Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 21, 1861, Image 1

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\\\ S. ROSE & CO. j Journal & Messenger l , r > it eJui'S'lty nornini;at }i 5u (i*r tnaun. x t - *t h<t t> /.ilr charge will b Oxa Dollal i u : ,\r iic *oius o lkai, far the iirlinsr ---(.;1I tor .Aril subsequent iimniil. All ii’ii *|*e ineJ s Utiiot, wilt be published • .ml -narpeH •ccortlimfly. k liberal discount tli *h > advertise by the year. , \ itK-- >l nit. will be charged at \r of i mWaK* for otace, to be paid for at “, when iiuer-ed. ’ ‘ , n uea-uu m*dc with county officer*, Drug ’ ‘I i chant-*, aud oHmti, mho may wi.h to k > iM> \,ty Exccutars, Adinlni*tratnr. , .re repaired by law to lie advertised in a forty day.* i*revtoi* to the and tjr of tale. .unit he ltd I on the tint Tuesday in the month. ■ ars >-f ten in the forenoon ami three in the it th- Court honor in the couuty iu which the IVk i ti- Puoevai* uuut le advertised in like 1,..i0* no Ottwt di of an Estate nuit be i; .|i. Atioa will be made to the Ordinary for . Li.t and Negroea, nuit be piibtiahed weekly tor for Letters of Administration., thirty days; for fr ■ u .\<liuini*tratiou, monthly, six mouths; for iroui tluardianohip, weekly, forty days i PoaKi ‘Ajataa a. XoaruAak, mouiltly, four :ir eitabliihlnr lost papers, for the full space of .-'-e ; for eoi ipeliiug title* from exeeutors or *il where a bond has been given by the deceased • . ice of three iu mths. Liters addressed to I. ROSE A CO. j'r.lli'ssiAlltll illtd itllsilll'm Urll. s,i asp Ui'sfXK'x- CAiuk* * til be inserted under .1,0 the following rates, vli r . lies, per min im ...f ft 00 : lines, do 10 u i .nes, do 12 00 .. \ , ive lines, do 15 00 -tiseot'-nts of this eiax* will be admitted, unles* advance, uor for a less term than twelve months. , i*mts of over twelve line* will lie charged eao eata. it* not paid for in advance will be charged at .1 L.AK MKF.TIMiS y ISONS, KNUiIIT TEMPLARS, Uol> FEL s INO HONBOF TKUPKIUMK, IlKLll IX THE City or MACO.X. MASONS. -i i. . Ive of Oe irgia for 186 ft, October 81st. : L Ue, No. 5, tint and third Monday nights in each • i< Chapter, No. 4, second Monday night In each Vi Council, No. 6, fourth Monday night in each - EncampoaMU. Knights Templar, No. 2, Meetings ~t r y first Tuesday u’ght in each month. ODD FELLOWS. L lg-*, first Wednesday in June. , :V ii g. siapinent, Tuesday previous. ice, Jfw.2, every Thtir-lay evening, r-.jte: U.-oth< ra, No. 5, every Tuesday evening, u. >-i Encampment, No. 2, sccood and fourth Mon *.7 evenings in >-aeh mouth. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. , nn |!s - on, fourth Wednesday in October, annually. II 0 t K L s. A N IT Ii HALL. I U!I a-Ik respectfully inform my ol.l> FRIENDS and £ i ii\.s, that since the fire, l harec-btaiued the Rooms • ha iuiK Si XT ABOVE the “Oranile llall,” and over - , r - K I’. M. Evoy and Messrs. Bostick A Umar, ij,, 1 i.AVe opened, and will be pleased to see my Iriewds . -i f. r i'.’ r t-otufort and ‘ U.V ’ Very Re-pe. tfuliy, HEX J. E. DENSE. NI-1W HOTKL. PLANTERS’ HOUSE,| MACON, GEO KOI A. * tN i ll KKY STREET, two Squares from th*- Rail Hoad ( sand iu the Inisinews part of tlie city. J. O. tiOHDALE, Proprietor. Ii V O W 11*S Jrl o t e 1 , OpposiU- tin Passenger House, Matou, Ga it \ K. fil. KKOWI A M>.\. \TEILN ready on the arrival of every Train. Th*- J 1 -1- rs wdl spare no pains t< make their mini feb 22 4s -’o> V fTifiiuriKii ii.iisi:. “Like the Phccaix from its Ashes.” 81H\r !r-re, new anl elegant House, recently erected I ruins of my old establishment. Mulberry street i., - now op"il for the reception and accouiUioda- U orders and transient Ouest-. H - h been n-triy furnished throughout, in tlie .-i., ..:r, ainJ the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. n is eligible, a little below the Methodist and ic S’re.bytenon Church, and near the Bank? C r.n-ted with the House is a arge I .it i\v and leSt able, ’ !).- vers and others can find accommodations for r .. . .age of his old friend* arid of the traveling pnh ra ty. is respectfully solicited. M. STUBBLEFIEI.U. TROUT HOLTS ST, UV J. D. UII.BUItT A CO. .VllAkta, GMrfila, iSHINGTON HALL. TiH* HOUSE IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. dl*EI It*, arrangement will be made for the aceommo of the Members to the approaching STATE CON- i .NTDiN, and the future Slessiou of the Legislature. • • and ttriH* at thi* House, will conform to those i r Puiilic Houses in this city. X. C. BARNETT. Kilted gey llle, Go , Dec. IMh.ISfiO. AGRICULTURAL INL PLEMENTS. NATHAN WEED, JJftf oii, Georgia, HtS NOW IN STOWE and offers to Planters a superior >'* rtraent of the newest and most improved Turn iag iinpiements in use. In-ri aui 8:eel Plows, Harrow*, PioUiTh Humes, Cultivators, Grain Cradles, Bey the Blades, Threshers, Pan Mills, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Shovel- and Spades, Traces, .Spading and manure Porks, Weeding lliws, f ,-ovila’, Collins’, Brade’s Patent American Hoe Cos. nvuf.ctuSe. ?, . c lu t English refinthl IRON . f all sit s. Warranted Plow Steel, English manufactore. Anvils, Vises, Bellow*, llaminsrs, Screw Plates, Tongs, Boras . Cai’ppntcr's ‘l’ooln, Builders’ Hardware. C’.l HHIA OK ASD WA OOK MA TER!A />, In all their variety. Bar 18 . X ew EMtabliHlimont. REPOSITORY. C. r U. WARD & 00., .HIM F.UTI It lilt’s and lllitl.iiKN, OPPOSITE THE PLOYD HOUSE, Mai-üB, Ga. \\TK would rail the attention of the public to oar nea T -lock, comprising Coaches, Brett-*, duckaways one B f the most elaborate tnbh, from celebrated build ’r*.North. Ifg- Genuine