The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, October 09, 1873, Image 1

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];y (’J. <BY, J.ONES & IfEESE. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1873. Number 0,741 m hllU -ci . ( IhfSSAPH AND McSSEMfiER i 'I'lic Approaching State Fair. A ride to gro .n.w yt^tiefiday with j i ! Mayor Huff, behind tins carwermg *teedj D )LLARS 0 f Mr. J.-nnings Clay, which he managed I "• I with a dexterity wonder'ul to witnera*. THE GEORGIA PRESS. S’TSl rthn lor a BY TELEGRAPH. 1 OxtT seventy-nine ooupiai in Patxiam ! — county were brave enough to launch their btrk* on the sea of matrimony, d uring the | DAY DISPATCHES. Bunk Besuraed. ■ Selma, October S.—The Selma Savings Bank has resumed payment. The French Entanglement Paris, October S.—It is reported that when the Assembly is asked to vote in ( ''ririjrufili ^Jffcsseni\rr THi mtPtY, OCTOBER 8, IH73. TwE.vrr-Two nuraes were forwarded from 4 to filircveport on th.- Ywtr, wai r.'l-Tt.-]. night before lsst »>, L.ttlo Rock and Murmpfcii, and wencx- ro wif e>c»pe.l float a, low u Macon. urn Cotton Coor.—A Jack-on , the jir.-.-nt crop of Jii~<U*ippi rtest known for many year*. ury that the Now York mer- » (aying out "certified check*" car and omnibus faro* i* untrue. Till best furtnvru’ motto the Chicago Tnbuaa ha* hoard of was exhibited at I.-iu-gton. Mil Suite bukiire ah uld 1~ It read: watered.' P.Hiasaa. -We notice that a menage* jit and circus ha* now got to be a Hippo- ii.oonuulon and an E-iuooeurrieulum. Socb i* the march of modern improre- rj.’iit. So we rise. Ax Iowa man built hinuclf a $10,000 lorn, and sat down in it to have a smoke and ooiitcmplute the structure. lie wil) at uncc ir.iH.l another on the same site, haring obtained hi* insurance. I'tasiM, Tslmaok suggested that if thry could roll "Old Hundred" through Wall street the panic would end. Wouldn't old Kircdwontios answer the purpoee just a- ,,11 »—Nine York Commercial A’lrerUter. Kxr. Mk. Amcicnt. of Atlantic disaster fame, is getting a good deal of back pay. The Dominion government has just went him live hundred dollars and a gold witch. This is the third gold watch he las received. Ir is related of the editor of a religions |S|K-r. that he left to hia heirs over 2100 .lures of different kinds of stocks, all •>f which are not now worth 2100 cent*, also left 127,000 deposited in tho Union Trust Company. Tiik applejack season up in North Car olina hns fairly set in, and tho farmers are sitting up at night trying to cipher .sit how many drinks there are to the s- re on a basis of four bushels of apple* to the gallon. I'lUstnEXT llsss, of Santo Domingo, man to lie a model official. He U said to luive ston'd away in Daria a million and a half of dollars, to oover storms, ac cident i and niversea of fortune. Ho is a loyal man—is Harr. lx a leetnro at Iloiton one night last w.vk. lltxs hor gave it as his opinion that if the New York Central, Eric and Penn sylvania Central railroad companies should conspini to do it, they could elect the President of the United States. Th« Montgomery Advertiser of Tutv- day say* there have been no yellow fever deaths since that of Mr. Larkins, Friday night last, more than throe day* ago. We sincerely hope that is the last we will he called to report. lx a teevsTt sermon at Belfast, Pother Ilurkc informed the world, "from per- euial ohaervations,” that one-fourth of the population of the United States is already Catholic, and that the whole •-eiintry is ntpidily gravitating in the di rection of Konuutism. A Kami it correspondent of the Cliat- tano. g.i Times says he haa "a dray load of rejected and disgraoed school books, and would liavs sold them to the ragman long ago, only he thought the circuit was skint compute, and the next change wonlil. may be, result in the adoption of ►omo of the cast-off lot." Mtxir«STi.T one of our greatest needs, says the Chicago Times, la to diminish Mimewlist the number of " Christian gentlemen ” in politics. An honest. t-class Pagan in polities would be pre ferred by people who gvt honest living* >a sanctimonious Jay Cooke, or any tiler Christian subsidy gambler. ov Most lx.—The Mobile Keg- ter of Saturday n-xm says that we report •■aly line death from yellow f y.-r within ie last twenty-four hours—this make* at lost seven during the Muon. A good of dengue prevails in the southwest- m part of the city, and th# Doctors com plain of the M nualityof .lrinkingwatcr in those looshtiss. tho grounds, and is conveniently near to the stills and stables of the blooded stock, which will figure so prominently at the Exhibition. Of these, no leas than fifty flnehorses are already on the spot, and they will ooatinui' to come in daily from all parts of the country. The dis play of cattle, embracing- balls, milch cows and heifers of the purest and most celebrated breeds, bids fair also to be very large aud inters .ting. Mr. Hern- man, of Baltimore, will be on hand with the very choicest specimens from his pas tures, and other eminent stock .fanciers intend to be represented. A new and additional row of stables has been erected, snd these age now com pleted. and reaily for oocu potion.