Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 04, 1931, Friday City Edition, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO Meharry Dedicates New $2,000,000 School, Hospital NASHVITTE. Tenn. Dec. 4-— «ANP)-—A note of courageous op timism colored the ceremonies which began here aSturday to imark the dedication of Meharry Medical college’'s $2,000,000 school and hospital plant. Distinguished educators from ali uver this state and from many ¢ther states appeared on the pro s'am to add words of praise for progress. of the institution during (¢ last ten years under the direc tion of Dr. J. J. Mullowney. A tele (Continued on Page Five) ; - Soggy Turf ' «Continued from Page One) Walker. Tuskegee wrill match Big Jim Reid and Harris with Captain Hockett and E. Adams, versatile tackle. The probable lineups arc listed below. ‘ Tuskegee M. B U . LR ..., Mc lLemore sy . . L Reid ety . LGy o Walker gD ... C. .. Harris Tatewood ... BG. . Hurley MeEiphey .. RT. .. Stanfield Belener - RE . T. Smith Moberly ......QB. .Rat Williams MeCarthy . . LH ... Shag Jones Biley ... RH. . Jazz Bowens Welker = EB . Bpurlock Mob Forms «Continued from Page i) arrest. Feeling in the Berlin section ran hich Tuesday afternoon when the cheriff went to the jail to turn ov ¢r an insane woman to a taxi driver., a crowd of more than 100 dashed into the jail yard under the impression that Jackson was Heing moved from Moultrie. Sher 1ff Beard Thursday said, however that he did not believe that anv move would be made to storm the jaik Highway Blocked Jackson is alleged to have placed two legs across the highway over .which the teacher drove from het home in the Autreyville section to ,Berlin in the hope of stopping the car. the voung woman drove over the first loz before seeing the sec .ond one. She applied the brakes. : When the car slowed down Jack con tried to leap on the running dhoard but the windows were up .and the body of the car was slipp ~rv as result of the heavy dew and *cg. The driver of the car stepped an the accelerator, ran over the second log and escaped. Upon reaching Berlin she reported what ad happened. ., - posse of about 200 men was auickly organized and search for "“Yackson began. Sheriff Beard wais ,notified and left immediately for e scene. .~ Pefore reaching Berlin he was ytoid that a suspicious man bare ,.f'vm"d and bareheaded had been secnn walking down the highway .2 short time previously. Following this clue, he found Jackson, who. he said. confessed to placing the 1ngs across the highway near the 1 Pilco bridge. The teacher in giving “or description of the would-be =~=nilant had said that he was ::nus shoes and hatless. Macbeth (Continued from Page One) v:i11 open Fridav morning. Phone ‘~ur reservations to Morehouse College : On Y¥ridav and Saturdav nights “red Maise and Virginia Pope will. ‘hrongh their roles of Macbeth an:d T v Macbeth. revive the annual “Ta-ehouse Shakespeareen tradi: fion, The costumes are ftrue to the ~erind of Shakespeares Macheth and were desiened and executed for this particular performance, by Van H rn and son of Philadel phia and Aunich. The medieval style meets mod ernistic interpretation in the very fitting stage designs that have now been built into real stage sets for the characters of Shakespeare's esreat tragedy. The workmanship. which in the large. was done bv the art students of Spelman and Morehouse college, will interest many. FRUIT CAKE MATERIALS SPECIAL PRICES ON ROBINSON'S NUTTERY 63 BROAD ST., S. W. NEXT DOOR TO RICH'S Glace Citron, 1b. 30¢ Glace Lemon Peel, Ib. 30c Glace Orange Peel, 1b. 30¢ Glace Cherries, b, 45c¢ Glace Pineapple, Ib. 45¢ Asst. Glace Fruits, Ib. 50¢ Glace Ginger, Ib. . 