HRATTLEUORO’ BUGGIES constantly on kv.,l. nov 1C 8A ts W ILL YOU GO NORTH, WIIKN YOU CAN I>o CARRIU^ 1 &H VR YESS UA YL FACTOR 1 AND KKPOHITOKY, FORSYTH, GA- H A V s\G purchased thg entire inter •- f tt. firm of BANKS, WIL- \\J ARs* *• -v 00., 1 invite the attention ,e Qa: of M . iroc and surr-oiningcounties \jy ~ yf , -iy extensive arrangements for Manufacturing TOP AX Li ‘ TOP BUGGIia, COACHES, ROCKAWAYB, CAR PHXTOBB, te., Ac. lam constanMy recelviny 1, - not from tlie Nortli. but trout •> ‘* ork Shops, to my stock on hand, of three or foui ’ *r - “S Per week, which combine elegance and finish, will. mta<-si, strength and durability. Orders for any sort ol ,'*[ !e, Hantes*, Ac , are most respectfully solicited, whlel. • [ijfrr*** l *** BslW.S>* all engagements for work ’GTL'ALLY met. I have constantly on hand a large “m2?*** ° f HAUNBBB - Repaii-jojj j one at short notice and Warranted. -So*al-ly J. R. BANKA ( OIKSTNIiTtJHOVK, Superior old Rye and M< Whi* la Mo re tad for sale by * MoCALU* JGMR . i ■m - t- ,* - Mn—l_ ■■ ■ - - - - ■ ■ - - - m i ©corgifi Journal anb iHcsscngct. BUSINESS CARDS. WORKS, M.U’OY, GCOKGU. r r. C. N IHKET, I I ‘woiiV his roUTIiRT AND MACHINE w- * olt ~ U * of the tt*uK..J near U.e Macon w estern Bhi>|r*, hr is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of MACIiINKRY AND CASTINGS, ALS > Steam Engines & Boilers, Jn terms as favorable as any Fstal.lishment eiih.-r North or (mar 18) t. C. NlfiBKT. AOHg SCHOSUtLO, AIIs.IICA SCBOflkkb Schofield & Bro., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS WACOM, GEORGIA. W F *w prepared U. Manufacture M. ain Engiaei. M.SSTk-mfiS!' 4,11X81 MILL “ rs GIN OKAR BHASS AN I) IKON CAST!NGS Os ev> rr description RAILING aud V Ell- A DA Ilk. Having the most complete assortment ol Iron Baiting in the State, which for clegauce, neatness, du rability ted design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for the front, of Dwellings, Cemetery L -u, Public Sun ares, Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will do well to *1 ve a call, as se are determined to offer as good bargains si any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jan 1-I^l A. DS'QUEEN. IUA.CON, GEORGIA. II ANI PA( Tl KEIt ol W rough | Iron AtJL RAILING of every description, and for all Plain and Hrn■*mental, fr*m the lightest Scroll Iron, uu to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of New and Original Designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suit ed. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength c-nnot be questioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Par ticular attention given to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railings. Specimens of the work can be seen at the Residences of T. G. Holt, L. F W. Andrews and W. J. McKlroy, Esqrs. Also at Rose Hill Cemetery, jaly 18 16-ts Corrugated Wrought Irou aud Hire Railing. (Secured by Letters Patent.) VB M I II A II L Y adapted for enclosing Public Grounds, Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottages, Ac. Sheep and Ox Hurdle. Pa eut Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety of Folding Iren Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Patent Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Mus<|iutu, Sheep, Poultry ad other pur poses. Wire Summer Houses, Fancy Wire Work in great variety for gardens, Ac. M. WALKER A SONS, Manuacturer*, No. 535 Market, N, E. Cor. 6th St., Phila delphia. (oct24-ly) D. C. HODGKINS 8l SON, DKALK&3 I* ASH MAS(7PACTKftKR4 OF CiUKTS, -iiFLES, PISTOLS, And Sporting Apparatus. or uvKKi ui-*c*irimx, I*. raw kooks hklow thk Lanier Houao, li Macon, Ga. V Jan.l.lSC*. if OOCSLE BREWS, ASD PISTOLS. THOMAS MOUSE, I Vl'the late firm of MAakWALTEB A MottUt, having pur- V f chased the entire business, will continue the inanufac ■ g Os iioiiblf Gnus aud best Hides and Pistols made in the United states,on an entirely new plan of Mr. Worse's. GUNS re-*toeFed and repaired in the best manner, and on c easonable terma, at short notice. The undersigned being practical workman, will guarantee all his work, and in vite the public to give him a trial. {jjgr” The Stand I* under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thompson's. june 18-’6O-y nos. WAontMab, *■. o. a. sparks HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WAIiIMIOLSE AND Commission Merchants. MACON. OA.. WILL give prompt attenti.m to the selling and storing of Cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation ind family supplies. With manv years experience and vith tlielr best efforts to serve their friends, they hope to •iave a cojtinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore ■xtrnded to them. Liberal advances made when required. August lftth l’tCU. ( J y ) NEW FIEM. 1,. l\ STRONG & SONS. rtWIB P. STRONG ten- J der* Lis grateful thanks or the patronage y*. ,/L tended to him for the last ‘ |g, wenty -• • Sf X, GHH# / Js9 e tfully announce* that he . associated with him in £. V -- e furtiier prosecution ol he business, hi* taro son*. KDttAlt P. STRONG and lk -Jk W. BTKONG, in ler the name, firm and dyle of L. P. BTRONO A *ONS, and will continue to ieep on hand aud offer, a large and Select assortment of Boot's Slides it ii si !.‘Utii‘r ,f all kimls, ar,d Findings for Country manufacturers. He respectfully asks for the new firm, a continuance oi the lib -ral ‘avor extended to the old. Macon, January 2, Udkt. 41-y ZEI I*l A A II VMT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GEORGIA. feb 19 ’*e- y NEW FIRM! M< -ss 1-s. T. ( i. WOOD, n AVI-this day assocl- - - ml with th“u in the j r ‘* T *| ~-s nanufacture and sale of * A FIRNITLUK, SETH c. u’n< * i> sh business will he here iltercondm ltd in the firm j/ttsTf *** * tame of Mujfp WOOD BEO k CO., U “ Macon, Georgia. NOTICE. * Having associate-1 will, ua iu the Fnrnitare business,Seth 0. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closing up Ihe old ■usiness a* soon as possible, and res|<ectfullv re-tuest all iti iebted, either by note or account, to call and makepayment it an early day. T. A 0 WOOD. Macou,2d Jaunary, IS6O. (feb 22) MACON SEED STORE. I IMIKLTHW FREFIf GARDEN BFKD9.-W. 8 J KLLI9 has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, *rnm Landreth's, warranletl genuine, for sale at the lowest trices, wholesale and retail. Also, a general assortment of HRUG3 AND MEDICINES. Hinik.J* U,* W.l. SIUA MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1801. PROFESSIONAL CARtB. PEEPLES A CABAXISS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, POKKYTII. (■ A. WILL pi actice law in the counties of Monroe, Bibb, Dp son, Pike, Spalding, Henry and Butts. Mr. Cabaiiiss will give prompt and constant attention to the collection and lecuring of debts and claims 0. PEEPLES, GKO. A. CABANTSS. formerly of Athens, Ga. fc-ly. J. MM AN II AM, Ji. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . VIA t.N, it A. (unit: on Cotton Avenue over the Baptist >k I ” Store, room formerly occupied by Dr. Green, feb 1-1 y S. k. cook, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OPKICK with Speer A Hunter, over Bostl.-k's Store. Feb. 30, Isbt—y LA MAII COUU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA, Ol'l'll'li un Mulberry street, over the Store of A. M U aettshear A Cos., iu BoarJiuan’s Washington Block. Will practice in Bibb, Crawford, Dooly, Houston, Macou, Worth, and Sumter. feb 27-y lsA\Y CARD. MESSRS. COOK, ROBINSON £ MONTFORT, Wlt.L, practice Law in tike counties of Taylor, Macon, Houslou, Dooly, Sumter, Marion, Schley, aud in such other comities in the Stale as their business will authorise. OJr p tt K at 0;lftil0l |ie. PHILIP COOK, W. H. ROBINSON, june 20-’6o—tf T. W. MON I'FOKT. . Hltx. JBO. *• HILL Law l*ui*tu*‘*lii|>. HILL HILL, (SCOVBSKOHB TO TH* LAT* Fits OF STUBBS k HILL.) VtriLL. practice in the Macou and adjoining Circuits, VT and iu the Supreme and Fedetai Courts, the same as heretofore by the late firm of Stubbs A Hill. The undersiged will close up the business of the late firm of atubbs k If ill, as speedily as possible ; and to this end, all persons indebted to baid tirin, are requested to wake pay rnent at as early a day as practicable. B. HILL, Surviving partner of August 24,1958—28-ts Stubbs A Hill^ LASTIEB A A> I)LK*O V ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, UA. PRACTICE in the Counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; alsu in the •'eileral Courts at Savannah. [apr 21 ’SB-ly] ( I Li i.ltillll SB A INSLIiY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE AND FORT VALLEY, GA. G. P. CULVER HOUSE, F. A. ANKLET, Knoxville, Ga. Fort Valley, Ga. octßl-’BO-ly L. if. wiuttlje. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEO HO lA. >FFICK next to CONCERT HALL,over Payne’s Drug Store, [4l—ly.] TIIOVI AS IS. CM ISA If ISS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Forsytli, G-a. attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care in theCountiesof Mourue, Bilib, Butts, Crawford, nes. Pike, Spalding and C|aon. [may 12 ’sß] JOEL It. GRIFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Wll.l. practiee in the Counties of Macon and the ad joining Circuits. Also iu the -ountius ot the West and South-Weal Georgia, accessible by Rail Road. i*T Particular personal attention given to collecting. t4f~ Omce witli O. A. Lochraue, Damour’s Building, 2d Street. feb 22-’6b—4B-tf Dr. iITDOXAIiU A. VAS CiILSEN, DENTISTS, OtUi-e in Wasbiugioii iilveb, .tlacon, Ga., ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TKETII. Mr DONALD’S Tooth Paste always .yaa on hand ami for sale. Dentists can b <-*/ksMdfiScgV supplied with the finest style of TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Silver Plate aud Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice. oct 18 A. C. nOOKL', D E IST, THOMASTON, OIfFITE over Dr. Thompson's Store. My work is my Reference. [apr7] “henry 7 s CONCUSTKATKD Extract of Jamaica Ginger, MADE from the Jamaica “ Ginger Root. For Cholic, which not only expels the ?~± wind but thoroughly invig orates the bowels and intei ‘ tines. For Dyspepsia it is unrivaled, the dose being 2 s,nall giving relief im m.diately, thus dissipating lowness of spirits and head ache. As many denominate Ssh Drunkenness a disease, wtiich undoubtedly is tin- Mcue, we offer this a most effectual remedy ; a few drops of Henry’s Ginger in % little water will imparti such a stimulating effect upon the stomach and bow els that the great desire to Indulge in liquor is destroy 2 ed, while it produces a healthy and natural condi JT tion of the parts. Asa Rheumatic Remedy, used j extensively, It has proved excellent. To prevent bad effect of change of water or diet, it has no equals, and ® no one should travel with out it; sea sickness is prej vented and fatigue dessipa ted. No nesltouid hesitate ft to use It, being made of a familiar and long ackuowl edged excellent medicine, being nrenared with great 2 care kof suj*erior strength. Use Henry’s and no other. The test ot Its being gen uine it does not turn milky when poured into water. Made only by ZEILIN A HINT, mg y g Druggists, Macon, Ga. pe~ See special notice. A Cliauce for Capitallul*. MACON