Tri-weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1838-1877, October 25, 1839, Image 1

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I WILLIAM E. JONES & Co. AUGUSTA, Ga. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 1839. Vp#f . ITX.—No 106. —mw mmmmmmmmm mmma—«—ui+woww.n .»hm»wi mmimem THE CHRONICLE AM) SENTINEL POHI.ISHF.D, J ULY, TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, At No. Broad-street. t r, r m s: JFulj paper, Ten Dollars per annum, in advance. Tri-Weekly paper, at Six Dollars in advance or Sjvoii at the end of the year. Weiklypaper. Three Dollarsin advance,or Four at the end of year. TO THE PUBLIC. T| N. WILSON tenders his thanks to the pub- , fi B « li ■ forthe liberal patronage heretofore ex- I tended on his ST AGE LINTS, and would respect fully inform them that he is running a LINE OF STAGES frm Double-wells, on the Georgia Rai • Road, to Washington, via Ray-Town, tluee times a week, leaving Double-wells, on Mondays, Wed nesdays, and Fridays, after the arrival of the cars from Augusta, and arriving at Washington, same days, at 5 o’clock, p. m. Returning —Leaves Washington on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2 o’clock, a. m.. and arrives at Double-wells in time to lake the cars for Augusta. ts march 13 AGENCY S AVANNAIIINSURANCE Ac TRUST COMPANY. THE undersigned agent of the above company, will take lire risks on merchandize and pro duce, in stores and ware-houses, and will also in sure the same against river and marine risks, be tween this place, Savannah, Charleston and North ern Ports. The terms will be the same, as ado; ted by the other Insurance Offices in the place. I>. 0. WOUUIOI’TER. President, J. P. Henry. DIRECTORS, CL B. Gumming, (L 11. Lamar. W.T. Williams, Ralph King. Francis Sorrel, Ed. Padclford. J. 11. Burroughs L. Baldwin. 11. Harper, Henry Koscr. Dimas Pone !t A. Lewis. Augusta. March 22 ts fTJNHE subscribers have received per recent arri -8 vals, which they oiler low for cash or city ac ceptancc, a large lot of Dry Hoods, among which are, (500 pieces Calico, various qualities 200 doz Cotton Handkerchiefs 30 pieces While Linen Drill 25 do Brown do 85 do Colored Muslin 40 do Blue .leans 35 do Furniture Dimity I Os) do Pantaloon Stripes 50 do Silk Handkerchiefs Hi) do Plaid Muslin 150 doz Madras Hilkfs 50 pieces SwLs Muslin GO do/. Hosiery 200 do/ Shirt Hollars AT.SO, Cloths, Silk and Cotton Shawls, Bosoms. Capes, Muslin Collars, Brown and Bleached Shillings and Sheetings, Castings, Casmirets, colored < ambries, Bead Bags, Brown Drills, Buckram. &c. &c. may 10 W. K. & .I. V. JACKSON. A. Z. HAMA’S New-Cabinet Furniture Want-House. No. 230, Broad street, a few dnoT/nliove the To.'!- ittjicr Comer rr-rtp- Til E subscriber tenders his sincere Vt thnnks ami acknowledgements for the iwsA lihornl pHtronnee herotoiwn nost'iuod, ’fejtiJs'SSSS and Rutter* close applied tint), anil unremitting inert ion., lor t,lie Mi J w II accoiTimmhiiion ol his cuslomcrs.that r ft » he will he cnl it led In ashmen! iheir future suppoit He does uni scruple lo assert. i lint he now bason Intno the largrsf and best assort mem id Furniture, over exhibited in Augusta; and thinks ho can, with confidence, challenge compari son with the best VV'il li ol hei art iclss he enumer ates the following, viz: {Splendid Sideboards, Rook-caaes, elegant fancy and plain Wardrobe*, superior Egyptian mart 10-tup dressing Bureaus, plain do.. I’icr tables, various pallemu. card, dining, work and centre Tables; Sofas.s'iht-hodslcatls; ma hogany rockers; French and hall French, and Gre cian Choirs; bird’s-eye, curl-maple, hex, anil flush seat do ; Piano Stools; Ottomans, Dressing-tables, Looking-glasses of every description. Window hiinds, and transparencies, I’arlo,'-tables, Wash stands, Conniing-hoiisc desks. <vc.. Ac. The above are warranted In be ul the best mate* i rials mid workmanship, which he is determined to j sell ala small advance. A.Z UANTA.. ! N. H—Conuiry peoplenre requested to callnnc i examine for theiniiclves. j N. B—Upholstering in all its branches, done ' with great dispatch, and on the nnutl rrnsonablu terms; and also coiisluntly on hind, a large ass ortment of hair and muss iMaurasses sch 2 1 SWOm 4- BROTHERS, Cabinet, Chair ami Sofa. Ware-room, Broad street, opposite Could, BulUley & Co. The subscribers have removed from their former location to the laige and commodious store ofMr. W. Nel ,son, now oiler forsaic a well assorted •stock of articles in the above line, | principally of their own manufacture, made from ; 4**. latest and most approved New York patterns, 1 which consist in part of the following—marble top I sideboards, mahogany do., pier, card,centre, dt mg, , tea, work, and ofter tables, dressing bureaus with | marble and mahogany tops, secretaries and book cases, sofas, ottomans, marble top withstands, writing desks, footstools, mahogany, curl and birds eye maple bedsteads; also, live doz. excellent ma hogany French, ha.ii French and (Leei n chairs, and a variety of fancy, cane, rush, and wood scat do. Thankful for past patronage, they solicit a continuance of the same at their new