Newspaper Page Text
{i | Sl_ ANTY A i
m . 7 BY Lo S’L» >
TXD | TLANTA SOCIETY will get another chance to heuar those
"%“;\ nationally famous 'Bama State Collegians tomorrow night,
M and you can bet your sweet life this Maniac, who has no
t%[ better sense than to copy four hundred names to appear in
{ ;”‘ a write-up, will be there seribbling for his Wednesday
plants”. The “Gay Fellers of ‘the 'House” are again fostering the
affair, and feel that rain or shine four hundred members of local go
ciety will He out.
‘i e
LAST SATURDAY after almost all of the fTour hrindred out
had proclamed the hoys about the best they had heard, B3oldon, lead
er of the band, told the Slantsman that they had been decidedly oft
color. He stated that they had arrived late and had rushed into the
orchestra annex and played without eating a bite. ‘That the band
leader spoke the truth can easily be veri fied by scores of voung and
old who arrived carly, only to find the Collegians had not reached
the Casino yet. According to Bolden, the boys would arvive carly
this time and show the Atlanta society folk what they really can do.
Take it from a Maniac, if those blatant jazz-venders were off and
played the way they did:last Saturday night, then they must H I
sho' nuff! The Bascomb brothers, Hawkins, Jimmy Mitchell, and com
pany can go!
TURKEY DAY Morning Miss
Ceraldine Mitchel!l pitehed a swell
little breakfast affair at her hnnur}
on Jl.ena - street. southwest. The!
Maniae was unable to get out, but
according to many of the members
of the Clientele who were there,
there was fun galore. “The Horse
Collars” proffered a breezy pet
together at the home of Mrs. lLean
na Smith. 28 Ashby street, north
cast, simudtancously, Both affars
'\;u‘lmd collegiate thronss, with Ml'.l
Harold Streeter, a Chicago visitor]
and former member of Jocal ::m-x'-rg
ty, being in attendance |
‘o |
THE PEACOCEK Charmetrs :.l.i::"d!
that much-talked-of Annual last]
Monday night. and fun held com
plete sway. plore than three hun !
dred members of the social l'('uhn‘
trekked out and lost their adentity |
in the mirth For three hours Ole
Epicurus did his “dirt” and left
the rest to his pood ole rnnnm;:i
mate. Pluto who is Ssometimes|
styled as Mephistopheles or Hul.’m.I
J. Neal Montgomery, popularly
styled the “‘Pufesser of 'I‘nrrul.
Tunes” was at the pranoc and flaun
ted a revamped corps of ]-’I/fi/,-])(‘(i—‘
dlers whio were highly sepia, and
if yvonu don’'t know what "wpm"\
means e that sense, ask any New
Yorker i
NUMBERED among the I'Ipn'u—}
reans were Mr. and Mrs ('h:n'lvs}
Griffin. who refuse to let married |
life keep them out of their ru.',hl‘-‘
fill nictie in the doings of the
younger set Mgs, Griffin is th(‘l
former Miss Ruth Harris of .‘iimp—I
son strect. northwest, while Char
lliv is a man-about-town too well
known in the whirl to be re-intro
duced. Like, this happy couple, Mr.!
and Mrs. F.T. lLundy also had (::ar-{
loads of fun Incidentally Mrs. Lun- |
dy is a sister of youngish Mrs. Grif- |
THE OTHERS entailed Misses
Tryphencous Anderson, Euphremia
Kennedy, Lois Thomas. Gladys Fl-|
lis=m. Letitia Johnson, Alyce Pear
son. Ruby Stanfield, Geraldine Al
len, Mexico Hembree, lLouise Har
ris, Roscbud Brown, Fvelyn Slaugh
ter. Gertrude Daniels. Caroline
Weaver, Nancy Foster, M. B. Weav
or. Salliec Pearson. Ktta Reese, Ma
viin Iinglish, Hattic Thomas, Doro
The Globe
Says: ‘Goodbye!’
Quitting Business
Selling Out! Bezine
Going Out! 3209y
Clothing For The Entire Family
Ladies’ Silk Dresses Values
to $5.00, for . $1.95
Ladies’ Winter Coats, richly
furred, exceptional vaine,
for . g 8$2.95
Ladies’ Guaranteed Fast Color
Wash Dresses, 39¢ or 3 for Sl
Rubbers and Galoshes, regu
e 8100, tor ... ... ... d¢
The Globe Salvage Co.
