Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, October 23, 1858, Image 4
CarK #t. Partnership Notice. WE, the undersigned, have thin da) entered in a Partnership for the prac a ( of Law, S“mlnal»ide oftheCour, Otto. %-?:g^&N-QY N. M. Harris, LTTOKNEY AT LAW and NOTAP PUBLIC, LaGrargt, Ga. jj-10-Iy' B. H. I.EEKE, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Otmvitte, Georgia. OKACTICES in the Counties of Cass, M Cobb, Floyd, Goritou, Murray, i anldiog, Polk Walker, Whitfield. “ompt and vigilant attention pveu to colter, tion of claim., and out ol Court. Chouw! - , HU relv on vetting tbeir money when cooler, ted. SSrE-'Hon.T.H. TIUPPE, and officers of Court.—CassvMe, Georgia. State Lands sold ou Commission. septß-4m* TS'O. MILLEDGK, JNO. MILLEDGE. Jk. : Milledge & Mil ledge, Attorneys at law, Augusta, Oa. will attend with dispatch and fidelity to j attsbusiness entrusted to their care, tu the eoun-; ties of the Middle Circuit. , , I .ay Office on Brotid street, three doors below ; the&atc Bank. BV&UIy . T\R- J. T. PATERSON, Surgeon Dentist. j If Office ou Washington-ct., „ corner of Mils. i Will attend to all operations , Pertaining to the profession. EXTRACTS TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BY ELEC TJCITY. mylO-y CHARLES HI, WRIGHT, Uentfot, OFFICE over Carmichael Si Bean’s Hardware Store, 3road-St., Augusta. Ga, j All operations pertaining to Dentistry faithful- 1 ,y and -ci»*ntifloa!ly executed. octo j Joseph W. Harrisson, WhtlexaU and Retail Dealer in ■ , ARTISTS’ MATERIALS,! PAINT, OIL, WINDOW GLASS, BUNDS, DOOIIS. SHUTTERS and SASHES j glazed and unglazed. BRUSHES of every variety ; LAMPS, BURN- i IN'G FLUID. ALCOHOL, VARNISHES, etc. etc. ' No. 73. Hlfellng-Street, nov27 Charleston, S. C. ly I Ir. L. HIGH, j. E. BUTLER, W. G. PETERS. . HIGH, BUTLER & CO., Simmission llmljsnts, For the purchase and sale of j Domiessoe, COTTON, GROCERIES, &c., Alabama-strcet, south ol M. kW. R. R. Depot Atlnnta, Georgia. jfST Good Tennessee Money tale at par for * Produce. mhS-dm 1 GEORGE COOPER, MACHINIST AND ENGINEER, Ai the old established Shop of George Slater, corner j of Timggs and Wallins streets. Augusta, Manufacturer of steam en-N GINES, BOILERS, GRIST MILLS. CIRCU- j -i LAR SAW and GANG MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, of : the most approved pattern?, ol various size.-;, i»oth vertical and horizontal ; MINING MA- 1 ;HIXERY, of ail descriptions ; PUMPS, for j dines, both forcing and lilting. 'j IRON and BRASS CASTINGS made to order at 1 t )tic lowest priced for cash. Also, one six-horse STEAM ENGINE and BOIL- j ‘ ,CR for sale low for cash. jylL 3m Planters’ Hotel, i< (LATE FULTON HOUSE,) CONVENIENT TO TJIE PASSENGER DEI OT ! * Atlanta, Georgia. THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly! refitted and furnished, and is now under . the management of a good Superintendent, Dr. , 1 Johnson, late of New Orleans. r BOARD, per day, $1.50 ; per week, $7.00. This Hotel is second to none for comfort. Please j give us a trial. GFORGE JOHNSON, J aull-dly Proprietor. j ft BRAY'S HOTEL, f| , fcH»il CARTERSVILLE, GA., SITUATED nearest the Depot on the lelt hand side ofthj Railroad coming down, ; and on the right coming up. Passengers will . take breakfast on arrival of the down trains 1 Good walks to the Hotel. mh22-y W. M. BRAY, Proprietor, j BYINGTOA'S HOTEL, BROAD STREET, ALBANY. GEORGIA. J. T. BYINGTON, PROPRIETOR. Tlie Stage Office, for stages running to Thom ; asvUle, Balnbridge, Quincy and Tallahassee, kept at this House. jyS-d*wCni OCOEE MOUSE, CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE. DANIEL A. TIBI3S, Proprietor. mills HOTEL is a spacious new brick JL building, just completed. The Proprietor has incurred a heavy expense in fitting up and | f.ruisiiing the rooms, to make them neat and j comfortable. The House is now open for the re- J ception of boarders, visitors and travelers, and i the Proprietor can afford ample accommodations * for oue hundred and fifty persons. An Omnibus, j with a good and safe team, will be at the Depot to convey passengers to the Hotel and back to the Depot again. The Proprietor intends to try Viii'ike it a first olass Hotel, and hopes to share ;*!ibcral patronage. sepll-Gw DANIEL A. TIBBS. Proprietor. So WET A HOUSE. NEWNAN, GA. mhjbly _ _ SANDERS W. LEE. STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, DeKALB COUNTY, GA. mhß ly g. F. ALEXANDER. R. P. SPELMAN, SB ) FAINTER, Grcene-streot, Augusta, Georgia. f-'C