store, where they will continue to sell at unusually low prices, nd warrant the goods equal to any april 2G ' CARRIAGES. HULBERT & ROLL, at the old stalll ' formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse 6+4 —\£Sn Thompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln htisiJoa> tosh streets, are now receiving an en tire new stock of Carriages from the best mannfac nrcs at the North, of the I test and most approved style, consisting of Coaches, Coachecs, Standing and Extension Top Barouches, Chariotecs,Buggies Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a largo and well selected assortment of Harness, all of which they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Gr den for any description of Carriages of their own of Northern manufacture thankfully' received and promptly’executed. Their friends ami the public are respectfully- invited lo call ami examine their stock cjr’Rcpairing in all its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts nov 1 PIANO FO « TES . I <r -‘‘ffi r,f j H H PARSONS, 235 Broad street, keeps at all • times for sale, a largo stock of TIANO FORTES, from the best bid ders in the country.— Tho stock generally’ consists el' about thirty to forty Instruments, comprising al! the qualities. These instruments, arc selected with great care, and arc | recommended with confidence. Persons wishing to purchase can do as well at this establishment as at any of the northern manufactories. A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur nished in every instance. Also, a well selected‘ lock of sheet MUSK", Pre ceptors, i.c., together with Huitnrs, Violins, Flutes, Accordions-, and most of the small articles usually kept in a Music .Store. march 5 GEORGIA RAIL HOAD. Merchants and others forwarding goods hy the H corgi a Rail-Road, are particularly requested to have Hie mime of the owner and the place of destina tion marked in full on each package; also tho name <>t the Depot s and to fill Hie receipts in alt cases to correspond with the marks. The observance of the above rules is desired, to prevent difficulties that have occurred in forward ing goods intended for different persons, bearing the same mark. atm 5 ” air Office Transportation, } Aiken, July 29,1539. 5 Reduction of Freight on Rail-Rond, One-fourth less than customary, on all up freight from Charleston to Aiken and Hamburg, when equal to a ear load,/say 51100 Ihs. weight, or 300 feet measurement,) from litis date to first Septem ber next. WM, ROBERTSON, Ju. Agent Transportation. The Constitutionalist will insert the above. © U ORCI A It AIL«ROAi>. ~,gM Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the following rates: Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs. Colton, $1 50 per bale. C. I. Baldwin, Agent for the Company, t Greensboro, will receive and forward freight vvith otn charge. Merchandize for the way stations will be for warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R. June 30.1539 July 12 GEORGIA RAIL 110 AJL mmmm The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail between Now York and New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens boro at la. m. Leaves Hrcensboro at 9 p h., and . arrives at Augusta at a. m., in lime Lr the Charleston cars. Stages run in connection with this train from Grepnsbormfor New Or.cans, (two daily lints) via Indian Springs,Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile; for Now Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon, ami Pensacola; for West Point and Wctumpka, via Bartlesville, tri-weekly; for Rome, tri-weekly, via Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington, VVi.kes county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells; for New Orleans, daily, from Warrentou, via Sparta, Dlil ledgeville, Bacon and Columhus; forMillcdgevillc, I t;i-wcekiy, via Greensboro ami Eatonton. Conmteling with these lines are branch stage lines lo Tallajiasseo, Columbus, Miss., Tusealoo a, Newnan, Coweta county, Gu., and Clarksville, Ha- : bersham county, &c. An accommodation Day Passenger Train loaves Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at G o'clock, a. >i., and Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7. A. m. Fare on tho Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25. Ollice Georgia Rail Road k llk’g Co j) julv 12 Augusta, June 30,153 D. 5 MILES’ COM POINT) EXTRACT OF TOMATO PILLS, The celebrated snhstiln/c far Calomel, the original and only genuine Tomato Till. TURPIN, D’ANTIGNAC & Co., Druggists, Au | gusta, having boon appointed by tho proprietor o( j the above valuable medicine, wholesale Agents, j have just received a supply and are prepared lo furnish it at the lowest Eastern prices. i By reference to the newspapers of the past few j years, it will bo seen that this is the attic,e that has been so much lauded by men of science. 1 The nostrums sold in this country, under the I name of Tomato Pills, were got up lung since the original arrd genuine article was discovered, sep 2 w§s TO THE FACULTY AND MEADS OF FAMILIES. “BAR. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF |]? TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and ■ does not belong to the family of quack medicines; I (or the reason that tho component parts arc made i known to the faculty, or any one else that may | wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them j 1 for sale, since this discovery so long and anx- I i.nisly looked for, some one in almost the extreme I North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to be made from the stalk, a thing nut more absurd than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of tho difficulty of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, in the proprietor of the Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits of which, he holds himself bound, and in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they are all that they profess to be. and will do for utheis what they .have done for such as mav have used them: as this is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will doubtless be valuable information to families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as the Red Tomato, and pioduces twice as much of the hepatitic, or active principle,and when used as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in much better condition than the other kind ; many will recollect with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given lo children, and bow they then wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not until of late was it ascertained that they contained alterative and diu retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation must cheerfully, for the reason that they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, they would he bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.o anti-bilious medicine, use the I omato pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in this city. We all know something about this. June IS ts FRESH TURNIP SEEDS, Ac. WHOLESALE .'.ND KF.TAIL. T A RGB WHITE FLAT DUTCH TURNIP Do Globe do Do Norfolk do Yellow I’m pic Top Kuta Baga do ALSO, j i tge Dntmhcad Cabbage j;o Bergen or Great American Cabbage Do Cape Savoy Do Red Dutch, for pickling Long Orange Carrot Large Black Fail Radish j White and Red Turnip Radish Red and White Clover Seed Lucerne or French Clover Seed Blue Grass do Herds Grass do The subscribers have lately received the above variclv of Garden Reeds, nil of which tlicv WAR RANT TO BE FRESH AND GENUINE, and oir«r them for sale at reasonable prices. ANTONY k HAINES, June 2b No. 332 Broad-street. "craa jours, OR ANTr-lIALSAMIC OONORIUKEAL SOLUTION, Warranted io cure in Five nays. fjpHlS incomparable and invaluable remedy so it long known, and used with such unpnrrallclcd success in the Canadas for the last 30 vents, ap pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the human system is such that it invariably acts like a charm, fur the relief and radical cure of n certain common and disagreeable “ills tho flesh is heir to.” this prize obtains its own name from tho certain success which has attended it through all of its trying circumstances, namely, “live days,”—tho same success which followed it in a Northern lati tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue and bazaid by ,11 Chcvcros, from the celebrated Indian Chief Wauenotiie, or Great Moon, whilst ho, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu siness in the North-west with the Indians.— \\ abenuslip prized highly and use it with invariable success throughout his two tribes. Its known and valued virtues have already enriched to an almost incredible extent the children of this warlike prince, not only by actual sale of the article itself to in dividuals, hut by parting with copies of his receipt at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of Indians in America, with a solemn promise to tho Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its com position until ho sleeps with his fathers,” although Iree to use it in their respective tribes, which places it in the hands of every Indian who rely with, 1 may say, religious confidence on its cura ble powers. Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can he anglisizci) of the deed given hy Wnhcnoshe, to M.( hcveret,when he purchased the original recipe, and had twice assisted the Chief himself through the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture, l ew white men would credit the length of time which is consumed in preparing the article for im mediate use. TIIANSI.ATION, Chippewa, fur the love and good feeling which 1 have lor my while Irlend M. Chcvercl, (for he has done many good things for me and tny people.) 1 give to lam my greatest cure for the had sickness which my children have had sent among them as a punishment hy the Great Spirit,and hope that in his hands it may do much good, and make Inin very rich.” signed IVAIHNOSHE.his y. mark. Witness ABBAIIO, his * mark. . EVERETT LAYMAN, I (ILLAM MCAKIE, J. B. ROY. R. 0. DUPUIS, J. S. CARDINAL. This Medicine, I warrrnt by this publication,un der a penalty of $5,00(1, not to contain one parti cle of mi rustic preparation. It is purely vegata ble in its essences. Its first and prominent virtue is to subdue every vestige of iudamation, and then acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic; there!)