Newspaper Page Text
Chicagoans Aroused to Action by S. Side Police Brutality
’ §
} 1
' UHICAGO, Dec. 2- (ANP)
Ctates Attorney John A Swanson
may be asked to use the power of
his office to stop the brutality on
the part of the police on the South
side, according to an announcement
made here Thursday morning by
Dr. Herbert A ‘Turner, president
of the local branch of the NAACP
Several flagrant cases of police
brutality have occured in the di
trict recently and the citizens have
bheen aroused to action. Women
have been beaten by the police
homes have been broken into and
many prominent citizens have been
subjected to indignities by the po
lice under the guise of conducting
a drive to “clean-up the district’
Maid May Lose Sight
The first case brought to publi
attention was that of Mrs. Elano
Brimm, a maid in a Jewish family
WM WARS Severery mearer oy a4 Wi
policeman. In fact her injuries wer
s0 : serious that her eyesight may
be permanently impaired
Following closely in the wake of
Mis case was that involving M
ae Jones, whose home was brok
én into by offivers at 2 o'clock 1n
the morning. When she resented
the action of the police she was
struck on the hcad by one of the
officers with a flashlight and other
dise abused by the minions of the
*Drive to the curb’ has been the
command given to many citizens in
the district and their cars searched
without warrants and the owner:
subjected to abusive language and
in some cases to arrest. Dr. S W
Smith. one of the most prominent
physicians on the Southside, wa
one of the victims. When carried
1o the station the commanding of
ficer told Dr. Smith that the oft:
cers were within their right and
efforts on the parts of the phy:sician
to interview Commissioner Alhman
proved to no avail.
Ask Investigation f
Citizen committees according 1.,:
reports have appealed to Comumiss
sioner Allman and also to Mayor!
¢ :mak, the democratic city execu
nye. neging o complete mvestiga
tion, but in the meantime, the po
lice continue their practices with
i,:':‘(unt scal and diligence
A A :
e Tlrner in disclisaing Al cases
declared that a legal department
headed by Attorney Farl 3.0 Licer
kson had been organized to aid
victims in suit against the
malefactors and Lo Livesigate
cvery cuse thosoughly
*Lverything possible declared
D Turer twill be dutie 1o pul
8 stop to the » practice We nrped
all citizens who are ih cltimiz
td by the }Alr!l!'l‘ to report iheir
fases 1o our office and we will ¢o
cperate in every way with them to
sce that justice is done.” '
ol ?
Smith’s Shake
and Take
Best l_tj?v_ltg'if_tl__lt«-lnll‘lty
Cmith's PinkWash
set Prophylactic
Price $1.00 Each
Complet'e Treatment
$2.00 -
lWarren J. Smith
and Brother
Athens, Ga.
FFor Sale at all Drug Stores
‘e BN oNm |
Pure, Fine, Famous Herbs ¥
For Sick MEN and Sick WOMEN |
o8 Why -xorufl Why suffer from troubles e
g Heart, Btomach, Liver, Kidneys Blood Poison, ou
matism, Catarrh, Afpondlolu-, Skin Dlm.kt
Troubles or other diseases you ma
& :h.l‘:hg“ famous Herbs 'K{I er'.,; restere yeu to |
poy :
S R Wonderful Results! Call er Write Today!
owr.xvousa. THE ORIENTAL HERB CO. |
= Specialist, 132 EDGEWOOD AVE, N. B, WAlnut 8188
o Atlanta 22 Years Atlanta, Gia. Houre: 7 A, M. te 7 P, M.
. Y o
$100.00 Complete Burial Outfit
The Latet Scientifie Metheal of Embahming
Order by Telephone or Telegraph Attended to Promptly
' Coffins, Casket and Robes of Fvery Deseription
~ Phones \Wa. 1390-1891 Residence Wa. 19078 |
: 71 Piedwnt Ave, N, . |
Masons Have Big
) o .
‘ ®
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., bee, 2—
A preat time was had Wednesday
night, November 25, at the Colored
Masonic Temple when four A PF.A.
& A M. lodges met with the mem
bers of Porter's Pride lodge No.
