Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 31, 1861, Image 1

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;.y s. ROSE & (’(). j j.i Journal u. Mess?nger ,V, U)’ sd-iy morning t $2 50 per annum. ~ . lur ~ . :%d>*Ai> .‘itOS or LL'>, for •hetirdiuAcr r o.<rs l* ® utMqu4ol insertion. All jji .peciieU ** to uuw, will be publithed \, i , i occorJliifly. a liberal discount . , .. erttMT i>>-me Jicar. r.. ’ oi ovrr tbs i.ise.-s will be charged at . if i- intlliUlw for office, to be |>sid for at ’ “ ~.. <i,en m-tfrted. teal* m4e with county officers, Drutf r. ,1-rchanU, sod oilier*, who may wish to ~ futrac** iNr ,r >ts. by Executors, Administrators . ire required tor law to be advertised in a ,rty lay* previous to the day of sale. letiell on tne first Tuesday in the month, of led in the farenoon aud three in the ’ iri-honse in the county in which the ,jMli-d. . in. Pimpswtt must le advertised in like >, ns aso Creditors of an Estate must be ■ t ,iic ktion will be made to the Ordinary for ; .Und Negroes, must be published weekly lor ■ Letterswf Ailministrations, thirty days; far Administration, monthly, six months; for surd Unship, weekly, forty days t krcuosixo or Muarovia, monthly, four .kblishiug lost papers, for the full space of ■ far compelling titles from executors or ad re a bond has been given by the deceased, , ~■■> oi three months. •ri addressed to it. ROSF. t CO. a liVooioual and UiKinosN Uni. •„ \sd Crsisass Cards will be inserted under J ;Ue fallowing rates, vis : -s, per annum, 9 5 00 do 10 00 irt, do 12 1)0 dries, do 15 00 i ruts of this class will be admitted, unles ,d, nor far a less term than twelve months. . f over twelve lines will be charged fro bats. not paid for in advance will be charged at iULAK ETINGS - ,s, KNIGHT TEMPLARS, ODD FEL - AND SDKS OF TEMPERANCE, UKU> IN THE CITT OF MACON. UASONS. • f Georgia for 1 S6O, October 81st. , So. 5, tint and third Monday nights in each . ..inter, No. 4, second Monday night in each I Council, No. 6, fourth Monday night in each n-enent. Knights Templar, No. 2, Meetings ; ,-jt Tuesday n ght in each month. ODD FELLOWS. , LiU . Srit Wednesday in June, t.n neat, Tuesday previous. . ire, N . 2, every Thursday evening, -ri. No 5, every Tuesday evening. Na. 2, second and fourth Mon -rea nrs in each month. SONS OF TKKPEBARCE. Lvirth Wednesday in October, annnsllr. ll U 1 L L 3. U..ANITE HA.LL. i •„ ! J i> tally inform my OLD fUIESM and ,t iuce the fire, I have obtained the Rooms \ k XT AbOVK the “uranite Hall,” and over i; p. vicKvoy and Messrs. Bostick k Lamar, ,u o rued, and will be pleased to see my friends _.r,, and will do my best for their comfort and j Very Rest>ctluliy, BENI. F. DENSE. NEW IIOTEI. PLANTERS’ HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA. ,MERRY STREET, two Squares from the Rail Road If 1 in the business part ol the city. . -o _y J. O. OOuDALE, Proprietor. ii'own’s Hotel, ii-po-iiU; the Passenger House, Maeon, Ga ily E, :. RKOU A & SOX. MLILN ready on the arrival of every Train. The r - tors will spare no pains to make their gstert* feb 22 4S-’6O-v film BBLEFIELD HOUSE. “Like the Phoenix from its Ashes.” Til l r ir*e, nor and elegant House, recently erected I m rums of my old establishment. Mulberry street m . i, now open for the reception and accommoda- B jr i rs and transient Guests h>s been newly furnished throughout, in the •er, *ud the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. is eligible, a little below the Methodist and Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks ice® of LitsineM. t . with the House is a arge Li\ ery and BaleSlable, I'Mvers and others can And accommodations for 1 - v-r .age of his old friends and of the traveling pnb • -“rally. is resiiectfully solicited. rj-tf M. STUBBLEFIELD. > l T HOUSS BV J. D. GII.BLKT & CO. Atlanta, Georgia. * 5 U i4-tf “ASH INGTON HALL. ‘ ; il2 HOUSE IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, y*’ • I VI. arrangement will be made fortheaceommo * * ‘i"f the Members to the approaching STATE CON 'D ‘. and the future Session of the Legislature. ■'-! tod Ur ms at this House, will conform to those - ■* Public Houses in this city. N. C. BARNETT ’ -dgeyine, Ga , Dec. 15th, 1860. AGRICULTURAL I*M plements. NATHAN WEED, . yfacon, Georgia* NOW IN STORE and offers to Planter* a superior -iraeat o’ the newest and most improved Turt , * ■ lenient* in ore. ■ i --'eel Plows, narrows, ? irh Hsines, Cultivators, G: ‘in Cradles, hejthe Blades, Threshers, Pan Mills, Horse Powers, Straw Cotters, Shovels and Spades, Traces, Spading and manure Forks, Weeding Hoes, ,vila’, Collin*’, Brade’* Patent American Hoe Cos. : -if jfaemre. an I English refined IRON of all *lie. W rrant-d Plow Steel, Eng ish manufacture. Anvils, Vises, Bellow*, Hammers, screw Plate*, Tongs, Borax, < Builders’ Hardware. U.kfAGK A Xl> WA GOX MA TER IA LS, In all their variety. ’ if l:| Xew lEtsta-Liliisliiiioiit. JfeCSRRIAGE K£POSITORY. C. T. W A- It ID & C 0., T I.U PACTIHEBSud DEALERS OPPOSITE THE FLOVD HOUSE, Macoa, O*. \VK would call the attention of the public to our new M .'t ck, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Kockaways and of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated bulld fifF* Oeanine BRATTLEBORO’ BUGGIES constant!? on •nd. dot 16 H-ts • V *U. YOU GoIiOKTH, WHEN YOU CAN I>o BETTEKSOUTHP (MIME £ HARNESS MWLFACTOBV and UEPOBITORY, UFORSYIH, OA. * ” I A'G purchased the entire inter the late firm of BANKS, WIL- - fWt 810 ntina of the ‘ jf Himris tnJ inimt ninf. n ,.nliM \ I*” - \ itensive arrangements for Manufacturing TOP AND l* P Bl:( GIES, COtOHES, ROCK A WATS, CAR- I ‘! *• PHOTONS, Ac., Ac. lam constantly receiving QO * from the North, but Irons ni) h Nbopa, to my stock on hand, of three or four * per week, which combine elegance and finish, with V ***• strength and durability. Orders for any sort of •ha ”* r nesn, Ac , are most respectfully solicited, which *upplied, an-1 all engagements for work •'-ALLY met. I have constantly on hand a large [pient nr HARNESS. a■„ ~ ,P*‘ rln E done at short notice and Warranted. J, R. BANKS. r HVK, Superior old Rye and Mo • -dnhala Whu itt Bvorc and for oale b/ 1 McOAUdh A JON*-'. (Bteotgui Jgiinuit uttfo Jttcsßntggf* BUSINESS CARDS. Ebon works; ■ tcos, UEOUUf A. T. O. NIS 1* KT. HAVXIG removed his FOUNDRY AND MACHINE MURKS to the line of t'.e Rail i ir the iacou * Western Shops, he is now prepared to manufacture ail kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, Steam Engines & Boilers, On terms as favorable as ary Establishment ei her Nortli or South. (mar 18) T. C. NGBET. JOB*, JOSHCS SCHOriRRB Scliofielcl & J3ix>., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS MACON, GBOUGIA. \V*“ ate prepared to Manufacture Nltain Euginew, iSl.foK'isfiu* “ lUA “ ,u - *" J *>• ut *- BRASS AN I) IRON CASTINGS Os every description I KO\ liAILiNL aul VElt- A SBAIIS, Having the most Iron Railing In the State, a hich for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for the fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery L-ts, Public Sn-ares, Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will do well to give a call, as we are determined to offer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jan 1-1861 A. Wl QUEEN, HI ACOJM. OUOIIGIA. YfAfKJFACTUBKH of Wrought iron -‘-’-A. RAILING of e.ery description, and for all purposes. Plain and Urnsmental, from the lightest Scroll Iron, up to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of New and Original Designs, purchasers cannot, fail to he suit ed. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength c.'.nnot he <luetioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Par ticular attention given to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Bailings. W Specimens of the work can be seen at the Residences of T. G. Holt, L. F W. Andrews and W. J. McElroy, Esqrs. Also at Rose Hill Cemetery, july 18 16-ts Corrugated Urought Iron and Hire Railing. (Secured by Letters Patent.) A DM ■ H Ali L Y adapted for enclosing Public jL Grounds, Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottages, Ac. Bheej and Ox Hurdle Pa ent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety of Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Patent Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Sand and Grave! Screens, Wire Netting for Musquito, Sheep, Poultry a"d other pur joses. Wire Summer Houses, Fancy Wire Work in great variety for gardens, Ac. M. WALKER A SONS. Manuacturers, No. 535 Market, !f, !*. Cor 6h • PMla ielphia. (oct2l-ly) D. C. &, SOTT. DRILRRS IX IXO MAXrrACTKRKKS OX Gr TJ KT S, iIFLES, PISTOLS, ~ 2LE , J And SportiogAj'p.ralus.^^t^V’ or Hvaar naacairrioH, (’ - ■ ..-r. 4 FEW DOORS BELOW THE •ic'SiV'’ 1 Lanier House, P Jan. I,ISCO. if Ml BOSS. RULES, m PISTOLS. TIIOMAB MORSE, OF the late firm of Mahkwaltkb A Mobsk. having pur | chased the entire business, will continue the manufac ■ g of Double duns, and best Rides and Pistols nade in the United States, on an entirely new plan of Mr. dorse’s. GUNS re-atocPed and repaired in the best manner, and on i easonable terms, at short notice. The undersigned being tractical workman, will guarantee all his work, and in vite the public to give him a trial. The Stand is under the Floyd House, Dr. Thompson’s. june lA-’6O-y rao.-. hardkhax, sa. o. o. sparks .HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Merchants. MACON, OA.. >. 4* WILL give prompt attention to the selling and storing of Cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation ni ftnily supplies. With manv years experience ar.d vith their best efforts to serve their friends, they hope to tave a eautinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore -xtrade Ito them Liberal advances made when required. August 15th I*o. Or) NEW FIRM. L. I*. STRONG & SONS. LEWIS P. STRONG ten ders hia grateful thanks _ .•r the liberal patronage TANARUS, f tended to him for thelast - weuty seven years.and re ectfully announctsthathe ..L j r./T , associated with him in S. e further prosecution ot v he business, his two sons. fSp li /JjOL r EDGAR p. STRONG and ts, A ¥*!;*£* -2*4 v.iRRESTERW. STRONG. inder the name, firm ar.d 4* - ,tvle of Is. P STRONG A •ONS, and will continue to veep on hand and offer, a large and select assortment of ISoots £!