* one hundred and fifty cottage stables, the floors covered with dean sand, plentifully sprinkled with saw dost, and constructed with every attention to the comfort of the animal*. Besides these are a multi tude of open sheds and pens for moles, sheep, swine and other stock. Exhibitors will enjoy the rare advan tage, too. of abundant pasture room for their brnte* at night, aa immediately in the rear of tho stables ISO acres of en closed ground, verdant’ with a rich coat of grass, will be appropriated to grazing purposes. Thu track is in splendid condition, and already many fleet trotters essay their spued npon it every afternoon. The area within, which has been grad ed at an expense of J1,200 for the pa rade ground of the military, is a perfect ly level platean large enough for a brig ade to maneuver npon, and covered with green sward. Here six of the beat ap pointed and most gallant volunteer com panies of the South, will compete with each other in friendly strife for the princely guerdon offered to tho victor. Near the river, and between Premium Hall and tho Grand Stand, a new and commoilkms exhibition building is well advanced to completion, designed for the wares of New York merchant princes. These have already commenced to ar rive, an I will form an attractive feature in the exhibition. Tho flooring of the Machine Hall, like wise, has been finished, and all of the buildings have received new coats of paint and whitewash, and look bright snd inviting to the eye. The lake, fountains, grass, and walks of the gronnds are in superb condition, and on the hanks of the tiny lake, we ■aw an old fisherman depositing in the limpid water* a goodly number of young perch and other fish. We most not forget to mention also the largo number of neat and convenient coops, of wood and wire, designed for the poultry display. These nnmbcr 250, and will accommodate a thousand birds. Jn every direction busy hands were to be seen hastening the work of prepara tion, and long before tho opening day everything will be in readiness, and the arrangements perfect and complete in every respect. And now it only remains for every Georgian and citizen of Moeon to do his duty, and wo shall have an exhibition which will challenge tho admiration of the whole Union. Mayor Huff is indefatigable in hi* at tention to the minutest details of the complicated business devolved upon him, and is well nigh ubiquitous. Our read er* will perceive hi* broad ensign in. another column. ear t-eding the first of this month. I ^he Evangelical Alliance, i K«w Yoiuc, October S—In the Alh- I restoration of the monarchy ' and the elevation o* the Count de Oham- King Henry Y„ II. substitute that established country to de- prer'errod. pr-so: Koine announced "that when the ine ita/aine tourt Murtiul. Pop . thought, it was Cirist thinking in 1 In the Ba.-ait:.- court martial to-day, him." Christ Wus visible in the Pope. 1 the reading of M. Kerb-re's report was Romish anti-Christianity never was as continued. M. K. riore proceeds to show r.trong as in our .lay. It wai arrogant in , that the means of communication below the Catholic Church to hold their Ecu- | Metz and Paris were ample. Bazaine’s Wf. regret to learn from the saint paper tne death, on Sunday night last, from croup, of the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Nisbet, formerly of this city. Thv Constitutionalist says Mr. Chat- menical Council. No one was represent- i refusal to combine his forces with the eld, of the Highland Park House, at ed in it but cardinals, bishops and a few other armies in the field was criminal. of tks. on., if Li__i • - i • - Tlint Nunnery. We were not a little surprised to learn that in the article upon the young men of Mercer University published yester day. in speaking of the welcome extended to them by all classes of the community, the playful remark that even the yonng s of the "Wesleyan nunnery" were among the number, should have given of fense to some of the friends of that insti- tution. The writer disclaims all intention of wounding the feelings of the patrons and officers of this excellent seminary, but on the contrary, meant to pay it the high est possible compliment. No religions allusion whatever'was intended. It was meant to refer to the admirable discip- iline of the college. Every one knows that it is impossible for other than near relatives to obtain ac cess to the inmates of Catholic schools connect s! with their nunneries, and the idea sought to b* conveyed, was. thst Dr. Myers was equally vigilant, in the guardianship of his charge^ while re moved from the paternal root'. No comparison of a religion* character was svea dreamed of. Wo trust this will lw perfectly satisfactory to our Wes leyan friends. The Franking J’rlvllejjc. Tho Wilmington Journal calls npon S. nut. r Conkling. who ha* got up a bill to restore the franking privilege to Con gressmen and pass printers' exchanges free, to/orUar and permit both to pay tieir own postage, as they now do. AVhat the Southern newspapers now want is not to thrust their portage bills on other people, but a more extended and efficient moil service. Thousands of Georgians ore now cat off from all convenient mail facilities, and have been in this condition ever since the war. because the depart ment cannot afford to be liberal in estab- dt to readise $2.25 per j ’Jibing the old ante-bellum mail route*, wt North Carolina; and | Let us see what the law abolishing dead- headum in the post-office is going to do towards enabling that department of the Government to accommodate the mar* sparsely settled region* of the South, whose claims should have been measured by their Let the Tna Knoxville Press snd Herald, of rurwday, says the office* Of the Memphis m l Charleston railway company have -ivn mov.-d from Memphis to Huntsville, Us., on account of the yellow fever. Inm hundred and thirty-seven dollars rare raised in Knoxville on Sun.Iay and N-n l iy insi lof tt - offerers in Memphis. Pxixits.—We are sorry to see by the Wilmington Journal that peanuts con- nno ter- dull in the New York market, nd it is dif nshel for the kit. too. while the East Tennessee crop > known to be very short—and the North ‘arolina i- a ■ third short"—not averaging sere than two kitriel* to the hull. Ee ry patriot will mourn to see geubers at Aiken, has couplet -I negotiations for a lease of the Planter? Hotel at Augusta. Th* Savannah News says fully $100,- 000 were drawn from the banks of that city during the'panic, and that the larger portion of that sum is now hoarded away. Nsahlt $400 were raised in the various churches of Savannah last Sunday, in aid of the Shreveport sufferers. Wf find the following in the Advertiser and Republican, of Tuesday: Fatal Escorsnx with a Dnnaino t-Two ,Yobho Men Shot and Killed— No Citm* Assiojnro.