Tri-weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1838-1877, April 27, 1875, Image 1

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toMto-wx. tttrur www ann-iu. vxerx. HY TKLBfiRAPH. ■ I !■ MM III! II r*ESX Vmmwi, Ifni SO—TW IXf«nwwi ini lagr »■—•* nnirr cma ••rttaff ■■ wait mi towto *aw> ammin an tow mi ln«af M. Hitiis iMhal ImcUm, Jdn V. l*riwT, •*w Vaa a»i la C. Mliars tanvtotarlto aaanaataMnl is Uk Hr WfMrttaw* tar Hr fiaafli.-it; of Mar «Ma a* tkr ba nfaW lettap, Ibr «alar rttoata HrmaUarta to be taMtast otoos MO|Maata are ant bawl to awaM to tbe pr'yi.h ttar reject - <■*. !to r-wlaafHigMwi to aaa ail i* IMbml Tb (Malalnrf bb 4Hraaaaa«i<4 tow Me pnryiwab. o»4 «wly a tot Iwlbw Maaiba, tb la pwaai «wto MU be wn wariL Tba Oaaar* as Obaaa« tally took ap la oaaaa as ftabb €«. Jo4mmo ittl otii aam, tap Vba orttao ar-Mai m IfiMUHsipjtt towaag lb —tain i m la Ibe aalae of near la BMMyWL Maa» at tba eottoa etn bawl b «be ataaaaa «aa cay*orr*d with Ibe r-iya at Tafcabam. laxac the abaai a awe fw a taqa awwat |>r»-fer tni tar tote. X. 4t V INtoglm. Ibe Itaoflh— abw an nh itiJ t » the <bMftrCwfi» , i fare «ir firiw. Aocxrri b(b Hr law aaltb pnaborof that Cbaaat aa aaaab aaa* aatl poe pdingt and apwtbb* aw Ifaf ftßlf% Mr. <« .forth. Mar laaMbM Itt-iney-lh arfjl. b<Jd« tort Ibe —fcoßomr as tlutdun lor* n»t inarHrCaart jarwlirtiai—lbe prartio' afbr (tort bmaif bra ant to enter- Wan jwn«4iea»na m oaa ant prrurntol abba baa —i after tbe diae «»f tbe aatotow. Tbeat- oattao nurt will be aabaarl fmaa by to lay nntil Ji»- §—■— 1 as. Cartail MrC'taakwjr aaaaaaaaan* npra with a prorwiioii off*watoaa faaw tbe Saawly, nannp abbabw aarirlaal hlai eiiaodLs. Ibe teogy <1 tbe aal visitors will btjMbaal to tbe wrtihisli.ijis mini oMtatoaot wal ant eater, imHnpanieil * laaal wail tbea eater, inw-dol by' a eawaa toarwr bawaf the aftriiwpiscopul aawaa. mm* talta«-l to a train as attend an plat*. Tbr Cardinal will wear his afawpn, papb robe (nafpsl with * j>*unde**cawl>cki Wtatooa and berretia. C rant Mari toaotai wall aaaaay a i*s«r*> near the Car dad, aanaf tbr fall uniform of the ftoe% Sable Oward. M.-nseigmur ft.iWM ilHi A. to iwfcates, attended by wba anil p-eforw the orremony of im aa aibaa, whuh will be replied to by tba «. tod rami; after which a choir of one ImbM tarn will sing the Te Ileum, Tbe Oaaiane! will then retire, and after yartbagwa tbe aato of Cardinalte, trill aaartw tbe artaity and give the epis aapoi biwi brtiaa. Tbia tMI conclude toaß «T tbe Billiard Tournament. Oanwt, April 2i—Tbr« was the last tor mi tbe Inter-State billiard tourna ■ast la tbe Ant game Burleigh beat ■aaJNb 11L. Batoog tbea beat Car twMta ins. thus defeating Carter for tbethwd pram. Tbia was a well play wad. Tbe last fiar of the tournament was played bbwra McAfee and Liver sawn, tbr former winning by a score of MM to 0. Tbia leaves Miller ckam aaaa. to having won 9 games and lost 2. ■art i igh and Bbiaes each won 8 games aal last A Carter, McAfee amt Galla gher each ana 7 and lost 4. Shaw aud rhatoa awn 6 aad lost 5. Maggioli waa i tod lost 7. Honing won 2 and last ft Lummsa and Hoa each won 1 Ordinal!an of Bishop Jagger. l*aii saw rati. April 25.—Rev. Thus. A dagger, D. D.. rector of the Protes tant Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity, of this city, will be ordained ■iatop of Southern Ohio on Wednes day. la the above church, in connec toa with the air rices of ordination, the f ißowing has been announced: Bishop MiaWtia Potter, of tbe diocese of New Tod. aad Bishop Wm. Bacon Stevens, of this diocese, to present the elected Bhhofu Bishop Benjamin Bos worth Smith, of tbe diocese of Kentucky, pre siding Bishop to consecration, aud Bat f Abrsm Y Little, of the diocese of Lag Island, to preach the sermon. Ia order to prevent overcrowding, it has taaa decided to issue a limited number mi «—tata «f admission to the church. hdfoavameat of the Louisiana Legisla ture. XtwOtLiivs April 25.—80th Hanses wf tbe Legislatnre adjourned sine die. Maaatotaoas suspending Auditor Clinton maAvr imps rftmi nt proceedings were I laotpna rtf by the Senate by a vote of 18 to 1C Bat few, if any of the reform manaanaa became a liw* The bill, how wacr. appropriating $170,000 for the ex penses of an extra session passed. ■exieaa Affairs. Waanaan, April 25.—Details from the £»o Grade show no abatement of tba trooble*. Tbe Mexican bandits norm determined to prevent telegraphic «i iwnmnni nation with Brownsville. They dananway opera tow and line repairers. The Cheyennes. CBkmo. April 25.—Lieutenant Aus tin. of tbe Sixth Cavalry, reports a fight with the Cheyennes in Kansas. Nine teen Indians, including two chiefs and ewe medicine man were killed. The —Mien lost a Sergeant and private. Tbe rakn LeagtaeClub House Bnrned. New Tome, April 25.—The Union Ltogwe Club House caught fire to-day. The roof and interior were badly dam aged. Some of the pictures and books Sleet Storm. Tmpmiw, April 25.—A heavy sleet sftenu has prostrated the lines. In New York there is no communication beyond Jersey City, there bring only two wires to that point. BaM on u Gambling House. Bovroi. April 25.—A raid on a gam bling bowse by the State police resulted in ttowgtwre of forty-eight gay people ©ri'TOeeMn (Pjrattirte & Jientiiwl. m 1 THE SCHOOL QfESTIOX. 0 ——— A Scrap of History by the State School Commissioner. Kditmm flkwaiffe and Sentinel .* It is often objected to our sys tem that it was forced upon us—that it was wot wdwutarilv adoptid by the peo ple of Georgia. This statement is true !so far as it has application to the incur pr-tiow of the system into the fnnria j mental law. The Constitution of 1868 was framed and adopted as the objector ailegru. The Convention of 1868 was a remarkable body. The journal lies be fore me. From it I learn that there were one hundred aud severity-two member*. Os these twenty-two were of Northern birth, and four of for eign. Nineteen of the members came I among ws after the close of the war, and l«€ thews nineteen eleven were Northern [awm. The better uortiou of the people I >f tbe State had no confidence in a large nwmber of the members who were native bora. The number of negroes fresh from the cotton aud rice fields I have no means of ascertaining. Some of the members were said to be men of de spicable character. There were meu in the body, however, who were wise, con servative, patriotic. To these our peo ple owe a debt of gratitude which they have not yet fully realiz<-d. The Federal policy that brought the Convention iuto existence was not les s remarkable than the composition of the body. Now, that the heated passions of tbe times have abated, comparatively few can be fouud to defend the policy— I hardly any, at least