Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 23, 1858, Image 1
Augusta Evening Dispatch. VOLUME 2. C'omtng psptcjjJ : CRUSHED DAILY AN'l> WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON. DAILY. p-T iiiin•:i s•* 00 WEKKI.Y, “• I 50 Subscriptions will he received for three moi ths at SI 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty cents. s*r p avment for subscriptions will positively bo requirnl in advance. ere- the omen of the dispatch is on Broad street, a few doors below Seta's Corner, (up st irs.) Entrance next door above A. i. Bignon & Co.’s Store. IS.ATKS Ob' ADVERTISING: Advertisements will bo inserted by the square of 12 lines (100 words.) for 50 cents for tlie first insertion, and ST cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be paid for when the alvortiscment is handed into the office. Advertisements under five linos will be insert ed at 10 cents a line for the first, and 5 cents a line for eacli subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above hose rales. Thirty-Fifth Congress. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, of members, - - - - 234 ALABAMA. NF,w yohk— Continu’d 1 Jas A Stalwarth. 5 Wm I! ilaclay 2 E S Shorter. 6 John Cochrane ■3 Jas F Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward 4 Sydney Moore. 8 Horace F Clark 5 Geo S Houston. 0 John 1! ! [askin (i WII W Cobh. Hi i L Mar ray 7J L M Curry. 11 Wm F Russell ARKANSAS. 12 John Thompson 1 A B Greenwood. 13 Abram A Olin 2 Edw A Warner. 14 Erastus Corning CALIFORNIA. 15 Edvard Dodd 1 Charles L Scott. 10 Geo W Palmer 2J C McKiliben. 17 Francis liSkinner Connecticut. 18 Clark B Cochrane 1 Ezra Chirk, Jr. 19 Oliver .4 Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 B Matteson 3 Sidney /Jean. 21 llenry Bennett 4Wm 1) Bishop. 22 llenry 0 Goodwin DELAWARE. 23 Charles B Hoard 1 WmG Whitley. 24 Arnos P Granger FLORIDA. 25 Edwin B Morgan 1 Geo S Hawkins. 2(5 Emory HPottle. GEORGIA. 27 John M Parker 1 Jas L Seward 28 William Kelsey 2SI J Crawford. 29 Sam'l G Andrews 3 P. P Trippe, Am. 30 ./ IF Sherman 4 L J Gartreii. 31 S MBurroughs 5 A K Wright. 32 Israel T Hatch 0 Jas Jackson. 33 Reuben E Fenton 7 Joshua Hill, Am. north Carolina. 8 A II Stephens. 1 H M Shaw ILLINOIS. 2 Thomas Ruffin 1 Eli Washburn'. 3 Warren Winslow 2 J F Farnsworth. 4 L O 1! Branch 3 Owen Te/vtjoy. 5 John A Gilmer, Am 4 IF)» Kellogg. 6 Alfred M Scales. 5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craige (i Thomas L Harris. STL Ciiugman 7 A Shaw. Ohio. S Robert Smith. 1 Geo II I'endleton •9 SamT A Marshall. 2 W S Grosbcck Indiana. 3 Lewis I) Campbell 4 W J NibUrck. 4 M H Nickels 2Wm H English. 5 Richard Mott 3 James Hughes. <5 J H Cockerell I James B Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 David Kilgore. 8 Benjamin Starroic f, James M Gregg. 9L W Hall 7 John G Davis. 10 Joseph Miller 8 James Wilson 11 Valentine BMorton 9 Schuyler Co/fax 12 S S Cox 10 Charles Case ] 3 John Sherman II John U Petit 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuel 11 Curtis lii C B Tomkins 2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm Lawrence Kentucky, 18 Benj F Laler 1 Henry 0 Burnettl9 Edward Wade 2 Samuel O Peyton2o Joshua R Gidduigs 3 IF L Cnilerwood A2l J A Bingham 4 A G Talbott Pennsylvania. 5 Joshua H Jewett 1 Tiros B Florence 6 John M Elliot 2 EJoy Morris, Am 7 llMarshall, Am 3 James Tandy 8 James B Clay 4 Henry M Philips 9 John C Mason 5 Owen Jones -ilO J W Stevenson 0 John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 Geo Fastis. Jr, Am 8 J Glancy Jones 2 Miles Taylor 9 .1 E Roberts 3T G Davidson 30 John C Kum'.el 4 J M Sandige 11 Wm L LG wart Maine. 11 P Leidy 1 John M Wood 13 Wm H Dimmick 2 Charles J Gilman 14 G A Grow 3 Nehcmiah Abbott 15 Allison White 4 Freeman H Morse 1(5 John J Abel 5 I Washburne, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly 8 Stephen G Foster 18 John R Edit Maryland. 19 John Covode 1 J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery 2J B Ricaud, Am 21 David Ritchie 3JM Harris, Am 22 S A Pun'iance 4 II IF Davis, Am 23 IFtn Stcicart 5 Jacob M Kimkcl24 J L Gillis 3 Thos F Bowie 25 John Dick MASSACHUSETTS. lUIODF, ISLAND. 1 11 B lltll 1 KB Durfee "2 James Buffinton 2Wm D Brayton 3 Man S Damrelt south Carolina. 4 Linus B Comma 1 John McQueen •5 Anson Burlingame 2 W Porcher Miles (5 Timothy Davis 3 Lawrence M Keit 7 D IF Gooch 4 M L Bonham 5 CL Knapp 5 James L Orr 9 Eli Thayer 6 Wm W Boyce 10 Calvin C Chaffee Tennessee. 11 Henry L Hawes 1A G Watkins Missouri. 2 II Maynard, Am 1 FP Blair, Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 2 T L Anderson, Am 4 John H Savage 3 John B Clark 5 Chas Ready, Am 4 J Craig 0 George W Jones ■5 S II Woodson, Am 7 John V Wright "0 John S Phelps 8 FKZoUicoffer,Am 7 SamT Carutliers 9 J DC Atkins Michigan. 10 Wm T Avery 1 Wm A Howard Texas. 2 Henry Waldron 1 Gny M Bryan 3D S Walbridye 2J H Reagan 4 De Wia C Leach Vermont. Mississippi. 1 E P Watton 1 L Q C Lamar 2 Justin S Morrill 2 Ke.ubin Davis 3 Homer E Boyce ■3 Wm Barksdale Virginia 4O R Singleton 1 MRH Garnet 5 J A Quitman 2 J I Milson NFAV HAMPSHIRE. 