—Mrs. R. A. Hardee of this city is in receipt of a letter from C. L. Hill. Esq., an attorney at law in Hearne, Robert ion county, Texas, in the coarse of which he informs her of the killing of her two brothers, Benjamin and James. The young gentlemen, with whom Mr. Hill says he was acquainted, on or ahont the 3d of September, were the lienrers of a letter to a man named G. W. Powell, a notorious desperado. James had the note, and noon delivering it to the man to whom it ms ail Iresaed, he became enraged, probably it the con tents, of' ver. we are not pos itive, as t ! • li tter of Mr. Hill does not state that facts and im todbtely drawing a pistol, h« shot the two young ra -n dead. Neither of them upu.i%red to appre hend any Uffienlt.v. as laith w ire unarmed. All the circum-tt moos point to foul play. Perhaps th y vi-n use I as the innocent instrument of so no diabolical scheme. As soon ns Povell committed tho double mnrder, ho nude hi.-: e* ape. and had not V-en captnr -l at the time Mr. Hill's let ter was written, although the citizens were exceedingly indignant and suffi ciently enraged to have lynched the mur derer if they had caught him. The wri ter states that if Powell is ever captured he will certainly suffer the extreme pen alty of the law. The two young men who were killed were Georgians, railed in Burke county, and were nephews of ex- Governor H-vachel V. Johnson. The above is all the information we have of this dastardly and cold-blooded mnrder. as the letter of Mr. Ilill contains only the hare statement, which we Iiave given aliove. without detailing particulars. The Merchants' and Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus has declared a dividend of five per cent., payable on tbc 15th inst. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers or the Macon and Augusta Railroad was not h"ld on Mon-lay, in consequence of the absence of a quorum. It will probably he held, says the Chronicle and Sentinel, “alsint thirty day? hence.” Why Gouman Neves Mabiued.—The Savannah News explains this my.tery as follows : It is no secret why Gorman, of the Tal- botton Standard, has never married. He approached a young lady in ThomasviUe upon this delicate subject, some time ago. and after getting off the usual elo quence, remarked tliat the Standard, either as material for a bustle, or aa an .ulvertieng. medium, waa unsurpassed, either in this country or in Europe. He I'jille l the next day. but the old man was sitting out on the front porch with a shot gun across his lap. Gorman immediately remembered that he hail forgotten some- tiling in tho other end of town. Messrs. John Register. Wm. Ricks and Win. Horn, of Worth county, who were tried nnd convicted in grandmother Er- skine's court at Savannah, last April, on tho charge of violating the infamous cn- foreem-mt act and sentence! to six months' imprisonment in Chatham coun ty and to pay a fine of $10)0, luive been released by order of the President- A fire at Hamburg. Monday afternoon, ns we bjarn from the Constitutionilist of Tuesday, b imod three dwelling houses —upon one of which there wqs an insur ance of $4000. but the furniture was a total In is. The two' others, were also in sured. hut not in sufficient amount to oover the loss. We find these items in the Columbus Sun of Tuesilny: Heavt Loss in Oranoess—-We are told Mr. Ormond lost forty thouand oranges by the late terrible storm in Florida. These at two cents each would be worth $800—quite a handsome snm. Death or a Columbus Ladt in At lanta.—A dispatch received from Mr. John Mehaffey, at Atlanta, last night, :innonnoe* the death of Mrs. Mehaffey in that city yesterday. Her remains will arrive this morning at 8 o’clock. Capacity op Our Grist and Flour ish Mills,—Tho two largest in this city produce daily nine hundred bushels of meal and two hundred and fifty barrels of flour. Smaller mills increase the pro duction of meal to some eleven hundred bushels. All is sold a* fast as ground and sacked. Mr. A. J. IIaball. a compositor in tho Union and Roootder office, at MiUedge- ville. and during the late civil war a gal lant Confederate soldier, died last Satur day, A HAIRT gopher was captured in Stew art oountj last week. The Independent say* bis back was covered with coarse hair, rv-eiatding hog bristles. This fel low must certainly he the one Commo dore Noah had with him on his famous cruise. The deaths of Mr. Scribner and Mr. Henry Touchstone, both well known citi zens of Stewart county, are announced in the last Lumpkin Independent. Mr. Scribner's death was very sudden, he being apparently in perfect health np to two hours before his death. Tub Americas Republican has the fol lowing particulars of the death of the xle CoL Malone, of that place, a notice f which has already appeared in this ^iTit again made our sad duty to chron icle the death of one of our olde.-t and most esteemed citizens. This time death has laid his icy hands upon Cob Charles J. Malone. " He was taken about ten days ago with a chill, ami was improving up to nooE of Thursday, when he waa sud denly attacked with paralysis of the throat which his already impaired health could not long with-tand, and he died Friday night at 11^ o’clock, in the 63d year of of the laymen. Frost In.Memphis The Marshal is accused of pursuing a personal policy by which the enemy was Memphis, Tenn.. October 8—A heavy \ P 1 ? 6 *?' There U evidence that he even itoi fkvrtiprn^' tiMNt last. nitvLt snrJ I to frost occurred; here last night, and there I the ore indication of anotEer to-night. ! MmL B.ixame^ maction ^ though to-day a greater number of yel- nnmbtrr of yel low fever cases haTe been developed than on any other day heretofore. There are about 600 under treatment in the infect ed districts. There were 42 interments to-day of persons who died from yellow fever, and 12 interments of persons who died from other diseases. Among the former was Father Cary, of the Dominir can priesthood. - *"■ Death of a Good Man. Shreveport. October 8.—Alfred Sa- vilie, of the Western Union Telegraph office, who volunteered to come here from Memphis, died last night. Washington. October 8.