*<>*>* and Lcallipr .fall kinds, and Findings for Country manufacturers. He •espectfully asks for the new firm, a continuance o the lib ral *avor extended to the old. Macon, January 2. lS6ti. 41-y ZEILIN A HUNT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGrCrZSTS, MACON, GEORGIA. feb aS-Ntt—y _ new Finm Messrs. T. & Ci . WOOD, £|A V F this day assocl lanufacture and sale of _ g ... __3 FURNITURE, The business will be her* t ttter conducted in the firm C wood bro h co, Macon, Georgia. notice. H*vingassociated with us in the Furniture business. Seth 0. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closing np the old business as soon as possible, and respectful!* request all in let, ted, either by note or account, to call ami make payment at an early day. TAG WOOD. Macon,Sd January, 1860. ffeb22) M ICON SEED STORE. r ATBBETH’N FRESH GARDEN FEEDS. —W. 8 I a ELLIS has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s. warranted genuiue, for sale at the lowest price*, wholesale and retail. a Iso, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Macon, On., Jan. 16,tf W. B. KLLIS. MACON, GKORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1861. PROFESSIONAL CAROS. PGI iACABASIM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, roils > m, na. WILL practice law in the counties of Monroe, Bibb, Up son, Pike, Spalding, iltury and But>s. Mr. Cabanisv will give prompt arid con.-iant attention to the collection anu lecuring of debts and claims G. PEEPLES, GEO. A. CABANI3B loriuerly of Athens, Ga. 6-ly. .1. BBARHAM, .Sr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Yl.Vi ON, GA, OFFICE on Cotton Avenue over the Baptist >V Store, room formerly occupied by Dr. Green, feb 6-ly *. it. COUR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. UPPICE with 3pe t r <x Hunter, over Rostieli’e Store. P eb. 2tf, Ihvjl—y LAMAU COBU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, macon, gkokgia, OFFICE on Mulberry street, over the Store of A. M. ittacxsM-ar & Go., iu UuardiuauV Washington ltiock. VV til practice tn Bi.di, Crawford, Dooly, Houston, Macon, l'’ig ;s, WorUt, aud Sumter. ieb 27-y l,axV W CAill). MESSRS. ROIILSSON A; MONTFORT, ,*r ii.b practice Law in the counties of lay lor, Macon, TV HiUjtia, Dooiy, dumter, Marion, Bcldcy, and in such other eoaniies in tile c.atc as ineir business will authorise. vJTWf f'.l li.U Ogietuorpe. PHILIP COOK, W. U. ROBINcON, june 20-’60 —If T. W. MONI’EuRT. HILL. R - MiCL Law jPiirtncrsiiip. 111 Is TANARUS, cfc MILL, fSCCCE-SOUS TO TUB LATK KIRM OV BTCIIBS k HILL.) WIIsS. practice in the Macon and adjoining Circuits, and in the ttupreine and Federal Courts, the same as heretofore by the late lir.n ot Miubb* it Hill. The underi iged will close up the business of the late firm of Stubbs A Hill, as speedily as possible ; and to tills end, all persons indebted to said firm, are requested to make pay ment at as early a day as practicable. B. UILL, surviving partner of August 24,1859 —23-ts Stubbs & Hill. JLAiMJCII <V A.\EKS3, ATTORNEYS AT LAV/, RIACON, GA. PRACTICE in the Ooumles of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in tue ederal Courts at Savannah. [apr 21 ’SB-ly] CULYI KHOI'NE A: A.NSLEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE AND FORT VALLEY, C.A. 0. P. CULVER HOUSE, F. A. ANSLKY, Knoxi ille, v<.i. Fort Valley, Oa. oct 31-'6O-l y j L. H. WHITTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAC OX, CEOUGIA. )FFICE next to CONCERT IIALL, over Payne’s Drug Store jan. 6, [4l-ly.] THOMAS a. 11BAJUSS, ATTOKNEYAT LAV/, Forytla, Oa. WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to his in theCountic., if .Monroe, Bibb, Butts, Crawford, ues. Pike, Spalding and Upton. (.may 12 ’5Sj JOEL K. GKIFFIN, “ ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEOKGIA. WII.Ii practice in the Counties of Macon and the ad j niii:ig Circuits. Also iu the ■ uunties ol the West and South-West Georgia, accessible by Kail K'nid. particular personal attention given to collecting. Office with O. A. Lochrane, Damour’a Building, 2d Street. feb 22—’Od—4t>—tf in. .HTDOHALD &. YAH GILSL.I, DENTISTS, Office In Wuthiugton tilock, Ilacon, Ga., ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. MCDONALD’S Tooth Paste always on hand and for sale. Dentists can be fog supplied with the finest style of TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Silver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kiud of Instruments or Materials on short notice. °ct 18 A C HOOKL, D K IST, THOMASTON, C3-A—, OFFICE over Dr. Thompson’s Store. My work Is my Reference. lapr 7 2-ts 1 LI E X R Y’S CONCENTRATED Extract of Jamaica Ginger, MADE from the Jamaica which no-, only cxjm-Ii rlie! orates the bowels and inte unrivaled, the dose t>einK| mediate')', thus dissipating! ache. As many dennniiuate| which undoubtedly i the, effectual remedy ; a few! \ little water will impart upon the stomach and bow Indulge in liquor i* destroy! healthy and natural condi Rheumatic Rmecy, used! excellent. To prevent bad| diet, it has no equals, and! out it; sea sickness is_ prej ted. No n*should hesitate| familiar and long acknowli being prepared with grtat Use Henry’s and no other, nine it does not turn milky] Made only by XKXLIN A HUNT, mav $ Druggists, Macon, Ga. ’ iw See special notice. A f|—ffi for C:i|ilaliN<*i. MACON GRIST MILL for SALE. OWING to the insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other eitgag- ments, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macoa Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now in