Newspaper Page Text
T Thisls The Only Atlanta Negro Paper Circulated Between Sunday and Friday Eveningd
AL | memboe
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- i P gy G i
NQW oaber -
Y & {i _1m‘!‘._
;‘ A Lé, 1&% ’;“m ft'.‘:‘ i
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Suit Won Against Lawyer Who Took Policy Money
1; " .‘ i E B
Lawyer Defendant :
TRT e £
ywoman sues 1ot
£, .1 - ' -
Policy Money
surandct L mpa
$288 Nally contended ha
money lue hin f
variou rimin
“ The cas ha heet 1
for two days and was omit
close witl ente
Wi Natls
Not First €Case ¢
ttornes it} said
Hired in 1929
ecompany named M
m‘?!‘;t'fit iars POl il ol
Byvivest Baker. 6 Wi
in Doce ) 1928
{ Continued on Page 2)
F ind Dead Body
In ead Body
f Atl
of Atlantan
Farly Monday mornit at
o'clock as W. F. Carter. white 1
’\\H;;k~ for the 1 v denartment
was making his rounds. the dead
Boddy of Jobhn Henry Porch. 59l
Foundry Street, S 1 found
iinderneath the Whiteh ollroel
T?\v CAase wns reporte [HO e
by Carter and according fic
recards it was turned oy 1ot
Hanley company at the request ol
relatives. Jt was Iafe eparted
that the body was given to Pollavd
ard Hancock funoral dirvector
The cause of the death was no
known but a coroner's inquest wiil
be held after which announ:
ments will be mgJe concernn
the verdict reached
f The |
. eeded by occasional rain Wednesday
Tharsday fair, fresh north winds. |
Highest temperature 56; lowest
Semperature 44; mean temperaturc!
e : !
= 5!’ von HERRM.N, |
. .Weather Bureau. l
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9 S ;‘f‘- T B R 2 . s | 4 Wl B o, < g pakin A
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i'irst International
Debate in History
of Local College
o - :
1) S1gma f!
et t 5 COmILied
i € { LSt it
I vd 1 he it h
toit fae sotidhea and
vt uncie the auspiees of the
ational Student IFederation it
\merica and is debating a numbe
it collegs and universities rated
ihe American Soutnenn Associi
01 f Collezes which hold nmemn
bership in the Federation
Morehouse college has for a num
ber vears stressed debating as an
portant extr currcula activity
e Viorehouse debatod
ind Siha universiti
K ne i Sauth U
State and fabanma Stat
P'vachers college FOr e pasl tavo
oy Morehouse teams have wor
the hono in the Pentagonal De
bating league by virtue of four de
it of four rendered Kno:
| | { YA 1 v?,!’ On i\ 1"!'. ‘ir
\I‘ X ‘HE ‘»X( relonse : { 1y
i { { ) Wt <
i yveal
Oxtord Has Two
Oxford team 14 compused «
1 HiDe: John Arel il
& 14 bentel Tahin oot
¢ Fallio O e oy Oxtord
1 Adenibhald-Carperite {
redst i pavmaste goneral
¢ financial seeretary. of the
} it i wernment. He i
lorout Déeree in. history. Fo;
¢ el b was th ek nowlods
eade al —canservative opinion
in Oxtord aod also président of the
R ind Oxfora Univs tv b
1Contimied On Paga 2)
‘ i o = I\‘
Stabbing Spreads
Y -~
as Youth, 15,
Cuts Up Boy
uts Up Boy
And ey the ] ids are donig il
fal i) discovered = when |
Charlie Reese, rear 1093 Ponce da |
L.eon Avenue, was stabbed in the
neck Sunday night by (‘l;!'ful‘d!
