Newspaper Page Text
: ‘cham:m;y ones
Wilson L. Driver
Knoxville Too Much For Talledega Tornado So The
Sanford Hits Stride
As Hawkinites Hit
Old October Pace
&' \ 4 6
KNOXVILLE, Tenn, Dec. 2—
Plunging twenty, thirty, forty
vards through the Talladega line
time after time. Soi Sanford led
the Knoxville College Billdogs to
a great 33-0 victory ' a charm',l
Th‘?nksgiving game efore am’
estimated crowd of 3,000.
g 2 The general
(gwfi, ship of Knox
g b ville's 1ittle
b q u a r terback
g%'.%: f J amea Smith
' & ¥ and the charg
.. ng of Captain
ok Leonard Cary
’“’5% at center a n d
W A Alex Wells at
% 24 end contributed
Sy \,, to the sweeping
oy victory of the
i B Bulldogs.
1 It was Ware
QOACH ‘WALLACE and Wright of
a.Hawwins » t 1 e Talladega
s backiield who
prevented the score from being
larger. {Ware ripped off some good
runs and Wright's bullet like
passes ;threw a scare into the
Knoxville eleven more than once.
The Blabamans were completely
outplayed in spite of their heavier
line. The Knoxville forward wall
functioged almost perfectly t o
hold the visitors at a standstill.
Only i}wice did the 'Talladegans
have the ball within Knoxville's
thirty §ard line.
It is thard to pick out any stars
for Knoxville. With the line open
ing hofes almost at will, Hubbard,
1.assiter, Smith, Sanford and Jef
ferson | ran beautifully in the
brokeni field for gains of 10 to 55
yards. i
The Kirst garter was slow with
Talladega showing some evidence
cf bei$ able to run over the Bull
dogs. but early in the second quar
ter Jefferson ran almost 40 vards
aroundiend to place the ball on the
Tallalega held, K. C. for downs
hut an exchange of punts again
ave :Le ball to Knoxville Withl
Sanford leading the attackthe ball
«.a5 catried over the goal line and
Smith xlrop—kicked the extra point
Score 2-0.
The Tsecond score of the first
half came a little later when the
Knoxvijle eleven marched 70
yards &traight down the field A
pass ffom Hubbard to Wells put
the ball within scoring distance
Smith went over and drop-kicked
goal for the extra point as well.
The score at the half Knoxvitlle
14, Talladega 0.
i Second Half
Kno.\{w]]c‘ kicked off to Tall
adega and the Kkick wa. nnmmed
iatelyjeturnf‘d, gvine £ C the
Bball ond their 20-yard line. Hubbard
§8de 110 vards, then Sanford
thrl"ed ”‘,‘.‘ Q?‘(‘v’i( (_""".\'({ by gpin
ning fl}r(mah for 55 vards on n de
layed fplay. Lassiter dro £F
tackle for the remainins 15 by
) gaal as the K. € line bloeked
man after man. Smith faile! !
kick gpal. Score K. C. 20 T 0
- Talladega offered some opn
fiPn when a pass was completed
?thd'\w;re made 25 vards on n d
layed play. With the ball on fhe
30 yar{; line thev were ib'c |
deenert into the Bulldeos forriinm
BNa were forced to ltioii Sanfa
ran '4? vards on t fiont pine
Smith and Hulbard t fhe bBall
on the 2-vard lin ey -
rrossed the doub'~ » ¢
the scere 26 0
T.:" ‘..; 4 re y 4 4 ¢ r
touchdnvwn m--'~ shen Kr ¢
atarted from Tolloden 3
#ine. Hubbard made 70 Y
Smith:9: Sinfrd 10, 1!
B gubstituted o Pl-ine mad
Airst d__nwn and in two more npla
Hilliard ‘vent the romajri-c
i;‘:dfi,far 2 tnichdog gy Saaloe
5 I_nwo- for the ovira v Wi g
%r e
he *summoary line urc £
5 Plle-- Wells 1. £ V-Dade
e Clavtor. 1. G. Cary (Cap! .
gace R C. Moore. R T Johnen
| E.l Smith. Q B. Jefforgon. 1
.fi, B Huhbard . H R; Milla
. B. i Substititions: Sanford Tac
#iter, Perkins, Watkins A (ipitho
‘&m& B Caithor Hav 1!
iard. Barker. 1. Crippins T. Tones
‘Lattimore, Sutton, T. Baurh Tall
\adegas Pitts, L. E. Long. L T
%mn.h G.. Revnolds. C.. Howa~A
R. G.; Pendergrass R. T. Youne:
. Mitth~1 Q. B, Ware. 1. 77
Wright"' R I{.. Pigrom. F. B.