59c¢ Currants, imported, Ib. 20¢ Raisins, 10¢ White Raisins, 2 lbs. . 25¢ AR LG XN Flour 24 Its. 79 Lard I8 8¢ Best Side MEAT 10 ¢ ] v i $.5,000 Suit (Continued from Page One) telderly woman to her feet and off the car. She was asked accordiny to these two, if she wanted to 80 home or to the hospital. She wus assisted home by a girl. Queen Esther Jackson, and two students of Morris Brown University. J Miss Jackson declared that she had not written a letter introduced ,into the court rooem for evidence 'signcd “R. Jacksen" and also that ishe had not been to the woman's home since that date. Her father James Jackson, also said he had witnessed their passing his home aiding the woman. He said be cause it was some time ago he wus unable to remember if it was night or day but he did know that it was on Sunday. 1 Star Witness for Company ~ The company had two witnesses others than the doctors. They were Mrs. Mattie Jones of a Johnson Avenue address, and Charles Hen ry Briscoe, of a Houston Strect address. : Mrs. Jones was tangled in the cross-examination on technical- | ities. She said that she was in the | act of sitting when she noticed 1‘1('1 woman fall and then again she | was turning to sit. However, ":-] finally explained that she had| completed the turn 3‘ ’ An attempt was made by the iplaintitls atferney 1 6 Impeach ’Briscoo as 4 Witness: on t oo grounds that he had c'r:nw-v-s“:!i the case and had received pav for | his appearance in court. Briscos | quickly retaliated by saving that| the sum he was receiving $2.50. was for the time he was Iu(‘n‘si'l&"' from his work at a Tech fraternity | house He said that his first con-| |verszmun was held on that morn- | ne with the attornev Preston Arkwright Ir and another time l‘ Mr Simnion: had s.l':>puvr!ah'i] hipy 1 cort i & o Yeedaeniny - f T Ewing,‘ eauid he dd not hove to pive the lear 8By “juice” as the car was on I‘:m inchine and costed down the hill. The car was travelling toward l,tuwn, he said. The mishap o~curr ed in front of the switch on Boule vard, the woman falling just two seats from the front of the car. | 10¢ Murderess at her ability to employ his serv ices. l The murder came as the results of an argument over ten cents !wi‘h a friend and roommate, Mrs. 1.cuise McCoy. 837 Greensferry Avenue. October 9. Miss Perry ac companied Mrs, McCoy in the ambulance to the hosnital and when she was removed to the clinic hospital Patrolmen auestion ed persens concerning who had stabbed Mrs. McCov. Before anv one had a chance to answer, Miss Perry stepped un to the patrolman ‘and told him that she had stabbed her. She was taken into custody iund held to await the condition cof the wounded woman who died the 'fwllowing day at noon. ® Hits Car i Continued from Page One) The driver pulled free of his grasp as the auto crashed into the curbing. He then took to his heels abandonine the auta. The white man in the meantime leveled a revolver at him in an effort to shoot him. = T h e revolver was snapped five times but failed to discharge. ~ Eyewitnesses claimed that the driver and pulled out the pistcl and attempted to load it as he sped away while the white man clung to his throat. The white man was too fast for him and had taken the weapon from him, they said, but it was embty. . The white man was picked up in a car and hurried away. ; Police fnvestigating found that ' the abandened car belong to the 'Fd Mathews furniture store on Alabama Street while the other belonged to G. T. Reed, 1411 South Boulevard. ALL THIS WEEK AT l)romed‘ury'l)utcs. pkg. 21c Bulk Dates, plain, lb. 17};¢ Bulk Da'tes, pitted, Ih. 30¢ Shelled Almonds, 1b. . 