Tri-weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1838-1877, October 25, 1839, Image 4

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SALIC. ON the first Tuesday in November next, agree able to «» ordei of Hr' Inferior coin I o) L win count!, while sittintr forordinary purposes, will bu •aidat the court heu> c door in 'oonty, with in the usual hours ol sale, one trarkol laud in said oounti, known as Ao. 42k in Inc 7th District ot said county i biloflffaijt to the estate ot Jacob t aver, deceased, late ol Lincoln county ; sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditor'. 1 enns made known •on the day of sale. THOMAS FLORENCE, Administrator. August 9,1839. ADMINISTHATUK’N *A LIC. ON the first Tuesday in Not embi r next, agree able to an order ol me Inferior court of Lin coln county, while sifti: | l«i o. .w.,’. purposes, will lie sold at the court house in 1C .rly county, with'b the la i/..l hon;.- ol ■• ■ >'>■" tri" tof land. No. <53, in the >b, Districl ol • * d count! . Am, will ho s.dd in Lowndes r ounly. nf the same time, n tract of land No. I.‘•lt. in the IRh Di - - trict of said county, ne iobgmg to the < t do ol i ho inas Curry, dttce . c.l, h.b - ul Lincoln contity *, sold tor the benefit of the heirs and croditois of ‘•ai l eSi - ceased, Tonus made ki own on tin - day of sue. JACOB C'.VV KR, AdinmiH.ritor, Ab|Uil 9,1839. AUMININTU Vi'DR’N NALII. 0“ N the first Tuesday in Deecuiber next, pursu ant to an order front the the hotioraliln the Inferior Court of < .dtimbm county, sitting for ordinary purposes, w ill be sold befoie the court house dour in -aid county, the Negroes I,"longing to the osi; tc of Stanton Porter, lute of said county, deceased, for the i di-triiiilion. N A XCY i’tIRTER, Adm’x. ■luiy l».-lfiS9. GUAfUiM VS SALE. 1 CREEARLK to an outer of the Inniorulde the Inferior court of Jed mon county, will bo acid on t ie first Tuesday in Ifi ainfie, next,#' the court house door in Way net. Iw u, Burke county,* tract of land containing th i e luialri .1 and illtccn acres; said land i> n,g i 1 • in - ; in .i 1 county of Burke, and adjoining ‘a. ' of Lenjatni-i Weeks. VVillitun i’cmlre and .ith-rs.Teh c..; .g to the tniiiuis of .lames Triml.N, jut'., ih a. d. I ctms on the day. ,/AMIN A. CARSWELL,(luanlian. September 2d, 1 ''ld. KXKf'i TOH’S I'iAliM. ON Friday, (•■•> ■.'•till day of i elobei nfltt, at the lute tcsidertcc el •lames 1 angslon, deceased, in Columbia county, between the usual horns, will he sold, the w hob of Ido jH iishehte property Be longing to < » aie, not dispose! of by his will, consisting of he/ . , cattle an 1 sheep, corn, fodder, wheat and oats, one i aid v; age:., one rille, one shot gi.n, and a vaitety of other articles whh ti it would be too !•■ buns tu cnurni 'ate. Terms made known at the sale. MARK J. LANHSTON, Lx’r. Septet tber 20. 1 Mi!'. AM-H IN INTRA TO It’*/ VI,I). ON the first Tnc-day in December next, apree ab’.e la a i malei ol the Infeiior eoint of C'o- Imnhiu connly, ••vtiiie rillin foror.tinai v purposes, will be .old at the court house door in said count!, Within tho law ini horn* of s ile, two hundred nnd ninety - live ai : o' ~ >'■: and h c Ivory land, adjoining ( Union i'i aw lor I and oilier a t uls.i me tiael ol live hundred and eighty-three am: s of oak and pine land, adjoining Wood nnd I ictt i also one (rant of two 'd ami lifty-iiin • and a half ucrei ol pino land, a ly - ;m.c' I.inf. -of .Mr-. ' ’rawlord and I 'lied ; also thirty - .cn aere-.a ro k, covered v illi cediu, adjoining lan S of Me. ic and olhuisj sold as tho property ol Jimatfia-i t .eti, .!>■ c isc.l. Trims mi the day of sale. WILLIAM CJ.IK TT, Adm’r. September ‘.(!, IS.')!), AD M 1 If i(S Tit AT O US ’ HAhii. C L ILL he sold, mi the lir<: I’m" Ity ni Xovem l I her next, hefuro thy Con it House door in .Lick-onboiu 1 , between lee nso: I hours • f sale, tliu folio win; pie; ty, In \! Ip-—' 'ne tract of Land Iy ing in I tr hmidred and sixty seven - .u - ten nine or lc.-s, udj fining lands of Richard Ld-irio..n i j?„ Wilkins ii. Knnanlly mi l Hrisr Creek. Ai .i, inic oilier, lying on (Igneefiy,: ■ sr the (Tutrai Rail, containing two hondiCi! a, te . more nr Also, a Ncyro woman natuc I V»h-i H. or •• I y< ars of age, Limit Iti,peats of a.;a ami her (un i Lhclson ( limla II ye am of a/.- i and I..tibia lit '.cars oiayr; a I be longing In dir i .'am of .'aim M. T.ohcrt i, doc M— . itgivoab!.- to an oolm of t.'io lion, the Interior ( bull ~f bcm.-n county, for the 1 cnci.t of tho iheirs and of . id esinte. S i Ki lll’.ix MILLS. Adm’r. it ELI \ ;a' T.'l, Adm’x. (Vto i :r.s :• \T'->u*s sa lm. tji’s I! .be uM . n the'oal T e -la! in Deeem ! t Irr a, .1. I t l ,. Coiirlbuiise diinr. in tho county a!' bn !lau>'e am! Lot, foiioerly occupied'! deeeaH'd. and the A'c/n t'uloi'.g iii , tu tin same i'lit., S, ■ 1 by order of the hon ur.ible the IntV.-'or L - eirli,l .‘ ml county, for the hernlit o' 'ie Ii 'S and n Liora, a . tiie I>io ] .'rly if Racha. I Mnip 1 ' ■, ( l- i i ..m'.l. N.i : d ..ili.l. S'! t It!-ICS, Adm’r. Let. 5 td v •: vi: r:i <•: otr*s s \ ■.r;. R V v I a had T "C'-' v,n .Lunar;. He'll. . yreea- V S We l-i order from tU ■ li.ienor Court of Tain' ... 1 .. . ; yurt - hlHUtfi .lorn- in .dawfm Ivil' •. d il'aierro e.ninty, the Ne {.Toes hc’engln.. to ti ■ ('talc ol Isaac ( lemons, dec. - , sol'l Tor Lae In n ni o' taa heirs ur.d cuaiitors. Terms inane k'.iow n on the d;.V. V. M. L. t‘LKM IN’S, Adm’r. Oct N td rt v tj.a '..ii;i:;i r.i lm. h'l 'ii.h I- ■ . il. t door in War • r raisl n. \V:ir:<"i eoilnty, oil ihe first ddies - day in Xei'emi-er tie t. between the usual hours of sale, ihe ..dlov. my i .eperty, to-wil; One negro wo man by the name of Del n , forty yean of age, levied upon a Dio propelly of Irwm ll.tll.iwny. to ■suti.(,! sundi v ta* 1 roiu .lice's Ciant, District lots! Ha. ; nitaee e Nancy iN'ctvson, and one in It. r yf a.i par McCrary vs. Irwin i 1 :illn. way i.'b't V, . 1 ailant". • ■Til VUAH i'i ItKYMAX, SherilT. ' 111 it:n .