teese a 15 vear old boy. Reese wis
rushed Girady h|-"u",.4! where
he wWas tveated and disind 8|
Al i uest of My B this
mothe: 01 th waunded o 15
SN eass macke aegmst Chtford
ho was only 15 vears of ase This
i anothet ttong b 1 d againsd
E 1. ¥
See Friday's
et el o = PR - - : - i A #-I\ e _.“-_T._—-—-—"" .,A,.__." L e
\ d ~ B A 7‘:1&“*' L/ f [otE A i o 4 B8
- N ™ it h 5 | b 4 by VAR A ~- B ¥ y 7 5
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A A{/DINTE'S STANDARD ,@ (w7 - »_véffi;;x,ifi.é%__-fl B JOURMALA R ()
George White Is Buried; His
Nine Children Prominent
Shdoy griarked the piscing of
oBe of Atlanta's leading Ne
vibizens Gearpe W White 75 |
his home al B9 Houston street N
o Mlis cdoath wWas coaused by
atttomobile that struck him Noy:.
embor 13 oal Piedmopt Avenue and
Houston strec's inparme bim
sutticiont enobien 1o bring abont
his death
Mr. White is a former muilen
rier of this city having been aclive
for niore than 41 years It was 1o
ported that pians - had already
fotten underway in preparation of
his Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary
that should have "been in Octobe:
but was postponed until t h ¢
Christmas holiday season
The very impressive funerul ser
vices were held ‘at the [Finst Con:
sregational Clreh Tuesdav ailers
Loon - at 2 o'clock.
: Mr. White, aside fronmi being a
very distinguished man himself
iw:\s the father and grandfather of
wome very distinguished children
luf his seven children. George N
Burns received Sunday morning
were sufficient enough to cause|
the death of Grady Johnson, 17 of
376 T.vons Avenue, Monday morn
ing It was reported that Johnson
hitd hhghted @ charcoal bucket in
his bath room in order o keep
warim as he bathed. Over come by
the “gaseau fume: the youtly i3
said o have toppled over into the
1t I8 reporled that o voamel al
voung Johnson's. hon Lot i
meantine . walked to the batn
oty andl lesed wihhris T e Toom
of called oul 1o the person inside
and asked il he was o sick No
answel came forth 0o {ha
groans . econtinued. T I o roonen
then aftempted to force his wa
into the bath reom but feund the
door locked
After fearing open the doap |
they found - the Youth aiepb !.:i‘:
charcoal bucket. The fire was ox- |
tinguished and Johnson rushed m?
the hospital with his body raw |
from the second degree hurns that |
took awav the enine cepidormi 5
e died the following day l
d i
I'la. Coliege Head to |
Attend Hoover Meet
Tallahassee, Fla,, Dec. 2-—Presi
dent J R B lLpe of the Florida |
A. and M. college has accepted the |
invitation of President Hoover
and been granted leave of absence |
by his Board of Control, to be in
attendance at the White House
Conference on Home Building and
Home Ownership. December 2 to b
This is the third invitation that!
President has received to be
in attendance at National confer
ences called by President Hoover
in the last two years
it T
“Entered as second-cluss matter at the post office at Atlanta, Ga. under the act of March 8, 187y
White Chicasy e Tha :i:».\;‘:t‘i:n‘\"i
secelary —of thoe Agneriean Mis |
Siomary.. . Aceaer o Walter = A
White, searctiary of National Acco |
ciatbn . for (e Advancement of !
Colored. Poople - and also | h og
calithor of "Iy In "Phe Eiing
Mise Muadeline White seerelary of
the Aflanta Sehaol (F Sopial Work |
Others include Mis Holen Martin
L Atlanta, wife of B A Marviip ;u;é
excentive of the Al [ I!!s»%
SSurance.. Compun S Olive |
Westmorelnnd, — wifc of W (;;
AMaestmoreland, also & migilearrior
Lol Slhiw gity and Moller oF Ru!h{
Mestmorelnd. 5 1 6 student |
tolhlete. ot Spelman collone Mis |
FALee Glenn, formerly (f thio m’t,\',!
antl norereceplly Gf U veland |
yand Mis Baby Edwards of CGary
tineiana ‘;
!; All of his childien avice odu
5(-;1‘(‘(] at Atlanta univerady and
iI\Z’r. White c¢uame to Atlanta as a
lyonug student attending the uni
. NEW ORLEANS 1a. Dee 2
(ANP)--Albert W. Dent former
alumni secretary of Morehouse
coliege has been named as busi
ness manager of the new Fhint-
Goodridge hospital. Mr. Dent who
s o graduate of | Moreholise re
ceived his first business exper
ence with the Atlanta Life Insur
anee company. He a5 beon
authorized to visit leading hospitals
throughout the country in order to
L study heir oppanization set-up.