3 John S Caskie 4 James Pilce 4 Wm O Goode ■2 M W Tappan 5 Thos S Bocock 3 Aaron 11 Crayin 6 Paulus Powell new Jersey. 7 Wm Smith 1 Isaiah D Claw3on 8 C J Faulkner 2 G R Robin < 9 John Letcher 3 Garnet B AdrianlO S Clemens 4 John Huyler HAG Jenkins 5 J R Wortendf iul’i H Edmondson new york. 13 G W Hopkins 1 John A Searing: j 2 George Taylor Wisconsin. 3 Dan’l ESickels 1 John FPotter j 4 John Kelly 2 C C Washburne 3 Chas Billinghurst SENATE. Number of members, - -- -..-62 Democrats in Roman, Opposition in Italic. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI*. Clement Clay, Jr. Albert G Brown. Benj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. Wm B Sebastian. James L Green. Robert W. Johnson.Trusten Polk. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE Lafayette S Poster. John P Hale. Janies Dixon. Daniel Clark , tr CALIFORNIA. NEW YORK. Wm W Gwm. Wm IT Seward. David C Broderick. Preston King. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY Martin W Bates. William Wright. James A Bayard. John R Thompson. „ n-OIUDA. NORTH CAROLINA. David L Y idee David S Reid Stephen R Mallory. Asa Biggs GEORGIA. OHIO. Kobeit loomlis. George E ! > u ,r l) ' Alfred Iverson. Benjamin F Wade. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. William BHer ; Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron. ut HAJNOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen Lynum Trumbull. James F Simons. ~ SOUTH CAROLINA. George Y\ Jones. Josiah J Evans James Harlan. J H Hammond'. ~ TENNESSEE. John B Ihompson. John Bell John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson LOUISIANA. TFX vs .IP Benjamin. Sam Houston.' John Slide!J. Vacancy. MAINE. H»i Pitt Fessenden. Vermont. e Hannibal Hamlin. Jacob Cbllamer. MASSACHUSETTS. tSobmion Foot. Henry Wilson. Charles Sumner. v inoi si a MARYLAND. R M T Hunter. Janies A Pearce. Jas M Mason. Anthony Kennedy. , MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. Chillies K Stuart. Charles Darker. Zachariah Chandler. James K Doolittle. Kecapit illation. SK.YATK. Democrats, Opposition. Vacancies, Deni' cratio mafority 10. 62 HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATI V Democrats, , oq Know Nothings, \f lilack Kepublicans, qt Democratic majority 24 . * ■yt == —— Rail Road Register. i " *® rERS A s 'i»atla sue Railroad. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morning Pasa’gor Train leaves Atlanta 1.45 a m ami arrives at Chattanooga p. 45 a m Morning I asseeger Train leaves Chat. 1.30 a n and arrives at Atlanttf 9.33 a m Mgot I assengc-r Train leaves Atlanta IJ.3D |i n, j k- and arrives at Chattanooga 8.18 pm Nigut 1 assengor Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p in ' un«l arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p ir. Fare to Chattanooga, $5. JAMES M. SPUIaLOCX, Sup't. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlanta2.oo a m ■ and arrives at West Point 7.28 a m i Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta"l.oo i> ml and arrives ut West Point 6.28 p ml Morning Pass’ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a m 1 ami arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a in Evening I'a.-s'gr Train leaves W. Point 4.30 pin] and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m ] Fare to Wist I’oi.vt, $3.50. CEO. C. HULL, Superintendent. | MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Traiu loaves Atlanta 10.50 a m and arrives at Macon 4.15 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 p m and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p m i Farr to Macon, $4. E. FOOTE, Superintendent. ! GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 3<J. A M, and 4 l> M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 36 A M and 104 P M. ! Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. l Arrive ut Augusta at 8 56 A M and 7 P M. [The 2.30, A. M.. train from Augusta connects! through to Memphis.] Karb—ss 50. j Conned with South Carolina Railroad Trains. Arrive at Augusta at 1 A M and 2 30 P M. Leave Augusta at 10 A M and S 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains “ Arrive at Atlanta at 11 22 P M and 933A M. Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 30 P M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains. Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 T M and 7 00 A M Laave Atlanta at 2 AM and 1 P M. Connect with Macon <£■ Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta. 0 15, A. M., and 6 05, P. M laeavc Atlanta, 10 30 A. M., and 12 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 1200, Night. , Leave Athens 1 2 CO. Night. j Arrive at Athens 10 30, D&y. Arrive at Augusta 9 00, Morning, j Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning. ] Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night. Arrive at Washington 7 85, Morning Leave Washington 3 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 51, Morning ; Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning i Warren ton Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 4 00, Evening l<eave Ata..ta 10 00. Morning Arrive ut Warrenton 8 00, Evening Leave W» rrenton 3 30, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00, Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14, Night GF.O. YONGE, Superinte dent. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Millen, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. Leave Millen, 5:40 A. M. and 3:45 P. M Arrive at Augusta. 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P. M. Connecting with trains to and from Savannah and Augusta. t C. A. BROWN. Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Du%• Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at lOo’clock, A M. ; and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 P M. Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8.05 1’ M; arrives in Augusta at 1 p M. H. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 16, am, 2 46, pm Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a m t eave Macon 9 45, a in, 11 30, p in Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p m, 8 50, u m Between Savannah and Augusta. Leave Savannah :.. .1 16, a in, 11 15, a m Arrive in Augusta 9 am, 7pm Leave Augusta 2 a in, 3 45 p m Arrive in Savannali 8 50 a m. 10 55 p in Between Macon and Augusta. ! onvc Macon .9 45 am, 11 30 p m Arrive in Augusta 7 pm, 9am . Leave Augusta 2am, 3 45 p m Arrive in Mac >n 10 45 a in. 12 30 a m EMERSON FOOTE, Gen’l Superintendent. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. 1 Leave Augusta 4 00 p m do Atlanta ...145 am do Dalton . 60 a m Arrive at KaovvlUe 1 30 p in 1 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MARCH 23 1858. lilmllitncont. SEW BUT SUCCESSFUL REMEDY! JOY TO THE O O TXT £3 XT JVT 3? FP X VE 1 J- D. JjKKK’s Consumption JL KI.lXIKnn.l toxic I’llJ.S ii il.iina asm,,.’ Wiling wonders to those olilii tcJ with Cinsitmii. non (°nghs, Colils, Crotip, Bronchitis, Asthma and Hectic Fever. ’ Substantial evidences of that fact are arknow w g .v lly tho : < ’ “ h 0 liavc SiYfn it a fair trial, cine? lhCU ’ ' ,L ay S “ longiu tr > ia * <>■<• meal X ■ 9.—ls the medicine does not aive n-ties -if. ter a lair trial lias been given it. Mr. D. will re fund the money. c P r.e? of .F ix ' r > *’ a Oottio, or 6 bottles for $5- ior I ills, oO cents a box, or 6 boxes for 50 For sale at V. LaTASTE’S Wholesale and Re tail Drug btore. Augusta, Ga. febll-lm PLATED TEA SETS, for'sale Jl- cheap, by IIENRY J. OSBORNE ,ebl2 -56 Broad-st, under U. S. Hotel. \ olcaicic Pistols ant! H riMIESE PISTOI.S carry the Mimtk J. ' alls and shoot «> times will, one loading llie load and cap being contained in the bulls riK> shoot with great precision and force. The enn°h» r r a i c " r o f t "' tl ' onc loading they can be discharged twenty times inmeminuU.l aiid are tiie best guns for squirrel hunting ex rmT U 11,0 “ o| ° -'seat for the com K"/, ,n | ,ls c ". v - IIKXRV J. OSiiDRXF Watch. Jewelry and Optica) Store. 256 Broad.-t | -"i:"-".. in. ' fehi2 ’ A S Tr, ; r o'! ,Mi ' Al * AX1 ’ 'renUESTIAL /V. 1 Kl.h.sf Ol 1,:,. mir, evors’ C .mp.i.,es, and Mathematical Instruments constantly on hand ,L„ „ hunky j. osbornb, ’ oicDiu 208 Broad-Si, under l'. s. Floret. pOFFEK. 200 hags RIOCOFFKE, 50 pockets prime Java, 10 bags Laguyra. For sale low by . JOSIAH SIBI.EY & SONS JaaoO So. (i Warren Wo j.. Mol asses and Svrim T^' 1 A Tftme Cuba AIOLAS -59 bbls. choice Sugar House SYRip R«r Bale at reduced prices, by -i. e Tl S DANIEL H. WILCOX WM M- DUNN GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT tunnel hill, ga , th « Purchase of Wheat, Corn, X Oat-, Rye, Hour, Bacon, Lard, Dry Hides ; Salt T bacoo °v a n ° f I S "« ar ’ . salt, tobacco, .Nails, | r(Ml C^stinj A F . ctor ,! Yarn, I omestic, and all kinds of Agriculniral , c„fm“com ... ihi uml.i i > wub and without the hor>?e ! pow "«’ nlW »« ) k lieapers, Mowors"etc iy 0 Mackerel. Kits No. 1 MACKEREL just re ceived at J Jdn7 D’ANTIGNMC * liUBBAIUt ; T'O BH YSItiIANS. ■*" tSmEf, 0 .!.?; 11,1 » splendid assortment of i hy.-icians’ buggy casks <io SADDLE BAGS „ du IttCKKT VIAL CASES , FAMIr - Y '’UJICLVE CHESTS, which we oiler al low ]»nces. I ‘ iJ I’i.r.Mß lz I.EITNER. Whiskey. fTJM EN I’Y bbls. Gibson’s X \ Y - k ™ do d., xx i ’ i , do do X. ; Ju- S t received at j feMT D-ANTIGNAC it HUBBARD’S, j CABINKT MAKING. C —THE CNDER- -icsiij above the I'ALAi 'KufiSsßS . TABLED, on Ellis-street, to carry on the above business in all its branches. Rarticul.