Newspaper Page Text
dj" Dr J. p. ALLEN, offers his professional
services to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity
n the practice of his profession—he may be found
at the Store of Dr. A. Cunningham.
sept 5 ts
flO* Dr. W. EWING JOHNSTON, offers his
professional services to the inhabitants of Augusta,
and its vicinity.
He can be found at the residence of Mr. Adam
Johnston, on Green-street ts aug 28
(Tj= Doctor J. J. WILSON offers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Augusta and its
vicinity. He will be found at the corner of Centre
and Telfair streets, at the residence of Mr. James
Gardner, first house below the Academy.
aug!7| ts
FARMER’S MANUAL—K monthly publication
designed to extend andencourage the growth of Silk
throughout the United States. Edited by Ward
Cheney and Brothers, Burlington, N. J., and pub
lished in Philadelphia, at the low price of One
Dollar a year.
JSr Subscriptions received at this office. aj
We arc authorised to announce Mr. JOHN
C. SNEAD, as a candidate for the offices of Clerk of
the Supeiior and Inferior Courts of Richmond
county, at the election to be held on the first Mon
day in January next. aug 19
CfY We are authorised to announce GAREY F.
i PARISH, Esq., as a candidate for the office of
' Sheriff of Richmond county, at the approaching
election in Januaay next. aug 19
Fellow citizens : — I offer myself as a candi
date for the office of Sheriff of Richmond county,
at the ensuing election, and respectfully Solicit
your support.
Jaclcsonborough, Scrivcn County, Georgia,
Office at the Court House. w2m
CfJ" NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00a m.
• “ “ Summerville, “ - -S 30
“ “ Georges’, - “ - 10 00
“ “ Branchville, “ - 11 00
“ “ Midway, - “ - 11 30 M.
‘ “ Blackvillc, - “ - 100 p. si,
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 it. n.
“ “ Aiken, - “ - - 730
“ “ Blackville, “ - ■ 930
“ “ Midway, “ - -10 30
“ “ Branchville, “ - - 11 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 12 00 m.
“ “ Summerville,“ - - 2 00p. si...
Arrive at Charleston not before 300
Distance—lSGmiles: FareThrough—slo 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not
longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at any
To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at cither of the above stations; and also at
Sineaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. 0.,
Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons,
and Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers up will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackvillc; down, will breakfast at Aiken
and dine at Summerville. may 21
THE above reward will be paid for the following
notes and other papers, lost by the subscri-^
. her in or near Augusta, on Saturday the 19th in-’
i slant, to wit; One of James Bishop in favor of
Davidson & Downs, for one hundred and twelve
50-100 dollars, dated first January, and due and
payable Ist and 4th October, 1539, endorsed by
payees,McKenzie & Bcnnochand the undersigned.
One of M. M. Brown and S. B. Clarkson, in favor
of McKenzie & Bennoch for thirty seven 50-100
dollars,dated 9th April and due and payable Island
4th October, 1839, endorsed by McKenzie & Ben
noch anil the undersigned. Also, the following
notes, all payable to McKenzie & Bcnnoch, and
endorsed by them and by the undersigned, dated Ist
January, and due and payable Ist and 4th October,
1539, except the last, which was due and payable
sth and Bth October inst., to wit: John S. Hutchin
son’s note for one hundred and fifty dollars; Robt.
Carter’s for two hundred and fifty dollars; G. VV.
Noble and L.Bostwick’s for one hundred and twelve
60-100 dollars; Benj. Baird’s for seventy five dol
lars; R. V. Clarkson’s for one hundred and fifty
dollars; James T. Gray’s for one hundred and fifty
dollars; P. Y. Jones and E. B. Glascock’s, for eigh
ty three 34-100 dollars; William H. Gordon’s for
seventy five dollars, and I. W. Meredith’s for six
ty two 50-100 dollars. With them were also other
papeis, chiefly letters addressed to the subscriber
or to Jenkins & M inn. The above amount will be
paid upon the delivery of the above papers to the
undersigned, or to Benj. Hall at the Post Office.—
All persons are cautioned against trading for the
above notes, as they were past due when lost.
eH A nn -REWARD.—The above reward will
XZJ XUi-v be given for the apprehension and
lodgment of THOMAS P. FUTEN in any secure
prison in the State of South Carolina or elsewhere,
or one hundred and fifty dollars for his delivery to
me at Coosawhatchic or Gillisonville, in the State I
above mentioned.
Description. —Futen is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inch- ;
es high, slim built, pale faced, upper front teeth 1
rotted out, is slow of speech, and whines a little in |
talking, and is about twenty one years old. Dress. J
—Blue satinet dress coat, blue homespun panta- j
loons, and white hat.
Futen was put in jail at Coosawhatchic, South
under a charge of negro stealing, and was
released on Sunday night, tlic 6th instant, by some
one unknown. He is supposed to have ridden off
a dark bay or brown horse, of the ordinary size,
stringhalt in one hind leg.
Sheriff Beaufort District, S.C.
Oct. 25. swim
LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at
Louisville, Ga., on the Ist October, 1839. j
Atwell, Mrs. Martha Johnson, E.
Allen, Waddel Lampkin, Hon. W.
Anderson, Hillory Lowry, David P.