at the South, who remain so much in love with it as to af firm it admirable per sc. By that poli cy a large amount of the virtue, the in telligence, the wealth, the patriotism of the State was disfranchised. Quite a number whom the policy itself did not disfranchise were arbitrarily aud tyrau ica ly disfranchised by the administra tors of the policy. To the latter num ber the writer belonged. I hud never held an office in my life except that of Intendaut of the little village of Oxford —had never even been a candidate for office. Yet after registering as a voter I was stricken from the list., and what does the reader suppose to be the rea son? ft was because I ran the boun dary line beUocen Georgia and Florida. This was the alleged reason. lYiubtlesfc the true reason was to get rid of my ! vote. An appeal to the Superintendent of Registration, and, afterwards, to the General in command, brought to relief. The latter replied, in substance, “if you held office before the war and engaged in acts of rebellion during the war, your name has been rightly stricken,” and tliis, too, notwithstanding the paper making the appeal set forth the true slate of facts as to my never haviug held office. Large numbers were treated as I was. The policy also enfranchised hordes of ignorant colored men to whom you could not have explained what is meant by a Constitution by a week’s labor.— Vast numbers of the true men 6f the stole refused to go to the polls. Is it ■■lTrising that a thus con stituted aud thus originating, should do mim bad work ? The wonder is that more of it was not done. Some of it was bad enough. The portion of the Con stitution framed, which provided for the enacting of retroactive homestead and exemption laws, though it has been elaborately defended, can hardly bo ac cepted as a wise piec u of legislation by a plain, honest man. For one, I shall never believe it right till I am convinced that the Lord made a mistake when He told Moses to write in the Decalogue, “Thou Shalt not steal.” It has been more corrupting in its effect upon the morals of the people thau any legislat ion adopted in the State since the first land ing of Gen. Oglethorpe upon our soil.— Some things done by the Convention were wise aud statesmanlike. To this class belongs the whole of the sixth arti cle of the Constitution, which relates to the subject of education. I shall endeavor to show at the proper time, not only that this article is founded in true wis dom, but that, whatever changes may be hereafter made, it is extremely im probable that this article can ever be altered. '1 he Constitution, as a whole, whatever faults it may have, is the fun damental law of the land. It has been acquiesced iu by all the departments of the government—legislative, judicial and executive—for seven years. For the last three years all the offices of the govern ment have been filled by the suffrages of the most intelligent aud virtuous of our people, and all these officers have sworn to support the Constitution, and they meau to do so, in good faith, till it is altered by competent authority. Ac quiescence makes tbe whole instrument binding so long as the acquiescence con tinues, and when it is proposed to change any portion of it, it will hardly be satisfactory to thinking men to r use questions as to how and by ivhom the organic law was framed. It will be con sidered by every good citizen much more pertiueut to show that what is ob jected to is bad, aud that the substitute proposed is in itself wiser aud better. Let us next consider the objection in its application to the first school law passed under the Constitution. To do this properly, it will be ueoessary to give a little historical information not generally known. In the month of Au gust, 1869, the Georgia State Teachers’ Association met iu the city of Atlanta. At that meeting, Mr. Martin V. Calvin, of Augusta, read a paper in advocacy of the public school system. At the con clusion of the reading, the writer of this article moved for the raising of a committee to report upon a school sys tem adapted to the condition and wants of the people of Georgia. Subsequent ly the resolution was amended so as to require the report to be laid before the executive committee of the Association for revision, aud to be submitted by that committee, after revision, to the consideration of the Association at a special session to be held in the city of Macon i* the mouth of November follow- ing. . , The committee appointed under this resolution consisted of the writer of this article, Mr. B. Mallon, now Superinten dent of the schools of the city of Atlan ta; Hon. D. E. Butler, of the county of Morgan; Mr. M. V.Calvin and Hon. D. W. Lewis, now President of the North Geor gia Agricultural College. Hon. D. E. Butler afterwards declined to serve, and was substituted by the Rev. J. M. Bun nell, theu President of the Wesleyan Female College. The committee agreed that each member should study the sub ject for himself, writing down a synop sis of his views, and that a meeting should be held at a fixed time to com pare views and agree upon the matter of the report. The meeting was held. Each member read the synopsis he had pre pared. The reading developed a most remark able coincidence of views. A Secretary was appointed to record those sugges tions in which there was an agreement, and thus, after a most careful canvass of the subject, the outlines of a complete system were agreed upon and adopted; and the writer of this paper was charged with the duty of preparing the report. The report when prepared was laid be AUGUSTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1875. ! fore the Executive Committee. There were present at that meeting of the com mittee, H. H. Tucker, now Chancellor of the S‘at“ Uuiversity; W. Leßoy Brouu, President of the State College of Agri culture land Mechanic Arts; Alexander Means, one of the oldest and most wide ly known educators in the State; Prof. W. D. Williams, of the Academy for the Blind; Dr. J. M. Bonnell, Mr. Mill ion aud the writer, the last three beiug also members of tbe Executive Commit | iee. The report was read, aud nine hours were spent in discussing “it, sec tion by section. After this most careful consideration of the report, this commit | tee determined to submit it without al teration to the Association, which was |to meet the next day. The Association ; spent au entire day in considering the report, and after thorough discussion of the different suggestions it contained, it was .unanimously adopted, with a few slight alterations, and a committee, of -which the writer was a member, was j raised, to lay it before the Legislat'irn soon to assemble, accompanied by a memorial