Nothing other than a confirma
tion of the aboyve facls could b
obtained 1 n Atlanta. President
Archer of Morehouse annouanced
that complete details would be
furnished at a future date
- Yo gy
Richard Wilson, 57,
Is Granted Stay
» T .
of Execution
N hip Thanksgiving aqinner
not the only thin that Richard
Wilion: . 57 yea d wholesal
murderer and “sheik’' had to b
thavkful for. He has the thing that
he valued and probably loves
most: hi 11¢ He h tared the
electric chair in the face on throee
other distinet occasior and each
time the cunning “ladies man’ ha
duvaded it This tilme he was titjed
and condemted to di n the
eleetric chan Novemmber 25 tho
Friday aftel Thanksgivit andd
again he was snafched from: the
very jaws of death
Motion for a New Tria! Vending
After his {rial on October 14 tha
case was written up for the supreme
court on October 31 ding 1o
information given « by the clerk
of the court. Sprathin and the mo
[tion for a new trial w fi'led and
the arguments heard on Ilovember
1 21. No report has b mnade as
L yet. according to that of con
i s
| (Continued on Page 2)
Morris Brown Out
To Put Up Best
Game of Year
: By “Melancholy! Jones
: ?A ':; . ;“' Vel »l.' 1 ' I .\\:\ j.!_giz ' '}
LHe amendy hand of Fale has 4l
; lux ‘ :":.': ‘ :‘. "“,‘;4: K 'i" =
‘lu"\"_l):n'”(‘I;x-.h It 15 history new
And the Morris
Brown Wolver
inex .a r ¢ npohe
the worse f o 1
their faleful ve
pulsion by {He
margin of a field
goal. As a mat
ter of facl: the
’]()i ol tha s
lkm:’('z‘ Tigers has
iboen made
| doubly hard by
the rude act of
't h e Panthers
several days ag»>
i L ke
| Ao W
{ R |
SRR o rrgy
E % ("\'{ :;:3:'__-;1
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Py SNt S
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{ Dy " 4
L e RIS i
b “'»Iis?«"‘i:.f, i
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o W gy o
[ IR 3
ko g At % &,@ /
Morris Brown will gc the limits o
stop Tuskegee cold this Saturdav
afterncon at Spiller Field at 2
o'‘elock. -
; Abbott Fears Nicks
l For thie past two vesrs. Clove
| Abbott has frankly admitted that.
‘barritig Wilberforce. he has feared
iBiIly Nicks Morris Brown clan
Imore than any other single foc. Ono
i would imagine just that after re
{viving in his memory thot alic -
i noon a couple of vears ago when
Credell, Purple quarterback, passed |
Land generalled his males to thrie
Louchdowns against the Abbottmen,
ISiich a feat has beon performed
ssainet Tuskegee only one other
[time in the history of Abbofls |
fcoaching span back in 2 when |
(iR(\d Cooper, o fiery little passing
lace of the Talladega teain netted his
{eam four scores via air. Incidental
;;,l.Y. Tuskegee wan both those oame |
‘the one from Moreis Brosen 82-10
tand the other from Talladega 26 27 |
o Morris Biown: Tuskesee will
_meet ber most rigid defense of the
[year: nol barring the Wilberforce |
eleven. Tuskegee's air game is just
a whisper: Hence. all her stress i85
on the running game With Moriis |
Brown's line unscored upon all sea
san and with Billy Nicks and Joe
Lockhart boasting one of the best
pass defenses in the South. Tus
’kegee may not win afier all. The
game looks like a certain scoreless
tie on the face of surface facts The
various departments of play are
surprisizgly even, Potentially, one |
{:bmu-h of men measurces up to '\hoi
;Mandurd of their foes. So. it locks
tos thoush BREAKS and .‘:'I‘R;\—4
gTECY of the game will be the chief |
| determining factor as to reluti\'ci
§ (Continued On Page 2) 1
Howard, Washington Schools Get
First Kook Kwick Cooker Free
Tonight and Phursday evening
night home economic students of
Booker Washington and David 7T
Howard school will get a chance to
see the operation of a Kook Kwick
Pressure cooker. which iz being giv
en to the schools by Seurs-Roebucl
Co.. through Mrs. Annie (ooper.