123 - Whitehall Street - 125
108 - Broad Street - 110
- thy Patrick. Clara Moss, Inez Floyd,
| Geraldine Mitchell, Ella Mac Wnl
}kin:;. Hazel Stinson, Hazel Hill,
| Mabel Hinton., Grethel Smith,
| Evelyn Roberts, and Mesdames
Daisy Miles, Jessiec Kimble, Flora
Jones Martin, and Vivian Gray.
Miss Willie B. Jackson, looking
sepia, was oul again. Misses /\ly('v{
Pearson and Ruby Stanfield, “step
;pm] out” in the prettiest gowns nfl
| the night. Miss Pearson wore an
Limposing azure hlue lace, wlnlv!
| Miss Stanfield flashed a black :-'.n!ml
| that played tag with the briliant
,ul;m' from the spothight within ‘
l * & & % * ‘
| AMONG THE “lLesser Breeds”
I were such disturbing elements as
| Thomas Borders, Henry White, Pap
I Ward. Me Kenzie Jones, Jerry Pcy
| ton. John Mec Cauley, Joe Comer
'I'quvnv White, Dynamite Mitchell
| Robert Bronner, Sheppard ']‘IH'H(‘I'.“
' Charles Faison, Collier and Beau
Caison, Conner and Harry Parks.
f,ucius Hart. Willie Wynn, Jerome
| White, Brick Johnson, John C
| Brittain, Frank Hill Bootee oCle
' man. Clarence Davis, Jimmy Perry
.Rnhvrl Harris, Jack Carmicheal
Horace Wilson., Herman Simpicin:
‘.lvs:;ic Burney., Dick Walton, Char
\lv:: Rogers, Archie Smith, Jimmy
| Hembree, Hewleit Hall, Walter
F Jones. George Finley, Leroy Miles,
;:md Hog Holmes. Miss Eula Drown
' was there in black satin. |
‘1 v P !
i DELTA Epsilon Beta vm(-l'tummi{
iTm'kcy Day morn with a breakfast
dance from six till ten at the home
l-vf Miss Jennie Weaver, president
of the club. The guests were Misses
' Serethia Brown, Maggie Brown,
Sallic Love, Catherine Cox, Bessie
Wilson, Christine Lewis. Louise
Harris, Rubye Stanfield, Lougenia
Milford, Clara Brown, Irene King,
and Messrs. Roy Jones, J. Thomas
Fagan. Thomas Love. James Gaston,
Sam Clark. Julius Minniefield. Gary
' Kenricks. Thomas Stewart, Donald
Woods. James Dorsey, Robert Ty
son. of Chicago, and any number
| of otheors. '
faculty has organized a male chor
us. Feeling it would be a grave
injustice to iheir voices should they
not breathe forth once more some
of those melodious songs which
pleased the student bodies during
Ladies Winter Hats, | Hie
(Beautiful Styles)
Ladies Silk Hose, 9c¢. Silk all
the way.
FREE!-—Fach day during this
sale we will give away a Real
Premium between 2:30 and
3:30 to someone that will be
in our store, and on the last
day a Grand Prize that some
one will surely appreciate,
Hear announcement in our
store daily.
Giving Mes. . R. Moton a2 Begree
- Pe——————————————— i e —— — e
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Greenshoro, N. C., November — Bennett College for Women honors Mrs, R, R, Mo
ton with Master’s Degree. Reading from left to rieght: front row, President David D.
Jones, Mrs, R. R. Moton, Dr. ;. Lake Imes; back row. President F. D. Bluford, Dean F.
Marcellus Staley, Dr. Will W Alexander.
their undergraduate days, the Blue
and White men got together and
did things. As a resull of their en
terprisinsg the following ofticers
have - been corraled: Graham W |
Jackson J- ' Brooks: idde; - Mar
’u-llu:: R. Tustell president. Myron
I Fowns pianiste Cleo 12 Colo
secretary: ¥ I8 Raorer freasurer
Retitben M. TFavlior hbrarians and
Myron B. Towns. business mana
#ger. 'Fhe pedagopues will stage &
- very interesting program this sea
' jon. the main feature of which will
be a concert. Other mombers of e
’u gapization are S H Archer, Jr.
L Leslie € Baker NMarcus | Beav
ers, A Walterr \Chikds, Charlie D
Clarke. € P Cornell = Sanitiel |
Pavis. G R: Hipgginbotham E |
Lewis. Lueius H. Martin. J. Neal
Montlgomery. 1. Neal J. B Prathe:
5. ) Saxton Joel Smith and W ¢
Wilkes. The orcanization also boast
of a basketball team of conie note
-~ Social News
(Continued from Page Three)
did its bedt to gladden the heart
of our -belaved: pastor = who his
labored with us for the past eight
- o e :
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Speak A I "hicl
ak A Language Which Is
peak A lL.anguagc vCh 18
Understood t he World Around!