*. t; : ! t>;■: com nr t.u;. a*( id, I . t.: used m Kiirc;*', n'“r l eftive S tatroi:'. into ..I' liea. an led Ib .a cure -audit del: r.iul pieventi! t ul'Ciiappetl Hands and j Lips. Cl', dh..., (j ,ndicle ;ives a deliency of | ,«t .1 I' v ivJar.l I" 't■ •1 nI apacaranee to Ihe skin no Ol bo: pi a a n-alien of C.e kind bis been luiu.Mi to pu. iie - It .;.mi"d,utcly removes iJIM i'I.F.S and other sayae.i .ie if,ii C//QAS. pie vent * Blil'l:' lion:! a.imp, Mack,cutes AX and iSC.IL.'-'.s, ;,,L". .in;; pain, and preventing blisters, i' i.s aj.'.i e n , useful i n SOUK Bit FA S f .a. Ih. in .'.liiiabb is tins eeniponml for ■every fneonveuu m > tu w liieli tin- skin , ■ liable, tint none wli.i nnv. nnndic. bcuelils will ever willing y ■v,Phm Ml Told in lilisse at f > am! Ml cents each, with ■full parti.nil;' ■, ami di n- i ions lor use. For sale by iU,i Lift CAil TKK, Druggist, inoad si. and at T. H. PLANT’S Rookstoye. Where certificates of i s si. ccssful application tnaa I..'scon. junc 21 swtf • ■ i' CIS OJ*’ TlfK K. i'ur chauun K«*»l *»r (I \or nny fj/jlit ci'lurtnl J1 *iir Io a l »vn or !>lnck. VS':t il sv, crit r lo u:iv ol', tti t « >; 1 -iTiJ y<* will clwnipe Roil ® or «*r.»v n.-i.r, lo «'r .\vn or ’rick. I( ;h d«i>ie Wi!h NrlCtl 8arp"?N ; l-?i J'if'.it* \ T.? : ff UM tiff.: V t 1 |\ht Its cum''.:'i IcHt ir <•: I lie ttliadi in yho Iflt at Broun,ur i*i ty i•* a;:. !»* jMMk v.l’ jel iiiack, u> Hit- |>lca«nrti»»i it u.-vr. Aureal ititiiu > f »*1 *;« ii;!»uiu‘n, who Imvo gray hair in pan, or eii.irely, are in tl.o eonslaiit holm (if lining this nr’iei... ai-dute of being uruy. Many haelndons m», wUh.we.n, have inudo ill* :r 001,10 oi malrunnoy by ~ j ism, dye ft •s .juir.iao.l »«|wn it to nny m , i lt . ’world, and w«nil at .boat na . U„. priceo! the t u.iropean t.v sale by A sIO.W .V il Ai.NKM, .Vo. V’l« Rr-«i, •, , M ,ril2 ■■■” ' tl y . ■' ; ’’ l Application ■i “ « hiade In tl .• .. h,,,; _■ „ ai ‘ lk lu rc . lieu v ertlheate o. . tuck No, h , issueden U,e 12th August, Viin, lor . ,-aaros: also. Certificate No 346, Usui t Ih December. 1834 17. u ol tun capita, stock „f said hack bye.n lost or me -ml. At the sanw lime tiou Will e ,e to the 1 M S»e„mt oat Co-Unv li.'u •! o. lueir ivpital Mock, the e •**:" ■ ’ '. or .’’-n' J ' 1 - K - «. WKMhTKU. June IS.IJ. mat i 1 MACIirSERV. VI ILt.-CA' TJMJS, Iron V. mk. Cotton and all iY k Linda cf MACill. . i'HV, furnished of tlw best materials and finished in the best manner, by “ /Vic V .'l' cye Munu/aclurinn Company "J !>!</■ 1 who have made arraugemciiix widi Mn»rn. Rto vai.i., Sim veins .V Co., of August., tla., to Im; their Vganls, for receiving consign :me:, who arc au jtllOliM'd to receive payment cf bills and expenses on Joliver,' by them, of tin - aliove described worn sent to drat section ol the south convenient to Au gn la. iTonipt attonti.m will be paid to alt orders ad ilrc'M il to th »e gentlemen, at Augusta, lo Idi s L tusDAi.r., Superintendent of tin- works at Ihe “ Savage 1 aclofy,” Mar. land, nr lo Ol'.DjUll. VVtI.i.IAMF, Aiput, rug h wdm Haltiific .e. NOTii rpl'K mh'-ci iber otTcrs (or sale his )’lmitation, H lying in Hu T cl'iveil county, on Mall lei hi I’und, adjoining lands of Major VV yott W. St:ike, ami within two infos of the Savannah river, containing twenty-one hmidred acres, 01 which there is about ;i . hondied acres open and midi 1 fence, an ! has cxecllenl ■ ; fill" of pare wa ll lon the tract. Du Hu - premises is 11 Ine mill real, the dam nnv coin 1 letch Ten o; tw clvc hnn dred acre: ol the above 1 1 act is of c!;ee! lent quality o il, mol hickory ; the romaitali r good pirn- land, well umbered, with a qiuiitiiy of steam-boat wood. Also \! itli the land w II be sold a wood landing on Ihe Savannah river, at Smny Itlnll. with a g. 0,l mad running fnmi the landing to the plantation. Cn the place there is a good gin house and otlu r b til lln ■ ■ no sowary foi a aeUlotnt nt.— Hood ami siillieicnt lilies will he made to the whole. This ilc-braiile tiactcftn Le had on fuvorr able terms. Iho terms will be made to suit the ptirclia vr. On application, also, will, if desired, he sold on the place, thirteen Lc. lui ilvt trilnv.*. two wo men, mid six children, all • omigtind vnlualde. junc :h wilrn JAMES IL ivttUll.EY. NOTICE. Tjt vni s'tibscril.'fi liein n'c'drous to rcinovc to tin* J) vest, olTi'ic for saic oil the most re.isoanl'le anil ace on’ .ol; ling terms, 1 :s cut ire possession ol Land, a .'Milov, : >.7:T acres of land adjoining the Imli'.in Silting-, He erve, in lliltts cnnnt.v ; about 22'■ acres ol open land, m good or-le/ for a crop, most of it fresh loud. o those who may he dis posed lo purchase a healthy place, I would recom mend th .in to this ; ntid « to e, Ol verienecs to mar ket, there 1- none more so - any thing lor sale can find a reaily market at tho Indian Springs (hiring the waii'ii' : season. La,l end rxumi.ii lib'prem ises. 1 iood iri'lulgenee will he given. 1 Al'ill sell a part or the whole to suit pnrclia ' is, July 22 wllin WILLI' L. JEN KEN’S. (.Sli/iTiIK/ld) HOTEL. y|X||lK .eriher resperlfully informs his friends P, an t the pohlie gcneially, tout lie has lukcn the I above' slnbli hment latl " l.i'l’.thy iVni. ll.Hiiines there has been smite alti ratii n made in the hot since il ha-changed Inn ds. It will Ic pint i d unde 1 I tin immediate snnei mb m.cnee of Ilia v ile and I luotlur, and “Mcli of Ins own time as he can spate | from other hn-nie ...will he entirely ilvvot'-'d lo the 1 cmtn l> ll iliint nt. ilo solicits a share of public: pa- | lionagc. AM. W. FRAZER, j (in '.nshoro, <!eo. All, gust 2o. ,-u2w , I>. S, T)ie Hreal We l - rn Mail, (lie Telegraph, Ihe Alii rat or or Florida, the Athens mid Di'cutin j slage w ail arrive at and ilepiiilfrom this ilcmae. j „ , S ENTItAI. HOTEL. jjf Th'a splendid and • pneions new Uriel,' | . L-.l' !?.. Hotel, on;:.led en I - ;o;il Miluet, inline-j iltatciy over the Kail Komi Ranic, in Alliens, will be opened in ; fev Meeks for the re opt ion of Hoariiers and Visitors. To those who Inn c hereto- , fore favored 11 " pioprietoi vriib their pel i'-mage, he deems il only pci essary to announce hi., return In Athena, end In ■ inLt-i) 1 ioi. lo le< j: Ihe Cioiiroi 1 Hotel 1 in I'ontiexlull willi He.:' pleasant and f.i^liiimnLli* 1 watering place fie Helicon Springs which has