epinpiet- running order—will grind 1. bushels a day, arid cannot fail to make a handsome proa if well managed, in the hands of a person with sulfide i capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory i;- form ttion on this, and other suhj'*cts connected withtl. badnm.,n be obtained at the M ‘|| OIFE , JILLFT * co . The Harden Express Cos. Wii.l, i'Aeo GOODS AT TUK Custom at Savannah, AND FORWARD THEM By Express or Freight Train, as parti- may prefer, only charging for our trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing and forwarding. For further information concerning tlie above, apply to M. C MCDONALD, Agent Macon, March 20,15€1. Corn ae*l Oat*. IPA/t 151 MJLELS Prime Corn. 502 bushels Oats, ,J)Uvl lor sale by mav 20 BOW DUE A ANDERSON. COK \ ! COB-f ! ! AAAo BUSH Prime Western Corn, iust received and for sale at 66 lbs toll., bushel by au *l,V M.-OALLIK A JONES. LEAP LAB®. /1 REGS Refined Leaf Lard now receiving and so O* ’ sale by MoCALLIE A JONES, an g 1 ft Pure lorn and Rectified Whiskey. 7, .. x UHLS. Whiskey, cousislii g of “ Ward A Carey’ j 1 ‘l/ Extra Rectified,Kentucky Pure White,”Ten-! nesseeCorn,’ Georgia Planter*,” “Pike’s Magnolia,’ and | other Brands all received direct from the Distillers and or sale low by McCALLIE A JONES, mar 7 Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! \I, A 1C <i E Stock for sale, without reJ'd to cost. Now is the time to get cheap Clothing at june IS J. B. A W. A -.SP Wheat* Ky>, Harley ansi Oat*. ,1 I’c rEII especially for serd. In store gnd so sale bv (OCI 10) MoCALLIK A JON KS ■ lav. OAA It \J, I> Prime selected Hay, for sale lew by mar 20 BOW e/RE A ANDERSON. PLANTATION HHOGANS.—Nowin •tore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we haveever offered in this Market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts . do. heavy tingle soled black du russetts; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all ol which we are selling very low. MIX A KIRTLAKD. I net 6-jr 1 HHMtVS EXTRACT of GINGER Gineer Root. For Cholic, wind hut thoroughly invig tuies For Dyspepsia it is small and giving relief m lownees of spirits and head- Drunkenness a disease, case, we offer tills a most drops of Henry’s Ginger in such a stimulaiing effect els that the great desire to ed, while it produces a lion of the parts. Asa extensively, it has proved effect of change’ of water or no one should travel with vented aud fatigue des'ipa to use it, le ing naile of a edged excellent medicine, care k ot superior strength. The test of its being gen when poured into water. W A R ITJSMS. Prom the tiiehmond Dispatch , 2<i th. The sat .tlaiiiDsipi ! Brilliant Victor) !—The mkmii) Completely Kouted. Manassas Junction, Jul)’ 18—10 p. m —Victory perches upon our banners. The army of the Potomac, under the command of General Beauregard, gave battle to the enemy to-day, at Bull's Bun, four miles from Mauassas Junction, in a Northwest direction, and three miles to the left of the Alexandria Railroad. Thu enemy attempted to cross the ford at sc /oral points in great numbers, but were repulsed by our brave and deter mined troops three times, with heavy less on the enemy’s side. The enemy retreated about 5 o’clock in the afternoon in confusion, two of our regiments pursuing them. A large number of them have been taken pris oners. On our side, the casualties are few. Yesterday the enemy appeared in force at Fairfax Court-House, when, after exchanging a few shots with them, our troops, retreated to Bull’s Run, Geu. Beauregard preferring to give them battle there. The Gejeral was hurriedly sent for and quickly came to the scene of action, when he ordered the retreat, which nas proved to he a brilliant stragetic movement. At first our troops were much displeased, believing the retreat had been ordered by some junior officer; but when they learned that the order emanated from their General-in- ‘Lief they were perfectly satisfied having in him unbounded confi dence. The regiments engaged in this bril liant aud successful battle were the first Vir ginia, seventeenth (Alexandria) Virginia, the Mississippi and Louisiana. Ail of our men behaved with the utmost coolness and fought like the deciplined sol diers of a Nepolean. It would be invidious to single out the troops from any particular State us having exhibited qualities not found iu all The conduct of our gallant little army (never before under lire on this occa sion surpasses all praise. For steadiness un der u most galliant fire, indifference to their peril good order and percisiou of aim, history may be ransacked in vain for a para lei.— ‘1 he enemy outnumbered them in the pro portion of three to one. Thu Washington Artillery, of New Oilcans, were at an early stage ot the battle given an opportunity of displaying their high state of efficiency and marksmanship, and they abundantly justi ; fied the reputation of the battalion. An eye witness says at every fire they made a wide gap in the enemy’s ranks. The first Virginia regiment, Col. Moore’s bore the brunt of the action, the killed and wounded on our side being chiefly in that regiment, as I have already informed you per telegraph. Col. Moore himself was wounded soon aftor the battle commenced. ! When being unable to continue at the head of his men, the command devolved upon Lieut. Col. Fry, aided by Maj. Skinner arid Adjutant Mitchell, who informed me that the bullets of the enemy came like hail.