Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 04, 1931, Friday City Edition, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Joe Rainey
‘Jolly' Forsythe
Hog Maw' Robinson
Southern Conference Schools Turn Whole Attention to Baskethall Din
e NEXT WEEK the teams o fthe Southern Conteren e
; e will begin official basketball waork for the coming camn
& p ‘.’§15:: paign. With a large percentage of the schools having (heir
‘{/ ‘:‘\j E own gymnasiums, basketball will take on a new impetus
;)g,, g B this winter l
Confererice schools having their own gyms aré
i B Tuskegee, Alabama State, Fisdl Ualladega, Knoxville;
g 4 Morehouse, and Clark, while Morris Liown has access {c
e ~ four cage floors. This means that eight of the dozen
Reeves Sthools of the loop will be well fortilied for home and
home agreements. Add to that advantage the fact that transportation
by auto is very frugal, hence lowering guarantees, and you will be
able to putf up over the outlook for the oncoming season
Knoxville Good Again
Knoxville has copped the cage
honors twice in suecession and, 1o
furning such stars as Sal Sanford,
Lemb Johnpson, Bert Hubbard, and
Wells to the floor, will be tavored
to repcat Sal and Laino are gil
Morris Brown will be 4s power
ful as before. Murdock, former
prep star at Baltimore anmd a cager
aof national note. and De [oss
Berry.. another Baltimerian, will
more than make up for the loss of
“fits” Carey, all-southern guard.
Daugherty, Rhine Miller, and Can
ute Richardson are gone too, but
among those returning are Red
Pradley. Hankty Roberts. BSpects
Bright. Big Jim Heid, Abe Walker,
Riunt Jackcon, Dyle Smiith,. Slim
Pelson,. Cvin € rodell. Hidum Mo
lemore S t u d Stanfield. Red
Moore, Honey Smith, several other
veterans Bradley, Drafton TRob
erts Reid and Bright made all
southern last winter
Watch Tuskegee
Truskopee has a new scoving ace
named Greene, who is avsenic, we
dare told 1a Verne Swith star of
several seasons, will be back, and
a4 corps ol other fine performers
to uid him will mike Tuikepee
bear watching ton
Clavke Will give thom all a run
for theiy each The eligibility of
Hog Maw Robinson, Lucius Jones,
Toles RBiasckbiy . aned Rachielle
Johnsgn will practically "make’ a
good team Besides, that terrible
ciw ol Don Reeves Briclkk John
il 0 peoy wieNiol Cavl Hay o apd
others is still intaet. Wilkes Kin
aey, who had to return home a
inonth after his arrvival @ this
gomnector mmay boe back at the start
of the new perviod Ted Johnson is
back And they say Waller Tale
Diinibar High fame, is far from g
slouch on the floor. Robert Stout
expects fo best his work of last
winter. Ralph long Jones, and
MeNeil will be remembered for
their demon confortions in the line
i af the chiampion Oniedis last
spring Doug. Robinson will also
add color and strength (o the out
fit. Jesse Arnett will resume work
at center. Edpar Kinney and Rup
ert Bell have shown imoprovement.
Coach Forbes Worried
Morehouse had little or no ma
ferial to work with last winter
(Coaeclhi Porbes has less this vear
Ile lost Felix Banks. his only cre
ditable forward. Hatrack Green,
Fuzzy Stewart, Howard, Roy Rie
gals Walker. and Squeak Shep
pard. Only Josh Archer. all-south
e'n center, Mapp., Buggs, and Red
Smith remain from last year, and
the 1atter trio were reserves.
Talladega, despite the loss of
Pennington, should be bad this
vear They return the Pitts bro
thers, Elzv Wright, Dizzy Pigrom.
and a horde of others. Pigrom and
John Pitts, in particular, are both
ersome manipulators of the inflat
ed agate.