5587 in the fourth floor hall as guests
of that group in a pre-Thanksgiv
ing meeting and feast. Mr. L. R
Roberson is worshipful master of
the entertaining lodge while Mr.
C. I*. Callaugh is secretary |
Grand Lecturer J. B. Banks Wh(};
wis presented to the body by |
Grand Master W. T. Woods, made |
a very interesting and m::lrm-lnwg
speech as did Past Master A, I‘J.‘t
Harris of Lodge No. 335, Oakbyse, |
Ali. and Mr Cox of QOceidental
No. 31 all of whom were given
standing invitations to attend the
meetings of Lodge No. 557 every
second and fourth Wednesdays. |
A good musical program was ren
dered by the glee c¢lub from the]
lodge of which P. W. Sledge, grand, |
lecturer of the western division, 18
worshipful master and a good nn-i
pression was created of the activi-|
tv of that group. Visiting lm!;',vs:
and their worshipful masters were |
No 711 P W Sledge No 195 My
Cobb No 430 1 b Do:fl and 689
P e |
Following the speechies. bountiful]
refrecshments of sandwiches and |
doughnuts and hot coffee. combined
with a gencral talk fest to m:nkei
the joint meeting sponsored by
Lodge No. 557, one of the most suc
cessful events of the year for local|
- |
: |
q 4
While her sixteen-year-old
dauchter. Josephine, lay a corpse
at Dazenport and Harris funeral
home, Mrs. L.ou Ella Matthews, 209
23rd street fought a battle for her
life at the Hillman hospital after
being taken there early Sunday
cvening following the shoooting of
the two by Charlie Williams, aha
Charlie Johnson, 28, ailey B, and
South 23ird street about eight o
clock that evening.
According to reports at the po
lice station, the mother had been
talking to the man concerning his
attentions 1o her *daughter when
Williams became angry and shot
her once: in the left side with a
shotegun and then turned the weap
on on the daughter.
- Josephine, who was taken to tne
Hillman in a private car was dis
'(w\-crml to: be dead upon arrival
lh’hv had been shot in the back of
L head s she attempted to run
| from the room Mrs. Mauatthews.
| who was transferred to the Hillman
in a Davenport and Harris ambu-
Ilsmw is said to be in a very criti.
' cal condition being wounded In the
| right super mastoid region as if
‘.««'lu- had been riddled by machine
fpun fire,
| » R
And You'll Jump Out of Bed m
. . s
' the Morning Rarin’ to Go
| 1! you feel sour and sunk and the world
tooks punk, don't swallow a lot of salts,
| mlncni water, oil, laxs tive candy or chewing
gum and expect them to make you suddenly
sweet and buoyant aad full of sunshine.
? For they can't do it. They only move the
' bowels and a mere movement doesn’t get st
~ the cause. The reason for your down-and-out
| loelln‘!-h your liver. It should g;:)ur out two
- pounds of liquid bile into your bowdls dally.
If this bile is not flowing freely, your food
@oean’t digest. It just decays in the bowels,
Gas bloats up your stomach. You have a
thick, bad taste and {]our breath is foul,
skin often breaks out in blemishes. Your head
" aches #0d you feel down and out. Your whole
aystem is poisoned.
It takes those goo% old CARTER'S
LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get these two
rmmdn of bile flowing freely and make you
eel “up and up.” They contain wonderful,
barmless, gentle vegetable extracts, amazing
when it comes to making the bile flow freely.
