Atlanta world. (Atlanta, Ga.) 192?-1932, December 06, 1931, Sunday City Edition, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Atlanta Society
By Juanita Paschal Toomer
Personal Mention
- Dr W . H Bpencer Jr, of Columbis Ga., was in the city last week,
. . . s
.. Mrs H. L. Conley and children have come to Atlanta to join M.
‘Conley, who has recently been appointed to 2 responsibie position with
the Atlanta Life Insurance Company. The Conleys formerly resided
in Birmingham, but will make their home in Atlanta in the tuture,
Mrs. R. B. Jackson spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta. Miss Skipper,
who teaches in Waynesboro, Ga., with Mrs. Jackson accompanied ihe
latter to the city.
£ L W .
. Rev. L. A. Pinkston. popular pastor of Deulah Baptist, churcih, Rev.
J M. Nabrit, renowned leader of Mt Olive Baptist church and Rey,
) D (ravwlord well known stale and national figure left the cily
last week for Memphis, Tennessee. where they will attend a call meet
ing of the Finance Committee of the National Buaptist Convention,
Miss Myrtle Martin, preily young cdaughier of Dr. and Mrs E H
Martin, spent the Thanksgiving holidays in the city with her parents.
Miss Martin is a popular co-ed at Talladega college.
Mr and Mrs Greses oprominent undertaker and his wile tom
Barnesville, Ga.. were in the city last week,
Rev James Adams pastor of a large chuieh in Brobllve N
and a graduate of Morehouse college. is spending a few days in Atianta.
Ais A F Herndon loft ‘he city last week for her winicl honie
in Tavares, Florida. _
Miss Ruth C. Haywood. popular in the city's birine ands socl
circles. had as her week end guest. Miss Anita 1. Taylor. a graduate
of Atlanta university Class '29. who is now teaching in Birmingham.
Miss Taylor is formerly from Pensacola Florida
e e
Mr. John Lewis. 033 Ashby Circle, northwest has reiurned to the
city from Detroit. Mich., where he was called on account of the illness
of his mother. The condition of his mother has greatly improved. kn
route home Mr. Lewis stopped in Louisville. Ky. 1 visit Mr John
Mr. H W Russell returncd to the city Friday night after an oX
tensive tour of south Georgia and Florida. :
# ¥ % ” * :
Mrs. Henry King. 743 Simpson sireet. had as her guests during
the Thanksgiving holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Tueius J White and Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Brown of ¥lorence, & €. Mrs. White will be pleasant
ly remembered as the erstwhile Miss Bertha Brooks of this city.
¥ * % %
Prof and Mrs ] T DProoks Prof V. T Hellidey, Miss lucy
Reeves and Messrs. James Allen and Willian Stanley formed a con
genial motor party to Milledgeville, Ga, where they spent ‘Thanks
pivine as the puests of Dr und Mis J Maxwell Reeves and Dr. and
Mes J F. Boddie.
E e * *
Piof 0 ©C Helmes instructor @1 Aleorn coliere in Alcorn Miss
is in the city in attendance upon tihie Association of Deans and Regis
trars which is meeting at Atlanta university,
Mrs. E. Luather Brooks Entertains
A bridee party. whose beauty
and defy description was the one
it which Mrs E. Luther Brooks
entertained on Saturday afternoon
at her lovely residence on the com
pus of Clark university. The mem
bers of the Modernistic club were
the inspiration for the affair, 1o
which quite a few other members
of Atlanta's smart set were invited.
The fact that the gday iark
ed the anniversary of ibe wedding
which three years ago united the
Boetoss and Prof B 1. Brooks
Head of the Department of Seience
at Clark university .added a ro
mantic touch to the occasion.