tin- ] doigono eiinsideridile improvement once tie last 1 1 season; by this ai'i.iiigomcrt visilot'- can spend j 1 llicii lir.ic cither in Town, or a! the ipiicf reiieat ‘ ; which the Springs always alTores to the invalid 01 ' visitor of ply: sure. To lids important advantage which his esbiMi iht.ii nt pica ius over any olhet either in Town or country, he will add Id. personal", 1:011s to lend r t In b 1 and Waiming place ii 1) 11 111 1 lus friends i",in demre. i'lic llobd is new, commodious, and situated in a central p, -ii.on in Alliens.and wlicnA’nrn. lied in ban i.nni' sty 1 , will possess decided ndv.Ullages over any other similar establishment in Hie phu 0. Aliii'tis, Ha. iMuy 3 H JOHN .1 M’KSON. ADJdMSTIt A'l HiVM SALK. /( LN thellrst Tncsiiv,! in December nuM, pnrsn g i> aul to an order Lom the Infeiior court of inmliia enmity, while silting fur nrdinary purposes, will lie :'oM before Die i inirt lio;'- e door in si-Jd | county, the iSegn.a ■' belonging to the estate ol Sun lon Porter, deceased. NANCY PORTER, ap If! Administratrix. (il AKDIAN’S KALE. I i ririLL ec seal on the first'Tuesday in f'etoher | V V next, lieforc l!ic ,"oirl house door in \\ ay in a- 1 :into, ayrccal le lo an ordc of the In;',".;or Comt 0! | IT:;, e county, when silting I onlinitiy pinposes. lliree luimlre,' acres pine land, m said county, ad- ) mining e.ineon R i, Harvey .’.u.liew s. and otlmrs, I Also, one bundled and forty-one acres oak and , tih'hui v land, ad.o'Mtii ■; l':o.politer, Mbs. Meiritt, j estate id' (a a nee, am! ol hers. Fold as the property of A' elcome Almond, miror. Terms on the dry of! sale. MATTHEW .VLili l M', (inaraian. July 20,1 Kin. _ AMM’iNthTRA UIIO rs.A . ... It AN ihe first Tue.sdr.y in November next, agree- 1 ii F able to an order from tho Interior comt of I Ta lalerro cminty, will be sold at the court house 1 loor 1:1 (bawfunlvolo. I n'daferin comity, the lands | behni. mg to the est.'.le of Ilw en I lalTnhiy, deceased, j I.!' i 11 ; in said, eoiibly, eonsisliig of me thousand] teres, more or less ; to be sold in panels to suit pureha.seis. Tea. pwule known on the day of sale. A. 11. STEPHENS, / . , A. W.HlUEilv S tA,lml ' S ’ August 23. IMoIL M Aitiii N sale. tiV ' 1 I.L be sold at ihe Court House door in j > * Warren ton, Warren county, on the first | Tuesday in < '(■!.. vr next, the following pro-! 1 perty viz: one hundred and sivty-iive acres of; t.;i".d.sia',nnl quality, more u; les , and the Hand ing crop. Levied on a:; the propel Iv of Thomas! (Toper, lo satisfy sundry ft ibs issued fiom the Mu-' perior fourt of Warren eouuty. m Uvor of Rab doiph Ivy and utlieis, vs. said I'oopi Saul Laud: is adjoining lathis of Thus. Dyer and othiis, i iu pert\ ■ milled out by plaint ill"- attorney. August Jl, IST.-I JAMI'.S HAI L. Den. Th’lT 1 '.VAIUIMM KIII UJM ’.s sAla,. VS J ILL I 0 s dd at Hie L url-house door in War- Y icutou, Warren county, on the first Tuesday tn October next, between the usual hours of s:\le.i lire following property to wit: one Negro woman by Ihe name of Martha, aged 10 yoai : Sepprona, a girl ’i or S yea Isold; * Ottilay, a bo v I.> or in wars old, and Ji.nalhui', a Toy ton 0/ eleven v,ar: : j "Id ; ii h \ ied upon as the pioperty of Thomas S. . llogeis. to satisfy sundry it. fas from A', arren llu > perior Court, one in favor id 1 Clark. iVe’Tier and others vs. said Roger:; property pointoil out by; the defendant. JERKVIAH TERRA MAN, Sheri,T. AugustiO, iFblfi t Li. persons tu whom late the Agatha Heal, ofb _ \ Jelle; on ih coaM :l, avus iiitlol'tcd, to j present their accounts for payment, and those in- 1 del ted to the deceased will iu.i'ao immediate pay j mrr,t lo JOILx Ik.'S TU'K, August 10,1533. b'w tjoali.'iod Executor. 1.1. personsindcl led to Simeon Lowry, lato of ,At ilurke cotinty, deceased, are requested to I come forward and make piync at, all persons i having dctnE’.;, Is ayainst the same a:e noth -il to* pro- ml them properly mitlicnti'alid, within the: time prescribed \ law, to nSIiCRN -M. I.‘. AVRV, Executor. August 3,153 U. (itw * LI. per"ous indel'ted le tin - estop - cf Arthur ; M'.incrief, late of Wane 1 county, deceased, ■■•rc f. guested to make imiue liatc pay ment, a>rl j 1 aw. having demands to uresrut thorn in tores o' tUc kw. HENRY U EH ART. Adm’r. j Jidylo,l<!39. w(it I 1 \ Lt, persous indebted to the estate of Ann H. • k I tor., deceased.late of IliuVee ,n‘v. w -r --<iu ' ’ Lake imniciUatc pay mw t, and ;' hav g claims will present I -m in tm-iw of - i„.. L»v.',-to WILLIAM t. M l TEH. ' August 10, iu39. Adin’i of Ann H. Dunn, j I AD.MIPfISTKATOR’.S SALE. f . % ■?, 7 i 1.1. Th; sold on the first Tuesday in Novem- I v bur next, before the Court Bouse door, in k tin; county of Appling, agreeable to an oide ot Ilia > Honorable Infcrioi Courted Jefferson county, when I I silting for ordinary purposes, to the highest bidder, j let of Land No. one handier! and seventy-two, j (172; in ■-1 district of Appling county. containing [ . rn acres, -olios the property of the estate of Moiling !). Eason, late of said county,deceased.— Terms of sale on llie day. liKf.’l AH CAUBEWELL, Adm’r. September 12, 1; lift. EXKCI TOK’S SALE. N A ILL he sold rpoeablc to an *on!or of the i * » honoiablo tiro Inferior Oort of Columbia j mm tv, while sitting for ordinary purposes, in the village of Appling, on tire llist I uesday in Dt-rem ! her next, one trai t of land belong! :to the estate of H'inert Randolph, Esq., UIC of said county,de ren '■ !, lying in Genial.y creek in aid county, ront'iuiing eight bundled rrixl seventv-siy arrer, more or less adjoining land : of! ;aac Rainsty, Lsc,, lloziikiali 110/d, William Ifeall. and others, sold for the benefit of the Legators of -a.■<! deceased’s will. NATHAN' CRAWFORD,? K.'.ecu tors J URIAH HARRIS, s of tlr; wild. Sept. 12th |),39. T(f THE PLIILU’. . H. N. WILSON tervVrs 11 •» 1!,n,11i 1 ’ Hip pihlit.f'jc j j'-itruu r'o I-®*- *W/««irlwAijfi*r-. »■ WMrtowed on Ms Stage Lines, and would respectfully in, form them that he is running a Tiu-'.Vxeki.v '..irnr L i )(n( unitSJC ROST cn.U’IIJuS, from the Ciu/f’ia Rail llo'id, via Grcmsauro, Salem, Wat kinsville, Mhrnu , Jefferson, Gainesville, fir. So Sprin ; Ware, Murray county,Ga. MAIL ARRANGEMENT, Vnmi Aoguxtu, tin, to Sjrring Rla r*, lto, leave Augusta, Sundays,Tuesdays, and TKjrn da\s, at (, o'clock, v. ;t ,hy Georgia Rail Road to j Gieerisooro’, and leaves Greensboro’, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 1 o’clock, a. m., will arrive at Alliens same day.