JBut don’t ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's
t.ctle Liver Pills, Look for the name Carter's
Little Liver Pills om the red label. Rgsent a
mubatituta. 25¢ at afl storen. © 1881 C. M. Ca
R O(lEW ‘
\ -J.__.,\‘;l . by 7 et gwm:cj
r V‘OI'KS‘ THIS IS GOING TO BE HOT! Those blatant 'Bama
f‘! 5&; State Collegians will be back out at Sunset Casino Saturday
1 '-"d} ! night after the Tuskepes-Morris Brown clash, with the “Gay
", Fellers of the ‘House” again acting as hosts to Atlanta So
i ’3{4' ciety, Like on last Saturday night when four hundred
% : v-—_ thrilled members of local socici cireles listened and danced
to the sweetest and most elevated juzz. rendered t;y colored pertorm
i('l‘fs. that this section has heard in guite a span the nizht will he preg
511:::11 with fun. There'll be thrills galore
’ * % % 2 3 5
i('hupi(,‘l'. of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, furnished the entertain
'ment for most of the younger set last Friday night. We told you about
;thut highly entertaining Justinian ringer in the Sunday edition of fast
iwuuk. We will illuminate you with details of that Omega altair in
the Friday's edition of this week. We will tell you about the hilarious
;duvvlnpmbn!s. of last Saturday night and of last Monday night at this
| instant
5 x> 5 & 8 e e
— trrosr BAMA STATERS, ten-piece: strong, took Sunset by
storm last Saturday. They flaunted two aces who really knew when
to hit their trumps. Those two gentlemen rallied about the scintil
lating jazz of their mates and won themselves lasting fame betore
the local populace. The duet was none other than that smiling and
symphonie Jimmy WMitchell. saxaphone artist and the leather-lunged
Erskine Hawkins, blatant but highly harmomious trumpet star. Both
boys have crashed into national publicity with theinr musical long
E - ""~\\\** * k %
i AT THE PIANO, PAUIL, BASCOME, a young past master of the
‘forte, was eliciting much attention with his impeccable stroking ot
the ivories. Bolden, drummer and band leader. was “beating his way
Ithmugh this world” with an incessant purring that sounded lhike just
| s0 much reverberating hail. The sax trio was pumping ail the sub-
Ssl,:m('v out of its musical implements. The trumpetecrh were bally
| hooing in a mode so compelling as to eject the envy of Ol Louis”
himself. And in the rear of the pianist, who' was behaving in the
manner of a man stricken with combindtion “Seven Years [tel,” and
“St. Vitus Dance’ the performer at the bass viol was turiiing the big
tool around like a May-pole and stroking it indifferently with a4 lone
| finger. Those boys are jazz-vendors, and how!
; X & ¥ %%
i OUT ON THE FLOOR. which was so waxy that it took on the
faspect of a veritable skating rink, there was murdersome glee and a
‘;msununct' from gliding feet such as mortal ears seldom he: f.pi
;vurus peeped down from the throbbing balustrades of the 1o and
tlaughed vociferously. Pluto grinned the sinister grin ol a demon
|f::llisl‘lt'd with his work. Morpheus groaned hmpatiently Non o od
thave been there!
% * ¥ X % %
HELEN CHASE JOHNSON was out in the mirth for the
;tim(' in a pair of ages and looking as alluring as of old Bee ' Maxey
up from 'Dega, experienced the apparently soothing sensation of dance
ing ninety-nine and ten-tenths percent of her numbers with that de
bonair Blanchard gentleman. Charles Herndon Faison raanbled thru
his conversation like a man full o laughing soup, gigegle water, ca
bonated hash, or what have vou? Robert Stout was first to succumb
i to that treacherous sea of wax Ule Sam Specde had made of the hith
certo impeccable floor. He did a perfect Leon Erroll on the very first
number. Sheppard Turner insisted that I'm the colored Walter Win
i chell. Juliet Jackson exchanged ogles with Jimmy Mitehell, <tar
i saxist of the Collegians. Jimmy Mitchell was given a grand surprise
jb_v his Birmingham sweetic, who “happened” on the scee just as he
{ was capitalizing a Dan Cupid smile upon Juliet . . and then the fun
i began!,...Miss Edna Lenyard, the Birminghamian. had hardly sign
?('d off, when the orchestra flared up with “I'll Be Glad When You're
Dead"”....and Ole Jimmy played louder than all the rest!
i * L ¥ oK K ¥
i IT'D BE EASIER TO TELL who wasn't at Sunset last Saturday
! night than to relate who was there! However, a few of the fun-throng
' who were especially noticeable for one reason or another last Satur
| day were Pap Ward, Alma Long, Jerome and Juanita Chapman. Shep
lpard Turner, Jesse Arnett, Iirene Gilmore, Ella Mae Wilkins, Thomas
Dawson, Red Smith, Leonard Archer, Louise Mitchell, Vivian Mapp.
iJimmye Lou Wilkins, Edna lLenyard Willie Kate Taylor. Robert Me
{ Farland. M. B. Weaver, Hattie Thomas, Eugene White. Sara Brookins.
