Newspaper Page Text
e NN
-Mrs. W. J. Faulkner
One of the swellest affairs of the
season was the seated five-course
dinner at which Mrs. W. J. Faulk
ner was hostess on Friday after
noon at her home on Johnson Ave
The members of the Mo-So-Lit
club and a few other friends were
recipients of this dehghtful cour
tesy. |
The reception roon: were adorn-|
cd with fall flowers, defily arvang
od |
“Mo-50-Lit* is interpreted as
“Mother's Social and Literary cluby’
The Literary program at the meet
ing on Friday featured Miss B K
Lemon of Atlanta universily in o
poper delivered under the caption
“Race Tolerance as It Relates 1o
School Children
The manuscript was without
doubt, the product of deep thougii
and extlensive research ;
Mre A B. McCoy reviewsd cur-|
el events in oo fascinating mun
In the dining room the table was
covered with o lovely cloth and in!
the center was a bowl containing
an atlractive assortment of fruits!
and nuts
The place cards were the moaost
clever scen within some time. They
were nintature wooden cottapges
Harvest Sale!!
I Pint Georgia Peaches
I Pint Whipped Cream
BOTH 25¢
2he Colgate Cooth Pastle, 3 for 25¢
20¢ Kolynes 'Tooth Paste,
2 for . ae
50¢ Squibhs’ 'Tooth Paste,
2 for : = ahe
50¢ Prophy-la-tic Tooth
Brushes, 2 for e
59¢ Solution 59-—-16 oz, 2 for Hie¢
R > .
I'alcum Powders
25¢ Mavis Tale 2 for 25¢
26c¢ Colgate's Baby ‘Tale, 2 for 25¢
25¢ Cashmere Bouguet, 2 for 20¢
] . > 2
o Yaysrt
25¢ Black Draught 2 for 250
S9¢ MeKesson Milk of
Magnesia | : 2 for H0c
25¢ Y. & M. Cold Capsules,
2 for i 25¢
25¢ Livomint 2 for 25¢0
15¢ spsom Salts, 1 1h. .. 2 for 16¢
25¢ Citrate of Magnesia, 2 for 25¢
tan ] 1
Shaving Needs
5%¢ (‘olgate’'s After Shaving
Lotion 2-for Hie
33¢ Mennen's Shaving (ream,
2 for - . e
35¢ Gem Shaving Cream,
2 for . 35¢
50 Pints Witeh HRazel, 2 for 5S¢
65¢ Flixir Iron, Quinine 2ud
Strycehnine . 2 fur G5¢
25¢ Pure Vanilla Extiact, e
2 for o . 2he4
3¢ Fnergine 3¢
Not On O 2 For One Sale
1 Qo
25¢ Woodbury Noap : 1¢
25¢ Nadine Soap 16¢
2o¢ Black & White Soap 19¢
10¢ Palmolive Hoap, 7 for 150
N y » 3 131
£0¢ Woodbury Facial Cream, 39¢
50¢ Woodbury Cold (ream, Jic
He Woodbury Cleansing
Cream ale
L0¢ Nadinola Bleaching
Crean . i
Yates & Milton Stores
No. 1, Auburn 2t Butler
'‘Phone, Wa. 1461-2
situated in the midst of grassy
flots, with turkeys strutting about
i the surrounding teriory, which
obviously depieted the early
Thanksgiving day among the
Covers were pliced for sixteen,
who were Mesdantes | Sloan Bloek -
er, Wm. Burney, Harold Cunning
ham Wendell Cuningham, Chas
Greene, B. T. Harvey, Jesse O
rvhomas, | Brown, Samuel Cooper,
Mamice Hamilton, A. B McCoy, G
B. Warren, Helen Bell, Muarie O
Nash, 1da Camplield and ©. €.
Cater. Miss skipper from Waynes
boro, Ga. was an out-of -town guest
al the aftfair
Mrs. Faulkner was assisted by
her mother, Mys. Llizabeth Cook,
ated . her sister-in:law Mrs. John
I Cook
i 1 '
Mis. Dowdell Gives
third Party
The three lovely parties roecently
stuged by Mrs. M. M. Dowdell ot
fored her a wide latitude in which
to express her ingenuity. So beau
tiful were the first two affairs giv
cn by Mrs Dowdell, that one could
hardly imagine the possibility of
the third being st more beautitul
And yet, that is just the situation
This thired. and last affair in the
cories was given on Tuesday after-
noon and honored the Atlanta Wo-
p6%¢ Niineral Oil. 1 pt., 2 for 69¢
| 54¢ DeWitls Kidney Pills,
2 for - S0
25¢ Bayer's Aspirin 24ar 2he
25 White Pine Couzh Syrup,
2 for Ao
2he 666 Salve 2 for 25¢
206c Castor Oil 2 for 7256¢
; e
6%¢ Pint Alcohol 2 for 69¢
Ihe Senna Leaves 2 for 1oe
Ihe Spirits of Tarpentine,
2 oy . o 1ae
» -
ieaith Tonics
SO0 McKesson Cod Liver
Oil (pure Norwegian),
2 for : ; $1.00
$1.60 Dr. Greggs' Blood
Yonic .. L 2 for $1.0)
For Face
35¢ Allau's Vanishing
Cream, - 2 for 35¢
Se Nadine Lotion 2 for 502
$1.50 Colgates Toilet Watler,
2 for L8159
£1.00 Marsha Bleaching
~ NG
('ream ; 2 for 81.00
1% Bartorn's Tan Shoe Paste.
