Newspaper Page Text
Joe Rainey
‘Jolly' Forsythe
Hog Maw' Robinson
Colored Foothall Pros Beat Whites: iid Chocalaie Wanis Canzonen
r e
King Leads the Path
A . .
As His Buddies In
Form Follow Him
Dec. 2 Above the studded hills of|
the Macon County, brightly burn ‘
ished in the glories of autumn,
ralls t h e (ri
umphant roar of (G e
B/ viclorious %&/f ‘
'Q,nldon Tiger to- |& . ’i
ight a ravish %
ing beast w h o s
found his juiciest ,’, 44
cprey in the Pan- | EEaGEE
thers from Prai- |EggeS Pyl
rie View College, ; 7 o
Prairic V i ¢ W SN e
Texas, unbeaten > d
previously and with an array her
ald as the best team seen in Texa
in years. Before 4000 spectator
many of whom were wa. 10! who
had fought and bled for their alima
mater on many zory battleficlds
Tuskegee defeated Prairie View
Stil’(‘ Collepe. 2 to 0 'The Panth.
ers found their pet weapon, the
pass, turned apainst them and
their defense pierced by a fast
charging Tiger attack that swept
to three touchdowns and one safe
ty. Every attempt to score that
Prairiec View made failed, while
Tuskcgee was making the most of
cvery opportunity and “brealk.”
The Tigers® highly-geared at
tack, functioning much mor ¢
smoothly and powerfully than
Prairie Views, was started on it
iy by the fleet. elusive Tiget
i5r. James McCarthy
'Herbert King, fullback, was th
g of the Tuskegee L-ianph
King ripped and slashed hin vy
through the Panther defense fon
101e gains. Silvey, at hiliback
‘cracked the Panther forward wall
four several nice gam
The laurel wreath hould be
placed upon the entire Tuskegee
forward wall Captain Willi o
Hockeit. in his last game against
Prairie View played lhe greatest
game of his life He w in the
thick of every play and 1ema {
in the game for the full 60 min
utes. heing ably supported b oy
Adams, Belcher, Camp, B Mc
Kinncy and Henry. It was smith,
Jeft end, who caught a pa from
Mobley on the 2 yard line that re
1 'nd In Tuskepee cond touch
1, t h e first perind Tuskegeo
traveled 55 yaras in four pignntic
Jeaps for a touchdown afte® haelng
held for downs on Praivie View:
91 yard line. Al the start of (i
quarter, McCarthy made 19 vard
off right tackle. King the fullback
dashed 12 yards around loft end
Silvey, smashed s wiy 10 yards
through left tackle MeCarthy e
cled left end for & vards and with
I’!'(lii‘i(‘ View iceling and mrogoy
ng took the ball again ind
"Onded 6 vards throuzh the cer
ter of the Panther line for ti
During t h e sccond quarter
Prairie View fought savagely,
backed deep in their own territory
and halted the savage thrust of
the Tuskegee backs. Twice the Ti
ger attack moved down to Prairie
View's 15 vard line only to falter
and break down complefely
against thy Panther's stubborn de
11 the third period Drairic V ve
showed a weak defense. at the
flanks and mishandled a forward
passing attack that was conceived
along clever lines King infer-ent
¥l a pass and ran 30 vords to
Prairie View's 13 vard line A
pass placed the ball on the two
yard line and King hit the center
of the line for the second tori~h
down. McCarthy placed kicked for
the extra point.
1L 11e Tourth oarter the Paorie
View backs, lsd bv Dunre~r. h-m
meored the Tuskegen tarkles and
spirited thr ends with preat <kill
but a fumble spniled their chances
in midfirld. Tuskegee scoring
when MefCarthv went around left
end for 39 vards Silvev hit richt
kle for five vo-ds. placing the
1l on Prajrie View's two yard
ine. Moblev hit center fo- tho
‘8core. McCarthv failed to kick the
vextra point. The Prairie View
backs again beran hammerine
Awav at the Tuskeoee ends »and
tackle. advancineg the ball to the
“Tigers' 20 yard line where it was
?m downs. After an exchange
-mfl it was Prairie View's ball
on their own six vard line. On
munt formation Tove was canoht
m the goal line for a safety.