® .k r H ;
g : b AL P Ty
1"’ By 7v - d % ~- W, t"l ‘
By B.T. Harvey
Football results
Clark 9 Morris Bro 6
Ala. State 24 Morel J
Knoxville 35 Talladega
Tuskegee 21 Praivie Vi
Fla: A and M7 Fla. Normal 6
Allen 13 Benedict
Wilberforce 12 W Va6
Lincoln 7 Howard 6
Southern 12 New Orleans 6
Ky. State 18 Ala A and M 0
South Carolina 37 Paine 1
Watker Baptist 7 Haines 0
Football forecasts: |
December 4th |
Winner Loser Place
Fla. A. and M. Edward Water
: Tallahassce, Fla.
December 5th |
Tuskegee Morris Brown Atlanta
Clark Rt i Charlotte,
Southern (onference Standing
Ww. L. Per.
Phaskoree . .. D 1 .833
Clark . - b 1 .833
Ala. State ... 4 1 .800
Knoxville .. .. : 3 2 .600
Morris Brown ...... 3 3 .500
Hisk .. -] 2 333
Talladega ..... 3 3 250
Marehonse ... . 1 5 167
Fla. A. and M. - 0 2 .000
xEdward Waters .. 0 1 .000
XMiles . ... . | 000
xane . ... 0 1 .000
' xLane, Edward Waters and Miles
Edward Waters scores not avail
Southern Conference Champions |
1931 |
With one more confererce zame
to be plaved by Tuskegee the |
ileadmwh:p of the Southern Con
ference 15 a deadlock between
Clark od Tuskegee. as far o
games “von and lost. Each team ha
won fi-o cames and lest one. for
a percentage of 833, Alabamn
State handed Clark her lone de
feat 19-7 Tuskegee dropped a
close one to Clark 7-6 and the next
week handed Alahama State the
conqueror of Clak a 32.7 defeat
I Tuskegeep defo i Mavpic Biown
next Saturday she wll have the
‘(‘dfl(‘ on percentage basiz then
showing 5 won and one lost for a
\perv-»nhgp of 857
’ Although ‘the Southern confer
ence two vears age adopted a now
}"(m.‘:?itminn that stated the confer
ence would not determine champ
{onship. last year at the annual
‘meeting the conference champion
}k‘hip was voted Tuskewee a: per
~ustom. with the championship
determined by the Dickinson rat
ing system. which was adoptod 5
vears ago before the split in {ha
old Shuthhastern T e intooet 'mj
to note that by thic method of rat
ing Clark has -van the Sopthern
title even if Tiokeoon dofeats Mare
ris Rrown nevt Satuvdav. Balagw
is given the stat'stics covering the
factors involved
With reference tn the extra game
vet to be: plaved with Moreis
Y g vy A 5 LT -
Secticn B Arliche 1 caiw
No team shall by peanalized for
a victory in an eshy oowp Ty
avoid that the extra game shall
be omitted from the Calenlation
(No points for an extra victory in-
Hjure anv team with an average of
imors than 20 far ftheir oiher
Rating on Dbasic of six pgames
plaved to date:
Tusheoeo Division Points
Defeated T.ane 2nd D T 2001
Diefoatnd . Rislke 2nd 1T 2000
Defeat Mhouse 2nd DT 2000
Ala Siate st D T 30 09
1 ost to
Tk 9 T 1009
BNl et P T 3000
Tty o 6 - 113500
Trides NuUmber oo an
Clak N vision Points
‘Talladeg 2ad D T 2000
Ol e nd DT 20 00
2orric Pawen - St BT 2000
:Yj,,r =4 sed
Knoxville st D1 3000
Telrpapn st N T 30 00
Tost tn
Ala S =t b 0 1500
Total _ 6 (13340
Index Number . . 2200
Section D Article 2 savs—
First divicion teams include all
toame with g pervgentage abovo
560 all other teams are in the se -
Lond division
-~ Section C. Article 1. says:i—