—Alfred Se ville waa noble hearted and a very hand some and genial person. He married at Columbus, Miss., during the war, and was active as a war telegrapher at the front. Cincinnati Finances. Cincinnati, October a—Tho bankers generally express their readiness to re sume currency payments simult oneous with New York. Annexed to Boston. Boston, October 8.—The election re sulted in the annexation of Charleston. Brighton and West Roxbuiy to Boston. Brookline voted “no.” No More Coroners’ Quests. New York, October 8. The coroner will hold no more inquests; he can't get pay from the county. Frost at Little Hock. Little Rock, October 8.—A heavy frost occurred hero last night. The quar antine on the Memphis and Cairo rail road has .been raised. Moving the Modocs. San Francisco, October 8.—Twenty wagons have been sent to Fort Klamath transport tlie remnant of the Modocs t<k Fort RussellA Help from Lonisville. Louisville, October 8.—The Fair Ex hibition last night for Memphis and Shreveport netted three thousand dollars. Help for Memphis. Cleveland, October 8.-The Jews of this city have sent $8U0 for the benefit of all, irrespective of religion. Bishop Reinkens. Lon3>on, Octobey 8 Bishop Reinkens, of tbe old CatholicChnrch, toe lay took the oath of allcgii-nce to tbe Emperor, in cus tomary formula with exception of a "re servation of first allegiance to the Pope, which was omitted. attributed partially to the hesitation caused by the news from ? .- Ian and Paris, and partially to his se'.ret negotiations with the enemy. Whatever govern* ment there was he should have fought for it instead of listening to overtures of the enemy, removing their agent and plotting the restorat'on of the empire. He only thought of maintaining the army in good condition to-play the political part he de signed. Had Bazaine done his duty by taking his army into France, leaving Metz to defend herself with the garrison which could subsist on the resources of the surrounding country, Metz would have held out until an' armistice, and Loraine would*hever have been ceded. Reviere continues, a foreign war was not enough. Our unhappy country was con demned to the horrors of a civil war, and what did Marshal Bazaine do then ? He united with the enemy to overthrow the government of Paris. The government condemns Marshal Bazaine for failing to destroy the war materiel left at Metz, while he was careful to destroy all cor and dead, and the development of the re sources of the country retarded. Resolved, That the internal policy of the States and municipalities cannot con stitutionally be interfered with by Fed eral authority, but that each must be free in the exercise of the supreme I _ ,, ~ , , ,, , right of local self-government, which SOllietlllllg G00(1 tO Lilt has been, we are grieved to say, I _ . of late frequently and openly violated, j A fill Dl'illJv ! Resolved. That the course of the National A<lznini5trat ; on in patronizing j "I" TAKE this method of informinr my friends irresponsible and visionary fiscal agents, m fiAD ring primitive and unwholesome everythin;; good to rat and drink. My business schemes, and its stealthy inter ference and favoritism houla be de nounced. Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to | firmly resist the probability of our State government, by special legislation, being I Just opened, sill he supplied with Oysters made the pliant instrument of unworthy 1 L "" l “ ”■ look HERE!great EXCITEMENT! NO BEAR FIGHT ! RESTAURANT! HEW YORK STORE Caused b> the rush o£ customers to pr ods bought LAST WEEK DURING THE Ir J.. w _ * al. | ua All that medical skill eould do. suissandnotbythe Maount l ^ erw . ththr u>E(ler ^ of ^ Ted of revenue they can return. Let the one.*, wm of no avail after the paralysis printers, the Congressmen and all the | took place. He waa stricken *peech- office-holders pay their own postage, and let the Government devote tbe increase to furnish regular mail- to all its citizens. Ehu-kw of a fashionable rem- w York—Jenkins on the eve a for .tbe African diamond ing his .i U....ix to Mis* Mary tastily—"Work, Mis* Mary, Xdon’t I... -into w,,-k." Miss I Crop* Of Ocortfin. ML bow do you cipoet to get | J n 1S70 Georgia produced S08.S00 Mr and for fifty hours remained in that melancholy condition, and not being able to take any medicine nor .-Ten a I hop of water. The deceased at tached himself to the Methodist Church early in life, and up to the time of his sickness had discharged every duty that ~ I hrol devolved upon him with sincerity, dr- J-—' 0, I should I bnsbsls «( ftoriffiff wbeat and l.SlNlli I p^giaa energy and prudence. He bad ■ ■»'- train-, and run 1 boshsll winter wheat—in all 2,127,01T. ] ci ieh to contend with, and vra* truly "a dismoml* Miss Mary j qj corn >he nroduccil 1.I.'"’ b h* "Then you would moke .i I of 47:t.934 bales; of tobacco You should run off with j sssjfin of oats, 1 JXH.l'dl bushels of Jcnk . e:n • > | of cotton, SKt.A'IV ith j e-, p„ands; ofoats.l I of hav, 10.51N tons: of .wine had I MUM btad, and tskbsse sdd her prod uct . of cattle, goat-, poultry, sugar cane, rice, ’■ 1 .-west potatoes and evv.n- ar.d ’possuns to j Imke with them. The main fa man of sorrow and aeqnainteil with grief: I .fton afliet-.-l by the has . f relatives, yet ! through tribulation And sorrow be by ; faith antiiip.i d the inheritanee of ” ith: id th ltilt at EuLiw, on j r in Octet-or, a. , y children as in- ; It. The unsuc- psy fe»r tlio fair I ».- the I thru rai-ed. D' nay nothing of -wine wiurein we protsibly invest.*! more timn four for ->ns. Tlist’s whet’s the uietD-r with ’nprfitor ' ■ 1 dinner 'f the successful party. H4nnjlh . xhe fo(K j question i, the trouble “ >' ftol J twenty-six years of \ lD ^ StM . w# . buy more than half «a- msm.d to him in and u j our f.ioii at double price, beeauoc we “•••tiler of twelve children, having [ trmniport lt »bout a thousand unles. : >*ur pmr». t*f twins. li»*n will ^ive cati** I «• fa<*t*.ry jmM*f or evrtilicateffi. an.l will rv- | Thkrk h*v«* lwi*n Uic from lue cuxupi'Utor j ti u . nooisei of God, clearlv rowalid to in tbe Gospel of Christ, In bu I death, to tbe true believer there is more to rejoice over t'mn to grieve for. We I Aitrd ; "O that my latter end id of that man as beep a citi- ty yours, and eitlcrs of the NIGHT IMSl'ATCHKS. Fire. New York, October 8.