45¢ Shelled Pecans, Ib. 50c¢ Black Walnut Meat, 1b. 65¢ Pecan, paper shell, Ib. . 19¢ Almonds 20¢ Walnuts, large, new, lb. 23¢ Bragil Nuts. b, .. 18¢c }72 MARIETTA L STREET Ribs [b 1214 St Bomes b G Pork Chops b 15¢ > ’/// O ,1%5’*’* TN q 7 b %) N ’"Z'f"‘:'“\ i i / \\ R/ 5 - N / ¢« o R \ & il : ' “\\‘\\\\ i 5% : e “-) . A k N \\\ W i" p— ~ -‘ i ’ § \ s i ' \‘\\‘\\\‘ 3 e ‘ 7, B ES S J"-‘)\‘ \ «'IJ ane- o - A j‘/ N o L 5 B wy "G L o‘///// NN NN S - 0 JSEEE R - (O T~ : \.\-\‘ \ fi g . N e ¥ \ : ¢ 2 > ‘ T c//, i \\‘"-., l'q N ‘{'V " ; “., ] (\ [ \‘ 4 : = i p\‘{{"%fi’ i “i-;’,«'> : Pl ~ : ". . ) ‘ \_‘"l / a ot J-\.. ) ..;\‘w L R S ! A . A. M. E. Meet ’ (Continued from Page One) f:hz' work of the chureh n foreign | fields and the isles of the scas. | The bishop announced the fo! [lowing transfers to the Atlant: Lconference: W. C. Kelley d fl"h-m::;:‘; H I Bearden (0 R Han inan, from the South Georgia con terence;: Lesley Smith. B 1. Rileg The visting ministers representin® other conferences were presciit Drs. G B Lancaster John Harni an, O 0 Raley B 10 [y i Linton. 5 Fo Harrs R B Ronar L Hamiiton )t Bdge & | Brewster, W. P Carter G B Jackson and J. R. Wilcher. ! Evangelistic Services | The evangelistic services were observed Wedn sdar night Wwith '!Hw germon by Di. E H Coit, head of the home and forcign missions ;Uf the A. M. E. church, New York, 'Dr. John Harmon presided. The election of seven minstericl delegates to the general conference of the A, M E. chuarch in 1932 re sulted as follows: Revs. D. T. Bab cock, J. E. Moses, B € Dawson, R..J. Jefferson, -A. R. Cooper.-W. A. McClendon, and W. B. 1 Clarke. The alternates; Revs. J. H McFar lin =S H Bome H- D Comdy, 1 ‘A. Stroud and D. R. Fcbbs. Thursday Meet " Over 225 pastors representing the membership of the conference, stood before the altar Thucsday and gave an w@mccount of their Iste\yurdship and charges The Bible institute work. ea:h morning is helping the minister of fhe copference Ravs 1 Starkey and H. V. Burdett Alaba ma conterence: Dr, Carl I Flipper of Kansas City Ko |- 1) Wit son. of Baltimore and Bev A Danforth, of Forsyvtli, were presen:- ed and addressed the bodyv. The missionary anniversarv wauas cbserved Thurdsay misht Bishep Fountain, presiding. The sermon | 'was by Dr A/ R Cooper, Cosmo politan church. The wife of Bish op W. A. Fountain, the connection ‘ul treasurer of the W. H FF M .k;r\-.! |ciety of the church. and missionary head of the work in Georgia, spoke on “The Work of Missions of the {A. M FE: Church in Foreign { Fields.” e n Hawkins, dean of the general officers and secretary of lt’i:’::xm-u of the A, M E. church, qushine‘tun. D he A g Wil ton, the chureh extension head of ithe A. M FE. church. Washinoton, D, €. addressed the conference Thursday nieht Institnie Work The Bible institute work took definite shaye on Friday morning. The program: “Agricultural Life of Negroes in the Counties,” Professor J. H. Lee, E. . NEWBERRY BEEF, VEAL, PORK, MUTTON. GROCERIES Phene JA. 8515 WE DELIVER 1415 Joneshoro Road Western Pork Chops, 1b. s : 121.¢e Tender Steak, Round or D e - - 15¢ Pork froast b 101.8 Fresh Hog Tongues, 1b. 121 2C Fresh Chitterlings, 1b. . 6'.c Link Sausages, Ib. . .. . 10c R R octacoNnSOQAP 0 ir 47¢ HimsFLOUR 7 g7 g LARD [ah 49c MEAL 5. Fch 2% v Neek Bones [b.