B^huiter— -10 firkins choice Goshen BITTER, just re ce.ved by ocO-ilac fcTES & CI,ARK. ( ON CONSIGNMENT— 50° bushels heavy 11RAV, iu sacks. For i *- rc b >' »*» 8 KLYCHLEY « kaNCHEZ. j M. H. TaIl»ot, A I iOKNF.Y AT LAW, will practice ,u the counties ot Ulchmoud, Burke Jes, iertou and Columbia oi the Middle Circuit and itairen, aud Lincoln, or the Northern Circuit. *3- Office in Constitutionalist Ranee Augusta, Ga. ocß-ly ° ’ | A-TTENTTIOiNj ; ' i PLAN WEBS, FARMERS, A.YD Commission Merchant!,, In addition to a splendid stock of Solid Silver WARE, WATCHES & JEWELRY. t tiave on hand at low prices, a »'• ATHKR BAROMETER which tells £4 hours- before band the exact state of what the weather mil If ■ What more useful to all Planters. I have also bACHAJtns E BAROMETERS for those wh- oil. tivatc the Chinese Sugar Cano. N'cw kind of Rules for BOOK KEEPERS am! GOLD PEN'S that were made under m > fsopevviston to order, of an i eat: Ji new pattern. HENRY J. OSBORNE, Cndtr United States Hotel. - - Auyusta, Georgia. ■VTEW herring.— AU>!Si b,r .", U Vt No ™ Scotia HUIBIYC, the * r V 0 f OO4 in tbc for J hau. j 3>sao ’ vomttgnmeut, and for -ale low by i 1 AXSLKY A- SON. , r.'s . iiwiir® MAesisis ; GREAT REDUCTION. “ ON AM> AFTER THIS :'ATE, WE AGREE TO SELL OUR MACHINES AT So as to allow one ami all to tn.t ke 0-00X3 -AxtsriD At SUBSTANTIAL MACHINE, Oct INSTEAD 01 - THE INFERIOR w j CHEAP AFFAIR o^/4 Nowin the Market, \ Therefore we agree to I [u, 'ml iThe -Following Prices: [Now Family Machine and Iror, Stand, complete S 50 00 ’ ! Shuttle Machines andiron Stand, Letter A 75 00 ; | No. 1, 12 inch Table, Standard Shuttle Machine and Iron Stand no 00 I No. 2, IS inch Table, Standard Shuttle Machine and Iron Stand . 125 001 I No. 3, 24 inch Table, Standard Shuttle Machine and Iron Stand . 140 00 No. .8, 21 inch Table, Standard Shuttle Machine and Iron Stand. I with extra large Shuttle, for heavy Leather work, with vibrating ; pressure combined with Feed Wheel ° 152 00 [ Mahogany Cases or Tables will be extra charge. fief thread, Flax do., Needles, Machine Foil for Sale at Singer's Office. Mill CLOTHING DEPOT Opposite tbe Union Bank, Augusta, Ga. RAMSAY & LaBAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF nM.'eca.i’o.sM. READYMADE CLOTHING. TXTE BEG LEAVE TO INFORM OUR NUMEROUS FRIENDS AND CITS - i Y ▼ turner, that we are ctill at the same OLB And among the stock will he found Brown, Black, Blue and olive full | trimmed FROCKS AND DREsS COATS, at almost every price. Side Band Casimere suits of every grade ; Harris Broad Brook and Doe Skin Frocks and Business Coats : Fancy C'us. Bants, luffed Side Baud, do. Harr is' Cas. Bl'k Doe Skin, English, French and American of cverv quality ; Bl'kSat. Cashmere, Casimere, Yal. Super Mattelose, Lyons Velvet, Super White Silk, Bl'k ( loth and Cas. Single and 1 Cubic IVaisted and ] louble Bleated t VESTS, of every kind and size. WE HAVE TIIE LARGEST LOT OF LIEN BOSOMS, SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CRAWS 1 In the city, from the well known manufacturicsof “ Morrison/’ “Golden Hill/ , “I. U. Davis & C 0.,” and others, all made expressly to our order. We have also a lar#fo lot of MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS ; Cashmere, ( Saxony Wool, Australian,Lamb’s Wool, Shaker Flannel, Silk, Brown and Black, Cotton Undershirts and Drawers, of every grade ; Canton Flannel, Brown and \ Bleached Drill Drawers ; Travelling Shawls and Blankets. , Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. ' We also beg leave to inform our customers and persons visiting the city, that j we receive goods by every steamer, from our extensive manufactory North, hav- 1 ing a partner in market every day to purchase the latest novelties of the season. please call and examine the stock, the prices are all right. oct2 3m HAIGH & ANDREWS MANUFACTURERS AND RETAIL DEALERS IN C^OTHtTO* AND GEHTLEIENS FURMISHIHG GOODS ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SUPPLIES FOIL THE Fall and Winter Trade. Fine Black and Colored French and English Cloths and Beaver Cloths ; Black French Doe Skins and Casimores ; Fancy French, English and American Casimores ; A large assortment of Vestings, of Black and Fancy Silks and Velvets : i sir All of which they will make to order at short notice in the BEST STYLE, i and on the most reasonable terms, CLOTHING. ]! Fine Black [Cloth Frock and Sack Coats ; ) j Fancy Cassimere Business Goats and sacks, various styles and qualities ; ! Fine and cheap Overcoats, various styles ; ’; Black Doe Skin and Fancy Casimere Punts : Velvet, Silk aud Casimere Vests ; j Traveling Saawls aud Buggy Blankets. I FURNISHING GOODS. Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, lldkfs, Half Hose,'?'White and Colored Kid, Silk, Buckskin and Casimere Gloves : Also, many new styles of Neck Ties and Scarfs— ' To all of which we would invite the attention of purchasers, assuring them that we will at till times endeavor to give entire satisfaction as to style, quality aud price. We are Agents for Thomas P. Williams’ New' York Report of Fashions,' and have the Fall Report now ready for delivery, with large Plate aud Book, sept 21tf i fIVSFEPSIA’S mi | ! NOTICE TO PATRONS AND THE PUB-' | LIC GENERALLY. ! UXrE have now on hand one gross of *» the "INFALLIBLE ELIES' DYSPEP. \TIC REMEDY / ’ aud having effected a more j complete arrangement for a supply hereafter, ■ will be able to furnish all who may dcoire this j valuable Remedy, None genuine without our written signature. J Price two dollars —and cau be sent to any part ot the country by mail. SPEAKS & MIGHT, j _ au ~» Sole Agents, j POWDER, "shot, LEAD, Ac,, instore I tinti for Palo bv HOLLINGSWORTH S; BALDWIN. nu2l -42 m , Jlacou. !fpLN THOUSAND lbs. Clear SIDES, ! ■ I just received jail for sate by | au2l-d2m k BALDWIN. : | Hope, Bagging and Twine •’ o^ffi? EED and s,vcut y-five ’ 1 10 bales heavy Gunny BAGGING • li TWINS, Lor sale by ! , HOLLINGSWORTH ic BALDWIN ; au2lti2ui Choice Liquors. A P WAYS on hand, a good supply of AX choice BBANDIES, WI.YES, ic.. lor family aud medicinal use. ! ozvdm GABWQQD k RUSSELL. VTORTHERN HAV— Al 50 bales prime N.irtberii HAY. ilowairi- 1 ■ vmy. ftn>i for -ale very low. "vIU TTIOA I’. STOVALL A CO | Looli at This. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL work in tbc Carpenter’s line with neatness . and di patch. Jobbing attended to. i Also, Furniture made and repaired. HENRY ROGERS. Shop on Jackson-strcci, near the Baptist Church. ts Lumber! Lumber! inn nnn F£iKT ° f seasoned lUU.UUU I.L JIUJKit, of Oil for •sale. Apply to W. 11. BYRD. Agent, j sep2S lin T> KANDY PEACHES ! • U Jest received, on consignment, a lew Ik rcls puro CIDER BRANDY, made in New Jurat “ expressly lor putting i:p Braudv Peaches provided it should be wanted for that tie. Also, a few barrels APPLE BRANDY, j uu 9 ZIMMERMAN & STOYALI SUGAR MILLS A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL MILL, with wrought iron journals, made and adapt ed expressly for grinding the Impliee. or Chi nese Sugar Cane, can now be obtained of the »’ubsci'lbers. Persons who are experimenting in Sugar and Syrup making, are invited to give this .Mill an examination. Numbers of them were used last season, with complete satisfac tion. Orders attended to. and all enquiries promptly answered. I. H. STEARNS k CO., Bioad-st., near Mechanics Bank, i , Augusta, Ga. : * lOll And Brass Foundry. I It.. H & AIAOMUBPHY continue the !? ali its Wandies, at the "«* be thankful for or ■'r • 1 " WM- Iron and Bra., Castings, for lOld .•(me-, Mill-.. Rail Roads Bridges, and Ma ■ ihinory of all descriptions. oc2B-ly ’ l Mattes, Jtfoffrj fit. ' INSS. CLARK & CO. WATCHES, JESWES3L.R.Y SILVER WARE, CUTLERY, Guns,Pistols, 1 FANCY GOODS THE LARGEST STOCK IX THE !SOUTHERN COUNTRY! AT THE IBP .*.•.■ VOOiVS, WV«V*.- W U J vJ \—, XJU U 'GU *O3 V— - ■ TEA SETS, ITTCHEES, GOBLETS. CAS-' TORS, CANDLESTICKS, FORKS, | SPOONS, AND EVERYTHING IN SILVER THAT IS DE SIRABLE FOR THE FAMILY OR PLEAS ING TO THE FANCY. PLi jSv.T’EI £3 G-OODS, IN IN FINITE VARIETY, j Table Plated Cutlery. | .sr uc •%><&■ ms ■« ts,- » 1 ' IN DIAMONDS, CAMEO, ETRUSCAN, 1 CORAL, MOSAIC, &c., &c, f octl2 ( WATCHES 1 : JEWELRY AID CLOCKS, J AT AVHOLBSAUi ABDHGTJUL, j J. N. FREEMAN, [ NO. SI2, BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. J - (Afar/ y Opposite limiter's I/old.) OPPERf? I j WATCH 3E3JE3 , !OF ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERI- > CAN MANUFACTURE. JEWELRY, Os new and beautiful designs. SILVER AND PLATED WARE—Em-1 bracing Spoons. Forks#, Cups, Cake Basket?. j Castors, Butter .Stands, &e., in groat variety. The above Goode#, as also many not mentioned, bavo all been selected / with great caro, and all who may j uflKJjn j want any article in this line, are invi- KjPEaM , vited to examine iny collect ion. I * Particular Attention given to RE- fcjlggM j rAIRING of Watches and Jewelry, as I have in employ none but the very vfflZsdii' best