;va(-r Stewart, Eric Roberts, Willie Harper. Willie Mae Poole. Her
| bert Roland, Addye Crump, Grady Brooks, Skinny Greenwood. Beau
and Collier Caison., Thomas Borders, Jimmy Hembree, Jimmy Perry,
%J(:ssiv Foster, Sarah Brinson. Coach F. L. Forbes, John D. Gaither,
‘E(“ V. Troup. Samuel P. Charleston. and many others. Geraldine Miteh
iell \\'uul(_i be out! No “whys” now!
* %k 3 k. % &
! BY THE WAY. Miss “Jerry” Mitchell had a gay lLittie breakfast
laffair at her home on Lena street, southwest. on Turkey Day. We'll
[ tell you all about it Friday. We'll also chronicle the Sunday affair of
| Miss Ann Trevers, her mother and friends, out in South Atlania a
;fo\v days back on the social calendar. It will be in Friday's issu>, as
j\vill scores of other minor social doings of which we have been 1in
[ formed by many WORLD readers who sent items to this column at
the office.
| ’ 2y
i the Maniac’s social headliner honoring Atlanta Athletes will appear
ir these columns each issue hereafter. The atfair will taice place at
Sunset Casino under cleverly outlined circumstances bridavy. Desem
ber 11. Ten blatant musicians will peddle the jazz of the night. In
vitations for the big event have just been run off by Robinson & Cote.
and will begin to circulate among Atlanta’s Social Reualm tomorrow
As in the past, the hcurs will be ten ‘til two, and again such well
fk"UW" professional men as Drs. H. M. Holmes, E G, Bowden, 1. M
(Hill, and Messrs. C. W. Washington, Jesse O, Thomas W. H Aiken,
and cthers will be out. To be sure. the younger set will be ou!! The
{affair promises to be the most exclusive ever to Le stapged in the Sun
'set Casino. Keep eyes and ears peeled for more development !
i * & 3 * &
| INTENDED TO TELL YOU aboit that higzhly satisfyving annuat
(of the P@acock Charmers last Monday night but my space i3 about
;cxhau:ted. and I could never forpive myself if I dured attempt to re
ilut“ an affair like that one in less than half o column. Therefore,
{stand by until Friday when you will also be able to delve back into
,'“‘9 mirth episodes of the first night of the social week. Don't get
caught in the rush! Get the good ole togs and strugs together for the
December u headliner at Sunset! It should prove the kingpin of
them all! Don't forget “Macbeth” at Morehouse Friday night. ' _
Many Holdups And
: .
Robberies Mark
Xmas Advent
Christmias holiday hold-ups gt
tnder way with hitensity over th
week end and eontinned unabated
Monday as Christy Saer. owner of
a cafe at 2906 27th avenue nocd
Wwas robbed abotit six oclock |
two men, one of whom stood
ide and wiatched, later runni
down the alley with |} pist
armed compunion who tool o
ty seven dollirs fron -k
Just belore noon S flattic
Hees: Bl mirot Livat wi
deprived of the (e of hit baby
wrand Philec v when I OIe
lifted up the rear window by rée
moving the sash and took ner musi
cil apstrument. She reported the
foss to the police
A pirse srnateher oblained a dol
tar and & hdlf and & pocketbook
when he did some snatehing from
Miss Alice Strotman, 1107 Avenue
K. Ensley. at 18th slreet and Znd
avenye:- In his haste he lost ane
slippers which is now in posse:
sion of Officers Moser and Jones
who are making investigation,
What is probably one of the bold
est and most shrewdly executed
holdups in the business district re-
Saturday night when Charlie s
Lunch Room, located on the south
cas teorner of 1ith -strecet and 3th
avenue, was held up and thirty
five doilars taken from the cash
register as a number of patrons sit
inside eating whiie the usual larpe
Saturday night thcatre and shop
ping crowd passed by unaware of
what was pgong oy and g number
of others stood on the corner loat
mg, conversing or waiting for the
sireel cars.