GRIST M ILL fok SALE. OWING to the Insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now incomplete running order—will grind t 7 bushels a day, and cannot fail to make a handsome protl if well managed, in the hands of a person with sutiicieo capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory in form ttion on this, and other subjects connected with th business, can be obtained at the Mill. sep26 27- BOIFEUILLET A CO. The Harden Express Cos. WILL PASS GOODS AT THE (Jiitioiii lloii*4* sit Savannah* AND FORWARD THEM By Express or Freight Trail), as parties may prefer, only charging for our trouble the Custom House Fees,for and forwarding. For further information concerning the above, apply to M. C- MCDONALD, Agent Macon, March 20,1861. Corn himl Oath. 1w f\(\ IH ‘SIIKLN Prime Corn. 50#bushels Oats, ~)UU for sale by J,. gq BOWDRE A ANDERSON. CORA ! CORN! ! .W/X/-X/V BUSH. Prime Western Corn, just received ZIMIU and for sale at 58 lbs. to the bushel by Vug 15 MoCALLIF A JONES. kefixkd leaf LAKI). //A KEGS Refined Leaf Lard now receiving and so (>t t g|e by MoCALLI K A JONES, aug 15. Pure I'orn aud Rectified Whiskey. mm Hlt 1.8. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey* / I ** I Extra Rectified,”** Kentucky Pure While,’’Ten nessee Corn,” Georgia Planters,” “ Pike’s Magnolia,’ and other Brands, all received direct from the Distillers, and or sale low by McCALLIE A JONES, mar T Clothing I Clothing!! Clothing!!! A L AItGE Stock for sale, without r eg* *-d to cost. Now is the time to get cheap Clothing at June 13 J B * W. A. BOSS Wheat, Rye, Harley ainl Oat*. ISFLEUTKD especially for seed. In store and so h sale, by (oct 10) McCALLIE A JONES. Hay. B % I.RS Prime selected Hay, for sale low by ZOO mar 20 BOWuRE A AN PERSON. LANTATION BKOL.VNS.-Now in store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever offered In this Market. Men’s double awM P* and nailed black and rwssctu ; do. heavy single soled black do russetts; do. boys and youths black and Fssetu I nll of, Which wears **Uißg very low. gll A IliTLAJtlb, i **•* 1 Citixfus’ Vl<*ptiug. Macon, Georgia, ) August 12th, 1861. ) The meeting of the uitizens of Macon, was held at Concert Hall,* pursuant to ad journment. The Committee appointed at the last meeting, reported through their Chairman, the following : The Committee appointed tor the meeting of citizens of Maeon, on Friday last, to take into consideration and report some measure for further action, respecting alien enemies and suspicious characters, have had the sub ject under consideration, and now bog leave to report, that after a free and friendly inter change of views, they were unable to agree upon the policy best to be pursued to meet tlie evil complained of. A majority of the committee favored the adoption of’ an oath, to be subscribed to by the people of Macou, whilst a minority opposed this policy. The respective reports are herewith subnutted tor the final action of this meeting, and the Com mittee beg leave to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject: MAJORITY REPORT. 7iVso/iW, That this meeting respectfully recommend all good and loyal citizens to take the following oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government, and that we fur ther respectfully ask the City Council through their Clerk, to keep a blank book in which the said oath shall be transcribed, aud to which the signatures of the citizens may he attached. Outh of Allegiance. “ I do sincerely and solemnly swear before Almighty < iod, without mental reservation of any kind, that 1 do in good faith and for ever renounce all allegi nee to, and citizen ship in the United States of America ; and that I will support and defend the Constitu tion of the Confederate States of America ; and that I will in all things demean myself as a true aud faithful citizen in the said Con federate States.” The same gentleman in behalf of a part of the Committee, submitted the following as the MINORITY REPORT: la/. Resolved, By the citizens of Macon, that we view with much satisfaction the act passed by the Confederate Congress on the Bth instant, entitled u an act respecting alien enemies,” which reads as follows : A bill to be entitled “ An Art respe.rtiny alien enemies.” Section 1. The Cony rets of the Confed erate States of America do enact , That whenever there shall be declared war be tween the Confederate States aud any foreign nation or Government, or any invasion or predatory incursion shall be perpetrated, at tempted, or threatend against the territory of the Confederate States by any foreign na tion or Government, and tlie President of the Confederate States shall make public proclamation of the event, or the same shall be proclaimed by act of Congress, all natives, citizens, denizens of or subjects of the hostile nation or Government, being males of four teen years of age and upwards, who shall be within the Confederate States, and not citi zens thereof, shall he liable to be apprehend ed, restrained or secured and removed as alien enemies : Prodded-, that, during the existing war, citizens of the United States residing within the Confederate States, with intent to become citizens thereof, and who shall make a declaration of such iuteutiou, in due form, and acknowledging the authori ty of the Government of tlie same, shall not become liable as aforesaid, nor shall the act extend to citizens of the States of Delcware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri and of the District of Columbia, and the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico, and the Indian