Tuskegee (21) Prairic View (0)
g I
J i
' THE Ul” El'lfllAl
Outcrowds Union with
- Stern Offense And
Durable Defense
7 Hu i«inrr up . .
Va. Union Hampton
l.ce 1.E White
Jenkin: 1. {iiines 10
Thurston 1.0} Unthank
Petoers ¢ Anderson
Tavior RG: River
Thompson RT Glover
J. Wilhams RE Thoma
Yancey Wi Campbell
I, Williams 1.H H Haryi
Armistead RH Weathertord
il (Y FBB L Har i
RICHMOND. Va. Dec 2 For
57 minutes today Hampton Insti
tute and Virginia Union University
pigskin cohorts battled on even
mid-eastern classic. Hampton a
and ecqual terms in the foremost
two to one favorite on this last 3
minute viclory won the € 1 | A
A. Championship for 1931 The score
was 14 to 0. For this major por
tion of the game it was a struggle
bewteen two opposing forces. the
Seasiders and the Panthers, neither
being able to do very much 1
pressive functioning azainst tiie
Then, time rolled on, until there
was only about three minutes left
for action. Hampton had the ball
on Unions 24 vaid line Thiee
successive tries at the Union line
netted only a 17 vard loss "Hi
Harris, cals his team for a kick to: -
“mation .. he reeeives the ball from
center, but then changes his mind
. decides 1o tun it out He does
he makes up for his 17 yard
loss, when he is finally halted he
ha made a first in ften. Harris
caught Union playing back for a
Lick. From here, two succesive line
thrusts, one for 4 vard, the other for
three, by FEdwards, accounted fo.
Hampton's first score. Weatherford
booted a beautiful one through the
uprights for the cxtra point
Hampton in the next instance
punts to Unioh Union opencd up
its fame aerial attack. In the dving
sessiong: of this Turkey -Day-NMeoel
that boy Edwards intercepted o
pass from the arms of ''Little Boy'
Yancey and romped from aboui the
middle of the ficld to the poal line
for Hampton's second touchdown
and His seeond touchdoan ‘Lhe
Hompton toe-artist agair conlribu!
ed theoxita point Seoree 14 1o 0
for Haumpton
The speedy end-runs. and ol
tackle gainzs of iLlovd Wihilams, ol
tinton, and the line plunging tac
tics of Edwards of llampton were
stellar lights in this well matched
fray Gaines, Hampton guard, and
caplain, vwas his real self today
Rivers. Hampton guard, also car
ried out his fonment well the
Union o ward wall led by Cap
i Culbby Gl Bove the spes
tators some class action These boys
broke through behind the Hampton
line of scvummage numerous tunes
halting the "mronmen’ backs in
their tracks As rogards the »unt
ing job, Yilliams' punis averaged
from 13 to 17 yards more than the
Hampton toc-delivery by i
Harris. i
‘Between the halves, Miss Ada
Thompson, a dimiinutive. beautiful,
brown-skinned, sophomore maiden
was erowned '"'Queen” on Union's
Pilgrimn Day Festivties
Hubert Promotec
COLUMBUS, Georgia, Dee. 6
R. H. Hubert, manager of The
Columbus World, has bheen pro
moted to the position of district
traveling manager of the Atlan a
World, it has been announced by
the Southern Newspaper Svndi
cate home office.