If two teams have the same in
dex number and have plaved each
other during the season the victo
in that game shall have a higher
e o S o FRRTEIPO BT N e ST R . - o e
£ 3{5‘.{)@‘: .“"&a'::?fif“::"-,x:“\‘:"‘:-" BN v T T e i R - b i ; G A
k@? s R G S S R Pinanag s L T : Sy R L5 $ivig
AT 5 f{«\a*?\ R R ety g o k i Ay A Fn : : o ¥
R SHEERRT NS el S _ o il YA LY AN Y b . s » s : 3§ s % 5 g
SR S R R B 20 e S AR : SR s e i X
«%’% T WL R e ) 2 o R s ~ ¥R PR g
o R W Al R 3 o - 3 2 3 PR ¢ Ao R O :
o -f‘;,:. X ‘% e a & o . ) w«"’: o i o S R N A e AR
ol L 5 RS A g R 3 i R 3 ke
23 " TR 2 R o N 3 g " bl "3‘\}@@ ¥ , Red
J T it b : t. ’é AL i .3\’% % s » gl y & AR < @ ®
y 2 “‘?‘ - L LR P B - : N B ok ¥ Soeweg Moo g HRhs o @
o g b - Y A s Sy RN 2 5 AR T g M e P R 2 §
Sk WEEeE 3 3 ’*" - g B R 3 N B iy ! & 3 - S
= | R A 3 & TS, 3 _‘ £ % e A* : i fx 5 '3}' S, ; !
1 R o ; S s N v RS S D > o / - : & : A 3 ’ R RO
- o " 5 & X %: ; s B O - et . g s X; * .> O » ; 3 X e @ & l
Bl ’&& Sk R RIEST D s IO A aniics S Resa e BN ol N il
Baby Hornets Win
— .
From Stillman
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 2—
The Baby Hornets continued to
ting and as a result the Tigers of
Stillman went down on the short
ond of a 19-7 score on Van deGraff
lield Thanksgiving day.
The Baby Hornets are slated to
play the Baby Tigers of Tuskegee
at an early date and negotations
are already under way for the
game. Let you know more about it
Stillman Baby Hornets
J. T Carter RE Williams
Marshall R'E William
Hardy RG Legion
Byrd ¢ Blair
Maddox LG Emory
F. Carter By (. Smith
Hall LE Hopson
Jordan ) Bozeman
Washington RH Powell
Mitchell I.H Chatman
Willis F Clark
Subs: Stillman: Putman, McCray,
Baby Hornets: Frazier, Smith.
Bryant. Euphram, Perry, Langfort.
Joukins, Banks, W. Smith, Mills
McFadden, Creed, Kennedy, Park
er. :
Scoring: Stilman: touchdown:
Mitchell. Pt. after td.: W. Washing
ton, line buck.
Baby Hornets: Parker. Mills (2).
Pt after td Frazier (pass from
Northport Defeats
Central High B
‘entral High By
12 to 6 Score
Thankseiving day proved to be
a rather bad day for the teams of
Tuscaloosa so far as the win
eolumn in football is concerned. as
'the Tuscaloosa County Training
{Scheol, of Northport, journeyed
lacross the river and handed to the
warriors of Ceniral 11 g8 a 126
| i~feat in the morning, and to fol
ilcsy that up. the Baby - Hornets
]mm'ed into town and on the same
ifield that afternoon defeated the
IStillman Tigers by a 19-7 score.
Central-Tuscaloosa County
The Northport boys are to play
Coach Robinson’s bovs from
Greensboro on Friday afternoon at
Van deGraff field and a good game
is in store for all who attend. Be
on time so as not to miss any of
the battle which begins at 2:30 P
(N 5 P
rank for- the season, even though
the index number be the same. |
Hence by the Dickinson rating
svstem Clark is not the Southen
Conference Champion.
Morris Brown, the hard luck
good team of the year may rise to
the occasion Saturday and settle
the arguments which otherwise
will arise between the proponents
of percentage and Tiskegee and
Dickinson rating and Clark.