—A fire at Mount Vernon destroyed twenty build ings. Loss $50,000. The Slokcs Trial. The third trial of Stokes comm.epced to-day. Stokes ia a liilll<|t^nfint otherwise looks well. The Evangelical Alliance In the Alliance, a paper from the old Catholic Congress, recently held at Con stance, signed by Bishop lie-inkers. Pro fessor Dr. Vanschultz ami others, ad dressed to the conference, was also read by Dr. Sciiaff, who prefaced the reading by a few interesting remark.!. The pa per was in response to an invitation for representatives from tlint Qrganixotion. .Mr. Seuaff said that tho address was now luting interpreted and would appear to morrow. Dr. Sehaff reeountol the ac tions of the congress, among which are the establishment of Evangelical preach ing in the Catholic Church, the abolish ment of coufession, the allowing of priests to marry, and the extending of the priv ilege to females of having a voice in tho government of the church. In closing, Dr. Sehaff said that the old Catholic Church now had 50 congregations, 50.000 members and 40 priests, and that next wint.-r -it students would be admitted ill the een.-ge at B.iltn. Speeches generally were bitter against the Church of Rome. In reply to these Dr. Stores, of Brooklyn, followed in an address upon Rome’s appeal to educated Protestants. He said it is easy, but un safe, to undervalue any force but our own. it is difficult for Protestants to un derstand the attraetivo power of Roman ism. IVe have been wont to regard the Roman Church as one of ignorance and superstition. When we have seen per sons going to the Roman Church, we have been apt to believe that they were moved by political aspirations, or some of those eccentricities thntwould have made them a Mormon. This is all wrong. Catholics are intelligent, earnest and ar dent. The great attraction is the great security of salvation offered by the Church of Rome. Their power in believing, as one draws near death, that he can hear his Saviour’* voice speaking through the priests, giving the dving one complete absolution from sin. With these reasons comes the fact of the age of the Catholic Chnrch. To a Catholic the ancient history of Ids church is ono of the grandest things generally manifesting an undue haste to capitulate to the enemy. Tne reading of the report was not con cluded at the adjournment of the Court. The hearing of tho remainder, together with other documents touching Baztui' management of the artillery and com inissariat at Metz, will probably occupy the entire week, and the examination of witnesses will not begin until Monday next. r , The German Government at first re fused to allow subpoenas for witnesses to be served in Alsace and Loraine, but special negotiations have overcome the objections. The War In Spain. Madrid, October 8.—The Remington rifles seized on the British steam yacht Deerhound, have been deposited in the arsenal at Ferrol. Firing was kept up all day yesterday between Cartagena yisurgents and the besieging troops. There is some fear in the Republican camp. A batallion of Greeks having tendered their •service in defense of the republic, President Cas- tolar has addressed them a letter thank ing them for their offer, but refusing to accept it. Synopsis Weather Statement. Office Chief Signal Officer, } Washington, October 8. ) Probabilities: For the Atlantic and Eastern Half States, light winds! mostly northwest, with clear weather; for the lake region, falling barometer, southwesterly winds-backing to easterly, partly clondy and elehr weather, except on Lake Superior, where brisk winds and cloudy weather are prolsible; for the northwest, falling barometer, southerly winds, cloudy and threatening weather; for the Ohio Valley, southwesterly winds, cloudy nnd threatening weather. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Liberal Convention Rc.folations. Elxuba, October 8.—The Liberal Con vention resolved that the convention of delegate! from the people of New York congratulate the patriotic citizens of all tue States upon the indications now ap parent of a growing disposition to oppose any express-ion of civil authority, and to demand in all our public ways a return to official honesty, c-onomy and fidelity to the public interest. Resclved, That this gratifying ten dency of public sentiment justifies and encourages us to reaffirm till 1 platform of principles set forth at Cincinnati more than a year ago, which embodies in clear and forcible terms the need of the hour, and by such affirmance to indicate the sincerity of our continued efforts and as pirations for purity of government re form. Resolved, That public approbation be longs to the Senators and Representa tives who, in tho last Congress, dijl not favor the salary increase and back-pay bill, and especially ts such as have volun tarily, without pressure of public senti ment, returned to the Treasury the so- called back-pay; and we denounce every Senator and Representative who voted for or approved such bill, and any party who invokes Congressional action to shield a guilty conscience in doing what should be done, and what some have done without legislation. Further, we feel the most sincere re gret that the President of the United States should so mistake the morality of the American character and disregard- the honor of tho American name as to give his official sanction to a bill which, as far os. it relates to liimst'lf and the members of each branch of Congress, was wholly uncalled for, unprecedented, demoralizing and wicked j and we charge the Republican party with the wrong of inaugurating and passing this kill; and we denounce in the must unqualified man ner this measure and all its supporters, and demand its unconditional repral.' Resolved, That we deem it of the private schemes, and we demand in every department of public expenditure a rigid economy and gool faith, and a thorough investigation aiqi punishment 61 all-offi cial misconduct. r ■. The. following resolutions were adop ted with Xbud. cheers: . A Resolved^ Tfiat tho thanks of all free men are duo to, tbe tribunal which hns vindicates! the right of local trial by jury and freedom of-the press against an at tempt to snatch away a c.tizen to an swer before a foreign court. Such an attempt aroused the proteetaxof our Rev olutionary fathers. The following ticket wa; nominated: For Secretary of State. Didderiek Miller; Comptroller, Nelson N. Hopkins; Attor ney General, Thomas X. Rams; Canal Commissioners, Joseph Jackson and Syl- vanus H. Sweet; States Prison Inspec tor. M. K. l’latt. The convention then adjourned t ine die. New Tort Items New York, October 8.