praying that the system which it embodied be put into statutory form in the shape of a law. Before the assembling of the Legisla ture, reconstruction was reconstructed, and on the assembling of that body quite a number of the members elected by the people were unseated, aud others, who were not the choice of the people, were substituted iu their places. Our committee conferred together and were unanimous in the opinion that our measure, if adopted, would be odious in the sight of the people in consequence of the odium attaching to the body adopting it; and we determined not to be personally present when the Legisla ture convened. As the session advanced, it became evident that some kind of a school law would bo adopted; and two members of the committee, Mr. Mallon and myself, determined that we would do what we could to influence the body for good. I bad two warm personal friends, good men aud true, who were meujbers, One of them, the Hon. I. E. Shumate, was a representative from thecountyof Whit tield; and the other, the Hoii. Council B. Wooten, was Senator from the Elev enth District. I sent to each of them a copy of the report of the Association, and wrote letters requesting them each to place his copy iJbfore the Committees on Education of their respective houses. I knew that, whatever might be their private views of the subject, they would both most willingly do me a personal favor. Mr. Mallou did the same in re spect to certain of his friends who were members. When the law appeared, I found that iu many portions of it onr report had been closely followed. Some portions of the law departed from the system adopted by the Association and were objectionable, but iu many of its provisions the law was a good one. In the duties assigned to the School Commissioner in the tions, both in respect to the noards of Education and of Trustees and the du ties assigned to these Board in the office of County School Commissioner and the duties imposed upon that officer in ►the provision for ambulatory schclols for sparsely settled districts, iu the provid ing of separate schools for whites and blacks in the sources of school revenue other thau that provided iu the Consti tution; in all these things and in other minor matters, the law follows closely the report. Both the law and the report are before me, aud the internal evidence is overwhelming that the teachers of the Georgia Association did much to wards giving shape to the first school law. Let those who raise the objection which I have been considering remem ber the history just recited, and wliat has been said in reference to the educa tional provisions of the Constitution, and, further, that Legislatures of our own choosing have passed laws incorpo rating much of the original school law. If they will do so, tdo not think we shall hear s>f much further objecting on that particular one. Gustavos .J. Orb. THE OPERA HOUSE. Concert by the U. Si Post Band of Columbia, S. C. Notwithstanding the general fatigue consequent upon yesterday’s events, the Opera House was well tilled by the elite of our city last evening. The concert given by the U. S. Baud of Columbia for the benefit of our admirable troop of Hussars was one of the finest we ever attended. The selections were from the finest classical composers of the old world, and were without exception de lightful in the extreme. One piece par ticularly which pleased the audience was “The Golden Robin Polka.” The imitation of the bird was true to life, and the harmony pf all the instruments was perfect and complete. The mem bers of this splendid band have certain ly arrived at that degree of proficiency which renders criticism absolutely ab surd. The leader, Mr. Bechar, may con- himself upon having such skill ful musicians to follow him as are the members of his band. The concert was delightful and we trust it will not be the last that we shall hear" of its kind. The Hussars, we hope, have been re paid for their efforts and have realized a neat little profit from last night’s enter tainment. A GRAND WEDDING. Marriage of W. H. Vanderbilt, Jr., Grandson of the Commodore. New York, April 20.—The largest and perhaps the grandest wedding in this city for years was celebrated this afternoon at Calvary Church, Fourth avenue and Twenty-first street. The bride was Miss Alice, daughter of Mur ray H. Smith, and the bridegroom Wil liam H. Vanderbilt, Jr., son of W. H. Vanderbilt, and grandson of Commo dore Vanderbilt. For days this wedding has been the topic uppermost in conver sation iu fashionable circles. Commo dore and Mrs. Vanderbilt and others of the family and a large number of distin guished ladies and gentlemen attended the wedding. The altar and chancel rails were decorated with flowers. The bride, who is very beautiful, wore white silk, trimmed with point lace flounce, a very long veil and the usual wreath of orange flowers. All the bridesmaids wore white, but each dress was of dif ferent material and made and trimmed differently. They all wore white veils and damask roses in the hair. The Rev. Dr. Washburn performed the ceremony. The wedding was followed by a recep tion at the residence of the bride’s father, 213 West Forty-fourth street, from three until six o’clock. Over two thousand participated. The house was thrown open from basement to roof, profusely decorated with flowers, and brilliantly illuminated. The parlors were a bower of roses, the bride and bridegroom reclining under a canopy of flowers. At 6 o’clock Mr. Vanderbilt and bride started on their wedding journey. They had a special palace car at their disposal, and the right of way along the line. UNDER THE KEA. Tunnelling the Straits of Dover—A Railway Under the British Chaunssi —Feasibility of the Project—The Prospectors’ Plans. A company of capitalists and engineers was formed in London in February, 1872, under the style of the Channel Tunnel Company (limited), for the pur pose of sinking shafts near Dover and Calais, and driving galleries under the sea sufficiently to ascertain the difficul ties of extending the work under the Strait and the cost of a sub-marine raii-J way. If these prdiminaries justify tha further exploratiofl, and the comp[etioff of studies that have been costly, it ■ intended to appeal to the public for tl& necessary capital. Committies iiavK been created in both countries to direofl the preliminary work. The company asked general apprMfsto from the Governments of both without seeking subvention or of interest. The F-vghsh Government very readily promised its moral support / but very speedily refused material ai'i The French Government, three years l * ago, called the attention of the munici palities to the preliminary investigation