Newspaper Page Text
AN, | | member
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Court Hears Woman’s $5,000 Suit Against St. Railways
violent Tromey cuar
Jerk Caused Her to
1 N
Fall to Floor
1 1 1 v </
The case of Mrs. Lela Hampton
versus the Ga., Power company
resulted in a mistrial Friday
morning. The jury after staying
out for several hours returncd
with no verdict, according to in
formation learned at the clerics
office. Due to the tact that Jultye
Hugh Dorsey's brother was the
attorney for Mrs, Hampton, Juds
Dorsey was automatically dis
qualified and Judge Parker, trom
Cedartown, presided, it was learn
Claiming that she huad been
paralyzed by a fall that she re
ceived on May 18, 1930 "Moo | i
HMampton, of oan lrwin . Shreel
address. whom lawver deccribed
as being sixty yvears old 1)
plaintiff in a suit for {5000 fil.
against the Georgia Power Co and
heard. Thursday The woman
claimed that she was felled b
a violent jerk of the trolley car
injuring Lerself -
Pwo doctors;, d§: W. k. Linder and
Randolph Smith, white. admitied
treating the mjured woran. ‘The
first claimed back injuries, arm
and leg. He sald that he did not
know whether the disability cuine
from old age and constant wash
Ing or not. However, he w in
clined to belicve that aee had o
effect. Both admitted that iy oy
knew nothing of the loss of teeth
Helped to Her Home
The operators, L. L. Ewing an:d
Charles Briscoe, had assisted tho |
(Continued on Page 2)
2 )
Wigegs, Formerly a
World Pressman,
. . @
Dies in Dublin
The World was shocked 1this
week to lea'n of the untimely
death in Dublin. Georgia of Ceeil
Wiggs. 20. who served as assistint
pressman and makeup man in the
shops of the Southern Newspaper
Mr. Wiggs came to Atlanta from
Dublin where he had been em
ployed for five years on the daily
paper there and had workod him
self up to the position of press
man on the white newsoaper Ile
left there and came to Atlanta to
The World where he gave un
usually efficient service until sev
eral weeks ago when he con
tracted influenza which developed
into pneumonia from which hao
never recovered. He spent his last
days with relatives in Dublin
Burial services were held Tues
day al the 8t Poul A M b
Church in Dublin. The family has
expressed its appreciation 0
friends who have shown them
sympathy durine their bereave.
: The
CLOUDY, possibly occasional
rain, warmer Friday; Saturday
partly cloudy, moderate to fresh
southeast and south winds. High
est temperature 39; lowest tem
revature 36; mean temperature
36: mean temperature 38.
Meteoreologist, Weather Bureau
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overcome ?.0‘,‘4 i)f
Fuliback Shanklin?
? With nine of the jurors voting
sequittal, one for a sentence of 40
vears while the remaining two
asked for 15 vears, John Henry
Hall, 1036 Fair Street succeeded in
obtaining a mistrial in Judge G.
H. Thomas' division of the super
ior court Wednesday on a charge
of burglary. Hall was indicted
jointly with Robert Paul Thrasher.
alias “Shim”. 149 Chestnut Street
for burpldavies of stores. gne a
Ropger's store on Ashby Street on
October 27.
. Thrasher pleaded guilty and was
used as a witness by the state in
the trial of Hall. His sentence was
n ot imposed until Wednesday
morning. He was given five vears
on- each charge, the charges total
ing two, and the Judge allowed
the time to be cerved concurrent
ly. Thrasher denied that Hall was
with him on the first offense but
dectared that he rode around on a
bicyvele in front of the store while
the Roger's store was being looted
Hall a vopulh of 17 took the
stand and denied robbing cither of
the stores or being implicated in
either of the robberies. He de
clared that he met Thrasher who
begged him for a place to sleep on
that particular night e promised
Thrasher he would provide t
sleeping place if he would pay him
the £125 that he owed him This
was agreed upon by Thrasher and
they went to the home of George |
Robins, 1027 Fair street Hall ad
mifted thateThrasher asked him o
help him as he conld not go homo |
because he had robbed a couple of |
stores, |
Jazzin' The
Tigers and the Purpie clash; bad
furf may slow the game
Hubby leads raid on ex-mate; wife
says that she was framed;
Meharry dedicates new school; it
cost two million bucks
Woman sues for heavy sum--but
no cash yet she plucks!