. Here is a suggestion of the writ
'er should Tuskegee defcat Morris
A game for Charity at Spiller’s
'Field Saturday December 19th be
‘tween Tuskegee and Clark, with
Lexpenses to the teams guaranteed.
and giving 15 gold footballs to the
winning team and 15 silver font
balls to the losing team. Can von
imagine a better drawing card o |
better chanee to really get sopme
funds for Charitv. I am sure the
autthorities of baoth schools would
co-operate in such an undertaking
Notiea to oaches and Managers
Kindly serd at once vour com
pete srhedules with results
and outstanding nlavers { <
Bench Talk Heard 81! Fair Streo’
S W Atlanta. Ga. VWe want L
give consideration to all the out
standing teams in the country in
iour season review next week.
Watch for our all-southern con
ference teams and review of the
| season.
Southern Conference to (.o For
The Nashville Negro World of
Trade has requested the approval
of the Southern Conferenca for gz
asame for Charity on December
12th between Fisk and Tennessee
State. It is expected that the con
ference will sanction this game
without changing the status o°
Tennessee State with reference i«
future games with Confetence
A citizen committee of Colnmbn
headed by Dr. Tavior is trying t»
arrange an all-star Alabama
(Georgia charity tilt in Coltimh:ar
which ought to receive the asist
ance of every school approactcd
and be a great success
N e . > 3 3 1
[xtra Point Injures
< epy e
Glow of Brilliant
Bison Afterncon .
¥ " 1
L.aMar's kick from placement for
the point after touchdown and Des-
Verney's sensational 35 yard sprint
0 overteke Cheyneyv on Lincoin's
four yard line gave Lincoln a vic
tory of ( fo 6 over Howard in the
95th annual game betwen these
traditional rivals here today before
ten thousand spectatoors at Shibe
It is the first and only time that
Lincoln has crossed Howards goal
line since 1924 altbough L.incoln
had been repeated. Fed 1o Win
The victory gav: | n-a one
same lead. with ten wins to How
ard’s nine and cight lie score
Lincoln's only threat came in 4
second quarter after Howard had
registered a six point lead when
L.aMar broke off right tackle for
18 yards and Baskerville ran around
his left end for 15 more, foilowed
by a series of short gains by la
Mar. Baskerville and Smith, Wi
had replaced Lewis at fullba k., and
a five yvard penalty against How
ard for offside that gave Lincoln
1 first down on Howard's one yavd
line After two trvs Captain
“Spank” Smith dived through cent
er for a touchdown LaMars place
was good for the deciding poind
Roth teams plaved safe in the
third guarter, frequently Ekicking
yn the first and second down Hall
and Perkins out-distancing ok
Coleman for Lincoln. In two (rys
Porkins * soied the ball for 50 and
80 -».ds Coleman got off a timcy
it f:om behind his goal hii )
mid ficld which Hall fun bled and
A T - . e R
was recoved by Lincoln. A 35 vard
pass to A. Jackson was wasted |
when he dropped the ball as he was |
tackled on Howard's 29 yard line
In the fourth period Howards|
passes were a constant menace to
Lincoln’s one point lead and all but
turned the tide as Cheyney received
a 20 yard pass from Marshall on
Lincoln's 41 yard line and romped
through an open field for 38 vards
when he was overtaken by Des
Verney and halted in a flying tackle
from behind on Lincoln’s four yard
line. After two line bucks in whic!
Howard was thrown for a threc
vard loss Lee tried in vain for o
field goal from placement on the
15 vard line.
AT 45l CYPRNR YT, YN, T Sy o
Fighting desperately to come from
behind in the last few minutes ot
play the Bison backs bombardedl‘
‘e Lion defense with passes in
cvery direction. even as the last
whistle blew Lee caught a 25 yard,
pass from Hall and his final first
. down for Howard. |
| Line Up |
. Howard 6 Lincoln 7/
Lee LE Harrison
- Greenlee 1r Kane
| Ellis 1.G Oates
. Shelton L James
| Stokes RG Rainey
t Payton RT Graves
i Kaiser RE Roberts
| Hall Q Coleman
i Marshall, Capt. 1.H Jackson
i Johnson RH Weaver
| Perkins E Lewis
{ Howard 60 0 08
;Lincoln 07 0 0:-7
MEMPHIS. Tern. De 1
Autrosy Russell Post Mo 27 of
‘he American lLegion will remain
true to its good Samaritag spirit,
ind sponsor a benefit football
game Friday night at Hodges
field. The contest will be staged
between Rust College and Arkan
sas Baptist State College for the
benefit of Rust and the drum and
bugle corp of the Avtress Rus:sell
Post, Following the game a dance
is to he given by the post at the
Hotel Man’s Improvement Clu!