} I holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for the subduction ul this loathsome malady—and ev ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the assertion, tiiateopions diuresis and reduction of in ; nation, are the only two things necessary lo elfcct a sound and radical cure. The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,” is in tins, that wherever it alone has been used to ailed a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree. aide consequences which almost invariably results from ,the sudden cure of Gonorrluea, have been kuuw'ii lo obtain such a* stricture, hernia, Inimor alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the most loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and treatment of Gonorrhoea. Those a Heeled are requested to call and try for themselves. If the prescriptions are well follow ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case he returned. ) on ran do what you please and cat what you please. To be had at Antony & Baines, No. 232, Broad street, who are the only authorised Agents in Au gusta. All orders addressed to them, will he promptly attended to. aug 29 S | AT STORE-A. 11. MALLORY having i i eonneeled himself with one of the largest manufacturing houses nt ihe North, will in lutnre I'miilne! the inisiiiosa under the firm of A. 1L JlniloiyA<lo. Tlioiri.roseiiiiirmngnmcnrswill enable A. 1). M A. Co. to supply thmr customers on the most fte.eommodaiing terms. They nre now ree.ivtng their Fall and Winter supply of Gentle- I men’s Hats, Cups, Ate., also, a large assortment nl 1 Ladies’ linnneis, of tho latest stylo and superior I quality. Those wishing to purchase Articles in I their line,either nt. wholosnleor retail,arc, solicited | to cm I] and osnininotheirassortmcnt. net 2 if AMi,M AI. LORY & tln._ MUSICAL NOTICE. JOHN PUHBLLAS, Brofessor of .Music, induced by the great encouragement which he lias re ceived as a Teacher of the l’ia..o Forte, both at the Academy of Mr. and Mrs. well as the Ladies and Gentlemen and public in general, who have so handsomely patronised him since his arrival in Augusta, he tenders his greatful acknowledg ments lo them, hoping a continuance of their favor, I purposing to continue the same vocation,during the summer, pledging himself from his expe rienced method to convey instruction to his pu pils to perform in a superior manner in a short time,and hopes hy assiduity and attention to merit I their approbation. He will likewise attend to tuning and repairing Piano Fortes, and satisfactory references given on application at Mr. A. Z. Banta’s New Furniture Warehouse, No. 23G, Broad-street, where all orders will be punctually attended to. roa y ts INSURANCE COMPANY OF L'OLUM. IDA, S, C. THE above Institution has been successfully conducted for several years in the town of Columbia. S, C. A considerable portion of its capital is invested in Hank stock, tho rest in good securities. All established claims for property lost, insured by this Uompany, or any of its agents, will he promptly paid as heretofore, and the sawn promptness will he adhered to in future, which should entitle it to asharo of public patronage ANDREW WALLACE, President. Coinin', ia, June 8,1839. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for tho above Company, is now prepared to lake Fire Risks on Buildings, Merchandise and Household Furniture, lie will also make Insurance on Life. All losses will be promptly adjusted and paid. The rates ol premium wilt be the same as charged by other offices. He solicits a share of public patron age. J. G. DUNLAP. June 21 if NEW BOOKS. SKETCHES OF LONDON, by tho author of “ Random Recollections of the Lords anil Commons,” “ The Great Metropolis,” “ Bench and Bar,” etc., etc. Charier Vincent, or the Two Clerks j a talc of commercial life. A Voice to Youth, addressed to young men and young ladies, by Rev. J. M. Austin Tortcsa, the Usurer, by N. P, Willis. John Smith’s Letters, with ‘ Pieters’ to match — containing masons why John Smith should not change his name ; Miss Bobby Smith’s juvenile spirit; together wi.h the only authentic history extant of the late W ar in our Disputed Territory. Also, a fresh supply of Steel Pens. Just receiv ed and for sale by J. W. kT. S. BTOV, July 27 247 Broad st. 3 AW NOTICE.