Yellow was the single color used
through all of the details. In the
living room wicker baskets, hold
ing huge vellow chrysanthemums
and surrounded’ by yellow autum
hal. foliage, were placed at artistic
In the dining room. the table was
overlaid with a gorgeous lace cloth
and in the center was a low bowl
of marechal niel roses and around
the bowl were autumn
—PFour games of bridge were play
ed and prizes were won by the
G N e R S S .‘ s
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S 5 ‘ < it o v oM ATADT - AT
O %} Watlches, Diamonds, Necklaces, La Val- VA
;AR liers, Brooches, Fountain Pens, rings, v ‘
'a"\ Searf Pins. Earrings and 2 variety of jew: '* ;:
N . %
5 5 elry to select irom. T
D g
S A deposit will hold any article selected iz
A SN 7
‘IZ ii = E i N .
O I nwolor .
& J. L. Hollaway, Jeweler
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e 172 AUBURN AVE. N. W. 7 e
o PHONE WA, 2772 D
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S S R e e T TR 1=
== S R R
Attractive Christmas Heliday Fares
Round-trip tickets cn szle December 16 to 25, 1931, inclusive.
Final return limit - Januiry 6, 1932 he weon points in the
Ask Ticket Agent for fare:, soill'ng dates and limits to other
General Passenger Agent, Adan‘a, Ga.
Aravel by Train for Safety, Comfort and Convenience
following: first club prize, Mrs B
T Harvev: second, Mrs. W S, Can-;
non. thivd Mrs Forrester Wash-i
ington: borby. Miss Kate Graves,
first guest vrize. Mrs Marion Pm‘-{
lee¢; second, Mrs, H. M. Holmes;
booby, Mrs. Inez Thompson, l
After the award of prizes the
doors leading inio a spacious room
were thrown oven to reveal a sight
thal is comparable only to the fan-|
cies we have of fairvland In this
room a vellow backpround was
formed with draperies of _\'(?”0\\’!
ciiintz. and wall papetr with gold
figures Cavd tables were scattered
over the room on whih wers sod
yelloyy covers and napking In the
centel of each table was placed
a lighted unshaded. rellow candle,
at the base of which were vellow
leaves. The candle light was tho
cnly light used in this room ang
the soft glow from the candles gave
an exotic appearance to the scene,
Fach individual service plate was
embedded in vellow autininn leaves.
The guests were guided to their
piaces by place cards. whica were
tiny turkeys filled with vellow can
The vellow schéme Wwas earried
~ < . 1
Opens With Columbus
7 1 » ot
YMCA Volley Season
With the close of King Football
Season, comes the opening of many
of the general sports which will be
found prominent this winter, the
growing volley ball contests. ;
L The Butler Street Y is out to gain
her spurs in this popular field a
mong associations in the United
| States. The Southern Regional Vol
i lev Ball Association will open In
Atlanta Friday December 4 at 7
' pm. featuring the Atlanta Strong
Six aegainst the Army Yoof Colum
hus wihners of the 1031 redional
chapipiouship 2d 1t presentatives
Lof tha reeon at the 1331 National
Volley Bail Touarpament at Colum
bus. Ohin '
There wiil be no aamission at this
opening game and ail Atlanta is
{invited to witness the fray, bring
ing their many out-of-town friends
v ho wiil be here for the Tuskegee
i Morris Brown football game.
| The siiong Atlapta team will
| move on Talladega Faculty at Tal
ladega, Saturday, December 19th.
. These teams have an equal rating
with one zame each to their credit.
following contests with: Chatta
nooga. New Orleans, Dallas will be
locked forward to with great spirit
Presicent B K. Mavs states that
the three teams are fighting hard
for rating in the local schedule,
with Captain € (- Harts team
leading during the nast week; Cap
tain Revnolds team second place
and Captain Holmes team third,
there s certainty as 1o what the
rating will be nex! weck: it 15 fear
ed that Captian Holmes team night
upset the ambition of teams one
and two, thereby ending on top.
5, | 1
Mr. B. E. Mays Host
Once each month the members
of the 29 club celerted because of
thelt achievermont i their partt
cular lines of endenvor. meet to dis
cuss weighty topics arcund the fes
tive board. i
The November meeting was held
yn Monday evening with Mr. B, K.