-ir attention given to the REPAIRING OF FURNITURE uud PACKING, etc. I I solicit a share of the pualic patronage, j f s hlT ; lm WM. SINGLETON. I IQUORS. JLj A large and well selected stock cf Foreign ! and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordials al- I j ways on hand and for sale low bv feb2 \ STEVEN?. ! rjJOBACCO AND SEGARS. i- One K indred Boxes of TOBACCO, various j brands; 59,000 ?egars, imported ami dome-tic. For sale by fcb2 a . S TEV r NB. TDE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMKNT OF BEST -MANUFACTURED UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS. AND WALKING -CANES, j Ever offered in this market, wholesale and retail, j i B JOHNSON &CO , j U'Ml! REL I, A MANUFACTURERS, fto. J47G, Klng-atreet, charleston, s. c.. Ntar Wentu'ortZ Wo would most respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public of the city and , country, to our stock of SILK and OTHER CM 1 RRELLAS. We aro now manufarluring and oiler for sale : some of the best Umbrellas ever offered in this 1 market. Ve are in constant receipt of Silks and Ginghams, manufactured in England under our own special direction, by which means we are enabled to produ c a better a- tide than can be found elsewhere, which we are determined to ! 1 sell t the very lowest prices. We have, also, ; a large stock of Fine Gingham, Linen and Cotton ; Umbrellas, und Silk Parasols, Folding Umbrellas i for Travellers, and Buggy Umbrellas, witt> and ] without joints. Also, a large assortment of WALKING CANES. P. S.—We have also added to the above es tablishn.ent tbo manufacture of WIRE SAFES, for keeping provisions, which are warranted su- | perior to any imported, aud may he had of any | pattern or size. nov2s , ONE THOUSAND sacke SALT, at the wharf, for sale on ccomniodating terms, by fcd>6 VOO RUFF ; NOW IS THE TIME rf\o BUY simvrs! —Six for N ne Dol- J. Jars, at ianlß HERS. Y*S. Bagging and rope. 75 bales BAGGING, 300 coils ROPE, for sale low by novll WILCOX, HAND & ANSI F.Y. ; TIIE KE U JERI'SALF M, OK. THEOLOGY OF THEKEWCHURCH. WJ ORKS of Emakubi Swedknbokg can ; » V be found deposited at the Young Mens’ Library Association, for the use ol the public decl-ly { FARINA, Corn Starch, Pearl Sago, ~ Bermuda Arrow Root, Tkpioctt and Out / , perfectly freak. F#r raJw b * 1 iKUo WM. ii. 'iidhi. | Jioots, jljraw, tit, Run, Unu and Buy. G 1 I*. LAKES has just received Forty X • ca.- iM of Now Goods, consisting in part ol Mt*ns’, Womens’, Misses’ and Boys’ £HOES, which will be sold very low for cash. 115 THE GREATEST SHOE IN TIIK N ATION. ONE THOUSAND PATHS SOLI) /> ! >OT OWE PAIR K2NOWK TO RIP!! Saved Through and Through. '■ f AWES’ KI1) WELT BOOTS, sewed A J through and through. Ju t received all sizes, from 1 to 7, beside a full assortment of LADIES, gents, MISSES AND CHILDRENS* « BQ «SS» JBd _ of all kinds. Call and see them. jau2s .IAS W. HUHCU. Broad -street. J BOOI'S, BOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get value received for vour money wh it more do you want. Yeti have concluded to continue to sell SHIiKS at the m ui ufacturere’ prices, with a latte added, to keen tilings *010(5. My Shoes arc all warranted to sanslaction. I’ersons in want would do weU Ui give huyin^ewhere. BOOTS tS: SHOES I Aid EM' FINE MOROCCO BOOTS , JLI 1 solies’ “ Kid u ’ » -Morocco BUf'XS . For sale „y “no T « “ j. ■ T ! " A Lt > lil ffaloes 1 (x ittAf’i BUFFALO OVER just received and for sale low hv . nov24 .TAMRS W. BURCH: Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c. I T HAVE THIS DAY received a SHOE J X made especially for Gentlemans’ Plantation j wear. They are iust the thing, and no mistake. Also, Mens thick Kip, Wax, Bulled. Calf light I and welt 1 KOGANS. ’ ’ , *» UI ; Beside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS , for House Servants’ wear- Call and see them ' ! <!4 JAS. W. BURCII. ’ .boots and shoes THOMAS P. LARUS, (Successor to E. L. Symmons,) opposite the An. Effusta Hotel. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. I fgT v - Ladies’ Fine Kid Mo- J rocco Slippers, 1 1-tdjes’ Fine Kid and Morocco ™ Buskins, Ladies’ Fine Black Gaiters, heeled ' do do Col’rd do do ' out heel.- B,ack ttn ‘ 1 Gaiters,” with 1 CtnliesMlnc Black and Col'rd Creole Gaiters , MUSES' DEPARTMENT. , Misses’ Fine Kid and Morocco Siip(i"-rs do do do do Buskins’ do do Black and colored Lace Gaiters, do do do do do Congress do, nni/oniL 11 " do Creole do, - „ CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT. Childrens’ Black and Colored Gaiters, 'J 0 , “Jo do Button Gaiters, do Kill, .Morocco and Patent Leather Boots, Kid, Morocco and I’atcnt leather Ankle Ties, r 1 ,5.’: a,I, J W:>,i selected stock of Gentlemens’ I™ -^. c trap.Shoes. Tie Gaiters, Congre.-c . t . era , r ’ ad Pump-sole Boot-d. Also, House ser '*v- fl *‘Oi;s. ol every description. N. B. i.lilies and Misses Gaiters and Slippers heeled at the shortest notice. ns g call. jclO-ly TO THE PLANTERS. i T. P. LARI’S, j Successor to E. L. Symmons , opposite ths Augusta Hold. Augusta , Ga,, HAS this clay received 86 cases Mens’ Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and the i Planters wd! find it to their advantage to give j me it call before buying elsewhere, as all of the Goods are made to my own order to-ult the trade, an 1 can be warranted to be what we rep resent them, and as cheap as any store in the clt Y» oct3 ts T. P. LARUS HAS r IHIS DAY received a large lot .Os Lodi S» DOUBLE-SOLED and.' A Mis-es’ GAITKRS. fij® J Al: f>, Ladies’ Kid and Morocco BOOT’S, f ®1 of every description and size. " A large lot of Gentlemens’ BOOTS and SHOES, of the finest description, has just come to hand. Also, Heavy BROGAN'S, for the Planters. | novl7 ABORIGINJES^ Al 3 ORIGI NE S . A PEW MORE pairs LADIES' FIN i 1. BUSKINS, for sale at half price, by m»v24 J.W. BURCH. Flour anti Lard. ■ OIX HUNDRED SACKS Tennessee Su j O perflne FLOUR. 