Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, May 06, 1858, Image 3
<f kiting pspmw . ; s 3 O'CLOCK P. M. MAY (5, l*3B. ■ Notice to Advertisers. Advertisements for the EvhmxoDihpatcu be handed in by eleven o'clock in tkcforenw •rder t-o appear the same day. The heavy tS earo of advertisements upon the-columu3 paper will not admit es their reception hour named. LOCAL MATTe JB Shocking Affair. sB About one o’clock to-day man named I). W. Davidson, clerk in the store of Mr. Sr •hot himself, with a fjun, by pl;ieiti muzzle in hie mouth. His brains scattered over the entire room, and prel •ented a most horrible spectacle. The coroner is summoning a jury of inquest. —. Dr, J. F. Hoynton. This distinguished lecturer is on aJ brief visit to this city, preparatory to a* tour North. Dr. B. gave a series of lec tures in this city, on his favorite sub jects, 11 years ago, and those who heard him then, welcome with pleasure hitae turn. It is hoped that he will repeat his lectures here before leaving for the North. ? , Military Encampment. As we go r eSS scverfll of Mili tary Companies of our city are prepar ingtogointo encampment at Thomp son’s old field, on the Sand Hills. The Richmond Hussars, Capt. Bearing ; the Washington Artillery, Capt. Kirkpat rick ; the Oglethorpe Infantry, Capt. Jackson ; and the Clinch Rifles, Capt. Platt, comprise the encampment, and Col. Campbell is to he in command. The exercises of the encampment will consist of military drill, target prac tice, and “ camp duty.” The target shooting for officers audprivates will, we learn, come off on Friday ; for Honora ry Members on Saturday. The ladies 1 are especially invited to visit the en ■ campment. 1 Snbbatli School Plc-Mc. annual May-Day Pic-Nic of the connected with the Metlio ? I Sabbath Schools of this city Hamburg, was celebrated on yester- Blay at Shultz’s Hill-. The procession some live bundled child rep. Ynd the occasion promised to be a most one—when the sudden show ■ interim'll with their anticipations an end to the marooning plcas- of the day. v Hewing Machine-?. | There is no question but these inven i tions are creating a perfect revolution I in the world of sewing. | We, the other day, alluded to the l Grover & Baker Machine. Since that ■ time we have, in passing the store of I Stovall & Co., the State Agents, no- them shipping several machines interior. We have also been the tollowing .ertiticate from who has recently l.ioiight of them : jg® Covington, Newton Co., Ga. | April 25, 1858. * f V I have been using one of Grover & ’ Baker’s Sewing Machines for nearly two years, and! take pleasure in re commending it to the favor of all fami- 1 lies. It is very simple and easy work- j ed in all kinds of coarseand fine sewing, doing it with neatness and strength.— | 1 would particularly recommend those j machines to planters and farmers, as being admirably adapted to all planta tion sewing In my county there are a number, owned in different families, and with out an exception they give universal s itisfaction. John T. Henderson. Excellent ami Valuable Publications. Wo have received a call and cata- j logue from Mr. J. Cumming, Agent for various new works and new editions is sued by Messrs Blakik & Son, 117 Ful ton Street New York. Among the j works we notice a Magnificent Imperial Family Bible., to be issued in 38 parts, at 02 1-2 cents each, which excels any edi tion of the scriptures we have ever seen. The Imperial Gazetteer, in parts, 50 cents each—the whole sl7,—is an invaluable work for geographical reference. Italy, illustrated, is also an elegant work. — | We have not time, to-day to mention I other of the elegant publications, which j can only be obtained from Mr. Cumming, j the Southern Agent. He will remain in our city, and as soon as he ob tains a regular office, will make furth er announcement of his works in our colums. “ He who rises late may trot all dgy hut never overtake his business.” So ; said Dr. Franklin,. A cotemporary} l says: “ We have watched those f Hows i who are early risers, and as a general thing they are the first chaps who go to • the groceries of a morning.” —.tv* i The Chinese have a proverb : “The . greatest liar is lie who talk most of . himself." Such men are not only rogues, but fools, for they are always sus- \ pected of the secret practice of vice when they make a great public flour- , ish of virtue. The highest price paid for domestic labor in Chicago, at the present time is $6 pm month. In that vicinity for farm labor $lO and sl2 per month. ■©■ There were 407 deaths in New York last week, 51 of consumption. — Rev. Isaac Kalloch lias been admitted to practice at the Leavenworth (Kansas) bar. It is stated that the subscription in Italy and England for Orsini’s family, exceeds a million of francs. Rev. Benj. T. Crouch, of the Metho dist faith died at Saltillo, Ky., on Mon day. He died on his knees. ■ 1 X " TherWP*MlaMo-i *!'■■ \ of Grubb, occupied three week at Burlington, in Boone Ky. It will be remembered that a sister of Hardesty was seduced by Grubb, and that Hardesty told the seducer that he would give him six months to make choice between marrying the girl and being killed. The six months expired, and Grubb not having married the girl, Hardesty met him, and on sight shot him. The evidence showed that Grubb was armed also in expectation of the at tack, but shot in the act of darning his weapon. The trial ended Thuisday, and the ver dict of the jury was, not guilty. The following is the substance of the judg ment pronounced by Judge Nutall upon the verdict of not guilty by the jury in behalf of Hardesty. Judgment of the Court. —Sir : You have been indicted by a grand jury of your county upon a most heinous charge.— You have put yourself upon your coun try and your God for deliverance. You have had a fair and impartial trial be fore them, and they have both pronoun ced you not guilty, and so say I. It may not be proper forme to express my sen timentsyet, nevertheless, I will do it.— j Young man ! had I been wronged as you have been, I would have spent every | dollar I had on earth, and all that IJ could have begged and borrowed and! then starved upon the track of the villain, but I would have imbrued my bands in his blood. Go lienee without delay. You are acquitted! THIRTY IFTH CONGRESS. Washington, May 3, 1858. SENATE. The morning hour was occupied in the discussion of Mr. Chandler’s motion to appropriate $55,000 to finish the channel improvements at St. Clair Flats. The debate assumed somewhat of a par ty color, the Republicans wishing to make it a test vote on the question of internal improvements. Mr. Kennedy introduced a bjll pro viding for the establishment of a line of! steamships between certain ports of the United States and England’ which was appropriately referred. Mr, Bright introduced a hill for the} construction of a wagon or military road in the Territory of Washington. Mr. Pugh gave notice of his intention | to introduce a bill providing for filling vacancies in the United States Districts Marshal-ships. The Senate passed the Indian Appro priation hill, and adjourned. HOUSE. On motion of Mr. Gartrell, a resolu tion was adopted that the daily hour} for the meeting of the house, on and J after Wednesday next, be 11 o’clock in stead of 12 o'clock. j Mr. Stephens gave notice that to j morrow, at 1 o’clock, he would move Ito take up the Senate bill for the ad ! mission of Minnesota. I On motion of Mr. Stephens, Wednes day and Thursday of next week were set apart for the consideration of Terri torial business. Mr. Grow asked leave to introduce a joint resolution prohibiting public lands from being exnosed for sale under pro clamation of the President, until the same lias been surveyed and returns tiled in the land office for ten years. Mr. Clemens objected. Mr. Green moved a suspension of the rules. Refused-yeas 74 nays 78. The House resolved itself into a Com-! mittee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and resumed the consideration of the hill making appropriations for Ithe Legislature, executive, and judicial! expenses of Government for tue year! ending June 30. 