Fisk has Fisher Kean Lawsoa,
and a few othevs aronnd whom (o
mould a five. Thev will be as hard
hearted as of old, though, it is
feared. And as for Alabama State
Lanky Robinson, and a bunca of
new men, will not be enough hell
to supplant Louis Alexander. Wil
son, and others. It looks as if
Knoxville, Morris Brown, Clark,
and possibly Tuskegee and Tall
adega, will have the race to them
selves this time. Potentially, Clark,.
doubtless, has a better chance to
win than either the Purples or the
Buy From
! 2]
j By J. D. McGIIEE
1 -
; At Hurst field, Benedict and Al
{len locked horns in their annual
Thanksgiving day game. Allea
femvrm‘d viclorious after one of the
most hectic battles witnessed in Co
;lumbi;l in vears. 'T'me final score
was Allen 13, Benedict 6. Both Al
len touchdowns were scored by Bur
ll{('ss. in the second and third guart
ers respectively. The extra point
’was added by Scott after the toach
.down in the second by the field .ol
fmutv. Benedict's score came in the
fourth period on a 3b-yard pas:
}Lipr;cumb to Diggs.
l The game w:‘.s.b(:;luti(nl]y played
iwith Allen displaying the greater
zoffcm:ive and defensive strength
;'l‘hv kicking of Dean for Benedict,
and Scott for Allen was outstanding
‘as one of the game's features. For
'Allen, Burgess was easily the out-
Istanding player. playing defensive
full. There were vay few Bene
!di('t:; plays that got bevond the
‘ecrimmage line due to his uncanny
'diagnosing of the Benedict plays
|On the offensive, he scored both
|touchdowns for Allen; the first on a
line buck for five yards after he
‘and “Whitehorse” Dicks had borne
‘lhu brunt of an offensive that car
iried the ball to the Benedict H-yard
Ilinv. The second touchdown was
'scored when this same Burgess in
sl('rcnptcd a Bencdict pass and ran
rnbout 40 yards after leaping over
labout four Benedict players. The
}'nhwkm;: of Captain Buston on this
|play was important. Other Allen
(players who shone brichtly were
{Scolt, Dicks, Porterfield. Ransom
and Hodges. The play of the entire
‘Allen line was brilliant.
' Diggs' beautiful receiving of the
| pass from Lipscomb that resulted in
‘Benedict's touchdown was easily tho
'brightest Benedict performance
| Thompson, Dean and Captain Lips
'comb fought valiantly for the loser-,
E A crowd of approximately 2000
!wiln(essed the game. The enthusiasm
|of the partisans of both feams was
‘unusnully high, and the Benedict
;and Allen stands vied with cach
iuther to see who might furnish the
| greater amount of stimulation for
|Ihe teams representing each schoo!
Allen scored about twice as..many
first downs as Benedict and su
ceeded in playing the greater prrt
of the game in Benedict's territory.
|A barrage of Benedict forward
Epasses during the final moment: of
‘play threatened the Allen lead, but
¥:‘he game ended, Allen 13, Benedic!
| 85
§ Lineups for the teams:
’ Benedict Allen
Sullivan .. 1.E Brition
‘Roy BE ir adn
Lidlllden = T Rancol
Thompson .. .. . C .. . Porterfield
Hrockman .. | RG Grant
Gmghes, @ Ay Williams
lDeun L RE - R Burton
v L. QB Nelson
Cupeton .. 1l Dicks
Lipscomb .. .. ..FB .. Copciand
Officials: Clark (Morehouse) refe
(ree; Star (Morehouse) umpire: Kel-
Ely (Morchouse) headlinesman
| Trying to pick a n all-star
aggregation is like trying to scttle
the argument as to which is the
| stronger. the sun or the winl For
{ will not a good apple that': tiken
!.’l'nm among a barrell f rotten
’nnu. shine just as brightly when
polished by the fiuit venucr?
' : g P RRECRE e T ; .
@ 3 ? P, “' ol 4 ) " o 7 P4 yv : » 8 4 3 d 2 S %2 3 -‘ 7 E’v’ W - m’ <w“ - "M).-'- &A s ”“""' .