400 sacks Denmead’s do. do. 10 half choice LEAF LARD. Just received and for sale bv janl6 3 BAKER, WRIGHT & CO. j MILL STONEST WILLIAM UREIVarER, Manufacturer c,f ■ Irtirclr gUrr 11 ills tones, * A ND dealer in’Esopus and Cologne '■* Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, j Augusta. Ga. Orders solicited and punctually j atten :ed to. jan7-ly Ne?io Mechanics • J HP WO good BRICKLAYERS anti PLAS- X Tr.RKRS. and one good TANNER and FI n- LSHKR OF LEATHER, can be hired by the year or month, or by tho Job. by applying to dls J. C. BARNETT, Madison, Ga. New Dress Goods. GRAY & I'URLEY have just received by Express a beautiful lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, iu DeLaine, Cashmere, Valencia Plaids ; Satin Stripe and Plain All WoolDeLaiues, Coburgs, Poplins, Silks, and a great many other handsome styles of Dress Goods, which will be sold during the Christmas very low prices. SERVANTS HEAD KERCHIEFS. Persons making presents to their serv nts at Christmas, will find at GRAY & TUBL Y’S a large lot of HEAD KERCHIEFS, and other art! cloa, which arc to bo sold very low. d 24 Apothecaries Hall. I l Lbs. First Sort POTASH, ! JL *J\J* / *2OO gals MACHINE OIL, 300 gals BURNING FLUID, at 80c per gal, 200 “ 95 deg. ALCOHOI. at 90c per gal. Just received and for sale by janj4 THOMAS P. FOGARTY Hides wanted. Cash paid for prime FLINT HIDES. THOS. I*. STOVALL k CO., | febPJ 4 Gen’l Commission Merchant I OUSTERS. J 5 doz 2 lb. Cans Fresh LOBSTERS, 5 do 1 lb. do do do Just received at Jan7 D’ANTIC,VAC k HUBBARD. « Merger potatoes. Just received and for sale at Depot, 25 bbln of /cry largo pink-eye Potatoes. •"-* JTHOS. P. STOVALL & CO. STY Boxes Adamautiue CANDLES, \ tor sale ver low by **» luxa-oa ■ & Ai\*L£Y. | cLdi;uej)ousc (Curbs. BEALL iSi STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTJ. Reynold, between Jackson and M'lntosh Streets. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HAVE removed to Metcalf’s 'Mpffliarge new Fire proof Warehouse on between Jackson ami Mclu tosh streets, recently occupied bv Gill,nut (t \s kin, in tile centre of the city in the vicinity it 1 he principal Warehouses, ami convenient to'thei note’s. Being amply provided with good ami safe storage for Cotton, Grain, Flour. Bacon ami Pro-1 ■Pa e generally, wo respectfully solicit consign-1 ments, which shall receive our undivided and' faithful attention. Family Supplies, ami the usual facilities will be afforded to customers. Our Commissions for soiling Cotton will be Filly Cents a bale. WJf. >J. BKd! I septlß-otr-w j. w. y. STOVALL. J. J. Pearce, WAREHOUSE ANT) COMMISSION" MERCHANT AUG I STA OEORGIA. RESPECKFULLY RENEWS *£few=M thc ,l ' niler of his services in the Storage -’r a »nd Sale of Cotton, and oilier Produce, at ins extensive Brick Warehouse on Campbell ’ Street, mar Bones, Brown & fo’s Hardware ’ Store. * Cash Advances, Bagging, Hope and Family Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the iirst of September next, will he Fifty Cents per bale ' aug' j. j. peaRCE. ' J. lt. SIMPSON, (srockssoa TO SIMPSON- X (IARIII.VER 1 WaREHOCSE and commission merchant - Comer Reynolds and Jf/,i(„..1, Auquita. Ga SESSiWILL CONTINUE B UaMH house and Commission Business in a'i 5 ita branches, at tile old stand ofstitrsov k Gariuxer, and hopes by strict personal atten tion to the interests of his friends and Patrons to merit a contuance of the liberal patronaei - heretofore- bestowed upon the old Ilrm 6 Cash advances made on Produce'in store E v c “ dostresl. Bagging. Rope, and Family sup’ ~. Plies, furnished at the lowest market rates. Commission lor selling Cotton 60 els per bale. aug J 4 6in 3, PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS "W"l' vi'crlpoi Ucfer_ "t! <=> V fHE undersigned would respcctflilly jp-e-iannounce to their friends, and the •A ~, tll : lt Bn-y have n-sueiated tntmselve.i together m the l. ~ warehouse and commission business 1 m r n the .n an ,‘" a '" i S, - Vl ° nf p - &■’ 1-,.vc. andUkenth- large Fire-Proof Warehouse ol T Metnall situated on Reynold, between Jack i- -on an-! Mclntosh streets. Their charges will con.orm to ti c bid estab o ,s "® rt rates, to wit: 25 cents for storage arid 25 cents commission for selling. 'l r , d *t rS i f ° r l a,nily Su Pl»Hcs promptly exe cuted at the lowest market prices. I’ORTFR FLEMING, . 