JNnaerstood U ne v oria Around.
« USE i IC i URES‘%}
Pictures . .. good illustrations are much more valuable
than vords. They attract the reader, gain his inlerest and
help get across the advertiser's message. The Atlanta
Werld is equipped to supply advertisers with sparkling nes
scasonal illustrations covering every line of business . .
Favoul and copy suggestions {oo, for the advertiser who
wants disdinctive displays. There is no extra charge for
this service. Simply phone Walnut 1459 and one of our
advertising specialists will hrine vou material particularly
utted Lo yvour business,
! Qur b’z November Advert B cady It con g
tains pages of early Christma pn i'lustrations E’fia
E /
“§ Pian your campaign now. ‘;2
\ AR B
; B © B
a " 5 g Wl o o B 2 ¥ He
years.: Sunday was o high day i
Zion also the pastor Ieft the ¢it»
Jhiesday movhitig for o Memphl
clfennessce when he ikl ol
IHu- call session: _of the Natigril
' Bapliat Convention, 11 6§ A - Tne
i Wil b baih Siniday fon capy
Heiore ol chsobemes o A Sunday
VAL el ot the home cof M
Mary Marhn a8 Bool Sl N
W Thaitsday a8t i G iiaek Wan't
‘cver moember e one and hetp!
i Libarly Baptist . &Sioulie Selgl
was opened at 9 oeliel Suneriys
tedent: Gambol in- chy Fach
class wns well attendod red BEad @
very - interestinge Jessor e
shdy— e Nemrs fihie o W
jin tall Blagim and ave plhins for
ta darge drive to ihicrenis thetr
in'wmb(rr:hsp to fifty. You will en
{10y being a member of (hie class
,One new member was added fo
ithe class last Sunday. You are als
wavs welesmme at Liberty
Sithurbiyy New: |
Mr. Eugenc Willhanss who i al
the hane of b falher on Johie
son Road o honproved very mtcy
Frorn o serions iness
Mirs SPhema b ds Rae pelitiis
et 1o hor o ‘ acdelichibg
stav. 1 Cleuaia, Sl o e
oat Gf haie el ra Charlos
- Woillian |
) g
= ]
il e ool viE |
puich from hee ilhe {orthe ido
fght ot Koy poars frgagd ‘
L Mie Willie ELLatE of Avepiio 18
has relitned Lion o very plesang
frip aflor visitins her relabices 5
Cleveland, Ohio
» Phee "5 Caleaey R ey
with the West Side Mission at the
chome of Mrs Mamie Cades. Visit
s peesont - Nev - Freoman o and
Bov - Ihichinson Thy memberns
e vty enjoved A wonderfid
drnecting and arve looking forward
to meeting together again at ap
Eem by dit
| _ |
{ Mree B NMoNease jasdont ;
i Mre l.endev. reporter
y A 1. Gambol. Supt
H. J. Allen, reporter
Sunday School 9 o'clock. Revival
services, Sunday, December 6th
FEvaneelist (Mrs.) R. T. Mitchell of
' Memphis. Tennessee will do the
preaching. Good singing Five
‘hundred men and women are ask
¢d to bring a candle Sunday night,
Visitors are welcome
Jearue 630 P.. M Mrs lLydia
Hardwick in charge.
Rev. J H. Wiggins, pastor
Mrs Hc.rt.ha Wiggins, reporter
Our young folk are very much
enthitsord over the new system
Wit Lave in conducting our B Y
. 11 Deacon J. Brown spoke {o us
Bltiday on “Love.! Also Rev. A A
13 deliverod: a n: exceellent
At ress
Rev. P J Johnson, pastor
M. W T Carter, raporter
- -
| Optimism
[ tContiniied from Page 2)
| gram of tribute wa:, also read from
I President iloover
Opcning exercises were held in
'lho Public Health Lecture hall
“This is the thing for which we
have dreamed, and isioned, and
worked for ten vea: declared Dr
lx\’(ll”"‘.fl'lll'\ i opening the program.
it hes o now boen - broueh mto
manifestation Brick — and nortar
beawtiful though they mav he
'mta‘m nothing unless there i3 oul
L a spirit, behind them. We have that
s Following the reading of the tole
{'l'flm from President Hoover Dr
Harvest Sale!!