*hy 10 a. »i., and ar rive at Gainesville same days hy !) p. ji. l.en . vs Gainesville, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Son lays, at 1 o’cloi k, A. u. via Canton and tass el lie, aid arrive at Spring Place, Wednesdays, i- ridnyi, and Mondays, at S o’< welt, t*. m., where it inf , reels a line of lour hoisc Post Coaclurs, for A’a-liville, I'eiiri. via itns.s’ Landing; and IsrsO a line of stages for Knoxville, I «.ni. via Aliens, Tenu. Leave Spring Place,, Btmdays, Tuesdays, a Thui s lays, a.I 2 o’clock, a. M.,ainl arrive at i dimes ville ne .t days by 8 p. si. Leaves Gainesville, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and aatui lays, at I i*. m.; and arrive at GicumliCio’ vine days, hy 7p. ji., thence by Georg u Kail | ■'• :i.i to Augusta, next ntornin; at hall ;« n- 4 j ’clock. w3m July v.'j EAGLE AND GLOiIE UUTltlii, Waynenburo, (In. E J A.I. M. MARSH respectfully infonns his jjy 4 friends and the public, I lia , In; lias luined the j above e-dul lishment to Mr. LK.VSTuN SNEED, f ! for a term of years, lie begs leave to return Ms I thanks fur the generous support received from his i j friends and the public, ami hopes tlie same will he j I continued to Air. Sneed, who lias lifted up the I j house in good style, and promises to spare no oxer j Loss to render those who may call upon Mm cam- ) foldable. 11 is room arc airy, and most of libbed- i rooms have lire-plhces. His table w ill hr the heat the country can afford, and his charges suited tiv the line Waynesboro, July 19, 1839. w.'Jm L a pay KTTS3 HOTEL » Fayetteville,N.C. f fJIIIIR establishment will he open nftc-r the first > tJ of August, under 11.e management and itircc- I Him ot the subscriber. The House has Iscvn tnor- > oughly repaired, and will, in a few days., he wolli I furnisheil, and every effort will be made to render it worthy of patronage, a.,,: w3m EDWARD V '.RniK'Hr.H, MORES MULTiOA'IiLI i ’l'he subscriber wiillic furnished with. C'? FLA MILLIONX nfthe genuinit Chinese j t'VVc' or Moms Multi, nulls, giovvn from trees | it imporlod from the Ji.-rnV/i rfc.; Kl/nAGs, of , l aiis, in ledli, which will ho sold lowp.i:. 1 than any now offered. They will he packed in I ■uch a manlier that they may be transported to any I put of the If. S. with safety, ami will he delivered j in Augusta, free of expense to pitrcliavers. All buds will be warranted to be mature and w [ gem Inc article. Hv.lividttals wishing to punthasa 1 will make application to VV. K. HKARIXG. AC ena, .itine 11 tlstD t’OWELTON A€Af>EI«Y, rrtHK citizens of Poweltcm have again employed ! |y for Rector of the Institution, Mr. .louts b. In- 1 on ait via, a graduate of lirovva I niv ersity. The I citi/ens of this vullage are unanimous in employing j Mr. Ingraham fur tile second year, and confidently : recommend Ids services to the public. Instruction, will be given by the Rector in all 11,e branches usu- j ally taught in academies and colleges. Instruction. I will also be given hy a Northern Lady in tbcorna- 1 mental ’'raaeluv.. '• he ’Academic year will com- i mow-e on the fu-st Monday in .limitary, hoard and i good accommodations can he obtained in the most t respectable families on reasonable tortus The m- ■ pcviorhoalll'of I’oweltonpuhl its other well known advantages, induce Hie belief that the public will | continue a liberal patronage. For the cravens of Powelton, doe (i wlf CL !!LF.S M. IRWIN, i d'y The Standard of Union will please insert, the above, coaspa nously, until othens ise directed and forward their account to I’oweltun. NO'i'ICF. —The co-partnership of DROWN ts 1-OKI IKK, of Laurens Fistriit, S. i., is dis solved by Robert brown quitting the business and leaving the stnt<>. Notice is hciehy given to all pcrsoils not to rive credit to the Rohci t 11 rown, mi am nun! ol the said co-partuorship. and all per sons iiniebtad to s-.-. d linn will omy malic paymenit t . me, as n.) other person is legally authorised u j collect. URN.! A MIN Ft IS! IFF. August 3,1839. wtf ts t AUTION. Fho public Is cautioned against i t.rd.iug for . protiussviry n,.,e. made hv Samu.d ■ Howell, on or about the third day of April last, ! payal .e Ist oIM.-.mi uy last, for One Uumlr.'d I'ol ' i.vs, interest from date,in favor of .i. . Kittles, •*iu! hy hint endorsed—the same having been lost or mi bald by Hie subscriber, to whom settlement bus been in. do by the drawer. TIL S. JIARN'F.S. mart? wtf LAW NOTICE. •”5 ' UK ucdersigiad h rving muled tti the praetie q ul ihe L. 4 \\ f . o.Ter t heir service* tu: he public i S'h, v will attend ihecuurts of ,1/u.seogci;, Maiioti, Siewan,, K.ariy, Raker, f.eennd Sutnier, ut lho Giia!R'.hoiirhoc tori mt; Houston, of the Flint Chcnii; mai I'v.iggs, I'nlitski, Lowndes, 'l'hoiims-, : Him ainrai.d Lhml/, ofllie tS<>i;iJu-,-n (Im-'iit. lu sjiii's-- enirnsieii to tin irearc v. ill meet with pnunul nlleniion. ’i iu-ir nliice is lu Amcnens, Smmcr eouniy, whew one otiheui mav always he fnm d when iml ah.-wnl enhusiin ss. LOST W AKRF.N, ore i« wtf v. 'I 51 CK \ Wi'Oßf) CtiiTUN LAKHS. r?NS!F have s.>v-:al settlements of I \ tine Cotton Hands, wl.b htm-y offer tor sn oin i isi ttlenicnts of from 3-t> to IT ’ l ,: acres—lying on j the Loelie.