Chicago broker sought for rape; no
mobs form at HIS door
Macbeth adds show or Sat'day
night: Atlantans asked for more
Convention held by A. M. E.'s; to
night they hold big meet
You may get a prize if you altend
our Home Week meets!
B (\i:———;:—-fi-i.____ “FW:—'" £ /fi M--‘,—_—t—-—-———:———-—-—-—-——fi
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Belcher .. rONGCEE
I NEW YORK, Dec. 2 (ANP)
| Wilfred Brunder., reputed million
dollar polic king, was indicted
' Wednesday by a federal grand jury
[for his failure to file an income tax
return during 1929 and 1930 when
he is said to have a million dollars
Brunder first came into public
notice in a big way last Mayv when
investigators got wind of his 'big
business” dealings in the numbers
racket. Although he is reported to
have invested heavily in rcal estate
in Harlem, the numbers baron
quickly put space between himselt
and the authorities. When reports
of him were last received he was in
A warrant has been issued for
Brunder's arrest. If caught and con
victed., he will be liable to be sent
ence to two years in the penitenti
ary and a $10,000 fine
| ® 1
Hits Another Car,
: Y
White Takes It
Up' All Escape
In spite of all efforts {o catch
him, an unknown driver escaped
Wednesday at the corner of Pied
mont and Auburn Avenues. The
driver crashed into another autn,
sped away, crashed into the curb
ing, then escaped on foot
~ Clyde Ware. 896 Daveguy Street.
was travelling east on Auburn
Avenue in a sedan when he was
struck by the tourine car piloted
by the unknown driver. Upon
crashing into him the driver sped
‘away from the scene. A white man
who was passing ran along side
the car and leaped to the running
‘board. He grabbed the driver bv
‘the throat and began chooking
| (Continued on Page 2)
% 1
2 Collectors Robbed
~ of $400 by Bandits
Two collectors were robbed of
$400 Monday by two bundits. The
collectors were: R. A Medlock
733 Frederic Avenue and B W
Cassells, 1755 New York Avenue.
Both are employed by the Rankin
and Whitten companv. They de
scribed the bandits as one. about
five feet 10 inches and weighino
approximately 160 pounds, and
the other about the same height
aud weighing about 150 pounds
Both wore blue overalls, blue
coats and greasy flop hats
Beautify the home for Christmas. Attend
the meetings sponsored by The Atlanta World
next week. Many free prizes will be given away
by The World and local merchants,
“Entered as second-clays matter at the post office at Atlanta, Ga, under the act of March 3, 1879
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Hockett .. 1Soacet
Captain Hockett
expecrtus hardest
game of year
Better Home, Week
The Atlanta World this coming week will hold a Better
Heme Week for the Negroes of Atlanta, It will be fea
tured by a series of meetings at which free prizes wil] he
awarded to many Atlantans who attend. Full details will
he feund in Sunday’s World.
This week will be in keeping with thie Washington con
ference on Home Building and Home Ownership which met
in Washington Wednesday and concludes Saturday.,
Six Atlantans were invited by President Hoover to at
tend the conference and four accepted the invitation. Those
who went are Miss Mae Hawes, Mrs, H. R. Butler, L. D.
Milton and Zack T. Hubert. Forrester Washington and Bis
hop Fountain were invited but could not go.
Meetings which The World will sponsor next week will
have these deleguates cast in the roles of principal speakers
to bring directly to Atlantans the findings of the Washing
ton conference. Other Atlanta people well informed on
home making will also appear on program.
Another feature designed to appeal to Alantans is the
giving away of tree prizes at the close of each meeting to
many of those present. The World and local merchants
will donate these awards. The most valuable presents,
however, will be given away the opening nights of the meet
ing so our readers are urged to attend from the start.
Full particulars s to program, prizes, time of meeting
and location will be found in Sunday’s World,
As a fitting slogan fér this Better Home Week, The
World has taken the folloting:
"Beautify ihe Home ror Christmas’” it
F Y y »
NAACP Warns of
| N
- Fake Scottsboro
| Collectors
| NEW VORK, Dec. 2——-A warning
against unauthorized and fake col
lectors of money for the Scottsboro
Case defense was issued today by
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
All contributors to the Scottsboro
defense are urged {o send their con
tributions either to local N. A. A. C.
P. branch officers or to Miss Mary
White Ovington, Acting Treasurer
of the N A A € P at 69 Rifth
Avenue, New York City.
Al individual solicitors should be
obliged to show their authorizations
from the local branch president and
secretary, or from the N. A. A. C.