1859. The House adjourned without coming to a conclusion on the subject. Discovery of n Cave. Great excitement has been created in Brooklyn by the announcement of the discovery of a cave, near the Green | wood entrance. Thousands have al | ready flocked to see it. The discovery was made by two boys connected with I Public School No. 2, who wore playing on a hill near the entrance to Green wood, when the embankment gave way and they fell, and discovered the open ing of a cave. The boys fled upon this, and informed some gentlemen, who proceeded to explore the place. About J one hundred feet from the entrance! they found a large room, with shelves! all around, upon which were numerous} bottles, some full of liquor and some! jempty. In the middle of the room was! a table, containing books, and a large! lantern was suspended from the ceiling.! After being in the cave a short time, the gentlemen heard a horrid noise, as if proceeding from human beings or wild beasts, which caused them to boat a retreat. The length of the cave has not yet I been ascertained. The purpose forj which this place was used is a subject of much discussiou. The general sup position is that it lias been a deu of robbers. South Carolina and Georgia Money. —While the bills on the Georgia Banks are worth a premium in Charleston, the bills of the non specie paying banks are not only refused by the banks here, but will not pass in trade, except at a discount.— Savannah Morning News. At Cbelsea, Mass., a liquor dealer has been converted, given up bis busi ness, and opened a prayer meeting in j his saloon. Mr. Champooner in his statement ofj the sugar crop of Louisiana for 1857-8, gives ttie total as 279,697 hogsheads, j I estimated to weigh 300,066,700 pounds. Commerdal intfUigenre. | m I-atesi dates from Liverpool April 24 BLutost dates from Havre April 18 dates from Havaua April 15 » EVENING DLSPaTCR OFFICE 1 AuGrSTA, Thursday, May 6, p. M. J ¥ Cotton—Sales to-day 234 bales :1 at 10, 3at ■o>£, 1 at 11, 7 at 11 y„ 90 at 12. 76 at 12tf, 60at H-S cents. Receipts 282 bales. May 4 —Cotton.— Receipts the week, 14.597 bales, making the total re %pta at this port since the Ist September, 324 - bales Upland Exported since our last, to ports, 3.936 bales Upland . coastwise W bales Upland ; ir.r.!;i::;; the to’al exports! B l ' wi-fk S hot) h.ties l'j• iii• l ; lca\ mg on hand ■IM’ mg slot kof 2980 f. bales, and on shipboard eared, 10,717 bales sales oftlio week wore 1375 bales. following quotation-’ a . Hi* ranging the close <>r the mark t veatordsy : to Good Ordinary ’..11 ftf, 12 Hto strict Middling VIKfo'VIK - j. Fair and Fair 13 (a)— " 4 V iri morning «r 290 hales, at from pj; tt market continues depressed. V res have ranged at from |3» a to depr.--. ■!. owing to the ample jgpll • '•> '*ef.ts . New Ore at:- ..3 pt’Mii-- at from r.« 4 to s of, ’‘t 'rnm lo » 4 to 11 » a cents g prices I Receipts of Cotton, [(Charleston. May 5 2387 bales 1! Savannah, May 5 4f3 do i ! ! ATLANTA. May s.— Bacon. —Hog round 9*£ I to 30c; Hams 10 to lie ; Clear Sides at 11 c% ■ Shoulders 8 cents. Wheat is dull, >nd we hear of no transactions. Flour —Extra FamJ.’.V $2-75, and scarce ; su i perflne $2.25f5>*2.30. , Com— sß to 60 cents, sacked. pipping Intelligent*. SAVANNAH, May s.—Arrived, brig George Lohse, Havana ; schr Kate Brigham, New York. Cleared, steamship City of Norfolk, Balti mo'c; brig Susan, Boston; schr Asa Eldridge, Philadelphia © | CHARLESTON. May s.