2 for . o e
ibc Shoe [rench Dressing,
Plack 2 fap 150
50 Pyanshine Black 2 fop Sue
13¢ Castile | | 2 foy 132
15¢ Hayman's Soap 2 for 15
y 15¢ Jergen's Soap 2 for 1oy
415¢ Kotex 2o¢
e Madine (leansing Cream G5¢
H0¢ Nadine Vanish'ng Cream 33¢
S0 Nadine Face Powder aoe
2100 Golden Peacock Bleaching
Cream 6
S0¢ Madame Wallkier's {lair
Gieowver i il
A0¢ Madame Waller':
CGlossine . i oNp
25 Wavine Haiv Pressing 19¢
40¢ Vaseline Hair Tonic S50
i men's auxiliary to the Nati Al
liance of Postal Eraploves
A short busine C58I01 Y |
during which M Alnfs 1
L capable national presiden i
organization, installed the
clected officers for the con ol
| A Inrpe basket of lascion it
lwu:; presented to- N A oL
wood, of Jackson, Fla., wh hicere
because ol ithe serious iline Ol
her son. Mrs. Linwood w koed
to convey the fruit to heg noowho
g confined atl the Willia Harr
Momorial hospital
‘ Subsequently, a confest entitled
“Down Town Cliristings Shopping
was indulged in. T'he prize winne
in this mirth-provoking giance were
- Mrs. R € Frye, first prize: Mrs
W. P Adams second il Vit
William Hamilton, booby
_ After the contest the guests werd
ushered into the dining room whi
they seated themselves at a hand
somely appointed table, A iovely
lace cloth draped the table which
wis adoened in the center with a
silver vase holding lurge red poin
vltias. Blanking the side woere
Buy From
v Bleaching (ream
56 Cents
- .
’ Medicine
< v v
(‘abinet Needs
T1 95 Wo! e Bollle
2 for $1.25
$1.25 Founlain Syringe,
2 fn $1.25
$1.50 Combinalion Sringe,
2 for - . $L.50
25¢ Aromatic Spirits of
Ammona, 2 oz 2 for 2be
25¢ (astor Oil, 4 oz. 2 for 25¢
25¢ Glyceerine and Rose
Water, & a7, 2 for 25¢
25¢ lodine, 1 oz, 2 for 250
23¢ Chloroform Liniment,
& 08 2 for 25¢
25¢ Olive Oil 4 0z, ... 2 for 25¢
252 Exelento Hair Dressing,
2 for . 250
10¢ Hair Pins 2 for 10¢
25¢ Caocoanut Oil, 4 oz., 2 for 25¢
SL00 Hair Brushes .. 2 for $LO0O
Sfe Ntationery 2 for 502
S1.50 box Xmas Cards, 2 for $1.50
S6e Chocolate Covered
Chervies . 2 for h0c
$L.OO Melba Lov'me Dusting
Powder : 2 for 31400
30e Peterman’s Ant Food,
2 for - 25¢
ade Peterman's Roach
ood i 2 for 350
Ihe Bird Seed 2 for 25¢
e Y. & M. Hygiene Douche
Powder . . . 2 for 58¢
15¢ Toilet Tissue Paper, 2 for 15¢
33¢ MUM 23¢
% TE4'Ct
$1L.60 Wampole's Cod Liver
o : uio
Dodson Livertone aae
S1.00 Nervine . 6i¢
SLO0 Waterbury's Cod Liver
3 rgs
ol . 6Ye
2he l)l'._i\V(‘hl'\ Tooth faste lice
Se Dr. West's Tuoth Brah e
¢ Forhan's Tooth Pasie 562
S0e Ipana Tooth Paste . aJue
Na. 2, Fair at Chestnut
'hene, Ma., 4114
bowls, showered with fruit
While the gucsts were indulbpin
their appetites, Miss MadeHie
Walker, dressed as a special di
livery bearer, ¢ntered the room i
s — e
;\ A — /w,{f’,/m . "’&‘, A b L
A L (3 N @
LA = e L S Y i i . ¢ ’
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\\ bl b brinoe 110 j o s etinaid ey | ]¢ B g B : >
Whatt could bring more pleasure and com Q@ i 40 B -‘D Also Sold on
O1 LIS nloER i thi S iait o o 3 AT . -
i1 LA 148 b 1S Ciarn V11 o Ay N S @ i Fasy Terms
OO Sul And whit (Il vrve orpdater Sit- L. = ".'-',E“:’
. ! 1 1 ‘ i o T LWy :
istaciion than the knowledee (hat you had ‘@ & Casl 8=
- . : ash oD Down
el S20) at Sed L hholstorad s i fonbd
LY A e &L v ol 1 1 L i1 VY IZAL LI
zelour with 51\_:3‘ ~{1Hed reversible cushions, N; Wontb
|.arge davenport, ¢lub chair and button-back
] @ 4 WA - . E Y @ @
on’f Forge! the Kitehen!