Andrew Puapageorge. white cash
ter, was standing 1n the front ot
the place when he was asked foi
a package of gum He complied
with the request and openced the
drawer only to find himself con
fronted with a pistol in the hand:
of his customer to be who had siip
ped between the counter and the
ice cream case. The yvoung man wa
c0 astounded and frightened that
he was unable lo give an alarm
tintil the thief was making hbot
tracks dcross Third avenue. Accord
g to “Mr. Charlie’ as the Gresk
proprietor is known to his hun
dreds of race patrons this is the
first time that he has been held up
since he has been in business on
4th avenue
Another Saturday robbery e
that of E H Messengale whose
Hill Graeery store at 220 W 8ih
avenue was robbed when tour men
e of whom had o black stocking
agver his tiace 1nok severnty-loo:
iadars ine €ash from him and ran
wev. Terrel
Rev. Terrell Puis
! ' 2
~ In Bid As New
A )' .
A.M.E. Bishop
. The State. Primary composed: ol
' delegates elected at the several an
nual conferences of the African
Methodist Episcopal church in the
State of Alabama was held at A =
Temple A. M. E church, Besseir
Ala:. Thursday aftcynoun ‘Fhe
lorsements of the varicus o
lates for Episcopal and geneval of
fices formed the major part of G
D H €. Teciell pailor of (Be
3t John A M E chureh Bunipge
aam, when called .pon for an exes
pression. thanked the various daie
zates from the five annual conier
'nces which had unanimousty en
jorsed his candidacy for secretary
f the Young Peoples’ department
f the church, but asked the mem
yers of the Primary not to endorse
yim for the place Dr. Terrell guave
otice however. that h's m:m)"
friends who regard him as a worthy
ispirant, fitted to serve the chureh
in any capacity. urged him to offel
himself as a candidate for the bis
hopric in 1936. This expression was
loudly applatded by the delegates
and friends présent and his elee
tion has been predicted by hulhi
ministers and laymen |
o e |
‘ |
Social News
~arrie Henderson of Washington
Ga. spent a week with their aunt
Mrs. Susie Barnetti 325 Moeriitls
Ave N E. of Atlanta
eturned from Greenville (i
vhere she spent the holiday w i
her Dbrother and sister. M and
‘f\‘lr:z. Aaron Drown
iy oo Sprmons W e e !
af Mre loo W Thsley oade fiiaee
Thankseiving dov ilending o f
Morris Brown-Cluak game
’\‘l;\’:"l‘H‘, BEGOWR vy ot o
“'nvw of _hey raprd reco v Ll
he skillfal caie of D 15 1
inson. -
53 ta o beautiful aftes theaame
I'Y‘hnnl"—::!i\&n;' dinnher i b ‘
' Mr. Malvin Allen of 1o I un ‘
avrsity and Mr. Sand v ldiio ol
the University of Culiforna !
Palt Buriss and M A D ok
of Anderson. & € we ¢ Lhe #uesls
of Mr and M Crooewse B
Thankseiving They attended the
Morris Brown and Claiik gauie
Little Theater Group To Have Open
Meeting Tomorrow Night. Dramatic
Interest eof Magic City Aroused
~intorest n the Little Thedlic
Moverrent has reached 3 high piteh
Evirvwhere toathers citie aid o
Ciul jenners are inguaing 38 et
waliteations for membenbn 5
Lt e aa el Mie Abve 0E
rde f Gt e haeling b I Belg
Jhe de ke g il Wil
e e L adeibing B
e wil ol an b &
A e -
. . - .