—The subscriber has removed jj i Ids Office lo tho second story of McKenzie k Ben>ic!i’s corner. Be will atteml punctual',' to the Imsiuesj of his profession, in the Courts of Rich mond county, Georgia, and Edgefield anil Barnwell districts,S. C. oct 10 n.vrj JAMES T. GRAY. Goorgitt, Uttt'kft cvunii': H! HEREAS Samuel Andrews,Executor of tho estate of Jot n Andrews, deceased, applies for letters, dhtnissory. ) These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and ! singular the kindred and ert-iiiovs of said deceased ! to be and a;,rear nt my ollice, within the time pro- I scribed by law, to show iiaire, if any they have, i wlty said fetters should nut be granted. Given uuper my KutiJ, atoflicein Waynesboro, this Ist July, 1.839. T, 11. lII,DUN l\ l lerk. . July it ; . Bin <-iiiorgiu, l itti'ki* county; WHEiUIAS Benjamin E. Gilstrnp, Executor I? of Widiam Gilstrnp,deceased, applies for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tire kindred and creditors .if said deceased, to he and appear at my ollice within the Ikae pre scribed by law In show cause, if any they have! why said letters should not he granted. Given l trader mv hand at ollice in Waynesboro, this Ist July, 1839. T, 11, BLOUNT, Clinic. July 11 Om | Geonriti, llnrke> '■■titmly: M WHEREAS ,lulm S, luberti, Administrator ( de bonis Lull of lire estate of Thomas s. I Hurko,deceased, applies fur Idlers dismissory. I These an- therefore to cite and admonish all and ' singular, the kindred and creditors of said leceascd, j to lie a.nd isppear at my oilier within the time pro- ' scribed hy law, to show cause, if any they have, J why said letters slunk) not bo granted. Given under mv hand nl dilute in Waynesboro this Ist July, 1839. BLOUNT, Ork. July 11 i.iri Lieorgin, t oiimibia county: HER EAS, George 31. Wagruder applies for 1 * » Betters »f dismisdwi civ the estate of No- I nian T. .Magnidcr, deceased. These are therefore Unite anil admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and. appear at my o:!ko within the vime pre scribed by taw, to shoyv tnuso, if any they have, 1 why said letted should not he granted. Given under my hand in ollice, this 29th-dnv of I August, 1.53,". GAUKIIiL JUNES, i k-ik. i aug 29 Uuurui.t, JeileiHoii ufiuntv: kii/ill'Ull-LVS Jaliu It. look, aikninistra«os> on ' » » the-estate of James 11. Cook, deceased,up- I plies for letters dismistory; These lire therefore to cite and admonish, all and i singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, ! to be and appear at my ptlice within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if ary they have, why slid letters should not he genu tod ; Given under my hand nl office in Louisville, th:. 23d Marsh; 1839. EB-EN.CZ Ell MOTH WELL, Clerk, ( march 23 j 4i»tsui , ghi,iLlmioTii oootpy; WHEREAS VVilvy G, I slum and Van A lim (killnr*, administrators of the estate of Tho*. Florence, dma'.ised, applies for letters dismissgrv . 1 ’t he t are therefore to cite and admonish ail and ; and singular, the kindred mill creditors of rai.) de ceased, tw lie ansi appear at my with the lime prescribed by la w, to show cause, if any they have why said letters shoied nut he granted.’ Given under my hand at n(Ruc, in Lincolnton •his 7th day of March. 1839. HUGH HENDERSON, C. C.,0. March 11,1859. WHEREAS Eliza Bolton and Alexander Kemp,Mlrninistritora on tlwcstate of Reuben Holton, detowed, apply fur Ictten* dismissory from said estate: | These are therefore to cite anil admonish all and singular, the kindred m l creditors of said ileceased, lo he and appear at my ollice within the time pet - scribed by low, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should nut he grunted. ■Given iiiukr my hand at ollice in J/acksonhoro this 4th of Juaie, 1838; JOSHUA PERRY, .j"be.l Clerk. (•eargia* Jeiforson county $ H EKEA-s John IV. Alexander and WiMiam ♦ J S, Alexander, administrator* of estate of Manic] Alexander, deceased, apply for letter.. Giv- | «i is so ry; ( TSieseare therefore to cite ami admonish all and | singular, the kindred and entilitm of said doeea,--c.|i, Jo hie their objections, if any they have, in my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show tauso why said letters of arlmiiiwfration should no! bcgianted. Ween under my hand nt ollice in Louisville, this 29tlnof May, 1889. ■my 29 ’ EBKMBZER DDTBWKLL, Clerk. Clßfirgla, Unrke comity: Ilf HERE A;’, James Grubbs, Administrator ,of V T William Bryan,and Executor of Elizabeth Dryirn,deceased,applies fur letters dismissory on ■said estate. TKrse are therefore to cite and admonish ail and ♦iingridvr, the kindred and creditors of said deceased a be -snd appear at my office,within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, ■why oxid letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, in Waynesboro, (this dfflli day of inly, 1839. jlilf 19 _ T.B. BLOUNT, Clerk. <Uoo ngia, Serf von eomitv: Yfi/ H EREAS Joseph W. Dickey applies for let “V ters dismissory from the estate of Joseph Dicker, of Seriven county. These are therefore Incite am) admonioh all arrd I singulc.r, the indretl and creditora of said deceased, to life h heir objections, if any they have, in my of fice within the trine presetihed by law, to shew ■catiiic why said letters should not he granted. Given under my touttj at office in Jaclrsonhoro, this Ghfi July, 1539. jalyffi JOSHUA PERRY, Cirri:. IJM/i. R mouths after date, application will )■* la. tho Court of Culinary of Burke county, for leave Ju sell the negroes ot the estate of Peter Applewhite. JL’HN APPLEWHITE, Adm’r. Heplr.rnljcr 12, 1339. {TBOLR months afterdate, application will le * wade to the hotmralile tdie Inferior court of Mmwpfc county, whilesittingfor ordinary purpose :, ifnr loae e lo sell tlie real estate of William Cooper, <dacce.ii.