The Southern Newspaper Syn
dicate is proud of the record
made by Mr. Hubert since the
foundation of The Columbus
World, and tenders him this new
position as appreciation for hi:
Belcher ... L.E. - James
Adams ... LT Sampson
Hockett (¢) .. L.G. . Riley
Camp ... ... C. J Thomas
Henry ........R.G. ...... Sanders
B.. McKinney .R.T. . Sanders (c¢)
SHEBh .. . BE ... Johnson
Mobley ...... QR. ... .. Ashford
McCarthy ... LH. . .. Mason
Bilvey .. iRH Love
Kl . ... . FB . Duprce
Officials: O. G. Whalker, (7.n
coln) referee; Dr. T. J Knox
(Talladega) umpire: W. J Moore
(Talladega) headlinesman: 13 7T
Harvey (Colgate) fiei? judge
o SO
R P ’l i . T
SIS & A @l WO SN . g
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~ Tiger oi Wolverine? Which?
~ liger oi Wolverine? Which?
. B R RN
l WAS walking dong the othier night considering the awlul weather
and the imniinent wat aod bless vou I felt 5 heavy hand assail
;”LV shoulder and a d fp. bl il Howl from the rnnands ot
some anilitant g ol e my e
i (oo, I looked aron I Eliang I elap Iny eves on |
! “ : ooThy Wiy i funnel hat and sideburn
| and o b ! i e il e 1 gl 1
| J: *‘ extrenu ! i ¥l il loathson ¢
w COCHiatice Phiy ifteed e ite GF birih
‘ contiol i Lo amd an idiot and
v Biore ane g ik : it gotl room here 1o
- m e e e ST A e
- = Old Jobin ] , ¢ 1 iust invited har
URIC . . . o P
cause T didn’t use log n sceleet ¢ View o worst Tiskes
I just stiffened up and pot teady | ¢ } ] ook o =edl h
| “I'm sick and tired of you running around here saying
| you're infallible. You're just like any other guesser. Why
you were ridiculous in selecting the Praivie Views over Tuske
gee. Use logie? why yvou don't know what logie 1s. You
had me proud of you earlier in the yeav. You picked Ala
bama to pull the rear with Tuskegee; Ciark to win in Atlanta;
I'isk to bash Talladega; 'Bama to snag Morris Brown, and those
: were great. But you got sour when you took Prairie View
over Tuskegee for the conference crown.”
€6\ OW lets Took at this thing logically i o
for logic when I think il s on niv sido. Look at Ty I
eortl dnd look at (Ll s Both have won five football
after junking Morris Brown. Tuskegee will have won six wl 1es
i the leagiie: That will put her :uw;;.u‘ Gf the latlee 11 |
picked her for the crown wearing in the league finals.
"‘l,e\'zi(', ch?” This is my shadow, Old John Logic, with
whom Vm having the argument. “Well, if you're going to u
logic, why dont you? Tuskegee got her extra win over Lin
and that doesnt mean a thing., Clark will get it even it Tuske
gee worsts Morris Brown, And, talking about that, who sad
Tuskegee would worst Morris Brown? Tuskegee is a fighting
- machine. She has a one-track mind. She'll throw those ott
tackic shots and those short flank ;,:.'lhn and that's all she can
WHER T ;‘%2 \ - ‘ '
/W‘:‘maf‘ WiT -+ l - .
AN () \ e .
| \Ei[’: 7»-‘f wE (,,:.Afl.fl.-f . W/ j" =
WRON(; ¢ 5 :?,ij_h N i ;
¢ : \‘”5 MM:.‘ :'4 ] Aot E 'x'. \';)
S5 } e\ i (.2 B
on . v X 1> i Bl ——
JOHN - / I i ( ‘m';,i"fh“ s ta
LOoIC { L | .
i K o >~ = ) | -
do. And if they don't work, she is cooked, If Mr. Nicks has
a defense hutlt up against those two, what good is Tuskegee?