R e %, W AT . EWR PR T BoREY ., T R
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W i i e O G4 AT " RN e Y g il o B AR
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' by, SRy ” g L . VR PR L ok a .t/ gy
A S PR At R 7 # F OS2 % v i A i R 2 T NPT S BT Y
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e Y 4, R oo £ o - % 2 L% 5 o be L5 ' "v"‘fa:ifa ¥ o Ye ¥ . e s i 4”‘““' g P
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£ &' w 3 ; Hrgi ,,'_‘ g % b RS A s g 3 e A - - e 5a g’ s j ‘/':?‘ % i
] ' 0 s o s o 7 FA pi : o T A "" i v AR i " ¥ B I, {'q,
o A WPy ST L B B v AR ‘% 2 L E g i PR "
» T Ry 3 o 2 "‘Q # B 5 e T 4! i s 4 7 3 R .3 il & ‘”a i j ::l‘ & g
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3 p A .’h‘ 3 Y v 6 ‘?‘“ ’;& e s .v%’ 2 P ’hj..'?‘?‘.
| :M. iYL S r g }
lN LHE SUNDAY ISSUE of this paper renders ot 'The WOLLD il
" be furnished with my All-Southern Football Select.on The then
named will be chosen strietly from the southeustern Intercolicpgiate
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with, the men must be in harmony with their coache Next they
must be candidates for letters for the season just ended. (lLast yeur
I recall the case of a man named on an all-stir pick who didnt even
win his college letter and Coach Nicks can bear me out in that
AND LANT, BUT NOT LEAST, the men who make the prade
on my teams are compelled to have played creditably in the major
portion of the games on the schedule, which must contain at least
50 per cent hard foes. It is with these skeleton fucts in mind, that
the Maniac goes about the not at all easy task of staisfying public
sentiments. |
I BELIEVE FIRMLY that ‘a good big man is beticr than a good |
kittle man.” and may evidence that belief. Yet I will not allow per- |
sonal prejudices to stand in the way of superior achievement 4
THREE TEAMS AND A LIST of Honorable Mention will com- 1
plete my efforts. Lane and Miles Memorial, weak sisters of the Con
ference, flashed no exceptional performers, and, much to my regret,
have no men qualified for the honors.
MOREHOUSE has had a lean year. but may land one or two
men on the second or third eleven Had James star Maroon tullback.
completed the Tiger schedule, it is likely that he would have landed
a first team berth. Red Smith, in his last four games returned to
form, and will get somewhere.
TALLADEGA wiil afford Dizzy Pigrom, Elzy Wright., and
Johnson, Pigrom has been the most versatile man on the -“quad
playing at end and halfback and tossing passes, kicking, and runuing
like 2 demon. Knoxville presents Bob Lassiter, who has shown 5o
respect for Tuskegee, Morris Brown, Clark, or any other foe. He
boasts 2 52-y¥ard run through both Clark and Morris Brown ior touch
downs, and had two 30-yard jaunts against the Abbottinen. Besides,
he ran amuck on virtually every other toe except Kentucky State.
Coach Wallace Hawkins also has a demon flankman in Wells,, who
plays an unorthodox style like Dalrymple.
TUSKEGEER has a biulle ¢f quality men in the flashy Me Carthy,
Silvey, and Captain Hockett, and the kicking tackle, K. Adams, who
hasnt beéen out-punted by g Conference kicker all - season.. Only
Terry, that hell fired leather-lasher up at Wilberforce has shown tim
anything like superiority. - Beleher, somewhat backward at end, and
Me Rinney, at tackle, were also good Muoberly ha: enjayved a great
yvear al quurter
MORRIS BROWN proffers Shag Jones, Tiny smith, Spuarvioek,
Dyke Smith, Abe Waliker, Harris, and Stanfield. Only Shag Jones
and Tiny Smith loom as serious threats on the first eleven. Me Le
more was only a shadow this year. Credell and Rat Williams were
brilliant one Saturday and unhimpressive the next. They will not
EDWARD WATERS lias Armstvony, 4 capable guard ol Sooil
physical powers and much experience, and Everetl and Larking, two
clever hack: The former i85 a triple-threater PFloridd A & M has
Crawford, a voung thriple-threated buack, and Maxey Jones, a very
bully wingman.
