
■ county, when sitting tor ordinary purpose* tor U-.v.
| sell ihe whole of the Real Estate ot the fete D- l °
K. Harman, ot said county, deceased ‘ ‘ iut *
I March 7. *
the Interior V/omt ot Macon cou.dv.whei’ *
| for oidinary purposes, will be sold U-iore the Toon
, House door ot said county, on tlie tiisi Tuesdarfo
; Apiil next, twenty acres ot Land, in the Ist oTtret of
| sard county, known as the'pro;, try ot Georgietta sh<-n
! herd, tumor ot George J. Shepherd, deceased, and soid
j tor the tienetii <4 said minor
Jun 3I - 43-tds WILEY T. WlLKS.Guards.
\ °J IC . E —VVd * ** sold on the~ hrst Tur S d^i n
IN April nex .before the Court House door m T
town ot Jackson, birts county, the folk wing
ly,to-wit: Eight Negroes, iluee Women, I Gni V. a ,
13 years old, am 4 Ctnidien. A,so. 100 acies c f L ij
j near the Indian Springs, whereon \!a- v Nolen lU . a,
! formerly lived. Ten..s f sale known on vt
day- WILLIAM NOLEN, Guarcmn
j Jan. 31. 44-ni-
j which is not only u source of much annoyance, hut
frequently the toss of health with many tnJividu-
I als. Sedentary habits and the use of rica food, are
ever predisposing cause* ol this atil-ctfon ; and hence,
the necessity ( ,f avoiding such habits m its cure. Itta
in vain to attempt to cure it pennanentiy, without an
internal as well as an e aemal remedy, in-- internal
remedy diverts the habits ami tendency of the system
j front that state by which Piles is produced, whilst the
! extei il one is highly necessary to promote absorp
tion, the means by which the cure is affected. Con-
I stipntion of the bt<wels is always connected with thjs
I affection, aggravating the symptoms more or less
In view ol these tacts, known to the medical proses
■ sion as they are. 1 have a rt nndy in the fotm ol - Pile
! O.ntineiit and Pil.s,” that 1 have long been in tlie habit
| of prescribing with admirable success, even in o:d and
| indurated cases, tor which aimuet eveiy doctor in the
j land has in some way prescribed; they willeflecacure
I or otherwise prove invaluable, by perseverance aud at
One package is quite sufficient for a cure in mostca
; ses, and can be used without inconvenience m anyway.
: I A Duly often Keglecfed —Many Lmi
■ / lies are already in the habit ot keeping a Verinitugeoa
,! hand, end when any ot the usuul disturb-inc-s occar
: among clnldren, ot giving Uto them. The ream is,
- 1 that theethet is not ®my astonishing,bat oftenitvcredi-
I l-le, in causing the expu.sion of worms, whifo at other
j times tew or none are discharged. No V- miituge,
perhaps, ever belore introduced, has done so much
good or been so highly spoken of by those who hate
used ;t, as that prepared by Dr. LITTLE. Another
peculiarity of this medicine is, that it never felts to im
prove quickiy all feeble and drooping children, wheth
er they have worms or not.
To give calomel, pink root, Ac . is -o be behind the
age of improvement, when a remedy like L tile’s Ver
j in huge is to be had, which is not surpassed, it equalled
| by anything: besides, requiring nothing atterwaids.
For Flam ;tf ion ll*e.—The Proprietor ha*
! it put up in Dollar Bottles, w hicn tire one-thud cheap
jer than in vials, and are about double thes-ze of 4an if;
stock’s, and at the same price. Whose is best ’ Head
! the pi oof at home.
Dr. Little —Dear Sir: I have prescribed your \er
i milage lit several cases, and feel no hesitancy in pro
i nouncing it superior to Fahnestock’s, Perry’s “ Dead
Shot,” or any other I ha- e ever used.
JOHN ft. ftEARCY, M D.
Dr. Little — Sir : I have used Fannestock s and
Comstock’s Vermiluge, as well as yi-ur preptirau i hi
my family, 1 have found yoms muen superior to either
ot them in the several c*s slitavegiv nit. lit ‘'.it
tulty ausweis the purpose wniiout any thing eire, ue
sides tsnot unpieasant tor children to take.
Talbotton, May, 1848.
Beware of impost tion, and avoid the use of substitutes.