-d,late of said county. GEORGE COOPER, Executor. “Uun* 12, 1839. R monhts after date, application vrt!) b<- i made to the llonurnhle the Inferior Court of Burke county, fur leave to r.-lla Negio Boy heiima-- iing totthe Estate of Peter Applevfjiite, de'eased ’ JOHN APPLEWHITE, Adm’r. September 5,1839 TMOUR months afler date, application -vit) •SI 'ifciide to Hie Bsnnraldclhc Justices of the l;i --ferior Court of Burke county, when sitting for r idinary purposes, for leave to sell the Nogroe' Jongitg to tiic Estate ot John Be Loach, dec td. JESSE P. GREEN, Adii,’r. Seytemberfl, 1H39 DANDItUIf AND JULDnUsx. OLDIU DUE’S Haim OF COLUMBIA dandruff and Baldness.— i /,«„ r . tilde noniud abovo is a cnniliirnttori ol N'ich ingredieius nv kirn pfov-d ihcmsolvim i-liii ... cinsin in a»Hieiitig the imruinj growth o( the human hair, and removing oil ohstirlcs to ite pr-rl.-i-J devol openiciu —ln ciiWimcndiiig Bus article to tho par ticular notice nf a discerning public, the proprietor is but recapitulating die nil crprcsn il nnutiniMtla of the many hundred, who have hiiiinisstnlly ic-iel its cllicacy and wonderful qunl lies —Bn* run jioiifiil having acquired fur uscll n character »iri. gukir merit and value, b in used by ladies mil goiillom .n generally, to keep ihe Hair ui-ust and beautiful, nud the head free Irani iMiidruir. uliiclr it does most porfucilj.rnid iliir* prevents Bald hock. < aution- Olwjrve that each holt Ia of tbo got*, nine Balsaifj nl ( a'umhia Inis a .-qilend'd cngr.'ivt-d wnq per, nu which is ropfiiswitcd I he Falls nl Anga ra, Ac. Fors-ilrhy ANTONY A IIAINEB, Sole Agon, npnl 2 232 Broad-street, « EORGU AGRICULTUJIAIi REPOSITORY. ! O' r ** ~ . r ;r.- ' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, Coowrof Jones and Cunuriinj; streets', first comer above the ruins ot the Planters’ Hotel. The subscribers oflcr for sale a largo aud exten- j give assortment oJ .\(ii icnltirral Implctirents, rnni l'i nil that w requin d lo stock inc moat exten sive piaiitatimis; I’l-jughs, Wood’s patent, Freel.orn, Davis’, Howard's, doubly mould hoard, fee.; Calti vators, fur corn erwl cotton; Harrows nf all kinds and sizes; Wheat Farr-; Watkins’ patent ami Dutch 1 Cylindrical Straw Cutters, of diH'crcit - i/es ; Coni i i siieHets; Guru and >ob Cracktr* ; Thrashing Ma- ! j chines, Horse Iwers; Turning Lathes, Tyre i ; Hcndimg M-acbines, ire. ■ Our IRON and HR ASS FOUNDRY is sow in j j complete operation ; having a large stock of mate- ! I rials, aval lust rate work .on, we are able to fur- I I riish iilf kinds of Gaseing., a.e. of :i superior quality j at short notice. liGBthRT I’UILIFJc SUN. ’ July 31 ti vc tw -HUSK’ SCHOOL. | Us LA 7 AhTE will eorntneoetr giving lcs?oru i V • <>» the I’i-ano l-’orle and Spaaidi Guitar I early in the fall. From his long: experience in | leaching the theory and practice of music, he ax nres those who may patronise him that they wrtl save no reason to regret placing their daughters j tinder his care. snilf iuly 31 - ■ | 4 VALUAItLIC GAUHIAGE DUIVEH, Who j cm be t'actiinnieiKled in live hig «est terms for : honesty, sobriety and industry, and who is al>o I a Barber and good I louse Servant, for sale bv { ANTONY oc HAINES, ! July » ts 232 Hr--nd-strert. j I nniii'. tmderaigned eoiitinu'.s to transact a general | 8 FACTORAGE AND OMMISiUON IUJSI- I NESS, mid solicit a centimiancc of patronage ! JOHN C. HOJuCOMHK. Charlerttm, 8-. C., August 19, 1830. vwim i BN EWJN BNYUF.It having taken his brother |A into co-jxirtnersiTrp, the business'irill heron- | timiod,Rt the sun. .' place, under the linn of E. iV. i J. A. SNYDER. August I, 1H39. 3t *c|> IS l Kt k WAGS Prime (Geeii Codee ■ If 10 St. Croix Sugar. | Just received end for sale by JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. may 10 \r EAST POWDICUS.—For raising Buckwheat and Hatter Cidies, perfectly light and ready for baking the inst’.iat: they are mixed. Sold whole sale and retail by janjHMf 1* AVILAND, I’.ISLY & CO, ( i GOLD WATCH LOST. —The nndcumigm-d j l\ Lad taken, a liG-ii'.tg'iottoiiK’d r-ise Gold Lover . Watch, M. J. Tobias hi I'm, Eivcrpmsl, No. 1-1251, j with Goal Curt) Fob 1 hath, two strand and a small Seal Key from him, which ire will give a suitable reward lo any per.,on detecting it. I up 27 ts ' E. H. HE ALL. NOTICE. —OuiWig my absence foe a short time Mr. OUTER uAN FORTH, is dirty author ized to attend to ;wy Ursinein which I am in terest'd. ' A. DA.NFORTH. August 27, _1 83!'. ti_ J UST HECEiVEI), and for sale, 10 bales Cotton Osnahargs 5 caves sujieii'ir Irish Linens By JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. may 10 I QAA !>)/.• CO VlnCii TUMBLERS, fust re ' 'aJV.i'4 f coved and for sale kv j may 14 W. E & ,T. U. JACK-SON'. JNOR SALE. — I second hand pedlars’ Wagon * and Harness, nearly new. Also; 1 good liitrniMß Horse. Apply to JOHN S. HUTCHINSON j uly 24 ts I»1I*IES, I'i! l E>. 