e & 0 b bl
ebee ol e b
the Tl Gpaiee oy 0 ¢ 0
Lathonn o What te Lo 50
per. on “How the Litlle Pheatn:
Affects 1he Educational s of
Negro Life” The meeting wil < ey
pomplly & Glght oeloek
Efforts are being made 5
range with the Temple el
management to- have all pipidhe
admittod te e Shubespos o
el Wenk on feaao ki A a g
thier annotincement on tapst
- will be made at the nicet s = Thu
gy evening al WwWhieh fir ot {0
lowine ofhicers wall be ol
L Miss Alvee MceCarioll - pregdent
L H Calbeun, dr vice prosident
Land chaitman, embeishin Com
mittee; Miss Ethel E irper. ro
| cording seerefary: Miss Waddel
Parrish, corresponding siereliny
Bee & O bavienie licasgiey |
G Blackus chairman ediucationad
commitice; Niss Mildicd Batl
chizieman, produ-tion Cotensitlies:
Ihias. Mospley churmun puiillo i
.“:U\‘.', jli i L il ; easan
begis, L will 6 f t—Tirm
O ey & 110 g b oald
e e Wil § orreat
CARIE 88 . o
SLOobe WG 0 3 By tiie
very lowost prices on first quality
merchatio: 1 leoow 1l sorve
2 otear e Ll e G
and the %amen of Atlanta fu
!H.u ale are ancluded many item
"-\l}"a‘; Wi b onacke wanderfal gl
Eor Chirtni You Wil do wel
Lo remmeniber Lt this firm sell
only nationally advertised brand
1 f o merctandise, and durnge thi
<ale even these nationally adver
oed pricy dare beine cu G tht
yery ‘lu.\-' o ihle fevel, \‘I'u'
Will save many dallar. 1L vou will
Lbuy vour w.anter upply duriie
| this sale,
’ §
3 3 ‘
Buy From
| ‘
Suffer No/More.
Don't let a (ew days each month bring
pains. Don't worry about irregular or
delayed periods. ltisnot necessary,
EMSULES, an old prescription, brings
relief. Recommended by 3!‘(‘!0“. Has
madethousandsot wemenhappy. Be sure
yougettheoriginalandgenuine—red cap
rules inthe yellow box, Atall drugstores
or trial box on receipt of $2.00. :
H. Planten & Son, Inc.
93 Henry St., Brooklyn,N.Y.
SN, |
2z (‘I*’(‘si \
2 ("r 2
| p:f"?’(y]s S
- e /
<t I
*‘\\;‘s po IS L
P Build, | v-‘l
Healtly Blood ;. | S
S. N. S. Rotogravure
Is The Only
Brown Sheet Now
2ublished by |
Negroes |
Thriller, “The Bat
Whispers,” Comes
to Bailey’s *sS1°
Provknoe: Dt lu.[ - CAEDEL D
red Writes aad Sdants g e
Bat Whispers! from Stagze Hit
far sereen: Chester. Morri
Featyrod -
The Bat Wik i
oot el diiloeieel e o {
Weoest T pstagepa te ¢
Gl T .'.‘ EA 1 1ricie ir t 2
Li'l United Arti vl ol ol
no feature ond i T
kvrocketeed C hiesier Mo e
eral othels g fampe
The prodiictio LS i
Aorrist fipst sk for Uit '
ig} ince SAHDBIL Y T serVicUs i
ey inegen domand howavor e !
v feiinla fitiivedd ol 11
{ seahe Hie Hulise e
gt "hhnofase gl DOTHCE T
Actint in The Bal Whisndrs = 2
iand West's mystery melodrama io
Erided Artinte coming to Bailes
Bt Ore. Wednosday and Thirs
i un i Bke Tiaini initated apa o
ciet an ety adenbding Lo Cheter
teatured plaver.
TEi et g ecosy of Fhe th=l
tehiee o Wa veproey Weet thioo
& sk evary yenbee of - 1
-t 6 ke o onth nol to reved
The Batel wleniity e what b
whisneted Ac g further proeaut oo
i clmax of the picture was neith
B wnraahid jn the sevint of 1l
wide o nonees hirepavedofor ad
SOEL S St e e
Ml o wsn - e
Nithenh belatadan theje siart &
Sl rponoy e e peneval o
e Eeind Chiest Negro workey
ot this ¢ily have gt least effeele:
an oreanization for the purpose o
- brinoing up tnelr quota designate
Lhe (e Copgmunite Fund official:
Bl R e e
Bailey’s Royal Theatre
whim summeryvilie and Harry Lanodon in
“"-‘ !‘.,1.: A .‘l “"~ |
See America Thivsi
They Mike Love While Machine Gune Fop! Roars Of
Fan as Gangdom Goes Gooly! Biggest Laugh in 10
Years. j
l.ast Show Starte at 915 P2, M, '.