And if he hasn't built himself a defense against that style
then I don't know. He's had enough warning. If he his>
Then what? A scoreless game because Morris Brown will be
cantious, see? I den't think she really wants to beat Tuske
gee. I mean she wants to, but she won't dare try. A tie wiil
satisfy Morris Brown and she'll fight for it The Morris
Browns will be thinkers that day. ;
‘6\\v EI.L. Mr John lLogic. I dont think vour logic 15 =0 hot H vou
v think the Morris Browns hav forgotten the shellackn
Tuckevee have given them for two falls in succcssion vouTe crazn
What vou said about the Morris Browns proves my point Morri
Brown. she's a thinker and she's got imagination When ) gt
ing the big kickoff she'll he seeing herself up under her poaipost
with the ball belonging to the Tuskegees and only a few inchi ‘
maining and shelll be wondering if she'lll hold em When a bunel
his had a dare pood set of lickings an imagination does 1t 1o
It's a handiecap te be a thinker in Light _
“Yeah, and I'll tell you something more, as long as youre
to chin and bring leogic into the discussion—what about DMor
ris Browns lefi tackle strenzth? That Tuskegee is always in
there giving a left tackle hell with her head down and ‘legs
churning like she means business. They plant a lot of pound
ing on a left tackle, a fact which Knoxville, Morchouse, Fisk,
Wiley, Prairic View, Morchouse, Lane, Army and Alabama
probably -are beginning to realize just about this time. And,
as I said before, this style almost licked Clark in those last
twelve minutes. Because the most savage and life-sapping bits
of attack that Tuskegee unleashed were those bursts toward
the end when, with victory dying, she jammed the Clarks at
that point plenty. Only Hog Maw Roebinson and good fresh
guards_gopi. curb it
\l‘l' argument was rather strong so Old John Logie finished ik
this: “Yes Tuskersee on form and material and cxperience,
<hould beat Morris Brown. It is only what she should do and if she
doesn't and I have a hunch Morris Brown will have atisen o
a1t occasion. If her efforis are rewarded, well and good if not
well. she's used to defeat But. Ric, remember now, no more of thi
infallible stuff. You necd logic.”
< h ® o ’l{‘\
Watching 'Em
I spent the week end in Tusca
loosa, refereed {two pames on
Thanksgiving day, went. to sce a
couple of pictures, inspected the
city and just in general had a pret.
ty fair time. To be perfectly fran'k
I hated to leave so much so that
1 just did make my lsdnportation
connections "Hed: itoed wants 1o
know why To him and o hers whe
ask the same question Thals my
business.” . -
It was really interestinis o g6
the Central High TuscaloosiCounty
Training game 3t was o thel o gl
the dway and really wo ty Tving
Liood material these coah’s are
ibrihgjing up. and [ hope they will
get the spirit of teams pliy and
Iearn do the Indusm niils
In the Stillman-Baby Hornal
aame. it was mv disoleasine o
be mixed up in the decijon tHat
| THe Tieee wor ooy [ oo
Isinnt losi. o o th e Fheida buye
‘broke throush the forward . and
atled the reeene = 0 A
C Coneh Diket elier @ oo theont
‘enod 16 seore o Laaabaen o0
Pompey and Culner noohog
through the Fivore line bt tomlile
dast dhe ball for tham:
. The babv conferonce team fouht
‘the champiens bick with o il
spivit of eonfidence bl L 0
a long ways v makunn e
strength felt as the Cubs faited 1o
gain any kind of headway The re
}scrve,&fi e o B 5y
line but once and that wes n the
_ Wadley Sends in Varsity
ed team of Live Onk The Tiger:
would make spurts oward the sl
dine like a whirl wind bt the
ievmmtm., fighting buneh of Me.