1 CM) “Vs received and for June 27 ts ’ W. IS. hJ. V. JACKHON. I NEW, speedy, and HJertual cure for the /.ft. GnnoiTlioca, (fleets, Strictures, &c. Just re ceived and for sale by ANTONY & HAINES, Agents, may 10 Augusta. NOTICt: TO CAPITA LISTS. Vnlttnblc Jlann-factory ami Slave Operuti vex, lor xaict. tS/11-L HE Sold), on the 2d Monday in t)e --* V eetnber next, at It) o’clock, A. M, (Ht the premises, the foHow/ng property, belonging lo the j Saluda Manufacturing Company, viz : j The MI Li. LA Nl)S,situaSa on both sides <vf the | Saluda River, at Heard's Falls, 3 miles from Go- I luirvlda, S. G.. containing I;'.!)-acres ; the improve ments, consisting of Cotton Mill,Saw Mill, Htack ’ smith and jMardiiive Shop, Hotel,-Store and Ware house, Moulding Houses for Whites, and Cabins for the Negroes,Nr. Ac. and the Machinery, cotvisting of 3838 Spindles, and d-i Looms, and all the Appur > tenances pertaining thereto, will he sold in one lot on a ci-dit .f one, two, three raid four year*, the interest on the whole amount to be paid annually, , the payments to bo sermed by Rond, Mart.gage, . and personal seeuiity, the Charter of Incorporation • lo be transferred to the purchaser or purchasers of the property. A150,()4 Slaves on a credit of ninety days, for Notes with approved endorsers, bearing interest |‘ payable at the of,ion of the Company, in Columbia, f 8. G. A property combining the advantages this , possesses. i t rarely offered to tli« public. Jt is 10, , rated in a healthy region, with an immense wafer power, and line sites for other Mills. There is an inexhaustible supply of the finest Granite on the | premises, ai.d Pitch Pine Timber in abundance; it 1 is at tire head of the Cotton market, where the raw 1 material can’be obtained wPhoul the heavy ex penses of transportation, insurance, receiving and ’ j forwarding commissions, wharfage. Ac. It has j hitherto met a market tor its pioduct.s, almost cx | clusively at home. Th* Mill it built on the most | approved plan, of granife, 2f)f) feet by 45, four slo '■ lies high, and is now Inithalffilled witlrmaetiinery. - The Machinery is of the very best description and - finish. The Slaves are trained to the operations -I of tho Mill. The Louisville, Cincinnati, and . | Charleston Roil lioaij, is expected to he completed j to Columbia, in the course of a year, which will | greatly facilitate the transportation and delivery j of its manufactured goods. D. EWART, President I aug 30 whit Saluda Manufacturing Co. 1?OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Justices of the in ferior Court of Hui ke County, when sitting for or dinary purposes, tor leave to sell 250 acres of Lund, in 11*1! enmity, and 100 acres of Land in Columbia county, belonging to the minor and heirs of William Lovell, late of Rurke county, deceased BAYNE LOVELL, Guardian. September 6, 1839 BNOUII months after date, application will be l| a made to the honorable the inferior court of Lincoln county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, few leave to sell the following lots of land, the properly of Benjamin Fionestrect, deceased, viz : on" tract in Early county, No. 128, District 12, and one in formerly Irwin, now Lowndes county No. 275, District !).' ’ 1 1 EN LEV NALLEY, Administrator. i September 1, 1139. sent tt> niRSOLUI lON.—The firm of Uiwgkki-obc, Frjsbik & Co., now doing business in the f;ity of Augusta, Ga. is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. JOHN HUNGERFORDi JUDAH FRISBIE, JOHN T. HUNGJCRFORD. WolcottviUe,Conn. > August 24, 1839. NO] l! li. —The subscrdit-r baling purchased n!i the interest, goods, and cliVcts, cf.trw I'rrm of iton gej'lord, Frisbie & Co., in Augusta, Ga.-; will ran; on am] transact business at the old stand of Hun gerford. Frishin <V Co., and settle all claims against !IM, I collect all debt«, either by mite or account, due the above named him of H. F. At t 0., being duly. - authorised far doing the slim*; JOHN KUNGERFORD. Wolrottvrlls--, Conn , / August 2-t,JS3y. j ts sep 12 The undersigned is the only authorised agent of John Hnngcrfo-J-• any contracts touching the in-- t/‘rents of itic late firm of llungerfoi *, Frishie <C t 0., will not ho jccugnijed « itbout his sanction. O H. LIVINGSTON. mu sa;a; in iiamimiug. f BMIK subscriber left Petersburg, Va. on the Hd -H. hist, with an uni: mat large number of Nc gioe- lor sale, in the town of llamlrjeg, where he exiircts to arrive on or before the first of October, when he will oiler them for sale cn the most rea sonable terms. He flatters himself to say that from the in which his Negroen-were bought, be will he enabled to sell them te his. customers on as good leriiis as they pos.ihly rould he hough L in any of the Virginia markets. The lot consists of every description id servants, for nil purposes.— Mouse servant';, held hnndi, and every other des «*pli»-.i. BENJAMIN DAVIS, sept 12 t;f .toiiirn Htiii ricAUi.iH. A / WU h OK the genuine Trees aie now offer “Hr* *l*s " *-tt tor s.i cat (he reduced pine (it titty cents per true; then- arc some of them ten fee; high, ami many oi -.them nine feel, all produced f roll’, the hml planted in March la it 1 also oiler a valuable settlement of Land,contain ing ii'ld acres, 100 in cnlti cation-, all fresh; a va ric'.y «( the host selected fruit trees and gvppe vinri, on the place are comfurlahlr Im Idings, a store hnuso on a public rood, in Bream Town Valiev, , Chattooga county, (la.; 10(1 head of hogs and other atonic, a quantity of corn, wheat and out-. all will he sold i n aecoiemodating terms, as i wish to re move to the west. Time will he given for part of the purchase money if required. 