workmen. All work promptly executed. J ocl-d4c3n\ FALL OF 1858. i —■ ; ( HENRY J. OSBORNE,j, At ‘436 Bioail-d., undev t. S. Hotel. ' /YLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, I' V; Silver and Plated WARE . SPELTACLK3— ■ Gold, Silver, and Steel : Opth-al and surveying i ' INSTRUMENTS ; M chaniculTOYS, for children;! CABLE CHARMS; ('able Walking CANES, and j a large and beautiful variety of COOL S, of moat recent styles, on sale at lowest prices. All work promptly and i-hieieutiy done, both i ‘ in the Watch and Jewelry line, as' beret dorc | : Business personally attended to. Goods will be 1 weekly arriving, of the uewett pattern . A fair share of patronage, proportionate to 1 an ample stock of every the in Lis line, is res pectfully solicited. HENRY J. OAI OR\E. Watch, Optical and Jewelry Estub i. l aieiU 236 Broad street, under United States Hotel, and opposite the City Bunk, Augusta, Geo . . . sepLO-tf W. G. WOODSTOCK, Watch and Clock Makers (Many years with Mr. 7. \Y. Frconan.) 1 RESPECT IT t LLY inform? Ins friends and the public generally, that he has open-: ed a store opposite the Planters’ Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS? and JEWELRY r. paired. Long experience in business. with strict and ; careful attention, v.i’d enable me, I hope, to ; : general satisfaction, and I respectfully solicit a j share of public patronage. W. G. WOODSTOCK. 1 Opposite Planter.#’ Hotel, scpl ts Augusta,Ga. BUR.E3K.A This is the exclamation of. SUFFERING DYSPEPTIC, after h„. ingtri A all the patent nostrums of the lav, when n -ni t' has once been had to that long popular. ::.u- i roughly tested, and ueTer falling Remedy. the' Colleton Bitters! Prepared under the supervision of Mr.-. EMil Y A. JENKINS. The disease is driven from the system like the ( dew-drop from the Rose-bud in* the morning \! sunlight. What greater proof can the commit-1 . nity require that the article above named is a j RELIABLE REMEDY than that it has been sold 1 in this City for a series of Twenty-Fir ■ Years, ami ■ , has the unsolicited recommendations oi Physi cians, Clergymen, Ladies and Gcut'cuicu cf the j first standing. Hundreds of letters have beec i received from the mast respectable sources, r.v. speaking in unqualified measure of praise u! ! this truly iiimm Mrs. E. A. JENKINS regret# the necessity oi informing her friend? and the public that since the introduction of the Celebrated COLLL- • . TON BITTERS, Euitatf ns have sprung up. made by the inexperienced, and of course possessing i but little merit, they have* usually had but an j ephemeral existence ; hut Hit suffering and poor j Dyspeptic most he on his guard, or worthless ' imitations will be palmed cn him in place of my > well known remedy. Buy none, therefore, but i that with my name on the label, and a’so ob- j : serve that the name ll Collclon Biller «” is bk ,vn . in the Glass. The Colleton Bitters is for sale by every rc ■ * spectablo Druggist in the City and State. ! Tho Trade will o j supplied on Liberal Terms.; Orders should be addressed to JOHN ASH BURST, Special Agent. 29 Hayne-st., Charlestou, 8. C. For sale in Augusta, Ga., by PLUMB & LEIT-i NER and B. F. PALMER, M. !».; in Hamburg bv ! A. J. PELLESEIR k. CO. Cm my j Butter anti Clieese, &«?,, Qf\ Boxes Miles and Sons' CHEiidK I UJ i * to arrive; 15 kegs cltoicoTfo.-.heuBUTTER ; Selected;'- 5 Casks Can vos ed HAMS ; 60 Package? LAIU) ; 300 Sacks FLOUR, “some choice qimlitc." For sale by J. A. ANSLEY kCO. octlO Ivv Best french china dinner SETTS. —On hand, beautiful French China DINNER SETTS, white and gold band, for saie Li ; setts to suit purchasers. Prices verv low. fail and see for yourselves. Store on North side oi I Broad street, near the Augusta Hotel. S- C. MUST IN. ! N. B.— Positively not couuectea with any other j house in this city in business. ’ ocP | | Pkefianeous. i.l:"' I ': I t IKIT: SEWING MACHINES. |> EASONS why the Grower & Baker j XY Machine is universally preferred lor family sewing: 1. Tt is more simple aud easier kept in order | than any other Machine. 2U. It makes a seam which will not rip or ; ravel, though every third stitch is cut. 3d. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus ( all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while 1 the same machine can be adapted ut pleasure i by a mere change of spool , to all varieties of worP ; 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen threat j and common spool cotton with equal facility, i 6th. The scam is as elastic as the most clash' j i fabric, so that it is free from all liability tobreal j in washing, ironing, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this machine is mot: | | beautiful than any other made, either by ban or machine. . Merchants car. seenro the =ales of these Mr i , chines in their different localities, with proflttf i themselves aud their customers, bv *i j the undersigned, Owner.vof the Right for Gec.rgU * ; These machines are always on exhibition their Sales Room, on Broad street. my 4 TiiOS. P. STOVALL &CO Saddlery, Harness, trunks, '■ 3 2 QHERMAN, JffiSrP & CO. having re i tuoved to the new and spacion3 i i Iron trout Store adjoining the City ! Bunk, a few doors above their old CfiSSHpr ' location, aud nearly opposite tho t» • Globe and United States Hotels, are prepared to exhibit for the Full Trade < f 1858, an unusually . heavy stock of Goods in their line, comprising a argo and w-d! .select- d assortment of SADDLES BRIDLES. IT ARNES 1 -, WJIIPS, TRUNKS, VA LISES, CARPET BAGS, and every description of : Goods adapted to tlm trade, mau uacturcd by 1 themselves, expressly for this market. —also— A heavy stock of SADDLERY HARDWARE, COACH MATERIALS. Smith’s best VARNISHES! SPRINGS, AXLES, MAI LEABJ.E CASTINGS and ! BANDS, including a very full assortment oi Goods in the line, which are ottered to mauufac- ' inrerrf ami dealers at low prices. Leather, Shoe Findings and j Tanners Tools. "VTOW receiving, Oak and llemloc.t ll Sole LEATHER : Harm ekir:in". H idle an-I ttiml I.KAIHKR; Picker, L'ice and Roller “ Patent .shirting, Collar, Dash and Enatnoiled LEATHER : Russet uiid Black Upper LEATHER ; “ “ KID SKINS : French, German and American Calf SKIN?? ; French Patent Calf, Kid Calf, and Opera SKINS; Goat and Kid Morocco SKINS : Lining. Topping and Binding SKINS ; Buck, Chamois aud Sheep *» Shoe Pegs, Lasts. Sole Gntiers, Heel Cutters, Rolling Mills, I’cg Jack.-?, Peg Break?, Peg Cutters, Boot Trees, Crimps, Clamps, Hammers, Shoe Knives, Splitting Knives, Sluve-, Rub Stones, Bristles, Awl Blades, Ev icts and Punches, Iron and Wood Patent Peg Awl Haft?. Copper Rivets and Burrs, Luce Tacks. Iron. Zinc stud Copper Sparablo«, Si*/r; Sticks. Measuring • Tapi-.s, Shoo Thread, Fitting Thread, Siik I Twist, Boot Cord, Silk Galloon. Boot Web, &c., &c. —Also— CURRYING KNIVES. FINGER I STEELS. > RAM FACES, SUCKERS, BRUSHES, I RUB STONES, CLEARING STONES, Tanners | OIL, by (he barrel. For sale low. by SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO.. At t!.o new and spacious Iron Front Store ad- ! joining tlic City Ban):, a few doors above their \ old lovatiuii, aud nearly opposite the Globo and j Luited States Hotels. Leather Machine Belting, A\l> FACTORY FINDINGS. ]) ATEN U RIVETED, Stretched aud j _ Com ?ntcd Leather BELUNG, single and double, all widths, (1 lo 24 inehe?) curried and .A role lied by cmvclves. Quality guaran teed. A large slack a:way-; on hand.* ODkPER I IVI-.TS and BURRS, WASHERS, RING 1 tra vf.llkps, roll i:r bui:.shes k< u.eer I CLOTH, STRIPPER CARDS. I’ICKERS. I LAG SCREWS, l. VG LEATHER, m:d ' a variety 6f Factory Finding-. F >r ?alc on accommodating term?, by SHERMAN, JE -SCP & CO.. i At the. now and spacious Iron Front Store ad- ; joining the City Bin!:, a few door- above their j i old location, and nearly opj v-Ue the Glci c and. i : I nitial States Hotel. ' ai:2s-dVe:;m ) , l. M. sl\<;i:h S co*s, ; SEWING MACHINES, ! rop. MANiTAcrn :-- i'. i •A-r.vnos anl> ' i i-'Aiiy-r-:. i ! OFFICE XXU SALES KOOJt AT j Ho. 1821-2 Eroad St., OPPOSITE ADAM-' FNPRESS OFFICE. | AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. octld The V. S. Hotel, : a 110 AD-STREET, AUGUSTA, UUO., ! L. DWelle, 0 .omixior, T.S o lie red to tho TravcUng Public as a j . FIRST CLASS HOUSE. The k uiicn i.-; -lo- ! ! eidvdly the mott clitibV- in ti:r city, being in I , the very center of busimv? : tin Rooms are j commodious aud well ventilated ; in this respect I J it 1? coiiJULntiy believed, pc??« -.■iing adviimage? [ | over any other Hotel in this city. | Permanent Boarders can be accommodated. ! Faintly Suits of Rooms, furnished or unfur i nished. at low prices. Omnibuses always at the Depots, for the eou ; veyance of Passengers. No cirauo tor Onmi | bus fare to Uoklors of Tiirough Y. ft®Traveling Public arc lcspool' dy in* I vitod to ' ivc ns a c ill. : 2 ddi jn .1. V. ' : IRK Superint< Bacon and Lard. If'IFTY THOUSAND FOUNDS TEN- 1 YBSSEE BACON SIDE? : . S.OOO lbi. fcnaesace LARD Fopsaloby . Cel BAKER & WRIGHT. j On Consignment. jtIFTY barrels Extra Family FLOUR, i now in Store, and a lot of Superfine ir 98 I j and 49 lbs. sacks, daily expected from thy Mills. { I For sale cheap by THOM AC WHYTE,” | Commission Morchur.t, { •• 'M w _ _ 135 Broad st. | ; in dson & miLjlkr, ! IV iKJLFSALIJ AND HETAID i GROCERS OFFER for sale at tlieir New Stoic 109 Bags Rio, Lagnsra and Java COFFEE ;! 