—The third gen eral convention of the Catholic Total Ab stinence Union assembled at 12 o’clock to-day in Irving Hall; Rev. Father Me- Devitt, of Washington, in the Chair. Several distinguished members of the Union, including Fathers Ilennesy and Burns, of New Jersey ; Rev. Henry Volz and L. D. Chappella. of Baltimore; Fath er Welch, of Connecticut; Rev, James Mulhollan, J. J. Elcoek and T. F. Hop kins. The President opened the Conven tion with a short address, in which he stated the object of the conference to be the furtherance of the cause of temper ance. Racing ami Accident. Jerome Parks. October 8.—Duffy won the steeple chase—time 5.51. George West threw his rider. General McClellan and. family have sailed for Europe. A committee of Memphis merchants residing here acknowledge the receipt of $5,0U0 for tho yellow fever. St. Lonls Clearing-House. Sr. Louis, October 8.—The Clearing house meeting resolved to resume cur rency payments as soon as New York leads, and to gradually cancel Clearing house certificates, and in this ,way n-inne without reference to New York, was dis cussed but no action taken. Fish nnd Gnnir of all Kinds, and in lact with evrrthing the market affords, and cooked in manner t.> suit the tm«t fastidious. In coitnection with the Restaurant will be found a Flrst-Cia** SALOO TJ, * ef Which is supplied with the finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars HI). HICKS can bo found h-'rr. and would be pleated to meet all his old frierxU who may Five him a rail. He is .s itisli.ql that he ran please them if polite servant*. Rood cooking anil low prices cau please. Give me a call. E. JOHNSTON. AU-r hrt.n Brown House and National Hotel. NORTH BRITISH ANO MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—GOLD $10,030,000 Insures Sion's, Men’lmndisc. Dwell!mrs. Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! THE NEW FEATURE — IN — Photog'raphy — AT — PUGH’S GALLERY. camera ohscura scrvkvaof a ram, tlint his work wi removed. 1 have secured the undent retoucher, and feel assured ill rucoiumeud itself. Special Notice. I DESIRE to sell the stock, fixtures, nnd good will of my store. Tlie *tock is the very beat, it in prime order, and only needs tbe addition of few new goods to make it first*01088. The fixtures are modern and as good as new The “good will” embraces tl»e patronage of nearly every citizen of Macon, and great numbers of the people of the surrounding counties. Any one desiring to enter a business which is genteel and can be easily conducted, and which upon a very small investment will yield ar. income of three tlKHisand dollars, can make easy terms with me. Satisfactory reasons will lie given for my willingness to relinquish the business, and my services will be given to my successor until he lias mastered tbe business. Apply immediately to sept14tf • THOS. U. CONNER. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TRANSACTS A GENERAL BARKING BISIXESS. DIRECTORS: L C. PLANT. D. FLANDERS, H. L. JEWETT. W. Ii. D1NSMORE H. B. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE. G. H. HAZLKIIURST. I. C. PLANT, President. W. W. Whig let, Cashier.maio-tilnovl* highest importance to the people in all hia thoughts can dwell upon. We be- j porta of our State and country that the Hero that the history of the Bomish I abandonment by its members of their I. 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange, Gold. Silver, Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received., On 44 lilc-h Interest will be Allowed, AS AGREED UPOX. PAYABLE ON CALL. Advances made on Cotton and l*ro« * ducc In .Store. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ebi» 1y The arts and sculptures of the church are j country at lost to finaTydfil discredit and powerful in influencing 1 Catholics. It j distress*, and it is justly held Te*spon=il»Ie claims to be the chnrch of a sect whose j before the tribunal of public opinion Mr magnificent structures outrival all others I the recent disordered condition of the of whatsoever sort. It is the church of j country, instability in exchange, of trade, the poor, in that its benevolent mstitu-^ in work, of production and investment}, tions are found everywhere. If* said and in depression of - business, sufferings Rev. Mr. S to its, we must overcome these of laborers and ruin of individuals, men we must know more than we have Resolved, That in view of the present sometimes known of the seductive influ- I disaster, result of a weak and per- ences existing against us. There is one nicious administration, wide spread cor- thing they can’t do, and that is rub out ruption of the public service, defalcations the past, the aspects to Romanism that J Q f officials, peculations condoned, robber- are worthy of much admiration and re- j extortions npon merchants and ini- spec t. porters with the approval of the Federal Tlie If. U. T. Co. authority, personalism of the chief Ex- New Yoar, October 8.