—Cleared, schr J. W. Webster, New York: schr B. X. lUwkins, X. Y. OFFICIAL DR AWI AGS OF TIIK Sparta Academy Lottery. OF GEORGIA. Tho following are the drawn numbers of the SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, Class 411—drawn MAY 5, 1858 : II 37, 09, 11, 63, 58, 46, 71, 66, 9, 30, 47, 48. i The following arc the Drawn Numbers of the : SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, Class 412— Extra, j drawn MAY 6,1858 : : 32, 70, 45, 18„ 04, 21, 29, 36, 14, 74, 2, 50. T P f uGAS* 1 ’ } Commissioners. S. SWAN & CO.. Managers. KEROSINE OIL AND Lamps! Another lot of the above re- i ceived. LAMPS sold as low as JT, [ $1 25 each, will give a light equal to N six Candles—warranted not to gum, CH’-j , explode, smell or congeal; will give wKiJy I a steady, constant light for TWENTY . HOURS without trimming. WElji| < I The public are invited to call anti i examine them at the i APOTHECAiiIES’ IIATxD, Under Vie Augusta Hotel. •£s&_£. ap26 T OMAS P. FOGARTY. FiTZGERALD’B FRESH i NORFOLK OYSTERS!;, ]3UT UP IN TIN CASES, _ ly sealed, spiced and pickled /•ssav ✓ —\ !; upon, an improved plan, \(&J to the OYSTER the most delicate NiLjJ 'vjw j flavor. A constant supply may be found at the AU- j ] GUST A ICE HOUSE, op. ositc South Carolina! ! Railroad Depot. ap26-m | * New York and Savannah, THE AMERICAN ATI ANTIC SCREW STEAMSHIP CO’S N EW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUNTSVILIiE, Capt. Robert Hardle. MOKTGOMEUY, Coi>t. Fnti. Crocker, j WILL FORM A— < weekly line be- i iw.-eit Savaimah anU .lew X. /r;fr. e - ‘ York, leaving each port W4frh .. EVERY SATURDAY. ?*■ These steamers, (I00f) tons each, have elegant accommodations for Pas- ' sengers, and being of great. t'ength and s eed. shippers can rely on the greatest dispatch to . freight. For further particulars, apply to i BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO., Savannah, Ga. | or, H. B CROMWELL & CO., uplO-ly No. 131 Washington st. N York. COOK STOVE St*l! ini the Field. 11HE undersigned have been appoint ed Sole Agents, in Augusta, for the retail of the VICTOR COOK STOVE, Manufactured at the Augusta Works, in this city. We pr< pose to keep constantly on hand, at both our stores, on Broad street, a full sup ply of the different sizes of this desirable STOVE, to which we invite tho attention of purchasers. Aside from tho f-ct that the VICTOR is tlic product of Home Industry, and that its exten sive sale and use for a year past lias proved it to be all that is clai cd fi r it. the advantages of purchasing a *Stove manufactured a 1 home. where new plates are constantly at haul, will be apparent to all. W. H. SALISBURY & C 0„ No 3. DcKalb Range. S. S. JONES 4Ci., My 1 Uiclm 210 Broad street. New and Fresh SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. E. O. COLLINS HAS RECEIVED, at her store oppo-! site the Planters’ Hotel, a handsome sup ply of all articles of MILLIN ERY)gj§SB§B SUIT A i! E' FOR THE Spring and Summer, Consisting, in part, of an assortment of BON «NKTS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, RUCHES, BLONDE LACES, VEILS, MITTS, DRESS G • PS, HEADDRESSES. HAIR BRAIDS. CUR- S, TOILET POWDERS, S.»APS, PER FEMES. HAIR OILS, &c. BONNETS, CAPS and HEAD DRESSES made at short notice and in the most fashionable style. mh3o MACHINE SEWING! All descriptions of fine and COARSE SEWING is done with dispatch at the Machine Sewing Rooms On Broad-street, above N. K Butler’s. The heads of families wll And it to their inte rest to call aud examine specimens of beautiful) work, which is daily executed there AT MODFRATE CHARGES. DRESSES for I-adicn and ’ Uildrea tuckod ill tho handsomest style. SIGHTS, PANTS, VESTS, and every article of Clothing ma. e with dispatch j much handsomer than by hand. *S-oall at the “ MACHINE SEWING ROOM.” Augusta, April 28, 1858. ap2B ~ JAMBS V® BURCH, manufacturer and retail dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! Trunks, Carpet Bags, School Satchels, tfcc., tfcO. Cfcc. Opposite the Adams Express Company, Augusta, Ga. i *?™7*'** A wel ! selected assortment of GO DS In the above line constantly on hand. aro mr,uo cspocally for tho retail trade, and will be sold upon rea-toua le terms. CALL AND SEE THEM. WHOLESALE HffILMD, CIIIfIIESTM & ffl., LATE If A VILAND, HI SI. E Y (f CO., BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, GEo., TWO DOORS ABOVE THE GLOBE HOTEL. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PATENT MEDICI ft El GARDEN SEED, ROSENDALE CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER PARIS, S(c„ Sfc., Sfc. MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS AND DEALERS GENERALLY WHO PRIDF THEMSELVES Cl' DE.‘ I T XG IN MEDICINES OF FIRST QUALITY, feb24-3m MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. ' SPRING GOODS. SPRING GOODS! Vltcvw. .V 3 *- BL-sa ■•«■•"* HAS THIS DAY RECEIVED a large lot of SPRING GOODS, and will continue to do so through the summer, consisting in part of Ladies’ Silk Fixed CONGRESS GAITERS, do do do do do Glove Kid Congress do do Colored TIPT do do Black do do do Fine Philadelphia Kid and Morocco SUP PERS, Misses’ Fixed Kid-Top KOSSUTH BOOTS. do Kid and Morocco SLIPPERS and TIES, Childrens’ SHOE', of every description, Mens’ Calf Opera PUMP BOOTS, do Goats HEELED INVISIBLES, do Patent W. S. PUMPS and Oxford TIES, do Goats B S. do do Call B. S. do do Kid Congress GAITERS, do Calf do do Boys’ do do do With a variety to enumerous to mention. Call and look, as I have attentive Clerks who will be glad to show ti e Goods. mh27 Dissolution of Copartner ship. THE’ firm 'of HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES is dissolved this day by mutual consent. Hr. W. C. DERRY is our authorized Agent to closoup the unsettled business. DANIEL HAND, GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, A. GRAVES. Augusta, March 29, 1850. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS in Charleston, S. C., and keep constantly a large stock of Groceries. They will be pleased to serve their old Iriends as usual. apl4 dim Great Western Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. W V«* - Authorized Capital, $5,000,000 ; Gash Capi \ ial , paid by Stockholders. $1,000,000. j Surplus Fund, $500,000. INSURANCE ON MERCHANDIZE oi ! PRODUCE to and from Augusta and Ports iti the United States can be effected in the abov- | Company, by applying to JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS ups No. 6, Warren Block. SAMUEL SWAN & CO., Lottery Mctnagers, i BANKERS and Dealers in Exchange, Uncurrent Money aud Specie, in the Au gusta Ilotdl building, Broad-st., Augusta. Ga. Oftico hours from OAMtoIO PM. Daily pa pers on tile from all the principal cities, -ele . raphic reports of latest dates, Reading room free to travellers and the public j All are invited to call. Tickets in their Georgia Lotterios from $1 to S2O aug26-tl i LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF BEST MANUFACTURED >! Umbrellas, Parasols, i 11 AND Walking Canes I ° Ever offered in this market wholesale and retail. ; B JOHNSON &CO., Umbrella Manu • facturers, - 0.2 6 King-street, Charleston, 8. C., near Wentworth. , We would most respectfully call the attention . of our friends and the public of the city and : country, to our stock of SILK and OTHER UM BRELLAS. t We are now manufacturing and offer for sale f some of the best Umbrellas ever offere 1 in this i market. We are in constant receipt of Silks and 1 Ginghams, manufactured in England under our own special direction, by which means wc are enable*! to produce a better article than can be found elsewhct e, which we are del rmined to sell at the very lowest prices. We have, also, a large stock of Fine ingliani, Linen and Cotton : Umbrellas, and Silk Parasols, Folding Umbrellas for Travellers, and Buggy l mbrellas, with and without joints. Also, a large assoitm* ut of WALKING CANES. P. S.