Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 07, 1861, Image 1

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\)\ S. itOSK & CO. ; orgia J#arnal & Mfsseager -* ry A edw’tdaj luorniagat |] 50 ier annum. >r i: i!i>* oiotisr <*hjrge wit! b*; Oxb Douau ss rfi >t**B foiuwtw LUj, for t: ~ C’ ■■ •••<■ *•■•> insertion. All .u .1 >ifieJ ai l.i t.iae, will t; i.uolitLed it . liA-jt-'j tccor.linitly. A liberal diKuubi j , *!; > a'lwliw by me year. . - ot uva mu, will be charged at . si.* of CMIWWI9 lor oGrt, to be ii.i for at *” f. ~j. when imer*el. irrill rnaUe wiib couitj officen, Drujp . Merchant*, an.l others, who way a tab lu # * ‘ t - I v atr*t***. >•' i : *T Fxeoutora. A Jn>inle:rator£ ... ire r m,u.reJ uy laaw to ailAf liMnl iu a rt .- Jiv previous M the Jty of saly. . hel lon 11-!lr*t fuesdaj in the mobUi, tell Ifftlu* tofOtlOOll alul three in (In’ v C^.ir? htustr in the county to which the j\ .nil PtforEtTT mast he &lrmie*l in like tt. g. ~ jtr.D t’r.itwtoas of ait Estate must be ~ iimnwlUbe made to the Ordinary for I. iu i taJ Negroes, mudtbe put-listnd weekly for L-tiera of Ailnini <t rations, thirty Jays ; for :r a A i MiuDtrat on, monthly, siv month*; for fr > u Guardianship, weekly, forty laj* t'.*r.-visa (*? MimTaiat, montUy, foor . ihlishin? W>si pay r, for the full space of .'i titles from rxcmlr or rul • tii-Te a b©d hn bt *a given hy U*e decea*si, v *e tore* mths. I ‘g* j. ~-rs address**! tn M ROSE k CO. . ‘>ioit;tl a tail ISusiiii-w Men. ill isrv FrsiXßss Caitfw will be inserted un<lef , i- the teUowlnz rates, vi* : ; nes, per annum f 5 <W uivas, Jo. 1* 00 X ,-nes, Jo 1Y WO -. .... Ho.*, Jo 15 M 3>Ots*f this cliM will be admitted, unless nor for a less tens than tiche Matki. ■ds of over twelreiiucs will be charged ran aaTa. I its not paid for in advance will be charged at I iUOU LAK MLUTINGS v - ->, KNIGHT TEMPLARS, ODD FEL VS AND SONS OF TEMPERANCE, HSLD IS Tint CITY OP MACON. MASONS. ■ if Oe irjfi* for 19W, Oi-t.-ber Sl*t. 50,6, nrst \nl third Monday uights in each ;r, So. 4, iecond Monday night in each C. uncll, No. 6, fourth Monday night in each KoigMft TVtopUr; No. 2, Meeting! y urs*. faOrd ty L Afiit iu e*cu w>nih. ODD FELLOWS. : first UVinesdjty in June. .-ncot, Ta.f'Uy previous. I. ; , So. J, every Tnursday even'njj. -r-*. No. 0, ersry Tuesday evening, iiiii un.iuwr.t, So. 4, second and fourth Mon . r rrenlng* in u*cli inoatu. SONS OF ISKPIRANCE. -n. f> tr*h W-dne-vlsy in October, annually. II 0 i L L N ■ (iIiAXITE HALL i 11 ,ilMl respectfully in. r orm tuy OLD fKIF.NW and I ,x-.■•'.>. that mice the fire, l have obtained the Rooms ; : i SKAT ABOVE the “Granite Hail,” and orer ... ~f K P. Mutiny and Mtcrc Bostick A Lamar, ; ... i,.enetl, aud will he i>lea*ed to eee Biy frienos j iers and will do my b. t for their comfort and j Very Respectfully, BEN J. F. DENSE. ! NE\V iIOI NE, MACON, GhOliitiA. •vs C fRRf bTHI'K TANARUS, isn }*<;•.area from the Rail Road | i I . dm tilt business pat tot the city. J. O. C.OODALE, Proprietor. I li row iis I~[ ote 1, C. ...e tLe ?aK2Lger House, Macon, Ga- C. i:. BHOW3I A sox. \fl U.S ou the arrival of every Trafb. The u rs will spare no pains to make their guest-’- feb 42 4S-*6v-t iTUBBLEFIELD ‘Like tha Phcouix from its Ashes.” IMI AT r ;e, new and elegant House, recenUy rc: and ia :i e ruins of my old establishment, Muinerry street, i*., is now open for the reception and necommoda- Hointers and transient Onests Hoiise has been newly furnished throughout. In the • >t, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. •n is eligible, a little below the Methodist and Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks c . led with the House is a arge ! iivery a lit! Ip 1 . i'r. and otiters ran find accommodations fur m of his old friend* and of the traveling pub ■:lv, is respectfully solicited. M. STUBBLEFIFLu. TRO 17 T HOUSE, BV J. 0. (iILBKRT a t o. Atlanta, Gt or^it. IS i4-tf ‘ j IVASIIINGTON HALL. TH! J HOUSE 18 STILL OPF.S TO THE PUBLIC. wP;. I Vl, arrangement will be mtde fur the accoinmo ■he Members to the approaching JiTATE CON %TI *’ t:ul ibt future Session of Ui** Lciiiiiiturr. • nd t rma at this U -ute, wU cunfortu to those •r Public Houses In this city. N. C. BARNETT * Vimiile, Ga . Dec Iftth. IS6®. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NATHAN WEED, Jlucof i, Georgia, IT IS NO.. IN STORE and niter* tn HUntfir* a superior if ..'-neat of the newest aud most improved Turn- U-: ifiaent* iu mums. and l *1 P!o*ra t U*rrn+9, ./4 Ham**, QaUifiton, Grain Cnullft, fcejrthe Blades, Threshers, Pan M ils, iiorse Pot Ti, Mr**. Cutter** Mtorefe* and 2*|gm!*-s, Traces, *u*t nunur Forks, Wo ding Hors, *. Is’. Collin** Brui'.N Patent American Hoe Cos. ni l KnfcfUh refined IKOX of nil si*** Warrant* *! PDw Mccl, Kog ili manufacture. Anvil*, Vises, Bellow*, UaiDuiifni, iorer P’ates, Tonxs,Born, Carpenter’s Tools, Builders’ Hardware. (i /; /i /.j OF. A -Vi) H't FOX J IA TEh I ALB, lu ill their variety. s dyv Establishment. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. C. T. W X lt L> At CO., n AM CACTI It f -US and DEALKKS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, MacH.Oa. \VE would call the attention of the public to our ne* shock comprising Coaches, Brett*, Roekaway* • t . gj of most elaborate finish, from celebrated build- X4T~ Genuine BRATTLEBORO* BUGGIES constantly on till. nov 16 *4-tf wru YOU GO NORTH, WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTEIt SOUTH P CIRMAPiE & HARNESS Ml FACTUM AND REPOSITORY, FORSYIH. GA. TTAVINfi purchaaed thentire inter* S* j| CJ * *■ >-t >ffiu late firm of BANKS, WIL- Ql^X - ‘ M. roc ttjtd s-qrro aning roan tic* Jwimm 1 -j , \te ,i>( arrangement*far Mauulaoturtny lOF AM ; ’ rftp B!;tmIIaUcOAOHE3, R.JOKAWAYS, CAR lAr ‘I PH JEVOS3, Ac., kr. I am constantly receiving . itot from iltr North, but lrn w) ** :, rlt shnit*. to my stock on hand, of three or tent ■r per week, which combine elettaisce and finish, witl ‘• <, >tr*n(rth and durability. Order* for any tort < Harness, Ac , are moat respectfully soliciteil, wMcl • •’ -promptly supplied, and all eneapezeenta for wort ACTUALLY oiet. I have constantly on hand n larft ‘rut of HABNKW. K-pairirig done at short notice and Warranted. * -*Mv J. K. BANKS. (’••iivrxtTGKOVE, Superior old Rye and M< X Wh4 is Store %and for ante b ***< MvCaLUB A JON*.- #eorgk Jonnuit ans itlesgcwflcr. BUSINESS CARDS. lIiOTST WOIiKS, JIACM, UCORCU. r r. c. hisH k r r. H r ‘'“ ~r, hl ItM FOrsnßV IND mauhinf HORh.’l to the line of (ha Rail Road Mr the M..oti k tidToV r ° Sl, ° t ’ 3 ’ l * r .* , prcjiarwd to uwuula. tare all MACHINKUV AND CASTINGS, steam Engines & Boilers, On term* as favorable a. any Establishment North or ’X’uth . imr 18) T. o. NISkKT. lO* SCBOFIALP, Jutillc* dCßomrp Scl i >1 & Br< >., | FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS MACON, GROKGIA. \\ ® rf P r, ’|nvrt-1 lo Metiufitct ure Situ in Fnxiurv, J!,fcOA^fLfi. W M,LU, ‘ M, ‘ X ° IN <itArt j BRASS AND IKON CASTINGS Os every IKON RAILING und VKR LMI.UIN, Ilawng the mc.*t comidete auorfluent ol Iron Railing in the State, whirh r..r elegance, neatneM, <tu rabdtty and design, caubut be (ut paired, and are huitabte for the fronts ol Dwelling*, Cemetery L ts, Public Squares I Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous ot purchasing Hailing* will do well to give a call, as we are determined to offer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. I*- specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at varices private residences in this city, jan l-lstil A. HrQUEEN, j MACON, GEORGHA. MAN! FACT! HER of Wrought Iron RAILING of every description, and fir all purposes, Plain and Ornamental, from the lightest Scroll Iron, up to the heaviest Railing used. Having n endless variety of New and Original Designs, pnrcltssers cannot fail to be suit ed. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength cannot be questioned. and for beauty they cannot be surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Irou Work made to order. Par ticular attention given to making all kind* of Geometrical Stair Railings. 1 38'“ Specimens of the work can be seen at the Residences •>f T. G. Holt, L. F W. Andrews and W. J. M -Elroy, Rsqra. Also at Rose Ifin Cemetery.* ‘ juiy IS ltJ-tf Hrourhi iron and Hire Railing. (Stairrd by I Attorn Patent.) VII tl I ft A 14 L V aispted for enclosing Public Grounds,Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottage.*, Ac. Sheep and Ox Uurdte Pa ent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety if Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Patent Wire Coai -vreens, Ore, Sand and Qravel Screens, Wire Setting for Musquito, Sheep, Poultry ao.l other pur poses. Wire Summer Homes, Fancy Wire Work in great ■ variety for gardens, kc. M. WALKER A SONS. Mar.uaciurers. No. 585 Market, S, K. Cor. 6th St., Phila lelphia. (octi4-ly) D. C. HODGKINS &l SON. DEALERS Dl AN* D MANUFACTBRERS OF GrUMS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, FISHING TAOKL'ES And Spot ting Apparatus ogariutr Bt*c*iirrto, (’ * FIW ItOO&S BELOW THK Lanier Hon se, $ ‘jk£ iV ? V J? M acok, Ga. Jan. 1,1560. ts 09UBLS iIS. RIFLES. Ai PISTOLS THOMAS MORSE, OF the late firm of MaßxwaiTts * Muk, Itsvlng pur chased the entire business, will continue the manufac ag of Denble (.nos, and best Hiilrs and Pistols aiade in the Unite.l States, on an entirely new plan of Mr. Morse’s. GUNS re-stocked and repaired in the best manner, and on ieasonable ttrms, at short notice. The undersigned being practical workman, will guarantee all his work, and in vite the public to give him a trial. jXfP” The Stand is under the Floyd Hoif-e, oppdWte Dr. rhurapson’a. j un v 18-’6O y nos. aitDUii.ti. o. 8. sritis HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Merchants^ MACON, GA., WILL give prompt attention to the selling and storing of Cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation ind family supplies. With many years experience and ith their heat efforts to serve their friends, they hope to tare a -oitinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore to them Liberal advances mal* when required. August 15th I*6o. 0/-) NEWFIEM. L. I’. STRONG & SONS. I’ EWIS P- STRONG ten- J derv his grateful thar.ks _ ..r the liberal ,/f^t tended to him lur the last wenty years.and re- if s’2& oetfwlly announcfis that lie jftl , associated with him in nU* ~ > t , l :ifl ; \ yS&c* • further prosecution ot SvyAg *•* he business, hi. two sons. EDGAR P. .STRONG a.oi q. rOKKEPTEK W. STRONG. nder the name, firm and - a O> Wj tyie of L. P. STRONG A ; NS, and will continue to ... . , , eep on hand and offer, a large and select assortment or ISottls Sliocw Mud IL‘:t*h<*r ,? a n kinds, and Finding* for Country manufacturers. He respectfully ask* for the new firm, a continuance o. the Lb* rill *avor eitpnffpt! to the old. Macon, January 8,1560. * l -F Zi: I 1.1 \ K II I NT , WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GEORGIA. feb 24-’60—y ... NEW K1B1! Messrs. T. & G. \V OOD, ■ itY I*, this day astwt'i- 1 L ied With them in the Mr nanufacture and sale of £ - ‘ ‘N FIRMTI RK, n.e business be here ißßWDihchilinl .