The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, April 13, 1839, Image 3
U It U **w known In America. Until than, wa tnust look with distrust on nil who tail themselves IFAigs. Will’ll n Whir speak* like Mr. Yotko, (hen wa may believe in Whigs—Init not till then. That (entlenun, (we quiKe hi* word*,) sayst " No man who i* not a furious abolitionist, or who doe* not wish to purehuse abolition vote* ami nbo* litlon influence at a discount, ran have the least doubt on the subject." That is, dan hare no doubt that the North has hothlng whatever to do with the Institutions of the BoUlh regarding slavery—or with its abolition ln,tho District of Columbia. In taking leave of this subject we may say, that Tor talent, historical knowledge, logical precision, and sound argumout, the report of Mr. Yovxo is without a follow, in the legislative annals of our i the aborn wo* written, wg took up the Al bany Argue, of the 20th tilt. Which communicates the gratifying intelligence that thn report ha* been adopted in the Democratic. Senate of the empire State, although the fact is disdoied that tho Federal Whig* wont in a solid phalanx ngainst it. Wu ask | can the Southern “ Whlgt" hold political fellow- X »bip with such a factious party as the Northern 44 Whig" party, and how can Southern l'resses hail as triumphs thu successes at the polls of such a party over the Democracy of the North. Tbo Hartford Conran', (hat Northern Whig pa per, edited by thi Secretary of the Hartford Con vention falls into ecstasies when the Democratic Candidnto* are dofented by a coalition of 14 Whig*" and Abolitionists, and those ecstasies are promul gated through a party Press to Southern Republi cans,, ns thu ebullitions of n Patriot ill But let us turn to New York. ( From the .f rgnt ) ALB \NY, March 29. THE ABOLITION RESOLUTIONS. It will bo perceived that tho Senate yesterday adopted tho masterly report of Col. Young, mid the resolution rejecting the abolition resolutions of the federal Assembly. True to their party alliance, the ■whale “ 14" voted against the report, and. with equal unanimity, the republican Senators voted in favor of it. Mr. Speaker called for the ayes and noes, which were tnk»n. os follows 5 Ayes—Messrs. Beardsley, Dickinson, Edwards, Hunter, Huntington, D. Johnson, E. P. Livingston, Paige, Powers, Skinner, Sprakcr, Sterling, Von Dyck, Wiijrer, Young—15. Noes—Messrs. Fox. Furman, HnwYm*, Hull, Hunt, Lee. H. A. Livingston, Maynard, Moseley, Nicholas, Puck, Tallmadge, Vcrplanck, Works— IMS gift*' CMetM* dtSTkiSH, refute u* that twitef, it *111 (hen be time (• hearken to the application of Banks located eliewhrt*, to rstnhltdi 44 at lItelr.own convenience" ami for their own benefit, brnnehe* of llielr Institutions umong*t u«t hut in tilt mean time, until we ate satisfied that the Legislature will do ui thi* flagrant injus tice, and a* the luisines* season is drawing tapiilly to its close, ami there I* no pledge or even state ment that the proposed Urnnch will he lids year (or ever) located amongst us, your commit'ce de cline, (under the present roudition of nfT.iisa) report- ingiu favor of snid application, and piupmo the f.illuoincn-x'luiion*, viz t Rnolrtd. That a memorial be prepared by a commit tee of the Oonnl, appointed by the Mayor, lobe pre sented to the Legislature at ii*nest session, sellhigfoith the admitted and just wants of the rommuuity in res pert to further Hanking Capital.aml praying for the char, ter of o new Hank with n capital of — millions, or for the iiicienne of the capital of one or more of the B inks ofSavautuh, to that extent; sucaeningthsl we cannot doubt thnvtlie General Assembly of the S|ate. plainly ci-eingour need fiotn the very applications of the Banks of the interior for the establishment of Branches with us, will grant our reasonable request. Rttohtd, That in case such appeal to the Legislature should fail to procure the passage of this necessary en. nrimrnt to nid the fiscal ioteresu nf the city, then it will be reasonable ami seasonable enough to consider the question of admitting among us the branches nf other Institutions which might furnish the requisite facilities. ROBT. M. CHARLTON, W.M. R. WARING, ROHT. M. GOODWIN. Cuinmiltee. CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. This edifice devoted to the worship of the Living Ood, according to the ancient form nf belief of the Roman Catholic persuasion, was solemnly dedicated on Thursliy, by the Right Rev. Bishop E.vnl. and, assisted by the Rev. Mr. BAttnr, the Rev. Mr. O’Nktr.t, tho Rov. Mr. Wiutt.Atr, and the Rev. >^Ir. Punas s, ns officiating Prirsts, and the Rr-v. Mr. Fikldixq, acting as Deacon, and the Res*. Mr. Qotot.Kr. as Sub-Dracnn. •* Tho Church was dismantled oflts usual ornaments before the ceremony commenced. Thi mitrvl Bi«’n* appeared in his pnnt'fi'nl robes, the holy cr »zl*»r borne hv a t ncolvte, and th? Rev. Clergy In their splendid vestments. Tho Bishop and his Clergy knelt nt th" altar and cliaiinted their prayers to th" Moat High, railing His blessing on tho Templo erected for His wor ship. Their fine sonorous voices, in. thu Latin tongue, resound’d with grout efl'ect through the sacred edifice. When the prayer* worn over, the Bishop nnd his assistants formed a prticrssinn nr?! proceeded through the Church,-carrying tho'ilivin? •emblem of tho cross, before them, and sprinkling its walls with consecrated water. This pnrt of the •oaremony concluded, the Bishop divested hinaielf 'of bis robes, and, from tlie ul'.ur, ebiqumtly ex plained every particular of tho form of dedication He cited the Holy Scriptures throughout, anddweb with much fervour on the character of St. John the •BArTIST, the precursor of th4 Saviour, and the •"first among nton." When tho Bishop concluded his discourse, the •candles were lighted, the ornaments replaced, and n 'Grand Mass celebrated by the Bishop in lit Tubes, assisted by the uttendant Clergy. When the service was over, tho Bishop assem- •bled tho lay delegates within thu sanctuary, ond ■•lacld a Convention of the Church; after which the (further business ..f thu Convention was adjourned ■for tho present. f (Georgia Raii. Road and Banking Com pant. 'The following letter was read nil Thursday before •Council, from Wst. Dkaiiino, Esq., Fresidbni of the •Georgia Rail Road and Bunking Company. Savannah, March 11,19U9. To (Ac Hon. Mayor and AliUmun, nf the City nf Savannah. GENTLEMEN 1— 1 The Georgia Rail Road and Bank- ing Company, propose to locate in the City of Sevan- ush t Branch Rank. The provisions of our charter prohibits the location within any corporation, without first obtaining the consent of the city authorities. Bo lieving that we shall aid the general and commercial interest of your city, we respectfully ask of your hon orable body, the privilege of making such location, at our own convenience, in terms of our charter, Respectfully submitted for your consideration and action, waiting your answer. Yours, WM. DEARING, President, Geo. II. It. Sc Banking Company. The Committee ofCuuncil appointed for the const- •deration of the above, made die following report: The Commit ten to w hom were rolered the nppli- •catiou of the President of tho Georgia It nil Ruud Company to establish •* at itt own convenience,' 1 a brunch of their Dunk in ths City, huvo the limnii^ to report, llmi nl’t.