1 can say that I have led the sillc worm on the place 1 now olfcr for sain, and they hare done well. The mulberry can he had with the place or sepasnfe. gentßo ■ wit JOHN HAWAII. |Vj 1,1 ice.—«vii portions interestedwilltake «o --t‘,-c that 1 claim to he tin; owner of the ap proved coni i acts for t!ie following Creek Indian Reservations, in the District of land subject to salt at Montgomery, Ala., via: for the JO. 10, 12, 28. . \V. 21), 12, 2, 5, W. 11, 12, 2K, K. 3, 12, 28, and K. 23,12, 28; that said approved contracts have beer, lost by me, excepting the two last half sections, which were certified to Sinner & Scott, amt 1 held their bend lor gvorl and snlliciel titles for the same, which was lust with the balance of the approved contracts ; ami 1 will proceed on the eighteenth day oi Decemh. r next, -at tm- town of Columbus, (te... at the hoiisi: of Michael M. Clark, Notary public, between the hours of ten am/ twelve o’clocL, to make- deposition and examine evidence a; to the. lus-.; and that immediately ‘hereafter.l shall ripply, to the llcnecal Laud Ollice lot paten ti to said land:.- Barnwell,is. C., / JOH.T’T. WISE. September 20, 1,830. k ntii )limniUK\ S. iM AKiii; a To ( Formerly of Macon, Georgia. ! i S I AVE received hy late arrivals from England B 0 and are now opening at the store No. 10Pearl I street, (up stairs,) a gener.fl assortment of llritfshi and !■ reni’h Dry Goods, selected and imported ili rert, exprtvis-ly for t lit: Southern trade, together = with a general a-i .irliru, nt of American Good*, which makes the a.;scrtini-ntcomplete.—Alw bantu visiting the city are request,..! to call aniwiuimine the stock. Orders will have particular attention, and put up at the shortest notice. Charleston, S. (1., October 22,1838 ts <■UKIK AS A W A T«lf IK LAND. fTjliiE subscriber offers for sale a tract of J.nrn. 0 situate in the 3d Dh u i-tt, Baker county, em bodying an area of fifteen hundred acres, which comprises every variety of the most superior soil, The tract is furnished with slight improvements, and can he enlarged in its dimensions to any desirable extent. As an additional CiUisid er.ition to a purchase, reasonable terms and a pro tracted credit are offered. For more miscellaneous information, applicants can address the subscriber,. at Athens. F. G. BALDWIN. july mit | I.K MUFKI.FUiItMt COhOGHE WATER. I’!' were hut labor lost to imumcrate the wonder-- ful properl ies of this admirable article. It re putation rapidly extending over all the known world, has made all praise superllous, all exagge ration impossible. To the ladies our recommen dation will he use-leu. it gives the rosy bloom of ' health and youth to all who. make it the constant companion of their toilet. Ai.naj Farina’s Cologne Water, genuine. Prentiss’ do. do. And several cho-loo; varieties cl oi.r owmman factmc, for sale by ifAVI-LAND, RISLKY & Co. april 15 ts Druggists, Augusta. k. imrm.'FOis, SII.K UYKU AM) SCOURER, FROM PARIS, S |> ESPIiCTFHLLY informs the ladies alid gen- ■ a?l. tlcmen of Augusta, and the country genc -1 rally, that he still e-mtinucs to carry on his husi { ness in liroad street,, next door below Dr. B. Har- I ris’ drug stoic, where ho will lie happy to attend to ,| all who may favor itim with their c .tom. Alt , kinds of Silks. Crapes, Ac.,willhe Dyed in ike most i fasltioruible Colors, Gentlemen’s apparel Scourer". • and renewed, and what ho docs lie will warrant to give general satisfaction. 6m. ang 16 A HE.VIiTIII AND REnKEIITIIE TKM.tT. rf’HIK subscribereiTers for sale his plantations A lying in Barite county, neartthe Louisville ’ road, twenty miles from Augusta, and adjoining lands of H. I’almer and .1. S. itrown, esq., contain ’ ingeight hundred and sixteen acres of pine land — two hundred cleared and under fence ; on tile pro- L miscs Is h twe story dwelling house, and almost every out-huiMing necessary,and a variety of fruit trees. A further description is deemed unneces ' sary, as it is presumed no person will purchase without examining the property. Teims may be - known by enquiring of tint subscriber on the prem- . iscs. CHARLES CLARKE. sept 19 tlstjan rjNilE subscribers otler for sale on accomtnod.i- J ting terms, the close consignments, bOO pieces Cotton Ragging, of di tie rent qualities, weighing from 1 to I f ins, some of the most recent importations. .200 coils Bale Hope •10 bag,: Cuba Coifee .‘>o l-.hds Cuba Molasses •><• bbls New Orleans M6foss*ti U) hhds St Croix !‘■ugar 16 fcbls Phelps’ Gin GARDE LLR & UHIND, __ aug cornel- Mclntosh and Bay St; F V3MS.V .HEOICINKS. I AM) FHYMCLVNS’ I’KGSCHIHTIONS.. ( lOMPKTENT arrangements having been made# J Family Medicines ami Hhyslans’ Frescrip j tiuns can be obtained at all liours of the nigh.';. and on the Sabbath, so far as immediate nocer.sitv i may demand, at Apothecary Hall, No. 232, Broad ! street. ANTONY &. HAINKt., aeg 30 " V The.*" is a vsht or Cye -‘oc-.