Allen, William Loues, Mary
Bird, Charles Moore, Bryant
Bostick, T. C. K. Murphy, William j
Bradford, Brazil Morgan, John
Brantly,J Post, M. Hudsonvill*
Bailey, Dr. D. F, Pcndry, Robert J. I
Chain, Nancy Perdue, James •
Connell, Jessee, Jr. Pierce, Seth |
Cobb, John A. Ponder, Ephraim 3
Cleaveland. Thos. P. Patterson, Robert 3
Connel, John Presscott, Leroy M.
Cole, James Parsons, Samuel L.
Clarke, Lawrence Price, Benjamin
Campbell, John, Esq. Parsons, John A.
Clements, Miss Nancy Polhill, Mrs. Thos. H,
Carswell, E. R. Rogers, Elhanah 1
Caven, David Skinner, John ,
Davison, Asa Street, Thomas
Durowzeant, Stephen 4 Scrutchins, Thomas
Davis, Joseph Stapleton, James 2
Dwight, Rev. T. M. Snow, Charles W.
Evans, Robert Sammons, Benj.
Eason, Riley Schley, Col. Wm.
Fulford, Brvant Smith, E.
Flanagan, George Story, Mrs. Emily
Fleming, William Spilliards, Daniel
Fields, 8.8. Swan, William
Galbreth, David Sample, Nathaniel
> Hammet, Mrs. Mary Sheriff Jefferson County
Hughs, Stephen Timmons, iFrancis
Holton, Wm. S. Turner, H. P. 3
Barrel, Jesse Thompson, Obediah 2
Hudson, Mrs- T. Thompson, \Vm. 2
Hunter, Mrs. Mary Van Ness, S. H. 3
Hudson, Alfred S. Wright, Miss Martha
Johnston, Herschel 3 West Mrs. Elizabeth
Invnam, Seaborn Welch, Dr. J. I.
Irby, William Wright, William
Jones, Thomas \oung, C ayler VV. 2
(,IJR months aftet date, application will be
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of
Burke countv, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to
the estate of Alexander McKay, late of Burke
county, deceased. ELAM B. LEWIS, Ex’r.
October 25,1839.
BACON! BACON!! BACON!!!—Just .received,
a lot of choice Hams, selected expressly for
family use. For sale by
LARK, McTEIR &. CO. continue to transact
BUSINLSS in Augusta, (la., and will give their
personal attemion to tljc sale of all COTTON en
trusted to their care.
AH Cotton per Rail Road will be drayed to
the Ware-House free of expense, and the Colton
ol those to whom we may supply GROCERIES,
will, ai formerly, be sold free of commission.
oct 25 g t
TVrOIICE. —All persons having claims or dc-
JLx mands against the estate of Edmund Martin,
deceased, are requested to hand them in on or be
fore the 25th December next, and all persons in
debted to theestate. will please make payment by
tha: time to c. B. MARTIN,
Oct 25 wtd Temp. Admr.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Hugh
Nesbitt, deceased, for rents, arc requested to
make payment before the first of December next
All who are in arrears at that time, will find their
notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for
collection. Those having claims against the estate
will present them for payment before the first of
December, as the estate is about being finally set
tled. No claim presented afterwards will bo paid
b r JOHN MOORE, Executor.
October 25,1839. 6t
A TEACHER to take charge of the Kiokee Se-
J\. minary, loom this thime until the first of Jan
uary next, and for the ensuing year, if agreed on.
None need apply unless they can come well recom
mended, and can teach the Latin and Greek lan
guages. Apply to Isaac Ramsey, or any of the
Columbia county, Ga.,? .
Oct. Ist, 1839. \ oct 23 4t
A M °iws multicaulis trees
TOR’S SALE.—The public are hereby notified
that the sale of the perishable property belonging
to the estate of Thomas J. Shackelford, late of Tal
iaferro county, deceased, advertised to take place
on the 12th day of the present month, is postponed
until the 30th day of November next, when, in ad
dition to the other property heretofore advertised,
there will be sold about 4000 Mulberry Trees of
the genuine Moms Multicaulus, of the present
year’s growth. The trees to be sold standing in
the nursery. Sale to take place at the late resi
dence of said deceased in the town of Crawford
ville,in said county.
October 25, 1839.
And Silk Grower’s Manual, Ibr
1 8 4 0.
CALCULATED for the horizon and meridian of
Augusta, Ga., and will serve for the adjacent
states and Florida. The Astronomical Calcula
tions by Robert Grier, Butts county, Ga.
Government of the United States; United States
Courts; Rates of Postage; Time of holding elec
tion, &c., in each State; District Officers; Time of
holding United States courts in Southern districts;
Government of Georgia; Courts in Georgia; Cor
poration of the city of Augusta; Banks in Augus
ta; Banks, &c., in Georgia; Gardener’s Calendar;
Internal Improvements in Georgia; Government
of Alabama; Government of Ohio; Government of
.Tennessee; Government of Louisiana; Govern
meat of South Carolina; Banks in South Carolina;
Colleges in South Carolina; Post Office in Charles
ton; Custom House Officers in Charleston; Courts
of Law and Equity in South Carolina; Time of
holding courts in South Carolina; Government of
North Carolina; Banks in North Carolina; Eclipses
of the Sun and Moon; Celestial Phenomena; Chron
ological Cycles; Festivals of the Church; Begin
ning of the Seasons; Signs of the Zodiac; Equa
tion of Time; Anatomy of the body; Explanation
of characters; Names and characters of the signs;
Calendar pages for each month; Silk Grower’s Cal
endar for each month; Prefatory Remarks; Plant,
ing of Mulberry Trees; Superiority of the Moms
Multicaulis over the Italian er White Mulberry;
Mulberry Pastures for cows; On planting the Mo
ms Multicaulis; Cocoonery; Hatching Eggs; Feed
ing Worms; Procuring and preserving Eggs; Feed
ing; Sickness of Worms; Some reasons why the
South is particularly adapted to the growth of silk,
and replies to some objections; Enemies to silk
worms, —things to be avoided; Raising silk, no
humbug; Profits of raising silk; silk convention;
the profits; the gold mines; native silk; reportof
congress; failure of the cuttings; the prospects of
the multicaulis crops; morus multicaulis; large
cocoonery; silk committee; legislature of Georgia;
journal of the Ameriran silk society; silk premi
ums; premium on silk; silk culture in Connecti
cut; encouragement; cocoonery of Mr. Physic; N.