7Hi ids o.' Mng. and Port, SUGARS ; * 30 bb’s aB C and i-.-ushcul SUGARS: } “5 hhl i WHISKY, various t land.? ; 175 kegs NAILS ; 35C09 SUGARS of ail brands : 30 boxes TOBACCO, aborted braco? • 50 boxes Turpentine and ToiJc-t SOAP • 220 boxes CANDLES : 50 cages LIQUORS ; -■S cases PRESERVES, S ILT. IRON, MO- L.v - i'S, and every other article kept hi the Gro- GQiK.Vuc. Oct 15 PLA f i-.D WAL>E.— C.r tor? 9 Spoons, Forks, Mug*, Butters. Cake Baskets. &c. For sale cheap. jgg. C. MUSTIN. IWOOD & CO.’S FAMILY LAUD.— r T 10 barrels of tho best .Family LARD, in store, and for sale by 1 atr’4 M. W. WOOPRITF. DEALERS IN i ' tereuM®/ f WMS, OILS \ ■JL ' Fare Only 14 Dollars, FROM AUGUSTA TO WELDON. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF RAILROAD SCHEDULES, i VIA COLUMBIA, CHARLOTTE, RALEIGH TO WELDON. Time the same as on any other route. j PASSENGERS, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! No Dangerous Trestles, Swamps, or Molaiia on tills Route!! ON airs after TUESDAY, 6th Ap il th lollowing will be the schedule between •i Augusta and New York via Columbia, E C.: i Leave Augusta 1 .00 A M Leave Columbia 7.00 P M Leave Charlotte LOO A M Leave Raleigh 9.00 A M Leave Weldon 2. CO P M Arrive at New » ork. by either Peters burg or Portsmouth route 6.00 P M I.eave New York 8.00 A M Leave Philadelphia 1.00 P M 1 Leave Baltimore 5,00 p M } Leave Weldon (iu !ay>.. 32.00 M ' LeaveßuLigh 4.15 PM , j Leave Charlotte (2.00 M ! Arrive at Columbia 5 00 A M Arrive at Augusta 3.15 P M j Passengers going North desiring to connect with th Express Train at Columbia, *.v»U take; the morning trains at Montgomery, Chattn !' nooga, Augusta and Charleston and the evening j. trains at Atlanta and Savannah, aud connect in j daylight at Weldon with both the Washington I City and Rny Routes. Passengers going South, by taking this route .at Weldon, as in above Schedule, will reachj J Charleston and Augusta as soon as by any oth- j er line, and connect with cither route Sooth! or West from that point, as their tickets will: show. 'flfjL-N. B. Passengers going North will buy their tickets to Augusta, Ga., only, ami tho.-'. | going South, to, N. C.. at which point? | Through Tickets and Through Checks can be} had. and where they will have choice of routes.! This Route is the GREAT CENTRAL LINE, via! Columbia, OfoesterviUe, Charlotte, Salisbury. 1 Greensboro'. Raleigh, Frunklluton, Henderson. j to Weldon. N. C.. and passes owr an elevate i healthy and populous* couu'i y. with flue.seen< v.v j and pure water. This route is almost entirely I lYeclnmi dust. Passengers uid invalid travel-1 !ers wishing to stop at right, taking the day ao- > comniudation train, will pass over tho entire |l route by daylight, finding on the route good hotels and resting places. jfcydaggage checked t<- Weldon from Augus ta. Charleston and Columbia, and vice versa. ': For furthur Information, see guide s of this j route, or inquire of LEWIS LEVY, Agent at Augusta. 1 or. C. D. BOYBEX, auls-4m Travelling Agont South. NOTICE. TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the rates I of Freight by the ! Propeller Line from New 1 .A I York, will bo advanced to AE -jdffigfereffTfr regular tariff rates—loc, ! f" r foot fur general meas- ' - raft’-/*, ,\~ uiv-meutgoods ; Ret*.per ‘ foot for Hats. Boots and Shoes : other Goods as ner tariff rates. BRIGHAM, BAI.BWIN k CO. sep29 Savannah. IARD. Prime Lard, in Cans, forj J salo low by ;__ soplT THO 3. P. STOVAU/fe CO j Sundries. IrjUNNY BAGGING and ROPE—Ma \_A chine, Handmade and Manilla ; Tennessee MAMS, SIDES and I.AIID ; j I LOUR. TOBACCO, COW PEAS : PEA MEAL, HAY, WHISKY : Nova Scotia HERRING, Ac. On consignment, and for sale lew, by sep22 ANSLEY k SON. miLlenery and fancy Mrs. M. Tweedy, j has just rctm nod from Now York with her FALL j SELECTED STOCK of the Latest Styles of Fall and W inter Goods, ; Comprising BONNETS of Every Variety of j Fashionable Me.torial, i HEAD-DRESSES, ! FANCY HAIRPINS, LADIES DRESS CAPS’, CT/JAKS AND CLOAK VELVETS, zepl: vs shawijls, LACS VEILS, SK ITS OF COLLARS, UNDERSJ KEVIS, FLOWER-', RIBBONS, CRUEI.S. > \TENSION HOOP SKIRTS. CORSE fS, &C. ! Ladies will find a full supply of every article lin the Milliner and Fancy department <’ f dre.s* ; ti:c lowest prices at her store. So. 152 Broad street, oetll-Im Augusta, Georgia. LATE I) CASTORS.