their representative -
Mrs, Cooper will demonstrate this
cooker herself to the home cconomit
students. Following this the Kook
Kwick cooker will be presented and
will make the David Howard ang
Blanshard Hits Japanese,
U.S. Press in His Talks
Serving somewhat as a followup
to his talk on Monday night at the
Ware Memorial chapel at Atlants
university, Paul Blanshard spent
more than one half hour after his
addreéss in answering very timely
and thoughtful guestions asked him
by an interested audience.
The talk on Monday nichat was
tollowed by two addresses to a class
in Labor problems and the combin
ed students of the university, More-
Liouse and Spelman colleges at More
house Tuesday. Both talks were as
impressive as the one dolivered
Monday night.
Monday night Mr. Blanshard
spoke on *The Economy Of Future
International War? He mentioned
the economic motive behind im
perialism and cited the country of
Japan which is densely populated
with people trying to fiind an out
tet. namely Manchuria.
e warned ‘that unless Japan
paid some attention to the Il.eapue
of Nations, torrible would ensue be
tween all the nations of the league
and Japan. He suggested an eco
nomic boycott as a means of setllins
with Japan. America stood in the
‘ead in arguments using moral pres
sure to bring about such He be.
lieved that the United States should
MACON, Ga, Dec 2--(ANP)
Willic Simmons, who was on trial
here Thursday morning for the
murder of Ida Turner. perhans owes
his life to Judge Malcom B. Jones
who was the trial judge. ‘
| When the lawyvers of both sides
of the case had closed their argu
ments, Judge Jones halted the pro
ceedings o place two othier wit
nesses for the defense on the stand.
In explaining his unusual proceed
ure, the judge pointed out fhat
during the argument of the state
prosecutor information had come to
(Continued on Page 2)
Jazzin' The
Meet will hear that housing's bad;
Have three Atlantans there
Morehouse takes on Oxford team;
Is inter-race affair; :
Tiger meets M. B. grid squad;
May be a hectic game
‘Chi’ is angered by police; they |
would their wild cops tame.
Aged sheik wins brief respite; 'tis
s2id that he slew three
Lawver sued for ‘taking’ ways;
Plaintiff wins victory.
Urban league makes job report;
~ New work is open now,
Worid will help you save your cash;
. Our ads will tell you how!
Booker Wast ington schools the only
mnes in Atlanta having this appara
The Sears-Roebuck Co., donors of
the cooker, is the only business of
this type employing Negroes in il
sales department.
Mrs. Annie Cooper, who is respo
sible for obtaining the gift and whe
has been with Sears-Roebuck fto
nine months, has won high praise
from managers of he local store f
boeth her ability and etficiercy. She
has: gbtained many new pairons fo!
join. the leapgne of Nations in 4n
cffort to bring moral pressure ‘o
Mewspapers were criticized by th
speaker for plaving up stories ex
aggeratingly, such as the sinkins o
the Maine, last century The Amer
can press played up stories agsinst
the Germans during the Worlad War
and the German pres plaving tp the
same against the allies
His falks on Tuesday both deai’
‘with the problems of Jabor. Ho
spoke on the "Obstacles Met By u
‘Laber Orezanizer ™ He criticized
- severely the unequal distribution ot
wealth that resulted in the lack of
opporfunity. At the present day th .
.motives in production should be
consumption rather than profit
A sugdestion that we adopt or
ganized planning so as to eliminate
over-production was made. He
stressed 4 shortening of hours in
- actual work days so as to allow an
absorption of men and work. We
should have a system of unemploy
ment insurance somewhat similar
‘to the fvpe enforced by Great Brit- |
ain. He urged the college youth cf |
today to think in a general way in
terms of constructing a program b_vg
which the economic order would be |
bettered. .