The fund realized from the danc
is also for benefit purposes.
Other activities that the post
has ‘plarned for the Yuletide sca
son is a prize number conest the
wvinner of which will receive a
1931 four-door town sedan Chev
rolet car fully equipped with all
assessories including two new
pare tires. Dr. S. B. Hickman,
nost command, was appointed
chairman of a committee making
srrangements for the presenta
on of a Yuletide revue to b
t=ood at the auditorium at tho
ner of Popular Main.
e |
Fort Valley Again
bt b 1N
- At Helm in High
School Chase
| CNoo ase i
| FORT VALLEY. Dec 2-—-Under|
the direction of coaches S B Pride)
and Jesse Fox, Dillard the Wild
cats have won all games this sea- |
son with the exception of a tie
0-0. with Americus Institute. |
Coach Pride asked the Wildcats
who seem very tame until ruffled
to win only one game for him this
season but fhey knew he wanted
them all so they stepped out and
bagged everything. !
The Wildcats have their eve on
Booker Washington High of Afi
lanta and Morris Brown High
School but the Booker Washing
ton team does not scem anxious to
cross claws with the Wildeals
Are you afraid, Booker Washing- |
' ton?
Standing of the Wildecats for the
Beda Etta (Macon) 0 Ft Valley 45
Americus. = 0 It Valley -0
Gillespie (Cordele), Ft. Valley 19
Haines (Augusta) 0. Ft. Valley. 6
Bainbridge, Hutto High = 0
: - BE - Valleu: 71
The “Wildeats? led by captain
“Mike” Dantley. guarterback., have
successfully defended their title of
Southern High School Champions
The line-up of the Wildcats is
as follows: 1
Lemons il 1. E. |
Tesler Mann 1. G |
N. Watson . 7
D Davis €
Jefferson R G
“Hooks” Walden R T
“Slin,” Hamilten R K
“Mike" Dantley 0B
VY- D Paulk H B
Stamp= Bvnum B
"Pat’’ Digas 1B
“Mike” Dantley has been unsur
passed in passing skill. The line
plinging of Bynum and Stamps!
have no-otted most of touchdowns|
for thie Fort Vailey Wildeats !
Charity Game For
The Benefit Of The
Unemployed Being
Planned Here
COLUMBUS, Georgia, Dec. 6—
Plans are being made and pre
parations have already startéd for
the playing of a charity game here
stothe Memorial Stadium to be
plaved on December 12th, 1991
The two teams who will partici
pate in this special football classic
are the Georgia Al Stars eom
\Dn»« d of the hest plavers of Clark,
Univeriity, Morehouse College
and Morris Brown University
football teams and the Alabama
| All Stars which will be made up
| of the best players of the Tuske:
gee, Talladega and Alabama State
Teacher's College footbhall teams.
President Frenholm of Alabama
State 'Teacher: College, President
Archer of Morchouse College and
Mrs, Morton of Tuskegee Instituic
are highly in favor of such a game
and have expressed themselves ac
cordingly. All of the coaches of
cach of the above named teams
have: also given thewr sanction to
The same.
Pr. & I Cravens of the U 5.
Government Hospital, Tuskegee,
Alabama and Dn, M 1, Tavlor of
Columbus are in charge of the
plans and preparations for the
5 & °
Ex Soldiers Have
An Interesting
: Sund
Program Sunday
RIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Dec. 2—
The FEx-Soldicrs soeial club held
thoir rezular meeting at the Eiks
Rest. 12th street and 8th avenue
Sundav afternoon at four o'clock
Several communications were
read inecluding one from the Vete
rans of Foreign Wars concerning
their fight for the balance of the
idjusted compensation certificates.
The meeting was one of the most
interesting since the inception of
the ¢lub and about 150 members
woere present. President Molton H.
Gray and Comrade. Cheek made
<ome constructive remarks for the
benefit of the club.
A very good musical program
was presented by the ‘Iraveling
Stars quartet at the conclusion of
the meeting. A program committee
was appointed to arrange entertain
ments for the club. Comrade A. H.
Small was made chairman of this
Every colored ex-service man in
the Birmingham district is urged
to come out and become a member
of the club. The next meeting will
e held December 6 at the ElksJ
Rest at four o'clock. : |
° .