< Rim* | <t ** C ante Os JK, WOOD BRO A 00., & ~ Xacdii, Guorgia. NOT l€’ K. Having associated with t in the Furniture business, Seth F. Wood, we are particularly desirous o f closing up the old Madness ms soon as possible, and retpe<-t'Gll v request all in lebted, either by note or account, to call and make payment it an early day. T. A <1 WOOD. Macon,2d Jauuary, ltVW*. (feb44) iICBM SLED STOHi:. I AYDRI TH’S FKKSH GARDEN’ FEEDft.—W. 8 J K 1,1,13 has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, ,- rum Laudreth’a, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest lirices, wholesale and retail. jy Also, a general saeortmeot of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Macon,Ga., J W* rLL,? MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1861. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. &caiia^iss, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FttKKITH, GA. AA7 ILL practice law in Uie coumiescf Monroe, Bibb, Hp ft sou, Pike, Spalding, Henry and Butts Mr. C.ibaniss Will give prompt od rot; -tant attention to the eollrcuoß and securing ut debts an J cluni. C. PkKPLdfS, GEO. A. CABANISS. fir;uerlf ts AtliPim, Gi. 6-ly. •M . BK.4\IIAJI, .•. ATTORNEY A T LAW, iTIAI ON, GA, / \lfli Eon Cotton iwnui mer tk Liitlm jk V/ Store, room formerly occupied by Dr. Green. r-. tt-lj’ ”s. kTiOOlii ATTORNEY AT LAW, macon, Georgia. I k FPil 1 E with Spcr A Huotcr, over B >3tick*a Store. Ecb. *d, t -Gi—y LA MAR COKU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, vi\CO.N, GEORGIA, OFFICB on Mulberry street, over the Store of A. M. UlaoJiiwAr & Ou., in ttoaoluuu’* W*sliiHgt<M liiook. rt iii practice iu liibb, Crawford, Dooly, Houston, Macon, Worth, ami bumicr. feb ‘2l-y LAW CARD. jIEvSH.S. COOK, ROBINSON MONTFORT, Wll.t, practice Law in the counties of Taylor, Macon, il >u(ou, Dooly, Sumter, Marion, Schley, and in such other counties in the State as their business will authorise. ,ifUr l iCh ui Oglethur|ie. PHILIP COOK, W. H. ROBINSON, june 40-’6o—tf T. W. MONTFoKT. *. HILL. Js>. R. HILL Law Partnership. ii il, TANARUS, <fc if ii. r,, (jrCCE*jnu? TO THE I.ATk FIRM OF SiTL’BBS t HILL.) WII,(, practice In the Macon and adjoining Circuits, aixl iu the Supreme iaual Ked*;ral Courts, the same as heretofore by the late fir.ii of Stubbs JSI ililt. The undersiged trill close up the business of the late firm of Stubbs A Hill, as speedily s possible : and to this end,all persons indebted to said firm, are requested to make j>ay ment at as early a day as practicable. B. 111 LL, .Surviving partner of August 44,15.)9—48-tf Stubbs A UilL LAXIGR .V AXORHSOIV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, nACO.V, OA. |>FtACriC*! in the Counties or the Macon Circuit, and in I. tit* Countie, of Sumter, Monroe and June. ; also In the ‘’ederal Court, at Savannah. [apr 21 ’53-1 y] ( I LVLKHOI hE A: A>SLEV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE AND FORT VALLEY, CA. G. P. CULYERUOI SE, F. A. ANBLEY, Knoxville, Ga. Fort Valley, Ga. oct 81-’6O-ly L. X. WHITTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, i IAVOX, GEORGIA. tFFICE next to CONCERT lIALL,over Payne’s Drug Btore jan. 6, [4l-ly.] T3SOH AK It. CABAXI^, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3Porytli, C Jrtx. WILL attend promptly to all business entrustedto his cave lu theConntie.ol Monrop, Bibb, Butts, Crawford, D‘-s, Pike, dpal'liug and Upson. l“M H* ’^ 3 J JOEL K. GRIFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. WILL practice iu the Counties of Macon and the ad joining Circuit*. Also in the -’ounties of the West and South-West Georgia, accessible by Hail Hoad. Particular personal attention given to collecting. y*“ Oifice with 0. A. Lociirane, Damour’s Building, 2d Street. f e *’ 44-’6l' —4S-tf Sirs. .TDOA AU) A VAX Gl£SO, DENTISTS, Office in Washington lSlock, .Tlucon, Ga. ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. %1j f>*S Tooth Pa. to always on hand and for sale. Dentists can be supplied with the fines! s,tyle of TEETH, Gold Foil, Gold and Silver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Material, on .hurt notice. °®t 18 A. C. MOOKE, D E I S TANARUS, THOMASTON, GPA... Os? KICK over Dr. Thompson’s Store. My work is ray Reference. faprl I-tf] II ENRY^S CONrENTKATKD Extract of Jamaica Ginger, MADE from the Jamaica “ Ginger Root. Fcr Cholic, which not only expels the Vi wind but thoroughly invig orate* the bowels and intes. tines For Dyspepsia it is unrivaled, the dose beinp 2 sinali and giving relief im niediate'y, thus dissipating! lowness of spirits and head *. lie. A* many denominate 1 y. Drunkenness a disease, which undoubtedly i* the case, we offer tins a most eif-ctual remedy; a few -A drops of Henry’* Ginger In H little water will impart, such a stimulating effect up JII Gie stomach and bow! 2 els that the great desire to indulge in liquor is destroy: “ ed, while i! produces a healthy and natural condr tion of the parts. Asa Rheumatic Remedy, used S extensively, it has proved excellent. To prevent bad l effect of change of water or diet, it has no erptals, and ® no one should travel with out it; sea sickness is pre . vented and fatigue .lessipa ted. No neshould hesitate *5 to use it, being made of a familial- and long ackuowlj S edged excellent medicine, being prepared with great m care ft of superior strength. U-e Henry's and no other., The test ol its being gen uine it does not turn milky j L? wlien poured Into water. w , 7.EILIN A HUNT, Made only by Druggists, Macon, Ga. may * , , %3f~ See special notice. A Climire for Capitalirt*. MACON GRIST M ILL for SALE. OWIN' €4 to the insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser The Mill is now in complete running order—will grind 17 bushels a day, and cannot fail to make a handsome prod if well managed, in the hands of a person with sullicit* i capital to carry it on properly-. The most satisfactory in formation on this, and other subjects connected with th bU St- n bU ° bU ‘ ned Ut U,e M BbIFK'JILLET A CO^ The Harden Express Cos. WILL I’ASS GOODS AT THE CJl!