Teritory South of Kansas, who shall not be chargeable with actual hostility, or other crime against the public safety, and who shall acknowledge the authority of the Gov ernment of the Confederate States. Section 2. The President of the Con federate States shall be, and he is hereby, authorized by his proclamation or other pub lic act, in case of existing or declared war as aforesaid, to provide for the removal of those who, not being permitted to reside within the Confederate States, shall refuse or neg lect to depart therefrom ; and to establish sucdi regulations in the premises as the pub lic safety may reipiire. Section 3. Immediately after the pass age of this act, the President of the Confed ate States shall by proclamation, require all citizens of tlie United States being males of fourteen years and upwards, within the Con federate States, and acknowledging the au thority of the same, and not being citizens of the Confederate States, nor within the proviso of the first section of this act, to de part from the Confederate States within for ty-days from the date of such proclamation ; and such persons remaining wit bin the Con federate States after that time shall become liable to be treated as alien enemies ; and in all cases of declared war, as aforesaid, aliens resident within the Confederate States, who shall become liable as enemies as aforesaid, and who shall not be chargeable with actual hostility or other crime against the public safety shall be allowed the time for tlie dis position of their effects aud for departure, which may be stipulated by any treaty with such hostile uation or Government, and when no such treaty may exist, the President shall prescribe such time as may be consist ent with the public safety, and accord with the dictates of humanity aud national hospi tality. Section 4. After any declared war, or proclamation as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the several Courts of the Confederate States and of each State having criminal jurisdiction, and of the several Judges, and .Justices of the Courts of the Confederate States, and they are hereby authorized upon complaint against any alien enemy as afore said, or persons coming under the provisions of this act, who shall be resident, or remain ing in the Confederate States, and at large within the jurisdiction of such Judge or Court, as aforesaid, contrary to the intent of this act and of the proclamation of tlie Pres ident of the Confederate States, or the regu lations prescribed by him in pursuance of this act, to cause such alien or aliens, person or persons, as aforesaid, to he duly appre hended and conveyed before such Court, Judge or Justice for examination; and after a full examination and hearing in such com plaint, and sufficient cause therefor appear ing, shall or may order such alien or aliens, person or persons, to be removed out of the territory of the Confederate States, or to be otherwise dealt with or restrained conform ably to the iutent of this act; and the pro clamation or regulations which way be pre ! seriUd as and may imprison m otherwise, secure such alien person, until the order which shall be made shall be per formed. Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Marshal of the District in whi -h any alieu enemy or person offending against the pro visions of this act shall be apprehended, who, by the President of the Confederate States, or by the order of any Court, Judge or Jus tice, as aforesaid, shall be required to depart and to be removed as aforesaid, to execute such order by himself or deputy, or other discreet person ; and for such execution the Marshal shall have the warrant of the Pres ident, or the Court, or the Judge, as the ease may be. 2nd Resolved, That we most cordially approve of the provisions of the foregoing act, believing them to be wise and salutary, and pledge ourselves, as honorable men and true patriots, by every means in our power, to aid in their strict enforcement. 3rd Resolved, That in the promptitude of our fellow -citizens, both native and foreign him, in rallying to the defence of the Con federate standard and liberally contributing to the support and relief of our gallant sol diery and their families, we have the strongest and surest guarantee of the loyalty of our people, and their readiness to pledge their lives and their sacred honor, to the cause of Southern Independence. . J. KNOWLES, W. D. WILLIAMS. Col J. H. IU Washington, ottered as a substitute for both reports the preamble and resolutions, which we published last week. After full discussion the preamble aud resolutions of Col. Washington, were adopt ed. The meeting then adjourned. L. N. WHITTLE, Chairman. F. X. Forster, Secretary. SoiiliiwcHlcrii Ruilroud. The annual report of the President of this company to the Stockholders shows the earnings of this Road, for the fiscal year end ing Ist August, to be : From Fre ; ght, ♦178,061 61- Passengers, 2 ‘5,- 159 28—Mails, Ac., ♦30,942 69—Miscellane ous. ♦ -,85) 594,916,53 Expenses—Current, 312,358,01 — Permanent, 819,453,01 Net income 280,468,62 Tlie decrease in total earnings of the Road, owing to the disturbed states, of the times, lias been 76,979,34, and out of abundant caution for the future the directors, for the first time in the history of this property, have declared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent. They have heretofore never fail ed to divide four per cent, and last year they declared two dividends of four per cent and an extra dividend of five. The views of the company in regard to the future are expressed in the following