HALL AND CHRITE will be Fisk's only serious threats. Hall
i an end, while Chrite performs at fullback in a biggedy way. Chrite
is one of the best blockers in the section and Kkicks, passes, and rams
a line with lots of vim. e is an oldster in the Conference,
THE KFRAZIER BROTHERS A D Brown Lash (ogar and
Branch have fhe best chance for Alabama State. Capilain Oran kraz
ier has eajoyed 2 good vear at quarter. Severn Krazier never looked
betier carryving the pill and did lots of damage with his loug touch
down piasses.. A D. Brown mvas slightly below par. Cogar sutfered
lots Of prestice by injury. Lash left taeckle, was a devil in disguise
showinz merciless use of his big hands. Branch: played fathoms over
Co zir at guard, I think. and his skill at opening holes deserves much
menit. Drake. center, was also a bear,
CLARK HAD HER SHARE of super men too. Elmer Baker
stands above them all. But then there is Donild Reeves ,who, as an
end, led the Clark team in scoring, and rivalled Me Carthy for Con
ference scoring honors with 43 points. Hog Maw Robinson, center,
obscured every pivot man he mei and was otherwise useful backing
up the line, breaking up passes, then shifting to an offensive end 1o
catch passes. Puckett, a young tackle who gave Battie lots of com
petition for his berth last fall, raised lots of hell this year, shading
the great Simon by a slight margin. Jesse Arnett had many wonder
ing who could ram the line hardest, he or Spurlock, or the late Shank
lin. Pinkney, All-American mention last year, was constant and pol
ishcd in his play. Mc Pherson, as a quarter, probably paved the way
to Clark's nlne victories with his superb head work and his running
was pretty consistent, but a more versatile performance would be re
quired of an All-Southern general.
Tuscaloosa County Training and
I haven't heard anymore con
cerning the baby Hornet— Baby
Tiger game. Probably it will go
Conference and will not profess 1o represent the
Entire sohland o= | Was 1ol o fortiinide a0 {0 oo
many pood men in other southern loops
FURTHER, MY PICK should not be regardod
as anything bul scrap paper. M 1 felt casually that
some one would regard it as a composite pick, 1'd
omit the task altogether. Each year my all-star
picks are named simply for the purpose of paying
to reallly great men the honor so richly deserved
by them.
THE MANIAC METHOD of naming all-star picks
may b 0 bil unconveptiondl. Im o net cockaire
about that. Bul here's the way its done. 1o begin
through. The Tucaloo.a County
Training School is to play this
week end, and their opponents
are to be none other thin the elan
of coach Robinson from Greens-
i La H
ilaitel GLAN 1N
i g 'J
Crowd Stays In Rain
To See Two Teams
Have It Out
I Wiley Wildeats tind 180-b0n e
bitter foes of lonug standir et
there loday at 1hie Bishop Iela 1
ltheir anpual Tnkey LV el
rand the Wildeat ciizno st vith thiy
ke 206 1)l : !