4 _ JOHN L. FLEMING. Augusta, October, 1857. oct2 6m. REEB LINTOSL WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Jack-son Street, Augusta, Georgia. iWyU\WILL CONTINUE THE WARE house and Commission Business at -’tueir tiro proof Warehouse, and will de votc their personal attention to the interests ot their Irietuls and patrons. Orders for family supplies, bagging, rope, etc. carefully filled. ' Liberal cash advances made when required. Commissions for soiling Cotton, 00 cts per bale, i jyn.v c hues. sep 14 sam'l d. u.vton, | JAMEH M. DYE Jfc CO., . WAREHOCF K AS D COM.UISpJO.V .MERCHANTS. A uyu sta, Georgia. TTIIIE UNL’SRjsIGNEI) have formed «a : X copan nersbip under the name and£Y\ V W -lyle of JAMES M. DYE & CO. for thekteaLkV) I transaction ol a W arehouse and (omniis-Lltfrr n I sion Lii 1 ne--, at the Warehouse recently occu i l» e<J by Dye k LaTastk. They respectfully ten-! der their service-! to their personal friends and j the pnb.ic, with the assuraneft that any business entrusted to them will bo promptly and faith fully attended to. Particular attention paid personally to the sale of Cotton and other Pro uce, and also to the re-! ceiv ing and forwarding of Goods. Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments I of Cotton and other Produce JAMES M. DYE, j THOS. RICHARDS. Augusta, Feb. 5, 1858. f e b24 * BL P. STOVALL^ WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia. CONTINUES THE BUSINESS j in ;lil ils branches, iu his extensive “ il**e proof Warehouse, on Jackson st. near the Globe Hotel. His strict personal atten tion will as heretofore, be be given to tin storage ;iiul sale of Cotton, Grain aud produce generally. He will when desired, make liberal cash advances on produce in store. Orders for Family Supplies, Baiigmg. Rope, etc , will be promptly ami care luliy tilled at the lowest market prices. Commis sion for selling Cotton, fifty cents per bate, sept 26 6m .»• C. II Ml ARSON, WAREHOUSE AN COMMISSION MERCHANT At the old stand of L. Hopkins, Augusta , Georgia. sopt!B ly THE APOTHECARIES HALL, AUGUSTA, GA. HHHE Proprietor of i the above .establish ine-nt respectfully invites the attention of Physicians fill and Families to his stock M Igv of select I) UGS, MED! <li Tffh LINES and CHEMICALS of the purest qualities aad at ®RITGS moderate prices. if Amongst my assortment 1 are the following articles : 1 .^SSK Surgical Instruments of 1 every variety ; French, 1 English and American Per- '■tf hunery, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Sup porters ; • very variety ot Combs and Toilet Brushes ; Ijimi* Oils, Wicks ami Lump Shades ; Paiuts, Paint Oils, Patent Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, &c.: Meci final Wines aud Brandies ; Burning Fluid and Cam phene ; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pearl Ashes, Irdigoes and Dye-Woods : Starch, Tapioca Sago, Pearl Barley and Arrow Root. Also, a constant supply best Sweedish Leeches, Quinine, Morphine, Elateriuin, Strychnine, Ohio rolorm, kc. kc., from the most responsible La boratories. The preparation of Pharmacopeial articles is conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVKNS CROFT, a graduate of the London College of Phar macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st., d34-tf Under the Augusta Hotel. PORT WINE AND BRANDY, For Medicinal use, [both very tlne.l Per sale by jaa6 YM. H. TT.TT. UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES, consisting of . - Carriages, Rookaways, HAHOUtiHKS, JERSEY WAGONS i BUGGIES, with and without tops, of all the ditforentr styles now manufactured, ai I - prices AS LOW as can be bought in any Southerr f ci y. Being constantly in the receipt of goods. I am enabled to offer to the public something both fresh and new. In addition to the above, I keep always on baud a uumber of Vehicles of my own numufac u re. t I also warrant all work that leaves mv store. R. 11. MAY, AVm v old stand, corner Jackson and E'.hi-stS. in rear o. ulouo xloioi, <122-ly '| Brn iook Buy the Best and Cheapest. •T-A-IVIES jHlEnsrisV 1 HAS NOW IN STOKE one of the best and most fashionable stocks of DRY GOODS ever brought to Augusta, and he solicits an in spect ion of them by his friends and the public Being satisfied with very small profits he is t confident that his stock will be found cheaper i j than that of any other in tho Trade. * ; The following desirable styles ol goods are to l j be found in his stock : t Bich Silk, Delaine and Cashmere ROBE dc ! | QL ILLE, Rich .Silk, Delaine and Cashmere Bayadere ' striped Dresses, Rich Plaid Raw Silks, Plain Sip of all colors, Black \f Robes and Robes de Quille, Rich .fi red Delaines, Cashmeres, Merinos French Merinos, all colors. English “ “ “ A large lot of Dclaiucs, from 12 to 37c nor v d ! Mourning “ 1 ' \ Black Alpaca, Bombazine and Tamartine 1 / large stock or Kngliah and American Print- 1 , | ed Calicoes, ; A large stock of Mourning Calicoes “ , “ Scotch aud French Ginghams i 1 some as low as 10 cts per yard. ’ 4116 ’ StClltt ’ Plusb aUII Woollen Plaid | Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfs, i Cloth and Velvet Cloaks and Talmas j Hoop Skirts. •; Canton Pique Cloths, a comfortable article for j Basques ' India Twilled Long Cloths, plain and