-i mutant deliberation mid cuii saltation, tin y imve mine to tin* dct.-i munition that said iipi'licaiion, should lie refused: Your Cumniitt.o lire perfectly a warn llint tin- present Unliking Cnpiiul of me Ci’y is ulloxi-lher inudcqmittf for its couimcive, mid mi iocr use of thu seine to lliif extent of ut least inrce million- ■of do'ims, is-necessary to its prosperity ; lull your 'Committee do not laMiesa t'nat miy reln l woui-l Ir -afforded to our Citizens l>y the establishment of the "^proposed Uraucli, because it limy never suit tho "own ciiNVOoieuce " of tho Uuorgie Rail Rool ami Banking Cuiiipmiy to e-lablish the Branch il-r<-, mid wu hive m> gmidniy lint tin* portion of the -raphiii of said Company wh.clt may tie assigned to 4>dvmihub k wiii, Uv commut'd here perm unimly. It is evident, that if we give our a.sent to this -Rpplii alien wu could not with propriety deny the -a line privilege lo miy other U ink of ike liuerimr, mud liit’i| i.isieud of luviiig Banks conducted und 'directed l*y our e-iiizens, in le 4 «m lent of me corttol, wiitcii wo know is exercised i»y tin- p.ireut hiuut. ’wherever simjU’il, we siioull lies a nrnnlwr «l Brumdie- subject lo such lomol uni influence. As a iLrtliurevi ii’iico tint *!*•• proposed Branch, would afford a-little or no relief, your emtiniloe call your aiicuti-m to the fact, lint the capital o! the Ge rgn Raii R iad und Bmkmg Compuiiy i, for Banking purposes, only "lie millim of dotlur*, the half **Hereof is already appiupriated to it- Branrli at Augusta, and thegieuier pari of the resi due seems to bo necessary lor the parent board at AtltMU. Y nil' Com-nittoe believe thyt our commercial standing .ni l bii-iiiu.s eniiilo us to aa in trea-e • Bank ciipitul, ail I they believe mat o.iin-t lire cup.- tal of mo B in .s ulre idy iucaied a us slnni d he increased by I lie next L-.i’.U'Ur.-, or m w Banks ervutt-d, tuilisstse« nf #:im:ii our c,ii4--n» ■m»y Uftv.i a,, opjnirtonity of iHliieri’iiu:,inil whim «aid llanks wi.| he thorjuguly end i-ntire.y id null •♦1 Mtijt'iitr interest,., an I •ii'.jot to n»••on mi ny oilier .Bairds iiavmg linif or n • |a-co isry i.iter*-»i •inner city. Your coni niime do not doubt mu' tho tn-»l Leg'* atu.e will li-t to the call* which thecM|Mirai0 4Uil| iriiies, ma| our citizens will make upon that body, lor ilx raifaf wb«li we ar* •mltiwl to, onddetirou* to have, and if tbo Ufialoiurt abtli A MAN DROWNED. On yesterday afternoon, the body of a man waa found in tho river, supposed to have been drowned on Monday night Inst. Iln whs recognized as one Micua.hl Kr.Aiixtr, a tailor by trade. H* left a wifo and child to deplore his loss. lie unfortunate ly waa given to dissipation, nnd attempted to de stroy himself by drowning some time ago, while un der tho influence of liquor. Whether he lost bis litb accidentally, or puta period to it deliberately, is not known. CON V EM 1UN. Re-unit >'f the Delegate* elected. Bull win—Kt'iimi, Hay e-, Cluyiou. HiMi— Bullock, Bivms, Baldwin, Lamar. Bullock—Denmark, P. Cone, llsitk*—Bwiticii. Law-on, Harris, Maisli. Butu—Bailey, Starke, Lindsay. Carroll—Beui, Cliaudicr, dpi anger. CH'S—i'eih'.iii’. .Mays, Puts, Clinltiain—W.iyuo,Beiriuii, INiolur, Cliar!tou,Juck- son. < I irke—Hull, Mitchell, Moore, Lowe. Cohunbii—Uiuis-y. Hams Hi a-on. Coweta—Long, B. Sims, sen., Echols, Boll. Cniol'*r.|— Cm « liiii’l't. Fowo*r, • miller. Decatur —Crawford, Hines, Gaulden. Uw’Kilb—Balienger, Diamond, Murphy, Palmer. D.mly—Cobb, Graham, Harman. Early—'WiLon, Puttcrsuii, Speight. Etliuglmm— Powers, Cliarllon. Eibort—AUoa, White, Heard. Oliver. i.oomu. I—Hurti-, Bnn^n. Fiaukii •—Fnernan, .Mi cliell, Mitchi-ll, Pstiick. tl yon—Swirnul, M nir.-. Gr. 1’in—.St H’k», H.iw-i n, Dmiel, Terrell. H diers inn— WuH’.r.l Ch ve in il,Carter, Barkley. Hall—Law, Rives, Gill, Brown, ili i-ek—ami in. Bom r«G ovt.ill, lluviir*. Harris—Crawford, Reddmg, Cato, Joum. H ry—Miu...y .1 ihrk. W ild. tlouston— Lawson. Dminanl. Kelly. W< mlson. I .en-oii—V uroum, Story, Mitchell. McCieskey. IttipT—Burney. Jordan. W right. Shropshire. J-u er*oii—Imiii e, Co nvlly, B in-on, .loaes—Day. Gray. Flewellen. Nnrthen. I.iiori n-—•’ i i.o , tiny inn, Uolununn. Lin r >—lii.e«, \\ iinlniiir. >p**nc*-r. Linen n—Stokes. Pinks, B- ski y. Brown Green. M idisou—Grovea, Strickland Harris. ••clii.o-li— r.u ip, Li-fi.o, llopkni-. Meriwether—Render. Sentcll Fletcher. Perdue. M.oiriH—Cu.iuin*«, Bonks, Uornian, llult, Jolm- sun. M rguii—Fl'-yil, Port’-r, Evans, Swift. Muiciigcc:—Cullioun, Williams, Jon:*, McKenzie. WuUon. Newion—Bns«, Perry, Colly, Cinofnrd. Oglethorpe—Ilurdcmnn. Sims. Taylor jr., Thomas. Paulding—Walthall. Urisou, Hubbard. Pike—Adams. Martin Neal. Pope. Puliliki— Boslwick, Whitfield. Brnccwcll. i'utiiani—Branham, Hudson, Meriwether, Andrews U>iliin.—loingsioii, Culli'e. Hiiuii. Ijili— Conyeis, M>-Lend mi, Brooks. Rielini'iiiil—King, Sciily. Jenkins Mealing. Striven— Perry. Humphrey. Wade. Stewart—Boyenton, Gurdner, Wood. Gresham. Talbot—Riley. Davis Searcy. Malione. Taliaferro—Clmfiin, Stephens, Dickinson. Telfair—McCall. Mooney. Troup—Duugiicrty, Haralson, Fears, Beasley, Phil lips. Twiggs—Smith, Durham, Reidford. Union—Ch-i-in n, Upson—Hoi oway. Col.b, Davis, Gibson. Walton—Echols, Gresham, Mitchell, Moss. Wurieii— But:*, Wilson, Roberts. Dennis. Wu*hi"gion—lin*t. Hodges, Smith, Long. Wilkinson—Beall. Beall, Murphy. Wilkes—Woollen, Talbot, Calloway, Willia. NEW ORLEANS, April 7. LATEST FROM TAMPICO. By tbo selir. Iloilo, arrived from Tampico this morning, wo have uccouuti* from that city to the 5th ult. We have seen a letter from General Mcxia to a merchant of this city, stating tlmt lie had left his troop* ut Tnspitn, and was at Tuinpicofor the pur pose of concerting with General Urrcu u« to tho movements oftho Federal troop*. In nddition to tliis, we huve been favored with the following extract nf n letter from an American morchnnt nt Tampico, to highly respectable mercantile firm in this city: Tampico, March 23, 1839. General Mexin is here: lias well flogged the gov ernment troops, at Tuspan. nnd is now waiting for general Urrca, who will be h’ro to-morrow, to con cert plans for futqrc proceedings. Thn French question has been settled. Busta- mentc has left for Mexico to lead the army ngainst this place. Gen. Arista and the government forces are in Tula, about 60 leagues from this. All mny yet go well for the federal cause. CHARLESTON, April II. This Ni:xt CoxnilhS* —The result of the Con- lien lent •-li’i-iion h'S-eeored to the Wldgs a majo rity itt the popular brunch of the nrxt Congie**. In .fveii'i'eii Suites, ilo* ••li’elioiis ulrendv held give the Whig- a mijotity of 0 nut of 158 members. W, however, five of the .New.Jersey Wings nnw give place to five Van Boren men, and one Penn- .ylvoii i Van lluieoite lo n Whig, (Inokrsoll to \avi."R.) tla> Adniinisiratioti ma.ioriiv inuy be *'n»*.l. so far, im two. Iu this estimate. Mes-r* fy*AMP3 k :t.L aial IIIOUPSON, ol llii* State, are room- ...