fpenetratmp drizzio. o lajde o i
stayed on thie sidelines throug it
ithe vt chmer T Tiapenr v
tean arid neither 1he cold W e
inor the chill raon cov'd damp i
;:;)Hf! :
EBliere v it te il il
twas the better temmn even at the
istart Flee Do 1 g thal L
Hurned inany MW ik er s T
fyv:n' s el il Comb
il’,n::h_\' F. Adum ' Feink
:lm, and Peebl tiid ' O
mighty good plavin Ve
!()n right end w a cobiiant by
or of grief to the 4 ik
led all afternoon 0l T
ed vet The backfiold I
spile of the sopny oy 1 Lo
ball there were oply tirae Wi
fumbles dining the entiio 7 o
Ciptain Jobhneon - threed o6 o
stellar performance, and it was a
constant 10y to wateh Odell and
Higgs plow through the Bishop
wall Tll did his part and more
with the punting and E Adam:
and Patterson added more glory (o
their carecrs,
Bichop Ekicked o°f to Wileys
110 vard line ard Johnson return
;.l'(i the ball 1o the 35 ward line
|from where the Cats commonced
{to advance. The Beoars | led onls
one line play in this guarter ceon
tenting themselyve O
whenever ‘they received the ball
In a short time the Ball was on the
Bishop 3 inch line ith dowan
tHowever a Bishop Lneman gol
thireugh and held the Cats for
downs A puntine duel then en
sued with the Cats aiwavs g littl
ahead till the gty ended 00
The Wildeats hod euned 91 v o
the Bears had v2iped 3 vard
In the <ceond quarter Odell
Patterson, il aud Milton made
“13}’, A DBishon fumble recovered
= . e .55 Y A s S e S M SO
o e b T PRI g . . e A , !
L e R DR S - :
. L P wa L0 g ; RREOR e e N ...‘,,',',_:1';.5- R T Y e S s Y i
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“South’s Largest Clethiers and Tailors” s"
91 Yeachtree St., N. E. 1777 Mitcheil St §, w., Cor. Broad
| 1 .
Y-Church Cagers A
1 m
Happy Set As The
, Q ' o
Season sfarts
The L Sangoiees L
Gt Gk Si o P il
L i o Coatd bsted are
1 i Ll s 1 AWUEo A
Street o WL e b Pl
i rer v oy
L5 Licies i i ot
fhe Toiae fiee L L
it i3 4 'EA Mt 1 { it l.vf.‘"
i i i £ ! Lty
o e WHE L by : e
Chafe on the Doy 9 5 S
frons there Patter on
Sieprrrl b oE TR e % .
ananh nettad thee ol
Bishap otfiaock ceenied i
it thi point, =l > 1
ihreal mare for 1o el s
6 e T o . .
thHis was sShort Jived to i
Ghnn i for e e e st
mediately saihed e i e
touchdown Soon after. the ot
ended, Wiev 13 Bishop U
e o e i .
puliting duel betwosh Difes L
Hill with Dirant getbint o 1
miore distance tean o L
sequently the ball Sfaved 1o VWil s
territory bl tie e e
the punch to moake poln It
fourth qllarter hewevos e
bucked up, and suddenis s o bong
pae Duranl b Cavtherne
o for o o teachilien A 1y o
the extra point was Rnoclodd dounn
s that made it 136 BEohilently tnl
stnoved the Cat: i fhey syon
procecded to mareh fthe ball dows
the tield and then Adams hil
around left end for {ne thivd Wile:
toiichdown, A beautiful ph leick
b BraprlBlin e
point and put the o a0 AL
ter this seoe Tihe 1o b o
wet and migddy (1o LEe
impossible 10 dell Wi . f From
Bear ot ol pom el aiolind wiih
Git mieh biing dane A ned thalo
lave it happened. for the gume
ended Wiley 20, Bishiop 6 ‘
Wilev: Wrioht Prodiey, Pechles
Cinmibs Frarklin B Adams T
by Jobhueon B Adan. dH1L il
| Substitutions L.oving, it
Miltonn: FLewis = Diayis. Paitic
Jones Hupnphrey Shaw. Bhod 2
Bishop: Washington Wilker 1
Adams, McDonald, Walton. S:nith (
Cooper, Durant Mallard Caw |
thorne, Brown, i
Wiley ... . 0 {3 @ 7 9
Bishop ...~ 0 0 0 B0
The Most Talked About |
Clothing Values In America
) \ W 5 i . A% 2 D @ K
We Advise Early Buying
While The Stock Is Compiete
We have taken every Suit and Overcoat in the store and re
duced them until they represent values that make men buy two
suits instead of one. All we ask—come and see for yourself.