striped. ! “‘T ? nd ? na I ,er3 - ° r various makes, Huckaback, Crash, & c ., for Toweling : j Panu r i» l f S , a u'fe, Shee,ing8 > Woolscy and • I rnu n fl r DC 2f2I tmont of French an <l Scotch Emb’d t J Collars and Meeves, seperate aim in setts, s i Embroidered Misses and Boys Collars. Infant’s Robes and Waists, • , . Handkerchiefs and Skirts, c bilk Hose, -, Hosiery, 618,088 anil Insertings, > Cotton, Thread and Crotchet laces A large variety of Dress Trimmings, '■ r Jr es , ’ Miss 4 os > Gentlemen’s and Boys’ Me rino Undervests, 3 Flannels, all colors and qualities S Bed Blankets, Quilts, kc. , 1, i, 11i,,0r >- Department, Mrs. Hessy has v niu»n £i . sdcclions of BOXN'KTB, HEAD i 1 t 0 an examination of which sh re..pi cttuily invites her iricudo andthepubli d generally. o c(3 I( ,-- Chea J» Ory Goods. 18..7. FALL, TttADK. IN-,7. ' I , AUGC 8T A , GEORGIA. T3IIOOM Sc NORRELL are now receiv- U mg at their now store, No. 238, firoad-st. . a large and elegant assortment of Staple and f an cy Bry Goods. Their stock is one of the . * ar Kcst and most complete iu their line in the city, and comprises all of the latest and most elegant styles of the season. They would re j •■’Pcctlully solicit public patronage, and cordially I invite all .o examine their Goods. J LADIES' DRESS GOODS. j Fancy Dress Silks, Plaids and stripes. Rich Silk Robe a’Quillc, very heavy j Rich Bayadere Silks, Poplins, r ; Handsome Foulards, t j Black Brocade Silks, stripes, plaids and figures, -1 Mourning and Half Mourning Silks, s ' Rich French Printed All-wool Delaines, ■ : Robes a’Quillc, Bayadere Stripes, i Cashmere d’Eoowse, Valencia Plaids andTarltans, I And a variety ol other Goods for children : ii | Printed Coburgs, Paramattas, English and French Merinoes, Plain and Printed Delaines and Persians, aH quaJ ities, French, English and American Prints, great va riety, French, Scotch and American Ginghams great variety; ’ ° ! Plain Printed and Plaid Opera Flannels. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. i Os the latest styles, from low priced to very rich, i in great variety. CHENILLE SHA WLS AND SCARFS , I And almost every description, from lew price to very fine quality. !, A lar £° assortment or Ladies’ Cloths, all colors I for Cloaks and Mantillas, j Mourning Goods, of every style, suitable for J the season. I Hoop Skirts, every style and quality used, Corsets, French and Railroad. EMBROIDERIES. Os all kinds, and a large assortment of Freneh I Worked Collars, Sleeves, Bands, Flouncings. Emh’d Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Infant's Waists! Worked Edgings and Insertlngs. Gloves of all kinds, for ladies, Gents and Boys. Hosiery “ “. ‘ <i u Flannels, large assortment, all prices and qualities. Merino Vests, for Ladies, Children and Gents PANTALOON GOODS. All styles Cassimorcs, Doeskins, Corduroys, fweeds, Satinetts. plain and plaids ; Kentucky j Jeans, Carolina Jeans, Merino Cussimeres, for children ; Plaids and Kob-Rovs, for Children, kc. , PLANTATION AND 'S' VI'S GOODS. | Largest assortment and greatest variety in tiie city, comprising the most durable Goods in the ! market, in the way of KA rscys, white and brown ! 1 lains, Heavy Twill®, Linseys, Osnaburgs,Stripes ! Homespuns, Plaids and Flannels. BLANKETS. Negro Blankets, white and grev, Saddle “ b •’ Travelling Blankets, Mackinaw “ Fancy 4i of every description. BED BLANKETS, From a small Crib Blanket to u very large and * superior Bed Blanket. As we have but ONE PRICE, our goods will be , offered at the lowest prices, which we guaranty to be as low as any in the southern country. Our l system not only compels us to sell eur goods at ! j the lowest prices, but it also protects the buyer j , from paying over market price, as ho invariably j does, where there is a n asking and a taking prees HTtir All orders will receive our personal and j prompt attention, and our best judgment in e3e- 1 j outing them. BROOM & NOC lELL, sept 26 No 238. Broad !— Leather, Shoe Findings, anil Tamien’ Tools. "VTOW receiving Oak and Hemlock Sole tll LEATHER ; Harness, Bridle, Skirting and Band; Picker, laco and Roller Leather; Patent Skirting, Collar Dash and Enamelled ! LEATHER; Ruosctt and Black Upper Leather; “ u “ Kid Skins; French, German and American Calf Skins; j French Patent Pair, Kid Calf and Opera Skins; Goat and K d Mo occo .-kins; Lining, Topping and Binding Skins; Buck, Chamois and Sheep Skins; Also—Shoe Pegs, lasts Sole Cutters, Jloei Cutters, Rolling Mills, Peg Jacks, Peg Br aka, PegCutterß, Boot Trees, Crimps, Clamps, Ham- v mers, Shoe Knives, Splitting Knives, Shaves, Rub Stones, Bristles, Awl Blades, Eyelets and o Punches, iron and wood patent Peg Awl Hafla, Copper Rivets and Burrs. Pace Tacks, Iron, Zinc t and Copper Sparables, Size Sticks, Measuring Tapes. Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk Twist, “ Boot Cord, SilkGalcon, Boot Web, &c., Ac. Also, Currying Knives, Flesh«y s, Finger Steels, < Beam Faces, Slickors, Brushes, Rub Stones, Clearing Stones, &c. For salo low by SJIF.RMAN, JBBSUP&CO., No. 341 Broad-stree, second door above Bank of * Augusta. jan6l2t ’ Liverpool coal. ~~ ; 100 tous Liverpool Orrel Coal, suituble for , parlor use, for sale by feb4 THOS. P. STOVALL <£ Co. ] rnWENTY-FIVE bills. White Wine JL ami Cider VINEGAR, for sale low bv f«b»-d»wlw EnTES 4 CIARK. Salt. rpEN THOUSAND SACKS LIVERPOOL ■ X SAIT ; 200U bushels Bulk SALT, 300 sa*ks Alum SAI.T. for sole low by ft*To DANISH. WiUA>A. * NUMBER 373 I’lrato-LWate ts lolijinj. clothing! .17’ WHOLESALE AND RET AIN RAMSEY & LABAW, AT their old stand opposite the Union Bank, are vfforiiig to their and cus tomers the largest and best stock or Fall and " niter (lothmg ever offered iu the city tlw rm-M nr the goods haring been bnnglit and manu facturcd by ns at our manufactory in New York alm.etezdiHively for cash. Wo fel confldeni u01.iu... North or tsonth, can beat ns m style, ■in i iti and price. All we ask is a call to ez uuiinc the Stock. Among the stock will bo found FROCKB° r * jU " ;k ' hIUt ’ “ Ud bro "' u Outer Beaver Supr do do ,to Cloth Frocks, da da d° d 0 Business do, sacks, Jo Ra « lan OT«r --' sacks** d ° d ° do Beaver Over- Sipir Black and Fancy Sido Band Cassimere I Pants, ot every style and grade. I in 4o S'r- Vel »®t. Valencia, Black Cloth, Satin, j 1 lush, Cashmere, &c. from SI tosy. ! 3U £ or Klack B;itiu Frocks and Sacks Also i Tweed backs, from 2 75 to So. 200 pairs English. Freucli and American Side band CasMmere 1 ants, some elegant designs 500 pairs Oxford Grey ami Black Satina Pants of splendid weight, from 1 75 to 82 25 150 pairs extra heavy-ribbed Beaver Pants mere 9 pants° f Bplcud,d Harris ’ Sido-band Cassi coat ° BiUG lanl£et Gvercoats at 4tos4 50 per 150 Blue Blanket Sack COATS, at 3 to $3 50 per coat - - jan4 GEM.RM, STOC K OF READY MADE CLOTIIII, tl (C’S*. * VTOW is the time to buy the following x a ri cos , for Mens> »QQ Boys Wear, chcaD pr%!br i IP v sllou lJ be sold in this market • P KOW-i' Wf' f!. ,A ' v 'A bunk'ik KOIIK .Fine Cloth and Cassimere COATS frneAM.s. PANTS, SHIRTS. BRAff KRs. SI&PENDKKS, CRAVATS * STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS ' V ALICES, and every article in our line. » " I>vC CLAYTON & KENNSDT. “NOTHING TO WEAR” NEED NOT BE THE MOTTO NOW, | | «J. K. IIORY & (0.. - 1 SUCCESSORS TO ; J. M. NEWBY &, CO., H 1 N\ have opened their l^lj —' Large and Elegant STOCK OF CLOTHING, FOR 9 MEN, YOUTHS and BOYS! Como Bverylood.y GET A FIT! UNDER U. S. HOTEL, ° ctM Augusta, «a OK EAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING, AT 215 BROAD-ST. 1. I’. BIGNON k YO. Aro ofl ering the remainder of their WINTER STOCK at such rates as to induce all to purchase tfhoarein want of Sa —* ■» .C «' B. «-I. B . CLOTHING ! ■. i:\ti.i;m I'. \S‘ rail aud Winter Goods for 1857. MY stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fashionable ui C LOTUS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, wltioh j will be made to order as good and as fashionubte I as can be obtained in any part of the country. I also. j 11,10 select stock of Ready-Made CLOTH ING, which cannot be ex. oiled by any Goods m iho city. ALSO. j A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, embra cing everything that is necessary for Centfo- I men’s wear. , All goods sold at this establishment warrant- Jud as represented. I oct29 J. A. VAN WINKIA j Heavy Overcoats for iVe^roen OWNERS of Boat and Railroad hands and all persons in want of NKGKO OViR j COATS, will do will to call aud famine our aheap and well made articles of tho kind. | n °v 6 CLAYTON k KENNEDY. Cheap Satinet Jackets. W E . HAVE A LOl’ OF GOOD SAY ▼ y INET JACKETS, for plantation which we will sell for $1 50 to $2. _ nov 6 CLAY ION A; KENNEDY. Hip a nil Satinet Coats and Pants. OUll STOCK of the above articles being too large for the hard times, we of ror them cheaper than the cheapest, to ru* then down. CLAYTON & KENNEDY. ! JOHN N. GOW7 MARBLE-WORKER. MONUMEI. rs, of all description, executed in the best form, at ~ TIIE LOWEST PRICES, AAfJofK and in the sh' rtest time compatible BMiUllll with faultless workmanship. iWuRg/ t J’ersons in want of Marble-Work I'lMffPl or any kind aro invited to call. Shop on C'ampbcll-street, be tween Broad anti Greene-street. fflE n john n govt New Cosmorainic STEREOSCOPE. AMONG the latest inventions in Op tics, there is nothing moro instruc i?e or amus-ng than the Stereoscope. ThcStereoacopa Views are impressions from nature, represent ng the finest Sceneries, Cities and Monuments u Europe, which, viewed through the iustra i ment, show thost* objects in bold relief, astualljr las they are, aud thus aro the best models for Artists, give the best idea of Foreign Countries and Art, and make the finest parlor ornarcenta. j For sale at novl> H. J. OSBORNE’S. TENNESSEE f RODI'CE. 11HE undersigued is prcjiured to exe cute with promptness orders for Bacom, Lard. VheaL , Rye, Com , Flour f or anv other products of Middle Tennessee. D. D. DICKEY, No. 5 College streot, Nashville, Ton**