-sga thcek, or Foukahatchce; It miles : north of l'us!icega,ainl 20 miles cast of ! Any person or pm-otis wishing to purchase and ; ike ;.ud farms in a healthy set F>< nos com.try, ' ate invited to examine our Lands. IvKF.SK Ft TFI’ATRICK, j .10I1N 11. MAHON K. I.ochessga Crock, Macon co. Ala. June II w3m I VALI ABU: HANKS V’;>U s M.. ' ySNHK subscriber i-eiug desirous of settling his J all'lliis in .ledVrsoti lounty, oilers tor sale his i sett ernent of first quality oak and hickory land ! consisting of five Ijmndivd acres, well improved .v. ilii a commodious dwellingluniso, barn,gin house | ncgni houses, and other out-l iiildiiigs. with one j hundred and t.fty acres new cleared land under I good repair, adciining land of G. W. Crawford t, .rdner Connelly,and others,on tin waters of Dry ; cicrk. A ho, nve likely young negn-es. all to Le | disposed of at public out ay. at ti e i arket house j in l.oui-ville, on the titli day of l)i ri-eihcr next. — . forms on th« day. JAMRS CUUKij, j Louisville,Nov. 22, lo3S. wtf I, ( O-I'AUTNEKSMII* NOTICE- 1 | subsc.iiici lias this day taken inlocopart- J iiciship, Mr. A. /,. M/.SS£SOALJi,WiA the | I ha; me. r. wu! from tiiis time l e conducted under the i [ ri) io and firm ol S.BUIhIUJ !< CO., and the sub i m riher «on Id take Ibis method to return his sincere , thanks to his friends and former customers lor the i I patrctiage that has been .-o liberally bestowed on ! mm, and he womd most respectfully solicit a share : : for the linn. S. HUFtiHD. ' July 2!», 1539. ts 1 i Adjutant Fj-.xf.hai. s inntr., / Wnlkcr county, .2<>tb Aug, lS3i). ( 9~N conformity to the requisitions cf the Ifitb p section of the .Militia Law, orders have been io.ucd to Major General Winn, for the convention •of the field, stall', company and non-commissioned ■utiiceir icorporals includ.-d) and the reviews ol in ipci tion in the second divi. ion of ttie militia, for . .year 1839. In Washington county on the Ist and 2d of No vember; in Haneoi k on tin-Ith and sth; in lal iaferre on the Otli and r tb ; in Warren on the Mb and bill'; in Columbia on the 11th and 12th; and in Richmond on the 13th and 1 Ith. Officers, non ■commissioncil otticcrs ami privates, are required to appear at the drills and reviews with the aims and •equipments which the law prescribes. HAMLL N LiWNAN, Adj’t. Oen. rug 29 Ctw f{Ai M-i undersigned iiaving retired from rnerchan -8 dizmg, will resume the practice of lav/. He will practice in conniction with Jasper M. Hornier, lisq. I'hey will pi actice under the fromofGOUDKR At THOMAS, and will be constantly found in tiicir office, when not absent on business connected with ■(heirprofession. JAMES THOMAS. Sparta, Juno 10 3m Nr, J” OTIGK. —All persons indebted to John Lodge, IH| late of iJurkneoinity,deceased, arc requested to coin" forward and make payment, and those liaving demands against the same are hereby noti fied to present them properly authenticated within , the time prescribed by law. KM WOOTTKN, Administrator. . August 9, 1539. Gw I VALUABLE PROPERTY TOR SALE. ] Hi tllK subscriber oilers for sale, on the most rea ls son:iMe terms, that well known and fashion able watering place, the IJJJIJCON SLJUNGS, situated four and a half miles from Athens, Ga.— Attached to the Springs arc two tracts of land, containing together seven hundred acres of land, on on« of which arc erected two excellent saw mill*, both now in operation. One of these mills will ci.l from iS(W to til'OO feet of lumber per day, for which a ready market can he had at lair prices. Jiitlw-r tract will be sold separate from the other. Persons desirous of purchasing such property arc requested to call and examine for themselves. The land is mostly in the woods, of a good quality—that which is Cleared is fresh and in cul tivation. JOHN JACKSON. Athens, Ga., July 10 1839. w&trwtf I 5f AW NOTICE. — I he undersigned having j f jI removed loan Flail; county to Linooliilon, ■ will nllend to the practice ol Law in thu cntpeiiur • and llilciinr (aiurls ul i.incoln county, and llionil- I jneohl coiiiiiics, li'ismescinlrualed to his cure will he prnm|iUy attended lu. HENNING 15. MOORE, f Rcforonces—Hon Ghui lcs Dougherty, lion. A S. Clayton, i lon. Thomas W. Hums. Geu. Edwnrd \ Harden. Athens; F. .1 Jenkins, (». VV, Crnvvfiird, ! A. J Miller,f'ol..lrdm Milli'ili’e, VViliin.n E. Jones ! Augusts Lineolnton, March 24.1855. wtf ITVJE HOLLAU?: REWARD. • .I*,, Strayed or stolen Lorn the sub ! /T’A seriber, sometime about the 25th (K * a dark hay MARK, about 15 high, and 10 or 11 years old; » ? /1 said rrtaic was taken or strayed from *Shi Ai'-Oi&SU u swamp pasture, having a colt not 4 months old! no particular marks are recollected. • » reward of Five Dollars will be given for the dc t livery of said Mare to the subscriber if strayed, il and if -itulon a reward of Twenty Dollars, will be i given for her delivery and infoimation to convict > Iho thief, JAS. J, WILSON. 1 Four Mile Branch. Aug. 15. ot IHITBH. ‘ riJNniS valtiabio tract of Land, situated in the J[ county of Grconc,on toe Gconec river, seven miles from Greensboro, (the present terminus of 1 the Georgia Liul-I.oad,'. containing 22i'0 acres, 12 or 1350 of which is wood land, the balance cleared t and the larger portion in a high statcof cultivation, 1 is now oflered fur side on rsasonab'e terms. — 1 There is large dwelling hurt so, with all necessary I out-buildings, on said place, together with a fine :■ summer retreat one .rile Horn the mansion, called > Mount Pisgah, from which can bu viewed the land jof promise, nowing with milk and honey. A large » portion of siid plantation is low ground and of j great value, ami the soil generally peculiarly adup- I ted to Uie culture of cotton. Persons wishing to vest funds in property of this kind, are invited to call on the subscribers and examine forthcmselves. GEORGE G. MATHEWS, | aug 2-i-w-U CHARLES L. MATHEWS, Jr. j t'r The Savannah Georgian, Southern Recorder and Athens Whig will publish the above four times j weekly, and forward their accounts to this office ! fur payment. N'OTH E. —The subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot in the town of Aiken, S. C. j situated two hundred yards from the celebrated ! Gokcr Springs. The House is new and in good ro j pair, containing a Piazza on both sides, a Kitchen I and Smoke-house, all in good repair, with a full | view of tic inclined plain. Also, the Furniture with it. Terms made ktuv.