Ready-to- Wear
Suit » Topcoat
Y | 4.95 and s ]| %95
“It’s Extravagance To Pay Any More.”
No Charge For Alterations.
| AN, » !
? iy
l:i, -
Basketball Season Starts j
SMEMPEHS Tamieser Jee |
dhe bakothill seasen siaited
coterdiy ab the Chureh's. Park
Vuditoriom with Grant and Green
coad startine off o the race for
i chool championship
o o tom - 1o stranp
ikt gl good praime. wWas i
$ o otbi e HHe pedill of ve-o
Loy eame wil be in the next
itoe o LHis napor. Tommy Ao
‘ of Lot vear tor Greenwood
e Hooker Washington togs
i e with be miss miuch
teanimutes Lthis seasen. ;
By [ (515
i ¢ Huches who knoeked out
i d o Fnotked Gut in the Gth
tund b e [hinamg Kid
bd Townsend commonly called
L 0wy 0 the piel name
v bl warliouts Battling
Lonle wig 1oaid to he ealled Dix
£ i e 8D ey
ape Manaser Jones reports that
Tho Fenoite Conneil will be con -
Fbosed of tho deany captains Sunday
Schanl ropresentative of manager
and the . N €A direslior T
L u et Tuesday night
pii e £ 4 L e Y M & B o f
£ oilier L Graapization KEaoh
e o chiurch gehaool 18 requested
to have their two reprecentatives
b gt al Lal e
I Real praciice sciiedules will be
[ cnnoiierd by the YMCA Wednes
fduy Docemmber O Leapue Tolirng
ont sl besin in KEebryary, 1033
Deauited nuniber of games nilst
ave bheen plaved by each feam
noiore that time. The league last
cear represented eighty (80) young
nien between the ages of 16 ana 21,
;z? n ditlerent churehes, Y MC A
pthieh &chool, and Edgewood High
. cuh o Tlie league was organized
U e YNICA Hbhe 101l o 108
Ll Lo diown from two teams fo
tuelle hhom fifteen yoling men to
!Si(ip' Hazzard
D. M. Coke
Jimmy Perry
Sports Happenings
[a Dixie
By Ben Elder
e e
Lis battler is in line and ready to
#0. The Tiger has added strength
g niz punches and it will be im-
P ible ToF his oponents to stand
Up under those terrific punehes,
Aty Heht welght who withes to
et the Tioer may got in touch
b hyatiager, The Tigl‘l'
Ui e 'II‘HHE;J.' (’H”illh, If thiy
Lout eome through, it will be one
oF the best orudpe fight in thea
barts, The winner will take all
The Ruit College foothall team
Wil nieet the Arkansgs Baptist
cleven at the Hodees Ficld tonight
at- 3 I© M. This will be the final
ignt game played by race teams
Rl v This game promises
munty thrills as both teams are
trong on both the defense and
defcn-e and offense and it will be
tauzeh for either fo score
Much interest have hecn
aroused over this the second foot
ball classic precented to Memphis
okl £y ;
* High End
Dunbar High Ends
.. ® B,
Grid Season
By Wilson L. Driver
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dee. 4—
A fumble coet the Dunbar High
Bluc Devils, perhaps a scoreless
tie gante with the Industrial High
School. Still, the records written
i1 the pages cannot be changed
and time and tide move on,
HoOs2as oyl aso|2 ‘:~'.Iu§.[.”,’_\‘\ dL{J‘
with six victories against one de
feat with their opponents crossing
the goal line but three times for
4 total of 19 noints,
Turkey dayv found the Blue
Devils at Talaldega, plastering a
13 to 0 victory over the Talladega
Hi school team. Next came the
Birmingham Collegians whom the
Dunbar boys were able to smear
4 0 to 6 victory oh.
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