—We have also added to the above estab-1 lishment the manufacture of WIRE SAFES, lor j * keeping provisions, which are warranted supe-;' j rior to any imported, and may be hid of any { pattern or size. my3-lm j i ipt M% \ IT'OR CLEAN LINEN AND COTTON _ RAGS, (packed in bales,) Cask will be Paid, ( at the oillce of BATH PAPER MIIXS, on Reynolds street, betweeu Jackson and Mclntosh, Augusta, j * Georgia. my 3 < J. B. HAVFE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. COMMISSIONER OF I'EEDS FOR SO CA. PRATICES in the Middle District. special attention given to claims in W sh ington City. Waynesboro. Burke Co., Geo. Myi Lost, BETWEEN Mr. W. B Savage’s, on I tbe new Mllledgeville road im iptwv j; J the city of Augusta, or in the city, oi Saturday, Ist of May, a large BLACi j| UMB' , j POCKET BOOK, containing a parce.W"' j of Executions issued from the Justices’ Court oi : the 110th District, G. M., of Richmond county. Any information concerning the same will be thankfully received. K. HICKS, i n>v3-3 County Constable. * iHICKMAN.WESCOmCO. Have a lakge and splendid stock of UNT Hj [SPRING GOODS! Just received from New York, which THEY WILL SELL VERY CHEAP . Merchants and Planters are respectfully re quested to call and examine their gjods, as they r will be sold low. i H., W. k Co. would respectfully invite the at- i , tention of Ladies to a beautiful assortment of j DRESS GOODS j *■=»«-«- JM a* n * i ■ 1 STEEL-SPBIVG SKIRTS, . and a great variety of otbor articles opened this ] day. ap<^ Cash Pair! for 01,11 HOPE MD lilli'MM 1 HEMP RAGGING AND ROPE, I 2>£ cents per lb ; I For GUNNY BAGGING, cents per lb ; n “ GRASS ROPE, 1 “ “ , At BATH PAPER %ILLS OFFICE, 1 On Reynold-street, between Jackson and Me- I Intosh. a pl4 C — { XgjjjßE MEDICINES^/ 1 tJ J^trUments/ URUcfl OILS \ -- C.h‘ ._ __ ' l! ; C GREENE & PULASKI <r,o aa na naa <S" ma 0 . LOTTERIES.! | Managed , Drawn and Prizes Paul by the ,] well known and responsible firm of j O R I*: ii oR Y & M A UR Y I SALES CLOSE EACH DAY at 2 o’clock. J i EXTRA CLASS 14, 1 iTo be ill awn on SATURDAY, May Bth, 1857 y IbEAUTIFCL SCHEME!, $41,082! 1 Prize ol $15,000 2 do 10.000 2 do 5.000 2 do 3,750 2 do 2,250 &c., &c., &c. Tickets, $lO : Halves, So ; Quarters. $2.50. j UNCURRENT NOTES. SPECIE AND I AND WAP. RANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SMALLER CL ASSES. WiU be drawn every <lav in the following order : ON MONDAY. The Capital Prize will be from $9,000 to $14,000. Tickets, $2.50; Halves, $1.25: Quur’s, 62 % cts. TUESDAY. Capital, $4,000 to SO,OOO. Tickets, $1; Halves, 50cents; Quarters, by the package. WEDNESDAY. Capital, sl°,ooo to $15,000. Tickets, $4 ; Halves, $2 ; Quarters, sl. THURSDAY. Capital, $7,500 to SO,OOO. Tickets $2: Halves $1; Quarters, 50 cents. FRIDAY. Capital. $9,000 to $14,000. Tickets, $2 50 Halves, $1.25 ; Quarters. 62 s cents. SATURDAY. Capihil, $4,000 to $6,000. Tickets, $1; Halves, i 50 cents. Quarters, by the packages. #3* Payment of Prizes in the above Lotteries is secured by a bond ol Seventy Thousand Dol lars, in the bands of the Treasurer ol the Com missioners , appointed by tbe State of Georgia. Notes of all solvent Buuks taken in payment for Tickets. Orders promptly attended to, and Schemes and Drawings forwarded. Apply to JOHN a . MILLF.N, Rroad-st., 3 doors below On <-e tJorge". ray& Vender ‘or Grewv ft n•• B A WWW* *> 5 hhds. Prime SHOULDERS, O s.» 10 do. Riboed SIDES, without back-bone 5 do. Clear do 4 io. PLAIN HAMS, 2 do. SUGAR CURED HAMS. For sale by _ ap2B Mr COR . HORTON k WAT TON. Hides wanted. Cash pain lor prime FLINT HIDES. THOS. P.SIOVALL&CO., __ febl2 4 Gen’l Commission Merchant Bath (South Carolina) r»apcx* IVXills WILL KEEP ON HAND in thid city, and for salo at lowest cash prices, con | stani supplies us HOOK, NEWS, and WRAPPING PAPER, of best qualities. Orders promptly flI led. Store Room on Reynold street, immediately in rear of City Bank. CEO. W. WINTER. Augusta, April 6, 1858. apß-tf Uliilrpr ! ers'^^t^^fry'Th^be ' nform9 'V S" chanla « f Angela, and o» n . MAWKEW-SA^St^ lmble and prompt paying Companies in tlio Union 3 caHon°to WißhiDS i ’° lide9 *“ M “ rir ‘ e “•***»«* can have them on appß THomas WHyte, AGEy P, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. _ CS-ire-cvt Western :VSBB And Trust Company of Philadelphia and stew York. Flßß v}£ms£££ E ?ZJ!