-n on application to the subscriber on the premises. T. Ck F.YLKS. Aiken, S. f. Sept. 1 If KXECIITf > K'S >SA LK. TJK7 ILL be sold on the thin! Tuesday in Oeto- V v her next, (on the promises,) between the usual hours of sale, a lot of ground on the Sand Hills, in the village of Summerville, Richmond county. Geo. containing three acres more or less,on which is a comfortable Dwelling House, Kitchen, Stable, Car, iage House, aril etberout buddings.and the right and title to one-fourth intcre t in a well of excellent water, belonging to the estate of Sam uel 15. Parkman. deceased, late of Chatham county, Geo,, ami sold under a Decree in Equity, passed in L b tlham Superior Court. January Term, 1539. Also, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture of the sai l deceased—consisting in part of Tables, Sufa.i hairs, Beds, iicdst,\.ds, a Dinner aud Tea Set. (sc. Hr. Also, a four wheel Carriage, and a two horse Wagon. Terms made known the day of sain. DAVID F. HALSEY, Qualified F.x’r. The.real estate may be treated for at private sale. September 4,1K39 swtd \ SALE. I "S LL be fold before the court house door in : y v I’aulding county, on the first Tuesday in i November next, between the lawful boms of sale, I lot of lan I No. 575 in the isth District and 3d Sec ! tion, now lying in said eouniy. I Ah'n, at the court house door in Cherokee county, ' on the same day, between the legal hours of sate, j lot of land No. ill in tin- loth District and 2d Scc ! tion of said county; all sold under an order of the i honorable the Inferior i mat of Warren county ; when sitting as a court of ■ rdinary, as the real es | (ate of Haynes S. Ryan, laic of Warren county, dc ; ceased, for the henelit of the creditors of said dc [ ceased. ‘Terms at sale. FA ANS McCRARY, Adm’r. i Septombi r J 3,1539. ADMIN IST K A TOR’S SAL 12. A GHV.EAHLK loan order of the Honorable the | Justices of the Inferior Court of Lincoln I county,when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be ] sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at Lin- ] coin court bouse, within the lawful hours of sale,! the Lisbon Bank and For , belonging to the estate of John Moss, deceased, of said eouniy. Sold for the benefit of flic heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms at sale. W. W. STOKES, Adm’r. September 19, F- 39. ADMINISTRATRIXES SALE. A GREF, ABLE to an order of the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Lincoln county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will hr sold on the first Tuesday in December I ext. at the couft house- of Murray county, within the lawful hours sale, one tract of land in said county, No. 59. :-t!i di c trict, 3d section. Al " will bp sol.! at the court house of Lincoln county, on the ffst Tuesday in December, within be iiMial hours of sale. Lot No. F 1, in the f.r-d district of ••aid county, hold for the benefit of the legatee;; of the estate of Noah Walt m. deceased HARRIET S. WALTON, -dni’x." iscptcmlcr 19, 1339. ] A LL persons having demands against the cstato XA «f James Langston, sen., late of Columbia ; county, cii ceased, are requested to render them in j duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to MARK J. LANGSTON, Kx’r. September 2G, 1839. Gw I'4 DMIMSTJLVT(HI’S NOT ICE.—Four month* A %, after date 1 will apply to the Honorable the j Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting | fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land j and slaves belonging to the estate of the late 't. [ R. Robert Malone, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. July 20, 1839. D. W. ST. JOHN. yrillE subscriber having taken the Admmistra )) tion of the estate of the late Mr Robert Malone ask of those indebted to the estate to make pay ment, and those to whom the estate is indebted, to present their claims, as it is his purpose to close the affairs of the estate with the least possible delay. July 17, 1539 D. W. ST. JOHN. A DMIMSTRATCiR’S NOTICE— Four months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, Georgia, for leave to sell lot No. 7, in the 2d District of Mcr iwThfT county, (original!y in Troup county',) be longing to the estate of Reading Wood, deceased. SAMUEL HALE, Administrator. August 16, 1839. TNOUR months after date, Application will be 0’ made to the honorable the Inferior court es Jefferson county, for leave to soil the real estate of the late Agatha Real, of said county, deceased. JOHN BOSTICK, Executor. August 10, 1830. 13AOUR months after dale, application wi’l be ' made to the honorable the Inferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting fur ordinary purpn : scs. for leave to sell fifty acres of land, lying in Burke comity, adjoining lands of John A. Parsons and others, it being the property of the late Henry Wimberly, of Burke county,deceased; it being for the purpose of division. ANDREW J. DAVIS. In right of wife and Guardian of minor. September 2(1. 1839. IqIOUH months after date, application will bo 1 made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary, of Striven county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of William Dattghfrv, late of said county, dec’ll. CYNTIIA DAUGHTRY, Adm’rx. Oct 5 td 8,^ OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Scriven county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Benjamin Her rington, dcc’d, NICHOLAS STREEGLES,Adm’r. Oet 6 td TIT'OUK months after date, application will he made to the honorable the Inferior court of I nliaferro county, when sitting foe ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate of Thomas J. Shackcitord, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. LLOYD W. SHACKELFORD, Adm’r. August 23, 1839. INaCR moths after date, app’icaticn will he made to the Honorable, the Inferior • ourt of Taliaferro county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to soli the real estate of Thos. J. Shackelford, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of ssid deceased. LLOYD W. SHACKELFORD, Adm’r. aog 21 | NOUR months after date, appliration will ho .Hy made to the honorable the Inferior court of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary' purposes, for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the estate of Abram Cook, deceased, of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. EDMUND PALMER, Adm’r. August 23,1339. T'NOUR months after date application will he j}' made to the honorable the,Justices of the. Inferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary' purposes, for leave to sell tbe real estate of Robert Randolph, Esq., late of said coun ty. deceased, for the benefit of the legatees ol said estate. N. CRAWFORD, y JUKI AH HAURISS, k June 27. W 39. I.wuk mouths alter dale, application will be ’ made to the honorable the Inferior court of Taliaferro county, when silting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the estate of Isaac Clemmons, late of said county deceased. WILLIAM 15. CLEMMONS, Adm’r. August 13,1830. -ri)MInTsTRATOR.’s'Ni)TICF.