— lie saw eleven of his men wounded at one volley. Capt. James K. Lee, company 8., of same regiment, was mortally wounded.— While 1 unite, lie is still in life, but not ex pected to survive the morning. The enemy is variously reported to have 1 lost from five to fifteen hundred—the former probally bi ing nearest the truth. Not hav ing been on the field, lam unable to dee- j cribe the ground, but am informed the cne my were strongly posted with numerous heavy guns on the embankment which slopes down to the ford, while our troops were in the hollow disputing their advance to the other side. The Alexandria Riflemen are said to have partii ularly distinguished themselves, having crossed the terrific fire from the enemy’s ar tillery, and fought hand to hand, with the j Yankee hirelings. Capt. Dulany, of the Fairfax Riflemen, was seriously wounded. Lieut. Javins, of the Mount Vernon Guard, of Alenandria, ! was also seriously wounded Win. Sangster, I of the Alexandria Riflemen, was killed. Oce of the enemy’s Colonels was killed by a squad of Col. Kershaw’s second South Carolina regiment, his horse shot, and §7OO in gold found upon his person. The enemy will doubtless return to-mor row with reinforcements, being exasperated by their humiliating defeat. I .shall probably be able to ascertain addi tional particulars when the official reports come in. Incident* of Hit* narfiliN uri; HaUle. —From tlie Baltimore Exchange wo copy 1 the following incidents of the lute great Fe- ! deral victory at Falling Waters, Gainesville and JVlartinsburg, on the South of tlie Poto mac. The feat of the “ contraband*’(Vir ginia nigger) capturing a lieutenant, regi mentals and all, is suggestive : The most brilliant act during the dashing ! exploit of the day, was the capturing of \ between forty and fifty Federal prisoners by j a body of horsemen. After the army had j crossed the river at Williamsport, Gen. Nog ley’s brigade diverged from the main road on the road leading to Iledgcsville; compa ny A, of the 15th Pennsylvania regiment, were sent in advance of the main body as scouts. It consisted of sixty-three men. At the residence of William McGarry, Esq., a farmer, they called a halt, and hailing one of tlie daughters, inquired for her father, whom they said they had an account to set tle with, as he had been feeding and harbor ing rebel troops. The young lady said she did not know where her father was, when twelve of the party started out to hunt him up. Several of the remaining troops now grossly insulted the young lady, and said to her if she did not reveal where her father was that they would put her to death, and pointed their bayonets at her heart. At this stage of the proceedings, a body of twenty-five horsemen galloped up, under ('apt. Kob’t Swan. They were on the point of being fired upon, when (’apt. Swan shouted “my God! men, don’t fire on your friends. Down with your mus kets.’’ 1 pon which they, thinking it was some of their own troops, obeyed the order As quick as thought, Swan’s men were off’ their horses, and, with drawn sword* and pistols demanded their surrender, which they did without hesitation. They then disarmed them, and taking their straps oft” their canteens, tied their hands behind their backs, and in this man lier marched them off’ through Martinsburg to Winchester. The men weie ordered to march at a “double quick,” which they com plained they could not do, as they were much wearied; but Cupt. Swan’s orders were imperative, and forward they were pushed with all possible dispatch. Tne captain of the company captured was in town this eve ning, apparently much depressed about the matter; the remaining twelve men refused to march uuder him, blaming him for their misfortunes. Swan’s party each took two muskets in front of them on their horses, and made these men throw away their haver sacks, Ac. This was a daring feat, and was perb ruied by a Marylander and a c tizen of Washington county. Another feat aud one more humorous, was that of a slave of Air Garry, who captured a Lieutenant of the same company, disarmed him, and divesting him of his “regimentals,” sword and pistol, donned them himself and marched him “prisoner of war” ofl to Win chester. “ Nigger as good as white man” that time. Daring I’cal of l.ottisiuuiaii'i. The Petersburg Express of yesterday says : M e have heard from a source entitled to the fullest confidence, that one of the most daring feats of the age was consumated near Newport News on Friday last by Confeder ate soldiers. Ever since the killing of the much lamented Lieut. Col. Chas. Dreux, four of his men have resolved to avenge his taking off. With this view, they obtained permission to leave their c.unp, and providing themselves with several days’ rations, pro ceeded stealthily through the forest until al most within sight of the catr.p at Newport News. They laid in ambush for five days awaiting an opportunity to avenge the death of their Colouel, but uone presented until Friday last. On that day they espied a party of seven \ ankees, three of whom were evidently of ficers, engaged at a small stream, measuring with lines, and seemingly preparing for the