| ns VMiigs. (ef wlueli we sr-5 not sure, and e«- inl y a* to tie* foroier.) and the whole Georgia l)elei:iiti' , n as Whigs also. There are nine SlHie* yet to choose membeis of Cotigiess, nniouuiing in oumlxT In 51. In the late Congie**, these 54 nt' other* *ton.|. Whig* and (Vhginin) Conservn- lives, 53, V. II. 31; giving a Whig and Conaeivn- i ve inajoriiy <■(22. dediifling from which the V. ft, nt ij irry of *4 of ths members already elected, ami tins re will la* left a Whig nn.i Con-ervarive •nitjority of 211 in tins next Congre**, if tlut Whig* hold their own in the coming •lections, "Ili- Wiiig* will pmluildy gam a few mcinla’rs.and some of the Conservative* will go for th • Administration; and the ultimtl- Whig majority, wi I probably not vary much fr*>m twenty. This result will have been brought altoiit hy Air. V. IP* oloiinnte ndhe- ronce to lit" specie I'eumre of the Sale I’reusiiry *cll"me. ngainst the will of the people. L«t him ha«ten to ahand nt thi* ground, und uli may yet be well.—Conner John Quincy Adams, Ex-Proiident, has accep ed thi invitation of the New York Historical Society, to pr» ioii.i-^ before it an AdJres* on the approach ing fiftirth anniv rnryof the inauguntion of Wo*h- ington a* the first President of the U.dted State*.— Sat. Intel 6Ik ik»t. Mr* Ann Staph •<!«, oiiu Hujbei, has been im- pnso.icd at N w Vort, :h irged witti h ivmg murifd Mr. Hughes, O.ymp.o Tnau'.r/, her former iiuslmnd being (till olive. Hughe* wa* examined, and »ut d tli.u ha could not rvcobcct when at where tin wat in irned to the pr*»uia r, or whether ho had been married at a.i!! Su :h a lorgeuul man would h triiiy he a da able to remrmocr when he wai hor.i. +*lloi<on 'J'mn eript. A trilling mistako of 3000. mile*, friend Trans cript. It was In London that Mr* 4m ‘ llvgbei, w M Imprisoned.-//. Y. Ct* Fro m tko Son them Ri corder. MAINE AND GEOKtiCA. Rjtevilve Department, \ Trenton, N. J. Maieli I'Jth, IUJ9. ) Sin :—In eoinphatice wi.h the tlireeliunsthrivln contained, 1 have iIm honor lo vncli.t« a copy of a Joint Resolution adopted at the prumnt session hy the Legislature ul tin* Siuu—with a copy of ihu Report ot » Committee on which tha mum u found- vdl And to remain with great respect, Your*hbvdu‘iit servant, WM. PENNINGTON, Go/truorot..New Jersey. HU Exceilenry the Gou rnur ul Georgia, The Joint Committee to whom were referred the report und icsotutiifh* of thu Legislature oftho Suite olGeuiglu, tvlutive to the neglect or refusal o| the GoVen.ur ol lliu tii«t>' of Maine, to sutivn- der upon the d< muml ul tlm G •vemor of Georgia certain • itili’ii* ut Iho funner Snitu. charged »Ulr the cuihmi**liui of n crime ngainst iho luw* of thu •alter, have had tho same Under oonridunitioii and realiecifully submit tho Ibiiuwing tuport theresio: The duty nlVvcry Suite or Naiiun,not to permit it*territory lo lieconiouti asylum for criminal*, hut lo surrender upon teqiieal, those who huvo lied lo it to escape the punislimeiit duo loiheeiimu* w hich tltey have cominiiicd in anotlier country, miy Ini regarded us a well uslub'islwd principle of tho law* wuich rcgulute the iuiutcsurso ut civilised nation*. Alihuugh thi* bus boon quoiiioned by sumo whoso opinions uru entitled to respect, it is support ed by ruusuii, usage ami weight of uutiiority. It i* a smiled rule pervading juns|iiuJence ulioe wiio.o civioz <t wn id, tout no bum-con right- fully puiiuli any ciiiuo, limv. ver uliiinilou*, (nn pe- timed ouyomi Us own l.iuii*. if llieielmu tlie per- peirutot o/ilm grossest ufi'-nce* agnin-l immunity, cuii but o*c.i|hj Iro n lb jiiumIic im of iiiucoiiu- iiy wiiore ilio cruno wu* CoinuiUlid, Im wi l go il.ipunti>litid, unlos* iln giivoinim i.l to. which ho hu lled will io d it* aid to bringing hull to justice Weiu lliu medii* of impuiinj e.«-y, it would he impiMrtble lo give lotceuni i tfic.iey lo tow* d. -ign- ed lo (esiraiu (h.* evil passion* of mu .kimi, esp. ci- ally mining limse itiii.ihiliug ihe limdei* ol a couie iry. A regard lor justic-, iheiehne, a* well u* lor lliu auf.-ty o. (hell owu ciliziiiii, .list! the avoid mee ! peijiu.uui.y it*, ui ting cause* ol iiiiMiml.'istanding ol coiiijdniiii, requires mill gnvciunion » sli oml mutnniiy alden. h olttei ihurrei>uiig and sulyecung to ihe nuor til ihu law*, ill .so whom oihci m -live* uio insotfic.cia lo wills old I'.om wrong and vim li'lice. Aecoidingly Iho duly ol HUiieodeih.g lb* ghive* fuini jUsiice, i* Now geieuahy recognized ami Hciudon throoghoui the civilized world. Tim principal d.lH. ii iy lias been hi duterni hing how far thu tutu should tie‘extended, uud wh it »• fence* niinuM bocyniM.lcred a* filling wnhiii it. While some Winer.* coniine ii* npphcuiimi locrnne* ag.iiusi ihu law-of imtun, other* wouul cany ii iuuiiei, and emlnace within iu • |i<-riitiou, ollonce* ill uni* by tho |t>i«i||vo law* Ilf Iho State. Between sovereign -ili-l indepeiidenl Stales, tlioexienl of vvhicil it-inii ho applied, is com nvnly regulated oy iigieoiiicid, and , rnviMou* nir p irpose h ivu been in eiicil in several ol iIih ireiities m ole by ihu United bimes, wim foreign powiiia. But this duly, n-i lieiween lim different S'aie* of thn Union, doo* not depend either hi ii* oliliituiion ■ii* it* exu-ni, ihuht’V of nations. Too iiln-- Irion* men w.iu had ihe courage mid p.iirioii-into declare ami achievu tneir ni.lepeiidena , hud uiso the sagaeiy to perceive tnulloe mil mine union und liui'ni.oiious cmiiieciinii winch iliey sought ion«tuh- iisli hciwucii tiniin, cu >lil mil he inainiahicd with- ui •■•me provision that shoild prev-ml each imm oc.inimg an i-.,luill tin lugiiive* iio.u ihe oilier*. I tw-y ttniv-twre ioM-rtwl iivluuurviciesofcoufed »a- 'loll, a cl ttiso requ ring liljhlve* from jlld.CO lo ho deiiv. red up lb. pi.n-.iii id to III b'ale wlnhelln’ir crillie- hxlboeii eoiuil.lted. the sane p incip.e * d w is nd .pie.i oim a ol now firm-pari of im* Federal Co.i-i m m, in tuu nd- ing leruis, v.z: "A person ciiirjpd iu nny btuie with ireumi, lelony, or other ciliiie, will 'had llee fmiii jusiice, un i lie Ibund in iioolher il;ili>, pli ili, o.i demand nf llie Ex.eii ivo iiuilioiuy 'I* till* bia.e fr mi wmcli ..o II d. ne de.iveicd up, in ui reni'ivud IU Ihe btale Ii ivmg ju.i-diction if Ihe rinu-." I'm*iaiiguag*,it wihboporcaiv.-d i-himnl ni l c m.ireheotiv , and m the opinion of the coni- uiitoo mull' to lie |i cmi-irue.l it exiemU lo all crimet —oy.which uru mmilVsily iiiteiuleil, mini •* Hgn.n-l ihe atasof ihu suiu from which the h i* escaped, bl.itc is enuth d lo piescr.b.