The t:.c si.uile of the signature ot Dr. V*. M.G. Ltf-
TLE, will he found upon the outside wrapper ot e*ch
attide, and none others are genuine
Sold by t'e Proprietor at each of his Drug Store*,
j Mniedgeville and Macon ; Dr. Carter aud J. I • Winter
| A Cos., Columbus ; E. Brewer A Cos., OntHn ; ffora X
McGuire, Albany; Dr. Mmhewson, Huwkinsville;
also,at Talbotton, H'linilton,Buena Vista, Aniericu*,
Lunipkui, Lanier, Perry, Ilayneville, Dublin, Jetier
sonville, Eatonton, Greensboro’, Covii gion Marietta,
Cnssvilie. Spring Place, Rome, Newnan, GretuviUe,
Fort, Knoxville, Fort Valley, Ac.
Macon, Match 7, 1849. 49-zt
At the jSew Book Store, tyottun Avenue.
FORESTER’S ‘ Field Spottsof Amer
ica”—a text book tor Sportsmen. — ihe Liglew
Papers—De Vericotn’s Modern French Literature—
.Vlirahcau, a Life History—Alderbrook. by fanny rot’
rester—Eureka, by Edgar A. Poe —V\ heelers bio
graphical and Political Htstoiy ot l ongress—-Live* o
the Lord Chancellors of England—The Czar,
Court and People—Sanies’ Notes on Isaiah and J'4;
“ Leaflets ot Memory”—“Odd Fehows Offering 1 - lt ’
O t .ai”—“ Oak Openings,’ by ‘ 00,.er, —Rival Beaune*,
by .Vli c s Pardoe, —The two Danas, by Dun us—Me*
moirsof a Physician, by Dumas—Matilda, by
Sue—Q akerCitv. by Lippnrb—Castles i;i the A-t, D 5
Mrs. Gore—Rose and Genre k—l he Life ot a beau ‘ ,
by the author ot the Jilt. Ac Ac.
Jan 10 40 JJ.A S. P RICHARDS
Slsirdwar ■, CulleryA Fdgo Tools.
rpHE suasc iber offers for sale on accomniOuatwg
A terms, (he following articles.
300 dozMi Knives and Forks,
10 sets ot 51 pieces lvoiy balance handle, do.
150 dozen Pocket and Pen Knives,
25 “ Razors,
25 “ Knob Locks, also, an assortment ot
Cottage Locks with Mineral Knobs,
Ruial “ *“
Yifia “ “ “ , ,
Draw, Chest, Closet, Cujiboard, Pad, Stock and
! Jsicks, Knob Latches and Thumh do. Butts,
Screws, biass Candlesticks, Coflee-mills, Steel to
Mills, Spice do. Mill Saws, Hand and Pannei do.
Cut do. *1 iil-Irons, Mill Screws, Millaw Fites- t> -
aid do Handsaw do. Horse Rasps, Chiesels, A l ’- ’
Drawing Knives, Hatchets, Foot Adze, Coopers . •
Planes ofall kinds, Brace and Buts, Tn*ce C. ’
Hollow-ware, Buggy Springs and Axels, Guns,
and single barrels. Rifies, Brass And Ironssnu -
1 and Tongs, Wire Fenders, Nursery do. PP ,s u lltf
i Kettles, 30, 60 and 90 gals. Caidrone,
Claw Ilniiitners,Steel Traps, Grid Irons, -
en Collins and Hunt’s Axes. , rr rn
Dec 6 36 E. B.
Copartnership Notice.
rpilE undersigned has associated with hi-
1 business M r Robert Bleakly .and • he
will hereaiter be conducted under tbe “Hi ure
Robert Mays Cos. Persons wishing
goods oil accommodating terms, will P lea e , g n j
call, and those indebted to the undersign
him always at fmine and ready to uettje-, .. . yg.
Gulletsville, Jan, 17. 3m4* ROBT-j^ — -
Tint* Witifs*
OLD MADEIRA of the very best quality-
Do. SHERRY do. do.
Do. PORT the pure juice of(the I W*# panels.
CHAMPAGNE ANDcLAßLr,choi<^ p()it
Also—Second quality Madeira, Sherry
A large supply in Sumemid for ®gg RT & CO.
July 26, 1848. .. —”
Copartnership- . ttt j tiKiu
nf HE undersigned have this o.iy omi!is
-1 selves in the Audio” *7 JJaVAN
Stoll business. under the firm and uai-t u . public
MAGURTY, and otter their t*vne*” Rrti t*-
for the sale of all kinds of Goods, 1 de on Good*
tate, Negroes, ic. Liberal d ' aD £? n J tbem
iti store, and also on consignment. ij 1°
selves to give thetr undivided atteM-o
make quick sales and prompt qjvVAN.
Nov 8