*tOftfcl ISoll’it’ Sit 3*51 YSlIlfIS! li? and forward them By Express or Freight Train, as paitirs may prefer, only charging f >t unr trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing ■nd forwarding. For further information concerning the above, apply to M. C MCDONALD, Agent Macon, Msrch 40,1861. Corn aiil ©at*. Is/IA ni NUKIsN Prime Corn. 504 bushels Oats, 20 ,Ur B * IC l y EOWDUF. A ANDERSON. CORM ! CORM! ! \AOo BUSH. Prime Western Corn, just received /tjUl) and for sale at f.6 Iba. to the bushel by Vug 16 MoCALLW A JONES. KEFniID LEAF LARD. ..-v kegs Refined Leaf Lard now rcceivitig and so GO Tale by MoOALLIKA JONEU. SUB If- Pure Corn and Hrctifit'd Wliiskey. _ A/V BBLS. Whiskey, consislli.g of “ Ward A Carey’ | * *(/ Extra Rectified, Kentucky Pure White,”Ten nessee Corn,” Georgia Planters,” “Pike’s Magnolia,’ and other Brands, all received direct from the TMslillei s. and or sale low by McOALJJK A JUNES, mar T Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! A I, % KG 4', Stock for sale, without reaa-d to cost. Now IS the time to pet cheap Clothing at june 13 J- * w A. KOKS ft heat* Hye, Barley and Oats. (ji.'i IX'TEI) especially for seed. In store and so H sale, bv (m t Hi) MeCALUB A JONES. llay. AAA Rkf.ES Prime selected Hay, for sale low by mar 46 BOWdRE A ANDERSON. P” LANTATION ■KOIJAWS.-Nwrtu store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we havesver offered in this Market. Men’s double •ol*d wg and nailed black and russetts ; do. h*y single soled black du russetts; do. boys and youth* black and russctu.all of. Which we atesulllbg very lo w. KU I UITUB6. I wit | ( FUii PKIISEXTATIO*. Oil tUe 19th of July, the ladies of Upson comity, presented a beautiful Flag to the HAliJi nj C,rt/a,” (Apt. A. J White, through 1 i->s K. A. Lyon. We have heeti favorei with a copy of MUs Lyon’s chaste and patriotic Address, and the eloquent re sponse winch we now lay before our reader? They tire furnished in reply to the call of a committee, who solicited tiieni for publi eatiiii; ADDRESS Or MISS LYON. Captain White and Gentlemen of thf. 11 Holloway Greys Honored by the ladies of this community as their ortrsn and representative, to present to you, in their behalf, a flag of the “Confed erate States,” I appear before you to dis charge the pleasing duty. On ordinary occasions it ill befits the gentler sex to occupy public positions, or appear before the public as speakers; innate modesty of the sex would forbid such conspicuous displays. But when the thunders of revolution are rocking a conti nent and armed men are rushing by thou sands to the scene of battle, it seems pecu liarly fitting and appropriate that woman should lend her approving smiles and en couraging words to those who are rallying to participate iu the desperate strife. The stern realities of war and the fearful shocks of hostile armies but serve to enkindle the fires of patriotism on the altar of her heart, and her impetuous zeal stops not to counsel with the cold and rigid proprieties of ordinary times. But whatever her hands find to do that will redound to her country’s good, or nerve the arm of her patriot soldiers, she does with all her might; anti with virtuous indignation fligs back defiance to those who would a.ssuil her rights or threaten her honor. We firmly believe, that notwithstanding the fashionable and extravagant excesses to which they have gone, the same spirit which animated the matrons of the revolution — which enkindled the hearts of Spartan moth ers—and inspired the women of ancient Greece—still burns in the bosoms of their descendants. Prosperity has its evils as well as adversity ; and although the plethora of prosperity which we have enjoyed for a number of years past, may have served to repress the spirit of heroism and bury be neath the rubbish of extravagant fancies the fires of patriotism, yet the present gloom and depression of our country have evoked them from their dormant recesses, and to day they are flaming brightly in every true woman’s heart. This is not a festive occasion, mirthfulness and hilarity are not. its appropriate insignia; on til-.* contrary the thoughts ami reflections which suggest themselves are full of solemn and significant import. The stern ami stubborn realization of war, with all its ac companying horrors is upon us ; our land is invaded, our soil polluted by the tread of a hostile and brutal soldiery. The inyrmitinns of Abraham Lincoln are swarming from their Northern hives, where they have been fat tening for years on the wealth of the South, and are now darkening all our borders like clouds of locusts. Virginia, the grand Old Dominion, the mother of States and States men, the birth-place of Washington, Jeffer son and Patrick Henry, the noblest State of the old thirteen, whose princely munificeueu widened the boundaries of the republic, whose very name is the synonym of everything that is honorable, chivalrous and magnani mous —whose citizens recently exhausted every honorable means to secure their rights in the Union—lias been iuvaded by mercen ary hordes —her soil desecrated by the tread of Northern vandals —her noble sons shot down like wild beasts—and her towns and villages taken