- »UC.|| rule* ho me government of n* own citizen* mid tile ntgulalhmnfii* own iiiterouiidf iirs, a* ii m iy vco lit, suhjeci only to the Cmirti’iiinoi ol lua Union. By thu luw* of ii.nimi*. a citizen of one country, whom Imimuu*» or pWasore «true* Imw lit- to anvi.her, i* aiiinled, except in cn*e of war, to the protection of ii* laws; and in return, ho in liuiin.l equally with its own cimzuiis, to .us,-eel und obey limse law* while he remuoi*. Even igiiornuce of those luw*, though it miy puliiutu. und in u mor al view destroy it* guilt, will in a Court of law, ul- lord no ju-iiticulion for tli.-ii infraction. The Cmijlituti.iu of the United Siu'o*, which se cure* to thu Citizen* of each btuie ad privilege* und immunities of citizen* ia tho aevorul Stale*, due* not in term* uud uaiinnl iu ro-ismi, lessen the I'mce or extent of this obligation. A citizen of New Jer sey who should go into the btuie of New Y- rk, und there do uii act, w locn within the limit* of this biuie lie might lawfully do, hut which the law* o» New Yuik had made u clinic, und rhomb then return hi Ids home, won d ho wnliin ilie language and spirit nf this clniire of tlie Courthmiou r cqiii ly wiili u ci tizen ol'Now York, wim hud duno tlie same act and hud than lied hither tocsctipu tlie punishment which lie knew would nveriuktt Idm if lie mummed. And whether lim citizen nf New Jersey, uiftouseinu* of ■•Hence, should return Ivisnrlly and openly, ufn-r uevotnplishing tho purpose of hi* jnuimy, nr should lieu hiisliiy, and hy stcullli, im wiiuaiequiil- lv " lice from justice" within the in.•lining of the Constitution. '' Nar i* it requisite that the guilt of the fugitive thui damuuded, should be established and proven hefj.o thu authorities of the Sta o where he is found, are sound to deliver liim up. Even between States wh i iy independent and disconnected, the luw of na tion! requires only tlmt remouublo ground* lor thu charge, sulliciout to put the uccusc.i upou his tri al, s.tad be shown: and with goad reason, us tha witnesses l.y whom the crime is to bo proved, will naturally u..d usually be in tlie country where it was committed, and it might be highly inconvenient fur them to pursue the fugitive. But whatever ground there might be for doubt as to thd nature of the charge, or die evidence by which it should be sup ported, if (tie Constitution was uur umy guide, has been remove J by the action of a Congress, which uumbered among its members many who had taken purt in tlie framing or udoptiuu of that instrument. Aii act of Congress passed February 14th, 1793, provide*, " itiut whenever the Executive authority ot any State iu the Luton, or ut eituor of the Terri tories northwc*t or south ol the river Uam, shaii de mand uny per-uh us a tugittve from justice, of the Executive authority ot uny such state or Territory to whtcis such person sitah have lied, and shad more- over produce t'tie copy ot an indictment found on uu olhduvil tnudu before u magistrateof any btute or Territory, a* utoresiud, ciiarging tlie person so de manded with huvuig cominitu d treason, felony, or other crime, certified a* authentic by the Governor or Chief Magistrate oftho btute or Territory from whence thu person so thargvd lkd, it shall be the duty of tlie Executive authority oftho btaie or Ter ritory to which sucii person shall huvo lled,tocau*e him or her to be arrested and aecureJ, and notice of thn arrest to be given to tlie Exccntivcuuihority mu- king such dam and, or lo the ogeut of such authori ty uppuinted to rcctnvu too fugitive, and to cuuiu the tujilive tu bw delivered to such agent when ho shad appear "—This law prc*cnbes tin dutv oftho Executive authority of a btatu upon whom a demand is made, tu plum term*, und reduce* within very nar row limits Uio examination winch lie i* to make be fore acting. If a duty auth'uiticawd copy of an in- distmeut, or ua aiilavit certified a* auUneudc, and charging tho (icrsoii demanded with ai t* wh ch by the law of tho State where they were done amount lo a crime, and tho proper evidence of those law* ure produced, he ha* uo right to iuquire whether the indictment or atfilavit u trua.butis bound at once to take measures fur causing the person so charged to be arrested mid secured. He may not pause toinqmro whethor tho person damtudoU w guilty of thociiarge mxdo against him, or whether th? laws a- gainst which he i* accused oi otfeuduig, arc right or proper, or whether from oxcitcment in the public mind or from n.iy otiur cause, ho is iu d uger of bo ing denied u fair uud unpiraai None of these questions he tu tho path of dmy in irked out lor linn, and wnich he ougni to pursue wituout deviation or re- kUOMace. Such in thi opinion of the committee, are the rules by which tho co .duct of the several state* of tin Union toward* cadi other, on th.* delicate im- jKjr.m.t su.iyict, ought to be regulated. And wer* there no oilier mouvo lor tha'ulaud prompt ob- mrvaaco, than thn fact that they ora port nf the promo law uf the laud, that nluuo ought to ho ahum Constitution t ami tbs* committa# hotMand trust that •he never will. She has ever rrganktl with frellngs ofvenmllnn nnd mtechment, that |toriniu tnnnu- niont ufthi’winliini and |intrinti*m nf nm futhi’ri, tttid Itvugiilred tin* •artv’dnrs* nf tho «l>lii;stimi wliirh *lie »* hy its retifiratinn. But aside front the int|K*rativeduty ihns imposed, and tlir many undgrent benefit* arising from tlie union wlm-hihnt CoiiatltilliOii lint cn nil’ll ted, tlie inten'stntid *nfely of tho several State*, if wholly independent and uncon- necteil, would require tho adoption and observance of similar ruha of Intercourse | lying n»th.v do con- tiguoit* to each other, separatwl only Ly narrow ri vers, nnd in many instances only l*y imnginnry lines, with the inruns of passing from mu’ to anuthrr »o uu nicroti* and rapid, the criminal endn ofuarh must ine vitality liecome tlie laughing st-Kk nf the virions and abandoni’il, if tlie crossing nf hbuundary line should ever ImLi security ngainst punishment, ’it need* no lubored urgiiiiieiit to prove that in this matter at lea*!, tho path of dutv and of iutrrest i* one and thn same, and should be carefully and cheerfully followed Upon tho conduct oftho Executive of the State of Maiuo in tho particular ease which Im* given rise to the report and resolution* referred to them, tho Committer) express no opinion. There ore no docu ment* before them to show by what reasons and mo tives tlmt conduct was guided—and if there wore, they would not feel themselves entitled to pats upon them. The States between which this difficulty lias unhappily arisen, are the political equals of New Jer sey, and much ns she may regret that any contrarie ty of feeling and opinion should exist between them, snoclnims no right to thrust