£l HES ' SELLINGS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, LURNIfURE and MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY, Limited or Perpetual. OFfc ICE IN THE COMPANY’S BUILDING, No. 403 Walnut, Corner of Fourth-street. DIRECTORS l CHARLES C. LATHROP, WM. DARLING ALEX. WHILLDIN THOS. L. GILLESPIE ISAAC HAZZLEHURST, JAS. B. SMITH i o so C; HUNTER, Hon. HENRY M. FULLER, E. TRACY, JOHN R. VOGDES, JOHN It. M’CURDY, JAMES WRIGHT JONA. J. SLOCUM, ALFRED TAYLOR. CHAS. C. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vice-President. L. GREGORY, 2d Vice-President, 40 William street, New York. JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. ; H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant Secretary. STATEMENT, JANUARY 1,185 R. Capital, $222,300 00 Surplus, 55 074 02 assets. 5277 574 06 Real Estate, and Bonds and Mortgages, 13(j HIXI (X) Stocks, (par value, $80,450,) " 5L915 00 Bills Receivable, gj 723 gg Cash in Bank and due from Agents, 27 135 45 „ . . , : $277,574 05 Premiums received, $132,872 32 Interest, Rents, &c., 11,004 48 5144,476 80 Losses paid, $47,850 11 Expenses, Commissions, Re insurance and Dividend, 41,652 64 THOMAS WHYTE, Ageut, Augusta. "" Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Insurance Company NORTH WEST CORNER SECOND & WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. The following Statement, exhibits the business and condition of the Company, to January Ist, 1858 : Premiums Received for Marine Risks undetermined in 1857, $99,271.01 Marine Premiums Received during the year ending Dec. 81, 1857, 118,156.05 Fire Premiums Received during the year ending, Dec. 81, 1857, 192,555.85 Interest on Loans, 8,445.62 Total Receipts for the year, $418,427.53 Paid Marine Losses, $122,630.09 Paid Fire Losses, 95,253.88 Expenses, returned premiums and Re-Insurance, 54,216.58 Salaries and Commissions, 32,458.38 $304,568,9 Balance remaining with the Company, $113,858.60 THE ASSETS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Bonds and Mortgages, Ground Rents, Bank and other Stocks, $212,450.00 Loaned on Stocks, 37,650.00 Trust Fund in New York. 33,151.56 Deferred Payment on Stock, 97,700.00 Bills Receivable, 74,404.67 Cash on hand and due from Agents. 45,000.33 Premiums on Policies recently issued, and debts due the Company, 30.538.38 $530,894.94 THOMAS WHYTE, Agent, Augusta. The Officers and Directors of this Institution experience much satisfaction in lay ing before their fellow-citizens the foregoing statement, with a view to direct atten tion to the great Importance of Insurance, and thereby protect themselves from the Loss of property by Five. The Company has entered upon the third year of its existence, during which period the Receipts have reached the largo sum of eight hundred and fifty thousand dol lars, and they have paid Losses of more than st.r hundred thousand dollars, which is equal in respect to character of business to the very best and oldest offices in this City. While the Losses have been exceedingly heavy, they have been met with promptitude in adjustment, and by ttie payment of claims, which lias elicited the un qualified approbation of those who have been the sufferers. This Company is determined to maintain its character and credit by prompt payment of Loss to the In sured, and this rule will he continued and strictly adhered to in all cases. The FARMER S & MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY solicits Insurance on Real Estate, Goods, Nanufaeluriny Mstablishmcnts, Ayricuttural Produce, Merchandise and Household Furniture, at reduced rates, to meet the exigenceies of the present times. The Board of Directors are gentlemen of well known character and reputation, fully understand the business of Fire Insurance, and have a full reliance on the competency of the Officers who conduct the affairs of the Institution. We appeud the names of a few intensive and influential Merchants of this City, who patronize the Company by giving it a large amount of their Insurance, and to whom are respectfully referred persons who may wish to