1 Pint Georgia Peaches
1 Pint Whipped Cream
BOTH 25¢
- 25¢ Colgate Tooth Pasie, 2 for 25¢
30¢ Kolynos Tooth Paste,
2 for 30¢
50¢ Sguibbs' Tooth Paste,
2 for = 50¢
50¢ Prophy-la-tic Tooth
Brushes, 2 for 50¢
59¢ Solution 59—16 oz.,, 2 for 59¢
n, > .
lalcum Powders
25¢ Mavis Tale . .. 2 for 25¢
25¢ Colgate's Baby Tale, 2 for 25¢
Zoe Cashmere Bouauet, 2 for 25¢
25¢ Black Draught 2 for 25¢
50c McKesson Milk of
Magnesia 2 for 50c
25¢ Y. & M. Cold Capsules,
2 for Zie
25¢ Livomint 2 for 25¢
15¢ Spsom Salts, 1 ib. 2 for 15¢
25¢ Citrate of Magnesia, 2 for 25¢
X '. - { T 1
Shaving Needs
5% Colzate’'s After Shaving
Lotion % far 50c
25¢ Mennen's Shaving (ream,
2 for e 350
a5¢ Gem Shaving Cream,
2. for . . 35¢
50¢ Pints Witch Hazel, 2 for 50c
N 3 Ala
65e Elixir Iron, Quinine and
strychnine : 2 for bbc
25c Pure Vanilla Extract,
2 for e UhCe
35¢ Energine 2J¢
Not On Our 2 For One Sale
1 )“ 4
h().\l 3D
250 Woodbury Soap 19¢
25¢. Nadine Soap 16¢
250 Black & White Noap 19¢
10¢ Palmolive Soap, 2 for 15¢
3 y v i T
S0e Woodbhury Facial (ream, 39¢
50c¢ Woodbury Cold Cream, 39¢
S0c Woodbury Cleansing
Cregam .. 39¢
S Nadinola Bleaching
Cream e
Yates & Milton Stores
No. 1, Avbhurn at Butler
'Phone, Wa. 1401-2
Mullowney introduced President W,
I. Hale of the Tennessce tSate Agri
ultural and Industrial college, with
he comment that “it is very fitting
that this message from him who
represents us all without regard to
‘wlor, race, or creed, should be fol
lowed by one of the outstanding
Tegrn caucatons of tha cruatae f
“Representing the State supported
schoals, I congratulate you on your
{ location” President Hale told Dr.
' Mullowney and his associates. "Ten
{ nessee was the first state to free
| her slaves and it was Tennessee's
l!vgml:mn'v which surprised the na
{tion by saying that from now on
| there are to be no white colleges
][:md Negro colleges so far as State
| appropriations are concerned-—just
[ colleges to share alike.”
j Other Speakers 1
I Others on the program included |
Dr. Thomas Elsa Jones of Fisk um—%
versity: Dr. C. N. Cowden, who has!
presented his medical library to Mc-i
harry; Dr. W. S. Leathers, dean of
the school of medicine at - Vander
bilt university; Dr. E. P. IL.yon, dean
of the medienl school of the Uni
| versity of Minnesota; Dr. Harvey J.
Burkhart director of the Rochester
' Dental Dispensary: Dr. Numa P. G
Adams. dean of the school of medl-l
cine. Howard university; Dr. El-|
wood Downing, president of the
Interstate Dental Association; Dr. |
(. Hamilton Francis, president of
the National Medical Associatmn;%
Dr. W. D. Haggard, former presi
dent of the Americon Medical As-|
sociation; Dr. I. H Young, chair
man of the dental section of the
National Medical Association; Dr,
Michael Davis, director of medical
services of the Julius Rosenwald
Fund, and Dr. B. H Harvey, dean
of the medical school of Chicago
university .
Meharry eMdical eollege was es
tablished in 1876 as the medical de
partment of Central Tennessee col-
4 69¢ Mineral Oil, 1 pt., 2 for 69c
50¢ DeWitts Kidney Pills,
2 for = ol
25¢ Bayer's Aspirin .. 2 for 25¢
25¢ White Pine Cough Syrup,
2 for . , Lo A8
25¢ 666 Salve ... 2 Tor 25¢c
25¢ Castor Qil ... % for 25¢
14 0z)
69¢ Pint Alcohol ... 2 for 69c
15¢ Senna Leaves .. ... 2 for 15¢
15¢ Spirits of Turpentine, . ;
. 2 for . e L dbe
Heaith Tonics
8100 MeKesson Cod Liver
Oil (pure Neorwegian),
2 . for : g . 8
S1L06 Dr. Greggs' Blood
Tonic - 2 Tor $1.00
For Face
35¢ Allan’s Vanishing
Cream, % for 25¢
50c¢ Nadine Lotion 2 for L0c
51.50 Colgates Toilet Water,
gador o . $1.50
£1.00 Marsha Bleaching
=X et
Cream 2 for 31.00
10¢ Barton’s Tan Shoe Paste,
2d00r - .