—Foilr months .1 after date, application will tie made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when ting for ordinary purposes.for leave to sell the land and slaves he longing to the estate of the late Samuel Player, deceased, for the beneht of his heirs and creditors.' ~ —— July 24, 1839. WILLIAM B. GREEN, Adm’r AN OUR months after date application will he JT made to the honorable thu Inferior court of Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate of Theophilus Williams,late of said county, deceased. ABRAM HUNTER, Jr., Adm’r. Tut.' (5 'BH9. ... ui\ Diuiuns alter dale app.icalion will he Sii’ made to the honorable the Inferior court of Lincoln county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the land belonging to Charles Jennings,deceased. E. LOCKHART, Adm’r. Toll- o 1539, (.AUG;, months after date appliration will he 14’ made to the honorable the Justices of the In ferior Court of Burke county, when sitting for or dinary- purposes, for leave to sell a negro slave named George,belonging to Edwin L. Burns,minor. WILLIAM 8. C. MORRIS, Guardian. July 1,1839, July II fNOUR months after date application will be ’ made to the honorable thu Inferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary pur pones, for leave to soli a Negro Woman, belonging to the estate of David W. Youngblood, deceased July G. 1339. _ P. S. LEM LK, A drn’r. E NOUR months after daatc, application will be j] made to the honoiahle tiro Inferior court of VV am n county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sub all the lands anil negroes belong ing to the estate of Benjamin Allen, deceased. THgMAS J. ALLEN, Executin'. August 15,1839. 5 73OUR months after date, application will be _ made to the Inferior c mrt of Columbia coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell a negro woman and child, belonging to Mias L W. Hines, orphan. GEORGE GUNUY, Guardian. _ August 9, 1539. JNOUR months after date application will be i g' made to the honorable the Justices of the In terior Court of Burke county, when sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell sixteen acres of land, belonging to Davis Tahb, minor. JOHN KNIGHT, Guardian. July 1, 1339. July 11 fNOUR months after date application will he made to the honorable the Inferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to soil the Land and Negroes, be longing to the estate of Robert Greer, deceased CALCEDONA GREEK, Adm’x. July 6, 1939. j | NOOR months after date application will Lc j JP made to the honorable the Inferior court of Columbia county, when sitting lor ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the Lands and Negroes be longing to the estate of Thomas J. Wright,deceased. OWEN VV. BALDWIN, Adm’r July 6,1839. INCUR months after date, application will he made to the honorable the Inferior Court | of Columbia eouniy, when sitting ns a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell a negro woman hv the name of Mary, belonging to the estate of Edmund Cartledgc, deceased Sold for the beneht ol the heirs. JOHN CARTLKDGE, Kx’r. July 24,1839. Vs OTICE—AII persons indebted to the Estate of David Langston,late of Columbia county deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having demands against the Estate to render them in property attested, w ithin the time proscribed by law. 'JAMES LANGSTON, Adm’r. September 5, 1839 Btw ■vrorrcs; to builders and contrac .lNl TORS. —The subscribers are prepared to fur nish Window Caps, Sills, Door Sills anti all other- Granite that is wanted, at established northern prices. N. B. We will furnish Window Sills and Caps at 95ets. per superficial- foot, which is only 20 eU more per foot than Sand stone, and much more du rable. We will furnish stone for Fronts, viz.. Fronts,Caps,*c., at $1 15 cts per super, ft., just what it issobi for in Boston, and other principal cities. Heed not the idle report that has been cir culated that the Georgia Granite is so high priced that no one can afford to use it. We will sell it at Quincy prices without any deception, jan H»-tf ' CHI PM AN & HEAD. (Xjr’The Constitutionalist will copy the above. TO TIIK AFFLICTED. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PREMIUM. rpHE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or JL SI,OOO Premium Vegetable, for the cure of Syphilis and Scrofula, will he in town for a few days. Should there be any old and unmanageable cases, or recent ones, either of Syphilis or Scrofula, the person may rest assured that they may be re lived in a very short time. Any servant under forty years of age, witb Scrofula, will be bought, if such is willing t« change owners. A letter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp son, to the care of Messrs. Antony & Haines, or Haviland, Rislcy & Co., with the person’s address, will be regarded as confidential, and attended to. | June IS ts S A DUCATION.—The time of his vacation being Shd ended, the exercises of Mr. Mahoney’s school, will commence on Monday the 29th instant. He solicits a share of public patronage, and feels thank ful for that already given him. ' ts July 27 CTjC The Constitutionalist will please give the above two insertions. MULBERRY AND SILK CULTURE. WARD CHENHV A BROTHERS, and BASON SHAW, have now grow* ’■‘V/v? i' 1 —. in the most flourishing condition, in _ySL. Augusta. Georgia, adjoining the Hamp ■'Tvi.