possession of by abolition mobs—and all for what ? Because she chose to exercise the right of secession, reserved in the original compact of union. Maryland, the cradle of religious freedom on this continent, is in chains at the feet of the despotic tyrant, and the spirit of her people intimidated by the presence of federal guns and bayonets. Even far distant Mis souri, her borders have been overrun, and innocent women and children have been butchered in cold blood. Their blood is crying to Heaven for vengeance, and South ern troops will be chosen instruments to exe cute that vengeance, though manacled on her borders, has roused from her lethargy, anti shouts back defiance to Lincoln s gath ering hosts. The hero, Jackson, who lost his life in defending the Confederate flag, though lie now sleeps beneath the sod of his own loved Virginia, yet speaks to us in tri umphant tones —his example and death plead more eloquently for retributian than the most inspired utterances of the greatest living orator. To arms ! to arms ! is the rallying cry from the utmost verge of Virginia to the last rolling prairie of Texas. Tennessee, no ble, gallant Tennessee —lias caught up the wild retrain, and her mountains and valleys are reverberating in thunder tones to her sisters of the South. Sonth Carolina, chiv alrous South Carolina—what shall 1 say of her? AVith Spartan bravery she led the South in this great revolution. She stood up to the right and proclaimed her freedom, solitary and alone in her glory, while as yet she hud no positive assurance of the co-oper ation of a single State ! In defiance of fed eral threats and coercicves, with the history of nullification liesh in her memory, she raised high the standard of Southern inde pendence, and erected a wall of strong arms and stout hearts to defend it at any and eve ry cost. Our own loved State, Georgia, “ I love theo next to Heaven above, Land of my fathers thee I love, And rail thy slanderers as they will With all thy faults, I love thee still.” Though calm and self-possessed—is stern and defiant as fate. Her gallant sons have nobly responded to their country’s call, and thousands eager and panting for the fray, are awaiting their turn to engage in the con test. Hut it is useless to discriminate where all are doing their duty. Suffice it to say, the South is fully aroused, and her motto is, death to the invader who puts his feet on her soil. Our teeming legions are rushing and concentrating on the plains of the “Old Dominion, ’’ w here battles will be fought aud victories won. Large miniber.-> are hovering on the borders of the Mississippi to repel the mercenaries of Lincoln who are threatening the devastation of that fertile valley —and thousands are mustering on the far off prai ries of Texas to welcome Jim Lane and his marauders to the graves of eternal oblivion. You,gentlemen of the “Holloway Greys,” , have offered your services for the war, to aid | in swelling this mighty tide of opposition, which I shall soon overwhelnin our enemies, or drive them hack in dismay to their abolition dens. You have nobly vol unteered to become a part of that vast ava iauehe of Southern heroism and bravery, whose resistless march -dial! obliterate with their own blood the last footprint of the in vaders, and over whose track desolation aud destruction shall hover like a pull. You have deliberately resolved to forsake all the endearments of* home, to saerili.*e the coim forts of your own firesides, and to forego tile Humberto pleasures and convenience* of domestic life, lot- the purpose of respond ing to your country’s call for help in this the hour of her extremity. Wo presume not to prescut motives to arouse you to greater zeal or to enkindle in your hearts a deeper ad higher patriotic fervor. No, brave sol diers ! we would not thus wound those noble hearts that beat .so devotedly beneath your glorious arms. Our object is to relieve our own full hearts of that burning and expres sive love which we have neither power nor will to conceal. Would that we could give you soma faint m uaifestation of our appre ciation of your generous and self-sacrificing determination. Would that we had lan guage to portray —to fully paint the deep and fervent emotions that are now swelling from the great hearts of female devotion to your cause. Gould we command the richest dyes of the countless flowers that smile on our sunny plains, and the brightest tints of the golden sun now gleaming in reflected splendor from vour glorious arm3, weaving a victorious wreath of glory around each manly form ! still wc would fall short of completing the picture. W e would then fail to do justice to the true daughters of TTpson. Then, gentlemen, when language fails let our deeds express what every heart will own and bless This banner —this proud and glorious banner, that calls on Southern hearts to protect and defend South ern rights, made by the ladies, moistened by their tears, and consecrated by their prayers, we joyfully consign to your keeping,assured while wo do so that it will be in the custody of safe hands, and will never he dishonored so long as one of your number survives to bear aloft its beautiful folds in the pure sun light of Heaven. Gentlemen, brave and noble volunteers — to me this is a prized and happy privilege. ; The privilege of passing that proud banner ; to your faithful hands gives me heartfelt pleasure. Glorious flag ! we love you ! we love your name and your mission ! A ictory spreads from your ample folds, and those bright stars tell of glorious conquest. Guard it as you would h priceless legacy, ! cherish