upon cither her unso licited umpirage. But she may, without offence, challenge ench to n friendly tuid gcnernii* strife with her, tuid with ench other in the faithful discharge of all the duties of our snu'al compact, and in devotion to tho welfare and happiness of our common coun try. A ARMSTRONG, JAPHET IRELAND, WILLIAM STYLES, JOHN SEMMKRILL, Jr. JESSE RICHARDS. March 4th, 1338. STATE OF NEW JERSEY-JOINT RESOLU TION.. lie it re.nlcrdhy the Council and General At- •etnh/y Stale That the Report of the Joint Committee, to whom were referred the report nnd re solutions of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, lie accepted, nnd tlmt tho Governor bo requested to transmit copies thereof tolhcGovcrnurs oftho Slate of Georgia and Maine. In council, March Cth, 1839. This Joint Reso lution having boon throe times road and compared in council. It-* toed. That the tame do pan*. By order of Council, A. PARSONS, Vice President of Council. House of Assembly, March 7th, 1839. This Joint Resolution having been three time* rcudin tho House of Assembly. R-talred, Tlmt tho same d >poss. By order of the House of Assembly. LEWIS CONDICT, Speaker. Fir-t Visit to a Tiixathk.—"At length, on a cerium, hi..I oh. I.itul night, ii Hurls nml gUnny night, -mind to the |wr|i.-tniiiuii of *u.-li nn net of di-obcdieuec, with slcUlihy step* | trod my way. I .I'lred mo I stk right or left, *o conscious wit 1 of the "deep ilnoniHtioii of the deed Hut my soul whs in nroi*, my time wa* my own, oiy will wn* licit (in* .l.’p.nt’-d for Whetstone, hi* tnnt t'urtom on S nnid iy • veiling, to indulge bi* own p .r-uit,) an t i i««ued for Is- wills iny friend Lucnfi"i.l. ol* tlie Ciiuii. il tJli.-c, front the book*ei- lei 4 * -It q», to oi i io my r«i e..irne nt n piiblin Tim- nin ; no* wn# io iheoononnof 17901 On tho th- djhl* ol lint ll gil { ill || twoslllllillg* worth of dirt’ •iM’diPiit’o J My « iiiijiiium nnd 1 Imvc ficqil.’ntly i.nigni-d owr iln 1 of my frantic Itelm- vioor lie Could not picify iq.’i lie Imd Ion* In cm iniiiuti'd into tic' niyrtciic* of the rcun'ic uri; Lilt here I wu* nt f.iintinui, at •• my first piny," winch Chiuw* Lon , his sohuauiifnlty dcscviu^l^ The v.oy cm t.siii li.|*-i| on* with tiniicij'uii-ins nf de light : If iMiclicry, lit •dres-es, the Icuiln r*, tlie riis- •ei lhioM,tliewri son IItiiuTlieutre,thnl nfiXlunn nfnrnitgo peel nnd il, tlio iqqdau*e ia wliicll I joined i<o lienriily, n* tu Uring all • yo* and n.iiuy remark* i.|h,» oui to the givnt *cnndni of my cico- rone, filled my some* with diiliglo. From tlmt night my mind wn* inn state«.f splendid irsitnlinn: I counl scarcely walk the *ir«et*, without offering "my kingdom fur il horse," to every poilostrimi l mot. At iiighi I could nor rrt, .Macbeth did "mur der sleep |" and I recited Lear up thr.’« pair nf stair* tuu four-legged bomistuad.—Memoirtof C. MulthttCi. n Lard, tl hozes Osadlrs, IS Ufa B T ■M ken Nliis. 40 bids Ifetrings, IS hosts Ttt, II bbU |Bread. IN Chairs, and aundrirs. / I Ntw York.—Urlg Georg#—103 hairs Upland Csq. toil, 50 baskets Champagne, ami IU packages Mdia.j cm a nsd Tina wkmk. Hr sldp Coiuiubus, Ptatriatli, Liverpool—/ Cast mIng 4- Co. Ship Andrews, Ltitcb, Liverpool.—O DtmtUy. Mop Ruby, Wa»cuu, St Johns, N U.—MoHtr. Barx Georgian, bpvncar, l'hiiadflpliia.—Pndttford. Fuy 4- Co. Br hark dupetb, Shannon, Greeinxik.—D Ktld. llr hark Aoetaidv, Daw,.mi, Liverpool.—U HtU. Ur bark baza, Trail, Liverpool.—J V lUnry. Urig Madison, Uutkioy.New York.— C D enter. Brig Wusuinguin. hivuna, llavana.—F. dorrtl k Co. SoUr New EugUml, Robiutmi, New York.—Master. Bt’hr Watchuuii, Davis, Ntw Castle, Me.—IK Crab trtt. Schr Excel, Stllaw, Philadelphia.—Cohn, Miller 4 ARRIVED THIS WEEK. Ship Coriolanut, Merrill. I'liiindelphia. Ur hark Aicx Walt, Johnson, Liverpool. Schr Extra, Wilson, traiu Ibis port tur l’liiladtlphU, leturned yesterday leaky, lo Wlme Sc Bartels. On the UUiuIi.aih1 1st mat. in latUJUl), experienced atreinen dnu* gale from NNK j wa* thrown on her beam ends, lost par. uf bulwark*, part of the galley, sails, rigging, Ac. and lost 30 hale* L'ouou nf her deck load. Michael Torhet, a passenger, oil the 1st mat. in a fit uf iusauity, jumped overboard ami was drowned. eiuur franca*, tieais, Irani tliis port, bound to New- pint, with loss of bulwarks, deck Inml, Ac— having in tow scni* Bute* ICi ,m*. u wreck from BtL'roix, hound to New Yo.k, having laUeuin with herinlalSl 43, ion 74 E. bulir Dexter, Maion, New Orleans, bciir llaiimton, Ridley. Ogtidiut. bclir Groton,, Caoidvn, Me. Bciir cmiuUi Caruiiuu, Uo ilwm, Charleston. Sour Robert A Waring, Bniith, Darien B. hr Grange. Lane, Suuhuiy. Schr Uii*. iluugs, Pnivideiwe. g^Sloop Georgia; Shearman, Darien, Sloop Jackson, Baker, Darien- Steamhoal W us Seahrook, King. Chariesloo. Steamhoat Cuieluiu, Hart, Darien. Steamboat lvuuhoe, Gate, St Marys, via Urunswiek and Darien. Sio .inImut Cherokee, Norris, Augusu, MeamiMiat Ouwulgee, Blaukeiislnp, Darirn. Struiiiboal Florida, Nock, l'iculuta, vw St Marys and Brunswick. SteumbiiutJ Slone, Mendal. Darien Sleamhout Uglellmme, Williams, Augusta. Lamar, Lynn, Augu la. Steamlmai Thorn. Uoatii, UnarleslnU. ITS XT TO SEA THIS WEEK. Sr ship Ruby, Wescnu, StJi’lina, N B. Ur ship St Andrew, Lriidi. Liverpool. Br ship Cnlum'iiis, l’euliall. Liverpool. Br ship F.iirriel.l. Slack. Liverpool. Ship Mille.lgeville. Putter, New York. Bark R H Dnugla**, Collin*. Baltimore. Dark Georgian, Spencer. Philadelphia. Brig Eleanor, Join 1 *, Baltimore Brig Exit. Sisson, Charleston, Brig Mad imm, Buckley, N*w York. Schr Watchman. Duvis, New Castle, Me. Schr Excel. Sellaw, Philadelphia. Selir Greek, Howes, Philadelphia. Schr North Star, Ham, Both. Selir Belle, Howe*. Don.hi. Selir Areal, Prnvidenbe. Schr Depo*ite, Drinkwaicr, Charlestown, Mas*. DF.PARIEH THIS WEEK. Steam packet Thorn. Rontli, (Jlmrletton. Sir.nnlio it Aiisoii, Bnrilen,Charleston. Hle.indm.'it Chnthnm, Wray, Augusta. Sieimleuit Win Seahrook. Kiiig.Cuarlestnn. Sieamhont Lamnr, Lynn Augusta. Hamburg, Wood, Augusta. (nm Tits: litOltOI«t».J lam stone!—ill the soft murmuring wood, My spirit hallow'd by a pensive iiuhmI j No one is near to I me my thougliltnway, They live—exult, In unresisting play; Ful«e crowd. 1 gladly from thee turn, Because thou art a thing to hate—to spurn I am alone I conversing with the flower*, And genu that decorate great Nature's bowers t I hold my converse with tbf playful rill, That springs aoJ gushes from the g reen clad llill; There s nothing here to cancerate the soul, II iiv s und flourishes without control. I am alone! the World is far away, Man is not near to smile! and then betray; My heart may here its fount of love reveal, And through unnumbered beauties steal; No rude things here to ruffle its calm tide. Upwutd it springs, and unrextrsin'd can glide. HAROLD. [rutt TItK GKOROIAN.