v L d I i ® f(”’a?*k‘ T
H ANOAR & @ ®g Eb = AR p & I
S o Gerrougp | i
‘ ! G b Gs eP=H 8 Q i QBN b % |
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g’fi | <ol
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For On[y--~ Ailfcien CGabinet n g : ¥ oged
[1' ] ' 4 e o £ e
1o - d By I hite, Gieen or Gran L = P
ol = v o i B [oae
* d o % @ @ namel Finish— & .
e M @ P> et b Y o s "
i . L Porcelain To D lable & 'E-Zf;‘lifiéizislissféisij':y:35.5.:}.: E
> = s 5 3 AR AR R R G A s
e o - o b R : 3 %3 N R Do
Q e I'nameled Stool — s B
4 i A5
33 2 3 . SRR s R
F S : R i
por SRR SRR e 20030 n 2 PO s S e
last think of celtine thesa R i . S0 ?fifl?‘ RN RO oo - L E R G
{ RN K gcitii ¢ LeHE g e SRR 9K , BT R ‘fi‘ 0 v it \}&f
listinct AR : O im
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1255 tnan the usual price ol PRy e R gl T R S T S .
0 e ;- v } ,",E ‘ r \v;w\ St ; A;.:géxm;x._fi& L ?:,&;.2; -,_:\va'v”w'.: 2 bR ,\ 3\? 2 #
til 1k ook atbiil FCll R PSS R SRR R X rEz *fi g .fi_}fl% g A h g 5 & 0 ~ 3 T \\ i g 9\43;‘.' R X
¢ . . S e k.
Lakee 1Topmy. ot peiion .1 *?fi-‘:@"?-‘f_.;-v':"'*‘rsf‘-: . - »wfim&‘% i ‘% OO soocot . Rl o},‘.’fi.; e
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ECLLHITK CVETY IMOJcCiil, 0TRSO S [ "'fi”;”:’;‘.)?fi; & g ¢ AR ey ] g
Sfap-sivin AT AniA 208 S T £ ¢ . b ol 'fl‘<..~_‘{,\::f' S 5 Q i i
i Jo VULV CREIC IR L, g}i" S A S i g;;;;: g B “‘5"’ g e o B2 : PSR
Clio ' 1 . SN SRR SR B oL L T ‘{5;“(*’ Bl i
atudy e photograpil— Sl : e e é TR P R e
compare the price! GAAN PRS- Ll *?”3 S Rl ~ DA e
{ | A;}L;:_j., T“‘}"\“ iy R i \;‘ ‘,’A;;"\fi,, R N .i"' "',."ja’fl".'fi 4 o
A GCoonENR SRR B Mt BN &“?‘ b e G
- *'ln; bR R B A S w0 e . ‘ Lol ke
Kitchen Cabiner $15.05 G LS CEIREESE 88 BN &0 <8 B o T — o E
. ws ol B 4 DE el Q’”‘ SRR G e e o f & SRS s 2 L
e G R IR s L R BiB - O 0 el R - E e -tg;.;:"""._ " g} R
R 5 3 SRS R | BN R Nusy EUTE U St e Sl ¥
N bt ~ A e £ 00 SRR M BN RS o R By
Porcelain Table 3.60 R Y i AT RER BO M& & N ] ‘
HEE RN D B e ' i i
Civel : = Ar Hh e N B R e, R , b
Kitchen Stool e %“” SRt | S : ki A .
R y i TR 2 2 “"“, o e :
: 4
@ J; o
g e a I & ! t #
1 4] tie I e 5 LY . r s t ila ) v i
Velanta’s Christmas Store—Where Satisfaction 1Is Guaranteed
blew a4 shreill-sounding whistie
tiiee bimes 8Bhe delivered (o ('(U‘“l
puest oy individually addressed
Christimas @fecting from the hos-
Less, :,
Climnaxing the repast was an at
tractive iee course, which congists
of 1ce cream., frozen in the torm ot
Christmas bells
These enjoying Mres, Dowdell's
@1 UBS
hogpitality were Mesdames O, G
Walker, RC. Frye, Williams Hamul
ton, John Sabbalh. Crant Adams
W1 Adoms. | T Sharpe A ¢
Brown, A. W. Bryan J H. Drake
VoW Flanbngan, AP M()r“. :n "
Heece, ROH Reeves, 'T. W, Paynts
| ] Pierce und Misses Am
nton, Madeline Walker
( ¢ Watt