P. National Office o n ofticial
All contributors are entitled to
receipts for their cootributicns and
should see that sol7c™\'rs give them
Prisoner Protected,
Says Robbery Was
His Motive
MOULTRIE Ga. Dec, 4 Al
though he has asserted that rob
bery was his motive, Willie Jack
son has been arvested and charged
with an attempt to criminally
assault a white teacher of th»
Berlin consolidated school here
Tuesday. Jackson was captured bv
Sheriff T. V. Beard and swas in jail
three hours before a ™7Tge posse
of citizens knews he was under
(Continued on Page 2)
"Trial of 10 Cent
- Murderess Is
i .
| Continued |
| !
‘ The trial of Miss Irene Perry, |
10 cents murderer. scheduled toj
!appv:n' before Judge Howard. |
[Tuesday, was postponed for the
|third time in as many weeks. The
icase of the postponement was that
|her lawyer. whom it is reported isl
{Colonel William Schley Howard
is now engaged on another (':150.!
This news came somewhat as a |
surprise to many of the persons
who had gathered at the court to
hear the trial, as Colonel Howard
\is rated as one of the Best lawvers
in the South and they marvelled{
: (Continued on Page 2)
‘Framed,’ Says Wife; ‘She’s Guilty,’
Asserts Hubby in Divorce Intrigue
After having been found in in
criminating circumstances with
Henry Smith, address unknown,
Mrs. Beatrice Hurt of a Hilliard
Street address was arrested by Of
ficers: W. 8. Delfour and W. S
Owen Friday following a raid
leveled at an address on Hilliard
Street and headed by her
estranged husband, B. F. Hur¢
from whom she has been separat
ed since September and against
whom she has filed a suit for div
According to Hurt, he headed
the raid at the Hilliard Street ad
dress and found his former wife
in a room with another man. Both
were arrested and taken into cus
tody. Hurt claimed that he stood
bond for both his wife and tho
At the trial Monday, Hurt said
he intended asking clemency for
Report Thursday Is.
Favorable; 235
Pastors Report
Y = 1Ot
With the completion Thursdav
of the presiding elders’ reports. and
the survey of membership which
showed an increase despite condi
tions, the Atlanta conference of
the A. M. E. church, holding dailv
sessions at the Flipper Temple A
M. E. church, began its third day's
session Friday morning.
| Tonight at Bethel A M E
church, a special educational an
niversary program will be given
Bishop W. A. Fountain. chancellor
of the system. is to preside while
addreses will be delivered by Dr
W. A. Harris, Athens: Dean S. H
iGi]es and President Fountain of
Morris Brown and S. F. Harris.
. The annual sermon was preach
-od Wednesday by Rev. S. H. Rome,
pastor Turner Monumental church,
Atlanta, followed by the holy com
‘munion, Dr. B. G. Dawson, Big
Bethel, celebrant.
The program of welcome was ob
served Tuesday night. Ben J Dav
is= Drs E R Carter, D H Star
ion. E. C. Mitchell dean Morri
Brown college; W. A. McClendon
D. T. Babcock and J. H McFarlan
representing the wvarious organizi
tions of the city, delivered ad
dresses. Response was by Rev. D
S. Sanders, Newnan.
How Organized
The conference was organized as
follows: Secretaries—Dr. D. R
Fobbs. R H. Porter S A I[Laing
marsal—Revs. W M. Butler, C. A
Clarlke J H Strickland Oscay |
Mapp: church periodicals—Revs
M, M Porker D T Babcock R |
T Matthews A R. Cooper Dr. .l
A. Hadley was named news report
er of dispatch news. Dr. W O P |
Sherman. the press of Savannan,|
and Dr. David Norris, Macon news. |
The bishop’'s annual address to
the conference was restricted to
(Continued on Page 2) 4
'the two. They were fined $15 and.
costs, both fines totaling $34.
Hurt admitted that his wife had
filed suit against him for divorce
charging him with cruelty and in
human treatment. He also said that
he and his wife had lived at his
home, which is valued at $2.500, at
691 Frasier Street.
He claimed he asked her out of
the home because of alleged crook
edness and since that time she
filed .a divorce and he paid her
regular alimony of $20 per month.
The case could not appear im:
mediately as many more cases
preceeds this one on the court
When questioned concerning his
wife he said. “She became angrv
when I caught them and wanted
to know why did I not leave her
alone especially as she could have
caught me the same way ‘with
other women.”
In her suit Mrs. Hurt named a
Full details of the Better Home Week will
be given in Sunday's World. Read it, learn of
the meetings, and attend. You may get one of
the free prizes.