ex tracts from the report of the President, Mr. Cuyler : The existing blockade has cut off’ entirely the transportation of goods, one of the main sources, hitherto, of our profits. It is the policy of our government, as long as the blockade continues, to discourage the move ments of cotton to the seaports. For some time, then we shall make nothing by the carriage of the present cotton crop. The planters generally will make abundance of grain, and we shall have but little more of breadstuff's to carry. We cannot reasonably hope for a revival of business before the end of the year. By that time the necessities of the European world —the success of our arms and the greatly increased burthens upon the people of the l nited States, will, it is believed, produce a great change for the better in our condition. In the mean time, our stockholders will suffer in com mon with the rest of the people, but they will bear patiently burthens necessarily im posed upon them as the price of establishing our independence. Considering the malig nant hatred of the North toward the South, their mortification at defeat on the field of battle, and their well grounded fear that their section will be overshadowed by the Southern Confederacy, peace is not to bo expected at an early period. The determi nation of the North to pursue and subju gate the South will continue until sufficient time shall have elapsed to convince the world that the South cannot be conquered. That we should be able to carry this conviction to to the people of the North —no matter what may be the cost of blood and treasure—can not be doubted for a moment. But although the blessings of peace and amity with all nations may be postponed, we believe that the Government of the Uni ted States will be compelled to abandon the blockade before the first day of January next. That Government will find it more difficult to carry on their war of invassion, than the Confederate States will find it to maintain their position, and when their peo ple shall see, as they surely will notwith standing their present blindness, that the vast appropriations of money and insatiable calls for “grand armies” of men by their despotic rulers, are likely only to impose upon them and their children for generations, to come, an immense public debt and conse quent heavy taxation, the small voice which has already been heard in their Congress for peace, will swell into a loud demand that the Confederate States shall be acknowledg ed to be a free, sovereign, and independent nation. , All the Banks —all the railroad compan ies—all the men—all the women—and even the childreu within the Confederate States, (save the disgraced few in Western Virginia and Etst Tennessee,) have already given, and daily give, the most indubitable proofs of firm resolve to support and aid our gov ernment with their money and their lives.— To such a host putting their shoulder to the wheel, and humbly supplicating the Al mighty Ruler of events for help, there never can come disgrace or defeat. The confidence of the Board iu the value of our railroad is unimpaired. Although dividends may, for a while, be suspended, it is certain that our business, when the tide of affairs shall turn, will yield larger profits than auy we have hitherto made. A general retrenchment in salaries has been ordered to meet the exigencies of the times. The road has now in operation—o6s miles, and is compelled, with the exception of the Chattahoochee Bridge, opposite Eu faula, the construction of which has beeu delayed by unexpected natural difficulties. This magnificent road as soon as peace re turns, next to the Central will be the most valuable railroad property in Georgia, and continue to increase iu value from year to vear, as it developes the productive resources of the great cotton region it permeates. ‘lt, is in splendid order, and has always been, under the efficient and prudent direction.-r* R. K. Cuyler, Esq., President; Virgil [ers* General Superintendent and Engin^r, Official Report of Committee. To the Mayor and Con net/ and Citizens of Macon : Asa Committee lately appointed by yout selves upon tlie special mission of visiting Virginia, in search of the wounded and uiis -ling of our gallant corps, the Macon Guards, recently engaged in the battle of Manassas, we beg briefly to report the result of our la bors : As already intimated by brief telegraphic dispatches transmitted to you, early after our arrival upon the late field of carnage, and Southern victory, we found much less mortal injury inflicted upon our gallant and heroic Macon Boys than we had feared or expected to find, although sad the report (hit truth and reality compel us to make.— The loss of even <>uc man of such a Spartan band is sadly to be lamented. The Macon Guards under Cupt. Lamar, were among the very first to take position and engage the enemy on the day of battle, and occupied a post which subjected them to the musketry and a tillery shots of the main and flanking columns of the enemy.— This position they bravely held under the command of Col. Bartow, pouring their dead ly vollies into the ranks of the foe uutil strategy compelled them to retire before au overwhelming force of the enemy’s flank.