| MY MOTHER. While others greet their hal -you hours, They bring uu charms to me— For midst these joys, a sadness dwells, Whene'er I think of thee. AM object* dear that meet my gaze, In silence seein to mourn— And gentle gales of evening sigh, ••Oh when wilt thou return." As tho' they bloomed hy thee alone, And Natures voice forbid— Nn more thy cherished flowers bloom, So sweetly as they did. In dreams nf night thy form I see, And fancy tliou nrt near— Still blessing with a mother's love, Still soothing with her care. And nh! since Death's decree supreme, Hath torn that form from me— May nightly visions oft recall, Thy sainted memory. O.i Sunday MARRIED. g lart. hy toe Rev. Mr. Binney, Mr. ay evening .. _ JOSHUA A. WEBSTER, to Mrs. MARY ANN MAY.of tliis city. In in.s city on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Biouey.Mr. ANDREW ii. KOLl.6. to Mis* SARAH E. BAtlNEa. all of this city. On Thursday the 4m instant at Oak Grove, Liberty county,by tne Rev. Josian S- Law, Mr. S. S. HAKl, to Mu* MARY G. COLEMAN. CO<LllEi(L'LlL. LATI.Sr DATES SIMM LIVERPOOL.... HATt.SI DATES FZttiM UtVIlK Latest dates ntuM Havana Mar. ‘J Vi.u. Mi ...March *7 WEEKLY IMPORTS LIVERPOOL.—Br bark Alex Wat -300 tons Salt WEEKLY EXPORTS LIVERPOOL.—S.npSt AuJrew#—1117 bales Up. land and 178 dn S I Colton. LIVERPOOL.—Br ship Columbus—2*01 btltsUp land, und IU do S 1 Coitoo. ST. JOHNS, N U.-Sbip Ruby—330.832 fsstP P Timber. LIVERPOOL.—Br bark Elixa—731 biles Upland ami lUJusits S 1 CuUmi.—Ur uarx Adelaidet—3W bams Upland O uwn. UREE ’UCK.—Br bark Superb—172i Was Up Uu I and <(J I do S 4 tjattoii, 4 • asz* Rice. PiliLADELPillA.—Bart Georgian—388 bales Cmu* , -0 pa.-aaues Mdse. NEW YGiliv—Brig M*-lUnn—373 baits Counn- 40 casks Uice, ili iiai'Niiue* Su i .ries. HAVANA.—Brig .. us.imgton-47 cask* Rice, »!.- I.ti Ii Scaiiiimg. NE X YORK.— New BagUnd—RWumsCoaL PrilLADELl'riiA—o or E*.114 bees Cot- uni, W casks dun, UJdjxvs Toiiacco,3packages San " , NEW CAKTLB. M#.—^chr Watcbman-40,000 ft 1* V I’lmbcr. 20.UJU ft Boards. Mill’ JV12W*. PORT OF BAVANNAII, APRIL 13. Bun Risks.,., Bum Bkts.... , .3 37 I Moon Risks 05 01 ..0 83 | Hiuu W*TKit. 07 81 FROM F LOR III By thn •lenmvr CimrU’stou, Capt. lluhbird, we liuvu received tho following from n ciirrdtpnndcni: Garkt's Fxtmr, 6th April, 1839. General Macomb arrived here un the evening of the 5th. Hn come* to Florida for a special pur- poor, nml dollied with speciul power*. Gen Tny- lor remain* in command of the army of the Suuih. nnd Gen. Macomb will not interfere Willi any ar rangement* he hut ntiidi 1 , nr may make in future, Hit visit to thi* country is of a dqdumutio nature. Iirhartc, your* truly. Jnbcz Jackson, lato Re|irpientative in Congress! from tho State of Georgia, is about tuubsent himself from lids country in tho pursuit of health. Thi* genlleuiHii intends lo travel two nr three years, mu- king a whin lour in Europe— extending his journey Into Itally end Greece—nnd will then visit the more intciesting portions of Asia and Africa, adjacent to tho Mcditerranaan.—Nat. Int. y The LegMature of Upper Canada, has, iti* said, appointed Sir Allan M'Nah, nnd Mr. II. Merrit. C’ommissioneis to visit England on the subject of uniting the two Provinces, From Vknkzukla.—Tho N. O. Bulletin, 8th insteny*: We are indebted to thn politeness of C.ipt White, oftho selir. Litchfield, for the (laceta de Venezuela, dated Carrier,a* 17th Mnrch. It does not, however, contain any thing of sprcinljn- terest to the American render. Tho standing army of thn R •public for tha present year, is lo he eight hundred infantry nnd two hundred artillpryl and the m iritimo force to consist of two schooners end nne bnlandra. A convention was recontly ratified between Vi’iiezuoh, Equndor nnd New Grenada, for facilitating communication between thn inhabit ants—newspapers, periodical* and pamphlets, ore to be fiee from portage. LATER FROM TAMPICO. The same paper, says that rite arrival of iho schooner R»llu, yesterday, pat u< in receipt of ad vices from Tmnpico to the 25th ult., hut not con taining a singln item of news in addition to whai wn published soma six or seven days ngn. Arista and ilitt govern ent troops were still at Tula, wait ing the arrival of Businm-’nte, In-fire an ultnmpt on Tnmpico; where all tho Federal force* were con centrating, nnd making the greatest preparation* fur resistance. NEW LEON. By way of Tampico wo huvo received the impor tant intelligence that tho state of New Leon has de clared in favor of the federal system. Thn plan adop ted at Tampico on the llith December, was pro claimed, and a provisional government established. Thu governor had called upon the electors to appoint municipal couuriis. It is propablo that this declar ation of New Leon will enable General Lomus to march into thn interior at the hood of a strong foccc, Louitianim, 8thiiut. BATTLE OF TUSPAN. Tite followin; wxtruct uf a I Her uddiessed to us from Tampico, gives sumo further particular* of the ufliiii of slits 13i!i March: 44 Vine of rite aid* of Geo, Moxla was killed and tho oilier wnuuJud. Thn general* seivant received a ball, wnichentrred his breast and went out at bi* shoulder. M- xialoinsult was situck in the left foot by a hail which lortuimiely did no harm. In thi* glorious affair a soldier was ncur running the gene ral through with ids b iynuot; but tlw general • ited tom with the left hand and with tho oihnr ran him through the body with his sword, with such force that the blade broke. The engng«m*nl lasted mere than two hours. Tho parties fought from aireet to street, and fin ill- the victory restod with the defen* dera u( the pvoplw’s rights.—Ibid. Chtrlctlo* April 10. - mrg. Gotura, and l vi n Bt. Petaralinrg.—.Ship lla wvar-883 bslst UpUnd .dautly SUrBcioilt. I GUUiU, and IV’l W a Uice. New Jfrseyhu never yet refuse* reedy end will- West Jodie*.—Brig Okdre-OJtcsRkw, 13 bhje Oil, " any otherraqulremeet oftho | «l0M4eFi*ur,lll heees Besp->1 kbit P*re. IM kegs i#j obedience to this or a Fl*K.—W« tearu from the Vicksburg Whig of the 5its inst, tlmt a fire broko out in the stabling et> taeliod to tho Vick.burg 11-Rel, which dostTuyed a dwoltiiijj hou.e with sovural outhouses. ' During the progress of Ui-j tiro great fear* were entertained fur the safety of Uio (Jomincrciai Bank,'and the buildings ar^uiiiing, which to k tire several times, but owing to tlu exertion* ul'the tiro companies they wore pre served. Tlie Whig remarks—'"One thing iscertain. the lira is iho work ofuu incendiary, and it behoves uur city auiborilies to be on tho aim. We learn that there are a number of gamblers in town—we wuru them to depart. A hoy 18 or 19 veers of ugu has been arrested uo suspicion, and Is now io j*U. No douhe is siurtaieed of Uo g*Ut. M +» N. O. Bulletin (Li inti- rnoM MASSEILtK*. Ratrect of a letter from the American Consul at MarM’llh-s, dnted I eh. 19, 1839. I Thn brig I'unhaitan, of Nnwhuryport, Captain Gt Idler, encountered n strong win-1 on gt-uiog out side of Use port of Marreille*. bonml to I'nlermn, and waa tlriren on shorn about eight oVlock, last evening. She was cot off ihraui|li tlie strrnnoui eaertions «if the oflicers and crew ol' the United ea Blsip Cjane, Capt. Percival, and hronght t into p«»rt, where she ha* undergone a survey. Tlie extent of the injuries sustained |« not yet known, but nre not supposed tu be very serious.