Mays atl his residence on Beckwith
A delectable collation which
loosened tongues and inspired in
tercating talle. was served and Dr:
Chas. H Johnsen made the speech
of thanks from the club to the host
The members present: Messrs,
J O Thomas, prezident: B. T. Har
vey vico-president: - A Toomer,
secretary: De Chas:. H. Johpson
Messrs. J B Bilavion 1. S Blocker,
Albert Dent. Kemper Harreld T. J.
Henry T W HMolpies A T Walden
an g [ 1 Buller: 1
oven into the food which was re
flecied by the yellow prapefruit
baskeis edhtaining cocktail, and
vellow asparagus tips and fruitsalad
which were delicious accompant
ments for the creamed turkey.
‘The 1ce course was a marvel of
beality dfor il was fiozen in the
shape of peaches and bunches of
grapes and served alieendtely at
the tables.
A bevy of girls dressed in yeilow
tea aprons and caps served the
guests. who were Mesdames L D
Milton Jessie Wartman, W S Can
non. Forrester Washington, Mae
Harvey DMiss Kate Graves, Mes
dames M S Davage. €. A Pascole,
H M Holmes Marion Purlee Inez
Thompson, Alex Hamilton, Sr.
ohh T Cook Douglas cdter C O
(Cater. Maudeline Reynolas J. b
‘l;’.x'u\';!n.-:-'. B E Ciupeton, €has L
Johnson, Albert Dent. Cyrus Camp
| field G B Warren, Marie Nash and
{C. W. Povell
e Dress Shoeppe ¢
112 Peachtree Arcade
December Values in
oW Lowvely
if:"‘x :
o A - -
& ¥} .
€0 @b, DRESSES
W4 ,9\’ \ $10 to $12.50 Styles
| \ Specially Priced
A ;
- i S
o -
el sag Very, very new silk dresses,
i . charmingly styled for Sun
e dav night or afternool
[ } & . ek
1 S $25.00 Values in
2 \ A Fur-Trimmed
e \ | \ T Y
{ / \QE %E g%fi!l |
s . w
Miss Odessa Parks Honors Club
,! A very pretty party was tender
l ed the members of the Aurora
! olub and a few other friends by
Miss Odessa Parks at her residence
| at 992 Beckwith street.
' The harmonious combination of
yellow and green formed the colov
scheme. These colors were reflected
{irst in the decorations, which were
autumn leaves ferns and chrysan
themums, and later emphasized in
the table appointments upon which
the delicious bridge luncheon was
The card tables were used as
cervices tables and in the center of
each was placed a green bud vase
holding tiny wvellow button chry
The palatable sandwiches were
lifted out of the realm of the pro-,
saic by the flutfy bows of yellow
and green ribbon. with which they
were tied.
Social News
Held a call meeting at the home
of Mrs. Estella Jones, 82 Hilliard
Stroet | 10 disenss | distributine
baskets among the poor, Decem
ber 1. The regular meeting will be
at the home of Miss Armsirons,
113 Bell Street. N. E. December
10. All ate asked o be present
Mrs. Estella Jones, president
Mrs. Essie Epps. reporter
Met at the home of Mrs. Glennie
1. DPumas on Magnolia Stroel
Tuesday nite. A lively and inter
esting meeting was had. 1wo visit
ors. Mr Mack and Mr. Edwards
were present. A delicious repasi
was served. Miss Thompson of 983
Ashby Circie will be hostess at the
next meeting.
Mr. C. E. Mundy, president
Mrs Glennie 1. Dumas, Secre
tary and Reporter
The Edwin P. Johnson Girls Re
serve Club of the Reced Street
Baptist Church entertained with
an after?Thanksgiving party, Fri
day evening, November 27th at the
home of Miss Perrine Taylor. 634
Fraser Street. The features of the
evening were varicus games which
included Gossip. Jack in the bush.
apple ducking ete Everyone re
ported an enjoyable evening “Miss
Coope won the prize for geeting
the most apples by ducking. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Miss FElizabeth Watkins. Dec.