Insure with this Com pany. M. W. BALDWIN, Steam Engine Manufacturer, GOLDSMITH & CO.. Clothier, DAVID S. BROWN, Merchant, E. M. SK LY & SON, Merchants, JOHN H. BROWN, Merchant, .IESPER HARDING k SON, Printers. THOMAS SPARKS, Merchant, RICE k KELLY, Plumbers, T. A- L. THOMPSON, Merchants, WM F. FOTTERALL, FAUST & WINEimEN.N'hR, Merchants, P. RU SWING k SONS, 11. kP. DEITRICH, Gom Elastic, Manufacturers, MALONE k. TAYLOR, JOHN DCROSB, Printer, ' JOHN HARE POWELL, MICHAEL BOUVIER, Merchant, JOHN L. BROOMES CO., BUTCHER k BROS., Merchants. BLOOM k DAVIS, ■I. VAN BRUNT, Merchant, D. k C. KEI I.Y, Manufacturers, WILLIAM ROGERS, Coacll Maker, CHARLES L. BUTE, Sugar Rolf er. The Company has discontinued Marine Insurance since. August Ist, 1857, in tending to confine it exclusively to the business of Fire and Inland Navigation In- sunines. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD 11. HEMBOLDT, Secretary. JOHN THOMASON, General Superintendent. Great Western Marine Insurance. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, CARGO AND FREIGHT, TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ALSO, INLAND INSURANCE ON GOODS, to all parts of the Count™ : OFFICE IN THE COMPANY’S BUILDING, No. 403 Walnut, Cor. Fourth-street DIRECTORS ; CHARLES 0. LATHROP, WM. DAI-LING, ALEX. WHILLDIN, TUGS. L. GILLESPIE, ISAAC HAZKLHURST, IAS. B. SMITH, JOHN C. HUNTER, HON. HENRY. M. FULLER, E. TRACY, JOHN. R. VOGDES, JOHN R. M’CURDY, JAMES WRIGHT, JONA. J. SLOCUM, ALFR CD TAYLOR. dI\S. C. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vice. President. L. GREGORY, id Vice President, 49 WiUtam St., A'. V. JAMES G. WRIHT, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant Secy. STATEMENT, JANUARY Ist, 1854. Capital, $222,300 00 Surplus, 55,274 05 asskh. $277,574 05 Real Estate, and Bonds and Mortgages, $136,800 00 Stocks, (par value, $86,450,) 51,915 00 Bills Receivable, 61,723 60 Cash in Bank and Due from Agents, 27,135 45 Premiums received, 132,872 32 Interest, Kents, &c,, 11,004 48 Lossespaid, $47,850 11 Expenses, Commissions, Re-Insurance and Dividend, 41,352 64 THOMAS WHYTE.Agent, Augusta. Extract from the Rejort of the Agent of the Omptrotler of the State of New York. Hon. S. E. Church, Comptroller, Sfc. Dear Sir Agreeably to your request, I have examined, I believe critically and fully, the affairs, condition and assets of the Great Western Insurance and Trust Company. 1 have seen and inspected not only their Books, which are well , kept, but the Assets under the heads of Cash on Hand, Bills Receivable, and Stock Notes, and feel perfectly safe in reporting to you that the four items of “Cash on hand and in the hands of Agents,” “Unsettled Premiums,” “Bills Re ceivable,” and "Stock Notes.” amounting to $93,858, are good, and available to the Company for that amount, or nearly that amount. I have taken some paint to ascertain the value of the Stool s held by the Company, having visited the sev eral Companies and conversed fully and freqly with their respective officers. The building belonging to the Company, on the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets, is a very fine freestone building, well built and admirably arranged; it* location is one of tbe best for business purposes in Philadelphia. I have called upon the gentleman who built it, and sold it to the Company, who informed me that it cost hlin over $70,000 cash. 1 think this property would be a good in vestment at $75,000. The Real Estate Mortgages contained in the statement of the Company are all good for the amount stated, and cover property worth at least fifty percent, more than the amount lor which they are mortgaged. From this statement it will be seen that this Company should receive your Certificate. I desire to arid that the Company seems to be intelligently and pru dently managed, and I find that it enjoys the full confidenceof thie business men of Philadelphia. [Signed] L. S. ( HA I MELD, February 14, 1858. Agent of Comptroller of Aew York.