Biddle, Esq.; alms houses; silk.—letter from J.
Danforlh; climax; silk manufacture; statistics of
silk; mode of making silk in Turkey and Italy;
McMahon’s gardener; great sale; Brock’s patent
silk spinning machine, (with a cut:) poetry—The
silk worm’s will; receipcs; poultry; anecdotes,
wellerisms, maxims, poetry, &c,; list of books up
! on the history and culture of silk.
Price 26 cts single, a largo discount made by the
. quantity. oct 25 T. H. PLANT.
No. 111, Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.
j lAM RS.'LANGLEY tenders her services to the
public to educate a select number of young
ladies in the branches, and the terms, annexed.
For teaching Spelling, Reading, Writing,
Arithmetic and Grammar, per qr. $6 00
For teaching Geography, History, Philoso
phy, Chemistry and Astronomy, perqr. 12 00
For lessons in French per quarter, 10 00
For lessons in the Art of Drawing, per qr. 10 00
For lessons in Music upon the Piano Forte,
per lesson, go
j The Mornings will be devoted, from 9 o’clock
A. M., to 2 o’clock P. M., to the fundamental edu
cation of young ladies; and the afternoon to les
sons in Music upon the Piano Forte.
A competent Teacher will be provided for the
class in French; Dr Langley, in the int rvals of
I his practice, will co-operate in the exercises of the
I Seminary generally; and will especially devote
an hour to the classes in Writing, Arithmetic, and
I Chemistry.
Young Ladies from the country can be accommo
dated with board at the house, where strict regard
will he paid to their morals.
Fuel, Stationary, Washing and Lights, are con
tingent expenses to be defrayed by the pupil. ,
Entrance $5, which shall be appropriated to fur
nishing a select library, for the use of the Seminary ,
iCr Wrs. Langley hopes, by much diligence, |
to render entire satisfaction, in educating silch as \
( are committed to her charge.
oct 25 3t
Georgia, Jefferson county: 1
Moses Thompson toils before me two like- *
ly Mules; both in good order, each four feet
six inches high, supposed to be eight or ten years 1
old. One an iron grey, with a Jong tail, has a dark ■'
streak along its back and shoulders. The other a *
yellow bay, also has a long tail, and has the dark 1
mule stripe across its shoulders and along its back.
No brands perceivable on either. Appraised each
to one hundred dollars, by Jonathan Huff and Wil
lis Howard. The said Thompson resides on Reedy ‘
Creek, near Reedy Creek Meeting House, in Jeffer
son county. September 26, 1839.
A true extract from the cstray book of Jefferson
county, October 3, 1539.
oct 25 EBENEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk. 1
1 i
LAW. —The undersigned having removed to ,
Starkville, Lee county, will practice in the ]
several courts of the counties of Lee, Sumter, (
Stewart, Randolph, Macon, Early, Baker, Dooly j
and Marion. (
References —Col. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Lexing
ton, Ga.; Benning B. Moore and Capt. Peter Lamar, ,
Lincolnton, Ga.; A. J. A> T. W. Miller, Augusta, |
Ga.; J. Lamkin and Dr. Miles K. Harman, Travel- ,
lers Rest, Ga. RICHARD F. LYON. ,
oct 25 ly
BACON.— For sale by A. SIBLEY.
'O,OOII Ibj. prime Middlings,
20,000 lbs. Hams and Shoulders.
oetac. 4t
ILIa lii'.S. A lot ol line Portuguese Leeches,
i J"st received and lor sale by
DISSOLU I lON,—The copartnership business
heretofore transacted in this city, under the
(inn of Hopkins, Jennings & Co., expired by limi
tation on Ist inst. L. Hopkins is alone authorized
to settle the affairs of the firm. The name of the
him will be used only in matters relating to its set*
Augusta, Oct. 25, 1839. w 6t
riNHE subscriber continues business, on his own
X account, at the stand formerly occupied by
tho late firm of Hopkins, Jennings & Co. in this
city, and has an hand a well assorted stuck of
OH OCX HIES. Also, heavy domestic goods, viz:
Cotton Osnaburgs,Shirtings, Linscys, Blankets,&c.
&c., and will attend in person to the sale of Cotton
and other produce that may be consigned to him by
his friends in the country. L HOPKINS.
Augusta, Oct. 25,1839. w6t
fINHE duties of this Institution will be resumed
on the first Monday in November, by Mrs. H.