erection of a bridge. They were all un armed, and the Louisianians resolved that the prey they had so long and perseveringly sought should not escape them. Knowing that the report of their guns wouH alurm the camp not far distant, they speedily deter mined to rely solely upon the use of their bayonets, aud crawling upon their hands and knees to within a convenient distance, they suddenly sprang forward, each man selecting his victim. Two officers were killed, but one of them a Major, not dying at the first thrust, was struck over the head with the butt of a musket until life was extinct. The other five men were secured one of them severely wounded and carried into camp at Yorktown. The wounded man proved to be a Captain, and when our informant left York town, it was thought that he would certain ly die, having received a severe bayonet, stab iu his breast, and other cuts iu different portions of his body. Kill and Wounded oi’ Itio Ttli€>oor h'iii Kegimeut. Tlie numbers seem to be very dispropor tionate. Seventeen were killed and 115 Wounded : Col. Gartrell slightly wounded. COWETA AND DISTRICT GUARDS. Killed.— C. N. Brown, Marcus A. North, Geo. B. Carmieheal. Woun#Ed. —James Russell, dangerously. Dickard, dangCiOusly. The following are slightly wounded : Lieut. Jacob Benton, Chas. J. Shropshire, Joseph Baughman, W. W. Lasseter, J. T. Upshaw. ATLANTA CONFEDERATE VOLUNTEERS. Killed. —Wm. M. Ballard, Wm. E. Simpson, John E. Woodruff, John F. White, Wm Todd, Wm. H. Whitaker. Wounded Seriously. —Capt. Foreacre, Lieut. 11. H. Witt, Lieut. R. K. Dillard, Andrew Owens, Wm. C. May son, James T. Jordan, F. L. Ethridge, Win. W. Stephens, John T. Cook. Henry C. Gartrell—since died. Slightly Wounded. —John J. Phillips, Jesse Embry, Joseph Embry, Perry Cody, James A. Bennett, E. W. Hoyle. PAULDING VO LUN TEERS. None killed. Seriously Wounded. —Capt. C. S. Jen kins, William Burrows, P. G. Holt, Allen A\ bite, Noah Adcock, Thos. Oglearn, B. F. Lee, Moses Cooper, A. S. Trcnhan. Slightly Wounded. —G. B. Parris. COBB CONFEDERATE GUARDS. Nnno- killed Seriously Wounded. —Capt. T. S. Moyer, B F. Ward, C. Meek. Slightly Wounded. —J N. Scott, B. H. Smith, F. M. Duucan, E. Bishop, W. N. Conant, S. F. Mayo, W. F. Meadows. DEKALB LIGHT INFANTRY. None killed. Seriously Wounded.— W. T. Brown, W. Herring, W. R. Northson, AY 7 . W. Brewer. Slightly Wounded. —James Richard son, J. N. Nash, W. W. Nash, Thos. Ar wood, D. O. Chandler. IVERSON GUARDS. None killed. Seriously Wounded. —Capt. A. Burke. Slightly Wounded. —F. F. Dicks, E. Coleman, Thos. McDonald, John Harris, T. B. Harper, S. Seter Ladole, David Harris. HEARD VOLUNTEERS. Killed.— Lieut. E. F. Glover, A. J. Mil irons. Seriously Wounded.—Lieut. J. W. : Houston, T. J. Primer, F. Z. Jackson, D. 11. Phil pot, C. S. Shugart, Samuel T. Brown, Isaac N. Farmer, T. S. Mitchell, John L. Putman, Mortally Wounded.—F. M. Barton. Slightly Wounded.— o. C. Britton W. E. Pollard, G. W. Featherston. ROSWELL GUARDS. Killed. —Thomas Kirk, James Paddock, B. F. Smith. Seriously Wounded.— Capt. T E. King, Lieut. C. A. Dun woody, Sergeant Gossett, N. M. Jackson, D. W. Baxley. Slightly Wounded.— Lieut. Benj. Bish op, Lieut. J. L. \\ ing, N. M. Wallace, John Simmons, Joseph Simmons, Wm. Buiee, James Humber, John D. Hunter, U A. Roberts, J. Hicks, J. p. Stephens, T. S. Mitchell. COBB MOIJNTAINEERS. None killed. Mortally Wounded. —J. N. Daniel, D. B. Parks. Slightly Wounded. —J. W. J. Kirks, J. T. Daniel, J P- Bryant, W T. Simpson, W. S. Johnson, 11. S. Collins, T. J. Mullens. DAVIS INFANTRY. Killed. —John A. Puckett, Win. A. Bagwell. Slightly Wounded. —Lieut. J. T. Wal ton, Serg’t A. C. McPhorson, W. W. Davis, Charles Tanck, J. O. iDglish, James M. Wright, Thomas Phillips, A. lurner, A. C. Sead, R. J. Jourdan, W. W, Clower. [From the Charleston Mercury.) Obit uar i. GEN. BARNARD E BEF.. 1 pou the wings of shining Victory comes the dark shaft of Death. Aud with the first impulsive leapings of the heart in the glad shout of triumph for our cause, the breath of Carolinians is stilled in mourning for our gallant dead. In that they lived, they were ours—in that they are dead, it was tor us they died. Upon each heart in Carolina they have levied a tribute. Tho bitter, bitter tears of those who loved them dearest in life, the little hands of pleading children, demand of us, even in the rush of life, and the fierce cry of victory, to pause in silence over their biers, and to mingle our sorrows with the unutterable grief of hearts that caunot be comforted. And to-day South Carolina, like a Spartan mother, mourns her lost sons. Fcrhaps there was no man of his age in the Confederate scvice who had won for himself a fairer fame, both as an accomplish ed officer and high-toned gentlemen, than the late General Barnard E. Bee, of this State. I pon the desperate field of battle, where more than once his gallant blade had won him tlie applause of the army and of his native State, sword in hand, he perished —an untimely death. Leu. Bee, deccnded from an old Carolina family of gentlemen, was about 35 years of age, aud leave a widow and infant son. He entered West Point a Cadet in 1841 ; was made Brevet Second Lieut , uant, od ln fanty, in 1845. During the Mexican war he served with marked distinction, winning two brevets before