e e
‘}'@;’fi?!fl:l:*-‘% not ran theough the feam at
will Lt on one aecount the capiain
Leircled end for 40 yoids but Gl
{distance was not enough o roach
e e
i [ilwed um by 0 cine of ph
i it wen e 0 e
he - Bae nd b o T
Sl ] o B B
out: The Memorist oven foudhi
veEy sfep of fthe o 0 dn e T
over anxipus Tivir [ soibind i
the first halt aid dhes ihe redf
period came the e was nothing
s .. -
. i
his Hovs o0 i & e and e
ried them Huonih thal uysual Sun
haif At this fime Flg chase i -
e B Ele o B L
Bveretl nad oo ol R i
relurns for 45 vards and a toush
before o b 0l by T (DG
Bt hopn sho onte el dieen 1
sould B been onangh fs e
he e 0 Lo o 1
At [ the oxbp ol T
Wi ol snosps s b Panale
Tt it U
And dolhng ofned Ui Ul
goal Line. The serappy buneh of |
Memorial took the defense but o
heavy charging Tiger line crach
wilh moeat aine Bofore B 00
Bl LRen B e et Bl
dmiet perfeat wnbing Al Al
lack gt Pesilted ) L ceend
Wihilaun by & . Doy Bt
o ey
C Capial Bl G sl aipfaee by
mighty drivone Ol Chester |
“Malice? Morse fond fho atbk an
e L s o o L
... . .
pen. and it was enbe due fo o the
LGt that the comiho of SHllng
ont The end acklle foak TBe Dl
Wl B dens e gl Do
cotlldn't see where it was fair Can
| you imagine such? That being the
casethey may as well not have (be
fumble rule Coaches involvedl the
e Lo e 0
can't feason on the deliv ow 0
ad e in 8 lough ot wih o
E‘*Wflmmfiwi o g
Sarry folks if vou ool sae uithy
U8 Bhoct the delis but = 0 0
wrong Go junp on 5|
Ed oy e e e L iy
- “fig?%@égg o -
Coach Wallle i 0 4 wgégfif i
UL Wie e e Tl T Hy -
serves ifidsw%figfi%flififiw“
1 fi%‘?f@?fi”@%»%%
s s ey el
. gzfififi;fi%@éfi%@a@w
& e R s
fame. and It 08 cipected gl e
e .
will st b shire of e Tl dieny
- AR Al s s g
N s e e
that might place (he footes o f 1
e e Wil e 0
strong,. who dbE net ol
It was Move Bl naidid oo
3 l"’i%gfi%’“&%fi?’%fifié@ o
v £ 0 T
Anderion Bl Audiin o 0 o
At the shadow of the gonl fre ot
VIR e & & rEe R et
. m‘g%g%*%%&@%fi@%wififié
e L
- __
e e e e e St e
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Jiombolt Beats
1!1 2 1¢16 < rl‘. r 3 1 1[
- Manassas Tigers
By 20 Score
| y 2-0 Score:
By Ben Elder
. MEMPHIS . Tonn . Doe o
‘ e Mo Foothidl toin
coached }i Morriweather 00
Srcter ot o the lhumbolt 1eian
aachod iy Regans by a 250 score
oAl Mo . eidiral W edng
S L al i 4 W e f il
e of the e Eoe tho Moan
il Lol Larl s g
oot DRoatilees ip Ml bhia e
i e NB Williar referec
Staunton: Inhinson. umpire: Will
Vexander 1r. headlinesman (B
%13;' q o :-4":-::;;?
tJ o
ki 2 0w
@ i ]
s B
& Ml v
W B vk 55
% S5 gy <h:
"Skip' Hazzard
D. M. Coke
Jimmy Perry
assas team. All throueh the four
aquartcrs found the Hornets and
Tigers battling for supremacy but
the second quarter found the vie
tors 2 points and held the line for
the nest 2 sgqudrtin.
The Humbolt oHrnets scored in
the second quarter when Grey in
tercopted & puss on his 11 yard
Lo and went saiing to the 16
vard strip. The oval shaped pieee
of jeatber ralled back of the goal
e whea Hution attempted to
punt andd latter cavered it The
fity which counted two points
A uide for the Hornets when
Mg wein b il Newhou
iLoond cinerni]l Hudson beliing
cvor with Tigers attempting line
ph b d punting but the
Horaet: would hold that line and
breal up n few of the pasues The
Tivers wore penalized 5 yvards for
! uneomulele bgseps Becton
;l:x‘w«-| a rood defensive hl\]f fl“
throuvrh the game,
Cash Sale
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