L. Moise, assisted by tho Rev. J. A. Root and Lady,
at present at the head of the most extensive Female
Seminary in New Haven, Connecticut, As here
tofore, all the branches of a complete Latin, Greek,
French and Spanish Languages, with Music on
the Guitarand Piano, Drawing in Ciayon and Pen
cil,and Painting in Oil and Water Colors.
A limited number of Young Ladies can be ac
commodated with Board and Lodging, whose mo
rals and deportment will be under the immediate
superintendence of Mrs. Mbise. Terms as here
tofore. ts oct 25
McDonough, Geo,
Jt_,fl The subscribers having taken this house
|«»wj| situated on tho west corner of the public
laggaU square,would respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally,that no pains shall
he spared to accommodate all who nay call on
them, with the best the country affords. There
will be entirely new arrangements in the manage
ment of the House. Having procured the best of
house servants, and a skillful and attentive ostler,
who is not surpassed by any in the state, we arc
determined to endeavor to give entire satisfaction.
Our Stables shall alwai s be furnished with the
best Provender, and Lots supplied with water.
oct 25 3t J. & E. F. KNOTT.
A Gentleman who has has a considerable experi
ence in teaching, both in the Northern and
Southern States, wishes to make an engagement
for the ensuing year, as Principal of a respectable
He is qualified to teach the Latin,Greek, French,
and English languages, necccssary in preparing
young men for College, and can produce the high
est testimonials as to literary qualifications and
moral character.
Application to be made to the Editor of the
Whig, Athens, Ga.
oct 25 ts
Georgia, Burke county :
Wll E HEAS Gveenberry Moore applies for Let
ters of Administration on the estate of Eli
zabeth R. Moore, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular,the kindred and creditors of the said deceas
ed, to file their objections, (if any they have) at my
office, according to law.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro’,
September 27,1839.
_oct 25 T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk._
WILL be sold at Columbia court house, on the
first Tuesday in November next, between
the usual hours of sale, a tract of land, containing
fifty five acres, more or less, joining Williams and
Hanford, on Sweet Water Creek, levied on as the
property of Jane Culpepper, to satisfy three li. fas
from the one hundred and thirty fourth district G.
M., at the suit of George W. Culpepper against
John Harms, and Jane Culpepper security. Pro
perty levied on and returned to me by a constable.
Oct, 4. 1839. R 11. JONES, Sheriff,
WILL be sold at the court house in Waynes
boro’, Burke county, on the first Tuesday
in January next, agreeable to the will of Ann H.
Dunn, deceased, all the real estate of said dec’d.,
consisting of the plantation whereon she lived.—
The said plantation is in good order, and well situ
ated for cotton or corn—about four hundred acres.
Terms of sale. —Twelve months credit, with ap
proved security. Purchaser to pay for titles.
October 8,1839.
WILL be sold before the court house at Ap
pling, Columbia county, on the first Tues
day in December next, between the lawful hours of
sale, one hundred and sixty three and a half (163 J)
acres of land, lying in said county, adjoining Tai
kersby, Collins and Kennedy, as the real estate of
Thomas J. Wright, late of Columbia county, dec’d.
Aand at the same place on the firrt Tuesday in
January next, between the lawful hours of sale,
four Negroes as belonging to the estate of said de
ceased. All sold pursuant to an order of the honor
able the Inferior Court of Columbia, when sitting
as a Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known
on the day of sale. ■
_September23, 1839. oct 25
HAVING obtained leave from the Inferior Court
of Columbia county, sitting for ordinary pur
poses, I shall sell, at Heard court house, on the first
Tuesday in February next, a lot or tract ol land,
drawn by John M. Ramsey, deceased, then a minor,
and, at the time of drawing. Cowetacounty. The
same sold as the property of the estate of said de
ceased. ISAAC RAMSEY, Adm’r.
October 25,1839.
BY leave of the Inferior Court of Columbia
county, sitting for ordinary purposes, I shall
sell, at Columbia court house, on the first Tuesday
in January next, (870) eight hund. od and seventy
acres of land, more or loss, on the waters of the
Little Kiokce creek, joining lands of A.
Knox, C. Collins and J. Ramsey.
Also, at the same time and place, I shall sell all
the slaves (between thirty and forty) belonging to
the estate of JohnM. Ramsey, deceased. Terms
on the day of sale.
October 25, 1839.
WILL be sold on the first Monday ii. Novem
ber next, (on the premises,) between the
usual hours of sale, a lot of ground on the Sand
Hills, in the village of Summerville, Richmond
county. Geo. containing three acres more or less, on
which is a comfortable Dwelling House, Kitchen,
Stable, Carriage House, and other out buildings, and
the right and title to one-fourth interest in a well
of excellent water, belonging to the estate of Sam
uel B. Parkraan,deceased, late of Chatham county,
Geo., and sold under a Decree in Equity, passed in
Chatham Superior Court, January Term, 1839.
Also, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture
of the said deceased—consisting in part of Tables,
Sofa, ('hairs, Beds, Bedsteads, a Dinner and Tea
Set, &c. &c. Also, a four wheel Carriage, and a
two horse Wagon.
Terms made known the day of sale.
DAVID F. HALSEY, Qualified Ex’r.
The real estate may be treated for at private
October 25, 1839 swtd
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber next, at the court house door in tho
town of Waynesboro’, Burke county, the follow
ing property, to wit: 25 acres of land, marc or less,
adjoining lands of James F. Godbee and Jesse
Hickman, levied on as the property of Powell
Godhcc, to satisfy a fi. fa from a Justice’s Court in
favor of Elizabeth Lively. Levied on and return
ed to rne by a constable.