the close of the war— that of First Lieut , “for gallant and meri torious conduct iu the battle of Cerro Gordo, on the 18th April, 1847,” in which he was wounded; and that of Captain, in the stor ming of Chcpultepcc.on the 13th of Septem ber, 184/, “tor gallant and meritorious con duct. Since 1848 he acted as Adjutant, and rose to a full First Lieutency March, 1851. His achivcments, since that time, in wars amongst the Indians, were such as to attract tov\ ards him the attention of his State, and in his dying hand, on the field in which he fell, he grasped the sword which South Caro liuu had taken pride in presenting him. Few men of his age attracted more atten tion in his profession, and such was his repu tation, that President Davis, at once raising him from tho rank ot a Captain, appointed him a Brigadier General in the Provisional Army. It will not be easy to fill his place in the Confederate service; but South Carolima, more especially, mourns his loss, for he w’as a true representative of her race. Mild, modest, amiable of deportment, open, gener ous, bold and dashing in achievements, nice of honor and punctilious of fame, winning friends by sterling conduct, as fearless of foes as sensitive of regard, ho was all that his State could ask of a gentlemen, a soldier and a patriot. South Carolina will ever bend in honor over the toomb of such a son. LIEUT. COL. BENJ. J. JOHNSON. Lieut. Col. Benjamin J. Johnson, the sec ond in command of the Hampton Legion, is a native of the town of Beaufort, 8. C., and was about forty-five years of age at the peri od of his death, llis brothers reside in this State—two of whom arc clergymen of the Episcopal church—one, the Rev. Rich’d Johnson, being the Chaplain of Hampton’s Legion. Col. Johnson was educated at Williams burgh, Virginia, and commenced life as a planter ; but afterwards studied law with Col. DeTreville, and came to the bar of beau fort,where lie practiced afe w years. During his residence in Beaufort lie commanded the 12th Regiment of Infantry, and was highly esteemed as an officer. In 1837, when barely eligible in years, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives from St. Helena Parish, where be served many years, until he was transferred to the Senate by the same consti tuency. Col. Johnson served in the Senate for two terms, aud until his removal to Christ Church Parish, about three years ago. Immediately upon his removal he was elected a member of the House of Represen tatives from the election district of Christ Church, and continued a member to the time of his death. Col. Johnson’s career in Legislature was marked by attention and intelligence. Ho frequently filled the position of Chairman of iinportent committees, and was known as a working member, lie participated fully in the debates of both Houses, and was al ways distinguished by fairness and ability in his mode of conducting them. He filled a high position in the politics of the State, as evidenced by the prominence of his name in the late election for Governor of South Carolina. Ilis heart was always true to the honor of his State, as exhibited throughout his life and illustrated by his death. Col. Johnson’s intlueuce was largely ow ing to his personal characteristics. A man of strong will, strong tempo*-, bold, self-reli ant, imperturbable, energetic, heat once im pressed upon those with whom he was thrown in contact, his thorough manhood. — lie won iriends in the closest ties of regard and affection. In his life he sustained the measures of a Carolina gentlemen, aud in his death he has added to it that of the patriot. GEN. GARNETT. Robert Seldeu Garuett entered the W est Point Academy as a Cadet from Virginia in September, l8o(j. He graduated in 1841, and received the appointment of Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. In July, 1843, he was detailed as instructor of infantry tac tics at West point, and continued to occupy position until October, 1844, when he was attached to Gen. Wool's staff in the ca pacity of Aid-de-camp. On the breaking out of the war with .Mexico, he joined Gen. Paylor’s column, and distinguished himself by his bravery in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaea de la Palma. In August, 1846, be was made Ist Lieutenant, and called by Gen. Taylor to his personal staff, on which he served until January, 1840. For his •‘gallant and meritorious conduct in the sev eral conflicts at Monterey, Mexico,” he was breveted Captain ; and again, on the despe rate field of Buena Vista, he was breveted Major for “gallant conduct.” Siuce the close of the Mexican war be has been attached to the 7th Infantry United States army. Upon the dissolution of the Union he resigned his commission and joined his fortunes with those of his native States. lin recognition of his merits he was appoin ted by President Davis Brigadier General in VOLUME XXXIX—NO O. StatelTn’d of “>? Confe.l, corp.d\,rmee> nt U,"™"h”, u ','iho'A t, "“ tru,,or L s f >l>o Panhandle Ho ,1 noble in the performance of his dun lirst general officer to fall i n the cau Southern Independence. Col. Bronx's Cast Lottorto 1; Wife. Richmond, Va., June 18, 18( Dear M. —l wrote to you a long ] yesterday, and, as if Providence wisbt encourage me in writing to my own I received almost at the same ti