at Pas-de-Calais, and notified the Cham ber of Commerce. A technical descrip tion of the project was required sos submission to them, accompanied by aii, estimate of the probable consequences of such a work ou the commerce, com munication and general interests of both countries. M. Thome de Gamond’s schemes, the result of thirty-five years’ study and explorations, were exhibited at the Exposition in 1867, aud attracted much attention. They included sub merged metallic tunnels; the construo-- tiou of an elevated bridge; transporta tion for railway trains, etc. Sir John Hawkshnw has examined both coasts and all the Strait, 'and has indicated a line by which the tunnel can be driven through a brick stratum of chalk, witli the wells needed for ventilation, and pointed the most expedient approaches. The plan was contingent in detail upon the greatest depth of the Strait, that has been proved not to exceed fifty-four metres; so that if the Cathedral of Notre Dame were sunk at the deepest point its towers would rise twelve metres above the sea. A tunuel driven at one hun dred metres’ depth from the level of the sea would, therefore, be perfected by a roof forty-six metres thick. • The possibility of this sub marine work, without the possibility of the sea breaking in, is proved by the lead and coal galleries of Cumberland aud Corn wall. These are strong and secure, and miners work at great depths and far out, where they hear the rocks rolled by the waves. The numerous galleries at Whitehaven are all reliable. The di rector of one of the most important of the Cumberland mines has stated that the galleries traverses clay, coal, gravel, attaining 564 feet in depth, and extend -4,000 yards in one direction—s,2oo in all, where the sea is 70 to 200 yards above the mine. Pumps have raised 489,600 gallons in twenty-four hours. A« ventilator is used. 'There is no more in- J flow at’hrph than atiuw amount infiltrated from the sea is inap y preciable. Iu 1778 M. Pryce, an Eng lish engineer, declared that sub-marine galleries were protected from the sea by some impermeable gelatinous substance at the bottom of the water —instancing one that had a roof but five metres thick. All of the facts warrant a belief that a tunnel would not be liable to in filtration, as it will extend through an unbroken bed of chalk from shore to shore. It is generally held that France and England were, at some for mer period, united by an isthmus that has been worn away by the erosion of the sea; and neither in Dover or Calais are the borings through the chalk that j must have formed this connection ever , accompanied by finding water. Iu the ; former place wells bored 110 feet through chalk have been abandoned because they gave no sufficient supply. Borings ; through green sand at Harwich, near ' Dover, 325 metres, did not reach water; the Calais artesian, 350 metres, failed ! utterly; the Paris artesian 3 show that chalk does not admit water, and all dis countenance the idea that the tunnel is ; liable to infiltration. With these reasons for believing that the work can be safely prosecuted, there is the additional fact that new engineer ing appliances have made it more feasi ble. When Gamond wrote it was thought that there must be intermediate en trances, to enable the prosecution of the work at different stages simultaneously, and he considered schemes to allow this. Sommeiller’s machinery at Mont Cenis and that of Favre at Saint Gotliard cut through masses of granite, quartz, gneiss and schiste without this assistance, and can more readily dispose of the chalk dud soft soil of the channel unaided. The boring machine of M. Bruuton, however, is particularly adapted to this work. It is worked either by steam or compressbd air; wili cut a section more than two metres in diameter; pulverize the material; deport it on an endless cloth'moved by the same motor and de posit it in cars at the entrance, to be re moved. The English engineers recom mend this invention highly, from their own experience. Tried near Rochester, it advanced from one metre to a metre and a quarter each hour, and at this rate would penetrate the distance from Calais to Dover, sufficiently for a reconnois sance, within two years. An approxi mate estimate of cost for this gallery is f 20,000,000 or £BOO,OOO sterling; and this accomplished, renders the tuunel itself a certain success. The gallerv could be enlarged in four years ; con nected with the French and English railways, and finished at a gross cost of fl 00,000,000 or £4,000,000 sterling. Mr. Brassey estimated the cost atf120,000,000 —£4,800,000 sterling. Sir John Hawk shaw and his associates did not consider" it prudent to make the estimate from existing knowledge. The possibility of success is very much increased by the example of the Thames tunnel. There is also a tuunel under the Mersey, 1,200 metres long, between Liverpool and Birkenhead, that is being cut through very hard mateiial, six metres below the river. MM. Brunei and Douglas-Fox, engineers, stated last February that with Beaumont’s machine the perforation could be finished in two years. The business and remunerativeness of the tunnel, fed by the great railway systems of Britain and the Continent, may be measured by the existing obsta cles it overcomes. The delays and dan gers of the sea prevent travel and di minish trade ; but both impediments overcome in this manner, the movement would necessarily increase and new trade would be created. Every addi tional facility for transportation has had this consequence ; and a junction of the British and Continental railways, con necting the shops and factories of dif ferent countries, by safe and speedy transit, would not only minister to the English desire for more traffic, but con vey thousands to London and Manches ter who would purchase more owing to the certainty of quick delivery at any part of the Continent. Then, too, Lou don being within eight hours of Paris, the great population of that city and of all Britain would be led to seek the I pleasant resorts of France and above all tq visit Paris, that, lias a grand attrac- L tion for ■them. Hardly enough trains j. ..could be placed to transport the thou i ! sands who would exchange the triste British Sabbath for its joyous French fellow. In 1869 there were 353,279 pas ' sengers across the Strait at four ports— : Havre, Dieppe, Boulogue and Calais. The time between London and Paris ; ranged from ten to twenty hours ; of ' which from one hour and a half to seven flours were at sea. The fare was from to to 75 francs. One-quarter of all the A.ravei takes the shortest, although it is Khreefold the most expensive route. Any Heduction in time between Dover and £ JJalais would, by tbe authority II v countries, secure the whole |Jfiuainesß ; and if this reduced time accompanied by exemption Unm Rea . sickness, and made agreeable, pit i 8 impossible to compute tbe possib.e llpcrease, growing daily. London too is Ke greatest port for exchanges; and it is that those now made with the Con* would seek the shortest route. /Sraiice now furnishes England with an „Jhoimon,s annual sum, hot consisting “j solely of articles de Paris aud other fab rications; but iucluding cereals, wines and early fruits. The tunnel would in crease this business vastly, and owiDg to the superiority of the French cuisine, jyonld soon lead London to import all grand dinners and banquets. The service of the Messagerie between the capitals would be extended almost il liinitably by digging two pits about one hundred metres deep and a submarine gallery at right angles thereto. The prosecution of the plan is not yet certain. The preliminary company in France is formed with £BO,OOO capital to sink the two French shafts, and that ac complished, to obtain £160,000 more for driving the horizontal galleries as de scribed; this succeeding, the company proper are to prosecute the real work. The Channel Company have revived a slumbering Intercontinental Railway Company in Spain that has existed in a dormant state some years. Its purpose ia to tunnel the Straits of Gibraltar at a depth of 3,000 feet lor a railway to Africa. THE RAILROAD WAR ENDED. A Treaty of Peace Signed by the Hos tile Powera. The citizens of Augusta will be glad tq learu that the long protracted and bitterly conducted railway war has come id au end. A treaty of peace—in the shape of a new contract between the Augusta and Summerville R.iilwav Com pany and the Cnarlotte, Columbia aud Augusta Railroad Company—has been signed, sealed and delivered. The bloody struggle has ceased never, we hope, to be commenced again. The basis of the settlement is as follows: The charge for passengers passing through the city ou any of the roads has been wholly discontinued—the dis continuance being retroactive and tak ing effect from the first day of last Feb ruary. The local charge for passengers, jtoijpb applied only t<v the Charlotte, EKs*n,'liaS also been disfontiuued from F the same date. The charge for local freight—which also applied only to the Charlotte Road—has been discontinued, from the first of last Febrbary. The only charge upon the railways remain ing under the new contract is on through freight aud this tariff has been reduced just one-half of the contract rates." More than a year ago the Charlotte Road , ceased to make any payments under its ' contracts to the Augusta aud Summer- , ville Company. The contract provides , that of the amount from that time only one-half shall bo paid. It will thus be seen that the Augusta and Summerville Road has made large concessions and we hope that the peace made will not be 1 [easily broken. I Music by Telegraph.— A goodly rep resentation of the American Electrical Society was present in the Union build ing last evening. The assemblage was i entertained and “electrified” by Elisha i Gray, manager of the Western Electric Works, who gave an illustration of his recent discoveries of the conveyance of musical sounds by electricity. This was ( accomplished by means of the telephone, ( by which tuues were produced from a violin that was made to take the place of a receiver, upon which was fitted a vibrating band of metal. He then showed the use of this invention in ex- t periments with such instruments as will j be employed when the invention shall i become so perfected as to be required 1 in practical telegraphy. Mr. Gray j promises to exhibit further develop- J scents of his invention at au early day.— ( Chicago Times. • Just As He Expected.— He was an ndventist, which did not hinder liis l>eiug a Cook county Granger. He be lieved for a long time that the world was to come to an end last Monday, which did not prevent his having on hand numerous stacks of hay. He was pions, which did not prevent him frorii seeing his shortcomings. But he muf fled himself up iu his ascension robes last Monday, and mounted on one of tffise stacks of hay to get a good start fpr the New Jerusalem, which did not him from going to sleep after he hsd waited awhile for the grand event. Peacefully he dozed, until just before the rain, when some heathenish boys set ire to the hay-stack, and as the flames •circled around him he awoke. He sup posed it was all over, and philosophically remarked: “In h—ll, just as I ex pected !’’ The Key to the Brooklyn Closet. — The man we want to hear from is Henry C. BoweD, proprietor of the New York Independent, founder of the Plymouth Church, prominent member and liberal paying pew holder in the same institu tion, and the sworn enemy of both Heecher and Tilton. If Henry C. Bowen goes to his grave unchallenged and si lsnt, the world will never know the cen tral pivot upon and around which the nfighty wheel of monstrous mischief has Svolved. He holds the master key to tpat secret chamber in the Brooklyn tabernacle where lodges the demon that was potent and dreaded long before a. whisper of the Tiltonian story floated it the air. Will the key ever be used ? will that chamber ever be opened ? Will we* ever know the truth, and the whole truth ?— St. Louis Republican. Robbing the Poor Box.—August Barth was held in default of 3500 bail in the Tombs Police Court on charge of stealing 3163 from the poor box in St. Patrick’s Cathedrul. It was shown, on the examination, that thieves stand near the Cathedral on Sunday morning pro vided with a long whalebone with a piece of wax on the end; and that when the ushers are inside seating strangers, the thieves drop a whalebone into the box and draw out whatever adheres to the wax. Hundreds of dollars have been stolen in this way within a few months, and it was some time before the clergymen learned why their par ishioners were giving so little for the ■Lor. —New York Sun. Dealing in “Futures.” —Madame Lung, a favored mortal to whom the fu ture is an open page, all nature a mere spelling book, aud the starry firmament a tell-tale story, has been honoring Bal timore by her distinguished presence and exciting it by her rapid disappear ance. Her coming had been announced by advertisements which set forth her skill as a seer and her willingness to un fold the scroll of fate at the ridiculously low figure of §1 per roll. Ladies were the only customers she desired, aud when Madame arrived they came in shoals. Her method of lifting the veil of futurity was peculiar, and compre hend the lifting of other articles. She required, as a sine qua non, the deposit ing with her of some