Also, thirteen acres lying in said county, levied
on as the property of Lewis Lively, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of Benjamin Elliston. Pointed out by
Jcssee Hickman; levied on and returned to me by
a constable. ISAAC MESSEX, D. Shff.
October 25, 1839.
Dickinson, sf.uiung & statu am, im
porters of Cloths, Cassimcres and Vtarings,
are now receiving, per ships Chicora and Victoria, a
complete assortment of the most fashionable style
’ of Cloths , Cassimeres and Vestings, and will in a
few days be prepared to execute all orders in their
line, entrusted to them. In addition to the above
’ they will keep a,l kinds of Trimmings.
Also, Gloves, Suspenders, Scarfs, Cravats, Mcri
■ no. Cotton and Silk Under Shirts and Drawers.
The above articles have all been selested in Eng
■ land and France, by one of their own firm, and
bought for cash. They offer them by the package
or piece, on accommodating terms.
Charleston, October 26. 6t
NOTICE. —Nathaniel Holing is hereby notifi
ed to present to the subscriber for payment,
a note given by David Bunch to said Roling, due
,• last January DAVID BUNCH.
Edgefield District, S. C. } It ,
'Oct. 26,1839. 5
i gA AUtION. —The public are cautioned agains;
r a man by the name of Frederick Rhodes, by
trade a Tailor, about five feet high, between thirty
live and forty years of age, well made, and one or
rwolron! teeth out. DAVID BUNCH.
Edgefield District, S. C.,J
1 I Oct. 25,1839. 5 11
For the Benefit of the Augusta Independent Fire Co.
Ci.ass No. 42, for 1839.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II
2 45 2025 8 67 50 21 22 40 28
I hereby certify that the above numbers as they
i stand are correct, as taken from the Managers’ Cer
tificate of thedrawingof the Virginia State Lotte
ry, for the benefit of Petersburg, Class No. 0,1839,
drawn in Alexandria, Va.,October 19, lS39,and
which determines the fatcof all tickets held in the
above Lottery. A. READ, Agent,
i Augusta, October 25,1539 -
1 , Class No. 43, for 1839,
Determined by the drawing of the Virginia State
Lottery, ClJlss No. 6, for 1839, for the
benefit of Leesburg.
To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday,
October 2(i, 1839.
D.S.Guroonv & Co.. Managers,
' A. Read Contractor.
1 Prize of $40,000 - - is - - $40,000
1 • - - 10,000 10,000
1-- - - 6,737 6‘|737
2 - - - 5,000 10,000
5 - - - - 2,000 10,000
.10 - - - - 1,500 16,000
20 - - - - 1,000 20,000
30 .... 600 15,000
40 ... - 300 12,000
110 .... 250 . 27,500
126 - - - - 100 12,000
126 ... - 60 7,560
126 50 0,300
’ 126 40 6,040
126 - - - - 30 3,780
3,528 20 70,500
23,436 .... 10 234,360
27,814- - Prizes, amounting to - $506,437
Tickets »10-“Slisi re* in proportion.
(J ff Orders for Tickets in the above scheme, will
1 meet with prompt attention if addrcsscd(post paid)
to A. READ, Agent, Augusta, Ga.
MRS. C. HOFFMAN, respectfully informs her
friends and customers, that she has remov
ed her Slock of Staple, Dry, and Fancy Goods and
Millinery, to next square above the new building
range, opposite the old Planters’ Hotel.
Augusta, Oct. 5 trwtlJ
, W"N consequence of the prevailing epidemic, the
J exercises of this Institution will not be resu
med until the first Monday of November noxt.
Oct 5 5t
JOHN BRIDGES Sc Co., Drapers ami Tailors,
are now receiving their Fall and Winter sup
Arc., to which they would respectfully invite tho
attention of their friends and patroqs. tf-sep 26
; Augusta Ins. Sc Banking Company, )
September 26, 1839. 5
UNTIL furthernoticc this Bank will be opened
at 11 a. m., and closed at 12 m. ts
UNDERTAKING. —The undersigned is pre
pared to furnish, at the shortest notice,
, COFFINS, of any description, and on reasonable
terms. W. C. BERRYHILL,
. sept 26 3t Just above the upper market.
’ tpOtt SALE, a first rate pair of young Carriage
1 X Horses. Apply at Mr. Allman’s, tf-sep 2 _
JUST RECEIVED, 5 bbls. No. 1 ShadT”
10 3 bbls do do
1500 lbs Smoked Beef,
aug 5 I. 8. BEERS & Co.
t few shares for sale by Wm. H. GORDON.
• anglT ' ts
BEST LAMP OIL. —A supply of Bleached
Winter and Fall Strained Lamp Oil, just rc
ceivcd and forsale by
! aug 15 ts ANTONY 8c HAINES,
HlßE.—Three good House servants. Ap-
X ply at this office. ts july 27
1.8 OR SALE —A first rate second hand two
" wheeled BUGGY. For particulars apply to
[ mar 7 ts J. B. GUEDRON.