— Hie largest assortment to be found tn the ?city, plated uu best -‘Album.” or “Pun? White }Metal," warranted not to l»e plated on German j Silver, and at prices to defy competition Stoi c ! near August.*. Hotel, below Post Office corner, j ot-9 S. G MUST IN. j fall ai!«! Winter 3!illinetv. j • SOW OBEX. Mrs. M, L Pritchard. Ag ! t, OITOSITE tho Mechanics’ Bank, has returned from New York with a full sup-' I ply of FASHIONABLE BONNETS. Flower ami ! RibbonDßEgS CAPS and HEAD DRESSES. —.‘.iso — ! A large a-rsertment of Misses BONNETS and i hats, cloaks, shawls m d raglans. i oel-2m REMOVAL. HHHE subscriber begs to inform his cus* _£ teraors and friend.-; that he his removed from ; Mclntosh street to the Store No. 135 Broad Street * below the City Hotel. THOMAS WHITE, General Insurance Agent I "14 lw and Commission Merchant. Direct Importation! THE Subscriber has just received from Vilmorin, of Par is, a line assortment of Garden and Flower SEEDS, to which he calls the attention of the Planting Public. Ho also states that if he docs not give general satisfaciion, it will net be from any lack of intention on his part, as he orders both his SEEDS and DRUGS from none but the best. • Call audjudge for yourselves. ; v. lataste. { Broad st., Augusta, Ga. ootl2-4t Rose Cottage Nursery ■ (3C«A*JE KJHLISfcT!®?.) WiL F. SMITH an noon- jk^Al ces that he has just receiv ed a largo addition to hi; usual variety, to bo found at his Nursery, and is prepared to furnish Fi'uit^fY^ ; and Ornamental TREES', FLOWER 'i INC, SHRUBS, Roses, Bulbus Roots, and a large quantity of well-rooted Box woo.’. He res pectfully invites the public, and the ladies in particular, to give him a call. cutlo-tf " * CUEEbE, tiIELSE! "VTOW ARRIVING- Xl 100 Boxes Miles k Eon Goshen GHEESE ■ 100 do English Dairy CHEESE : , *lO State CHEF.SE. For sale low V ~. JO AAH 31 BLEY & SON, j No. 0 Warren Blcek. Jnr §»o^)s. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. TAMES HENEY being desirous of ma king a change in his buiiaes?, oiler.. fr»« this' date, his entire stock ot JDry Goods for Cssii, lower than any ever offered in this or nay othef * city in the South. All persons dcsir )us of laying o ;t th. r tnonej to tho best advantage, will do well to call and soi bis stock. They may be sure of saving from & to 50 perct., as he is determined on selPng off the entire stock of his Goods by the ftr.-:t of October. If you want SILK, plain or UgurcJ, Call at HF;NEY ? 3. If you want BAREGES, solid col'd or printed, Ciiii at HEN HA *. If you wan! MUSLINS, white or col’.l. Call at HEN EV 3. If you want EMBROIDERIES, forDi'dlCsor Iflssw Call at HLNEY-S If you want HOSIERY, GLOVIN'. RIBBONS. RON NETS. kc.. Cal! at 15FN£Y T S: If you want GIN GIIA M 3, SHEETING &c., Call at HENKT f Or if you want any other article usually ig.t.h in a Dry Goods or Millinery Store, an i -vus' them at prices for cosh, at which yon never ex pected to see them, call at HENEY S Store, neiv above tho Georgia Railroad Bank. All persons indebted to him arc requested to come and settle up. j 7^ H. H LIXVILLE - Machinist and Engineer, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, ITAKUFAPTUHER of STEAM EK- IfJL GINKS. HOH.ERS. SUGAR M7I.LF, CIR CULAR and G ANG SAW MILLS. &c.. kc. The subscriber also keeps constantly on Lind Sntionary and Portable ENGINES, from four *♦» lift* horse power, by H. • .V Co.. Atlantic Dock Works, Pn ;k!yc. IRON RAILING—I am mamuat lunPgti.o moat approved patterusof WROUGHT«nd CAST IRON RAILING, uud 1 avc the Avency of the New York: Wire Railing and Iron Bed-read jyß-ly 11. H. LINVIL.' I- To Hire. 1 A N honest and reliable NEGRO MAN who has had considerable it Gardening, and would be a valuable hand a bo* a store, warehouse or cflice. Address IVxllf P«»st Office. _ sep2l’tf _ Butter and *25 kegs ( osher. I’UTTER 5b boxes New CiIEFSE. J - t r-:*- ?«*, j and for sale low by A. P. WI.. -TA3tS i _. . - Shoulders and hams 15 hhds. rough sound T'HOUI.nERS. - iTable [ lor plantation so— .1:1 be sold at * ver- •>w !; 50 tierces HAMS. Seears. (a- * & ' V- »ud ; 40 “ • Halt-... i i 10 “ .T. W. Dubrand i For sale very low. by j s»ep'24-3w * A. It. V u;.; \*ifN GEORGIA Sarsapa.illa (.'orssisoniid, OR DEAN-J' ALTERATIVE r r kjj- ri t it i: s t u o t> : mu IS Jirepiiiatltiii li«. gah:' J popoi-JT . J. fivor !