long, most welcome and long wished ft tei from you. It makes my heart with emotions of noble paiiotism when 1 the burning words of inspiration that from your pen. In fact, I have read ; passages of your letters to my fellow sol and every one ardently wished that in. such a brave and noble hearted wife. 1 he days of political differences and • feuds are gone, and only one spirit and us all. The invaders are at our gates they must be repelled. You have, doul before this, read of the glorious v achieved by our troops a few days a- Bethel Church. I have seen and con\, with eye witnesses of the battle. The kecs ran away like whipped curs, lea for over five miles all their muskets, teens, knapsacks, etc., on the ground, was a perfect route, a complete defeat, moral effect produced by that exploit or part of our troops is not easily to be c\ : ted. Ihe Southern volunteers are all ; and eager for the fray,” and Richn looks like a “champ de Mars,” so matr diers are to be seen around it. \on hear nothing here but the sou the drums, the piercing notes of the fit the rumbling of heavy wagons loaded heavy war baggage. Troops move i day and every hour. To tell you the t my dear, we also have to move. Th ders have just been received by me frm Adjutant General, and the camp is i. u a stir preparing to move, army and ba.v \\ e are ordered from this place to V town, within eight miles of the enemy and with most glorious prospects of an and good brush. When there we si: under the command of Colonel 3lagr who succeeded so well in his debut at Bet 1 Church. Ihe boys are delighted wit! prospect before them, and we all are ii. highest glee. May the God of battles smile upon i Cheer up my dear wife. I have heaats and strong arms to sustain and me on, and I feel confident of the res Many a noble son of Louisiana may fa my side, and I may be the first to hi dust, but rest assured that they or I \\ ways be worthy of the esteem and r< of our country.-—When I reach N T or shall write again, and give you full p; lars. Rest assured, until you hear fre or until the telegraph gives you bad nv, f our expedition. Come what may, my I belong to my country, and you kn< i belong to me. One and all, all in on o owe our duty and our lives to both. \ you as good and brave a man as you i true and noble women, I know I would • you by my side, fighting with all your i. ;t the base and miserable invaders. Lxcuse me, dearest, for the digre To-morrow we leave for the seat of \ What to-morrow will bring forth I not ; but through prosperity, casino danger, I am still your own dear C father I am ashamed to promise to , for he may know I shall break my p; Kiss one and all for me at home ; * your sweet little darling to your heart, I tell her to love and cherish you for the and love of her dear papa. Your own From South Western Virginia.- Richmond Dispatch has the following Galley Bridge, July 17, 1861.- is pretty well understood now that tLi been a sharp engagement about fifteen below Charleston, at a place called , between Gen. Wise’s forces and ad ment of about 5,000 of the enemy, wh certainly landed and advanced on Cl ton. This force landed at two points, falo and Guyandotte, 1,500 at the r place, on Saturday last. The detac-i t which landed at Guoyandotte was oi l at a point called Sun Up, by Captai; t kins’ company and about 500 millitia. the militia fled on the appearance of the my except about 150, who, with Capt. kins’ command, gave battle. The it was forty killed and sixty wounded enemy, aud one killed on our side. s Was an old patriarch eighty 3-ears old, 0 used bis spectacles and fired with 1 e from an ambuscade until he was disci and and put to death, not however until J. and killed six. Captain Jenkins’ company behaved t gallantly, and tired from a cross road e enemy with the most deadly effect. . an entire platoon fell from the fire. T i, cmy immediately retreated, but have 1 1- and it is thought joined their comrad o landed at Buffalo. Col. J. Lucius Davis has just arrived n Lewisburg with several noble coni] s raised for the Wise Legion. Save your Coffee Ground*. The price of coffee is waking up of the lovers cf the beverage to the sul *of future supplies. The prospect is tlu- -e will be but small additions to the \ it stock in the South, for a long time t< 0 • therefore an}- suggestion is valuable sh ig how to make it. A practical mans; ts to us that b}* saving our coffee grout; y ing them, and grinding them over a. jr use a second time, they will be made e able for a second decoction. He sa at coffee grounds are a regular article < r ehase and sale in the large cities 10 North. The large hotels have stand;. n tracts for them and make quite asa . ia this way. As coffee is usually ground and and among our people, it is possible tl ot much more than half the strength is ex. a nd us borrow a useful hit from th if. ty people of the North. Certainly is taxcfuUy to be taught by the enemy.” ny such things can be learned from then ar profit. — Constitutionalist. “Breach of Neutrality Laws.’ n der this caption the Montreal Advert- Is the attention of the authorities to tb< et that a hardware house of Montreal 1 n tracted with the United States Gove nt to supply it with 300,000 stand el which are to be manufactured in G - >y and delivered at Montreal. A