J ply Calcined Plaster Paris, just received and
■ for sale by HAVILAND, RISLY Sc CO.
jan 19 ts
PIANOFORTE. —A splendid Rose Wood Piano
Forte, Grand Action, of fine touch and tone
’ for sale by CLARK, RACKETT & Co.
ap 22 ts
just received and for sale by
riNURNIP SEED. —A quantity of Large Fla l
y White Turnip Seed, warranted fresh, for sale
at a reduced price by
july 2-swtf HOPKINS, JENNINGS Sc Co
pT PIECES good Scotch Hemp Bagging,
«) UU 15 boxes of Bottles old Madeira Wine,
forsale by STOVALL, SIMMONS Sc Co.
aug 23 4w
YAUCLUSE OSNABURGS —Prut, reduced. >
A constant supply of CottonOsnaburgs, from ■
the Vaucluse Factory, for sale at a reduced price
by their agents, CLARKE, McTEIR Sc Co.
aug 15 ts
OXEN. —The subscribers have a pair of work I
STEERS, that will be sold a bargain; they t
are large, well broke and remarkably gentle. I
sept 3 4t .BAIRD & ROWLAND. n
lAJOTICE. —The subscriber having taken into
T 8 co-partnership with him HENRY O. COOK,
the business hereafter will be conducted under the
firm of WILLIAM H. CRANK & Co.
Augusts, 1839. Wm. H. CRANE. _ J
1780 R SALE —A Certificate entitling the holder ft
_ to a Course of Lectures in the New York Re- 0i
formed Medical College. For further particulars \
apply at this office. ts july 18
■| |R. MONROE, DENTIST, will he absent for i
j P a short time on professional business.
a»ii 3 1 fi
('i OSIIEN BUTTER.—IO kegs Goshen Butter, j 1
J( just received and for sale by
aug 15 I. S, BEERS & Co. *■*
PRINTING INK.—A supply of Printing Ink sc
july IGJ just received by T. 11. PLANT.
Office Transportation, k, August 27, 1839.5
tT'i Notice is given that the morning and
JDv .Vdy afternoon trip, from Hamburg to Aiken,
* Mias been resumed. The cars leaving
Hamburg daily, at i past 1 o’clock, P, M.
Agent Transportation.
5Kr The Constitutionalist will insert the above.
A---A TOJIKNT,a three story brick building
|r H 'fn on P roa d st.,occupied by Mrs. Faber as a
■XI J. jLlioarding house ; also the store underneath
occupied by V.Crepu. For terms apply to
a»g 21 tlstoct JOHN BONES.
LJL TO RENT, from the Ist Oct. next, a
tesiy STORE, No. 246 south-side Broad-street,
JftßgSj recently niTiipir-d by the late D. W. St.
John. Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr.
angl6 trw ts
MTO RENT, the Store on the south side
of Broad street, at present occupied by
Morris & Costello; possession to be given
on the Ist Oetoher.
aug 19 tf_ P. McGRAN.
MTO RENT, from the first of October
next, the two brick Stores next below G.
U. Jessup Sr Co’s, occupied by Messrs. G.
H- Noble & Co., and Hungerford, Friable Sr Co. —
For terms apply to A. N. VKRDERY,
july 29 swtoct or LEON P. DUGAS.
A i FOR RENT—Two comfortable Dwel
ling Houses, on Jackson, between Green
HI and Telfair streets. Possession given Ist
of October next. Apply to
aug 3 wtf JOHN H. GUEDRON.
MTO RENT, Four Dwelling Houses on
the west side of Broad street, below the
subscriber’s residence, two others on El
lis street, and two on Telfair street, two others on
Bridge How, for a small grocery. Possession given
on the first day of October next. Apply to
P. 11. MAN'i'/,, or
aug 21 w4t JOHN MORRISON.
Jl_—l TO IIENT, two comfortable Houses
piiEiimfi and Lots on Broad street, opposite Meigs’
plliply Warehouse.—Possession given on the Ist
of October next.
Also, for sale, a vacant lot at the Sand Hills, con
taining eight or ten acres, near a lino spring of
water, and a fine view of the city of Augusta.—
Apply to A. 1, HUNTINGTON A- SON, or to the
subscriber. BENJAMIN SIMS,
sept 19 ts
MTO RENT.—Having relinquished my
intention of keeping house, I will rent
. for the ensuing year, the late dwelling
icWhorter, on Ellis street, near the Lower
Market. Attached is a large garden, with various
kinds of fruit, stables,carriage houses, &c. Apply
to me, or, in my temporary absence, to Dr. Mc-
Whorter, J. T. HUNGERFORD.
sept 12 3tw
The Constitutionalist will copy the above 3
times weekly.
FOR RENT.—The property of the un
lySSfß dersigned, on Broad, Campbell and Con
tre Streets, on Mclntosh Street, near the
Presbyterian Church, at present occupied by Mr.
Stockton. Apply to
McKenzie & bennoch.
July 2 wlf
N. B. The occupants of the property for tho
year ensuing Ist October next, will give notes pay
able quarterly, and pay for the info of the Hy
drant water.
A- V , 70 A The subscriber offers for sale his rcsi
dentc near the Turknctt Spring. The
|llliii|l'[|| | House is very commodious and in good
repair —the lot of about live acres is well shaded,
and has a large garden, which is good at all seasons,
with an abundant supply of the purest water. From
its situation and advantages, it may he made one
of the most desirable places in the neighborhood of
Augusta, for a winter as well as summer residence.
There is also adjoining it about thirty acres of
woodland, a part of which would, he excellent for
cultivation and pasturage.