it as the apple of your eye, and nev er let its beautiful folds trail in the dust of defeat until the last man of you shall tall on the field of glory. We congratulate you on your happy choice of a leader. A our hon ored Captain, Mr. A. J. White We teel assured that, lie will be brave and efficient in the cause of his country. \\ e love, we rev erence, we adore the man that bravely meets the foe, whether that foe be in the form of ‘ man or of demons. Go, then, brave men and valiant Captain! Go in the strength of Him who Ld the hosts of Israel to victory. We resign you, dear and precious as you are to our hearts, we cheer fully resign you in high and holy trust, and fear no evil, for “Our glorious South shall still be free; No foul oppressor’s tread, Shall mar the dust that sweetly rests Above our holy dead. The mighty and the brave repose Beneath our Southern sky, Their dust has hallowed all our soil, And Freedom cannot die ! Then go, brave soldiers! proudly bear That Hag where she may call Be first, and best, and bravest there— Go, brethren —friends —all! Go, tho’ our hearts may bleed to see You wave a ‘ last farewell We’d rather mourn the brave and true Than smile where tyrants dwell 1” MR. J. T. Ml RPHKY’s RESPONSE. ! Miss Lyon and Ladies : In behalf of the Holloway Greys, I have the honor to accept this beautiful banner, adorned by the fair bands of woman. The fact, of your presenting us with such a flag impresses us forcibly with the regard which ; you have for us as a company, individually | and collectively, and the great interest which j y„ u foci in our welfare and success in a mili tary capacity. It, exhibits to us your love i of country and countrymen, and we, urged on and encouraged by the interest which the fair ladies of our beloved South take in our present difficulties, should press forward in the defence of our rights as long as life lasts or a foe remains on Southern soil. We are fast changing to a military people, necessity invites our attention in that direc tion. Only a few years back in the past there was a time of pleasure, trauquiiity and peace, there was nothing to mar our happiness; the North and South were then a united people, the American people bid fair to become one of the greatest nations on earth, every branch of science was making to perfection, the greatest improvements were being made in American literature, everything seemed to tend to future pros perity, to the happiness of the American people, and to their exaltation among the other distinguished nations of the earth.— But think what a few years have developed. The North, by her action, has merited the dissatisfaction of the South, and now, we, a Southern people stand united, asking noth ing only to be suffered to enjoy our rights under our Southern constitution. The clouds of darkness which have so long threatened us brings horror to every heart. Our Northern foe which for years trampled on our rights, as guarantead under the old constitution, and in consequence of which wc claimed the right of separation, has invaded our South ern soil, threatening desolation and destruc tion. In view of such facts does not every heart utter in tones of thunder that liberty we must have, liberty we trill have ? With out this liberty life would furnish no attrac tions. From the time of the last Presidential election, we, tho South, have said that we will not have Lincoln to rule over us. These have been our words and our actions go to prove the assertion, iu consequence oi which, holding the right of recession as belonging to us, we have announced our separation. They say that they will suppress our rebel lion, as they are pleased to term it; we say that to the last we will defend our native South, our homes, our firesides, our South ern Confederacy, and that we will repel our I Northern invaders or die iu the attempt. —• \V T e mu A not forget that we have a powerful foe to contend with ; let us not underrate them, but meet them with the assurance that we must meet wi ll powerful opposition, still resolving to conquer or die in the attempt, feeling that when our lives are thus spent they will be speut in a glorious cause, feeling that we have the approval of God ; we must li.k to Him for preservation and success, ami knowing that Ills Omnipotent Hand lias thus far brought it - victorious through every contest. The prayers of Hist people are Jail y ascemliug to His throne ot* mercy petitiociiuGr our safe pita Uiruugb our preoeut trou bles. Kvery eye is engaged, every heart throbs with intense anxiety for success in every effort, all of our movements are watch ed with the greatest concern. Feeling assured that we are in the right, and urged forward by the prayers of millions, we stand invincible before every foe, and with His protection we shall, though it may be after a long and bloody conflict, come out victorious, and to the ruin of our enemy, and then we arc an independent people, shall be respected and exalted among other nations. Thousands of our fellow-men have gone forth to the scene of action, and they are still going with a determination to drive back the invaders from our soil. We have witnessed the departure of many even within a short time; and we have volunteered for the war ; and expect also soon to have the glorious privilege of going forth with others ot our beloved countrymen to engage in the battles of our country. The pleasures of home must then be sacrificed, we must be cut off from the pleasant asso.iial ions of our nearest and dearest relations and the long enjoyed society of our friends, however dear they may have