-iSlof: top Race Course, about 80,000 Moms Multicaulis Trees, which they offer for sale in lots to suit purchasers. For further information etiqui ry may be made ol Messrs. Cheneys, at their racoon* cry in Burlington, New Jersey, or of Mason Shaw, at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel in Augusta. Having had several years experience in cultiva ting the munis multicaulis from buds, cuttings, Krc. they will furnish each purchaser with printed in structions ofthe host and most approved manner of planting and cultivating the trees, the kind of soil most suitable for growing the same ; and also for rearing the silk worms and reeling the silk. They will also have for sale, Silk Worm Eggs ofthe must esteemed varieties, from moths sc 'voted with great care lor their health, strength and perfection. a,; o 3 w&tnvtf fCT 'he Charleston Courier, Savannah Georgian, Columbia Telescope, and Athens Whig, will copv (he above om.-e a week fur three months and send their bills to this office fur payment. DEALS’ HAIR RESTORATIVE. rHNHIS valuable discovery is non’ introduced to .1 the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will effect the ob jectof it« application, viz : A COMPLETE RES TORATION OF THE ISAlll upon the heads of those who have tost the same, and have thereby become hald or (initially so. Numerous certificates might he given to show how successfully this compound nas been applied, never having failed in a single instance.) Its virtues have been fully and satisfactorily tested. Ihe heads of those that were entirely ball, have been by the application of this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful hair. None need despair whether old or ycum", of hav ing their hair restored. For sale by ° ROBERT Carter, Druggist, Broad st. and at i T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore. * here certificates of its successful application may he seen. june 21 swtf SUFFER HOUSE ON THE GEHIIGIA it A I h-lUiAli FOR SALIC. iT-lf Ihe undersigned having removed from if R'fi state will sell his largv Hotel in Craw* Jf,lC. ( :Jjmdvillo, situated at the Georgia Rail- Ko.ul uepot, on accommodating terms. After No vember next. this will he the bupper House for the descending daily train, and will lo con tinned per manently as sorb. 1-or lurtiier particulars apply to J. F. Mims, residing on the spot. -K 2Strw2m _ If. li. THOMPSON. ADJUVISTR Vl'KlX’v SAL JR k GREKAHLE to an order of the Inferior Court a, 3L Richmond enmity, when sittingforordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in No vember next, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, all that lot of land with the dwelling house and other improvements thereon, in the oily of Augusta, con taining -11 hot J inches front on Edis-strcet and running hack the same width 132 feet to a lot be longing to the estate (f Graves, and hounded on the north and cast of Graves’ lot, south by Ellis street and west by a lot belonging to the estate of Michael Finchley, deceased The same being the property of the estate of Michael Kineh'ev deceas ed, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said estate. Also, at the same time and place ami on the same account, will he sold Ten Shares of the capita stock ol the Bank of Augusta. a 4. nr- ® KINCHLEY, Adra’x. August 20, 1839. GUARDiTAN»H HALE. \\J ILI - be sold nn the first Tuesday in Dccem .’ * I,cr nc xt, agreeably to an order of the Infe rior { onrt of Burke County, when sitting for ordi nary purpose?,at the Court House door in Waynos said county, the one-half interest in 300 acres of Land, lying in said county, adjoining John Conner and Amos G. Whitehead. Also, the half interest in a Negro Girl, named Lncv, about**, lb years of age. Sold as Hie property of Sarah Lews, nmor licit of llezekiah Lewis, deceased. JOHN RUDtJ KRS, Guardian. Setpcmber 5, 1839. wtd j (2QAA CHALLENGE. The tP-rutine /•T? '**" M / e fetich PiPt against all ihe QUACK NU.VniMU.'i nf ‘he age—lor iho i lire of * • « * * * The French PiiU art applicable in nil eases, ),,i either sox, (warranted free from Mercury,) an,l F „, K souses grunt ml viminges over the Balsams and nil l-qiml niedniii.- s. by neiui; entirely free front smell and consequently do nor effect iho hrealh. tiioreliv preventing iho possibility of discovery while using ih’iu. Besides I his imporlnut ndvnmage, ffiov nevPr disagree with the Hlomaeh nml m i|„. fj rst Ntnprs o( Ihe disease liny usually effort a cure j n n few days wi' li liitle regard to uiei orexpos-me. 1 ' In ill'- must. ot>siionic singe? of ihe disease they are equally eorlnm, having ( aired many after ’every olher remedy I W filled. In short ihey have hec'n so universally Miceossltil llmi the proprietor chal lenges mix one lo produce a remedy of equal Vcr lainiy,, under a torieimre of Throe Hundred Dollars T1 .... ~ Jl.Aiiitisßuito, Deo. |u, 1838. Dr. Vaiior Dear Sir; Ahum a month age Hent to you lor I twee boxes of vour French ]>dls, and foci ram h onltgcd to you tor furnishing me with a medi cine so effectual and so pleasant to use. Whop [ sent for your fills I had been troubled wit h iho disease fi>r nonrly 0 months, and had tried a great many inodieines wi,hunt nuy pilect. During the fnsl six work? I was under n Physician of ifii H phee, hut finding Imle or no char of being cored by him, I led him, and a lew days alter visited Philadelphia, where 1 houahi a ■ aiely of advertised specifics In, most enough in stock an apothecary shop, and allot mis I lo*k with the saiuesiira-ess as hi fore 1 living tml < *** M smell ol' the liabniu he liiml them, which 1 iliink I can smell to ij,, s ,( !IV Not Knowing what to resort lo next, and seeing you French Pil's advi riised in the I’nhlie LedeVr deiernimcd to try them, and am only sorry I did nt gci them sooner, as it might have saved me Von dollars and have cured me l ing ago. My ohicci f writing to you ai pro-cut, is lo procure some of t h medicine for 'woof my In. mis, who arc in Ih same kind of a scrape You will the-efore pleas hcml by rhf* hunter*.x hn\ f . s , umJ ol)Ii«r ( , Vnnrs c * jj P S.--11 It will benny advantage, you may pub linn ilu*nhiivo, with ilie * 1 The go I'.nic f rot, h fills arc (or sale in Avs „ H , n hv Haviland Rish-y .ktn„ '! hmnas Parrelt ,V (■„ \ w ; *•>' Parlor Ihe.-, «2 00 |sm l.ox. Jwhh lii!l dircr tiotib. juiiu 6 iy