4thath 687 Fraser Street
Miss A. Dowdell, president
Miss B. Duren. sponsor
The Sincing Chorts of he
Original Ushers Association met
Monday nite at 484, Fifth Street at
the home of the chairman. Mr. C.
. Gilbert. After a spiritual de
votional exercise the chaplin, Mrs
Glenn turned the remainder of the
services over to the chairman.
Several spiritual selections were
song. After which a delicious re
past was served by Mr and Mrs
Gilbert. A good time wa#® ¢njoyed
[»,‘\' all,
Nr @ Dixon teacher
Mr. O. Pearson. president
i Mrz: A Gilbert. reporier
Those who carried away the
| prizes were Miss Anna White, first
club prize; Miss Mattie Berry, sec
ond: and Miss Lucile Harper, club
boohy. Miss Hallic Beacham first
giiest prize and Niss Alma Lewis,
The guests present were Misses
Norma Micheal, Halliec Beacham,
Alma lLewis. Lottie Bailey, Rubie
Starr and Mesdames Bertha Brooks
White and Theodore Brown, ot
Florence 8 C Mrs White s &
former menmber of the Atora club.
The club members present were
NMisse: Rubie Ford. Marie Maxey,
Anna White. Annie Gibson, Nellie
K Anderson Ruth Hall Mae
Gomillion. Willie Mae Starr, Lucile
Harper. Verdelle Day. Mattie Berry
and Louise Chisholm
The hostess was assisted in re
ceiving by her sister-in-law, Mrs.
E 1. Park:
y The Original Ushers Associantlion
closed its 20th Quatterly Session
November 20th. Everyone co-oper
ated. the president.. ushers ang
members also fiiends threw wide
their doors and welcome us in
They were loyval both spivitually
and financially. We are anxious to
meet at the 2nd Mt Olive Baptist
Chureh again. Our last sermon
was Sunday afternoon. 3 p. m. by
Rev - Watts at 1l aeclock thal
morning, Rev. Gates preached A/l
during the session wonderful ser
mons were delivered and we pray
that God will restore a blessingd
upon them all.
Rev. G W Jordan pastor
THOMPSON and Miss Rth Ran
dall were honored guests of Dr. W.
P. Harris of Athens Georpgia atl a
dinner party Saturday. afternoon
after the Tuskegee-M B U . game.
Cox Brothers will render a pro
oram at Thankful Baptist chureh,
Atlanta Avenue, Decatur. Georgia,
Wednesday night. December 9 at
830 The public is covdially invit
ed. All agents are asked to attend.
The Ushers Association of Allen
Temple A. M. E. Church presents
Graham W. Jackson in an organ
recital, assisted by a male chorus
at Allen Temple A. M. E. Church,
Sunday evening, 4 o'clock, Decem
ber 13th, 1931.
Washington Evening High Gle:
Club and chorus will be pr ded
in Vesper Services, Sunday cven
ing December 5 13°° Cosmo
bolilin. A NV F- € uveh gl d
Mr. and Mrs. George Stokely,
who formerly resided at 340 Lin
den Street. are now at home to
friends at 329 Linden. Apt. 8.
| Mr. and Mrs. Willis Martin wish
to announce the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Ethel Stin
son to Mr. James Barnes. The wed-
l .
: . S o
: ‘ SA] K
{ ‘ Ww'/fl
Q\‘ 200 New Coats
Greatly reduced, _unticipating possible
: future reductions, aow at the lime when
most needed.
C, Values to $15 $ 95
‘ Fur-lrimmed Coats and ———
Sporis Coals, all sizes.
‘ ' $19.95 Coats $
Smart coats of newest ali- 95
wool materials; silk lined, ——
beautiful fur sets; also chic
sport coats,
' Values to $35.00
Marvelous coats of outstand
inz materials and tailoring. $
T 1l{v‘:ng\l' :;xlk crepe lined; sty 1«1‘ 2495
and lines of real expensive _—
models: a real opportunity
for the wise shopper.