— Pennigltaniun, WA In#.’. Vrrtn Canada.—The Kingston Chronicle of Marth30th says that twenty-two oftho prisoners in Fort Homy, captured at Prescott, nre to belmrne* tllnlely released, hy order of Sir GeorgA Arthur.— Among them are tho twenty who were recommen ded for mercy hy tho court martial. A bill lias been presented, in iho Assembly, toln- crease tho punishment for enticing soldiers to desert. Blanks were loft la tho bill, to be filled up with the number of years to which imprisonment shall be ex tended. Tito bill also provldus for the recovery of penalties from captains of steamboats, or other ves sels, who harbor deserters, and refuse to giro them up when demanded. Tho Toronto Patriot pleads earnestly for tho ad dition of'a good flogging" to the imprisonment for temnting soldiers to desert. The sumo amiable and judicious paper designates Mr. Charles Duller, Lord Durham's chief secretary “ * Yankco loafer." nnd a " false ruffian." Tho Toronto Mirror thus alludes to tho nff-tir of Sergeant Flood, and thoalledgedplot to destroy tho Government-house. There is it sorgoantbelonsing to Mqlor McGrath's troop confined in tho gaol of Toronto, charged, it is •uid, with buying in lUs possession a plan of the gar rison and Port Credit, nnd also letter* offering him a sum of money to tiro tho Guvernincnt-huuso and tho Purliumont buildings! It appears tho letters wore found in hi* cap! Ho has been examined twice boforo tho Executive Council. From oil we haVe hcaid, it is evident that a foul conspiracy has boon set on foot, either for tho dosirtnuion of tho abovo buildings, or for llint oftho sergnunt; nnd we trust the Executive will probe it to the bottom; for, if tho c&so tuin* out us wo suspect ft will, no man’s character or lifo can l>o secure in this province a single dny. It look* rather stmtigo thut an old ve teran of unimpoachahlo elmructer, poiHesslug cre dentials fmtn officers of high rank, nnd it appears a favorite with Sir George Arthur, would have been guilty of romtunqilatiug tho heinous crime with which ho is charged. Wo do nut boHovo it, nnd shall not pronounce the man guilty upon tho slanderous statements that are now afloat. Who can bo safe when a wretch lias it in his power to pioco papers of a treasonable nature in tho wearing apparel of an individual, or in his apartment, and hnvo him arrested for high troamnf The fate of this man may be tho fnto of the most in nocent mau in thu community. An oneiny to us may put papers of a tren«onublo description into our letter box to-night, nnd hnvo u* arrested to-mor row morning! Many innocent men hnvo fallen vic tims to foul conspiracies of this description; but, when we view tho gentlcmnn now composing thn Council of this province, wo nre perfectly satisfied it will not bo thn eusa here. All eyes nre turned to ward tho Executive Connell; nnd we have no dotbt but tho guilty party, whether ft ho iho sergeant, or his accusor, whom wc do lint know, will bo brought to light. iho talked of invasion, it is a sheer humbug and will not Ik? believed hy any person, except liy ti morous fonmlos, or militia officers desirous nf per manent employment. All is quiet un tit»other side; there is no danger of invaskiii ut the Credit, or at uny other IMiint of this lake; and if such should tnko place it must bo known to our enemies, thut they could not maintain a position nuo dny. Indeed, they would bo slain or captured twelve hours after their w ling. n acquaintance of our* fortunately escaped o trap throe weoks ago. A letter was droppea Into his pocket. Hear it. Lock port 2nd March, 1839. Dear sirI have parted with Drs. Morrison and Hunter, who are delighted with your hatred nf Ar thur nnd your determination to avnrngo tho nmtyr- dmn ofLount Yourplnn hn* been approved of, and tho mean* requisite to tho accomplishment of your noble enterprise, shall he at your service ia a I am, dear sir, Yours, most faithfully, JACOB BLAIR. What think you of this 1 Would nut tho lieinou* scoundrel who penned nnd put the original into our friend’s pocket, knock us, or Sir G. Arthur on tho head in a moment T Tho Toronto papers nil give different accounts of tho manner in which the alleged conspiracy'was dis covered.— N. Y. Com. 0th init. — Savannah market, April 19. *.iiii r*n»»».- COTTOX-IMM,'oBl.Wmld..-..., IS* 111. l'«lrto,i>id,.../«. I9i« ld r IMmi., * IO|0 114* Km l.hmJ,.;,.T 30 9 19' , Sl.lnrd •'«' 14 « 19 . SmW't/ 1 "?* 0 * 1 -MS*, q • LUUU-Uuw.nlSi Islo A I'hlbLlfbl. ud Vlt|l.l<„ — 9 —,,: 83 a ll „. T „ Cur «'> ;..„_4»_/ fry!? * 49 •» —•, ••AY -.•••»,fll 110125' wmaKuv-r..' hw, 4tbu>. <5 0 47 GIN—Northern, per gellon.7.*.',47 rji C a •rOBACCO-Cnlcmfish,Jo © S ' , vuriirni't 13 3 18- MACKEREL—Nn.-1 1141<& Iff j .*13 TAttow-p.,i'b'.'.'.v,'.',:::K::::; ml ~- I'ORK—Mo, - Prime... BACON IIA.MS LARD • BUTTER—Goshen SO A I*-Yellow CHEESE CANDLES—Northern Mould*. Spermaceti,.,..., Georgia •••*..1’.,. LUMBER—Yollow Pino Ranging Tim* 1 6 © Iff • St. Sawed Flooring Hoard* §18 ® 22 River Lumber, Bouids, Plnnk und Scantling....$14'<23 Iff Quartered, Ij inch Find ing Btiitidi..,..-, .....$|5 % 1$ Whitts Pino, clear ..$23 © — Mcrcitniiudila ...,$H (ct -• Red (Jak Staves'/.. — ^2) —' White Oak Slaves,'— <Q jff Shingles $4 ® ff roitklOM PRODUCTIONS . ' .*'..$24 « 2ff *...$20 # 81 -*.. 10 0 I2f .... Iff 0 14. - .... 18 0 13 .... 28 0 Off 0 0 0 .... - 0 .... 10 0 Iff .... 38 0 - . . 20 0 -f 18 - 8 < Off - * w It .tl 4001 7ff ....$10U©1 20T ..... — 0 ^r ....$1,50 01 Si 13 0 - "oi® Hi 0 0 IDA 10 0 11 t H ”■ 13 ...... 50 0 65 §10 13 ' 45 0 47 ....< 26 0 2ff 38 0 n Fire*.—Tho upper part of n wooden tenement, on th*« curnor of Pearl and Klin streets, was slight ly damaged by fir.’, about 7 o’clock on Sunday morning. The Fire at BnooiarN.—Tho following ad ditional particulars ol' the recent fire at Brooklyn we ropy from thn Long Island Star:— E»even horse* were burnt in the *tnhlos of Hew lett & Mott, vit: 2 belonging to Hewlett & Mott; 2 Robert Mutt,of For Rockawny; l Daniel Chi- Chester, Buliyhm; 2 Wlllet Seaman, Jerusalem: 1 KUlia Rnymon, Jerusalem; 1 Ahruham Snedeker, Brooklyn: 1 Ezekiel Smith Huntington; 1 Stammn* Smith, Huntington S mill. Two rnrrrlage# were burnt belonging to Howou & Mott, and u quantity of harness The cause of the fire is unknown. At nne time the intenrt'y of the heat endnngrred the building* on Kufton street. The mumllic shutter* in the renr wore heated in such an extent as to kindle iho wood wark near th. m. In tbk Static Prison.