— In this first engagement the Guards were stationed in the front border of a clump of pine saplings too small for protection. We visited this grove and viewed the several spots marked by the blood of our gallant young martyrs. It was here that Lamar, and Allen, and Jones, and Garcy, fell. It was here that many others of the Guards re ceived their wounds, and here their gallant commander, Bartow, was wounded, and had his horse shot from under him. On looking through this grove, and be holding the signs of the enemy’s shot, it seems miraculous how a single man escaped. The trees are literally riddled with musket and cauuon balls, yet our boys stood their ground and fought like veterans until or dered to retire from strategetic policy. But this was not the last of the Macon Guards in that great battle. They met the enemy again and again and were among those who [finally charged upon and captured the ene -1 my’s batteries, and turned the tide of battle against the fiendish invaders. From all information too much cannot, be said for the unflinching bravery and patri otic valor of our noble little band the Macon Guards. Let us feel proud of them. Their chival rous deeds have honroed our city and our State in the glorious struggle for Southern independence and won for them laurels im perishable, and a name as enduring as the granite mountain of Georgia. As already stated, four of the Guards were killed. Two were taken prisoners—viz : S. B. Buckley aud R. S. Gray. Os those wounded, wo find the names of 11. J. Peter, E. J. Collins, Charles Gamble, Wm. F. Blue, Geo. McLeond, A. McKennon, W. C. Bearden, T. 11. Christian, W.C. M. Dun son, Joseph M. Goff, M. A. Malsby, >V m. B. Woods, E. P. Wilcox. Collins was severely wounded, a Minnie bail entering the point of the left shoulder and escaping on the back near the spine, leaving his arm completely paralyzed. He is at Culpepper Hospital, well treated and eared for, and will probably recover. Pe ter is badly wounded—the hall entering his thigh and lodging at tlie bone—he is at Charlotteville, well treated, and may possibly recover. Gamble is wounded iu both thighs, a ball piercing one thigh, and anoth er ball scaling deeply the other thigh ; he is with a private family in Richmond, and will soon recover. Blue is also at Rich mond, and had a ball through the calf of one leg. McLeod, wounded in the head, seri ously, is at Charlottsville. McKeuuon was shot in the neck, the ball coining out through the mouth ; he is rapidly recovering. Bearden and Goff were both slightly woun ded in the arm. Poe was wounded in the wrist. Wood is slightly wounded in the shoulder. These last named are all at Char lotteville, and will soon report for duty. Christian, Duncan, Malsby and Wilcox, were but slightly wounded, and will soon be ready for service. A number of others were also slightly wounded, and nearly all had their clothes pierced by one or more inus ket balls of the euemy. Their gallant Cap tain, Lamar, was also struck with a ball, but declined to report himself wounded. We found him in diligent search for his woun ded and missing men, who had been scat tered and carried to the hospitals at differ ent points, and to the farm houses in the country. Your Cammittee cannot for’jear to point with emphasis to the marked inter est aud kindness exhibited by Captain La mar, for the welfare and comfort of his men. He seemed to feel his responsibility, and nobly endeavored to discharge the trust committed to him. Likewise, we cannot omit to mention, with praise and commendation, the name of Lieut. Wilcox, who acted so valiantly upon the battle field, and afterwards engaged himself so assiduously in looking up, and providing comfortable quarters for his wounded men. Let us remember him with feebugs of obli gation and gratitude ! Our wounded friends are all under good medical treatments, aud are kindly takeu care of. Many of them are at private houses, and are furnished with every com fort ; aaid those at hospitals are likewise well cared for. We found a number of the wounded short of the necessary clothes, and amply supplied them. Some of them likewise had no pocket mon ey, and we supplied their purses for them out of our Macon fund. Wfl were at the camp of the Macon Guards, and found the few that were left on duty in fine health and good spirits. AVe visited the camp of the Sparks Guards, and found them in line health, and truing “double quick” in all their duties.— It. is a fine Company, and will do to bet on iri a fight. They drill admirably well. We also visited Maj. Hardeman’s Battalion, find ing the boys in excellent health, aud clamo rous for a fight. They have the nicest camp aud the liveliest set of fellows that we saw on the field, aud do, by far, the best battal ion drilling. Upon the whole our Macon boys are nobly doiug their duty and arc highly worthy all the confidence we may repose in them. Let ua continue to supply them with the necessary equipments, and they will do honor to us and our glorious cause of Southern Independence. J. DIQKSON SMITH, For the UoiutniUee, l Macon, Aug- Bth s IbttL VOLUME XXXIX—NO 22. To lito Puklif. The under&igi.ed Committee appointed by the Planters Convention, lately assembled iu laco, and now adjourned over to meet at I e saiUl! ph'ce on the 15th of October next, beg leave to endorse the noble sentiment* contained in the subjoined address of the 1 resident of the Convention and to command them and their suggestions to tiie consider ation and adoption of every community in the Confederate States, to all whom we extend a cordial invitation to unite with us at the ad journed meeting. With the request that all the papers of the Confederate States publish the address or call special attention to it, we submit it with great pleasure for publication. J. 11. R. WASHINGTON, T. G. HOLT, ED, D. HUG BENIN, A. E. COCHRAN. Futhe iM a liter- of tlic onfcdcrate Stale*. On the 4th day of July last, a Convention of Cotton Planters was