—At the elec- ecutive, and as a consequence impared tion for officers of the Western Union standard of political morality, it is Telegraph Company to-day, the follow- a matter of painful regret that ing gentlemen were chosen Directors: j unreasoning party real should out- Wm. Orton, Jas. H. Barker, Alonzo B. i live just party allegiance to others and Cornell, Harrison Durkee, Nerven Green, j postpone a return to good and honest Joseph Harkes, Edwin D. Morgan, W. Government; but still we have undimin- R. Vermilye, Augustas Schell, B. Wes- I ished faith in the integrity and manhood ley Stillman* W. K. Thome. Watt A E. | of the people and their ultimate purpose D* Woraster, C. Yanderbilf, Frank Work, | and ability to correct every wrong and Chester W. Chapin, E. Cornell, Cyrus W. j restore everyjright. return of the conn- U, Cyrus W. restore every right Field. Wilson G. Hunt David Jone, C. Resolved, That a Livingston, Geo. H. Mumford, C. N. Pal mer, Geo. M. Pullman, E. S. Sanford, Iliram Sibley, John Steward, Moses Tay lor, W. N. Vanderbilt. try to a specie basis is on object of para mount importance; that as a p-eat pur pose of money, apart from being the standard of value is to serve ae a medium Washington, Octobc r 8.—The Score- of exchange an instrument with which ' A1 m * A ^ transfers are made and Indebtedness ure discharged, business integrity and even- handed prosperity unite in demanding a return to the common standard of the world, and that bonking privileges should be extended to all who can give perfect security for prompt redemption of the circulation they utter in as good money as the Government makes lawful money of our country; that the lines of trans portation between the East and West be improved bo as to furnish a better and cheaper transit; to the end that DO route iball make an inordinate charge upon produce, manu- ,disc, and that no in* tary of the Treasury. Assistant Treasurer of New York, and McCulloch, a partner of Jay Cooke A Company are in counsel at \» w York to-day. Mayor McKearer has been assigned as A General to the Department of the South, Major Taylor to the Depart ment of Texas. The President goes to the Pimlico Fair to-morrow. Another Launch. Philadelphia, October8.—Thesteam- hip Indiana, the third of the American in.*, tailed on her trial trip to-day with l.vut a hundred invilol gueits. & ae will * ft*ty-oight hours, and s-tart on CITY BANK MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars. DIRECTORS: WM. B. JOHNSTON. V JOHN J. GRESHAM, J julySf r <ni S. G. Bonn. President. R. F. Lawton, Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In HnlTs New Building. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advances on Stocks. Bonds. Cotton in Store. Also on Shipments of Cotton. White Lead and Zinc! PAINT BRUSHES AND COLORS. A FINE ASSORTMENT of the above artid at cost. SODA WATERI My partrons are respectully informed that n 8011.1 FOUNTAIN is still in operation. You ran always p.'t your STREET CAR TICKETS! 4 for 25 Cents 1 At the Drag Store of ROLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton A venue. sepSOtf OUR BUYER BEING IN NEW YORK During the great excitement, ho secured many bargains, which Were offered to Cash Purchasers. Having surplus capital always «>n band, we are able to take advantage of all good banmins. and now offer them to the people of Middle and 5>outh\vustem Georria. Our s»tock of BlaoHL Bilk.s Is the larged nnd cheapest in Georgia. Black Alpaccos, Mohairs and Brilliantines! We have the best qualities in all grades £0 par cent, lesa titan any retail houso in the State. MOUR NING GO 0 D S ! BLACK MEBINOB8 BOMBAZINES, BEARITZ, TAMISE, HENRIETTA CLOTHS And New Styles Mourning Goods, at Panic Prices! 35 R ESS G- O O D S COLORED SILKS, in all the non- Sha-Vs. IRISH POPLINS, in all Fashionable Colors. CACIIMERES at So cento, worth $1. SATINES at So cento, worth $1. CAMEL’S HAIR GOODS, in Beautiful Colors. JAPANESE SILKS at 45 cents, worth 75 cento snd $1. POPLINS, SERGES AND LOWER PRICED GOODS, IN ALL COLORS. AT PANIC TRICES! LADIES’ CLOTHS in aU colors. WATERPROOF, in different colors and qualities. FLANNELS—RED, WHITE and OPERA, at REDUCED PRICES. IN OUR HOUSE-FURNISHING DEPARTMENT ! W E HAVE MAKSAILLES QUILTS. BLANKETS. TABLE DAMASK, TOWELS, NAPKINS. SHEETING, AND PILLOW CASES, AT PANIC PRICES! Bar ami Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, H AVING refitted his entire premises, is now prejmred to furnish his friends and patrons with everything pertainingto n first-class restau rant, which will be served in the very best style. He will aluyays have on hand FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, GAME, ETC. Strangers visiting Moom should give hiui a call. I will open on the 1st of Oc tober, at No. tid Clieriy street, next door to uiy present restaurant, a Ladies’ JEating Saloon. W. W. CARNES, General insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. 80 CIIEKKY ST. Represents the following first-class Companies: HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Orgtmizwl 1S10 . ... AiscUsI.ia>,Of,.i GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbus, Ga. - - Assets $T«uu,0<.0. UNDERWRITERS’ AGENCY, NEW YORK, (Composed of tho Germania, Niagara, Hanover and Republic Insurance Companies). ts over $*000,000. PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis, Tenn. - - Assets 8:5^.2 JO. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Organized 1791 ... Assets $S^00,000 Policies written on Dwellings; Stores, stocks of Merchandise, Cotton, or other insurable property at fair rates. My sleeping room adjoins my office, and I will cover Cotton or other property at any hour of the day or night. plH-tf IV. VV. CAUSES. 3XT otions. CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS. SASH AND NECK RIBBONS. KUCsIING, EXTRA SIZED BUTTONS. AND ALL NOVELTIES AT NEW YORK PRICES! KID GLOVES --- “ OUR SPECIALTY.” AT $1, WORTH $1 50; AT $1 25, WORTH $2. —:o: 50 Pieces Warranted ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETING! To bo closed out immediately at PANIC PRICES. Remember We Sell as We Advertise! S. WAXKLBAUM & BR0„ oct'tf 45, 47 aiid 49 Second st., and 22, 24 and 2G Cotton avenue. it DMA YE HEAR THE SLOGAN ? ” PUTZEI. «£ SON B«*g leave to call the attention of their numerous patrons to the below mentioned list of GROCERIES C03I PRISING Thirty-one Different Kinds of Canned Goods! As follows: Fresh Mackerel, Fresh Salmon. Lobster* Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Club Fish, Peai'hes, Pineapples,'Quinces, Pears, Cherries, It lsplx-mcs. Blackberries, Strawberries, Pie Fruits, Tomatoes Peas String Beans Lima Beans, Asparagus Surrotaah, Saco, Com, Spiced Salmon, Con densed Milk, Damsons, Devilled Ham, Lobster, Partriage, Duck and Turkey. All of tlie above are Packed This Season ! TEAS A SPECIALTY LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! V.Ylmve now in stock the LAlKiG.tT and most COMPLETE sswllulMullt o( TEA.