15¢ Shoe French Dressing,
Black 2 for 152
50c Dyanshine Black .. 2 for 5)¢
1he (astile = 2 for 15c
15¢ Sayman’'s Soap -2 far 1bc
15¢c Jergen's Soap ... 2 for 10oc4
15¢ Kotex 2o¢
- S0¢ Nadine (leansing (ream 37 .
Jie Nadine Vanishing Cream 35¢
L0¢ Nadine FFace Powder aa¢
5L00 Golden Peacock Bleaching
(ream | . 89
3 »
50 Madame Walker's Hair
Grower e B
350 Madame Walker's
Gilossine 2ie
25¢ Wavine Hair Dressing . 19¢
40¢ Vaseline IHair Tonic ... 33t
No. 2, Fair at Chestnut
’Phone, Ma. 4114
- Seen and Heard :
| Atlanta Social Clientele will g
I:mnthn-r royal treat Fridsy night.
December 11, when Lucius (“Mel«
I:n."hnly"i Jonee will atage anae g!\
ith(' most oustanding hits of m]
present soedal season. A ten pi
orchestra will fuenish the muysq
for the affair. All right Gene
White, Cecil Walker, Eddie Roby,
Leroy McNiel, Doug l(nbinaog-
Charles Faison, “Hots" McMillaty
and the rest of you “toggin” guys,
get your “front” lined up for ‘fi
(affair, i1
| Just two Nights before “Me_\y
ancholy” Jones' social ultm(‘l‘(a
Lauther Stokes will be in the lim
light again, “This time he - acts ag
master of ceremonies Wednesday,
Decemnber 9 when the RAINBOW
SOCIAL CLUB gives their AN
NUAL DANCE on the Roof Gar
den. This affair shouid provide
many thrills as the Sominole Syn
copators will furnish the music
Admittance by invitation only.
'; Deacon Jones said he thought he
had called it a day so far as foot
ball is concern, b u t ‘Hollyw
Hollingsworth is going te root for
' Morris Brown, and he will be
‘there to see “Holly” and “Hick”
| Higginbotham team u p against
lege. In 1900 it was changed to Me
harry Medical college of Walden
university. In 1915 the state gave
| Meharry a separate charter and it
has since been known as Meharry
Medical college, with departments
of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy
‘and nurse-training.
Bleaching Cream
36 Cents
. Medicine |
. .
- (abinet Needs
$1.25 Hot Water Bottle,
2 for i e
£1.25 Fountain Syringe, '
2 for . .. 81.28
$1.50 Combination Sringe,
200 . N
25¢ Aromatic Spirits of
Ammonia, 2 oz. .... 2 for 28¢
25¢ Castor QOil, 4 oz. .. 2 for 25¢
25¢ Glyeerine and Rose
Water, 3. 0z. . ..... 2 for 280
25¢ Iodine, 1 0z. ...... 2 for 25¢
25¢ Chloroform Liniment.
2or - o B iSh
25¢ Olive Oil 4 oz, .. 2 for 250
25~ Exelento Hair Dressing,
2 for : : coen s 20
10c Hair Pins 2 for 10c’
25¢ Cacoanut Oil, 4 oz., 2 for 25¢
$1.00 Hair Brushes .. 2 for $1.00
i ) N .
a0e Stationery .| 2 for 50c
51.50 box Xmas Cards, 2 for $1.50
59¢ Choeolate Covered 1
Cherries 2 for 50c¢
3100 Melba Lov'me Dusting
Powder o 2 for $1.00
35¢ Pelerman’s Ant Food,
2 for s Jae
33¢ Peterman’s Roach
Food 2 for 35¢
25¢ Bird Seed | 2 for 25¢
10c Y. & M. Hygiene Dcuche
Powder . 2 for 50c¢
+ 15¢ Toilet Tissue Paper, 2 for 15¢
35¢ MUM 23¢
; 14 Al 1
100 Wampeole's Cod Liver
Oil : fifie
Dodson Livertone 290
21.00 Nervine vl TN
$1.60 Waterbury's Cod Liver
i, |
0il 67¢
25c Dr. West's Tooth Paste . 17¢
50c¢ Dr. West's Tooth Brush. . 3%
60c Forhan's Tooth Paste . . m,
j0c Ipana Tooth Paste ... .. e