-v its merit-'. Tic-re never !.. -•i la prvparjttion of i>A RSAf AKIIJ. A COM". :fJNI! J for g- ueral use. that ha. 1 * given the ui.'.v-‘r-:-i» | satisfaction that ti e Georgia SarsapanlU r-.v-v j There cannot be a preparation of Si*rs;t . > made ..t the. NoriL, so go d u- the GEORGIA I r' VRSAPARTI.LA, because the root.- do no* groar j there to make it of. I Th? Georgia Sarsaparilla Cbmpouud is nppr* ■ dated North becH’i- rt it bus been trn-i! tlu-r ia! found good. A good preparation ol Sur- *iuril'. . will sell well in any climate. Physicians will recommend it South bocac * they know, by its taste and composition, the- * is no deception in it—it- root-taste sj-.-nk the ! truth. Physicians know, too, that if they recom mend the diluted with sweetened water prep* rations, made at the North for Southern people, and their patients try a bottle of it, and then try a bottle of tho Georgia home-made FUrsapar-iL which will do so much more good they * be accused, and rightly too, ol not being kki judges of medicines. 4rg-Those ordering it must expres.-. in their order, either SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, or DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE. For sale at tho South by Druggists generally, lu New York, by flar- I ral, Risley & Kitchen. anld-tf IrruiE oiiigix of freemasoSkv. i JL a history of the time when, the place where. and the persons with whom the in.-Utntiun of Freemasonry originated, &c., by Icon Hvn - man. For sale by oco THOS RICHARDS & SON. Sermons to auk aiutu hes, i Francis Wuylaud ; and The Mother’s i«:i Infant School Teacher's Assistant, embracing a course of Moral and Religious instruction for Families and Schools, adapted to the minds o: children, and designed to draw answers fro.; then*. For sale by' OK -> TOO 3. RICHARDS k SON* Foil SALTS. THE Proprietor desiring to move West, oiV?rsfor sale his clligibie rcsidoue, on th - Wiljedgeville Road, four mIU-s from A ig ;-u. contni.aing fifteen access, four in wood-. The place is well improved, all new, and bus some choice fruiv ,trees. Apply at thus Office, or on the premises. oc.t4 U Flour! Flour! I EIGHTY LDLS. SUPERFINE FLOUR. J Chattanooga Mills, iu barrels. For sale by cc. 4 BAKER & WRIGHT * f TANDLES.— \ *2OO whole and half boxes Adamantine CAN DLES. F*r sale low, by oc3 <Uc E3TES « CLARK. PICKLES. 50 boxes Undcrw od’s UICKI.'.S, in gal lons, half gallons and quarts. For saie by ocO-dac ESTKH k CLARK. Oil Consignment. FIFTY Barrels best quality of eat- Ing POTATOF3 from Maine, in store, and for sale by THOM A3 Wl IYTE, < ■ Iw <■■■■■,. »an . SORGHO SYRUP— .A stn .11 lot of SYRUP from the Chinese S»i --| g u* Cane—Georgia raising, sweet and good. ( MlOICi: FAMILY LAUD.-- *... < ‘ ■ a- aiiTior lot of I.APi-, in olit--. ; and ■iv,.rler l.tits, for family use. for . falc'rj KINCH' KV * BAX..WX ■ oc. at T. W. Fleming i: Co’s old stand. rriEXNESSEE BACON SIDES X Oiieonaigmncut. 5,000 lbs. Rilibed SIDES without Itacic bouo ; al-:o, C'LKAIt t IKK. For sale by oc7 KINCULKY . ■ M.NCHEK. Whisky. QfXtV dozen CALHOUN WIIISKY. t j For sate by oco tt A. STEYEXS. On Consignment. XißlMfi Tcuncssee LAUD, iu barrels. JL kegs- anti cans : Superfine aud Extra FLOUR : BAG and HOPE ; TOBACCO, various kinds : WHISKY. HERRING, &r. For sale low, !»v ( ’ :2 AN3I.LY & SON. * E. E. AMES' GERMAN CHEMICAL KRASIVE SOAP. L wade fi o.n a German process, and, as be lieved, not known to rmv other Manufacturer in the United States, and U oflered to the public as possessing the following advantages over other Washing Soap : : oftwa? r my be USO<I equally wtll wltb hard or lid. It requires but half tho quantity required of Otuer soap to accomplish the same object. 2d. Clothes need uo boiling, and but little rubbing (most articlos none), thus avoiding tL;ir wear on a washboard. 4th. 11 requires Jess than cos-haif the tixt.: and f.anjK to do tho washing of a family that it requires with tlio best family soap; ones not injure the fabric, and tends to set the colors. sth. For cleaning paints, removing Grease. Tar, and Printers Ink, it is invaluable. 1 am willing it should rest upon its own mer its, confident it will sustain ihsclx in compel*, lion with any other Foap. Put up in cue potmu ; sixty bars’in each box. &3i~ Be particular to observe that each bar i* stamped 'll. B. A„m' Vermin (Jhanked Erosive Soap! N:icbu/ , <;A. .V. Y” tfSr For sale by <■ \RWOOD & RfSbHL. ooW-lm