valuable thing, say a diamond ring or any other little piece of personal property that would be portable. On this she would work her charm, aud tbe visitor, coming again, would learn what futurity had hidden and secure the return of Uo» jewels. Hav ing {been entrusted with a trunkful of trinkets, Madame, looking to her own future, got up and dusted. There is the spice of romance about Chavez, the most noted outlaw ou tbe Pacific coast. The authorities pretend to be iu want of him, but they do not go far out of their way to find him. Iu the meantime he seems to thrust him self directly in their way whenever it suits him, and with perfect safety. He lately visited the town of Hollister by moonlight, one night about 10 o’clock. He was by himself and recognized by several of his old friends on the streets. He shed tears iu talking to them of the death of Vasquez on the gallows at Sau Jose. Chavez’ mother lives in Hollister. He spent an hour with her iu her house locked up. In the meantime the au thorities were informed of the presence of the outlaw, and there was great con sternation iu town. When his inter view with his mother was over he went into a saloon and took a drink, answer ed to his name, showed his weapons and walked out of town without meet ing a known foe. Some officials started after him, but he mysteriously disap peared, and so they hunt for Chavez. War Department, 1 Office Chief Signal Officer, V Washington, April 27, 1, a. m. ) Probabilities. For the Middle and South Atlantic States and the Lower Lake regioD, in creasing cloudiness aud light rain, with slight changes in temperature, easterly to southerly winds and falling barome ter. Local and Business Notices. Drugs and Medicines.— Pure in qual ity and fully reliable. Competent and careful prescriptionists to answer calls. All business promptly attended to, at J. H. Alexander’s ap27-3m Drug Store. Excursion to Port Royal.— Messrs. Cuningham & W<4ies have tnude tmange raents with the Port Royal Railroad for an excursion to Port Royal, leaving here Thursday evening. On arriving at Port Royal Friday morning the excursionists will take passage on a steamer to visit the fleet. Every arrangement will be made for the pleasure aud comfort of the party. The fare for gentlemen for the round trip will be $4, and for ladies l|2. All desiring to avail themselves of this pleasure trip can procure their tickets at Mr. Geo. A. Oates’ music store. But the Best.— Jewett’s pure White Lead and Linseed Oil. Colors, Var nishes, Window Glass aud Putty. Good goods and low prices, at J. H. Alexander’s ap27-3m Drug Store. Mortgage of Personalty. Legal forms for mortgage of personalty for sale at this office, at $1 per quire. Congress Water.— Constant fres-li ar rivals direct from Saratoga Springs on draught and in bottles. Also, Kissin gen and pure delicious Soda, always on draught, at J. H. Alexander’s ap27-3m Drug Store. Charles Lamb, Essayist, denounced all spirituous liquors as "Wet Damnation.” Poor fellow; lie knew whereof he spake, by sad ex perience, and. if living, would ap- ly the tame to Alcoholic Excitants advertised as Curealls. But there is one Tonic aod Alterative in ex istence—the besi the world lias ever known— which contains no alcohol. It is Da. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters. ap2s-4w Lime ! Lime ! Lime ! —Alabama and Georgia Lime at kiln price by ear load. We have special rates of freight to points in North and South Carolina and Georgia. We sell low by barrel and car load. Our Alabama is 98 per cent, carbonate lime. None purer in the world and as white as snow. Orders so licited. Sciple & Sons, ap2l-10 At'anta, Ga. Du. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Agub Tonic. — Wilhoft’s Tonic ha 3 established itself as the real infallible Chill cure. It is universally admitted to be the only reliable and harmless Chill medicine now in use. Its efficacy is confirmed by thousands of certificates of the very best people from all parts of the country. It cures malarious diseases of every typo, from the shaking agues of the lakes and val leys to the raging fevers of the torrid zone. Try it ! It has never been known to fail. Wheelock, Finlay & Co., Pro prietors, New Orleans. For sale by all Druggists. Barrett & Land, apß-lm Wholesale Agents. Ellis Street Entrance.— A light has been placed at the Ellis street entrance to the Chronicle and Sentinel office, for the convenience of patrons visiting the office after nine o’clock at night. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. THERE will be a meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Port Royal Railroad Company at the ••Mansion House,” in Port Royal, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, May sth, at 12. m. W. M. READ, apls-d3,fcw2 Secretary and Treasurer. Notice to Contractors. THE CONTRACT for the repairing of the Court House at Appling. Columnia county, will be let to the lowest bidder, lefdre the door of said house, on the 22d DAY OF APRIL next, at 12 o’clock, m. The roof, plastering, chimneys, windows and window blinds to be repaired. J. P. WILLIAMS, W L. BENTON. JOHN T. LAMKIN, T. N. HICKS. JNO. E. LARKIN, mar2B d2&wlm Commissioners. DIRECTORS MEETING. THERE will be a meeting of Directors of the Port Royal Railroad Company at the “Mansion House,” in Port Royal, 8. C., TUES DAY, May 4, 1875, at 8 o'clock, p. m. W. M. READ, ap!s-d3Aw2 Secretary and Treasurer. Financial and Commercial. THE AUGUSTA MARKETS. Augusta, April 25, 1875. General Hem arks. This being a legal holiday the hanks wore c osed and vo-y lit tie 1 tininess was done in any lme. Bacon, flour and wheat continue Arm. a't our previous quotations, and with a prospect of au advance. Cotton. The cotton market to day was quiet and dull with nothing doing. Good Ordinary, 144; Low Middling, 15; Middling, 15). Receipts. 07 bales; sales, 80 bales. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARKETS. Liverpool, April 26. noon. —Cotton quiet and unchanged —Middling Uplands. 7J; Mid dling Orleans, 84d: sales. 10.000 ha os. of which 2.000 wore for speculation and export; lo arrive, easier. .OL, April 26. 1:3 '. p. m.-Cottov sates oin bams of Mlomnig U|>lauds. nothing below Slit, idling, doliverabki Mav or June 7 15-16 d: oii'U basis Os Middling Orleans, noth ing below Good Ordinary, shipped. 8 l-l(i ; on a basis of Middling Uplands, now crop, nothing below I.ow Middling. 8). Liverpool. April 26, 3, p. m.—Cotton—sales, 5,100 American. Liverpool, April 26. 5. p. m.—Cotton—sales ou bari- of Middling Uplands, nothing heh.w Low Middlui.'. shipped April or May. 7 15-16(1.; ou a hasiH of Midd ing Orleans, moiling below Low Middling, shipped March. BJd. New York. April 26, p. in. — Cotton quiet but steady—sales. 