been, in order that we too may take our places in the battles of our beloved country to secure for ourselves independence and liberty. It is truly a trying point in a man’s life to bo called on to leave those uear aud dear to him, aud to take his position in the field of battle. We go as a company, not knowing when it will be our privilege to return, or whether we shall ever return with our full number. But this is a sacrifice which we should be willing to make for our country’s cause, for we all have a common interest at stake, and whatever is necessary in order to promote that interest must bo done. We will not be the first who have made such a sacrifice. Can we hesitatingly stand off and without concern see Southern, soil polluted by the foot-priuts of a desolating foe ? We must leave homes, friends, relations and everything else near and dear to us, and looking to our noble banner resolve to carry it triumphantly through every battle. We have been presented with this beautiful flag. Shall those patriotic ladies entertain fear for one moment that the flag shall be dishonor ed by a violation of the sacred trust on the part of any member of our company ? Ltather give them reason ever tn hope that, it will be preserved from the hands of the enemy, and never, while life is given, shall it be dishonored, but that the last one of our number would fall before it should trail in the dust, especially when we remember the kind and generous hearts who have placed it iu our care for protection. Members of the Holloway Greys, let us never suffer this banner, with its beautiful colors, to fall iu the dust; but let us light, for our rights, our liberty, ourselves, Un fair maidens of our land, and for future generations, under its flying colors, and let it never fall into the hands of a treacherous foe. Men, remember that which is placed in our care —remember our promise, and let it never prove false; but let us carry it when we go, aud when we return, let us return it as we received it, and with the laurels of victory. Ladies, accept the sincere thanks of the Holloway Greys, for the beautiful banner which you have presented to us,-and be as sured that we will never prove recreant to the trust which you have reposed in us, but that it will be preserved from the wicked hands of a desolating foe. And to you, the color-bearer, I commit this beautiful banner. Protect these colors for the sake of these fair ladies, for our sake, and most of all, because it is the flag of our Southern Confederacy ; and should you ever be called to bear its flying colors into the field of battle, defend it at all hazards, and under all circumstances, and if permitted to return home, return it to these ladies who have presented it, with the honors of victo ry, and you, yourself, will have the honor of having fought in defence of the Southern Confederacy, and under its noble flag. Tli; ©rent I'itfiit. [From the Reporter of the World.] At two o’clock this morning I arrived in Washington, having wittnessed the great couflict near Manassas Junction from begin ning to eud, and the gigantic route and panic which broke up the Federal Army at its close. I stayed near the action an hour or two later, than my associates, in order to gather the final incidents of the day, and fully satisfy myself as to the nature aud ex tent of the misfortune. And now in what order shall I describe the event of yesterday ? Even now, how shall one pretend to give a synthetic narra tion of the whole battle, based on the het erogeneous statements of a thousand men— a buttle whose arena was a tract miles in breadth and length, interspersed with hills aud forest—whose contending forces were divided into a dozen minor armies, contin ually interchanging their positions, and nev er all embraced within the cognizance of any spectators or participator. Kent the General commanding the Federal column* mas vjno ra>U at the close of the positions of hi* several corps —was ignorant , at the beginning, of the topography of the dangerous territory on which he attached an overpowering foe.— Was either General of divisions better in formed of the movements of even his own force ? I doubt it. 1 only know that at sun set last evening, Generals, Colonels aud Ma jors were all retiring, devoid of their com mands, no more respected or obeyed than the poorest private in the broken ranks. I know that a grand army was never more dis gracefully or needlessly disrupted and blot ted, as it were out of existence in a single day. This is the truth, and why should it not be recorded ? Aud why should I not tell the cause which produced this sad result ? Weeks will be required for the proper sum ming up of details. At present, for one, 1 acknowledge my inadequacy to describe more than the panorama which passed be fore my own eyes, and the result decided by the combination of this with much that has been seen aud done elsewhere VOLUME XXXIX—NO 20. [Prom the Tiroes’ Washington Correspomlent.] DISGRACEFUL features of the flight. Tle most discreditable features of this MAuipede was the very large number of scl . urs tv to had straggled away from their ‘t . iUKut nving the battle, and now threw .tu.t) mi muskets, blaukets and knapsacks, and rau as if their lives depended on their ■lvd. tor 8 long lime uo attempt war made to step them. Hut near Pairfax a -Vew Jersey regiment liud dravn ai . r , s , the road, and eoiupeljed every soldier upon fflioni tliej could lay hands top back to his regiment, ‘i'hey were dragged out of carriages and from the backs of horses, ami turned backward with the greatest rigor.