—The Auburn state prison was slightly damaged, un Tuc.diiy evening last, liy a fire which it is supposed niught in some way from tho citeben chimney, ami had undoubte dly been ut work fur some time. It was first dls- covereil in the ceiling of the third story, under the roof.—N. Y. Com. Adv. 8Ik init. At 1’Htt.ADEt.pHiA —Tho Jews’ synagogue was destroyed by fire on Saturday Theulurm ot fire on Sunday morning was occa* sinned by the burning of soma rubbish In a large building in Pearl street; one floor of which wa* oc cupied as a plnco of worship for n congregation nf Baptist*; nnd the second for one of thn Jewish per- suasion. Tho umount of damage is not known. A second fire t-wk place in the afternoon in a •table buck of St. John’* Church, in Thirteenth at. The exertion# nf tha fireman prevented the spread ing nf tha flume* to ilia adjoining building*. A hern «»»• tho Gray’* Ferry road, below tho Ma rine Hospital wu* destroyed by fire on Sunduy eve ning nlmnt 10 o'clock A colored mnn wu* run over l»v tha Harmony engine while proceeding to this fire.—PAR. Nat. Gar. Oth init. BAGGING—Hemp OSNAUUUas.... BRANDY-Cognac GIN-Holland.. SALT—Cargo Sack SUGAR-*Havana, Whilo*. Drown Porto lien Muscovado •••••• St. Croix,,,,,,,. New Orleans..... Refined Loaf..,., Lump..... COFFEE..... TEA—lit snn...... RUM—Jamaica New England MOLASSES—Havana.... New Orlonns LONDON POUTER—Per dozen,.., $3 _ BBS per doz.. $3A« — IRON—Swede* $110 ©120 KXOHANOE. ON ENGLAND—9 a OA per cent prelb. N EW YUltK—Drafts ut sight l p«r cent pVamr 30 dny* pnr CO days k0\ per cent dls. FREIGHTS—To Livorpoul £d ; Mavra — {Now York homo tillering, — for Rice; Boston —, for cotton; Philadelphia for cotton —; Providonca — for cotton. - •*., from the Savannah 'Shipping and Commercial Hit, April 12. COTTON—Arrived tinea tha 5th Inst. 2258 baler. Upland and 31 hale# S. I. Cotton, aud cleared at th#’. sumo time, 6332 bale* Upland and 720 balas S, t/‘. Cotton ; leaving a stock un hand, Inolusivo of all on ship hoard not cleared on the 12th Inst, of 20510 balas Upland and 1020 bales.Sea Island. * Both buyers and sellers of Upland this weak havo been disposed to wn It for (he Groat Western's ac-* counts, now considered due—consequently there has bean hut little done, particularlydUringtbo last three days; thesulos only reBch 1986 bates, vizt 11 at 13J; 5 at 14, 80atl44; 50 Hi? 72atl4f : 234 at 15 ; 124 at 15) ; 280 at 104; 84 at I0f ; 253at 15)| 5111 ot 15|181 at 16; 100 at 164; In Sea Island the sale* arc 153 Imgs, viz: 18 at 32; 1 at 34; 10 at 36i 10 at 38; 2 at 40; 6 at 41. 10 at 42; 5 nt 44; 40 nt45; 17 at 46; 28at0O; nnd 86 Stained nt 12 a 18. Receipts of Cotton ot tha following places since October 1st. 1838 1637 Savnnnnh, April 12, 107076 222728 South Carolina, April 5,... ,.158426 213082 Mobile, April 6, 231837 273431 Nuw-Orlcans, April 6 435329 512946 Florida, Match 23, 61906 75380 North Carolina, March 23, 8850 13712 Virginia. April 4, 165U0 21000 1079929 1332770 The following is a statement of tho stock of Cot ton on hand at tho respective places named. WEEKLY ADVERTISEMENTS. lf«w and Seasonable Dry Goods. B Y IhIo arrival* the subscribHrs Iiiivh received 28D package* new and seasonable D>y Goods, uinl particularly invito the aiteniiioi of merchants irom the country vUHng our city to the same.— Among them era 1(10 hale* 3 4 to 6t4 Brown Shirtings and Sheetings 39 do Ticking*, Twilled Stripes, Drills, &c. 40 do Flascn and Cotton Osnahurga, assorted qualities 34 esses Amaricnn and English Print*, do do IS do 3-4 lo4*4 Blue Mixtures, Plaids, Stripes and Checks 600 doz white and colored Cotton Hosiery and Sosiienders 700 do various style* Head Hdkf*. &r. &c , in all making an extensive assort merit uf Staploand Fan cy Dry Goods, well wortlt tho attention of poreba- •art. SNIDER & NICHOLS, april 6-21 No. 7 and 10 Gihhans* Buildings. Dry Goods. 6YA BALES, 7 8 und 3 4 brown Sheetings aU\J 20 do Flax and Cotton Osnahurga 5 do Bed Ticking 8 cases farcy and atriped Drillings 5 do plain nnd ribbed cntt»n and linen do 3 do 7-8 and 4-4 AJiren Checks, 20 do 3 4, 7-8 end 4 4 Blenched Shirtings 20 do fancy Prints,assorted | atterns and qualities 300 -lot plaid head Handkercld- f# ‘ 400 do ladies and gentlamen's Hose and half Hose Toxmhnr with a good assortment of Fancy Goods, received by tlie late arrivals, ami fursale hy HIHAM ROBERTS. mar 14-3td-4tw Nos, 3 & 14 Giblipn 4 *Building. Co-Pannenhlp ftoUco. T HE subscriber# bora furm*-il a co*pxrini’r*hlp in tha city nf Darien, for the eaks of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware, &c. &c, under the «,l» uf N. M. CMw, 4 «* M CAT(0RB JOHN HUGHEY, N.J. MePGNALD. Darien, Feb. bb, If 9$. T osar M«- Savannah, April 12 .21636 42683 South Curolina, April 5,...! . 48731 52702 Mobile, April 6... . 63004 89329 . New-Orlenns, April 0,.. . 132D4& 122100 Virginia, April 4 .. 4500 5000 North Curoliuu, March 23,. ...1500 4000 Augusta k Hamburg, April 1,21269 20334 Mucon, April 1...... ...0876 10528 FluridnrAlarch'23,, . 18000 90090 Philadelphia; March 30,... ..1782 3887 Now-York, Mutch 27, .90000 410143 40609 410741* RICE.—The market for lids article continues quite dull, there being but little more than n retail business doing. Tho sales since our last amount orw ly to 150 casks, at from $4a4j—with a light stock. FLOUR—Thera has not been much doing tbo past week, and tho sales mode have been at las* week’s prices. i CORN.—The supply large nnd the nhicle dull at reluil from 85o95 ct*. GROCEftlES.—In Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, we havu no change to notice cither in prico or do^ murid. Smull sales of Porto Rico und St. CruixSu- gar atOjulUj; Cuba Coffee ut 12 cts; CubaAIoIassc* ut28cts. HAY.—Sulea of 150 bundles, ou the.whnrf, at $! 3 16. SPIRITS.—In domestic liquors, smull sales of N. E. Rum at 45 n 46, Wiski-y at 40 a 46)' Gin ut 48 u(iO. , . EXCHANGE.—On England, 9 a 9£perct/ prem. Draft* on N. York; at sight, 1 per.ct< pram. FREIGHTS.—To Liverpool, |d.—dull; tu New Yotk, none offering. Statement of Cotton, April 12. Upl’di. Stock on hand, 1st October, 3164 ff.l. ’ 3 M': Received thUweck Do. previously,.*••.......... 161057 .-Exported this week, 6532 . 729 ^ Da. previously,.i 139420 ^003 140907 271 Stock on band,including ell on aldp- hoard not ejenred, April 12,1839/ -SOSlff 'IflStf, Twenty DollortBeward* R UNAWAY;aboutthe27thof Jnxmrp last,!* Negro Woman, LUCY, tbo property of A*’ * W. Dougherty. Lucy is of dark complexion,-sUn. - der made, with a mark or scar (u near as recollect- ad) on her left cheek, about thirty ; or. tbiiW^ff;.: years old; is neat and cleanly in her drees; I wv;-; inclined to the opinion that she ia in thecftyofAl*^' gusto or savanilt. Tbff Wwatd 0f Ten Dollaw will be given for her apprehension and (kftnmittal to '! jail and iaTorinatiim of the aathe given mn »c the - zaid office. BtAfM *«f.n.c>w.ts«srw*st IVoUco * U |wnm» Inhbuil » ih. XX, noi.vr.CMUM. .ill plru. Mill. fankwMi. CAIOEB*- - * n.*M,rW.9tk,IO*.