Piled Up 315 Points
f ®
~ To 13 For Enemies
1 iy
- Over 1931 Year
/ % i
BATON ROUGE. la., Dec 2
When the Southern = University
Bushmen hung up their togs fol
lowing their 82-0 rout of l.eland
College November 21st. thev closod
one- of the pgrandes! isoris O
their career. It marked a so't of
pleasing culmination of the patient
and effective worlt of Coach Brice
Taylor who came to the Socuthwest
from the South Atlantic Confer
ence in 1928 and who has since
been one of the most successful
Negro football coaches in the
The 1931 record of the Bushmen
shows no defeiats and no ties In
seven games the Bushren have
run up a total of 315 points to 13
for their opponents, and average
of 45 points per game. This is a
scoring record uncqualled by any
team in the South.
Consistency has been an ever
present feature of the play of the
Bushmen all season. The nmen in
perfect physical condition e
able to give sixty minutes of hard
driving. ferocious football in evervy
game. It was this condition which
gave the Bushmen the edge in
their games Some. leams werd
able to withstand the attack of the
Bushmen for one or two guarters
but generally no longor for the
avalanche would inevitably comg
and the apparently clese game
would be turned intn a rout of the
cnemy. Only Wile nd Bishop on
j0y the distinet: Lo ding the
Bushmen to less fir touch
. In thel Purncll Brethiers (@i
George. and Felton. the Bushmen
had a trio of elusive running backs |
second to none in the Sonthwest.
Of these Clif is the mot outstand
ing. Twice mentioned as All
America selection for s haclfield
position this diminutive strategist
and ball carrier has chown no let
{up in the form that earned him the
iAll-America distinction. s nn
canny broken field runnine his
‘dashing and emashing throngh
lines. and his deadly prssipne have
placed him among the leading
backs of the nation. Tt +ill ho hard
(to leave him off an All-America
‘team this year. This scintillating
work of Clif Purnell and the other
irunning backs has been agreatly
facilitated by great Wockine Td
mond at right half and Wright
formerly of Tuskegee at il boek
have shown themselves to be with
out peers at the art of clearing !hn§
way for the ball carrier In addi
tion tn this. Wright has heen a
veritable dvnamo on the defensive.
tackling with a viciousness unseen
in these parts for many a day. and
lrf:msin:*, manv . enemy fumbles
which were turned intn touch
downs by the smooth offensive of
his team mates Hickman was pro
‘Iv:ihl}' the fastost buaek in thic cie.
tion. He was an execllont pan' v
2 pgreat pass receiver Once in the
‘nw‘n he was almost cerfain %
.score; at all times he was danger
Captain Spinger. plaving his Inst
season with the Bushmen. and his
partner tackle Bosaker Harrison
were the class of the Southwest at
their positions. Spinger. a 1930
All-America selection, plaved ev
en better foothall this season than
he did last year, and should be a
certain All-America a t tackle
Rooker Harrison matched the ox
ploite of his veteran eantain: nnd
this pair did more to bottle up the
offensive of opposing teams than
could be told in this article Both
ere poworful rusged quick on the
charge crafty, and deadly tacklers.
their work stands out as the high
spot in the successful defensive of
Here's a tonic that has stood
the acid test of time. For fifty
vears it has been bringing health
and happiness to thousands of
weak, rundown, despondent wo
men and girls. If you aiways feel
tired and worn, and are a victim
of those wretched ills so common
to womankind, start taking St.
Joseph's G.F V. today and %et it
help you, too. This reliable tonic
will help to restore vour energy,
tone-up your system and give you
so much vitality and pep that
you'll feel like being on the go all
the time. You'll attract men to
you by the dozens and win the ad
miration of everyone you meect.
Score Was 33-0
rm \
Theater Employee
May Die of Ice
Yick Stab
Pick Stans
Stabbed twice in the back with
an ice pick in the hands of Gartield
Cunningham, Pete Carruthers. ush
cr at the Famous Theatre, was rush
ed to the Hillman hospital about
eight oclock Monday night in a
Bradford ambulance in a very cti
tical condition.