— Many of them managed, however, to pass the guard, aud the road all the way to Wash ington was crowded with these timid and fugacious warriors. How they were suffered to pass Long Bridge, having neither pass nor counter sign, is among the mysteries which I have no thought ol fathoming. But they mado their appearance on the street corners and in the bar rooms of the city with the early dawn and each speedily became the central point of a steadily swelling crowd, who learned the bloody history of this awful bat tle from the lips of these heroes, every one of whom had staid in the very thickest of the fight until his regiment was all cut to pieces, and lie was left the sole survivor. It was these men who gave to the masses in Washington their knowledge of the terrible defeat the Union forces had sustained. — Why General Mansfield has suffered them thus to roam the streets all day, filling the public ear with their prodigious lies, and creating an intense and dangerous fever of the public mind, I can not imagine. MR. RAY MONO'S EX PElt IFNCE. * * * After I had driven something over a mile from the village on my way to Washington, the crowd in the rear becamo absolutely frenzied with fear, and an im mense mass of wagons, hoises, men on foot and flying soldiers, came dashing down the hill at the rate which threatened destruc tion, instant and complete, to every thing in | their way. The panic spread as they pro ceeded, and gathering strength by its pro gress, the movement became absolutely ter ritfic. The horses caught the frenzy of the moment, and became as wild as their mas ! tors. My driver attempting to check tho ispeed of our carriage, found it suddeuly ! crushed under the weight of an enormous I Pennsylvania army wagon, which crushed it Hike an egg shell. The opportune arrival of : another carriage containing a couple of Con gressmen relieved me from the dilemma, laud took me to Washington. Previous to | my mishap 1 was overtaken aud passed by a solitary horseman, who proved to be Mr. | Russell, of the London Tim*. s, who was pro foundly disgusted with the movement, and j was making ail possible baste to get out ot | it. Who Took Cattery. The Lynchburg Vir<jin<<m asserts that it •was Col. J. A. Early, at the head of bis gal lant brigade, who charged upon aud took Shearman’s Battery, The I injiniau has this from a returned soldier who was in the fight on Sunday’, and has learned it from several other sources. Gen. Beauregard pronounced it the most splendid military achievement he ever witnessed. Col. James Preston, of Montgomery, boro a conspicuous aud gallant part in the cap ture of the battery, and was the first to lay his hand upou a gun, for which offence a retreating Yaukee gave hin a shot in the arm. Wc may also mention here that the ! Seventh and Twenty-fourth Virginia Regi ments, and the Seventh Louisiana, form Col. Early’s brigade. liitcmtiug Incident. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express relates the following : One of the most interesting incidents of the battle is presented in the case of \\ .P. * Mangum, Jr , son of Ex-Senator Mangutn, of North Carolina. This young man was at tached to Col. Fisher’s Regiment, T believe, and owes the preservation of his life to a copy of the Bible presented to him by his sister. He had the good book in his left coat pocket. It was struck by a ball near the edge, but the hook changed the direction of the bul let, and it glanced off, inflicting a severe, but not dangerous flesh wound. The hook was saturated with blood, but the advice written on a fly leaf by the sister who gave it was perfectly legible. It read thus :—“ To my brother. lie will read a portion of this blessed Word every day, and remember bis sister.” A Good Arrangement. —We learn that the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road Company is about fitting up a few ainbu alnce cars for transportation of sick and woun ded soldiers. These ears are intended to run all the way from Richmond to the Cape Fear River. They are to have easy lounges and hammocks. Will other roads join iu this arrangment ? We trust they will. When the pulse throbs with fever, or the mangled frame is torn with torture at every turn, the chan ging of cars and the forced necessity of maintaining an erect position is agony un endurable, and certainly an agony that our wounded soldiers ought to be spared it an arrangement can be made whereby this can be done. — Wilmnyton Journal. No Cotton to jie Shipped. — We publish to-day a card signed by every Cotton factor in New Orleans, recommending the planters not to ship a bale of Cotton to Now Orleans until the blockade is fully and entirely abandoned. The Gentlemen who sign this card are all men of their word, who mean precisely what they say, and who control the trade of one liaif the Cotton product of the United States. Their recommendation will be carried out by the planters to a man.— X. O. Delta. The merchants of Mobile make the same recommendation, and the cotton planters of the Confederate. States should adopt the plan generally—keep all the cotton Irom the sea- Doard until the blockade is raised. Making Vinegar.— To eight gallons of clear rain water add three r|uarts of molas* ses • put into a cask shake well a few times, then add two or three spoonfuls of good yeast cakes. If in summer, place the cask in the sun ; it in winter, near tlie chimney, where it may warm. In ten or fifteen days add to this liquid a sheet of brown paper, torn in stripes, dippen in molasses, and good vinegar will be produced. The paper will in thi> form what is called the “ ’ ov life of vinegar.