©! . IN TIHS MARKET. DIFFERENT GRADES OF TEAS! Prom 70 Cents per Pound and Upwards! JOHN INGALLS SPECIAL AGENT FOR CASWELL, HAZAHD & CO.’S PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, and celebrated home, tbe leading physicians ii Hazards: Caeswll's I hire and Sweet COD DIVER OIL. I Always on hand. Fresh ot received this day. Dealers supplied at proprietors* prices. aefiil tf ALSO ON HAND Mit'tnnls. Mackerel, LIQUORS. We take pleasure in stating that the Century WLisliy Waa awarded the HIGHEST PREMIUM . AT TIIE VIENNA EXPOSITION OVER ALL COMPETITORS ! Constantly on hand, Pert. Sherry, Madeira and Rhine Wines, Hennessey, 31 artel and Otard Duprey Brandies, ete„ etc., ♦tc. & « LI u % b . v* ^nkin [Tnule mark r ered.] io deaths fron [ m Montgomery since the Jd in»t _ r tirst 1 { may be like his, tor the The dflCOMOtj of Amerioos for tw was amonj tho earlier untry. Tux Griffin Stat is sneering at wh:it it c*dl» the **Bourbon Democracy.” Wlren did the editor of that paper joii> the I Templars, we should like to know r Or has he changed his tipple and now ses nothing stronger than peo<*h brandy? Jerome Park, says the “Gritfin Iron loun- Xkw York, October S.—Mate won the ! corrupting in^uenoe of our great corpo- } bimri: and that it*, funeral was thr«-e mile race—time 5.51. McDaniels’ rations over legislative action whereby ! 1.06J. * our agricultural inUrt-sto are crippled I ^ Oolethorse, September 27, 1873. The Chemicals purchased q£ you Im-'t spring rFere prejur*.*d ap l used as di rected. I also used some of the English Stopewall and EOme of Meriyinan’s. A ton of your Fertilizer prolu -ed as much, if not more, than a ton of either of the than half tho co.-t. 3V. H. ROBINSON. Z. B. WHEELER. Saloon and Restaurant, Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, MACON. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR NIGHT. First Class Fstsiblisluncnt, STOCKED WITH Sugar ! Sugar I COLYERT STEAM SUGAR REFINERY. CHESAPEAKE STEAM SUGAR REFINERY. MERCHANTS’ STEAM SUGAR RE PINERY, of Baltimore. We solicit orders from the trade oral will guarantee prices to be on low oh if or dered direct. »et»lg 1m ‘ WARFIELD A WAYNE. tactures or mereI _ ^ •e to Liverpool on the ICth. I t^rost, whether of a producer, c-orpora- j others, with lei At* r. W V. . ; tion or capitalist, ca^ juttly complain of j Aid lor Memphis and Shreveport, ; t hc facilities offered the regular, cheap Pobtssi• it*TH, October 8.—The City ; i*nd rapid interchange of the produce of w ,. • Council of QpriuBV^h L^t night appro- | We«J and mer^hnndUe of . Fcitiliour uo * printed for MempLU and $200 for Both internal tvusutuption and general ; * Shrevej-ort. A meeting <.f citixeui up- j commerce eancut be over t-stimat*.-*! ! point<*d a committee to collect contribu- j to the people of our own State. noD>. and especially of our great seaboard The Liberals, I dtira enlarge*! water channel--, freight Elxibx, N. V- Oetot-er s.—The Lib- 1 railways and cheap anJ expeditioo* r »c- I —- - sral roarenttoa is in mm, with CoL . afike for outgoing and inbramd MUSlCal InStrUCtlOn. Conklia- ss President. f trade, an djmoeratively demand and al- oxosspuLirs ».ii n-,., .- I lowment wiuot cannot with justice and U*on» MONDAY. c. Thoro ‘safety be delayed, and we deplore the | instruction nven on the PIuio ami Onnii, als HOWARD HCiUftc. BROAD STREET, Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eufaula 'Rail- rural IX f<c;. EUFAULA, AL.Ui.VMA. J. W. HOWARD. - - PttopKirrouz. Only a abort walk to and from the .South w -st- era RailxoraL Seventy-five ci-nts saved in oinni- bu» frit'*. • »ept> tfm W.VHKKN A. JLlSSOit. AAL-»X P. KAXSOV. DaKITs! W. OEEU. KOBXRT H. BOTH. W. A. EAMSOM & CO., )Ianulortan r-an.1 Johl**n of BOOTS AM) SHOES, ISs AND 140 GRAND ST- NEW YORK. Represented by R. W. H^ari. of Georgia. German Groceries a Specialty EVERYTHING IN TIIE GERMAN GROCERY LINE. Try Our Shakspeare Ssgars, 10 cents Each. :0: Thankful for past favors, we solicit your continued patronage. Prices Lower Than Ever. PUTZEL & SON, oct-4 lm SECOND STREET. DA MO UR’S BLOCK. ]S^ ^TIONAL hotel (FORMERLY MPOTTOWOOD.I KEAELY OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT. lh;» H.hi... tiu ta*:. TIIORIU.-GHLV RENOVATED tn.ra lanwnwit to attic. tto.VUI) >■:* I'l R I»A"V'. P. WHELAN, Prop. Iron in the Blood THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ViuJizvs ar.<l J.nrirhos tiio Blood, Tones up tlie Sy»t«n,RuiIds up the Broha dtfwi, Cures Ki-ma’q Coi.iplaints. Drop« v, DtLihty.lI u- mors, Dyspepsfiu Ac- Tboussuas bm M Hunt, ltankin & Lamar, Drurrixts. Miu-on. G fiurh • IP* led tv • thre i filly won the five furlong race i'l in I-.■n-liti'.n. h -:»!th ment on half th.* auiount. i! WM. M \SO.V T.-l.-ti-raph ai,.i .M.->>«s*ritfi- LAXI) FOB SALE. hthe io>*t dtfinhfe h Hin»m B. Troutman. FOR ONE WEEK CYPRESS SHINGLES f CYPRESS DB. WRIGHT, DENTIST. J UST re* SHINGLES, ri.ed an«l drawn. A Superior Article! just fi.j miles belo’ town of IL.-ynol.l8. One Thousand 11.<" tie iinprovemt'nts :*re unequalled.oonsixtinic of dwc'limr.«ithwi-ry n,yv><try out iinpreve- t. Th«*n* arv .•#'Vt*nt«’»'U cahiun for IalMtivnt, kith tev K**l brirk t-hium.-yM. A irnat deal of the r**<l ImimI fn-h. Any one i<*siriiuc such h farm on the m nl eiiti< m- t.-nns, 1im<1 U*Ht H[*i.Iy at £ HENRY T. JORDAN,* T. MARION BRYAN, k'h»?Tn R»m nol.N, Ga. LIVERPOOL AMO 8REAT WESTERN STEAM CoT, B. U. WEIGLKY A CO. in* the h«st possible raoommodatk>n for the sa loon and stoenure passengers- Drafts iaiiued tor patiNa»re money from Europe at current rate*. ’ For rates of paasrare and other information, ap- ly to ^Il’ILLIAMS A GUION. t» Broadway, New York. Or U> W. McKAY. Agent, octl lm No. <8 Second street. Macon. Ga.