°71:¢ Pork giioulders Ih. §@c Pignic HAD__I_&“ b X2v-c BEEF LIVER b 15 THE ATLANTA WORLD, ATLANTA, GA. Nearest Route to a Man’s Heart Is the Pie Route But if I1t’s Not a Good Pie You're Done For There s nothing a hostess can erve for dessert which will please her guests more than dainty indi vinual pit When she seives a ling that hax an elusive flavor, then the treat is doubled. Pumpkin Molasses Pie Lor one large pie or six indi viduad tarts use one cup of pump- Kizt pulp, two epgs, three table spoons of dark molasses, one-half cup of white sugar, one table spoon of cornstarch, one-eighth teaspoon ol ginger, one-half tea spoon of cinnamon and one and one half cups of water or milk.! When water is used the flavor of the Die iy ('(‘ICi'I‘(‘;‘fi’ dqiffercat from! that of the usual {illing for pump-| ki vies. Heat the water and add the suguar and cornstarch mixed tozeither. Add the cinnamon, gin ger, molasses an dthe pumpkin pulp and cook until they have boiled a few minutes. Remove from the fire and add the beaten eors Stir until the eggs are mixed through the pie well and ar: cooked. Then pour the fill ing into the baked pie shells and serve with a topping of whipped cream. The pies which are made: this way, first baking the shells atnd then adding the cooked fill iy, remain fresh much longer, as the shells do not soak quickiy. Butterscoth Filling A delicious filling which has an unusual blend of flavors can be made of brown sugar, marshmal lows and butter. This recipe calls for one cup of brown sugar, one dozen marshmallows, one and one half cups of milk, two tablespoons of corn:tarch, three tablespoons of butter, two eges, one-half tea spoon of vanilla and a few grains of salt. Melt the butter, add the! brown sugur. mixed with the corn | starch and the milk, scalding hot Cook until the sugar is dissolved, then add the marshmallows and cook, stirring all the time, until itl\‘-\ are dissolved through the ‘mi'k. Remove from the fire and Ladi the besten eges and o few $g1'::ins of salt. The heat of the Emi\'turw will cook the eggs. Add jone-half teaspoon of vanilla and Ipeur in the baked pie shells. Scrve with a meringue of whites of eggs or with whipped cream. This re cipe also can be made with water agricultural agent of Bibb county, "1he Prophet Ezeljel’ Dy & A Laing, instructor in Morri Jrown university. “Fvangelism”. ) S. H Giles, dean Turner Thenlosic Seminary. “The Pa tine FEpi: - W. A. Fountain. Jr. president Mor tis Brown university. Mix Sausages, b, 5¢ F'resh Trap Rabbits 430 Mullet Fiaa, 1b, 5 e sugar Cured Hams, b i5¢ Ballard Otelisk our 24 1bs. Xie Water Ground Meal, 12 ths. = - . : 25¢ hurch N tnurein News ANTIOCH (N) BAPTLIST CHURCH Our Sunday School on Last Sun day welcomed very heartily, Rev, 1 3 Roberts who paVve ud o won derful review of the lesson. Class No. 8 remains the “Banner Class ! The 11 o‘clock sermon was deliver ed by wour paster. Rev. T H George, and was very instructive and enjoyed by all - There will be a “Spelling Bee ! December 18th. sponsored by the Deucons: of this church and three prizes will be given to the last three standing. A turkey, & ham and 10 pounds sugar. Admission 10 cents, and five cents for each une cntering the contest Every body cordially invited We vegret very miuch to report that Miss Corine Jackson..of the younge: set e Still confined to her bed; we hope ¢t the next writing sine wili be muech improved, also brother Sherman, Elder and Sister Carrie Murphy Hev b - Oleatenn 1o by Mis: LB o Waroe voporler ] BIG UNION BAPTIST