Also, Five Thousand tress of Morns Mnlti
caulis, some of which arc now 9 feet high and 4 4
inches circumference, from single cuttings planted
in February last. W. CATLIN.
ang 16 trwlm
From tire Ist of October next, the two
story dwelling House, at present occupied
oy wmiam Glover, at Apling, Columbia county,
with two store houses, gin house, stable, &c. The
lot contains two acres; the stand good for a store
or boarding bouse.
Also, for sale, a neat pleasant and healthy Farm,
one mile above the Quaker Springs, known as the
Patrick Place,containing eighty acres—forty acres
cleared and under cultivation, on which is a tolera
ble good dwelling and other out buildings ; the
soil well adapted for the culture of potatoes, corn,
and the Mulberry.
Also, will be sold with or without the Farm,
four thousand Morns Multicaulis trees at 50 cents
a tree (roots included), as fine as any raised in this
neighborhood, and expect will range from 5 to 8 feet
in height ny the first of October next, well
blanched. LEON P, DUGAS.
July 25 d3tSrwtf
The subscriber having opened a house
of entertainment in the village of Ruck
ersville, and from long experience in public life
and studious application to business, hopes to share
liberally of public patronage. His table will be
furnished with the best the country affords, and his
stables with the best of provender and an attentive
ostler. D. B. RAMSY.
Ruckcravillc, September 26. ts
The undersigned offers for sale 5000
Morns Multicaulis Trees, of one season’s
tSgrowth— 50 cents cash per tree, roots
and branches considered one tree, or one
cent per bud, for notes, ten per cent
added, if engaged to be delivered in Augusta any
time after the first of November next. Engage
ments directed here by letter, will be considered
as contracts and attended to. R. W. GILES.
Abbeville,C. If., Sept. 26, 1839. w3t
A NEGRO MAN is in the jail of Waynesboro,
Burke county, who calls his name JO, and
states that be belongs to Wm. Coen, of Chatham
county; lie is five feet and three inches high, about
twenty-two years old, has a scar on his left side,
which he slates was a bum ; he stutters when he
is angry or alarmed ; well made and dark rornplcc
tion. JOHN A. ROBERTS, Jailor.
September 26,1839. w3t
G1 ENTLEMEN’S fine Gaiter Boots.
L “ Morocco Brogan Pumps,
“ •* Walking Pumps,
“ “ glancing “
and Ladies’ fine kid and morocco Slippers of all
kinds, just received ami for sale low, by
juncS ts
THE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in
Columbia county, lying on the road from Ap
pling to Washington, 30 miles from Augusta, welt
improved, and a healthy situation, a good stand for
a country store. The tract contains 930 acres, 400
of which is wood land. Persons desirous of pur
chasing, will apply to the subscriber, on the prem
ises. Terms liberal. O. D. BURCH,
aug 12 w6w
I 8OR SALE, a first rate Harness Horse, young,
’ active and gentle, and will be warranted as a
family horse. Also, a new Bnrouch,a superior ar
ticle, and very light, peculiarly adapted to the
horse. A bargain will be given if applied for im
mediately. S BUFORD,
sept 12 ts
Geo. R. Road A Hanking Co. (
Branch at Augusta. 3
DEPOSITED in sums of five hundred dollars
and upwards, hearing an interest of six per
cent, per annum will be received at this Office
for periods not less than ninety days, subject to the
order of the depositors on receiving ten days notice
f thcirinlcntion to withdraw
nov 20 wtf J. W. WILDE Cashier.
\TOTICE. —The interest of Henry Jf.ssup, in
the concern of G. JL JESSUP £ Co., ceases
horn this date. He is no longer authorised to use
the name of the firm in the collection of dues, nor
in the making of any contracts, nor in the transac
tion of any business whatsoever.
(fj- The business will be continued under the
jarnc firm. GEORGE R. JESSUP.
Augusta, July I, 1839. july 3
GUMMING continues to transact the Ware
a*dCommissioaßusineai in Augusta,,
t'ntri t i t ’*l Ve P? rsonal attention to all commissions
will ln‘' „ Care - Cotton - b y the Hail-Road,
111 instances, be charged with drayage ; all',
other charges as customary. tlstnov sep 26
THK undersigned will continue the Ware-
House aa<l Commission business, at their old
stand, where the same care and attention to busi
ness will he bestowed as heretofore, and their
charges such as are considered customary with re
gular houses, in thesame line of business.
Augusta, Aug 31 wtN
THE subscribers continue to transact a general
Commission Business. Cotton consigned to
them by the Kail-Road promptly attended to. No
charge for drayage—other charges will be as cus
tomary. Grateful for past favors, they solicit a
continuance of public patronage.
Augusta, September 12, 1839. trw3m
WE still continue the above business in all its
branches. Colton consigned to us by rail
road will be drayed from the depot to the ware
house free of charge to the owners.
P. S. We are at home and have been-dnring the
sickness, and shall remain here, ready to attend to .
any business entrusted to our care. R. & B.
September 19, 1539. fit
THE public arc informed, that we continue to ■
transact the above business, at our Fire Proof I
Ware House.
We pledge ourselves not to be interested in any
manner whatever, in the purchase of Cotton, except.
for order, which is legitimately, the business of a
Commission Merchant, and which is done by all i
others, when an opportunity oilers.
Orders for Goods, will meet prompt attention.
Our friends, Stovall & 11 ami.f.n, continue the Gro--
eery, and H ami.f.n, Robinson & Co,,the Dry Goods
business, and arc now receiving their fall supplies..