5 » =
Bailey's Eighty-Osne Theatre
cargy By 1.2 - ‘9ql’r(s-;r4xn1n1e
he Bat Whispers
Chester Morris—i"anmous Pal of “Machine Gun Buteh”
= Ang =
A Thundering Tale of Hace and Love!
Jose Dohr in “The Rozue Of The Rio Grande”
GEE I R TRE m"”_;k'i‘-f—_f),."j s .'.' 4
e i AR o b S iy ;&@» A O * .
A R R R R P STRRR Y, 19 et .
'.l"fulo.“‘..':‘:T“t .‘,. \"}!f-, u“. o ' : =
¢ AT @ 4
R 5 R TR it
AR R N : D N o> "
TRIN L RN (o S )
A A S s Yo < s G '4':- ‘
5 A s fi?{-_",-:"-,y”’é’i;-v 3‘
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pae, QR CNE ol ey
B \"wj‘?n ‘.\\%: “'il o i Of
g % ":h\*?‘\r'.. “VQ:J NI A a0 ) I ’
SR TR 11 2
SR BN e . A ]
Vot e Brown America
A \."1#‘"'.. A
. "3‘.-". i é./ e
50¢ 3 5 . B . / 5 2
L TS Gl ‘/A
o, : " s
LRy e P ]
‘ih g P .
“w ! sdles of 3t i ’-‘-"':5-1!1;-&;5 ,’;‘..‘m < Pd )
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b1owr e 15 ‘.::;‘f. ;I“.H””W@' ; ") e
; hart ranges from datk - P
color chart ranges | fully i e &
- { eam, carciuii ST A i
rown to dee¢n “N" with the : ”"""‘E;:JLJ@‘-!:‘ i ol
ing compiesions, Alwo Poro @t o A
Var ,.‘:.’w. <o P e s Bion HQ,"’” ”str”'?,)l“ il ’ p, :
owder comes | i tra- idtstp 3 A |
Ero e W hite, == deiicate, R .
tiesh, or : i 5"' o
grant, clinging SR Jien lrl‘; it g y
fhree rich warm shades of s R e
| . suit your particular R e
Gy . ; ,,-I,;‘:ii{f R T
, > of 3 ) - v.i‘.:',;fgfi?? sk
erve pou BB i
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| mon §§:§E_LEEE7 INC. ,} :
| = ‘,-i ;fix Rl e AY "j“v. -
| 4415 SOUTH PARKWAY . i
: 5, ¢ 44th to 45th Steet # .
I w Cream
er1ah / wi ltase
for ur powder., ‘
“See America 'l‘hirs:‘”
Hilarious Satire o
Gang Life, Coming’
to Bailey’s Royal
Piois of Laughs {rom Start to Finish
The fhvst sativieal revelation of the
el G ican ilaquor s tratlie. ahd
L ter neihod comne to the
cn under - Universal's banner.
1 Liei i Alnerica Thirer
LowilE e hown at Buney's
} il bl Wednesday: and
‘ feature ngih comedy,
‘ vaerica Fhist” lays elabms
o bodin one-of the rost UnigHe
' 1 i ever hrotant 1o the sereen
§ Lot presonts vangster life in
i Vil Harry lLangdon
{ ) tinervitie were selact
i comedy team with Bes-
B trayimne the character
et singer and A SWeet
t 0 2ang eadet
{ aepariment of Uni
i ciose race with the
‘ atlery in rounding
aider tvped’ for the piciure
Esatra ¢ gy faces are their
fant demand for “killar!
: tudio took on the ap
peaia o i America’ wildest
nester rendezvous with its scores
o touph characters machine guns
and tricks much in evidence dur
ng the ten weeks of “See America
T proaaction
. G Mre - F Tate were giad
i have with them daring the ot
i it their home on Bell street
Hel i Prof, Ernestine Tate whe
i instructor ol lanpuages ot Bets
Eita collepe, Macon Ga. He drplyggt
e the city i time for the Tlll'kE)’
Dayv classie between Morris Brown
nd Clark universities. During his
celeoend sty Prof. Tate paid beiet
Vet nany of his friends: He 18
il [ Atlantay University
§ ond. ning he returngd
Vidonon 1 rosinne his schoel
Wil [iest 15 =i Pl SISy
» y J
Buv from