The stabbing took place at the
corner of Third alley and 18th St
about scven-thirty and the stricken
man - was taken to the People
Drug store where first aid was it
en prior to the arvival of the am
the Bushmen dyring the past sea
- Big Billy Mills is still the pcer
less guard he was in 1930 when hs
was selected on the All-Americ;
team. He has been unmatched b
‘any man he has opposed this sea
son. Billy is as hard as nails anc
@us immovable as a stone pillar. He
'work on the defensive was bril
From end to end the Bushme!
present a front of remarkabl
strength both defensively and of
fensively. In “Smilin. Jim'" Wil
liams and Ernic Miller, the Bush
men have a pair of young wing
men destined to do great things i
football. Miller replaced the vet
eran Haines when the latter wa
injured in the Wiley game, anc
immediately proceeded to pla
football like a veteran himself
Both these voung ends have speed
strength, courage. and daring; an
they are rapidly developin
diagnostic ability; all of whie
qualities are admirable in ap
football player.
The 1931 Bushmen reserves wer
of a very high calibre. In two ir
stances the substitutes took up an:
carried out with great efficiene
the work of disabled veteran
Fields and [.awrence were line
men of first wator and in #th
backfield Johnson evhibited are:
talent as a runner, the steength
the reserves was a poicnt factos i
the successful secason of t'~ Tsh
men, and is a pleasing indientis
iof the strengih of the t~am in 192
I The record for the 1931 so o
iBushmen 91. Campbell College
[Bushmen . 6 Bishop Callean
{Bushmen.. 78, Texas Collego
{Bushmen. . 14, Wilev Colleas
'Bushmen 33 Neww O#leing 1ln v
Bushmen. 5!, Stratehl Calleze
{Bushmen. . 82. leland College
i Bushtuen total of 315 appone
The running attack of {he Bue
men was o powerful that pase»
were seldom resorted ta exce:
for variety of attack: and thig s
already abundantly cupplied in
hichly comnlicated and dice nen
ing three phase shift and n eo!
leetion of power plays and ro
While piling up the above s~orp:
against the appositions. the Buch
men for the second cuceessive
vear won the Gulf Coast Chamn
ionship. It is significant to note
that no conference team was able
to score on the Bushmen: all eon
ference opponents were decisivel
= Second {0 no team in the South
cwest,. and - cortiinly one of the
greatest teams in the country. {n«
1931 Bushmen deserve the atten
tion of sports writers and eritie
| as thaw select their All-American
' Teams. or make nominations for
inminnnl football supremacy.
180 Edeoewood, N. E.
St.Joseph’s G.F.P. is made from
nature’s own roots and herbs
which have been used for over a
century to invigorate and
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Try it today and you’'ll know why
women have depended upon it for
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Joseph’s G.F.P. on an absolute
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The Womansn Toni
‘Hog' Mosely
J. C. Chunn
‘"Andy’ West
Alabama State-Merehouse
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.,, Dec, 2-—
The Alabama State Hornets end
od their conference schedule of
1931 by defeating the Morchouse
cleven of Atlanta. 24-0. Losing but
one conference game this season
fo- the aAvuuie toached eleven of
Tuskegee Institute, the Hornets” win
over the Morehouse clan helps to
substantiate the fact that the Hor
being a “flunke”. Most of the fans
round the Magie City with their
“curbstone gossip” are of the opin
on that the Alabama State eleven
won most of their games this year
thru “sheer luck”. Nothing but hard
work o nthe part of the coaches
and players carried them thru the
1931 conference with but one de
With one more game scheduled
for the 1st of January 1932 at Hou
don. Texas. with the Prairvie Pan
thers, to date the Hornets have en
saged in nine games this season.
Tive of these tilts being conterence
cames, one intersectional tilt and
he remaining three being non
‘onference affairs. During these
nine encounters the Hornets scored
198 points to their opponents’ 85,
with five teams failing to registec
a marker.
Talladega ¢ :
Thanksgiving Day brought to a
‘lose the Talladega Crimson 'Tor
1wmdo schedule who lost their last
same to Knoxville college. 33 to 0.
Tho! the Talladega clang’ record for
1931 is somewhat shady, the Crim
son Tornadoes registered fwo wins
wut of 6 games played, with tour
games being conference affairs and
two, non-conference tilts. The
Crimson Tornado eleven were able
to register 42 points to their op
onents' 116, The Talladega celeven
wave only on2 more game to play
his season. which will be an inter
cctional tilt with the Wilberforce
‘leven at Detroit, Mich.,, on the
Sth of December of which all the
nroceeds will go to Charity.
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