Wires- from: Oskaloosa. Towa
- have so far been unsuccessful in lo
tecating relatives of Burt Bailey
formerly of -Atlanta, who passed
away in thal city Al efforts to
. contact - relatives- ' have proved
fruitless. Anvone knowme their
whereabouts will please inform
them of the death and have them
got in touch with either H A
Anderson. chief of oolice in tha
Towa city. or Chief Beavers in Af
. An anxious father. Ed Walker of
Piedmont. S €. writos inquiring
‘of his son, Albert Walker, about
.92 vears of age. who moved to this
city about five vears ago. Bnee
that time the father c¢lahms he has
not heard from the prodizal son.
Persons who know the voung man
are requested to inform him of his
father's anxiety and have Bim
write him in care of the Piedmont
and Northern railway at Piedmont
i |
NEW YORK, Dec. 2—A judge in
Washington Heights Court dis
‘missed a complaint against Robert
Mitchell explained that the com-'
plaint was made because he wus
painting his store on Sunday in
order not to interrupt his‘;ncss‘l
during week days. The jjudge. in|
dismissing the case said the de
feridant had violated the law. but
he would not impose a fine in ai
case where a man was cleaning up |
and beautifying his place of busi
the store and they have been thor ‘
oughly satistied with the service
and courtesy shown.
The Sears-Roebuck Co, has Julius
Rosenwald at its head, Mr. Rosen.
wald. noted philanthropist has giv
en millions to Negroes numbering
among his gifts an annual outlay of
coveral million dollars for the found
ing of schools in the South, the
building of ¥ M. C. A/s. and the
eatablishnient of scholarshing Jor
needy and descrvilig studenta
W R Y T ¢
{ W W B i
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[ W p. covti B wieeson
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i s b A e
BH SEuaee 5
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B 3
Conference to Hear
of Bad Condition
of Negro Homes
Hawes, Mrs. H R Butler and
Zack T. Hubert, left Atlanta this
week to attend the Better Housing
conference which begins in Wash
ington today and will continue on
through Saturday
Two more were invited b ¥
President Hoover to attend the
conference b u t declined. They
were: Bishop Fountain and For
rester B. Washington.
. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 — A low
level of Negro housing conditions
in practically all parts ¢! the
United States is pictured in a ra
port which the Committee on Ne
gro Housing of President Hoover’s
Conference on Home Building and
Home Ownership will present at
the National conference here Dee.
2 to B
From an analysis studies made
in recent vears in all centres of Ne
gro population, t h e committee
found ‘“overcrowding. dilanidoted
structures with primitive sanitary
arrangements, high rents and ump
usual difficulties in fingpeing
home ownership arg the “u!*th
er than the exception in Negro
(Cantinued On Pyee 2y
Hungry Youth Whe
& %,
Sought Food Is
.2 =
Held as Thief
Declaring *hat h 1 hungres
Charles Davis, 606 F iap. Stvaat
was arrested and given A ewety
diet of pers and svrun for a time
anyway following his heing dia
covered in the kitchan nf F W
Burt, white, 396 Ridgecrest Avep
nue Sunday evening
Alrs. Burt had iust returpad
beme by the rear donr snd gaw
Davis standing in her kitchen, She
screamed. The frightenéd Davis
took to his heels and for a time
outdistanced citizens and neigh
bors who gave flight after him for
over a mile.
Running into a Negro residenge,
the pursuers discovered Davis in.
bed hiding between the springs
and the mattress. He was held un
til "police arrived. He confessed
having entered the kitchen of Mrs.
jurt, but declared that he was
hungry and went there onlg: in
arch of food. Mrs. Burt stepped
forward and identified him as the
an whom she had seen in her
tchen. He was then carried i$o
headquarters and locked up. gfi
. e
3 4
Wi o
# ‘l,". g v P 4
By I. P. Revaids Lo
i - .«..1,.
yoi oo b aid in his 2 -‘{“i\"
ut that dide't measn for JSEGINEE
|t go into the potkets g‘
: -3’,(. 4 S8 Wil ‘“, > v,