held in the eitv of Macon, Georgia. The States of Gergia and Florida were pretty well represented. Ala bama and South Carolina to a very limited extent only. As the President of that Con vention, 1 adopt this method of presenting to the public the claims of the enterprize in which it is engaged. The representation be ing conlined to a few States, it was not. deemed advisable, nor indeed did we feel that we were authorized by so small a dele gation to undertake a great deal, but from such a stand point, we were able to survey the vastness of the field before us, anti to appreciate something of the benefits which might result to the cause of our country, from an assemblage of wise and experienced men, brought into conference from every portion of the Southern Confederacy. We could not, at any rate, consent to aban don an enterprise which had been so wisely conceived, and which to our minds seemed capable of accomplishing so much good, mere ly because, in its inception, it bad not met with universal favor. It was determined, therefore to meet again in the city of Macon, Georgia, on the 15th day of October next, and in the mean time, by presenting tho subject to the public, to endeavor to enlist in the movement the great body of the planters of the South. I come now to ask of this class who hold in their hands the vast productive wealth ot* the South, a due consideration of this ques tion, and a full representation in the next; Convention from every State in the Con federacy. I know that the history of popu lar conventions may discredit their efficiency for usefulness; the want of earnest co-opcra tion, and their subserviency to personal schemes, too often converting their delibera tions into farces, and their actions ending iu fruitless resolutions. Yet, after all, they afford the most practicable mode of ascertain ing and consolidating the opinions of the people. In this Convention there will be no indi vidual schemes to foster, no ulterior designs to accomplish, but an honest, undivided ef fort to provide the ways and means of sup porting the Government in its present extra ordinary emergency. It may, if the people wish it, be a Mass Convention. I would that it could be, and I therefore invite all who can do so, to meet with us. Rut the ques tions to be considered will be grave, deep, broad; involving ou the one hand, the wants of the government, and on the other, the wisest mode of applying to those wants tho material aid within the control of the people. Impulse and enthusiasm are good in their I place, but they must be directed iu wisdom lin planning, and sustained by uncompromis ing purpose iu executing the schemes which. | may be devised. To this end, we hope to sec a chosen dele gation from each Congressional District, as well as from each State at large. Let the delegates be men who have the confidence of their constituency, as well as the ability to devise a plan of aid to the Government, that will be acceptable and adopted, and let them come up prepared to make the largest pledges of support and recommend the plans of making our means available. We do not propose any assumption of pow ers which shall conflict in the least, with the constituted authorities of the country, nor shall we arregate to ourselves wisdom equal to theirs, in managing the great inter ests committed to their hands. The Presi dent and Congress have no assurance of the unanimity with which the people, all over the States, are prepared to sustain and co-operate with them, yet in the multitude of counsel there is safety; and in a large and intelligent assemblage, voluntarily em anating from the agricultural interest of the laud, there will be found much to encourage the hearts, and strengthen the hands of those who are directly charged with the adminis tration of the Government. Planters of the South ! Your country is engaged in a struggle which involves every thing worth living for. Let us come togeth er and if need be, lay our all upon its altars. If we fail in this contest all is lost; if wo succeed, the sacrifice will be small compared with the ruin which awaits us in defeat. — Rut there is no such word as “fail” iu the lexicon of a people united and determined, and lighting for such a cause as ours. J here is a spirit among our people against which the waves of Northern Vandalism will beat in vain. Every dollar of our property, and every man and boy from sixteen to seventeen, shall be pledged to the support of the gov ernment. When the muskets and rifles and *hot guns are exhausted, we will, in gueril la bands meet the foe with club axes and batcher knives, and even if driven from our homes, when our pursuers come to gather the fruit-', of “ subjugation,” they will find ,-iomrht but the graves and the bleaching bones of a people, who had chosen death rather than yield to their dominion. r J here is no hope for us but iu victory, and God be lli” our helper, we shall achieve that. The shortest and most economical way through this war is iu a toll consecration of everything to its prosecution. Let the proc lamation go out to the world, from this Lon mention, that the tender has been made to the Government, and let the assurance be repeated to our President, that none of his •hafts shall be dishonored while there is a man or a dollar left. JAS. M. CHAMBERS. CoLU*iiis, Ga., August Bth, 18G1. I Tmc Nawcs Settled.—Gen. Beauregard, who seertainly has the best right to decide in the matter, I has determined to call the great battle of July filst, “The Battle of Manassas Plains.'’ The fight |un the UUh will be called “The Battle l-kan.'’