"4 . N
~ Special Rack
} Values to $9.95
Marvelous values, many are
samples. new silk crepe
dresses 1h <il wanted shades;
woolen sport dresses, combi
nations and manys
rs. Very spe- 4
o &
Drasite Reductions on All Millinery and Hosiery
Prof. and Mrs. Dansby
Honor Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn toach
ers at Alabama State College and
Mr. J. H. Lockhart and Mrs C. R
Saulter, also from Montgomer, Ala.
shared honors at a delightful hridre
party given by Prof and Nirs . 1
Dansby, of Morehouse cotle @
The affair was a fitting ciimag
to the Morehouse-Alabania Hlate
game, that the out-of-tovn i
came to the city to witness Lovely
fall flowers were used to beautily
the setting in which four gamcs ol
bridge were played.
Prizes were won by Prof Chas
H. Clayton and Mr. Charles Dunn.
first and second respectively.
Handsame pguest prizes were
pr(-:aemo(q to Mrs. Charles Dunn
and Mrs. C. R. Saulter.
Only a few intimate friends ot
the host and hostess were invited.
They were Prof. and Mrs. Walter
Chivers, Prof. and Mrs. C. B. Lind
say, Prof. and Mrs. J. T. Brooks,
Prof. and Chas. Clayton and Miss
lona Crawford.
P @ .
Mrs. Marion Partee
Honors Husband
The female of the species is ever
alert to grasp opportunities to ex
tend the little courtesics, that keep
romance alive between her and her
On Wednesday cvening, such a
courtesy was cxtended Mr. Marian
Partee, by his wife, upon the oc
casion of his birthday.
Sixteen neighbors were invited to
.play bridge. The affair was quite
informal and Mr. Partee was full of
<miles, which evinced his gratitude
for the thoughtfulness of his spouce.
1din;{ is to be solemnized at home,
}[Deccmber 25th at 8 o'clock. Miss
'Stinson is-one of the seasons pop
ular belles
We are thankful to have our
daughter, Mrs. Annic M. Turner
back home from the hospital. Mr.
and Mrs. Turner are now proud
parents of triplets. The mother is
19 years of age resides at 044
Irwin Street.
. Miss Janie 1. Barksdale enter
tained a few of her friends Fri
day, November 27 with a delight
ful whist party at the home of
Mrs. Mattie ILockhart, 895 Neal
Amonz her guests were Disses
Anna Williams Eloise Nettie
Singleton, Annie Martin, Mildred
Anbew. Mary lee and Messrs
Heanlkli: Boddie. Smith. Drake,
Mit-hel! and Cathcort
Tne weterd honor went o
\iiss Anna Williams and Mr. Wil
liam Mitchell respectivelv. and
the traditional booby to Mr N E
Smith. A delicious and refreshing
repast climaxed the evening.
MRS P. E. DAVI> of 107 Glenn.
S E. is improving after a three
weeks illness.
* Entire Stock of Our ™
$9.95 Dresses
Chic, new creations, all re
cent arrivals, in both street
and Sunday night styles,
Dresses that will
please the most$7 95
fastidious. .
% 2 for $15 -
5 { O(‘ ET 4 I A w’Q 1 '
- e . A\
‘ . 1% ! 'y'!; 'My‘ "»'7{ ’i
A' ",2((;«/ - _, o
\ Ul ( : y Y T
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o i \) " Tl B e
A 27y
QR« > E)‘“——-\,\\» - ® By ‘,f‘\»:’:’% -ttt Q—a—«"‘M
I: = AD WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE been one of the three hun
iE- ! Y ddrea or more cuthralled patrons who marvelled at the More=
!fi .“ i house-Spelman version of his tragedy, “"Macbeth,” on Frld“
”E.‘ 0‘7’ night. 1 have no doubt but that Biil would have smiled
| & ¢ | graciously and approvingly. Never in my life chock tull
I & | of witnessing vivid dramatization on the order of that last
Friday have T had a more favorable after-impression than was mine
after living and re-living scenes with the capable protges of Miss Anne
Cooke, head of dramatics at Sprlman and Morehouse colleges and di
rectress of the “Macbeth cast. It was (he most masterful presenta
tion of “Macbeth” I ever witnessed. Scores of people from that cul
tured audicnce echo similar plaudits. Most of the scenes cjected
convincing applause. .