Goods bought of them, will be free from the usual
charge of Commissions for purchasing, and will bo
warranted to give ns much satisfaction, as to qual
ity and price, as those purchased by any other house
in the city.
Cbtton sent us by Rail Road, will'bc taken from
the Depot to our Ware House, and no charge will
be made for drayage.
Cotton sent by Rail Rord, should he branded,
and accompanied by written instructions to the •
Agent of the Company, stating, to whom it is con
signed in Augusta; itheing the duty of said Agent
(asthe Company advertises,] to receive and for
ward all Cotton and .Goods free of charge. Any.
other Agent is useless.
Being yet blessed with health, and our usual en
ergies and capacities for business, we are now at
our posts, prepared to serve customers, whose or
ders and interests shall be strictly adhered to.
sept 5 w <fe trw
riAIIE proprietor returns his thanks to his patrons,
A and takes this method toTc-assure them of
his determination to use his efforts to promote their
interest, and that of all others who may favor him
with their custom. He will attend strictly to the
business of a Commission Merchant; he will par
ticularly attend to the interest of the planter; ho
will nut buy cotton for speculation directly or in
directly—on this his patrons may rely.
The Agents of the Georgia. Railroad will re
ceive and forward at each deposit, Cotton and all J
other articles, free of charge. It would he advi
sable for the planter who sends his -cotton to the -
Railroad, to have his name marked on the bales,
and to whom consigned, and also take a receipt from i
the Agent.
All Cotton consigned to Thomas Dawson, will be
taken from the Railroad deposit at Augusta, to his -
, Fire I‘roof Warehouse, without any charge for
I drayage. Also, goods consigned to him, and or
dered sent by the Railroad, will he received and
I forwarded at twenty-five cents a package.
All orders for Bagging, Groceries, &ci, will be •
forwarded at the lowest market prices ; having no
groceries of his own, he will make the best and I
' cheapest selections for his customers.
Augusta, Ga., August 29. ts
ON the 22d and 23d days of October nextythere -
will be between fifty and one hundred Town .
Lots sold at auction, at the Stone Mountain, in Dc ■
Kalb county, Ga. The sale will bepositive and
without reserve.
Also will he offered for sale, at the same time
and place, the Tavern belonging .to the subscriber,,
together with his Stables, Horse Lot, Corn Cribs,
Garden, Kitchens, and some other out buildings,
with about two and a half acres of Land, attached '•
to the same. Good payments will be given on the
sale of the property. A. JOHNSON.
September i 9,1839. 3tw
ABSCONDED, from Lincolnton, N. C.,4man.
by the name of R. H. REYMOLDS, who •
says he is an Englishman—he was employed by
the undersigned, as the driver of a Hack, between ,
Union Court House and the Limestone Springs, 8.
C. He was sent on the 1 3th of August, with a
hack and two horses to Lincolnton N. C., to have
i some alterations and repairs made on the hack ; ;
i he was furnished with sßfy to defray the expenses
of the proposed repairs and alterations.
He reached Lincolnton, delivered the hack, but,
pretending that he wished to visit a friend, borrow- ■
cd a saddle and saddle-bags, blanket and bridle,
I and took one of the horses which he drove in the
hack, and has not been heard from since.
The said Reynolds, is about 5 feet 3 or 4 inches
high, between 25 and 30 years of age; stout bod
’ icd, a lean complexion, with black hair and whisk
ers, ho steps short when walking. He stated that
' he iiad been employed by Mr. Lacey of Augusta,.
as a trainer of horses; ho has ber-n probably a
> stage driver on the line between Raleigh and Col
umbia. The horse which he look isachesnut--
sorrel, switch tail, right eye out, 16 hands high, star
in the forehead, high withered, crestfallen, stout'
bodied and compact made, 11 years old.
The friends of honesty are appealed to, to aid in
apprehending the villian. Fifty Dollr Reward,
( will he paid forhis apprehenson so that he can be
prosecuted for horse stealing—and a Reward of
S2O will he given for the delivery of the horse atr
1 this place. WM. MURRAY,
Superin tendon t of the Limestone Springs Com
Limestone Springs, S. C., Sept. 14. 4tw
THE exercises of this Institution will be re
sumed on the first Monday in October. It is
very desirable that all who propose to become pu
pils, should attend at the beginning of the session.
An early regular organization of the Classes is im
portant to the carrying on of our plans, and. to fair
and equal competition among the members of each,
class. To relieve tire Faculty of embarrassment,
in the distribution of circulars, and to facilitate the
progress of the scholar, we earnestly recommend
parents and guardians to bring their children and'
wards at the opening of the term.
'To relieve our patrons, who live distant from us
of all unnecessary anxiety, we assure them that in.
case of sickness, attention kind and constant shall'
he rendered ; and that prompt information shall be
given to relatives, when any reasonable ground of
apprehension exists. Hawing full confidence our
selves In the healthiness of the location—a confi
dence founded upon the experience of the last
term, and the fact that the steward’s family with
two young ladies, members of the Institution have
remained during the whole summer, without inter
i upturn of health, webeg our,friends to discredit the
exaggerated rumors of sickness and fatality that
sometimes get currency in the country. If at anv
tune facts warrant alarm, we pledge ourselves to
give notice.
The Primary Department will go into onera
tion simultaneously with the College. The very
general satisfaction which we understand was giv
en during the session under many disadvantages,,
encourages us to hope that our future efforts will
be crowned with enlarged success.
j Macon, September 26, 1539. ts