> 3 &
Man She Aided Comes
Back to Pull Robbery
After having fed a man the
week before, Mrs. S. W, Hassler,
white, 1422 Woodbine Street,
claimed that she was lying down
and was aroused by someone in
har _house. She arose to investigate
and found the man wnom sne nad
fed the week before with a grey
suit in his hand. The suit was
thrown out in the back yard and
the burglar escaped. He was de
scribed a s being dark brown
skinned and wearing overalls and
a dirty grey cap.
Additional Night
for Great Play
f " \'x‘.u_-of tickets for
the M 1 College perform
ance of M eth has been so rush
¥ iic demand it will
Saturday evening
i Sale Hall at 8 p. m
] have already made
‘ r Friday night must
e t tickets on that date. The
ile of erved seats for Saturdav
‘ontinued on Page 3)
e . .
Finds Tire Thieves;
Both Flee, One Shot
After reporting that the tires
had been removed from his auto
mobile in front of his home at 905
Tilt Street W. E. McCullough
white, ran across two men with
the tires Thursday. He shot at one
who dropped the tires and fled
He then turned and shot at the
other who was hit and fell, but
leaped to his feet and escaped. The
wounded man is expected to ap
pear at Grady for treatment and
the Patrolmen there have been
posted to keep a lookout for him
.Geneva Robinson as correspond
“Why should my husband con
tinue to bother me? If he wants
his little alimony of $5 a week h:
can have it but why keep pester
ing me?” questioned. Mrs. Hut
when interviewed Thursday even
ing. 'I have consulted my lawye:
and someone is going to pay for
this shameful framing of me.” All
of the charges are untrue. He had
me arrested but it was all framed
The man whom he accuses me of
is his best friend and he pretends
not knowing him. “I do not know
if he stood my bond eor not but I
shall take legal steps to injury him
immediately. He has sent police
to mv home time and time again
seeking whiskey claiming that 1
sold it. Several times we saw the
officer and him in an old vacant
piace. He put me out. Now wny
doesn't he be man enough to leave
me alone?”
iéml T Yl
Tuskegee’s Running
Attack Not So
Hot In Mud
By "_\Iol;&lchnly"' Jones
ITLL, TAKE MORE than this
dreary and damp weather t o
dampen the spirits f the charges
of Billy Nicks and Joe Lockhart
32 % T
s R < t
R e §
(ol e 1
S -.'\:15,5; 5
S “
% %
- i
Shag Jones
Tuskegee's running attack is one
of the most powerful the South
has seen. But no running attack
based on speed and shiftiness of
the backs thereof can hope to be
as effective in mud as on a good,
hard, and fast field. Even Abbott’s
great ground game won't be so hot
if a rain-soaked arena greets him
at 2 o'clock out at Spiller Field to-
| Flank Play
Cranting that Abbntt's chances
will be sliced in halves under
¢iven conditions. Billy Nicks' will
ho even less. unless, of coursa, his
hovs can maneuver their faiply
tgnood air game. Much of the teams’
relativ. e snceess will depeni upon
the pla: o7 the flankmen. For in
stance. « pair of good ends on®a
muddy day. might very easily
throw all their win ints a tackle
on a punt-receiver and make him
spill the pellet. A recovery by
their team would then be in or
der. From that point. a short drive
would be about all necessary for
a hot score. But all that's faney,
Yet end play will be a vital factor
in the game. And then maybe it
won't be wet or soggv afte~ all
A tie game or a Morris Brown
victory would ruin Tuskecee's
chance for chamgp inship claims
and would give Clark » clean-ent
titltee. T h e Clark plavers, who
journeyed up to Charlotte. N. C.
and played the 1 . Smith team
for their tenth and fina! tilt of the
season, will see the gane tomore
Captain Shag Jones. Spurlock,
and Red Mocre are expected to
carry on a fine offensive duel
against McCarthy. Silvey. a n d
{Continued on 1'age 2)
2 B
L \ 8
| //// / o/
7//,';',' 4 h
i “1 If 4' .’
| By 1. P. Reyn . ids
| The Brother raised the hymn “I
|Bell said kindly RETURN ihe
'money you slipped off the gollege
[tion table before you start o
up Boulevard way.
With a rush line
that has been une
scored upon all seas
son. t h e Purple
Wolverines believe,
their forward wall
is certainly g oo d
enough to stop Me
Carthy, Silvey, and
Walker o n soggy
turt. e
® i oA R A