365 bales at 16|'3.'16J. Cottto—net receipts, 103 gross, 1 <B4. Futures closed quiet, as follows : Sales 37,- 100—April, 16), 16 5-32; Mav, 16 5-32; June. 16 7-16. July, 18 21-32, 16 11-16; August, 16 27-32 Sop ember, 16 21-32, 16 11-16: (October, 16 7-32, 16); November, 16 1-32. lti 1-16; De cember, 16 1-16 16 3-32. January, 16 7 32, 16). New Orleans, April 20. p. nt —Cotton dull—Middling, 15f; Low Middling. 15); Good Ordinaty. 14$; net receipts, 1,191; gross, 1,219; exports to Great Britain, 9.112; Franco, 3.- 604; coastwise, 838. sales, 1.500. Charleston, April 26. p. m.—Cotton dull —Midd,ing, 16; Low Middling, lrf<»ils); Good Ordinary, 14Jr®J 5; not receipts, 681; exports coastwise, 1,113; sales. 100. Savannah, ' April 26, p. ui.—Cotton—Mid dling, 15); i ow Middling, 15); Good Ordinary, 14): net l'ecoipts. 335; sales, 354. ■ Mobile, April 26, p. m.—Cotton quiet—Mid dling. 154; net receipts, 534; exports coastwise, 28: sale-*, 300. Galveston, April 24. p. m—Cotton dull— —Middling, 15); Low Middling, 14); O od Or dinary. 14); net receipts. 396; gross, 399; ex ports Great Britain, 3,330; coastwise, C 49; sales, 587 Boston, April 24, p. m —Cotton quiet gross receipts, 187; exports Great Britain, 100; sales. 21. Wilmington, April 26. p. m.—Cotton un changed— net receipts, 179. Memphis, April *6, p. m.—Cotton qnkt— net receipts, 194; shipments, 1,342; sales. 600; Norfolk, April 26, p. m.—Cotton quiet— net receipts, 760; exports coastwise, 500; sales, 150. Baltimore. ‘>6. p. m.— Cotton dull— Middling, 16): Low M doling. 16); Good Ordi nary, 15); net rece.pis. 43; gross, 119; exports coastwise, 230; sales, 199; spinners, 66. Philadelphia, April 26, p. m.— Cotton dull —net receipts, IT6; gross, £O9. European Money Markets. London, April 26, noon.—Elies. 274. Paris, April 26, noon.—ltentes, G4f. 15c. United States Money Markets. New York, April -25, noon—Gold opened at 115$. New York, April, 26. p. m.—Total specie shipments last week, 2) million. Money very easy at ,2i<o)3. npvornments sti'ong—noiV fives, 17).. States quiet and nominal. New York, April 16, evening.—Stocks closed active and unsettled; Central, 102$; Erie, 30$; Lake Shore, 70) Jiliuois|Central, 105; Pittsburg, 91$; Northwestern, 411,; preferred, 64; Hock Is land. 103$. Sub-Troasnrv balances, gold, f 6 381.309; currency. 841,56-1.53 ,; Sub-Treasurer paid out •$255.000 on account of interest, and $119,200 for bonds; Custom receipts, $560,0U0. European Produce Markets. Liverpool, April 26. no.n. BreadstufTs quiet. London, April 26, p. m.—Tallow, 435. 9d. Turpentine, 255. 6d. Liverpool, April 26, 5, p. m.—Com. 345. 6d.t5.355. New York Produce Market. New York. April 26. p. m Southern Flour dull and drooping—Common to fair extra. ss<®s 60; good to choice, $5 55(5)8 25. Wheat dull aud heavy, 12c. lower at $1 80tS)l 32 for Winter red Western: $) 37 for Winter ted and white Southern. Com heavy l(S)2c. lower with a^moderate demand— 90@$1 20 for-West em mixed afloat; 91(5,92 for yellow Western. Coffee quiet, firm and unchanged. Sugar firm. Itosin dull—s 2 Onto 210 for strainod. Turpen tine dull at 37®37?,. fork dull at $22. now un changed. Lard dull and lower at lOtffilC 1-16 for prime steam. Whisky firmer at $1 15)<& 1 16. Freights a shade firmer—cotton by steam. ).. Baltimore Produce Market. Baltimore, April 26. p. nr —Flour quiet and firm-Howard street and Western super fine. $4 40@4 75, new brands. $0 25(56 50. Wheat steady, firm and unchanged—red, $1 30 (®sl 37. Com weak and lower—Southern white. 92; yellow. 9n Western mixed. S 9 Oats and rye are unchanged. Provisions stronger - mess, $22 50(6 23 Bacon—shoulders. 9s®lo. Lrd steady Coffee quiet but strong. Sugar firm and unchanged. Western Produce Markets. Chicago. April 26, p. m.-rFionr quiet and unchanged. Corn active -No. 2 mixed, 74: new, 71); rejected 70). Pork steady at s2l «7). Lard quiet and weak at sls 70. Cincinnati. April 26. p. m.—Corn unchanged. Pork held at $22 25 for prime. Lard- steam held at I£s; 15) bid. Bacon —shoulders, 93(6,91; clear rib, 12$; clear, 13). Louisville. April 26. p. nt. Flour un changed. Corn nominal. Provisions quiet and steady. Lard—steam. 15); tierce, 16; keg 16). Whisky, 14. Bagging firm and active at 13(oj13), . St. Louis, April 26, p. m. — Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn dull and drooping—No. 2 mixed. 72(6 Whiskey firm at 15 Poik quiet at $22 50. J’acun firm, with only limited jobbing demand. Lard fl<m and nominally 15). Wilmington Produce Markets. WtLMISroTuN. April 26, p. m. —Spirits Turpen tine stoady at 33. Itosin firm at <tl 60 for strained. Crude Turpentine nominal at *1 60 for hard: $2 50 for yellow dip; $4 30 for virgin. Tar quiet at $1 75. Marine News. New York, April 20, noon.—Arrived, Cani ma. Arrived out. Idaho, Toleda. New York, April 26.—Arrived) Ilenry Chauncey. Arrived out, Arrogan, City of Uichninnd. Debtors and creditors notice.—Geor gia, RICHMOND COUNTY.—AII iwranns hav iug demands against the estate of Nelson Carter, late of Richmond county, deceased, are hereby i otifled and required to pre sent them, properly attested, to the undersigned, within the time prescribe d by latv aud all persons indebted to said deceased are here by required to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. WILLIAM A. WALTON, JOHN B. CARTER, mh4-6w Executors of Estate of Nelson Carter. Notice to debtors and creditors.— GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.—AII per sons indebtod to the estate of John Ferber, late of said county, deceased, are hereby no tified aud requested to make immed ate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims agaimst the same are notified to present them, duly authen ticated, according to law. WILHELMTNA FERBER, ap6-8 Administratrix. Debtors and creditors notice.—Geor gia, RICHMOND COUNTY.—AII persons hav ing demands against the estate of Antoine Pou! ain, Jr., lata of Richmond county, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present them, properly attested, to the undersigned, within the time pre scribed by law; and all persons ind-bted to said de ceased are hereby required to make immediate pay medt to the underssguoJ. GEORGE K. MOORE, Adm’r c. t. a. Estate of Antoine Poul ain, Jr. mhk —6w Four weeks after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary < f Rich mond county for leave to sell the property belong ing to the estate of Mary F. P. V. Dugas, late of said county, deceased. LOUI - ALEXANDER DUGAS. mb2B-4w Executor estuto Mary F. P. V. Dugas. \TOTTOE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.— GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY—MI ]>. r-ous indebted to the • state of Henry M. Boardman, late of raid county, deeeas. d. are hereby notified aud re quested to mam- immediate payment to t e under signed, aud those having claims against the same are notified to present them duly authenticated, accord ing to law. ADELAIDE L. BOARDMAN, Administratrix estate Henry M. Boardman. ap6-6w NUMBER 50 Jf? 0* T^IKE SIMMONS’ LIVEII REGULATOR, For all Diseases of tlie Diver, Stomach and Spleen. It. Is eminently a Family Medi cine ; ami by being kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of nil fieri m; and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills' After Forty tears trial it is still ro eiving tlio moßt unqualified tes timonials of its virtues fr m per sons of iho highest character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most KiToctual t“l>«»oilics For Constipation, Headache. l*aiu in the Shoulders. Dizziness, Hour Stomach, bad taste in the Mouth, Ililions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, pain in the region of ilie Kidneys, Despondency, lDoiii and forebodings of evil, all of which ave the offspring of a diseased Liver. If yon feel Dull, Drowsy, Debili tated. luivo freiueut Headache, Mouth Tastes badly, Poor Appet te and Tongue Coated, you are suf fering from Torpid Liver, or “Bili ousnes-,” and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is renerally the seat of the disease, and if liot Regulated in lime, great suffering, wretched ness and Death will ensue. Armed with this ANT DOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may be faced with out fear. As a Jiemedy in MALARIOUS FE VERS. BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESS NESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, Tlie Cheapest, Purest nnd lies! Family Medi cine In the World ! “I have never seen or tried such a simple efficacons, satisfac tory and pleasant remedv in my life.”—H. Hainer, St. Louis, Mo. Hoy. Alex. 11. Stephens. “I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, with good effect.” —lion. Alkx. H. Stephens. Govehnou of Alabama. “Your Regulator has been in use m my family for some time,and I am persuaded it is a valuable ad dition to the medical sciouco.”— Gov. J. Gill Shobteh. Ala. • “I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen years I can safelv recommend it to the world as the best medicine I have ever used for that class of diseases it purports to cure.”— H. F. TdioPE-.. OF SITY “Simmons’ Liver Regulator lias provod a good and efficacious medi cine.”—C. A. Mtiitino. Dkuochst. “We have boon acquainted with Dr. Simmons’ Liver Modicum for more than 20 years, and know it to be the best Liver Hogfilator of fered to the public.M. It. Lyon and H.L. Lyon, Rollofontaine, Ga. S I M M O N S’ LIVER RECULAT or! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaun dice. Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac , IT HAS NO EQUAL. Is a faultless family mndicinp, Does not disarrange (lie syst- m, Is sine to cure if taken regularly, Is no d astic violent anedicine, Poes not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating beverage, Contains tho simplest and best remedies. CAUTION! Buy no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR unless in our engraved w auper with Trade Mark. Stamp and Signa turo unbroken. None other is genuine J. 11. ZKILIN & CM,, Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. The Symptoms of Liver Com plaint arc uneasiness and pain in tlie side Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken f.>r rheu matism. 'llia stomach is affected wiih toss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, some limes alternating with lax. The bead is troubled wiih pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with painful sensation of having lsft undone something which ought to have been done. Often com plaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Some ime» many of the above symptoms attend tlm disease, and at other times very few of them; but the Liv< r is genet allv ilie organ most involved. Nearly all di-eases originate from Indiges tion and Torpidity of tho j Ivor. and relief is always anxiously sought after. • If tho Liver is Regiii .ted In its action, health is almost inva riably secured. W lit of ac ion in the Liver causes Hetdahe, Constipation. Jaundice Pain in the Shoulders. Cough, Chills, Dizziness, Sour Stomach. Rad Taste in the Mouth. Bili ous Attacks. Palpitation vis Iho Heart. Depres sion of Spirits, or the liliieH. and a hundred other symptoms, for which SIMMONS’ I IVhB REGULATOR is tho best remedy that has ever been discovered. It acts mifily. effec tually, and being a simple vegetable compound can do no injury in any quantities that it may be taken, it is harmless in everyway; it has been used foi 40 years, and hundreds of the good and all parts of tlio country will vouch for its being the purest and best. The Clkhot. “My wife and self liavo used tho l'egulatc > for years, a- d testify to its great virtues.”— itev. J. It. Feldeh, Perry,.Ga. Ladies’ Endousement. “I have given your medicine a thorough trial, and in no case has it failed to give full satis faction.”— Ellen Meacuam, Chattahoochee, Florida. deC22apts-tuthsa<fcwfim QT ATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUN- O TY Superior Court. October Term, 1874, His Honor Win. Gibson presiding. Henrietta Artliors j vs. > Libel for Divorce— Samuel Arthors.) Rule to Pei feet -entice. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that tho defendant does not reside in this county: and it further appearing that he cannot be found, it is, on motion of counsel, ordered that said defendant appear and an swer, at the next term of this Court, else that the case be considered in default, and tho plaintiff allowed to proceed to trial. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in tho Chronicle and Sentinel once a month for four months. GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY— I, Samui l H. Crump, Clerk of tho Superior Court of Richmond county, do here by ceitify that the foregoing rule has been en tered on the minutes ot the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county, October Adjourn ed Term. 1874 folio 175. 8. H. OnUMF, Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Richmond coun ty, <!»•_ janZH-lamlm VOX ICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS IN GEORGIA, RICHMOND OOi NTY.—AII jier m> .a indebted to the estate of Francis Mu - phy late < f said county, deceased, are hereby notified and re quested to make imuiedla'e payment to the under signed, and those having elairns against the same are notified to present them duly authenticat- d, accord ing to law. WM. CALL iGHAN, apti-6 Administrator cstutu Francis Alurp hy