X % % % 3 %
THE INTERPRETATIONS and varicus and sundry shades ot
meaning were conclusive evidences of Miss Cook's prolific genius along
dramatic lines. The scenery and other manifestations of art in the
scenes made admiration for Hale Woodruff, director of art at More
house and Spelman, stand out in the hearts of all. The costumes were
impressive. So effective was the costume garb that bhad its rental been
ten tmes as much, it would not have been too expensive. The
characters were real. living, and natural, even in what, to them, must
have seemed decidedly unconventional raiment
k & % %k 9
FREDERICK MAISE. wh) is krown by us all for his valor on
the gridiron and who is onc cf Morchouse's proud seniors this year,
soared to the ethereal heights as Macheth, Thane of Cawdor and K'ng
of Seotland = Maise’s voice was flexible and elear. He had lines
mastered. His stage poise was flawless, and his inlerpretation, su
perb. He was in every detail the ambitious, avaricious, arrogant, and
self-designing Macbeth painted by the pen of Shakespeare. He Scoret’
most heavily in Act 5 Scene 2, where he realized the futility of his
life and was disturbed mentally by ghastly apparitions, and in Act
5. Scene 7. where he met his death by the sword of Macduff. His dying
throes as he fell fo the floor were art on the highest order.
* & % %k x %
VIRGINIA GRAIIAM PODE was quite as brilliant as Lady Mac
beth. Pompous, cool and caleulating, and manifesting an almost mas
culinely strong will, Lady Macbeth, as Miss Pope represented her,
lived apain. .. vivid life-like, watm .. real flesh dnd blood Her
acting became most superlative to her audience when, in Act 5, Scene
1. she turned somnambulist and reviewed in her sleep all the threads
connecting the tragic deaths of Duncan (Mr. Furney Marshburn) and
Banquo ¢Mr. Ma i:n Cabaniss) with the nomination of Macbeth to the
throne of Scotland.
% & % & % %
FURNEY MARSHBURN sceied as Duncan, King of Scotland.
EDWIN THOCMAS mastered the ole of Malcolm, who was, at the
end cof the tazgic developments, ctowned King of Scotland. WILLIAM
HARRISON was convineing anl deliberate as Macduff, who slew
Mocbeth as the conclusion, and, who was at times amusing as well
as entertaining.
Lontinuedd on Piige &
y -
’;,vjr"‘w N ))‘ w7
Beautiful Pure Wool
Silk-Bound Blankets
Actual $8.95
Value .95
Extra fine quality wool blankets in
single and double sizes. In plaid,
solid and two-tone coiors with silk
bindings to match., Sizes 72x84.
all colors,
ity V.‘- 2y 8y "‘;,’
/i .-’-”f” Rt e f _ ’.;% g ~>‘f"
£ \“ a%’é ;\'*}.r\'f &L '
N\ Al T O &«
. .
Wool-Filled Comforts
Rayon Covers '
Actual $7.95 .95
l,l’:\‘\_"é_\' ‘:""\'i’-it-l‘l-\‘ }’!",HE’, C“"n]’flfl“‘:,
filled with 100% jpure wool—with
corded edpes | 80 liht vet &0 S i
warm and comfortable! In many
color L"li‘xl}‘:“lf‘.iif::z("I‘.*. A ‘rlc.u:tit'u—i NIGKS SRR
and useful gl _ o ;
- _ e
[ “4§ 'lzpa rs oZ‘ T-ie rsellinq_._cflflanta,"’
SUNDAY, DEC. 6, 1931