j AND COMMUNION | The Chapel Hill Baptist Church and the Pilgrim Baptist will hold| a great meeting Sunday. Decembeor | 6th at Chapel HUll. 3 h m Rev | Wiison will perform the baptism. | Rev. W. R Jones will deliver tho fertnon a B od- give communion | instead of milk. When the filling| is made with water,, it has a clear-| cr appearance, . | Quality Service Market cor. Whitehall & Windsor St To our colored custom ers Friday and Saturday, a fancy broom free with $3.00 purchase. We deliver. Phone Ma. 2738. . Pure Gold Flour, 24 1b- 9¢ Frrne one pound 25¢ cofiee Fresh Country Eggs, Has. . i 28 Potatoes, white or sweet S5 1hs. .. 10c¢ Octagon Soap, 10 bar: .25c Fancy Rice. Ib. ... .. Be Peas, |1bh - i B Shire Bones, lb. .. 10c Pig Tails. 1b. 7l¢c Pure Lard. Ib. ... 81 ¢ Salt Bacon 16 ... . 98¢ ETONMERIVE: Pure Lard 1b. S8c i Sugar ) lis. 28c¢ CaniaCoffee h 33c s MEALL L 18€ FLOUR e 24 lbs. 69€ Roast Beef ). | i5c PHILLIP'S 2 CANS Pork and Beans IS¢ SUGAR CORN, 3 o0 25¢ RICE, b. 4c PILLSBURY'’S Grits 2bxes 1§¢ CARNATION EVAPORATED S, i cai s B FRESH Coconuts 3¢ ROSEDALE NO 2'. CAN Pineapple ISQI FLINT RIVER i SYRUP, 2 cans 150; Other ministers will be present Music by both = chaoirs ushers board: will be on auty. This also 15 Home-coming = Day at Chapel Hill.. All members arve urged: to come home Sunday. PGt oS A SRR S E s s e ATLANTA'S OWN Municipal Market Edgewovod Ave. at Butler St Free Parking Lot adjourning Market foir your convenience, Open Daily 7 AL M. to 6:30 P, M. Saturday 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. W. A. GATLIN PORK STRICTLY FRESH Loin ® ® Roast l.g‘ LEAN ¢ CIHHOPS l " EGGS 494BEP " CLOVERBLOOM Fresh . in 2 ' q Cartons ; b U B0 S5 | All Pork 5 : Bulk or l.' ° Smoked : ‘ DR 5 N AT T RGP NT C PY ¢ AR TS TS vt \ TR Creamer é y B0« Butter Q 1 LOIN OR ROUMND p 1 -y - ® STEAK 20« R IO ST EANTORED . L A ORI LR S T e S T BREAKFAST BACON Sliced € e No Rind I'.‘ ———————————————————r Smith Market Boaz St. Entrance I Pure Lard, lh. T1lac Lamb Shoulder, 1b, .. .11'sc Pork Shoulder, Ib. e Beef Pat Roast, 1b. ... .. g BT L WO RTINS s SV SR B s IR 2 SN0 8 HNOID MRS. G. E. RHODES BOOTH NO. 71 FRUIT CAKES, Ib, 75¢ 1 Old-Fashioned ! POUND ¢ AKL, Ib. 20¢ 1 We take oiders for fancy Par ty Cakes and Wedding Cakes. Timbles, (Cheese Straws, and Beaten Biscuits, fresh on or der. Your business is appre ciated. . fiiie e 116 Tissue 7 f Fresian cats Liver 21 150 Steak 1b 15¢ Roast Il 15¢ SAUSAGE, . 75 BONES, |i. 5c SHUTLEY’SMARKET 20 BROAD S'1., N. E., Near Marietta St. MA. 6639 ?fié‘i"‘i"{i’a“ Pouni __?__; SALT MEAT ih. Gle PORK SAUSAGE b 10¢ Loin, Round, Porterhouse Sdeanlc h BB ' ¢ CINITTERLINGS Ih. 7'« MULLETS Ib. 3 e FISH STEAK Ibh 17%e¢ BUEHLER BROS MONEY-SAVING MARKET g 135-137 W. ALABAMA ST. WA. 2483-2481 PURE LARD, . 7.¢ Pork Chops, Ii. 12':¢ e Sausage Ib. 12': ¢ re COFFEE . 12:¢ seeak SALT MEAT I, 7%e WARREN Says: At Our Edgewood Avenue Store Today & Saturday Only Mulleds |b ¢ FRESH AND FINE Lowest Price in City Limit 10 Paunds to Each Customer Posisitive Non> Sold to Dealers At OGasis Market and 195 Edgewood EGGS o 19 Wie™ iz, §e C Limit 5 Dezens To Each Customer Live pcultry downstairs at OASIS MAEKET., Drecsed Poultry upstairs, alsa Fresh Pork, Country Sausage, Fresh Egus, and Buiter made from pure sweet cream. IF;..I. at our Edgewced Avernue store only. : A Cemplete Line of Poultry Geese -- Ducks -- Turkeys Hens -- Fryers P voosters RS S N S R A R A T S N A SO IS S 1Y KT 5 ST, At Oasis 195-197 Edgewood FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931